A. R. MOTORCU et al.: ANALYSIS OF THE CUTTING TEMPERATURE AND SURFACE ROUGHNESS ... 343–351 ANALYSIS OF THE CUTTING TEMPERATURE AND SURFACE ROUGHNESS DURING THE ORTHOGONAL MACHINING OF AISI 4140 ALLOY STEEL VIA THE TAGUCHI METHOD ANALIZA TEMPERATURE REZANJA IN HRAPAVOSTI POVR[INE S TAGUCHI METODO PRI ORTOGONALNI STROJNI OBDELAVI LEGIRANEGA JEKLA AISI 4140 Ali Riza Motorcu1, Yahya Isik2, Abdil Kus2, Mustafa Cemal Cakir3 1Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Industrial Engineering, 17100 Çanakkale, Turkey 2Uludað University, Vocational School of Technical Science Machinery Program, 16059 Bursa, Turkey 3Uludað University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 16059 Bursa, Turkey armotorcu@comu.edu.tr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-01-22; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-06-08 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.021 In this research, the tool-chip interface temperature (TCTI), the tool temperature (TT) and the average surface roughness (Ra) were measured experimentally during the turning of AISI 4140 alloy steel with TiAlN-TiN, PVD-coated, WNVG 080404-IC907 tungsten carbide inserts using an IR pyrometer technique, a K-type thermocouple and a portable surface-roughness measurement device, respectively. The workpiece material was heat treated by an induction-hardening process and hardened up to a value of 50 HRC. The Taguchi method L18 (21 × 37) was used for the determination of the optimum control factors. The depth of cut, the cutting speed and the feed rate were taken as control factors. The analysis of variance was applied in order to determine the effects of the control factors on the tool-chip interface temperature, the tool temperature and the surface roughness. The optimum combinations of the control factors for TCTI, TT and Ra were determined as a2v1f3, a1v3f2 and a2v3f1, respectively. Second-order predictive models were developed with a linear-regression analysis, and the coefficients of correlation for TCTI, TT and Ra were calculated as R2 = 92.8, R2 = 68.1 and R2 = 82.6, respectively. Keywords: tool temperature, thermocouple, pyrometer, machining, Taguchi method V raziskavi so bile eksperimentalno izmerjenene tempetratura na stiku orodje-ostru`ek (TCTI), temperatura orodja (TT) in povpre~na hrapavost povr{ine (Ra) pri stru`enju legiranega jekla AISI 4140, z volfram karbidnimi vlo`ki WNVG 080404-IC907 s PVD prevleko iz TiAlN-TiN, z uporabo IR pirometra, termoelementi vrste K in s prenosnim merilnikom hrapavosti. Obdelovanec je bil toplotno obdelan z indukcijskim ogrevanjem in hlajenjem na trdoto 50 HRC. Za dolo~anje optimalnih kontrolnih faktorjev je bila uporabljena Taguchi metoda L18 (21 × 37). Globina rezanja, hitrost rezanja in hitrost podajanja so bile vzete kot kontrolni faktorji. Analiza variance je bila uporabljena za dolo~anje vpliva kontrolnih faktorjev na temperaturo prehoda orodje-ostru`ek, temperaturo orodja in hrapavost povr{ine. Dolo~ene so bile optimalne kombinacije kontrolnih faktorjev za TCTI, TT in Ra , kot a2v1f3, a1v3f2 and a2v3f1. Z linearno regresijsko analizo so bili razviti modeli drugega reda za napovedovanje in izra~unani so bili koeficienti korelacije za TCTI, TT in Ra kot R2 = 92,8, R2 = 68,1 in R2 = 82,6. Klju~ne besede: temperatura orodja, termo~len, pirometer, strojna obdelava, Taguchi metoda 1 INTRODUCTION In order to overcome the difficulties in terms of efficiency and the quality of production encountered in the metal-cutting industries, all the stages of the machining process need to be monitored. During the metal-cutting processes, one of the key factors is the cutting temperature, which directly affects the surface quality, the tool wear, the tool life, and the cost of production. The amount of heat generated varies with the type of material being machined and the cutting parameters (especially the cutting speed, which had the biggest influence on the temperature).1 Temperature monitoring is one of the most difficult and complicated procedures in metal-cutting operations. It is extremely complex to develop a model for measuring the temperature due to the complexity of the different events at the point of contact between the tool and the workpiece. Therefore, an accurate and repeatable temperature prediction still remains as a challenge due to this complexity of the contact phenomenon.2 It is quite difficult to measure the temperature since the heat in the region is very close to the cutting edge. Due to a lack of sufficient experimental data, it is not possible to verify a mathematical model. Numerous attempts have been made to measure the temperature during machining ope- rations.3 Amongst the many experimental methods to measure the temperature directly, only a few systems have used the temperature as an indicator of machine performance and for industrial applications.4 Therefore, the tempe- rature can be controlled using the appropriate cutting parameters to design and develop the system and it will be beneficial to increase the efficiency in production. In recent years, experimental studies related to metal-cutting processes have made use of the Taguchi Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 3, 343–351 343 UDK 620.181.4:621.9.015:669.15 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(3)343(2016) method. This method has been used successfully for a determination of the appropriate cutting parameters and in the optimization of parameters related to tool wear, tool life, and the surface quality. The Taguchi method and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) can conveniently optimize the cutting parameters with several experimen- tal runs that are well designed. Taguchi parameter design can optimize the performance characteristics through the settings of the design parameters and reduce the sen- sitivity of the system’s performance to the source of variation.5 On the other hand, ANOVA is used to identify the most significant variables and interaction effects.6,7 In the Taguchi method, quality is measured by the deviation of a quality characteristic from its target value. Therefore, the objective is to create a design that is insensitive to all possible combinations of uncontrollable factors and is at the same time effective and cost efficient as a result of setting the key controllable factors at their optimum levels.8 Taguchi’s parameter design offers a simple and systematic approach that can reduce the num- ber of experiments to optimize the design for perfor- mance, quality and cost. The signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio and the orthogonal array (OA) are two major tools used in robust design.9 A lot of research has been conducted for determining the optimal cutting parameters. W. H. Yang and Y. S. Tarng10 employed the Taguchi method, and the optimal cutting parameters for the turning of S45C steel bars were successfully obtained. B. M. Gopalsamy et al.11 applied the Taguchi method to find the optimum machin- ing parameters while machining hard steel and used the L18 orthogonal array. The S/N ratio and ANOVA were used to study the performance characteristics of the machining parameters. F. Ficici et al.12 used the Taguchi method to study the wear behaviour of boronized AISI 1040 steel. They used the S/N ratio to investigate the optimum setting parameters. M. Adinarayana et al.13 presented the multi-response optimization of the turning parameters for the turning of AISI 4340 alloy steel. The experiments were designed and conducted based on Taguchi’s L27 orthogonal array design. They discussed an investigation into the use of Taguchi parameter design to predict and optimize the surface roughness, the metal removal rate and the power consumption during turning operations. E. D. Kirby14 discussed an investigation into the use of Taguchi para- meter design for optimizing the surface roughness gene- rated by a CNC turning operation. He used a standard orthogonal array for determining the optimum turning parameters with an applied noise factor. The controlled factors include the spindle speed, the feed rate, and the depth of cut. In this paper, the measurement of temperature during the turning of AISI 4140 alloy steel was performed using various cutting parameters. The tool-chip interface temperature TCTI was measured by infrared thermometer, the tool temperature TT was measured with a K-type thermocouple in the cutting zone, and the average surface roughness Ra was measured using a portable surface-roughness measurement device. The Taguchi design was selected to find the relationships between the control factors. The depth of cut (ap), the cutting speed (vc), and the feed rate (f) were taken as the control factors. 2 TEMPERATURES DURING METAL CUTTING In the cutting process, nearly all of the energy dissipated during plastic deformation is converted into heat, which in turn raises the temperature in the cutting zone. Since the heat generation is closely related to the plastic deformation and friction, we can specify three main sources of heat when cutting: • plastic deformation by shearing in the primary shear zone; • friction on the cutting face and friction between the chips; • tool on the tool flank. Temperature results in dimensional errors on the machined surface. The cutting tool elongates as a result of the increased temperature, and the position of the cutting tool edge shifts towards the machined surface, resulting in a dimensional error of about 0.01–0.02 mm. Since the processes of thermal generation, dissipation, and solid-body thermal deformation are all transient, some time is required to achieve the steady-state con- dition. Heat is mostly dissipated by: the discarded chip that carries away about 60–80 % of the total heat, the workpiece acts as a heat sink drawing away 10–20 % of heat, while the cutting tool draws away ~10 % of the heat. The balance between heat generation and heat dissipation during metal cutting is shown in Figure 1. 3 MATERIALS AND METHOD 3.1 Workpiece and cutting tool The workpiece material is AISI 4140 alloy steel. The chemical composition of the workpiece material (in volume fractions) is shown in Table 1. The machining process was performed using a NR 2020K-08 tool holder A. R. MOTORCU et al.: ANALYSIS OF THE CUTTING TEMPERATURE AND SURFACE ROUGHNESS ... 344 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 3, 343–351 Figure 1: The balance of heat generation and heat dissipation during metal cutting Slika 1: Izravnava med spro{~eno in odvedeno toploto pri rezanju kovin and a TiAlN-TiN, PVD-coated, WNVG 080404-IC907 solid carbide insert. Figure 2 and Table 2 show a schematic of the tip geometry and the specifications of the insert. Table 1: Chemical composition of AISI 4140 alloy steel (in volume fractions, x/%) Tabela 1: Kemijska sestava legiranega jekla AISI 4140 (v volumen- skih odstotkih, x/%) C Cr Ni Mn P S Si Mo 0.38 0.80 9.58 0.75 0.035 0.04 0.15 0.15 Table 2: The specifications of the insert Tabela 2: Specifikacije vlo`ka za rezanje TiAlN-TiN PVD-coated WNVG 080404-IC907 d1 S I r HRA TRS d 12.70 4.83 8.70 0.40 92.80 560 4.70 Property Value ISO Range – P/M/K (P10-P30)(M05-M20) ISO Range – H/S/N (H05-H15)(S05-S20) Grade or coating type PVD Coating layers TiAlN-TiN 3.2 Experimental conditions, temperature and sur- face-roughness measurements In this study, two methods of tool-temperature eva- luation are presented: • the placement of the K-type thermocouple on the tool, • the infrared pyrometer. A schematic view of the experimental setup is shown in Figure 3. Cylindrical workpieces (Ø45 × 300 mm) were fixed between the chuck and the tailstock and were pre-machined using a separate insert. The workpiece samples were heat treated by induction hardening and a hardness of 50 HRC was maintained. The samples were then solution heat treated and oil quenched in order to achieve the proper hardness. In this study, an Optris CF4 infrared thermometer was used to measure TCTI. The maximum temperature (which was about 525 °C) was recorded around the cutting zone. A total of 18 trials were conducted throughout these experiments and brand new inserts were used for each temperature measurement. Hence, the cutting temperature increased with the cutting speed, the feed rate and the depth of cut. The experiments were repeated three times for the same cutting conditions and the measured values were averaged. TT was measured using a K-type thermocouple. The thermocouple measurements were recorded every five seconds. The Ra surface roughness was measured to charac- terize the surface quality. The Ra measurements were carried out using a Time TR 200 device by obtaining values from different points that were parallel to the workpiece axis at a cut-off length of 5.6 mm. According to the experimental design, three measurements were made on the surfaces at the specified values of the con- trol factors, and the Ra values were determined by taking the average of the measurement results. 3.3 Experimental design using the Taguchi method The Taguchi design was selected to find the relation- ships between the control factors and the quality charac- teristics. The cutting speed (vc), feed rate (f) and depth of cut (ap), whose levels are given Table 3, were selected as the control factors. The quality characteristics were the tool-chip interface temperature (TCTI), the tool tempe- rature (TT) and the average surface roughness (Ra). As the total degree of freedom of the factor group was 5, a standard Taguchi experimental plan with the notation L18 (21 × 37) was chosen as the orthogonal array. The rows in the L18 orthogonal array used in the experiment corresponded to each trial and the columns contained the factors to be studied. The first column consists of the depth of cut; the second and the third columns contain the cutting speed and the feed rate, respectively. In the Taguchi method, the experimental results are trans- formed into a S/N ratio. The S/N ratio is used while approaching or moving away from the desired value and measuring the quality characteristics.15-18 The smaller-is- better (SB), the nominal-best (NB) and the larger-is- better (LB) approaches are found according to the results of the S/N ratio.15-18 As the tool-chip interface tempera- ture (TCTI), the tool temperature (TT) and the surface roughness (Ra) values were required to be the lowest, the S/N ratios of these quality characteristics were calculated in dB using Equation (1) according to the SB option in the study.15–18 A. R. MOTORCU et al.: ANALYSIS OF THE CUTTING TEMPERATURE AND SURFACE ROUGHNESS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 3, 343–351 345 Figure 3: Thermocouple and IR pyrometer connections to the lathe Slika 3: Povezava termo~lena in IR-pirometra na stru`nici Figure 2: Schematic of tip geometry Slika 2: Shema geometrije rezilne konice S/N y i i n SB lg= − ⋅ ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ = ∑10 1 2 2 1 (1) In the Equation (1), n is the number of the experi- ment and yi is the ith data point obtained.15–18 ANOVA was applied in order to determine the percentage effects of the control factors on TCTI, TT and Ra. Table 3: Control factors and their levels Tabela 3: Kontrolni faktorji in njihovi nivoji Sym- bol Control factors Unit Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Degree of freedom (DoF) ap Depth of cut mm 0.40 0.60 – 1 vc Cutting speed m/min 76 114 170 2 f Feed rate mm/rev 0.05 0.08 0.12 2 3.4 Predictive models for temperature and surface roughness with multiple regression analysis Equations were developed for the prediction of TCTI, TT and Ra using the experimental results in a multiple regression analysis. The second-order linear models containing the main effects of the control factors and their interactions are signified with the Equation (2): Y y b x b x b x b x b x b x b x 1 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 12 5 13 6 23 = − = + + + + + + + (2) where Y1 is the estimated answer of the second-order equation and y is the tool-chip interface temperature (TCTI), tool temperature (TT) or surface roughness (Ra) measured on a the logarithmic scale, x0 = 1 is the fixed variable, the x1, x2 and x3 control factors are the logarithmic transformations of the depth of cut, the cutting speed and the feed rate and, the x12, x13 and x23 interactions of the control factors are the logarithmic transformations of the depth of cut–cutting speed, the depth of cut–feed rate and cutting speed–feed rate. The coefficient of the experimental error is , and the b values (b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5 and b6) are the coefficients of related factors. 4 ANALYSIS OF THE RESEARCH RESULTS The present study was performed to understand and evaluate the infrared- and thermocouple-based tempera- ture measurements during metal cutting and to consider the practical difficulties. TCTI, TT and Ra were used as the quality characteristics. The experimental results are shown in Table 4. The TCTI, TT and Ra measurement results from the turning of the quenched and tempered AISI 4140 steel with coated carbide tools were resolved and analyzed by means of the Minitab 16.0 package software. From Table 4 it is clear that the overall means for TCTI, TT and Ra were calculated as 446.11 °C, 70.78 °C and 0.578 μm, respectively. Table 4: The experimental results for the quality characteristics and S/N ratios Tabela 4: Rezultati preizkusov za opis kvalitete in S/N razmerja Exp. no Control factors Measured values S/N Ratios (dB) ap vc f Tool- chip in- terface tempera- ture, TCTI (°C) (IR Pyro- meter) Tool tempera- ture, TT (°C) (Thermo- couple) Surface rough- ness, Ra (μm) S/N TCTI S/N TT S/N Ra 1 0.4 76 0.05 410 57 0.295 –52.26 –35.12 10.60 2 0.4 76 0.08 405 66 0.483 –52.15 –36.39 6.32 3 0.4 76 0.12 410 72 0.958 –52.26 –37.15 0.37 4 0.4 114 0.05 460 65 0.484 –53.26 –36.26 6.30 5 0.4 114 0.08 465 61 0.579 –53.35 –35.71 4.75 6 0.4 114 0.12 425 67 0.988 –52.57 –36.52 0.10 7 0.4 170 0.05 520 65 0.410 –54.32 –36.26 7.74 8 0.4 170 0.08 500 67 0.492 –53.98 –36.52 6.16 9 0.4 170 0.12 475 71 0.872 –53.53 –37.03 1.19 10 0.6 76 0.05 400 72 0.489 –52.04 –37.15 6.21 11 0.6 76 0.08 390 80 0.530 –51.82 –38.06 5.51 12 0.6 76 0.12 395 76 0.720 –51.93 –37.62 2.85 13 0.6 114 0.05 430 80 0.429 –52.67 –38.06 7.35 14 0.6 114 0.08 435 75 0.547 –52.77 –37.50 5.24 15 0.6 114 0.12 420 83 0.722 –52.46 –38.38 2.83 16 0.6 170 0.05 485 81 0.354 –53.71 –38.17 9.02 17 0.6 170 0.08 525 67 0.406 –54.40 –36.52 7.83 18 0.6 170 0.12 480 69 0.643 –53.62 –36.78 3.84 Overall mean of TCTI = 446.11 °C, S/N ratio of TCTI = –52.95 dB Overall mean of TT = 70.78 °C, S/N ratio of TCTI = –36.95 dB Overall mean of Ra = 0.578 ìm, S/N ratio of Ra = 5.24 dB The variation of the tool temperature and the tool- chip interface temperature with the cutting parameters are shown in Figures 4a and 4b. Obviously, it is clear that the tool-chip interface temperature and the tool tem- perature increase with an increase in the cutting speed (Figure 4a). The influence of the tool temperature and the feed rate on the surface roughness is shown in Figure 5a. It was observed that the lowest feed rate produced a better surface quality. The experiments showed that the cutting speed and the feed rate are the main factors affecting the surface roughness (Figure 5b). 4.1 Analysis of the control factors for the temperature and surface roughness The responses for the S/N ratios (smaller is better) of TCTI, TT and Ra are presented in Table 5 and the responses for the means in Table 6. While the signal value represents the real desired value that the system gives and which is to be measured, the noise factor represents the portion of the undesired factors in the measured value. The S/N ratio analysis provided signi- ficant information about the nature of the process of turning hardened AISI 4140 steel with coated carbide cutting tools under selected conditions. The fact that the differences between the highest and the lowest S/N ratio values of each control factor calculated at different levels A. R. MOTORCU et al.: ANALYSIS OF THE CUTTING TEMPERATURE AND SURFACE ROUGHNESS ... 346 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 3, 343–351 A. R. MOTORCU et al.: ANALYSIS OF THE CUTTING TEMPERATURE AND SURFACE ROUGHNESS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 3, 343–351 347 Figure 4: The influence of cutting speed and feed rate on the tempera- ture: a) cutting speed, b) feed rate Slika 4: Vpliv hitrosti rezanja in hitrosti podajanja na temperaturah: a) hitrost rezanja, b) hitrost podajanja Figure 5: Influence of tool temperature and feed rate on surface roughness: a) tool temperature, b) feed rate Slika 5: Vpliv temperature orodja in hitrosti podajanja na hrapavost povr{ine: a) temperatura orodja, b) hitrost podajanja Table 5: Response table for S/N ratios (smaller is better) of TCTI, TT and Ra Tabela 5: Razpredelnica odgovorov za S/N razmerja (manj{e je bolj{e) za TCTI, TT in Ra Level Tool-chip interface temperature, TCTI(dB) Tool temperature, TT (dB) Surface roughness, Ra (dB) ap vc f ap vc f ap vc f 1 –53.07 –52.08 –53.04 –36.33 –36.91 –36.84 4.838 5.313 7.873 2 –52.83 –52.85 –53.08 –37.58 –37.07 –36.78 5.632 4.429 5.969 3 – –53.93 –52.73 – –36.88 –37.24 – 5.963 1.864  0.25 1.85 0.35 1.25 0.19 0.46 0.793 1.534 6.008 Rank 3 1 2 1 3 2 3 2 1 Table 6: Response table for means of TCTI, TT and Ra Tabela 6: Tabela odgovorov za pomen TCTI, TT in Ra Level Tool-chip interface temperature, TCTI(°C) Tool temperature, TT (°C) Surface roughness, Ra (μm) ap vc f ap vc f ap vc f 1 452.2 401.7 450.8 65.67 70.50 70.00 0.6179 0.5792 0.4102 2 440.09 439.2 453.3 75.89 71.83 69.33 0.5378 0.6248 0.5062 3 – 497.5 434.2 – 70.00 73.00 – 0.5295 0.8172  12.2 95.8 19.2 10.22 1.83 3.67 0.0801 0.0953 0.4070 Rank 3 1 2 1 3 2 3 2 1 are higher or lower was used in the determination of the factors effective on TCTI, TT and Ra. The most effective parameters on TCTI were the cutting speed, the feed rate and the depth of cut because there were (1.85, 0.35 and 0.25) dB differences between their levels (Table 5). The most effective parameters on TT were determined to be the depth of cut, the feed rate and the cutting speed, with differences of (1.25, 0.46 and 0.19) dB, respectively (Table 5). The most effective parameters on Ra were determined to be the feed rate, the cutting speed and the depth of cut, with differences of (6.008, 1.534 and 0.793) dB, res- pectively (Table 5). The optimum values for the surface roughness and the dimensional accuracy were reported to be a2v1f3, a1v3f2 and a2v3f1, respectively (Table 6). The main effects of the control factors on the perfor- mance characteristics during the turning of the quenched and tempered AISI 4140 steel with coated carbide cutting tools were demonstrated using the "Graphical Representation of Factor Effects" and evaluated.8–11 The main effect graphs showing the effects of the control factors on TCTI, TT and Ra are given in Figures 6 and 7, respectively. In Figure 6, the optimum levels of the control factors for the tool-chip interface temperature are a2 (ap = 0.6 mm), v1 (vc = 76 m/min) and f3 (f = 0.12 mm/rev), respectively. TCTI increases depending on the increase of the cutting speed and the decrease of the depth of cut and the feed rate. From the same graphic it is clear that the most effective control factor on TCTI is the cutting speed. In Figure 7, the optimum levels of the control factors for the tool temperature are a1 (ap = 0.4 mm), v2 (vc = 114 m/min) and f2 (f = 0.08 mm/rev), respectively. In Figure 7, when the effects of the control factors on tool temperature were examined, a significant increase was observed on TT, depending on the increase in the depth of cut. With an increase of the cutting speed from 76 m/min to 114 m/min and an increase of the feed rate from 0.08 mm/rev to 0.12 mm/rev the tool temperature was increased (Figure 7). Similarly, the optimum levels for the minimum Ra surface roughness were observed to be a2 (ap = 0.6 mm), v3 (vc = 170 m/min) and f1 (f = 0.05 mm/rev), respectively (Figure 5). The most effective parameter on Ra was the feed rate (Figure 7). With a further increase in the feed rate value the Ra surface roughness value increased. ANOVA is a statistically based, objective, decision- making tool used for determining any difference in the average performance of a group of items being tested.15–18 In the case when the F value of a process parameter is greater than the tabulated F ratio, it shows that the control factor has a significant effect on the per- formance characteristic. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) with a 95 % confidence interval was carried out for each experiment using the L18 orthogonal array in order to determine the effects of the control factors and their interactions on selected performance/quality cha- racteristics. The results of the ANOVA carried out for TCTI, TT and Ra are presented in Tables 7, 8 and 9. The cutting speed became the most effective factor for the tool-chip interface temperature, with a contribution of 86.57 % followed by the feed rate with 4.03 % (Table 7). The effects of other control factors and their interactions on TCTI became insignificant with a smaller 5 % contri- bution (Table 7). The results of the ANOVA for the tool A. R. MOTORCU et al.: ANALYSIS OF THE CUTTING TEMPERATURE AND SURFACE ROUGHNESS ... 348 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 3, 343–351 Figure 6: Mean effect plots for temperatures: a) tool-chip interface temperature, b) tool temperature Slika 6: Diagram srednjega vpliva na temperature: a) temperatura stika orodje-ostru`ek, b) temperatura orodja Figure 7: Mean effect plots for Ra surface roughness Slika 7: Diagrami srednjega vpliva na hrapavost povr{ine Ra temperature (TT) indicate that the depth of cut (ap) has more influence on the tool temperature, with a contri- bution of 52.65 % and a cutting speed–feed rate (vxf) 16.75 %, depth of cut–cutting speed (axv) 9.12 %, depth of cut–feed rate (axf) 7.51 %, feed rate (f) 5.13 % and cutting speed (vc) 1.21 % followed by a contribution %, respectively (Table 8). Finally, from Table 9, it is concluded that the feed rate with a contribution of 76.63 % has more influence on the surface roughness (Ra) followed by the depth of cut–feed rate (axf), the depth of cut (ap) and the cutting speed (vc) to obtain the minimum surface roughness (Table 9). Table 7: Results of ANOVA for tool-chip interface temperature (TCTI) Tabela 7: Rezultati ANOVA za temperaturo stika orodje-ostru`ek (TCTI) Source DoF SS V F-Ratio Prob.>F Contr.(%) ap 1 672.3 672.2 3.44 0.137 2.08 vc 2 27986.1 13993.1 71.71 0.001 86.57 f 2 1302.8 651.4 3.34 0.140 4.03 axv 2 302.8 151.4 0.78 0.519 0.94 axf 2 369.4 184.7 0.95 0.461 1.14 vxf 4 913.9 228.5 1.17 0.441 2.83 Res.Err. 4 780.6 195.1 2.41 Total 17 32327.8 100.00 R2 = 97.6, R2 (adj) = 89.7 (significant at 95 % confidence level) Table 8: Results of ANOVA for tool temperature (Tt) Tabela 8: Rezultati ANOVA za temperaturo orodja (Tt) Source DoF SS V F-Ratio Prob.>F Contr.(%) ap 1 470.22 470.22 27.57 0.006 52.65 vc 2 10.78 5.389 0.32 0.746 1.21 f 2 45.78 22.889 1.34 0.358 5.13 axv 2 81.44 40.722 2.39 0.208 9.12 axf 2 67.11 33.556 1.97 0.254 7.51 vxf 4 149.56 37.389 2.19 0.233 16.75 Res.Err. 4 68.22 17.056 7.64 Total 17 893.11 100.00 R2 = 92.4, R2 (adj) = 67.5 (significant at 95 % confidence level) Table 9: Results of ANOVA for surface roughness (Ra) Tabela 9: Rezultati ANOVA za hrapavost povr{ine (Ra) Source DoF SS V F-Ratio Prob.>F Contr.(%) ap 1 0.028880 0.028880 10.73 0.031 4.18 vc 2 0.027281 0.013641 5.07 0.080 3.95 f 2 0.543172 0.271586 100.89 0.000 78.63 axV 2 0.014830 0.007415 2.75 0.177 2.15 axf 2 0.062656 0.031328 11.64 0.022 9.07 Vxf 4 0.003192 0.000798 0.30 0.867 0.46 Res.Err. 4 0.010767 0.002692 – – 1.56 Total 17 0.690779 – – – 100.00 R2 = 98.4, R2 (adj) = 93.4 (significant at 95 % confidence level) 4.2 Developed second-order predictive equations for the temperature and surface roughness The equations that were developed with multiple linear regression analysis to predict TCTI, TT and Ra in the turning of quenched and tempered AISI 4140 steel with coated carbide cutting tools and the equations that contain the main effects of the control factors and their interaction effects are presented in Equations (3) to (5), respectively. T a v f av vfCTI = − + + + −382 146 0 966 179 0 708 358. . . (4) T a v f av vfT = − + + − −2 0 968 0328 255 0381 174. . . . . (5) R a v f av a = − − + + − − − 0114 034 0 00332 715 0 00617 . . . . . 0 0102. vf (6) These equations were developed according to the un-coded values of the control factors (i.e., 0.4, 0.6 mm, etc. for ap; i.e., 76, 114, 170 m/min, etc. for vc; i.e., 0.05, 0.08, 0.012 mm/rev, etc. for f). af is highly correlated with other variables, so af has been removed from all of the equations. The correlation coefficients (R2) and the adjusted correlation coefficients (R2(adj)) of the second- order equations developed for the predictive tool-chip interface temperature (TCTI) measured with an IR pyro- meter, the tool temperature (TT) measured with a thermo- couple and the surface roughness (Ra) were calculated as R2 = 92.8 %, R2(adj) = 89.8 %, R2 = 68.1 %, R2(adj) = 54.8 % and R2 = 82.6 % R2(adj) = 75.3 %, respectively. R2(adj) determines the amount of deviation about the mean that is described by the model. The predicted R2 value and the R2(adj) value were found to be in good agreement. These values show that the equations deve- loped are sufficient to determine all the response values at a confidence interval of 95 %. The regression models can be successfully adopted for estimating TCTI, TT and Ra. Moreover, as seen in these equations, vc and f have additive effects, while ap has a negative effect on TCTI, TT and Ra. The comparisons of the results of TCTI, TT and Ra measured experimentally (Table 4) with the fits for TCTI, TT and Ra estimated via the Taguchi method and fits for TCTI, TT and Ra estimated via the Regression model (Equation (3) to (5)) are given in Table 8. As can be seen from this table, the TCTI results obtained from the Taguchi method and the linear regression analysis were found to be very close. The mean of the % error ratios of the estimated results obtained by the Taguchi method and the predictive equations were less than 14 %. This reflects the reliability of the statistical analyses (Tables 10 and 11). 5 CONCLUSIONS In this study, the Taguchi design was selected to determine the effects of the control factors. The effects of the depth of cut, the cutting speed and the feed rate on the tool-chip interface temperature (TCTI), the tool A. R. MOTORCU et al.: ANALYSIS OF THE CUTTING TEMPERATURE AND SURFACE ROUGHNESS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 3, 343–351 349 A. R. MOTORCU et al.: ANALYSIS OF THE CUTTING TEMPERATURE AND SURFACE ROUGHNESS ... 350 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 3, 343–351 Table 10: The comparisons of measured of TCTI, and Tt experimentally with fits estimated via the Taguchi method and regression models Tabela 10: Primerjava izmerjenih TCTI in eksperimentalnih Tt, z ujemanji, dolo~enimi po Taguchi metodi in z regresijskimi modeli Exp. no Tool-chip interface temperature, TCTI (°C) Tool temperature, Tt (°C) Meas- ured TCTI Fits for TCTI estimated via Taguchi method Error % Fits for TCTI estimated via Regression model Error % Meas- ured Tt Fits for Tt estimated via Taguchi method Error % Fits for Tt estimated via Regression model Error % 1 410 418 2.0 414 0.9 57 56 1.0 60 5.7 2 405 401 0.9 411 1.4 66 68 2.9 64 3.2 3 410 406 1.1 407 0.7 72 71 1.9 69 4.5 4 460 462 0.5 454 1.3 65 62 3.9 64 2.1 5 465 458 1.5 447 3.8 61 61 0.1 65 7.0 6 425 430 1.1 438 3.1 67 70 3.9 68 0.8 7 520 510 2.0 514 1.1 65 68 4.8 69 5.5 8 500 511 2.1 501 0.2 67 65 2.8 67 0.5 9 475 475 0.1 484 1.9 71 70 1.7 66 7.5 10 400 392 2.0 395 1.2 72 73 0.8 74 2.5 11 390 394 0.9 392 0.6 80 78 2.4 77 3.1 12 395 399 1.1 389 1.6 76 77 1.8 82 8.4 13 430 428 0.5 441 2.6 80 83 3.2 74 7.1 14 435 442 1.6 434 0.2 75 75 0.1 76 1.3 15 420 415 1.1 425 1.2 83 80 3.1 78 5.8 16 485 495 2.1 509 4.9 81 78 3.8 75 7.4 17 525 514 2.0 496 5.5 67 69 2.8 74 10.1 18 480 480 0.1 479 0.2 69 70 1.8 72 4.5 Min 390 392 0.1 389 0.2 57 56 0.1 60 0.5 Max 525 514 2.1 514 5.5 83 83 4.8 82 10.1 Mean 446 – 1.3 – 1.8 71 – 2.4 – 4.8 Table 11: The comparisons of the measured Ra with fits estimated via the Taguchi method and the regression models Tabela 11: Primerjava izmerjene Ra z ujemanji, dolo~enimi po Taguchi metodi in z regresijskimi modeli Exp.no Measured Ra Fits for Ra estimated viaTaguchi method Error % Fits for Ra estimated via Regression model Error % 1 0.295 0.338 14.4 0.406 37.5 2 0.483 0.478 1.1 0.597 23.5 3 0.958 0.921 3.9 0.851 11.1 4 0.484 0.461 4.7 0.418 13.5 5 0.579 0.594 2.5 0.598 3.3 6 0.988 0.996 0.8 0.837 15.3 7 0.410 0.390 4.9 0.438 6.7 8 0.492 0.483 1.9 0.600 21.9 9 0.872 0.901 3.4 0.816 6.4 10 0.489 0.446 8.7 0.380 22.3 11 0.530 0.535 1.0 0.571 7.7 12 0.720 0.757 5.2 0.826 14.7 13 0.429 0.452 5.3 0.346 19.4 14 0.547 0.532 2.7 0.525 4.0 15 0.722 0.714 1.1 0.765 5.9 16 0.354 0.374 5.7 0.296 16.5 17 0.406 0.415 2.3 0.458 12.8 18 0.643 0.614 4.6 0.674 4.9 Min 0.295 0.338 0.8 0.296 3.3 Max 0.988 0.996 14.4 0.851 37.5 Mean 0.578 – 4.1 – 13.7 temperature (TT) and the surface roughness (Ra) were investigated in the turning of the quenched and nor- malized AISI 4140 steel workpieces that were machined using TiAlN-TiN, PVD-coated, carbide tools and the obtained results are as follows: The most effective parameter on the tool-chip inter- face temperature was the cutting speed with a contribu- tion ratio of 86.57 %. The effective parameters for tool temperature were the depth of cut, the cutting speed-feed rate, the depth of cut–cutting speed, the depth of cut-feed rate, the feed rate and the cutting speed with contribu- tions of 52.65 %, 16.75 %, 9.12 %, 7.51 %, 5.13 % and 1.21 %. The feed rate with a contribution of 76.63 % has more influence on the surface roughness (Ra) followed by the depth of cut–feed rate (axf), the depth of cut (ap) and the cutting speed (vc) to obtain the minimum surface roughness. The optimum levels of the control factors were ap = 0.6 mm, vc = 76 m/min and f = 0.12 mm/rev for the minimum tool-chip interface temperature; ap = 0.4 mm, vc = 114 m/min and f = 0.08 mm/rev for the minimum tool temperature, and ap = 0.6 mm, vc = 170 m/min and f = 0.05 mm/rev for the minimum Ra surface roughness. The tool-chip interface temperature increased signi- ficantly depending on the increase of the cutting speed. 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