Informatica 42 (2018) 137–143 137 Application of Distributed Web Crawlers in Information Management System Bo Wen School of Computer Science and Technology, Huaibei Normal University, Huaibei, 235000, China E-mail: Technical paper Keywords: web crawlers, Hadoop, information management system Received: February 7, 2018 In the Internet era, cloud data and big data constantly develop, and Internet has become the main platform for enterprises and individuals to release information. As a result, a large amount of data generates, and people spend more energy on finding information that they want. The desire for accurately acquiring information needed becomes increasingly stronger. This study designed a distributed web crawlers system based on Hadoop and used it to do large-scale information management. The simulation experiment verified that the system could operate stably in information management system, which offers a reference for the application of distributed web crawlers in information management systems. Povzetek: Razvit je distribuirani spletni preiskovalnik na osnovi Hadoopa za upravljanje informacij. 1 Introduction Internet rapidly develops in the 21st century, accompanied by data volume increasing in exponential form on Internet. With the diversification of information, the management of information has become more and more difficult. How to timely and accurately search information through search engine and manage the information becomes crucial. Requirements on relevant technologies are also being improved constantly. With the development of computer, information management system has emerged. More efficient and simple information management systems are being developed. Qin [1] designed a SG-UAP development tool based on Eclipse development environment which was applicable to Windows operation system; a database platform was developed based on Oracle to provide Tomcat network information management service; the system managed network information through service-oriented architecture. Gupta et al. [2] analyzed management information service and proposed to manage network information with management information service and found that management information system could optimize network information and accurately collect and manage data. Zhao et al. [3] established a topic-focused crawler based scientific research information system to improve the information management level. Web crawlers can capture webpage information from the network and extracted and stored the key information to solve the urgent problem of information acquisition. But information collection based on web crawlers is facing with difficulties such as information repetition and existence of dynamic pages. Therefore distributed technologies are needed to solve the problems and enhance crawling efficiency. In the study of Su et al. [4], single-thread and multi-thread web crawlers were implanted into a distributed system to capture and store data with diversified and personalized operations, which enhanced the capturing speed. In the study of Zhang et al. [5], Hadoop based distributed web crawler system was optimized. The parameters were optimized through analysis on factors influencing crawling efficiency. Distributed web crawlers have great advantages in collecting and storing information; hence it can help establish a practical and high-efficient information management system. In this study, web crawlers were analyzed, and then a Hadoop based distributed web crawlers system was designed to manage network information. The simulation experiment suggested that the system could effectively collect and store network information and enhance the performance of single-node web crawlers, which provides a reference for the application of distributed network crawlers in information management system. 2 System related technologies 2.1 Web crawlers Distributed web crawler is a program which crawls Web resources on the Internet according to some rules and provides the obtained network information to search engine. Therefore it is an indispensable part of search engine [6]. To achieve a high crawling ability, a web crawler should have the five characteristics [7]. (1) High performance A large amount of information involves mass Uniform Resource Locator (URL). Distributed web 138 Informatica 42 (2018) 137–143 B. Wen crawlers should timely and effectively capture useful information in webpage. The more the information in unit time is, the better the performance of web crawlers is. (2) Expandability Expandability should be improved to achieve a high performance of web crawlers. Expandability means that the whole crawler system will not be affect when the current web crawlers are being updated or doing other operations. Better expandability is needed in efficient crawling of information in different sites as the programming language and code editor are different in different websites. (3) Robustness. Facing with a large number of servers, web crawlers may encounter emergencies such as crawler trap in the process of work. Reasonable processing of these conditions is a character of an excellent web crawler. Only when web crawlers have favorable robustness can they get back to work after interruption. Moreover the previously crawled content should be restored after setup. (4) Friendliness: Web crawlers should protect relevant information of websites as per robots protocols. The crawling scope of web crawlers should be defined. Moreover additional burdens to websites should be avoided when web crawlers capture information. (5) Updatability. Web crawlers should be able to perceive the alternation of websites and timely acquire new website content to replace the old one. Information management system needs to collect and store diversified data on the Internet. With the explosive growth of data, the traditional stand-alone web crawlers have gradually been not as good as before. Hence stronger and more comprehensive information management systems are needed. 2.2 Hadoop Hadoop, a basic framework of distributed system developed by Apache Software Foundation, is composed of many ordinary, low-cost single computers. It can rapidly and flexibly process mass data. It has the following advantages. (1) High reliability. Its ability in processing data is highly reliable. (2) Strong fault tolerance. Hadoop can automatically replicate many copes and allocate failed tasks. (3) High scalability. Hadoop can process and allocate data between hundreds of servers and easily expand to thousands of nodes. (4) High efficiency. Hadoop can efficiently transfer data between different nodes. (5) Low cost. Compared to other commercial data warehouse, Hadoop is open-source. Hadoop has two core parts. One is distributed file system, i.e. Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). HDFS is capable of storing large files, for example, files in a size of more than 100 TB. HDFS is also featured by strong fault tolerance. It can operate on low-cost hardware. The other core is MapReduce computational model which can concurrently calculate mass data and have favorable extensibility and fault tolerance. It has a huge advantage in data processing. 2.3 Application values of distributed web crawlers in information management system In view of the advantages of distributed system and the properties of web crawlers, distributed web crawler is feasible. Distributed web crawler is composed of web crawler and distributed system, which is capable of fulfill different tasks by making the best use of information on the Internet. It effectively makes up the defects of the stand-alone web crawler. It can capture more websites and collect and store more data. Therefore Hadoop based distributed web crawler has high application values in information management system. 3 Design of information management system 3.1 Design of distributed web crawler system architecture 3.1.1 Design of physical architecture To satisfy the aforementioned characteristics, cost of PC server should be saved, and moreover Hadoop based distributed architecture should be extensible [8]. The system should allocate the crawled page data on different nodes using its ability of distributed storage capacity. Moreover a strong fault tolerance was needed to set the number of data copies and reallocate the failed tasks on other nodes. The distributed architecture could enhance the overall performance of crawlers to the large extent. The physical architecture of web crawlers in this study included Hadoop cluster and Storm cluster [9]. To reduce the pressure on Hadoop cluster during operation, separate deployment was adopted. Crawler tasks were divided into multiple tasks and operated on multiple Slave nodes based on the distributed storage and calculation abilities of distributed architecture. The collected data were stored in clusters. Then the data generated when crawlers crawled and analyzed webpage were written into Kafka, and Storm was used to calculate index results in real time. The physical architecture is shown in Figure 1. 3.1.2 Design of logic structure The logic structure of distributed web crawlers is shown in Figure 2. It included batch processing part and real- time calculation part. Batch processing was mainly realized based on Hadoop platform, and it was responsible for achieving crawling tasks and storing data in Hbase. Real-time calculation was realized based on Storm platform, and it was responsible for calculating relevant data generated in system operation and storing the results in iRedis. Application of Distributed Web Crawlers … Informatica 42 (2018) 137–143 139 3.2 Modules of distributed web crawlers The system module of the distributed web crawler was composed of the following parts. (1) URL splitting and injection module: firstly read the URL path of user, then obtain URL list, and split it into several parts and allocate to TaskTracker. (2) Webpage access module: acquire webpage according to URL links and download and save it locally. (3) Webpage analysis module: analyze the captured webpage in aspects of structure and content. (4) Link filtering module: filter the acquired URL and eliminate ineffective and repeated links. (5) Data storage module: Save data in the database of HDFS. 3.3 Design of key technology 3.3.1 URL standardization URL is a kind of character which can show information resources on www, and information resource has one and only has one URL [10]. URL standardization meant standardizing URL and transforming a URL to a qualified equivalent URL. Its transformation was realized by replacing /xx/../ with /, /../ with /, /./ with / and xx//yy with /. 3.3.2 Allocation of crawler tasks Before crawling based on the distributed architecture, tasks were allocated to the distributed clusters [11]. When some node failed, tasks should be reallocated. For Hadoop cluster with n nodes, a URL was selected from URL set, Topn URLs were divided into N sets, and the sets were allocated to different nodes of Hadoop set to do crawling tasks. If some node failed, Master would allocate the failed task to other nodes without affecting the crawling speed of the current nodes. The network pressure of websites should be considered in the process of crawling. 3.3.3 Balance politeness Crawling of the same website should follow the principle of balance politeness [12]. URLs were ranked according to score rules; then URL was taken out one by one from the URL set and allocated to N subsets; the number of URLs in one set and the number of URLs from the same Host in one set should be limited. In this way, the pressure of webpage could be reduced when web crawlers were crawling information. 3.3.4 Webpage revisit Network usually has favorable dynamic property. When web crawlers fulfilled a crawling task, then the webpage might change. Therefore web crawlers should update website content at a certain time interval and the content which needed to be crawled. 3.3.5 Data deduplication There are many same data on the network. Therefore network data should be processed by deduplication. (1) Webpage content was separated into words, i.e. Figure 1: Design of the physical architecture of distributed web crawlers. Figure 2: Design of logic architecture of distributed web crawlers. 140 Informatica 42 (2018) 137–143 B. Wen characteristic vectors. The occurrence frequency of every word in documents was taken as weight. (2) The Hash value of every characteristic vector was calculated [13], and moreover those vectors were processed by weighed accumulation. (3) The result larger than 0 was denoted as 1 and otherwise as 0, and the final results were Simhash signature values [14]. (4) The similarity of data was determined according to different Simhash signature values. 4 Concrete implementation of distributed crawler URL initial module was combined with parallel circulation model to analyze the procedures of URL insertion, URL list generation, web crawling and data update in the data crawling experiment of distributed crawler. A module circulation formed from link update in link library, crawl list generation, URL crawling execution, key information analysis to link update in link library. The module composition and flow circulation can benefit the concrete implementation of distributed crawler. The concrete implementation flow is shown in Figure 3. 5 System test and results analysis Before testing of the network management, the test environment should be adjusted. VMware Workstation was installed in window host. Then Hadoop cluster was established in the virtual machine. In the development of the system, Java codes written by Eclipse IDE were installed in the host. Hadoop Eclipse plug-in units was installed and connected to Hadoop clusters. Data were processed using Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and MapReduce calculation model. 5.1 Functional test 5.1.1 Test content and scheme Functional test included the following content. (1) Webpage crawling test In the initial URL set, 0, 1 and 4 URL link seeds were added. Then three conditions, i.e. effective crawling, partially effective crawling and ineffective crawling, were considered. After crawling, whether the downloaded target data satisfied standards or not were checked. (2) Filter test on URL link The URL link log sheet which was subject to be crawled was checked to determine whether link standardization and deduplication operations should be performed or not. (3) Webpage data extraction test Whether the analysis module was corrected and could effectively extract data on webpage and store the data in relevant documents or not was checked. (4) Test on webpage category classification The system classified webpage into different categories and checked whether the classification was corrected or not. Figure 3: The implementation flow of the distributed crawler. Application of Distributed Web Crawlers … Informatica 42 (2018) 137–143 141 5.1.2 Test results The system could do webpage crawling according to the prescribed initial URL set and added the crawled URLs into URLs which were subject to be crawled. Standardization and deduplication were performed before addition. The extracted data were stored in relevant documents. Moreover it could rapidly classify webpage. 5.2 Performance test 5.2.1 Test content and scheme (1) Test on collection scale After a period of webpage crawling, the size of the collected webpage data was calculated to measure the collection scale. (2) Test on operation speed During crawling, the size of the collected web data, i.e. x, was calculated after n hours of movement. The computational formula for crawling speed v was v = x/n. 5.2.2 Test results Table 1 shows the data collection speed of the clusters based on four nodes. The operation of the system included webpage downloading, web analysis, extraction of record information on the network and classification of web text. This study could basically satisfy the requirements according to the data in Table 1. 5.3 Test on expandability 5.3.1 Test content and scheme Test on expandability: the number of nodes on Hadoop platform was changed. Then test was performed when the number of coordinated nodes was 1, 2 and 3 to determine whether the operation was normal and what were the effects on the performance of the system. 5.3.2 Test results Figure 4 demonstrated the data collection and analysis of the system when the time and number of nodes were different. It could be noted that the operation speed was the highest when there was only one node; the operation speed had remarkable improvement with the increase of nodes, but the speed of each node had no significant changes. Through test, it was concluded that the expandability could satisfy the predetermined requirements. Internet plays an increasingly important role in the production and life of people and has been the main source of information. Distributed web crawlers can grab key data among mass data, which is greatly helpful to information acquisition. Bal et al. [15] put forward intelligent distributed crawler crawling network based on client-server architecture. In the architecture, load is managed by server. Every time when crawlers were loaded, URLs were dynamically allocated to allocate load to others, which enhanced the ability of information crawling. Kumar et al. [16] developed distributed semantic web crawlers and successfully crawled and Table 1: The operation results of the information management system. Number 1 2 3 4 5 Segment name Segment20171 002093417 Segment20171 00213672 Segment20171 00360349 Segment20171 00413725 Segment20171 00547436 Size (MB) 39.21 82.61 180.44 305.14 400.62 Operation time (h) 0.6 1.1 2.4 4.5 5.7 Figure 4: The test results of system expandability. 142 Informatica 42 (2018) 137–143 B. Wen utilized HTML compiled by owl/RDf and semantic web. In information management system, distributed web crawlers can give full play to its advantages because it can effectively crawl information needed among mass data and efficiently collect and manage them. The application of distributed web crawlers can achieve efficient and safe management of information and has high practicability. 6 Conclusion In conclusion, distributed network crawlers based information management system could precisely satisfy the requirements of web crawling, with a high performance and expandability. Moreover it can effectively reduce repeated visit and download of resources to improve efficiency of information searching. It can also reduce the time and money spent on resource acquisition because of the low cost. Therefore it can be applied for extracting network information. This work provides a reference for the application of distributed network crawlers based information management system in data extraction. 7 References [1] Qin Y., Xuan H., Zhang B. (2016). Intelligent Management System of Power Network Information Collection Under Big Data Storage. 13th Global Congress on Manufacturing and Management (GCMM 2016), MATEC Web of Conferences, Zhengzhou. [2] Gupta C. L. P., Sharma S., Tripathi S. (2015). Importance of Management Information System in Electronic-Information Era. East Carolina University, 1(2). [3] Zhao Q. A. (2016). Research and Implementation of Scientific Research Information Management System Based on the Topic Web Crawler. Anhui: Anhui University, pp. 1-46. 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Born to Slovene parents, he obtained his Ph.D. at Vienna University, where he was later Director of the Physics Institute, Vice-President of the Vienna Academy of Sciences and a member of several scientific institutions in Europe. Stefan explored many areas in hydrodynamics, optics, acoustics, electricity, mag- netism and the kinetic theory of gases. Among other things, he originated the law that the total radiation from a black body is proportional to the 4th power of its absolute tem- perature, known as the Stefan–Boltzmann law. The Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) is the leading indepen- dent scientific research institution in Slovenia, covering a broad spectrum of fundamental and applied research in the fields of physics, chemistry and biochemistry, electro- nics and information science, nuclear science technology, energy research and environmental science. The Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) is a research organisation for pure and applied research in the natural sciences and technology. Both are closely interconnected in research de- partments composed of different task teams. Emphasis in basic research is given to the development and education of young scientists, while applied research and development serve for the transfer of advanced knowledge, contributing to the development of the national economy and society in general. At present the Institute, with a total of about 900 staff, has 700 researchers, about 250 of whom are postgraduates, around 500 of whom have doctorates (Ph.D.), and around 200 of whom have permanent professorships or temporary teaching assignments at the Universities. In view of its activities and status, the JSI plays the role of a national institute, complementing the role of the uni- versities and bridging the gap between basic science and applications. Research at the JSI includes the following major fields: physics; chemistry; electronics, informatics and compu- ter sciences; biochemistry; ecology; reactor technology; applied mathematics. Most of the activities are more or less closely connected to information sciences, in particu- lar computer sciences, artificial intelligence, language and speech technologies, computer-aided design, computer ar- chitectures, biocybernetics and robotics, computer automa- tion and control, professional electronics, digital communi- cations and networks, and applied mathematics. The Institute is located in Ljubljana, the capital of the in- dependent state of Slovenia (or S♥nia). The capital today is considered a crossroad between East, West and Medi- terranean Europe, offering excellent productive capabilities and solid business opportunities, with strong international connections. Ljubljana is connected to important centers such as Prague, Budapest, Vienna, Zagreb, Milan, Rome, Monaco, Nice, Bern and Munich, all within a radius of 600 km. From the Jožef Stefan Institute, the Technology park “Ljubljana” has been proposed as part of the national stra- tegy for technological development to foster synergies be- tween research and industry, to promote joint ventures be- tween university bodies, research institutes and innovative industry, to act as an incubator for high-tech initiatives and to accelerate the development cycle of innovative products. Part of the Institute was reorganized into several high- tech units supported by and connected within the Techno- logy park at the Jožef Stefan Institute, established as the beginning of a regional Technology park ”Ljubljana”. The project was developed at a particularly historical moment, characterized by the process of state reorganisation, privati- sation and private initiative. The national Technology Park is a shareholding company hosting an independent venture- capital institution. The promoters and operational entities of the project are the Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology and the Jožef Stefan Institute. The framework of the operation also includes the University of Ljubljana, the National Institute of Chemistry, the Institute for Electronics and Vacuum Technology and the Institute for Materials and Construction Research among others. In addition, the project is supported by the Ministry of the Economy, the National Chamber of Economy and the City of Ljubljana. Jožef Stefan Institute Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Tel.:+386 1 4773 900, Fax.:+386 1 251 93 85 WWW: E-mail: Public relations: Polona Strnad