VESTNIK 2024 | VESTNIK 2024 | 219 VESTNIK 2024 | 221 VESTNIK 2024 | 223 VESTNIK 2024 | 225 VESTNIK 2024 | 227 BINKOŠTNA NEDELJA PENTECOST SUNDAY SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 20/60 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 19.5. 2024 Fr. Dra go Gacnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 PHONE: 905-561-5971 CELL: 905-520-2014 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ HALL RENTALS 905-561-5971, ext. 2 E-MAIL hallrental@ VESTNIK Duh veje, kjer hoce Binkošti so velicastna dopolnitev veliko-nocne skrivnosti. Vse je naravnano tako, da se steka naproti daru Svetega Duha. Jezus je trpel, premagal smrt in vstal od mrtvih; to se je zgodilo po posredovanju Svetega Duha, ki nas umešca v najbolj notranji odnos z življe-njem Svete Trojice. V binkoštnem prazniku lahko vidimo raz-licne poudarke, ki jih razpoznamo v današ-njih berilih. O tem dogodku pripovedujejo Apostolska dela. Drugo berilo nam prikazuje pomen Svetega Duha v našem življenju. V evangeliju pa nam Jezus razodeva pomen Svetega Duha v kršcanskem pricevanju in pri poglabljanju kršcanske vere. V Apostolskih delih je predstavi Svetega Duha s tremi simboli: silovit veter, ogenj in jeziki. Sveti Duh je neviden a ga pogosto upodabljajo kot goloba. Lepo pravi vstopni spev: »Gospodov duh je napolnil vse vesolj-stvo.« Sveti Duh je sposoben povzrociti zelo mocan ucinek. V hebrejšcini beseda »duh« pomeni »dih« in »duh«: »Nenadoma je nastal z neba šum, kot bi se bližal silovit vihar, in napolnil vso hišo, kjer so se zadrževali (apostoli in Marija).« Duh je tudi ogenj. Tu gre za duhovno spodbudo, za spodbudo ljubezni. Božja ljubezen je bila vlita v naša srca po Svetem Duhu. Bog je ljubezen in Sveti Duh je Duh ljubezni, ogenj ljubezni, ki preoblikuje vse, s cimer pride v stik. Tretji simbol, ki se nanaša na Svetega Duha, je znamenje jezikov: »Prikazali so se jim jeziki, podobni plamenom, ki so se razdelili, in nad vsakim je obstal po eden. Vsi so bili napolnjeni s Svetim Duhom in zaceli so govoriti v tujih jezikih, kakor jim je Duh dajal izgovarjati.« Govorica Svetega Duha izraža nadnaravne stvari, ki so najbolj no-tranje povezane z Bogom, stvari duhovne narave. Vse to je postalo vidno na zacetku Cerkve z darom jezikov. Apostoli so si pridobili sposobnost, da so lahko spregovorili na tak nacin, da so jih lahko vsi razumeli: »Zbrala se je množica ljudi. Vsi so bili vsi iz sebe, ker jih je vsakdo slišal govoriti v svojem jeziku.« Sveti Duh, od vsega zacetka, deluje v vseh smereh, da bi vzpostavil edinost in presegel cloveško razprše-nost. V 11. poglavju Prve Mojzesove knjige je govor o babilonskem stolpu: ljudje, ki so govorili isti jezik, da bi se uveljavili, so se namenili sezidati zelo visok stolp, vendar jim ni uspelo, ker jim je Gospod zmešal jezike. Med seboj se niso vec razumeli in tako so se razpršili na vse konce sveta. Na binkošti pa Duh zdru-žuje vse, vsakogar v svojem jeziku, in uresnicuje edi-nost. Po Sv. Duhu smo povezani s kristjani vsega sve-ta; tega ni nemogoce uresniciti zgolj s cloveškimi na-pori. V evangeliju Jezus pojasnjuje, da bo Duh zanj pri-ceval. »In tudi vi,« pravi Jezus apostolom - boste pri-cali zame, kajti z menoj ste bili od vsega zacetka.« Sveti Duh daje apostolom sposobnost, da bodo lahko pricali za Jezusa. Za to so prejeli posebno moc. Z druge strani pa Jezus razglaša, da bo Duh resni-ce vodil apostole k popolni resnici, kar pomeni, da bo Sveti Duh v njihove duše posredoval vse oznanilo in celotno Jezusovo opravljeno delo, to je njegovo veliko-nocno skrivnost. »Duh ne bo govoril iz samega sebe, temvec bo pripovedoval vse, kar bo slišal (...), jemal bo iz mojega in vam oznanjal«, pravi Jezus. Duh bo na novo razložil Jezusove besede in jih naredil razumlji-ve, vtisnil jih bo v duše ljudi. Gre za notranjo moc, ki osvetljuje, daje toplino in vse oživlja, s tem, da vedno ohranja povezanost s Kristusovo skrivnostjo. V drugem berilu nam Pavel govori, da mora naše kršcansko življenje voditi Sveti Duh. On mora voditi ne le našo vero, temvec tudi naše zadržanje, vso našo »življenjsko hojo«. Ko Pavel govori o obnašanju, vec-krat uporablja izraze »pot, hoja«: »Hodite v soglasju z Duhom (to je, pustite se voditi Duhu) in tako ne bo-ste zapeljani, da bi zadovoljevali želje mesa.« Ko sledimo Duhu; takrat hodimo naproti nebu in lahko že na zemlji živimo tako, kot je primerno Bogu - tako, da v sebi cutimo globoko zadovoljstvo. Pavel zatrjuje: »Sad Duha pa je: ljubezen, veselje, mir« in vse druge kreposti. Duh pa ustvarja harmonijo, mir in veselje. Temeljni sad duha je ljubezen, ki poskrbi za veselje in mir. Ljubezen se izkazuje tudi s potrpežlji-vostjo, z dobrohotnostjo, dobroto, zvestobo in milino. - (prim. Oznanjevalec 2009, št. 3) 218 | VESTNIK 2024 220 | VESTNIK 2024 222 | VESTNIK 2024 224 | VESTNIK 2024 226 | VESTNIK 2024 228 | VESTNIK 2024 PENTECOST SUNDAY Response: Lord, send forth your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth. First Reading Acts 2:1-11 Having received the Holy Spirit, the dis-ciples spoke in the languages of all na-tions about the marvels of God. Second Reading Galatians 5:16-25 When the Holy Spirit is a guide in the ways of goodness, no earthly power can pass judgement. Gospel John 15:26-27; 16:12-15 Jesus describes the coming of the Holy Spirit as empowering followers in their witness. “Be aware.” Illustration Some years ago, a family was travelling to America across the Atlantic Ocean on a ship. As part of their preparation for the long journey the mother of the family purchased some fresh bread and cheese prior to boarding: it would serve as their provisions for the crossing. After almost a week of bread and cheese for breakfast, lunch and supper, the eldest child, a boy approaching his teens, complained bitterly to his father that he just could not stomach any more bread and cheese. His father took compassion on him, pro-duced a penny from his pocket and told the boy to go and get an ice cream. The boy later returned, grinning from ear to ear. His father, curious about his son’s over-whelming happiness, asked: “Did you have an ice cream?” Not just one replied the boy, but plates and plates of ice cream, not to mention the steak and chips I had first!” His father was confused. “And all that for a penny?”, he said. Promptly the boy took out of his pocket the penny and gave it back to his father saying, “No, it was all free, the food is includ-ed in the ticket.” How often have we said, “if only”, if only I knew the food was free, if only I was aware what was on offer, if only I recognised the plentiful gift. Gospel Teaching “If only.” If only you realise what I have given you already and what you will receive after I have gone. The Gospel passage today is a part of what is termed “the farewell discourse”. At the Last Supper, the night before he died, St John recalls Jesus’ final words to his closest friends, his twelve apostles. What we hear to-day, on this feast of Pentecost, is his promise, or rather his revelation, that they would receive his spirit. It is the Holy Spirit which will enable them to continue his work of proclaiming to the nations the Good News of the Kingdom of God. In this passage, Jesus is telling his apostles that the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, to be sent by the Father, will powerfully work in and through them to proclaim a future kingdom of truth. The Holy Spirit will complement all of the work of proclamation that Jesus has himself already carried out. The kingdom of truth which he speaks of is the eternal life promised to those who are faithful. This was Jesus’ “if only” to his apostles. If only you can understand fully the mission you have been called to continue… If only you can understand the power of the Holy Spirit that will be working in and through you… Application As we recall the day of Pentecost when the gifts of the Holy Spirit were awoken in the apostles, I can’t help but think, “Why did it take so long?” Why did it take fifty days for them to burst out of that Upper Room, filled with the powerful gifts of the Holy Spirit? Did they realise what they had received? Did they under-stand what was on offer? Did they recognise the gifts of the Holy Spirit? It often takes some time and a little thinking before we realise what God has made available to us. Despite the apostles having received so much directly from the Lord, they needed time to think and realise what pow-erful gifts were available to them. Once they did recog-nise their God-given abilities, there was no turning back. As we heard in the first reading today, recalling the events of Pentecost morning, the apostles preached the Good News of the kingdom to all nations. I am quite sure that when the family crossing the Atlantic discovered they could eat like kings, they nev-er touched the bread and cheese again. As we cele-brate this feast of Pentecost, we not only celebrate the fact that we have been filled with God’s Holy Spirit through the sacraments, especially baptism and confir-mation, but we also celebrate the gifts that God has given us in life; gifts that the Holy Spirit awakens! Today, the feast and the scriptures we have heard remind us not only of the fact that we have God-given gifts, but also that these gifts have been awakened through the Holy Spirit so that they can be put to good use. This is the challenge of today’s feast and of the scriptures; do we use the gifts that have been awoken in us through the Holy Spirit? Do we serve others as Christ has called us to? Zahvala / Thank You Slovenska Šola would like to thank every-one who came to our Mother’s Day Lunch and Concert on May 12th. We had a nice gathering of over 100 people which made our event a success! The students participated during Mass by singing 2 songs (“Aleluja” and “Jezus Moj, Ljubim Te). A delicious meal was served at noon after Father Drago’s blessing. A huge thank you to Nancy Dundek and her kitchen crew (Kasia Brod, Adam Brod, and Dragica Ferencak) for making a delicious lunch for everyone. Thank you to the servers: Alyssa Taylor, Triston Tay-lor, Lukas Tran, and Daniel Brod. Thank you also to Tony for setting up and running the bar, and to Derek Perz for serving in the bar, and doing some recording of the concert for Father Drago. Thank you also to all the par-ents who came and volunteered their time to help set up the hall so that the teachers were free to focus our attention on the dress re-hearsal with the students. After lunch, we celebrated our mothers and grandmothers with a concert by the stu-dents of Slovenska Šola. They entertained us all with the many songs they have learned with Father Drago, including our finale, “Ta Traktor je Moj!”. The students put in a lot of hard work over the school year to prepare for this concert and did a great job! We also celebrated the Graduation of three Šola students: Lauren Hill, Triston Taylor, and Lily Tran. We want to congratulate them on their success and wish them all the best as they start on their path to their futures. We also wish them the guidance of the Holy Spirit as they prepare for their Confirmation. A huge thank you to Father Drago who gives up his time each Saturday to having singing with the kids, and always helping whenever and wherever needed. Šola would not be the same without him and we thank God for bring Father Drago to us. We look forward to seeing everyone at Mother’s Day next year! Hvala! Sandy Ferletic Materinski Dan / Mother’s Day FIRST COMMUNION & CONFIRMATION The First Communion and Confirmation will take place on Sunday, May 26, 2024 during the 10:00 a.m. Mass. Next Saturday, at 9:15 children of Slovenian School will gather at the celebration of the Holy Mass as it’s the end of the school year. After the Mass, children for the First Communion and candidate for Confirma-tion will have practice in the church. During the practice will be also confession - Reconciliation. Next Sunday, hopefully the weather will permit, we will gathere at the statue of Mary Help of Christians and after a short prayers and song we will come in procession to the church and continue wit the celebration od the Mass and sacrament of Confirmation. We pray for all candidates and their fami- OBVESTILA - ANNOUNCEMENTS KOLEDAR DOGODKOV - May 17th - Slovenski Park - Victoria Day Long Weekend - Mass with procession: May 19 at 1:00 p.m. - May 20th - Lipa Park - “Open House” Picnic - May 26th - St. Gregory - First Communion & Confirmation - Mass at 10:00 a.m. - June 1st - Slovenski Park - Golf tournament - June 2nd - London - Mass at 3:00 p.m. - June 16th - Bled - Farther’s Day Picnic - Mass at 1:00 p.m. - June 22nd - Lipa Park - Slovenski dan - June 28 to July 1st - Slovenski Park - Canada Day Long Weekend; Mass: July 1st, 1:00 p.m. - July 7th - Lipa Park - Summerfest Picnic - July 20th - Slovenski Park - Pecenkafest - July 21st - Bled - Prošcenje; Mass: 1:00 p.m. BRALCI - READERS: - Slovenian: Mirko Zorko - English: Sidonia Poppa GIFT BEARERS - May 19th - Pamela Gosgnach & Mary Miketic CLEANING OF THE CHURCH - May 25th - Štefka Eržen team - June 8th - Lojzka Novak team SLOVENSKI PARK GOLF TOURNAMENT Slovenski Park is hosting their 26th annual Golf Tournament on Saturday June 1, 2024 at the Cambridge Golf Club with dinner at Slov-enski Park. To register your team, please con-tact Travis Blackwell (905)783-0132 or at DAROVI - DONATIONS Za gradbeni sklad so darovali: $300.- N. N. $700.- v spomin na pokojno Francko Cest-nik - N. N. $50.- v spomin na pok. mamo Ano Marijo Vogrinc - hci Milena Volcanšek $50.- v spomin na pok. Stanka Vegelj, daru-je Milena Volcanšek $100.- Donated N.N. in memory of Francka Cestnik, model of real Christian woman. Hvala za vse vaše darove. KRST - BAPTISM V nedeljo, 12. maja 2024, je zakrament sv. krsta prejela Hallie Emilia Ferko. Oce deklice je Devin Ferko, mati pa Emma Lowton-Smith. Iskrene cestitke staršema ob krstu prvega otroka. Naj ju spremlja božji blagoslov in priproš-nja Device Marije. POKOJNI - DECEASED V cetrtek, 16. maja 2024, je v starosti 87 let, zaspala v Gospodu naša faranka Mo-nika Gašpar. Od pokojne se lahko poslovite v ponedeljek med 6. in 9. uro zvecer. Po-grebni obred za pokojno Moniko bodo v torek, 21. maja ob 10:00 a.m. v Smith Funeral Home, 1167 Guelph Line, Bur-lington. Po »reception«, ob 12:00 p.m. pa bo-mo pokojno pospremili k vecnemu pocitku na Gate of Heaven Cemetary - pokopališce. Iskreno sožalje možu Štefanu in otrokom z družinami. Pokojni Moniki pa vecni mir in po-koj v kanadski zemlji. THE DIOCESAN COUNCIL of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada will gather for their annual Convention next weekend (May 25-26) at St. Aloysius Parish in Kitchener. Led by Diocesan President, Joyce Cotter from Fer- gus, the convention will review and vote on resolutions to be presented to the Provincial Government. As well, the convention will elect a new administrative team for the coming two years. We wish the sisters-in-the-League well as they continue to serve For God and Cana-da! THE LONG-AWAITED WEDDING ANNI-VERSARY MASS will be celebrated NEXT SUNDAY, May 26th, at the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King, beginning at 1:30 p.m. More than 350 couples have registered to attend the always joy-filled event! The highlight, of course, is the renewal of the marriage promises of the couples, sealed with a kiss, and a bless-ing! SV. MAŠE - MASSES: Mon. to Fri.: 7:00 P.M.; Saturday: 5:30 P.M. (Slo); Sunday: 9:30 A.M. (Slo); 11:00 A.M (Eng) - From July to Fall Banquet only 10:00 A.M. - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: By appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 to 7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporocite, ce je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obišcemo. You are welcome to call for a per-sonal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971 or Cell: 905-520-2014 DON BOSCO Svete maše - Masses V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: BINKOŠTI 19. MAJ World Communica-tions Day Canada Health Day PENTECOST Urban I., papež Peter Celestin, papež †† † † † †† †† †† †† †† Za žive in rajne župljane Alojz in Marija Belovic Frank Saje Za božji blagoslov Martin Tompa Francka Cestnik Pokojni farani Pokojni starši Pokojni clani Slovenskega Parka Janko in Veronika Broz Jože in Marija Kuzma 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 1:00 P.M. - - - - - - - Jože Gimpelj Žena z družino Jožica Vegelj z družino Ignac in Terezija Sarjaš z družino Družina Kolmanic Alojz Sarjaš z družino Jožica Novak z družino Slovenski Park Družina Kuzma Družina Kuzma Sobocan Ivan May 20, 2012 Novak Paul Richard May 21, 2015 Horvat Jožica May 22, 2008 Knaus Karel May 24, 1991 Dolmovic Frank May 24, 2009 Mihelcic Janka May 26, 2023 SVETE MAŠE - MASSES PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 20. MAJ Marija, Mati Cerkve † †† Ivan Sobocan, obl. Ivan (obl.) in Cecilija Sobocan 7:00 P.M. Family Sobocan Marija Hocevar TOREK - TUESDAY 21. MAJ Timotej, diak.-muc. †† † Martin in Katarina Nedelko Za zdravje Paul Richard Novak, obl. 7:00 P.M. Martin in Regina Nedelko Dragica Đondraš Helen Špiler SREDA - WEDNESDAY 22. MAJ Marjeta Kasijka, muc. † † †† Alojz Joželj, obl. Helena Vaupotic Tony in Elizabeth Ferko 7:00 P.M. Hci Sonja Langenfus Bojan Milosavljevic z družino Tanya Brake z družino CETRTEK - THURSDAY 23. MAJ Renata, spok. † † † Martin Tompa Monika Gašpar Anton Šviglej 7:00 P.M. Danny z družino Toni in Marija Franc z družino Ana Plosinjak PETEK - FRIDAY 24. MAJ Marija Pomocnica † † † †† Martin Tompa Francka Cestnik Za duhovne poklice Stanko Vegelj Marica in Franc Majzelj 7:00 P.M. Regina Halas (TO) Ana Plosinjak Slomškovo oltarno društvo Milena Volcanšek z družino Milena Volcanšek z družino SOBOTA - SATURDAY 25. MAJ Gregory VI., papež Urban I., pp. kvatre † †† †† †† †† †† † †† † Joe Lackovic Pokojni iz družine Špiler Pokojni starši Fabina Mihael in Zofija Ferencak Ivan in Ana Kovac Pokojni iz družine Vuk Janez Oberman, obl. Stanko in Fanika Malevic, obl. Francka Cestnik 5:30 P.M. Žena z družino Družina Benko Mihael in Marija Fabina Martin in Regina Nedelko Sestra Marija Korošec z družino Marija Hocevar Sestra Stanka Malevic z družino Družina Malevic Toni in Marija Franc NEDELJA SVETE TROJICE 26. MAJ THE SOLEMNITY OF THE MOST HOLY TRINITY Urban I., papež Peter Celestin, papež † † †† † † † † † † † † Za žive in rajne župljane Martina Kolar, obl. Ann Božnar Marija in Martin Glavac Marija Glavac Marija Glavac Milan Lušin, obl. Mira Špiler, obl. Emil Miklavcic, obl. Joe Ivan Prša Danny Nedelko Frida Babic 10:00 A.M. - - - - - - - Mož Štefan z družino John Božnar z družino Matej Glavac z družino Zvonko in Angela Kustec Ivanka in Roman Bajec Družina Dim Družina Kodarin Družina Kodarin Lojze in Dragica Ferencak z druž. Lojze in Dragica Ferencak z druž. Družina Kolmanic