TheEditor’sCorner I am happy to announce that from this year (volume 4) instead of two we shall be publishing four issues of the journal per year. It will now be aquarterlyjournalwithSpring,Summer,Fall,andWinterissues.Itcon- tinues focusing on the transition research and emphasizing openness to differentresearchareas,topics,andmethods.Internationalandinterdis- ciplinary research nature of scholarly articles published in the journal is alsomaintained. The current issue covers topics of the discourse of management, for- eigndirectinvestmentobstaclesintheEuropeanUnionintegrationpro- cess,theeconomicefficiencyintransition,andcustomerevaluationsand competitiveness of tourist destinations. It starts with a paper of Tonˇ ci Ante Kuzmani´ c and Suzana Sedmak on the process of the transition in Slovenia and its connection to the concepts of managerialism and man- agerial discourse. In the second paper, Mehmet Basar and Sebnem To- sunoglu analyze Turkey’s performance in attracting foreign direct in- vestment and highlight the key obstacles for foreign direct investment in Turkey. In the third paper, Anatoly G.Goncharuk deals with measur- ing economic efficiency in Ukraine. The fourth and the fifth paper both focus on issues related to tourist destinations. Maja Koneˇ cnik and Mitja Ruzzier investigate the customer’s perspective on a tourism destination brand through four dimensions and the influence of previous visitation on the four dimensions. Finally, Doris Gomezelj Omerzel presents the model of destination competitiveness analyzed on the basis of survey datafromSlovenia. BoštjanAntonˇ ciˇ c Editor ManagingGlobalTransitions 4 (2): 99