t I ) 1 I. t. n 3) le 4 0. 3) 3 nfl * y> re. ne 18) iod 38) 38 US of (x) 300 tfill 768 m lC0’ iarV' nfO' cal' »r* (ifl' in’' ,n Mary Ellen Krečič, veter Lavriša, Martin Lisec, Walter Majer, Andrej Tomc. e iskrene čestitke vsem 8raduantom! ^ soboto, 4. junija, p „ na izlet v Dearborn, 1 dov* ^Cr S* '50n10 08ieda sta i^Uzei> v katerem s vj y i^Hi avtomobili, let Gr l' ^d tam se odpel j eenfield Village, kj pi.P11145 Edison naredil st tr*no luč. To je vž jo ,etn'mi hišicami, kjer vaj rul1 Po starem način iejo°i!!eČe’ pihaj° stekl tok e ezo- Naročili sm( ZaspH6 '.n ie nekaj m« kdo en’^' se nam h pridružiti, lahko p telefonsko številko 383-0978 ali 692-0186 in bo dobil vse informacije. Odbor staršev Poroka CLEVELAND, O. - Jutri, 21. maja, se bosta v cerkvi sv. Dominika v San Franciscu poročila g. Ivan Ravnik in gdč. Diane Mari. Ivan Ravnik je sin živino-zdravnika in pripada eni najbolj znanih in uglednih družin iz Kanala na Primorskem, iz katere so izšli dr. Tone, specialist za srčne bolezni, dr. Aleš, farmacevt, ter profesorica gdč. Mirjam. Takoj po končanih cerkvenih obredih, bosta poročenca pozdravila goste in prijatelje v Fairmont hotelu v San Franciscu. Novoporočencema naše prisrčne čestitke, saj je bil Ivan Ravnik že več let steber slovenskega cerkvenega zbora v San Franciscu, od svojega prihoda v Ameriko pa zvest naročnik Ameriške Domovine! AD CLEVELAND, O. - Rada bi malo napisala o svojem vnuku, Markotu, ki ga vidite na sliki. Marko je sin mojega sina Stanka Megliča. Ta mesec bo Marko končal zadnjo leto univerze v Charleston, South Carolina. Obiskoval je namreč zelo strogo vojaško šolo, ki se imenuje »The Citadel«. Univerza je zelo velika in lepa, obiskuje jo nad tisoč študentov. Na univerzi je cerkev, knjiftica, velik prostor za treniranje, poleg tega pa je še lep park, kjer lahko študenti sedijo in se učijo. Ven ne sme študent drugače, kakor če pridejo starši ponj, da gre z njimi. Novembra lani sem bila tam na obisku, ko so dobili letošnji graduanti svoje prstane. Imeli so ob tej priliki zelo lep program, sodelovale so različne godbe, vojaki so korakali okrog in okrog. Bilo je mnogo ljudi. Imeli so tudi mašo v nabito polni cerkvi. Graduanti, njih starši in gostje, smo sedeli spredaj. Duhovnik je imel lepo pridigo ter rekel med drugim, da, kakor je prstan okrogel, da nima konca, taksna mora biti tudi ljubezen. Med mašo je še blagoslovil njihove v- graduantove -prstane. Bilo je res lepo. Marko je bil že sprejet v državno univerzo South Carolina v Columbia City, kjer bo nadaljeval študije. Marko namerava postati odvetnik. Kot vidite, dragi bralci, sem res lahko ponosna na svojega vnuka! Lepe pozdrave vsem! Rozika Meglič-Jaklič Spominski dan— V nedeljo, 29. i maja, bo slovenski spominski dan. Društvo slovenskih protikomunističnih borcev v Clevelandu lepo vabi vse, da se udeležijo sv. maše, katera bo ob 11.30 dopoldne pri Lurški Materi na Chardon Rd. Tudi narodne noše so lepo vabljene. Iz velanda in okolice Jutri zvečer koncert Mladih harmonikarjev— Jutri, v soboto, zvečer ob 7.30 priredijo v šolski dvorani pri Sv. Vidu Mladi harmonikarji svoj spomladanski koncert. Za ples in zabavo igra ansambel Jasmin. Vstopnice boste lahko dobili pri vhodu. Pridite! Slovenska pristava bo kmalu odprta— Otvoritev Slovenske pristave za letošnjo sezono bo v nedeljo, 5. junija. Ob 12. uri opoldne bo Rev. Victor Tomc daroval sv. mašo, potem bo na razpolago kosilo s svinjsko in kurjo pečenko. Odprta bo seveda tudi bara. Vsi vabljeni! Nabirka starih časopisov— Jutri in v nedeljo bo imela slovenska folklorna skupina Kres javno nabirko starih časopisov in sicer v korist Slovenskega doma za ostarele na Neff Rd. Naprošeni ste, da prinesete zvezane stare časopise k Domu za ostarele jutri ali v nedeljo, od 8. zj. do 8. zv. Če ne morete sami dostavite papirja, pokličite na tel. 531-1588 ali 944-8675 in bodo Kresovi člani prihiteli na pomoč. Seja— Klub upokojencev v Nev-burgu-Maple Hts. ima sejo v sredo, 25. maja, ob 1. uri popoldne v Slovenskem narodnem domu na E. 80. cesti. 55. obletnica— V soboto, 4. junija zvečer, v Slovenskem narodnem domu na St. Clair Ave. praznuje American Slovene Club 55. obletnico svoje ustanovitve z večerjo in plesom, za katerega bo igral Jeff Pecon orkester. Vstopnice so po $15 na osebo in jih lahko dobite pri Elea-nore Černe Pavey (tel. 531-4445) ali pa v pisarni Ameriške Domovine na 6117 St. Clair Ave. Važno— Oprostitveni zemljiški davek, po katerem so deležni znižanih davkov tisti, ki izpolnijo sledeče pogoje, je sedaj v veljavi: prosilec mora biti vsaj 65 let star v teku tega leta ali stalno onesposobljen za delo; mora biti lastnik in živeti v hiši, za katero prosi, da bi mu znižali davke; njegovi dohodki niso smeli biti višji ob 15,000 dolarjev v letu 1982. Prošnjo morate narediti do 6. junija 1983. Za pojasnila lahko pokličete urad okrajnega avditorja Tim McCor-macka na tel. št. 443-7050. Do znižanih davkov ne boste upravičeni, ako ne boste sami vložili prošnje! Podpirajte slovenske trgovce! Nocoj letna seja— Nocoj ob 7. uri se bo pričela letna seja Slovenskega doma za ostarele na Neff Rd. Seja bo v spodnji dvorani SDD na 15335 Waterloo Rd. Vabljeni so vsi člani in prijatelji tega zavetišča. Graduiral je— V torek, 17. maja 1983, je na Case Western univerzi graduiral s summa cum laude iz strojne tehnike Andrej M. Odar, sin Milke in Mirota Odarja. Prejel je tudi Gustav Kuerti nagrado kot najboljši študent na fakulteti za strojno tehniko in aerodinamiko. Mlademu inženirju k uspehu iskreno čestitamo in mu želimo veliko uspeha v njegovem poklicu! Novorojenček— Dne 5. maja 1983 se je rodil g. Edwardu in ge. Sonji Mejač sinček Edward Mark. Krepak fantič je tehtal ob rojstvu 6 funtov in 15 unč. Veseli stari starši so Tony in Tjna Štepec z Richmond Hts. ter Jacob in Julia Mejač z Floride, prav tako veseli prastari mami pa sta Josephine Štepec iz Euclida in Frances Gazvoda iz Clevelanda. Čestitke vsem! Otvoritveni dan— To nedeljo ima Ameriška Dobrodelna Zveza Otvoritveni dan na svojem Slovenskem vrtu letovišču na Kniffen Rd. v Leroy Townshipu. Vrata bodo odprta ob 1. popoldne, od 4. do 8. zvečer pa igra Jeff Pecon orkester. Vabljeni! Ali gre »Slovan« h koncu?— Kot kaže, ima moški pevski zbor Slovan resnejše težave zaradi pomanjkanja pevcev. Zbor je bil ustanovljen 1. 1936 in je star torej 47 let. Nekateri člani Slovana bi radi organizirali še zadnji koncert tega zbora z namenom, da bi bil prebitek koncerta darovan Slovenskemu domu za ostarele. Da lahko uresničijo to željo, potrebujejo nekaj pevcev, ki so pripravljeni sodelovati. Če se zanimate, lahko pokličete Slovanovega predsednika Johna Poznika (531-5926), podpreds. Joe Penko-ta (951-9649) ali pa tajnika Dona Mausserja (944-7081). VREME Spremenljivo oblačno danes z možnostjo krajevnih neviht v popoldanskem in večernem času. Najvišja temperatura okoli 75 F. Spremenljivo oblačno tudi jutri z verjetnostjo dežja. Najvišja temperatura okoli 68 F. V nedeljo deloma sončno in nekaj hladneje. Najvišja temperatura okoli 65 F. Za ponedeljek napovedujejo sončno vreme. Vetrovno bo, z najvišjo temperaturo okoli 70 F. / AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave. — 431-0628 — Cleveland OH 44103 i Published Tuesdays and Fridays except first two weeks in July and one week after Christmas NAROČNINA: Združine države: $28.00 na leto; $14.00 za pol leta; $8.00 za mesece Kanada in dežele izven Združenih dežav: $40.00 na leto; $25.00 za pol leta; $1 5.00 za 3 mesece Petkova izdaja; $15.00 na leto; Kanada in dežele izven Združenih dežav; $20.00 na leto. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (ISSN 0164-680X) James V. Debevec — Publisher Dr. Rudolph M. Susel — Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States: $28.00 per year; $ 1 4.00 for 6 months; $8.00 for 3 months Canada and Foreign Countries: $40.00 per year; $25.00 for 6 months; $ 1 5.00 for 3 months Fridays only: $15.00 per year — Canada and Foreign $20 Second Class Postage Paid at Cleveland, Ohio POSTMASTER: Send address change to American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103______ No. 39, Friday, May 20, 1983 ____ Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 593. Spet kliče nas venčani maj... Pomlad prihaja in narava se že prebuja. Marijin mesec šmarnic se je začel in materinski dan smo obhajali. Prva sv. obhajila so pogostna po župnijah in pogled na nedolžne otroke prikliče iz preteklosti spomine, ki jih želimo ohraniti za vselej. Na Formozi je tiho praznoval 70. rojstni dan dr. Janez Janež. V Milwaukeeju je 75-letnik g. Frank Rozina, tajnik MZA v mestu, Boga zahvalil za plodna leta ustvarjanja v njegovem življenju. Ko molimo za mnoge naše bolne, ne smemo pozabiti misijonskih pionirjev, ki vse Tt življenje Cerkev graditi pomagajo, vsak na svojski način: > Ernest Majhenič v Milwaukee-vfv ju, ge. Angela Železnik in Kar-la Kucher v Clevelandu. V i’ New Yorku je odšla po plačilo ga. Marija Urbanija. Kmalu bodo graduacije in vrsta mlajših bo šla pred oltar za poroko. Čestitamo g. Fran-u ku Mlinarju, ki se je nedavno poročil z dr. Antonijo Rozman. Življenje gre za vsakega svojo pot in važno je, da igramo v njem vlogo, ki nam je zaupana. O tem smo na Nedeljo za molitev za poklice govorili. Talente nam je Bog dal, da jih izrabimo pri gradnji Njegovega kraljestva, o katerem nas je zagotovil, da mu ne bo konca. »Kdor v mene veruje, ima življenje in ga ne bo izgubil - vekomaj«. SREČANJA MZA pripravljamo v Clevelandu za začetek julija. Prijetna je že sama misel, da bomo srečali stare prijatelje in sodelavce, misijonske pionirje iz tega kontinenta. Mnogo idealizma je vsa leta v sodelujočih. Prav je, da ideje izmenjamo, po zadnjem Srečanju v Scarborough, pred nekaj leti. Pogrešali bomo go. Pavlo Perčič iz Minneapolisa, ki je bila med nami. In s. Marij o-Andrej o Šubelj, ki sedaj v Čile vodi Starostni dom in potrebuje molitve za zdravje. Tudi nove maše bodo kmalu. Iz Ghane in Kenije nam ravno sporočajo o več novomašnikih, ki so jih vzdrževali misijonski dobrotniki preko MZA že več let. Iz sončne Zambije za Veliko noč poročajo, da je župnik fare sv. Kizita o. Jože Grošelj, D.J. bil izvoljen na duhovniški dekanijski konferenci za dekana mesta Lusa-ke in o. Lovro Tomažin za prodekana. O. Stanko Rozman objavlja fbtografijo zvonika v cerkvi sv. Terezije v Chaindi. Zvon je dar radovljiške dekanije, nakup pa je organiziral rajni g. župnik Ignacij Škoda. O. Janez Mlakar je dušni pastir za to cerkveno področje. Čaka na blagoslovitev nove cerkve. Njegova sestra, profesorica Kristina, je morala zaradi zdravja v zaledje in živi sedaj v Nemčiji, odkoder se nam je že ponovno oglasila. Pomaga svojemu bratu, izseljenskemu duhovniku Martinu Mlakarju. •fr Potovanja skupinska in •fr Vselitev posamezna sorodnikov fr Nakup ali najetje avtov fr Dobijanje sorodnikov za obisk fr Denarne nakaznice fr Notarski posli in prevodi fr Davčne prijave M.A. Travel Service 6530 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Phone 431-3500 OGRAJE POSTAVLJAM Postavljam nove ograje in popravljam stare. Tudi prodajam potrebni material za ograje po zmerni ceni in ga dostavljam brezplačno. Imam geometra za merjenje vrta. Lahko pokličete vsaki čas na 391-0533. O. Tomažin gradi Dom za duhovne vaje in načrti za Marijino svetišče so v razvoju. O Radko Rudež se zelo trudi v postojanki Mukulaikwi. Preuredil je dve hiši; v eni sam živi, drugo je spremenil v kapelo, vsaj začasno, in v učilnico. Pripravlja kandidata za katehetsko službo, ki si je ustvaril malo trgovinico. O. Janez Mujdriča upravlja pol vroče doline Katondwe. Letos bo končal cerkvico v vasi Kapazu. Obiskuje družine in skrbi za lepoto bogoslužja. O. Lojze Podgrajšek končuje svoje študije v Torontu in bo koncem leta šel nazaj v Zambijo. Brat Jože Rovtar skrbi za telesne potrebe bogoslovcev. Pomaga jim tudi duhovno s svojim prijetnim značajem. Skrbi tudi za njihovo varnost, kar ni lahko. Pred kratkim mu je črna kača mamba pobila vseh pet psov - čuvajev v enem večeru. Dobro, da se ni lotila ljudi, ker proti njemu piku ni pomoči. O. Jože poroča tudi o bogoslovcih. Kandidat Edmund Mapemba se v Lusaki kar dobro drži. Geofrey Lew je bil sprejet v Bogoslovje istotam. Je v prvem (oz. četrtem) letniku. Peter Mwila ni bil tja sprejet. Je dober fant, a ni imel dosti dobrih študijskih ocen. Letos je obhajalo Semenišče v Zambiji 10-letnico. Vstopilo je v teh letih vanj 300 kandidatov. V duhovnika je bilo posvečenih 36 kandidatov. V bogoslovju v Lusaki jih je sedaj 43; v filozofiji v Mpimi pa 93, po štetju 31. decembra 1982. Odšlo jih je nazaj domov 128. Pomoč za prof. Kristino Mlakar $400 je dobil brat Rovtar za svoje delo in načrte. Uršulinka Zora Škerl se iz Botswane malo oglasi in dveletno pomoč zanjo br. Rovtar hrani, ker je bilo v njenem delokrogu veliko nemirov in ni mogla v Zambijo na obisk, kot je predvidevala. V blag spomin Br. Jože prosi posebno vse sodelavce v MZA molitve, kajti »če Gospod ne zida hiše se zastonj trudijo zidarji...« Tudi sam moli za nas vse. Laična misijonarka gdč. Bariča Rous pozdravlja iz oddaljene Čilonge. Minorit o. Ernest Benko v Zambiji je uspešno končal tečaj jezika čibemba. V marcu se je vrnil v svoj misijon Ibenga, kjer je že preje zastavil. O. Miha Drevenšek, njegov sobrat, izpopolnjuje povečano župnijsko cerkev v Čifubu. Poleti odide na oddih v Slovenijo, ker deluje že več let v Zambiji. Nanovo je v Zaire prišel misijonark salezijanski duhovnik Alojzij Snoj. Deluje v Lubum-bashi (nekdanji Elisabethville), tik ob zambijski meji. Darovali so za misijone zadnji teden: družina William G. Dempsey iz Santa Clara, Kalifornija $100; Neimenovana iz Connecticuta za sv. maše $50; Neimenovana družina iz New Yorka za domačega bogoslovca vzdrževalnino $250 in $300 za najbolj potrebne v misijonih. Vsem - tisočera zahvala! V Duluthu, Minnesota, je umrl 80-letni upokojeni župnik Francis Schweiger, ki je bil našim rojakom sponzor in velik dobrotnik, ko so v Gilbert in Železno okrožje prihajali pred desetletji. Takrat je bil g. Janez Dolšina njegov kaplan. Prvi je škofa Rožmana za misijon v Gilbert povabil. Tudi pisec teh vrstic je občutil njegovo plemenitost ob misijonu v Gilbertu in sicer ob poletnih redkih srečanjih. Naj v miru počiva! V njegov spomin so darovali za vse: ga. Mary Pir- V blag spomipi PRVE OBLETNICE SMRTI, OD KAR SE JE ZA VEDNO POSLOVIL OD NAS LJUBEČI SOPROG, OČE IN STARI OČE ANTON GRILL jevec $2.00, družina John in Anica Tushar $20 in $6 v spo-min štirih nedavno umrlih. Rev. Charles A. Wolbang 131 Birchmount Road Scarborough, Ontario Canada MIN 3JI Co Inec I MALI OGLASI Nice S. Lake Shore bas« Drive by 19160. Brick Col 2l/, onial. In like-new conO! Open for offers. Drive by 15907 Grovewood. Doubi lot. In 20’s. E. 155 St. Will, Yours B u n ga Io w $13,900. v BRANKO HERIC REAL* 531-9508 FOR RENT , 6526 Bonna Ave. 5 rooms up. (39-42) For Rent 1109 E. 63 St. 4 rooms and bath, up in back. All painted. New kitcne cabinets. Call 731-1888- s BUSINESS OPPORTUNIT At your own convenien ^ no investment necessa unlimitd income, no P duct selling. For info- c -779-1623. V blag spomin SEDEMINDVAJSETE OBLETNICE SMRTI Našega ata in starega a OB OSMI OBLETNICI, ODKAR JE V GOSPODU PREMINIL MOJ DRAGI SOPROG, OČE, STARI IN PRASTARI OČE JOHN KOSEC na 21. maja 1975 Gospod daruj mu mir, naj večna luč mu sveti, ker si dobrote vir, uživa raj naj sveti! Žalujoči: Agnes, roj. Leskovec, žena Agnes poročena Koporc in Julie, poročena Plavan, hčeri, vnuki in vnukinje ter ostali sorodniki. Cleveland 20. maja 1 983. ki je umrl 21. maja 1982. Ne čuje več se tvoj korak, na dušo nam je legel mrak; Truden si zapustil zemljo, počiteka nisi ti poznal. Zdaj pa uživaš večno srečo, v spomin trajnem si ostal. Žalujoči: Soproga: Mary Hčerki: Mary por. Knaus Antonia por. Moavero Sin: Tony Snaha: Hazel Zeta: Harry in Carl Vnuki in pravnuki Sestra: Mary, Cleveland Brat in 3 sestre v domovini, Brat v Argentini in ostalo sorodstvo. Geneva, O. 20. maja 1983. Thomas Postotnik Svojo blago dušo je 'z(^ 21. maja 1956 Prelepi majski cvet se zopet nam odpira-spomin nekdanjih lel pa potok solz utira. Kako boli spomin 9ren0^ te trde zemeljske loC'^ tolaži pa nas up sladak^, po smrti večne se zdrJ St*1'1 ( ujoči i Dan Postotnik, sl , Mary Pangonis- ri ( othy Anne SittleV' vnuki in vnukinje 19^ reland, 20. maje i; (FX) Anton M. Lavrisha attorney-at-law (Odvetnik) Complete Legal Services Income Tax-Nqtary Public 18975 Villaview Road at Neff _ 692-1172 Prijatel’s Pharmacy St. Clair Ave. & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO. — AID FOR AGED PRESCRIPTIONS. IFX) ° FOR SALE Nice 6 rm ranch, Fin'd. Dol pjsement- 11/2 bath, att. indfj.l,2 car garage in WMIowick. — 943—2197. _____ (37-40) CUSTODIAN WANTED FOR ETHNIC HALL 4 ROOMS, UTILITIES PLUS SALARY. Call 481-5378 or 531-2281. (x) ibk IN LOVING MEMORY ir! ^ose Lausche Anton Lausche Died May 19,1982 Died May 20,1954 Your memory is our keepsake, With that we shall never part, God has you in His keeping. We have you in our heart. From all of us who loved and love you still: Sons and Daughter Sons-in-law and Daughter-in-law Grandchildren and Great-grandchildren In Loving Memory OF THE ANNIVERSARIES OF DEATH Rudolph Otoničar Mary Otoničar d»ed Dec. 5,1965 died May 19, 1982 ill1 Till memory fades and life departs You live forever in our hearts. g Sadly missed by: Mary, daughter-in-law, ^children and great-grandchildren. Cl eveland, 0., May 20, 1983 °y G. SANKOVIČ FUNERAL HOME Newly remodeled and expanded 15314 Macauley Ave. 0r- of E. 152 St. and Lake Shore B)vd.) ^erai: 531-3600 s to meet the financial status of all familie*. Roy G. Sankovič, director /z Slovenije Gramofonske plošče • Knjige - Radenska voda • Zdravilni - Semena TIVOLI ENTERPRISES, Inc. 6419 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland 431-5296 T. Mark & Associates Income Tax and Accounting Services 656-2739 Timothy M. Petrie, Public Accountant TRIANGLE CLEANERS Expert Tailoring and Alterations Phone 432-1350 1136 E. 71 St. ROSIE JAKLIČ, lastnica (FX) Car st Memorials Kraška kamneseška obrt 15425 Waterloo Rd. 481-2237 Edina Slovenska izdelovalnica nagrobnih spominikov Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. 641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči CENE NIZKE PO VASI ŽELJI! V BLAG SPOMIN IN ZAHVALA Vdana v božjo voljo nas je po dolgi in težki bolezni za vedno zapustila MARIJA MEGLIC Rojena je bila 14. septembra 1919 pri Sv. Križu pri Selcah, Slovenija. Umrla je 28. marca 1983 v Clevelandu. Marija Meglič je bila vdova po znanem slovenskem pisatelju Karlu Mauserju. Drugič se je poročila z Antonom Meglič-em. Pogreb je bil 30. marca iz Grdinovega pogrebnega zavoda v Clevelandu v cerkev sv. Vida, kjer je župnik Rev. Jože Božnar daroval sv. mašo zadušnico ob somaševanju č.gg. John Kumse in Jože Simčič od Sv. Vida in Rev. Pavel Krajnik, župnik v Lorain, Ohio. V blagodejno tolažbo so nam bile verske vzpodbudne misli o življenju in smrti, izražene v pridigi župnika Jožeta Božnarja med sv. mašo. K večnemu počitku je bila položena na pokopališče Vernih duš (Ali Souls). Ob tej priložnosti se želimo prisrčno zahvaliti vsem, ki so nam v času bolezni in smrti naše Marije bili v duhovno oporo in nudili kakršno koli pomoč. Prisrčna zahvala č.gg. duhovnikom Jožetu Božnarju, Johnu Kumsetu, Jožetu Simčiču, dr. Pavletu Krajniku in patru For-tunatu Zormanu za obiske in versko tolažbo v času Marijine težke bolezni. Prisrčno se zahvaljujemo tudi vsem prijateljem in prijateljicam za obiske v času Marijine bolezni in vso pomoč, ki so nam jo vedno z dobro voljo nudili. Naša zahvala Grdinovemu pogrebnemu zavodu za vzorno ureditev vseh pogrebnih opravil. Naša prisrčna zahvala vsem, ki so prišli v pogrebni zavod kropit in se zadnjič poslovit od naše drage Marije; vsem, ki so darovali za sv. maše ali v dobrodelne namene, za vence in rože, za kar smo se vsem osebno zahvalili. Če smo pa koga nehote Žalujoči: prezrli, prosimo, da nam oprostite in blagohotno sprejmete to našo skupno zahvalo. Zahvaljujemo se Rev. Jožetu Božnarju in Jožetu Simčiču za molitve v pogrebnem zavodu in članstvu vseh društev, ki so se te skupne molitve v pogrebnem zavodu udeležili. Lepa hvala pevcem pod vodstvom Rudija Kneza, ki so v pogrebnem zavodu lepo zapeli nekaj žalostink. Lepo se zahvaljujemo Oltarnemu društvu pri Sv. Vidu in društvu Presv. Srca Jezusovega št. 172 KSKJ za pogrebne molitve in društvene pogrebne obrede, predno so v pogrebnem zavodu krsto zaprli. Hvaležno se zahvaljujemo g. župniku Jožetu Božnarju za molitve ob grobu na pokopališču in Jožetu Melaherju za poslovilni govor v spomin naši Mariji. Hvala vsem, ki ste v tako velikem številu pospremili Marijo na njeni zadnji poti na pokopališče. Naša prisrčna zahvala Ivanki Pretnar in njenim pomočnicam ter pomočnikom, ki so pripravili okusno kosilo za številne goste, ki so se odzvali družinskemu vabilu na pogrebščino. Prisrčna zahvala tudi Baragovemu domu, ki nam je dal na razpolago dvorano in kuhinjo za pogrebščino. Lepo se zahvaljujemo »Amerikan-skemu Slovencu«, glasilu K.S.K.J. in Ameriški Domovini, ki sta priobčili spominske članke ob smrti naše drage Marije. Prav lepa hvala bratoma Karla Mauser-ja, Emilu iz Clevelanda in Otmarju iz Kanade ter sestri Julki Markič iz Chicaga, HI., da so prišli na pogreb. Iskreno se zahvaljujemo tudi za vse izraze sožalja, ki smo jih prejeli iz Slovenije, Argentine, Kanade, Koroške in Švice. Anton Meglič, mož Marijini otroci: Helena, Rotija, Klemen, Metka Megličeva družina: Marija, Ana, Tončka, Rozika, Metka, Jožica, Irena z družinami. Marijina sestra: Zofija, Slovenija Mauserjevi v ZDA, Kanadi in Sloveniji. & Cleveland, O., 20. marca 1983. DR. ALAN B. NAHA Complete dental care. All types of dental insurance accepted. Ask about our special family group plan. Conveniently located at 848 E. 185th St. in the Jo-Ann Medical Bldg, between Shore Carpet & Yale TV across the street from the LaSalle Theater. 531-7700 (F-X) SLOVENIAN PAINTING & DECORATING CO. We do complete painting inside & outside. Remove old wall paper. Hang vinyl wall covering and wall paper. Plastering and all kinds of repairs. For free estimate call 692-1069 (FX) Brick Ranch Richmond Hts. Modern. Must see. $ 105.000 Modern split — 1 acre On beautiful 1 acre lake in Perry. New street. $75,000 Euclid Brick Bungalow Immediate possession. Convenient location. $49,000 CAMEO REALTY 261-3900 ask for Anton Matic 531-6787 (FX) In Loving Memory OF THE 36th ANNIVERSARY OF THE DEATH OF Rudolph P. Otoničar Jr. died March 30, 1947 Nothing can take away The love a heart holds dear. Fond memories linger every day. Remembrance keeps him near. Sadly missed by: Wife, Mary Children and Grandchildren FOR SALE Forced air furnace. 107,000 B.T.U. Still in box. Will deliver. $700. Call 481-3768 after 6 p.m. Houses for Sale E. 72 St. 1 family. E. 72 St. 2 family home. Call 391-6279. (38-45) T.K. General Contractors We do all carpentry, painting, wall covering, electrical, plumbing, carpeting, roofing and driveway jobs. TONY KRISTAVNIK, Owner 831-6430 (X) CLEANING WOMAN Available for your Spring cleaning. Call 692-1358. Looking For Large dog house. Call 361-0730 FOR RENT Available Now 1 bedroom unfurnished suite. E. 60 St., north of Superior. Call Dave weekdays 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. 486-7709. (37-45) Cleveland, May 20, 1983. Čezoceanski klic Vam omogoča, da slišite njihov glas! Italija se ne zdi tako daleč, ko pokličete po telefonu. Tako prijetno je, ko zopet slišite njihov glas! Zdi se, kot da ste tarh z njimi! $8.88 za 10 minut je nizka tarifa za klic v Italijo in večji del Evrope, ko pokličete . neposredno vsak večer od 6. do 7. zj. Tarife 10 min. EVROPA {z davkom vred) Navadna Popustna Najcenejša $14.77 11.10 8.88 7.zj— 1 .pop. 1 .pop. — 6.zv. 6.zv. —7.zj. Ako imate kdaj kakšno vprašanje glede čezocean- telefonirati čez ocean. v'' ' ' tf / 3» S M ' ~ , z,, ' * ' v i '3,«'.' AMLA Opens Recreation Center Fnr%H _ , . Music by Jeff Pecon . T Refreshments from 4 - s p.m. ALL INVITED Sunday, May 22 :: 1111!!;;:: ii ;•!' ' Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! Pg. 5 American home •Ameriška domovina _______SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 20, 1983 ______ ~~Of Note— 3rd Folklore show set The Slovene Folklore Institute is organizing a Third Festival of Slovene Folklore in America at the Slovenska Pristava in Geneva on Saturday, July 2, and Sunday, July 3. As many thousands of spectators marveled and enjoyed the two day event the last two years when over 400 performers (dancers, singers and musicians) gave continuous performances, this year they plan to duplicate their past feats. Again there will be tnany performing groups coming in from Canada and other parts of the United States. Slovenska Pristava offers excellent facilities and a most pleasant atmosphere. Delicious food and fefreshments will be available, plus dancing for everyone after the Program to some of the best orchestras. SNPJ has pancakes On Sunday, May 22, the farm Improvement Committee will sponsor their annual Spring Pan-cakes and Sausage breakfast at the SNPJ Farm on Heath Rd. The “All you can eat’’ breakfasts start at 9:00 a-m. and continue to 1;00 p.m. Featured will be delicious golden brown pancakes, homemade link sausages, orange juice, ttthk or coffee. Tickets are only $2.50 f°r adults and $1.25 for children under 12. pristava Will QpenJune5 Slovenska Pristava will °Pcn for the Summer on “tttte 5 with a noon Mass JV Father Vic Tome °llowed by a roast pork ancl chicken dinner. Refreshments will be available and everyone is welcome. Birthday Greetings Marie Orazem, May 9th. Marge Maslar, May l^^ttha Walden, May Slovan Seeks Some Singers We, “Slovan” chorus members, want to thank the American Home Publishing for all your concern and thoughtfulness throughout the years. As most of our fans and friends know, future concerts of Slovan are in doubt. We have a shortage of male voices. Of course, there are a few of us who would like to have at least one last concert with one purpose in mind, to benefit the Slovene Home for the Aged. If we had more interest, we would be able to make that dream come true. What a beautiful way to close the history and fine culture of Slovan’s Men’s Chorus. The group was chartered in 1936, 47 years ago. Looking back, it’s a shame all good things must come to an end. If any members are interested in this idea, please call President John Poznik 531-5926, Vice-Pres. Joe Penko 951-9649, Secretary Don Mausser 944-7081. Don Mausser AM LA Opening Day Sunday American Mutual Benefit Association (AMLA) will open their Summer Season at their Recreation Center this Sunday, May 22 with the Jeff Pecon Orchestra providing the music. The beautiful and spacious facility is located on Kniffen Road in Leroy Township. There will be free parking and the gates open at 1 p.m. for all sports activities or just lounging around in tne healthful country atmosphere. The famous orchestra will begin their tuneful entertainment at 4 p.m. and will continue until 8 o’clock. Get rid of the winter blahs with a healthful dash to the country and be among your friends for an exciting afternoon of music, merriment, and light or strenuous activity. Food and refreshments will be available. Kres sponsors benefit paper drive for S.H.A. The Slovenian folkdance group Kres is sponsoring a paper sale for the benefit of the Slovene Home for the Aged on Neff Rd. The paper drive will be held this weekend, Saturday and Sunday, May 21 and 22 from 8:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. A collection container will be located at the Slovene Home for the Aged parking lot. You may drop off your bundled or bagged papers there, or contact any Kres member for direct pickup at your home, or call SSl-l'SSS or 944-8675 for pickup. The funds realized from this venture will be used to furnish a room at the Home. American Slovene Club Marks 55th The American Slovene Club is planning a gala 55th anniversary celebration on Saturday evening, June 4 at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Ave. There will be cocktails and hors d’oeuvres and canapes prepared by Mary Blatnik at 6 p.m., followed by a full course Prime Rib Dinner, prepared by our expert culinary master, Julk Zalar and her great crew. Music will follow by the Jeff Pecon Orchestra. Tickets are $15.00 and are available from all members or by contacting Eleanor Cerne Pavey at 531-4445, or from the chairpersons Sylvia Banko 481-7554 or Madeline Debevec 431-0628, or at the American Home. All proceeds benefit the Slovene Home for the Aged on Neff Road in Orvclaad, Ohio. Andrej Lah prepares the omelets while his sister Maria gets ready to cut the desserts at the Swiss Haus restaurant. Swiss Haus Begins smorgasbord on Sundays The Swiss Haus Restaurant in Madison, Ohio is going smorgasbord on Sundays only with an outstanding variety of dishes from 11 a.m. until 7 p.m. They began their buffet style offerings two weeks ago with a variety of 20 foods to choose from. And they were offered in an exquisite display enticing the dinner-goers to choose the food not only for their tasty palate, but their unusual appearance. For example, Chef Armon made a replica of the Swiss Haus in styrofoam and decorated it with fresh shrimp Another tempting display was a dessert glass cake made form free to look like Slovenian mountains with Lake Bled at the bottom. It was delicious. Armon said a similar display he had done for a hotel in Las Vegas cost $3,500. He will concentrate upon a different theme each week. Last week it was Hawaiian. The smorgasbord covers the entire space which is used for a dance floor on Saturday evenings. At the beginning table Andrej Lah was stationed to custom make egg omelettes any way you desire them. By the time customers finished selecting other items and were seated, the freshly cooked eggs were brought to the table. Next to Andrej was a mountain of freshly baked Slovenian bread. Then there was large chafing dishes of bacon, sausages, creamed chipped beef, creamed chipped ham, German hashed brown potatoes, fresh halibut (35-lb. stuffed), Nova Scotia smoked salmon, a flowing fountain of orange juice, later changed to champagne, cold cuts, molded gelatin salads, lobster, shrimp, mussels, crab, shrimp du gar, cabbage rolls, chicken, fish mixed with lobster Newburg, 70-lb. side of beef cut to your specifications, ham, salad bar, potato salad, German potato salad, jello molds, fresh fruit, and a variety of desserts, french pastry, relish trays and vegetables. While the diners enjoyed their meal, Stan Mejac entertained on the cordovox. The new head chef, Armon, studied at the famous Cordon Blue School in Paris, and has worked in distinguished restaurants throughout the country including Fisherman’s Wharf in San Francisco, assisted in the opening of Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas and Epcot Center in Florida. Although the smorgasbord will be available only on Sundays, each day several ethnic dishes will be featured. If you’ve ever wondered about (or have seen) a midnight buffet on a luxurious cruise ship, go to the Swiss Haus Restaurant early on Sunday and sample the many delightful offerings and enjoy the fresh country air on Rt. 303 in Madison, Ohio. There is plenty of free parking near the grape vineyards which stretch from the main road to the restaurant. The dozens of flags from all countries around the world tell you the Swiss Haus is only a minute drive to culinary superiority. —JVD RECENT DEATHS Rev. Raymond Hobart dies; was Friend to the Youth Cleveland, O. — The Rev. Raymond T. Hobart, well known among Slovenians, died early Saturday morning, May 14 at St. Vincent Charity Hospital at age of 49. He was in ill health for a number of years and had been semi-retired, serving the community of St. Marys parish (Collinwood) on a part-time basis. Father Hobart was known for his stimulating sermons, “Telling it like it is.” He had special rapport with the youngsters of the community. He was friendly to the altar boys, and made sure they had their annual outing. He was a friend they could talk to. He was involved in the activities of the Catholic Order of Foresters, being State Spiritual Director from 1968-1972. Father Hobart was a member of American Slovenian Catholic Union (KSKJ) lodge No. 25 (St. Vitus) and offered Mass on many occasions for KSKJ celebrations and spoke highly of the organization. Father Hobart was given the title “Canon” by the church for his work with the missions. He was ordained into the priesthood in June 1960 and was assigned to St. Vitus parish. He was transferred to St. Marys (Collinwood) in 1964. He also served at St. Felicitus and St. Christine parishes. Rev. Hobart was the son of Josephine (nee Klun) (dec.); the grandson of Josephine Klun (dec); and the nephew of Lillian Andolek, Irene Petrovič and Alice Vidmar. The funeral mass was Wed., May 18 at St. Marys church on Holmes Ave. at 11 a.m. The main celebrant of the Mass was Bishop Anthony Pilla. Interment at All Souls Cemetery. MARIE BERCHAK Marie Berchak, 70, of 1459 E. 65th St., passed away in Wickliffe Country Place Thursday, April 28. She was the wife of Emil, the sister of Vincent, Frank, Albena Pankuch, Elizabeth Desmont, Anthony, and the deceased Wiliam and Justine. She was born in Cleveland and was employed as a mail clerk for Penton IPC, a publishing Co-, for 10 years. She retired at 65 and then worked at Union Commerce in maintenance until June of 1982. She was a member of AMLA lodge No. 30. Friends called at Zele Funeral Home, 6502 St. Clair Ave. where services were held at 8:45 a.m. Saturday, April 30, and at St. Vitus Church. Interment in Calvary Cemetery. ANTHONY J. OPALEK Cleveland, O. — Anthony J. Opalek passed away in Ellen-ton, Florida Monday, May 6 at the age of 82. He moved to Florida 51/2 years ago with his wife, Mary E. (nee’^ustaric). Before he moved he was a resident of Chardon Rd. in Willoughby Hills. He was a former employee of National Acme where he was an electrician for 35 years. He is survived by his wife, Mary, and two daughters Mary Ann Urankar (wife of Frank the musician), and Carol K. Bochin. He was the grandfather of three. Two brothers, Joseph and Louis, are Cleveland area residents. Mr. Opalek was a member of St. Joseph lodge No 1 69KSKJ. Funeral Mass was Thursday, May 19 at 10 a.m. at St. Marys Church (Holmes Ave.), with interment in All Souls Cemetery. Friends called at the Sankovic-Johnston Funeral Home, E. 156 and Lake Shore Blvd. JOSEPH D. HOČEVAR Joseph D. Hočevar died at his home on Thursday, April 21, at the age of 49 years. He was the son of Joe L. and Mary (nee Kastelic) Hočevar; the stepson of Mary F. Hočevar (nee Prime); the nephew of Joseph, J. Kastelic, Emma Sunderman, Josephine Lukacs, Frank Hočevar, and the following deceased: James Hočevar and William Hočevar. He worked for the U.S. Post Office (Main Office) as a postal clerk until his retirement two years ago. The funeral Mass was Mon- day, April 25 at Holy Cross Church at 10 a.m. Interment at Calvary Cemetery. Grdina Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. DRAGICA BUBNIČ Dragica (Caroline) Bubnič passed away on Tuesday, April 19 at her home on St. Clair Ave. She was the mother of Mario and George (both deceased). She was also the mother-in-law of Christina Bubnich, and grandmother of four. She was the daughter of Josef and Maria (dec); aunt of Romana and Mafalda; and dear friend of Mira Brlecic. Funeral Mass was Saturday, April 23 at the Zak Funeral Home, 6016 St. Clair Ave. Funeral Mass was at St. Vitus Church. Thanks Thank you for your thoughtfulness. My heartfelt thanks to all my many friends for their beautiful cards, flowers, prayers, and visitations at the hospital and home during my recent surgery and convalescence. The sentiments for my wellbeing and recovery were very uplifting, warm, and pleasing, for which I want to thank all y°U' Marge Maslar Cleveland Reader Writes in Memory of the Late Cecelia Subel It was November 22, 1901 in the village Tomačevo, about five, miles north of Ljubljana in Slovenia that a little girl first saw the light of life. She was named Cecelia Suhadolnik and lived there with her family until they emigrated to the United States in 1906. Her birthplace was at the time known as Austria, and life was quite different from their new location in Pennsylvania, where they settled until 1932 when they moved to Cleveland. At an eary age Cecelia took an interest in fraternal and civic events. In 1923 she became a member of SNPJ in Pennsylvania but transferred to Sokolice No. 442 upon arrival in Cleveland. She was elected auditor, then recording secretary, president, and secretary for 16 years. In 1937 Cecelia joined the Progressive Slovene Women of America, Circle 2 in the St. Clair area. It wasn’t long before she was elected president. At the organization’s conference she was elected National Treasurer, a post she held for three years. Then she was elected National President. She served in this capacity very capably for 12 years. World War II came along and with it the need for everyone’s participation in our country’s efforts to bring about world peace and ways and means to alleviate the sufferings of the war torn countries. Countless relief agencies were formed and Cecelia was among the Slovenian women involved. Under the sponsorship of the Progressive Slovene Women of America, the ladies of various Circles in Cleveland, Illinois, and Pennsylvania collected, prepared packed and shipped thousands and thousands of pounds of clothing and food supplies. Even though this work took countless hours, she still found time to devote her efforts to the American Red Cross with which she was active for 25 years, 12 of which she acted as chairman of the Red Cross Committee in Ward 23. She gave 15 years to the Community Fund drives, later known as the United Appeal. Mrs. Subel was also active with the Multiple Sclerosis Society. In the seventh War Bond Drive she sold more bonds than any other volunteers. For this she was awarded a $100.00 bond from the North American Bank and the St. Clair Savings Associa- tion. For her efforts to the Yugoslav peoples, she received a citation from the Yugoslav government. Beside her humanitarian endeavors, Mrs. Subel was a member of the 23rd Ward Democratic Club for 35 years, the Cosmopolitan Democratic Women of Cuyahoga County, and a life member of the Ohio Federation of Democratic Women. She was a member of the Slovenian Pensioners Club on St. Clair Ave., a founder and past member of the Perry Fund, a local organization for the preservation of the neighborhood, which was later dissolved. She was a certificate holder of the Slovenian Home on St. Clair and gave much time for the drives for the benefit of the Home. In 1974 she was chosen Woman of the Year at the annual dinner sponsored by the Federation of Slovenian Homes. In a tribute to her, Mayor George Voinovich designated July 21, 1982 as Cecelia Subel Day. In the mid ’50s a movement by the Progressive Slovene Women of America was aimed at building a Slovene Home for the Aged. Cecelia was among the first to offer her assistance. The planning committee sought and inspected numerous parcels in various areas. At one point a group almost persuaded the committee to seriously consider a 50-acre plot in Twhisburg. After a careful survey of its potential, I advised against its acquisition. I appealed to Mrs. Subel to convey the pros and cons of this purchase to the committee and to decide against the site. Today, I believe that anyone who has any occasion to view the present Slovene Home for the Aged at its site on Neff Rd. will unanimously conclude that the action then was correct. Mrs. Subel, in collecting funds to get the ball rolling, brought in $4,000. She also arranged and Mark S. Telich Attorney at Law Complete Legal Aid 531-4470 participated in many bake sales, bazaars, etc. for the Home’s benefit. Although this resume may seem lengthy, it is only a part of the many Accomplishments of Mrs. Subel. She passed away Feb. 15, 1983 following months of illness due to a stroke. No longer is her smiling face seen, nor her pleasant voice heard, but her spirit of cheerfulness remains and will Hve on in the memory of her loved ones and those who respected her. Surviving are her daughter, Mrs. Dorothy (Anthony) Valencie; two sons; grandchildren; and greatgrandchildren. Our sincerest sympathy to them on the loss of their dear mother. Jacob Strekal FOR ALL YOUR CHRISTENING NEEDS ANZLOVAR’S DEPT STORE 5^o<=>oo<=r>oo<)oooo()ooo()^^ GRDINA FUNERAL HOMES 1953 East 62 St. 431-2088 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. 531-6300 GRDINA FURNITURE STORE 15301 Waterloo Road 531-1235 Petrie Barber Shop 783 E. 185 St. 481-3465 Robert Hogan Ordination Robert E. Hogan, S.M. will be ordained into the Priesthood on Saturday, June 18. He is the son of Frank J. and Rosemarie Hogan of Dorchester Drive, Cleveland, and the grandson of the late John L. and Anna Mihelich, also of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Hogan. Rev. Mr. Hogan will be ordained by the Most Reverend A. Edward Pevec, Auxiliary Bishop of Cleveland at 2 p.m. at Queen of Apostles Chapel, Bergamo Mount St. John, 4435 East Patterson Road, Dayton, O. The ordination will be followed by a reception and dinner. His Mass of Thanksgiving W>11 be celebrated Sunday, dune 26 at 2 p.m. at Holy Cross Church. After the Mass a reception will follow in the church auditorium. Father Robert attended Holy Cross grade school, St. Joseph high school, the University of Dayton where he received his degree of Theology, St. Michael school of Theology, and the University of Toronto ^°r his seminary education. He has taught religion at Chaminade, Julienne high school in Dayton, and Mem-Phis Catholic high school in Memphis, Tenn. He made his first vows in *972 and his final vows in the ociety of Mary in August 9'7. He was ordained Deacon in January 1983. He has three sisters and one brother. AMLA (SDZ) Opening Day j** the Recreation Center will ® Sunday, May 22 at 1 p.m. Music will be by the Jeff eeon Orchestra from 4 p.m. ^util 8 p.m. Free admission. 0(>d and refreshments will be available. Everyone is cordial-y 'nvited to attend. * * * Edward and Sonja Mejač of ciid, o. annmounce the lrth of a son, Edward Mark, j” May 5 weighing in at 7 lbs,, •», °2s- Grandparents are °ny and Tina Štepec of Rich-an^ Heights, O., and Jacob q -iuilia Mejac of Florida, j reat-grandmothers are a^ephine Štepec of Euclid r Frances Gazvoda of Lleveland. ^ngratulations to all. ★ * * SYVU Convention in ^ Minnesota tin 6 Conven- n °f the Slovenian 0rr>en’s Union of America Madeline Debevec Memo... From Madeline will take place on May 22, 23, and 24, in Chisholm, Minn. There will be 19 delegates from throughout the Greater Cleveland area, and a total of 62 delegates from throughout the United States. On Saturday, May 21 the arrival day, all will be guests of Vida Ponikvar, Convention Chairman, for an afternoon tea. Evening dinner will 'ake place at the Slovenian Home. It wil.' be prepared by Branch 38. Dance music will be furnished by former Clevelander Frankie Kramer with vocals by Violet Ruparcich of Pittsburgh. On Sunday, May 22 there will be the dedication and Unveiling of a sculpture piece for the Slovenian Miners and Laborers Memorial by artist Lillian Brule, at the Interpretative Center. There will also be a polka Mass at St. Joseph’s Church with the Rev. Frank Perkovich officiating In the evening the Grand Banquet will be held in the church hall. The convention business will be on Monday, and Tuesday with a dinner and installation of the newly elected officers. Best wishes to everyone attending the convention and may you continue to perpetuate the ideals and goals demostrated by our Slovenian forefathers and mothers. * * * . The Slovene Home for the Aged Auxiliary will meet on Thursday, May 26 at 7:30 p.m. at the Home. New members are always welcome to attend. * * * Sharps and Flats a fund raising party for the Cleveland Institute of Music, will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, May 23 in Cleveland’s Flats area. A major effort of The Institute’s Women’s Committee, the benefit involves five riverfront restaurants, music and entertainment. Ticket information is available by calling the Institute of Music at 791-5165. Young Accordion Concert Saturday And as the sun drenches us with its warmth, it is time once again for the group of Young Accordionists to present their annual Spring concert. Under the direction of Rudy Knez, over 50 musicians, playing an impressive variety of musical instruments, will dazzle you with songs and melodies of Slovenia. Each selection provides a unique blend of music, direction, and personality. The concert will be held at St. Vitus Auditorium on Saturday, May 21 at 7:30 p.m. After the concert, ensemble Jasmin will play for your dancing and listening pleasure. BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. 481-5277 3 Between Chardon & East 222nd St. — Euclid, Ohio a ANNUAL MEETING Slovene Home for the Aged Friday, May 20, 1983, 7:00 p.m. Slovenian Workmens Home 15335 Waterloo Rd. Cleveland, OH 44110 All members and friends of the Slovene Home for the Aged are invited to attend this important meeting. Members of the Board of Trustees will present reports, there will be discussion of matters of importance to the SHA, and there will be elections to the Board of Trustees. Hollander Travel Marks 60th Year With Party Mr. and Mrs. August Kollander received guests at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair last Sunday afternoon as they celebrated the 60th anniversary of Kollander World Travel agency. Various bands and cultural groups entertained on stage with host Tony Petkovšek. In the annex free champagne and canapes were available. Over 1,800 persons came to help share the significant occasion. St Clair Superior Group Meets to Dine and Dance May 21 To celebrate the hard work everyone has done this past year, the St. Claie-Superior Coalition is holding its 6th annual Convention/Dinner on Saturday, May 21, from, 3-6 p.m. at St. Philip Neri church, 8215 St. Clair Ave. This year’s theme is, “Work, not words.” Invited guests include Bishop Anthony Pilla, Mayor George Voinovich, Senator Howard Metzenbaum, plus many others. Karamu Theater will open the convention. As part of the celebration, there will be a $l Spaghetti Dinner. Also, a band will perform, and much more fun for all who come. For further information call the SCSC office at 881-0644. ZAK-ZAKRAJSEK Funeral Home 6016 St. Clair A ve. New Phone - 361-3112 Nova tel. st. 361-3112 John Fortuna, licensed funeral director 428-6640 or 942-1433 (Cleve.) ^tuissHaus'- At Nordic Village, Madison Every Sunday 11 am-7 pm ALL YOU CAN EAT "Lavish Swedish Smorgasbord" Aduhl *6.95 (CHILDREN UNDER 5 FREE) CHILDREN *2.95 CHEF AR MON • With our new authentic European menu. • European pastries and Slovenian Sausage • Complete Dinner Mon.-Sat. Starting at ^5'* SPECIAL CHILDREN'S MENU FROM M .50 BANQUET FOR UP TO 100 FROM *6.95 perIon ENTERTAINMENT FRI. - SAT. ■ SUN. HAPPY HOUR AT OUR LOUNGE 4 TO 6 P.M. z FREE HORS D'OEUVRES CAU FOR USUVRTKWS (RESERVATIONS NOT ACCIPT1D ON SUN0ATS) American Home Says Thanks for Readers’ Generosity Thanks to the following for their generous donation to the American Home Publishing Co. The money will go toward the payments on the new printing press. Duke Marsic, Eastlake, O. — $25.00 Janez Kemperle, Canada — $5.00 The Erdani’s, Euclid, O. — $20.00 Anton Slak, Cleveland — In memory of good times — $20.00 Joseph Leban, Euclid, O. — $2.00 Augustin Bucik, Norridge, Chicago, 111. — $5.00 Nettie Zarnick, Euclid, O. — $10.00 Joseph Šparovec, Toronto, Ont., Canada — $3.00 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Štepec, Richmond Hts., O. — $22.00 Joseph and Frances Pust, Hamilton, Ont., Canada in memory of Mary Novakovič — $20.00 Johana Pilipek, Lorain, O. — $12.00 Jennie Novak, Madison, O. — $3.00 Mrs;. Slavka Stajan, Toronto, Ont., Canada — $12.00 Rosie Jaklič, Cleveland — $2.00 Agnes Bradek, Mentor, O. — in memory of her mother and father Michael and Agnes Klemenčič — $50.00 Mary Coffelt, Milwaukee, Wis. — $25.00 , Mrs. Pauline Vrečar, Bessemer, Pa. — in memory of her deceased husband Frank Vrečar — $15.00 Andrew Habjan, Pittsburgh — $2.00 Vid Rovanšek, Sudbury, Ont., Canada — $40.00 Valeria Miklavčič, Cleveland — $15.00 Slovenia Parishes Credit Union, Toronto, Ont., Canada — $10.00 Fran and Marija Stropnik, Trebeč Ave. — $52.00 Jerry Strojin, Geneva, O. — $10.000 Ron Šuster, Euclid, O. — $25.00 John and Josephine Knific, Neff Rd. — $20.00 Mrs. Mimi Stefančič, Goller Ave. — $12.00 Joseph and Gabriel Drobnič, E. 73 St. — $100.00 John and Theresa Zakrajšek, Brush Rd. — $27.00 Louis and Caterina Burjes, Vinewood Dr. — $30.00 Louis and Pauline Potochnik, Lake Shore Blvd. — $30.00 Rev. Joseph Celesnik, Euclid, O. — $25.00 Slovenian National Home, St. Clair Ave. — $100.00 John and Anna Oberstar, Waukegan, 111. — $20.00 Albin Lipoid, Richmond Hts., O. — $25.00 Frank and Maria Kramberger, Montreal, Que., Canada — $7.00 Mrs. Frances Vasle, Euclid, O. — $12.00 Mrs. Frances Mlinar, No. Chicago, 111. — $5.00 Mrs. Pepca Zalar, Islington, Ont., Canada — $10.00 John Kontell, Gowanda, NY — $2.00 Joseph Cerar, Hamilton, Ont., Canada — $10.00 Joseph Batic, Springfield, N. J. — $15.00 Zelko Skalicki, Kirtland, O. — $12.00 Anton Kranjc, Sudbury, Ont., Canada — $5.00 Joseph Ornik, West Allis, Wis. — $2.00 Michael and Ann Zlate, Cleveland, O. — $25.00 American Federation of Senior Citizens — $10.00 Anton Žakelj, Carry Ave. — $2.00 Anonymous, Cleveland, O. — $50.00 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rolih, Garfield Hts., O. — $10.00 Frank and Frances Percic, Yosemite Dr., — $100.00 Anton Pelko, Brookpark, O. — $2.00 Mr. and Mrs. John Obat, Trafalgar Ave. — $10.00 Edward and Jo Ann Kaifesh, Kirtland, O. — in memory of dad Louis Klemenčič and sister Betty Kirchner — $50.00 M.T.E., E. 176 St., Cleveland — $3.00 Felix and Anna Breznikar, Tibbetts Rd., instead of flowers on the grave of Ida Lap — $25.00 Louis Debeljak, Wickliffe, O. — $2.00 Marieta Jamšek, W. Bloomfield, Mich. — $12.00 Franciscan Fathers of St. Stephen’s, Chicago, 111. — $12.00 Tony Drenik, Halle Dr., in memory of Mollie Sterle of Conneaut, O. — $12.00 Joseph Prime, Euclid, O. — $10.00 Jean Križman, Richmond Hts., O. — $10.00 Alex Šimenc, Milbrae, Calif. — $10.00 Mrs. Mary Modic, Lee Rd., Cleveland — $12.00 Eastern Stars No. 51 AM LA, Cleveland — $25.00 Jakob Božič, Canberra, Australia — $5.00 Anton Umek, Euclid, O. — $12.00 Sv. Štefana of Chicago — $100.00 John Luštek, Hickory Hills, 111. — $2. Faye Starman, Newbury, O. — $10.00 Izidor Manfreda, Cleveland — $2.00 Joe and Bertha Dovgan, Cleveland — $22. Mrs. Magda Vassilev, Jackson Hts., NY — $7.00 John Kržišnik, Chicago — $5.00 Milan and Milena Dovic, Euclid, O. — $2.00 Urška Branisel, Cleveland, O. — $2.00 Mary Troha, Cleveland — $2.00 Jennie Strumbel, Cleveland — $10.00 Frances Hrvatin, Euclid, O. — $7.00 Mary Krampel, Cleveland — $2.00 Rudy and Marie Pivik, Joe and Marge Presutti, Mid-dleburg Hts., O. — $25.00 Frances Hočevar, Cleveland — $20.00 Mrs. Theresa Simončič, Maple Hts., O. — $2.00 Bob and Cecilia Dolgan, Euclid — $50.00 Martin Petrič, Wainfleet, Ont., Canada — $5.00 Stanislav Bobič, Wickliffe, O. — $2.00 Lucille M. Romih, Cleveland — $10.00 Mrs. J. Čebulj, Euclid, O. — $2.00 Fairport Harbor Pensioners — $25.00 Joseph Kokal, Cleveland — $2.00 John Hudoklin, Cleveland — $2.00 Anonymous, Euclid, O. — $25.00 Frances Filipčič, Geneva, O. — $2.00 Alois Kodrich, Wickliffe, O. — $2.00 Mrs. Mary Brajovich, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. — $2.00 Godfrey Vodišek, Peoria, 111. — $12.00 Cecilia Bolte, Ft. Lauderdale, FI. — $2.00 Frank Povsic, Lauderdale Lakes, FI. — $25.00 Mr. and Mrs. John Fekete, Cleveland — $25.00 John Yakos, Milwaukee, Wis. — $12.00 Max Simončič, Stockton, Calif. — $10.00 Mrs. Ljudmila Lekan, Cleveland — $22.00 Mrs. Mary Noggy, Cleveland — $2.00 Dr. John P. Nielsen, NYC — $1.00 Donates $25 At our April meeting the members of Martha Washington Lodge No. 38 AMLA voted to contribute $25.00 toward your new printing press. We are indeed happy to be a part of the perpetuation of our Slovene language, heritage and communication. Bertha Richter, Secretary-Treas. ^arahte^ Lawrence Stojan, Peconic, NY — $2.00 Joseph and Louise Kolman, Pittsburgh, Pa. — $7.00 Frances J. Legan, Ft. Myers, FI. in memory of her husband Joseph Legan — $100.00 Martin Guist, Willowick, O. in memory of his wife Kathleen — $25.00 Andrew Champa, Euclid, O. — $12.00 Anton Skerl, Chesterland, 0. — $7.00 300 Euclid Pensioners Meet The Slovenian Pensioners Club of Euclid held its May meeting on the 4th at the Slovenian Society Home on Recher Avenue. The weather was beautiful and a good crowd of about 300 attended. Before the business meeting Mary Hirshfield, a feature writer for the Plain Dealer and a seasoned traveler and observer, gave an excellent talk on two special trips she has made to Europe. One to Russia, and one to Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary. Miss Hirshfield confined herself to her observations of life in these countries, especially Russia and Poland, two countries which are always of great interest to us. Nettie Mihelich, our historian, brought to our meeting a scrapbook containing a collection of clippings, letters, and articles pertaining to our club. The book is up-to-date now and will be available at our meetings to anyone who wishes to go through it and see all that the club has done. This was a big job for Nettie Mihelich and her committee and we are grateful to them for a job well done. Ann Mrak has the following tours on the agenda for the future: A trip to the Carousel Dinner Theater on May 25 to see New Moon; a trip to Wheeling, West Virginia to see the Palace of Gold on June 14; and a trip to Enon Valley on July 9 for the Senior Citizens Day of the three day Slovene Fest. On May 20 our represen- Helen Levs % tatives to the annual membership meeting of the Slovene Home for the Aged will be Mary Kobal and Stanley Pochar. Of course, our president, Frank Cesen, a member of the Board, will be there, too. Our sympathies were extended to the families of John Mršnik, Joseph Mersek, and Edward Koporc, members who passed away in April- Joe Parker was proud to show us the banner he and Joe Matejka worked so hard the last few months to get. It is a simple-dignified banner that will be displayed at the funerals o ^ deceased members to show | their membership in our club. Attendants at funerals for the month of May are Frank an Emina Cesen, Ann Filipič-an j John Kausek. The 50-50 event for the | Slovene Home for the Age i was received by Rudy Mat o and John Semenik. Every | month there are two winners, but all the other members are happy to know the rest of t e money goes to the Home. Last but not least, and lest we forget, the annual picnic 0 our club will be on Wednes day, July 20 at the SNPJ fa on Heath Road. Refreshments will be availa and there will be music 0 your dancing and listen11* pleasure. j I After the meeting adjourn6^ there were refreshments an^ lively accordion music Hank Kersman for those w ^ stayed on to mingle 'V1 friends. . t Report«* Personal Checkins $ NDEPENI0EM »/WINGS 1515 E. 260th. Euclid. Ohio 4 731-8865 920 E. 185th, Cleveland, Ohio 486-4100 r*