REFUGEES' PERCEPTION OF THEIR SITUATION: THE CASE OF CROATIAN REFUGEES IN SLOVENIA Polič*, M., Bauman", A., Bukinac", 1., Rajh", V. & Ušeničnik*, B. ABSTRACT The recent war in Croatia has caused more than 500.000 people to leave their homes, some 30.000 of them left for Slovenia. In the interval of two months two groups of them were questioned about their perception of their situation as refugees, about the war, its causes and when and how it will end. The differences between refugees living with families, and in refugee's centres were also examined. While the whole situation was in general highly stressful (more for the refugees in centres) for them, and full of problems (uncertainty, lack of information about their relatives, material problems etc.), they evaluated their current position and relations with Slovenian people as positive. Concerning relations between Serbia and Croatia, their picture was strictly black and white. Wars in general cause great disruptions in the lives of the involved civilian population, and quite often displace a lot of people far from their homes, for a shorter or longer period of time, sometimes even for ever. Unfortunately the disintegration of Yugoslavia, based on unsolved political and national relations, and on the background of hard economic crisis, produced the war which is, according to its consequences on the territory of the former Yugoslavia, in a way even more destructive then the World War II. The former Yugoslav Army supported by a great number of Serbian paramilitary troops has caused the death and suffering of thousands, simply because they were Croatians or Moslems, or even Serbs who didn't want to join them. A number of towns and villages in Croatia were completely demolished, and about 500.000 of their citizens were forced to evacuate them, often without anything but the clothes on their backs. Some 30.0(X) ended their escape in Slovenia, either at the homes of their relatives or in refugee centres. Of these half children, about a * Department of Psychology, University of Ljubljana, Aškrčeva 12,61000 Ljuubljana, Slovenia ** Civil Defence Agency of Slovenia, Kardeljeva pi. 26,61000 Ljuubljana, Slovenia I«»