NEW LOCALITIES FOR RARE BUTTERFLIES MUSCHAMPIA CRIBRELLUM AND MELITAEA ORNATA (LEPIDOPTERA: HESPERIIDAE, NYMPHALIDAE) IN SERBIA Mihailo Vu jić , Milan Dju r ić , ivan To T HabiProt, Cankareva 9/13, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia, e-mails:;; Abstract – During project related field survey, performed from 9 th to 13 th of May, 2020, in southeastern Serbia, two rare butterfly species were registered at locality izvor, at r udina planina Mt. – Melitaea ornata and Muschampia cribrellum. New records of these species and confirmation of M. ornata at locality Šaprance suggest huge potential and invite further faunistic research in southeastern Serbia. Ke y w o r DS: Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae, Nymphalidae, fauna, Serbia Izvleček – No VA NAjDiŠČA r e DKiH Me Tu Lje V MUSCHAMPIA CRIBREL- LUM iN MELITAEA ORNATA (Le PiDo PTe r A: He SPe r iiDAe , Ny MPHALi- DAe ) V Sr Biji Med terenskimi raziskavami povezanimi s projektom, ki so potekale od 9. do 13. maja 2020 v jugovzhodni Srbiji, smo na najdišču izvor na r udini planini našli dve redki vrsti metuljev – Melitaea ornata in Muschampia cribrellum. Nove najdbe teh vrst in potrditev vrste M. ornata na najdišču Šaprance kažejo na velik potencial in vabijo k nadaljnim favnističnim raziskavam v jugovzhodni Srbiji. KLju ČNe Be Se De : Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae, Nymphalidae, favna, Srbija At locality izvor, on r udina planina Mt. in southeastern Serbia (42.513227 N 22.519799 e , 954 m.a.s.l.), we recorded two rare butterfly species – Melitaea ornata Christoph, 1893 and Muschampia cribrellum (e versmann, 1841). Spinose skipper (Muschampia cribrellum) is a rare and local species from family Hesperiidae. its range includes large part of Asia and only small part of e urope, and its presence was confirmed from r omania, Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Serbia. (Tolman & Lewington 2008; Dincă et al. 2010; Haahtela et al. 2011). in Bulgaria 159 ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA, DECEMBER 2020 Vol. 28, øt. 2: 159–164 and North Macedonia, this species was registered at several dry steppe-like localities, similar to that in Serbia (Dincă et al. 2010). The species was found in Serbia only re- cently, and thus far was recorded only from few localities in Stara Planina Mt. (Popović et al. 2013). New record from izvor village at r udina Planina Mt. is also the southernmost point of its distribution in Serbia. Acta entomologica slovenica, 28 (2), 2020 160 Figure 1. Melitaea ornata, Šaprance village: 10.05.2020. (photo: M. Djurić). e astern Knapweed Fritillary (Melitaea ornata) is a rare and local species of butterfly from family Nymphalidae whose distribution in e urope is not well understood due to confusion with similar species Melitaea phoebe (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775), but also because certain authors ignore its presence in e urope (r ussell & Ten- nent 2016). The most reliable method for identification of this species is observation of caterpillars, since they have red head, unlike congenial species M. phoebe whose caterpillars have black head. The other possibility is to perform DNA analysis. r ussel et al. (2014) also described a potential hybridization of these species. Although the range of M. ornata isn’t well known, this species is registered in many e uropean countries, including Balkan Peninsula. This species was registered both in Bulgaria and North Macedonia, which are closest records to the localities in Serbia (r ussel & Pateman 2019). Melitaea ornata Christoph, 1893 Literature records: Stara Planina Mt. (jakšić 2011), record very dubious (r ussell & Tennent 2016); Stara Planina Mt. (r ussell, pers. comm.); Trgovište, Šaprance (Popović & Verovnik 2018). Mihailo Vujiå, Milan Djuriå, Ivan Tot: New localities for rare butterflies Muschampia cribrellum and Melitaea ornata 161 Figure 2. - Melitaea ornata, izvor village, 12.5.2020. (A-B); Muschampia cribrel- lum, izvor village, 12.5.2020. (C-D) (photos: i. Tot). New records: 12.05.2020, izvor village, leg. Tot i. & Vujić M. (Figure 2 A-B); The species has been confirmed in already known locality close to Šaprance village: 10.05.2020, leg. Djurić M. (Figure 1). Muschampia cribrellum (e versmann, 1841) Literature records: Dimitrovgrad, Vidlič Mt. (Dincã et al. 2010) This publication includes the first record for Serbia, leg. Dodok i., 17.05.2007.; Stara Planina Mt., vil- lages Dojkinci, Gornji Krivodol (Popović et al. 2013; Popović & Djurić 2014; Beshkov 2017). o nline databases: a few records on Stara Planina Mt., villages r sovci, Dojkinci, Gornji Krivodol (Miljević & Djurić 2014–2020; Popović et al. 2020), Svrljiške planine (Popović et al. 2020) New record: 12.05.2020, izvor village. leg. Vujić M. (Figure 2 C-D). Notes New records extended the known distribution of both mentioned species. For M. cribrellum this is the southernmost record in Serbia that substantially extends its known distribution towards south and connects localities at Stara Planina and North Macedonia. For M. ornata this is the easternmost record in Serbia, although this species is probably much more widespread in Bulgaria and Serbia (Figure 3 A). in both cases for Serbia these are earliest records in the season. Conclusion in just a few field days spent in southeast Serbia a lot of rare butterflies and other insects were recorded. Among them special attention deserve rare and extremely Acta entomologica slovenica, 28 (2), 2020 162 Figure 3. The distribution map of Melitaea ornata and Muschampia cribrellum in Serbia (A) and habitat of both mentioned species at r udina Planina Mt., izvor village (B) (photo: M. Vujić). local species, such as Melitaea ornata and Muschampia cribrellum, so far known just from a few localities in the country. New records of these species and confirmation of M. ornata at locality Šaprance undoubtedly suggest huge potential and invite further insect research in southeast Serbia. Among visited localities special attention deserves izvor village at r udina Planina Mt. (Figure 3 B), due to existence of inter- esting habitats where many rare species were registered, inter alia M. ornata and M. cribrellum. Literature Beshkov, S. 2017: Contribution to knowledge of the Lepidoptera fauna of the Balkan Peninsula. The Entomologist’s Record and Journal of Variation, 129, 9–33. Dincã, V., Kolev, Z. & Verovnik, R. 2010: The distribution, ecology and conservation status of the Spinose Skipper Muschampia cribrellum (e versmann, 1841) at the western limit of its range in e urope (Hesperiidae). Nota lepidopterologica, 33 (1), 39–57. Haahtela T., Saarinen K., Ojalainen P. & Aarnio H. 2011: Butterflies of Britain and e urope – a photographic guide, A & C Black, London, pp 383. Jakšić, P. 2011: Butterfly species (Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea and Papilionoidea) new to the Serbian fauna. Biologica Nyssana 2 (1), 45-50. Koren, T. & Štih A. 2013: o n the occurrence of e astern knapweed fritillary, Melitaea ornata (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in Croatia, Phegea 41 (3), 63-33. Miljević, M. & Djurić, M. [eds.] (2014–2020) Alciphron – database on insects of Serbia (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) HabiProt, http://www.alciphron. [last visited on 17.5.2020] Popović M., Djurić M. 2014: Butterflies of Stara planina (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea), Belgrade: Srbijašume & HabiProt, pp. 208. Popović M., Djurić M., Franeta F., Verovnik R. 2013: o n the extremely rich but- terfly fauna (Lepidoptera: r hopalocera) of the south-eastern foothills of Stara Planina Mts in Serbia, Phegea 41 (4): annex 1-7. Popović M., Vasić N., Koren T., Burić I., Živanović N., Kulijer D., Golubović A., 2020: Biologer: an openplatform for collecting biodiversity data. Biodiversity Data Journal 8: e53014  Popović, M. & Verovnik, R. 2018: r evised checklist of the butterflies of Serbia (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea). – Zootaxa 4438 (3): 501-527. Russell, P., Pateman, J. & Verovnik, R. 2014: First record of Melitaea ornata Christoph, 1893, from Slovenia, with notes on its confirmed distribution and hybridisation with M. phoebe ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775). Entomologist’s Gazette, 65, 135–153. Russell P. & Tennent W.J. 2016: A synonymic list of names associated with western Palearctic Melitaea phoebe (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) species group taxa (M. phoebe; M. punica o berthür, 1876; M. ornata Christoph, 1893) (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae), Nota Lepidopterologica 39 (1), 27-56. Mihailo Vujiå, Milan Djuriå, Ivan Tot: New localities for rare butterflies Muschampia cribrellum and Melitaea ornata 163 Russel P. & Pateman J. 2019: Confirmation of the presence of Melitaea ornata Christoph, 1893 (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in Croatia and Bosnia and Herze- govina with its host-plants. Entomologist’s Gazette, 70 (2), 79–92. Tolman, T., & Lewington, R. 2008: Collins butterfly guide: the most complete field guide to the butterflies of Britain and e urope. London: HarperCollins Publishers, pp 384. Received / Prejeto: 19. 5. 2020 Acta entomologica slovenica, 28 (2), 2020 164