» * — ^ - S.K.D. S.C.A. GaiioJilaii d^^^^laU^i^ i/lla#iil4>éa 127 Sovereign Cove, Winnipeg, Manitoba CANADA R2V 4X1 Phone (204) 632-5699 • Fax (204) 694-36.85 • bnnaligec@shaw.ca Volunne 8 Issue 6 April May June 2011 LEP POZDRAV NAŠIM ČLANOM IN PRIJATELJEM HELLO TO ALL OUR MEMBERS AND FRIENDS Hello to all our members and friends; Deor Slovenians and friends, today I'm working on olï news paper and if is a sunny Sunday ]ust a gorgeous day to tDe outside. I wish you all nice summer sunny Jusf like foday.lef the sun shine for all of us. Our Slovenian Canadian Associotbn of Manitoba will taip.i90 C« S«e how PERSONAL banking can b« J ra fpdir " TikH • Cash Back Bonuj Option ♦ Loan» as Low as PHir» •Im tramfpf Ir fMt • Consolidation Loans Call: 949.7744 KKGjtvwiyRd 13» MHtnon Aw , 171 OtMM« iwy www.cntAgra.ca OFFERING: FUMERAI A>u Caniûian LegcA 3« Brandi Ojí«: Oct a Mil Lunch «tuna «1 tpn ■fc Mute Min Slovenian Canadian Association of Manitoba Board of Directors for 2010 - 2012 President: Branko Maligec Vice President: Mike Dovidija Treasurer: Marjan Jakob Secretary; Draga Znidarir Directors: Heidi Jakob Marjan Znidarir Tony Klanchar News paper Committee: Branko Maligec Marjan Jakob Heidi Jakob 1^1 KARPATY MEATS & DELI 536 BANNERMAN AVE. (at MCGREGOR ST.) WINNIPEG, MANITOBA R2W 0V6 PH. (204) 586-1395 Tuesday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Saturday 8 ajn. - 4 p.m. Continued from page 1 we touched on few items, on how to have a bettei relationship between Canada and Slovenja ! asked Mr. Kunstel to give our message to ttie Manitoba Legiska-tor during his visit with 1t>e Manitoba Government, Mr. Kunstel said good bye to all of us His term expired last yeor, and he extended his stay for this year, We wish him a successful return to he Diptomatte Sfe where ever he varili be representing Slovenia. Personally, I regret that we didn't finish our dream project ttiat wos on 1t>e table when Mr. Kunstel arrived in Canada In 2006. I was working hard to help bfing all Slovenian clubs in Canada together to be one big family to represent us and our country with the best tools and ability, but 1f>e East is just not ready to stiake hands vwth West on equal opportunities. Maybe ttie next person coming on Mr Kunstels job will have better luck,I wish him or her just ttiat, Our Association was celebrating the 20th, Anniversary of Slovenia on June 26th, We like to call this project Slovenian dory, As every ottier year, this year was no exception attendance was great. We are delighted with all visitors. Our BBQ specialty was prepared by President Brartco Mailgec with full support of our professional chef Marjan Jakob arKi his volunteers in ttie kitchen Milan Jagodnik and our friend who is abo a cook (îanko .Their professional approach is just hard to explain I think ttTat they did a wonderful job. tt was on tt>e level of any hotel. I would like to thank to ail ttie volunteers starting with Heidi and Maijan Jakob, Mikan Jagodnik and Ranko, thank you so much also the Znldaric famity is always tf>ete to prepare the hall and sit at ttie door. Our Vice President Mike Dovidija did greot Job as music man and not to forget my son Mark Maligec who is happy to serve you all at the bar, Thank you all, without your socrifice this event would be just impossible to ofganize, Our speck3l visitor again wos, Professor Bogomil Ferflla who was happy to inform us how Europe (EU) iS coping v^h financkal diffcutties. Greece was ttve first to deckare tt^ir financial fiosco and there are a few ottTers coming out with ttie same issues, Portugal, Ireland, Spain and Slovenia could be one of those if job opportunities stay the same. Sksvenia needs better paying jobs for their workers and retirees need their benefits and pensions to live better in a free Slovenia. I wish trie Stoventan Government with Mr. Rahor the best of luck in ttTese hard ecoromical times. On behalf of our members ar»d Executives of SkDve-ntan Canadian association of Manitoba we wjsh you greot summer with sunny days and we kDok forward seeing you again in September 25th. at our meeting and our r>ext BBQ event on October 23rd.Vbu all ore very welcome. Branko Maligec Ambasada Kunstel se je poslovil ker je njegov mandat Btekei tani In mu je bil podaljšan àe za to leto . Mi mu želimo uspeh v bodočih funkcijah . Sedaj ko se ozrem nazaj v njegovo petletno bivanje v Kanadi fcihko rečem dos mo ime« v začetku njegovega mandota veliko dobrih skupnih idej, vendar smo rxa žalost rtekje obtičali in srTK> ostali samo na idejah. Žal mi je ker riismo uspeli zbližati Slovenska društva v Kanadi misSm predvsem na Vzoh in Zahodni del Karade .To sem si vedno želel do bi se vso Slovenska društva medsebojno zbližala In da bi delovali kot erxj večja družina, ro žabst nismo uspeli narediti ruti enega kaoka v tej smen, nnogoče bo to uspekD nosiedniku - d g. Kuretto . f\k3še društvo je praznovato 20. Obletnico domovine Slovenije in to je za nas naš Slovenski dan 26. Jun^ . Tudi letos snno imeli polno dvorano in vsi člani in prijatelji so bili zelo zadovo^ni z čudovitim kosikxn Odojki in piščanci so bili pečeni na žaru in to vam je pripravil vaš Predsednik Branko Maligec . seveda s pomočjo Marjana Jakoba rxjšega poklicnega kuharja In njegovih volanterjev Milana Jogodnika in Ranka . Kuhinja je dekovalo kot vsaka restovrac^ v hotelih Rod bi se zahvalil vsem vofcintefjem ki ste pomagali sedaj in to dekate iz leta v leto, brez Vas ne bt bilo taksnih srečanj .Hvata Morjanu in Heidi Jakob. hvala Milan Jagodnik in pri-(otelju Rar>ku. hvata družini Žnidanč . hvata našemu Fbd Predsedniku Miku Dovidija in hvalo mojemu sinu Morku Maligec ki vos vse rad postreže pri baru Med nami je bovini Slovenci do si poboljša ekonomski status Skwenija mora poskrbeti do bo več detavnih mest ki so tudi boljše plačano kot sedaj, upokojenci si želijo boljši potožoj , mlade generacije so izgubte upanje v boljšo bodočnost in Državni 2x)r z g, Ftihajem ima pied sobo zelo teško delo, vsi Slovenci po svetu želimo domovini veliko ekonomskih uspehov in ji čestitorrto ob 20 . Obtetnkii svoje suver-nosti in samostojrxísli. V imenu naših Odbornikov in Čtanov našega Sfc»v-ensko kanadskega društva v fVtanitobi vam vsem želimo prstno poletje in do preživite lepe dopuste in še enkrat se zahvaljujemo vsem ki nos obiski^ete ra naših prireditvah . Hvata vsem votanterjem in se vam vsem priporočamo In vos vljudno vabimo na vse noše prireditve. Branko Maligec PICTURES FROM BBQ - SLOVENIAN DAY JUNE 26,2011 Slovensko Kanadsko Drus Slovknian Canadian Associ« • , t.'iipbo. Manitoba ÝanttTe/iS SfoTfenia Continued from page 5 by skiing champions? Or Seaway sailing boats and Pipistrel ultraiight aircraft? Or perhaps ttie superlative and brilltantly designed Gorenje househokj appliances? We cannot even list all the small, highly innovative companies. But their products are persistently breaking into (foreign) markets. Several factors contribute to the strong performance - from the provertDial Slovenian diligence and the geographical position at a trade crossroads, to concern for the environment, motivation arxl Innovatbn. All of this lerxis a boutique-type quality to Slovenia's economy. Ttie ecoromy is geared towards services, arxj Slovenia can boast top-class services in the field of information technology, ft also has developed phar-moceutlcal and automobile manufacturing. Other major economic sectors Include the food industry, electrical devices, metal processing and chemicals. Meanwhile tourism Is becoming an Increos-ingly important sector. Science an d development Slovenian scientists of today are krx5wn to continue Slovenia's strong scientific tradition that has added many inventior« to the global body of knowledge. Thtey starxj on the shoukjers of giants who worked in a time with no internet connections and studying by candlelight; these are scientists such as Janez Vajkard Valvasor (a member of the Royal Society in London, 17th c,), Jurij Vega (logarithmic tables, 18th c.), Jožef Stefan (law of radiation, 19th c.), Fritz Pregl (a Nobel prize winner in organic chemistry, early 20th c.) or Herman Potočnik Noordung, a rocket engineer. Modern Slovenia's R&D Is following the footsteps of these pioneers. Today, R&D is exceptionally multi-faced and, through adherence to high star>dards of quality, it is recognised worldwide. In some research fields such as computer science or nano-technology, Stovenia ranks among the top countries of the worid. Knowledge is treated as one of the key pilkars of rK3tlonal development and Slovenka's research policy pursues the path of all modern developed natte>ns. Tourism Ariy season is ttie right season to visit Slovenia. This green part of Europe is Indeed a special place -wtierever you cross ttie border, you can expect an exceptlorxjl diversity of landscape that changes in spectacular fashion, while friendly people and fine cutsirre, health resorts and spas, tourist farms and sports offer something for everyone. This is the place to spoil yourself, A short drive of just over two hours brings you from the azure Mediterranean to Alpine peaks. From there It is not far to the Pannonian lowlands, or to the gently rounded Dolenjska hills. And alor>g the way Is the mysterious Karst with its subterranean world, Common to all of ttiis Is the colour green, and of course unspoilt nature. Not to mention the thermal sprlngsl Everything Is ck^se by and accessible, so visiting Slovenka becomes an experience you will want to repeat! In Slovenka the sun shines more than 2,000 hours a year, so every season offers a pleasant break. There are many wonderful lo-catior^ to charm even the most denr>andlng guest. The golf courses, ski slopes, various sports facilities, adrenaline and other spoits pursuits will thrill even the most demanding sports enthuskasts. Cycling, hiking and even extreme sports and various recreational events are all on offer. And what do foreigners coming to Slovenia like most of all? First come expressions of enthusiasm. Then respor>ses that Slovenia is a pleasant country that calms the spirit and refreshes the body, especially with its unspoilt nature, mild climate, hospitality, friendly people and numerous thermal springs. They like to add that Sloventa's greatness lies In its wealth of diversity, In values that txave emerged over tt>e centuries in a coexistence of man and rxa-ture, and that Slovenia Is a clean, modern ar>d safe country. There is no reason to doubt them. Since 1991, Slovenia hos been an active partk:i-pant in EU and other European research and development programmes and has so far pxarticipated In over a thousand projects within the European research framework programmes alone. ANNOUNCEMENTS Next General meeting will be on September 25. 2011 starting at 1 ;00 at 1335 Main Street Royal Canadian Legion, please come out and support your Slovenian Canadian Association of Manitoba Slovenian Canadian Association of Manitoba will be hosting secor>d annual BBQ sale per lb on October 23.2011. Our BBQ is well known by quality and excellent spacing, you all are very welconne, doors will open at 12:00 PM at 1335 Main Street - Royal Canadian Legion. PREDSEDNIKA REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE Sloverci smo rorod trdega deka In vztrajr^ega boja. Zgodovirxj Sk^veniji nI poklanjala daril. Tudi neodvisnost In samostojnost smo dosegli z lastnim prizadevanjem, tveganjem in žrtvami. Priprava za osamosvojitev je bilo civilno družbeno vretje, prežeto z močjo Ideje človekovih pravic. Osamosvojitev je bila nujna in \e postata resničnost zarodi zaščite čkDvekovih pravk: vseh ljudi na nošem ozemlju, zaradi zavarovanja ljudi pred agresijo in nevarnostjo Širitve vojne in kot pot za odpiranje rxive razvojne perspektive. Vse to se je izkozatokotnujno in dosegljivo. Pred 20 leti smo se zavezali demokraciji, svobodi, spoštovanju človekovega dostojanstva in prcMC, spoštovanju manjšin in prtseljercev, odprtosti In sodelovanju z drugimi. Kot ključni temelj osamosvajanja pogosto navajamo enotnost. Res je, politična enot-rx)st je bila Izjemnega pomena, a spomnil bi rad, da je bila dosežerxa demokratičrxD, upoštevala je pluralizem, usklajevanje takrat tako različnih pollttčnih dejavnikov Takratna polit>črx3 volja je spoštovata tudi civilno družbo innjene pobude, ki so odpirale prostor za dialog in nove Ideje. Zakaj ne bi tega recepta uporabili tudi danes, ko že skoraj malodušno ugotovljamo, kako neenotni smo. Seveda je potrebna kritkirra samorefleksija. vendar ne rrralodušjel Bodimo realni, nismo ustvarili malo. Danes se ŽM bolje, kot se je živeto pred dvema desetletjema, odprle so se nove perspektive, tudi če jih zaradi gospodarske krize težje prepoznavamo, Kriza je razgalita številne porrxïnjklji-vosti in rrapoke, ki so z nami že dolgo. Danes imamo pritožnost In dolžnost, da vse te pomanjkljivosti odpravimo, da vzpostavimo učinkovite mehaniznr>e provne države, zagotovimo soltelamost In sjDOdbudim oustvar)alnost,podjetnost in državljanskipogum. Pred dvajsetimi leti so bile dovoljene sanje, danes potrebujerrx) predvsem verodostojne arxillze stanja in lrx)vatjvne premisleke, kakonaprej. Svet In Stovenija v njem sta v procesu spreminjanja. Najti in določit) moramo naše mesto v teh spremembah, izboljšati moramo kakovost vsega, kar usivar|arTx>,mciterialr>ega in dcTiovnega. DokDČimo torej premišljene prednostne cilje In poiščimo v sebi vse najboljše za njihovo uresničevanje! Bodimo samozavestni. Današnje preizkušnje niso najtežje v naši zgodovini, so pa takšrTe, da zahtevajo resen premislek in več odločnost). Uporabimo čas in ixjmet, ki sta ro voljo. Naredimo pogumnekorake rxaprej. Dr. Danilo Turk Predsednik Republike Stovenije t .V là VISIT FROM SLOVENIA & OHAWA Sloventan Secretary for Sloventans abroad and around ttie world Mr. Jesih arta Slovenian Ambassador in Ottawa Mr. Kunstel (below) SLOVENIA A society on the sunny side of the Alps There are a little over two million Slovenians, orxj ttiey could oil fit into o suburb of sorrte major city of ttie world. To round it up, there are around 100 people per lon2 living in Slovenia, and on the European scale that is about half the average. Alongside the majority population of Slovenian ethnic origin, In the border areas by Hungary and Italy there are also minorit/ communities of those nationalities, and Slovenia's constitution provides all rights for them. Various other ethnic groups, mainly from the Western Balkans, also have pernrKanent or temporary residence In Slovenia. Slovenians are patriotic, and value their quolity of life, Slovenians would describe themselves as hardworking, diligent and active people, irxJividuallsts who speak foreign languages well. They are proud of ttielr culture and language, which they regard as a great asset and part of the rxitional identity, One of the greatest natkDnal symbols is Triglav In the Julian Alps, tt>e highest peak in Slovenka and a mountain that is now more than that - it is a symbol, and reverence for It has become legendary. Slovenrans are open to difference. It is notable ttx3t many Sbvenlans travel, but seldom ctxDnge residence, Slovenians are well educated and enjoy a low unemployment rate. Like other modern Européen societies, however, they face an ageing population and low birth rate. The state Slovenia is a democratic republic in ttie generation of Europe's younger democracies. Slovenia declared Its Independence on 25 June 1991 on the basis of a plebiscite decision six months earlier. A full 88.2 percent of voters opted for Indeperxience, with voter partcipation at 90 percent. This was followed by internatkDnal recognition and membership of the United Nations. In 2004, Sksvenia became a f\/ember State of the EU. in 2007 it adopted the euro, thereby joining ttTe European Morietary Union and in 2008 It was the first of the new members to hold the EU Presidency. Even before It came of age, Slovenia was an important International pkayer - a place where statesmen from the superpowers would meet, a member of internatlorTal organisations, arxj a country enfoylr>g trier>dly ties with other countries around the world. Although young. SkD-venia is therefore mature and experlerced, and is intensively involved in internatior>al currents. The Slovenkan Constitution provides that Slovenia has a parliamentary system four>ded on the separation of legislative, executive arxj judicial power. The highest legislative body is the Natiorxjl Assembly with 90 members elected for four years. Of these orte nr^mber represents the Italian and one tt>e Hungarian minorities. Ihe Governnnent holds executive power. The President of Sk^venta Is the commarxjer in chief of the armed forces and represents ttie country internationally. The President Is elected for a five-year term. History Slovenia experienced its first days of statehood more tfxjn a thousand years ago, when southern Slav ancestors settled in this area and founded the principality of Carantania. Historians claim that this was one of the nnost democratic and avant-garde states of its time. It was rx) surprise, ttien, ttxrf in Thomas Jefferson's times, ttie writers of tt>e American CorKtitution drew from principles in the Caran-tanlan state. Today ttTe random traveller through Slovenia's plairas or mountains can still admire the rich cultural tradition. Much also remains from the tirries of Hapsburg rule. For it was only In 1918 that the Sloveniarts joined the Croats and Serbs in a kingdom that later became Yugoslavia. Followlrig tt>e collapse of Socialist Yugoslavia In 1991, an entirely new period in Slovenian history began - independent Slovenia. Schoolchildren around the worid would probably say that the history of Slovenia is o true fulfilment of ttie dreams of each one of tt>em. Over the centuries, through language and culture Slovenians retoined its natlorxjl identity. Artistic creativity amor>g the Slovenians during ttre awakening of natk)ns was kargely tied to the fact that they did not have their own state. The Slovenkan language became tt^ core of ttie natlorval identity and its defery:e. Other forms of art followed this example and kater added their own share to strengthening the rxjtional kientity. Economy The nineties were marked by economk: progress typical of ttie more successful transition countries, and the transition to a market economy was relatively painless. Economic growth in recent years tx3S been high, even higher than the European Union average. Employment of women is also among the highest. At honne and abroad, Slovenian companies txave celebrated numerous successful arxl highly inrova-tlve products. Ever heard of Elan skis, the ones used Continued on page 6