I-85 DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY IN DAILY CLINICAL CARDIAC PACING PRACTICE Bert T. C. F. van Dalen Vitatron B. V. Arnhem, The Netherlands The new digital C-series and T-series pacemakers from Vita- tron, are the first in the world to process heart signals digi- tally, and are better at analyzing the signals and diagnosing them than their analogue predecessors that are currently the standard in the pacing community. Although digital techno- logy has been around us for some time in consumer electro- nics and PC’s, achieving the specific design challenges to in- corporate this technology in an implantable device represents a significant step forward bringing important advantages to the daily practice of pacing clinicians. The biggest design challenge in converting from analogue to digital was to keep power consumption down in the new di- gital devices. The challenge of microchip power consumpti- on becomes apparent when the pacemaker chip is compa- red to the Pentium 4, the chip at the heart of the newest gene- ration of PCs. The leakage current alone from these consu- mer electronics is ten times higher than the current that is needed to operate a pacemaker. In addition, the added »Therapy Advisor« functionality analy- ses, alerts, and suggests programming recommendations in the first seconds of follow-up if needed, reducing follow-up time, and eliminating the need for the clinician to examine all diagnostic data for trouble-shooting. The digital pacemaker samples the intracardiac signal 800 ti- mes per second as compared to the current analog standard of 125 Hz. The processor parts of the chip are designed to measure and compare each signal against the preceding si- gnal extremely quickly, a mandatory requirement for a chip used for intracardiac signal analysis. The ability to store these high-resolution intra-cardiac signals much more precisely, make the diagnostics much more reli- able, and therapy adjustments can be made with more confi- dence by the clinician. Since the digital storage of intra cardiac signals in a fully digi- tal device consumes less than 1% of battery capacity, compa- red to 20% for a analog device, it can be left on during the complete lifetime of the device. Figure 1. C 60DR; familiar physical shape and size, but con- taining a new technology for implantable pacemakers. Figure 2. Exploded view of the digital C-series pacemaker with the electronics module that incorporates the digital signal processor. A patented design of the digital signal processor incorpora- ted has implemented the field of cardiac pacing. In daily clinical practice, the new digital pacemakers offer substantial benefits. Communication between the implanted digital pacemaker and the external computer takes a matter of seconds, rather than minutes in the case of most analog pacemakers. The re- port produced by the digital pacemaker is also much clearer and easier to interpret by the clinician. Storage of historical data and subsequent trending of data in the C- and T-series allows the clinican to monitor treatment success, including the efficacy of administered drugs. Especially in the field of atrial arrythmias there has been a clinician’s demand for more specific and more precise atrial sensing and signal interpretation. This need is met to large extent in the digital Vitatron T-series variant, where auto- matic analysis of atrial arrhythmia’s and automatic advice on the programming of preventive pacing therapies greatly reduces the workload of clinicians for these difficult to treat patients. Recent clinical data has identified that reduction of ventricu- lar pacing to a necessary minimum, reduces the risk on deve- ZDRAV VESTN 2005; 74: I-85–7 I-86 ZDRAV VESTN 2005; 74: SUPPL I loping atrial fibrillation and heartfailure in bradycardia pati- ents. Automatic analysis of AV conduction development over follow-up periodin the new digital devices by may lead to the suggestion to switch a reduced ventricular pacing algorithm on, if applicable. Additonally, the digital design is much more robust to handle electronic interference from the day-to-day world a patient lives in. Conclusion The new digital technology now applied in cardiac pacema- kers today, allows to make the daily practice of pacemaker clinicians faster, and with more confidence. In the future, furt- her development of digital pacemaker software will open up exiting fields of clinical research. Continuing our long tradi- tion for research with cardiac clinicians from Slovenia and other countries worldwide will lead to the delivery of new dia- gnostics for physicians and new therapies for their patients. BEAT BY BEAT AUTOCAPTURE™ PACING SYSTEM Friedrich Rauscha Department of Cardiology, General Hospital Vienna, Austria Background St. Jude Medical’s ventricular AutoCapture™ algorithm veri- fies capture on a beat-by-beat basis to ensure the highest pa- tient safety available. It combines several years of clinical ex- perience with ease of use to become the premier algorithm of choice. AutoCapture™ insures maximum patient comfort with programmable polarity (unipolar or bipolar) for the higher output back-up pulse. AutoCapture™ provides safety on a beat-by-beat basis by automatically adjusting the ventri- cular output to the patient’s changing threshold needs. The AutoCapture™ algorithm effectively controls the device out- put therefore increasing longevity and potentially decreasing the number of replacement devices needed by the patient. AutoCapture™ saves time during follow-up. There is no need to measure, calculate, and program ventricular pacing thre- shold safety margins. Methods After the pacing pulse, an initial waiting period of approxi- mately 14 ms is followed by an Evoked Response Detection Window of approximately 47 ms in length. If the device sen- ses an evoked response in this detection window, capture is confirmed. The timing cycle is reset, and pacing resumes at the Automatic Pulse Amplitude and the programmed pulse width. The absence of an evoked response during the detection win- dow (47 ms) results in the delivery of a 4,5 V back-up safety pulse within 80–100 ms of the primary pacing pulse. It is the algorithm’s method of determining the current cap- ture threshold. It is automatically initiated after 2 consecutive loss of capture beats, every 8 hours, after magnet and/or tele- metry wand removal and as desired via the programmer. Du- ring a threshold search, the AV/PV delay shortens to 50/25 ms respectively in a dual chamber device, and the pacemaker automatically adjusts the output to determine the new captu- re threshold. When capture is confirmed for 2 consecutive beats, a 0,25 V working margin is then added to the new thres- hold value. Results Implantation Discharge 1 month 3 months Patients 134 131 116 60 Paced events 4472 3709 2721 1314 Loss of capture 176 168 232 133 Loss of capture followed by safety pacing 176 168 232 133 Success rate 100% 100% 100% 100% * This report is based on PMA data corresponding to the FDA report dated December 23, 1996, and summarizes the results of the Microny SR+, Model 2425T and Regency SR+ model 2400L clinical investigation conducted in North America. Conclusions Steven Greenberg et al. at Cardiostim 2000 1) AutoCapture™ provides enhanced longevity when com- pared to conventional pacing systems. 2) Cost savings per year for single and dual chamber pace- maker were 52% and 28% less, respectively. 3) AutoCapture™ shows a clear benefit in cost/patient/year when compared to conventional pacing systems while pro- viding enhanced safety and similar efficacy. 4) AutoCapture™ appears to be the most cost-effective form of pacing at present. I-87 TO STIMULATE OR NOT TO STIMULATE Ed van der Veen Institute for Therapy Advancement, Guidant, Belgium The very first implanted pacemaker used the VOO mode for stimulation. With this method of pacing there was 100% stimu- lation. Soon this system was improved and the VVI mode was used in the majority of patients. The percentage of pacing reduced to a lower value, off course completely dependent on the conduction and intrinsic rhythm of the patient. Most manufacturers started to develop features and special algo- rithms to decrease the percentage of stimulation to reduce energy consumption, and secondly, to improve hemodynamic effects. In the late 70-ties, atrio-ventricular synchrony mainte- nance gained special attention in pacemaker design. Early study results showed improvements in cardiac output, blood pressure, and ejection fraction. Maintaining AV synchro- nization (Atrial based pacing) was considered superior to VVI (Ventricular based) pacing. Early studies showed that atrial based pacing might reduce mortality especially after longer periods. Recent studies (PASE, MOST, CTOPP) have however failed to show this. In patients with Sinus Node Disease, studies now focus on the prevention of stroke, and the reduction of Pacemaker syn- drome, atrial fibrillation, quality of life and Heart Failure (HF). In the modern approach we have to take into consideration that stimulation might have a direct impact on the develop- ment or progression of Heart Failure. Therefore, the crucial dilemma in the pacemaker treatment is currently: to stimu- late or not to stimulate. The MOST study demonstrated a progressive risk for HF hospitalizations in proportion to the cumulative percentage of ventricular paced beats. The result is the application of features to reduce the number of ventricular stimulated beats or “Pacing avoidance”. Right ventricular stimulation results in the same depolariza- tion pattern as left bundle branch block (LBBB). A feature that gives priority to the intrinsic rhythm is “Rate hysteresis”. This allows the intrinsic rhythm to be slower than the pacing rate. Only if there is an episode with a need for stimulation, the pacemaker will start pacing at the lower rate limit. A search mechanism prevents pacing for a too long episode. In a dual chamber system a patient might develop fusion of pseudo fusion beats. First of all, this is a waste of energy, secondly this might lead to an inappropriate depolarization of the ventricles. In clinical practice, a normal approach is the extension of the AV delay. However, this has an influence on the upper rate behaviour. The system will show the 2:1 block at a lower atrial rate, possi- bly resulting in a potentially reduced exercise capability of the patient. The solution is AV hysteresis (preferably with a search mechanism) to avoid fusion beats, but to be able to stimulate with an appropriate AV delay when necessary. In modern devices a feature called “Early Detection” can pre- vent the occurrence of fusion beats by extending the sensing window upon early sensed cardiac signals. In the devices for Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT) especially in patients with a LBBB, the goal is synchronous stimulation of both ventricles with an optimized AV delay and optimized ventricular timing (VV offset). This synchronization is mandatory, even during episodes of atrial fibrillation with conduction to the ventricles. The “biventricular trigger” mechanism will stimulate the left ventricle in case of a sensed event in the right ventricle, to ensure synchronization. Ventricular Rate Regulation (VRR) stabilizes the ventricular rate during episodes of AF. Together with the biventricular trigger it restores biventricular pacing as much as possible. In some of the current CRT devices there is no, or limited use of left ventricular sensing. This might lead to the induction of ventricular arrhythmia due to stimulation in the vulnerable period of a left ventricular premature ventricular contraction (PVC). A feature like “Left Ventricular Protection Period” (LVPP) will prevent left ventricular stimulation after a left sided PVC. In conclusion, in the last 40 years, pacemaker therapy has changed from 100% pacing to the avoidance of pacing when applicable. Nevertheless, when there is a real need for stimu- lation, all the tools for pacing optimization with improved safety features are now available. ABSTRACTS