445 2023 Leta 2011 je Ilirska Bistrica praznovala 100. obletnico povzdiga v trg. Ob tej priložnosti je izšla tudi obsežna monografija, ki je predstavila številne tematike iz zgodovine ne le samega kraja, pač pa ce- lotne občine, ki je po velikosti druga v Sloveniji. Mo- nografija je bila zasnovana celostno, pokrila je dolgo obdobje od prazgodovine do današnjih dni. Na enem mestu je bila takrat zbrana večina takratnega vedenja o Ilirski Bistrici. Ne glede na to smo se pri Kroniki odločili, da s tokratno tematsko številko raziščemo Ilirsko Bistri- co, saj v tematikah člankov v reviji vse (pre)redko za- idemo tja. Poleg tega je deset let in več v raziskovalni sferi sorazmerno dolgo obdobje, v katerem se lahko odkrije marsikaj novega. In imeli smo prav. Ilirskobi- striška številka Kronike prinaša 17 novih prispevkov z različnih raziskovalnih področij. V njih smo se osre- dotočili na manj znane tematike, čeprav se tudi bolj znanim in že obdelanim ni možno povsem izogniti, jih je pa mogoče pogledati s kakšnega drugega zor- nega kota. Zgodovina Ilirske Bistrice je pravzaprav zgodovina dveh krajev, Trnovega in Bistrice, ki sta do združitve leta 1927 živela ločeni življenji. A to niti ni tako pomembno, saj se tudi Kronika ni osredotočila le na sam kraj, pač pa na širše območje Ilirskobistri- škega. Prvi članek razkriva uganko, ali je imelo Trno- vo leta 1713, ko se v nekem viru omenja kot trg, res takšen status. Kot kaže, naselje ni imelo formalnega trškega naziva, pač pa so na njegovo dojemanje kot trga od 17. stoletja dalje vplivali različni dejavniki. (Boris Golec) V 17. stoletju je širše območje Ilirske Bistrice trpelo za kužno epidemijo; eden od člankov razkriva njene razsežnosti na podlagi registraturne- ga protokola (Vanja Kočevar). Prav nič laskavo se ni o Ilirski Bistrici izrazil cesar Karel VI., ko se je leta 1728 na poti na Reko ustavil v tamkajšnjem župni- šču. V dnevnik je zapisal: »… slaba nastanitev in iz- jemno pomanjkanje vode …«. (V anja Kočevar) Ilirska Bistrica je bila od nekdaj tesno povezana z Reko, tudi v umetnostnem smislu. Umetniki, ki so ustvarjali v Ilirski Bistrici, zlasti na področju cerkvene opreme, so v veliki meri ustvarjali tudi na Reki; med njimi je najbolj prepoznavno ime kiparja Antona Miche- lazzija. V duhu nekdanjih povezav sta članek o tem napisala hrvaška kolega umetnostna zgodovinarja z Reke. (Damir Tulić in Mario Pintarić) Na širšem območju Ilirske Bistrice je bil nekdaj zelo pomemben kraj Prem, zlasti zaradi gospostva in gradu, ki sta bila tri stoletja v rokah grofovske oziro- Ilirska Bistrica – dva kraja, ena zgodovina ma knežje rodbine Porcia. O rodbini je bilo sicer v slovenskem prostoru do sedaj napisanega zelo malo, tako da smo tokrat s člankom o njej zaorali ledino in postavili temelje za nadaljnje raziskovanje. (Igor Gardelin) Prav tako je s plemstvom povezan dvorec Trno- vo, katerega lokacija in celo sam obstoj sta za dolgo časa utonila v pozabo. Dvorec so v začetku 18. sto- letja zgradili baroni Oberburgi, po nekaj desetletjih pa je prišel v neplemiške roke in spomin na njegovo nekdanjo funkcijo se je dokončno izgubil. Eden od člankov razkriva njegovo lokacijo in današnjo podo- bo. (Boris Golec) Med znanimi osebnostmi, ki so izvirale in delo- vale na Ilirskobistriškem, sta tokrat predstavljena dva umetnika. Prvi je skladatelj Fran Gerbič, ki je med letoma 1857 in 1868 (s triletnim premorom zaradi študijskega dopusta na glasbenem konservatoriju v Pragi) kot učitelj deloval v Trnovem. Eden od pri- spevkov na podlagi njegove avtobiografije, spominov ter zlasti dokumentov o šoli in učiteljih predstavi Gerbičevo življenje in delovanje v Trnovem. (Boris Golec) Druga znamenita osebnost je pesnik Dragotin Kette, ki se je rodil na Premu. Za časa svojega krat- kega življenja ni bil deležen tolikšne slave, kot bi si jo zaslužil, je pa v desetletjih po smrti njegov spomin oživel tudi po zaslugi spominskih obeležij v krajih, ki so bili povezani z njegovim življenjem. (Aneja Rože) Trnovo je bilo od leta 1888 znano tudi po samo- stanu sester de Notre Dame, v sklopu katerega je de- lovala dekliška šola. Eden od prispevkov je posvečen ustanovitvi samostana, kar je v veliki meri zasluga dveh domačinov, trgovca Ivana Valenčiča in njegove žene Ivane. (Bogdan Kolar) S Cerkvijo je povezana tudi ustanovitev telova- dnega odseka Orel na Ilirskobistriškem leta 1908. Ustanovitev Orla je bil katoliški odziv na bolj libe- ralno telovadno društvo Sokol, na Ilriskobistriškem pa je njegov odsek deloval le dobrih deset let, saj je z izbruhom prve svetovne vojne njegovo delovanje zamrlo. (Nejc Bratina) Obdobje med obema svetovnima vojnama je za širše območje Ilirske Bistrice prineslo velike spre- membe, saj je postalo del italijanske kraljevine. Bi- strica in bližnje Trnovo sta se leta 1927 združila v enoten kraj, takrat z italijanskim imenom Villa del Nevoso. Priključitev italijanski državi je v Ilirsko Bistrico prineslo uvajanje nove italijanske kulture, tudi na področju arhitekture. Še danes stoji v me- 446 IZ ZGODOVINE ILIRSKE BISTRICE, 445–448 2023 stu in okolici kar nekaj stavb iz medvojnega obdobja. (Emilija Kastelic) Med njimi je ena najbolj znanih palača nekdanje Hranilnice (Cassa di Risparmio) v Ilirski Bistrici (danes na Bazoviški cesti 18). Eden od prispevkov na podlagi arhivske dokumentacije, ki jo hrani Državni arhiv na Reki, predstavlja načrt za njeno gradnjo. (Eda Belingar) Po drugi strani je bilo medvojno obdobje prežeto z odporom do italijani- zacije, kar se je med drugim močno odrazilo tudi v umetnosti. Slikar Tone Kralj, ki je postal legendaren zaradi svojih poslikav primorskih cerkva, v katerih je subtilno kritiziral italijanski fašistični režim, je svoj pečat pustil tudi na Ilirskobistriškem. V enem od pri- spevkov so analizirane njegove poslikave cerkva na Premu, v Ilirski Bistrici in Podgrajah. (Urška Godina) Ko je Ilirskobistriško postalo del Italije, je to močno vplivalo na tamkajšnje prebivalstvo. Vse do kapitulacije Italije leta 1943 so morali možje in fan- tje služiti v italijanski vojski. Eden od prispevkov se posveča vojni v Etiopiji in begu vojaških obveznikov leta 1935, prinaša osebne izkušnje nekaterih prežive- lih, hkrati pa poskuša rekonstruirati usodo mrtvih in pogrešanih v vojski in ujetništvu. (Irena Uršič) V prvih letih druge svetovne vojne se je na Ilir- skobistriškem odvilo sorazmerno malo bojev. Zara- di svojega pomembnega geostrateškega položaja je imela namreč Ilirska Bistrica močno garnizijo, ki so jo sprva sestavljale le nemške enote, leta 1944 pa so se jim pridružili tudi pripadniki Slovenskega naro- dnega varnostnega zbora ter nazadnje še pripadniki Srbskega prostovoljskega korpusa in četniške Dinar- ske divizije. (Klemen Kocjančič) Prisotnost teh sil je onemogočala neposredni partizanski napad na Ilir- sko Bistrico, ki je tako večje vojne dogodke občutila šele v zadnjem mesecu vojne. Takrat je na Ilirsko- bistriškem prišlo do ene največjih frontnih bitk na Slovenskem med nemškim 97. armadnim korpusom in 4. jugoslovansko armado. (Denis Cerkvenik) Sklop člankov zaključuje prispevek o govoru vasi Jelšane. Dialektologi ga uvrščajo v notranjsko narečje primorske narečne skupine, ki je po izvoru dolenj- sko narečje, prekrito z mlajšimi primorskimi pojavi. (Tjaša Jakop) Raziskovanju zgodovine Ilirske Bistrice je svo- je življenje posvetil domačin Vojko Čeligoj, častnik JLA in Slovenske vojske, učitelj in tudi poslanec dr- žavnega zbora RS. V sistem cobiss je vpisanih 200 enot, rezultatov njegovega neumornega brskanja po preteklosti domačega kraja. Ker letos praznuje 85 let, smo mu posvetili jubilejni zapis. (Dragica Jaksetič) Ilirskobistriško Kroniko zaključujemo s predsta- vitvijo dveh knjižnih novosti, povezanih s tamkajšnjo zgodovino. Prva od njiju je Kronika fare trnovske na Notranjskem, ki jo je župnik Janez Bilc (1839–1906) pisal pred več kot stoletjem, a je do danes ostala ne- objavljena. Skupina zagnanih domačinov je poskrbe- la, da je v tiskani obliki izšla leta 2022, ob 750-letnici prve znane omembe župnije. Objava vsebuje tudi ne- katera krajša spremna besedila. (Bogdan Kolar) Dru- go predstavljeno delo je knjiga v dveh delih avtorice Vlaste Beltram o nekdanjem brkinskem okrožju med drugo svetovno vojno. Prvi del opisuje narodnoosvo- bodilno in socialno-revolucionarno gibanje, drugi del pa predstavlja narodnoosvobodilno gibanje po posameznih krajih nekdanjega brkinskega okrožja. (Klemen Kocjančič) Če se je ob izidu monografije o Ilirski Bistrici leta 2011 zdelo, da je o njeni zgodovini povedano vse, je pričujoča številka Kronike s številnimi novimi do- gnanji dokazala, da temu še zdaleč ni tako. In tudi v prihodnje ostaja še vedno veliko neobdelanih tema- tik in raziskovalnih izzivov, ki čakajo na raziskovalce zgodovine tega zanimivega kraja. Na koncu bi se rad zahvalil Aneji Rože in Igorju Gardelinu za vse usmeritve in nasvete pri nastanku pričujoče Kronike ter Občini Ilirska Bistrica, katere finančna podpora je olajšala izid te številke Miha Preinfalk odgovorni urednik Kronike 447 2023 In 2011, when Ilirska Bistrica celebrated the 100th anniversary of its elevation to a market town, a comprehensive monograph was published on the same occasion, presenting an array of topics from the history of town itself as well as the entire municipa- lity, the second largest municipality by surface area in Slovenia. Conceived in an integrated manner, the monograph covered a long period from prehistory to present day and accumulated most of the existing knowledge of Ilirska Bistrica at that time. Nevertheless, Kronika’s team also decided to de- dicate the current thematic issue to Ilirska Bistrica, especially given that the authors (all too) rarely visit the area in their articles. Besides, ten years and more is a relatively long period in research, during which many new discoveries may be made. As it turned out, we made the right decision. Kronika’s thematic issue on Ilirska Bistrica brings seventeen new articles from different research areas, with the main focus on less known topics, although, to a certain extent, we also delved into the more familiar and already discussed topics to present them from new perspectives. The history of Ilirska Bistrica is in fact a history of two places, Trnovo and Bistrica, which existed as separate towns until united in 1927. However, this is only of marginal importance because Kronika, too, focuses not on the place itself, but rather the wider area of Ilirska Bistrica. The first article sheds light on the mystery of whether Trnovo, documented in a source dated 1713 as a market town, indeed, had such a status. There are all indications that the town did not bear a for- mal market-town title and that the perception of it as such was since the seventeenth century influenced by a number of other factors. (Boris Golec) During the seventeenth century, the wider area of Ilirska Bi- strica was struck by a plague epidemic; one article presents its dimensions by drawing on the registrar protocol (Vanja Kočevar). Making a stop at the local parish house on his Rijeka-bound journey in 1728, Emperor Charles VI had nothing flattering to say about Ilirska Bistrica. He wrote the following in his diary: “… poor accommodation and acute shortage of water…”. (V anja Kočevar) Ilirska Bistrica was once closely affiliated with Rijeka, including in terms of artistic endeavours. Artists who were active in Ilir- ska Bistrica, especially in church furnishings, were also prolific in Rijeka. The most recognizable among them was the sculptor Antonio Michelazzi. In the spirit of former affiliations, this topic was presented Ilirska Bistrica. Two places, one history in an article by Croatian art historians from Rijeka. (Damir Tulić and Mario Pintarić) A very important part of the wider Ilirska Bistri- ca area was once played by the town of Prem, most notably its seigniory and the castle, which remained in the possession of the comital or, rather, princely family of Porcia for three centuries. After very little has been written about the family in Slovenian ter- ritory to date, one article in the current issue of Kro­ nika is breaking new ground and setting foundations for further research. (Igor Gardelin) The history of local nobility is also linked to Tr - novo Mansion, the location of which and its mere existence have long remained forgotten. The man - sion was built by the Barons Oberburg in the ear- ly eighteenth century. However, once it passed into non-noble hands a few decades later, the memory of its former function was definitively lost. One article reveals the location of the building as well as its cur- rent appearance. (Boris Golec) As regards renowned personalities who origi- nated and worked in the Ilirska Bistrica area, spe- cial presentation is made of two artists. First, the composer Fran Gerbič, who served as a teacher in Trnovo between 1857 and 1868 (except for his three-years-long sabbatical, during which he pursu- ed his studies at the music conservatory in Prague). Drawing on his autobiography, memoirs, and espe- cially documents on the school and teachers, one article presents Gerbič’s life and work in Trnovo. (Boris Golec) The other famous personality was the poet Dra - gotin Kette, born in Prem. In his short life, Kette did not receive the recognition that he deserved; howe- ver, in the decades following his death, his memory began to be marked by erecting memorials in places related to his life. (Aneja Rože) From 1888 onwards, Trnovo was also known for the convent of the School Sisters of Notre Dame, which founded and operated a school for girls. One article presents the establishment of the convent, which was largely owed to two local inhabitants, the tradesman Ivan Valenčič and his wife Ivana. (Bogdan Kolar) Furthermore, the Church also played a notable role in founding the Ilirska Bistrica section of the gymnastics organization Orel in 1908. The said sec - tion, the establishment of which was the Catholic re- sponse to its liberal counterpart Sokol, only operated in the Ilirska Bistrica area for a little over ten years 448 IZ ZGODOVINE ILIRSKE BISTRICE, 445–448 2023 until its activities were cut short by the outbreak of the Second World War. (Nejc Bratina) During the interwar period, the wider area of Ilirska Bistrica experienced major changes after it became part of the Kingdom of Italy. In 1927, Bistri- ca and the nearby Trnovo merged into a single town, then under the Italian name Villa del Nevoso. Ilirska Bistrica’s annexation by the Italian state entailed the introduction of a new, Italian culture, including in the field of architecture. Quite a few buildings still stand in the town and its surroundings from the period between the world wars. (Emilija Kastelic) Among the most famous ones is the palace of the former Savings Bank (Cassa di Risparmio) in Ilirska Bistrica (on modern Bazovica Road 18). Drawing on archival documents, kept by the State Archives in Rijeka, one article presents the plans for its con- struction. (Eda Belingar) On the other hand, the in- terwar period was permeated with an anti-Italiani- zation sentiment, reflected especially vividly in art. The painter Tone Kralj, whose legendary paintings of churches in the Littoral (Primorska) communicated a subtle criticism of the Italian fascist regime, also left his indelible mark on the Ilirska Bistrica area. One article analyses his paintings in the churches in Prem, Ilirska Bistrica, and Podgraje. (Urška Godina) The annexation of Ilirska Bistrica to Italy stron - gly affected its local population. All until Italy’s ca- pitulation in 1943, men and boys were to perform compulsory service in the Italian army. One article, dedicated to the war in Ethiopia and desertion of conscripts in 1935, describes the personal experien- ces of several survivors while aiming to reconstruct the fates of the dead and missing soldiers and war captives. (Irena Uršič) During the first years of the Second World War, the Ilirska Bistrica area witnessed relatively little fighting. Because of its important geostrategic po- sition, the town housed a strong garrison, manned exclusively by German units until 1944, when they were joined by the members of the Slovenian Nati- onal Defence Corps and finally also the members of the Serbian Volunteer Corps and the Četnik Dinara Division. (Klemen Kocjančič) Their presence preven - ted the Partisans from launching a direct attack on Ilirska Bistrica, which therefore only witnessed the first fighting in the last month of the war. That was when the area became the stage of one of the major battles on Slovenian soil, fought between the Ger- man 97th Army Corps and the 4th Army of Yugo- slav Partisans. (Denis Cerkvenik) The series of contributions is concluded by an ar - ticle on the local dialect used in the village of Jelšane. Classified as an Inner Carniolan (Notranjska) dialect of the Littoral (Primorska) dialect group, it evolved from the Lower Carniolan dialect, taking on more recent Littoral features. (Tjaša Jakop) Ilirska Bistrica’s native Vojko Čeligoj, a former officer of the Yugoslav People’s Army and the Slo- venian Armed Forces, a teacher, and Slovenian par- liament member, dedicated his life to exploring the history of his home environment. The library infor - mation system Cobiss holds 200 units, all testify to his tireless investigations into the past of his birth- place. We mark his eighty-fifth anniversary with a special record. (Dragica Jaksetič) The thematic issue is rounded off with the pre - sentation of two book novelties on Ilirska Bistrica’s local history. The first one is Kronika fare trnovske na Notranjskem (Chronicle of Trnovo Parish in Inner Carniola), which was compiled by the parish priest Janez Bilc (1839–1906) more than a hundred years ago and yet remained unpublished until now. Thanks to a group of Ilirska Bistrica’s impassioned inha- bitants, the volume was published in print form in 2022, on the 750th anniversary of the first known written mention of the parish. The publication also contains a few short accompanying texts. (Bogdan Kolar) The other work is Vlasta Beltram’s two-vo - lume book on the former Brkini district during the Second World War. The first volume describes the national liberation and social-revolutionary move- ment, and the second focuses on the national libe- ration movement in individual areas of the former Brkini district. (Klemen Kocjančič) If on publication of the monograph in 2011 it still appeared that everything had been said about the history of Ilirska Bistrica, the many new findings featured in the current issue of Kronika have demon- strated that this is far from the case. And there are still plenty of undiscussed topics and research chal- lenges regarding its past to be addressed in the future. In the end, I wish to express my gratitude to Ane- ja Rože and Igor Gardelin for all their guidance and advice in compiling this issue of Kronika as well as to the Municipality of Ilirska Bistrica for its financial support, which has facilitated its publication. Miha Preinfalk Managing Editor of Kronika