St. Gregory the (»mit. Slovenian Church Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 13/51 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 29. 3. 2015 6. Postna - Cvetna Nedelja 6th Sunday of Lent Palm Sunday Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Tel.: 905-561-5971 Fax: 905-561-5109 E-mail Gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail Hallrental@ Ostati zvest Vstop v veliki teden je cvetna nedelja. Izraz seveda hoče povedati, kako so Jezusa v Jeruzalemu slovesno sprejeli in zasuli s cvetjem in zelenjem. Vendar je ta nedelja predvsem začetek najtežjega tedna v Jezusovem življenju, obenem pa najbolj usodnega za človeštvo. Človek-Bog stopa v stiskalnico trpljenja, lz katere bo pritekla božja kri za naše odrešenje. Kristus res zasluži rože, še bolj pa hvaležnost in ljubezen, zato teden do velike noči preživimo zbrano, z mislijo na največji trenutek zgodovine. Berili sta vsako leto isti, evangelij pa letos je po Marku. Prerok Izaija nas vabi, da se z njim v duhu zazremo v Gospodovega služabnika, ki bo zaradi svoje zvestobe Bogu hudo trpel, vendar ne bo niti malo odstopil od svoje odrešilne naloge. Zato je tudi vzor in zaščitnik vsem ljudem vseh časov, ki so ali bodo morali trpeti zaradi resnice, pravice in ljubezni. Sv. Pavel je vedel kaj vse je Kristus pretrpel in kaj so ljudje z njim počeli. Vedel je, da je Kristus Bog in se je zato toliko bolj čudil: »Jezus Kristus je bil v božji podobi« pa je »sam sebe izničil, podobo hlapca vzel nase, (in) postal podoben ljudem.« »Bil je pokoren do smrti,« pravi apostol, »smrti na križu«. Sredi največjih preizkušenj Kristus ostaja Bog in tako tudi nam, samo ljudem, omogoča živeti po božji zamisli. Preverimo ta teden, če živimo tako. Evangelist Marko predstavi druščino velikih duhovnikov in pismoukov, ki se menijo, kako bi Jezusa z zvijačo prijeli in usmrtili, nato nadaljuje z natančnim poročilom o krutosti trpljenja, ki ga je Jezus prestal za naše odrešenje. FOLKLORNA SKUPINA VENEC Five years ago a new collaboration of working together across communities and celebrating our Slovenian roots embarked. Under the name of "VENEC", a wreath, our ideals of 'friends, folklore and fun' emerged with a great introductory energy that brought together old friends and helped to create new ones, while beginning to break down borders. Many people have come to include themselves within this group and have brought new ideas and thoughts to how we can move forward to keep all our Slovenian communities together. We have had some very excellent successes, along with some rocky roads, but through it all we have moved along with goals and dreams in mind. Just recently the Government of Slovenia and the "Javni Sklad republike Slovenije za kulture dejavnosti" has recognized our accomplishments in striving to keep Slovenian culture alive through dance, song, costuming and staging. Our very own "Glasilo" magazine interviewed its leader and the group allowing us to spread our thoughts throughout southern Ontario. We are hoping our concept will continue to grow forward in some way -stronger, happy and vibrant. I am extending an invitation to YOU to consider joining-rejoining us. Some of you are receiving this to consider rejoining us in celebrating our 5th anniversary; something that you helped us reach! Oth- ers, I am approaching with the idea and possibility of giving this a try. Any organization is only as vibrant and alive as the dedication and energy of its members. Personally, I know we are all busy with families and our own lives, many times forgetting that we too, as adults, can have some time to pursue our own hobbies and love. Folklore and friends was something that surrounded us in the past, even though as young people our parents may have forced us. Ironically, most continued with these groups because of the sheer passion that was created. If this is something that might interest you, please do consider VENEC. No partner is required, no costume is required, just a positive attitude to help us evolve even further. If you might know anyone that might be interested, please pass this on them. We would love to tie in all former dance/ folklore groups, SOČA, NAGELJ, MLADI GLAS, PLANIKA, SAVA, LIPA PARK, TRIGLAV, into one new group that represents all of southern Ontario Slovenian-Canadians regardless of affiliation, and truly becomes a folklore group that others would strive to emulate. I look forward to hearing from you, and hopefully seeing you in our upcoming practices; the first of these is this Sunday, March 29th starting at 4:30 at St. Gregory's Hall in Hamilton. Help us celebrate VENEC and its 5th Anniversary! Dave Antolin At St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Hall 125 Centennial Pkwy N, Hamilton Contact: SANdY ALLEN (905-977-8464) or email: ALExRALLEN@LIVE.COM Eat-In or Take Out AvAiLAbLE Each dinner includes 2 pieces of fish, French fries & Coleslaw. FISH FRY - VELIKI PETEK Slovenska šola vas obvešča, da bodo, na Veliki petek 3. aprila 2015 po obredih velikega petka, učiteljice in otroci nudili pohane ribe in krompirček v zgorni dvorani . Vljudno Vas prosimo in Vas vabimo, da pridete in se pogostite. S tem boste pomagali našim učencem zbirati potrebna finančna sredstva za šolo. V nedeljo in soboto po maši si boste lahko že vnaprej kupili karte - »tickets«. The teachers and students of Slovenian School will be selling fish and chips in the upper hall after the Good Friday Service on April 3rd. Doors will open at 4:30pm and everyone is welcome. There will only be limited tickets available at the door so please get your tickets as soon as possible! With this you will be helping our school children raise funds for their school. Tickets will be available for sale after each Mass on Saturdays and Sundays, starting march 8th, 2015. You can also reserve ticket/orders by contacting Sandy Allen by phone at (905) 9778464 or by email at We thank you in advance for your generosity and cooperation. We hope to see you soon on Good Friday! The Slovenian Society of St. Joseph hosted the annual banquet on Sunday March 22, 2015. The event started with President Jerry Ponikvar welcoming all the guests. A delicious meal prepared by Milena Krusic and her helpers. As a tradition, the St. Joseph Society provides some entertainment after lunch for their guests. This year, a talent show was created to promote our Slovenian community talents. There was no competition or judging, just entertaining our guests. Participants included: Abby Kompare - singing & guitar Angela Ponikvar - dance Alexandra Novak - dance Matthew Mramor - accordion Amanda Novak & Jeremy Sobočan -guitars Miha Horvat - comedy act Amanda & Frank Novak - guitar & accordion The St. Joseph Society would like to congratulate and thank all the participants who helped make our first "Slovenians Got Talent" a success. We would also like to thank Milena Krušič and her staff for preparing and serving the lunch, Jeremy & Kristen Sobočan for working in the bar, the Ferenčak family for helping with the hall set up, the church council for their help with the bar and finally to Father Drago, for his endless help and support which is appreciated by everyone. Peter Novak - St. Joseph Society BANKET DRUŠTVA SV. JOŽEFA - 2015 PRVI PETEK_ V letošnjem aprilu Prvi petek pade ravno na Veliki petek. Na veliki petek ni maše, imamo pa, v spomin Jezusove smrti, samo bogoslužje božje besede, češčenje križa in obhajilo, in sicer ob treh popoldne. National Catholic Mission 2015_ Tomorrow the National Catholic Mission 2015, »Beware the Holy Spirit!« will be broadcast on VISION TV on Monday, March 30th and Tuesday, March 31st at 6:00 p.m. And repeated at 10:00 p.m. It will be hosted by Fr. Pat Fitzpatric and feature Spiritan Fr. Anthony Gittins. cwl - kzz: meeting - srečanje_ To all our CWL members, and anyone interested in joining, our next meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 1st at 7:30 p.m. Everyone welcome! THE GOOD FRIDAY COLLECTION THE GOOD FRIDAY COLLECTION SUPPORTS THE HOLY LAND, and in particular the sacred places and faith communities there. The collection is coordinated by the Congregation for Eastern Churches and has an increased importance this year following the many attacks experienced by the Christian communities over the past year. Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, Prefect for the Congregation, has written to encourage parishioners to be generous as a sign of solidarity with those who have suffered so grievously! Bishop Crosby in the »Heart-to-Heart« Divine Mercy Apostolate of Canada Divine Mercy Apostolate of Canada will celebrate The Feast of the Divine Mercy at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish 416 Mohawk Road East, Hamilton, ON L8V 2H7 on April 12, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation, at 3:00 p.m. Chaplet and Rosary, at 4:00 p.m. Holy Mass Cardinal Newman Catholic Secondary School This year Cardinal Newman Catholic Secondary School is celebrating its 40th Anniversary. To mark the occasion, the school is planning a special celebration and all former Cardinal Newman students are invited back. Activities and events will take place on Friday May 29th, Saturday May 30th and Sunday May 31st. The celebration will feature something for everyone. Tickets are available from the main office at the school. For more information, please visit: or connect with us on Facebook by searching John Henry Newman. večna luč_ V mesecu aprilu bo večna luč svetila po namenu Tonija Ferka in otrok v spomin na pokojno ženo in mamo Elizabeto Ferko. krst - baptism V nedeljo, 22. marca 2015, je v naši cerkvi prejel zakrament sv. krsta, deček MATTHEW PAUL KANC. Oče otroka je Mark Kanc, mati pa Mlaina, roj Wilkins. Čestitke staršema ob rojstvu in krstu otroka. PALM SUNDAY Response: My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? First Reading Isaiah 50:4-7 The faithful servant of the Lord is strengthened by God to face all the insults of those who attack him. Second Reading Philippians 2:6-11 Humble unto death, Christ Jesus is raised up as Lord. Gospel Mark 14:1 - 15:47 Mark tells the story of Christ's passion. 'The king of the Jews." Everyone loves a hero. We love to celebrate their triumphs. Our sporting heroes receive public recognition, parades and awards, and we bask in the reflected glory that shines on us as their supporters or fellow citizens. Such glory, however, is short-lived. An athlete reaches his or her peak and enjoys the top spot for only a short time. Other heroes in public life soon lose their popularity as their ratings drop. People are very quick to drop their allegiance to a loser; they always want to be on the winning side. Gospel Teaching Jesus was very careful not to present himself as a popular hero. At the beginning of Jesus' public ministry, part of the devil's temptations had been precisely this - to be the Messiah of the people's expectations, a wonderworker, a political revolutionary. The mission of Jesus was, however, to do the will of his Father. It was fidelity to the will of God that led Jesus ultimately to the events that we celebrate during this coming week. We begin with remembering the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, the acclamation of the crowds waving 112 | VESTNIK 2015 their palm branches and shouting "Hosanna" to the descendant of their great king, David. But this is not the victorious king with his conquering army. This is the humble teacher, riding on a donkey at the head of his ragtag band of disciples. Carried away by the emotion of the moment, the crowd misses the point that this is the king of Zechariah's prophecy, humbly riding on a donkey. As we read the account of the passion of Jesus from Mark's Gospel today, we move with Jesus through the events of that first Holy Week. Against the background of plotting and betrayal, Jesus accepts the loving tenderness of one who prophetically anoints him in preparation for his burial. He shares his last Passover meal with the disciples, again prophetically acting out his approaching death in the sacrament of his body and blood, and, in the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus goes through an agony of anticipation, freely accepting the will of his Father, which will lead to his arrest and condemnation. In the meantime, we find the disciples in a complete state of denial. They had enjoyed a brief experience of triumph, but now their world was crumbling. Jesus was speaking of a betrayal of which they would all be guilty. They could not accept this, but their only response was to fall asleep while Jesus agonised, anticipating his passion, and finally accepting it as the will of his Father. When Jesus was arrested, they all deserted him and ran away. In his Gospel, Mark makes no excuses for the disciples' lack of understanding and cowardice, indeed he highlights it in Peter's threefold denial of Jesus. Even the special friends of Jesus are weak like the rest of us. If the disciples could change so much, how much more the crowds? On Sunday they had shouted their Hosannas, while on Friday they shouted, "Crucify him!" On Sunday they welcomed him with palm branches, on Friday they saw him crowned with thorns and enthroned as "king of the Jews" on the cross at Golgotha, and they jeered and spat at him. Application So how can we effectively take part in the commemoration of the passion and death of the Lord this week? If we are truly to experience the transforming power of the resurrection when we celebrate Easter next Sunday, we're called to take part as fully as we can in the liturgical actions of this week, reminding ourselves that we are all called to be disciples, to take up our cross and follow Jesus. In today's second reading, St Paul shows us that to be like Jesus, we're called to empty ourselves of anything that would prevent us from doing what God wants, even to the point of dying. Following Jesus, then, especially in the tough times, is the way to glory and to eternal life. This is the way to acknowledge Jesus as our Lord and king, the way of the faithful disciple. The challenge for us during this Holy Week is this: can I remain faithful to this way of self-denial, following Jesus all the way to the cross, or will I be like the crowds, enjoying the good times, but giving up when the going gets tough? The only way to resurrection and new life is the way of Jesus, through suffering and death. Obvestila - Announcements pevski zbor - vaje ?•, щш -л il ' * Ч Vaje za župnijski mešani * / V 9 pevski zbor bodo v torek 31. ^ * marca. Pojemo na Veliki četrtek, petek, pri Velikonočni vigiliji in na Veliko noč zjutraj. dogodki v bližnji prihodnosti_ ♦ 30. marec: Krizmena maša: zvečer ob 7:00 bo v naši katedrali-baziliki krizmena maša pri kateri škof blagoslovi sveta olja. Vabljeni! ♦ 2. april: Veliki četrtek: zvečer ob 7:00 maša -spomin zadnje večerje - molitev po maši! ♦ 3. april: Veliki petek: Obredi ob 3:00 p.m., - v dvorani: Fish Fry (Slovenska šola) ♦ 4. april: Velika sobota: dopoldne: molitev pri božjem grobu, blagoslov jedil: 10:00 a.m. London, 12:00 Sava-Breslau, 3:00, 4:00, 5:00 p.m. v župnijski cerkvi. Ob 8:00 p.m. -Velikonočna Vigilija. ♦ 5. april: Velika noč - redne nedeljske maše -pri prvi maši vstajenjska procesija ♦ 12. april: Občni zbor ob 3:00 p.m. ♦ 26. april: Spomladanski banket: maša bo samo ob 10:00 a.m. veliki teden_ Začenjamo veliki teden, neposredno pripravo na Veliko noč. V ponedeljek, 30. marca bo sveta maša v naši župniji ob 8h zjutraj, zvečer ob 7h pa ste vabljeni, da se udeležite tako imenovane krizmene maše v naši katedrali-baziliki. Pri sveti maši bodo vsi naši škofje in večina duhovnikov, bogoslovcev iz naše škofije. Med sveto mašo bo škof blagoslovil sveta oblja: krstno olje, krizmeno olje in olje za bolniško maziljenje. Kdor še ni bil nikoli pri tej sveti maši, bo zanj to zanimiva izkušnja in doživetje. V torek, 31. marca bo sveta maša v naši župniji zvečer ob 7:00h. Z Velikim četrtkom začenjamo velikonočno tridnevje. Pri večerni maši se spominjamo postavitve svete Evharistije in duhovništva. Pri maši bo pel zbor - kot že zadnja leta. Po maši pa ste vabljeni, da v molitvi »bedimo z Jezusom na Oljski gori«. Z molitvijo in pesmijo bomo doživljali Jezusove zadnje trenutke. Na Veliki petek je strogi post, kakor na pepelnično sredo. Ta dan ni svete maše. Imamo pa ob 3:00 popoldne bogoslužje, pri katerem najprej v tihoti prisluhnemo bogati božji besedi, nato v skupnih daljših prošnjah prosimo za različne potrebe. Sledi češčenje svetega križa. Duhovnik z ministranti prinese zakrit križ in ga počasi razkriva in nato bomo vsi povabljeni, da križ počastimo. Nato sledi obhajilo in ob koncu prenesemo najsvetejše v »božji grob«. Po končanem bogoslužju ste vabljeni na ribe b zgornjo dvorano. Že četrto leto učiteljice, starši in otroci Slovenske šole organizirajo tako imenovani »Fish Fry«. Velika sobota: zjutraj ob devetih ste vabljeni k molitvi pri božjem grobu. Blagoslov jedil bomo imeli ob 10h dopoldne v Londonu, v cerkvi St. John the Divine, ob 12:00h bo pri društvu Sava-Breslau in ob 3:00h, 4:00h in 5:00h popoldne bodo blagoslovi jedil v župnijski cerkvi. Lepo je, da ohranjamo staro slovensko izročilo blagoslova velikonočnih jedil in da to prenašamo tudi na mlajši rod. Naj v različnih jedilih tudi mladi spoznavajo simboliko jedil. Vsaka pokrajina ali skoraj vsaka družina ima različno tradicijo, kaj vse spada v to košaro in kako je »pokrita«. Obhajanje Velikonočne vigilje začnemo ob 8:00 zvečer. Najprej bomo blagoslovili ogenj in ob njem prižali velikonočno svečo, ki predstavlja vstalega Kristua, njegovo luč. Vsak v cerkvi bo lahko prižgal svojo svečko in skupaj bomo prisluhnili hvalnici Velikonočni sveči. Sledijo 4 berila in psalmi iz stare zaveze, nato slovesno zapojemo Slavo. Nato se prebere berilo iz nove zaveze in trikrat zapoje slovesno Alelujo. Kip vstalega Kristusa z ministranti in najsvetejšim gre v kratko procesijo po cerkvi. Nato nadaljujejo sveto mašo z evangelijem blagoslovom krstne vode, prošnje in ostali del svete maše. Velika noč: Slovensko sveto mašo bomo začeli z vstajenjsko procesijo pri božjem grobu, Angleška maša ob enajstih bo kot navadno ob sodelovanju bralcev, prinašalcev darov in angleškega zbora. občni zbor_ Letos smo zaradi obilice dogodkov letni Občni zbor prestavili na belo nedeljo, t.j. nedeljo po Veliki noči. Začetek občnega zbora bo v nedeljo, 12. aprila ob 3h popoldne. Naslednjo nedeljo boste v oznanilih -Vestniku lahko prebrali zapisnik iz lanskega Občnega zbora. Zelo pomembno je, da se tega srečanja udeležite, saj s tem pokažete, da želite biti dejavni člani župnijske skupnosti. Za župnijo nista odgovorna samo župnik in župnijski svet, ampak vsi člani župnijske skupnosti. Na srečanju boste slišali poročila posameznih društev in skupin, ki delujejo v naši župniji. Sledi finančno poročilo in seveda pogovor. Na srečanju se moramo dogovoriti za najbolj primeren čas Občnega zbora za naslednje leto, o načrtih za prihodnost naše župnije, izbrati je potrebno nove člane za Župnijski pastoralni svet. Če ste pripravljeni, da za nekaj časa sodelujete v župnijskem svetu, ali mislite, da poznate koga, ki bi bil pripravljen, ga prosim povabite in predlagajte. Samo s sodelovanjem vseh bomo ohranjali našo župnijo živo in dejavno in jo ohranili za naše prihodnje rodove. spomladanski banket_ Naš SPOMLADANSKI BANKET bo letos v nedeljo, 26. aprila. Na ta dan bo samo ena maša, ob 10:00 dopoldne, nato se bomo opoldne zbrali na kosilu. Za sveto mašo smo povabili škofa v pokoju, Anthony F. Tonnosa. Povabili smo ga že za jesensko 50 letnico, pa zaradi bolezni ni mogel priti. Sedaj se počuti boljše in je obljubil, da pride. Ostal bo tudi pri kosilu. darovi_ Ob smrti Štefana Gonze so namesto rož darovali za cerkev: $25 Carol in Conrad Parker (Thunder Bay); $50 Marija Glavač; $100 Vinko in Magda Benc; $50 družina Malevič. Za rože Slomškovemu oltarnemu društvu daruje za rože $50 Marija Glavač. Za cerkev daruje Vida Sajder $50 v spomin na pokojnega Steve Sajder in $50 v spomin na pokojnega Steve Booth. Najlepša hvala za vse vaše darove. svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - slovenska / in lii Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -don bosco Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. Od 29. 3. 2015 Do 05. 4. 2015 svete mase - masses Nedelja - Sunday za žive in rajne župljane 9:15 a.m. 6. Postna - Cvetna Palm Sunday 29. Marec ff Pokojni iz družine Bohnec f Albin Žagar f Peter Ivankovič ff Pokojni člani društva Sava 11:00 a.m. 12:00 noon Vera Gonza z družino Anna Čepuran Žena z družino Društva Sava-Breslau Bertold, redovnik ff Pokojni člani društva London 4:00 p.m. London-St. John the Divine Ponedeljek - Monday f Anton Sverko 8:00 a.m. Društvo sv. Jožefa (3) 30. Marec Amadej, knez Krizmena maša 7:00 p.m. Katedrala-Hamilton Torek - Tuesday 31. Marec Amos, prerok f Janez Selšek f Martin Glavač, obl. 7:00 p.m. Društvo sv. Jožefa (5) Žena Marija Glavač z druž. Sreda - Wednesday ff Ivan in Marija Ray in družina 7:00 p.m. Štefan in Gizella Ray z druž. 1. April f Stefan Gonza Gizella in Štefan Ray z druž. Irena in Agapa, muč. f Marta Kolarič Alojz Sarjaš z družino Veliki Četrtek ff Victoria in Janez Zagorc 7:00 p.m. Frank Erzar z družino Holy Thursday f Mirko in Lojze Sestra Amalija z družino 2. April ff Za duše v vicah Tone in Marija Bukvič Frančišek, ust. ff Janez in Pavla Horvat Tone in Marija Bukvič Veliki Petek Good Friday 3. April Obredi Velikega petka Celebration of the Lord's Passion 3:00 p.m. FISH FRY Church Hall at 4:30 p.m. Velika Sobota Holy Saturday 4. April Izidor, škof Easter Vigil Molitev pri božjem grobu Blagoslov jedil - London Blagoslov jedil - Kitchener Blagoslov jedil - Hamilton f Ladislav Salajko f Olga Prša, obl. f Karl Volčanšek ff Marija in Janez Erzar f Matija Vlašič f Vinko Marinko 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. St. John the Divine-London 12:00 noon Sava-Breslav 3:00, 4:00 5:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Sin Ladislav Salajko Ignac Prša z družino Družina Frank Erzar z družino Žena in otroci Jožica Vlašič Nedelja - Sunday 6. Velika noč - Easter 5. April Vincencij, duhovnik za žive in rajne župljane f Jože Pust ff Janko in Tončka Demšar ff Frank in Vera Staniša 9:30 a.m. Družina Pust Družina Pust 11:00 a.m. Sin Frank z družino