Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy Journal (MIRTJ) 38 (1) 17 Case report RADIOSURGERY FOR MULTIPLE BRAIN METASTASES IN NON-SMALL CELL LUNG CANCER – PARADIGM SHIFT André LARANJA1,*, Dora GOMES1, Sofi a CONDE1, Artur AGUIAR1, Luísa ROLIM2, Luísa CARVALHO1, Andreia PIRES1 1 Department of External Radiotherapy, Instituto Português de Oncologia Francisco Gentil, Porto, Portugal 2 Department of Radiotherapy, Instituto Português de Oncologia Francisco Gentil, Coimbra, Portugal * Corresponding author:, Received: 31. 5. 2021 Accepted: 8. 9. 2021 ABSTRACT Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to present a case of multiple brain metastases treated with LINAC-based radiosurgery (SRS). Materials and methods: Case report and a summary review of pertinent literature regarding SRS for multiple brain metastases. Results / Case Study: This case presents a patient with non- small cell lung cancer diagnosed with nine brain metastases who was treated with SRS. During follow-up, all brain lesions showed complete response with minimal impact on the patient’s quality of life. Discussion and Conclusion: The role of SRS is expanding, and recent published trials have showed promising results supporting its use in patients with more than four brain metastases. As our case suggests, SRS can be an eff ective and safe treatment for these patients and should be considered by physicians when they are presented with a similar case. Keywords: Stereotactic; Radiotherapy; Radiosurgery; Brain metastases Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy Journal (MIRTJ) 38 (1) INTRODUCTION Brain metastases (BM) from non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) occur in approximately 10% of patients at the time of diagnosis, and this proportion is even higher in patients with advanced-stage disease (approximately 30%) (1). BM can lead to serious complications related to neurological deterioration and a diminished quality of life (QoL). Treatment options include surgical resection, radiotherapy (RT) (whole-brain radiotherapy (WBRT) and, in selected patients, stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS)) or a combination of both. Historically, SRS has been reserved for patients with one to four BMs. However, over the last decade, this treatment modality has become more widely available, and evidence from recent clinical investigations has shown promising results supporting the use of SRS in patients with more than four BM (2,3,4). The authors present a clinical case report of a patient with NSCLC treated with SRS for nine BM, with a complete clinical response in all brain lesions. MATERIALS AND METHODS All the clinical information was based on medical records, imagiologic fi ndings, patient interview and physical examination. A Linear accelerator TrueBeamTM STx with 120 HD multileaf collimator was used for SRS delivery. The authors conducted a brief search on Pubmed, SCOPUS and Clinical Key database, with MESH terms: “Stereotacic radiosurgery” and “multiple brain metastases”. The authors reviewed publications since 2010. CASE STUDY A 62-year-old man with a Karnofsky Performance Status (KPS) score of 100% was diagnosed in September 2012 with lung adenocarcinoma stage III-B according to the TNM staging system, 7th edition (5). The patient underwent concomitant chemoradiotherapy until October 2012. The chemotherapy regimen consisted of paclitaxel and carboplatin, and radiation therapy was administered at a dose of 66 Gy for the primary 18 Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy Journal (MIRTJ) 38 (1) tumour and regional lymph nodes. One month after RT, a follow-up CT showed disease progression in the lung, and the patient was treated with systemic chemotherapy with cisplatin and pemetrexed, followed by maintenance with pemetrexed until January 2014. Due to the local progression of the pulmonary lesions, pemetrexed was stopped and docetaxel was initiated until June 2014. In December 2018, the patient developed neurological symptoms (syncope, tremor, and speech disorders). After admission to the emergency room, he underwent brain computed tomography (CT), which revealed two ring- enhancing lesions with surrounding oedema in the occipital and frontoparietal lobes. An additional brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) was performed that revealed nine suspected lesions (shown in Fig. 1, right column images): lesion 1 was 6 mm in the left side of the precentral gyrus; lesion 2 was 4 mm in the left side of the precentral gyrus; lesion 3 was 17.4 mm in the anterior left frontal lobe; lesion 4 was 20.8 mm in the left paramedian parietal- occipital region; lesion 5 was 5 mm in the right paramedian occipital region; lesion 6 was a millimetric lesion in the right cerebellar hemisphere; lesions 7, 8, and 9 were millimetric lesions in the left cerebellar hemisphere. Lesions 1 through 5 were associated with extensive surrounding oedema, causing a mass eff ect. MRI fi ndings, along with patient clinical history, were considered highly suggestive of BM. Steroid therapy was immediately initiated, and the patient was scheduled for SRS. For SRS treatment planning, a CT without contrast (slices of 1 mm thickness), along with a brain gadolinium-enhanced MRI (1 mm slice thickness) were requested. All lesions were treated with LINAC-based SRS using a commercial stereotactic mask fi xation system in conjunction with the iPlan 4.1.1, Brainlab treatment planning system. Target volumes – Gross tumour volume (GTV), clinical target volume (CTV), planning target volume (PTV), and organs at risk were contoured on thin-slice (1 mm) gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted axial MR imaging obtained 10 days prior to SRS and fused to the treatment planning CT. The GTVs were delineated as contrast-enhancing tumours demonstrated on MRI scans without CTV expansion. For all lesions, a 1 mm geometric expansion was created around the GTVs to generate the PTV. Linear accelerator TrueBeamTM STx with 120 HD multileaf collimator was used for treatment delivery, and all the lesions were treated using fl attening fi lter-free 6 MV photons (plan details are described Table 1 – Radiotherapy plan description Volume (cm3) Total Dose / Fractions Technique D98% CI GI Normal Brain PTV lesion 1 and 2 1,4 24Gy / 1fr DA 23,3 Gy 1,35 5,36 V12Gy = 5,6 cm 3 PTV lesion 3 5,82 27Gy /3 fr1fr / day VMAT 26,4 Gy 0,97 4,43 V18Gy = 7,7 cm 3 PTV lesion 4 7,23 27Gy /3 fr1fr / day VMAT 26,3Gy 1,03 4,11 V18Gy = 11,8 cm 3 PTV lesion 5 0,46 24Gy / 1fr DA 21,7Gy 0,43 5,58 V12Gy = 3,8 cm 3 PTV lesion 7 0,39 24Gy / 1fr DA 22,8 Gy 0,77 5,9 PTV lesion 6 0,41 24Gy / 1fr DA 23,2 Gy 0,85 6,34 V12Gy = 8,0 cm 3PTV lesion 8 0,38 24Gy / 1fr DA 23,4 Gy 1,00 7,89 PTV lesion 9 0,36 24Gy / 1fr DA 22,0 Gy 0,47 6,67 Total 16,45 PTV: Planning target volume; fr: fraction; DA: Dynamic arcs; VMAT: Volumetric modulated arc therapy; CI: Conformity index; GI: Gradient index Figure 1: Brain MRI images - lesions 1, 2 and 3. On the left MRI from January 2019 (before radiotherapy treatment) and on right the MRI from January 2021 (last imagiologic follow-up) Le si on 1 Le si on 2 Le si on 3 Laranja A. et al./ Radiosurgery for multiple brain metastases in non-small cell lung cancer – paradigm shift Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy Journal (MIRTJ) 38 (1) 19 Le si on 4 Le si on 7 a nd 8 Le si on 5 Le si on 9 Le si on 6 Figure 2: Brain MRI images - lesions 4, 5 and 6. On the left MRI from January 2019 (before radiotherapy treatment) and on right the MRI from January 2021 (last imagiologic follow) Figure 3: Brain MRI images - lesions 7, 8 and 39. On the left MRI from January 2019 (before radiotherapy treatment) and on right the MRI from January 2021 (last imagiologic follow-up) in Table 1). This treatment ended in January 2019, was well tolerated, and the patient did not experience headaches nor did he have any other neurological complaints. The patient was then followed-up with periodic physical examinations and MRI imaging according to the protocols of our institution (3-4 month intervals for the fi rst year, 6 months for the second year, and then annually). At each visit, the neurological status and the severity of complications were scored according to the National Cancer Institute Common Toxicity Criteria for Adverse Events version 4.03 (6), and MRI scans were also performed and analysed by the same radiologist. In April 2019, three months after SRS, all the cerebral lesions were smaller, as well as the surrounding oedema; however, there was disease progression in the lung and the patient began treatment. In September 2020, nine months after SRS, MRI showed complete radiologic response in all the nine brain lesions despite small residual gliosis. As of January 2021 (24 months after SRS), the patient had remained with complete response on brain MRI (shown in Fig. 1-3, left images). At this time, the lung lesion had remained stable under pembrolizumab treatment, and the patient had remained highly functional (KPS 100%) without signifi cant neurological symptoms or other treatment toxicities detected. DISCUSSION The incidence of BM diagnosed in NSCLC patients has risen in recent years as a result of developments in imaging modalities, such as MRI, along with advances in systemic therapies, such as immunotherapy or targeted therapy (4). These refi nements increased the sensitivity of detecting smaller lesions during screening examinations and improved survival rates. Locoregional treatment options for BM have never been as diverse as they are now (WBRT, surgical resection, SRS, or a combination of treatment modalities) (1). The fi rst investigations evaluating SRS were performed in patients with single lesion metastatic disease, either in combination with WBRT or as an alternative therapy to surgical resection. These results showed a lasting response to BM local control with minimal impact on the patients’ QoL (1,3). With recent awareness of the neurocognitive eff ects of WBRT, multiple studies have evaluated SRS combined with WBRT versus SRS alone for intracranial metastatic tumours. The results have been in favour of SRS as they have shown minimal neurocognitive decline and improved QoL, with no diff erences in overall survival (OS) (7). Current investigations confi rmed previous results and showed several other advantages of SRS over WBRT, including sparing healthy brain tissue, decreased time of treatment, improved tolerance to treatment, and reduced acute treatment-related toxicity (8). Traditionally, SRS was used for patients with up to four BM, each lesion smaller than 3-4 cm, and it was usually performed in a single session (up to a maximum of fi ve sessions) under the guidance of real-time imaging (9). In fact, most of the previous studies used these values as reference cut-off s; however, current evidence in the literature has suggested a benefi t for patients with fi ve or more BM (4,10). A Japanese prospective study (11,12) included more than 1 000 patients Laranja A. et al./ Radiosurgery for multiple brain metastases in non-small cell lung cancer – paradigm shift 20 Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy Journal (MIRTJ) 38 (1) divided into two groups of 2-4 and 5-10 brain metastases. Both groups were treated with SRS alone. In this non- inferiority study, overall survival, local failure, distant in-brain recurrences, neurological death, and toxicity were found to be similar in both arms. A retrospective cohort study showed no diff erence in survival between patients with > 10 and those with 2–9 brain metastases, all of whom underwent SRS monotherapy for all lesions (3). Regarding the factors that infl uence survival, studies suggested that the rate of new BM development, total brain tumour volume, and the number of metastases should be considered as survival predictors in patients treated with SRS (13,14). A multicenter retrospective study reported that patients treated with single-fraction SRS for > 4 BM, smaller total tumour volume, higher total dose, and lower volume of normal brain receiving >12 Gy were associated with increased survival (15). A single institutional retrospective study (16) included 1 017 patients with 1-10 BM treated with SRS and showed that tumour volume, KPS, and histology remained signifi cant for OS on multivariate analysis, whereas lesion number did not. In this study, regarding histology, NSCLC and the group “Other” (including small-cell lung cancer, colorectal, ovarian, and prostate cancer) had a worse outcome than breast cancer, melanoma, and renal cell carcinoma. However, a clear defi nition of survival predictors in this setting must be supported by a stronger level of evidence (17). Another signifi cant issue that is related to survival rate is the cost at which the patient’s survival is extended. One very recent study addressed this question by comparing health- related QoL between patients treated with SRS with 1-4 BM or 5-10 BM. Health-related QoL was assessed using the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Brain, a self-report questionnaire specifi c to patients with brain tumours. The results showed no statistical diff erences between the two groups, suggesting that SRS could be a useful tool for these patients when balancing disease control and QoL (18). CONCLUSION The present case describes a successful approach for a patient with multiple BMs treated with SRS. Patients with multiple lesions, but a low overall disease volume, might be suitable candidates for SRS. 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