ACTA CARSOLOGICA 31/2 10 209-221 LJUBLJANA 2002 COBISS: 1.01 TREATISES ABOUT THE SUBTERRANEAN WORLD IN LJUBLJANA BETWEEN 1678 AND 1773 RAZPRAVE O PODZEMELJSKEM SVETU V LJUBLJANI MED LETOMA 1678 IN 1773 stanislav južnič1 Para 2, 1336 VAS, SLOVENIA, E-mail: Prejeto / received: 30. 8. 2002 Izvleček UDK: 017.4:551.44(497.4) 271.5(497.4)(091) Stanislav Južnič: Razprave o podzemeljskem svetu v Ljubljani med letoma 1678 in 1773 Popisali smo knjige, razprave in rokopise o podzemeljskih in kraških pojavih, ki so bile na voljo v Ljubljani v času delovanja jezuitskega kolegija. Preučili smo Mayrjev prodajni katalog iz leta 1678. Pregledali smo knjige, ki so jih nabavljali za jezuitsko in druge knjižnice v Ljubljani. Posebno pozornost smo posvetili doslej neraziskanim objavljenim delom in rokopisom ljubljanskih jezuitov. Pokazali smo, kako je v Ljubljani nakopičeno znanje pripomoglo k nastanku pionirskih del modernega krasoslovja v zadnji četrtini osemnajstega stoletja. Ključne besede: Jezuiti, Ljubljana, kras, Cerkniško jezero. Abstract UDC: 017.4:551.44(497.4) 271.5(497.4)(091) Stanislav Južnič: Treatises about the subterranean world in Ljubljana between 1678 and 1773 We researched the books, papers, and manuscripts about the subterranean and karst phenomena available in Ljubljana in the time of Jesuit college. We used the data from Mayr's book catalogue of 1678. We analyzed the books in the Jesuit and other Ljubljanese libraries. Por the first time in historiography the special concern was put on published works and manuscripts of the Ljubljanese Jesuits. We described how the knowledge accumulated in Ljubljana paved the way for pioneering karstology research in the last quarter of the 18th century. Key words: Jesuits, Ljubljana, karst, Cerknica Lake. INTRODUCTION The research of the subterranean world was not a separate branch of the ancient science. The medieval science of horography covered the parts of modern hydrography, hydrostatics, hydrodynamics, geography, topography, climate, soil, vegetable, and animal world. The horography was a branch of applied mathematics, as we can see in the catalogue of the Janez Klasanec Erberg's (1771-1843) library. The petrography, crystallography, karstology, and speleology were defined later in the 18th century. The Carniolian contribution to the early karstology was very impressive. Janez Ludvik Schönleben (1618-1681), Janez Vajkard Valvasor (1641-1693), Franc Anton pl. Steinberg (16841765) and Baltazar Hacquet de La Motte (1739-1815) published the important research about karst. The ideas of ex Jesuits Gabriel (1740-1805) and Tobias Gruber (1744-1806) were also interesting. Hacquet and G. Gruber taught at the lyceum of Ljubljana. The lyceum library kept several description of the subterranean world. BOOKS ABOUT SUBTERRANEAN PHENOMENA ON SALE IN LJUBLJANA IN 1678 In the autumn 1678, Mayr printed the first Ljubljanese book catalogue. On the opening of his printing office he offered 2566 different titles. All his books about subterranean phenomena were written in Latin language, although he offered many other German, French, and Italian texts. Author Title Mayr's Format page Agricola De Re Metallica 49 12 Bechers Physicae subterranea libri duo 51 8 Herbinis Dissertationes de admirandis mundi Catarctis supta & subterraneis^ 77 4 Kircheri Scrutinum Physico-Medicum de Contagione luis, quae Pestis dictur (1658) 56 Kircheri Phonurgia nova (1673) 79 Fol. Kircheri De Prodigiosis Crucibus (1661 or 1666) 79 8 Kircheri Ars Magna Lucis & Umbrae (1646 or 1671) 79 Fol. Oldenburger Acta Philosophica 84 4 Schottl G. Magia Universalis Naturae & Artis (1677) 89 4 Schottl G. Technica Curiosa (1664) 89 4 Mayr listed the famous Agricola's (Georg Bauer, 1494-1555) Metallica. Agricola studied in Leipzig and in Italy. Between 1527 and 1531 he was a physician in Joachimsthal (Jachymov), a silver-mining community on the east side of the Erzegebirge mountains in Bohemia. Later he became a town physician in the mining town of Schemnitz in Slovakia (Schemnitzium, Selmecbanya, Banska Stiavnica). In his Metallica he collected all practical knowledge of Saxon miners. The lyceum of Ljubljana had four copies of Agricola's Metallica, the earliest printed in Pww CATALOGU 1546 on eighty-six pages with additional seven pages of index. The first of two addresses at the beginning of the book was devoted to the late Erasmus of Rotherdam (1469-1536). A copy of Agricola's Metallica from the library of the monastery of Kostanjevica was listed during its suppression between 1782-1785 (Minarik 2000, 549). Agricola's Metallica was translated to Italian (Tuscany) language in 1550 and in 1563. It remained a standard textbook on the mining and metallurgy for over two hundred years. In 1549, Agricola's published another treatise on the subterranean fauna and cave-dwelling animals. Mayer offered three Johann Joachim Becher's (1635-1682) books. One of them was Subterranean Physics (1669), a treatise in the style of Paracelsus and Helmont. In 1666, Becher was appointed the councillor of commerce at Vienna. He gained the powerful support of Count Albrecht Zinzendorf, the prime minister and grand chamberlain of emperor Leopold I (1640-1705). Becher had a considerable influence on the science in Hapsburg monarchy. Georg Stahl (16601734) later used Becher's ideas in his theory of the phlogistone. Mayr offered a brand new work of Johann Herbinius (1633-1676) on 267 pages with the engraved front page, two maps, two engraved whole page pictures and NUKDll^lS LABACENS1BU5 'P"^.■ v. Ü T U M N A L1 tJ U s iJOANNlS BAPTISTS MAYR, Vcnaki prollitit. ■>j Lj J" Fig. 1: Head page of Mayr's catalogue 1678. Sl. 1: Naslovnica Mayrovega kataloga iz leta 1678. OCermayr d« PofeTitt|s A eft _ de Vinu^e aäiva ic pafliva Qju t tiE't^f in y t ObleÖJttoRuilica, üh!igitm Magiiicunj-t Ob (er va Lion es, f, Rerponijones th^oj trajQi Brn^cUit edttos advcrrus Rtg, Chritbianifltnixjui in QjrbantUiu Oäovlratui ffoü dc S. Rom, Gcim^lmp,Et(H libiu, eommdemque origii^CjCl cijs, Ocutus H[fton4c 1 five E^mm, leifipmainlt ptOTUirtqUe ab orb« nesAcaderaici.cuj]j coitnn tJtlvae Sir Acai^ciruco Soc, JESU Cotl^liDi Ulnci. EX rRjtlECTlONIEUS R^RINNOCENTII TAUFFEKER, Süfc JESU Phil. Vroi. PiibJ. & Oid. SuArveritnt Ptrlirad. D.JlLOTSlUS VEElMATI, Jt VmEiTeU, LA. ^^^ ^ i i< freltißi'i* Eiplambyjitur Ph^mnMna mofus A fjAfoutii C^fermicinl , i^-. L A B A CIt Tj'H JWUU ^wiii HipcBCf J IBCITIB PT^TIACIB CifBiüJix ttm^, a—* ii^ U. Fig. 4: Head page of Taufferer's examination theses of 1760. Sl. 4: Naslovnica Tauffererjevih izpitnih tez iz leta 1760. Kivm. ■» "Tiri jü'i. rüDt lirrt. r f*^ li«!-^rna Ujlulip hm 4 plw «ufLicpr'; * C. TtF, tiputh. »Al. r^lrtin, ^iwl ^ltoii^ i» miiüha Cjimiiur , mT^jM-»HMn. i>j(;a'li, 4 btlicm» fnll^uncfiiEa , Miltm. «lirtMr l^iDidiLigi ■ lin Milif 'ntm dr uusn ^Kiiii , j^iin- bidült- mir M CHhHEA» «XUMiHilQf inUmiLiiliUbai ig pi^ fuva Ifiih tit-H, XXlUl- Irv ^ii «A . (hinJü : nnli □[rio^u »A, qacj nc^ff -n/lin -fc^nc Inri^nH nhn^^ n n&m^»« hiinapomf ^ ii^ fT^fniiii fvpirii iu^uf m oci^oi d^Iih rripäic ; q_u ciini Ü-n^jk L^Hinii r^ri^n .un E^f ED ^üjiiu cApbmn^im. j IIHIIIIIIIM TX(n rt XlCK-UI. TJlni ifü ri rt^j^ ij. fWim fa cb^i Jphariciiii , o. tnn & b^iHb ^ciln Ldet^^ iliida J^h-, mpcüini. g ^Luni imo^hm DiAnH.^ IviüiTii ^ hfienn [Rmiimi' 'MUbevImb, Hi^^do- itTiJ^, lumra MtU d^hid nm priuj j rflb^irt td UiVU' rum iinu ruAi MM^trikli. tn. Enträ ^pnkm i» firt« dvn blidia fcu [EadHutia , 4 fluiita Rfl > fil»- KiMiin, T*IIH. pi»- tfln fjflTii r hat in oottm l -Birii. ^kuh , iunJin , U[*Ti ]u3uImi, fc. tiiSiN^ IbLtfitnfl Crinpt^EB •«•'Ha »>ri» uriinni.. fKH«» . » trfTiliini -Tp^ndiri J IbHSrlA ^tK« l Otoncin ijf« . ä)»«^ ni, 4 ril«». biMiw. .. nrnrüf, -f^ .fa rtfJeu, dimTinft* wn Hmrjii nt^pm Mm--tcJinii «rftni hht «T fillEI' Mlif * npaniB. u tinqir T^llnfrainf pi: inir rubMwiu»] nr«riA4M , 4 •FWpluii- K'XriV. HiMxd nhgiUBfim 14uri||. ±Iiit-L] ngiTrriii; bin ItVun i'i jlniw riuTl nmilii