pfr rmk àsa nun sobot, M- in prunikoT. daily except SstWiUjrt, tear xxvil TVS? PROSVETA blind M ÇLASILO SLOVENSKE NARODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE Uredniški In upravtillkl pro>torit| M67 S. Uwndsls A v«. ' Office of Publication: 2657 Booth Lawndals Avo. Telephon«, Hockwell 4904 ^"J^ÜLl^y « ». un ( »wmRO, III., sreda, 22. avgusta (August 22), 1934. Komcntaiji besed» clevelaiMtaktfa Jj^va it. 5 SNPJ iW« peniftke afere Dva tedna po našem članku mestu o elevelandsk, spojki aferi se je oglasilo dru- Naprej ¿t. 5 SNPJ v Cle-u s krepkim in docela tonmim protestom, ki je bil vljen zadnjo sredo, v Prosti Bistvo Naprejevega pro-, je da je jugoslovanski od-u '"kulturni vrt" v Cleve-gtoril vse doslej izvršene «na svojo pest in zato je oren za škandal, ki se do-8 soho Ivana Cankarja; ¡tvo Naprej zahteva, da odvrne »oho nepriljubljenega _arja (katero je sam naro-!) nazaj, kjer jo je dobil, ali jo izroči ljudem, ki Cankar-i razumejo in ljubijo. yu čast društvu Naprej za to mko besedo. Upamo, da bodo u ostala društva SNPJ v Cle-ilandu z vsemi ostalimi na-ndnimi, zlasti kulturnimi or-inizacijami vred podprla dru to Naprej z enakim prote-HD. Gospode v Clevelandu, ki i u tak nesramen način nor-jjejo iz Ivana Cankarja, je i*ba krepko prijeti, ker druga i se pri njih nič ne opravi. To i «ilkontentje, da jim ni pa i In spomeniška afera v Cle liindu ni več samo cleveland-»¡sami so hoteli, da je posta-»meriška — kolikor se tiče »venskega življa — in staro-Itjska. Afera bo rešena, kadar go-pdje, ki vodijo nekak "kul-ni vrt" v Clevelandu, dajo •karjevo soho iz svojih rok. C na zahteva vseh naprednih ov v Ameriki mora biti: •jeva suha mora iti nazaj Ljubljano ali priti v naie ro- Acceptanoo for m« i ling »t »p^j,] of dubseriptioa 14.00 Yearly âTGV.—NUMBER 164 Sklad izrednih podpor po«Uf proTld«! f.r t» wcüon I IM, Act of Ott. », 1»I7. «uthprtm oa Jus. 14, |»ll. UliïïïïïZ £ Äjrij" 1934 VÄUt» »'3.228.08 .H 7™, vec kakor awembra 1933. V prvi doIavUI u/. Je bilo iz tega «klada izplačanih $7006.78 ali č« kakor v zadnji polovici leta 1933. ,arJev ** To soho so dobili pod napač-■i pretvezami. Nalagali so ibljansko občino, da je njiho-lprošnja (za soho) izraz "vse-I jugoslovanskega naroda v ¡MUndudočim je bila le lova pranja, s katero so se »prenaglili in kasneje so se »Nalili ter zamenjali Cankar-l» spomenik z Baragovim, jobljanaki katoliški list Slovenje pa nalagal našo javnost v Ki domovini, da so prošnjo »Cankarjevo soho poslali slo-Nu - socialisti iz Clevelan- [Niie «tališče je, da cleveland-P "kulturni vrtnarji" postavili» kogarkoli na dotičnem Jrtu"'toda Cankarjevega ne! jim ni v vsem svojem Nju storil ničesar žalega, "ia smeli ponižati na ta na-J- Cankar ne spada med nje! materialistični socialist, drugo "Pohujšanje v fcntflorjanski", če bi ve-r. klerikalni hinavci iz-pjoza svojo reklamo! Jijnik "kulturnega vrta" FCrdina) j€ pisa| pred ne_ f^viv Ameriški Domovini, f**Iv»n Cankar "pred svo-'^"J'» požvitgal na sociall- . In tak<, zvano naprednja-* k" je zaprosil za to, kar iHKlelil t. ol^i'^ tt W n profesorju «^a. ki j* t «tom o ini +T>- J» ( mm lui. [f* h K , k: K ïl*. Ii r Hu Hug, A» Nesreča na cesti Cleveland. — John Fabijan je po nesreči povozil do smrti 14-letnega časopisnega prodajalca Alfonza Amata, k! ji skočil pred njegov avto ob signulu zelene luči. Fabijan se bo moral zagovarjati pred sodiščem. Se ena nesreča Cleveland. — Rafael Pust je zadnje dni padel po stopnicah v klet tako nesrečno, da se je nevarno pobil na glavi. Odpeljali so ga v bolnišnico Glenville. Novi grobovi v starem kra ju Girard, O. — John Tancek, tajnik društva št. 49 SNPJ, je prejel žalostno vest, da je v Gornjem Igu pri Ljubljani u-mrl njegov oče Janez Tancek v starosti 71 let. Pred osmimi meseci mu je tamkaj umrla mati, stara 62 let. V Združenih državah zapuščata sina in več sorodnikov, v Kanadi drugega sina, v starem kraju pa tri sinove in štiri hčere. Sharon, Pa. — Anton Valen-tinčič, blagajnik društva št. 262 SNPJ, je prejel žalostno vest, da je 2. avgusta v Pejcih pri Grosupljem umrla njegova mati v starosti 84 let. Pred šestimi leti mu je ravnotam umrl oče v starosti 82 let. V Ameriki sta zapustila sina in hčer, v starem kraju pa drugega aina in pet hčera. Ponesrečen l»eg Chicago. — Zadnjo nedeljo je bil v predmestju La Grangu a-retiran neki Frank I)olanc (Dolenc?) alias Jos. Stjmac. ki je pribežal iz Milvvaukeeja, kjer je bil obtožen tatvine avtomobila. Zaprli so ga v lokalne " ¿apore, i toda čez noč je raztrgal mrežo in ušel iz ječe. Prost je bil le devet ur, nakar so ga sjh t prijeli in to pot so ga vtaknili v je-'V^čo v Oak Parku, ki je menda j boljša. Dolanc ali Stimac je j prej bival v Jolietu in star je 23 let. Devalaaeija srabraafca ________dolarja prihaja . __ - Vrednost srebrnega drobiža bo znižana še to jesen Washington, D. C.—Evaluacija srebrnega dolarja in vsega ostalega srebrnega drobiža od pol dolarja do desetice (čiime) se izvrši še to jesen, najbri meseca novembra, kakor kažejo mnogotera' znamenja. Predsednik Roosevelt ima moč po zakonu, da lahko prevrednoti srebrn dolar s proklamacijo kakor je to storil z zlatim dolarjem. , Znižanje vrednosti srebrnega dolarja bo morda enako znižanju zlatega, to je okrog 41 odstotkov, kar pomeni, da bo vrednost srebrne kovine avtomatično poskočila od $1.29 na $2.18 za unčo srebra. Zakon srebrne devaluacije določa, da si federalna zakladnica nabavi srebrno rezervo, ki bo znašala eno tretjino zlate rezerve. To pomeni, idla mora vlada dobiti eno milijardo in 213 milijonov unč srebra, ki bo imelo novo vrednost dveh milijard in 643 milijonov dolarjev. Zlata rezerva je zdaj vredna sedem milijard in 930 milijonov dolarjev. Vlada zdaj plačuje 50.01 centov za unčo nacionaliziranega srebra in 64.5 centov za unčo no-voizkopanega in očiščenega sre-l.ra. MINNEAPOLIS PRE» GENERAL NO STAVKO? Stavkujoči vozniki apelirajo za spfošno 48-urno suspenzi jo de la v znak simpatij.—-Gibanje v Chicagu za splosno stavko v od poro avtobusnim nameščencem ter Hi jim ga, pa naj gredo z njim na Uvvndale. V kulturni vrt naše metropole pa upada samo Baraga . . . Edinole Baraga'" Tajnik "kulturnega vrta", zakaj hinavčite? Zakaj se ne drži-J te nasveta svojega katoliškega vitega' braU, patra Brena. ki je od kri-1 Končno je to povedal, kaj misli o Cankar- Hindenbur&ov "pollliéni leslamenl" polvorjen Francoski list dolfi GoebbelMit. da je ponaredil testament Pariz, 21. avg. — Tukajšnji list "Soir" je včerai pisal, da j«« Hitlerjev režim v Nemčiji ponaredil znani "politični testament" predsednika Hindenburga. List trdi, da je Hindenburgova i Ija bila. naj bo ce«ar Viljem njegov naslednik, toda nanj i so dotični odstavek textamenta spremenili v tolik«», da je Hindenburg zkpu-stil svojo oblast Ihtle.rju. Po-tvorbo j' izvršil dr. Joseph l'aul GoebMs, Hitlerjev minister pro pagande. 1'ariAki listi komentirajo nedeljski plebiscit v Nemčiji, da ni bistveno izpremenll nič-«ar—in prav tako dobro bi bilo, če bi g* ne bilo. Ogromna večina nemških vol i I ce V je glasovala tako kakor je Hitler hi/tel . . . (Ha generala aretirana na (;r*kem Atene, 21 avg.—Dva getiera la, trije polkovniki in več nižjih častnikov armade je l>|l« Minneapolis, Minn., 21. avg.— Unija stavkujočih voznikov tovornih avtov je včeraj apelirala na centralni delavski odbor, naj priporoči vsem delavskim unijam v Minneapolisu, da stopijo v 48-urno generalno stavko v znak solidarnosti in simpatij z vozniki. Generalni stavka bi se morala izvršiti še pred volitvami zastopnikov za nameščence veletrgovin pri kolektivnem pogajanju; volitve Fe vri? proti koncu tega tedna. Centralni odbor ni |K>scbno naklonjen generalni stavki. Vozniki so apelirali tudi na konvencijo Minnesot-ske delavske federacije, ki te dni zboruje v International Fall-sU, naj odobri generalno stavko. C-hicago.—Uniji nameščencev ulične in nadulične električne železnice v Ghicagu sta v ponde-Ijek vprašali eksekutivo Amalga-mated Association of Street and Electric Railway Employés of America, ki zdaj zboruje v De-troitu, če jima dovoli, da lahko okličejo stavko v prid stavkujo-čim nameščencem avtobusne družbe Chicago Motor Coach Co. Obe uniji limata okrog 20,000 članov. Ce bi prišlo dovoljenje, bi morali člani obeh unij glaso-Vati, ak« so za splošno stavko ^ali ne. . Washington. D. C.—Vodstvo unije tekstilnih delavcev se pripravlja za stavko. Izjava vod stva, objavljena 20. avgusta, se glasi, da edino tekstilu;' družbe ali federalna vlada lahko še odvrne stavko, če pristane na zahteve unije tekstilnih delavcev. Voditelji unije so z zadovolj stvom vzeli na znanje vest, da bo federalna relifna administra cija pomagala stavkarjem z živili, ako uvidi, da je stavka u-pravičena. Proslave 30 letnice 5. N. P. J. SUdtit federacije in druitva SNPJ to doelsj naznanile tvoje proslave tridesetletnice naše jednote. Vtt protiavt federacij Al več društev e kupa j bodo imele bopat program M govornike it gL odbora SNPJ: DRUŠTVA It, 83 in 639 SNPJ, Mttrrng, Utah, 15. avgusta. FEDERACIJA društev SNPJ v severni CaUfomiji v Sem Franciscu 9. septembra, , DRUŠTVA 107, 659 in 679 SNPJ, St. Louit, Mo., piknik t. septembra. DRUŠTVO 667, Cleveland, O., piknik na Zornovi farmi dne H. septembra. DRUŠTVA 39, 13t, 970 in 631 SNPJ, Chicago, 1U., 3. teptn Labor day, v Pilten parku, 96. ulica, blitu Kedtie avt. • DRUŠTVO 69 SNPJ, Broughton, Pa., 3. ««pi. (Labor day). . DRUŠTVO 7 SNPJ, Claridge, Pa., piknik 3. tept. DRUŠTVO 393 SNPJ Avella, Pa. (obenem 19-letnica dru- itva), 3. tept. DRUŠTVI 303 in 517 SNPJ, Rishop, Pa. (obenem 30-letniea društva 903) 3. septembra. DRUŠTVO 95 SNPJ. Oglesby, ¡U. (obenem 35-Jethiea dru* štva) 33. septembra. DRUŠTVI it. 463 in št. 615 SNPJ, Lot Angelee, Calif., t septembru. FEDERACIJA društev SNPJ v srednjem ¡Uinoitu v Spring* fieldu, 14. oktobra. DRUŠTVO US SNPJ, Pittsburgh, Pa. (hkrati svojo 35 let-nico) t banketom in plesom 37. oktobra. DRUŠTVO 19, West Mineral, Kant., 33. oktobra. DRUŠTVO 88 SNPJ, Moon Run, Pa., 39. novembra. Žolozniiko draibo mora jo pritpavall u ponzljo Izgubile so prvo bitko na sodtAču, ki J« odklonilo zavezati rok« p«nzljskemu odboru Važan odlok Joklarskoca delavskega odbora Delodajalci nimajo nobenih le-iralnih interesov v sekciji 7a NHA Pittsburgh. — (FP) — Kak-Ano unijo si Izberejo delavci, ne ume to prav nič brigati delodajalca. Zanimajo naj *e -za svoj biznis, delavci se smejo |m za svojega brez kakšnega umeAava-nja s strani bossov. To je v jedru odlok jeklarskega delavskega odbora, ki j« V sj>ornem slučaju mollo Steel kompanljo in njenimi delavci sklenil, da jI unija ni dolžna pokazati članski imenik. Član tega odbora sodnik VValter P. 8tacy je v imenu odbora interpretiral sekcijo 7a Industrijskega zakona povsem drugače ks-kor sta Jo interpretirala gen«ral Johnson in njegov |>omočnlk Donald Richi>erg. Sodnik 8tary je rekel, da de. lodajalei nimajo nobt ru«ga legal-1 nega interesa do delavske orga nizanje, kolikor «m- to nanaša na kolektivno pogajanje. Pekcija 7* industrijskega zakona m- tiče i«j delavskih pravic ln,ne pravic de. lodajaloev. lio*si imajo mu moralne lnt<*re*e do te «ek-cije, nimajo pa nobene |< iralne j*xilag odločati, kako unijo si delavci Izvolijo ali pa zahtevati člari»ki imenik, Ta dvojni «sllok )* velikega pomena za bodi»č* odnoAaj* med organiziranim delavstvom In en«!Jske-ga zakona. Niso pa dokazale, da bi v resnici trpele "ne|>opravlJI-vo Akodo" in je sodnik (siklonll izdati sodno prepoved proti že-leznlčarski penzijski komisiji. Tožba proti ustavnosti tega zakona lx> priAla na sodišče v septembru. Najbrž Is» zadeva tirana pred zvezno vrhovno sodišče. Zvezni s .'tO letih služI e. Znašale laido polovico plače, oe pa več ko $100 na mesec. ČmlM "•■MfikMlZM" Amarišk« UKlj« Kalifornijski legionar|l zaht«va-jo smrtno kazen sa vaakega komunista! Za "Izdajale« dru« g« vrst«M saht«vajo 100 hi kazni t Zele/riiwki k 1er k I dobili novega tajnika Cincinnati, O.- klavni <*Un# Bratovščine železniških klerkov in delavcev na tovornih |Mi«ts-jab Je imenoval za glavnega tajnika Phil K. Zieglerja, urednika unJjftkraiu Plasti. «ka teiiika, Fran/ Cnb-rljerger, « v*lt |adrl>eAenib Kan Franclaco. — (FP) — Ca bo kalifornijska sekcija Amarišk« legije mogla uv«ljavltl avo-J« zahtev«, bn vsakega agitatorja komunizma doletela sekira— ne v Hitlerjevi N«mčlji, ampak v "demokratični" Ameriki I "la-dajalcl druge vrste" (miva kazen, katero bo legija skušala u-veljavlti v < alifornljl) bodo \m poMlani v j««čo—-za 100 let! Za deželo z bogatimi demokratičnimi tradicijami — in še hujšim razrednim bojem—se to čudno sliši, skoraj neverjetno. Toda tukaj je! To drakonsko kazen, ki zasetičuje celo nacljski barbarizem v Nemčiji, zahteva najmočnejša fašistična organizacija v državi—In deželi. "Izdajstvo druge vrste" bi pomenilo razdajanje literature, V kateri se "propagira razredni ImjJ" ali pa, ki vsebuje "vladi (state) sovražno doktrino." Tudi sestanek treh ali več «>aeb V sllčne nameri« bi pomenilo "ia-(iajstvo druge vrste", Kadikali-zem vseh bal bi bil zatrt In pognan |hm! zemljo. Prinl to konvencijo Ameriške legije so priAlc še druge podobne propozicije: Zahteva za u-stanovitev kazenske kolonije za komuniste (in druge radikale») na Barren lidandu (Puščavskem otoku) pri Alaskl; odtegnitev deportacij iz območja «lelavske-ga de(mrtmenta in to "funkcijo" izročiti Juatičnemu departmentu. Kesolucija za «-enzuriranje delavske tajnic« Fraiues 1'erkln-sove je iiila »hIbit a V odseku po-t« m, ko je tajnica tekfonično zagotovila legionarje, da ne zadržuj« deportacije komunistov v Rusijo. Poražena je bila pa re-aolucija, v kateri a|M«llraj<> na kongres, naj umakne priznanje sovjetske Rusije, na drugI strani je pa konvencija čestitala A* mer is ki delav»kl f««deraclj4 na njen« m bojo proti »ovjetom (to vrši njen iHHipre-/akoii a svojim raaUi na IL* Kam*«iar Hc h u sehnt y g se je sin«iči od|»elJai v Ita- •il s počem rjavih faAist«iv od zadnjega hit - j II jo na konferenco z Muaaoilni* Gfčij«. ' |*f jvvakefc« pu. uro in na 24. v mesecu po 0. zvečer v Jugoalovanakem domu. To velja za vse meneče, ako članstvo ne določi drugače. Joe Dolinar, tajnik, box 425. članica išče strica (•ranite City. HI.—Podpisana čla- nica društva 300 (Madison, 111.) telim Izvedeti za mojega strica Josipa Oblaka, doma iz sela Kavnagora, hi*-na it. 77, Gorski kotar, Jugoslavija, rojen leta 1H7H. Ako kdo ve za njegov naslov, prosim, da ml piše, ali pa naj se sam oglasi. Marija Tonaič (rojena Jane«), 1014 Quiency st., (¡ranite City, III. Zahvala in naznanilo Htruthera, O.—Naše društvo 277 je priredilo piknik dne 28. julija in imelo je veliko udeležbo ter dober uspeh. V imenu našega društva se najlepše zahvaljujem vsem sosednjim društvom, vsem prijateljem, Slovencem, Hrvatom in vsem, ki so nas posetili, ter želim, da bi nas obiskali tudi v bodoče, na naši prihodnji prireditvi. Na redni mesečni seji smo zaključili, da slavimo 1H letnico našega društva dne 13. oktobra. Zato se prosijo vsa sosednja društva, da ne prirejajo svojih zabav na omenjeni dan, ampak da se vsi udeležijo naše proslave. "O programu bomo poročali pozneje.—John Crncich, tajnik. Hmrt mladega člana i«, dopoldne. V nlučaju *ln-bega vrena*im ne bomo |>h zabavali pod »treho na renču. Torrj nulnoe ali «let, piknik ne bo vseeno vršil. Tinti dobiček je namenjen druMveni blagajni, ki j* v tej kriti hudo prisadeta in ji- xboUln na »uAlel. Uljutln«» vabimo nafte ¿laue, du ne trgi» pikniku vm udeležijo, tako tla vr«i »kupuj pokažemo, tla «e zavedamo naft»- liidinmiti napram uvojemu drufttvu. Ul ladno vabim tudi v*a bližnja in oddaljena drufttvn vseh zv«-r m jed not, tako tudi vse ponameine rojak«*. to Ntxielovali, bo naft »kupen u-»peh g«»tov. Pregovor pravi, da roka roko umije, /.a iejne in lačna I».. vae najboljfte pienkrhljeno. Poatregli in »treuli »»«niti aamo nafti mladi ^lani in članici*, ki no jako pridni in agilni pri drufttvu, zato p« nam »tarim čla* nom m drufttvu »amenui v p».no». /a ple« Im» igral mladi Johnny Hrun-ki. ki zna lepe polke in valčke, tako tU »«• bo »ukalo v»r »taru in mlado. In ft<< nekaj? Morila bomo na tem pikniku tapleaali tudi "pojšter-tam". Ah, al, bo luštno! Pridite vai «m| hliiu in «jaleč, da »e «p»«t enkrat »kupno pozabavamo tn povcselimo! Na ve»el«» »videnje val, luatj«- in »e-»trr, prijatelji in «nami, na 2. »ep-temlira na naftem pikniku, pa ¿eprav »r zabadamo kar dv« dnPftkupaj! Anton Tratnik, tajnik. Ilrufttiene tn drugr «aHeie Og|e»h), III Itahrega ni kaj |m> ri.<*«y ti nafte na«elbtne, kn »e v« In kaj »laitrga rado pripeti. Nedatn« nam je kruta »nirt «Ml\rrez* plačna. Rojakom v naselbini Cliff Mine, ki se nameravajo udeležiti naiega piknika, sporočam, da bo truk odpeljal ob 1. (stari čas) od Kebeta in prav tako drugi truk od Slovenskega narodnega doma. Tisti, katerim prp-stor ni znan, naj se oglasijo v Slavonskem narodnem domu, kjer bodo dobili pojasnila. Uljudno vabimo rojake od blizu in daleč, da pridejo na nai piknik na omenjeni dan. Deležni bodo dob^e postrežbe in zabave bo dovolj za stare in mlade. Frank Augustln. Potovanja v stari kraj Ako ste namenjeni v stari kraj, je v Vaiem Interesu, da se obrnete na nas za vsa nadalnja pojasnila. Ml /mamo 15 let izkuienj v teh poslih in zastopamo vse linije. DBNARNB POitUKR Radi n«atalno«tl kara«, a* cfna povriam« apramrmbl. fori all doll. Rada j Van pot I Jam* I Din. It« sa...1 I.— Lir IMu...«»J| >M "... •• m "... 1T.M ««• "... It.— " SM "... nil »H "... " 44,— " II.M " 1008 " ... Prt valjih anaafclli ,aaraiM«r*n popaal. NOTARHKI POR I.I Abo rabit« pooblaatlbi, pocodbo. Itjavo, all ■ko Imata kak dru« poa«l s «Urim kraj««, t« v Mr I« j obrnil« nai LEO ZAKKAJSEK General Travel Service, Ine. 302 E. 72nd SU New York. N. Y. ZAHVALA 'ryi't, > » ■ ...... Zahteva intervencijo vladnega odbora New Bedford, Mass.—Krojaške International Ladif« Garment Workers unija zahteva intervencijo pokrajinskega delavskega odbora v zadevi New Bedford Manufacturing kompanije, ki ima 8Vo;'ie špijone na unijakih sejah in diskriminira proti unij-«kim ¿lanom. Unija zahteva, da delavski odbor napravi konec tej situaciji. ZENE «HmK aaratH« al «mJ« ttor» krm jaha adravlW. CM aavaj« U—PV ilt« al ■ ralla milria laipaalral MU. GRKTA LR8KOVAB ttr R. rta« at Ne» Y «rt. M V. SLOVENSKI ZADRUŽNI POGREBNI ZAVOD (The People'a Undertaking Co.) v Frontenae, Kansas Telefon: 5042 V slučajih potrebe se obračajte na svoje delavsko podjetje. Cene nižje kot drugod. SREDA, 22. AVGUSTI DOMAČA ZDRAVIU ....... domaČi zdravnik Math Pezdir Bo* 772, City Hsll St» NEW YORK. N. y Offiaa Ul. Canal M»4 I)r. Andrew Furlan dentist Off.c« hour, at jl&l w . Corner Lincoln Avr.. Chic.,» ,rl Saturday »-U A. M > P- M. W«uke*an Offie«: 424-io.k JL Onurio 71». Sam, "^ Offie.^ Oific. hour.: U*Z m da,. Wadneaday and ThurM., •nd evaning,. Wed. 9-u. •ppuintnwnt »III Naročite Mladinski list, najboljši mesečnik za slovensko mladino I Dr. John J. Zavertni PHYSICIAN & SURGEON OPPICR HOI KB AT 8724 W. 26th Street l^MllMllMiN bally Tal. Crawford till at 18S8 W. Cernsk 04 4 ;S0—1:00 p. m. Dm, Tal. Canal |«|| Wadnraday * Sunday by appoint««* Rcaldt-nca Tal.i Crawfard 1444 ITNO AN8REB-CALL ACSTIN trpeCi na mehurj in obistih (Za bole/in« t krlia all u ymttt «Mikrenj«) aparabit« »«t« livrtfaa n« adrarlU. Stana II 71. ril*« j, ■ raHaa polnim aanl/iiijaai: MRS. (¡RETA LESKOVA! 507 E. 7Srd Sv/eet, New York. I NA NOVO SO SE NAROČILI NA DNEVNIK I»R0SV| PROŠLI TEDEN SLEDEČI: J. Krasovc, Kellogfr, Idaho.—Barbara Bayuk, Calumet, • Mich.-Vriek, Bedford, Ohio.—Joeeph Frank, Cleveland, Ohio, l-miis I Cleveland, Ohio.—Anton Stare, Cleveland, Ohio.—Mike tele, Ohio.—Louis Svigel, Fairport Harbor, Ohio.—Frank Dolenc, Moon Kui —Anton Stefančič, Oakdale, Fa.—Leo Žebale, Fetavavs, Ont., (»n. Podpisana se prav lepo zahvaliva, ko ste nama priredili tako presenečenje "Surprise Party" za naSo 30 letnico najinega za konskega življenja. Presenečena sva bila, ko sva zagledala tako veliko množico ljudi prijateljev in prijateljic pred seboj; ker na kaj takega si nisva najmanj mislila, a Se manj pa pričakovala. Dvorana je bila polna mladih in starih in zabavali smo se do belega jutra. Na tem mestu' Izrekava srčno hvalo vsem iz Milwaukeeja, West Alli-sa in iz Sheboygana, Wis. in še posebno pa najinemu sinu in njegovi ženi za lepo darilo in za čestitko. Posebna hvala najinim tukajšnjim nevestam in hčerkam, moji sestri Gradisher in drugim, ki so vse tako na tiho Vredile, brez, da bi bila midva kaj Izvedela o tem. Lepa hvala tudi "Coffee Kluchers" za podarjeni krasni šopek cvetljic in za lepo čestitko. Dragi prijatelji in prijateljice, nikdar vas ne bova pozabila, dokler bova živela nama ostanete v spominu. To je bil najin prvi "Party" v najinem življenju in morebiti tudi zadnji. Torej še enkrat najlepša hvala vsem skupaj in za vse! Pripravljena sva Vam povrniti po možnosti, kadar prilika nanese na to. Srčna hvala vsem skupaj za darilo dano nama v spomin. Vaša Frank in Mary Glavan, Milwaukee, Wis. (Adv.) k-nai i «»•tal ftlV In« i da' I n nrkaj trenutkov VÊflM tP*1'1 I'vega, Umím '» moti. Zadel ra Je mrt*i»uuI Near* •variât in w Je p»» Wo V vndl »<» fa H>-I )<■ Hret , he at ie »et! \n Je U v dno. Is urada drufttva it. .11 Koulhvir*. I'a.—Naznanjam ¿lanom in članicam druitva At. 2A6, dn nem na redni Heji 12. avg. prevsel tajni*ki> posle, ker Je prejknji tajnik reNigni-rsl.- V»e flane in ilaniee pro«im, «la mi irn*dn na roko, tako da bomo «kup. no delovali ta koriati drufttva in Jc«|. note. Valed trya vaa prosim, «in tioij upoitrvali- pravila, tako da b<> vse-atrsnaki uapeh veiji in sadovoljivejAi. Dalje va» tudi prosim, da ste bolj redni s plačevanjem aaeamenta. IMa-¿ajti» ane«ment pravočaano, to }«• «lo v meaeru. Kajti ni hujirtra za tajnika, kakor Jo, če mora člann tu-npendirati radi neplačanega aaeamen-ta. Matt Vrhar. tajnik. Kampanluki piknik druitva it. .11 I Sharon, l'a Na Jultj*kl seji Ja druitvo It. XI «klenilo, da prirr
  • t«r»«»vi farmi, aa Sbamnom na ' "north mdeM blitu Krankotoveg« doma. tNlani tega druitva. ki n r ude. Irlijo piknika na avg. plačajo r«Or ¡ v druitvenu blagajno, isvaeti «o I« bolniki. N» pikniku I.lnlo in V»ako\ratne zabave Igial bo Friinov trto ti. WUrma. O. Uljudno vabimo va« roje- | ke tn rojakinje is veeh bliinjth na-«elbin. da p hunin ml poa«t vrnili. Vstopninah* proa ta in m. <-a«r nr bo manjkal" Za. 4-ikmk pruejame čamo m osvelimo kam Ali ite že naroČili Prosve-to ali Mladinski list svojemu prijatelju ali sorodniku v domovino? To jc edini dar trajne vrednosti, ki ga k» mal denar lahko posljct« svojcem ▼ domovino NA PRODAJ KROJACMCA Vsled smrti mojega soproga prodam dobro idočo krojačnico. Izvrstna prilika za Jugoslovanu. Za ceno in drugo obrnite se osebno ali pismeno na naslov lastnice: M rs. Gcorge Malnar, Nashwauk, Minn. —(Adv.) NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA sat«, da po)«. ;«anjo sa pudo. Potrtim arrem naznanjam znancem in prijateljem tuino vrat. da je kruta anirt pretrgala nit llvljrnja mojemu ljubemu aoprtigu in očetu FRANK BANDELU r mrl Je ti. avg. 1931 na avojem domu v Milwaukee. Win. t H» nmrii Je bil atar let; doma Je bil Is TrtaAhr okolice. Fogreb ae Je vrlil 9. aviuata t. I. Ii Fr. Krmenčrvega pogrebnega zavoda po katoliakem obreda na Holy <>««« pok«»paHiče, Tem pot «»m izrekamo najlepio zahvalo članatva druitva "SlogaM it. 16. SNPJ. katerega član Je bil de aveje amrtl. za kraani darovani «enee, katerega ao mu polotili ob njegovi krati, in mr. 4.. Alpnerju «a pealovilni govor ob odprtem grobo. Nadalje lepa hvala pogretinlku Fr. F.rmenra za njegovo vae-•tranako pom o/ in sa lepo urtdltev aprnoda. kakor tudi goa. deka «a obrede pri pogreb« Nadalje najlepla bvala za podarjene kraane veoce in cvetlice ale-dečtm dralinam in raMameznikosa i mr. in mr«. Frank Bizjak, mr. in mre. f% Jaaeer. mr. In mra. It. Bo> le. mr. Ilerman Scbwaiis. mr. hi mra. loata Ambrozieb. mr. ta mra. Frsnk Kapitan mra. Jrrnet4Hi ta draliaa. mi«« Tberr«« H mr. ^a mra. Alfred Htork. mr. i. Dobnik FV«er Shop. ter drattat t rank Skok za darove ta maie. Srčna hvala t odi vaem. kt ao ae udelrilli pogreSe in ki «o apremili pokojnika k radnlema mirnemu počitka. Teb« pa. dragi ««prag ia oče. blian. )hm •««) v mira in naj TI bodr labka ameriika »emljaw Aotojoči o^tal« leootr Handrl «openga r Mil«aakr*. ia Joba Itandel. »in z druim« t ( k ragu III. NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA Z žalostnim srcem naznanjam, da je preminul na* ««e MATEVŽ ŽAGAR Rojen v Nazarjih v Savinjski dolini na Štajerakcm. Ob «asu je bil star 6» let. Umrl Je v Soda Spring«, Idnho, v lailniAnici vnetjem mehurja. Operiran Je bil v jutro dne 8. aug. t. L in umrl pa ob 12:15 9. aug. 1934. Fogreb se Je vriil dne 13. auRu»U u kopališče v Vernal, Utah. Pokojni Jo bil član društva ¿t. 2% S.N in drufitva J.S.K.J. Tukaj zapušča štiri hčere in dva »inz, kat eden utanuje v Tulsa, Wyo., in ena hči v Helper, Utah, «ntali pi Hayden, Utah. Frav lepo ae zahvalimo članom obepa hvala očetu In «"««"•' mr. in mra. Andrew Stich, ki a« dali proator « mr.{\]l\nim njih domu in ko ao mene tolažili v uri žaloati. I « P« aeatri od moje aeproge. ki ao imeli veliko ia fe poaehno hvala sa podarjene cvetljlce. Tebi drag. w ^ ma. ki ai odšla od naa vae prerano in naa puMilz nam«. počivaj v miru in lahka naj Ti bode ameriška trmi)1. ^ ^ n. Tebe bode ».tal v naših arcih. dokler tud, mi •• ^ Žalujoči oatali: Albin Sladič. aoprog. Angeline, hre"» mati, pet bratov in aestra. Irwin, Fa. 7 dni do Jugoslavije B ,/iBVflM HZ»! fA»^,kl" __ VA f;oR*JiH ri«)Hni .lah «fc Ul K*»^, «•«•»•■*• ém Ali potujte a priljubljeni* mi eknpreanimi pamiki: C O L ^ DEUTSCHLAND - HA^BURJ NEW YORK-ALBERTBAUf Todi redna edplutja s do-br« rnsaimi kabénskimi • paraiki 7a aoisMiila vara»«Me I (MBURG-AMERICAN UNÇ IN W. Randolph Bi. Ii bor ne Ml IV IIa" ièm* I um art* ik ¡HEDA, 22. AVGUSTA. Vesti s Primorskega PROBYETÀ ) ctDEM RIHEMBERCANOV ^RED SPECIALNIM SODIŠČEM • .. ¿vrmMeta*™ preiskovalnem ^Jl^oabsojeni Viktor Blr-T, 5 let, Pečenko AIMn ti Mt 4 leta in pol, PiManc Jo- . ^ (\etrož in KriŽman An-L iz Bizjakov 3 leta in 3 ¿¿ce. čcbron Rihard iz Po-i« 2 leti, Zgonik Anton iz Cretrož in Sever Andrej iz Ta-1 leto Gorica, 17. julija 1934 _ Se «d nedavnim smo poročali, da obravnava sedmih obtoženima i i Rihemberka prelo-JM na jesensko zasedanje. V „diji številki našega lista pa m poročili o sedmih osebah z Kikega, ki so bile obsojene j Ido 5 let ječe. Kljub temu, italijanski listi niso navedli . ' ■ - 1—~~ ** -Tira Beaggae lñ or£2Li*ra Barbičev (mUj" SpKEMEMHE PHI DRUŠTVIH St. dr. iti, da ne smejo obstojati izje-m«. Toda to ne velja za v«, vsaj v praksi ne. Iigled, da ima ta izjema vendarle izjeme. Pred dobrim mesecem je bil centurij in paša Emil Grazioli povišan v ?c- nior;a. Ta čin je enak vojašk:- . __________ mu majorju. Razen poveljnika I J.e v dvorani pivo, ki je v oskrbi 59. kraške legi e je še nadz-r- dlrektoriJ'tt-nik kraških fašijev, predsednik Navodila kuko priti do Slovenskega delavakoga doma do-bite v Proletarcu. Na svidenje v metropoli! Frank Barbič, 16010 Parkgrove ave.. Cleveland, Ohio. 41) orkester. Jutino in večerjo delegaciji ser vira restavracija eodruga Jo- * *>pha Kuncicha. 16612 Waterloo dr> cesta, blok in pol od SDD. Ce ne bo dovolj prostora, pa še njegova hči Mary, ki ima restavracijo v bližini SDD. Obenem servirajo tudi pivo; ravno tako meseca julije 1934 CHANGES IN MEMBERSHIP July. 1934 "dopolavora" in še bogve kaj. Končno je on tudi pravi voditelj sežanskega ženskega fašija, gaj je politična tajnica te organizacije v stalnih posvetovanjih in stikih pri njem in pri n egevi iini, ki se gotovo razume v takih stvareh, saj je bila prej čisto navadna modistka in tržaška koketka. Dolgo časa je namreč vodil z ni 1 Umrl: Anton Krcul, c. 70. 2 Črten Bo pot sprejet: Mike Anglo-vsr. c. 59664. Črtans: Rose Mollan, c. (S391. 3 Črtan: 1. j u b o m i r Hrkman. c. K6241. 7 Čttana sopet sprejeta: Fanny Kosinskl, c. 34244. Črtana: M« »y BelU, c. 87578. 8 Črtan sopet »prejet: Maks Ma-rolt. c. 68209. Črtani: Julian« M črtani: Steve Hoflrek, c. 9791«; Zygmont Sulkoaky. c. 97915; Edward Machefskl, c. 97914. 95 Črtani: Frank Mavrstic, c. 42951; Tony Bukovac, c. 82999; Matt Je-Hch, c. 28.147; Eva« Kovach, c. 84330; Susie Obranovlch. c. 788*9. 89 črtan aopet sprejet: Frank Flor janclc, c. 58994. črtan: Frank Paullch, c. 55188. 87 črtan: John Kapolar, c. 50093 HM črtan sopet sprejet: Tomu Kau cic, c. Ž7700. 90 črtani: Steve llatesk. c. 91393; Shod v Pueblu Pueblo, Colo. — V vsaki sred-. ... . . W številki Prosvete čitamo o živl-enie in v JL£ * proslavah tridesetletnice SNPJ, Ijal zlasti nrl ^ V*^' ki jih »r[r*M° društva v raznih mnogo d a . te™t'- IT^ ,Tak° Pr°8laV° Hmo1 F™ msrja s tržaško koketo, ki je tU1 J im«U' ** ^aj vabi-i » črUni ______ John Bobnar, c. 530*5. Markes, c. 84943; Ignas Zupan* Umrla: Annie Zeleanik, c. 42715 cic c. 17162; Louis Simoncic, c. 104 Črtani sopet sprejeti: Jacob Ba 47071; Peter Marijanovich, c. bich, c. 54549; Annie llablch, c 44519; R. J. Skefich, c. 8319«. | 51893; John Sankott, c. 97092; 9 Črtani: Mary Zupančič, c. 43397; , Mary Cordaa, c. H5U38. Čftatfti John Zupančič, c. 43346. Umrla:; Kosalija Janesio, c. 33K54; An-Loopoldina Bergan t, c. 43369. j ton Haselj, c. 13339. 12 Črtani: Frank Hoffman, c. 107 Umrl: Vincent Vrisnlk, c. 39528 4r>772; Raymond R. Furlan, c. 109 Črtan sopet sprejet: Slavo (Jo-5*942; Frances Janeaich, c.' merclch. c. 84977. 53488; Frank Godnick, c. 83201; 110 ČrUn aopet sprejet: George Mi- na obsojencev, so se ta kma- p"ri tržaških "don"juanih želTJT br? "{T* ^Ji.T ugotovila. A niti mislili si! Drecei zn»nn an co rtfiAai; ' \ ran \ ponaeijeK, pno da bi bili to lanskega sep- I gbra aretirani RihemberČani ot edini dokaz pri tej obsodbi posebno sodišče poklicalo v pričo Ludvika Vidmarja i i i Bizjakov pri Rihember-Med razpravo, ki se je vr-9. t. m. od 9. ure zjutraj do popoldne, so bili obtoženci ves vklenjeni in so sedeli v želi kletki. Zagovarjal jih je etnik, ki so ga domači oz. ob-pnei zato najeli, a sodišče ni volilo, da bi ta vse zagovar- Za to je določilo še enega od-etnika, ki je zagovarjal obto-nca Viktoria Birso, ki je bil ijveč obsojen in sicer na 5 Dalje so dobili: Pečenko Al-iz Polja 41/2 leta. Piščanc Jo-iiCvetrož in Križman Andrej Bizjakov 3 leta in 3 mesece, ibro» Rihard iz Polja 2 leti. »lik Anton iz Cvetrož in Se-Andrej iz Tabora 1 leto. )btožnica je navajala, da so »jenci rovarili proti državi, »zažigali kresove lansko leta praznik sv. Cirila in Meda so zažigali možnarje in 10 polomili Arnaldovo dre-Birsa je bil pa poleg so-fevanja obdolžen tudi kot vod-ikupine. btajenaCelnik v ri- WBEH(;U SE JE SAM namenoma OBSTREUL k zadnjemu dogodku iz Ri-hemberga F*», julija 1934. — O doz-atentatu na postajena-v Rihemberku, o kate- ■ imoie poročali, krožijo naj- govorice. Atentat I w bil izvršen ob 11 uri po-*"> ko je postajenačelnik za-Unitvrtii, kar se nikomur ne ^rjetno. Poleg tega pa so fj?'«o bile hlače na me-I,Jer b>l ranjen, ne samo ■"¡njine, ampak tudi osmo-je razvidno, da so 'ltr;:1' '^treljeni prav od u: *'« da je bila celo cev na-*** na obleko. Kljub temu, ^ malo verjetnosti, da l "o napadel poHtajenačel- ■ -11 na njega streljal, je bil v zaporu domačin Li-L;ir'' 2 vrha pri Rihem-; Wl «vMHčas tudi u-^ n« I"-!aji. Splošna «od-da se je pontajena-m in n«menoma obstre-ir*vZavarov'an za vsako precej znana, so se pričeli ljudje 07 ' *Ilu7o » , zgražati in stvar je prišla na u- aVfirU8ta' °b P°lo8m,h zve^r šesa predstojnikom tako, da jo je bil prisiljen poročiti. V Vrtojbi je aretiran Peter Nardin Gorica, 20. julija 1934. — Dne 3. t. m. je bil Peter Nardin, star 28 let in stanujoč v Vrtojbi, nemudoma poklican na goriško kvesturo zaradi nekega zaslišanja. Hitro na to so ga odpeljali v Trst, od koder se ni več vrnil. Pred dobrim mesecem je bil tudi aretiran in zaprt 10 dni v goriških zaporih. Vzrok prejšnje in sedanje aretacije ni znan. Spomenik drja. Pr. Lam pet a v Črnem vrhu odstranjen Idrija, julija 1934. — Iz Črnega vrha nam poročojo, da so italijanske oblasti dale tamkaj odstraniti spomenik dr. Franca Lampeta, ki je stal pred črno-vrškim župniščem. Dr. Lam-pe je bil rojen v Črnem vrhu, dolgo vrsto let je urejeval MDom in Svet" in je tudi pisal, zlasti potopise. Ko so konfinirali Čr-novrškega župnika, jim je tudi spomenik dr. Lampeta postal odveč. Pokojnikovi sorodniki so spomenik prenesli na pokopališče. Nekaj, kar bi bilo lahko rea v Orlovi dvorani. Na tem shodu bo govoril Vincent Cainkar, predsednik SNPJ, ki se ;( L... i---- .. ho vihte. Ti oblaki, ki se zgrinjajo od vseh strani nad našo prelepo domovino, nad našo Italijo, prinašajo tako nevihto, kot je še nismo videli itd. . . . Nadaljeval je svoj govor in govoril še dalje o oblakih in nevihtah. Ta govor naj bi eden od slovenskih vojakov, ki je malo razumel italijansko, ostalim prevedel. Ko je oficir končal, se fant junaško postavi pred četo in na kratko prevede: Fantje, gospout teneu-te je d j al da bo dež! PRIMORSKE ROJAKE GLASOVI IZ NASELBIN pr », m w*aj newjo. Ker je ; Jawifmt. ki je pri-Jbilo treba utvar "bsoditi. To je ' ia*'*tične «tränke ' krepko povedal, * ''"ktrina ne dopu-k 1. "¡fregarjem" več '•»Hal je zU- Važno za delegate zbora JSZ Cleveland, Ohio. — Da, mi se pripravljamo, čeravno počasi, za prihod delegacije, ki se snide v naši metropoli in bo reševala razne probleme in delavska vprašanja na X. rednem zboru JSZ v Slovenskem delavskem domu na 16336 Waterloo cesti. Dobili smo pri dobrih rojakih že precej stanovanj, samo ne vemo koliko, ker do zdaj smo prejeli še malo vprašanj od onih, ki jim Cleveland ni znan. Zato ste pro-šeni vsi oni, ki nimate stanovanj, da pišete Joseph Jauchu, 6409 St. Clair ave., Cleveland, O.; ali pa na moj naslov. Ne pozabite, da v soboto bo banket v spodnji dvorani. Pri-četek ob osmi uri. Kot navadno, govori, pevske točke solistov, kvarteta, godba in pozneje menda malo plesa. V nedeljo, 2. septembra, program v zgornji in ples v spodnji dvorani. Nastopijo pevski zbori soc. Zarja. Jadran, Soča, Delavec in Zvon. Godbeno točko izvajajo «estre in brat Marinček (Sylvia. Antonia, Frances in Frank), fciva slika mladine. Pred programom V Ljubljani je izšla knjiga "Goriški Slovenci", II. knjiga, v samozaložbi. Spisal jo je Andrej Gabršček. Knjiga je trdno in lično vezana, šteje 632 strani in stane za Ameriko 120 dinarjev. Naroča se pri avtorju: Andrej Gabršček, Ljubljana, Igriška u-lica 3, Jugoslavija. Druga knjiga "Goriških Slovencev" obdduje zgodovino primorskih krajov našega stoletja in jo zaključuje z letom 1924. 8 tako dobro urejenim pregledom in tolikimi podrobnostmi še ni bila spisana zgodovina nobene druge slovenske pokrajine, zato mora zanimati slehmega rojaka, zlasti pa primorske Slovence, ki so od tam doma. JuKti Kamnikiir, c. 71MMK. j 14 črtani: Math Papash, c. Bfil>72; Angela Mo*ina, c. 76828. Umrl: Anton llmek, c. 461HH). zopvt sprejeti: John Oc virk. c. 79702; Antonia Mantel, r (»321 j John Ku«»nik, c. 16778 Frank Vratanar, c. 81709; Rudolph Knaflic, c. 747»). črtani; John Androena, c. 87718; Law ten«« Kolo, c. 60460; John Schaff, c. 80078; Mikt< Koehar, c. 28068; Johanna l'unrcr, c. 654)87; Stan» ko Starnberger, c. 77863; Frank Novak, c. «2007. 17 Umrla: Frančiška Obrata, c. 40636. 10 Črtana: Angela Potočnik, c. 76684. 21 Črtani: Frank Kocevar, c. 62374; Vid? Hren, c. 38800; Anton W. Hren, c. 74444t; Josip Osterman, c. 8806; Matt Kostelec, c. 37774; Frank Mohorcich, c. 44062; Martin Morhorich,-c. 27230. Umrla: Ivana Jurglic, c. 66430. 22 črtana: Anne Stefanclch, c. 89087. 24 Črtan: John Malnar, c. 63366, 20 Črtani sopet spre jati: John Mi-heliteh, c. 34833; Jurij Beline, c. 20063. 34 Črtani: Christina I*scek, c. 86400; Christine Chlkadroff, c. 64071. 30 črtan sopet sprejet: John Jauh, c. 43671. črtani: Charles Tushek, _ c. 76833; Jacob Košir, c. 63819. 30 Črtani sopet sprejeti: Jennie Koic, c. 82443; John Kojc, c. 64010; G. Matnek, c. 6M27. 40 Uinrh Michael F. Bencina, c. 73686. 1 41 Umrl: Kdward Bogataj, c. 66228. 44 Umrl: Anton Cuk, c. 4660. 47 Črtan: Frank Kink, c. 28604. U mrl Bogamil 1'intar, c. 78626. 61 Umrl: Alouise Mavc, c. 66463. 62 Črtan: Matthew Fajdiga,- c. 41160. 63 črtani sopet sprejeti: John Kirn, ■ c. 14468; John lierm, c. 10043; Caroline Mosina, c. 73160. Črtani: John I.asnik, c. 26088; Anna I.asnik, c. 68240; Virginia Burar, c.'4612«; Joseph fliets, c. 87070. 64 črtan sopet »prejet: Joseph Tr bovic, c. 20273. Črtani: Mike (Jrguric, e. 6246; Manda Grgurich, c. 40110; Charles Munas, c. 86687; Robert Munas, c. 8018)8; Nick Munjas, c. 72388. 66 črtani: Roccardo Veronesi, c. 70231; Frank Kral, c. 6606; John Dcpiholosvam, c. 84034. 66 Črtani sopet sprrjeti: Valentin Čuden, c. 16268; August Writ c. 22364. Črtan: Thomas Loslk, c. 64007. 66 Črtan: Matt Karcloh, c. 316S8. 60 Umrl: John Rabo I, c. 41002. Neveljavno, Andrew Mi-rtely, c. 87821. 78 Črtan sopet spreji t: Joseph v Nick le, c. 88098. 79 Umrl: John Mataja, c. 1*616. 81 Črtani: Mary Rosic, c. 80882; 1/tidviek Ros le h, c. MI2H3; Anna Rosich, c. 84708; Mary Pape», c. 80100; Walter Pape», c. 80(8)1. 82 črtun so|»et sprejet: Joseph (iri-«ar, c. 4889. Črtani: Herman (Ja« rok, r. «7IOK; Katarina Oolob, c. 48991; Joseph Ntlich, C. 23234. I h belic, c. 47806. «12 Umrl: Frank Kastelis, c. 7278. 16 črtani: Jacob Strukel, c. 66106; Alois Majcen, c. 6068; Matilds Majcen, c. 1856*); Frank Thomas, c. 67478. 18 ČrUni aopet sprejeti: Klisabet Zinsser, c. 86041; Sophie Krotei c. 42047, črtani:. Josephine Fa bee, c. 61026; John Fahec, c 42031; Mihael Turk, c. 10826 Marija C. Turk, c. H007; Slavki. J. Pabec, c. M6666; Kllsabvth Ma Ii, c. 86288; Mildred F. Meli, c. 40436; Aloisia Mali. c. 28768. 120 črtan: Andrew Radakovich, c. 64671. 21 Črtan aopet sprejet: Milan Ko kanovkh, c. 46061. Črtani: David Jukich, c. 84988; John Davi-dovich, c. 61280; Joseph Kotar. c. 14807; (¡eorge Zubclch, c. 68318; George Kovach, c. 20886; Frances Davidovici, c, 76066. 122 Črtani sopet »prejeti: Peter Bila, c. 68002; Angeline Jakslc, c. 28161. 23 Črtan: John Zular, c. 84086. 126 črtani: Peter Butorac, c. 87208; (»eorge Stsrkovich, c. 38362, 126 črtani: Uuia Peterlin, c. 46604; Frank Cankar, c. 10448; Joseph Zaletel, c. 33906; Ludvik llof ford, c. 41382. Umrl: August Zele, c. 40460. 120 Črtani sopet sprejeti: Rayniund Biaakvar, c. 61041; Frank Intl-har, c. 20S66; John Breskvar, e. 12847. Črtan: Cyril Maver, c. 31884, 130 Črtana sopet sprejeta: Johanna Brlmsek, c. 806«. Črtani: Mary C. Turk, c. 76143; Anna Turk, c. 761441 Mary Turk, c, 66406. 181 Črtana: Anna Vidmar, c. 60112, Umrl: Anton Hrast, c. 6811, 9u dr. 271 črtani sopet sprejeti: Jeiica She-»ter, c. 80149; Julia Komlenich, c. 66611; Danica Kasteitc, e. 23123; Matt Oreskovic, c. 23120; Danica Radosavich, c. 31047, čr< tani: George Stillnovich, c. 77694; Frank Pavlenc, c. 46063; Stana CsbraJ. c. 60970. .»76 Umrl: Andrej Zlat oper, c. 23162. 176 črtan: Peter Nikellc. c. 64800. 178 Črtani: Joslplna Drohnich, c. 41769; Anton Miklic, c. 17627; Frtnces Purkat, c. 86866; John Fnbjan, c. 18607, Ï81 Umrl: Jurij Bogataj, c. 4846. Î84 Črtan: Uwls Seibert, c. 64'41. 199 Črtan: lgnats Perpar, c. 34347, 192 Črtan: Casare Fratoni, c. 87297. 297 Črtana: Antonia Starkovich, c. 72474. 200 Črtan: Mark Tesak, c. 34232. 300 črtan: John Slants, c. 41582. 304 Črtana sopet sprejeta: Agne* Gasparac, c. 17467. Črtani: Rafael Taaai, c. 64330; Msry Taasi, c. 74688; Ivan ZugelJ, c. 88188; Antonia Terbovec, c. 17679; Jo-neph Slnkovich, c. 86107, 10« črtani sopet sprejeti: Steve tiru. bac ich, c. 72037; William Gruba-eich, c. 68644. 311 črtana sopet sprejeta: Anna Kuhel, c. 264106. črtani: Johanna King, c. 76206; Joseph King, c. 10684; Angeline King, c. 86160. 313 Črtana sopet «prejeta: Minnu Kogoevich, c. 33374, 316 črtMn sopet sprejet: Marko Ar- butina, c. 83300. 321 črlan sopet sprejet: Joseph Gu* I Ja, c. 76602. Črtan: Frank U« mek, c. 22244. 326 črtan sopet snrejet: John Jurslc, c. 76811. črtani: Margareth Jarta, c. 46647; Frajik Jarc, c. 43261, 331 Črtani: Alex Ostonich. c. 63020; Steve Guydosik, c. 83487; George Stepula, c. 84664. 333 črtani: Albina Glogovsek, c. 84036; Joe Andrwasik, e. 87606. 340 črtani sopet sprejeti: Katarina Sektor, c. 34734; Vassel Cyktor. e. 204165. 344 Črtani sopet sprejeti: Frank Gruden, e. 69627; Jennie Gruden, c. 66710; Mary Jerkic, e. 60863; Roman Jerkic, c. 36006; Leopold Kos, c, 43300; Francas Kos, c, 43387. črtani i Christine Husha, r. 61762; Annie Ohstetar, c. 48449; Frank Jakel, c. 86908; Ci-la Ukasinovlch, e. 63810. 347 Umrl: Jacob Frank, c. 6666. 880 Umrl: Geo. Malnar, e. 20219, 360 Črtan: Jim Vldrov, c. 38080, 364 črtana sopet spre leta: Kristina Orell, c. 41187. Črtan: Ntkola Miscevich, c, 78808. 366 črtana sopet sprejetat Barbara Mlklaw, e. 7H64I. 872 črtana sopet sprejeta: Mary Kacpek, e. 39M82. 187 Črtans: Frances Opere, c. 76867. «76 črtana sopet sprejeta: Katarina 188 črtani sopet sprejeti: Frank Jokolovie, c. 06647. Smith, e. 76610; Stanislav Jam 380 Črtan sopet »prejet; John Mla- ka, c. 34332; Katie Janka, C. 46364. ČrUni: Vlneent Peternel, c. 37264; John Maljevec, c. 17206 142 črtani: Peter Vukcevlc, c. 87260; Jos, Per usek, c. 264)08; Rose Kle menclr, c. 84820, Umrl: l/>ulr Doganovac, c. 41001. 147 črtani sopet sprejeti r Anton Mu-kse, c, 24MIO; Josip Kupena, c. 1011)8; Ignac Kamin, c. 18321 črtani: John Paullch, r. 36436; Stephanie Paulich, c. 60837; An ton Kovacich, c. 641684; Paullne Kovaclc, c. 86X00. 163 črtana: Klisabeth Relkovich, t 68632. 168 črtana: Maty Bostianlc, c. H0 161 Črtan: John Zaits, c. 6414146, 166 Odstopil: Steve Brinsky, r, 61187 173 črtani: John Pataehe, e. 86371; John Petshe, c. 32044. 177 črtan: Kos'« llish. r. 72416. 183 Črtani: Mary Petro, c. 67607 Paul Petro, c. 48780, 186 črtan: Vlrtor Novak, c. 86808 180 črtan; Anton Kavac, e. 417P2. Umrl: John Ju,Ink, c. 41736. 180 črtan: Frank Dobtda, c. 43816. 193 Črtani: Spiro Jankovic, c. 31097; Kila Jankovich, c. 88827. 204 Črtani: Pave Sperlie, r. 34215; Angela O far k, v. 69448; Joseph Ofaek, e, 60444. 807 Črtani: John Sodja, c. «1863; 1* ranerh Kosili, r. 40486. MU Umrl: Frank Prubaska, r, 10276, 210 črtan sopet sprejet : Tomo K Im • c le, c. 404S7, črtan: Peter Nor-. kus, r. 40*19 814 Umrl: 4'hrist Slokar, c. 46«0l. 216 črtani: nisabeth Baltir, «. 47MO»ma novkh, r. 76916 Dt.1 črtana to|*t »preleta Ljubica «kara, r, 74610. črtaali Milka SalakovMb, r 77311; 4 ada T odo rovlrh, r. 6919.1, »' Tona Kluger, e. 79747; Mildie.l črtana J«»ephlne Dsbever, e, M ra mor, r. N64«,'l 222 Umrla : Julija ««gula, c. 48818, j 288 Umrl! Frank Kovjak, f. IH67*. 2X8 Črtani 8t*phanie Ausel, « 82672, i 4mo Črtana 87926, 4m6 Črtan sop«t »prej«t dlsellrb, e 4)2967. Daniel Bu ■ Wrntmimê I'riatanlMni deUvrl v Hsn Frsnrhmu *p»t as delu. Alb«rt Hlobac. e. 760S4J 280 Crtant: Antonia Tomljanovle, c, 5I2H9; Anna KoMka, f. 82348, 237 Crian; Frank Kaiusa, e. 88881, 244 Crtani George Bompage, r. WA-, Martin Klander, r; 47215, 2>9 l'mrl: Anton Jrreb. e. 51 {641. 281 Crian «rerko Petrovlr, t, 6117. 288 Crtena sopet «pr»J«ta: Jelia Losrar, r 38754. Crtana: Mary De vramth, C 88539 266 Crtani' Steve Histarky, r 67678; Nu k Mindak, «. «787«. 280 Crtani Mary Jaksk, c Matlja Jaksir, r. 86817. 170 Crtan) Fmily Mllos, r aisif; Zvonlmu Ku«han, *. M49M, Mae Rodirh, C. 72809 l^ji»e «tarcevlrh, «. 492 Črtana 75*27. 406 črtana Ms»y Lira, e, 67806, 498 Umrl: 4Jeorge U«irh, c. 61814, IM«) črtana Dragica Jon««, e. 78810. 621 Črtana Margareth King, e, 64296 . 623 L'mrl: 4 batir* T. o l.rft, r. 65288 630 črtan Dan Paierie, c. 6678t 683 črtana Mary Vrrrt. c 57188. V44 črtani Mary Hkander, t. »094t; 4'harte» K»anrho, e. no/tf, , 649 Crtaif t»|i*i «prejet Jehu Relie h, e. 88077. I mrla Anna Lekâ, < 8464.1 1588 črtaš: Petar Rarets, c. 615*8. (Dalja aa 8. «tranll 0 na SLAVNOSTNI PIKNIK 30 letaiee SNPJ Odl>or skapaih Mkaiklh draRsv SNPJ alj^M »iki u pnei PIKNIKA, »nreëe OHE 3, SEPTEMBRA 1934 f PILSEI PARK PAVIUOHU m 88. mkUm im Well AlU.rA«e # f,H V )»il)ri4sp 88« M «Ia»arai4 aa *rM oh *trmm» Pvlvg rasni« écartai« la Swesa/l« Iger km aa prrgreaie I ad i aa«4ep pevaklk rtM»r<» ta i»««r nlke* Glavai gwteralk br Fraak K«»»rail I. gt p*8pr«4M8aili 8.8 ti. If 4 UtelaaJe, (Mit« Dtaraaa b de*olj »elika. 6a UKko pUU leae pa»»«, u »naaega Julia Male- tarja. ki SM aetre/l fa plaa elarlia ta m lad I ai Pridite «al /laal la n##leel. pafcalinu da »mm ta aaprrd«k n«iik Mgaaisaeil I« » »»etraaeà* émbfu p»Mr«IÍM «aai Jaas^l trn ee sa ud*Uft»»< prt^nmf» ODMOli: fkqsxetx PROSVETA THE ENLIGHTENMENT 1*1. ASILO IN LASTMINA BI.OVBNBRB N A KODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTI Or... .1 >iU fer U» MU** NiÜMtl Bmu(iI B*t*«tf Ninrfiiui m UnifeM drUr. (ItvM Ckk^a) Is lui*) M M m tato. li.M « »»I bU. Il M m Uta ; m Uit«M* i* CLomo »7 W ta mío Mo, MU u pd IKi; » I» ...»•tro N N.-MMHrllM rataas for Um UnlUd But» («Mvt Cfeiaa«o) and Cana4» MM i»r rm*t ChUw a m AntonlJf Be«*; Pri devet naročnikov, pa bomo Pomagalo več članic bili raznaševalca. Ker se nisem(društva 568' katerlh .vu8a im€na naročil takrat, je prišel drugi niBO znana' zato J* »> mo* ve za X. redni zbor J. S. Z. so v polnem zamahu. V soboto, 1. no pomoč, glavni in za sedanjost sept., bo prirejen banket v po- še zelo potrebni pogoj in na-čast delegatom J. S. Z. in Pro- men. V dosego tega namena pa, svetne matice. Vabijo se vsi če hočemo biti pravični s samim zavedni delavci in simpatičarji seboj, ni zadosti, da le plačamo I ^topnik, ki je bil tudi član delavskega pokreta, kakor tudi pri tajnikih svoj mesečni ases- gNpj Nam je bilo povedano, naši trgovci, da na« posetijo v ment, pač pa moramo gledati da oni tam smatrajo, da sta na-ilemu članstvu, kije posetilo pik-S D D na VVatterloo rd v na aa «animomA ?u • _ j__a_ :___»u.iu nik in s tem Dokazalo, da se za- Collinwoodu. V nedeljo zvečer, 2. sept., bo prireditev z mešanim programom: govori, petje, živa slika rem navesti. Najlepša zahvala vsemu osta- VVatterloo rd. v tudi na to, da ae zanimamo za ¿a jednota in naše glasilo dve to s tem pokazalo, da se za-vse druge aktivnosti ter obenem razitfni podjetji, ali nekaj take-,V€da- da Pri V8aki organizaciji ....... """ ga in da kdor je proti Prosveti, ima članstvo dolžnost, ne samo pazimo, da trud začetnikov in nas samih ne bo zaman. Prilika, da pokažemo naše Velika prireditev S. D. West Newton, Pa. — Na de- dosedaj še vedno skusilo izkori-l ]jHt in ne Prosveta jednote, karjlavski praznik, dne 3. septem-stiti prilike in si s tem zagoto- gg smatra za lastnino naše pod- bra, priredi Slovenski dom veli- letice SNPJ. Članstvo SNPJ je ¿a je članstvo SNPJ ustanovilo in po programu prosta zabava aktivno zanimanje, se nam nudi in pie«. praznovanju in proslavi 30 Vstopnice k obojemu se dobe v predprodaji pri mrs. Kušlan (slaščičarna v S. N. D. na St. Clair) in pri Jo.i Durnu, 13605 \Vaterloo rd., kakor tudi pri članih bol. klubov t. '¿i, 28. in 49 Vabljeni ste vsi od blizu in daleč, katerim dopuščajo razmere iri ča , (ia se udeležite zborovanji kot opazovalci oz. poslušalci, ki»; i- -i, imeli priliko slišati ; ,i i i;ik* \/\. š ne (iorce, kot je N.i < V.I< mbejyer in druge, ki jo ¿l u.nogo preizKusili v bojih za delavske pravice. ni še rečeno, da je proti jedno-ti." Ne vem kaj mislite vi v Chi-cagu o tem. Moje mnenje je pravice.—Frances Zakovšek, članica odbora (119. Federacije sTnTp" ♦ -1, 4 • i viti vedno boljšo organizacijo. Naj bo tudi piknik čikaških društev, ki se bo vršil na dan delavskega praznika, 3. septembra, v Pilsen parku, ena teh prilik. Ako vsak posamezni član S. N. P. J. vrši vsaj nekaj svoje dolž- porne organizacije. In član, ki vedoma škoduje napravi prestopek ravno tako, kot bi simuliral ter prejemal podporo. Naše konvencije, splošno članstvo in glavni odbor se bavijo z vprašanji Prosvete tisti i ko plesno zabavo z bogatim pro-listu, j gramom. Pričetek ob 2. popoldne. Pevski zbor Savica pod vodstvom Ivana Svetka bo zapel par pesmi — O mraku in Pogled nost i s tem, da pripelje s seboj Torej je to ena in ista zadeva. s\oje prijatelje in znance, bomo /,eli uspeh. Odborniki se s pomočjo članstva nadejamo, da bo v nedolžno oko. Med progra mom bo sviral tamburaški zbori iz Monessena in Andrej Vidrich Posebnih poročil. Br. A. Kaste Zapisnik federacijske seje Forest City, Pa. — Zapisnik federacijske seje z dne 28. junija, ki se je vršila na Persenu, Pa.—Predsednik odpre sejo ob 2. popoldne. Odborniki vsi navzoči, razen H. Pečariča. Zapisnik prejšnje seje «prejet. Zastopana so društva št. 124, 204, 432, 447 in 513. Tajnik poda račune do junija. Članarina društev za leto 1933 je znašala $19.30. Društvo 204 je dalo od proslave 2. decembra 20% — $20. Od proslave 30 letnice 30. junija je društvo 124 dalo 25% od čistega dobička—$50. V Miners & Farmers banki v Forest Cityju je 55% ali $62.26. Vseh dohodkov do junija t. L je bilo $89.30. Stroški: voznina in dru go $47.94. Sedaj ima federacij v banki $103.62, "zamrznjena vsota pa znaša $50.94. Nadzorniki poročajo, da so knjige v re du. Sprejeto. Poročilo veseličnega odbora Od prireditve v Forest Cityju je ostalo čistega dobička $221.90 od priredbe v Luzernu pa je či stega dobička, ki se razdeli me društva in federacije, $228.28 Razvije se debata, nakar je bilo sprejeto, da se da federaciji $50 od proslave v Luzernu, ostala vsota pa se razdeli po številu članstva med društva št. 204 432, 447 in 513. Društveni zastopniki nimajo Krovu v Moon Runu in k 10. nov. v Pittsburghu no tako poroča tudi br R zastopnik mlad. federa' Slede racije. poročila in mora biti v Pilsen parku pro-Na predvečer X. rednega zbo- «tor napolnjen, če bo le vsak prizadeti upošteval, da je njegova dolžnost sodelovati. Odbor, upoštevajoč razmere, raj v osrčju mesta Chicaga in s tem omogočil, da se članstvo ra v petek, 31 av;r.. ob H. /a«*-■ er. priredijo tu.i mladi sudru-gi iz Chicaga, Detroita, Penn-sylvanije in Clevelanda debato je določil in najel prostor sko-o temi: "Kakšno stališčt naj zavzame mladina v tej krizi in «plodnem kaosi;, ki ga je ustva-' ¡'/sume potnih stroškov, članstvu rila uananju družba." To vpra-4,zv«n Chicaga pa bo lažje najti . an e bi i morala današnja min- Prostor. Za zabavo in užitek bo dina globoko k srcu vzeti, ako vs* preskrbljeno. Poleg raznih noče biti bodoči kanonfuter na- i?rer je odbor povabil tudi tri Aim parazitom in ako noče priti pevske zbore. Govorili 'bodo tu- Nagovarjati naše člane, naj pu-; iz Johnstowna nam bo povedal stijo Prosveto in naročijo drugi marsikaj zanimivega o pomenu časopis po naših članih, to se j delavskega praznika, nakar bo ne 'sme dogajati. Dogodilo se j dramski klub Nagelj iz Exporta1 Kranc poroča o _I»Mynoati,__da pa je, ker dotični se je izrazil, i uprizoril igro "Andrej in nje-i lic pravi, da ni mogoče veliko napredovati v članstvu v seda njih razmerah. Br. Charlie da potrdi s pričo. Tu ne iščemo obtožb pritožb. Hočemo le pokazati, gov zločin' v treh dejanjih, ki jo j in nejrežira Ben Willig. Vstopnina ki igri 25c za ženske in moške. | kaj se vse lahko pripeti v naši Otroci pod 16. letom, ki niso v metropoli. Delavstvo, ki se naročju staršev, lOc. K plesu, pod železno peto fašizma in še večje mizerije. Zato apeliram na našo mladino, da se udeleži te pomembne debate. Vstopnina je prosta za vse mlade in stare. di člani društev in glavni govornik. zastopajoč S. N. P. J., too Frank Somrak, 1. gl. podpreds. smatra tudi opozarjamo, časopise. naše članstvo,: pa naj čita delavske Frank Barbič, 53. Poročilo in zahvala North Chicago, III.—Iz naše nasel-bine se malo sliši o društvenem življenju, kot da bi že po- iz Clevelanda. Kakor je bilo,PoInwma *a«P*li. Pa ™ tako. razumeti, pride veliko zunanjih! Ko Je *lavni odbor na Ietni R€" Prosi se vse one, ki imajo vl«anovtako iz Clevelanda, Mili- £ meseca februarja povab i vsa predprodaji vstopnice k bank*11 wau*eeja in drugih naselbin. S!društva nuJ f™lav*J<> tu, da priglasijo število proda- tem se bode marsikateremu nu-|nJcno M letnico »n odprl kam- nih vstopnic s. Jos. Jauhu v klu bovih prostorih v S. N. I)., sta dila prilika, da sreča znanca, imnjo za nove člane, tudi društva v nafti naselbini niso hotela ro poslopje, najkasneje v četr- da io več Pridite v ponde-tek večer, 30. avg., da se bomo' dno «^pt., v Pilsen park, prijatelja, ki se nista videla mor-., . biti zadnja. V resnici se mora priznati, da vedeli zadevno ravnati. j26.'¿esU in Aibany.* Proslavitejj« drušivo 4t U SNPJ začel° Sodrugi, simpatičarji in «r»-!^nlco naj večje slovenske or- prvo a kampanjo za nove člane, jaUdji! Ne pozabite X. rednega Kanizacije in zabavajte se v ^ zbora J. S. Z in gori omenjenih d™žbi bratov in sester te naše| JZ me8eCU d°b,l° 20 priredb! V združenju je moč! -----------'n°V,h Član°V- Posameznik je le kaplja rose na travi. Najprej za socializem in za boljšo iHHločnost! Za publicijski odbor, A. hukovac. velike in doto re matere SNPJ. John Potokar, član dr. 39. Takoj nato se je tudi društvo št. 119 SNPJ lotilo dela s pridobivanjem novih članov in sicer društvena tajnica in podpisana. Rezultat do danes je 71 Agitacija za na.sprotne liste ( leveland, Ohio. — Pred krat kim je bil priobčen dopis iz naše j ^ naselbine o nekaterih rojakih, ki \u ___________________Mt>, Mniatrajo člane SNPJ in soj Me^ca aprila so vsa tri dru- Chlcago. - Piknik čikaških 00'0 aM nU. uradnlkl društev ,Atva (14, 119 in 568) proslavila društev SNPJ, kakor razvidno "U ' J,;dnotr ,n da 80 k()l t,lki 30 letnico SNPJ v SND z lepim iz oglasa na drugem mestu v tej "K11'™11 med ,,rati » "«bratski uspehom. Dne 29, julija pa so izdaji, obeta biti po zatrdilu iHH,>pi"' ,kl ¿e ProC€J nasproten zopet Vsa ta društva priredila članov prizadetih društev ki na*;mu 1Utu ,>rosveti. Radi te- skupni i>iknik, na katerem je imajo nalogo prodajati vstopni- S* ( °,),MH, v na4em 1Utu j<' »,ri- govoril Fred Vider, jednotin taj-ce, velikanska proslava 30 letni- d° n°kuk° Piknik čikaških društev je marsikateri član še ne razu me, ker ne čitajo jednotini pravil. Dostavlja tudi, da bi tre ba izdelati iniciativo glede de litve bolniške podpore, ker marsikateremu Članu ni všeč sklep prošle konvencije. O tem vpra- ki prične zvečer ob 7. uri, je ■ _ . . . . . . vstopnina 25c za ženske in mo-|ša"Ju f Je precej raz motri valo m končno sklenilo, da se s stvarjo počaka. Br. Frank Drasler, organiza ške. Uljudno se vabijo vsi oko-' liški Slovenci in Hrvati, tako tu-j di vsi oddaljeni rojaki. V ena-: kem slulčaju smo poset priprav-' tor, poroča, da skuša pridobiti ljeni vrniti. Za lačne bo pečena! še ostala društva k federaciji, če švinjlna, za žejne pa dosti hladne pijače. Joseph Zorko, tajnik S. D. Piknik soc. kluba Springfield, III. — Klub št. 47 JSZ bo imel v nedeljo, 26. avgusta, piknik na Logarjevi farmi. iPikniški odbor bo gledal, da bodo vsi posetniki dobro postreženi in se imenitno zabavali. Članice kluba so tudi obljubile, da bodo preskrbele za pod zob nekaj takega, kar še nismo imeli na piknikih. Tisti, ki nimajo avtov, naj se obrnejo na klubove člane, ki bodo gledali, da bo vsak prišel na pikniški prostor. Odbor. Vabilo na piknik Moon Run, Pa. — Zadnjič sem omenil, da soc. klub št. 175 priredi piknik dne 26. avgusta v Pertmanovem parku. Na tem pikniku bo nastopil govornik soc. stranke iz Pittsburgha. Udeležimo se vsi!—(Soc. klub št. 31 na Imperialu priredi svoj piknik i-sti dan. Če želijo, lahko dobijo istega govornika tudi na njiho- bo mogoče, in ustanoviti novo angleško poslujoče društvo Little Fallsu, N. Y. Federacij mu bo šla v vseh ozirih na roko in mu bo tudi pomagala finan čno. — Federacija se zahvalju je vsem, ki so delali na proste vah v Forest Cityju in Luzernu in s tem pripomogli, da so bile finančno in moralno uspešne. Sklenjeno, da prihodnja seja naše federacije se vrši dne 28 oktobra v Forest Cityju ob pop. v dvorani društva Zvon Predsednik se v imenu federaci je zahvali društvu 432 za prosto dvorano. Zaključek seje ob 4.15 popoldne. Louis Sasso, zapisnikar. .........................„„ 1VU||_ W prerekanja na nik, ki je govoril v angleščini. .............. I1JWi, ceS. N. P. J. Kljub dosedaj sla- (,ru8tvt'ni m'Jj in J« baJ« bil c*u> Pripravljalni odbor je seveda vo prireditev.)—M. Jerala, 88 bim delavskim razmeram se članstvo trudi, da se 30 letni ju-' bi le j proslavi kar najbolj mo-i g«Kve uspešno. Da ne bo pozneje kdo mogel reči, »VA, "nisem vedel" ali "sem pozabil," si štejem v dolŽ-i nost, da opozorim čitatelje, da po prečitanju tega dopisa opo-» zore tudi one, ki jim čitanje ali ni v zabavo ali pa mogoče ni-1 majo iva>a radi prevelike zaposlenosti čitati. Zadnje omenje-1 ne opozoriti je torej dolžnost vseh čitateljev, ker če je danes I človek tako zaposlen, da nima» časa niti kitati, si bo gotovo vzel ne^m ¿««a za poMtok n razvedrilo. kater kb j. pot rebrn vsak 'eni! av. i> ni hc.le | « dal ^at le itak kratko odmerjeno življenje. • Naredimo torej vsak o pravilih m< xa\arov"anie proti rRznirv čam 1 tride-in kljub jmIí, da pri kR* ••ra biti ne«fe- ( ikn n\R plesnem kimte«lti 3m^SmSS^ mm***pel pan,%'ki ^ Udeki,u enÄkerÄ kon Federacija zapadne Penne Pittsburgh, Pa.—Zapisnik seje federacije društev SNPJ zapadni Penni, ki se je vršila dne 22. julija v Moon Runu, Pa John Terčelj, predsednik fede racije, otvori sejo ob 10. dopoldne ter pozdravi navzoče. Čita se imena odbornikov, ki so navzoči vsi. Čita se imena zastopnikov, katerih je 48 in zastopajo 22 društev. Zapisnik zadnje seje sprejet. Tajnik čita pismo društva št. 166, kjer prosijo za oprostitev asesmenta za leto 1933 radi slabih razmer; se jim ugodi. Društvo št. 6i29 prosi za dvameseč-ni asesment za člana Jos. Tri-najstiča in soprogo; se ;plača vpota $7.88. Nadalje se ugodi prošnji brata Blaža Chelika od št. 141 v isti namen; vsota $11.44. Pismo iz Canonsburga tikajoč fo kampanje rte vzame na znanje ter izplača nagrada za 10 novih članov. Tajnik poroča o uspehu prireditve na 30. maja. Čisti prebitek znaša $269.4Q. ki ' se razdeli polovično med dru-; štvo "Bratstvo" št. 6 in federacijo v znesku $134.73. Skupna , vsota v blagajni znaša $434.72. Br. Jacob Dermota od društva Bratstvo poda podrobno finančno poročilo o omenjeni prireditvi. Predlog sprejet, da se jim izreka zahvala za trud in priznanje za velik uspeh.—Br. Ple-j še poroča o poteku seje mladinske federacije—njih aktivnosti j ter o priredbah. V bodoče bo e-i na na 9. septembra v Portman's Br. John Žuat od ¿^89^ Poroča za prihodnjo konfer kl naJ bj v Midway ju Trpin od- št. 203, Bishop na 20 letnico dne 3. septer Matt Kos iz Cuddyja prip zastopnikom, nuj bi prih, konferenca zborovala v t vem domu. N. od dri št. 118 poroča, da njegovo štvo plača danes ves zaosfc sesment. Br. Smrekar se r roča za prihodnjo konferei Aliquippi. Zastopnik iz ] docka vabi na njih piknik 2. septembra. Petrovčič o 166 se zahvaljuje za oproj asesmenta. Strmljan iz Lil vabi na piknik dne 9. avg. Zaitz iz Claridga naznanji bodo proslavljali 30 letnico društva na 3. septembra obenem priporoča, da zasto glasujejo za prihodnjo k renco v Claridgu. Br. Beček od angl. Itdei poroča o poteku agitacije i itanovitev angleško posluj« društva v Midwayju. Br. Si' tam izvaja, da je za skup ker vidi boljši napredek. .> starejši in vodilni člani raji tvujejo, oziroma odstopijo slovni slovenski jezik v dol» angleškemu. Za prihodnjo konferenci nominirana sledeča mesta: quippa, Claridge, Midwaj Cuddy. Prvi dve gresta na volitev in Claridge dobi vi glasov. Br. Anton Horvat pre prošnjo za finančno pomoč tičnim žrtvam, oziroma ki nističnim agitatorjem v J slaviji. Br. Strmljan pravij mogoče, je boljše, da i»od mo tukaj doma, kjer imami volj vsake vrste žrtev. Br. brozich tudi ugovarja, ker nasprotju pravil federacije, Cipčič zagovarja Horvatov Sklenjeno, da se v tem ozir daruje nič. Cipčič nato kr ra konferenco, ker se ne je za razredni boj v Jukod Pleše opozarja na cincanje vih komunističnih agitati ter na "rezanje hlač od spo da "krpajo od ZKoraj" Br. Kavčič nagovori nai glede bližajočega se zbora in Prosvetne matice ter da bi bilo umestno, da poal na zbor bratskega delegata ši se v Clevelandu 1.-2.-3, Predlog v tem smislu spi Federacija plača 125 za in druge stroške. Nomii sprejmeta Yerant in Yerant je izvoljen z večino sov in se zahvaljuje za nost in obljublja, da bo d v smislu načelne izjave SN njenih resolucij sprejetih delavstva na raznih kon jah. O vprašanju glede prist Prosvetno matico se v na» bata. Cipčič napada njene nike (ki delajo brezplačno, so pripadniki NKA. M _ Pleše pobijata njegove trdi tem, da Prosvetna matica dina delavska kulturna ust med Slovenci v Ameriki. W je dramatiko, pevske zbuf tnlnice ter itd sa pod učne knjige in vneto plačno organizacijam, ki *o včlanjene ter prispevajo majhno vsoto. Ako pnH* dit socialistom ta akt \ - kulturnem polju. endar ponosni na m< vat, član društva «t. n* tudi včlanjeno v tiči. pravi, če pri*!o| njeno organizacijo, cija propad«*, ro r og brat« K* art i»'* . J >i cen počakamo d<> R'- - društva « ri,rni svojih sejah. PreS. T«kè, ai ■»-'!«• 2JifSHZm. ^ ssl m -Miaja m M. tafrdltan. yannw» r—--»— — !" , . khnteUU» »«IL Ml M pallljaja M MO.WW«. TU PRITOŽBE iMi pmWtssJS » «L W*«« •• » n^^ntko mdioriKfi odWrs* m p1izivi m fi. mm« sâmfc m Ml r^fltete m Jete Gsrftfca. lanlalitn. »aSUJaJa ViMk Bajea. _ _______McrtUrr*! afflea. ■SMI •( âtk ¿•■•lit ahnald te* nddrenaod to tko «muh mni flwncu) Billm andar Um JuWiilln mt «A» tmnnr'i afflaa b Sa OapUInU Mitrcrains Um walk af «ha tfk, ekâlrnâa «f Um Board af Baparftoara. (tait*. MMpltlnU and appeal« ahonld ka Malti*« '' aááiasMi «a J« ka OtrM. ta Frank Razsodbe gl. porotnega odseka Zadeva društva št. 356 Društvo št. 356, Benld, 111., je lilo obtožono pri gl. porotnem ldseku, da je kršilo 4. točko UXX. člena pravil s tem, k«T jt nakazalo bratu M. Kataliniču a tri dni preveč bolniške pod- Ir. Na podlagi predložene obtož- nice je bilo društvo dne 29. julija t. 1. zaslišano po predsedniku gl. porotnega odseka in vsa zadeva je bila potem predložena gl. porotnemu odseku v razsodbo. Na podlagi podatkov in druge predložene evidence je gl. porotni odsek dognal in soglasno zaključil, da je društvo nekrivo.. John Goršek, predsednik; John Terčelj, Anton Su-lar, Frank Podboj, Frank Barbich, porotniki. spremembe _ (Nadaljevanje a S. strani.) Št. dr. 559 Črtani topet »prejeti: John Zore, c. 70466; Alvin Rak, c. 87622; Robert Kovandu, c. 80239. Črtani: John Bcninfr, c. 78924; Elisabeth Kenyon, c. 7X448; Matilda Beniger, c. 799S2; Math Arbanas, c. 70342; John Darovec, c. 07316; Frank Kupnik, c. 07024; Valentine Kobal, c. 80003; Roaie Brinovec, c. 86116; Mary Kocine, c. 78071; Helen Kocine, c. 720H3; Victoria Kobal, c. 70789; Mary Sluga, c. 07290; Anton Mam, c. 70358; Frank Ohrgar, c. 61088; Ajenes Stefaneic, c. 87148; Frank Studnick, c. 82388; Otto E. Der-noll, c. 58232; Annie Demolí, c. 48961; William Townsley, c. 72227; Joséphine Townsley, c. 33102; Leo Gratchner, c. 81042; Catherine Stefancich, c. 80048. 504 Črtun zopet sprejet: Harry Blai, c. 87162. črtani: Matthew Planic, c. 87625; Leona A. Spolyar, c. >80198; Mary Benedict, c. 76239; John Lackner, c. 79480; Rudolph Benedict, c. 80538; Peter J. Benedict, c. 00935; Stephen Malgay, c. 74821. 500 Črtani zopet sprejeti: Edith Sa-lamon, c. 08172; Milan Modve-sek, c. 08251. 507 Črtana zopet sprejeta: Mary B. Huckt4>y, c. 78091. Črtana: Johanna Logar, c. 86800. 508 Črtana: Jennte PeklaJ, c. 08388. 573 Črtan zopet sprejet: Albert Ponev i na, c. X5444Î. 577 Črtana: Mary Mishmash, c. 03022. 581 Črtana zopet sprejeta: Agnes Prudich, c. 88366. Črtan: Stjepan Voljak, c. 05017. 582 Črtan: Mate Polonijo, c. 74296. 583 Črtana: Mary Coffer, c. 09866. £84 Črtani: Pauline Stiglitz, c. 78943; Anna Shsffer, c. 74646. 000 Črtani zopet sprejeti: Rosie Uri-car, c. 00058; Mary Somranski, c. 00040; Mury Se lic h, c. 82176. 008 Črtani zopet sprejeti: Joe Luzar, c. 80700; Anna Hlavacek, c. 70140. 809 Umrl: Frank Trentelj, c. 1620. 014 Črtana: Francés Sohach, c. 09808. 017 Črtan zopet sprejet: John Pre sto, c. 76034. 018 Črtan zopet sprejet: Matt Bujan, c. 70942. 019 Črtani: Frank Markusic, c. 87042; Peter Markusich, c. 76038; John Kuznik, c. 08492. 029 Črtani zopet »prejeti: Nellie r i i No. Nam« »« Mik* k um«-..... J "k n Kam^omtk ...,»?»«« Krank Kamfen...... nmhh» Anua Hrwn .........kSOOl Sam Zupančič........un00* Auyuntinr Kuchvvar snovi William Trank.......Haook Tuny Ilrrffar........ SSINM Mari« HU f irr .......MOOT Ho*- krvffvl.........SHOOS ll.ilwitf I lau.........MOOS Auvual MaruK ......SSOltt VaUntin Struj.......SS0II Clara m Sakoly ,., . mhoix Walt.r Hakvly..... MMOII l'an Jaru«vk........HS0S0 1* Jauni» Schlug» ,.. , SH0I1 7m John Ok lak.........MHOS« H4 Andrew llalmbrlna. .hs0bb X» Anna I.ukan...... MS041 WS Mainarrt Kohd.-______MM04X J<«hn Krankovich.....sn04i 106 Victor l'rank........NM04S 10« |Vt»r Moa ich........sm047 1XX Krank (ioruy........HM06S 1X4 Kiulolph l)raai»r .. . MH064 ISO William Kup*rt.....SMOkft IIA K m ma Korn........ MM06S ISH Mary Kr*ac.........,SS0ft7 I4X Mari» l'nlla......... SMObM Auaualina A. Kurri .hm0ah JiMMn>h Valvnclo.....MHOtiO Kmlolph '¿»i» .......M H u 0| (¡«ura» K iiiin ......hmost JuM>|ihin» Sein ich ,,. .HNOSI Kranr»a Kotrhrr.....HHO04 Anton K. Tauirly. . .HHIMII Mary Krupjak.......hh0«7 l'aul Mi,ich.........NHOtitl Franca* (]n»adn .... .MH070 G«ort» Ucnae.........mmo7 I Itaatrica tl. kohl... SM07S Kru ma On*pak ......HH07S Kdward Oalluii......MM075 244 John Ikmuiaa».....KHU7T 2&4 tau la llukovtv.......HM07S 257 Juavphina ................ XAI Mary liauc..........hh0h0 XAH (Snap* Hum........HMOS I Maruarrt Mav»li,,, ,mmomX John Taka vac. ......hh0ms John V»na..........SM0M4 X70 Virginia I'otokar,.,,mn0h5 <74 K ve I y n Volcjak.....MS0S7 Charlaa Mikaah......MKUHS 2H» Mika Hraac.....».. • MH0M9 2 uo John Uaaklvlch...... .MH0S0 2S5 Jnarfih ii. Klainaiita MMOUÏ Ort. Inau-No. ranea S7SSS bOO XI I« 17 IV 144 Ifta 171 174 17« '.'Oil X04 >06 XX« 114 »00 Jo« K variuh 104 Anna Jugo.,, HMOS! M H 00 4 William Judnick ,.. .MNOSb II.m ir«* Trink.......SHOOS William TrankSHOS7 »Ol» Ktrvr Tomaich.......MH0VH »10 A UK mil lllugvr......NHOUU »12 Virginia J »ran......»hi til Midly Sa j u..........MHIOX AiiVrla Knlin.......SNlo» 117 Knlhryn Y ura«.......SSI04 Schuch, c. 36234; I¿ouia Juk, c. ¡ 120 Hu»» Korch» hsÎoû 70191; Mike Jaksetich, c. 701Ö7; ¡ Owe» Orivicich... Dragotin Brncic, c. 56721. Črta- "7 J"n'- »ikimrhk.. IZPLAČILA IZ ODŠKODNINSKEGA SKLADA meseca julija 1934 Operacije, odikodnine in odpravnine DISBURSEMENTS—DISABILITY FUND during th« month of July, 1934 (Operations, Disabilities and Compromissary Claims) hM rim. fw *f Mrmbrr fck kinttick Ntilirh .. Mai.lj .. Ikr) J rak « '•'"»» /tkorar ^ tinrk fc^ harrtur ■rtrtl, IM.J ■W Sarvka P Papi.h ■M Hm, M** Hr«»»t ■»»• M.lri.r ** Sart, I Siriili pwh I kn it iiWrt Ulab,r "" U».„ . dirt. ■ iter. Clan drnitra—Mtmkar af LUgm Cart. Vaota Na. itr. No. at__ Amonnt ............... • 14 1« Hock Spring». Wyo............. « 7«.«l H47S0 4S liarbertun, O................... 60.00 ............... 1SSS7 »0 Clinton, Ind. .................. . 7».M ............... SI »2« «« Trinidad, Colo.................. 60.SO SS7I2 •1 Johnston City. Ill.............. t«.M ............... H07H4 •S Oalaaby. Ill.................... »«.«« HS42S IIS I'ltUbnrah. Pn................. 50.00 ............... S400H 127 Clavalnnd, O.................... MM ............... »2117 ISS Yuunratown, O. ............... T».«0 SS2SS 202 Hiakop, Pn..................... SS 00 .............. M242 24» Lnwronra, Pn................... 7«.«« 7 «MI 2»2 Avella. Pn.................. »«.«« ............... MSS4 100 Hrnddork, Pa. ..v................ T«.M .............. 2021« 160 Nnahwauk. Minn............... 7».SO .............. 7SH0S »•• Kontnna. Cnlif................. 60.SO .............. 7MM • 14 Cteraland, O................... &«.«« •■■'•......... • • ••4M ••• Hrcnn, Pn............... S4IM 71« Thomaa, W. Vn............ M.M I47S4 » Cleveland, O................... ISS.M 40» »4 Ulenroe, O..................... ISS.M S122 IIS PitUknnrh. Pa................. M.M "♦■.......... 1243« «77 Kenton, Waah.................. M.M KkupšJ — Total............................ •l.7««.M raco a. vinea. gi. ujnik—a IZPLAČILA IZ SMRTNINSKECA SKLADA meseca julija 1934 DISBURSEMENTS FROM THE MORTUARY FUND h*. durinn the month of July, 1934 ^••S Tk VknJIá. ■............. 11 1 " °- »Ur. - Kil« čina drallen—Henker mt Lméf Vaota Na. Ilt^Nfc . a—M Amount S HM • Vala, Kaaa. .............. » i »as so ----...... »TIS 14 Hauke*.n. III. ............... 1 OOS ss 4M» IS Mllwnnke», Wia............... 2« »Tis ' 2S Kly, Minn.................... X.«» ............ »TT* II Hkaran, Pa..................... •SSM »7M 40 llnrnnga, Cola.'................. 1 Í.SS •• 57»h 44 Pnrk Hill, Pn................ i.i sa .as i71S 4T Mprinafiald. III............ sss as « .... STSI IT Nprin«fi»M III........... IM.M »76* »• Clinton, Ind............ •SS SS »7T7 »1 A apen. Cal»............. 17144 67SS »1 Cleveland, (I...... . ... 7« sa 67»l »1 Cl»ve4and. O..... ..... i.saaas »77S SI (iilkerl, Minn......... saa.M »TT« TS Ko»Im Ha.h.............. •M.M »TST T» (1» Klan», Wnak 1 IH M I7SH T» CI» Riem. Waah. s . i »7SS •2 Kranklin, Kana. I.INN »7ST ll7*>Wa, (ree*. Moni. •sa M I7M IIS ( lovelaftd. O. ...... 1 sas as »77» 12» Cleveland (I..... 42*.»H »7*1 142 ( leveland. U. •as aa »771 114 Mnanrlle. N. Mri. ssa as »7»7 in« Joltot. m..... IS« M »76« 1ST Irani on. Minn ■ 1 aa« — «es« 211 ( Ilot*« Ind .,.. IM M »714 2S4 Umww. Pn. i.«a« «a T ' m« 2S7 Roll». Mant - . i »aa s« »TM «1« Malien Idnko ...... 1 IN M »SSI 222 MeUwood. Pa. »M.M «7M 2SI JnekeonviH». Kana .. - »M M »711 MI Acallar, («i» •1 M »Sil Ml Men Kmnrloeo, ('«M, 1 M »7a« 442 ( leeeland. (1. , IIMM »TM 4M R«rt4d. (1. •M M »7t» 40* WtloMvIUe. Ill I .SM M »Ta« »2« Ta»Ur»HU in .... IMN »aaa •»» Melker Pa 2 «M M 1794 7M Mr»o(lal»n. P« . •M M ni: Mary Bassar, c. 0:1613; Mijo Troha, c. 78476. 031 Črtana zopet sprejeta: Angela Klavora, c. 74470. Črtani: John Novak, c. 68009; Frank Berzlos-nik, c. 77327; Matilda Vidmar, e. 80294; Mary Bovdlk, c. 80510; Frank J. Mejash, c. 03276. 041 Črtana zopet sprejeta: Jean Perke, c. 84320 044 Črtan zopet sprejet: Mitar La- zarevich, c. 71272. 050 Črtana: Mary Machek, c. 74152. 069 Črtana zopet sprejeta: Matilda I ¿ach, c. 86297. 062 Črtan: Ceorge Albina, c. 74084. 006 Črtana zopet spreipta: Vida M. Mali, c. 77025. Črtan: Ludwig (ierlovic, c. «3607. 670 Črtani: Slavko Baksic, c. 70408; John Snoj, c. 75067. 077 Črtana r Mary Koss, c. 84927. 078 Črtana zopet sprejeta: Annu Vujnovich, c. 76810. 679 Črtani zopet sprejeti: Milan Zupan, c. 81532; Julia Krall, c. 32079. 084 Črtani:-Helen Ceglar, c. 72037; Mildred «kvarna, c. 77108; Andrew Skvarna, c. 77106. 086 Črtana: Frances Ambrose, c. «7560. OHO Črtan sopet sprejet: Frank J. Moze, c. 84331. ^ 090 Črtan: Rudolph Malnar, c. H75K8. MHIXI SMIXX hm 107 shiom (Jaorvr I'Java« ..... hmii0 Joaaph L. krrJoele .SSIIt l>arn»lln Ohron . . . .1*114 Mary Kraaavlch......SHI1S Kllanbrth l.urlcl» MMI17 A ima Mur..........smiih Kilwln C. Uodlnav...isllv 4M Joavphln» Troy»r 479 A Ihan ImifiM. ,, Auloinaltr Km livr., mm IX4 JiaM^ihln» Vugrin.., .SHlXft 620 Joarphln« Sr.hi.hak MH|2«> »21 UMy» d. Murinkov . HN 1X7 Milil ml Trtan...... mhIIo Anna Krnyoich.....snisi Krnnoaa i in Harnard V. Klaain«. hhmo Kdward Jaka»..... SMI4I 6SS John K roll......... SSI4X SN4 Mary l'aullnr Muairh MSI4I •S» Angelin* Šaman . ..NNI44 John Sri,ilan........SNI46 <0» J an lila Hvtina.,.....SNI4S Anthony K na« 14m Krad Krank K na.,.., Mal (W Hlrva iiumley...... I.otlla l'n|)p ...... Matthew Allein , . Mary /.lhr»k...... 147 861 »HS 401 427 414 4M| »II »17 »sm »•4 »«7 »71 Sil SHI6X .MIM nm|»4 .SSI M 6ss Joawphill» l'ungerchar MNlft« Clara Nali» ....... nh|»7 sws Mary T«naInk..... hmisx Halan Kama,,.,... susi David Slana.lov ich «miso i,Hilan Kit dak ..... snisi Alígalo ÜMWIIO,,., nm im Krada Murahrti ... HHIS7 71» William Kraru .... Sh|70 7X1 Anaalo Roa» .., .,. NNI7X Victor llerglin ...........nsi7i Krank llrlhar 174 Kam 17b Viator llorvnth..........NSI7S fM Michael l'allia, SSI77 Iharlaa l'ovhl I&0 fttm »oo »00 1.000 »00 1.000 »00 »00 »00 »00 »041 »00 »00 1.000 1.000 »00 »00 »00 »00 boo »00 »00 »00 »oo 1.000 XbO »00 boo »00 1,000 »00 »00 »00 »00 »00 »00 1,000 »00 »00 »00 600 »00 »00 1,000 »00 »00 »00 »00 1.000 »00 »00 »00 »00 «»0 »00 1.000 »00 »00 260 »00 I .00(1 IAO »00 »00 »00 2&0 »00 boo »00 »00 600 1.1)110 1,000 600 boo boo bOO 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 »00 600 600 »00 1.000 600 XftO 6*10 600 6 IM* 1,000 600 600 600 600 600 600 »00 »00 1,000 i in 1,000 2»0 600 600 »00 »00 l»0 x»o 600 X60 X60 »00 X60 »00 600 600 »00 xso 26« Hick Um 1.00 I 00 I 00 I 00 »0 I Oll 1.00 i Uli 1.00 I 00 I 00 1.00 1.00 1 «0 I 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 I 00 I 00 I.Oo 1.00 .»(I Umrl: Joseph Horzen, c. 64484. t m jam»» K Mai 090 Črtani: Olga Kaier, c. 73680; Joanne Ktritof, c. »7169. 098 Umrl: Nick Karicic, c. 30430. 099 Črtana: Kva G. Cousin, c. 49604. 700 črtana: Kmma Matilda Dolancc, c. 86659. 707 Črtan: Rudolph l\ Zaletel, <•. c. 80677. 709 Umrla: Angela Šinkovec, r. ,06750, 710 Črtan: John Kovach, c. 83970. 719 Črtana: Mary Majetich, c. 83510. 720 Umrl: Hudolph J. Krlsman, c. 82954. 728 Črtan: Michael Oflftmk, c. 87500. 732 Črtani zopet snrejeti: Walter Pr-dro, c. 82470; John Miakunas, r.l^j 88762. 741 črtani zopet spre jati: John f »«»J frate, c. M0380; Mary IMfiat* c. 86040.'črtana. Maiy Lewram«-c. H0048. 743 Črtani: Malhilda Mtimar, r 0710»; John Stimar, e. 67169. h rtd A. Vider. gl. tajnik. ' NOVOPRIHTOn.l ČLANI NI* MKMMKaa I s Ort Ina«- Na. Nam« M» rana» Arir»M Aaraa« I. ISI4 I ( harta* Jurbo.hrk S7S7» 11 ••< X Ireak S'ar.»a»«ik »V 74x («rlirv l»v» ('»mol 741 (<*or«» llark ar V n U/r la |) l'a.o Arraplvd Julr I. IS14 I IC'hmi M Kaaanal Mirko Kinn» ..... Vnlnrin llolinar.,. Kdward IIrrali h Matthew C. llrlhar Anna l'uakarlrh Krank Mwar l«»l> Trrcak Kudolph 1'hurli.k Uwniir« Uatu John II. r»«rli Anna l*»n,ahr< Mary l'ovlrk Mary Itiitkovw A Ihm Zugovii» I S. rüg a Aller Karal William Kuaoifc |>>«ninl<-k Moli Mal II» Joliti llrvalln Ann Driit* J.rfitl H. tarn Irk Mai Hi'iafc Ann Troy»r t.aorg» MlabuMn Swr l'.*la<«. Iranka H.n.e. J»Nf,l» k'itl iirkar Virt»i M.;»»ri" XIlona Ma Ihr,II J.Mt. t—» Ma«-4»«H»r»l Una ( K» >«•» |ka#a* M«H poroTilo o nakazani BOLNIŠKI PODPORI Nakaiana dn» I. aviu.ta IS34 1 00 1.00 I 00 1.00 1.00 I 00 1.00 1.00 I 00 I 110 I so 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 IMI I. mi 1 00 I.mi 1 (HI 1.00 1.00 1 00 1 00 l.Otl I 00 I 00 .»0 I 00 I 00 1.00 l.oo I.mi I. Oil 1.0)1 1.00 1 00 1 00 1.00 1.00 l.Otl I 00 1 00 Ml .60 l.oo 1.00 1.00 too 1.00 I till 1.00 S l-.xHH.hlln» llrruant 16 10 Ji4in Ivank MO , IS Mary Sheiik II«. Michael Kirn «10, 12 Krank liorwrk |4S. 11 IamjU tiriMMl». k fvS. 4b VaWuUn Kua I4X 4« Mall l'ulnjnar «I». U.uia XUmtm M» &S J.wrtih Uraatkrivh |v« 71 Antun Ut»n4a «11.60. Hl )linik»n Krkovich |100. Ika Mrklacich 110, J.«r»>h Kutwaic )H4. 07 Mnry TWln «I», Joa»|.h l'ui MX. III Krank Kuknvlna MI. IIH Krank Mlvaak MX. II« J»nnl» ll».rk M. 122 llün üuanMi iii bo. Amalin Vtdic ii». 12S Krank *u|.ancic «|o. IS7 Mnry Mnchrk «14 »0. Krank Mncrk «14 XI0 Krank l'atrk «XS »0, Tonio Mudiati «im. Anna H|iik »62. J,».|.ii Uf««urMi ««h. Mnry Maluck «XI. 274 Anlon J ad Ha. «14. 2VS Hin« Htntvna, Jr «XS. 102 Krank Smld «I». »oh Mary KrUmnnric 114 60 121 Krank Kärlich «62. «SO Salin Martin Mh. Krank Mocuik «II. im» Anna KaUlah «10. Julia Jurvia »40.60. Ivan Kokurln «II. IW4 Julia Mndoviteh «|», 401 Anton (Wh «IS. Mall H K»tall «S. John Kniaich «I». «oh Mary l'a>»r «1». John Malnnr >»S. 44V Kua»na Moartlc «I«. 467 Antun Hllvaak «64. Katar Krank «10. 4HI KHnca Yuklcn «IX. 647 Nlkuln Hrclmovich «IN. 64U Mathilda l'amic «Xh. Mall Marlolnc «6«. bbs Ann» Golnb «21, Krnncaa J. Saume «X6, Jom^iii Kuanik «XS, bN7 Ivan Khdiucnr «7. Mo]«, llarkovlch «ih, John ('»Mir «14. Milo Ifctnovinh «60. 604 Mnry A. Kaaiua M bWl Simon Hokavlua «14. 010 .Iidiu (luhdi «IS. S2X Savn MMIocn MX, »IH tiahrirl Yrrkuvich 114. ÜIS John l'eirlj «Ii4, 060 Malt l'auvknik Ihn 617 Anton y.dralovlch «17. Milnn Cvjelkovlch «64. Conrnil J. hloek «S. S7S liaora» Mjaaovirh M7. »HO Matt TiMunilut'ic «IS. 604 Kmnk Kuilrr «0, «so Anna lioarnlierHar «2H. Caroline »X». 7X1 Jo» Matt l'laa» «Ih SkutmJ II.IM.IM. u wr»nr» (.radl.rk, lajnlk, Nakaiana dna 1. avauala ISI4. 2 John l.iv»k «libo. Krank Karun «10. Anión Mahniah «IX, Hanry MntlaJ «XI. b Amalin Data «6 bo, Mal« Madvadlch «21. Krank Kkoflane $81. Krank Hl»(auclr «10. Jacidi Taucrk «II. Krank Jaraan MI, Jahn l.avrUa «64. John (Inldira «70, Anton Koje «16. I nula Stare «14. Vilicant |>aru-ark «Kl. I.uilvik Mar.e «6S 60. fl l.ukaa |l»rnota»k «17 bo. Jaindi Drohn» «16. 7 Malh Kaainn «17, Audrvw Heg in« «X|. Michael kolar «17.60, 10 Martha Uarmaii «IS, IgnaU Kuder «6. Anión l'nnkovi« «IX, lllni Kraau «I», Joa»|ih Tom lato «I«. Nikn OlnvnU MS. Motu K na. ».»»ich «SN. JuhN Ivank «S« IX Mair Mohr ki «IT. JI llanry l'utnlk M. Jukn UHcar MX »0. '14 l'.i.i Si.nuulk «II. Kalt» Waravk «IS. Mary Ark «14. Mua« krl.aj «14, KaMla II rov at in «1», Jnauk Nuvnk «4S. IS Amalla Hitjak «lv »0 17 Krank T»rWv «I«. I.ihiI. Slack «17 »O, Valentin llogalaj «IS ls t;.,.rg» Vulannaae «l» »o. 41 Matthew k «»teile Ml. 4W Krane« IkolirovoWr «IS. Anna (lotW «4». »0 Matthew Mnlanmn «XI. John Hhauhy «14. Krank Mni»lj «4M. Nkk Hlkirh «14 »I John l>uv»l «IS. S7 TtMNMM Kulak «»X »S. 110 Antun Janaale «II, Marlin Nvaaalj MS, Juavfih Arku «X«. Ju»»fh Irlich «41. IXI Mary Noarnaak «I». 111 J.a^.h Krank «14, Mickaal (Sulok MS. tlroiv» Klak «IS »0 117 Mary Kranial «I». Klltnhath II. lay «10. Kraimaa Ka le Ile «I«. (Wilin tiodnjavre «17, Anua l'uiiiknr «14. Kraue»» Marlin «7. 140 llrnry Mikollch «IS. 141 (irrgor Urtttanr «I» »0. I»l Juaei>kln« l.akovirh «IV, Daniel Horuka «bo 16b John tlrnaMi« M4, ISN Johu Uril» «XI, Amalla Hirk «IT, Umla Ruimnclo «II, Jnauh llr»«ai «XI, l.uha Skrak «XI. Marlin Hirk MX. Malt Kralwl «Ib bO. 170 Virlur Vi ki k «S. 171 Marlin Kurl «I7.»0. Amula Mallanlk «II. I.ury Ko.ich «l|, Anna Khnnal» MI 171 Maria Itanlal« M». Mary Kalalin «It tS, Jua.'l'h Skufea «I». I-hiI. KlrmSn «I» »0. Anton klun «Ib »tl, TntleJ ll.aloviuac MI. Ihu Anna l'avar «IT. Mia>» tiornick «IS, Micha»! TanM« «». III l'rank Mrl.r..vir «I». Mary Mlh»li«k (XS. Jitar|>h y.auhar »IX los Mall kaucla «17.60, «14 Jidin tioloh «14, Anlun Savar «I» I4X John J»raln «14 26a »rank l'aul «IS. / MT Urania lava Turlry «IM XHb Juki« lliiaka «M. XHO Martin Kina«v»»i «»4 60. Ilalan (Irahuanik «16, 106 Rudolph ( »aar «16, 114 John An lull «XS. 115 Krank (inaal «II. Ju^t»k kaua «14. M6 I-Miene Malla «IS, 117 Mhry l.lvrk «I«. I6S Anula Vidmar «I. Krank Miihlvk «10. An«' draw Milruvakl «SI. Ii,mrva Varel« «IS. 400 I Void kultch MS. 400 Krank VukiwW «40 »0. 411 Moko Ivraie «14. Anna Marnleh «14 4X1 Valrulln Var ho va» «IS. 44S Joa»|ihln» Mkufen «IS »0 447 Mary Hlaluwlea «I». 44H IVI er Meklrlea «17 »0, Jam* Naiudnlk «17 60, I'wWir l'mllH»»a»k «IS. 474 Micha»! Nlftar «16 477 Krank Koanr «41. AnUm kalUler «41 4SH Datara* l«al,.h «IS. Juki! Naniaiklek «I«. 6M l'lillin Sarv «14. 664 Michael (VriniMHi «4 »0. 6611 Min» Nag Ile «40 SI 4 I .out» M argil «IS. Jo»»i>h Malvar «II. 610 Krank km»lleh «II. SIX Anna kolar «14 SHH l'nullna Mmlrk «I». 71111 |.»wla k liwaa «II. TU Waall Hlu.nrlk «lo. 740 J»uul» hing «4X. aku|taj «1,640 S0 l.anreaae HraSIèak, iiumolnl tajnik l.oo 1.00 l.oo 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 I 00 60 1.00 I 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 60 I 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 NAROČITE SI DNEVNIK PROSVETO Pe aklapa 16. re4ne konvendje ee lahko nar^l na lle( Preevela la prt» iteja eden, dva, tri, «tiri ali pet ilaaev Is ene druIlM k eni nare#aial. lisi proareta stane se th ansko, se liane ali nellane |6.M aa ene letne aarel» nlno. Ker pa liani fte plalale pri aaeementa |1.N ta tedalk. ee Jim te pri» ftteja k narolnlnl. TereJ aeda) nI vsreka, refl, da le llet pradrsf sa «ene B. N. P. J. Llet Proeveta U vela lastnine In fotev« }a v maki dro Hal ne> kdo, ki M rad lltal llet vsak dan. Cena lista Pr os vrte }et Za Zdrul. drla ve In Kanade $4.00 1 tsdnlk In............... 4.SO I tednika In............... 1.69 I tednika In............... 2 40 4 tednik» In............... LM B tsdnlkov la............... nil Ka Cicero la Cklcsfe Je......97J« 1 tednik la................ 6J6 I tedaJke la...............S.l« I tednika In...............1.99 4 tednika In............... 1.79 • tednikov la.............. LM Uit lies* «i 1.1- |Ml nkiH (47 Ma ta« A i. TIS UaiS Mira. Ar rallad Jan» I SX I.«" .» OMa lohl janafco kredit no hanks v IJmmjsii» I lakltanaiia K redit aa Hnaka llaMiaaa •ÎIS «SI W mm • infield Pa. MSI III Mm Kan» Mas laa Sr*44»t fa "taaai Talni .......................• ruu a. vinca, «t. (•>•* m «i |iMtl| Viel.« IM Anton M'ai Krsnet» Ta« R.<,ry Kan Mar/ Mr.« Koa-e! Hirt ( nrl H'rpHM J i, j,ai, m*pH ms uta Ka«a lia»»» A ana h -»•»•» < r ranne* r^goe »ran.», t »trn a7»» aîaa» •"san <11 fas . JM4 ri»»* , tk 11 Tr»ftk«4 Malay S» 17S Mo 1 00 sa 17a »«10 1 INI s*l«o X60 • «. HHIHI XM 1 00 saux X»0 »0 • 7S77 160 1 00 ■•MM »M 1 00 SHOX4 1 000 1 00 NH0XS 1.000 1 no saoxa 600 A.00 •HOU 600 1 ini aaoi4 6M stsn »00 »»lllli boo hh.I40 >»0 1 «0 »»<»44 »INI 1 00 »H'l4» »O0 1 00 K HUH »«0 •ssm »•0 •iml MM. 1 00 »ai»74 X 04MJ ■SO 7 S tWe Uko skupno aarolena na dnevnik Prosvato, to takoj nasnenlti upravniltvu lista, in ohsnem doplslati dotltee vsoto listu Prosrota. A ko tega ne store, tedaj mora apravnlfttvo sallatl datum ss to vaoto naročniku. PHOHVKTA, BNPJ, |«57 Bo. Uwadale Ave.. Ckleem, 111 Priloimo poMljem narolnJee sa list Proeveto vsols 0 I ) lm§..............................................................—«mit¿eeee»fte dCHit jI m u. .....m •••• ••••••••••• •••«^•••••••«s»»» •••»•• asas »• •«•••»•»•• sssasssssaaaaseaase« ♦ •*»•*••••••••»»••••• ••••••••» •••ss«essees4to«ee UstevlU tsdnik in g» prlpllite k moji narolnlnl od slsdsllk llsaev meje drwüns; I)...»•••••••">•.........»..»«...............•• ..,...•..••••■■•.••••..(...,(„..„„,,„, čl. dr uit ve It. i*".....................•(•""""••••ai.mMa»i.,i.MH«uMH.MM»HHiiii»>iCl, draltve H«. <)•«....................................................................................čl. drultvs Št.. •)•««.......................« druMfa M.. Manie Na* nari^nili, D ^»e•aesesseaeeeeeeesseesaaaeesaesee«i .«OrlsTs ................... ..Ria» narWnlli......... TISKARNA S.N.P.J BPH K J K M A VMA les« »as C.llMi»U> a»%»l MIM »•» a.eafiad a«**4 i. i«14 «7X »ran» llrtn. . »*'»l t** a** tirmm* Vrnem** »alkf W* Ma«« >a»li MIM IM Itaiad (-«»tnna» aal44 IM» tm Sraaaaa / iUSanaa MIO Ms raso a. tum. «4, ai»* o a», a«'i v tiskarsko obrt spadajoča dela Tisku vabilu 7.1% Vfscliic in shoiic, viftithice, časnike, knjife, koledarje, icjake Itd. v »lovenskam, hrvalakem, aldvuaki'in, ieàkem, m inlkem, miirli^keni Jc*iku in'Tlrugih voiwtvo tihkahnk ai'ki.iha na tlanhtvo , h.n.i'.j., i)a tihkovink nakopa v hvoji tihkakni Vsa poje»nlle dsjs vodalvo tlakama Ona cmarna, umjsko d*>lt 3. t.odgiB ¿OS ami &I7, SNPJ, Bi*hop, pa., (ahv 20th await, of Loilgr 203) Sept. S. . FLASHES By Incognito Chicago.—'The Pioneers initiated four adult' members last Friday. Three others came in through transfers. We held a gooi meeting in which many visitors took part. Dancing and refreshments were the lot of everyone after the meeting. Thus we entered back into the new member jfettins column a»?»«"'—But that'» not all. You are RoinK to hear from us again and it won't be longer than 30 days. • * • Our reputation in pretty much at stake in this campaign, Pioneer». We can't let the Detroit gang carry away the challenge. We've got to get out and make things hum or it's going to be someone else up near the top. We've had a reputation for get-ting new members and we've got to keep it by getting more new members. Congratulations, Revelfcrs! To be up on top for two successive months means that you have worked. And we imagine that getting new members in Ambridge it just as hard as anywhere else. You deserve to be complimented.—And our neighboring lodge of So. Chicago comes in for its honors for winding in second place in July. We're glad to see them do their part again. * * • All representatives should attend the monthly meeting of the Chicago District Federation of SNPJ Thursday night at SNPJ Hall. We'll have a special report on a new proposition. You'll also have the report on the Social of Saturday, July 28. Be there at eight. • • * We have just learned that Clara Mladic has been married secretly.— Ann Bernik was also married last month to Joseph Krasovech. Congratulations. • • • And we only have one sick member now. Amelia Eva. living at 4134 W. 21st place, has just reported sick. • • » Christina Turpin, well known in labor circles, remembers us with a card from Ljubljana, Jugoslavia. iShe's vacationing dn Europe.—Alma and Marge come back with a rejoinder from' Pittsburgh. They spent a furious .16 hours to, at and from Chicago. • • • When this is in print the Pioneers will have already picked their Ninth Annual Dance orchestra. As this is being written Ace Brigode and Corry IJnn are up on top in the contest to select a classical gang. Dr. J. F. Nachtman has been in touch with Don Pedro and he, too, is considered very favorably, while Dan Ruaao has drawn many of our people to his side. Our dancing people are assured excellent music again. We've always prided ourselves in our annual dance orchestra selections, but this year it's going to be positively first class and better than ever before. » ♦ « Hello, Cleveland! We're going to see you over Labor day. And a num.- ber of Pioneers intends to take in the Beacons' picnic {on Sunday, Sept. 2, at Zorn's farm (if we can find it). At the same time you Cle^elanders are invited to attend a symposium at the Slovene Hall in St. Clair ave. Friday, Aug. 31. We don't get to see one another but very little, but we'll, be together for three full days over the Labor day week-end^ * * >, A Pioneer Album has been started by Sister Ann Groaer.t It's a great thing. At present it contains pictures taken at the two outings to Sugar Groye and about>4} action pictures of the Pioneer Picnic. Outsiders represented .thus far are Georgie Goebel and his parents, Jean Cettta and Julia Jeric, Terbizan, Bo-ale and Mra. KustUan, Cleveland; Gua Verbic of Aurora,HI., and many others. We want to placs your pto-tiire Into our album* Send, it to u«. Address: Ann Groser, 2182 So. Trumbull ave. If yoi^, want any of the pitcures we had taken inquire from the secretary. ' i • *■ .: * Of, Isn't it funny that Jhe working-man always gets the dirty end of everything. The police he helps pay club and beat him if he dares to go out on strike.T He builds the world and possesses none of it. He raises all the food and foes bankrupt doing it. He tries to unite his power but is always sold oat. When he asks to have conditions improved he is despised as a bolshevik, radical, communist, etc. But his day is still coming. .Some day he is going to find out that labor is everything, that goods are (or should be) made for service, not for profit and that he is entitled to a decent living. Some day he is going to use his brains for himself. When that day comes the rich capitalist exploiters will have to step down and work if they will want to cat. Lscky Stars . ■ Imperial, Pa.—Lucky Stars are going to town aga'.n, but without the service of one of our dear Brothers —Leopold Zupancic. He was hurt while at work and had a leg amputated. Lucky Stars cannot express in words how sorry we are for our progressive leader. I also know that our neighboring lodges will miss him at their outings. He was one brother whom we could depend on to go places. So we will leave off here, and hear more about him soon. Let's all hope for a speedy recovery. ' I started this letter about "going to town." The Lucky Stars are having their 4th anniversary Saturday, Sept. 29, 1934, at the Slovene Hall. There will be a smoothing orchestra to dance that evening which has not been selected as yet. Watch our column the next time. You will know more about this anniversary and dance on Saturday, Sept. 29, 1934. Remember this date, neighboring lodges, keep it open for the Lucky Stars. John A. Cherin. Western Penna. E. S. Federation Items Ambridge, PfJ-yjLodgea of Western Pennsy's E. S., federation who have secured new members for the month of August are; Ambridge Reveliers 9 adults, Aliqnippa Excelsiors 6 adults, Verona Veronjain$ 3 adults and Strabar}e Pioneer« 2 adults. For the month of August there are no juvenile members^ gained by any of the lodges 61 th^ Federation nor have any adult 'transfers been recorded. n » ' . .' > ;< iv The jubilee membership campaign of the SNPJ hak four more months of existence. It is to be expected that each lodge, ¡particularly those of this Federation,! will strive to gain an additional numbec of applicant^. This Federation| can pay, no finer tribute of hondtjto the past successful 30 years of existence of the society than through the acquisition of new members, insuring the existence of the SNPJ for another 30 years. It is especially the duty of the E. S. locals to produce the greatest response to the call sent our by the supreme office for additional members. m * * Under the leadership of the Federation's president, Frank Kress, and the cooperation of the Musketeers' Screenings • H Springfield, III. Another meeting nite has gone by for the Lincolnites. It saw the transfer of Jennie Dollar and Theresa Kapinar into our adult department. A juvenile nomination of a new member wax hImo recorded. Hut as the weather gets cooler, and some people burn coal, the mines will work better, which should help our membership grow. Wu heard it whis-liered that Brother Joe llshman's better half might join this fall. Who is next? » • • Our calends i reads/as follows: Picnic at Ixiger'n farm, sponsored by Jugoslav Socialist Club, Aug. 2S, Sunday. The l»om sponsors a picnic on Sept. 2, Sunday, at White City park. On Oct. 12. the Central SNPJ Federation sponsors a program and danc« in honor of 80th Anniversary at the Dom. • * •• Another blonde arrives. Beverly Joan was bom to Lineolnite Kllen (Yakse) Gori*ce\*»ki. Both are doing well. Wr a«k our members to visit them at I0M1 W. < alhoun st. • • • It is »aid that Springfield is the worst city In Illinois in which to or-ganise the unemployed. However, one branch has hern organised in t>»uglas park and another branch has been organised in H« rgm park late ly. I.ater, branches will l* organ ised on the North side and South atde. They are Illinois Worker I NiU glas park h Sunday aftorn<> i Itrrgen brandi nites at 7:*> gets had. Beig< connected with th Alliance. The ranch meets every n at .1 o'clock. The meets on Thursday Whrn the -wrather n park branch will PI ret in the •me of the «-fa nt tiraSrh rečmi I • *i neat i > ur| lo>e4 and warm • « i- • II >tr< A. u schoal jnified •nds, em join un employed groups. When we help each other, when we help our unemployed get a bigger piece of , bread, 1 think we are practicing real frft«rnalism. On iSept. 15 the Conference for Restoration of Civil Rights in Illinois will take place at tfce'tilk*' Club in Springfield. All SNPJ branches are urged to send three delegates each to this conference. See that your organization is represented. Joe G. Itrinocar, Branch M7. lodge of Prexy Martin Uranker, plans for the E.< S. Federation's Annual Picnic at Portman's Grove in Moon Run have been made. On Sept. 9 the entire group of E. S. lodges will again gather to partake of another day's festivities. Every Federation affair has had a great response from the E. S. locals; this Sept. 9 picnic is likewise expected to draw the attendance of a great number of ¡SNPJ member! and friends. Also, expected and invited to attend are the lodges that Comprise the Western Penna. Slovene Federation. A program of Field Sports will start at 3 p. m., and will include the following: (1) 50 yds. dash for men; (2) 60 yds. dash for women; (3) shoe race for girls; (4) wheel-barrow race for men; (6) egg and spoon race for women; (6) sack race for boys; (7) tug-o-war between the Scalawags and Brain-Trusters; (8) pie eating contest for boys. Two mushball games of five innings each for men and women will start at 4 p. m. At 6 p. m., continuing to 11 o'clock, "Fatty" Marco and his ten piece orchestra will furnish music for dancing on an outdoor pavilion. * * .+ Cigar ButU.—"Lindy" Lokar hasn't been in Pennsy for ages, making a Sept. 9 trip with a crew of »Smugglers would be the turning point of a swell jaunt, and sort of greeting to us Pennsy Federationista . . . Hermic Preseren, with others of Westmoreland County E. S. lodges, should put in an appearance . . . Pres. Tershel, Sec'y. Ambrozic and others of the Slovene Federation are bound to attend . . . Will the Commodores again invade this Pennsy section??? I believe, prises and trophies will also lie the teams finishing first and second in the Federation's mushball league at this Sept. 9 picnic .. . So until again, bye . . . Louis KoMela, Fed. Sec'y. Beacons Highlights Cleveland. O. -Just as our assistant, Aynik, would say "tempus fu-git," believe you us it does. In a good week's time the gigantic and much awaited Beacon picnic will be in progress. The Beacon Derby, Highlight Handicap and Bachelorette Special are a few of the races to take place. The entertainment committee is busy planning a debate "Should politics and fraternalism mix with the SNPJ." Two well known deha-tors have been asked to participate. More about this next week. The question of refreshments, drinks and lunch have l>een taken care of by the committee any anyone attending is assured the best obtainable in both eats and drinks. Music by a well-known orchestra and a well-waxed dance floor will be at your disposal. We promise the be«t of everything to those who attend. Campaign Will the Cleveland lodges stand by and watch the Revs carry the banner for the best work during the membership drive? How about Cleveland lodges waking up and depriving Pennsy of the banner? There are still four months to go. Will Cleveland get the banner for any one of these months? Would it be possible for Beacons to lake the banner? This V That , The newly formed Scalawags will celebrate September S. . . Chicago plans to take the Beacon trophy. . . Mr .and Mrji. Cultrona boast an addition to the family, it being a lovely baby girl. Congrats? May she grow up to be an active Beacon! . . . Sing-ing Club Tvet" ia sponsoring a wienie fry at Zorn's fsrm Saturday. Aug. 25. . . Bro. Aynik still wonders ; why Commodores didn't sponsor a "Fat Man's ~ I 4- ru. * . I —-----Race" at the outing. . . . <.«. t levelaiMi j s#veraJ Co«nm„dorea visited the last A rally for an KnglUh-Speaking Beacon meeting. . . A few Beacon Federation will t* held at the Beacon , lassies would picnic by the K. Br**tes of Cleve-!broken heart. Th« inter land, mote lodge« end 8. Federal rally is expected to pro-it anwmgM the Cleveland •erve a« a start of an E, on. AB «'lev«land. K. S. lodge* t* ^r*ted and CLEVELAND! IETS GO. like to know where ran be mended. . . The beeg man with the leetle sigar is also saving cigar bands. . . What has he-come of J»«. Jarc? . . , plan to picnic WEDNESDAY, AUGUST*g Why So Much Modtsty? The New York gtSe Economic r , group of professors, retireTp^r^ press agents for the type of induS^ finance so-called -Law and Order" ^J may rightfully lay claim to bein* C modest organization of its kind in the w Compared with the Citizens' Alliance w has secrecy but absolutely no modesty New York Council is a shrinking violet Among the outstanding principles of th, ganization are the following: (l) a|| " ployed and farmers on relief shall be bti from voting, (2) picketing shall be limiJ a mere announcement od the dispute (3) 9 pathetic or general strikes shall be bar^d ' no social insurance of any kind, (5) u', shops shall be illegal, and (6) taxes «hall limited. Such lily-white modesty is refreshing these days of unmitigated chiseling. The co cil should have added that it further belie (1) no one should be permitted to vote t disagrees with its platform, (2) no ity should be permitted, (3) strikebreakers she have authority to call out the militia, (4) ganizations like the Citizens' Alliance sh« have the right to issue injunctions agai governors who declare martial law, (5) taxes for those receiving over $2,000 a y< and (6) newspapers should have the powej appoint the chief of police whenever the i council cannot agree on a candidate for job. Il this way the organization could boast a 12-point program which would solve all social, economic and political problems of tl| troublesome times. But it is not likely thi will make much of a showing in this busy world. It is too modest. —Minn. Union Advocati That "Foreign Red" Bogey The resolutions committee of the Califot department of the American Legion vo down unanimously a resolution which hadU presented to them, censuring Secretary of! bor Frances Perkins for not deporting in aliens. This is good news, for everything indid that Miss Perkins is enforcing the law, w| out fear or favor. Other statements of Lej officers declare that "foreign Communis with help from "liberals" and "radicals" our colleges, are causing strikes and tryinj ruin recovery. This statement is provably false. Nol single important strike for a year can be trt to foreign agitators of any sort, and nine of every ten strikes of the same period are I have been strikes against the lawlessness of employers. The law, passed by Congress and signed the President, declares that workers hav right to organize and bargain collectively i their employers, and that they may cho«* organization which shall speak for them" out interference, influence or coercion." But Big Business, from steel to shipping. persistently, openly, brazenly defied and lated that law. It has put pressure on it? »a ers to keep them out of recognized unions. has insisted on dealing with "company mm And the workers, in increasing numbers, striking against this organized violation a Federal law meant for their protection —Labol A Labor New Deal in«I their friends 8un «ritk React day. Sept. 2 Tat beacon Bachelorette*. The A. F. of L. has issued a call for tl* nual convention whhh will meet in San r cisco October 1. The call declares that perience has shown that, notwithstanding plain provisions of Section 7A of w* • workers have been prevented from ex the right to organize and to engage m tive bargaining . . . Workers h.vej"^ pelted to resort to the use of striken*»» ^ order to force employers to concede inr cine of a right guaranteed by l»w. Righto. This being true, why n«^ Deal of workers, by workers and This might well start with • ^^ , mending to the national «■«¡J" abandon the two old and too old » ^ concentrate the voting strength '« f ing may«« into a party of their would bT. New Deal ' ment of power by the worker^«*^ ^ In all things throughout th* who look for the crooked »'I and the men who look for W the straight —Ruskin stra orkt t*1 th< froo jfht • hat The difference between ^ •• produce and producing what ^ difference between the worker. capital"* -nursDAV, AUG09T 88. ■flow em Pa.—Ye«, our la at Joseph Snoy, and Andrew Vidrich P gfS rsther an interwtinf P^LTut of business was trana-renewed our membership ft Ed c onsl Bureau, JSF for month. Twonewjuve-Bf;^ nominated, two transfer. * ; namely. M.ry Sjkaak Mik-** nd John Volk. The rest of ** ' were planned for the - ***SJZ t&ce for October a our regular New Year's Eve J" iie 19 The report of the E£d P'Oic of tjn lodges was PJ7, the report of the Nate filo. rind Flood City picnic, both ac-P ° A corn roast and wiener ¡¡Tare' also- being plsnned after rniXt meeting September 20. at ^jO sharp! And last of all we ini- L the new interior decorating in to dan"' hall- r New Socialist Branch > At the Cyril Method Hall a new E. „i»v Socialist Branch was organist July 31 With the aid of our ible agitator, Comrade Joseph fcj, »ho was here about a week. Se new 'members signed the and it looks to me as though JJiiil have a good strong branch bthe lower end of town. Their ternary secretary is Comrade Mike Lpe; Comrade Mike Pleskovich gKd a» chairman at this meeting p which Comrades Frank Podboy, r ipoke. Our Branch 5 will cooperate with you; count on ua! Tid Bit«. We were sorry to have to issue a Friendly Mtj Rivt FRIENDLY CITY OBSERVES FIFTH ANNIVERSARY Johnstown. Pa.—ThU is the affair that everybody has been waiting for, ____the Fifth Anniversary of the Friend- transfer to Ella Dezelon who has City Lodge w,th Pl'"ty ot !»•!> »"d go. Field night luncheon was enjoyed by all. We noticed that Bro. Gasper Turk sprung a surprise on ua, by being the first at the meeting. Keep it up, Gaa. —Bro. Oasie Odar has left us to Join the OOC camp. The next Stalwart meeting will be years giving hia advise on any raat-l*^*1 ,th* home of 8i" J*ary CikoW-t*r „uaiv Tk.. I "ki. Let s see some new faces present. ktf A big surprise is in store for | on all the girls first. Speaking of M in the way ob entertainmtirtt, but »'!! have to come to the dance to m what it's all about. The tick-b are being printed and will be N out in the next few weeks. Another of our members has dived >« the *ea of matrimony, no other hn Bro. Frank Mihevc, who took tennis, we have two very enthuaiaatic tennis players in bur midst. They are, namely, Frances K. and Louise Z. They've entered the tournament here in North Chicago. I may be able to tell you the score if they'll give me the information. Pub. Comm. ter gladly. The President of the Flood City Lodge 712 will also «peak, Bro. Frank Prechin, a very hard worker for his lodge. The music? Don't mention It. It will tickle everybody's toes until they just have to dance. U will be furnished by none other than Vern Palm-er and his orchestra. There will be plenty of beer, no one will have the excuae that they are thirsty, and plenty to eat also. The Friendly City Lodge 0*4 extend their invitation to all far and near and we hope that every lodge will help us put this affair over as it will be one of the lsrgest in our history. Here's hoping to seeing all you there. It would be a pleasant surprise if "Lindy" Lokar and his "Quacks" would drop in on us, and wa hope D. J. Lotrich comes around, too. It would still be batter if Ray and Bill Travnik could manage to do us tha honor of being here. The Friendly City would certainly appreciate their presence among us. Anna Bricely. present We'd like to see Ann Hlavacek, Julia Gillick, Ann Moyl, Frank Zabuko-vec and many others. Now ramem. ber you are missing a great deal of fun by not attending every one of the meetings. Those that have been coming regularly will tell you til about it. Ask them. I'll see you latter with another item from Kenosha, Dixie. Front Porch Newt Sports at !t o'clock will he as follows: (1) 00 yd. dash for men; (2) R0 yd. dash for women; (.1) shoe rare for girls) (4) wheel barrow race for meni (ft) egg and spoon race for womeni (0) sack race for boys; (7) tug-o-war between the Scalawags and the Brain Trustera; (H) pie eat' ing contaat for boys; (0) three-legged race for men; (10) feeding bottle contest open to all. Mushball games will start at 4 o'elock. There will he two five inning games for both men and woqien. There will he prises for all sports eventa which makea it worth while entering. Report your name to the chairman of the Sports Committee early, ao he will have it properly entered for the special event you are In-tcreated in. "Fatty" Mareo, world's largest band leader, and his Royal Vagabonds ten piece orchestra which has gained such popularity In Western Pennsyl-will furnish the music for that there will be plenty of entertainment for young and old. The committees will pravide all the eats and drlnka. We extend a special invitation to all Lodges of Weatern Penna to attend this affair. The program will be published in the Prosveta later on. Don't forget to come. All loads lead to Bishop on Sept. .1, Labor day. Anna Vcreek. Angela 1Vrp4n. NOTICE TO FRIENDLY CITY MEM It ERF Johnstown, Pa.—Our next meeting will he held at the Moxhnm Slovene Homo in Moxham on September 1.1, 19.14, the second Thursday, 7:30 in the evening D.S.T. All members are requested to attend, as at this meeting there are some important matters to lie discussed. I will lie at the Conemaugh .Slovene Home in Conemaugh the 27th of this month to collect all the dues from the persons failing to pay them at the meeting. I will be there from 7:80 lit the evening until P o'clock D.S.T. ; All members not attending our Fifth Anniversary Dance will ho assessed twenty-five cents. Anna Brleely, Sec'y. Uxlgo OH4. J0T1I ANNIVERSARY CLARIDGE AT By Mick V Lea Canton. Ohio.—The picnic held by ' vanla. Lodge McKinley on August 12 was dancing from I to II p, m. So, bring the second successful outdoor affair y°ur beat girl or boy friend and sponsored by our Lodge during this dance to your heart's content. Make summer season. Both affairs were un » P*rty «mong your friends. Re. events where true fraternaltsm and number the date and be ready on the enjoyment abounded. j Wth. DONT STAY AT HOMK~ The picnic on August 12 was held ™Tt**N TJIK CIW)WD. (Jet your at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Cah, 'V*0™ J*0?*1nt l,,df'B members of Udge McKinley, who iffl»«tsd with the Federation. Mohawks ago, U Salle, III.—A few years ft" i hard fought game, a person * hm,i passing a remark about ■ luck we had in winning the con-« Luck. What is it? Webster ■inei it as a good fortune. That's * Y,,|T definite. Well, we'll let it that. Do I believe in luck? F It'» a wonderful force. I have »"itwork too many times to doubt ■ «fteacy urwi existence. You see ¡»»fellow reach out and grsb an jwtunity that some other fellows, ■»'nr around had not realiied was Having grabbed it, he hangs ~ 1 He calls into play his breadth n„ I(.t,R the poagftllltiea 2 "tuation, and has the ambition ttuli m* Hn(1 th<* courage to J ^m. II.. intensifies his strong [»• Niters hi« wt.ak one8| cu,t|. personal qualities that to r 1 l" trUHt and «»operate l He sows the seeds of good hi! ';",l'ni*n>. »nd of kindness. k*T ,r::ly °! wh«t he ha.; he • little utraijfhter, wotks a r^*' '»"*er; travels on ^ ^ «"'J " iithuHiasm; he gives n h, h-"t efforts Per. ■ hi s bead cool, his feet Hrrv "I"« hu«y- He doesn't ¡¡r^nitK-ks to IH»V? 4<'U lik' » winner, for * „ *\.h* WiU ** on*. >M "" ,h«- rest. I hope his rain or shine. tat. lu. lu * dfW* »JM-If Hear, s rt, r'f «Im. so does everyone "r a loafer, a shift-*i*h we could do [t. Realising he is 'he lodge in a pro- ln «•very organisa- tion you will find members of many types-. Everyone of us will stumble at times, and shame to the one who does not, at these times, stretch out a helping hand; but if a man liea down, you cannot carry him to any permanent use. What I would plead for is that wo tecognite the fact that all must work in order to be successful in any undertaking of the group, so that each respects the other. If one is dishonest, if he is tricky, if he shrinks from his duty or tries to chest his fellow-workers, be he grest or small, be he the lesser cheating the greater, or the greater oppressing the smaller, in either case he is a bad member of the organization and to society on the whole. One new member and several transfer members were initisted st «Mir last monthly meeting. The new member was William Reminih, and the transfers were Olga Trdin. Francis Sodoaek, and Antonette Bizjak. Let's work for these transfers and new members. Some one fell down on the job Isst week snd the "pen picture" for thst week wss not announced; it was Mildred Vogrich. Our pen picture for this week is of a Mohawk boy. He is always working at our doings. He never complains about over-work and yet he is very often overhx/ked. I have seen him dancing at Ladd the few times I was there. He is one of these per aons we call steady. The Four News-llawks. Qowaria Boostsrs Gowanda, N. Y.—Our last meeting held on Aug. 14 surely was lively Everyone chiped In on the discussion That goes to show that we are all interested in our Lodge. At this meeting we elected a new vice pres ident, Bro. Lawrence Andolsek.~ * » The Boosters have joined with Zar-ja Svobode lodge and will have a combined outing August 26 at Point Peter. There we will have a nice time with the Senior members and our baseball players. Each member ia allowed to bring one friend. Eats and drinks will be served free. Remember: 'Sunday afternoon, Aug. 26. • • Four new adult members were proposed. I^et's get more applicants for our next meeting. » • • That .'JOth anniversary of the SNPJ is still in our minds.. So are the Ambridge Revs, Mary Yainnik of the Imperial Excelsiors and others. Wonder If I»u Kosela remembers when ha wrote in the Prosveta before wu came to Ambridge that our "Speedy" would kidnap all the red-heads. When the Revs were here one of his Revs, was almost kidnaped. • • It was with pleasure that we read the semi-annual Official Proceedings in the Prosveta revealing to us a definite progress the Society has made since the beginning of the current year. The membership has in F. J. Kraaa, Chairman, Picnic Committee. live just on the outskirts of East Csnton. We wish to thank them for their hospitality and the great task of preparation. We alao wish tu BADGER FUN MAKERS thank Mr. Zlosel, our musician, and Milwaukee, Wla.- In the spring also the entire membership for their young man's fancy slightly lurn» to loyalty and cooperation. To all our (|„ve -In the summer, they've gone friends who attended these affairs, and done it. Evelyn Aipner and Ro. we sincerely hope that they unjoyed bert Morlng put one pvnr on us this themselves, and that we may have time, but the secret is out now. They them in our midst at our future af fairs. were married In June. Good luck to you both. Vscstlon fever is around, and it's This year is the flOth annivursary' very contagious. Have you felt iu year of the SNPJ and many great effects? Harry Uhle and Rose Ko social events are being held In honor chevar were bitten by the bug, and of It. We want to take this oppor-1 they're up In Minnesota now to see tunlty to wish all the lodges much the home folks. If you manage to suo^ess in their undertakings, and see a Prosveta up In Kly, Harry and Claridge, l*a.~ On Lubor day U»dge No. 7 of Claridge will celebrate its hirty years of membership with the SNPJ at (he Slovenian National Home. Beginning at midnight Sunday, Sept, 2, with a dance the eele-bration will continue to the following midnight In an appropriate manner. A large picnic will be held on !»"n«r roll tickets 1 ,r> t« the on«-* in I'irit member* «-ho affair should be 'he K.rl "h*'iild all come '"am practice, ^-»t»day mom "Jt and slug •re By Whoozlt out for practice and they claim that in a few weeks they will be able to tak« on the bays and beat them So come on, fellows, and don't forge' we alao have to play at the p en«. The membrs should also get Into artioa about the membership -campaign. let's bring up the roster of our lodge and especially for month of September. Don't forget the picnic. the I^ytoa: "IW Diek; he losi all his money in a wildcat laining rent ere." Phoebe: Mercy! I didn't kno» you had U mine for location is selected, you will he In members are urged tol^~tf(1 make an effort to attend all meet-1 ings. It was a group of slags that re pre sentwd the Clairtonians at the Veron lana' annual picnic on August ft. After hearing the tales told by the boys, we are ready to believe thst, In order Ui hsve s good time, you must "come up snd see the Veronlsns." VEST POCK KT NEWS; Mike Ce. bssek, secretary of the Clairtonians, is home after spending a week at the fair In Chicago , . . Joseph Shush- nar, once one of our most aetive mem* tiers, is now in a tuberculosis sani« would give them their supp«irt. Don't ! tarlum. The disUnre keeps many . ^ forget to bring the team to our A jg. members from paying him a visit who r * . * " ■" — i >L. ¿ja» a leier, I m think about, members, when you are iormc(j campaign:ng for new numbers. Bro. I^okar likes to mention the Boosters In his Strugglers' Column. And we thank him for it,—Sis, Rose Andolsek recently submitted to s rerfojs operation. Members, let's pay her a visit. We wish her s speedy recovery. • • Attention, SNPJ bowlers! Our girls and boys will again "toll them down the alley." And they say they'll travel, too. Our baseball manager, Bro. Louis Klurnik, has a wonderful term of p'ayers. Wish our members 26 ou'ing. • • To all K. S. lodges;- Ut's go aft er juvende prospects. Take the ex ceptionsl opportunity offered to you and enlist all eligible youngsters int > your lodges. Keep on going! J. Mat«*«» irk Pomp«« a; "You have asked for my daughter's hand In marriage? What, may I aek. are yojr financial pro» pacts?* Prospectus; "We have aa Mfceame of about |11,000 a year'" Pompous: "Well, that's not so Ud. With my «laughter's allowance 'A 910,000 annually, vou ought to be able to get along!"« t >Si *Ye«. Sir, I I »ruJulel that." flames and other ent«rtainmenls. 10 s. in, Wstch for (hi* rompíate details In next week's prosveta. Michael Flelerhharker, Sec'y. J,odg* «31. KANSAS FEDERATION PICNIC SEIT. 1 Mulberry, Kane —The Kansae SNPJ. Faderslioe Picnic has been m«neri an one d»«. ber a see they are having a large perede and relebralion In Pilla, burg Kan«., on I Jibor day. Hepitmber f. Our Federalien Plenir »Ml be «M Sonda». September 2, on Mtefearlr'e farm Inelead of w l» , . , There'« scarcity of news ea we'll Juet »k p along Jennie Préaae. Lodge 719. TIIE BIG AFFAIR Rtehep. Pa. On Kept. H lodges 20* Pith Annlver aery of SNPJ, and i/»dge 20X will aleo celebrate its own 20th anhiver* sary. In the Slovene hell The program will begin at on* o'clock »'andaid time, There will Im» three »f*eker». Hrolher F'ed A. Vl der. Kupferne Ser'y., anA two «Hher • pesker», congressman C«d. Chas, I. Fad dis and Dr O. II. Ilin^mmn Theye will also be two recitations by twn girts. The Ifeidelber* Hand will render a few selertume before and after the program In tbe evening (Here «III be a g«»o.| •wheatra which will furnish the mu RESOLUTION Bentley villa, Pa., Aug. 14, IUH4— To the German Ambassador of the United States of America, Washington, D. C, Dear Sir: At our regular meet-lug of our Udge 240, SNPJ, which took place on Sunday, August ft, 10.14, at Bentleyvllle, Pennsylvania, wu adopted a motion to send you our protest against the Imprisonment of the Uadors of the German working class, such as Tha el man and others. Wo, as Liberty lovlnv cltlsens of the United Niâtes of Autorice, ask the unconditional release and freedom of all the Political Prisoners, regardless of their political belief, whether they are Communists, Socialists, Jews, Catholics or others, and to make out protest effective we further resolved I To notify all other lodges of our organisation sud other organisations lo send a similar protest and to refrain from buying German msde goods until these bsrbsrlsn conditions sre abolished and Germany again l»e Included In the rest of the civilised world. Signed Officers of Udge 240: Andy Lovein. Präsident; Francis Humar, Sec'y.{ John hesman. Trees. WlwaiikM Niws Milwaukee, His. Weie you at our last meeting? If not, you missed an enjoyable evenlUtf Fanny Kropusek and Marian llo* sich weie initial««!, with the follow Ing being proposed! John Janas, An lonette Pogoteler, Shirley ltalger <<*u|«le sie g«ilng to say "I «to" on Aug. 2ft. Congrats, l^iuis Pogoielce sod J< »ephlne liai be rie h. Vacation tune is here, with Hank, Kjnefcis, Victor hau« u, Ma'h Pink and family, Kropu*ek brothers and yours truly going to their respective home towne m III. and also to the great 1*1,or dsy celebration in Gil lesple, III, of the Ptogrei-alve miners, H«! we'll proi>ai*ly ala« see the Kpirps of Ht.' I¿*uie st their pirn!«* on Nun., ■Sep», f. Nkinny, be prepared and we'll see you all Hat., Sept, I. lee Hrheelger, l¿»|ge fts4. A return**! va< ing this eon ver farmers i "How's the 00 Slovenes and their friends of this district came and haw, of what I am wont to believe, has been the greatest Slovene day in the history of the Friendly City. A gala piogram was successfully carried out with two guest speakers, men, both of whom hold coveted positions in our organization, namely, Frank Xailx uixl ll. J. IiOtrich, one represent-ing the older and the other the younger folks. All in all 'twas an eventful "Day." A question running thru the minds of a great many of thone hi attend-ance and which 1« still holding them In a quandry I« "Will the Slovenaa of the Greater Johnstown district continue this celebration yearly?" This can only be answered by the nu-ml»ers of th« ton SNPJ lodges thru their local*. Help to kceji it ir<>in'{ hy expressing your view» at your local I ranch meeting», A grwn gut«!* were Mr. and Mr*. I TravnU and daughter, Paulino, and son, It »• bert. of Detriit representing the Y As; Pauline (ia^ser of the t'le.e-land Comrade«; Merman Preaeren of the Silver Stars of Yi kon, a gr.tup of 6 young folks represent« I the Comet« of I'niver al, Pa.; the Clslr toni .ri v.ere alto represented; Mr. and Mrs. I ran's /a *„ ... * ■ ** M '»4 .. ..........* ««M will be rii ^ ...................... 5.00 •• * , For S " 10 M 15 « 20 25 10.00 15.00 20.00 from the boys as to their poor idea of "roughing it,' 'they were off for the Lake on Friday night. * $ a At the last meeting two new members were initiated into the Lodge, namely, Olgu Trdin and William Re-menich. We hope that we shall hear from them later in connection with Lodge activitiea. * * * A special plea for a large attendance at the next meeting is n^de inasmuch as two officers will v be elected to replace the resigned. * * * Pen Picture.—This week's pen^fe-ture is a popular Mohawk male, wrnne chief activities now consist of driving his friend's car, singing, playing kittenball, dancing and swimming. (He's also an ice skater of ' home repute—in winter.) The Four News-Hawks.1"'' (Rditor'a Note:—Please write your news items on ONE side of the paper only.) THE BADGER SQUEAL An »i' |j>.lir c.t > ' Th and PJ .i held noon ev« mil rlty the F sniuv r arv bihl on Aug. 'Na Ige at our Slovene Day. We agree,- !'a i. line Gasser was a proud r«pre«ent-ntl^e of the largest English Stn*k-ing lodge in Clevel-nd, Contra ! a. The Y A'» standard had a cn;»ail< I en re r In Pauline Travnik wh > If all p«e ' tmlt. Kr«p It up. Fred! - Mr. and Mr». Thoir.a» Bricr!y and Pa iltn«- ami RoWit Tra.nik v sped the fine lively Comett of Unlv« re^aatly.. The imprompt i "banquat" held by th« Flood City and FrUndly City mmt'xri for th« out-of town vi»ito s | was very »urccssful. W« know mo., oth«r now, «h whattf Who wa« the fit i' ti asl nastri of this affair? On Johrstown'a Sin me -ar Dsy wa. OFFICIALLY de-ls . l a nm«t MKitl and financial »ucr«ea. W« kn«-w 'NPJ i| was s » ICMII lantM bef.»re K* ihich ft«ahm«nt stand» located la eoul ahady Milwaukee.—Our meeting was rather dry until we heard some hill-billys yodeling from below. It was only the other half of our members returning from West Allis, where they were dancing in Slovene costumes. (Don't Tony Obluck and Tex Bolka look cute doing their famoua "Tango" dance in native Slovene clothes?) We initiated two new membera. Welcome to our midat, Fanny Kro-poshek and Mary Ann Bozich. We're glad to have you. Three new applicants were propoaed, Alan Obluck, Shirley Racoon and Antoinette Po-gorelc. Keep up the good work, Badgera. The more membera we have, the better times we'll have. As we three were on our way to market laat week, we heard that Josephine Barbarich and Louie Pogo-lelc have announced thair engagement. The big day ia August 26, Congratulations to Evelyn Alpner, who married Robert Moring June 30. Bob should be a Badger some day. Wo missed Harry Uhle and Rose Ko-chevar at our meeting. Harry and Rose are vacationing in Minnesota. Have a good time! Ixtuise and An-tonette Torn» are "going back to Indiana" soon for a visit.' (Drop ua a line.) Our fall dance will be held the aes-rnd week in October. The date hasn't been set yet, but be sure to make your plans. With the commit-tee we ha^e, we should be sure of a good time. We'll "squeal" again next month. The Three Little Piga. MOONEY FIGHTS FOR WRIT The United States Supreme Court will have an o|iportunity to psss on Torn Mooney's petition for a writ of ha!>eaa corpus to free him from pria-on, hi» attorneys announced last month after Federal Judge A. F. St. S ire in San Francisco declined to re-m nsider hi» decision denying Mooney the writ. Friends of Moon«y announced also Oat they would fil« a bill for a pardon with California's n»w governor, Frank F. Merriam. Similar appeals to four previous go.-emors failed. a "racket" is explained through the history of the Knights of Labor and the emergence of the American Federation of Labor. The atory continues to the rise of Daibs, the violence in the West, the activities of the Wobblies, and the tragic McNamara affaur. Everyone should be familiar with the facts behind the Mooney-Billings frame-up and the Sacco-Vanzetti case. Nor does the author rest content with historical data only. He presents the cause and origins of racketeering, sabotage, and the rise of unemployment. He brings his study to the immediate present, recounting the spurt in the activities of labor prompted by section 7a of the NIRA, which took form in strikes throughout the country. No one, whether actively engaged on the picket-liite, a student of economics, or just another unemployed— a victim of the depression—can afford not to acquire the knowledge and background furnished by "Dynamite," the timely book "just off the press." Mary Jugg, 559. 10,000 ALUMINUM WORKERS ON STRIKE Mellon Buys $1,500,000 Painting M»- A mother left three spples u the kitchen table and returning later fo nd but on« remained. "Bobby," »h« demanded her youthful aon, "have th<»s« app|«a?" Wrll Pittsburgh, Pa.—While 10,-000 strikers are grimly picketing six plans of the Aluminum Company of America in their fight for union recognition and decent living conditions, word comes via Associated Press that Andrew Mellon (another name for the aluminum trust) has just bought a famous Raphael painting for a million and a half dollars. The strikers have been out since Monday, and three plants in Pennsylvania and one each in New York, Illinois and Tennessee are involved. The painting "Alba Madonna" named for the Spanish Duke of Alba, the Mellon of his day— has been knocking around since early in the 16th century, and has had a variegated history. It is to be understood that awards will be given only as fied above, both as to number and amount. (This is menu to prevent unnecessary correspondence as to how much wll given for, let us say, 8 or 12 members.) Members of the juvenile department who enter duriBr campaign will be exempt from payment of two monthly 1 menU, and the Society wiU pay the expense of the medical ti ¡nation up to the sum of 50c. Advil Department The Society will pay $1.00 for each newly-acquired mei between the age of 16 and 35 years. The branches and Individ participating in the campaign—of which the Supreme Office i be notified—will, in addition to the prizes mentioned, r* $10.00 in cash for 25 or more new members secured. During this campaign the Society will bear the expense«( medical examination for every new member between the i specified, up to the amount of $2.00, and each such member be exempt from payment of $1.00 initiation fee for the bail fund. This means that every new candidate will pay |1.00 ii tion fee in addition to that into the sick benefit fund as sped in the by-laws. The Supreme Board further decided that all member present insured for $600 death benefit who desire to tr&nsfi Class "B" or "C" may do so for their previous amount of i benefit; however, this provision was made only for the j class. Members insured in any other class and desiring to t| fer can be insured in the new class only for the amount spe^ in the by-laws. a a a UNITE YOUR FORCES, BROTHERS AND SISTERS THE SNPJ! Sacrifice a little of your time for agitation and securinf members for your organization during the remainder of the rent year, which, after all, is the most significant factor i| celebration of its thirtieth anniversary. FRED A. VIDER, Supreme Secret r "i" 1 ■ ■ -*"•• 1 ----- M not under civil service; today the number has increased to 199,000. One high Federal job-holder in Colorado sent a notice to applicants for government positions to get a recommendation from the chairman of a county, state or central committee of the Democratic Party. Want a job or relief? Be a good Democrat. The New Deal will take care of you. HEIL THE EXALTED ONE! Well, the nation is safe now. The Grand Exalted Ruler of the Elks has taken us into his confidence. He's going to go after all the reds in the country and smite them hip and thigh. God still reigns and the Exalted Ruler still rules. The American flag flies in every lodge room in 1,400 principal cities and upon every altar rests a Bible. In the face of this array of power, the great "menace" will simply wither up and disappear. The home, church, family, flag and government are in safe hands. Everything is safe— except jobs for some 10,000,000 workers, incomes for starving farmers in the West and a few Once owned by the Czar of;oth€r trifles of this sort. Heil Russia, it has now been purchased by the Czar of aluminum and whiskey (and the United States Treasury in the last administration). An interesting point is that the painting was sold to anti-labor Mellon by the Soviet Hermitage Museum in I^eningrad, if the report is correct. Mellon (the greatest Secretary of the Treasury since Mellon) is supposed to be grouso shooting in dear old Scotland. the Exalted Ruler !--T. S. L. SIM.ASIl I'AKTY Chicago.—To divert the mm our Social Study Club membm the more serious event* which been under their study durin( past few months, an outing I Sand Dunes has been pl»nM Sunday, August 2«, for »11 me and their friends.. A spwi»l will leave the SNPJ Auditoril 9 a. m. All must be thf re I mentioned time. The lunch * prepared for all, therefore »11 «1 to bring is u bathing suit »nd I ry disposition. It is neremry form Comrade J. Kak by Th« If you are going and how m»n| accompany you. We urge all member« to join! a happy and sportive time. Ca NOTICE TO MEMBEHl Members who «H Items such as a "Ctri Thanks,'• a "MemorW "Surprise Party Notkft "For Sale Ad," or anyrt similar Item for P"^ tion in Prosveta, ^ note that all such \\m{ considered advertise* and are charged »t refi advertising rates. No Items, therefore, ** published free of chirr phllip God la»* MimI The exceeding!» stout lady indig- ( nantly tackled a bus inspector at a busy stopping place. "I want to report the conductor of j that but that's just gone!" she shrilled. "H«'s been rude!" "How?" asked the bored official. "Why," went on the lady, "he was telling th« peopl« the bus was full up, I and when I got off he said, 'Room for three inside'." THE NEW DE AI. SLOVENIAN NKiHT st the Sunflower Tave 2005 W. ('ermak 25. I«54 Sat.. Aug. Mukir h? purrl » «»d " Fr«. Ha»d»»fHr* *** m* Capitalist politics in this country for over u century has hern one of booty for the winners in addition to serving particular class interests. The civil service r« former* have for a sternly ef^ half-century been trying to you estenjcheck this vulgarizing of public i , - w (office. The N* w Deal has en- w there is only «ne " ^ politic*. When Roosevelt becanvs that ta th« on« I d da't President in March. 1933. ther* tiuch. were 110,300 Federal employ IN SAD AND LOVING MKMOlO A our dear wlf«, daughter, moth«» %nA^ ELIZABETH TAUCHER e who pa« (nee Jermaa) Kr M I»' away a year »*«' A y«ar of »adn«»s sine« we psrted. A pale moon is shining upon your «tei FloW«rs irr blooming and dwmf I Only our sad loss of you rem» r «• Memory of »»hi will alwaya Your Iming husband l>Mia Taerher and Katherine I Han» Taurher. daughter«. Man Kraaciacw. Calif. ,1». .wer«^