II-201 NAPOVEDOVANJE PORODNIŠKIH ZAPLETOV S POMOČJO PROSTEGA β hCG, PAPP-A IN INHIBINA A V SERUMU NOSEČNIC V PRVEM TRIMESEČJU PREDICTION OF PREGNANCY COMPLICATIONS BY MEANS OF FREE β hCG, PAPP-A AND INHIBIN A IN MATERNAL SERUM IN THE FIRST TRIMESTER Nataša Tul, Stanko Pušenjak, Živa Novak-Antolič Klinični oddelek za perinatologijo, Ginekološka klinika, Klinični center, Šlajmerjeva 3, 1525 Ljubljana Key words: free β hCG; PAPP-A; inhibin A; pregnancy com- plications Abstract – Background. Calculation of risk on the basis of maternal age, fetal nuchal translucency (NT), free β human chorionic gonadotropin (fβ hCG) and PAPP-A (Pregnancy As- sociated Plasma Protein A) is the most efficient first trimester screening test in detection of chromosomopathies (90-percent detection rate of trisomy 21 [T21], 5% false positive results). The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the levels of fβ hCG, PAPP-A and inhibin A, measured at 10–14 gestational week, predict complications later in pregnancy. Methods. In the study 1136 women with chromosomally nor- mal fetuses were enrolled. At 10–14 gestational week we measured fetal the crown-rump length and NT, and the levels of fβ hCG, PAPP-A and inhibin A in maternal serum. From the records we collected the data on the method of conception, course and outcome of pregnancy and the neonatal condi- tion. We compared all these parameters between the mothers, in whom perinatal complications occurred (small [SGA] or large for gestational age babies [LGA], gestational diabetes, pregnancy hypertension, preterm delivery), and those, not ex- periencing any pregnancy complication. We constructed mul- tivariate models for prediction of risk of individual complica- tions. Results. Low PAPP-A levels were associated with the delivery of an SGA baby, high PAPP-A levels with the delivery of an LGA baby. In the women who developed diabetes in pre- gnancy, and in those who delivered an LGA baby, PAPP-A levels were decreased. Inhibin A levels were more frequently increased in women with hypertensive disorders and in tho- se who delivered before the completed 34th week. Conclusions. PAPP-A, fβ hCG and inhibin A levels are not use- ful in the detection of women at high risk of pregnancy com- plications. However, a high or a low level of any of the bioche- mical marker indicates the occurrence of an extra event that requires most careful monitoring of the woman. Ključne besede: prosti β hCG; PAPP-A; inhibin A; zapleti v nosečnosti Izvleček – Izhodišča. Najučinkovitejši presejalni test za kro- mosomopatije v prvem trimesečju nosečnosti je izračunava- nje tveganja na podlagi starosti nosečnice, nuhalne svetline (NS) ploda, prostega β humanega horionskega gonadotropi- na (fβ hCG) in PAPP-A (Pregnancy Associated Plasma Prote- in A) (90% odkritih plodov s trisomijo 21 [T21], 5% lažno pozitivnih rezultatov). Želeli smo oceniti vrednosti fβ hCG, PAPP-A in inhibina A med 10. in 14. tednom nosečnosti za napovedovanje porodniških zapletov kasneje v nosečnosti. Metode. Vključili smo 1136 nosečnic s kromosomsko normal- nimi plodovi. Med 10. in 14. tednom smo izmerili razdalje teme – trtica in NS pri plodu, ter določili vrednosti fβ hCG, PAPP-A in inhibina A v serumih nosečnic. Zbrali smo podat- ke o načinu zanositve, poteku in izidu nosečnosti in zdrav- stvenem stanju novorojenčka. Primerjali smo vrednosti vseh označevalcev pri nosečnicah, pri katerih so se pojavili peri- natalni zapleti – (rojstvo otrok, premajhnih [SGA] ali preveli- kih [LGA] za nosečnostno starost, nosečnostna sladkorna bo- lezen [NSB], hipertenzija v nosečnosti, prezgodnji porod), z vrednostmi označevalcev pri nosečnicah brez zapletov. Izde- lali smo multivariantne modele za napovedovanje tveganja za posamezen zaplet. Rezultati. Nizke vrednosti PAPP-A so bile povezane z rojstvom SGA otrok, visoke vrednosti PAPP-A pa z rojstvom LGA otrok. Nosečnice, ki so razvile NSB, so imele statistično nepomemb- no znižane vrednosti vseh treh biokemičnih označevalcev. Nosečnice z NSB, ki so rodile LGA otroke, so imele znižane vrednosti PAPP-A. Inhibin A je bil pogosteje visok pri nosečni- cah, pri katerih so se pojavili hipertenzivni zapleti ali so rodi- le pred dopolnjenim 34. tednom gestacije. Zaključki. PAPP-A, fβ hCG in inhibin A niso uporabni kot pre- sejalni test za odkrivanje nosečnic z visokim tveganjem za porodniške zaplete. Vendar pa visoke ali nizke vrednosti ka- terega koli biokemičnega označevalca opozarjajo, da se do- gaja nekaj posebnega. Zato priporočamo, da v teh primerih nadzorovanje nosečnice poostrimo. POSTERJI