ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT BRITISH - UNITED STATES ZONE FREE TERRITORY OF TRIESTE <12 OFFICIAL GAZETTE VOLUME IV No. 33 - 1 December 1951 Published by the A. M. G. F. T. T. under the Authority of the Commander British - United States Forces Free Territory o( Trieste. La Editoriale Libraria S, p. A., Trieste - 1951 ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT British - United States Zone-Free Territory of Trieste Order No. 181 SALE AND CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOLIC DRINKS IN HEALTH HOLIDAY AND TOURIST RESORTS — AMENDMENT TO ORDER No. 185/1949 WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to modify Order No. 185 dated 7 September 1949 concerning the sale and consumption of alcoholic drinks in health-resorts (luoghi di cura), holiday-resorts (soggiorno) and tourist-resorts (turismo) in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOHN L. WHITELAW, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I The first paragraph of Article I of Order No. 185 dated 7 September 1949 is hereby amended as follows : „ In localities recognized as health, holiday or tourist-resorts as well as in those of tourist „interest, the number of establishments for sale or for consumption of alcoholic drinks may „exceed the limits established by Article 95 of the Consolidated Text 18 June 1931, No. 773 of Public Safety Laws.“ ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 29th day of November 1951 JOHN L. WHITELAW Brigadier General TJ. S. Army Ref. : LDfAI51ll78 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 182 PROVISIONS CONCERNING „ENTE ASSISTENZA LAVORATORI“ AMENDMENT TO ORDER No. 403/1947 WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend certain provisions of Order No. 403, dated 17 July 1947, concerning „Ente Assistenza Lavoratori“, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces; NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOHN L. WHITELAW, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Article III of Order No. 403, dated 17 July 1947, is hereby repealed and substituted by the following : „ARTICLE III „DIRECTING COUNCIL“ „ The „Ente Assistenza Lavoratori (ENAL)“ of Tr;este shall be under the management „and administration of Directing Council to be appointed by the Education Office, Allied Military „Government, which shall be composed of six members, respectively designated by the following Offices : ,,a) Office of the School Superintendent („Sovraintendenza Scolastica“). ,,b) Office of the Zone President. ,,c) „Ente per il Turismo“. ,,d) Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture. ,,e) Labour Office. ,,f) „Associazione degli Industriali — groppo industria dello spettacolo“ „and of four members respectively designated by : ,,a) „ORAL Aziendali e interaziendali“. ,,b) „CRAL Statali e di categoria e attività varie“. ,,c) „CRAL Comunali“. ,,d) Adhering Clubs and Associations. „ The president of the Directing Council shall be appointed by the Allied Military Govern- ment by Administrative Order, and shall be the legal representative of „Ente Assistenza „Lavoratori“ (ENAL) of Trieste. „ The members of the Directing Council shall hold office for two years and may be re- appointed. The Director of „ENAL“ shall act as secretary to the Directing Council and shall „have advisory vote.“ ARTICLE II Article IV of Order No. 403, dated 17 July 1947, is hereby repealed and substituted by the following : „ARTICLE IV „AUDITORS (SINDACI REVISORI) „ The „Sovraintendenza di Finanza“ shall appoint three persons to act as auditors „(Sindaci revisori).“ This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. / Dated at TRIESTE, 30th day of November 1951." JOHN L. WHITELAW Brigadier General TT. S. Army Ref. : LD\A\51\lil Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 183 CHARACTERISTICS OF NEW MOTOR-BUSES AND TROLLEY BUSES FOR TOWN-SERVICE WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to establish the characteristics of new motor-buses and trolley-buses for town-service, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOHN L, WHITELAW, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, * ORDER: ARTICLE I Municipalized concerns and concerns mainly owned by Communes shall adopt, for the supply of new mobile material, unified types according to the following Articles. ARTICLE II New motor-buses and trolley-buses for town-service which will be presented for final test at the „Ispettorato Compartimentale della motorizzazione civile e dei trasporti in concessione“, shall, with effect from 1 June 1952, be constructed in conformity with tables RI 12303, RI 12304, RI 12305, RI 12306, and RI 14101, RI 14102, RI 14103, RI 14104, deposited at the Department of Legal Affairs, Allied Military Government, and at the „Ispettorato Comparti-mentale della motorizzazione civile e dei trasporti in concessione“, where they may be freely inspected by all persons interested. ARTICLE III There shall be considered as of unified type new motor-buses and trolley-buses of a total length up to 7.50 metres, which as from 1 June 1952 will be presented for final test at the.„Ispet-torato Compartimentale della motorizzazione civile e dei trasporti in concessione“ even if they do not conform With all the quotas indicated in the tables, provided, however, that all the rules listed in said tables have been complied with, except rules No. 1 and No. 2. Motor-buses and trolley-buses presented for final test at the „Ispettorato Compartimentale della motorizzazione civile e dei trasporti in concessione“ before 1 June 1952 shall be considered as of the unified type even if not altogether corresponding to the quotas and rules indicated in the tables, provided, however, they conform with rules 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 and 10 for motor-buses, and with rules 5, 6 and 9 for trolley-buses. ARTICLE V The Department of Transportation, Allied Military Government, shall, in each specific case, determine Whether the projects correspond to the rules established in the foregoing Articles. ARTICLE VI This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 29th day of November 1951 JOHN L. WHITELAW Brigadier General U.S. Army Ref. : LD¡AI51¡173 Director General, Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 71 APPOINTMENT OF MR. EMILIO DE CAMPI AS PRESIDENT OF THE DIRECTING COUNCIL OF ENTE ASSISTENZA LAVORATORI WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to provide for the appointment of the President of the Directing Council of Ente Assistenza Lavoratori pursuant to Article III of Order No. 403, dated 17 July 1947, as modified by Order No. 182 dated 30 November 1951 ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, VON A7 A F. BUROER, Colonel Arty, Executive Director to Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: 1. — Area Administrative Order No. 11, dated 20 March 1940, by which Mr. Emilio DE CAMPI was appointed Commissioner of the Ente Assistenza Lavoratori of Trieste, is hereby repealed. 2. — Mr. Emilio DE CAMPI is hereby appointed President of the Directing Council of the Ente Assistenza Lavoratori of Trieste. 3. — This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 30th day of November 1951 VONNA F. BURGER Colonel, Arty Executive Director to Ref. : LDfBf51l72 Director General, Civil Affairs Notice No. 53 MINIMUM WAGES FOR PERSONNEL EMPLOYED BY BILL-BROKERS NOTICE is hereby given that the Minimum Wages Arbitration Board established pursuant to Ordei No. 63 dated 1 December 1947, has issued in respect of personnel employed by bill-brokers, the following Award : LODO ARTICOLO 1 CLASSIFICA DEL PERSONALE Il personale dipendente dagli agenti di cambio viene classificato nelle seguenti categorie : I.a categoria ..................................... Procuratori li.a categoria ..................................... Impiegati Ill.a categoria ..................................... Commessi ARTICOLO 2 Tabella delle retribuzioni globali (compresa l’indennità di contingenza) spettanti al personale superiore ai 21 anni : Uomini Donne Lire I.a categoria 42.000 42.000 II.a categoria 30.000 27.000 III.a categoria 27.000 — ARTICOLO 3 SCATTI DI ANZIANITÀ’ Gli stipendi di cui al precedente Articolo 2 sono stipendi iniziali. A partire dalla data di assunzione e comunque dopo il compimento del anno di età, il personale avrà diritto a conseguire ogni due anni un aumento pari all’8% della retribuzione globale iniziale, per un massimo di tredici scatti. ARTICOLO 4 PERSONALE MINORILE Il personale minorile (inferiore agli anni 21), sia maschile che femminile, percepirà: se con meno di 17 50% se fra i 17 ed i 19 anni 65% se fra i 19 ed i 21 anni ................................ l’85% delle retribuzioni spettanti al corrispondente personale (maschile e femminile) di età maggiore agli anni 21. RIDUZIONE DI ORARIO E’ ammessa la possibilità che il personale sia assunto ad orario ridotto con un massimo di 4 ore continuative giornaliere. In tal caso egli sarà retribuito proporzionalemtne ad ora (stipendio mensile diviso per 170), con una maggiorazione del 10% sulla retribuzione globale. ARTICOLO 6 ORARIO DI LAVORO E LAVORO STRAORDINARIO L’orario normale di lavoro viene fissato in 40 ore settimanali, da ripartirsi jn 7 ore giornaliere per tutti i giorni della settimana, escluso il sabato per il quale l’orario è stabilito in 5 ore. Il lavoro straordinario, intendendosi quello prestato oltre i termini suddetti oppure nelle giornate fistive, verrà ricompensato con le seguenti maggiorazioni : in giorni feriali : per le prime due ore di lavoro straordinario ................................................... 25% per le successive .............................................................................. 50% in giorni festivi .............................................................................. 75% ARTICOLO 7 MENSILITÀ’ Alla vigilia di Natale verrà corrisposto al personale una mensilità pari alla retribuzione globale mensile di fatto. Nel caso di cessazione o di inizio .del rapporto di lavoro nel corso dell’anno, il personale ha diritto a percepire tanti dodicesimi della 13,ma mensilità quanti sono i mesi di servizio prestato, computando come mesi interi le frazioni di mese superiori ai'15 giorni. ' ARTICOLO ■» DECORRENZA E DURATA Il presente lodo entra in vigore con il 1° ottobre 1951 ed avrà efficacia sino al 31 marzo 1952. Sarà ritenuta legittima un’ eventuale richiesta di riesame del presente lodo, in data anteriore alla scadenza predetta, solamente nel caso in cui dovessero intervenire variazióni dell’ indice costo vita e conseguenti variazioni di retribuzione nelle altre categorie. Letto, confermato e sottoscritto. Trieste, 11 ottobre 1951 Il Presidente: Sgd. Walter LEVITUS Giorgio Rizzardi Gianni DINON Livio NOVELLI Guido BORZAGHINI Nicolò PASE Mario SMECCHIA Approvato : 7 novembre 1951 Sgd. de RETRI S Chief, Department of Labor Dated at TRIESTE, this 27th day of November 1951. Dr. Eng. E. de PETRIS Ref. : LD\Cf51f4:9 Chief, Department of Labor Errata corrigenda The surname „Parenti“ appearing in comma 1., first line, of Administrative Order No. 66 dated 18 October 1951, page 575, Gazette No. 30 dated 1st November 1951, should read „PARENTING The new Article VI of Order No. 11/1945 contained in Article I of Order No, 180 dated 16 November 1951, appearing at page 616, Gazette No. 32 dated 21st November 1951. i) first line : The word „apply“" is hereby cancelled and substituted by the word „supply“. ii) last line : The Words „Department of Commerce“ are hereby cancelled and substituted by the words „Department of Finance“. I Componenti : I Consulenti Tecnici : CONTENTS Order Page No. 181 Sale and consumption of alcoholic drinks in health, holiday and tourist resorts — (Amendment to Order No. 185/1949) .......................... 619 No, 182 Provisions concerning “Ente Assistenza Lavoratori,, — (Amendment to Order No. 403/1947) .................................................... 619 No. 183 Characteristics of new motor-buses and trolley-buses for town-service .... 621 Administrative Order No. 71 Appointment of Mr. Emilio De Campi as President of the Directing Council of “Ente Assistenza Lavoratori,, .............................................. 622 Notice No. 63 Minimun wages for personnel employed by bill-brokers ............................ 623 Errata Corrigenda .......................................................................... 625