ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT BRITISH - UNITED STATES ZONE FREE TERRITORY OF TRIESTE i! v u . - ■ jjtev...__ - . _ - OFFICIAL GAZETTE VOLUME No. 3-11 October 1947 Published by the A. M. G. F. T. T. under the Authority of the Commander British - United States Forces Free Territory of Trieste. Editoriale Libraria, S. A. Trieste - 1947 HEADQUARTERS ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT British - United States Zone-Free Territory of Trieste Order No. 11 REORGANIZATION OF THE „SEZIONE PROVINCIALE DI TRIESTE DELLA FEDERAZIONE DELLA CACCIA“ WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to 'tender independent ,and re-organize the local „Sezione Provinciate di Trieste della Federazione della Caccia“ NOW,- THEREFORE, I, JAMES J. CARNES, Colonel Infantry, Senior Civil Affairs Officer, hereby : ORDER: ARTICLE I REORGANIZATION OF THE „SEZIONE PROVINCIALE DI TRIESTE DELLA FEDERAZIONE DELLA CACCIA“ The „Sezione Provinciate di Trieste della Federazione della Caccia“ shall, from the effective date of this order, be reorganized into the „Federazione Territoriale della Caccia per il Ter itorio Libero di Trieste“. ARTICLE II PASSING OVER OF FUNCTIONS, ACTIVITIES AND DUTIES With the effective date of this order all functions, activities and duties of the Federazione Italiana della Caccia and of the Provincial Section of the same „Federazione“ shall pass over to the Federazione Territoriale della Caccia per il Territorio Libero di Trieste. ARTICLE III EFFECTIVE DATE This Order will become effective on the day it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 8th day of October 1947. JAMES J. CARNES Colonel, Infantry Senior Civil Affairs Officer TARIFF CONCERNING THE RAILWAY-SERVICE FOR OVERSEAS GOODS FROM TRIESTE TO CZECHOSLOVAKIA WHEREAS it is considered advisable and necessary to implement the tariffs set forth by the administrative regulations dated 15th September 1947 concerning the railway-service of overseas goods from Trieste to Czechoslovakia thru Tarvisio within the Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste occupied by the British-United States Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Zone“), NOW, THEREFORE, I, JAMES J. CARNES, Colonel Infantry, Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I TARIFF CONCERNING THE RAILWAY-SERVICE FOR OVERSEAS GOODS FROM TRIESTE TO CZECHOSLOVAKIA Section 1. - With effect as from 15th September 1947 the provisional railway tariff concerning the transport by goods-trains has come into force for overseas goods between Trie"te decks rn one side and the Czechoslovakia State railway stations on the ether. Section 2. — Copy of the tariff mentioned in the preceding Section, entitled „Tariffa ferroviaria provvisoria per il trasporto a carro a P. V. delle merci oltremare fra gli scali marittimi di Trieste da une parte e stazioni delle Ferrovie cecoslovacche dello Stato dail’altra“ and marked Exhibit A, has been attached thereto and is made a part hereof. Additional copies of the tariff as well as its future amendments, additions and alterations which shall also have legal force, shall be placed on sale at the Trieste Central Station (Cash Office). ARTICLE II EFFECTIVE DATE The present Order shall become effective on the day it is signed by me Dated at TRIESTE, this 2nd day of October 1947. JAMES J. CARNES Colonel, Infantry Senior Civil Affairs Officer PROROGATION OF PROVISIONS CONCERNING SUPPLEMENTATION OF EARNINGS OF WORKERS IN INDUSTRY WHEREAS it is deemed advisable and necessary to extend the provisions relating to the supplementation of earnings of workers in Industry as set forth in Order No. 106 dated 6 April 1946, to 31 July 1947, within that Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste occupied by the British-United States Forces (hereinafter referred, to as „the Zone") ; NOW, THEREFORE, I. JAMES J. CARNES, Colonel Infant, y, Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I EXTENSION OF SUPPLEMENTATION OF WAGES The effectiveness of the provisions relating to the supplementation of earnings of workers in Industry as set forth in Articles IV and VI of Order No. 100 dated 0 April 1946 and subsequent amendments shall be, and hereby is extended, within the Zone, up to and including 31 July 1947. ARTICLE II EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER The present Order shall become effective upon the date it is published in the Official Gazette of the Allied Military Government. Dated at TRIESTE, this 2nd day of October 1947. JAMES J. CARNES Colonel, Infantry Senior Civil Affairs Officer Order No. ‘26 INCREASE IN „INDEMNITY FOR BREAD“ WHEREAS, in consequence of a new increase in the price of the bread it is deemed advisable and necessary to increase the daily rate of the temporary indemnity for high cost of bread as established by Order No. 367 of A.M.G., V.G. dated 31 May 1947, and to extend the eligibility for the said indemnity to certain other classes of beneficiaries within that zone of the Free Territory of Trieste occupied by the British-United States Forces (hereinafter referred to as „the Zone"), NOW, THEREFORE, I, JAMES J. CARNES, Colonel Infantry, Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I INCREASE IN INDEMNITY With effect from 1 September 1947 ,the temporary indemnity for increased price of bread established by Order No. 367 dated 31 May 1947 shall be payable at a daily rate of Lire 24. ARTICLE II ELIGIBILITY FOR INDEMNITY As from 1st September 1947 tbe classes of persons entitled to the temporary indemnity for bread as listed in Section 1 of Article II of Order No. 367 dated 31 May 1947 shall include the following classes of persons provided that in or after 1st September 1947 they are in receipt of : (a) the supplementary allowance to the indemnity for Tuberculosis patients as provided for by Order No. 104 dated 8 April 1946 ;. (b) the special post-sanatorial allowance provided for Tuberculosis patients under compuT sory Insurance by Order No. 368 dated 8 May 1947. . ARTICLE III CONTRIBUTIONS Section 1. — rlo partially meet the additional expenditure arising out of the payment of the indemnity for bread, the Employers shall pay, as and from the fiistpay period after 27 September 1947, a contribution supplementing the normal contributions, at the following rates on those earnings liable for the contribution to the Supplementary Social Insurance Fund („Fondo Integrazione per le Assicurazioni Sociali“).; (a) 1.30% for pensions of general compulsoiy insurance; (b) 1.30% for pensions of special insurance fund for personnel of public Transporta- tion services ; (c) 0.20% for pensions of insurance fund for perscjinel of public Telephone service enter- prises ; (d) 0.30% for pensions of insurance fund fcr personnel of direct tax collecting am' receiving agencies ; (e) 0.20% for pensions of insurance fund for personnel employed by consumer tax ad- ministrations. Section 2. —• The premium surcharge inferred to in Article VI of Order No. 350 dated 19 April 1947, shall be increased to 8% on all premiums due after 27 September 1947 in respect of occupational accident insurance. Section 3. — For agriculture workers not classified as agricultural employees, the supplementary contribution, in addition to the normal contribution due by the employer, for the pensions under the general compulsory insurance, shall be L. 1.20 for each working day of ,,sa-lariati“ and „braccianti“, as ascertained in respect of each employer for the purpose cf determining the unified contributifn in agriculture for the year 1947. ARTICLE IV EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER This Older shall become effective upon the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Allied Military Government. Dated at TRIESTE, this Ttli day of October 1947. James J. Carnes Colonel, Infantry Senior Civil Affairs Officer REPEAL OF AREA ORDER No. 45 CONCERNING THE APPOINTMENT OF A SPECIAL COMMISSIONER FOR HUNTING WHEREAS Trieste Area Order No. 45 dated July 3, 1946 provided for the dissolution of the Provincial Committee for Hunting and appointment of a special Commissioner, and WHEREAS the provisions contained. in Area Order No. 45 are no longer required, NOW, THEREFORE, I, JAMES J. CARNES, Colonel Infantry, Senior C.ivil Affairs Officer, ORDER: 1. — Area Order No. 45 dated July 3, 1946 is hereby repealed. 2. — This Order shall come into force on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 8tli day of October 1947. JAMES J. CARNES Colonel, Infantry Senior Civil Affairs Officer Administrative Order No. 10 APPOINTMENT OF PROF. DOTT. FRANCESCO BLASI AJ HEAD OF THE PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL OBSERVATORY I. JAMES J. CARNES, Colonel Infantry, Senior Civil Affairs Officer, . ORDER as follows: Prof. Dctt. FRANCESCO BLASI is hereby appointed Head of the Phytopathologieal Observatory in substitution of Dott. GIUSEPPE BELLIO. This Order shall come into force on the day it is signed by me. Datidat TRIESTE, this 2nd day of October 1947. JAMES J. CARNES Colonel, Infantry . Senior Civil Affairs ^Officer Administrative Order No. 13 APPOINTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEER GIOVANNI FERRAZZI TO CHIEF CIVIL ENGINEER OF THE GENIO CIVILE I, JAMES J. CARNES, Colonel Infantry, Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER as follows : Civil Engineer GIOVANNI FERRAZZI is hereby appointed Chief Civil Engineer of the Genio Civile and is hereby promoted to grade VI of group A, with effect from September 1947. This Order will become effective on the day it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 2nd day of October 1947. JAMES J. CARNES Colonel, Infantry Senior Civil Affairs Officer TEMPORARY PROMOTION OF BOATSWAIN OF II CLASS FACCHINETTI GIOVANNI WHEREAS FACCHINETTI Giovanni, Boatswain of II class, has all necessary qualifications for the promotion to the rank of Boatswain of I class ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, JAMES J. CARNES, Colonel Infantry, Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ' ORDER: 1. — FACCHINETTI Giovanni, Boatswain of II class, be and hereby is temporarily promoted to the rank of Boatswain (nocchiere di bordo) of I class, with seniority from 1st April 1947. 2. — This Order will come into effect on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 7tb day of October 1947. JAMES J. CARNES Colonel, Infantry Senior Civil Affairs Officer CONTENTS Order Page No. 11 Reorganization of the „Sezione Provinciale di Trieste della Federazione della caccia“......................................... 39 No. 24 Tariff concerning the railway-service for overseas goods from Trieste to Czechoslovakia ................................... 40 No. 25 Prorogation of provisions concerning supplementation of earnings òf workers in industry ..................................... 41 No. 26 Increase in „Indemnity for bread“............................... 41 No. 27 Repeal of Area Order No. 45 concerning the appointment of a Special Commissioner for hunting............................ 43 Administrative Order No. 10 Appointment of prof. dott. Francesco Blasi as Head of the Phytopathological Observatory 43 No. 13 Appointment of Civil Engineer Giovanni Ferrazzi to Chief Civil Engineer of the Genio Civile . 43 No. 14 Temporary promotion of boatswain of II class Facchinetti 44