Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 45/49 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 10. 11. 2013 32. NEDELJA MED LETOM 32nd SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb ŽUPNIK - PASTOR Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail Web page Hall rentals 905-518-6159 Večnost bo drugačna To je edini primer v evangeliju, ko Jezus razpravlja samo s saduceji, drugače nastopajo saduceji skupaj s farizeji. Mednje so spadali bogataši, ljudske starešine, člani bogatih aristokratskih družin, iz katerih so izhajali tudi veliki duhovniki; skratka, saduceji so bili boljši sloj tedanje družbe. Na svoje bogastvo so bili zelo ponosni in veljajo za materialiste tiste dobe. Izpovedovali so svobodnjaške nazore in bili v ostrem nasprotju z vernim judovskim ljudstvom. Odklanjali so vero v posmrtno življenje, tajili neumrljivost človeške duše, bivanje angelov in duhov ter prihodnje vstajenje. Sveto pismo so v celoti priznavali za božjo besedo, odločno pa so odklanjali izročilo in farizejsko tolmačenje postave. Jezus je njihovo materialistično mišljenje ostro zavrnil in jim očital, da ne poznajo ne svetega pisma ne božje moči (prim. Mr 12, 18). Saduceji hočejo Jezusu na podlagi sv. pisma dokazati, da je vera v vstajenje nesmisel. Sklicujejo se na levitsko pravo, po katerem je moral brat pokojnemu bratu, ki je bil poročen, pa je umrl brez otrok, obuditi potomstvo. Poročiti se je moral z vdovo in z njo imeti otroke. Taki otroci so se imenovali po pokojnem, čeprav je bil brat pokojnega njihov pravi oče. Če brat tega ni maral storiti, mu je prizadeti lahko sezul čevelj in ga pljunil v obraz. Saduceji navajajo skoraj nemogoč primer (v. 29-33) in sicer zato, da bi bolj prepričljivo dokazali nesmiselnost vere v vstajenje. Judje so v Kristusovem času pojmovali vstajenje kot povrnitev v prejšnje življenje. Jezus ni delil z njimi svojega mnenja, ampak jasno učil, da obstaja sedanji svet („ta vek") in od njega čisto različen drugi svet („oni vek"). Telo ne more prestopiti v oni svet in ostati isto telo. Tu ni prehoda in ne razvoja. Svetova sta tako različna, da nastane v onem svetu čisto novo življenje, ki je bistveno drugačno od prejšnjega. Kakor seme v zemlji „umrje" in zaradi njegove smrti požene bilka, tako je tudi s človekom. Preko smrti Bog podari človeku novo življenje, to je tak način obstajanja, da v onem veku nastalo življenje ne more več umreti. Smrt ne onemogoča vstajenja, ampak je pravzaprav pogoj vstajenja. Najprej je treba umreti in nato pride vstajenje, to se pravi, živeti tako, da smrt nad tem življenjem več ne gospoduje. FRU-FRU SLOVENSKO LUTKOVNO GLEDALIŠČE Lutkovno gledališče je gostovalo pri nas v soboto, 2 novembra dopoldne ob 9:30 s predstavo po znani slovenski pravljici Ele Peroci: »Moj dežnik je lahko balon«. V spodnji dovrani se nas je nabralo okrog 80. Poleg otrok naše Slovenske šole so bili še otroci iz Slovenske šole Sava-Breslav. Po predstavi so se v madinski sobi še okrepčali. Za to priložnost nas je obiskala tudi ga. Irena Gril iz Slovenskega Veleposlaništva v Ottawi. PRAZNIK VSEH SVETIH_ Kot je pri nas navada, se vsako leto na nedeljo, ki je najbližja prazniku Vseh svetih in vernih duš, zberemo najprej k sveti maši na burlingtonskem pokopališču. Letos je sveto mašo vodil hamiltonski pomožni škof Daniel Miehem. Po maši smo se zbrali k molitvi za rajne pri križu, pol ure kasneje smo molili za vse rajne na slovenskem delu pokopališča Gate of Heaven. Tam se naj je zbralo največ. Ob petih popoldne pa smo se zbrali kar v mavzoleju pokopališča Our Lady of the Angels. Lepo vreme je pripomoglo, da nas je bilo letos povsod izredno veliko. 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Response: I shall be satisfied, Lord, when I awake and behold your likeness. First Reading 2 Maccabees 7:1-2. 9-14 A mother and her seven sons suffer martyrdom because of loyalty to God's law and belief in the resurrection of the dead. Second Reading 2 Thessalonians 2:16 - 3:5 Paul urges his friends to find comfort and hope in the love that Father and Son have shown them. Gospel_Luke 20:27-38 An absurd question prompts Jesus to speak of the resurrection of the dead. "He is God, not of the dead, but of the living Illustration After many years on death row, a young man - let's call him Tom - learned that his final appeal had been rejected. Execution now awaited him. But during his imprisonment Tom, once full of anger, had a genuine conversion: he was reconciled with his father, from whom he'd long been estranged. He'd learned much from friendship with a nun, who'd got many people to pray for him. He was particularly touched by a letter and photograph from a class of children in the Sister's home town. He asked that she should accompany him to the death chamber. Though not allowed to walk the corridor with him, she was able to join some of his family in the holding room, where they had a good view of him and he of them. He was calm and peaceful. When asked if he had anything to say, he begged forgiveness of his family for the suffering he'd caused them. Then he fell silent; but his lips began to move. So did the Sister's; and so too did those of a group of Christians, outside the prison gates, who were praying with him and for him. Their prayer was Tom's favourite psalm, Psalm 27: "The Lord is my light and my help; whom shall I fear?" and "There is one thing I ask of the Lord, for this I long, to live in the house of the Lord... to savour the sweetness of the Lord." For Tom and his friends, death was not the end. What a contrast between their public profession of faith, and the cold disbelief of the Sadducees in today's Gospel! Gospel Teaching The Sadducees were an aristocratic party, made up mainly of the leading priestly families, but they tended to be conservative in religious matters: so they considered that only the first five books of the Bible were authoritative; and they denied the resurrection of the dead as a newfangled belief. They decide to confront Jesus on the issue. Their ploy is to hold up belief in resurrection from the dead to ridicule. They begin by recounting the absurd story of seven brothers who, each in turn, marry the same woman, and then they pose the question: so whose wife will she be in the afterlife? Jesus' reply is twofold: first, life in the next world is not simply a continuation of life in this, but rather the beginning of a new kind of life in which there is no more death and so no need for marriage, no need for propagating the human race. Secondly, Jesus points to a text from the part of the Bible that the Sadducees do revere. It's a passage that describes God as "the God of Abraham. Isaac and. Jacob", but it would scarcely make sense to speak of God having a relationship with the three patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, if in fact they were no longer alive. As Jesus says, "The Lord is God of the living, not the dead." And so he skilfully turns the insincere trick question of the Sadducees into an opportunity for proclaiming the truth of the resurrection of the dead. Of course, he does not answer all the questions we might like to ask, but already he says enough to bring us, in the words of St Paul, "inexhaustible comfort and such sure hope". Application Dark November nights, the month of the Holy Souls, leaves falling from the trees - all conspire to remind us that all things come to an end, including our life on this earth. But this November Mass brings us the assurance from our Lord's own lips that we too are destined for eternal life. The final words of Psalm 27, presumably the last words that Tom prayed before his execution, are these: "I am sure I shall see the Lord's goodness in the land of the living... Hope in him, hold firm and take heart. Hope in the Lord." Hope, not in the vague sense that a person might say: "I hope it turns out well." But rather hope in the sense of complete confidence that what the Lord has said is true, utter conviction that he will be faithful to his promise. If there are times when we feel saddened by the thought that one day we must die, maybe we can follow Tom's example: we can say with confidence: "I am sure I shall see the Lord's goodness in the land of the living." After that we will surely be able to "hold firm and take heart". FOLKLORNA SKUPINA VENEC_ Three years ago an idea was formed to bring together past members of all folklore groups in southern Ontario from Toronto to Niagara. The name VENEC was given to this group of energetic individuals who exemplify that by working to- gether we can unify all our communities towards a common goal - to preserve and cherish our Slovenian roots. Our motto has always been folklore, friends, and fun. This year VENEC is looking to continue this tradition and is inviting all interested new members to join the circle regardless of previous affiliation and talent. Come out and experience what VENEC is about. First practice is Sunday, November 17th at 2:00 pm, at St. Gregory^ Hall, Hamilton. For more information, please contact Dave Antolin: 905.664.5980, or visit us at 'Folklorna skupina VENEC' on SOČA - Children's folklore group The children's folklore group SOCA began practices for this upcoming season. From now on the practices are every Saturday at 12:30. We would like to invite all youth in our community and surrounding areas to join this fun-filled group. All youth are welcome from the ages of 8+ and above. Help continue this group's tradition of over 40 years of keeping Slovenian traditions alive here in Hamilton, while encouraging lasting friendships and fun. For more information, please contact Dave Antolin, 905.664.5980. Obvestila - Announcements zbor - pevske vaje Ob četrtkih imamo redne pevske vaje za mešani pevski zbor. Zbor naslednjič poje 24. novembra na praznik Kristusa kralja vesoljstva. društvo sv. jožefa BINGO - je vsak ponedeljek ob 1:30 p.m. V prostorih društva svetega Jožefa v Villa Slovenia. Pridite vsak ponedeljek, kjer boste srečali prijatelje in preživeli prijetne trenutke. TORKOVI VEČERI ob kartah, igrah, bilijardu in prijetni družbi v Villi Slovenia, so se začeli. Vsak TOREK ob 7:00 p.m. Vabljeni, pridite in se nam pridružite, povabite tudi prijatelje. Catholic Girls Club Toy Drive The Catholic Girls Club will be collecting new toys for Christmas for children in our community who are less fortunate than we are. Please help us spread the spirit of Christmas to these children, one toy at a time. Boxes will be available in the church hallway for you to drop off your toys until December 1st. Your support is greatly appreciated. Thank you, The Catholic Girls Club pokojni - pogreb_ V soboto, 2. novembra je v 81. letu starosti odšel v večnost naš faran, dolgoletni član moškega pevskega zbora Bled, ANTON CESAR. V torek, 5. novembra popoldne in zvečer ste se lahko 334 | VESTNIK 2013 poslovili od pokojnega v Smith's Funeral Home na Guelph Line v Burlingtonu. Zvečer po sedmi uri smo se zbrali tudi k molitvi za pokoj njegove duše. Pogrebni obred je bil v vežici v sredo, 6. novem. Ob pol enajstih dopoldne. Moški zbor je med bogoslužjem zapel tri pesmi. Po obredu smo pokojnega Toneta pospremili k večnemu počitku na pokopališče Burlington Memorial Gardens . Gospod daj mu večni mir in pokoj, domačim pa iskreno sožalje. Slomškovo oltarno društvo Članice Slomškovega oltarnega društva so pohale krofe, tako, jih lahko kupite v soboto zvečer na Martinovanju ali pa v nedeljo po maši. bled -planica - hunter's banquet_ V soboto, 16. novembra, začenšči ob 6:00 zvečer - LOVSKI BANKET Za razpoloženje bo skrbel ansambel »BRAJDA« Vstopnice: $35.00 / Študentje $25.00 Za več informacij pokličite: Ivan Krusic 905-393-6594 Mirko Kolmanič: 905-6431964 Sam Husic 905-347-4807 literani večer z Borisom Pahorjem The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in cooperation with the Councillor Joe Mihevc kindly invite you to the literary evening in the honour of the SLOVENIAN AUTHOR BORIS PAHOR on November 21, at 7.00 p. m. at the North York Central Library (5120 Yonge Street) Boris Pahor, who celebrated his 100th birthday last August, is one of Slovenia's most prolific authors. In 2013 he was awarded the European Citizen's prize. Pahor has also been awarded the French Legion of Honour, the Austrian Cross of Honour for Science and Art, Italy's Premio Napoli, Slovenia's Order of Freedom and the Prešeren Award for Cultural Achievements in Slovenia. His biography is a tale of one of the most turbulent centuries in human history. Pahor's literature reflects his life experience and includes a story of his own personal ordeal in the extermination camps of the Third Reich as well as his work in international arena for the rights of minority cultures, particularly their languages. "This is my Life: A Century of Boris Pahor" The literary evening includes a film interview with the author and readings from selected works. The event is organized with the support of The Honorary Consul General of the Republic of Slovenia in Toronto John Doma and the Slovenian Community in Toronto. Slovenian refreshments will be served. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI ♦ Sobota 16. november: LOVSKI BANKET pri društvu Sava-Breslav in tudi pri društvu BLED-PLANICA - Beamsville ♦ Nedelja 17 november: Društvo Triglav-London - opoldne bo kosilo, ob 2:00 popoldne maša in tekmovanje v balinanju. ♦ Nedelja 24. november: Kristus kralj - ob 1:oo popoldne maša in kosilo pri društvu Sava-Breslav. - ob 4:00 p.m. bo v naši katedrali-baziliki sveta maša ob slovesnem zaključku LETA VERE - vabljeni! ♦ Nedelja 1. december: 1. adventna nedelja -Društvo Lipa park ima Miklavževanje. ♦ Nedelja 8. december: Sv. Gregorij Veliki - ob 12:30 kosilo in nato Miklavževanje v župnijski dvorani. CWL Memorial Mass On Wednesday, November 13th we dedicate the 7pm mass to our late CWL members. We invite all CWL members, family and friends to participate in this lovely tradition to pray for, remember and honour our deceased members. This memorial service will be followed by light refreshments for all. We ask that all CWL and family members participating in this service please arrive at the Church by 6:30pm for brief instructions and preparations. On behalf of our parish CWL - we wish everyone a blessed and relaxing Sunday. 41f SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English KRSTI / BAPTISMS: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment)BOLNIKI -Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. don bosco OD 10. 11. 2013 DO 17. 11. 2013 svete mase - masses 32. Nedelja med letom 32nd Sunday in O.T. 10. November Leon Veliki, pp-c.učitelj Za žive in rajne župljane Marija in Aleksander Marič Jože Balažic Sestanek Niagarske Koordinacije Noon 9:30 a.m. Sin Franc z družino 11:00 a.m. Hčerka Emilija z družino Pevska soba - žup. dvorana Ponedeljek Monday 11. November Martin, škof f Štefan Prša, obl. f Štefan Prša, obl. ff Martin in Marija Ternar f Ethel Simončič, obl. f Darinka Ferletič 7:00 p.m. Žena z družiono Tone in Marija Bukvič Družina Kovačič /Montreal/ Cecilija Sobočan Milan, Sandy, Mike Torek Tuesday 12. November Jozafat, Milan, spokor. f Frank Gimpelj 8:00 a.m. Društvo sv. Jožefa Sreda - Wednesday 13. November Stanislav Kostka, red. f Frank Gimpelj f Frank Gimpelj f Terezija Sukič f Marija Grebenc ff Pokojne članice KŽZ 7:00 p.m. Tony in Marilyn Letnik Karol Ferko Brat Karol Ferko z družino Manja Erzetič CWL Četrtek ff Ivan in Ethel Simončič, obl. 7:00 p.m. Društvo sv. Jožefa Thursday f Jože Balažic Janez Lovrenčec 14. November Po namenu A.T. Nikolaj Tavelič, muč. ff Vera in Frank Staniša Števančec Marija Petek Friday 15. November Albert Veliki, šk.c-učit. f Martina Kolar f Josip Zoretič ff Vsi pokojni sorodniki f Anton Cesar 7:00 p.m. Frank Kornik Frank Kapušin z družino Julija Sazadin z družino Društvo sv. Jožefa Sobota Saturday 16. November Marjeta Škotska in Jedrt f Pavla Horvat, obl. Bogu v zahvalo f Elizabeta Tanko f Janez Hočevar f Stane Napast 8:00 a.m. Pavel in Jožica Novak 5:30 p.m. Tilka Vengar Francka Cestnik Ivan in Anica Klobučar Frančiška Napast 33. Nedelja med letom Za žive in rajne župljane 33rd Sunday in O.T. f Pavla Horvat, obl. 17. November ff Ignac in Stanislav Stanko Elizabeta Ogrska, red. ff Pokojni iz društva Triglav 9:30 a.m. Družina Bukvič 11:00 a.m. Joe in Olga Hanc 2:00 p.m. Triglav - London - dvorana