Metodolos¡ki zvezki, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2005, 243-257 Properties and Estimation of GARCH(1,1) Model Petra Posedel1 Abstract We study in depth the properties of the GARCH(1,1) model and the assumptions on the parameter space under which the process is stationary. In particular, we prove ergodicity and strong stationarity for the conditional variance (squared volatility) of the process. We show under which conditions higher order moments of the GARCH(1,1) process exist and conclude that GARCH processes are heavy-tailed. We investigate the sampling behavior of the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator of the Gaussian GARCH(1,1) model. A bounded conditional fourth moment of the rescaled variable (the ratio of the disturbance to the conditional standard deviation) is sufficient for the result. Consistent estimation and asymptotic normality are demonstrated, as well as consistent estimation of the asymptotic covariance matrix. 1 Introduction Financial markets react nervously to political disorders, economic crises, wars or natural disasters. In such stress periods prices of financial assets tend to fluctuate very much. Statistically speaking, it means that the conditional variance for the given past Var(Xt|Xt-1,Xt-2,...) is not constant over time and the process Xt is conditionally heteroskedastic. Econome-tricians usually say that volatility ?t = v/Var(Xt|Xt-1,Xt-2,...) changes over time. Understanding the nature of such time dependence is very important for many macroeconomic and financial applications, e.g. irreversible investments, option pricing, asset pricing etc. Models of conditional heteroskedasticity for time series have a very important role in today’s financial risk management and its attempts to make financial decisions on the basis of the observed price asset data Pt in discrete time. Prices Pt are believed to be nonstationary so they are usually transformed in the so-called log returns Xt = log Pt- log Pt-1. Log returns are supposed to be stationary, at least in periods of time that are not too long. Very often in the past it was suggested that (Xt) represents a sequence of independent identically distributed random variable, in other words, that log returns evolve 1 Faculty of Economics, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia 244 Petra Posedel like a random walk. Samuelson suggested modelling speculative prices in the continuous time with the geometric Brownian motion. Discretization of that model leads to a random walk with independent identically distributed Gaussian increments of log return prices in discrete time. This hypothesis was rejected in the early sixties. Empirical studies based on the log return time series data of some US stocks showed the following observations, the so-called stylized facts of financial data: serial dependence are present in the data volatility changes over time distribution of the data is heavy-tailed, asymmetric and therefore not Gaussian. These observations clearly show that a random walk with Gaussian increments is not a very realistic model for financial data. It took some time before R. Engle found a discrete model that described very well the previously mentioned stylized facts of financial data, but it was also relatively simple and stationary so the inference was possible. Engle called his model autoregressive conditionally heteroskedastic- ARCH, because the conditional variance (squared volatility) is not constant over time and shows autoregressive structure. Some years later, T. Bollerslev generalized the model by introducing generalized autoregressive conditionally heteroskedastic - GARCH model. The properties of GARCH models are not easy to determine. 2 GARCH(1,1) process Definition 2.1 Let (Zn) be a sequence ofi.i.d. random variables such that Zt ~ N(0,1). (Xt) is called the generalized autoregressive conditionally heteroskedastic or GARCH(q,p) process if Xt = ?tZt, teZ (2.1) where (?t) is a nonnegative process such that ?2t=?0 + ?1X2_1 + ... + ?qX2_q + ß1?t2_1 + ... + ßp?t2_p, teZ (2.2) and ?0>0, ?i>0 i = 1,...,q ßi > 0 i=1,...,p. (2.3) The conditions on parameters ensure strong positivity of the conditional variance (2.2). If we write the equation (2.2) in terms of the lag-operator B we get ?t2 = ?0 + ?(B)X2 + ß(B)?t2, (2.4) where ?(B) = ?1B + ?2B2 + ... + ?qBq and ß(B) = ß1B + ß2B2 + ... + ßpBp. (2.5) Properties and Estimation of GARCH(1,1) Model 245 If the roots of the characteristic equation, i.e. 1 - ß1x - ß2x2 -...-ßpxp = 0 lie outside the unit circle and the process (Xt) is stationary, then we can write (2.2) as 2 = ?0 ?(B) 2 ?t 1-ß(1) + 1-ß(B) t oo = ?0 + /, ?iXt-i (2.6) i=1 where ?0 =------ß(1) , and ?i are coefficients of Bi in the expansion of ?(B)[1 - ß(B)]-1. Note that the expression (2.6) tells us that the GARCH(q,p) process is an ARCH process of infinite order with a fractional structure of the coefficients. From (2.1) it is obvious that the GARCH(1,1) process is stationary if the process (?t2) is stationary. So if we want to study the properties and higher order moments of GARCH(1,1) process it is enough to do so for the process (?t2). The following theorem gives us the main result for stochastic difference equations that we are going to use in order to establish the stationarity of the process (?t2). Theorem 2.2 Let (Yt) be the stochastic process defined by Yt = At + BtYt-1, teN, (2.7) or explicitly t t t Yt=Y0 n Bj+y, Am n bj, teN. (2.8) j=1 m=1 j=m+1 Suppose that Y0 is independent of the i.i.d. sequence (At, Bt)t . Assume that Eln+\A\0 is strictly stationary. Now assume the moment conditions E\A\p E\Y\p ast^oo. (f) The moments EYm are uniquely determined by the equations EYm = Y, (k)E(BkAm-k)EYk, m=1,...,[p\ (2.12) k=0 ^ ' where \p\ denotes the floor function. In the next theorem we present the stationarity of the conditional variance process (?t2). Theorem 2.3 Let (?t2) be the conditional variance of GARCH( 1,1) process defined with (2.1) and (2.2). Additionally, assume that E[ln(?1Z 2 + ß1)} <0 (2.13) and that ?0 is independent from (Zt). Then it holds (a) the process (?t2) is strictly stationary if oo m-1 ?0 = ?0 2v I I (ß1 + ?1Zj2-1) (2.14) m=1 j=1 and the series (2.14) converges absolutely with probability 1. (b) Assume that (?t2) is strictly stationary and let ? = ?0, Z = Z1. Let E(ß1 + ?1Z 2^ < 1 for some p such integer m it holds m-1 ?1Z 2)p < 1 for some p G [1, oo). Then E(? 2)m < oo for some 1 < m < [p\.For E[?2m] = [1-E(ß1 + ?1Z2)m}-1Y,[mk)E{?1Z2 + ß1)k?m0-kx k=0 ^ ' xE?2k] 0, 1 - ?1 - ß1 > 0 and 1 - ß12 - 2?1ß1 -3?21 < 1, it follows that all the factors in (2.16) are positive so we conclude that the GARCH(1,1) process has the so-called leptokurtic distribution. 3 Estimation of the GARCH(1,1) model Although in this section we assume that (Zt) are i.i.d. sequence of random variables, the results we shall present can also be shown for the (Zt) strictly stationary and ergodic sequence of random variables. In that case, the assumptions for the process (Zt) are little modified but the main part of the calculus we present here also holds for not such strong assumptions. 3.1 Description of the model and the quasi-likelihood function Suppose we observe the sequence (Yt) such that Yt = C0 + ?0t, t=1,...,n, where we assume that (?0t) is GARCH(1,1) process, exactly ?0t = Zt?0t, Ft = ?({?0s,s?t}), where (Zt) is a sequence of i.i.d. random variables and ? 0t = ?0(1 - ß0) + ?0?20t-1 + ß0?02t-1 a.s. (3.1) - From Theorem 2.2 we have that the strict stationary solution of (3.1) is given by ? ?20t = ?0 + ?0Y, ß0k?20t -1-k a.s. k=0 if it holds E [ ln (ß0 + ?0Z 2)] < 0. The process is described with the vector of parameters ?0= (C0, ?0, ?0, ß0). Properties and Estimation of GARCH(1,1) Model 249 The model for the unknown parameters ? = (C, ?, ?, ß)' is given by C,?,?,ß)' Yt = C + ?t, t=1,...,n, and ?t2(?) = ?(1 -ß) + ??2t-1 + ß?t2- 1(?), t = 2,...,n and with the initial condition ?12 (?) = ?. With that kind of notation we have the following expression for the process of conditional variance: t-2 ?2t=? + ? ^ ßk?2t-1-k. k=0 Let us define the compact space 0 = {? : Cl < C < Cd,0 < ?l < ? < ?d,0 < ?l < ? < ?d, 0<ßl<ß<ßd<1} C {?: E[ln ß + ?Z 2)'] < 0}. Additionally, assume that ?0 G @ so it immediately follows that ?0 > 0 and ß0 > 0. Inference for GARCH(1,1) process usually assumes that (Zt) are i.i.d. random variables such that Zt ~ N(0,1) so the likelihood function is easy to determine. Assuming that the likelihood function is Gaussian, the log-likelihood function is of the form (ignoring constants) LT(?) = — ^ lt(?), where lt(?) = - I ln?t 2 (?) + -?t- ). 2T t=1 Since the likelihood function does not need to be Gaussian, in other words, the process (Zt) does not need to be the Gaussian white noise, LT is called the quasi-likelihood function. 3.2 Consistency of the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator Although a finite data set is available in practice, this is not enough to determine good properties of an estimator. We shall see in this section how useful results can be obtained taking into consideration the strictly stationary model for the conditional variance that we have previously defined. We shall note it in the following way oo ?2ut(?) =? + ?Y,ßk?t-1-k, ?t = Yt- C, k=0 to avoid confusion with the original conditional variance process (?t2). In that case the quasi-likelihood function is given by 1 T LuT (?) = — J2 lut (?), where lut (?) = - ln ? 2 ut (?) + -?t— . 2T / ?2 \ 250 Petra Posedel Additionally, we are going to show that the stationary and the non-stationary model are not ”far away” in some sense. So, all the calculus is done using the stationary model and then connecting the two models. Let us define oo ??2t(?) = ? + ?Y,ßk?20t-1-k. k=0 The process (?ut) is a strictly stationary model of the conditional variance which assumes an infinite history of the observed data. The process (??2t) is in fact identical to the process (?u2t) except that it is expressed as a function of the true innovations (?0t) instead of the residuals (?t). We suppose that the following conditions on the process (Zt) hold: (1) (Zt) is a sequence of i.i.d. random variables such that EZt = 0; (2) Z2 is nondegenerate; (3) for some ? > 0 exists S ? < oo such that E [Z2+ ] < S ? < oo; (4) E[lnß0 + ?0Z 2)} < 0; (5) ?0 is in the interior of ?; (6) if for some t holds oo oo 0t = c0 + Y, ck?t-k i ?0t = c0 + Y,ck?t-k k=1 k =1 then ci = c* for every 1 < i < oo. We call the conditions (1) - (6) elementary conditions. The proof for the following result for the case of the general GARCH(q, p) process can be found in [5]. Proposition 3.3 If the elementary conditions hold, there are not two different vectors (?, ?, ß, C) and (?, ?*, ß*, C*) such that ?,?,ß,Cand?*,?*,ß*,C* and ?0t = ?* + ?*(Yt-1 - C*)2 + ß*?20t-1 ?20t = ? + ?Yt-1 - C + ß?02t-1. The following lemma would be very helpful for the results we shall provide. The proof can be found in [10]. Lemma 3.4 Uniformly on ? B-1??2t(?) < ?2ut(?) < B??2t(?) a.s. B = 1 + 2(1-ßd) -12 (Cd -Cl) xmax(—,1\ + ?d (Cd - Cl)2 . Properties and Estimation of GARCH(1,1) Model 251 Although we are not going to discuss the rational moments of the process ?0t, we will still mention that, under the elementary conditions, there exists 0 < p < 1 such that E?0 2 t)p < oo. (3.2) The proof for such a result can be found in [13], Theorem 4. The following lemma gives us the basic properties of the process ?u 2 t) and the likelihood function (lut). Lemma 3.5 If the elementary conditions hold (i) The process (c2 t(?)) is strictly stationary and ergodic; (ii) The process (lut(?) ^ and the processes of its first and second derivatives with respect to ? are strictly stationary and ergodic for every ? in ?; (iii) For some 0 < p < 1 and for every ? G ? it holds E\?u2t(?)\p < Hp < oo. Proof: The statement (1) follows from Theorem 2.3. / ?2 \ Since lut(?) = - I ln ?u2t(?) + -^— , and = ( —2-----1 J—?u t--------2~7T, (3.3) -1 ??u2 -1 ut = 1 + /??*"1, (3.7) ?? ?2ut ?? u2?t(?) ?lut ?t2 ??2ut(?) 1 ( ?? ?u2t ?? ?u 2t(?) ?lut?t2 ??u2t(?) 1 ?t and where = —?t----1 —?ut------~77iT, (3.4) \?? ) ? ?ß ?2ut -1 ?ß u2?t(?) ( = 2 - 1 ?C 2 (?) - 227^V (3.5) ?lut ( ?t2 ??2ut(?) 1 ?C ?u2t ?C ?2ut(?) ?2ut(?) = I —2-----1 J—?------~77iT, (3.6) ??2 ?? and ?? ?? ??2 ??2 —— = ?t2 1 +ß ut-1, (3.8) ?? ?? ?C = -2??t-1 + ß-utt1 (3.9) ??2 ??2 ut = ?u2t-1 + ß—ut- , (3.10) it follows that the process lut(?) and processes of its first and second derivatives are measurable functions of strictly stationary and ergodic process (?t) and so they are also strictly 252 Petra Posedel stationary and ergodic. Finally, let 0 < p < 1 from (3.2). Then it follows from Lemma 3.4 k=0 oo ?p + ?pY,ßkpE{?20pt-k-1) . k=0 Since ?20t-1-k < ?-0 1?02 t for every k, using (3.2) it follows [CO -i ?p + ?pJ]ßkp1p E(?02tp) k=0 ?0 ?dp + dpE ? 02tp) —-p =Hp 0, P = 1 - 2+g 2 G (0,1) and S? define in the elementary conditions and Kl =-----------< 00. Let ?l and ?d be positive constants such that ?l<ß01-nl12 and ?d < ß01 - 7l012, where T^0 = 7L(?0) < 1. For 1 < r < 122 define constants subspaces 7^ ßrl = ß0Kj +?l<ß0 and ßrd = 0 1 d > ß0, @l = {?e?:ßrd<ß<ß0} and @rd = {? G ? : ß0 < ß < ßrd} 2We will need r to be 12 in Lemma 4.2. Our aim is to find the minimal r so that all the statements presented bellow hold for every ? G ?r. Properties and Estimation of GARCH(1,1) Model 253 and ©r = ?rl U ?rd. The values ?l and ?d will depend on constants IZl and IZ0 which are functions of the parameter space ?. Observe that we can choose ? = ?rmax C ?r, for all 1 < r < 12. Now we are able to present the result about the convergence in probability of the unconditional likelihood process. Lemma 3.7 Under the elementary conditionsfor every ? G ?1 it holds: G (Cd - Cl)2 (1) e(?2 t(?-)

oo, where L(?) = e( -lut(?) Proof: It is straightforward to show that ? 0t g = C0 — C we have the following / ( + \2\ ??2 t(?) < Hc. Hence, using Lemma 3.4 and so / ?2 \ \? utJ = E = BE [?2 ^? +2gE I? 2 1 ?2 1 ? ut < 2 < B\\?\\1 + + g_ = BE g2 (?0t\Ft-1) ?02 1 g2 + e^- ? t f ?2 \ ? ut J < BHc + N 2 (Cd-Cl) ~?l that proves the first statement. Additionally, we have < BHc + d ------ l- = H1 E\lut(?)\ = e ut(?)) + ln?u2 t(?) ?u2t(?) < E ln?u2 t(?) u2 t(?)|+E ?u2 t(?) J. r 254 Petra Posedel But, for x > 1 and 0 < p < 1 it holds the inequality ln x < > E ln ?ut(?) | < |ln?l|+E < | ln ?l1 1 ln p ~x p , so we have +E 1 ?l - since ?ult(?) ln?l + 1 E?upt (?) 1. Finally, using Lemma 3.5 we have E1lut(?)1 00. ?T - P ?o Properties and Estimation of GARCH(1,1) Model 255 4 Asymptotic normality of the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator In this section we present the asymptotic distribution of the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator (QMLE). In order to do so, we need stronger conditions on the process (Zt) than the elementary conditions we have given in the previous section. In fact, we pretend that the fourth moment of the random variable Zt is finite. We are going to call the following condition additional condition. E(Z 4) 0 and B (?) is a continuous function on ? 12. ?e?12 The following result presents one of the classical results in asymptotic analysis and it will be the basic tool for our further considerations. The details regarding the proof can be found in [9, p. 185]. Theorem 4.3 Let (Xt) be a sequence of random (m x n) matrices and let (Yt) be a sequence of random (nx1) vectors such that Xt —> C andYT —> Y ~ N(µ, ?) when T —> oo. Then the limiting distribution of(XTYT) is the same as that ofCY; that is XTYT --> N(Cµ, C?C1) when T ^ oo. The following result assures that B0 is a regular matrix. 256 Petra Posedel Lemma 4.4 Suppose that the joint distribution of (?t, ?2, ?u2t) is nondegenerate. Then for every ? G ? the matrix r2 2 i E is positive definite. ??2 t ??2 t -4 ?? ?? ' Finally, we have all the necessary results for studying the asymptotic behavior of the parameter estimator. In fact, using the results presented above, the following theorem can be proved. Theorem 4.5 Suppose the elementary conditions and the additional condition to hold. Then VT(?T-?0) -^ n(0,v0), where V0 = B01A0B01, B0 = B(?0) = -E{X/2lut(?0)) and A0 is defined in Lemma 4.1. Notice that A0 = -(EZ0 - 1)B0. So, in the case in which (Zt) is a sequence of random variables such that Zt ~ N(0,1) we would have EZ0 - 1 = 2 and A0 = -B0. Let Bt = Bt(?^t). In the case of maximum likelihood estimator, Bt would be the standard estimator of the covariance matrix. But in a more general case of quasi-maximum likelihood estimator, the asymptotic covariance matrix is B01A0B01 according to Theorem 4.5. Since this is not equal to B01, Bt would not be a consistent estimator ofthat value. Let us define AT(?) = 1j]vlt(?)Vlt(?)/ and AT = AT ^ T) and A(?) = EVlut(?)Vlut(?)'. The following result presents the consistency of the covariance matrix estimator. Lemma 4.6 Suppose the elementary conditions and the additional condition to hold. Then (i) sup |AT(?) - A(?) | —> 0 and A(?) is continuous on ?12; ?e?12 \AT(?)-A(?)\ (ii) VT = Bt1AtBt1 - P B0-1A0B0-1. Lemma 4.6 completes our characterization of classical properties of the QMLE for GARCH(1, 1) model. We show that the covariance matrix estimator is consistent for the asymptotic variance of the parameter estimator. Properties and Estimation of GARCH(1,1) Model 257 References [1] Amemiya, T. (1985): Advanced Econometrics. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. [2] Anderson, T.W. (1971): The Statistical Analysis of Time Series. New York: Wiley. [3] Basrak, B., Davis R.A., and Mikosch, T. (2002): Regular variation of GARCH pro-cesses. Stochastic. Process. Appl., 99, 95-115. [4] Basrak, B., Davis R.A., and Mikosch, T. 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