Informatica 41 (2017) 289–304 289 Decision Tree Based Data Reconstruction for Privacy Preserving Classification Rule Mining G. Kalyani Research Scholar, Acharya Nagarjuna University, India E-mail: M.V.P. Chandra Sekhara Rao Professor, Dept of CSE, RVR & JC College of Engineering, Guntur, India B. Janakiramaiah Professor, Dept of CSE, DVR & Dr.HS MIC College of Technology, Vijayawada, India Keywords: privacy, sensitive patterns, data reconstruction, decision tree, classification rules Received: June 8, 2017 Data sharing among the organizations is a general activity in several areas like business promotion and marketing. Useful and interesting patterns can be identified with data collaboration. But, some of the sensitive patterns that are supposed to be kept private may be disclosed and such disclosure of sensitive patterns may effects the profits of the organizations that own the data. Hence the rules which are sensitive must be concealed prior to sharing the data. Concealing of sensitive patterns can be handled by modifying or reconstructing the database before sharing with others. However, to make the reconstructed database usable for data analysts the utility or usability of the database is to be maximized. Hence, both privacy and usability are to be balanced. A novel method is proposed to conceal the classification rules which are sensitive by reconstructing a new database. Initially, classification rules identified from the database are made accessible to the owner of the data to spot out the sensitive rules that are to be concealed. In the next, from the non-sensitive rules of the database, a decision tree will be constructed based on the classifying capability of the rules, from which a new database will be reconstructed. Finally, the released reconstructed database to the analysts reveals only non-sensitive classification rules. Empirical studies proved that the proposed algorithm preserves the privacy effectively. In addition to that utility of the classification model on the reconstructed database was also be preserved. Povzetek: Predstavljena je metoda strojnega učenja, ki skrbi za privatnost podatkov. 1 Introduction Significant improvements in data storage have led to rise in inexpensive data storage techniques for databases. Im- provements in storing and analyzing enormous amounts of data present a challenge to people and organizations for transforming this data into valuable knowledge. Data min- ing, which involves extorting the patterns that are novel and valuable from mass repositories of data, is efficient in trans- forming the data into knowledge. Various data mining algorithms are in usage for mining interesting patterns from the collected data. Patterns like classification rules, association rules and clusters can be discovered with mining techniques. On the other side, in order to get the mutual benefits data will be shared among the collaborated organizations. But, some sensitive infor- mation or patterns may exist with in the data which is to be maintained as private, since the revelation of sensitive information or pattern may affect the business deals of the data owner and violates the privacy issues of the data owner as an end user. Hence, along with the need of sharing and collaborative mining, the importance of protecting the in- formation or patterns against disclosure is one of the most important point in the security issues of data mining [1, 2]. To preserve the sensitive information or patterns from un- wanted disclosure, privacy preserving data mining (PPDM) has emerged as a security area in data mining and database field [1, 12]. 1.1 Classification of approaches in PPDM PPDM is an interesting research area in the data mining community. It concentrates on the privacy issues of individuals or organizations which are violated due to the disclosure of sensitive information or patterns. PPDM converts the original database into a transformed database in such way that no sensitive data or pattern can be mined from the transformed database. Various methodologies exists in the literature, for this transformation to protect sensitive information or knowledge. A taxonomy for the PPDM techniques based on a set of parameters is discussed and the taxonomy is shown in Figure 1. 290 Informatica 41 (2017) 289–304 G. Kalyani et al. Based on the parameter whether the data owner requires privacy for the data or knowledge, PPDM techniques were classified as: – Data Hiding Techniques (Protecting Sensitive Data) Data hiding approaches[3, 6, 11] investigate about maintaining the privacy of data or information before applying the data mining techniques on the database. These approaches concentrate on the exclusion of pri- vate information from the database before sharing the data with others. Perturbation, sampling, suppression, transformation[17], etc. are the general techniques used to create a transformed database. The final aim of data hiding is, after sharing the transformed database receiver has to get valid data mining results without disclosing the private data of the data owner. – Knowledge Hiding Techniques (Protecting Sensi- tive Knowledge) Knowledge hiding approaches [4, 13] investigate on the protection of sensitive knowledge inferred from the data(instead of the data), by applying the mining tools on the original database. The ultimate goal of knowledge hiding techniques is no sensitive knowl- edge is to be mined by applying the data mining tech- niques on the transformed database. Knowledge hid- ing approaches mainly deals with the following tech- niques. – Data Distortion Technique: This technique tries to protect the knowledge by changing the parameters associated with the sensitive knowl- edge. These techniques works by altering 0s to 1s or vice versa in the specified transactions of the database, which may generate unwanted side effects in the new database[16]. – Data Blocking Technique: In this technique, 0’s and 1’s related to the data of the sensitive knowledge will be replaced by “?”(Unknown) in selected transactions instead of doing insertion and deletion of items [15]. – Reconstruction Based Technique: This tech- nique reconstructs a database from the sanitized knowledge, extracted from the original database. When compared to the heuristic methods side ef- fects will be reduced in reconstructed database [8, 19, 21]. The paper concentrates on protecting the sensitive knowl- edge by reconstructing the database from the non-sensitive knowledge mined from the original database i.e. knowl- edge hiding based on reconstruction based technique. 1.2 Problem motivation In business organizations, classification techniques reveals a set of classification rules.Among the rules mined, some are crucial for decision making and there by to increase their profits. In order to get some mutual benefits, organi- zations share their data with others also. By getting their data, others also can identify all the classification rules. In some cases the person who owns the data does not want to reveal some of the rules to others even though the data was shared with them. The set of rules which are crucial and important for gaining the profits must be kept confidential i.e. they ,must not be revealed to others even they have ap- plied classification techniques on the shared data. The set of rules which are to be hidden from disclosure to others are called as sensitive classification rules. The focus of this paper is on the privacy of classifica- tion rules mined from the databases. The need of privacy in classification rule mining was explored with an example scenario [21]. A credit card company agreed to share their credit card approvals to a new home loan company. When people have applied for the credit card, their data will be maintained as a separate record in the database of Credit Card Company. The attributes financial status, experience, gender, salary, age and address are maintained for every person. The class label is maintained as the approval re- sult of their credit card application. After getting the data from the credit card company, the home loan company con- structs a classification model to categorize the applicants of home loan. Based on the classification model and pre- dicted results, the home loan company can decide the ap- proval of the home loan to the applicants. The home loan company gets benefited by avoiding the approvals to the wrong applicants based on the data taken from the credit card company. The home loan company can also make use of the credit card company database in another manner to improve their business. By changing the class label to the address attribute, the home loan company can identify the appropriate group or individual customers to send adver- tising mails about their offers. Hence, to avoid such type of advertising to their customers, the credit card company should modify their database before sharing with the home loan company in such a way that classification rules which are useful for identifying a group of valued customers must not be revealed to the home loan company. The above sce- nario clearly indicates the need of preserving the sensitive classification rules before sharing the data with the others. 2 Literature review In the perspective of privacy in classification rule mining, the major part of the work in research concentrates on the privacy of individual data. In [5], privacy of individual data can be achieved by data reduction. In the data reduction method, the effect of non-sensitive knowledge on the sen- sitive knowledge was analyzed. For preserving the privacy of individual data, a decision tree can be constructed by col- Decision Tree Based Data Reconstruction for. . . Informatica 41 (2017) 289–304 291 Figure 1: The Taxonomy of the PPDM Techniques. lecting data from multiple parties without revealing others to their data was proposed in [7, 9]. In [18], the authors projected a classification rule hid- ing method based on reconstruction of categorical datasets. The methodology modifies the tuples of the original database which contains the values related to both sensi- tive and non-sensitive classification rules and then makes use of the tuples related to the non-sensitive rules to create its transformed database. This paper [3] projected a novel method to defend the sensitive classification rules based on the reconstruction process for categorical datasets. Initially, the owner of the data will identify a set of sensitive rules that are to be con- cealed among the rules revealed from the original database. Later, the set of non-sensitive rules along with the charac- teristics extracted from the database are used to construct a decision tree. Finally, the new database is reconstructed which reveals only non-sensitive classification rules. In [20], the authors proposed a template-based technique to protect against the threats caused by data mining func- tionality. The technique focuses on two points: preserving the privacy of knowledge and increase the usefulness of non-sensitive knowledge that can be derived from the data. Sensitive rules are indicated by a set of “privacy templates”. Template includes the sensitive information which is to be concealed, a set of corresponding attributes, and the rela- tionship between the two. Authors proved that suppressing the attribute values is an efficient approach to protect sen- sitive rules. For a large dataset, identifying an optimal pos- sibility for suppression may be hard, because it needs to do optimization over all suppression’s. In [14], Verykios et al. projected a method for hiding the classification rules which are considered as private. Hiding is achieved before publishing the data on the web through data perturbation approach in categorical databases. The method used the characteristics of sequential covering clas- sification algorithms. Modification will be done to the tu- ples of sensitive rules in such a way that the alterations are spread to the tuples of the significant non-sensitive rules. The spreading will be proportional to the rank in the rule set. So that, the method guarantees that the sensitive rules are hidden and maintains the current structure of the rule set, thereby the usefulness of the new database is maxi- mized. Authors have proposed another distribution method with a modification to the basic method. Authors have proved that both the methods are effective in terms of pri- vacy and usefulness of the new database. 3 Proposed method 3.1 Problem statement Consider a database (D) consists of n tuples comprises of m dimensions along with associated labels known as class with number of distinct classes as C. By applying a classifi- cation rule mining algorithm on D, number of classification rules (CR) can be discovered. Given a set of classification rules among CR which are treated as sensitive classifica- tion rules (SCR ⊂ CR) by domain expert (the data owner), the process of classification rule hiding is to appropriately reconstruct a database with the intention of mining the re- constructed database (D1) by using any classification rule mining algorithms, reveals all the non-sensitive classifica- tion rules (NSCR=CR - SCR) that are revealed from the original database, whereas all the SCR are shielded from revelation and new rules (originally non-existent rules) can- not be mined. 292 Informatica 41 (2017) 289–304 G. Kalyani et al. 3.2 Framework The framework shown in Figure 2 addresses the problem statement. From the original database, a number of clas- sification rules are discovered by applying any classifica- tion algorithm, which are useful to the data owner for fore- casting purpose. The data owner or domain expert iden- tifies the sensitive classification rules which must be pre- served from revelation when classification rule mining al- gorithms are applied on the database before sharing the data with the others. The proposed method for classifica- tion rule hiding reconstructs a sanitized database by consid- ering the original database, set of classification rules gen- erated and a set of identified sensitive classification rules as input. By applying the classification rule mining al- gorithm on the reconstructed database, only non-sensitive classification rules which are discovered from the original database, are only be discovered and all the sensitive rules will be hidden from disclosure. 3.3 RCRH (Reconstruction based Classification Rule Hiding)Method The proposed algorithm for classification rule hiding was reconstruction based algorithm, i.e. the transformed database will be reconstructed from the set of NSCR. The required input for the classification rule hiding is, the database D, classification rules CR mined from D and a set of sensitive classification rules SCR among CR which were decided by data owner depending on to whom they wish to share the database. The result of the algorithm is a reconstructed database D1. The proposed algorithm first eliminates the SCR from CR which are the possible classification rules from D (step 2 to 4 of Algorithm 1). Then for every rule in CR, calculate a measure called as capability of the rule. The Capability of the rule indicates the number of the tuples that are correctly classified by that rule (step 5 to 6 of Algorithm 1). The process of calculating the capability for a rule was shown in Algorithm 2. Then arrange the rules in the decreasing order of their capability values because high capability indicates the maximum ability of classifying the data in the database D. Now consider the rules in order and construct a decision tree with the non-sensitive classification rules only. The construction of the decision tree will be as follows: Consider the rules in decreasing order of their capability values. Calculate the information gain of all the attributes of the database with respect to D. Information gain of an attribute is the measure of the difference in entropy before and after the tuples are divided into groups based on that attribute (step 7 to 9 of Algorithm 1). The information gain of an attribute is calculated as: Gain(A)= Entropy(D)- En- tropy(D,A). Entropy(D) and Entropy(D,A) can be calcu- lated by using the equations (1) and (2). The process of calculating the info-gain of an attribute was shown in Al- gorithm 4. E (D) = c∑ i=1 −Pi log2 Pi (1) Where D is the database, c is number of distinct class la- bels, Pi is the probability of the ith class label. E (D,A) = ∑ V ∈A P (V ) ∗ E (V ) (2) Where D is a Database, A is an attribute for which entropy is calculated, V is value of an attribute, P (V) probability of value V, E (V) is entropy of value V. Consider the rule in CR in the decreasing order of capa- bility values. The attributes of that rule are considered in decreasing order of their info-gain values. By considering the attributes in the order of info-gain, construct a path in the decision tree with the attribute having the highest info- gain at the root node. The possible values of that attributes in database D are considered as possible branches from that node. The path will be extended in the similar manner by considering all the attributes in considered rule. The ca- pability of a rule will be considered as a measure for the branch created in the decision tree. The class label of that rule is given as a leaf node in the branch. For the next rules, based on the order of the attributes path will be checked in the decision tree. If the path matches with the existing path it continues and whenever the match fails, the new path will be constructed from that point. The same process will be repeated to all the non-sensitive rules of D (step 10 to 16 of Algorithm 1). After the decision tree has constructed, then the trans- formed database will be reconstructed from the decision tree. The process of reconstructing the database will be applied to all the paths of the decision tree by considering only one path at a time. Hence, consider a single path in the decision tree. A path in the decision tree is associated with capability which indicates the influence of that rule on the database D. Insert number of tuples in the transformed database D1 equal to the capability of that path in the decision tree. The path in the decision tree may not contain all the attributes of the database D. Hence, if tuples are added in the database for a path in the decision tree, the tuples in the constructed database may contain some missing values related to the attributes which were not existed in the path of the decision tree (step 17 to 23 of Algorithm 1). The missing values in the reconstructed database are to be filled by using methods to fill the missing values efficiently. The process of filling the missing values is shown in Algorithm 5. Consider all the attributes of the D1 as TA (step 3 of Algorithm 5). Select an attributes of the D1 which are having not null values, i.e. the set of the attributes which are having some data values as SA ( step 4 of Algorithm 5). Identify the combination of the distinct values in the set of attributes SA, as a string which is indicated by C (step 5 of Algorithm 5). Scan the database D to retrieve the set of tuples which matches Decision Tree Based Data Reconstruction for. . . Informatica 41 (2017) 289–304 293 Figure 2: The Proposed Framework for Classification Rule Hiding. Algorithm 1: RCRH(Reconstruction based Classification Rule Hiding). Data: Original Database D, Classification rules CR, Sensitive Classification Rules SCR. Result: Transformed Database D1 1 begin 2 for every rule r ∈ CR do 3 if r ∈ SCR then 4 CR = {CR− r}; /* discard the sensitive rules */ 5 for every rule i = 1 to |CR| do 6 capb_i = Capability(R) ; /* calculating the classifying ability of the rule */ 7 Ent_D = Entropy (D); /* entropy of database D */ 8 for every attribute A ∈ D do 9 Ig_A = Info-gain(A,D); /* calculating the gain of attributes in D */ 10 while (|CR| > 0 ) do 11 RL={r/r,∀k ∈ CR, capb_r ≥ capb_k} ; /* select the rule with max capability */ 12 while (RL is not empty ) do 13 attri={x/x ∈ i and ∀y ∈ i, Ig_x ≥ Ig_y} ; 14 create attri as non-terminal node of DT; /* creating a path in the tree */ 15 Discard attri from RL ; 16 Assign class label of RL as terminal node; /* adding of terminal node */ 17 for every path P ∈ DT do 18 count=0 ; 19 repeat 20 Generate a tuple in D1 with the attributes in P; /* adding of tuples in D1 */ 21 count++; 22 until (count==capb_P)); 23 Fill_Missing_Values(D1) /* to fill the missing values in D1 */ 24 Return D1; 294 Informatica 41 (2017) 289–304 G. Kalyani et al. Algorithm 2: Function Capability(R). Data: Original Database D,Classification rule R. Result: Capability of Rule R. 1 begin 2 Count=0; 3 for each tuple T ∈ D do 4 if T ∈ R then /* if tuple is classified by rule R */ 5 Count++; 6 Return Count; Algorithm 3: Function Entropy(D). Data: Original Database D, Number of distinct class labels C. Result: Entropy of D. 1 begin 2 Ent_D = 0; 3 for i= 1 to C do /* getting no.of tuples with i th class label */ 4 Tc = Select count(*) from D where class=Ci; 5 L = log( Tc|D| ); 6 Ent_D = Ent_D + ( Tc|D| ) ∗ L; 7 Return ( - Ent_D); Algorithm 4: Function Info_gain(A,D). Data: Database D, No.of distinct values V in A, Ent_D, No.of distinct class labels C. Result: Information gain of A 1 begin 2 Ent_A = 0 ; 3 for i= 1 to V do 4 Tv = select * from D where A=Vi; /* getting tuples with ith value of A */ 5 E_Tv = 0; 6 for j = 1 to C do /* getting the no.of tuples with j th class label */ 7 Tvc = select count(*) from Tv where class=Cj ; 8 L = log( Tvc|Tv|) ∗ L; 9 E_Tv = E_Tv + ( Tvc|Tv| ) ∗ L; 10 Ent_A = Ent_A+ ( |Tv||D| ) ∗ (−E_Tv); /* calculating entropy of A */ 11 Ig_A = (Ent_D) - (Ent_A); /* Gain of attribute A */ 12 Return Ig_A; Decision Tree Based Data Reconstruction for. . . Informatica 41 (2017) 289–304 295 Algorithm 5: Fill_Missing_Values(D1). Data: Original Database D,Reconstructed Database D1. Result: Reconstructed Database D1 1 begin 2 repeat 3 TA[ ]= attributes in D1 ; /* get all the attributes of D 1 */ 4 SA[ ] = attributes which are not empty in D1 ; 5 Let C be the combination of values in the attributes of SA ; 6 for every tuple t ∈ D do 7 if (values of SA[] in t == C) then /* values of the SA[]attributes in tuple */ 8 temp = temp ∪ t /* add the tuple to temp buffer */ 9 for each tuple t ∈ temp do 10 Count the occurrences of each distinct value in the attributes other than SA[] ; 11 Select the attribute A in which more number of occurrence are related to the same distinct value V ; 12 Insert value ’V’ in attribute ’A’ in D1; 13 until (SA[ ]==TA[ ]); to the combination C in the set of the attributes SA. Let the retrieved tuples be in the buffer temp (step 6 to 8 of Algorithm 5). By scanning the tuples in the temp buffer, count the number of occurrences of each distinct value of the attribute which does not belong to the set SA (step 9 to 10 of Algorithm 5). Then, select the attribute which has the major importance i.e. occurrence of a particular value in the attribute is more than the other values (step 11 of Algorithm 5). The selected value is filled with the value which has the maximum number of occurrences (step 12 of Algorithm 5). Repeat the process of filling the missing values by considering the new set of selected attributes SA, which are filled with the values until the selected attributes are equal to the total set of attributes in the database i.e. all the attributes are filled completely. Let us consider a small example to demonstrate the work- ing of the proposed method. Table 1 shows the sample database considered for the demonstration. The database contains 30 tuples with 6 attributes A0 to A5 which are binary-valued attributes with two possible values True and False. A class label which has two distinct classes C0 and C1 is associated with each tuple. Table 2 includes the 12 classification rules which are identified by applying a classification rule mining on the database of Table 1. Rule number 7 of Table 2 is considered as the sensitive classification rule which requires protection from the disclosure. Consider the non-sensitive rules among the rules mined from the database to construct a decision tree from which the database was reconstructed in classification rule hiding. Hence, among the 12 rules discovered from the database, we are considering 11 rules (other than the rule 7 which is sensitive). For every non-sensitive rule calculate the Figure 3: The Decision Tree Path for Rule 1 in Table 2. capability which indicates the classification ability of that rule on the database (Steps 5 to 6 of Algorithm 1). The rules and their capability values are shown in Table 2. Calculate the measure info-gain for every attribute A0 to A5. The info-gain specifies how much information we gained by doing the split using that particular attribute. The attribute which will have maximum info-gain will be better for splitting the database (Steps 7 to 8 of Algorithm 1). The info-gain values of the attributes A0 to A5 are shown in Table 3. Construction of the decision tree is as follows: consider the non-sensitive rules in the decreasing order of their ca- pability. Hence, consider the rule A2=False & A5=False ⇒ C0 which has highest capability 8. The rule contains the attributes A2 and A5. Order these attributes based on the info-gain. Hence the attributes will be considered in the order A5 and A2. Create a path in the decision tree with the values of the rule in the order A5 and A2. The tree is as shown in Figure 3.In figures False is indicated with "F" and True is indicated with "T". 296 Informatica 41 (2017) 289–304 G. Kalyani et al. Table 1: The Sample Database. Tuple.No A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 Class 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE C0 2 TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE C0 3 FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE C1 4 FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE C0 5 TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE C0 6 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE C1 7 TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE C0 8 FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE C1 9 TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE C0 10 FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE C1 11 FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE C0 12 TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE C0 13 TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE C1 14 FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE C1 15 FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE C0 16 TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE C0 17 TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE C1 18 TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE C0 19 TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE C0 20 FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE C1 21 FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE C1 21 FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE C1 22 FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE C0 23 FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE C0 24 FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE C0 25 TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE C0 26 TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE C0 27 TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE C0 28 TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE C1 29 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE C0 30 TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE C0 Figure 4: The Decision Tree Path for Rule 2 in Table 2. Then consider the next rule with maximum capability 5 which is A0=False & A1=False & A5 =True ⇒ C1. Cre- ate a path in the decision tree corresponding to this rule as shown in Figure 4. The next rule in order is A0=True & A2=False & A4=False & A5=True⇒ C0 with next maximum capabil- ity 5. The tree after creating a path in the decreasing order of their info-gain values is as shown in Figure 5. By repeating the process for all the non-sensitive rules the complete decision tree can be constructed. The com- plete decision is as shown in Figure 6. The first path in the decision tree which is with A2 and A5 attributes with false value and class label as C0 is con- sidered and corresponding to this path, 8 (the capability of rule) tuples are inserted into the reconstructed database. The remaining attributes are indicated by null values. To fill these null values consider the combination of the values in the attributes, in which values are available. In this case it is False, False, C0 for the attributes A2, A5 and class cor- respondingly. By comparing this combination in the orig- inal database, the number of tuples found is 8. Count the number of occurrences of each distinct value in each of the attributes A0, A1, A3 and A4. The value True occurred 4, 5, 6 and 6 times in A0, A1, A3 and A4 attributes respec- tively. The value False occurred 4, 3, 2 and 2 times in A0, A1, A3 and A4 attributes respectively. Since, the majority of the occurrences are for A3 and A4 by value True, the Decision Tree Based Data Reconstruction for. . . Informatica 41 (2017) 289–304 297 Table 2: Capability Values of the Classification Rules. Rule.No Classification Rules Capability 1 A2 = False & A5 = False⇒ C0 8 2 A1 = False & A2 = True & A5 = False⇒ C0 3 3 A0 = False & A1 = True & A2 = True & A5 = False⇒ C0 1 4 A0 = True & A1 = True & A2 = True & A5 = False⇒ C1 1 5 A0 = False & A1 = False & A5 = True⇒ C1 5 6 A0 = False & A1 = True & A3 = False & A5 = True⇒ C0 1 7 A0 = False & A1 = True & A3 = True & A5 = True⇒ C1 – 8 A0 = True & A2 = False & A4 = False & A5 = True⇒ C0 5 9 A0 = True & A2 = True & A4 = False & A5 = True⇒ C0 1 10 A0 = True & A1 = False & A4 = True & A5 = True⇒ C1 1 11 A0 = True & A1 = True & A2 = False & A4 = True & A5 = True⇒ C1 1 12 A0 = True & A1 = True & A2 = True & A4 = True & A5 = True⇒ C0 1 Table 3: Information Gain of the Attributes in Table 1. S.No Attribute Name Info - Gain 1 A0 0.0598 2 A1 0.0258 3 A2 0.0598 4 A3 0.0304 5 A4 0.0258 6 A5 0.1835 Figure 5: The Decision Tree Path for Rule 3 in Table 2. Figure 6: The Complete Decision Tree of all the Rules in Table 2. missing values of A3 and A4 are filled with value True. Now for the tuples corresponding to the first path, the val- ues are available for A2, A3, A4, A5 and class. Repeat the process for filling of A0 and A1 by considering the com- bination values in these attributes. After all the attributes are filled up the next path in the tree will be considered in the similar manner until the process of generation and fill- ing will be completed for all the paths in the constructed decision tree. Finally, the reconstructed database obtained is shown in Table 4. 4 Evaluation measures To assess the performance or efficiency of an algorithm some metrics are to be considered. Classification rule hid- ing algorithms are also be assessed with a set of measures. The four metrics for the evaluation of the proposed method are as follows: The first measure is Hiding Failure, which measures the fraction of sensitive classification rules that are revealed from the reconstructed database. Through this, the amount 298 Informatica 41 (2017) 289–304 G. Kalyani et al. Table 4: The Reconstructed Database. Tuple.No A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 Class 1 FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE C0 2 FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE C0 3 FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE C0 4 FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE C0 5 FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE C0 6 FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE C0 7 FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE C0 8 FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE C0 9 TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE C0 10 TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE C0 11 TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE C0 12 FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE C0 13 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE C0 14 FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE C1 15 FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE C1 16 FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE C1 17 FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE C1 18 FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE C1 19 FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE C0 20 FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE C0 21 TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE C0 22 TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE C0 23 TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE C0 24 TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE C0 25 TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE C0 26 TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE C1 27 TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE C0 28 TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE C0 29 TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE C1 30 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE C0 of sensitive knowledge that is preserved can be also be es- timated. The second and third measures are related to the side- effects of the hiding process. Second metric Miss Cost is one that deals with the fraction of the non-sensitive classi- fication rules which are mined from D and cannot be mined from the reconstructed database D1. The third metric Arti- factual Rules is the fraction of the rules which are not de- rived from the original database D, but can be derived from the reconstructed database D1. The fourth measure is the Usability of the reconstructed database. It is measured through the ability of an attribute to classify the database. In order to increase the usability of the reconstructed database the classification model con- structed from the reconstructed database should be as close as to the model constructed with the original database. It means the parameter information gain of the attributes in the reconstructed database must be with the minimum difference with the information gain of the attributes in the original database. Hence usability is calculated as the sum of the differences between the information gains of the attributes in D and D1. 4.1 Hiding Failure (HF) The hiding failure is calculated as follows: HF = |SCR(D1)| |SCR(D)| where |SCR(D1)| indicates the number of sensitive classi- fication rules revealed fromD1, and |SCR(D)|denotes the number of sensitive classification rules discovered from D. 4.2 Miss Cost (MC) The miss cost is calculated as: MC = |NSCR(D)| − |NSCR(D1)| |NSCR(D1)| Where |NSCR(D)| refers to the number of non-sensitive classification rules revealed from D and |NSCR(D1)| Decision Tree Based Data Reconstruction for. . . Informatica 41 (2017) 289–304 299 Table 5: Characteristics of the Datasets. S.No Name of the Database No.of Instances No.of Attributes 1 PIMA - DIABETES 768 9 2 GERMAN CREDIT RATING 1000 21 3 CONGRESSIONAL VOTING RECORDS 435 17 4 MUSHROOM 8124 23 refers to the number of non-sensitive classification rules discovered from D1. 4.2.1 Artifactual Rules (AR) This is measured as: AR = |CR′| − |CR ∩ CR′| |CR′| Where |CR| and |CR′| stands for, number of classification rules that are generated from D and D1 respectively. 4.2.2 Usability The difference between the gains of the attributes is mea- sured as: U = √∑m i=1( oi−ri oi )2 m ∗ 100 Where oi and ri are the gain ratios for the ith attribute on D and D1 and m is the number of attributes in D. A classification rule hiding algorithm with no hiding fail- ure and artifactual rules i.e. 0% of HF and AR and with re- duced miss cost and high usability of the D1 is considered as an efficient algorithm. 5 Experimental results Experiments were conducted by considering the real life databases PIMA-DIABETES, GERMAN CREDIT RATING, CONGRESSIONAL VOTING RECORDS and MUSHROOM which are available in UCI data reposi- tory[10]. The characteristics of the databases used in the experiments were shown in Table 5. The results of the proposed method are compared with a classification rule hiding method by considering gain ra- tios, proposed by Natwichai in [3]. The Natwichai(Gain) method was also a reconstruction based method. Initially it constructs a decision tree from non-sensitive classification rules, and then each path is simply generated as a set of tuples in reconstructed database. In the proposed method, after constructing the tree from the non-sensitive classifica- tion rules and at the time of reconstructing the database the missing values are identified efficiently by considering the probability of the possible values in the original database. Hence the usability of the reconstructed database increases by reducing the miss cost and artifactual rules. Experiments were conducted with four classification al- gorithms: C4.5(J48), PART, BF TREE and AD TREE which are rule based algorithms available in weka tool. In the experiments, same classification algorithm was used twice i.e. once on D and second onD1 to discover the clas- sification rules which are used to evaluate the performance measures. All the experiments were done by selecting only one classification rule as sensitive rule while all the remain- ing as non-sensitive rules. After the classification rules are generated by the algorithm, randomly one rule is selected as sensitive. By applying C4.5, PART, BF TREE and AD TREE algorithms on the PIMA-DIABETES database the gen- erated classification rules are 20, 13, 3 and 21 with an accuracy of 84.5, 81.25, 77.21 and 79.69 respectively. After reconstructing the database by using the proposed algorithm, the rules generated are 20, 12, 2 and 20 with an accuracy of 83.98, 80.48, 76.02 and 79.04 respec- tively. With C4.5 on the reconstructed PIMA-DIABETES database one non-sensitive rule was loosed, and one new rule was generated. Similarly, by applying C4.5, PART, BF TREE and AD TREE algorithms on the GERMAN CREDIT RATING database the generated classification rules are 103, 78, 39 and 21 with an accuracy of 85.5, and 75.4 respec- tively. After reconstructing the database by using the pro- posed algorithm, the rules generated are 101, 77 38 and 20 with an accuracy of 84.9, 89.01, 87.6 and 75.1 respectively. With C4.5 on GERMAN CREDIT RATING reconstructed database one non-sensitive rule was loosed, and three new rules were generated. By applying C4.5, PART, BF TREE and AD TREE al- gorithms on MUSHROOM database the generated classifi- cation rules are 25, 13, 7 and 21 with an accuracy of 100, 100, 99.95 and 99.9 respectively. After reconstructing the database by using the proposed algorithm, the rules gen- erated are 23, 12, 6 and 20 with an accuracy of 100, 100, 98.53 and 98.14 respectively. With C4.5 and AD TREE on Mushroom reconstructed database one non-sensitive rule was loosed, and with AD TREE one new rule was gener- ated. By applying C4.5, PART, BF TREE and AD TREE algo- rithms on CONGRESSIONAL VOTING database the gen- erated classification rules are 6, 7, 36 and 21 with an ac- curacy of 97.24, 97.47, 98.39 and 97.93 respectively. Af- ter reconstructing the database by using the proposed algo- rithm, the rules generated are 4, 6, 36 and 19 with an ac- curacy of 96.25, 95.87, 98.14 and 96.89 respectively. With all the four algorithms on CONGRESSIONAL VOTING reconstructed database one non-sensitive rule was loosed, and 1 and 2 new rules were generated with PART and BF TREE respectively. The results of the experiments with the proposed method and Natwichai (Gain) method [3] on four databases with four classification algorithms were shown in Table 6 and Table 7 respectively. 300 Informatica 41 (2017) 289–304 G. Kalyani et al. (a) (b) Figure 7: (a)Comparison of Miss Cost on Four Databases. (b)Comparison of Artifactual Rules on Four Databases. Decision Tree Based Data Reconstruction for. . . Informatica 41 (2017) 289–304 301 (a) Figure 8: Comparison of Difference between Gains of the Attributes on Four Databases. 302 Informatica 41 (2017) 289–304 G. Kalyani et al. Table 6: Experimental Values of Proposed Method. Database ClassificationAlgorithm Original Database Reconstructed Database Performance Measures No.of Rules Accuracy of the Model No. of Rules Accuracy of the Model HF MC AR PIMQ-DIABETES C4.5 20 84.15 19 83.98 0 1 1 PART 13 81.25 12 80.48 0 0 0 BF TREE 3 77.21 2 76.02 0 1 1 AD TREE 21 79.69 21 79.04 0 0 1 GERMAN CREDIT RATING C4.5 103 85.5 101 84.9 0 3 2 PART 78 89.7 78 89.01 0 0 1 BF TREE 39 84.2 38 87.6 0 0 0 AD TREE 21 75.4 20 75.1 0 0 0 CONGRESSIONAL VOTING RECORDS C4.5 6 97.24 4 96.25 0 1 0 PART 7 97.47 6 95.87 0 1 1 BF TREE 36 98.39 36 98.14 0 1 2 AD TREE 21 97.93 19 96.89 0 1 0 MUSHROOM C4.5 25 100 23 100 0 1 0 PART 13 100 12 100 0 0 0 BF TREE 7 99.95 6 98.53 0 0 0 AD TREE 21 99.9 20 98.14 0 1 1 Table 7: Experimental Values of Natwichai (Gain) Method. Database ClassificationAlgorithm Original Database Reconstructed Database Performance Measures No. of Rules Accuracy of the Model No. of Rules Accuracy of the Model HF MC AR PIMQ-DIABETES C4.5 20 84.15 16 71.32 0 4 1 PART 13 81.25 10 66.25 0 2 0 BF TREE 3 77.21 3 25.73 0 1 2 AD TREE 21 79.69 17 64.51 0 4 1 GERMAN CREDIT RATING C4.5 103 85.5 89 71.87 0 16 3 PART 78 89.7 73 81.93 0 5 1 BF TREE 39 84.2 35 77.56 0 4 1 AD TREE 21 75.4 16 61.03 0 4 0 CONGRESSIONAL VOTING RECORDS C4.5 6 97.24 3 68.62 0 3 0 PART 7 97.47 5 75.69 0 2 1 BF TREE 36 98.39 29 80.25 0 8 2 AD TREE 21 97.93 18 84.93 0 3 1 MUSHROOM C4.5 25 100 21 89.06 0 5 2 PART 13 100 10 86.92 0 2 0 BF TREE 7 99.95 5 81.39 0 1 0 AD TREE 21 99.9 17 89.62 0 4 1 Generally the performance metrics are to be evaluated in terms of the percentage as % of hiding failure, % of miss cost, % of artifactual rules and % of the difference between the gains of the attributes. The comparison of these param- eters for both proposed and Natwichai (Gain) methods was plotted in the Graphs. In both the methods, percentage of hiding failure was zero i.e. no sensitive rules will be gen- erated from the reconstructed databases. So the Graphs are included only for the other two parameters i.e. miss cost, artifactual rules and difference in gains of the attributes in D and D1. The graphs were drawn in python by consider- ing the Natwichai (Gain) and proposed method on X-axis, the classification algorithms used to generate the rules from the databases are on Z-axis and the parameter used for com- parison in terms of percentages on Y-axis. The comparison of the miss cost on four databases is shown in Figure 7(a). with C4.5, PART, BF TREE and AD TREE algorithms on PIMA-DIABETES the % of miss cost with proposed method was 5.3, 0, 50 and 0 respec- tively. with same algorithms on GERMAN CREDIT RAT- ING database the % of miss cost with proposed method was 2.9, 0, 0 and 0 respectively. with same algorithms on CONGRESSIONAL VOTING RECORDS database the % of miss cost with proposed method was 20, 16.67, 2.8 and 5 respectively. with same algorithms on MUSHROOM database the % of miss cost with proposed method was 4.17, 0, 0 and 5 respectively. In all the four databases the percentage of miss cost was reduced in proposed method when compared to the existing method. The comparison of artifactual rules on four databases is shown in Figure 7(b). with C4.5, PART, BF TREE and AD TREE algorithms on PIMA-DIABETES the % of arti- factual rules with proposed method was 5.3, 0, 50 and 4.8 respectively. with same algorithms on GERMAN CREDIT RATING database the % of artifactual rules with proposed method was 1.9, 1.3, 0 and 0 respectively. with same algorithms on CONGRESSIONAL VOTING RECORDS database the % of artifactual rules with proposed method was 0, 16.67, 5.7 and 0 respectively. with same algorithms on MUSHROOM database the % of artifactual rules with proposed method was 0, 0, 0 and 5 respectively. In all the four databases the percentage of ghost rules generated was reduced in the proposed method when compared to the ex- isting method. The comparison of the difference between the informa- tion gains of the attributes in four databases is shown in Figure 8(a). with C4.5, PART, BF TREE and AD TREE algorithms on PIMA-DIABETES the % of difference be- tween the information gains with proposed method was 27.42, 14.83, 26.12 and 12.23 respectively. with same al- gorithms on GERMAN CREDIT RATING database the % of difference between the information gains with pro- posed method was 21.19, 15.1, 24.3 and 25.5 respectively. with same algorithms on CONGRESSIONAL VOTING RECORDS database the 5.3 respectively. with same al- gorithms on MUSHROOM database the % of difference between the information gains with proposed method was 10.9, 7.7, 7.3 and 5.5 respectively. The proposed algorithm reduces the difference in gains of the attributes thereby in- Decision Tree Based Data Reconstruction for. . . Informatica 41 (2017) 289–304 303 creasing the usability of the reconstructed database which is going to be released without compromising on privacy of the sensitive rules. Hence, the experimental assessment clearly indicates that the proposed method will reconstruct a database by hiding all the sensitive rules, with minimum loss in non- sensitive rules, minimum artifactual rules generated and by improving the usability of the reconstructed database. 6 Conclusion Preserving the privacy of sensitive classification rules is a very important issue in application areas that involves col- laboration with data sharing. A new algorithm is projected for defending the sensitive classification rules from disclo- sure. With the projected method which is reconstruction based classification rule hiding, new database will be re- constructed from which sensitive rules will not be disclosed and the side effects of the hiding process miss cost and ar- tifactual rules are kept minimal. Moreover, the usability of reconstructed database will be maximized to make it useful with valid data mining results for a data analyst. The ex- perimental analysis of the results is the evidence to indicate that the proposed algorithm is effective, i.e. it can preserve the privacy and data utility very well. References [1] Mahdi Aghasi and Rozita Jamili Oskouei (2016),Pri- vacy Preserving Data Mining Survey of Classifica- tions, Soft Computing Applications, Advances in In- telligent Systems and Computing,Springer. [2] Neha Jain and Lalit Sen Sharma, An Ontology based on the Methodology Proposed by Ushold and King, International Journal of Synthetic Emotions, Volume 7 Issue 1, January 2016 , Pages 13-26, DOI: 10.4018/ IJSE.2016010102. [3] Reena, Raman Kumar, Effect of Randomization for Privacy Preservation on Classification Tasks, Pro- ceedings of the International Conference on Informat- ics and Analytics(ICIA-2016), ICPS: ACM Interna- tional Conference Proceeding Series. 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