1 Open Access. © 2020 Šporin J., published by Sciendo. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License. Received: Dec 07, 2020 Accepted: Dec 11, 2020 DOI: 10.2478/rmzmag-2020-0013 Original scientific article Abstract The rapid drop in the penetration rate or failure of the drill bit during the drilling process delays the drilling process. In our investigation, the ‘in situ’ drilling pa- rameters were monitored during the drilling process along with the roller cone drill bit, which is suitable for drilling in soft rock formations (IADC 136). The drill bit was thoroughly examined to determine its damage and wear occurred during drilling along with decreasing penetration rate. The modern and standardised inves- tigation methods were used to analyse the rock materi- als and the micro- and macro-structure of the materials of the roller cone bit. The analyses were performed by means of optical and electron microscopes, simultane- ous thermal analysis of the steel materials, analysis of the chemical composition of the materials of the drill bit and determination of the geomechanical param- eters of the drilled rock. The resulting wear, localised fractures and cracks were quantitatively and qualita- tively defined and the parameters were correlated to the drilling regime and the rock material. The results of our investigation of the material of the roller cone bit can serve as a good basis for the development of new steel alloys that can withstand higher temperatures and allow effective drilling without structural changes of the steel material. Keywords: drilling regime, roller cone bit, wear, redu- ced penetration rate, change of the material properties. Characterisation of the Wear of the Roller Cone Drill Bit Caused by Improperly Chosen Drilling Regime Karakterizacija obrabe kotalnega delta povzročene z nepravilno izbiro režima vrtanja Jurij Šporin* Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Department of Geotechnology, Mining and Environment, University of Ljubljana, Aškerčeva 12, Ljubljana, Slovenia * jurij.sporin@ogr.ntf.uni-lj.si Izvleček Upad napredka vrtanja ali odpoved dleta med vrta- njem imata za posledico daljši čas izvajanja vrtalnih del. V toku raziskave obrabe kotalnega dleta IADC 136, ki je namenjen uporabi pri vrtanju skozi mehkejše ka- mnine, so se izvajale opazovanja in meritve vrtalnih parametrov. Po končanem odseku vrtanja, ko je hitrost napredovanja drastično padla, se je kotalno dleto na- tančno pregledalo za ugotovitev nastalih poškodb med vrtanjem. Za ugotavljanje in določanje načina obrabe so se uporabile moderne in standardne metode. Izve- dla se je analiza hribinskega materiala skozi katerega se je vrtalo, ter analiza mikro in makro strukture ma- terialov kotalnega dleta. Analiza materialov se je izve- dla z uporabo optičnega in elektronskega mikroskopa, simultane termalne analize jekla kotalnega dleta, dolo- čila se je kemijska sestava jekla kotalnega dleta in ge- omehanske karakteristike hribinskega materiala skozi katerega se je vrtalo. Izražena obraba kotalnega dleta se je kvantitativno in kvalitativno ovrednotila v poveza- vi z režimom vrtanja in karakteristikami hribine skozi katere se je vrtalo. Rezultati naše raziskave materialov kotalnega dleta lahko služijo kot dobra osnova za razvoj novih jeklenih zlitin, ki bodo prenašale visoke tempera- ture, ki nastajajo med vrtanjem, brez strukturnih spre- memb jeklenih materialov. Ključne besede: režim vrtanja, kotalno dleto, obraba, zmanjšani napredek vrtanja, sprememba lastnosti ma- teriala. Šporin J. RMZ – M&G | 2020 | Vol. 67 | pp. 01–12 2 Introduction The time of effective drilling operations de- pends on the properties of the materials from which the roller cone bit components are man- ufactured. The roller bit will wear out due to the consequences of effects of the rock materi- al it is drilling through and the drilling regime. The penetration rate decreases due to the wear of the bit. The following factors among all have a signifi- cant influence on the effective operation of the roller cone bit are the steel material from which the rollers and teeth of the bit are made, the drilling regime (load on the bit during drilling, torque, number of bit revolutions and the quan- tity and properties of the drilling fluid) and the properties of rock drilled. We analysed the mechanical properties of the steel material of the roller cone bit IADC 136, 155.57 mm (6 1/8″), which was drilling through carbonatic siltstone where sandstone plates and rare thin layers of clay and limestone exist in a total length of 87.89 m. Our research focused on the resistance of the steel material of the roller cone bit to the rock material using a selected drilling regime. To accomplish this, it was necessary to use sci- entific approaches to determine the causes that lead to wear of the bit and identify the weak points on the bit that need to be technologically modified in order to enhance the effective drill- ing time. Drilling Principle of the Roller Cone Drill Bit The roller cone bit contains cutting elements, i.e. teeth or inserts, which are mounted on the rollers. The rollers, which are inserted into the bearings of the bit, rotate around their axis. They are driven by rotating drilling rods that drives the body of the drill bit on which the roll- er is mounted. Nozzles (outlet) for the drilling fluid are attached to the bit body to effectively remove the rock particles from the borehole bottom of the borehole and to cool the rollers and teeth of the bit. The drilling fluid flows through the nozzles from the inside of the drill pipes into the area of the bit. When the orifice is reduced, which is the ratio of the cross-section of the drill bit to the cross-section of the noz- zles, the velocity of the drilling fluid flow is in- creased significantly. The increasing velocity of the drilling fluid has a positive effect on the flow of the drilling fluid around the rollers, which effectively removes the drilled rock particles from the bottom of the borehole and contrib- utes to the fracture of the borehole, especially in the softer, poorly bonded rocks [1–20]. The roller cone bit with steel teeth, which is in- vestigated here, is used in softer, poorly bond- ed rock formations. The teeth of the rollers are large and sharp so that they can penetrate deep into the soft rock structures where the rock is crushed and removed from the crushed area. The teeth are protected with a carbide coating to improve durability, which increases the ef- fective operating time. The axes of the rollers do not intersect at the point of the vertical axis of the bit, but do have an offset corresponding to the point of the vertical axis of the bit. The offset of the roller axis is normally in the range of 2°–5°. The load on tooth F, which causes the tooth to penetrate the rock (h), is a linear combination of the force acting against the surface at the tip of the tooth and the force acting against the surface formed by the inclined surfaces of the tooth. When rollers and bits with teeth on rollers are made of the same material, we could state the following [21]: F = (C 1 •w + C 2 •h)•l• σ p , (1) where F is the load on a single tooth of the bit; C 1 is the coefficient of friction on the surface at the tooth tip (-); w is the tooth width (m); C 2 is the coefficient of friction on the tooth surface in contact with the rock (-); h is the penetration depth of the tooth (m); l is the tooth length (m) and σ p is the compressive strength of the rock (Pa). The result of the reaction force F on the tooth of the bit in contact with the rock is equal to the load generated on the bit [22] and is given by: WOB = n t •F, (2) Characterisation of the Wear of the Roller Cone Drill Bit Caused by Improperly Chosen Drilling Regime 3 where WOB is the weight on the bit (N) and n t is the number of teeth in contact with the rock. The volume of the crater of the crushed rock V crat (m 3 ) created by one tooth, assuming that the crater has a conical shape, is stated by the following equation [22]: 𝑉𝑉 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 = 1 3 ⋅ 𝜋𝜋 ⋅ 𝑟𝑟 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 2 ⋅ ℎ , (3) where r crat is the crater radius (m) and h is the crater depth (m). By determining the volume of a single crater formed by a single tooth, the penetration rate can be evaluated, which is defined by the vol- ume of the rock craters on the entire cutting surface of the roller cone bit in number of revo- lutions [22] and can be stated as follows. ROP = 𝑉𝑉 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 ⋅ 𝑛𝑛 𝑐𝑐 ⋅ RPM 𝐴𝐴 𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑐𝑐 , (4) where ROP is the rate of penetration (m/s); V crat is the volume of the crater of the removed rock (m 3 ); RPM is the number of rotations of the bit (s -1 ) and A bit is the cutting area of the bit (m 2 ). As the bit advances through the rock, the teeth of the roller cone bit wear out. Further, the pa- rameters that influence the penetration rate (ROP) of the roller cone bit are focused here to determine the wear of the bit. Bourgoyne and Young [23, 24] defined these as influential pa- rameters as stated in Eq. (5). ROP = f 1 •f 2 •f 3 •f 4 •f 5 •f 6 •f 7 •f 8 , (5) where f 1 is the effect of formation strength or rock durability; f 2 is the effect of formation depth; f 3 is the effect of formation compaction or pore pressure; f 4 is the effect of differential pressure; f 5 is the effect of bit diameter and bit weight; f 6 is the effect of rotary speed; f 7 is the effect of tooth wear and f 8 is the effect of bit hy- draulics. We investigated the wear of the roller cone bit, the occurrence of damage and the change in the properties of the bit materials under the con- ditions of the properties of the material drilled through, the drilling regime (weight on the bit, speed, etc.) and the hydraulics of the drilling fluid in the area of the bit. Materials and Methods When determining the characterisation of the wear of the roller cone bit at the time of the investigations, detailed analyses were made against the drilling regime, the materials from which the bit was made and the rock through which the bit was drilled. To achieve this pur- pose, in the first phase, we carried out a survey of the bit, which included an overview of the condition of the bit after drilling according to the IADC bit dull standard. In this part, we in- vestigated the condition of the teeth and rollers of the bit after drilling through known rock. While drilling through the known rock, the fol- lowing drilling parameters of drilling regime were monitored: ― The penetration rate; ― The length of the drilled interval; ― The load on the bit; ― The bit RPM; and ― The amount, pressure and properties of the drilling fluid. We carried out a complete analysis of the steel materials of the roller cone bit, which included the following investigations: ― Analysing the micro- and macrostructure of roll cone bit materials with an reflected light microscope (Olympus BX61 and Olympus SZ61 stereo microscope using the Analysis 6.0 image analysis system); ― The composition of the carbide coating of bit teeth using the XRF (X-ray fluorescence) method (Thermo NITON XL3t XRF analyser); ― A cross-sectional view of bit teeth using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and EDS analysis (energy dispersive X-ray spec- troscopy) (Jeol JSM 5610); ― A dilatometric analysis of tooth steel and tooth carbide coating with the low tempera- ture dilatometer (Baehr-Thermoanalyse GmbH DIL 801); ― Chemical analysis of the components of the teeth and rollers with an ICP (inductively coupled plasma) analyser (ICP-OES Agil- lent 720); Šporin J. RMZ – M&G | 2020 | Vol. 67 | pp. 01–12 4 ― DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry) of tooth carbide coating and tooth steel with a thermal analyser (NETZSCH STA 449 C Jupi- ter) and ― Vickers hardness tests of the tooth steel with a 100 g load using microhardness tester (Shi- madzu type M). The properties of the rock obtained by sam- pling were estimated based on the analysis of Rock Lab 1.0. Results The results of our analysis show the way and the mechanisms that cause wear of the bit ma- terial at fixed or established rock properties in connection with the operating parameters of the drilling. Drilling work Drilling was carried out with a 1992 N-1000 drill rig. The interval in which we observed the performance of the IADC 136 roller cone drill bit included a length of drilling interval from 1535.15 m to 1623.04 m depth, correspond- ing to a length of 87.89 m. The penetration rate during the observed interval ranged from 0.2 m/h to 0.4 m/h. The remaining drilling re- gime parameters are shown in Table 1. The 40 mass.% bentonite drilling fluid was used during drilling. The properties of the drill- ing fluid are shown in Table 2. Table 1. Drilling regime parameters Parameters Units Value Value Depth m 1535.15–1600.00 1600.00–1623.04 Rotary speed rpm 35 45 Load on drill bit kN 30 40 Pump pressure MPa 5.5 5.5 Pump capacity m 3 /min 0.845 0.845 Table 2. The properties of drilling fluid Parameters Units Value Density kg/m 3 1150–1170 Viscosity (Fann Funnel) s 45–48 Plastic viscosity (Fann Viscosimeter) mPas 16–18 pH – 9.5 Filtration mL/30 min 9.8–10 Rock Material Properties The rock material we drilled through was reg- ularly sampled from drilling fluid. Each rock sample was examined and compared to a pre- determined lithological column based on the results of geophysical and laboratory measure- ments in the surrounding boreholes. As far as the lithology of the material of the drilled interval concerned, silty claystone is dominant and layers of carbonatic siltstone with sandstone plates and thin layers of clay and limestone occur in the lower and upper parts of the sequence. The geomechanical properties of the drilled borehole section were evaluated based on ex- perience. The strength properties were eval- uated using the Hoek-Brown’s criterion using RockScience software, Rock Lab 1.0. The estimated rock properties values for the carbonate silt are shown in Table 3. The estimated rock properties values for lime- stone are shown in Table 4. Characterisation of the Wear of the Roller Cone Drill Bit Caused by Improperly Chosen Drilling Regime 5 Roller Cone Bit Investigation After drilling and cleaning, the drill bit was ex- amined using the IADC dull grading system. We found that the teeth of the drill bit were evenly worn out and several individual teeth were bro- ken. There are no obvious erosion effects due to the rock particles in the drilling fluid that would result in erosion of the steel material of the bit. The condition of roller cone bit after the length of drilled interval of 87.89 m is shown by Fig- ure 1. Investigations of Tooth Steel Material We examined the steel material and the carbide coating of the teeth. The investigation of the chemical composition of the teeth material was carried out with an optical emission spectrometer (ICP). The re- sults of the chemical composition of the exam- ined steel (body) are shown in Table 5. Table 5. Chemical analysis of the tooth material – body Elements Mas. % Mn 0.79 Ni 0.74 Cr 0.60 Mo 0.50 Cu 0.27 Si 0.26 C 0.17 S 0.016 P 0.011 The results of the chemical analysis (Table 5) show that the steel material of the tooth body in this case is chromium, molybdenum, nickel low alloy steel, which is often used for case-hard- ened parts. At SEM, we analysed metallographically the steel base of the tooth (chromium, molybde- num, nickel low alloy steel), the contact area between the tooth body and the carbide coat- ing and the carbide coating itself. We have de- termined the chemical composition of the steel of each component of the tooth through the analysis of EDS. Figure 2 (SEM) shows the ar- eas where metallographic tests are performed on the teeth. Tables 6–9 show the results of the EDS analyses for each component analysed. Table 3. Results of the rock properties – carbonatic siltstone Parameters Units Value Cohesion MPa 0.722 Elastic module MPa 9375 Angle of internal friction ° 20.94 Compressive strength MPa 25 Table 4. Results of the rock properties – limestone Parameters Units Value Cohesion MPa 5.50 Elastic module MPa 28125 Angle of internal friction ° 38.42 Compressive strength MPa 75 Figure 1. Characteristic dull of the roller cone bit after drilled interval. Figure 2. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of tip of the bit tooth. Position 1 – carbide material; Positions 2 and 3 – carbide coating matrix; Position 4 – tooth body and Position 5 – mixed zone. Šporin J. RMZ – M&G | 2020 | Vol. 67 | pp. 01–12 6 Table 6. The elemental composition of carbide coating material (Figure 2 – Position 1) Elements Concentration at.% wt.% W 55.415 79.539 Co 42.380 19.500 Fe 0.807 0.962 Table 7. The elemental composition of the carbide coating matrix (Figure 2 – Position 2) Elements Concentration at.% wt.% Fe 86.096 68.599 W 1.709 29.094 Ni 1.921 1.608 Mn 0.892 0.699 Table 8. The elemental composition of the carbide coating matrix (Figure 2 – Position 3) Elements Concentration at.% wt.% Fe 86.117 68.616 W 11.103 29.124 Ni 1.511 1.265 Mn 1.269 0.995 Table 9. The elemental composition of the tooth body (Figure 2 – Position 4) Elements Concentration at.% wt.% Fe 95.427 95.385 Ni 3.164 3.323 Mn 0.660 0.649 Mo 0.218 0.375 Si 0.531 0.267 The elemental composition of the carbide coat- ing material (Figure 2 – Position 1), which is de- termined by EDS, is shown in Table 6. The elemental composition of the carbide coat- ing matrix (Figure 2 – Position 2), which is de- termined by EDS, is shown in Table 7. The elemental composition of the carbide coat- ing matrix (Figure 2 – Position 3), which is de- termined by EDS, is shown in Table 8. The elemental composition of the tooth body (Figure 2 – Position 4), which is determined by EDS, is shown in Table 9. We carried out a simultaneous thermal analysis (STA) (Figure 3) of the steel sample of the tooth body. The curve shows that eutectoid transfor- mation in the solid state starts at a tempera- ture of 693.9°C and also there is an endother- mic peak. The process ends at 800°C when the metal matrix (iron) is transformed into a gam- ma-phase iron structure – austenite (g-Fe). The temperature 1407.2°C is the low temperature at which the eutectic structure or alloy begins to melt. The remaining material of the metal matrix (austenite) begins to melt at 1474.5°C. The temperature of 1474.5°C is also the solidus temperature of the steel from which the tooth body is made. The DSC (Differential scanning calorimetry) heating curve of the carbide coating of the teeth in the roller cone bit is shown in Figure 4. The carbide coating contains a thin layer of the mix- ing zone. The mixing zone is the area formed during the welding of the carbide coating to the tooth. It contains the properties of the steel of the tooth body and the carbide coating. At the Figure 3. DSC heating curve of the steel of the tooth body. Figure 4. DSC heating curve of carbide coating. Characterisation of the Wear of the Roller Cone Drill Bit Caused by Improperly Chosen Drilling Regime 7 temperature 692.5°C, the starting of the eutec- toid transformation was detected. This trans- formation is related to the layer of the mixed zone. Therefore, this curve is not typical for car- bide alloys. At the temperature of 1467.3°C, the starting of melting process was detected. Figure 5 shows the dilatometric curve of the steel of the carbide coating and the steel of the tooth body . It can be seen from the heating curve of the steel of the tooth body that the tempera- ture of the eutectoid transformation increases linearly. The slope of the curve corresponds to the linear expansion coefficient for chromium, molybdenum and nickel low alloy steel, while the slope of the heating curve of the sample of the carbide coating containing a thin layer of the mixing zone is small. A lower curve angle of the carbide coating sample containing a thin layer of the mixing zone is the result of a lower coefficient of thermal expansion. In view of the fact that the temperatures can lo- cally reach up to 500°C during drilling despite intensive cooling, the curves show that the dif- ference between the expansion properties is 0.05%. Because of this difference, the mixing zone is the preferred area for the formation of internal stresses and hence suitable for the for- mation and propagation of micro-fractures. The diagram shows the beginning of the eutectoid transformation of the tooth body steel sample, which starts at 680°C (A c1 ) and ends at a tem- perature of 800°C (A c3 ). For the carbide coat- ing sample containing a thin layer of the mixed zone, eutectoid transformation starts at 750°C. On the curve of the carbide coating sample con- taining a thin layer of the mixing zone, a devia- tion is observed which can be associated with the eutectoid transformation of the thin layer of the mixing zone, but the temperature is slightly higher. The reason for this higher temperature is due to the chemical composition of the mix- ing zone. A Vickers hardness test was performed to de- termine the changes in the hardness properties of the tooth due to the effects of drilling. The measurement points are shown in Figure 6 and the results of the tests are shown in Table 10. The average hardness of the steel of the tooth body is 433.5184 HV. The average hardness of Figure 5. Dilatometric heating curve of the steel of the carbide coating and the steel of the tooth: 1 – tooth steel material (blue), 2 – carbide coating (black). Table 10. Results of the Vickers hardness test Diagonals (mm) Hardness (HV0.5) Average Note d1 d2 37.23 46.24 532.3198 594.5670 Tip of the tooth 36.22 37.55 681.5125 36.4 40.81 622.1374 37.99 41.33 589.4786 37.54 41.66 591.2662 37.43 39.54 626.0232 37.57 39.86 618.6071 36.33 42.41 598.1947 38.87 42.45 560.8396 38.48 42.45 566.2580 39.01 42.84 553.6000 44.99 47.95 429.3664 433.5184 Tooth body 44.44 48.37 430.5701 44.61 47.78 434.4937 44.09 47.10 446.0042 45.14 48.04 427.1575 33.28 37.13 748.1087 784.1543 Carbide coating— matrix 31.73 34.04 857.3887 33.64 36.53 753.2349 34.58 36.51 733.8654 30.41 36.51 828.1739 24.67 25.96 1446.830 1458.984 Carbide coating— base 24.43 25.78 1471.137 Šporin J. RMZ – M&G | 2020 | Vol. 67 | pp. 01–12 8 the steel at the tip of the teeth is much higher and is 594.5670 HV. The hardness of the car- bide coating is, as expected, much higher and reaches up to 1471,137 HV. Discussion Monitoring of the operating parameters during drilling revealed that the roller cone bit was not loaded in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, which recommends that the bit load should be in the range of 15–27 kN. The load on the bit during drilling was between 30 kN and 40 kN. In addition, the number of bit rotations was too low and they were between 35 rpm and 45 rpm. The recommended num- ber of bit rotations for this type of tool is be- tween 60 rpm and 100 rpm. It can be noted that the bit was overloaded with weight and the number of bit rotations was too low. Examination of the microscopic image showed that the tips of the teeth were exposed to high temperatures and stresses. The influence of high temperatures and loads is shown in Fig- ure 7. Figure 7 shows the tip of the tooth that was in contact with the rock. We can see changes in the colour of the steel, which changes from blue tones (at the point of contact between the rock and the steel) to brown tones that change the light from top to bottom. Because of the apparent colour change previ- ously observed under the optical microscope, the sample was examined with a scanning elec- tron microscope (SEM). A characteristic view of the microstructure of the area with a SEM is shown in Figure 8. Figure 8 shows the condition of the tooth tip that was in contact with the rock during drill- ing. A change in the microstructure of the steel on the surface was observed. The change in the steel structure can be observed in two layers. The first layer, where the change is noticeable, is up to a thickness of 36 µm. The second layer, in which the change in microstructure is less pronounced but still noticeable, moves to a depth of up to 92 µm. The change in the steel microstructure of the tooth was due to the high temperatures and Figure 6. Display of measurement positions of Vickers hardness tests. Figure 7. Microscopic photo of the tip of the tooth. Figure 8. A view at the tip of tooth that was in contact with the rock. Characterisation of the Wear of the Roller Cone Drill Bit Caused by Improperly Chosen Drilling Regime 9 mechanical stresses that occurred during drill- ing when the tip of the tooth was in contact with the rock. When the roller cone bit is rotated around its axis, the teeth got cooled. The teeth that were not in contact with the rock were cooled by the drilling fluid flowing out from the nozzles of the bit. In this situation, a tem- perature change occurs on the surface of the teeth when their temperature is very high and they are washed with drilling fluid at a lower temperature. The other reason for microstruc- tural changes in the steel is that the bit was overloaded during drilling and the number of revolutions was too low when compared to the load. The consequence of such a drilling regime is the increase in temperature of the material at the tooth tip, which in combination with the load results in the hardening of the material at the tooth tip. Because of this reason the hard- ness of the steel material increased. The mea- sured hardness (Vickers hardness) at that time was on average about 160 HV higher than the hardness of the steel material in the middle of the tooth. Using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), we found that the temperature of the eutectoid point is 699.2°C and its completion occurs at a temperature of 800°C. Due to the intensive cooling of the teeth under the influence of the drilling fluid, the microstructural change pro- cess occurred only in the steel layer down to a depth of 92 µm. Microstructural changes are only noticeable on the upper side of the teeth, while no changes were observed on the sides. The changes in the steel structure occurred mainly due to excessive operating temperatures and loads on the selected steel. As demonstrat- ed by DSC and dilatometric analysis, the tem- perature at the beginning of the transformation from ferrite to austenite is about 680°C for the selected steel. This means that the temperature of 680°C (A c1 ) is a point at which recrystalli- sation of the steel is rapidly accelerated. The recrystallisation temperature for steel, when calculated for theoretical information, is some- where around 0.4 × T L (T L – liquidus tempera- ture, °C) [25]. Using the software Thermo-Calc for thermodynamic modelling of the equilibri- um phase, we calculated the liquidus tempera- ture, which was 1511°C for the selected steel. Therefore, the recrystallisation temperature for the analysed steel is about 604°C. We also calculated the equilibrium eutectoid tempera- ture A e1 and the transition temperature A e3 with the same software. The temperature of t6he former was 685°C and the latter was 811°C. The equilibrium eutectoid temperature A e1 and the transition temperature A e3 were also calcu- lated. The calculated values are similar to the values obtained from the dilatometric analysis of the steel (680°C and 800°C), assuming that the temperatures obtained from the calculation are in equilibrium. This confirmed the results of the dilatometric analysis. Due to the influence of high temperatures and rapid cooling, the carbide coating on the upper surface of the tooth gets decayed. The differ- ence between the temperature-expansibility coefficients of the steel material and the car- bide form was found by a dilatometric test at low temperature. This difference is significant as it causes increase in internal stress in the mixed zone. The mixed zone is formed by weld- ing the carbide coating onto the tooth steel and represents a mixture of dissolved steel material of the tooth and the carbide coating (Figure 9). In the mixed zone, during the heating and cool- ing processes, internal stresses begin to in- crease due to the different temperature coeffi- cients of the materials, which lead to initiation and propagation of cracks. Cracks were observed on the edges of the teeth, which progressed through the carbide coating to the steel of the tooth (body) (Figure 10). The occurrence of such cracks can be attributed Figure 9. Photography of tooth steel material. Position 1 – carbide coating; Position 2 – mixed zone and Position 3 – tooth steel (body). Šporin J. RMZ – M&G | 2020 | Vol. 67 | pp. 01–12 10 to the excessive load on the bit during drilling and the stress accumulation due to the weight load of the bit. The carbide coating is tough and erosion resistant, but brittle, which causes it to crack under excessive load and lateral forces. Due to the formation of such cracks at the tooth edges, the carbide coating is sheared or eroded, which resulted in a chipped tooth. The erosion effect caused by aggressive parti- cles in the drilling fluid could not be expressed comprehensively so far, as only a short length of 87.89 m was drilled with this drill bit. Mi- croscopic images show smaller erosion micro- channels, which are not largely pronounced (Figure 11). Erosion microchannels occur only in the area of the tooth tip. There are no ero- sion channels along the tooth edges that are not protected by carbide coatings, which is part- ly due to the geometry of the teeth. Here, the teeth sides are quite steep, which means that the drilling fluid with abrasive particles leaves the tooth area within a short time. Conclusions In this article, we have described the wear of the IADC 136 roller cone bit drilled into a known standard rock material. The bit wear was char- acterised by the analysis of the different metal- lurgical properties of the steel and the carbide coating of the teeth of the bit, which are related to the drilling regime and the properties of the rock material. During drilling, the teeth of the bit are heated when are in contact with the rock and then cooled by the influence of the drilling fluid. At this stage, there is a compressive load on both the steel of the tooth and its carbide coating. Internal stresses developed in the ma- terials of the bit teeth due to the load on the bit can expand through the elastic zone and reach the plastic zone, which results in local dissolu- tion of the carbide coating and a local increase in the hardness of the steel material. Using an IADC 136 roller cone bit, the length of interval 87.89 m was drilled into a carbonatic siltstone with sandstone plates and thin layers of clay and limestone. The wear of the teeth of the roller cone bit was mainly observed at the tooth tip. During the systematic investigation of the steel structure of the teeth and the carbide coating, it was found that the structure of the steel material at the tip of the teeth was par- tially changed by the influence of high defor- mations. This change, which was reflected in the increase in the hardness of the steel mate- rial, was higher at the tip of the tooth which is in contact with the rock by 160 HV than at the tooth body. The change in the hardness of the steel material, expressed as a layer parallel to the tooth tip, extends to a depth of about 36 m m. The formation of this layer with a higher degree of hardness can be explained by the implemen- tation of the weight on the drill bit (WOB), which was higher than the recommended and relatively low rotation (RPM), and it was low- er than the recommended. The increase in the temperature of the tooth material during drill- ing was due to excessive loads and inefficient cooling, resulting in micro-fatigue reaching the Figure 10. Photography of cracks through carbide coating. Figure 11. Erosion channels at the top of the tooth. Characterisation of the Wear of the Roller Cone Drill Bit Caused by Improperly Chosen Drilling Regime 11 plastic zone of the steel material at the tip of the tooth. The tip of the tooth was worn out by a modified microstructure due to friction along the rock, and underneath it, a new layer with a modified microstructure formed periodically. From this, it can be concluded that the correct choice of roller cone bit can be recommended for a specified type of rock and operating pa- rameters (WOB, RPM, drilling fluid) since it has a significant influence on the wear of the roller cone bit and thus on the extension or reduction of the effective operating time of the roller cone bit. 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