centra in glavni trg uredili tako, da je ponovno vspostavljena tako optična kot tudi fizična povezava med obema deloma trga. študenti so zasnovali tudi niz drugih objektov, ki zagotavljajo dolgoročni razvoj kraja a hkrati nadaljujejo stoletja dolgo tradicijo območja, kjer se nahajajo. Abstract In the academic year 2011/2012 the students of the Faculty of Architecture with their mentor Tomaž Krušec conducted an Architectural and Urbanism Workshop at Križevci pri Ljutomeru 2011/2012. The workshop was organised by the Municipality of Križevci pri Ljutomeru. students considered different locations in the town of Križevci pri Ljutomeru. The main problem was the organisation of the main town square located between the church and the town hall. the main road running through the town divides the square into two. The students were given the assignment of siting a new cultural centre in the square, and arranging the square to reestablish the connection between the two parts of the square visually and physically. the students also designed a series of buildings that would ensure the long-term development of the town, but which would also continue the centuries-old tradition of the area in which they are located. Vasa J. Perovic, Anja Vidic KRPANJE MESTA, 2011 Izvleček Mesto Reka je, s pasom danes opuščenih industrijskih območij, odrezano od morja. Z revitalizacijo degradiranih industrijskih predelov, se mestu ponuja nova priložnost za razvoj in ponovni kontakt z morjem. Projekt je predlagal odpiranje območja obdelave za javnost in s tem nov javni mestni prostor -plažo. V več fazah bi območje obdelave lahko postalo sekundarno mestno središče ob obali. Abstract the city of Rijeka is cut offfrom the sea by a strip of abandoned industrial zones. with the revitalisation of the degraded industrial areas, the city has an opportunity to progress and regain contact with the sea. the project proposed opening the area for public use, whereby the city would have a new urban public space, a city beach. in a few stages, the area could become a secondary city centre on the shoreline. Vasa J. Perovic, Anja Vidic ZAČASNE, MOBILNE BIVALNE ENOTE, 2011 Izvleček Začasne bivalne enote so namenjene uporabi v krajšem časovnem obdobju - med vikendi in počitnicami. Zaradi drugačnega načina uporabe te enote delujejo na drugačen način kot standardna počitniška enota, ki spominja na standardno stanovanje ali stanovanjsko hišo. študenti so morali razviti enote, ki bi izkoriščale vse potenciale naravnega okolja in podpirale različne uporabniške scenarije. Abstract temporary dwelling units are in use for shorter periods, weekends and holidays. Because of their different types of use, such units should function differently from standard models which attempt to mimic a standard dwelling or house. the students' task was to develop units that could exploit all the potential of the natural surroundings and support different user scenarios. Izvleček Naši napori pa niso ostali le v spominu udeležencev, temveč so postavljeni tudi na ogled kot razstava. Razstava obsega 20 panojev s 60 fotografijami, grafikami in načrti, ter komentarji ob njih, ki so nastali v okviru delavnice. Prvo tako razstavo smo odprli 13. maja v Kosovelovi knjižnici v Divači. Lokacija ni bila naključno izbrana, saj je knjižnica hram pisane besede in drugih modrosti. In tudi naše delo je kot knjižnična enota: zbrano kamenje, ki je urejeno v arhitekturno urejeno obliko. Če je zlog najmanjša enota besede, je kamen najmanjša enota zidu; in zid je kot poved. Več povedi je odstavek in več odstavkov tvori zgodbo. Več zidov pa tvori zgodbo o kulturni krajini in vrednotah ljudi, ki to zgodbo gradijo ter negujejo. Zid naj ne razmejuje: združuje naj ljudi z znanjem in s kulturo! Mojster Norman Haddow je za udeležbo na naši delavnici prejel posebno študijsko štipendijo Winston Churchill Memorial Trust. štipendijo prejmejo le izbrani posamezniki, ki bodo pridobili posebna tehnična znanja, ki jih v združenem kraljestvu (commonwealth) še nimajo. To je lep dokaz, da slovenska arhitektura gradnje hišk iz kamenja premore odlično razumevanje gradiva in tehnike gradnje. Abstract despite the modesty of hiska, they show a simple understanding of corbelling technique. Qne could say they are all examples of human landscape cultivation. Although there is no evident common line when comparing all types of hiska, the cunning eye may observe one shared feature: the positioning of the entrance. More or less all the documented shelters have south or southwestern facing entrances. the burja is a cold northerly wind; from the south (Adriatic Sea) the winds are warmer. When resting, the setting sun is taken as a sign of the ending of the working day and a reward for the whole day's efforts. Entrances are the only openings to these structures, and they should serve as well as possible - to watch over the crops, to wait when hunting, to enjoy the calm of evening light, to breathe the sea wind. the syntax of the architectural language of layering stone and shaping the pattern of the landscape remain an inventive realisation of spatial ideas from the past until today. Not only ideas of shaping space - these ideas are basic interventions in the natural habitat which contribute to survival. Culture and an awareness of its values are the origins of local development and reasonable heritage preservation. the next step are tutorial days with workshops on how to build dry stone structures, walls and other stone architecture, as the DSWA organisation in the UK is doing.