44 Floristična združba travnikov – rastišča avtohtonih populacij črne detelje (Trifolium pratense L.) na področju Hrvaškega Zagorja (SZ Hrvaška) Floristic composition of meadows – locations of the autochthonous populations of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) on the Hrvatsko Zagorje area (NW Croatia) du B r a v k a du j M o v i ć p u r g a r , Sn j e ž a n a Bo l a r i ć Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb, Svetošimunska cesta 25, HR – 10000 Zagreb, Croatia; dpurgar@agr.hr The meadow flora was investigated at 17 locations in the area of Hrvatsko Zagorje (NW Croatia) during two vegetational seasons (2007, 2008). Usual methods of collecting and identification were applied in research. The nomenclature of plants was carried out according to Tutin et al. (1964-1980, 1993). The review of collecting plant material includes: taxonomic analysis, duration of life cycle and life form analysis, as well as phytogeographic analysis. Investigated meadows are in the same time habitats of the autochthonous populations of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) within the area of Hrvatsko Zagorje. Autochthonous populations of red clover represent the potential source of traits, such as tolerance to different abiotic stresses, which might be used for breeding purposes. In total, 112 plant taxa from 32 families were recorded at investigated meadows in Hrvatsko Zagorje. The large number of species it is the indicator of badly maintained meadow habitats. This leads to the natural succession, and thus to genetic erosion and extinction of natural populations of the red clover. du B r a v k a du j M o v i ć pu r g a r eT al.: Floristična združba travnikov …