Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 08/47 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 20.02.2011 7. NEDELJA MED LETOM 7th SUNDAY in Ordinary Time Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Adress 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail st_gregory_the_great_slovenian _church.htm Hall rentals 905-518-6159 Kako naj ljubim sovražnika? Ljubiti sovražnike ne pomeni odreči se drugim ljubeznim. Ljubezen do sovražnikov ne odpravlja pravičnosti, sodišč in zaporov. Če mi bo kdo hotel na silo vzeti kaj mojega, bom uporabil vsa dovoljena sredstva, da se ga otepem. Ko Jezus svetuje, naj ponudim še plašč tistemu, ki mi hoče vzeti suknjo, hoče reči, naj njegova krivica ne hromi moje dobrote in naj bo moja ljubezen močnejša od njegovega nasilja. Ljubiti sovražnike tudi ne pomeni zapirati oči pred zlom. Jezus je odkrival in grajal zlaganost in hinavščino farizejev, zakrknjenega skušnjavca v puščavi pa je kratko malo pognal. Ker v nobenem človeku zlo ni utelešeno, moram vedno ohraniti upanje, da bo toplina moje ljubezni v njem stopila led zla. Več je ledu, močnejša mora biti ljubezen. Če je ni, bo led za vedno ostal led. Za mnoge reči se prepiramo, ker jih gledamo preveč od blizu in samo s človeškimi očmi. Če bi jih gledali od daleč in z božjimi očmi, bi ugotovili, da so nevredne naših razprtij. Tako gleda nanje nebeški Oče, čigar sonce vse obseva in čigar dež vse namaka. Zgled ljubezni do sovražnikov nam je dal Jezus. Črtili so ga, pa je zlo obrnil v odrešenje. Iz hudega je naredil dobro. Moč sovraštva je premagal z večjo močjo ljubezni. Ljubezen do sovražnikov, ki se zgleduje po Jezusu, ni umikanje v nedejavnost in popuščanje zlu. Evangeljska ljubezen je dejavna in ustvarjalna. Gradi, kjer sovraštvo ruši; poraja, kjer sovraštvo uničuje; na videz umira, v resnici pa živi in prinaša življenje. Veruj, da je v sovražniku St. Gregory the Great Catholic Women's League ©@dpä[% Invite© te ©m Annual Parish BAZAAR Lunch:12:30 Lunch, Bake Sale, Penny Sale, Baffles, Children's games, Crown & Anchor, 50/50 draw (?®gt a day (FmflD^ ftra LUNCH Adults: $12 in advance prepaid - $15 at door Children 4 - 10 yrs - $5 Children 3 & under - Free Vrata se odpro Doors Open ob/at 7:00 p.m. Vstopnice kupite pri vratih Tickets at the door Vstopnina / Admission Odrasli $10 Adults Ve čerja / Dinner $ 10 Ve čerja otroci do 12 let: $5 Dinner - Children to 12y: $5 Maske imajo prost vstop! Full Costume Free Admission 7:00 p.m. Zabaval Vas bo Brani. Will provide music Še posebej vabljene družine z otroci. Families with children invited! Podprimo to našo slovensko tradicijo. Support the Parish event. Nagrade za maske! Prizes for Costumes! Sunday's Readings 7th SUNDAY in Ordinary Time First Reading Leviticus 19:1-2.17-18 God calls for the people to embrace holiness by showing love to everyone and avoiding the holding of grudges. Second Reading 1 Corinthians 3:16-23 St Paul points out that God's wisdom is different from the thinking prevalent in the world. Every person should be regarded as a temple of the Holy Spirit. Gospel Matthew 5:38-48 Jesus tells his followers to take on the challenge of loving enemies as well as family and friends. Illustration The Dalai Lama, the Tibetan spiritual and political leader, is a hero to many people around the world as a man of peace; but who does he look up to? You might be surprised to learn that he has described as "my hero and my friend" an Irishman who was blinded by a rubber bullet fired during the Troubles in Northern Ireland. Richard Moore was only ten years old and on his way home from school in Derry in 1972 when he was shot at point-blank range in his face. "I was about ten feet away when a soldier fired the rubber bullet that struck me on the bridge of my nose," he recalls, "and all I remember is that everything went blank and that was the moment my life changed for ever." He has travelled on an extraordinary journey since then, turning an event of potential human tragedy into a story of compassion and faith that has inspired others, including the Dalai Lama. In his twenties Moore launched a charity, Children in Crossfire, to support children internationally who are caught up in violence and poverty. More than that, he not only forgave the soldier who fired that rubber bullet, but has even befriended him. Now in his late forties, he gives talks regularly to young people about the importance of putting aside grudges and showing compassion towards enemies. The Dalai Lama feels Moore is so outstanding in his ability to put anger aside that he should be considered for the Nobel Peace Prize, which the Dalai Lama himself was awarded in 1989. Gospel Teaching Unfortunately, aggression is one of our instinctive reactions to difficult situations. However, Jesus' teaching in today's Gospel - part of the Sermon on the Mount - tells us that if we respond to aggression with more aggression we risk creating an endless cycle of violence. Violence harms our unity, setting one person against another and making cooperation impossible. Jesus teaches that God's love extends to everyone, and that includes people we might regard as our enemies, and people we have excluded from our circle of friends. The Quakers have an expression, "that of God in all of us", which picks up on a theme in all today's readings: God's Holy Spirit is in each person, and all are deserving of compassion and love. Jesus left us with a code for life, a lifestyle that seems contrary to much of the thinking and action in mainstream society. It is a lifestyle he lived himself: where everybody is to be shown love and respect. This applies even to people who give abuse, take endlessly and give nothing in return, or make the lives of others a misery. Application It is not only in the spheres of the military, business and politics that aggression and confron- "But I say this to you: love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." tation rear their heads - it is also in the run of the mill of our daily life. Just think about how aggressive driving can lead to road rage, and how disputes with neighbours can escalate into battles unless we make a real effort to get on together. Retaliation or "payback" is a strong theme in the film world, and perhaps we are too tolerant of violence in the media. In how many of our homes do we allow violent video games to be played, despite evidence that regular playing risks creating insensitivity towards violence? The Gospel calls us to reject the belief that aggression is often the best and easiest way to solve problems. Richard Moore may be blind but, as he says, "my sight has been taken away, but not my vision". Efforts to build bridges with people we don't like or who have harmed us might bring surprising results. If not, then we may take consolation that we are being faithful to the way of living that Jesus expects of his followers. And remember, God may be making something good out of our efforts in some way that we cannot see. All this does not mean that God never takes sides. In Jesus, it is clear that God sides with those who are poor, marginalised and oppressed, regardless of the labels we place on them. We are urged to move outside our comfort zones to engage with people we usually ignore and respond to God's call to be peacemakers. SAVA - BRESLAV: PREŠERNOV DAN_ V nedeljo, 13. februarja smo imeli v Kitchenerju pri slovenskem društvu Sava opoldne sveto mašo, pri kateri so brali otroci Slovenske šole »SAVA«. Potem pa so pod vodstvom Magde Razpotnik prirpavili kratko proslavo v počastitev slovenskega kuturnega praznika. S pesmijo, recitacijami in pripovedjo, so otroci pričarali nekaj lepih trenutkov vsem navzočim. Hvala vsem sodelujočim, še posebej ga. Magdi za ves trud pri pripravi programa in predsednici Mariji Prilesnik za organizacijo dneva. VESTNIK 2011 | 61 Obvestila - Announcements pevski zbor_ Pevske vaje za zbor bodo v četrtek 24. februarja po večerni maši. CWL - KŽZ_ We invite all parish members, their families and friends to attend the Catholic Women's League Annual Bazaar being held Sunday Feb 27. We have been working hard toward creating an enjoyable afternoon for our parish members and their families. We hope we can count on your support by attending this very important once a year major fundraiser. We urgently need donations to the Bazaar of new or crafted Penny Sale and Raffle table items. We kindly ask that those that can, please consider a donation. These will be happily received to our lunch ticket sales members at Sunday masses and the day of Bazaar set up, Sat. Feb 26.(8am -4pm) We are also in need of baking for the bake sale table. We ask that those members that are able please donate some baking. Strudel : Preorders are strongly encouraged to avoid disappointment. Please call Vera Gonza at 905- 560 0089 as soon as possible!! Apple- $12 will be sold at the bazaar on availability. With regrets, Cheese strudel is sold out. Lunch Tickets: will be sold at Sunday masses Adult:$12; Children 4-10-$5,under 3yrs.-free. Reservations can only be offered with advance purchase of tickets. In order to facilitate food preparation and seating we ask that advance tickets be purchased at our Sunday masses, including Sat.Feb 26 where we will be setting up in the hall until approx. 4pm. To encourage advance purchase we have set adult ticket prices at $15 if purchased at the door the day of the Bazaar. We hope everyone can understand our reasoning in the different ticket pricing in order to make accurate preparations. Lottery Tickets: are available for purchase at all Sunday masses from Pamela Gognach. We ask that our membership please return any unsold tickets in order to sell these at the bazaar. We have only a limited number for sale.Our parish members are kindly asked to support us by purchasing them. All monies raised from the sales are directly donated to our parish. Membership Fees- There are only a few outstanding membership fees. Please hand in your $14 fee at your earliest convenience in our Sunday collection basket or to Teresa Sarjas. Thank you so much to all members who have handed in and maintained their memberships. New membership is always welcomed!! Please speak with Teresa, Sidonia Poppa or any league member for information or come and attend any monthy general meeting held the first Wednesday of the month. CHILDREN'S AREA AT PARISH BAZAAR We are always working at making a great children's area at our Parish Bazaar and this year is no different. In order to make it fun for kids of all ages, we are always looking for new or almost new items such as toys, teddy bears, books, games - all the things that kids like. If you have anything like this, you can bring these items to church and we will have a box where they can be placed for our helpers to organ- ize. Thanks for always giving the children of our parish such great support. See you at the Bazaar! SLOMŠKOVO OLTARNO DRUŠTVO Srečanje članic Slomškovega oltarnega drutštva bo ta mesec v petek 25. februarja po večerni maši (24. je ravno četrtek in so pevske vaje). Srečanje je pomembno, ker bomo ta dan uradno sprejeli nove članice v Oltarno društvo. Vabimo vse članice, da se udeležijo sv. maše v petek, 25. februarja, da skupaj pozdravimo nove članice. DRUŠTVO SV. JOŽEFA_ The Villa Slovenia Bingo on February 21st at 1:30 PM has been cancelled due to the Family Day Holiday. Društvo sv. Jožefa/Slovenian Society of St. Joseph Annual Meeting /Občni zbor will be held on Sunday, February 27, in Villa Slovenia, immediately following the 9:30 AM Mass. Krofe and coffee will be served. All members are encouraged to attend. Društvo sv. Jožefa/Slovenian Society of StJoseph Kosilo/Dinner invite you to attend! The date is: Nedelja/Sunday, March 20 at *12:00 PM. Entertainment will be provided by the St Gregory the Great Parish Choir. Tickets are now on sale -adults:$17. and children $5. (5-12 years). To reserve a table or purchase tickets to reserve your seating - please contact: Frank Erzar @ 643-0285 or Ivan Miketic @ 560-1200. KOLEDAR ZA JANUAR - FEBRUAR 2011 ❖ 20. februar 2011- nedelja: ob 3:00 p.m. Občni zbor v župnijski dvorani sv. Gregorja Velikega. Vabljeni! Iščemo nove člane za župnijski odbor. Lahko tudi predlagate druge, vendar z njihovim soglasjem. ❖ 27. februar 2011- nedelja: BAZAAR KATOLIŠKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE. Ob 12:00 kosilo in bogat program ob igrah, dobitkih, srečelovu... ❖ 5. marec 2011-sobota: ob 7:00 p.m. PUSTOVANJE v naši dvorani. Vabljeni! ❖ 20. marec 2011- nedelja: ob 12:00 noon BANKET DRUŠTVA SV. JOŽEFA. Vabljeni! DIOCESAN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS Če obhajate 25, 40, 50, 60 in več let poroke v letu 2011, potem ste povabljeni v našo katedralo na skupno sveto mašo vseh slavljencev, ki bo 15. maja 2011 ob 2:00 popoldne. Sveto mašo bo vodil hamiltonski škof Crosby Douglas. Na oglasni deski si lahko vzamete prijavnico in jo izpolnjeno pošljete na škofijo. Prijavite se najkasneje do konca meseca aprila. PUSTOVANJE_ Kot lahko vidite iz plakatov je letošnje pustovanje zelo pozno, šele 5. marca. Mislim, da večina že ve za ta pozen datum. Pust se ravna po Veliki noči, ki je vedno prvo nedelkjo po prvi polni pomladanski luni. Od tega odštejemo štiridesetdnevni post in imamo datum pepelnice in pustovanja. Naše pustovanje bo torej 5. marca zvečer ob 7:00 p.m., po sobotni večerni maši. Igral bo Branko Pouh. Vabljene tudi »MASKE«, da ohranjamo našo slovensko navado. Nagrade za maske. Vstopnina za odrasle je $10, Večerja za odrase je $10, za otroke do 12. leta $5. Maske imajo prost vstop! SPRING 2011 PILGRIMAGE_ Join us for a prayerful and spiritual pilgrimage to the Sorrowful Mother Shrine, Bellevue, Ohio plus a visit to Rhoda Wise's home, Canton, Ohio on Sat., May 28 & Sun., May 29. Cost is $130 p.p.; includes hotel, coach bus & some meals. For more details, call Adele at 905-643-7562 or Louise at 905-664-1871 /St. Frances Xavier Church/. OD 20. 02. 2011 DO 27. 02. 2011 svete mase - masses Masses Monday-Friday 7:00 p.m., Saturday 8:15 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. NEDELJA - SUNDAY 20. Februar 7. Nedelja med letom Leon Sicilski, škof za žive in rajne župljane f Jože Lehner ff Jernej in Lucija Ponikvar OBČNI ZBOR 9:30 A.M. Mama Cecilija Lehner 11:00 a.m. Družina Ponikvar 3:00 p.m. Župnijska dvorana Ponedeljek - Monday 21. Februar Irena, devica ff Starši Krampač in bratje f Stane Kanc f Marija Kolenc f Anton Vengar 7:00 p.m. Naci in Ana Krampač Žena in otroci Družina Suhadolc Žena Tilka Vengar z družino Torek - Tuesday 22. Februar Sedež apostola Petra ff Angela in Alojz Kocmut ff starši Malevič in Oberman f Izidor Zabukovec, obl. f Marija Kolenc 7:00 p.m. Frank in Betty Gimpelj Družina Malevič Mary Zabukovec Manja Erzetič z družino Sreda - Wednesday 23. Februar Polikarp, škof-muč. ff Verona in Štefan Prša ff Pokojni iz družine Langenfus f Alojzija Novak f Franc Sušec_ 7:00 P.M.Joe in Kathy Prša Sonja Langenfus Jožica Novak z družino Družina Hozjan Četrtek - Thursday 24. Februar Matija, apostol f Darinka Ferletič f Marija Kolenc f Matija Vlašič f Capreta_ 7:00 p.m. Elizabeta Farkaš Slomškovo Oltarno Društvo Žena in otroci Emilija in Karol Ferko Petek - Friday 25. Februar Alojzij in Kalist, muč. ff Mila in Fonzi Mozetič ff Pokojni iz družine Ftičar f Franc Antolin f Ivan Dobršek 7:00 p.m. Manja Erzetič Joe Ftičar z družino Marina Štefanec z družino SDB Sobota - Saturday 26. Februar Aleksander, škof f Alojzija Novak 8:15 a.m. Pavel in Jožica Novak ff Pokojni starši 5:30 p.m. Marija Košir f Stane Napast Žena Fanika Napast z družino f Dragica Bolko Matila Prša ff Ivan in Jožica Šiljevinac, obl. Družina Šetej NEDELJA - SUNDAY 27. Februar 8. NEDELJA med letom Gabrijel Žal. M.Božje za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m. ff Janez in Viktorija Zagorec Družina Erzar f Ivan Dobršek 11:00 a.m. SDB CWL Bazaar 12:00 Noon Župnijska zgornja dvorana svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:15 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971.