Rchahilitac1p - Letnik VII. .11111/. -1 (!008) FOREWORD Dear Colleagues, /11 spite o.f rece111 ac/1' (111ces in both the research a11d clinical do11wi11s o.f C1111yotrophic late ral sclerosis (ALS), the disease re111ai11s CIII inrnrable. f atal condition. On the other hC111d it is a11 i11spiri11g challenge to researchers and clinicians olike. The Ljubljana ALS Te am 11·as established in C111tu11111 2002 CII the Institute o.f Clinical Neurophysiology, University Medica/ Centre Ljubljana. The tew11, led by Professor Jane::, Zidar, li11ks together experts.from differentfields working in unison to provide care and support for patie11ts with ALS. A few reseC1rch projects have started in para/le/ making cli11icia11s C1nd researchers eve11 more co111111itted to this disease. ALS is tire topic of this year's Ljubljana au/1111111 clinicol 11e11roscie11ce 111eeti11g taking plC1ce at the Unil'ersity Meclical Centre, Ljubljana 011 19-20 September 2008. The Sy111posi11111 keynote speaker is Professor Nigel LeiglrJim11 Ki11g'.1· Col­ lege London prese11ti11g the 24'" D1: Jane::, Faganel Memorial Lecture entitled ''ALS: Admnces in the Laboratory a11d in the Clinic ". In two dC1ys the 111eeti11g wi/1 cover various C/.\pects rlthe disease,from 11euroi111aging and 11europhysiology, to respiration, cognition, neurobiology, and- 111ost importantly - treat111ent and care o.f tire pC1tients. The meeting is 111C1i11/y a bi/(l{eral event bringing together two groups of hoth yow1g a11d also estClblished researchers • and clinicians: the Lj11hljC111a ALS Te am and the MND Team from King 's Coli ege London. A.feir promi11e111 speakersfimn other part.1· of E11rope hm•e joi11ed the111 and it i.1· great to see that the participants are co111i11g not j11stfim11 Sl{ the hard l\'ork t�f CI group of dedicated co/leagues a11d good.fi-ie11dsJimn both SloFenia a11d the UK and 1 would like to tha11k the111 ali for their i11p11t. The orga11isatio11 oj the 111eeti11g ll'ould he i111pos­ sible without ge11ero11s s11pport .fimn the British Co1111cil (The Int ernat iona/ Networki11g Jor Young Scie111ists Pro­ gra111111e), the SlrJ\'enian Research Agency a11d also fimn 11wnero11s phar111aceutical co111pa11ies. /'111 deeply thankful to tlrem a/1. My hopes C1re that this 111eeti11g irill stre11gthe11 tire links betll'een the gro11ps a11d also create 11ei1· opportunities and ideas for reg iona/ collaboratio11. I C1!so hope tl1C1t 11w11y 11e1r.frie11dships will be 111ade. With this in 111i11d. I wish you an i11teresti11g and inspiring 111eeting, and a pleasant stay 11·ith /IS. We wish you a 1 1 el)' 11·cir 111 welcm11e to ½iublja11a, Bla: Koritnik