Original scientific paper Informacije ^efMIDEM A Innrnal of M Journal nf Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials Vol. 45, No. 2 (2015), 132 - 141 The optimal useful measurement range of an inductive displacement sensor Snežana M. Djurič, Nikola M. Djuric, Mirjana S. Damnjanovic Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to find the optimal useful measurement range of an inductive displacement sensor with meander type coils. The optimal useful measurement range was numerically examined using a developed model for impedance calculation. The sensor is composed of two sensor elements, with meander-type inductive coils. Each coil has five turns. With these two sensor elements, it is possible to detect normal displacement (using only one sensor element) and tangential displacement (using both sensor elements). Numerical results showed that the optimal useful measurement range was obtained when the gap of 0.23 mm was inserted in one of the coils of sensor element detecting normal displacement. Experimental results confirmed theoretical predictions. The paper demonstrates developing of a model for impedance calculation of an inductive displacement sensor. With this model, it was possible to determine numerically the optimal useful measurement range of the sensor. Keywords: inductive coils; inductance calculation; measurement range; displacement Optimalno uporabno območje induktivnega senzorja premika Izvleček: Namen članka je poiskati uporabno merilno območje induktivnega senzorja premika z meandrasta tuljavami. Optimalno področje je bilo numerično določeno z razvitim modelom za izračune impedanc. Senzor je sestavljen iz dveh senzorskih elementov z meandrasto tuljavo. Vsaka tuljava ima pet zavojev. S tema dvema senzorskima elementoma je mogoče zaznati običajne premike (z uporabo le enega senzorja) in tangencialne premike (pri uporabi obeh senzorjev). Numerični izračuni optimalnega merilnega območja so pri uporabi 0.23 mm reže v enem senzorju pri detekciji normalnega premika. Meritve potrjujejo teoretične izračune. V članku je predstavljen razvoj modela, ki omogoča določitev optimalnega merilnega območja senzorja. Ključne besede: induktivne tuljave ; izračuni induktivnosti; merilno območje; premik ' Corresponding Author's e-mail: snesko@uns.ac.rs 1 Introduction The planar inductive coil sensors have a large scale of application. They can be applied in the inspection of printed circuit boards using eddy-current testing (ECT) technique [1, 2, 3]. The development and comparison of different planar fluxgate magnetic sensor structures realized in PCB technology has been reported in [4]. The planar inductive sensor with planar coil and magnetic core can detect the cracks on nonmagnetic and magnetic specimens [5]. The linear displacement sensor based on the inductive concept using meander coil and pattern guide is used to detect the displacement of moving part on linear machines [6]. The effect of inductive coil shape (meander, square, and circle shape with different turn number of inductive coils) on the sensing performance of a linear displacement sensor has been analyzed in [7]. A planar inductive coil of circle shape is used in an eddy-current sensor for high resolution displacement detection with reduced temperature coefficient [8]. An eddy current senor with rectangular sensing element, printed by ink-jet technology on a flexible substrate, for displacement application, has been presented in [9]. An inductive sensor for distance measurement employs the principle of magnetic coupling between two coplanar coils [10]. Sensors, fabricated in PCB technology, with planar meander and interdigital coils in series and parallel combination, are used for measurement and monitoring of environmental parameters [11, 12]. In our previous papers [13, 14], design, modeling, and operating principle of an inductive displacement sen- sor, with meander-type inductive coils, was presented. The sensor is composed of two sensor elements. Each sensor element presents a pair of meander coils. One sensor element detects normal displacement, whereas the other sensor element detects tangential displacement. Sensor element for normal displacement can be used independently, whereas the sensor element detecting tangential displacement is used in combination with the element detecting normal displacement. The sensor element that detects normal displacement, with inserted gap g in the stationary coil, is presented in Figure 1. The width of the segments in the stationary coil is w, = 1.52 mm, in the moving (short-circuited coil) the width of the segments is w2 = 0.51 mm. The distance between axes of two neighboring segments is p = 1.78 mm and the number of turns is five. The gap width influences the useful measurement range of the sensor. The useful measurement range of the sensor is near y = 0 (zero position - the axes of the segments of the stationary coil are exactly above the axes of the segments of the moving coil.) In this range the input inductance of the sensor element detecting normal displacement is invariant versus tangential displacement (y-direction), thus the element detects only normal displacement. The goal of this paper was to examine the optimal useful measurement range of the sensor. Figure 1: The sensor element, detecting normal displacement, with inserted gap in the stationary coil. 2 Model of the sensor Each sensor element can be described with its equivalent circuit as it is shown Figure 2, where R1 and R2 are resistances of the stationary coil (Coil 1) and moving coil (Coil 2), L1 and L2 are the self-inductances of Coils 1 and 2, respectively [15]. Figure 2: Equivalent electrical circuit of sensor element. The input impedance of sensor element is equal to the input impedance of the equivalent circuit: U J = R^ 11 + jal^ IJ + jaMl212 R2 12 + jal212 + jaM1211 = 0 /2 =- 11 R2 + jaL2 U1 = (Ri + I_ 1 - I_ 1 R2 + jaL2 ZIN =Rin+J^LJN where the total resistance of the impedance is 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 R^, = R + V« O)^ R2 L1L2 k ^ ^ t-2 R22 + O L^2^ 2.5 and the total reactance of the impedance is + (1 - k') aljN = 0L1 Rt + af Li 2.6 Mutual position between the coils introduces magnetic coupling between coils. The coupling coefficient k is k 4LL2 2.7 where M12 is the mutual inductance between Coils 1 and 2, for specific mutual position, and L1 and L2 are the self-inductances of Coils 1 and 2, respectively. The mutual inductance changes according to displacement between Coils 1 and 2. It can be assumed that the current of conductive segments is uniformly distributed over the whole cross-section because of relatively low working frequency (1 MHz). At this relatively low frequency, the skin and proximity effects are negligible (S = -