ZARJA-DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION MOTHERS' SWEETEST JOY! MAY, I960 • NUMBER 5 • VOLUME 32 : ^----------------------------- SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA Instituted December 19, 1926 in Chicago, III. Incorporated December 14, 1927 in the State oj Illinois. SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA V AMERIKI Ustanovljena 19. decembra 1926 v Chicagu, III. Inkorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v državi Illinois. MEMBER OF NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Spiritual Advisor—REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M. 823 W. Mineral St., Milwaukee, Wis. * * * Honorary President—MARIE PRISLAND, Sheboygan, Wis. Honorary Convention Delegate—BARBARA KRAMER, 480 Kansas St., San Francisco, Calif. * * * HOARD OF DIRECTORS: Founder—MARIE PRISLAND, 1034 Dillingham Ave., Sheboygan, Wisconsin President—JOSEPHINE LIVEK, 331 Elm Street, Oglesby, 111. Secretary—ALBINA NOYAK, 1937 W. Cermak Road, Chicago S, Illinois Treasurer—JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR, 2045 W. 23rd St., Chicago 8, Illinois Auditor—MARY OTONIČAR, 1110 E. 66th Street, Cleveland 3, Ohio Audit or—KATIE TRILLER, 1724 Stanton Ave., Whiting, Indiana Auditor—ANN PODGORŠEK, 301 97th Ave. W., Duluth, Minn. * * * DIRECTORS oj Recreational and Sports Activities'. ]Vomen's Division—ELIZABETH ZEFRAN, 1941 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois Juvenile Division—CHRISTINE MENART, 741 Main St., Vandling, Pa. * * * Managing Editor—COR IN N E LESKOVAR, 2032 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois Vice-President—FRANCES GLOBOKAR, 19192 Abbey, Euclid 19, Ohio State President oj Colorado-Kansas-Missouri— ANNA PACHAK, 2009 Oakland St., Pueblo, Colo. State President oj Wisconsin— ROSE KRAEMER, 4304 So. K.K., Cudahy, Wise. State President oj Ohio-Michigan— ANTOINETTE TANKO, 6313 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland 3, Ohio State President oj Pennsylvania-New York— MARY TOMSIC, Box 202, Strabane, Pa. State President oj Calijornia-Oregon-Washington— ROSE SCOFF, 2208 Mariposa, San Francisco, Cal. State President oj Illinois-Indiana— MARY MULLER, 1846 W. 23rd St., Chicago 8, Illinois State President oj Minnesota— BARBARA ROSANDICH, 1212 Sheridan St., Ely, Minn. * * * Finance Committee: JOSEPHINE LIVEK, MARIE PRISLAND, Sec'y., ALBINA NOVAK, JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR ♦ * * Scholarship and Benefit Committee: MARIE PRISLAND, President; JOSEPHINE LIVEK, ALBINA NOVAK * * * Home Ojjice: 1937 W. CERMAK ROAD, CHICAGO 8, ILLINOIS Tel. Bishop 7-2014 ZARJA — THE DAWN Published monthly — Izhaja vsak mesec Annual Subscription $2.00 — Naročnina $2.00 letno For SWU members $1.20 annually - Za članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, 111. Entered as second class mailer November 13, 1946, at the Post Ojjice at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act oj August 24, 1912. Publication oj the Slovenian Women’s Union oj America glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Ojjice: 1937 VV. CERMAK RD., CHICAGO 8, ILL. Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications jor the next issue oj publication must be in the hands oj the Editor by the tenth oj the month. I'si dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo bili v rokah urednice do 10. v mesecu. DAT KS TO REMEMBER . . . May 4 — Br. 52, Kitzville, Minn., Bake Sale May 4 — Br. 21, Cleveland, Ohio, Chicken Dinner May 5—Br. 13, San Francisco, Calif., Whist Party May S — Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis., Mother's Day program May 12—Br. 2, Chicago, III., Mother’s Day program, 7:30 May 13 — Br. 50, Cleveland, Ohio, Rummage Sale May 15—Br. 17, Misc. Card Party, West Allis, Wise. May 17— Br. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa., Card Party May 22 — 111.-Ind. State Convention, Br. 16, So. Chicago, III. May 25-—Excursion to Europe, Via “Queen Elizabeth” June G — Pilgrimage to Shrines in Europe, Via TWA June 12 — Wisconsin State Convention and State Day, Br. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. June 12 — Br. 96, Universal, Pa., Penna State Convention June 17 — Excursion to Europe, Via “Air France" jet plane June 26 — Penna. State Convention, Br. 96, Universal, Pa. July lfi—Br. 2, Chicago, III., hosts Lemont Zveza Day, Lemont, 111. Sept. 7—Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wise., Card Party Oct. 2 — Ohio State Convention, Cleveland, Ohio Oct. 9—Br. 17, West Allis, Wise., Misc. Card Party HAPPY BIRTHDAY 1!S MAY! Supreme Officers: May 15 — Josephine Železnikar, Supreme Treasurer, Chicago, Illinois May 10 —Mary Tomsic, State Pres, of Penna., Strabane, Pa. Branch Presidents: May 4 - Emma Tomse, Br. 30, Aurora, 111. May 5 — Ann Satovich, Br. 50, Hibbing, Minn. May 15 —Jennie Satej, Br. 68, Fairport Harbor, Ohio May 10— Frances Greenfield, Br. 92, Crested Butte, Colo. May 18 —Anna Jakovich, Br. 81, Keewatin, Minn. May 21 —Angela Voje, Br. 84, New York, N.Y. May 22 — Anna Rudman, Br. 05, Virginia, Minn. May 22—Helen Kovali, Br. 83, Crosby, Minn. May 25—Frances Yerman, Br. 57, Niles, Ohio May 31*—Mary Snezic, Br. 07, Bessemer, Pa. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! ZARJA ^DAWN OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA VOL. XXXII — No. 5 MAY, 1960 LETO XXXII — Št. 5 Rev. Claude Okom, O.F.M.: Mother In the passing of the decades that have given us this busy, restless world, many changes have been wrought in elements of nature and man. Nature’s laws have been disregarded and her forces harnessed to the works of men. E«t even with all these changes, there still remains as in the beginning, cne thing that will never die, and that is the love and devotion of a mother for her children. "re are daily being reminded of the fact that our future success lies wholly in the character of our people. The luture of any country is entirely dependent upon the 'Bothers of the children who are to be its future custodians. In time of adversity we may be deserted by everyone e'se, but we may still be sure of the love of the woman '''e call mother. The most hardened of criminals, hated all men, no matter how wild he is or has been, can find a resting place ror his head in his mother’s lap. °nce a great writer said: If it were in my power to Rather together all the laurels of victory and chaplets of Jame of the eternal ages, 1 would make them all into one beautiful wreath of appreciation, love and praise and I "ould place that wreath upon the brow of the patient, self-sacrificing, loving mother — the uncrowned queen of the centuries. Materam ' se blagoslove tebi, mati, je naš pozdrav materam na Siaterinski dan. Kaj nam je Bog mogel lepšega dati, kakor _° nam je dal mater Neki stari pregovor pravi: “Ker ni mogel biti povsod, zato je ustvaril mater”. V besedi •Sati je združen ves tisti čudoviti svet, ki ga ne porušijo n'ti največji viharji Je edina svetla točka, ki nikoli ne "Kasne, edina sveta ljubezen, ki ne vara in ne nvore varati. Ko je sonce zatonilo in se je polegel hrup mesta, je še ekdo, ki bedi: Materina ljubezen. V tihi skrbi sedi ob ®yojem bolnem otroku in solza se ji blesti v očesu, ker 0|e pomagati. Duša ji visi na vsakem nerednem vzdihu ^'oka in šepetajoče ustnice pošiljajo vroče prošnje v nebo *a Pomoč. Potem jo zopet vidimo, kako v tihem veselju ^0,i za svojega nagajivčka, da bi ga Bog ohranil zdravega. ° so se otroci raztepli po svetu vsak po svoji poti iskat ^'°je sreče; kdo jih išče in spremlja: materina ljubezen. 'a Vsakega posebej trepeta in za vsakega posebej bi dala Se. da ga obvaruje nevarnosti. In če so slučajno omagali " Potu, kdo išče njihovih grobov, kdo se jih spominja, . toči solze: mati in njena ljubezen. Da, mati, velika 1 *tv°^a 'jubezen. Srečen otrok, ki se tega zaveda in s hva-e nostjo vrača za vse, kar je mati zanj storila. Otrok se je zatekel k materi, ko ga je bolelo in potolažil Je. Ko je obupaval, je ona molila zanj in našla primemo Rsedo korajže. Ko je izgledalo, da je vse propadlo, ga je mat>- Gnalo ga je k njej, k edinemu vzoru, ki mu (,e Se ostal in ni se zmotil. Smej se, vriskaj in poj, otrok. {jer imaš mater. Kadar pa matere ne boš več imel, tedaj ( H jokaj. Materinski dan je tisti veliki dan, ko lahko iz-t *em° tisto besedo, ki bo priklicala smehljaj na njena a in sicer besedo: mati ljubim te. Če bo srce govorilo Srci>, te bo mati vesela. MAY -Month of Our Blessed Lady May, the most beautiful month of the year, is dedicated to Our Blessed Lady, the Queen of Heaven. It is also dedicated to our earthly Mothers of the Slovenian Women’s Union who deserve our undying gratitude for their loyalty and service to the Union. I salute you Mothers, and may God bless you each day throughout the year. To the departed Mothers, God bless them and may they rest in peace. Let’s all visit the graves on Decoration Day May 29th, and meditate a while in prayer. May is a lovely month in many ways. The weather is warm and sunny; Nature is dressed in her best. Numerous gardens have been cultivated by this time and it will be a thrill to gather flowers and vegetables from your own garden in which you have put a little effort. And so it is also true with the garden of the Slovenian Women’s Union which has a large field in which to cultivate new members and friends. Who knows, you may win a round trip to the Convention City in Ely, Minnesota in 1961 — for a reward. During May, our calendar of events shows that on Sunday, May 22, the lll.-Ind. State Convention will be held in South Chicago, Branch 16 — I highly recommend a good attendance. 1 hope that the secretaries have read the letter from the state president at their meetings, so your delegate was elected and reservations made. It’s important that this be done and forwarded to the right parties. I Congratulate the officers and members of branch 16 for graciously accepting the responsibility this year; I know it will be carried out to perfection. A happy Bon Voyage to Mrs. A. Tanko, state president of Ohio and her group on their trip to Exirope, May 25th. May you have a good time and a safe trip back! Wishing everyone a pretty May basket. Most sincerely yours, Josephine Livek, President Invitation to lllinois-lndiana Members A few weeks ago, the committee in charge of the State Convention in our So. Chicago Branch invited me to their meeting. Although there were just six members present, it was a pleasure to sit and listen to the interesting suggestions and ideas that were discussed. In order to make your planning a bit easier, I would like to tell you a little of what they arranged: On the morning of May 22, at 11:30, we will participate at High Mass in St. George’s Church on 96th and Ewing Ave. After Mass, a buffet dinner with all the trimmings will be served. The menu sounds very tasty and appetizing. When the tables are cleared, we will meet our delegates. I sincerely hope that we have a full representation; that is, at least one member from each of our eleven branches. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if each of our delegates brought with her some other members to augment the delegation? I want very much for this convention to be a complete success because I truthfully believe that it can be; if we all put forth a little effort. What a pleasure it would be to meet the ladies from our neighboring branches, so that we may work together as sister-branches should. Perhaps if we put our ideas together, something can be accomplished to better advance our purposes. As you know, we are striving to increase our group, member for member. In order to make this more enticing, we must display our recreational activities in a favorable light so that membership will be more appealing to our prospective members. Oftentimes, when a group gets together, we bring forth ideas that are useful and interesting. One thing is certain: when women get to talking, anything can happen. And the more, the better! See you May 22nd! Mary Muller, State President No. 1, Sheboygan, Wise. — Our members are asked to attend the next meeting as our Mother’s Day program will be combined with the birthday party for April, May and June birthdays. Our June meeting will be on the third Sunday instead of the second because of the Wisconsin State Convention falling on June 12th. This takes place at branch 43, Milwaukee and we hope to have a good representation from our branch. Wishing a happy birthday to all our birthday gals and a speedy recovery to our sick members. Mary Vertacic No. 2, Chicago, III. — With our May meeting near at hand, it seems most important this month that we dwell on Mother’s Day and in particular, on our branch’s observance which is planned for our regular meeting night, May 12th. We will have a program honoring mothers presented by the children and afterwards, a luncheon will be served. Especially honored that evening will be our branch’s chosen mother, Mary Hozian, vice-president. The place? — usual meeting room, at St. Stephen’s lower hall, 7:30 p.m. We will celebrate the April and May birthdays that evening, too, and hope that we’ll have many members present. Since there was no meeting in April, it should bring many more members out in May. Reservations for the May 22nd Illinois State Day and Banquet are being taken until May 12th by State President, Mary Muller. Place on the bus and dinner in So. Chicago may be reserved in advance. Branch 16 is the hostess branch and St. George’s church hall the location. See you there! A heartfelt wish to all members not feeling well and to all: Happy spring days! Happy Mother's Day! Corinne Leskovar No. 3, Pueblo, Colo. — Our Colorado State Convention is scheduled for Sunday, August 28th, 1960. Plans will be forthcoming in the next few months; however, we do want to request our other Colorado branches to reserve this date now. Our prayers go out to our dearly beloved departed member, Mary Yodopich, who died after an illness which left her paralyzed more than 20 years ago. May she rest in peace. Deepest sympathy to our member, Jean Bayuk, who lost her husband and to Antonia Zupančič whose husband, Joseph, passed away after being an invalid for many years. Another fine gentleman passed away, Mr. John Skull, and to his wife, our member, Johanna, sincere condolences. To all our Puebloans traveling to Europe this summer, wishes for a IN FOND MEMORY The beloved mother and two brothers of John Farkas, will forever hold most dearly the memory of the young man who was a victim of an automobile accident in January. Mrs. Josephine Farkas of Berwyn, Illinois is a member of branch 2, Chicago, 111. To the bereaved family, sincere sympathy. Like a ship that’s left its moorings And sails bravely out to sea, So someone dear has sailed away In calm serenity. But, there’s promise of a greater joy Than earth could have in store, For God has planned a richer life Beyond the unseen shore. bon voyage. The same to our Supreme Officers and members of S.W.U. who will be visiting the homeland. Best wishes for a happy time and a safe return home. As I write, I have news of the illness of some of our members. Sister Theresa Lesar is very ill and confined to the hospital. Mary Pugel is also very ill and we hope these two fine ladies will soon be in the road to recovery. Suffering with broken arms are sisters Elsie Spilar and Matilda Bajuk who lives in Walsen-burg, Colo. Member, Josephine Merhar, is hospitalized with diabetis, and also confined to the hospital are Sylvia Okoren and Katherine Krasovioh. God grant them all quick recoveries. Congratulations to our member, Lucille Jesik, whose family was increased recently. She now has 7 living children. This mother is truly deserving of mention because all the children are our members. Our sister branch, no. 63 of Denver, Colo., celebrates their 25th anniversary on May 14th. We offer sincere wishes to them and hearty congratulations. Anna Pachak, pres. No. 7, Forest City, Pa. — Former Airline Hostess, Mary Ann Lentz, has become engaged to be married to Albert R. Prince. Mary Ann is now elm-ployed as a staff assistant by the Esso Research & Engineering Co. and Albert is studying at George Washington Univ. at Washington to become an engineer. The best of luck to this happy new couple! Hearty congratulations to our Mother of the year, Margaret Kamin. We are happy that she was chosen as she is a most deserved lady. More on her history appears in this issue. Happy Mother’s Day to all. Christine Menart, sec’y No. 14, Euclid, Ohio — Absent from our April meeting was our substitute vice-president, Tillle Spehar. Sister Spehar is taking her aunt, SiBter Mary Strazlsar’s place, because for the neixt six months, Sister Stražišar and her husband will be visiting beautiful GORENJSKO. Also vacationing is Sister Jennie Golic and her husband. They went to Tennessee to visit with their daughter and her family. We hope you have a pleasant trip. As Mother of the year we chose hard-working Antonia Sustar, our recording secretary. Sister Sustar la very active and tries to do everything for the benefit of our branch. She brought many aprons and gifts as Prizes for many lucky recipients. In return for her generous work we will a'l help sell tickets for her pretty daughter Mary, who is a senior at Villa Angela, to be the Zveza Day Queen. Sister Sustar also received sad hews that her sister passed away in Europe. Our deepest sympathy. Both Sister Mary Pecek and Sister Rose Kim were hospitalized during March. Our visiting members called on them and presented them with a small gift which they appreciate along "’ith the visit. Get well soon; we would like to see you at the meetings again. One of our old members, Sister Jennie Mandel, passed away in Geneva March. Her son John and the fam-'*y were so very thankful for the Prayers and funeral attendance. They could not find enough words of appreciation and thankfulness. Sister Frances Cesen also lost her long-ailing husband in March. To both families our deepest condolences. Sister Anna Novak donated toward the good-time treasury. Sister Mary Stražišar from Kewanee brought a beautiful hand embroidered luncheon cloth and four napkins in linen. This "'ill be given away sometime in the future. Sister Antonia Sustar brought not one, not two, but three pretty aProns .Thank you all for your great Senerosity. This being the month of May we w>sh all our members a happy Moth-er’s Day. And don’t forget that May the lith at 8 o’clock is our mass for all living and deceased members. The hiass will be said at St. Christine’s Church. The year will soon be half over ar>d many members have not as yet Paid their dues. I wish you would take care of this soon and try to get a new member. A very happy birthday to all members who will celebrate during “Ma-month: Alice Azman, Angela E^ncin, Antoinette Bukovnik, Mary Corse, Jennie Jaksetic, Angela Klaus, Jennie Lenarčič, Mary Lozar, Mary Novinc, Josephine Poropat, Jennie ^odborsek, Mary Retar, Antonia ^labe, Jennie Stefančič, Antonia Sus-tar, Rose Marie Smeltzer, Mary Vid-n>ar, Jennie Vidovich, Jennie Blatnik, and Amy Mayer. Pauline Cesar ' No- 16> So. Chicago, III. — This bionth we pay special tribute to all our mothers, if they are with us or If they have gone to their Eternal eward Our choice for Mother of the ear is Pauline Spretnjak Druga, the ewest Mom in our Branch. Her story *hd accompanying picture will be ound elsewhere in this issue. Our egt wishes to all Mothers, Grand- mothers, Godmothers, Stepmothers, and of course we can’t forget the Aunties, God bless all of them and may our Heavenly Mother keep them forever in her tender care. Our "Popular Games Party” was a great success, socially and financially. This was only due to the wonderful cooperation of all of our fine members and oficers. Thanks a million and "garlands of orchids” to each and every one of you who so graciously donated such lovely prizes and the mouth watering bakery. We also wish to thank everyone who attended. To anyone who in anyway helped at all, thanks, again. Hvala lepa in Bog plačaj! STATE CONVENTION MAY 22 The next important date we will have is the 22nd of May, please use a red crayon to encircle that day. This is the day of the Illinois-Indiana State Convention. Since this is the first meeting of this kind we hope to make it an interesting one. Our day will begin with our attendance at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at 11:30 A.M. in St. George’s Church. A delicious home-cooked buffet luncheon will be served shortly after Mass. Invitations are being extended to all Branch Delegates as well as to the members of the Supreme Board. We hope to see a goodly representation of our own members at this affair. Wouldn’t an afternoon away from the toils of your own kitchen be a reai treat? The cost of the meal will be moderate, only $1.50 per plate. At this writing it is a little too early to give you a complete menu and schedule of the afternoon’s activities and planned entertainment, but you can be assured of an interesting and enjoyable time. Welcome one and all! Na svidenje! The following members will receive their dinners “on the house”, because they attended six or more meetings during 1959, Mary Brebrick, Anna Buck, Gladys Buck, Mary Burke, Jean Bukvich, Agnes Cherne, Josephine Krai, Prances Kuhel, Angeline Novak, Marie Cieslek, Antonia Krese, Mary Matasick, Rose Salakar, Rose Skill, Katie Triller, (Mrs.) Katie Triller, Frances Wine, Amelia Zee, and Kate Zlogar. Let more of us get into “THE GO TO THE MEETING HABIT” in 1960. Our dear president, Katie Triller, mentioned this bit of good news in her Slovenian writeup last month, but for the benefit of our members who cannot read and enjoy her articles, may I be presumptous and interpret some most delightful information —. We, here at Branch No. 16 had a very good year, not one member wae lost by suspension. So you see, dear members how wonderful you are. Keep up the fine work! To any of our members who are ailing we do wish a speedy recovery. If any of you have a special news that you would like to see in print, please see me at the meeting. I’ll be there on the SECOND THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH, will you join me? A happy and most blessed birthday to all of our celebrants during this beautiful month of May. Fraternally yours, Marge Prebil No. 19, Eveleth, Minn. — Announcing our meeting, May 11th! All members, young and old, are cordially invited to attend this meeting in honor of our mothers! We will have movies of Europe taken by our member, Mary Loushin, during her trip last summer. This will be interesting for the young people especially, because they will see the homeland of their parents and grandparents. This is a wonderful time for you to bring your friends and relatives along, so that the party will be so much more pleasant! Every saint has a special feast and this is the evening we will honor all mothers and our Blessed Mother. Hearty wishes for speedy recovery to our sick members: president, Antonia Nemgar is on the road to health once more after undergoing a serious operation and recording secretary, Matilda Rebertz is also better after being under doctor's care for a year. Member, Mary Menart, also underwent serious surgery and is now recovering at home as are our sisters: Kaps, Drobnič, Ulesich, Mihevc and Gornik. Our young member, Mary Ann Isaacson, 14 years of age, was injured in an auto accident and is now home after spending a week in the hospital. She was hit by a car after alighting from the school bus. We hope she’ll soon be fine again, and able to return to school in perfect health. To all our sick members best wishes for good health, so that you can all attend our May meeting and enjoy the evening with us. Congratulations to sister, Theresa Mihelich, who became grandma for the first time and to sister Anna, who is a new mother. This member. Mrs. Mihelich, has four daughters in our adult department and four young daughters in the juniors. All credit to her for having such a wonderful family and for her loyalty to our branch. A happy reunion was held in the Kamnikar family recently with the visit of their son who has been in Europe for 15 years. After the war when he was stationed in Germany, he married and took up residence there. Now, he brought his wife and two sons home to see his parents and brother. Grandmother Alojzija Kamnikar is our member and to her and all the family our sincere good wishes. Our deepest sympathy to the family of the late John Blatnik, Sr., who died of a stroke on March 26th. His widow, Margaret, two sons, John Blatnik, Con- gressman from Minnesota who lives in Washington D.C. and Frank and a daughter, Sophie (Mrs. Neil Kochen-derfer of Portland, Ore.), comprise the surviving family. Mr. Blatnik lived in this country over 50 years and worked hard all his life, retiring the mines in 1958. He was active in many organizations and served as president of the Frederick Baraga society for 15 years. We was widely known throughout the state as he accompanied and assisted his son, John in numerous campaigns. May his soul rest in peace! To all birthday celebrants in May, happy birthday! Especially, to our mama, Angela Križman, who Is mother of Albina Novak, our Supreme Secretary and grandmother of Corinne Leskovar, editor. I hope grandma Križman lives in happiness and good health so that she reaches 100! Also, happy birthday this month to our dear Supreme Treasurer, Josephine Železnikar, with wishes for happiness and good health! Once more, we’ll see you all on May ]lth at our important meeting and mother’s day celebration. Mary Lenich, secretary No. 20, Joliet, III. — Our condolences to our member, Mrs. Mary Dolinshek and her family upon the loss of her husband and father, Mr. Paul Dolinshek, who after several months of illness passed away at age of G8. Besides Mrs. Dolinshek, he is also survived by six daughters and one son. and by many nieces and nephews. One is Father Leo Decman, who read his first mass last June and is now stationed at a mission in Korea. Mr. Dolinshek was buried from St. Joseph’s Church to St. Joseph Cemetery. Our condolences also our member, Mrs. Mary Mance, and her two daughters whose husband and father passed away after a few months’ illness. Mr. Charles Mance was well known here in Joliet, as a slav radio announcer, who would bring croation, Serbian and Slovenian music into our homes on Sunday mornings. His grandson now continues his work on the radio. Mr. Charles Mance brought announcements of various society activities and also invitations for our Lemont pilgrimage when our Joliet branch was active for many years promoting the annual major affair. Mr. Mance visited Slovenia and Croatia three years ago with his wife for whom it was the first time, and expressed his wish to go back in a few years again to visit his relatives. He was buried from church of St. John Vianney, Lockport to St. Mary Cemetery, Joliet. The family of Joseph Mikolič also mourn the loss of their father and husband, who after a few months’ severe illness passed away. Besides his wife, Mary, he is survived by three daughters, (Millie) Mrs. Clar ence Ellena, (Theresa) Mrs. William Burns, and (Vida) Mrs. Leonard Hidg-man. All three daughters were cadets at one time. Millie Ellena is still an ardent bowler of Zveza, and member of the cadet Alumni. He was buried from St. Joseph Church to St. Joseph Cemetery. May they all rest in peace. Our member and treasurer of the bowling league, Mrs. Edna Groliar, is ill at St. Mary’s Hospital, Rochester, Minn. "Get Well” cards were also sent to Cath. Jeriha, Theresa Kodrich, Cath. Petrie, Jennie Benedik, and a card of congratulations to Jonita James, upon the birth of her second daughter. Your reporter at this time has become a grandmother the eleventh time. At our meeting it was unanimously passed that an appeal is to be sent to our senators, Paul Douglas, Everett Dirkson, and congressman Noah Mason, to aid in passing the Forand bill, which will provide the people of social security age with hospitalization and surgery benefit. It is also urged that all other branches of the Union do likewise to help this worthy cause. There are a number of members who will visit Europe this year and interesting parts of several countries. I would suggest that they also visit the Dachau concentration camp, near Munich. Here they will see where so many of our relatives and Slovenes, as well as slavs were sent to their death thru various torture. In years to come they will demolish these camps as the Germans do not wish the world to remember, but as long as they still exist such a visit to these concentration camps would be very beneficial and educational. Our next meeting will be our May meeting at which time our most popular mother for the year will be honored. She is Mrs. Anna Korevec, our former president, vice president and auditor of many years. She will succeed Mrs. Josephine Muster our present officer on the trustee board and who was supreme treasurer and local secretary for many years. At this time lunch will be served, a program given and movies shown of various activities of members and their families. If time permits movies from Slovenia will also be shown. All members are invited to come. Just as I was concluding this report — news reached me, that our member, Maryanne Theobald, is dead. This news seems unbelievable since Maryanne bowled last Sunday in the Midwest tournament at Rivals, she also bowled and dined with her husband last night and today sudden death saddened all the hearts who loved Maryanne for her sincerity, her willingness to help at various activities of the bowling league. She was also a member of the cadet alumni. At the age of 35, she is survived by her husband Albert, daughter and two sons, and her parents Mr. and Mrs. Louis Korevec and sister, Irene. Her mother, Mrs. Anna Korevec, was elected as the most popular mother of the year. Maryanne and sister Irene were both long-time cadets. Our condolences to the grieved family and relatives and may she rest in peace, for she will not be forgotten among us. With best wishes on Mothers day, Josephine Erjavec, reporter JOLIET SWEEPER MOST SUCCESSFUL JOLIET, ILL. — The greatest and most awaited event in Joliet is the Leagues Rich Seasons end sweepstakes tournament. If nothing has been consummated during the whole season — the time of the sweeper brings out the spectaculars. In this handicap feature the lowest in average came in for the coveted prizes as well — and some gained recognition who havn’t been heard of during the whole season. The always-in-the-money Jo Mlakar took 1st place this year with a consistent display of good marksmanship. First time winner, Helen Golobic, took the bag full; second and old pro, Lill Berge, showed for the lucrative prize; Diane Mrozek missed showing by a cherry in the tenth. The winners. Jo Mlakar 572 Helen Golobic 569 Lillian Berge 551 Diane Mrozek 550 Mary Ann Theobald 540 Marie Senfl'ner 540 Gen Klainsek 530 Lorraine Rothlisberger 528 Agnes Koerber 520 Bernice Kostelc 519 Jean Nickleski 515 Ann Savol 513 The whole of the Joliet community and most particularly the Branch 20, S.W.U. Bowling League were saddened demise of it’s newly elected secretary, Mary Ann Theobald. Our deepest sympathies are extended to all the bereaved with their wishes and hopes of life everlasting in the calm and serenity of the perpetual light. The deceased participated in the recent tournament she also was alternate on the Branch #2 Sports Club Team #1, Chicago. Josephine Sumic No. 21, Cleveland, Ohio — At this time of the year, we think of our mothers and I think of mine. To each and everyone of them, God’s blessing and the best of luck and happiness. We will celebrate Mother’s Day on Wed. May 4th with a chicken dinner honoring the branch’s mother of the year, president, Mary Ann Hosta. It certainly would be nice if every member would attend this affair. Leaving Mr. & Mrs. John Rudman and 12 grandchildren The Lady of Today Joliet, III. _ The S.W.U. Bowl-league proudly Presents in review the accomplishments °f its member, Mary Rudman, which Waites her the lady °f today in S.W.U. Athletic circles. She 18 also considered as °he of Joliet’s most Active club women thru her participation in all humanitarian and philanthropic endeavors. She resides with her husband at 912 Plainfield Rd. The Rudmans are retired business people and enjoy their letireinent 'n the luxury of entertaining their 12 grand children. Mr. John Rudman is a fourth Degree Knight of Columbus, President of St. Vincent Paul Society, member of the Holy Name Society of St. Mary's Nativity Church, Speed Boys Club and the Young Americans Club. He is also active in all the community enterprises °t Will County and of Joliet. Mrs. Mary Rudman, nee Hibler, was former president of the Joliet S.W. Bowling League which she serves ^°'v as social chairman. She is the resident of St. Anthony’s lodge #50 01 the Croatian Catholic Union, vice President of the Altar and Rosary so-ciety of St. Mary’s Nativity Church, ?®cretary of the Catholic Women’s Bowling league. She is also on the staff of the Friendship House in Chicago, The Red Cross and of the Community Chest. She is an active char-ty worker and on the Board of St. '"cent’s Orphanage of Chicago and St. Procopius Orphanage in Lisle, s°on for a vacation in Tampa, Fla., s our member, Frances Blatnik and ei' husband. Tliey will visit their son, ■ank. Hope you have a pleasant trip, Ir- and Mrs. Blatnik. Congratulations to them, too, on beaming grandparents to a new grandson! On the sick list is Josephine Weiss, 10 " as hospitalized but is now home ^cuperating and Mary Ann Hosta. ® wish them speedy recoveries, “■nhday greetings this month to ranees Kavc (our Slov. report.), Ann cek,ic. Anna Klein, and Kate Magli-,c who was 75 years old and is a 'ember of our branch for 22 years. *>est regards to all. Stella Dancul, sec’y s °- 24, LaSalle, III. — The green Piing is near at hand — a happy after our severe winter. 111. She is a member of Croatian Fraternal Union, Medical Missions, Joliet Rainbow Club, Joliet Rivals Club Aux-ilary and the Catholic Womens League. Sister Rudman’s hobby is bowling as she performs in three leagues; The S.W.U., the Catholic Women’s League and the Joliet Classic league. Among the many bowling trophies she is most proud of her All-Kvents trophy won at Pittsburg Pa in 1955 in the Croatian Catholic Union Tournament; Grandmother trophies in the S.W.U. tournaments in 1956 and 1957; Doubles trophy with Jo Sumic in the S.W.U. Tournament in 1958. Her main interest is sewing and making clothes for herself and for her 12 grand children. And her utmost joy is baby sitting for these wonderful families; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Narducci (Dolores), Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tomac (Patricia) and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mores (Katherine). We of the S.W.U. salute and congratulate our lady of today, Mrs. Mary Rudman. Josephine Sumic Many of our members have been under the weather with flu and various illnesses. Our best wishes for speedy recoveries to, sisters: Mary Sever, Ana Terselic, Ana Oklesen, Kati Tastovarsnik, Justina Anglevar, Paula Vidrik, and Mary Spelich. In case I have missed anyone who is ill. please let me know for future articles. Hospitalized was our member, Jennie Kapsek. Speedy recovery to her, too. Heartfelt sympathy to our member, Nellie Zakreslci wrho lost her uncle, Anton Ovnik, recently. We will not have meetings during the months of July, August and September, so all members are urged to attend the May and June meetings and pay up delinquent assessment. Also, we wish to have reservations for the charter bus for Lemont Zveza Day on July 17th. All who are interested in making this trip are invited to contact the president, Mary Krogulski or myself with your reservations. Angela Strukel, sec’y No. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. — There was no meeting in February on account of the bad weather; but, meeting in March was a nice affair, turning out to be a very enjoyable evening. This year, there will be no meetings during the months of July and August. Our April luncheon was cancelled due to the fact that no reservations were being taken; but, we will have a card party on our meeting night. May 17th. Don’t forget, members, to come and bring a friend with you. We extend sincerest sympathy to the following members: Josephine Oblalc, in the loss of her sister, Frances Lubich who died on Feb. 28th; to Anna Ferlan in the loss of her friend and our social member, who died oil March 1st; and to Barbara Kumer in the loss of her husband, who died on March 29th. May their souls rest in peace. A very happy Mother's day and God bless you all. Ann Frankovic, sec’y No. 33, Duluth, Minn. — Our April meeting was suspended due to our many church activities and other obligations. But, sisters, do not forget our meetings will again resume on Wednesday, May 11th at 7:30 p.m. Let us have a great attendance in May. Our membership drive will be discussed so that we can have honorary delegates from our branch attending the convention In May, 1961. at Ely, Minn. I am sure, with some effort on the part of each of us, we can enroll at least one new member. Whatever we attempt, we usually succeed, don’t we, girls? Games and lunch will be served following the meeting. See you all there. And, a speedy recovery to all our sick members. God bless you all. Ann Podgoršek, reporter No. 43, Milwaukee Wis. — We have two meniibers that are in the hospital: Josephine Durand who is at St. Mary’s Hospital and Rosalind Tominšek, at the Milwaukee Children’s Hospital. We wish them a speedy recovery. Congratulations to the parents of a new born son, Mr. and Mrs. Ziebell and the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Verbick. We urge all members to attend 30th anniversary celebration and state convention. It will be held June 12. 1960. The tickets for the banquet are $2.50. The next meeting will be held on Sunday May 15, 1960. Rose Howe, rec’d sec’y LAST CALL, WISCONSIN! On June 12th Wisconsin State Convention and Br. #43’s 30th Anniversary will be held. Members and their friends from Branches 1-12-17-43 and 102 are cordially invited, and are urged to attend to make this affair a huge success. The celebration will be an all day event, starting at 8:00 a.m. Mass offered for the living and deceased members. 9:00 — 10:00 — Coffee and donuts 10:00 —12:00 — Convention meeting 12:00— 1:00 — Intermission 1:00 — Banquet. A short program will follow the banquet. Tickets will be available from your branch secretary, so please contact her. Let’s have an overwhelming turn-out! The delegates for the Wisconsin Convention are as follows: Sheboygan Br. 1, Mary Godez, Milwaukee Br. 12, Frances Plesko, West Allis, Br. 17, Marie Floryan, Milwaukee Br. 43, Celia Groth. Our honored guests for this occasion will be our spiritual advisor, Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M., Marie Prisland, honorary president, and our supreme president .Josephine Livek. The committee has made all arrangements, now it’s up to Wisconsin membership to attend. Rose Kraemer, State Pres., Wisconsin No. 46, St. Louis, Mo. — At our regular meeting on the 1st Sunday of the month we discussed plans for our Mother’s day party to be held Sunday, May 1st at Bevo Mill. It is one of our favorite eating places in St. Louis and very well-known. It was erected in 1916 by the late August A. Busch of the famous Busch Brewery. I’m sure everybody knows about Budweiser and Busch Brewery. Altho it is no longer owned by the Busch Family it is used by the present August A. Busch, Pres, of the Brewery who uses The Mill Room as his own Private Dining Room which seats 300 people. The name Bevo was derived from the famous soft drink Bevo. Bevo Mill is the famous stopping place for the thousands of visitors who go through Anheuser Busch Brewery and then out Gravois Road for a visit to Grant’s Farm which is the home of Busch Family. So that is where we are going to have our once a year Mother’s-Daughter’s Party. We have chosen Mrs. Theresa Gab-rian for our mother of the year. She had also been our first pres, of Slov. Women’s Union, an organizer and charter member. Her daughter-in-law is also a member and the mother of four boys. Mrs. Gabrian is very proud of her four grandsons. She is still an active member in our 'branch. We wish her many more years of good health and happiness. My cousin, Mrs. Leonard of Hawaii became the mother of a baby girl born March 9. Mother Webb and baby doing nicely. They have spent the last 3 years in Hawaii where her husband is Chief in the U.S. Coast Guard. The 1st of Aug. they get transferred again so back to the States. We hope they will be closer to home so Eda can attend meetings once in a while. We will be glad to see her again after being away for 3 years. The mother of another of our members, Mrs. Cora Petrovič, (the mother of Mrs. Betty Kelly) had a slight stroke but is now home and doing nicely. I visited with her yesterday; we hape she will be able to make the Mother’s day party again with her daughter. At least she is looking forward to being with us. Keep up the good work. Take it easy and get lots of rest. In other words, listen to the doctor. We also had our regular Easter Communion on April 10, at 8:00 Mass with Sacred Heart of Jesus Lodge. We always see a lot of new faces at the Communion and breakfast. So remember the meeting date ladies, 1st Sunday in June at 2:00. The weather will be nice and no excuses about the weather any more. Marie Thompson, Rec’d Sec’y No. 52, Kltzville, Minn. — Plans for our Bake sale on May 4th were discussed at the last meeting at the Little Grove on April 6th. Please ANNUAL RUMMAGE SALE BAKE SALE, May 13th! No. 50, Cleveland, O. — Our annual Rummage Sale, the only time of the year when we ask for full cooperation from our members, is May 13th. Please bring all the items you do not use any more, such as, wearing apparel for adults and children, books, pictures, dishes, etc. We’re having a bake sale at the same time — so please, ladies, bring your favorite cakes, pies, breads, strudels, poticas and such. The money from this project is to go to our Birthday and Get-Well fund. Speaking of get well, our good member, Josephine Trunk was laid up for quite a while with a sprained back and our grand helper, Jennie Stebil, is also on the sick list — a note of cheer from you will be wonderful. Her address 1024 E. 174th, Cleve. 19. Best of wishes to our sick members! Frances Seitz, pres. bring your baked goods early as the sale will begin at 2 p.m. and will close at 5. For those who do not bake, we are asking a one dollar donation for the treasury. So, please make a good showing — we need your help. Thank you all very much. Other discussion was very brief. Sister, Josephine Oswald concluded the meeting with a prayer. We wish at this time to extend to all our sick members a speedy recovery and hopes to be seeing you all at our next meeting, May 4th at the Little Grove in Kitzville. The social of the evening then took place at which time sisters: June Jerulle, Elizabeth Spinneli, Gertrude Dimattio and Verdulla Musech served a delicious lunch. Prizes went to sisters: Bvanna Prelesnik, Josephine Oswald, Rose Chiodi, Alice Barratto, Dorothy Russo and Jennie Crea. Thus, a delightful evening was brought to a close. Best wishes to all. Gertrude Kochevar, reporter No. 54, Warren, Ohio — We were all very happy to see a good attendance at the last meeting and hope that this will continue from now on since the weather will be more pleasant. Hostesses for our meeting were: Agnes Strukel, Matilda Rek and Josephine Gliha, who surprised all the members present with a lovely gift in honor of her birthday month. Plans were made for our annual Mother-Daughter covered dish dinner on our May meeting date. All members are requested to bring their own tableware and this will begin promptly at 6 o’clock. We hope to have a nice increase in our treasury as a result of the festivities, too. Many of our members are on the sick list. My aunt, Carolyn Smuke, returned home from the hospital where she underwent surgery. Mrs. Korošec and Mary Tomsich also have been in the hospital but are now convalescing at home. Those who are enjoying good health, please visit the sick members who will be happy to see you. We wish you all a speedy recovery and our prayers are with you. We extend sincere sympathy to Anne Zakrajšek on the death of her beloved mother, who passed away in Newton Falls, Ohio. Our deepest sympathy to the bereaved family. Hope to see you all at May party with Mrs. Elizabeth Persin, our Moth-er-of-the-year, as honored guest. Joanne Ponikvar, rec. sec’y No. 55, Girard, Ohio — Even though the weather was poor, they had a good turn out and the chairlady and committee for the month of March was Mrs. Catherine Ansek, Mrs. Jennie Selak, and Mrs. Jennie Olshuk. Since it was Lent, just a beverage was served but more prizes were furnished going to Mrs. Margaret Umeck, Mrs. Maria Cvetnik, Mrs. Selak, Mrs. Lozier, Mrs. Mary Mehal-co, and Mrs. Anna Umeck. Eastern Get-Together Tournament Proves Enjoyable! On our sick list we have Mrs. Barbara Martin who we hope is well by now, and mother, Mrs. Josephine Pavlinič who is still recuperating after spending 23 days in the hospital. At this time I would like to tell all the members on her behalf and mine, “Thanks” for the floral arrangements, and many, many beautiful cards. They surely were appreciated. The month of May Is here — one of the nicest months of the year since is the time that we pay tribute to our Spiritual Mother, the Blessed Mother, and our living and deceased Mothers on this earth. We of Girard are so proud at this time to announce that the Mother of the Year that we elected was Amelia Robsel, who was born in Poljčane, in štajersko, Slovenia, on June 20, 1894. She came to America, Dec. 17, 1912, to the city of Milwaukee, Wise, where she met her husband, Mathew Robsel and married him, Nov. 21, 1914. Then they both came to Girard, Ohio and made their new home at 20 Gordon St., where they lived happily 22 years. I never had the pleasure to meet Mathew Robsel, but from others I "'as informed that he was a good husband and father, and provided very well for his family and loved them all dearly. He never went anywhere without his wife, when you saw one you saw trie other along with the family. On Dec. 11, 1936 everything was changed at the Robsel household, and many hearts in Girard were sad 'vhen they heard that Mr. Robsel died, *or his illness was a short one and "as just in the prime of his life, and had to leave his wife and 4 small children, daughter Amelia; sons, Fredrick, Gilbert, and Raymond. At this time the Social Security Act 'vas not in effect and Mrs. Robsel made up her mind to give the love ahd carry on her household duties to ~er children as if Mr. Robsel was liv-*nS and went to work at the Ohio Leather Company and retired in 1959. She is to be credited highly for the j'ice family she has brought up Into this world without assistance of a ather. Her daughter and sons are all married and doing well. Her hobbies are cooking and sewing Cl'ocheting and she has a green thumb a,ound the garden and flowers. She "'as our first President when our >'anch was organized and after this as our Secretary and Treasurer for years, so you see she has been very active for our local organization. No Jhaiter when we call she comes doing "er Part. We of Girard are happy to see that Ajr Amelia Robsel is enjoying her J e now with her children and 12 Bl'andchlldren. Anna Marie Racick No. 66, Canon City, Colorado — The rst meeting of 1960 was held SunOS'. March 13, at the Dodge Hall. The a<> weather we had must have kept The Eastern Get-Together bowling tourney of March 20th was another great success. Congratulations to the new winners — who demoted last year’s champs and sent them way down to the bottom!!! So, you can see, on the handicap basis, even a low average team has a good chance of winning! The scores and winners are as follows: 1. Br. 14, Marie Son, Capt. 2980 pins $40.00 prize 2. Br. 10, Mary Daurich, Capt. 2908 125.00 prize 3. Br. 50, Pink bows, Frances Seitz, Capt. 2893 $15.00 prize 4. Br. 15, Green Ball Bearings, Helen Skerl, Capt. 2868 $10.00 prize 5. Br. 50, Mary Hočevar, Capt. 2860 $5.00 prize 6. Br. 15, Alyce Arko, Capt. 2849 $5.00 prize 7. Br. 50, Slapnik Florist, Ann Slapnik, Capt. 2820 $5.00 prize 8. Br. 15, Pat Novak, Capt. 2812 $5.00 prize 9. Br. 73, Ann Statuta, Capt. 2803 $5.00 prize 10. Br. 73, Ann Predovic, Capt. 2748 $5.00 prize 11. Br. 50, Toni Tanko, Capt. 2673 $5.00 prize 12. Br. 15, Ferfolia’s, Jo Hren, Capt. 2661 $5.00 prize Individual High Singles: Sophie Kenny, Br. 50, 193 actual pins, $5.00 Individual High Series (3): Emma Jurcak, Br. 15, 514 actual pins, $5.00 Team High Game: Br. 14, Marie Son, Capt., 812 actual pins, $5.00 There was a very lively atmosphere — not only with the bowlers themselves, but also from the spectators and rooters who came from different parts of the city. There was a large group from Warrensville Hgts., Br. some of the members from attending as the attendance was rather low. Det us hope we have a better attendance at the next meeting. On our sick list we have many members: Mmes. Mary Slack, Agnes Duke-man, Sophie Starika, Mildred Pierce, Ila Javernick, Johanna Škerjanec, and Frances Dremel. A speedy recovery to all. Congratulations to Mrs. Arleen Di-Orio on the birth of a son. At this meeting plans were made to honor our mother of the year, Mrs. 73 and our first Supreme Vice-President, Frances Globokar and her hubby along with Mary Iskra and her hubby from Br. 14 joined us for the afternoon The crowd of Br. 50 members and of course, those of Newburg (15) and Garfield Hgts., (47) had a good time, too. The Pink Bows team of Br. 50 with Fran Seitz as captain really looked loveliest of all — just like sweet sixteen. They had large bows made in different colors for their hair. I only hope the pictures we took are going to do justice to the sights! You’ll see them in the next issue, I hope! After bowling, a delicious lunch was served — consisting of sandwiches and all kinds of delicious pastry which was baked by the members. The lemon surprise pie, baked by Fran Seitz and the marble cake of Frances Globokar would rate oohs and aahs from your families at home. I am hoping to get the recdpies from the two bakers for some future issue of Zarja, since so many ladles are asking me for them. At this time, I wish to thank all the bowlers for making it a really nice tournament and especially to my assistant, Alyce Arlco, for her help. To the management of the E. 80th Alleys, lots of thanks and we hear that he likes us so much he wants us back next year! To the ladies of Br. 15 for having the tables all set and the food ready a great big THANK YOU! To all who donated the pastry another big THANKS as well as to Mary Perko for furnishing all the beverage and Br. IS for the $5 contribution toward the lunch. Two of our teams were newcomers, one from Br. 10 and the other from Br. 14. Both came out on top — so, nice going girls! See you all next year, we hope, down Collinwood way! We received the nicest letter of warmest greetings and encouragement to keep up our sports activities from Supreme Secretary, Albina Novak, who was with us in spirit that day. We wish you could have been with us yourself, Albina! Happy Mother’s Day wishes to all! Antonia Tanko, State Pres, of Ohio Mary Chesnilt, with a family picnic to be held on Sunday June 12, at Rudd Park in Canon City beginning at 1 p.m. Coffee and pop will be furnished by the lodge. Members, bring picnic lunch and table service for yourselves and your families! Rudd Park is located at 12th and College Ave., just two blocks east of our new St. Michael’s church. We would like to see our out-of-town members join us at the picnic combined with the meeting. Everyone please come and have fun. Julia Javernik, reporter BOWLING RESULTS of the 24th Midwest Bowling Tourney of April 2-3 will be published in the June issue of Zarja. Hearty congratulations to all champs! No. 68, Fairport Harbor, Ohio — Our monthly meeting was held on March 20. 19f>0 at the American Slovene Club in Fairport Harbor, Ohio. Recognition should be Made at this time to our newly elected officers, Jennie Satej, Pres.; Frances Ulle, Vice-Pres.; Mary Grzely, Sec. & Treas. Josephine Drobnick, Recording Sec.; Angela Lunka, Slovenian Reporter; Frances Ulle, American Reporter. We are looking forward again to a very enjoyable year, with meetings every third Sunday of the month. Frances Skrabec was selected to be our Mother of the Year and I am very proud and happy to say that she is the mother of this reporter and a most gracious and deserving mother, and needless to say 1 am very happy and grateful to be her daughter. We are looking forward to our meetings and I belive that we all feel much closer to one another, it seems that we share in all the joys and sorrow of each and everyone of us. On our sick list at this time is Mary Shetina and we hope that it won’t be too long before she will be able to join us at our meetings again. Get well fast! A donation was made to Crippled Children, a very worthy cause that is going on now. An enjoyable afternoon was spent after our business meeting and our Sunshine Prize was awarded to Jennie Zupan. The refreshments were served by Frances Skrabec and Frances Ulle. Good luck and the very best wishes go to otir very capable officers who try so very hard to keep our meetings interesting and enjoyable. Frances Ulle, Reporter No. 73, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio — Our reporter, Rosemary Mauer, is on vacation, so, I was asked to report this month. (Hope you are having a nice time, Rosemary.) Thirty members were present at our April meeting, and it looked like everyone had a very enjoyable time. After our business meeting, we played popular games and hostesses were, Helen Dusek and Catherine Papez. Ann Statuta is on the sick list. Hope you are feeling better by now, Ann! Eugene Nowak, our vice-president’s husband is also very ill. To both, a very speedy recovery. Congratulations to Frances Travnik and Mary Pobuda, who are grandmas the second time... both girls! Rose Zbasnik, who represents our branch at the State Committee meetings, brought tickets for the State Convention on Oct. 2nd in Cleveland. They will be distributed at the next meeting and since we wish to have a good representation at the convention, keep this date in mind, ladies, Oct. 2nd! Mary Szabo Is right on the ball getting new members. They are: Mary Peterka, Ann Nicholl, Anna Gyurcik, Barbara Orlosky and Helen Hoerl. Jean Novotny introduced Betty Semic. Cleo C. Eble came with Frances Kainec as a social member. Welcome ladies, hope to see you often. For you who aren’t familiar with the by-laws and regulations of our organization, there is an age limit in joining. In Class A for 40tf per month, 50 is the limit and in Class B, 65<‘ per month, it is age 55. Juniors pay lOc4 a month until age 21. I would like to ask you to keep your dues payments up to date. Get in touch with me 'by phone or mail if you can’t come to the meetings. Best wishes to all celebrating birthdays and anniversaries this month. Congratulations to Louise M. Godec (my daughter) who finished her 72 week executive secretary course at Dyke Spencerian College here in Cleveland. Two weeks later she had a little misfortune — she fractured her leg and is now at Suburban Hospital getting along very well with hopes to be home soon. She and I would like to thank our members for the cheerful get well cards and also the gift of money. God bless you for such thoughtfulness. Everyone enjoyed the bowling tournament in March. We had two teams and the girls did very well. The refreshments were delicious — thanks to the committees in charge. Louise Epley, sec’y No. 74, Ambridge, Pa. — Since the weather is breaking and getting nice, maybe we’ll see some new faces at our meetings. Please try to come and meet with us. As this is the month of May — with Mother’s Day the main topic, wishes to all mothers for good health and happiness. Every day should be mother’s day, of course, as mother deserves to be loved and honored. To my sister, Anna Petrich and all mothers everywhere, a very happy mother’s day and God's blessing. To all celebrating birthdays and anniversaries in May, good health and happiness. Those who are on the sick list, most sincere speedy recovery. We’ll be looking forward to seeing you at the meetings. Mary Habich, Pres. No. 86, Nashwauk, Minn. — Greetings to all our members! Thank you for such splendid cooperation all through the year. And, my most humble thanks to all for bestowing upon me the honor of being the Mother of the Year! This past summer, in the month of July, 1 visited my brother, Louis Cloon, in Santa Ana, Calif., and was 1 ever surprised to see our cousin Ana Stefanich and her son, George of Renondo Beach, Calif. Thank you, George, for the nice time and. I will never forget that steak dinner! Ana sends her best wishes to all the sisters of branch 48, Buhl, Minn., of which she is still a member. (They are pictured with me in the Mothers’ section of this issue.) The place written up In the February Zarja, called “Home on the Range” is truly a wonderful boys’ home. I also gave to that worthy cause and may I ask that anyone who can spare a little money, would donate to it. When I read a-bout it in Zarja I really was surprised. The boys there need a home and I hope to visit there this summer myself. Sister Ana Foiss has been on the sick list. and also, sister Katalinich. Both aie on the road to recovery. Sister Katalinich and her daughter, Charlotte, are leaving for Europe June 28th. We all wish them the best of luck and a happy voyage. I will close with fond wishes to all the sisters of S.W.U. God bless you all. Helen Kolar, president No. 89, Oglesby, III. — At the last meeting, the names for the spring project were chosen and plans completed for the Mother’s Day dinner to be held at the Garzanelli Supper Club. Mrs. Frances Meglich, our zealous worker, is chairman of the affair. The Oglesby bowlers would like to take this means of thanking the Joliet branch for the enjoyable two days spent bowling at the Rivals Club alleys. Even though no trophies were won, everyone came back refreshed and happy. Mrs. Carolyn Dawson of our branch handled all the arrangements for the Oglesby bowlers with exceptional ability. Mary Kernz, reporter No. 92, Crested Butte, Colo. — Several members were absent at our April 3rd meeting at Flank's Cafe. Mrs. Spritzer was a welcomed guest and hostesses for the evening were, Georgia McDaniels and Frances Po-gorelz. The meeting was again conducted by vice-president, Helen Cobai in the absence of our president. Frances Greenfield. Frances Is home at the present time and feeling much better — we all hope she will be with us at our next meeting. The group sang happy birthday to Mrs. Pauline Stajduhar whose birthday was I he following day. May brings us again to Mother’s Day. We could write books on our mother’s loving care and help. First, let us say a prayer to our Heavenly Mother asking that she in turn ask °ur dear Lord to grant all mothers a very happy life. And, to those mothers who have already gone to God, may He grant eternal rest and that the perpetual light will shine upon them. May God love you. Helen Cobai, reporter No. 95, S. Chicago, III. — On Wednesday, April Gth, our branch sponsored a Games Party at Sacred Heart Church Hall. Once again, I would like to thank all the wonderful members who responded so generously with Prizes and refreshments. The outcome ar>d success of this occasion was only Possible through your cooperation. I ■wish to thank most heartily Evelyn Ashenbrenner, our chairlady and her committee: Mary Barcevac, Louise Dichele, Mary Brozynski, Ann Kompare, Mildred Poropat, Ann Pave, Mary Niksic, Anna Nagoda, Ann Ser-tlch, Viola Spitz, Sylvia Werner, Mary Medonick and yours truly. Over 200 Persons were present and it was a Memorable success, plus a good financial gain was made. Our thanks to Rev. Myron Lasic, pastor of Sacred Heart for permitting us the use of extra tables. May God bless all who helped in any way. Betty Jancaric, 2214 E. 97th was the recipient of the 8Mi lb. bacon donated by Viola Spitz. The radio donated by Evelyn Asbenbrenner and Mildred James went to Justine An-dretic, 9827 Ave. J. Congratulations to the following April birthday celebrants: Andrijana Bandera, Mildred Dean, Mary Duich, prances Hlaner, Cecilia Kolavo, Rose Kovacfvich Martha Ladisich, Anna Mravfl jich, Mary Niksic, Mary Pave-**ch, Barbara Sambol, Mary Sicich of ^hgo Hgts., Mary Sicich of I^insing and Margaret Udovich. We made a donation of $10 to the Parish for Easter. We are sorry to hear that Victoria Tomich will be in confinement for Several weeks due to a broken ankle. Hurry up and get well, Vickie! A speedy recovery to all members ''’ho are ill. May we ask each mem-“er to ask a friend or relative to join ®U|' branch in the current campaign, jt certainly would be a pleasure to °°k around and see some new faces among US. We trust that many of our Members will make a special effort 0 Set some new members this year. One more reminder, we enaourage members to assemble in front of Sacred Heart Church on May 4th at Pro. sharp and escort our Mother of the Year, Ljuba Trgovac for May devotions. Afterwards, we shall go 0 the lower hall for a short business Meeting and join in the festivities and refreshments. Mildred James, pres. ES. 5-5789 HON VOYAGE! To our European travelers leaving on the S.S. Queen Elizabeth May 25th. Heading the S.W.U. group is Mrs. Antonia Tanko, State President of Ohio-M ichigan! Happy trip and safe return home! No. 96, Universal, Pa. -— Last week, on the 22nd day of March, I had started to write an article for our Zarja ■magazine. I started to write about the heavy snowfall with five inches already on the ground, and it was predicated that we would have two or three more inches before nightfall. It certainly looked more like Christmas than the second day of spring. Now, just a week later, I can truly say “spring is bustin’ out all over!” Happy days, ladies! It will be a busy season for us, what with all the housecleaning and gardening before us. Our March meeting held at Mrs. Gertrude Slilffler’s home was very well attended. Happy birthday wishes were sung to her. Everyone enjoyed the games and delicious lunch which was served with gracious hospitality by her daughter, Jule. Our next meeting is scheduled to take place in June at the home of secretary, Mary Klemenčič. A special meeting of committees who are working and planning for Zveza Day, June 12th will be called sometime in May. We will need the help and cooperation of every member of our branch, so that we will have a successful affair. I was sorry to learn that our president, Pauline Kokal is back in the hospital. We wish her and all other members a speedy recovery. Antoinette Mozina, reporter No. 105, Detroit, Mich. — Despite the big snow, we had a nice number of ladies present at our March meeting. We gathered at Mrs. Pauline Adamic’s home and as usual, she made our afternoon very enjoyable. She always surprises up with the nicest new dishes for our luncheons and this was no exception. All the ladies present want to thank her most sincerely. She also remembered our branch’s 17th anniversary and surprised us with a nice, cake inscribed Happy Anniversary. The cake was most delicious as was everything else. Thanks loads, Pauline! Our party turned out quite successfully, for which we are grateful to all that helped make it so. First In line was Pauline Adamic who worked her head off! Then, Catbryn Musick, Julia Panzica, Dorothea Hotala, Julia Zrl-mec, Pat Patterson and myself. Believe me, we all had plenty to do—we even forgot to eat ourselves! From the reports we’ve heard, the people had a lovely time and want to know when we’re having another affair. That made us feel really good! Dorothea Hotala made us beautiful doll set; thank you Dorothea! As I write this, the news has come that Pauline Adamic fell on the ice and broke her arm. We all hope she will recover very quickly, and we surely feel sorry to hear this news. As if she didn’t have enough bad luck! Her son, Bob, fell while skiing a month earlier and still has his leg in a cast! We are glad to have our secretary, Cathryn Musick as our Mother of the Year. She is most deserving of this honor. She raised two wonderful children and has two grandchildren. Her son still lives at home. Congratulations to all mothers who are honored this month in our magazine. We are happy to have Mrs. Zimmerman back home with us. She spent the cold winter in Fontana, California and reported having a very nice time. She met a lot of people there. We welcome the nice spring days, after this long wintery-snowy season! Your reporter, Rose Jamnik IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR SON •}• P.F.C. Alvin J. Jamnik who gave his life for our country. THE POPPY There is a flower that grows in our great land And it’s beautiful to see — It’s the Poppy red, The symbol of our soldiers dead. Our sons — who gave their young lives To keep this country free. Your chair is empty, Dear Son But your smile is with us still. Loving parents, sister and brother Royal Oak, Mich. Our Garden of Beautiful Mothers! MARY TURK MARY HOZIAN AND DAUGHTER, PATRICIA MARGARET KAMIN Mary Turk Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Mrs. Mary Turk, 1020 Alabama Ave. Sheboygan, Wis., was born near Črnomelj, Bela Krajina. On October 10, 1909 — at the age of seven — she came with her mother to America to join her father who was already here. She was married to Victor Turk on May 8, 1922. They had 3 sons of which the oldest, Victor Jr. — a brilliant university student — died June 8, 1952. Son Joseph is making the U.S. Navy as his career studying electronics at the Naval Training Base at Key West, Fla. Son Anton is with the U.S. Air Force stationed at Iwo Jima and is married to the former Miss Mary Zajkowski. Mrs. Turk is an ardent society worker. For seven years she held the treasurer’s office at our branch and has been chairman of our card parties for many years. Mary has a special talent for selling tickets and Ib always on top with the greatest num-ber sold. Crocheting, gardening and bowling are Mrs. Turk’s hobbies and diversions. She has a pleasant personality and is well liked by her many friends. The members of Branch 1, are proud of their “Mother of the Year,” and wish her continued health and happiness. Marie Prisland Mary Hozian Br. 2, Chicago, III. Lovely smiling lady is Mrs. Mary Hozian of 2108 W. 22nd PI., in Chicago. She is vice-president for the 3rd year and is a true friend of all her sister members. She loves to sing and travel, which she has done quite extensively. Mary Hozian married her husband, John, in 1921 less than a year after arriving in America from Črensovci, Slovenia. They are the proud parents of five children, Marie, Edward, Anne, Mildred and Patricia and have 6 grandchildren. Her birthday is June 13, 1900, and you can see by the photo, she is as young-looking as her daughter, Patricia, seen with her. Mrs. Hozian has the admiration and respect of her family, community and branch no. 2. Our congratulations! Margaret Kamin Br. 7, Forest City, Pa. Margaret Kamin was born in 1892 at Vanje Selo pri Rakeku na Notranjskem and came to America in 1898, living with her parents on Hudson St. In 1909 she met and married Mathias Kamin, now deceased since 1946. They were the parents of 7 children, all living; all were married in St. Joseph’s church as were Mr. and Mrs. Kamin. There are 10 grandchildren, five are members of br. 7. The family home is at 723 Susq. St. Mrs. Kamin has been a member of the branch since 1927, has held several offices and at present is an auditor. She is highly respected by all the members, also is a very active church member. Her hobbies are gardening and quilting, at which she spends many hours with her friends. At the time of her husband's death, he was the town treasurer, and she succeeded him in this office. She also took care of his former duties as secretary of the Woodmen of the World lodge. Mrs. Kamin is always willing to do anything asked of her and for this attribute, has won the love and admiration of the members. They wish her many years of health and happiness. Mary Schimenz Br. 12, Milwaukee, Wise. As the branch’s secretary for 28 years, Mary Schimenz knows her ladies better than anyone, has a real knack for getting along with people, as seen by the devotion her members have in all she does. Mary Schimenz’ name is the synonym for Branch 12, Milwaukee! Mary and Mathias Schimenz were married on Sept. 10th 1905 — fifty-five years ago — in Slovenia. They came here in November of 1908 and have raised a family of 4 children, Mathias, Maryann, Ann and John. They are the happy grandparents of 9 and great-grandparents of 3 children. Her favorite past-time is crocheting and knitting with fine threads and yarns and makes many people happy with her generosity in giving handmade pieces as gifts. The best of life’s good things to Mary Schimenz for many more years, to come! Mary Jamšek Br. 9, Detroit, Mich. The Jamsek home at 342 Geneva Ave., Highland Park, Mich., is a favorite meeting place for the members of branch 9. There they are the guests of Mary Jamsek their secretary and treasurer for five years who always sees to it that it’s a pleasant meeting time. She loves to serve luncheons and to show them real hospitality. Mary was born on July 30, 1900 and became the bride of Anthony Jamsek on Juiy> 17, 1935. They have three children, Richard, Patricia and Carol. In addition to baking for her guests, Mary enjoys her garden and takes care of it all summer long. The members of branch 9 are indeed proud of their officer and wish her continued happiness. Frances Chiodo & Husband, Joe Br. 13, San Francisco, Cal. April 28th, Frances and Joe Chiodo celebrated their happy 25th bedding Anniversary, and the accompanying picture is a keepsake of the event. They were married in 1935 and have three children: Beverly (Mrs. Brian Jackson), Barbara and Stephen. Both daughters are mem-j*61*, as is little Janet Jackson, their iii'st granddaughter, only 4 mos. old. ^ranees is the go-getter of br. 13 and has held the responsible offices of secretary, treasurer and fin. secre-p'J’ for 7 years and was president 'v*ce totalling 6 years. She is an energetic worker for all functions and Considers her greatest honor that of eir*f? a national convention delegate. ■Among her hobbies — when time Permits — are sewing, making jewel-knitting, flower arranging and Urnerous others. And, when it’s campaign time, Frances’ main topic is I Uing new members to join. Best of Uck to her and her fine family. Pauline Druga Br. 16, So. Chicago, III. Four days after the birth of her baby son, David, on March 6th of this year, Pauline Druga was chosen to be her branch’s honored mother. She received the news while still in the hospital, and we see her with little David in a beautiful mother’s pose. The name Spretnjak is very familiar with all members of Br. 16, because mother, Mrs. Stephen Spretnjak, and daughters, Pauline, Sylvia and Margaret have always been a-mong the most versatile and enthusiastic of workers. In the days of the SWU Cadets, Pauline was a loyal team-member and as a bowler for the organization, participated in many S.W.U. tournaments. She has been an officer of br. 16 for years and most recently was auditor. Our newest mother was born on November 17, 1923 right in Chicago and was married on Oct. 17th 1954 to Elmer Druga. Their home is at 10820 Ave. O. Felicitations! Mary Pelrich Br. 17, West Allis, Wise. Mary Petrich never says “no” and is the kind of person who is first to support a new idea and promote a good cause. She always attends the functions of her branch and helps in various ways, and this has been going on since the branch was organized as Mary is a charter member. The Petriches, John and Mary, live at 5824 W. Greenfield Ave. in West Allis. They were married in 1926 at St. Mary’s church there. They raised a son, John, and have two grandchildren, a girl and a boy. Besides her “lodge work”, Mary finds time to bake, crochet and do a little sewing. Her birthday is July 2nd, and she’s a native daughter, born right in Milwaukee in 1904. Hearty congratulations! Mary Shukle Br. 19, Eveleth, Minn. Fifty-eight years ago, Mary Shukle came to America from her homeland, Slovenia, as a girl of 18. Shortly afterwards, in Jan. 21, 1905, she married her husband, Martin, and together they raised a fine family of six children, Martin, Jr., John, Mary, Julia (deceased), Francis and Edward. Their home is at 811 “A” Ave. Mrs. Shukle is a person who loves to sing and much the same as the birds, loveB the outdoors where she tends her garden full of flowers. Growing things is what makes her the happiest — so it must be that her greatest happiness is in seeing her seven grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren grow and progress. In her home branch, no. 19, Mrs. Shukle is well-liked and respected. PAULINE DRUGA AND SON, DAVID MARY SHUKLE She is a loyal and kind member, always cooperating where she can. She has helped in many membership campaigns by signing up relatives and friends. They extend heartfelt wishes. ANNA KOREVEC Anna Korevec Br. 20, Joliet, III. Mrs. Anna Korevec was born in Joliet Nov. 15th, 1904 and was married to Louis Korevec on Nov. 5th, 1923. They have two daughters both mai-ried, Marion Theobold and Mrs. Bishop. Both daughters were cadets at one time. Mrs. A. Korevec is employed at the State Penitentiary as assistant supervisor of the visiting room for a number of years. While employed there, Anne has had many experiences and could write a book about various notorious inmates. Anne was vice-president for a number of years, an auditor and also a president. She worked very hard during her terms of office in various projects of the branch. No one but the reporter of this article knows how much Anne helped in selling tickets, getting ads for program books, and getting prizes. Her aim in all her work spells success in all her undertakings. Anna Korevec, justly deserves the title as the most popular “Mother of Branch 20 in 19G0.” Josephine Erjavec The news of the sudden death of Marion Theobold last month has left a saddened and shocked family. Sincere sympathy to them and may God ease the pain of this unexpected loss. Joseph Jaksha. On July 16th, they will celebrate their Golden Wedding Anniversary. The family residence is at 125 — 9Sth Ave. W. Duluth. Three of the Jaksha daughters, Elizabeth Smolnikar (our branch president), Molly Berlin and Ann Puhl are all active members and there are a number of grandchildren also members. Even though her health does not permit it, she is always willing to answer the call for help and for this attribute, she has won the love and admiration of her sister-memebrs,. neighbors and friends. Hers is a very pleasant personality so that everyone-who knows her, loves her. The members of Br. 33, offer her their best, wishes for good health and happiness,, with her lovely family, for many years. A.P. MARY ANN HOSTA MARY JAKSE Mary Ann Hosla Br. 21, Cleveland, Ohio A young mother of five children, Mary Ann Hosta, is the chosen one of branch 21. She is also their efficient president for the past three years and has won the admiration of all for her friendly manner. Mary Ann was born on Jan. 26, 1928, making her one of our youngest mothers in this issue. She was married to Martin Hosta on June 14, 1947. They and their five children, Martin Jr., Elaine, Daniel, James and Darlene live at 7287 State Rd., Parma, O. She has been active in various functions such as the PTA, and with their church. The outdoors appeals to her, too, and gardening is a natural past-time at which she spends many hours. In addition to the family, Mary Ann finds time to sew and loves to read. Her branch joins in a sincere wish for happiness. Mary Jakse Br. 33, Duluth, Minn. Raising a family of eight children, providing them with educations and professional careers, is not an easy thing However, the wonderful mother, Mary Jakshe, of br. 33, has done just that — so that today, her family is an outstanding one. As Mary Gregorich, she came to America in 1907 and later married liar barn Yapel & Husband Anthony Br. 34, Soudan, Minn. Barbara Yapel was born in Soudan, Minn, in the very home in which she now lives, on March 20, 1906. She is the 3rd child in a family of 10, born to her parents, George and Barbara Nemanich, both deceased. After the death of her mother in 1925, Barbara left College to become housekeeper for her dad, brothers and sisters for 10 years, until they grew up and were on their own. In 1935, Barbara and Anthony Yapel were married and they now have 3 grown children: Anthony, who is at present doing graduate work at the Univ. of Minn.; George, 3rd year student at St John's Univ., and a daughter, Barbara, is a student at St. Scholastica College. Husband, Anthony, is underground foreman at the Soudan Mine and both he and his wife are active in church, lodge and civic affairs. As a member of br. 34 since 1936> she has been an interested and helpful member, taking on the duties regular reporter for the branch in the English section of Zarja. She is also reporter for a local paper and The Register, the Diocesan newspaper-Barbara finds time for reading and loves to write letters. To her, health and happiness is their heartfelt wish. I'miline IVackerlin Br. 30, Aurora, III. Think of life with five lively boys around the house, and you have the environment of Pauline Wackerlin, vice-president of branch 30, and their chosen mother. As a member of 3 PTA’s, the Sodality of St. Theresa’s Church and others such as boys scouts, cub scouts, and little league, Pauline's life is surrounded by school, sports and outdoor activity. Her eldest boys love cars and racing which comes naturally to them from their father’s Tru-Value Motor Sales business; and racing trophies won by her son Clifford, have the place of honor in the Wackerlin home, 1215 Superior. Pauline, herself, loves all this activity and submits to it cheerfully with the words: I wish I would have kept a record earlier; I could have given Jean Kerr of Please Don’t Eat the Daisies’ fame some stiff competition.” She and her husband, William, have been married 21 years. Their boys are Cliff, Franklin, George, James and Jerome. She also loves to do embroidery and gardening. Cecilia Pezel and husband, George Br. 45, Portland, Oregon The chosen mother from this west-ern state was born in Croatia, the daughter of Stephen and Milka Frko-v'ch and came to America in 1923. She went straight to Portland, where she met her husband, George and Earned him three months later, on •^n. 1, 1924. They are the parents of children all of whom are married and have 14 grandchildren. The photo of Mr. and Mrs. Pezel "as taken on their 3Gth Wedding Anniversary in January of this year. As an active club woman, Mrs. Pezel is a member of the St. Charles Altar Society, Croation Fraternal Union, atld American Croation Club. She has many occasions to entertain at home, and this she enjoys most. fhe members of br. 45 are indeed laPPy to have Mrs. Pezel as their cbosen Mother of 1960. Theresa Gabrian Br. 46, St. Louis, Mo. Branch 46 has selected for their Mother of the Year, Theresa Gabrian. Theresa was born in St. Louis on January 3, 1902, the daughter of John and Theresa Lucas. On June 25, 1921 Theresa married Rudolph P. Gabrian, who had come from Yugoslavia few years before. Their marriage has been a happy one as all their friends can testify. Their son, Rudolph J. is now married and there are four grandsons. Theresa was the first President of Branch 46 and has enjoyed many years of friendship and happy association with the members, has always been a reliable and understanding member. Her daughter-in-law, Audrey, is also a member of our branch. May God reward her with good health and many years of happiness with her family and friends. Celia Žnidaršič Br. 50, Cleveland, Ohio With a big, pleasant smile on her face, Celia Žnidaršič greets the world and makes life happy for those a-round her. She holds the auditor’s office with her branch and lias been vice-president and recording secretary. At every function, Celia is on hand with gracious help and is one of the most generous donors for their adult and children’s parties. Celia and Tony Žnidaršič celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary last July in the company of the br. 50 members. She often says she'll never forget the thoughtfulness of her sis-ter-members who made it a most memorable anniversary. The Znidarsic’s are well-known in the Slovenian settlement in Cleveland, having been the owners of Lyon for 32 years. Now, in retirement, they still find the time to help son, Harry, who has taken over the business. Another son, Anthony is a Navy man, with 20 years of service to his credit. There are five grandchildren to make them happy. The members of br. 50 salute their chosen mother and wish her all the happiness. Gertrude Kochevar Br. 52, Kitzville, Minn. As a member of S.W.U. since the age of 17, Gertrude Kochevar has truly taken part in many activities for her branch She has been an active member for a total of 25 years. Always willing to extend a helping hand, she has acted as honorary pallbearer for many departed sisters, assisted in their homes at time of need, bakes for the branch’s bake sales and in general, does her part to keep things up to par. She served as secretary for 2 years and is now their regular reporter. Gertrude Kochevar is the mother of one son, Victor who served with THERESA GABRIAN CELIA ZN I DARS 1C GERTRUDE KOCHEVAR the Armed Forces and was married a year ago. He and his wrife presented the family with their first grandson, John Kevin, just 3 months ago. Gertrude and Matt Kochevar celebrated their 25th Wedding Anniversary in Oct., 1959. He is employed by the DM & IR railroad. When told she was to be honored in this way, Mrs. Kochevar could only say: There are more deserving mothers than I! But, the members feel differently, and with pride congratulate her and wish her God’s blessing. .ŠHntljer Most all other beautiful things in life come by twos and threes, by dozens and hundreds! Plenty of roses, stars, sunsets, rainbows; brothers and sisters, aunts and cousins; but only one Mother in all the wide world! HONOR TO THEIR MEMORY! Nearly 200 Mothers — members of our S.W.U., were called to their eternal reward in the past year! They have departed from their loved ones and now, like the heavenly stars, look down from above upon the world and its poor creatures. May God, in His mercy and love, grant our departed mothers abundant blessings and peace! ANGELA GENAC MARY CHESNIK f Maxine Dusek Br. 73, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio This pioneer member passed to her eternal reward in Jan. 1960 at the age of 76 years. She left a saddened family and many, many friends, a-mong them the members of her society, who chose her to be their Mother of the Year while she was still on earth. Mrs. Dusek's four children, Theresa McCullough, Steve, John and Ann Butorac, six grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren survive. In her younger years, Mrs. Dusek loved to cook and her Sunday din- Angela Genac Br. 56, Hibbing, Minn. When no one else gets results, Ms. Genac does! And, that is true in many charitable fields. She is active in civic drives and has held important offices in the American Legion Aux. and other organizations, but still finds the time to do her all for the branch, even if it’s only via the telephone. She has held the posts of past president, recording sec'y and sentinel, and has been one of the staunchest members for years. Married 42 yeas ago to Robert Genac, she is the mother of two married daughters, Leona Somers and Roberta Moore, and there are 6 grandchildren. Mrs. Genac enjoys playing cards and other games. Some wonderful memories remain with her sister-members of the times spent together. May God bless her many more years to come. Anne B. Satovich Mary Chesnik Br. 66, Canon City, Colo. Mary Chesnik has a very pleasing personality; she is always ready with a smile. The Chesnlks Mary and Jack, have lived at the same place in Rainbow Park, since 1914, and her sister, Mrs. Jennie Lukezic, has been her next door neighbor all these years. Mr. and Mrs. Chesnik celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary last October at a large family gathering with their two children, John (who lives in Baltimore) and Josephine Del-monte (of Florence, Colo.) and their four grandchildren, Richard and Linda Chesnik, Mrs. LaCreda Lopeman and Phillip Delmonte. Mrs. Chesnik is a faithful member since 1939 and attends meetings regularly. She loves to sew and to tend her garden. Best of wishes to her. ners compared to small wedding parties. She loved her garden and had one every year even until last year. Two daughters-in-law, both named Helen and her sister, Mary Rivaculc are all members. Niece, Mary Jura-tovac, is the branch’s president. May this memoriam serve to honor Mrs. Maxine Dusek in the way she should have liked to be remembered — as a devoted mother! Elizabeth Conway & Grandson, Michael Br. 77, N.S. Pittsburgh, Pa. The memlbers of br. 77 have chosen one of their charter members. Mrs. Elizabeth Conway who served as their vice-president and has been treasurer for three years. She is the mother of three children, Betty Ann Murphy, James and Bernice and is pictured here with her darling year-old grandson, Michael James Murphy. Needless to say, both she and grandpa Charles, are fond of him! The Conways make their home at 1610 Walz St. and this month, on Decoration Day, May 30th, they celebrate their Silver Wedding Anniversary. She enjoys bowling and playing cards which brings her in the company of family and friends; but, most of all, she loves to baby-sit for little Michael! Heartiest congratulations! Mary Macek Br. 57, Niles, Ohio The secretary of hr. 57, Mary Macek, has been a hard-working officer for the two years past. Before that, she was secretary of br. 55 in neighboring Girard. Mary has always been a promoter and when the branch has various projects going on, it’s Mary who gets things rolling. They often have bake sales, card parties and the like, which gives her a chance to pass her energetic ability around. Mary Macek and her husband, Ill jEKatt Vse druge prelepe stvari v našem življenju pridejo v dvoje, troje, nekatere štejemo v ducatih in v stotinah! Nebroj cvetlic, nešteto zvezd na nebu, mnogo jutranjih zarij in pisanih mavric; morda več bratov in sester, tet in stricov; toda na vsem tem širnem svetu je samo ena MATI! BODI JIM ČASTEN SPOMIN! Približno 200 mater — članic nas je za vedno zapustilo prejšnje leto. Ne bodo več med svojimi dragimi, toda njihove duše bodo plavale kakor jasne zvezde vodnice nad njihovimi družinami, katere so vedno ljubile, toda so jih morale zapustiti na tem svetu. Bog jim bodi bogat plačnik! Zveza jih bo ohranila v trajno lepem spominu! Helen Kolar (right) With California Relatives Br. 86, Nashwauk, Minn. The good humor and kindness o£ our president, Helen Kolar, shines °ut in everything she does. At every fleeting, she leads the closing prayer for our sick and deceased members and says sincerely, “good-night, sis-ters, till our next meeting.” On her suggestion, we remember °ur two pastors with gifts every Christmas and food is donated to the °eedy with Mrs. Kolar soliciting most the donations. She stresses membership all the time, and right now, J'e will be seeking as many new mem-be>’s as we can, on her advice. She 'vas our first president in 1937 ana has held this office for all except 2 ^ears. Mrs. Kolar is a widow with 4 living children of 10 born to her. They are, Mrs. Helen McDowell, Frank, Alphon-SUs and Mrs. Margaret Stone. Seven Grandchildren and 2 great-grandcliild-ren complete the family. She is a "'onderful baker and is always trying Oew recipies. When asked why S.W.U. ® a good organization to belong to "*rs- Kolar’s answer: “Because we all 1Ve long.” God bless her. C. Stimac fank, were married in 1924 and they ave raised four children, Betty Ma-oysky, Marjorie Glavan, Rose Mario V-empasky and Frank J. Six grand-"lldren are their pride and joy. Besides her sewing, crocheting, ®°king and baking, Mary keeps house t 12 Pittsburgh Ave. Many wishes 0 her for a lifetime of happiness. Helen Komatar Br. 89, Oglesby, III. One of Oglesby’s best sportswomen, Helen Komatar, was chosen this year from br. 89. She loves bowling most of all and is pictured with one of the tophies she has won for her achievement in the “king of sports.” Mrs. Komatar is a native Oglesbyite having been bom there in April 3, 1918. She and her husband John, married since June 25, 1939, have their home at 256 E. Florence St. Three children complete their family, Ona, James John and Mary Irene. Evenings are spent crocheting fancy things, which she enjoys, second to bowling. As a member of the branch, Helen is tops on the list of salesladies and is willing and ready to help at every project they promote. This year, she was elected as trustee. Best of luck to her in all endeavors. Consella Matessa Br. 91, Oakmont, Pa. The members of br. 91 have chosen Mrs. Consetta Matessa as their Mother of the Year for 1960. She is the mother of five sons and two daughters, all grown up and married. Her husband passed away in 1946, leaving her to care for the then young children which she did most admirably. She was born in Palermo, Italy on Sept. 6, 1896 and came to America In 1924. She has always been a good cook, and this, combined with her pleasant personality, makes her a very important person to family ann friends. Rarely does she ever miss a branch meeting, and she has shown this loyalty since joining in 1950. God bless her for many years to come. Josephine Somrak Br. 92, Crested Butte, Colo. Another fine secretary joins the list of chosen mothers of the year and this lady is Mrs. Josephine Somrak of Crested Butte, Colo, located in the beautiful Rocky Mountains. She is married to Rudolph Somrak and has three children, Rudy, Jr., Mary Jo and Jim. As the treasurer of the branch previous to her term as secretary, Josephine already earned the love and HELEN KOMATAR CONSETTA MATESSA JOSEPHINE SOMRAK respect of all her sister members who are now very proud of her now as their secretary. They wish her all the best in life. Ljuba Trgovac Br. 95, So. Chicago, III. Through all of life’s ordeals, Djuba Trgovac has lived with five basic characteristics: 1. she has a deep-rooted faith that will sustain her through trials and crises; 2. a genuine humility coupled with a sincere respect for her family and friends; 3. an instinctive sense of fairness and integrity; 4. a determination to devel-ope as fully as humanly possible, whatever talents God has given her; 5. a willingness to struggle and sacrifice for what she unselfishly believes to be right. These attribute have made her one of the finest ladies of our branch and have earned her the distinct honor as our Mother of the Year. She and her husband Joseph, married 47 years ago and raised 3 children, Fanny Zanini, Josephine Ogano-vich and Edward, lost in the battle of Okinowa. This Gold Star mother treasures most, her heroic son’s medals. There are also 6 grandchildren. We are certainly proud of Mrs. Trgovac contributions to her family, church and S.W.U. sisterhood and consider it an honor to call her our own. Mildred James, pres. Jennie Roth Br. 96, Universal, Pa. Mrs. Jennie Roth is a comparitively new member of the Universal branch; however, her sister-members feel that with her pleasant personality she rises above the years and will help them to become a more productive branch in the future. Mrs. Roth is a widow and has three children, Regis, Harold and Dolores Anderson. The accompanying picture was taken during her visit to daughter Dolores who lives in Florida. Three grandchildren: Mark Roth, Crlssy Roth and Gary Anderson have a special place in her life -— true to the reputation of all grandmothers! She was born in Allegheny County, I’a. on August 22, 1894 and resides at 7450 Saltsbury Rd., Penn Hills, Pittsburgh. When she has leisure time, Mrs. Roth likes to read, do fancy crocheting and travel. Warmest wishes and may she enjoy mother’s day every day. Katherine Mustek Br. 105, Detroit, Mich. The members of br. 105 enjoy their meetings mostly because of the pleasant atmosphere generated by their sparkling secretary, Katherine Mu-sick. She has been in office for 3 years and has helped with all their fund-raising projects. She organizes card parties and luncheons and donates much time and energy to the club. But, that is not surprising since she loves helping others and spends most of her spare time that way. Katherine came to America from Yugoslavia as a 20 year old girl, in 1927. She has been married to Michael Musick for 26 years and they live at 7528 Pinehurst, Dearborn, Mich. They have two children, Patricia and JENNIE ROTiH KATHERINE MUSICK Michael, Jr., and two granddaughters, Kathleen and Sharon. Loving wishes are extended to her on this grand occasion, from her sister members of br. 105. PRE-CONVENTION MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN BEGINS MAY 1, 1960!!! For 30 new members, title of “Honorary Delegate” will be awarded ! ! Award includes FREE round-trip to Convention City, ELY, MINN. MAY, 1961 10 NEW CLASS A MEMBERS — 10 NEW CLASS B MEMBERS — 10 NEW JUNIOR CLASS MEMBERS, is your goal! (Five new members in each class entitles worker to half fare!) Campaign closes Dec. 31, 1960! Let’s get to work now! ALBINA NOVAK, Supreme Secretary Marie Prisland: V prelepem mesecu maju, ko je narava v cvetju, praznujemo počastitev mater. Draga nedelja v maju je proglašena za Materin dan. Ni lepšega sentimenta v človeškem srcu kot je ljubezen do matere. Naše podružnice se tega zavedajo in bodo gotovo imele lepe programe na Materin dan, da proslavijo največjo ljubezen na svetu — materinstvo. * * * Kadar se piše o povprečni materi se navadno ne omenja ° njenih zaslugah in njenih pridobitvah. Nič izrednega, nič slavnega se ne zgodi v življenju povprečne matere. Bila je rojena, vzrastla, se poročila, postala mati in končno odšla v večnost po svoje plačilo. Njena povest je kratka — in vendar, kako veličastna! Ko se je kot mlado dekle poročila, je prevzela dolžnosti >n delo, ki ji je bilo doslej popolnoma tuje. To delo se je naučila opravljati po dolgih urah potrpežljivosti in vztrajnosti, da je končno v vsem postala prava izvedenka. Mnogokrat so na njenih šibkih ramenih sloneli vsi štirje ogali njenega doma. Ko je postala mati, je svoje življenje tvegala vsakokrat, ko je dala življenje otroku. Morda je bila že kdaj čisto blizu smrti, edino le z naporom svojih mladih moči se je ohranila pri življenju, ne toliko zato, ker bi rada še živela, temveč iz zavesti, da je svoji družini potrebna. Otroke je vzredila in vzgojila; ljubila jih je, učila, oblačila in tolažila. Obvezovala jim rane na telesu in duši. Stregla jim v bolezni in cele noči brez spanja prebila ob bolniški postelji. Uravnavala in gladila jim je pota skozi življenje kot zna gladiti le ljubeča in skrbna materina roka. Pri vsem tem pa ni pozabila na svojega moža, kateremu je ves čas bila dobra tovarišica in umna svetovalka. Bodrila ga je, da je postal uspešen. Potrpežljivo je poslušala njegove pritožbe in junaško z njim delila skrbi in težave. Bajala mu je pogum vsakokrat, ko je omahoval ter mu v dušo vlivala vero v samega sebe ln upanje v boljšo bodočnost. “Za vsakim uspešnim možem stoji dobra in bistroumna žena” — je zapisal modrijan. Končno se je mati postarala, legla in umrla. Ob smrti ni bilo pridige o njenih vrlinah, ne govorov o zaslugah; teh Se ne spomni nihče, ker so pač samoposebi umevne — saj 'hia svet takih mater na milijone. Srečen je, da jih ima! P >ip ros ta mati — z zlatim srcem! Skromna, neznana in vendar vodi svet za roko. Tiha mučenica brez slave! trpljenju posvečena — krotka in iskrena! V radosti srečno tiha! To je mati — sreče vir bogati! Bog jo obilno blagoslovi ! * * * V današnjih burnih časih je materina naloga posebno važna. Življenje terja od matere vsak dan več. Nobena lahkota ni vzgajati otroke, ki so od vseh strani obdani od Vabljivih nevarnosti razvajenega sveta. Vzgoja, ki jo matere dajejo trokom sega daleč izven družinskega kroga. Pravilna otrokova vzgoja je nad vse važna in zahteva mnogo skrbi, pažnje in truda. Mati, ki svoje otroke vzgoji v ljubezni do Boga, v ljubezni do družine in do domovine, 3e prava vzgojiteljica! Matere so gospodinje in graditeljice domov. Mati mora oskrbovati družino v zadovoljivem življenjskem standardu, °benem pa skrbeti za vse možnosti višje in boljše izobrazbe, ki je tako važna ln neobhodno potrebna njenemu Mlademu zarodu. Upravičeno lahko občudujemo potrpljenje današnje matere in njen velik pogum, s katerim se po robu postavlja mnogim težkočann, ki se od dne do dne pojavljajo. * * * Na Materin dan se bomo starejše z ljubeznijo in toplo hvaležnostjo spominjale svojih dragih mamic, ki jih že dolgo vrsto let krije hladna zemlja. Mnogo časa je poteklo odkar smo zapustile svoje matere in rodni krov ter se podale v oddaljen, tuji svet, navdušene in polne lepega pričakovanja, zavitega v rožnate zarje ... Mlade smo odšle iz svojega rojstnega kraja, a ne premlade, da bi ne videle in razumele bornega življenja naših mater doma, ki so se mučile in garale od zore do mraka. Le malokdaj so imele kak priboljšek, prostosti pa skoro nobene. In vendar je v njih šibkih rokah, vernih in poštenih srcih bila moč, ki je vodila in ohranila naš narod. — Slava slovenski materi! * * * Dokler je otrok majhen se ne zaveda materinske ljubezni. Ko odraste, pride do spoznanja, da je edino mati tisto bitje, ki ga je vedno ljubila in nikdar prevarala. * * * Izmerile so se globočine morja, izmerile višine gora. Nikdo pa še ni prišel do dna skrivnosti materine ljubezni. * * * Koncem meseca maja imamo spominski dan, ki je posvečen spominu dragih umrlih. Naša organizacija se vsako leto na ta praznik spomni svojih pokojnih članic, ki so gradile Zvezo ter jo privedle do sedanjega blagostanja. Zvezin duhovni svetovalec ta dan opravi sv. mašo za mir in pokoj naših umrlih članic ln Zvezinih prijateljev. Lansko leto je smrt ugrabila dve bivši gl. odbornici, sestro Agnes Mahovlich in sestro Josephine Praust. Sestra Mahovlich je bila ena izmed nabolj aktivnih Zvezinih članic. Ustanovila je tri podružnice; št. 16, št. 72, in št. 95 ter Zvezi pridobila 569 članic. Na konvenciji leta 1936 je bila kronana za konvenčno kraljico, ker je v takratni kampanji pridobila največ novih članic (177). Zadnja leta ji bolezen ni dopuščala mnogo aktivnosti, a Zvezo je imela rada do svoje smrti. Zvesti in delavni članici bo med nami ohranjen blag spomin! Sestra Josephine Praust je bila več let izvrstna tajnica pod. št. 18 v Clevelandu. Zelo rada je pisala in kako lepo je znala izraziti svoje misli! Imela je poseben pisateljski talent. Iz gl. odbora je izstopila, ko se je selila v sončno Florido v upanju, da si izboljša zdravje, kar se žal ni zgodilo. Naj blaga sestra počiva v miru! Smrt je ugrabila tudi tri člane Zvezinega Prijateljskega krožka, ki so v Šolninskl sklad prispevali lepe vsote. Lansko leto meseca julija je v Denverju preminul Msgr. John Judnich, župnik tamkajšnje slovenske fare Sv. Rožnega venca in duhovni svetovalec pod. št. 63. Prijaznega gospoda sem spoznala na obisku v Denverju leta 1943. Bil je pri svojih faranih zelo priljubljen in pri Amerikancih visoko čislan. Meseca oktobra lanskega leta je v Sheboyganu preminul Mr. William A. Reiss, predsednik velike Reiss trgovine s premogom. Bil je dobrotnik naše slovenske fare. Mnogo je tudi storil za katoliško stvar v naši škofiji. Zelo se je zanimal za mlade, nadarjene revne študente, katere je vzdrževal. Za svoj velik doprinos je bil od sv. Očeta odlikovan z redom Sv. Gregorija. Meseca februarja letos je v Chicagi umrl g. John Ko-chevar, dober Slovenec in zaveden narodnjak. Prejšnja leta smo g. Kochevarja — vedno nasmejanega — videle na vsakem Zvezinem dnevu v Lemontu. Zadnje čase ga je bolezen ovirala, da ni mogel nikamor. Ril je naš dober prijatelj ter se živo zanimal za napredek Zveze. Pokojnim Zvezinlm prijateljem naj bo dobri Bog milostljiv plačnik! Naj v miru počivajo! Zvezin vrt vzornih mater! Mary Camloh Podr. št. 10, Cleveland, Ohio V Collinwoodu je bila ustanovljena prva podružnica Zveze in srečne članice imajo v uradu ves čas zelo pridne odbornice, ki delujejo za dobrobit Zveze. Med najbolj pridnimi je sedaj prav gotovo tajnica Mary Camloh, 1572G Holmes Avenue, ki je letos bila Izbrana za najbolj zaslužno mater. Rojena je bila v Št. Jerneju na Dolenj- Anna Pachak Podr. Št. 3, Pueblo, Colorado Največji blagoslov pri naših podružnicah je, če imajo v svoji sredi neutrudljive odbornice, ki zvesto uradujejo leta in leta. Tako je pri št. 3, kjer je Mrs. Pachak v predsedniškem uradu že 14. leto. Mrs. Pachak je tudi državna predsednica ter deluje po svoji najboljši moči, navzlic rahlemu zdravju, da se pridobivajo nove članice za kar zasluži iskreno priznanje. Mrs. Pachak, je bila rojena na Dolenjskem v Češče vasi ter je prišla v Ameriko leta 1908. Njen soprog John vodi trgovino z železnino že dolgo let v Pueblo. V zakonu se je rodilo pet otrok, štirje so umrli in živi le sin, ki je stari mamici dal 4 vnukinje in 2 vnučka. — Mrs. Pachak ljubi ročna dela in gospodinjstvo ter vedno rada pomaga pri vseh podvzetjih za korist in napredek podružnice. Najbolj je vesela takrat, ko pridobi novo članico in teh ima v svoj kredit lepo število za kar ji posebna zahvala. Da bi ji ljubi Bog dal bolj trdno zdravje je naša največja želja. Njen dom je na 2009 Oakland Street. Anna Lautar Podr. št. 6, Barberton, Ohio članice v Barbertonu so izbrale letos za svojo zaslužno mater sestro Anna Bertoncelj Lautar, 347 George Street. Rojena je bila na Gorenjskem v vasi Nova Stermica, dne 23. julija 1886. V Ameriko je prišla 23. avgusta 1913. Z George Lautarjem se je poročila še v starem kraju in to je bilo 6. marca 1905. V zakonu se je rodilo osem otrok: Vincent, Mary poročena Bishop, Annetta, poročena Brunsld, Stanley, Vida poročena Clemons, in trije so umrli. Prastara mati je enajstim in stara mati 19 vnukom. Njeno najbolj priljubljeno razvedrilo je pletenje in je naredila že lepo število krasnih šalov( shawls). Dobra žena, mati, je največje bogastvo pri družini in zlasti če dočaka tretjo in četrto generacijo. skem 21. marca, 1900 in v Ameriko je prišla 20. avgusta 1920; poročila se je 21. januarja 1921. Soprog Frank je umrl 6. marca 1942. V družini so štirje otroci: Frank, Olga, Jennie in Joey ter 14 vnukov, ki imajo svojo mamico in staro mamico zelo radi, saj je tudi ona dobra do njih. Mrs. Camloh je tudi ena izmed najbolj pridnih pri šivalnem klubu podružnice ter ima zelo spretne roke za kvačkanje in pletenje. Tajniški posel je prevzela pred štirimi leti. Članice se počutijo zelo srečne, da so dobile v osebi Mrs. Camloh tako dobro in veščo naslednico pokojne Mrs. Frances Sušel, ter ji želijo, da bi ji Bog dal zdravje in dolgo življenje. Antonija Suslar Podr. št. 14, Euclid, Ohio Čast zaslužne matere je št. 14 letos poklonila sestri Antoniji Sustar, 205G1 Lindbergh Ave. Antonija je bila rojena v Velki vasi, Moravče, dne 5. maja 1905 in v Ameriko je prišla leta 1940. Z Antonom Šuštarjem se je poročila 13. avgusta 1933. V zakonu so se rodili trije otroci: Deni, Frank in Mici. Sestra Sustar je izvrstna šivilja in dobra kuharica ter večkrat daruje kakšen lep predpasnik podružnici, kar prinese denar v blagajno. Na sejah so članice bile mnogokrat deležne okusnih krofov od nje. V odboru je že deset let ter je vedno pripravljena pomagati za korist Zveze in odlikuje se tudi kot poročevalka v Zarji. Članice so ponosne na njeno delo in ji želijo vso srečo in zdravja na tem svetu! Helen Mirtel Podr. št. 15, Cleveland (Newburgh), O. Čast zaslužne matere je letos doletela sestro Helen Mirtel, 9410 Prince Ave. Helen je bila rojena v Šmihelu pri Mozirju, Štajersko, dne 17. julija 1896. V Ameriko je prišla 22. septembra 1921 in naslednje leto 23. januarja se je poročila v cerkvi sv. Lovrenca z Martinom Mirtel. V zakonu se je rodilo C otrok: Mary, Martin, Elinor, Mildred, Dorothy in Florence. Stara mati je 7 vnukom in dvema vnukinjama. Negovanje vrta je njeno veliko veselje, kakor tudi ročna dela in je vedno zaposlena v kuhinji, ker otroci so vsi najrajši pri dobri mamici in stari mamici ,katero zelo radi obiskujejo. Kot poročevalka se trudi z novicami že osem let ter vsako delo z veseljem prevzame. Takih ni veliko med nami, zato ji članice na ta skromen način pošiljajo zahvalo in poklon. Anna Strukel St. 18, Cleveland (Collinwood), Ohio Srečna je podružnica ,ki v svoji sredi najde osebo, katera prevzame važen posel tajnice in se tako hitro udomači ter pokaže svoje veliko zanimanje za članice in Zvezo. Anna je bila l'ojena v Clevelandu dne 19. aprila 1904. Poročila se je z Josephom Strukel dne 13. aprila 1921. Mož se je že Preselil v večnost. V družini se je rodilo pet otrok: Joseph, ki je padel v yojski leta 1944, Albert, John, Joanne hi Joe. Stara mati je štirim vnučkom. Njeno priljubljeno razvedrilo Je v kvačkanju in splošnem gospodinjstvu. Zelo rada se bavi s cvetlicami in napravi lepe šopke za članice, ki praznujejo svoj rojstni dan. Kot tajnica je točna v svojem poslu in članicam se je na mah priljubila. Upati Je, da bo dolgo let delovala za št. 18 in Zvezo. Antonija Brgant Podr. it. 25, Cleveland, Ohio Največja podružnica pri Zvezi si je Jetos izbrala za častno mater osebo, k* ima tudi eno izmed največjih dru-*in z malimi otroci ,kakor jo vidimo sliki in to je Antonija Brgant, 6304 Clair Avenue. Rojena je bila 8. januarja 1927 v Sloveniji in v Ameriko j® prišla pred desetimi leti. Soprog ANTONIJA BRGANT IN DRUŽINA Frank ima tudi prav gotovo vedno dovolj skrbi in dela pri družini enajstih otrok ,ki so: Mary Ann, Paul, John, Joseph, Julia, Magdalena, Anthony, David, Thomas, Frank in James. Pri številni družini preostaja zelo malo časa za razvedrilo, ker je več kot dovolj posla v kuhinji in hišnem delu. Zdaj so še mali, toda, ko bodo začeli doraščati, takrat bo pa gotovo velik užitek imeti vedno domačo družbo okrog sebe. Dal ji ljubi Bog zdravje in dovolj odpora, da bo dočakala visoko starost. Naše čestitke odlični družini in vzorni mamici. Anna Jamnik Podr. št. 22, Bradley, lil. Zaslužna mati Anna Jamnik, 491 No. Grand Avenue, dekliško ime Rozman je bila rojena v vasi Boršt, Bela krajina, Slovenija dne 29. avgusta 1898 ter prišla v Ameriko v maju 1921. Poročila se je z Josephom Jamnikom 25. novembra 1922 v cerkvi sv. Jožefa v Bradley. Mož ji je umrl 15. maja 1954. V družini se je rodilo pet otrok: dvojčka John in Frank, ki sta umrla kmalu po rojstvu ter še živeči sinovi Elmer, Louis in Anthony. Stara mati je petim vnučkom. Njeno najlepše razvedrilo je v kvačkanju, gospodinjstvu in zlasti v kuhinji ker je spretna kuharica in se odlikuje v domačih slovenskih dobrotah. Pri podružnici zavzema urad podpredsednice in nadzornice. Anna je zelo požrtvovalna duša, ki zelo rada pomaga vsepovsod in članice jo tudi obrajtajo, ker je tudi ona ljubezniva do vseh. Čestitke od vseh članic! Mary Jerich Podr. št. 23, Ely, Minn. Med prvimi glavnimi odbornicami v Minnesoti je bila sestra Mary Jerich, 510 E. Chapman Street, ki je bila letos odlikovana s častjo najbolj zaslužne matere. Sestra Jerič je bila rojena v Semiču na Belokranjskem 1. maja 1882 in v Ameriko Je prišla kot 20 let staro dekle v juniju 1902. S Frankom Jeričem se je poročila dne 1. maja 1904. Mož je umrl 2. aprila 1939. V zakonu se je rodilo devet otrok: Hedvika (pokojna), Mary, A- ANNA JAMNIK MARY JERICH dolph, Frank (pokojni), Kristina, Arthur, Bernice .Esther in Lillian. Vnukov je 13, ki imajo staro mamico ze- lo radi. Sestra Jerič ima zelo spretne roke za kvačkanje in pletenje. Posebno lepo zna ukrojiti jopiče, katerih je naredila že veliko za svoje drage. Kot ustanoviteljica št. 23 je zavzemala mesto predsednice dolgo let in od tedaj je pa predsednica. Predsednica je tudi društva Marije čistega spočetja št. 120 ABZ že 34 let. Njen priljubljen, miren značaj ji je privabil mnogo prijateljev in članice ji s ponosom poklanjajo mesto častne matere ter ji želijo še mnogo let sreče in zdravja. CECELIA KOVACHICH LUCY SHAMRO ANGELA HAFFNER Cecelia Kovachich Podr. št. 28, Calumet, Mich. Odlikovanje zaslužne matere so članice št. 28, poklonile sestri Cecelia Kovachich, 137 Lake Linden Avenue, Laurium, Michigan. Rojena je bila v Novem mestu, fara Podgrad, dne 11. novembra 1888 In v Ameriko je prišla dne 19. junija 1913. Z John Kovachi-chem se je poročila dne 29. novembra 1914. V družini se je rodilo pet otrok, dva sinova, ki sta služila pri vojakih med drugo svetovno vojno in tri hčere. Stara mati je enajstim vnukom. Soprog poseduje uspešno idočo trgovino, kjer mu dobra žena in mati pridno pomagata. Cecelia je vedno pripravljena pomagati v odborih ter redno pride na mesečne seje. Članice so jo z veseljem izbrale za častno mater v tem letu! Lucy Shamro Podr. št. 29, Broundale, Pa. Odlika najbolj zaslužne matere je bila v tem letu podana Lucy Shamro, 204 Main Street. Lucy je bila 13. decembra 1888 in je prišla v Ameriko 25. maja 1910. Poročila se je z Jakobom Shamro in to je bilo 11. februarja 1911. V družini je osem živečih otrok: Celia, Albert, Mary, Anna, Angeline, Victoria, Joseph in dva sta umrla. Stara mati je devetim vnukom in prastara mati pa trem. Sestra Shamro ni v uradu pri podružnici toda članice jo čislajo ker je ljubeznivega značaja. Je že mnogo pretrpela v bolniški postelji. Otroci jo imajo zelo radi in tudi ona nje in še posebno vnuke, za katere je mnogokrat “baby sitter”. Mož ji je umrl že pred leti. Dal Bog ji zdravje ,da bi še dolgo let uživala družinsko srečo. Angela Haffner Podružnica št. 31, Gilbert, Minn. Zaslužna mati Angela Praznik Haff-ner, Box 293 je bila rojena v vasi Gradež fara Škocjan, Slovenija. V A-meriko je prišla leta 1906. Poročila se je z Johnom Praznik dne 1. oktobra 1907 ,ki je umrl in drugič se je poročila z Haffnerjem. Mati je sedmim otrokom: Mary, Molly, Nell, Sophie, John, Justine, Edward. Njeno priljubljeno razvedrilo je v ročnem delu, negovanju vrta in pri kuhanju ter splošnem gospodinjstvu. Ne zavzema urad toda povsod rada pomaga in pride redno k sejam ,Bog jo ohrani še mnogo let v zdravju in zadovoljnosti. Katarina Golinar Podr. št. 32 ,Euclid, Ohio Častna mati Katarina Golinar, dekliško ime Gjoran, 21071 Arbor Avenue je bila rojena v Prekmurju na Hotizi v maju 1896. V Ameriko je prišla 11. marca 1912 in poročila se je s Frankom Golinar dne 28. septembra 1912. V družini se je rodilo 13 otrok: Frank, John, Ana, Rose, Anthony .Joseph, Martha, Mary, Kristina, Katherine, Donald, Marge in Karl. KATARINA GOLINAR Od teh jih še živi deset. Eden sin je padel v drugi svetovni vojni. Sedem otrok je poročenih in vsi so lastniki domov ter lepo gospodarijo. Vsi so lepo katoliško vzgojeni in žive v ljubezni in prijateljstvu ter pomagajo drug drugemu kar je v čast staršem. Stara mati je 21 vnukom, ki ljubijo svojo grandma. Ni v odboru pri podružnici, toda vedno z veseljem sodeluje pri vsaki prireditvi in sejah, zato jo članice tudi čislajo. Veliko je bilo skrbi in dela pri vzgoji 13 otrok, pa kljub vsemu temu izgleda čila in mlada kar je gotovo odsev čednosti, ki izvira iz dobrega srca in požrtvovalnega življenja. Vsa čast, Mrs. Golinar. Frances Orazem Podr. št. 35, Aurora, Minn. častna mati za letos je sestra Frances Orazem, 320 W. 1st Avenue N. Rojena je dne 22. maja 1884 v Sodražici. V Ameriko je prišla meseca novembra 1897; poročila se je z Josephom Orazem dne 16. oktobra 1898. V družini je bilo rojenih dvanajst otrok. Mrs. Orazem je stara mati 24 vnukom ter prastara mati 28. Da je imela v svojem mladem življenju mnogo skrbi in dela je samo po sebi umevno, ker vzgojiti dobro in vzorno toliko otrok ni tako lahka naloga. V odboru ni zavzemala mesta, toda sestra Orazem je ena izmed dobrih in vestnih članic, ki povsod rada pomaga in se tudi s požrtvovalnostjo odzove kadar je treba. Vse članice so ji s ponosom poklonile to izredno čast in želimo, da bi dočakala še mnogo zdravih lil srečnih let! Ivana Perkovich Podr. št. 38, Chisholm, Minn. Naslov častna mati pošteno pristoji sestri Ivani Perkovich 12-2nd St., ker vsak, ki pozna to mater dobro zna, da je vsa svoja leta žrtvovala za človekoljubnost. Ivana je bila rojena v vasi Kot pri Ribnici dne 19. avgusta 1901, in v Ameriko je prišla 29. februarja 1921. Soprog John ima zelo rad svojo ženko, saj mu je vsa letta v zakonu vzorna gospodinja in mati dveh sinov Frank in Louis. Sin Frank je duhovnik v Duluthu. Ix)uis je oženjen in ima pet otrok in ti vnuki so veliko veselje za staro mamo. Ivana zna kvačkati les odlično in isto pridna je pri vsakem delu. Bila je dve leti predsednica, toda rahlo zdravje tista leta je bil vzrok, da je pustila svoj urad. Toda 1'ada pomaga pri vsakem podvzetju, zato jo članice tudi zelo obrajtajo. Čestitke dobri in vzorni materi! Frances Dougan in soprog John Podr. št. 40, Lorain, Ohio Odbornica, ki je vedno pripravljena Pomagati je prav gotovo Frances Dougan, 1674 E. 31st St., ki je bila imenovana za častno mater v tem 'etu .Frances, rojena Ivančič dne 2G. avgusta 1886 v vasi Unec, Slovenija. V Ameriko je prišla 16. maja 1910 in se poročila 30. maja 1910 z Johnom Dougan, tudi doma iz Unca pri Rakeku. V družini so se rodili 4 otroci: John, Frank, Frances, poročena Yur-man in Carolyn, poročena Pandy. Stara mati je osmim vnukom in prastara mati trem. Zelo je spretna v kvačkanju in pletenju ter se odlikuje v čipkah, bodisi za robčke ali namizne prte in posteljna pregrinjala. V Zvezo je pristopila leta 1932 in bila dolgo let v odboru nadzornic. Frances se vedno rada udeležuje sej in sodeluje pri vseh akcijah in še posebno, če je za finančno korist ročni blagajni podružnice. Dal ji Bog dolgo in srečno življenje ! Anna Kresevic Podr. št. 47, Garfield Hgts., Ohio Častna mati v tem letu pri št. 47 je sestra Anna Kresevic, rojena Fortuna dne 26. julija 1909. V Ameriko je prišla v oktobru leta 1926 iz vasi Deseča, fara Šmihel. Poročila je Leo Kresevica doma iz Topolča, Ilirska Bistrica dne 29. januarja 1929. V zakonu imata hčer Ann, poročena Harsh. Lastujejo svoj dom na 10208 Gay Avenue In hči ima svoj dom čez cesto od staršev. Stara mati je dvema otrokoma: Patricia in Andrew Harsh. Anna je zelo pridna v ročnem delu, pri negovanju vrta, kakor tudi izvrstna kuharica na svatbah. Isto je imela v oskrbi banket ob 25-letnici podružnice. Bila je nadzornica šest let in sedaj zavzema mesto predsednice nadzornega odbora. Pridobila je že večje število članic ter vedno deluje za lep obstoj ročne blagajne in se rada udeležuje prireditev Zveze. Prevzela je za glavno kuharico banketa, ki se bo vršil dne 2. oktobra, ko se vrši državna konvencija. Večkrat nas pogosti z okusnim pecivom na seji. Ona ni mati samo rodni hčerki, ampak izkazuje svojo materinsko ljubezen tudi bednim sirotam. Bog ji daj zdravja še mnogo let. ter sreče v krogu družine in prijateljic! Jennie Pugelj Mary Oblak Podr. št. 53, Cleveland, Ohio Naslov častna mati si je prav gotovo pridobila s svojim ljubeznivim značajem in pridnostji sestra Mary Oblak, 1111 Pleasant Valley Rd. Parma, Ohio. Sestra Oblak je bila rojena v Žireh, Notranjsko dne 28. avgusta, 18S6. V Ameriko je prišla 24. aprila 1921. S Paul Oblakom sta se poročila v starem kraju 4. novembra 1907. V zakonu je imela dva otroka: sin Paul in hčerka Mimi, poročena Stibil ter je stara mati štirim vnukom. Mrs. Oblak je izredno pridna v kvačkanju in pletenju ter je napravila nešteto lepih stvari za svoje domače in za prijateljice. V uradu predsednice se nahaja od leta 1932, to je celili 28 let, kar je zelo lep rekord. Bila je že parkrat delegatka na konvencijah in je poznana kot izvrstna družabnica. Iskrene čestitke ter mnogo zdravih let! ANNA KRESEVIC Z MOŽEM IN STARŠI MARY OBLAK (na desno) S TAJNICO MRS. KOLANZ Elisabeth Persia Podr. št. 54, Warren, Ohio Zaslužna mati Elizabeth Persin, 1551 Woodbine Avenue, je bila rojena dne 29. oktobra 18S7 v Iška vas, fara Ig pri Ljubljani. V Ameriko je prišla v marcu 1909 in 1. maja se je poročila z Jabok Peršin v cerkvi sv. Ana, Far- AMELIA ROBSEL JOHANNA KRASOVIOH MARY HORZEN reli, Pa. V družini so Štirje sinovi: Joe, Jack, Rudy in Frank, vsi oženjeni ter je stara mati 10 vnukom in prastara mati štirim. Njen lep vrt obložen s cvetlicami priča, da je pridna pri negovanju. Družina Persin je dobro poznna in povsod priljubljena. V odboru ni zavzemala mesta, toda njene dve snahi sta pa bili že večkrat v odboru. Rada se udeležuje sej in vseh prireditev. Snahi in vnukinje ter mnogo sorodnic so članice Zveze. Čestitke vzorni materi ter želje, da bi dočakala Se mnogo let v zdravju med svojo ljubeznivo družino! Amalia Robsel Podr. št. 55, Girard, Ohio Majnik, mesec posvečen Materi Božji in vsem materam, je tudi za nas pri Zarji poseben, ker imamo priložnost, da izberemo najbolj zaslužno mater pri svoji podružnici. Ta čast je letos bila poklonjena sestri Amalia Robsel, pristni Štajerki doma iz Poljčan. Rojena je bila 20. junija 1894 in v Ameriko je prišla 12. decembra 1912 in sicer v Milwaukee, kjer se je seznanila z Mathew Robsel in se poročila dne 21. novembra 1914. Kmalu potem sta prišla za stalno v Girard, kjer sta skupno živela 22 let. Vest o njegovi smrti je vse pretresla, ker zapustil je ženo in štiri majhne otroke: hčerko Amalia, sinove Frederick, Gilbert in Raymond. Tista leta ni bilo socijalne zavarovalnine in za vdovo je bil hud udarec ostati brez dohodkov, toda Amalia si je kmalu poiskala delo pri Ohio Leather Company, kjer je delala do lanskega leta. Vsa čast materi, ki vzgoji otroke s svojim lastnim zaslužkom. Otroci so sedaj poročeni in Amalia je stara mamica 12 vnukom in to je napravilo njeno življenje zopet srečno. Amalia je spretna v ročnih delih in tudi pri negovanju cvetljic. Bila je prva predsednica podružnice in 9 let tajnica in blagajničarka. Dal ji Bog nadaljne sreče in zdravja. Emma Zore Johanna Krasovich Podr. št. 63, Denver, Colorado Častna mati sestra Krasovich je bila rojena v vasi Topol, Bloke, Slovenija in v Ameriko je prišla v januarju 1910 in se nastanila v Leadville, Colorado, kjer se je poročila 13. avgusta 1911 z George Krasovich (zdaj pokojnim). V zakonu se je rodilo šest otrok, trije sinovi in tri hčerke. Stara mati je 13 vnukim. Ona zelo ljubi ročna dela in je posebno vešča v kvačkanju ter je napravila že nešteto lepih stvari. Bila je 16 let blagajničarka in 14 članov njene družine je pri podružnici, kar je že nekaj vredno našega poklona. Odlikuje se tudi pri pridobivanju novih članic. Vsa čast zavedni odbornici ter želje, da bi dočakala še mnogo srečnih in zadovoljnih let v krogu družine in svojih prijateljic! Mary Horzen Podr. št. 64, Kansas City, Kansas Naslov “Zaslužna mati” pri št. G4 je bil poklonjen sestri Mary Horzen, 307 Orchard St., rojena 2. februarja 1S87 v vasi Ihan pri Domžalah. V A-meriko, oz. Chicago je prišla leta 1904 in se poročila v cerkvi sv. Štefana leta 1909 z Joseph Horzen doma iz Dolnje Skopnice pri Krški vasi. V zakonu se je rodilo sedem otrok, trije sinovi, štiri hčerke, dve hčeri živita z materjo in ena je v Oakland, California. Njeno posebno veselje je petje in na sejah večkrat zapojemo za kratek čas. Ko je bila bolj zdrava se je vneto zani- mala za Zvezo ter bila prva zapisnikarica in dopisovalka. Pri njej so se tudi vršile seje št. 64. Dal Bog, da bi dočakala še mnogo zdravih in srečnih let med nami! Frances Skrabec Podr. št. 68, Fairport Harbor, O. članice št. 68 so imenovale za svojo častno mater v tem letu sestro Frances Skrabec, 620 Third Street. Frances je bila rojena v vasi Vrhnika pri Starem trgu, Slovenija dne 5. novembra 1895. V Ameriko je prišla v septembru 1912; poročila se je z Mike Skrabec dne 14. avgusta 1913. V zakonu so se rodili trije otroci: Frances, poročena Ulle, Mary, poročena Crawford in Annie Veverka. Stara mati je sedmim vnukom. Njeno najbolj priljubljeno razvedrilo je v ročnem delu In rada kvačka, šiva in tudi bere, kadar ji količkaj čas dopušča. Frances je redna obiskovalka sej in sprejme vsako delo, ki je za dobrobit članic in podružnice. Čestitke in želje, da bi ji Bog dal še mnogo zdravih in srečnih let! Ivana Cliacata Podr. št. 79, Enumclaw, Wash. Članica št. 79 so z veseljem imenovale sestro Ivana Chacata R. 2, Box 121 za najbolj zaslužno mater v tem letu. Bila je rojena 22. marca 1893 v vasi Dolenje št. 54 in prišla v New York septembra 1930. Z John Chacata sta se poročila 15. februarja 1914. Rodila sta se jima dva otroka: sin John in hčerka Mary poročena Bratovich. Stara mati je trem vnukom. Pri podr. vedno pazi. da delo lepo napreduje in je pridobila že več članic. Njene sorodnice so vse včlanjene. Tajniški posel je opravljala 17 let in več let kot zapisnikarica ter tajnica pri društvu Jezus Dobri Pastir že 18 let. čestitke dobri ženi in vzorni materi. Da bi dočakala še mnogo let! Mary Matasich Podr. št. 81, Keewatin, Minn. Predsednica Mary Matasich je bila odlikovana za častno mater v tem letu. Rojena je bila 2. marca 1886 v Gerovo. V Ameriko je prišla leta 1909. Poročila se je s Frankom Matasich dne 1. novembra 1910. Mož je umrl leta 1946. V zakonu se je rodilo sedem otrok: Frank, Mary, Rudy, Rose, Edward, Victor in John. Stara mati je 15 vnukom in prastara mati dvema. Dva sinova sta ji umrla; sin Rudi je bil ubit na delu, sin Frank pa je umrl Pred par leti. Prestala je mnogo v življenju, toda vseeno skuša biti vedno veselega razpoloženja, kar jo napravi dobro družabnico. Ročna dela so njena posebnost in je naredila že mnogo krasnih stvari. V nradu predsednice vedno skrbi, da so seje zanimive. Želimo ji še dolgo let zdravja in zadovoljnega življenja! Katherine Grgurich Podr. št. 83, Crosby, Minn. Naslov zaslužna mati pri št. 83 je bil letos poklonjen sestri Katherine Grgurich, 90s Birch Street. Bila je ‘ojena 20. februarja 1890 v vasi Delnice, Jugoslavija. V Ameriko je prišla “■ aprila 1911. Poročila se je 28. oktobra 1911 z John Grgurich. V zakonu je rodilo pet otrok: John, Ann, S°l>hie, Andrew in Elsie. Dvanajstim vnukom je stara mati. Njeno najbolj ^''■ljubljeno razvedrilo je v ročnem £elu in zelo rada kvačka lepe stvari. . ■ri Podružnici ni v odboru. Članica •*e deset let in vedno rada pride na ®eJe in pomaga, kjer je treba. Članice -11 Pošiljajo najlepše čestitke in želje mnogo bodočih let! Anna Cerar Podr. št. 84, New York, N.Y. Častna mati podružnice št. 84 je v tem letu sestra Anna Cerar, 60-48 68th Road, Brooklyn 27, N.Y. Rojena je bila 25. aprila 1896 v Domžalah. V Ameriko je prišla 6. septembra 1920. Poročila se je z Jakobom Cerar dne 31. decembra 1922. Rodila sta se jima dva otroka: Danie in Anthony. Stara mamica je sedmim vnukom. Njeno največje veselje je pri kuhi in rada večkrat peče potice, špehovke, jabolčni strudelj, itd. Zadnjih sedem let zavzema mesto rediteljice pri podružnici, kar pomeni, da pride redno k sejam in povsod rada pomaga. Čestitke m naše iskene želje, da bi imela še mnogo srečnih in zdravih let v bodočnosti! Mary Vidergar Podr. št. 100, Fontana, California Odlikovanje za častno mater v tem letu je bilo poklonjeno podpredsednici Mary Vidergar, 8434 Cypress Avenue. Mary je bila rojena v vasi Polšnik pri Litiji, Slovenija. V Ameriko je prišla aprila 1921, v Miners Mills, Pa. Poročila se je še v Jugoslaviji s Frankom Vidergar in to je bilo 19. januarja 1920. V družini se je rodilo šest otrok: William, Marion, Frances, Ludmila, Edith, Frank Jr. Stara mamica je devetim vnukom. Njeno zanimanje je za kuhinjo, ker rada napravi dobre stvari in tudi rada šiva in ljubi petje ter je članica pevskega zbora. Mary vedno rada pomaga. Pridnost je njena čednost že iz mladih let, ker je izgubila mater v starosti 14 let in je bila najstarejša od 8 otrok. Mlada leta ni preživela brezskrbno kot druga dekleta, ker je bilo treba skrbeti za brate in sestrice. Leta 1954 je obiskala domovino in še enkrat videla svoje brate in sestre. Tako se ji je izpolnila želja, katero je gojila vsa prejšnja leta. Dal Bog, da bi dobra žena, mati in stara mamica dočakala še mnogo srečnih let v krogu ljubljene družine! Anna Valovsek Podr. št. 102, Willard, Wis. Častna mati št. 102 je za letos Anna Valovsek, ki je bila rojena 19. aprila 1S93 v vasi Gornji grad, Slovenija. V Ameriko je prišla leta 1912. Poročila se je 25. julija 1914 s Frank Valovsek. Rodila Je enajst otrok: Frank Jr., Mary, poročena Staut, Ann, poročena Sladich, Al., William, Joe, Stanley, John, Margaret, poročena Jeras, Tony, Betty, poročena Fraid. Stara mamica je 36 vnukom. Njeno priljubljeno razvedrilo je v ročnem delu in pletenju pregrinjal za tla (rug weaving). Sestra Valovsek je zvesta članica že od začetka podružnice v letu 194i in vedno rada pomaga, kjerkoli vidi potrebo in je poznana pri vseh kot vzorna mati in zelo prijazna družabnica. Dal ji Bog še mnogo zdravih in srečnih let! ANNA CERAR MARY VIDERGAR ANNA VALOVSEK ZAPISNIK POL-LETNE SEJE DIRECTORIC CHICAGO, ILL. 25., 26. JANUARJA 1960 Pol-letna seja odbora Direktoric se je pričela v torek dne 26. januarja 1960 v Glavnem uradu v Chicagu, 111., ob pol deseti uri dopoldne. Prisotne so bile naslednje direktorice: Predsednica Josephine Livek, tajnica Albina Novak, blagajničarka Josephine Železnikar in nadzornice Mary Otoničar, Katie Triller in Anne Podgoršek. Prva točka dnevnega reda je bila pregled poslovnih knjig. Po zaključku pregleda, je bil obisk Metropolitan Banke in pregled depozitov v varovalnem predelu (Safe deposit box). Vse investicije so bile najdene v redu, kakor poročano v tajniškem poročilu. Nadzornice so izrazile svoje zadoščenje, da so bile vse finančne zadeve najdene v najlepšem redu. Popoldne so direktorice nadaljevale sejo s čitanjem poročil. (Računi so bili v marc. Zarji.) Pozdrave direktoricam zbranim na seji so poslale: Chris-tin Menart, direktorica mlad aktivnosti; Anna Pachak, drž. preds. Colo.; Barbara Iiosandich, drž. preds. Minn. Poročilo gl. predsednice Pozdrav vsem prisotnim na tej prvi seji 1. 19G0. Želim izrabiti priliko, da se zahvalim članstvu, direktoricam, državnim odbornicam mladinskih in ženskih aktivnosti in urednici za lepo sodelovanje in skupnim delom, ki je doprineslo k uspehu našega programa in dela v letu 1959. Zaradi slabega zdravja, naša tajnica finančnega odbora, direktorica Marie Prisland ne bo navzoča na seji toda je poslala svoje poročilo. Želimo ji hitrega okrevanja, da se nam bo kmalu pridružila. Kampanja, ki je bila zaključena dne 31 dec. je prinesla zadovoljiv uspeh s pridobitvijo čez 300 novih članic. Želim, da vse delavke vedo, da imajo mojo osebno pohvalo za trud in vsem novim članicam prisrčno dobrodošlico. Delavnost zadnjih 6 mesecev je bila uspešna v več pogledih. Državne konvencije so pritegnile večje število članic in prijateljev in bile najbolj uspešno zaključene. Še vedno nekatere članice zamenjujejo državne konvencije z Zvezinim dnevom, ker ne vedo, da konvencija pomeni “sejo” in mi vsi se okoristimo s prisotnostjo na sejah In srečanjem eden drugega. Ta program je uresničen do pol poti in bomo morale še dosti izpopolniti tekom časa. Pozivam vsako članico naše Zveze, da sodeluje z odborom svoje države. Ne vem za večjo službo, katero bi mogle ve direktorice nuditi, kakor da pomagate pil uresničitvi tega programa. Sčasoma bi morale osnovati tudi podr., kjei bi vodile mlašje članice svoje lastne seje, ker na ta način bi se jih več pritegnilo. S pismom sem opomnila vse drž. predsednice, da je sedaj čas obvestiti vse podr., da izvolijo delegatko za drž konvencijo. Taka informacija je nujna, tako da more u rednica objaviti mesečni koledar prireditev in s tem pre prečiti sovpad proslavin prireditev drugih podr. To leto bodo podr. št. 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 in 46 slavile 30-letnlco ustanovitve. Čestitam članstvu in odborom k njihovim učinkovitim vodstvom. Voditeljicam sku pin, ki bodo vodile Zvezine ture v Evropo to polet ,e želim najboljšo srečo in upam, da boste imele lepe skupine. Poročila o financah in investicijah bodo podale odgovorne direktorice. Prejela sem žalostno sporočilo o smrti dveh sester, namreč A. Mahovlich in J. Praut. Sestra Mahovlich je bila članica št. 95 v So. Chicago in je dosegla čast Konvenčne kraljice s pridobitvijo več kot 100 članic. Bila je na listi častnega članstva prvega reda, zaradi pridobitve nad GOO članic. Sestra Mahovlich je bila zvesta članica in navdušena delavka SZŽ. Sestra J. Praust, bivša gl. nadzornica je bila članica št. 18 v Clevelandu in je bila močna podpornica organizacije ter stalna poročevalka za Zarjo. Osebno, in prepričana sem tudi, da izrazim misli vseh članic, ko želim pokojnima večni mir in pokoj, a njihovima družinama globoko sožalje. Moje dopisovanje je obilno, toda sem vedno pripravljena in voljna odgovoriti na vsako konstruktivno poizvedbo. Za Božič sem poslala pisma vsem podr. s pozivom za bodoče sodelovanje. Pozneje bom še poročala. Upam in molim, da bi naša posvetovanja na tej seji rodila mnogo dobrih idej in vrednih sklepov, ki bodo prinesli napredek naši SŽZ. Josephine Livek Poročilo finančne tajnice in predsednice Šolninskega in Dobrodelnega odbora. Drage sestre! Prav srečno in zadovoljno Novo leto želim vsem skupaj! Da bi bile zdrave, je moja iskrena želja, saj je zdravje največje bogastvo. Zelo ml je žal, da radi rahlega zdravja ne morem biti navzoča na prvem vašem sestanku v tem letu. Podala bom pismeno poročilo kot sledi: INVESTICIJE Zadnjih šest mesecev sem na obresti naložila $15,098.00, in sicer: V Boston Fond Inc. sem vložila $5,778.00; cena za 300 delnic. V Massachusetts Investors Trust sem vložila $4,320.00; cena za 300 delnic. Obe vlogi prinašata 4% obresti. $5,000.00 je bilo vloženih v bonde reda Missionary Sisters, Servants of the Holy Ghost, Techny, 111. Bondi so bili izdani za njih bolnišnico St. Tlierese Hospital, Waukegan, 111. Bondi nosijo 5%% obresti ter se potečejo 1. maja 1968. Za časa depresije je Kasper banka v Chicagu propadla. Zveza je takrat od svoje vloge, ki jo je imela v tej banki, izgubila $347.71. Banka je bila pozneje obnovljena in njeno vodstvo nam bo zdaj vrnilo dolgovano vsoto $347.00, kar nas seveda zelo veseli. Očividno so bančni lastniki (Čehi) pošteni ljudje. ŠOLN INSKI SKLAD Preostanek 30. julija 1959 ........................ $7,291.89 Dohodki: Mrs. Clarence J, Weber, Sheboygan, poklonila v spomin umrle Mrs. Mary Fale $ 5.00 Mr. in Mrs. Peter Starin, Cleveland, poklonila v spomin umrlega Franka Pod- boršeka ................................... 5.00 Obresti: Community Federal S. & L. St. Louis, Mo....................................... 106.25 Sheboygan, S. &• L., Sheboygan ........... 33.21 149.46 Skupno $7,441.35 Stroški: Patricia Hren, Chisholm, Minn., šolnina $100.00 (Joseph Widina še ni javil za izplačilo šolnine.) Preostanek v Šolninskem skladu 31. dec. 1959 $7,341.35 DOBRODELNI SKLAD Preostanek 30. julija 1959 ......................... $185.65 Dohodkov ni bilo. Stroški: Dobrodelnost za staro domovino ..................... 13.00 Preostanek v dobrodelnem skladu 31. dec. 1959 .... $172.65 Preostanek v obeh skladih ....................... $7,514.00 Ta denar je naložen sledeče: Community Federal S. ,& L., St. Louis Mo $5,000.00 Sheboygan Savings and Loan, Sheboygan, Wis. 2,131.83 Čekovna vloga ...................................... 382.17 Skupno $7,514.00 Pred kratkim je Zveza izgubila dve dobri, zvesti članici, bivši gl. odbornici. Sestra Agnes Mahovlich, članica pod. §t. 95, v So. Chicagi je bila neutrudljiva Zvezina delavka ter prva konvenčna kraljica. (Milwaukee 1936). Ves čas svojega življenja se je za Zvezo zanimala ter ji bila lz srca vdana. — Sestra Josephine Praust, dolgoletna izvrstna tajnica pod. št. 18, v Clevelandu je bila vestna dopisovalka v Zarjo. Njeni dopisi so bili zanimivi in prepleteni s poetiko. Imela je dar pesnice. Obema pokojnima sestrama bo med nami ohranjen blag spomin. Moja domača podružnica je zelo zadovoljna, da se je pri nas vršila prva državna konvencija za Wisconsin. Zdi se, rta je ta skupna manifestacija zelo poživila medsebojno zanimanje. Še vedno slišim pripombe .da je bilo lepo. Iz opisov v Zarji je razvidno, da imajo državne konvencije veliko vlogo. Povsod je opaziti večje zanimanje in uspehe. Depo bi bilo in za Zvezo jako koristno, če bi se ta dobra ideja udomačila v vseh državah, kjer posluje naša Zveza. Končno se želim lepo zahvaliti vam, drage sestre, kakor tudi ostalim odbornicam in članstvu, ki ste se za stanje nioje bolezni pozanimale ter me na razne ljube načine razveselile. Naj vam vso ljubeznivost dobri I!og povrne z zdravjem in zadovoljnostjo. Vašemu zborovanju želim mnogo uspeha in za Zvezo koristnih zaključkov. Marie Prisland Poročilo sl- tajnice Pozdravljam navzoče direktorice na prvi letošnji seji. Kot vselej, bodo na dnevnem redu važna vprašanja, katera Upam, da bomo ugodno rešile. V drugem polletju poslovne dobe 1959 so napredovali vsi skladi razen stroškovni, kar je bilo pričakovati zaradi naraščajoče draginje isto kakor v vseh drugih podvzetjih, in ker je prispevek v ta sklad nizek od članic. Smrtnih slučajev je bilo tekom preteklih šest mesecev v razredu A — 71, v razredu B — 3, in eden v mladinskem oddelku. Za smrtnme je bilo izplačanih skupaj $7,850.00 V vsem letu 1959 je umrlo 180 članic in za smrtnine je bilo izplačanih $18,675.00, kar ni mala vsota z ozirom na število članstva. Kot običajno smo izgubile nekaj članic vsled suspendacije, to je članic, ki napravijo dolg, kar je največ pripisati dobrosrčnosti tajnic, ki jih zalagajo, v upanju, seveda, da obdržijo članice dobrostoječe. Posledica je premnogokrat, da se dolg nabere in članica izstopi, kar je vsem v žalost. Prepričana sem, da naše tajnice sovražijo suspendacije, ker to pomeni, da se število članstva zmanjšuje, toda v večini primerov ni drugega izhoda. Istočasno mi je znano, da so opomini članicam za poravnavo asesmenta uspešni in še posebno, če se osebno stopi ne 3. aprila so imele naše mlade ®'anice kegljaško tekmo v Jolietu, 111., j*1atere smo se tudi druge članice ude-Ježile. Zasedle smo vse sedeže na busu 11 vožnja je bila lepa. Prišle so tudi iz Milwaukee in še iz drugih krajev. Priliko smo imele, da smo lahko obiskale naše dobre prijatelje Mrs. Ana Adamic in sina ,ki nas je vozil in nam razkazoval mesto Joliet. Soprog ji je umri pred par leti. V družini Imajo sina duhovnika, ki je nameščen v Waukegan, in imajo dve hčerki, ki sta šolski sestri v Lemontu. Srečna družina! Prav lepo se zahvalimo za vašo gostoljubnost. Podpisana, dalje Mrs. Kolar, Mrs. Kosmina in Mrs. Rozij Babich, izrekamo vse skupaj vam in sinu prisrčno zahvalo. Pred par leti se je naša članica Mrs. Rozi Rožič preselila v Kalifornijo, odkod nam je poslala lepo košarico. Prav lepa hvala, Rozi. V staro domovino bosta šli na obisk: Mrs. Josephina Slosar, in Mrs. Fani Medle. Želimo srečno rajžo in veselo vrnitev. Dne 20. februarja sta slavila zlato poroko Mr. in Mrs. Frank Imperl v krogu svojih otrok in dobrih prijateljev. Bila sta zelo presenečena, ko sta zagledala v dvorani toliko dobrih prijateljev in vsi so bili veselega razpoloženja. Mize so bile bogato obložene z dobrimi jedili in pijačami. Navzoč je bil tudi brat od Mrs. Imperl, ki je duhovnik Father Rudolf Urbič iz fare St. John v Bloomer, Wis. Hči Miss Josephine Imperl je pa organi-stinja ne. West Allis. V imenu številnih prijateljev čestitamo slavljencema in jima želimo najboljše zdravje in srečo, da bi dočakala še biserno poroko. Vabim vse članstvo, da se udeleži v polnem številu majniške seje, ker bo zadnja za naslednje štiri mesece. State konvention bomo imele v Milwaukee, zato če nas pride več na sejo, več lahko naredimo v prid podružnice. Vsem bolnim članicam želim ljubega zdravja. — Pozdrav vsem sestram in čitateljem Zarje. Angela Kastelic, poročevalka Št. 18, Cleveland, Ohio — Res je kar žalostno, ker se naše članice nič ne zanimajo za seje in za podružnico. Ne vem kaj bo, ker zavoljo premajhne u-deležbe nismo mogle otvoriti seje. Hvala lepa Mrs. Hvala za dar v blagajno in Albini Malovašič za darilo. Dobila ga je sestra Ana Strukel. Nič ne vem kaj bomo imele za Materinski dan. Nekaj smo zadnjič sklepale, da bi imele kartno igro, katero vse znajo. Veselo bi bilo ,če bi vse prišle in še pripeljale svojce s seboj. Seja hi bila bolj kratka, da bi lahko prej začele s kartno zabavo in tako proslavile materinski dan. “Happy Birthday” Ana Strukel in Mary Franc ter Perini Duss, ki ga praznujejo v tem lepem mesecu. Te punce nikdar ne zamudijo seje, kar je res lepo od njih. Lepo pozdravljam vse odbornice in članice S.Ž.Z. Nettie Strukel, preds. št. 19, Eveleth, Minn. — Naznanjam vam ,da se bo naša seja vršila dne 11. maja ob 7:30. Prošene ste drage sestre, da se je udeležite v polnem številu. Na dnevnem redu bo več važnih stvari. Na ta večer bo tudi kazanje slik iz domovine. Sestra Mary Loushin je bila lansko leto na obisku v domovini in je posnela veliko zanimivih slik, katere nam bo prikazala ta večer. Prav lepo prosim tudi mlade članice iz mladinskega oddelka, da se udeleži-jo.da bodo videle kraje, kjer njih slovenska mati je rojena. Pripeljite tudi svoje prijateljice. Materam Za matere rožce so danes povite, v venec prekrasni poklonjen zelen, materam dragim, da vesele bi bile, vse cvetje na svetu le vam naj cvete. O matere naše zaslužite priznanje, cvetoči dokaz so ljubezni srca, ko angel zaziblje v nebeško vas spanje, nebeško plačilo vas čaka nebo. Te vrstice naj bodo poklonjene moji ljubi pok. materi in vsem materam pri Zvezi. Posebno pa se v molitvi spominjajmo naših pokojnih članic-mater. Več naših članic je pod zdravniško oskrbo. Predsednici Nemgar se zdravje počasi vrača po operaciji. Naša zapisnikarica ses. Matilda Zebetz je že skoraj eno leto pod zdravniško oskrbo Članica Mary Menart se je morala podvreči težki operaciji, katero je srečno prestala in se sedaj zdravi doma. Ravno tako se zdravijo doma ses. Kaps, Drobnič, Ulescil, Mary Mihevc in Gornik. Tudi naša mladinska članica se je nahajala v bolnici zaradi avtomobilske nesreče. Vračajoč se iz šole domov jo je udaril avtomobil, jo vrgel na rob ceste, kjer je nezavestna obležala. Dobila je poškodbe na obrazu in nogi, katere k sreči niso bile nevarne in se je po 1-tedenski zrav-niški oskrbi v bolnici lahko vrnila domov. Čez 6 tednov je šla zdrava in vesela zopet nazaj v šolo. Stara je 14 let. Vse ji želimo več sreče v bodočnosti. Enako želimo tudi vsem bolnim sestram, da bi se kmalu pozdravile in se tako lahko udeležile seje v maju ker vas v resnici pogrešamo. Čeravno malo pozno, vendar vseeno pošiljamo čestitke sestri Theresa Ml-helich, ker je prvič postala stara mati. Čestitke tudi ses. Anni, ki je prvič postala mamica. Čestitke tej novi stari materi, ker ima vpisane 4 hčerke v odrasli oddelek in 1 hčerke v mladinski oddelek. Posnemanja vredna mati! Vpišite tudi druge svoje hčere in vnukinje v Zvezo. Kampanja je zopet v teku. Veliko veselje je doživela članica Alojzija Kamnikar s soprogom, ko je prišel sin po 10 letih iz Nemčije, kjer je že čez 15 let v dobri službi. Obiskal je tudi rojstni kraj svojih staršev v Ljubljani in Kamniku. Pripeljal je s seboj ženo in 2 sinčka ker se je pred desetimi leti oženil. K vojakom je bil poklican med vojno 1943., po vojni pa se je kar nastanil v Nemčiji. Čestitke in vso srečo! Udeležila sem se pogreba Johna Blatnika st., očeta našega Zveznega kongresnika Johna Blatnika, ml. Pokojnika je zadela srčna kap. Rojen je bil v Dobridol, Slovenija 1. 1882. Bil je zaveden Solvenec in član mnogih slov. društev. V imenu podr. izrekam globoko sožalje ženi Mary, sinovoma, hčerki ter eni sestri v Kanadi in drugi v Sloveniji. Vsem, ki boste obhajale svoje rojstne dneve v maju, želim še na mnoga leta zdravja, da bi v veselju dočakale še mnogo obletnic. Posebno voščilo k rojstnemu dnevu želim Angeli Križman, materi naše gl. tajnice Albine. Kličemo ji: Bog vam daj dočakati še 100-letnico. Veliko ste dočakali mama v vaših letih: veselja in žalosti, veliko dobrot naredili. Bog vam daj še za naprej ljubega zdravja. Tudi tebi draga Josephine Železnikar želim še mnogo let zdravja,naši Zvezi pa mnogo novih članic v tej kampanji. Še enkrat: Pridite vse na sejo dne 11. maja! Razmotrivale bomo o Zve-zinem dnevu, ker priprave bodo sedaj v teku. S sestrskim pozdravom vsem gl. odbornicam' in vsemu članstvu, Mary Lenlch, tajnica Št. 20, Joliet, III. — Kegljaška tekma srednjega zapada se je vršila dne 2. in 3. aprila v Jolietu na Rivals. Bila je zelo uspešna. Prvenstvo je odnesla skupina iz Jolieta in sicer “Horvats Bakery”. Drugo nagrado so dobile tudi Jolietske in sicer “Wally in Shirley Snack Bar” skupina. Medtem, ko je Tillie Sorg dobila prvo nagrado za Singles and doubles. Čestitamo skupinam, ki so prinesle zopet naši podr. zmago. Kegljaške tekme so se udeležile skupine iz Wisconsin, Illinois itd. Med njimi je tudi bilo več članic in odbornic, katere so spremljale njihove skupine. V naši sredi so bile gl. odbornice: gl. preds. Mrs. Josephine Livek, katera je načelovala skupinam iz Oglesby in La Salle. Dalje Corinne Leskovar, Josephine Železnikar in Liz Zefran iz Chicaga. Dalje smo imeli v naši sredi bivši gl. odbornici Mrs. Josephine Schlossar in Mrs. Marie Floryan, kateri sta načelovali skupinam iz West Allis in Milwaukee. Bilo je lepo videti kar štiri predsednice v skupnem krogu na kegljišču, in sicer gl. preds. Mrs. Josephine Livek, preds. podr. 20 Mrs. Emma Planinšek, preds. kegljaške lige v Jolietu Mrs. Bernice Kostelec ter preds. za Midwest ligo in kegljaško “chairman” Mrs. Jo Su-mič. Upam, da so vse skupine zunanjih podr. odnesle lepe vtise iz Jolieta, kakor tudi vsi gostje, kateri so bili med nami isti dan. Med nami smo tudi videli Mr. John L. Jevitz, kateri je bil “chairman” naše kegljaške lige in tekem, ko se je začela Zveza zanimati za ta sport, in kateri je bil več let naš desna roka. Z njim je prišel tudi Mr. Peter Pluth, katerega soproga je naša članica dolgo vrsto let. Naša članica Edna Grohar se nahaja v Rochester Minn, v St. Mary’s bolnišnici. Tajnica je na seji sporočila, da je poslala “Get Well” kartico bolnim članicam, in sicer: Cath. Jeriha, Theresa Kodrich, Cath. Petrič, Jennie Benedik, ter čestitke k novoro-jenki Joniti James, katere staxa mama je Vaša poročevalka in sicer že enajstič. Na seji se je tudi enoglasno sklenilo, da se pošlje apel v obliki resolucije, na našega senatorja Paul Douglas, Everett Dirksen in Congresmana Noah Mason, da podpirajo Fordan Bill, ki bi pomagal penzijonistom pri zdravniški oskrbi in pri operaciji v slučaju potrebe, brezplačno. Ker je ta zadeva tako važna za naše starejše rojake, ki dobivajo socialno se prosi tudi ostale podr. Zveze, da storijo isto. Za majsko sejo se sestanemo v istih prostorih na Clay street in ob istem času. Seja bo zelo važna ker bomo praznovali in proslavili najbolj popularno mater za to leto naše podružnice in ta je Mrs. Anna Koreveo, naša prejšnja večletna predsednica in nadzornica. Pred njo je bila Mrs. Josephine Muster, večletna gl. blagajničarka in tajnica podr. Za to proslavo bomo imele lunch, program ter kazanje filmskih slik raznih prireditev naših članic in proslav. Ako bodete imele čas, pa tudi nekaj slik iz domovine. Vabim vse članice na našo prihodnjo sejo v maju. Ravno ko sem zaključila moje poročilo, pride glas, da je nenadoma umrla naša mlada članica Mrs. Maryanne Theobald stara 35 let. Maryanne Theobald je kegljala zadnji teden v Zve-zini turneji na Rivals ter sinoči v soboto tudi s skupino in nato bila na obedu s soprogom. Zjutraj jo je mož našel mrtvo pri volanu avtomobila ko je prišla domov iz cerkve. Maryanne je bila novo izvoljena tajnica kegljaške lige naše podružnice ter članica kadet Allumni. Ona je hčerka Mrs. Anna Korevec, katera je bila izvoljena za najbolj popularno mater tega leta. Poleg staršev Mr. in Mrs. Louis Korevec zapušča soproga, hčerko, katera je tudi kegljala na turneji in dva sinova. Novica o smti Maryanne se nam vsem zdi tako neverjetna. Bila je vedno aktivna kot mama in tudi dolgoletna članica kadetk, kakor tudi njena sestra Irene. Res je pregovor pomenljiv, da ne vemo ne ure ne dneva, kedaj bomo poklicani v večnost. Naj v miru počiva draga Maryanne, in naše sožalje vsej preostali družini in sorodnikom. Josephine Erjavec Št. 21, Cleveland, O. — Na zadnji seji nas je bilo samo ", toda vseeno je vse potekalo prav gladko. Tajnica Stella Danculovic se zelo trudi. Pridno prodaja tikete in tudi druge marljivo pomagajo; posebno ses. Saboth. Vse ste vabljene, da se udeležite Mother’s Day dinner dne 4. maja. Tajnica pravi, da bo vse prvovrstno. Srečne rojstne dneve voščimo naši tajnici, dalje Ančki Palčič in sestri Magličič, ki je že 75 let stara in je že 22 let v Zvezi. Še na mnoga leta vsem! V bolnišnici se nahajajo: Ivana Zalar, Ana Avguštin in boleha tudi ses. Jos. Weiss. Vse priporočamo v molitev za ljubo zdravje. Ses. Pisel je imela žalostni rojstni dan zadnji mesec, ker se je njen mož težko ponesrečil. Nevarno je padel na ledu, da ne bo mogel več delati. Vse sočustvujemo s sestro zaradi hude nesreče. Ses. Brodnik se je srečno vrnila iz Floride, kjer je bila na počitnicah, a ses. Blatnik Frances gre pa sedaj tja na obisk k svojemu sinu. Srečno raj-žo in vesel povratek. Čestitke ses. Mary Galic, ki je postala stara mati, ko so pri sinu Ray’u dobili sinčka, da bo delal družbo 4 sestricam. Mnogo blagoslova mladi materi in vso srečo na pot življenja novorojenčku. Za blagajno so darovale ses. Helen Less prav lepe vajšne, ses. Brayko vič 2 lepa predpasnika in ses. Amta-lya $2.00. Hvala vsem. Vsi se veselimo pomladi, ker ptički že prepevajo. Spomni me pa tudi na tisto peaem: “Moje delo je storjeno, Tebi Oče izročeno; moj’mu delu blagoslov, daj meni nebeški raj. Hvaljen bodi večni Bog, vsaka ura, vsaki čas, zdaj in v poslednji uri, Oče Ti se usmili nas.” — Pozdravlja, Frances Kave, poročevalka Št. 23, Ely, Minn. — Na naši april" ski seji je bila bolj slaba udeležba. Ne vem, kaj je vzrok, vreme gotovo ne ker smo že brez snega in ledu. Če bi nas bilo več ,bi se marsikaj lahko ukrenilo. Dobro bi bilo, da se tudi članice Dawn Club-a udeležijo naših sej, akoravno imajo svoje seje, saj sm° vse članice ene podružnice, namreč št. 23. Dne 27. marca smo priredile žene Katoliškega Društva (Women of the Catholic Council), v cerkveni dvorani Smorgasbord. Bilo je vsakovrstnih je-dil kar si je pač kdo zaželel: več vrst mesnih jedi, potic, krofov, salat in drugo. Vse za majhen denar. Torej, kdor je sedaj zamudil to priliko, naj gleda, da bo drugič prisoten. Ves dobiček je šel večinoma za našo cerkev. — Materinski dan 8. maja pa priredi cerkveni pevski zbor kosilo na čast materam, in sicer se bo serviralo od pol dvanajstih do pol treh. Vzemlffl0 si na ta dan počitek, ker bodo drug* pripravili kosilo za nas in ne bom0 razočarani, kajti obljubljena je dobra postrežba. Bolana je članica Mrs. Čepelnik ter ji želimo hitrega okrevanja, kakor tudi njeni mami, ki že dolgo boleha. Katherine Slogar, poročevalka Št. 24, La Salle, III. — Zopet se je Približala zelena pomlad. Zima je bila dolga in zelo mrzla. Snega pa je bilo toliko, da ljudje ne pomnijo že dolgo let. Več naših članic se nahaja pod zdravniško oskrbo. Ta influenca je skoraj vsakega malo potresla. —Članice, ki se zdravijo doma so: Mary Sever, Ana Terselic, Ana Oklejsen, Kati Fastovarsnik, Justina Anglevar, Pavla Vidrik in Mary Spelic. Vsem želimo ljubega zdravja, tudi tistim, ki niso tukaj imenovane, če je slučajno Se katera bolana. Žal jaz ne morem vedeti za vsako, če mi ni sporočeno. V bolnišnici se je nahajala Ženi Kap-sek. Vabljene ste vse na sejo 6. junija, ker naslednje tri mesece potem ne bo sej. Seje se bodo zopet pričele v oktobru. Torej pridite vse na junijsko sejo ia poravnajte asesment, da ne bo treba meni skrbeti zanj med počitnicami. Bilo je povedano, da dobimo na razpolago za Zvezin dan 17. julija en bus *a prevoz v Lemont. Zato prosim, katere ste namenjene potovati z busom, da se prijavite pri naši predsednici Wary Krogulski ali pa pri meni. Izrekamo sožalje članici Neli Za-kreski nad izgubo svojega strica Antona Ovnika. Bolehal je nad tri leta. Naj počiva v miru! Pozdrav vsem članicam! Angela Strukel, tajnica št. 25, Cleveland, Ohio — Zopet se se približal lepi mesec Majnik. V tem toesecu praznujemo materinski dan, k* je tako globoko povezan v svoji ^ubezni do matere. Vsi otroci ljubimo Svojo mamico in tako še bolj moramo •jubiti našo nebeško Mater Marijo. Njej se moramo pokloniti, ker je že tolikrokrat stala ob naši strani in nas varovala hudega. Radi zahajajmo k tajniškim pobožnostim. Naša podr. je Izbrala za častno mater Mrs. Brgant, ki je že mnogo Naredila za našo organizacijo. Me smo *brale eno, ki sicer ni Se tako dolgo Dri Zvezi, toda ima vse svoje otroke v£'anjene, in kadar bo družina dorasla Be bo lažje udejstvovala pri sejah. Zahvala gre naši preds. Mrs. Palice Stampfel, ki je tako lepo opisala Kajino slavnost. Hvala Paulca! Zahva-la; tudi Corincl naši urednici za lepo Pisanje. Naj Bog povrne in Marija £6>' midva sva iz srca hvaležna vsem, *ar so dobrega storili za naju. , Resno bolana je Mrs. Frances Mihelčič. Tej dobri članici želimo vse, ?a bi jo majniška Marijo pozdravila, ?er je tako rada zahajala v Cary, Ohio j, Tolažnici žalostnih. Mislim, draga 'ances, daste bila vsako leto pri njej, j^goče nad trideset let. Naj Vam Ona 2Prosi ljubega zdravja. Sestre, imam nujno prošnjo: katere 8te zaostale z ases., da bi v maju pri- Mrs. Angela Križman, članica št. 25 bo dopolnila častitljivo starost 82 let dne 26. maja. Mrs. Križman, rojena Šilc v Jurjeviči pri Ribnici je prišla v Ameriko z možem Matijom ter hčerjo Albino (Novak) in sinom Matijom v avgustu 1910. Kmalu po prihodu v Ameriko so začeli z mesarsko trgovino v kateri obrti sedaj nadaljuje sin Emil. V družini so trije sinovi: Matt, Fred in Emil ter dve hčeri: Albina in Jean. Mož Matija je umrl leta 1947. Mrs. Križman sedaj živi skupaj z hčerjo Albino v Chicagi. Stara mati je 12 vnukom in prastara mati petim. Prisrčne čestitke in želje, da bi ljuba mama in staramama dočakala še mnogo let! nesle, ker bom pri naslednjih dveh sejah odsotna. Nadomestovala me bo moja snaha Mary, ki jo tudi dobro poznate. Saj znate, da sem namenjena obiskati znamenita božja pota v Evropi. Mary Otoničar Št. 28, Calumet, Mich. — Pozdrav vsem uradnicam in članicam Zveze. Kakor vsako leto, tako tudi letos z veseljem, pričakujemo mesec maj, ki je posvečen Mariji Devici, kraljici majnika. Ta mesec slavimo tudi Materinski dan, ki ga povsod praznujejo s posebnimi programi. Naše društvo ima vsako leto skupno sv. obhajilo na ta dan, in upam, da tudi druga društva delajo enako. Naše slovenske matere so vsako nedeljo hodile redno k sv. maši In tudi svoje družine pošiljale, za kar jim gre vsaka čast. V starem kraju so bili nekateri daleč od farne cerkve, pa se niso ustrašili dolgega hoda, čeravno so bili trudni od tedenskega dela. Marija, kraljica majnika prosi Ti za nas svojega Sina Jezusa, da bo našim materam na tem svetu dober plačnik, na onem pa usmiljen sodnik. — “Slovenka sem, tako je moja mati d’jala, ko me je kot dete pestovala; zatorej dobro vem, Slovenka sem. V slovenski hiši zibka meni tekla, slovenska mati meni kruh je pekla”. Želim vsem najboljše, Vaša sosestra, Mary Stefanich Št. 29, Broundale, Pa. — Lepe pozdrave vsem članicam po Ameriki. Upamo, da je končno pomlad tukaj. Ko pišem, je po 6 mesečni hudi bolezni, odšla iz tega zemeljskega življenja naša dobra članica Rižnar. Njena dobro stnaha ji je stregla, kot lastna hči. Njenih G sinov Je poročenih In eden je še doma. Bila je vdova mnogo let in vedno bila pripravljena darovati za vsako dobro stvar. —Sestra Zenl Rebernik je tudi izgubila moža. Vsem žalujočim ostalim naše sožalje. Pokojne pa ohranimo v lepem spominu. Bog jim daj večni mir in počitek na onem svetu. Ana Bučar se je pobila na nogi in boleha. Tako je z nami, ki smo v letih in bolehne, toda dokler še hodimo oko- li, še gre, a hudo je biti priklenjen na posteljo. Bog bodi zahvaljen zo vso ljubezen ln vse dobrote, ki nam deliš. HVala Ti za dedov domovino, ki lepote Tvoje je odsvit; hvala Ti za deželo, ki utira nova pota z vero y lepše dni, kjer nam up v nasilju ne umira, kjer svobode žarka luč gori. Čestitke vsem mamicam, ki so postale stare mamice; naša blagajničarka Josiplna Debevc, dalje ses. Marija Ostanek in ses. Terezija Grdin. Naj mi oprostijo, ker sem zadnjič pozabila to poročati in se jim tudi zahvalim, da so se udeležile seje, čeprav je bilo slabo vreme. Želim, da bi pridobile novih članic v odrasli in mladinski oddelek. God bless, vse skupaj. S pozdravom, Mary Pristave Št. 32, Euclid, O. — Z upanjem, da bo res kmalu spomladansko vreme, bodite pozdravljene. Na aprilski seji nas je bilo le toliko, da smo lahko sejo otvorile. Žal da ni več zanimanja. Vabljene ste, da pridete na junijsko sejo, posebno tiste, ki ste zaostale s članarino, ker v juliju ne bo seje. Na bolniški listi je še vedno Josie Janeš. Bog ji daj kakor tudi vsem bolnim ljubega zdravja. Josie Janeš je postala v zadnjem času četrtič stara mati, ko so pri sinu Williamu dobili zalo punčko, da bo delala družbo 2 bratcema in sestrici. Naše čestitke vsem! Priporočamo, da pridobite kaj novih članic in na ta način izkažete priznanje poročevalkam; saj upamo, da imate zanimanje za naše dopise. Zahvala Mary Veber za dar 2 dol. v blagajno. — Na svidenje na seji, Frances Perme, poročevalka Št. 40, Lorain, O. — Ker naša podr. letos 21. aprila obhaja 30-letnico, odkar je bila ustanovljena, naj omenim, da bomo proslavile ta pomemben dan enkrat kasneje, ko se bo kaj bolj natančnega sklenilo. Ob tej priliki čestitam osmim ustanovnim članicam, katere je Bog ohranil, da so dočakale 30-letnico podr., čeprav so ji nekatere prerokovale kratek obstoj. Od obstoja podr. še živeče in tudi aktivne članice so. Anzelc Berta, Baraga Mary, Debevec Johanna, Svete Johanna, Tomažič Frances, Cer-Mlec Mary, Udovič Antonija in Frances Bresak. V tridesetih letih se je veliko naredilo pri naši podr. v korist in ugled podružnice, Zveze in naše naselbine, za kar zaslužijo vse naše članice lepo zahvalo in priznanje, ker v vseh slučajih tako složno sodelujejo z odborom kar pripomore k dobremu uspehu in napredku podružnice na splošno. Ob 30-letnici naše podr. vam članice čestitam in se vam srčno zahvaljujem za vse kar ste dobrega storile za sočlanice in organizacijo ter vam želim, da bi vam ljubi Bog vse bogato poplačal in vas blagoslovil v bodočnosti. Želim se zahvaliti za poslano čestitko ob 30-letnici sestri Marie Pris-land, častni predsednici ln ustanoviteljici S.Ž.Z. Frances Bresak, preds. Št. 41, Cleveland, Ohio — Naša pozornost naj bo sedaj v prvi vrsti na našo 30 letnico, katero bomo praznovale v nedeljo 22. maja v S.D.D. na 15333 Waterloo Rd., in na katero ste članice vseh podrulnic od blizu in daleč prijazno vabljene. Pridite, da se skupno poveselimo in navdušimo druga drugo k nadaljnemu delu in napredku. Ve drage sestre, ste pa prošene, da se v velikem številu udeležite sv. maše ob 9:15 na to nedeljo in tako skupno pristopimo k svetemu obhajilu. Popoldan ob pol šestih se bo pričelo servirati z dobrotami, katere bodo pripravile spretne kuharice pod vodstvom Mrs. Malovrh. Bo tudi kratek program; za valčke in polke bodo pa poskrbeli J. Grabnarjevi fantje. Pripeljite svoje prijatelje in družine. Vabljeni in dobrodošli ste vsi. Zadnji mesec smo spremile na kraj miru in pokoja dve naši sestri, Karolino Rostan in Jennie Stimac. Družinam obeh pokojnih izrekamo naše iskreno sožalje. Dragi pokojni sestri pa naj počivata v miru. Iskreno sožalje izrekamo ses. Helen Logar in Ceciliji Young ob izgubi drage sestre Rose Zakrajšek. Globoko sožalje Izrekamo tudi družabni sestri Jennie Jamnik, nad izgubo ljubljenega soproga Štefana Jamnika. Naj bo blagima pokojnikoma rahla ameriška zemlja in naj počivata v miru. Težko operacijo je srečno prestala naša nadzornica Nellie Pintar, kateri prav od srca želimo skorajšnjega okrevanja. Na poti okrevanja na poškodbi noge se nahaja ses. Fanny Zakrajšek v St. Petersburg, Florida. Tudi sestra Rose Kerže je ozdravila od flu v New Smyrna Beach, Florida. Sestra Justine Dermaša je sedaj tudi okrevala po operaciji na nogi. Vsem želimo, da bi ostale pri najboljšem zdravju. Lep dar za blagajno je poslala ses. Fanny Zakrajšek. Darovale so tudi sestre: Katie Plemel, Frances Zak, Frances Jamnik in Mary Lužar, vsem skupaj prisrčna hvala. Vsemi mamicam in starim mamicam želimo vse najboljše za Materinski dan, Bog vas blagoslovi! Po zadnji seji smo praznovale rojstna dneva ses. presednice Rose Puj-zdar in blagajničarke Mary Debevec. Gostiteljice so bile: obe slavljenki, M. Markel, E. Starin in M. Cerjak. Še na mnoga leta, Rose in Mary. Vse najboljše k rojstnemu dnevu v tem mesecu želimo glavni blagajničarki, Mrs. Josephine Železnikar in ji kličemo, še na mnoga zdrava leta! Torej na svidenje na naši slavnosti 22. maja in na prihodnji seji. Vas sestrsko pozdravlja, Ella Starin, tajnica Št. 42, Maple Heights, Ohio — Na zadnji seji je bila mala udeležba in imele smo kratko sejo. Tajnica je prebrala zahvalno pismo od St. Mary Seminary iz Lemonta za darilo $10.00. Sprejele smo novo članico Ann Dra- gonič. Dobrodošla Ann, upamo, da Te bomo videle pogosto na sejah. Ker je ona izvrstna kuharica smo jo naprosile, da je prevzela oskrbo banketa ob naši 30-letnici 22. maja. Večerja se prične servirati ob 5 uri in po večerji je ples. Vstopnina za vse skupaj je 2 dolarja za odrasle in 1 dolar za otroke. Članice ste prošene, da prodate listkov kolikor je le mogoče. Na dan proslave se bo brala maša za žive in umrle članice ob sedmih zjutraj v cerkvi sv. Lovrenca in po maši so članice povabljene na zajtrk na dom tajnice Louise Prhne na Miller Ave. Hvala pogrebnemu zavodu Fortuna, na 5316 Fleet Ave., ki je prevzel stroške za tiskanje vstopnic. Rojstne dneve so praznovale blagajničarka Tillie Cook, Mary Hočevar in Josephine Stavec ,ki je darovala 3 dolarje v blagajno. Louise Prhne in Julia Lipnos sta nam postregle s kavo in piškoti. V imenu članic hvala lepa« Happy birthday darovalkam in slavljenkam. Na svidenje 22. maja in sestrske pozdrave vsem. Mary Yemec, poroč. Št. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. — Pomlad že prihaja in vsi se je veselimo. Imamo načrte, kako bi si uredili naše vrtove in rožice ter sploh vse, da bi izgledalo lepše. Tako se tudi naša podr. št. 43 pripravlja z načrti za pomenljivi dan 30-letnice ali 30 Anniversary. Tudi Wisconsin State Convention meeting se bo vršil dne 12. junija 1960. Maša bo 8 zjutraj, od 9 pa do 10 ure bo servirana kava in tudi donuts. Od 10 do 12 ure bo Convention Meeting. Nato bo do 1 p m. Intermission ali odpočitek, a ob enih se začne Banquet s programom. Tiketci za Banquet so po $2.50 in prosim vse članice, da se vsaj za ta dan odločite in pridete ter pripeljete vaše družine s seboj. Dalje prosimo vsa društva Wisconsin S.Ž.Z., da se nam pridružijo v obilnem številu. Sestanek ali meeting bomo imele 15. maja namesto na Mother day. Pozdravljam vse gl. odbornice in naše članice. Josephine Kolar, preds. Št. 49, Noble, O. — Zadnja seja je bila bolj slabo obiskana, toda ni bilo zamere, ker je bilo res slabo vreme in ledena cesta, zato se v takem vremenu vsaka rajši tišči pri peči. Tudi danes ko to pišem, tako sneži, da bi človek mislil, da se bliža Božič ne pa Velika noč. No pa upam, da se bo že zima kmalu odpravila. 21. marca smo izgubile dolgoletno članico sestro Rose Zakrajšek. Pokojna je bila članica naše podr. 26 let. Bila je veselega značaja. Sept. 18. je dopolnila 74 let. Rajna je bila mnogo let vdova. Zapušča sina in dve hčeri Mrs. Mary Nosse in Mrs. Rose Kushar ter več vnukov in vnukinj. Naj počiva v miru! Sorodnikom pa naše sožalje! Ker je praznik Materinski dan na drugo nedeljo v mesecu, bo naša seja tretjo nedeljo v maju pri sestri Mary Gomibach. Upam, da .,e udeležite seje v polnem številu, ker je več važnih stvari za ukreniti. Na bolniški listi so še zmeraj sestre, Barbara Štefanac, Mary Berlan in Jennie Papež. Vsem bolnim želim ljubo zdravje. — Zdravim pa, da bi vsaka vpisala eno novo članico na prihodnji seji. — Prav lep pozdrav vsem uradnicam In članicami. Mary Stusek, preds. Št. 55, Girard, O. — Zadnje seje se je udeležilo precej članic, če tudi je bilo vreme precej mrzlo in veliko snega. V committee za lunch so bile: Catherine Ansek, Jennie Selak in Jennie Olhshuk. Najlepša hvala vsem. Posebne dobitke so dobile: Margaret Umeck, Mr. Maria Cvetnik, Jennie Selak, Theresa Lozier, Mary Mehal-co in Anna Umeck. Sprejele smo 3 nove članice: Mrs. Maria Cvetnik, Mrs. Barbara Martin in Mrs. Victoria Penksa. Vsem trem kličemo dobrodošle v naši podmžnici. V bolnišnici se je nahajala Mrs. Josephine Pavlinič, ki se sedaj zdravi doma. Želimo ji iz dna srca, da bi se kmalu zopet pozdravila in prišla nazaj med nas. Mrs. Barbara Martin je tudi bolana ter ji želimo skorajšnjega zdravja. Upam, da Vas bom videla prav vse na prihodnji seji. — S pozdravom, Emma Zore Št. 64, Kansas City, Kans. — Naša februarska seja je bila bolj pičlo obiskana. Sedaj ko imamo zopet lepo vreme bi se morale članice bolj zanimati za seje. — Ker se je blagajni' čarka Mary Mootz odrekla uradu, j® njeno mesto prevzela Regina Cop, kj se vneto zanima za Zvezo, in je tukaj rojena Slovenka. Mary Mootz najlepša hvala za njeno 13-letno uradovanje. Ker so gornje prostore dvorane P°' rabili za šolske razrede, smo morale premestiti naše seje na četrto nedeljo, da imamo tako prostor v spodnji dvorani. Sklenjeno je bilo, da bi imele na zadnjo nedeljo v septembru peto sv. mašo ob 8 uri zjutraj in popoldne isti dan, zabavo za članice in njihove može. Pred kratkim se je v naši cerkvi sv-Družine poročila hčerka Mr. in Mrs-Palčar, Miss Frances Palchar z M1’-James Cason. Njena mati je naša 6'fl' nica. Naše čestitke in mnogo sreč® mlademu paru. Članici Mary Kobe in Antonia H«' tujec sta ponovno postali stari maniic' ko so pri Mr. in Mrs. Robert Kobe v Topiča, Kansas dobili drugo hčeri'0. Naše čestitke vsem skupaj! Mr. in Mrs. Richard Carter sta s® z družino preselila v Chicago. Tud* njim želimo, da bi bili zadovoljni v novein kraju. Angela je tudi članic*1 naše podružnice. Pozdravljam vse gl. uradnice in č'a' nice Zveze in želim vsem skupaj ves®' velikonočne praznike, čeravno bodo ?-e za nami, ko bodo te vrstice natiska-lle Antonia Kostelec, preds. Št. 66, Canon City, Colo. — Pozdravim članice pri naši podr. in širom Amerike. 'l'o je moj prvi dopis v Zarji 111 upam, da mi boste oprostile, če ne 1)0 kaj prav. Zima se je začela poslavljati od nas. Bila je precej mrzla z obilo snega k>*r ni navada za tukajšnje kraje. Se-j pa že trava zeleni in predno boste brale ta dopis bodo že rožice cvetele. Na zadnji smo sklenile ,da bomo Priredile družinski piknik ali domačo z