ZARJA-DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 7 JULY, 1965 VOLUME 37 OFFICERS OF BRANCH 2, CHICAGO, ILL. extend a cordial invitation to all for this year's LEMONT ZVEZA DAY, JULY 18, 1965! From left, standing: Auditor Mitzie Krapenc, Sentinel Luba Troha, Auditor Sophie Petrovič, Treasurer Klizaheth Zefran, Hostess Ann Zorko, Auditor Frances Zihcrt and Recording Secretary Corinne Leskovar; Seated: Secretary Albina Novak, President Josephine Železnikar and Vice-President Stephanie Osterman. “Zveza Day” will he held on beautiful grounds of Slovenian Franciscan Fathers at Shrine of Mari ja Pomagaj. ZARJA - THE DAWN Published monthly — izhaja vsak mesec Annual subscription $2.00 — Naročnina $2.00 letno For SWU members $1.20 annually. Za članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, 111. Entered as second class matter November 13, 1946, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of Augtist 24, 1912. Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. CERMAK RD., CHICAGO S, ILL. Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do S v mesecu. Vol. XXXVFI — No. 7 JULY, 1965 LETO XXXVII — Sl. 7 SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA OF AMERICA V AMERIKI Ustanovljena 19. decembra 1926 v Chicagu, lil. Inkorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v državi Illinois. MEMBER OF NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Instituted December 19, 1926 in Chicago, III. Incorporated December 14, 1927 in the State of Illinois MEMBERS JOIN IN FUNNY ANTICS The Beatles, anyone can see that! !! These Beatles wish to remain anonymous, but Branch 50 members just love them for their effervescent and jolly per. sonalities that make every meeting a party. Branch 50, Cleveland ladies strike a note in good harmony at one of their many after-meeting productions. The occasion, a good old St. Patrick's Day party. HAPPY HIRTHDAY II\ JULY! Supreme Officers: July 23 — Louise Epley, Director of Juvenile Activities, Cleveland, Ohio July 28 — Rose Scoff, State President of Calif.-Ore.-Wash., San Francisco, California Branch Presidents: July 2 — Anna Kameen, Br. 7, Forest City, Pa. July 3 — Anna Trontel, Br. 2'6, Pittsburgh, Pa. July 4 — Ann Heinemann, Br. 28, Calumet, Mich. July 13 — Ann Richards, Br. 22, Bradley, 111. July 21 — Pauline Adamic, Br. 105, Detroit, Mich. July 2'5 — Mary Messersmith, Br. 8, Steelton, Pa. July 26 — Ann Petanovich, Br. 80, Moon Run, Pa. July 30 — Josephine Prebil, Br. 4G, St. Louis, Mo. July 31 — Kathryn Pauline, Br. 94, Canton, Ohio MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! HAPPY NAME DAY, JULY 26, TO ALL OUR ANN'S! DATES TO REMEMBER . . . July 17 — Departure for St. Anne de Beaupre Shrine in Canada by members of S.W.U. July 18 — Lemont Zveza Day, Br. 2, Lemont, 111. July 29 —• Picnic for members, Br. 26, Pittsburgh. Pa. Sept. 1 — Card Party, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Sept. 12 — Trip to Dickeyville, Br. 17, West Allis, Wis. Sept. 13 — Cook-out, Br. 73, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio Sept. 19 •— Penna State Day, Br. 91, Oakmont, at Acme- tonia, Pa. Oct. ------ Annual Birthday Celebration (Date to be an- nounced), Br. 73, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio Oct. 17 — Slovenian Day, Combined Branches of Cleveland, O., at Rechar Hall in Euclid, O. Oct. 24 —• Poultry Card Party, Br. 17, West Allis, Wis. Dec. 6 — Christmas Party, Yearly Meet., Br. 73, Warr., O. ON THE COVER . . . No. 2, Chicago, HI. — With everyone ready for this year's Lemont Zveza Day on July 18th, we cordially invite all our neighboring branches to the event which begins in the morning with Mass at the outdoor Grotto at 11:00 A.M. This gives you time to drive in from far and near. The Mass will be beautiful with Fr. Kalist Langerholz of Lemont officiating. Afterward the families will get together for the lunch and picnic. Our ladies are preparing for some fun games and entertainment will be by the Mladi Slovenci trio. The children will have races, too. I’m sure the day will be pleasant as God has given us good weather almost every year with just a few exceptions. Those traveling the southwest expressway from Chicago will find the trip very fast and easy. Members, send in your booklets before if you can. The prizes will be called at the picnic. They are all very nice: 1st — a beautiful hand-made afghan; 2nd — a lovely hand-crocheted sheet and pillow case set and 3rd — a baby carriage set, also beautifully hand-knit. These prizes are being made by our own members. So, be sure to bring your families and come to Lemont, July 18th for Zveza Day! CORINNE LESKOVAR S.W.U. FOUNDERS’ CAMPAIGN RESULTS 328 NEW MEMBERS I ENDING JUNE I, 1965 'irsl Place: No. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Second Place: No. 50, Cleveland, (). Third Place: No. 2, Chicago, III. Fou nh Place: No. 43, Mihv auket Classes Branch A B Jr. Total Branch A B Jr. Total 47. Cleveland, Ohio. - 2 4 6 1. Sheboygan, Wis. 2 17 17 36 50. Cleveland, Ohio 3 16 15 34 2. Chicago, 111. 4 19 9 22 52. Kitzville, Minn. 1 - - 1 3. Pueblo, Colo. - 2 10 12 54. Warren, Ohio - - 3 3 G. Barberton, Ohio 2 1 - 3 55. Girard, Ohio - 1 _ 1 7. Forest City, Pa. - - 2 2 56. Hibbing, Minn. - - 1 1 10. Cleveland, Ohio - 1 - 1 57. Niles, Ohio - 1 3 4 12. Milwaukee, Wis. - 1 - 1 63. Denver, Colo. 3 1 1 5 14. Euclid, Ohio 9 2 - 4 G5. Virginia, Minn. - - 2 2 15. Cleveland, Ohio 1 - - 1 66. Canon City, Colo - - 1 1 l(i. So. Chicago, Ill- - - 1 1 67. Bessemer, Pa. - 1 1 2 17. West Allis, Wis. 1 2 7 10 68. Fairpott Harb., O. - 5 1 6 19. Eveleth, Minn. 2 - 1 3 71. Strabane, Pa. 9 - 2 11 20. Joliet, 111. - 1 1 2 73. Warrensville, O. 1 2 10 13 21. Cleveland, Ohio - 1 - 1 77. N.S. Pittsburgh, Pa. - - 2 2 23. Ely, Minn. 8 5 4 17 78. Leadville, Colo. - - 11 11 24. LaSalle, 111. - - 1 1 86. Nashwauk, Minn. - 1 - 1 25. Cleveland, Ohio - 1 1 2 90. Presto, Pa. 1 - _ 1 26. Pittsburgh, Pa. - 1 - 1 91. Oakmont, Pa. - 8 1 9 28. Calumet, Mich. - 2 - 2 95. So. Chicago, 111. - !) 3 12 31. Gilbert, Minn. - - 1 1 100. Fontana, Calif. 2 - _ 2 33. Duluth, Minn. 3 4 3 10 101. Bedford Hts., O. 1 7 1 9 39. Biwabik, Minn. 2 - 2 4 105. Detroit, Mich. - — 9 V 3 40. Lorain, Ohio - 3 - 3 106. Meadowlands, Pa. 1 1 — 2 43. Milwaukee, Wis. Portland, Ore. 9 15 1 13 3 31 5 45. 1 53 134 141 328 TOP WORKERS IN THIS CAMPAIGN: First Place: ANTONIA TUREK, Supreme President Second Place: MARGARET FISCHER, Secretary of Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Third Place: ROSE KRAEMER, State President of Wisconsin 50 A. Turelc 35 101 A. Gyurcic 3 16 G. Buck 1 52 J. Crea 1 M. Fischer 26 105 P. Adamic 3 20 E. Planinšek 1 55 M. Mehalco 43 R. Kraemer 20 1 M. Brezonik 2 20 F. Gaspieh 1 56 B. Doshen 23 B. llosandich 17 2 A. Zugich 2 21 S. Dancull 1 57 M. Strah 2 A. Novak 13 2 K. Possedi 2 24 A. Strulcel 1 57 J. Logar 73 L. Epley 12 7 J. Gostisha 2 25 V. Faletič 1 66 C. Adamic 3 A. Pachak 11 14 M. Stražišar 2 25 M. Golinslci 1 67 M. Percie 78 M. Vidmar 9 33 A. Panyan 2 26 J. Cesnik 1 67 M. Brodesko 2 A. Zorlco 7 43 C. Groth 2 28 B. Elenich 1 73 I. Chase 1 M. Prisland 6 57 M. Masek 2 28 A. Gardner 1 77 E. Paulerkin 43 M. Tratnik 6 63 A. Pogline 2 31 A. Lucich 1 77 D. Domenich 71 u Smith 6 65 J. Tavchar 2 33 M. Shubitz 1 86 1C. Stimac 45 A. Carlisle 5 68 J. Mohorčič 2 33 R. Boben 1 90 F. Moore 17 M. Marolt 5 78 A. Weaver 2 33 M. Chiovitte 1 91 E. Curti 71 M. Tomsic 5 91 A. Kaus 2 33 J. Zupančič 1 91 A. Sorch 101 E Hawkins 5 95 M Ennis 2 33 C. Zupančič 1 91 M Skul 1 O. Saye 4 95 R. Dosen 2 39 C. Sherek 1 91 A. Ferrante 2 C. l^skovar 4 100 J. Kurelic 2 40 11. Kragely 1 91 L. Bergich o .1. Železnikar 4 2 J. Puhek 1 43 z. Dybul 1 91 J. Boštjančič 68 F. Pillar 4 2 A. Simec 1 13 J. Kolar 1 91 A. Hlacar 17 M. Floryan 3 3 P. Simonich 1 43 c. Rebernisek 1 95 M Sambol 19 M. Lenicli 3 6 .T. Ozbolt 1 47 K. Vatovec 1 95 E. Cora Poropat Boerner Cuzella 33 39 A. J. Podgoršek Zalai 3 3 6 10 J. A. Okolicli Zimmerman 1 1 47 47 M S. Sholar 1 Boben 1 95 95 95 M R. D. 54 J. Ponikvar 3 12 F. Plesko 1 47 A. Kresevic 1 101 A. Sustar (13 E. Nortnik 3 14 T. Spehar 1 47 J. Pugely l 106 J. Ferlich 95 M. Possedi *) 15 C. Pobega 1 47 •T. Zala 1 106 J. Peternal ALBINA NOVAK, Secretary ACT IV IT IES No. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. — We were happy with the good attendance at our May meeting, which was followed by our Mother’s Day program. At our meeting it was decided to charter a bus to Milwaukee on June 13th to attend the state convention and also the 35th anniversary of Br. ■13. As in the past, Mrs. Anna Modez will be in charge of transportation and we thank her for her efforts in organizing this trip. Our next meeting was held June 20th and it will be the last one for the summer months. The members are grateful to Mrs. Prisland and Mrs. Olga Saye for the enjoyable Mother’s Day program which they presented. A thank you to the Kitchen committee headed by Mrs. Dorothy Brezonik and Mrs. Mary Godez and their committee and all members who donated bars and cakes. The tulip favors made by Mrs. Dorothy Kregel were delightful and Mrs. Mary Brezonik’s “krofe,” 100 in number, were delicious. Thank you both very much. We also are grateful to the Citizens Bank of Sheboygan for their favors (ball-pens) which each member received. On behalf of the branch, our Moth-er-of-the-Year Mrs. Mary Brezonik was presented with a plant and with our best wishes and they were also extended to all mothers present. Appropriate Mother’s Day poems were recited by Mrs. Dorothy Kregel to her daughter, Yvonne and by Mrs. Mary Saucheck. Participants in the program were the following junior members: Mary-lin Mahler, Margie Fischer, Kathy Grabner, Tony Kotnik, Tonelle Su-scha, MaryLyn and Cheryl Kotnik, Stanley and Steven Kregel, Kathy Brezonik, Donald Shircel, Yvonne Kregel, Marianne Koblar, Wendy Eržen, Amy Ribicli, Karen Kotnik, Sandra Fritz, Anthony Rakun, and Mary Lynn Gustaveson. We lost three faithful members in death, namely Mrs. Mary Bernot, Mrs. Maiy Dragan and Mrs. Rose Startz, our sympathy goes out to their grieving families and to Mrs. Louise Bow-han upon loss of her husband. Our branch enrolled 14 junior members and 8 adults for April and May who are: Yvonne Kregel, Robert and Steven Marx, Sharon and Sandra Sau-chack, Mark, Michael and Steven Daniel, Beth, Annie, Mary and Theresa Brulla, Evelyn Pentek and Philip Ple-setz. New adult member are: Mrs. Mary Bruns, Miss Mary Ann Bruns, Mesdames: Elizabeth Dragan, Bernice Bernot, Josephine Lampe, Florence Rinkus, Mary Ann McCue and Mary Plesetz; we welcome them into our branch. A total of 36 new members was reached for the Founders Campaign which is just wonderful! A thank you to Mesdames Marie Prisland, Olga SILVER WEDDING BELLS Mr. & Mrs. John Vertacic Saye, Mary Godez, Mary Brezonik and Agnes Gergisch who gave me a helping hand in this campaign. Get-well wishes to all our sick members and happy birthdays to July and August celebrants. God bless everyone of you. Will be seeing you at the September meeting. Margaret Fischer, Sec’y No. 10, Cleveland, Ohio. — Our May meeting was a gay one because we celebrated Mother’s Day with a party for all who attended. We were sorry we didn’t get a chance to pick out a Mother-of-the-Year, so we didn’t have one for the May Zarja. We were very happy to welcome back to our meetings sister Čebular, who has been away a long time due to illness and she brought along her daughter, Dolly as our guest and to celebrate her birthday. Other happy faces to see at the meeting were Jennie Koren our sargent-at-arms, she returned from Florida; Jennie Kosir, nice to see after her long absence; Mrs. Urbas, our past president and Mrs. Salmich who have been ill — they were with us, too. We celebrated the birthdays of Millie Novak, Jennie Koren and Tončka Repic. Last month we were very lucky to have a visit from State President, Mary Bostian. We had a very nice visit with her and all the ladies enjoyed her company very much. She lias such a wonderful disposition and is smiling all the time. Thank you, Mary for your visit and hope you find time to come again real soon! The month of May was happy for Br. 41 — they celebrated their 35th anniversary. Our best wishes to them. The dinner was wonderful and the The 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. John Vertacic Jr. was observed on two occasions recently On May 22nd a surprise party was held in their honor. The event, held at Standard Hall, was attended by 300 relatives and friends. On Sunday, May 30th, a High Mass in Thanksgiving was read in the couple’s honor. The couple then hosted a group to dinner. The Vertacics were married in Sheboygan June 1, 1940, at Sts. Cyril and Methodius Church Their children are John of Sheboygan, and Mary Ann at home. There are also two granddaughters, Mary Renee, and Lisa Ann. Mrs. Vertacic is the treasurer of branch 1, Sheboygan, and Mr. Vertacic is the Manager of the Park and Shop Super Market. Our heartiest congratulations on their silver wedding Anniversary. All of us wish them and their family good health and much happiness in the years to come. M. P. state convention which followed was a fine affair with representation from all the branches of Ohio. Even the state president of Pennsylvania, Mary Tomsic, was with us. She came with her two sisters. May thanks to our Supreme President, Toni Turek and also Mary Bostian, Ohio President, for a wonderful meeting. Marie Beck, secretary of Br. 50, was a grand recording secretary. At the close of the meeting, branch 50 had their members light candles for all our departed members from each branch present and it was very touching. During April and May we have lost two more members, Angela Trumbly and Ann Otoničar. Our condolences to the remaining families ... to our departed sisters, may they rest in peace. Our heartfelt sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Yagodnik on the loss of their son Frank. Tina, we all wish you a speedy recovery, too. God bless you all. Hope you had a happy Mother's Day and treated dad on his day, too. Sophie Magayna, Rep. No. 13, San Francisco, Calif. — Zveza Day was successfully enjoyed by many of o>ur members. We were twice blessed as our Mass was celebrated with First Holy Communion being received by the children. It is so rewarding to see the sweet faces of the children receiving First Holy Communion; somehow it brings the message of “Suffer little Children Come Unto MIO” home for those of us, how many years ago in an almost forgotten time, heard these same words. Yes, Zveza Day with Supreme State President, Rose Scoff at the helm was a happy day. Breakfast at the Cliff house was enjoyed by 30 members. There were prizes for all KEV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M. WHAT IS WRONG? (Jur spiritual life demands attention. Wo must be careful not to surround ourselves with junk. Our collection of junk may include boxes of bad habits, packages of indifference and carelessness and sloth, trunks of neglected opportunities, barrels of lack of mortification and sobriety. Misuse and excessive use of the things and luxuries of the world and of the flesh constitute the dead weight of sin. Sin causes breakdowns and wrecks us spiritually. The junk of all this worldliness interferes with our takeoff. It slows our progress. It may even bar our way. Here I am thinking of the boy David in the Old Testament. He offered to engage the giant, Goliath, in the battle to deliver the people of God from defeat and shame. King Saul, the warrior himself, therefore dressed him in his own coat of mail, a big, heavy, clanging armor. Poor David. He could hardly move in all this iron. He couldn’t handle Saul’s clumsy sword. So he removed all the “junk,” and took the tiny sling he usually carried along and with a pebble, flying from it, he moved in on the giant and slew him. We must be careful not to get bogged down by the cramping weight of the world which will imperil our spiritual progress. We will have to encounter a black Goliath near the gate. Rather should we always have on hand the sling of simple, sincere religion. Five light and reliable pebbles we might use to arm our sling are: 1. Loyalty to God, expressed in a sincere and planned attempt to keep His commandments. 2. Love of God and a spirit of gratitude, expressed in living His presence among and in us by means of the Sacraments. 3. Kindness, consideration, and helpfulness toward our fellow man, expressed especially in concern over his suffering and misfortunes. 4. Keeping the spirit of poverty .expressed in reasoned use of the many material blessings the good God has given us. 5. Observing the virtue of chastity, expressed in mortification .self-denial, and self-control. Let us search our soul and dump the junk that is pie-venting us from real spirituality and keeping us away from going home — to God. and our treasury realized a lilt of over 30 dollars. Telephone committee, Ann Stark and Fran Chiodo (me) helped to obtain some guests. Only by working together can we realize days like these. Chairman of the day, Margaret Fager (Rose’s sister) buzzed from table to table distributing gifts and little rememberances of the day. The weather was beautiful and the view from the Cliff house seemed twice as lovely. Rose, we thank you for a very nice day. I know all those who enjoyed this day are looking forward to our next function. There will be a slight vacation from meetings; our next meeting will be held on September 2*. when we will have a social following. There are surprises planned for the evening, so come Ladies, attend your next meeting, September 2! It is that time of year when I say: Greetings to all my fellow travelers who visited Hawaii with me! This time of year you all come to mind so I extend to you each wishes for a happy summer vacation, hoping one day soon we shall all return to "Paradise” once again . . . Fran E. Chiodo, Rep. No. 14, Euclid, Ohio. — At our June meeting, it was decided that regular meetings would not be held during the summer months of July and August. In view of the long time between meetings, we hope to have a large turnout for the September meeting, which also happens to be the time for birthday celebrations. Goodies at the meeting were furnished by Amalia Povirk and Vida Kuhar. At the June meeting, we celebrated Jo Centa’s twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Her friend and sisters-in-law presented her with a corsage and a large anniversary cake, which was shared with all of us present. We wish Mrs. Centa many more anniversaries. Frances Globokar and her husband spent a nice vacation in her home Supreme President’s Message Dear Members, I have been receiving many letters from members regarding assessment after reaching the age of 75 and SO years. Note: For all members who had reached 80 years before July 1, 19G4 their assessment is free. New ruling is now that there will be no more free assessment to a member reaching 80 after the date above but all who reach 75 years pay only 2Of a month dues toward expense fund. Illinois State Insurance board does not peiTnit any organization to operate by giving free assessment; that is why at the last 1904 convention held at Chicago the new ruling has been made that all members reaching age 75 years pay only 200 monthly for expenses. In July, Pilgrimages will be attended by SWU members and friends at Lemont and Canada. I hope that this day will be a very memorable one for all. European tours which are sponsored by Slovenian Women’s Union are very well represented again this year. Guides for this year are Marie Prisland and Albina Novak and in their groups we have Past President Josephine Livek, State President of Colorado Anna Pachak and many members and friends. To all making this trip, I hope you will have a very enjoyable vacation and to Mrs. Novak who is spending her days at the health spa I wish she regains her good health back and will be feeling up to par and full of vim and vigor to be back and carry on with her work. To all traveling abroad and in the states, a safe journey back. Vacation days are here and I am sure most of you are looking for the rest that we all need. Combined branches of Cleveland are busy again planning for the Slovenian Day affair which will be held October 17th at Recher hall. Reserve that day because a great surprise is in store for all. More on this affair you will find under State President’s column, Mary Bostian. June 7th, Mary Bostian and I attended the meeting of Br. 101, Bedford Heights, Ohio. It was a great pleasure and I was very happy to see that this branch is so very active. Three years and a half have passed since this branch was organized. Since that time Father Paulin has been their spiritual advisor and attends all their meetings. Newly-elected president for 1965 is lovely Ann Gyurcik. She really is a go-getter and I mean it. She is a very hard worker and is another one that has Zveza in her heart. It won’t be long and this little branch will be built up with many new members as their record shows that they have obtained a large number of new members in the past. I am very proud of them as all members work hand in hand with their officers and even volunteer their services to them. Wish that we had more like them. Our noted singer and director, Mr. Anton Schubel suddenly passed away June 9th at the age of 65. This is a great loss to our community and Slovenian culture as he was director of many choral groups. He also was a great admirer of our Zveza and in behalf of all our members we pray and may God grant him eternal rest. Speedy recovery to all ailing, Happy Birthday to all born in July and have a nice vacation. I still have Cook books on hand for only $2.75 including postage. Toni Turek STATE PRESIDENT OF OHIO-MICHIGAN REPORTING MESSAGE GIVEN AT THE STATE CONV ENTION BY MARY BOSTIAN Greetings to each and everyone. We are gathered together today l’or the benefit of our organization. This is tny second State Convention and I enjoy it very much — especially to meet you all as you are such wonderful ladies. I admire all the branches for their ability, making their meetings more interesting and bringing together your members as they should be. This really makes members more active and willing to attend. I hope you all keep up the good work and spirit, it’s a pay off! Now, if anyone has anything to suggest, please let us in on your ideas. I hope all the branches have enrolled some new members for this campaign; we also must urge some young people to get active and this is what we need. Try to get young people into the branch — we just must concentrate on that kind of promotion. So, S.W.U. will go on and on, not die out. Get them in and let them give us their new ideas and we also must go along with them, encouraging them as juniors so when they grow up, they’ll stay with us. But, urge them to attend the meetings, gradually they will be accustomed to it and then, you will have new people to put into office when the time comes. This would help out a great deal. HIGHLIGHTS OF THE CONVENTION Thanks should be expressed to Dorothy Strnisha, the recording secretary of the combined branches for the last two Minutes of meetings read at the convention. This was done for the benefit of those who weren’t able to attend. I hope everybody enjoyed the news. Our hearty appreciation to Penna. State President, Mary Tomsic for visiting us with four other members and her two sisters, a daughter and son. What a wonderful neighbor we have in Mrs. Tomsic! Louise Epley, our Director of Youth, spoke on the topic most interesting to us. Marie Beck read the 1964 State Convention Minutes and it was nicely done. She again recorded the minutes of this meeting. (Entire text is in Slovenian Section. — Ed.) Our Supreme President spoke on our youth, too, explaining the youth membership. It was also very interesting We all admire Mrs. Turek very much and many commented on the picture on the May cover of Zarja showing her dear mother and grandchildren. She is lucky to have her mother as many of us have lost ours years ago. So, to all our dear mothers we should give our full love and devotion. I want to thank Supreme Secretary, Albina Novak for sending her greetings and to Anna Kostelic from Br. 91, Oakmont, Pa. as well. It was very much appreciated to be remembered. This gives me more courage, I can tell you. A discussion was held at the meeting about our State Convention in Penna. this fall and to Lemont Zveza Day in July. All approved the chartered trip to Penna. and we hope to have a bus for Lemont. Many members spoke on ways to keep the young interested in our SWU and this is really a problem. I hope some young people read this and take into consideration all the love and work that has gone into this organization and want to be a part of it. The older, as you know, are finding it very hard to go on. I wish I could help in such town of Forest City, Penna. Donations to the good-time treasury were made by Anna Hrovat, Katie Jacob, Frances Hočevar and Mary Smrdl. Many thanks. A speedy recovery to sick members Jennie Ivancic and Antonia Kostrevec, as well as the other members who have been ill recently. Let’s see you all at the September meeting. Molly Sodja a way that all branches would flourish, but it s really up to each member iuid each branch. Branches 14, 50 and 68 spoke on a topic of interest to all, their good deeds lor such drives as Cancer Fund, Retarded Children and to help sick members to pay their dues, etc. Br. 08 also spoke of sending in nominations for the Scholarship Award. All branches were interested in listening to all these topics. Belonging to S.W.U. should mean not a club or groul of women meeting every so often but do something constructive and to make others happy. The more we sacrifice, in time, work or maybe even with donations, the more it will make life happy and worth living for all ol' us. It will make us more content and help your branch to do good deeds. The meeting opened and closed with prayer by our Supreme President, offered for all our deceased members. Then the drill team girls were so nice and took part in a memorial tribute by lighting candles while Mrs. Turek read a prayer. Each branch was called out and a candle extinguished, so each branch was represented. This made it very interesting. Once again, thanks to Br. 41 for their invitation to their 35th anniversary and we congratulate them on this wonderful occasion and wish them many years of success. Thanks to them for the delicious dinner, nice entertainment an^ to all who helped make the crowd. I want to wish each and everyone of our branches the best of luch, progress and success. You are all doing fine — keep it up. Bless you all. COMBINED BRANCHES OF OHIO MEETING NOTES The June meeting of the Combined Branches centered on a discussion of the Oct. 17th Slovenian Day celebration. All branches which wish so, may come dressed in Slovenian costumes to make it look like it should, really Slovenian. Looks are what counts, and we want something different, to draw attention. We will have a bake sale in the morning at Rechar Hall followed by dinner beginning at 3 P.M. We will also have a wonderful program and important guest. I am hoping everyone will cooperate and help to make this Slovenian Day a big show and a big success. It could be the talk of the town. We will serve a Slovenian menu which will be ready for publication in the next issue. I must mention our two birthdays; we celebrated Pauline’s Stampfel’s and Nettie Strukel’s June birthdays at the meeting. Nettio brought home made delicious donuts and Pauline treated us with refreshments. We all enjoyed it and sang many happy songs for their birthdays. We wish them many more and lots of luck. I wish to congratulate all juniors who graduated this spring and I wish them a great success in their dreams of the future. I am very proud of our Baton Twirlers who marched so bravely in St. Clair on Juno 5th for the Little league. We received many compliments on how attractive they looked. Credit goes to Ann Cook and her wonderful daughter. I am very proud of them. We are now all anxious to get the new group started. m. B. No. 16, So. Chicago, III. — Our annual “Chicken Dinner” took place Thursday evening May 27th at "Chol-aks.” Eighteen members were entitled to a free dinner. In order to be eligible one must attend at least six meetings within the year. So members, isn’t that an incentive? Not to mention the good times we have socially. Mrs. Cholak, who is also a member, served us a very delicious dinner. There were twenty-eight in attend- ance and to prepare us a good meal as she did for so many is not easy. We thank her from the bottom of our hearts for all her efforts to please us. Also we deeply appreciate Jean Bukvich’s and her sister, Edna Winter’s donation of the beautiful floral pieces, aprons, hankies, etc all of which were hand made and must have taken quite a bit of their time. I would like to thank all you members for the kindness shown me and OF ILLINOIS also for the spiritual bouquets in the recent loss of my husband. May God reward you all! As usual, remember we have no meeting in August, but we will be looking for you in September. Rose Salakar, Rec. Sec. No. 17, West Allis, Wis. — What a lovely time of the year spring is, in all its beauty, birds singing, grass and trees turning green, flowers a-waking from the deep sleep to enhance the beauty even more so when in their full bloom. What a grand and glorious feeling to be able to see it day after day. Among the group traveling to Europe with the Supreme Officers are our Organizer, Mrs. Josephine Schlo-sar, our treasurer, Frances Piwoni, Mr. and Mrs. John Frangesch and daughter, Joan, Mr. and Mrs. August Floryance, Mary Renko and her Mother. Bon Voyage!! Have a real nice trip and have a wonderful time; we will be thinking of you. Mr. and Mrs. Tael are traveling to New York and Washington, D.C. this year. Our Vice-President, Vickie Kastelic has that faraway look again, where she will decide to go is still unknown. Happy vacations to one and all! Those interested in going to Le-mont, contact me at once so arrangements can be made for chartering a bus for Zveza Day, Sunday, July 18, 1965. Our group is also chartering a bus trip to Dickeyville and other interesting points for Sunday, September 12, 1965. There are still some seats available, please call 774-2061 or 384-4908 and we will reserve them. Our branch will hold a Poultry Card Party on Sunday, October 24, 1965 at St. Mary’s Hall, So. 60th and W. Madison at 8:00 P.M. Sharp! All branches and friends are invited to attend and donations for this affair will be more than welcome. With summer coming everyone will be busy, tending and caring for their garden, so just a reminder that our meeting will resume on Sunday, September 19, 1965 at 2:00 P.M. and I hope to see many more new faces at the monthly meetings. The Founders’ Campaign was very interesting and I was following it monthly. It is very gratifying to know and see that the branches and members are all doing their very best in getting new members. Our Foundress, Marie Prisland will be so very happy to receive such beautiful bouquets of "Rožice” members. What a lovely tribute to receive by one who has S.W.U. so much at heart and also has that knowledge that S.W.U. is prospering year after year. So, let’s not stop after this campaign, but let us always be alert in getting a new member. Congratulations are in order for Joyce Blasovich Branch No. 43, a Wisconsin branch on their 35th Anniversary which they celebrate on June 13 and at that time the Wisconsin State Convention was also held. Our deepest sympathy is extended to the husband and children of Elizabeth Tkavc who passed away suddenly. She had been inactive for several years due to ill health and we missed her at the meetings which she attended regularly. May she rest in peace. Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Josephine Horvath, Mary Evans, and to all our shut-ins. Happy Vacationing to all! Marie A. Floryan No. 20, Joliet, III. — Our condolences to the families of our members who passed away. Mrs. Catherine Smolich lost her husband, Anton, age 84 years. He is also survived by six daughters two of whom are our members: Jennie Demulc and Mary Stry-sek. There are five sons. Mr. Smolich was a member of various organizations and a resident here over 60 years; a real pioneer of the parish. The daughters and Mrs. Smolich attend our meetings regularly. Thirty-one grandchildren and 32 great-grandchildren also survive. Mrs. Antoinette Susterich and her family lost their husband and father, Anton Susterich, age 68 years. Four daughters survive ,one of whom is married to Edward Pucel and at the time of the funeral was in Germany where her husband is stationed for the duration of his 20 years service. Mr. Sustarich also is survived by grandchildren and many other relatives. He made his home in Rockdale. No. 16, So. Chicago, III. — We are very proud to introduce you to Joyce Blasovich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Blasovich of 10648 Avenue B in South Chicago. Joyce graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana on June 19th where she majored in English and minored in Speech. Her future plans are to work for an advanced degree on a part time basis while working in the publication field. In the summer of 1963 Joyce toured Europe with the Slovenian Women’s Union visiting many countries as well as relatives in Yugoslavia. Joyce’s long-time membership in Branch No. 16 has made her eligible for the rider to her original policy. Her Mother, Josephine Blasovich and sister, Joan Piazza are also members of Branch No. 16. Our sincerest Congratulations on her accomplishments and may God grant her Good Health so that she may attain the goals she has set in her future. Gladys K. Buck Mrs. Susterich is a member of our branch Glee Club for many years. Our bowler, Ann Cox (maiden name Racki) lost her husband, recently. To her family and all survivors, may they be consoled and may the deceased rest in peace. Our May meeting was as usual for this month, concerned with the honoring of our 1965 most popular mother who was Mrs. Jo (Frank) Goron. Mrs. Planinšek presented her with a beautiful corsage and she was the recipient of many gifts from the members and previous popular mothers of the branch. Mrs. Planinšek also stressed the various deeds performed by Mrs. Goron in her years with the branch. Our congratulations, Jo! At this meeting, lunch was served and community singing followed, directed by Mrs. Jennie Sprengel. The lucky prize winner was Mrs. Mary Lesnik. Celebrants of their silver anniversary were Mr. and Mrs. Anton Golo-bitch. Our congratulations. Mrs. Golo-bitch is the daughter of Mrs. Jennie Benedik. Cards for recovery were mailed by the secretary to Mmes. Mary Plankar, Mary Papesh and Ursula Ambrose who were at the hospital, also Amelia Plese ill at home. June was graduation month at most schools. Some of the daughters of our members graduated from St. Francis Academy: Jane Kociuba, Nancy Bo-zich whose mother is a long-time member as was her late grandma, Mrs. Skroko, and Vera Ancel whose mother Olga and two grandmothers are our members, Mrs. Barabara Ancel and Jos. Erjavec, and her two JUNE GRAD BOWLERS LAUD OUT-GOING OFFICERS aunts, Mines. Millie Pucel and Jo-nita Ruth. Graduating with Vera was her younger sister, Nadine, from St. Joseph’s eighth grade and their cousin, Philip Pucel, from the same school. Philip’s two grandmothers, Mmes. Anna Pucel and J. Erjavec and aunts, Olga Ancel and Jonita Ruth all helped these graduates celebrate this important event in their lives. Vera Ancel is headed for the College of St. Francis this fall. And it is from there that Charlotte Sak was graduated this June. She is the daughter of Mrs. Helen Sak, our member. Prom Washington, D.C., the daughter of Mrs. Emma Planinšek, Irene has received her Master of Arts degree and will go into a teaching career. She studied at Catholic University and for her thesis wrote on the topic of Slovenia. Her sister, Mrs. Bertha Hofer and aunt, Mrs. Pauline Lukančič are also our members for many years. Our congratulations to all lucky girls and boys. I am sure that many more graduates could be listed, sons and daughters of our members, but they are unknown to this reporter at this time. With best of luck to all, and hopes for a bright future and success in all your endeavors, may God bless you all. Josephine Erjavec No. 21, Cleveland, O. — Our branch lost two members in death, Sophie Borek, Mary Slabe and member, Mol-lie Strle from Petersburg, Fla. on the loss of her husband, Frank after a lingering illness. He was buried from Annunciation parish in Cleveland. Our deepest sympathy to all the grieving families. Our sympathy and sorrow to Bertha Glau on the loss of her granddaughter, Gill, age H/2 years, who passed away suddenly May 30th. Josephine Intihar, Theresa Bach, Mary Mismas and Antoinette Estanek were all hospitalized since our last article. On the sick list is Mollie Strle. We hope all the members above are now well and on the road to recovery and we wish them the best of health in the future. We had a lovely time at our dinner honoring the Mother of the Year, Theresa Zupančič. A beautiful orchid was pinned by our Vice-President, Cecelia Brodnik. The dinner was delicious and all the members brought something. Here are just a few items: baked beans, cheese strudel, bakery, refreshments, cash, “nothings,” macaroni salad, beautiful cake baked by daughter, Teresa Tag for mother, loads of door prizes, etc. Hope you all enjoyed yourselves. The important, event of the evening was the successful booklet project. The lucky winner, Donald Chesnik who got $50.00. He’s from 13704 Astor Ave. We wish to thank all our members who donated their time in the kitchen .serving, No. 20, Joliet, III. — The events of the ’64-65 SWU Bowling League are now tightly locked away in each and every girl’s memory scrapbook. On the front page of this scrapbook, you will note the credit due the officers for their display of fine workmanship. Helen Golobic, President, and her many special jobs that held the league firm; Jo Sumic, Vice-President, doing her usual fine job as an administrator; Marge Gasperich, treasurer, persistent to keep financial matters in order and donating her services for jobs not contained in her office; Barb Terlep, Treasurer, for her continued activity towards keeping the league organized; and Gert Padovich, Sargent at Arms, being available at all times with a helping hand. To these girls, with their misfortunes of the past year, a special thanks for a successful ’64-65 season. Then you will flip the page and start at the top to find Northwest Recreation Club claiming honors for top team. Northwest only relinquished first place twice out of 35 bowling sessions and ended the season with a G-game lead. Bluth’s Sausage, American Slovenian Home and Papesh Funeral Home (only half-game difference), Kraus Radio & TV, Shep’s DX Service Station, Ellena Builders and Merichka’s Restaurant followed respectively. Northwest kept up their winning ways and claimed High Team donating and helping. Thanks Anna Jesenko for selling so many tickets, and we are grateful to Cecelia Brodnik for conducting the program. Congratulations to Frances Cimperman on being the proud grandma for the 12th time with a darling granddaughter, Caryn Marie. We wish her and parents, good luck. On vacations: Mary Nosan, Pauline Friedel in beautiful Hawaii. Hope they have a wonderful time and come back with a Hawaiian suntan and many wonderful memories. Mary Hunter, a-long with her husband, has returned from a fabulous one month vacation, touring beautiful Hawaii, and a trip to California to visit sister Josephine Oblak and her hubby. Hope your trip was enjoyable, Jo, and welcome home. We have a new member to welcome, Rose Kosko. The very best wishes to all the ladies celebrating their birthdays and anniversaries, also a summer vacation to all. The next meeting is Sept. 1st. Stella Dancull, Sec’y No. 24, LaSalle, III. A happy vacation wish to all of members who may be off to far away places this summer. We will not be having any meeting in July and August and the Sept. meeting notice will be in the paper. Series of 1855 and High Team Game of 727. Bluth’s stayed 011 their tail with a Series of 1827 and Game of 668. Marge Wajchert, 011 the last night of bowling, took over high individual average with a 155; while Jo Mlakar dropped to second with a near-miss of 154. Ann Savol followed with an average of 150. Barb Terlep, with a 122 average, rolled a 432 series (66 pins over her average) to win the Spring Sweeper; and Helen Golobic was runner-up with 41 pins over her 135 average. And then there is an all important chapter of the girls’ personal lives. To Helen Golobic and Ann Cox, we express our deepest sympathy in your time of bereavement; and to Jo Sumic, Barb Terlep and Sophie Stiglich, we wish you speedy recoveries after your operations. With the closing of the ’64-65 season, the grand finale has been the bowling party held at the Blue Willow Restaurant. Bowling prizes were awarded and new officers were elected; and the report or this event will come from your newly-elected publicity chairman, Mary Rudman. So at the season’s end, I would like to take this final opportunity to thank each and every girl for their cooperation in assisting me in writing this article; it. was fun. Marilyn Nemanich, Publicity Chairman Hope you will all attend to get the fall season off to a good start. Don’t forget to pay your dues so we won’t have any in arrears this summer. Our treasury is already so low, we cannot pay out for any advance dues The increase of five cents per month is for every member and those over 75 years of age pay only 20 cents per month into the S.W.U. Expense Fund. Please consider this ruling when making your payments. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Bernard on their new baby girl. The mother’s name was Helen Knap. In the hospital this month are Mary Sever, Frances Kolar, Anna Dular and Mary Baznik who broke her arm and is now at home. To all, hearty wishes for good health. Our deepest sympathy to Hose Furlan, Anna Mathews, Dorothy O’Keefe and Florence Smrkal who grieve after their father, Andrew Urbane who was called to his reward at the age of 85 years. May the perpetual light shine upon him. Best wishes to all our members from coast to coast. Stop by my house for a cookbook if you are in need of a perfect gift. Angela Strukel, See’y. No. 25, Cleveland, O. — It has been quite a while since I have written an article or kept in touch with our Zveza fans. Mrs. M. Otoničar says: “Viki, daj no nekaj v Zarja pisati pa povej našem članicam kako se pri nas imamo.” Our meetings are conducted very informally — mostly for relaxing and fun. In May we always select a mother of the year. Mrs. Julia Bokar of 6615 Edna Ave. was chosen from Br. 25. The members were pleased with the choice greeting her with much applause. In response Mrs. Bokar’s words were —■ “Thank you ladies for giving me the honor, a« you know I am not young and yet you have picked me as the Mother-of-the-Year. It makes me feel very happy that everyone has accepted me with favor.” Her smile was warm and friendly as only a mother’s smile can be. Another May-time special is when we draw for a queen. Everyone present has a chance. Mrs. Jennie Feme of 1048 Addison Rd. was pleasantly surprised and slightly stunned when her name was called. Our former queen, Mary Orazem, 6326 Carl Ave., crowned the new reigning queen for '65. The crowning ceremony added joy as the new queen crowned our Blessed Mother while members sang softly a hymn to Mary. It was truly an excellent evening. It would be nice if more members put their good ideas into action for continued improvement of Zveza. The younger group of women of Br. No. 25 could really zoom-up activities. Mrs. Pauline Stampfel our president remarks, “kje so pa naše ta mlade ženske?” especially when they haven’t been attending meetings regularly. The Founder’s Campaign in honor of Mrs. Marie Prisland well-known throughout Zveza-Land as our organizer, closed June 1st. We hope that it has been successful in all the branches. Br. 25 regrets the new membership drive lagged this campaign. Previously we always ranked on top-records show. Some of the members who haven’t been at meetings lately make it a point to spend an evening enjoying a light snack, embroidering a few doil ies and dancing to beetle music (four corners count). Us teenagers will teach you. See you at the shindig. Vicki No. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. — The committee and I wish to thank all members and friends who helped to make our luncheon and card party such a big success. Thanks to the members who brought prizes and to those women who helped us in the kitchen; it surely was appreciated. Congratulations to Diana Schriver on receiving a scholarship award from the S.W.U. Diana is the granddaughter of Mary Melamarich. Get well wishes to all our sick members. Hoping all our members have a pleasant and enjoyable summer and we’ll be seeing you In the fall at our first meeting after vacation, Sept. 21. God bless you all. Ann Prankovic, Sec’y No. 32, Euclid, Ohio. - Our meeting in June was short and now for two months, July and August .there will be no meetings. We want all of you to mark that down, but we will ask you to call any of the officers if you have any news that you wish to have in our column in Zarja. My number is IV 1-3447. We have some sad news and our sympathy to Agnes Jazbec, who lost her brother, who died in May. We lost a good member, Josephine Femec — she passed away May 19th. She was the first to organize our branch and very active all these years. We lost a good member and her daughter, Mary Noda who is also our good member, lost a beloved mother. Words can’t express the sorrow she bears, but when you put yourself in God’s trust, this is our hope and consolation. We sympathize with her husband and family. May she and all the departed rest in peace. From our President’s side, Ray Potokar, her grandchild, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Potokar, Jr., was married to Gisela Weiss on May 8th at St. Paul church in Euclid. Congratulations to both sides and grandparents. Mrs. Anton Tekavec became grandmother once again in May. Congratulations to you. We wish a speedy recovery to Mary Boots, daughter of Frances Sokach who is ill in the hospital. Also, we pray that Mary Zele is much better and recovering from her surgery at home. May our Blessed Mother heal the sick and with warm weather coming, will make the sick well. Celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary June 29th were Mary and Louis Noda. We wish you health and happiness. Congratulations from all of us. Hope you see your Golden one, Ann. Our Treasurer, Molly Gregorc, isn't quite up to par as yet since she lost her dear husband, but we wish her luck and progress and strength that she will be back among us and working with us soon. May God help her. If we missed any of our sick, we wish them all good health and speedy recovery! In May we had our Mother’s Day Party and birthday celebration and we were most happy with a good attendance. The one that brought our baked goods, etc. are as follows: Annie Tekavec, strudel; Ann (Matt) Tekavec, cake; Katherine Goliner, cake and strudel; Josephine Comenchek, cake and sandwiches; Agnes Jazbec, cake and wine; Theresa Potokar, tea and pickles, plates, napkins, etc. We thank all of you and may God repay your generosity. To make our treasury bigger, Mary Erchul and Frances Perme each gave $1. Thanks. We also have a good time kitty and our good members contributed for their birthdays to this fund. The following gave $1: Annie Pozar, Angela Yarm, Mary Koraba, I.ouise Kalister, Annie Godlar, Annie Tekavec, Mary Rupert, Mary Knific, Mary Noda and Josephine Feme. We thank you and wish you a happy birthday. We can all see our members are very generous. May God bless you. We wish you all a nice vacation and we hope to see you all back in September on the first Tuesday. In the meantime, let us know what’s new and may God bless you all. Anna Tekavec No. 42, Maple Hgts., Ohio. — We were happy to see such a good attendance at the 10 o’clock Mass at St. Lawrence church. Communion was received by all attending from our branch. The intention was for the living and deceased members of No. 42 and also honoring our Mother of the Year. Dinner was served at 12 in the Slov. Nat’l Home in Maple Hgts. It was cooked and served by the newly organized cooking club. Well done! I am out of the hospital now, the stay was a long one and for the present, my trouble is arrested. God is very Good. He sends troubles but only as much as a person can bear. If you offer up your sleepless nights and all the pain that comes with illness, and never once lose hope—keep faith —help seems to come, just the same way as the crosses come to you. I found out a long time ago that the Rosary is as powerful a prayer as any. Of course, too, my family, sisters, their husbands and many nieces and nephews, brothers and their wives, my sister in the convent and the Dominican Order, never stops praying for the families of the religious. Teresa Filips and her husband, Anton, celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary with a nice surprise, given by their friends who brought everything to the house, food ,music, cheer, also cheer in the bottle. She is one of our members that always takes part and helps. Lillian Sadowski and her husband celebrated their 11th wedding anniversary with a little trip on the weekend to Pennsylvania. She is our good member. Congratulations and best wishes to both couples and many more. Jack and Mary Yemec are so very proud o f their family; one of their sons, Jack Jr., has been appointed Recreation Director at Madison Hgts., in Detroit, Mich. He is a former teacher at St. Rita's and recreation director at Maple Hgts. Congratulations, Hermine Prisland Dicke: and * * . * Much publicity has been given to President Johnson’s barbecue meals and it has been printed that even the Republicans like his special Barbecue Sauce. CHICKEN BARBEQUE WITH PRES. JOHNSON’S SAUCE 2 broiler-fryer chickens, quartered. Sprinkle chickens on both sides with salt. Place quarters, skin side up, on grate 3 to 6 inches from heat. Brush chicken generously with sauce. Cook until tender, turning and brushing occasionally. Allow about 45 minutes to lVi hours total cooking time. Chicken is ready when pieces feel tender when pricked by a fork. L.B.J. SAUCE % cup butter Vi cup vinegar Vi cup catchup Vi cup lemon juice Vi. cup Worcestershire Sauce Vi teaspoon Tabasco. Melt butter in saucepan. Stir in remaining ingredients and bring to boil; remove from heat. Brush chicken quarters thoroughly with sauce while barbecuing. BOASTING COBN EABS Turn back the husks and strip out the silk. Lay back the husks and tie in place. Dip in cold salty water (Vi, cup salt to 1 quart water). Place ears oil the grill over hot coals. Cook 10 to 15 minutes, turning the ears with longs until husks are dry and browned. Remove husks and serve corn with butter, salt and pepper. Or, instead of roasting corn in the husks, remove them, brush ears with melted butter, season with salt and pepper and wrap each in foil or paper toweling soaked in salt water. Place above hot coals and cook about 10 to 15 minutes, turning once or twice. POTATO SALAD “A good potato salad is the mark of a good cook.” To serve 6: Place in bowl: 3 cups cubed cold potatoes which have been boiled in their skins 1 tablespoon finely chopped onion. Sprinkle with J/2 tsp. salt and dash of pepper. Mix lightly with Vi cup French Dressing. Chill an hour or two. Add Vi cup chopped celery 1/2 cucumber, cubed 6 sliced radishes 2 tablespoons chopped parsley or chives. Toss lightly with % cup Cooked Salad Dressing or Mayonnaise. Top with slices of hard boiled eggs and tomatoes sections. Garnish with paprika. our youth is doing well, wherever they go or whatever they do! Mary Ann Yemec was Cancer Drive Chairman of Maple Hgts. Have a nice summer — do not forget to go to Mass on Sunday, even when away from home or on vacation or traveling. There are plenty of Catholic churches wherever you may be. God keep you all in His love and goodness. Louise Prhne No. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. — Our May meeting was changed because of Mother’s Day and the June meeting because of the 35th anniversary and state convention. The last meeting held was June Gth and then, there will be no meetings in July or August. On Sunday, Sept. 12th, we’ll have the first meeting, so let’s have a big attendance. Anyone who wasn’t initiated previously please attend. Congratulations are in order for Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Gallun, who are the proud grandparents for their first grandson, Dominic La Rosa. Mrs. Sharon Balsewicz is the auntie. The Dybuls had an unusual happening. Mr. Dybul was taken to the hospital May 3rd for an emergency appendectomy. Over the Memorial Day weekend, they planned a trip to Washington D.C. to visit Mrs. Dybul’s brother. On Tuesday, June 2nd, Mrs. Dybul was confined to the hospital for surgery. She is at the Milwaukee Hospital and is doing well. Get well wishes to you both. Our condolences to Amanda Esperes on the loss of her husband, John, and also to Anna Gorishek who lost her husband, Martin. Both had been ailing for a long time. Mr. Gorishek had been bed-ridden for a few years. May their souls rest in peace. A few days prior to Amanda losing her husband, she became grandma to a nice big baby boy. Congratulations! Our warmest welcome to our new members, Victoria Maglio, Sharon Balsewicz, Mary Ann Frankowski, Patricia Karniewski, Anne Pogorelc, Mary Musich, Pat Veselka, Sophie Bev-sek, Jo Ann Bevsek, Mary Jo Veselka, Deborah Balsewicz and Lynn Balsewicz. Anyone interested in purchasing the most-wanted cookbook, Woman’s Glory - the Kitchen, can contact yours truly. Get-well wishes are extended to our sick members and as I am writing this article, I was told Ann Reberni-sek is at the St. Francis Hospital. Send her a card or visit her and the other sick members at your convenience. They will appreciate it. Lastly, your dues, come to the meeting, Sun. Sept. 12th. Rose Kraemer, Sec’y SPICY MOLASSES DBOPS These are excellent cookies: soft, nutritious, plump which I’ve made for many years. With the children home from school and for picnics, you will want to have a supply on hand. J/2 cup shortening or margarine % cup sugar 1 egg 2Vi cups sifted all-purpose flour % teaspoon salt J/2 teaspoon soda 1V2 teaspoon allspice lVz teaspoon ginger Vz cup light molasses Vi cup boiling water 1 cup rolled oats (quick or old fashioned, uncooked) \/i cup chopped nutmeats. Heat oven to moderate (350 degrees). Cream shortening and sugar together until fluffy. Blend in egg. Sift together flour, salt, soda and spices. Add alternately with molasses and water to creamed mixture. Stir in oats and nutmeats. Drop teaspoonful onto greased cooky sheets. Bake in preheated oven 8 to 10 minutes. When cooled slightly, frost with browned butter frosting. Browned Butter Frosting Vi, cup butter 1% cups confectioners sugar 11/2 teaspoon vanilla 2 tablespoons evaporated milk or half and half milk. Brown Vi. cup butter over low heat; remove from heat. Beat in ll/j cups sifted confectioners sugar, lVz teaspoons vanilla and the 2 tablespoons milk. If necessary, add a little more milk or sugar as needed for spreading consistency. Note: This amount of frosting is enough for a double batch of cookies. HOUSEHOLD HINTS For a whiter meringue that cuts well and is flavorful, add lemon juice before beating, suggest home economists at the IT.S. Dept, of Agriculture. After grating soft cheese, immediately rub hard crust of bread over grater to clean it. Clean grater with stiff brush. Keep cake from sticking to flat surface by sprinkling powdered sugar on the cake plate. Remember — a foam pad is a must to stand on if one irons while standing on cement. Not only saves I he feet but the back, too. No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio. — The minutes were read, and a new member Mrs. Justine Klanchar was initiated. A rummage sale for September or October was discussed, so save your valuables. Some of our members became grandmothers again ,among them, Ann Dec-leva’s daughter, Carol Kalic gave birth to a baby boy. Josephine Trunk's daughters, Connie and Sallie .To each gave birth. For Connie it was Daniel Robert Schultz, and Sallie Jo had Kenneth Edward Furlich. Your reporter also became a grandmother tor the first time. My son, Joseph J. and his wife Jean gave birth to a boy, Joseph J. Glavan III. Our refreshment menu was planned entirely by Estelle Roitz. She was aided by co-workers Mitzi Bencin, Mary Hočevar, Jo Bencin, and Sophie Posche. Everything was delicious. We had a door prize donated by one of our members, a little Easter Basket, which was won by Theresa Navo. Girls, please come to the meetings so that you will know what’s going on. I’m sure your children are grown up so that you can get out once a month. If you don't drive, you can always ask somebody for a ride. P.S. Enclosed are some pictures of our meetings. (See 2nd cover page.) Frances Glavan No. 52, Kitzville, Minn. — Dear Sisters, 1 am sorry that you haven’t been hearing from me as much as you’d like, but I am sure that you will all understand that the Zarja deadline is so early and misses our meetings so our news is late. The meeting June 2nd was opened with a prayer by our president, Josephine Oswald. And, reports were in that there are a few sick members. Please visit them and bring them good cheer. Sister Lena Strazi-shar is confined to the Hibbing General Hospital and sisters Gertrude De Maddio and Patricia Hrovat have returned home after spending some time in the hospital. We wish them all God speed to a rapid recovery. To sister Pat Mancuso, we send congratulations on the arrival of her new bouncing baby boy, Joseph Michael. Our next meeting will not be held until Aug. 4th at the Little Grove. Due to vacation time, there will not be a meeting in July. So, while you are all enjoying your vacation, please drive safely and we will all be waiting for your return. Our social of the evening then took place. Hostesses were: sisters, Veronica Krizmanich, Margaret Pogorels, Patricia Mancuso, and Patricia Hrovat. Honors and gifts were presented to sisters: Rose Chiodi, Celia Palita-no, Josephine Palitano, Angeline Russ, Ivanna Prelesnik, Gertrude Koclievar, Margaret Koclievar, Jenny Crea, Dorothy Russo. This ended a delightful evening. May God bless you all and keep you in the best of health until we meet again. Drive safely. Yours truly, Gertrude Kochevar, Rep. No. 55, Girard, Ohio. — The Slovenian Women’s Union Mother - Daughter Covered Dish Dinner was opened with Grace recited by Mrs. V. Penksa. Mrs. K. Russ was honored Mother of the Year. President, Mrs. B. TTmeck presented her with a. gift of jewelry, a carnation corsage and the center- piece. Mrs. A. Cernich made a delicious cake for the honored member and beautifully decorated it for the occasion. Mrs. Russ shared her cake with the members and guests. President, B. Umeck made carnation corsage favors for members and guests as well. The committee that made the dinner a memorable event was, Mines. M. Cigolle, V. Penksa, A. Gabrovšek, J. Perusek, J. Perusek and M. Svesko who made the chicken as just she can. Following a short business meeting, we enjoyed the dinner. A social hour followed with awards being presented to Mmes. H. Bican, M. Cigolle, M. Nigut, K. Russ, B. Ma-tuszewski, M. Svesko, V. Bestic, G. Hlasta, M. Savor and V. Penksa. At this time, get-well cards were passed to all to sign and they were sent to Mrs. Mary Cekuta, who was hospitalized and Mrs. Emma Zore, sick at home. Our deepest sympathy was extended to Gala Jhoss on the loss of her nephew, Regis Lepore in an accident. No meetings are scheduled until September and at this time Mrs. G. Hlasta will be chairman and her aids are Mines. M. Kristen, M. Nigut, D. Magill and Miss Sophie Cekuta. Hope you all have a nice vacation. Anyone wishing to pay dues will be gladly accepted at my home. Those members who are busy and have fallen behind should take note — would appreciate it at this time when there are no meetings. May God bless you all with good health and happiness. Mary Ann Mehalco No. 56, Hibbing, Minn. — With the spring weather finally arriving here in Minnesota, we had a wonderful turn-out for our May meeting at which we honored our Mother of the Year, Mrs. Anna Brklich. It was great to see a large number of new faces. Let’s do this more often. Our business meeting was very short after which we draped the charter for our deceased member, Katy Danich. Our members paid their last respects to her and to the family we extend our deepest sympathy. A delicious buffet lunch was served by the hostesses, from a table covered with a lace cloth and a pink floral centerpiece flanked by white candles. Rose Brklich, a daughter of the honored mother, presided at the silver service. Also, her two other daughters, Mary McKusky and Katherine Rapko were guests. The honored mother was presented a corsage and gift from the branch. May she have many more years with us. God bless her. Cards were played and prize winners were: Mmes. Anna Brklich, Margaret Shelko, Frank Puhek, Rose Chernugal, Louis Stanich and Robert Genac. Mother’s Day poem was read by the president, and the group sang several songs for the honored mother. Hostesses were: Margaret Shorich, Antonia Rapinac, Elizabeth Gaige, Manda Butorac and Katherine Silver. In June, hostesses were to be: Mary Meadows, Rose Vickich, Angeline and Dolores Passino. So, until the September meeting, hope you all have a pleasant and enjoyable summer. Anne B. Satovich, Pres. No. 57, Niles, Ohio. Our Mother's Day banquet held at the Brown Derby turned out to be quite an enjoyable evening with after-dinner games played and lovely prizes awarded. The floral piece donated by Louise Matayko was won by Mary Macek. The lovely hand smocked velvet pillow donated and made by Leona Moler went to Louise Matayko. Congratulations to Joyce Duffalo on her engagement to Albert Nuzzi. Nancy Segrelo informs us that she and her husband had a lovely trip to New York. Frances Hribar, husband, son and daughter-in-law had a very nice vacation in Miami, Fla. Good luck and best wishes go out to Jane and John Logar who observed their 27th wedding anniversary. We welcome our new juvenile member, Patricia Jean Brown. She is the great granddaughter of Teresa Rachel-. Hope all who are ill have a speedy recovery. See you at the next meeting. Mary Moler, Rec. Sec. No. 73, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio — We opened our meeting with a prayer and then revealed our Mother of the Year, Sally Kunka, a very lovely, friendly and good person and worker. Congratulations — it could not happen to a nicer lady. She also received a beautiful slip and a pretty corsage donated by Emma S. Then, our delicious supper brought in by our members as a pot-luck was very, very good and a nice variety was seen: pork, ham, noodles, cabbage, jello salad, bean salad, tossed salad, desserts: apple strudel, cakes, cookies and candy and many more things. We have two new babies, Syl Crum-mie had a baby girl, grandmother is Rose Z. and Sally Mae Politoraski, a boy, grandmother is Sally Kunka. Congratulations to all and hope all are fine now. Our new member, Mary Schneider is welcomed to our branch and hope she has lots of fun with us, also hope her eye is better after the operation. On our graduates list are Frank Kainec from Bedford Hi, Patsy Mauer from Warrensville Hi and JoAnn Nowak is another graduate. Congratulations and good luck in the ever-challenging world. Also, to others I did not hear about. Have a nice summer and see you in September. Betty Bayus, Rep. No. 85, DePue, L11. — The annual Mother’s Day Pot-luck was held Sun day, May 16 at 7 P.M. Our meeting was held at 5 P.M. at the Dom with 10 members and ] guest present. Our president, sister Mary Stupar, wished everyone a healthy and happy summer vacation as our next meeting will be held Oct. 17, 1965. Get-well cards were sent to sister Theresa Grlc and sister Mary Kovačevič. May they soon be well. Get-well wishes to all other members who may be ailing. The potluck was a great success as usual. Games were played and enjoyed by all. Good health to all and may you have a wonderful summer. Frances Machek, Rep. No. 91, Oakmont, Pa. — Our June meeting was opened with a prayer and we had a wonderful turn-out. It was held at our treasurer, Anna Flis-ek’s home. After the business was over, we had a very nice lunch and played games. The evening did go fast. So, now our next meeting will be Sept. 7th at the same place and we will have a lot of business to take care of at that time. We will have our Penna State Convention again and it will be at the same place which is at Acmetonia, Pa., the Slovene Club. So, we are inviting all branches to come on out and have a nice day with us. I will write more about it in the Sept. issue and hope you all read it. Please try to make arrangements as soon as possible so that we will have an idea as to how to start things rolling. Our secretary, Amelia Sorch left on June 22nd for a trip to Europe for a couple of weeks. All our members and friends wish her a lovely trip and visit with her folks back in Slovenia. She will be back sometime this month. Safe return home, Amelia, to you and your family. Now, get-well wishes to all sick members and hope they all get well very soon, so, take care of yourselves when going on any trips for the summer. God bless each and everyone of you and wishes for good health to all. Hope to see you at the Sept. 7th meeting. Don’t forget Anna Kastelic, Rep. No. 95, So. Chicago, III. — It is with great pleasure and delight we introduce two newcomers who have joined our branch; they are, Mrs. Dorthy Sleczlta, 10619 Oglesby Ave. and Helen Stewart, 8401 Bennett Ave. Welcome ladies! Remember how last year’s Mother of the Year and May celebration lor Mary Ashenbrenner was held amidst laughter and tears? Nevertheless, the crowning ceremonies this year for Rose Dosen, our 1965 Mother of the Year, emerged as a sentimental smash of the year, when little Romaine Possedi handed the crown to our outgoing Mother of the Year. Everyone is ■it« i>i ill »a« i>i «>i »*■ IN MEMORY With unexpected suddenness, death came among us and took Jennie Cho-rak of 9630 Exchange Ave. who was the beloved wife of Martin, fond mother of Peter, Martin Jr., Mary, Frank, and Mrs. Catherine Yosanovich, dear grandmother of Peter Jr., Robert and Joanne Chorak, dear Sister of Mrs. Kate Janes and member of Br. 95. The character of the life she lived might be summed up in a few words: She was a devoted wife and a dedicated mother, sincere .earnest, industrious, self-sacrificing and above all a loyal member. What she believed she believed with her heart and soul; what she preached she practiced. She was a quiet perhaps overly modest women, inclined to be extremely cautious in her personal relationship with others. But the generous instincts of this fine woman will be missed not only by the members of her family but the entire membership of our branch. We join in extending to the members of her family our heartfelt sympathy and pray that the years that lie ahead the good Lord will sustain them and give them peace and health. Mildred James still talking about what a warm and wonderful event we had staged. Each of our mothers was pinned with a carnation which climaxed the evening. The entertainment was provided by the Warren School P.T.A. Kitchen Band. The band members are characterized by their ridiculous clothes and instruments. They use kitchen utensils and cow bells, horns, wash boards and make their own music. Their business is lousing up music, but how can you slaughter a tune when it is already a mess? We had fun participating in the short program and adding the Kitchen Band to the Mother’s Day theme. After the ceremony, Helen Golich presented our Mother of the Year, Rose Dosen, a beautiful heart-shaped cake. The table, heavily laden with goodies was prepared by the following: Amelia Citzella, Mary Barcevac, Rose Boerner, Rose Dosen, Mildred James, Olga Krmpotic, Helen Golich. Stephanie Magna vite, Mary Perkovich, Ann Pave, Mary Possedi, Mildred Po-ropat, Jean Ross, Dolores Sambol, Vickie Tomich, and Veda Yamich. It looks as tho the following women have done it again and brimming over with goodwill with their services toward our branch they are none other than the following: Rose Hoer-ner, Amelia Cuzella, Evelyn Driscoll, Manda Dosen, Marge Krmpotic, Ann Pave, Mary Perkovich, Ann Pearson. Mary Pleshn. Helen CiOlicb .and Mary Nieksic. Whether it has been fund-raising or just pure fun, surely “fellowship” is the key word describing our activities, which is the most important event of the evening and a very successful money raiser to say the least, our booklet project. It was basically in this way we realized the $281.93 Might 1 add that our devoted member, Mary Possedi, sold the most books! My sincere thanks to you Mary! The lucky recipients of the cash prizes are: Victoria Rukavina, Marie Grankowski, Duker 12631 Marshfield, Helen Stewart, and Mildred James. Congratulations winners! Kv-elyn Driscoll, our Rec. Sec’y, who has worked hard on this project, deserves a low bow. My deep gratitude to all of the members for our continued support and help in gaining our objectives. Birthday greetings to the following who are celebrating in July: Louise Dichele, Matilda Grepo, Marge Krmpo-tie, Ann Loncar, Mary Medonich, Milka Miljak, Manda Nosich, Joan Paul-ich, Mary Possedi, Anna Sabljak, Sylvia Werner, and Ann Matesevac (of Calif.). This was our last meeting for the summer. May I extend my warmest congratulations to all who are graduating this month, and to their good parents, may God be with them always ! In closing, Uindly remember the sick of our branch in your prayers. And remember the fun-filled summer a-head, the hours of temptation. Summertime is a dangerous time; please take good care of yourselves so that you may be with us for our first meeting in the fall, September 1st. God bless you all! Mildred James No. 100, Fontana, Cal. Just a few lines from Br. 100 in Fontana. Our meeting in May was well-attended. We honored the Mother of the Year, Antoinette Kovach. Sorry to report that she was ill and could not attend. We had the celebration without her and had a pot luck supper. We took her lovely corsage to the house and presented it to her there. Sorry, Antoinette, but our thoughts were with you anyway and we all wish you God’s blessing and a speedy recovery. After the supper, games were played and everybody had an enjoyable evening. Dorothy Petrich, Sec’y No. 101, Bedford Hgts., O. — There is not much to report this month as we have not. held our June meeting at this writing because of the holiday. June was a mighty busy month for brides and graduates. Open house was held for friends and relatives for one of our junior members, Dorothy Matjašič, who graduated from high school. Congratulations, Dorothy! To any oth- P. Claude Okorn, O.F.M.: PRAVO SPOZNANJE Neki poznavalec umetnosti je obiskal znano Marijino Cerkev v Copenhagenu. Želel je videti daleč naokrog znani lup Kristusa, ld ga je izdelal Thorwalden. Njegov prvi vtis mu je prinesel razočaranje. Nikakor ni mogel razumeti kako da kip žanje toliko priznanje. Na njega ni napravil nikalcega vtisa in je to tudi javno povedel. Neki vodič, ki je razkazoval cerkev neki drugi skupini, je slišal njegove pripombe in mu je svetoval naj si ogleda kip Kristusov kleče. “Namen kiparjev je bil, da si vsakdo kip ogleda na kolenih. Še le potem bo občutil vso lepoto, ki jo kip vsebuje.” Na njegovo največje začudenje, ko je bil na kolenih, je kip zadobil neko čudovito privlačnost. Kako pomember je ta izraz: “Le kleče.” Kolikšnega pomena je to, da še le na kolenih spoznamo čudovito privlačnost Kristusovo. Še le na kolenih spoznamo Kristusa. Naberemo si v življenju lahko veliko podrobnosti iz Jezu sovega življenja s tem da beremo sveto pismo. Mnogo znanja si naberemo potom učenja. Vprašanje je le ali napravimo kakšno razliko med tem znanjem in drugim zna- njem. Mogoče je ravno v tem naša težava. Ne delamo nobene razlike med tem ali onim znanjem. Učeni modri z Vzhoda so na kolenih odkrili pravega Kristusa. Prav tako so neuki pastirji na kolenih odkrili Jezusa. Podobno je z nami. Tudi mi lahko samo na kolenih odkrijemo Kristusa. V pobožnem premišljevanju bo vsaka malenkost, ki jo imamo o Kristusu prišla v ospredje. Samo na kolenih se bo naše znanje povečalo in poglobilo, obenem pa spremenilo v ljubezen. V tem je ves pomen našega znanja o Kristusu. Roditi mora ljubezen. To je poseben znak našega znanja o Kristusu. V našem kratkem življenju, ki je kakor muha enodnevnica, si moramo vzeti čas za premišljevanje o življenju in zgledu Jezusa Kristusa. Odstraniti moramo šum sveta in njegovo počenjanje, če hočemo slišati božji glas, ki nam govori v tihoti, če danes slišite njegov glas, ne zakrknite svojih src. Prisluhnimo božji govorici na naših kolenih Dokler ne bomo storili tega, bo naše znanje neplodovito. Že sedaj je naš razum ves zmešan zaradi neurejenega in od povsod privlečenega znanja. Le na kolenih bomo spoznali lepoto in moč Kristusovega značanja. Podoba Kristusova nam bo na kolenih postala tako jasna da si bomo želeli upodobiti naše življenje po njegovem življenju in zgledu. Jezus nam ne pravi zastonj: Zgled sem vam dal, da tudi vi tako storite. Ali Bog daje svojo milost le ponižnim. Torej. er graduates, congratulations and best of luck as you enter a new world. Sorry to report that Eleanor Hawkins and Mildred Hetsel were hospitalized. Hope they are feeling better. To any others on the sick list, a speedy recovery. For the June meeting hostesses were Mary Bradac, Stella Hajeck, and Pauline Stepic. That is all for this month. Belated wishes for a Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads' Betty Matjašič, Rep. No. 105, Detroit, Mich. Our monthly meeting in May was held at Ann Anzick’s home. There were eleven members present. Our secretary, Catherine Musick was absent and the minutes were read by our president, Pauline Adamic. Prizes were won by our hostess and Rose Jamnik, a candle in a glass (donated by Alice Kocjan) and a terry cloth apron and potholders (donated by our hostess). The delicious lunch was served comprized of potato salad, breaded fried chicken, baked beans, stuffed celery, rolls, walnut potica and apple strudel. A very delicious meal, Ann and enjoyed by all of us. We had a lovely dinner out in honor of our Mother of the Year, Gail Simon. Her picture appeared in the May issue of Zarja. Alice Kocjan is walking around these days with stardust in her eyes and an upswept hairdo, mmmmm? 1 wonder, could it be? Ann McGee is spinning around in her new Ambassador and loving it. We may have one more meeting before most of us will be off on summer vacations. Will be reporting again before then. Take care, and God bless you all. Stephanie Hometz, Rep. DOPISI Št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. — Današnji čas prikliče žalostne spomine na vse tiste, ki so nas že zapustili. Naša 90 letna čla. Mary Mismash je močno potrta, ko žaluje za sinom Charles, katerega je kruta smrt ugrabila v mladostnih letih. Vse njegovo življenje je bil z materjo, ki je tudi živela pri njegovi družini, z ženo in otroci, zato je bolečina ločitve bila še bolj občutljiva za vse preostale. Sestri Mismash izrekamo iskreno sožalje ob bridki izgubi nepozabnega sina. Ohranimo mu častni spomin in naj mu bo lahka hladna zemljica. — Čla. Elsie McGill žaluje za svojo materjo Julia Russ (pok. je bila žena Jožeta p.d. Oplotar), katero je smrt rešila mučne bolezni. Njen soprog je velik prijatelj naše Zveze, posebno mu je priljubljena naša Zarja. Tudi njega muči bolezen, pa upamo, da mu bo sonce zdravja kmalu zopet zasijalo. Soprogu, hčerki in sinu, izrekamo izraze sožalja. Tajnica je poslala voščilne kartice bolnim sestram v bolnišnico z željami za hitro ozdravljenje. Prijazna Jessie Koshak je imela resno operacijo na nogah. Theresa Fear se zopet zdravi v bolnišnici. Ann Hrobak je prestala operacijo. Frances Rogar si je hudo poškodovala nogo pri padcu in se nahaja pod zdravniško oskrbo. Mary Težak (sestra Fathra Daniel G.) si je zlomila drugo roko v zapestju. Pred 3 mesecema si je zlomila levo, sedaj pa je desna roka vsa v mavcu. Helen Miklicli se zdravi na domu po nevarni operaciji. Tako nam Bog nalaga svoje križe. Upamo, da bodo vse hitro pozdravele in prišle na seje. Priznanje g. John D. Butkovich za krasno izpeljan program na TV za materinski dan. On nas lepo razvedruje vsako nedeljo popoldne s Slovenian Radio Hour, ko na radiju igra naše lepe slovenske melodije, narodne pesmi in poskočne polke. Mr. in Mrs. Joseph Kocman sta obhajala 60 letnico zakona. Bilo je vse tajno, ker je Mrs. K. zelo bolana. Bog jim daj zdravja. Novomašnik bod’ pozdravljen! V času pomladi ko je vsa narava pokrita s pisanim cvetjem, da izgleda kakor božji prt, v slavo in čast Stvarniku. In narava se veseli z novomašnikom. Dne 30. maja je zapel prvo sv. mašo, v sosednji fari v cerkvi St. Frances, naš rojak, Rev. Frank Kogovšek, sin Franka in pokojne Mary. Ona je gotovo se s sinom veselila tega dneva in ga pozdravljala iz nebes. Žal se ji ni izpolnila srčna želja na tem svetu, da l)i dočakala sinovo novo mašo, toda Bog je uredil po svoje. Novomašnik je bil rojen in vzgojen v Pueblo, semenišče je dokončal v St. Thomas v Denverju. iskrene čestitke in želje za obilni božji blagoslov pri delu v Vinogradu Gospodovem, kot duhovnik in božji namestnik. Čestitke veljajo tudi njegovemu očetu, 4 bratom, sestrici, grandma Mary Kogovšek in Mamie Pugel, ki mu je teta. 6. junija je novomašnik daroval sv. mašo v naši cerkvi Marije Pomagaj ter podelil svoj novomašni blagoslov. Cerkveni zbor je lepo po slovensko zapel pesem: “Novomašnik bod’ pozdravljen.” Res nam bo vsem ostal ta dan v lepem spominu. Naša članska kampanja je končana, upamo, da je dobro uspela, kakor vse dosedanje. Nahajamo se v poletnem času, v času počitnic. Vsem želim, da bi se res najlepše imele na vaših počitnicah in da se vse zopet zdrave vidimo na seji v septembru. Naša prijazna Mammie Pugel in njen soprog se nahajata na 3 tedenskih počitnicah v Havaii. Have good time! Enako vsem izletnikom. Pozdravlja, Anna Pachak, preds. Marie Prisland: DAN NEODVISNOSTI Četrti julij ali DAN NEODVISNOSTI je največji in najlepši praznik naše nove domovine. Četrti julij 1776 je bil rojstni dan ameriške republike. Takrat so ji bili dani pogoji, na podlagi katerih se je razvila do sedajne veličine. Temelj so postavili svodoboljubni Amerikanci z IZJAVO NEODVISNOSTI, ki se vsako leto na 4. julija čita v tisočerih mestih širom Amerike kot evangelij svobodnega ljudstva. Izjavo neodvisnosti je pred več leti v slovenščino prevedel pokojni Anton Terbovec, urednik NOVE DOBE, uradnega glasila ABZ. Ta važen dokument ZARJA objavlja v spomin prevajalcu ter v opomin nam, da stojimo na braniku za svobodo, toleranco in bratstvo ter da kot dobri ameriški državljani po naših zmožnostih prispevamo svoj del k ohranitvi in širjenju teh idealov. IZJAVA NEODVISNOSTI Kadar se v teku dogodkov rodi potreba, da pretrga en narod politične vezi, ki so ga vezale z drugim, in da zavzame med ostalimi državami na svetu samostojno in enako stališče, do katerega je po prirodnih in božjih posta vah opravičen, tedaj zahteva pošten človeški običaj, da navede ta narod razloge, ki so ga privedli do ločitve od stare države. Smatramo, da so same po sebi umevne in dokazov nepotrebne sledeče resnice: da so vsi ljudje enako ustvarjeni in da so sprejeli od svojega stvarnika gotove neopore-kljive pravice, da je med temi pravica do življenja, svobode in do stremljenja po sreči. V dosego teh pravic imajo ljudstva svoje vlade, katerih pravične oblasti izvirajo iz soglašanja vladanega ljudstva. Ce pa poseže katerakoli vladna oblika v te namene in jih zatira, tedaj ima ljudstvo pravico, da tako vlado izpremeni ali pa strmoglavi in ustanovi novo vlado na takih načelih in uredi njeno oblast v taki obliki, kakor spozna, da je najpotrebnejša za njeno varnost in srečo. Razum sicer veleva, da se stare vlade ne izpreminjajo iz majhnih in mimoidočih razlogov, in izkušnja nas tudi uči, da ljudstvo rajši trpi krivice, kolikor jih more trpeti, kakor pa da bi si samo jemalo pravico z uničevanjem oblik, katerih je vajeno. Toda če dokazujejo krivice in zlorabljanja brez konca, ki gredo venomer za istim smotrom, namen, da podvržejo narod absolutnemu despotizmu, tedaj ima ljudstvo pravico in je njegova dolžnost, da strmoglavi tako vlado in da si ustanovi boljše branike za svojo bodočo varnost. Na ta način so potrpežljivo trpele naše kolonije in tako je nastala neizogibna potreba, da se ovrže stari vladni sistem. Zgodovina sedanjega kralja Velike Britanije je zgodovina ponovnih krivic in prisvajanja neopravičenih oblasti z direktnim namenom, da ustanovi absolutno tiranstvo nad temi državami. V dokaz predlagamo nepristranskemu svetu sledeča dejstva: Odrekel je priznanje zakonov, ki so najbolj koristni in potrebni za blaginjo ljudstva; svojim governerjem je prepovedal uveljaviti najvažnejše in najnujnejše zakone ali jih je pa enostavno suspendiral in zavlekel, da niso prišli v veljavo; prepovedal je zakone, ki so bili namenjeni blaginji velikih narodnih okrožij, in je sporočil, da uveljavi te zakone le tedaj, če se ljudstvo odreče pravicam zastopstva v postavodajah, kar bi bila za nas nezaslišna krivica — in kar je le tiranom v korist; sklical je postavodajna telesa v nenavadne in puste kraje, oddajene od javnih središč in mest, kjer so shranjeni javni spisi, z namenom, da jih poniža, utrudi in tako prisili pod svojo oblast; razpustil je ponovno postavodajne zbore, ker so se moško upirali njegovim napadom na pravice ljudstva; ko so bili zbori razpuščeni, ni dolgo časa dovolil novih volitev, in tako je bilo ljudstvo brez zakonodajstva prepuščeno samo sebi; kolonije so bile izpostavljene nevarnosti invazije od zunaj in nereda v notranjosti; trudil se je, da bi preprečil rast prebivalstva v državah s tem, da je oviral zakone o naturalizaciji priseljencev, omejeval priseljevanja In povzročil krivične pogoje za dobavo zemljišč; oviral je administarcijo justice s prepovedjo zakonov za ustanovitev sodnih oblasti; podvrgel si je sodnike, da so bili samo od njega odvisni in so le pobirali plače; uvedel je nebroj novih uradov in poslal semkaj cele roje uradnikov, ki so nadlegovali ljudstvo In se redili na naše stroške; v mirnih časih jo imel med nami stalne armade brez dovoljenja naših postavodajnih zborov; vojno oblast je dvignil nad civilno oblast in jo naredil popolnoma neodvisno. Dalje jo gazil našo ustavo in naše zakone s sledečimi krivičnimi čini: Namestil je med nas večja števila oboroženih čet; ščitil je vojake s sleparskimi sodnimi razpravami pred kaznijo za umore, ki so jih izvršili nad prebivalci teh držav; zapiral je našo trgovino z ostalim svetom; nalagal nam je davke proti naši volji; odrekel nam je pravico do porotne obravnave v neštetih slučajih; transportiral nas je čez morje in tamkaj gnal pred sodišče za izmišljene prestopke; v sosedni angleški provinciji je odpravil svobodni sistem angleškega prava in uvedel samosilno vlado z razširjenimi mejami, kar je imelo namen, da po enakem vzoru uvede absolutistično vlado tudi v naših kolonijah; odvzel nam je svoboščine (charters) in zatrl najboljše zakone, s čimer je rušil temeljno moč naše vlade; suspediral je naše postavodaje in si vzel moč, da nam 011 daje zakone; odpovedal se je tukajšnji vladi s tem, da nam je odrekel zaščito in nam napovedal vojno; ropal je naša morja, napadal naša obrežja, požigal naša mesta in moril naše ljudi; ravno v tem času je poslal semkaj veliko armado tujih najemnikov, da dovrši delo moritve, razdejanja in tiranstva, katero je že pričel z največjo perfidnostjo in krutostjo, ki nima para v najbolj barbarski dobi in ki nikakor ne pristaja glavi civilizirane države. Prisilil je naše državljane, katere je vjel na morju, da so se morali oborožiti proti svoji domovini in da so postali rablji svojih bratov in prijateljev, ali da padejo od njihovih rok. Izzval je med nami vstaje in najhujskal proti 11am krvoločne indijanske divjake, katerih vojskovanje je zverska moritev starčkov in dece, moških in žensk. V vsakem slučaju teh naštetih krivic smo se pritožili na najponižnejši način, toda vsaka naša pritožba in prošnja je obrodila še več krivic. Vladar, čigar značaj ga v luči omenjenih krivic označuje zatiranja, ni sposoben, da bi vladal svoboden narod. Nismo hoteli delati nobene krivice našim britanskim bratom. Svarili smo jih neštetokrat, da naj si ne prilaščajo neopravičene oblasti nad nami; opozarjali smo jih tudi na okolščine naše emigracije in naselitve v teh kolonijah. Apelirali smo na njihovo prirojeno pravičnost in velikodušnost; sklicevali smo se na sorodne vezi med nami in jih prosili, da naj nehajo s krivičnim prilaščanjem oblasti, ki bi moralo pretrgati te vozi. Oni so bili gluhi za naše pravične glasove in niso se ozirali na naše krvno sorodstvo. Zato moramo danes tudi njih, ki obsojajo našo ločitev, smatrali za to, kar velja za vse ostalo človeštvo: za sovražnike v vojni in prijatelje v miru. Zaradi tega izjavljamo mi zastopniki Zedinjenih držav ameriških, zbrani v generalnem kongresu in kličoči najvišjega Sodnika za pričo naših čistih namenov, in slovesno proglašamo v imenu vsega dobrega ljudstva teh kolonij, da so te Združene kolonije od danes in da imajo pravico biti SVOBODNE in NEODVISNE DRŽAVE, da so proste vsakega podaništva do britanske krone, da so popolnoma pretrgane vse politične vezi med njimi in Veliko Britanijo in da imajo te kolonije kot SVOBODNE IN NEODVISNE DRŽAVE od danes zanaprej vso moč napovedovati vojno, sklepati mir, ustanavljati zveze, voditi trgovino ter storiti in vršiti vse, kar imajo pravico storiti NEODVISNE DRŽAVE. Da izvedemo ta svoj proglas in zaupajoč v božjo Previdnost, se zavezujemo, da smo pripravljeni žrtvovati svojo čast, imetje in svoje življenje. .IOHN HANCOCK, predsednik kongresa. (Sledi 55 podpisov zastopnikov iz vseh prvih trinajstih držav.) Št. 14, Euclid, Ohio. — Naše zadnje seje se je udeležilo lepo število članic. Na programu smo imele več važnih zadev. Dne 13. smo imele skupno sv. mašo pri burski Mariji v Chardon Rd. Zadnjega maja je bil nad vse lep l>ogreb Leo Troha, moža naše članice Veronike Troha. Njej in družini izrekam iskreno sožalje. Pokojni pa naj počiva v miru božjem. Na seji smo tudi počastile Mrs. Centa, ki je zadnji mesec praznovala 25 letnico svoje poroke. Vse članice ji želimo, da bi jih dočakala še vsaj 25, ali pa več. Ses. Rozi Rupret je s soprogom Frankom odpotovala na obisk stare domovine. Želimo jima srečno pot in zdrav povratek. Naša predsednica se zelo trudi, da bi naše društvo dobro napredovalo, članice so sklenile, da v juniju in avgustu ne bo seje, zaradi prevelike vročine in počitnic. Toda že sedaj vabimo na obisk naše septemberske seje in potem redno naprej. Bolanih je še vedno več sester: ses. Turk je prestala hudo operacijo, ses. Vidovec tudi ses. Strnad in ses. Blatnik, ki je prav rada prihajala na naše seje, toda sedaj jo noge tako bolijo, da ne more več. Molimo za vse bola-ne sestre, da bi jim Bog vrnil ljubo zdravje. Ta večer so darovale v “gud tajm” blagajno: ses. Hrovat $1, Jakolos $2, Hočevar $1 in Smrdel $2. Vsem najlepša hvala, naj vam Bog povrne na vašem zdravju. Pozdravlja Antonia Sustar Št. 15, Cleveland, O. — Majniška seja je bila prav lepo obiskana. Globoko sožalje izrekamo ses. Uršuli Pozorelli ob izgubi dragega moža in očeta Antona P. Naj blagi pokojni počiva v miru. 23. maja sta slavila 25 letnico zakonskega življenja Mr. in Mrs. Don Kostelic. Vse jima želimo, da bi dočakala 50 letnico zdrava in srečna, posebno se ženi, ki ne more hoditi. Bog in Marija naj ji da potrpljenja. Dne 16. maja sta pa Mr. in Mrs. Anton Meljač obhajala 55 letnico skupnega življenja. Naj jima bo naklonjeno, da bi dočakala še GO letnico poroke. Ona je naša dobra članica in rada pomaga podružnici ter pride vedno na seje. Bog vaju živi še mnogo let! V blagajno so darovale v denarju: Tvoulse I,ičan, Mrs. Gros, Mrs. J. Gliha, Mrs. Kozuplik, Mrs. Kozar in Mrs. Habjan. Pecivo pa so darovale: Josephine Gliha, Jeanie Resnik, Frances Novak in Theresa Jerič. Najlepša hvala vsem! Slavile smo materinski dan ob velikem številu članic. Imele smo vsega v izobilju za jesti in piti, da je bilo prav veselo. Dolgo smo še prepevale Marijine pesmi. Srčna hvala za lepo udeležbo. Precej članic imamo bolanih, ene že dalje časa. Naj jim Presveto Srce Jezusovo in Marijino skoraj zdravje podeli. V želji, da se po počitnicah zopet zdrave zberemo na septemberski seji, pošiljam sesterske pozdrave vsem. Frances Lindich, preds. Št. 19, Eveleth, Minn. — Seja v maju je bila lepo obiskana, kar je odboru v veselje. Podana so bila poročila odbornic. Vsa čast zapisnikarici Frances Sterle, ki točno zabeleži ves potek seje in članice so zadovoljne, ko vidijo, da je vse lepo poročano. Prihodnja seja bo 12. avgusta na domu tajnice ob dveh popoldne. Pridite vse, ker bomo razmotrivale o državnem Zvezinem dnevu, ki bo v Aurori drugo nedeljo v septembru. Podružnica št. 35 se bo gotovo pripravila za lep sprejem članic, ki bodo prišle iz raznih krajev železnega okrožja. Spomnile smo se tudi na Materinski dan. Letos je bilo sklenjeno, da so bo počastile vse matere pri podružnici. Imele smo se prav lepo; članice so prinesle vseh vrst dobrot. Sestra Sterle je prinesla krasno torto, druge so nanesle potic, krofov in peciva ter tudi darovale za ročno blagajno. Prisrčna hvala vsem za darove. Naša podružnica si je nabavila “percolator” za kavo kuhat, ki drži 40 skodelic, tako, da imamo lahko dovolj kave na vsaki seji. Prisrčna hvala sestram Polack, Sterle in Chapel, ld so lepo mizo uredile in okrasile z vsemi dobrotami. V sredini mize so pa postavile lepo okrašen Marijin kip. Bilo je prav veselo razpoloženje in še posebno, ker je bila med nami sestra Intihar po težki bolezni. V bolnišnici se je nahajala sestra Frantar. Na domu se zdravijo sestre Habjan, Jerome in Stimetz. Dalje so v bolnišnici sestre Kaps, Margaret Turk, Mihavtz, Levstek in Straham. Vsem bolnim sestram želimo skoraj-šno okrevanje. Pogrešane ste bile na seji. Tudi jaz sem se nahajala v bolnišnici za 14 dni in to takoj po Veliki-noči. Najsrčnejša hvala za obiske v bolnišnici in na domu, kakor tudi za voščilne kartice, darila, cvetlice in za vse kar ste mi poslale, v bolezni človek še posebno občuti prijateljstvo. Hvala tudi zdravniku Dr, Kochevar in bolniškim strežnicam za vso ljubeznivost. Prisrčna hvala Msgr. Jer-she za obiske v bolnišnici. Vedno vam bom hvaležna. Letos smo izgubile že dve članici. Prva nas je zapustila sestra Skriner. Dne 25. maja smo pokopali našo zvesto sestro Magdaleno Filipovič. Nahajala se je tri tedne v bolnišnici. Bila je vedno čvrstega zdravja in kar na enkrat jo je napadel hudi prehlad. Smrt jo je ugrabila iz naše srede, toda spomin na njo bo ostal zavedno med nami. Zapustila je dva sina, oba oženjena, ter enajst vnukov. Mož je umrl leta 1943. Vsem preostalim izrekamo globoko sožalje. Pokojni sestri naj bo ljubi Bog dober plačnik v večnosti. Drage sestre, prosim, da bi obiskale bolne sosestre, ki bodo zelo vesele o-blskov. Iskrene čestitek vsem graduantom z željo, da bi jiiu bila bodočnost blagoslovljena z uspehi. Vsem članicam in prijateljem, ki se nahajajo na izletih in še posebno o nim, ki so se podali v rodno domovino, želim, da bi se dobro imeli in nad vse pa želim srečen in zdrav povratek vsem skupaj. Toplo priporočam, da bi segle po kuharskih knjigah, katere imam na rokah. Razveselite svoje hčerke in snahe s to knjigo in jim boste dale darilo za katerega vam bo vsa družina hvaležna, ker bodo vsi dobro jed- li in uživali različna jedila. Pozdrav vsem članicam Zveze in posebno urednici Corinne, ki tako zanimivo urejuje naše glasilo! Mary Lenich, taj. Št. 20, Joliet, lil. — Naše sožalje velja družinam članic, ki so izgubile svoje drage v preteklih mesecih. Preminul je v lepi starosti 84 let, Mr. Anton Smolich, ki je imel tukaj svoj dom zadnjih 60 let. Rojen je bil v Sloveniji. Za njim žaluje soproga Catherine, 5 sinov in 6 hčera. Hčerki Jennie Dernulc, Mary Strysek in mati so naše članice že dolgo vrsto let. Pokojni zapušča tudi 31 vnukov in 32 pravnukov. Bil je pionir naše fare in je spadal k raznim organizacijam. Umrl je tudi Anton Sustersich, soprog Antoinette in oče štirih hčerk, ena izmed njih je poročena s Sargeant Edward Pucel, ki se je v času smrti očeta nahajala z družino v Nemčiji. Zapušča tudi več vnukov. Pok. je dosegel samo 68 let starosti. Mrs. Sustersich je članica pevskega zbora naše podružnice ter se rada udeležuje naših sej, kakor tudi Mrs. Smolich in hčerke. — Vsem žalujočim ostalim naše sožalje. Pokojnim pa večni mir. Seja v maju je bila zelo lepa. Tega dne smo počastili letošnjo zaslužno mater naše podružnice, Jo (Frank) Goran, ki si je v prejšnjih letih kot odbornica in kapitanka naših kadetk si mnogo prizadevala za podr. Preds. ji je pripela šopek in jo posadila na častno mesto, nakar je sledila lepa proslava. Jo Goran je še vedno delavna za podr., kadar potrebeujemo njene pomoči. Srebrno poroko sta praznovala Mr. in Mrs. Anton Golobich. Slavljenka je hčerka Mrs. Jennie Benedik. Slavnost se je pričela s sv. mašo in nato nadaljevala ob navzočnosti mnogih prijateljev v njihovem resortu. Iskrene čestitke! Tajnica je poslala naslednjim članicam voščibio kartico za hitro ozdravljenje: Mary Plankar, Mary Papesh in Uršula Ambrose. Na domu je bolna že več let Amalia Plese. Umrl je tudi soprog čla .in keglja-čice Anne Cox, njeno dekliško ime je bilo Rački. Izrekamo ji iskreno sožalje ob izgubi moža. Ob zaključku seje je bil “party na čast materam” ter petje pod vodstvom ses. Jennie Sprengel. Srečna je bila Mary Lesnik. Lepe pozdrave vsem članicam. Josephine Erjavec LEP USPEH DRŽAVNE KONVENCIJE V CLEVELANDU ZAPISNIK DRŽ. SEJE Dne IG. maja ob 2:30 pop. ue jc vršila letna konvencija za državo O-hio združena s proslavo 35 letnice obstoja podr. št. 11 v Collinwoodu. Slavnostni banket se je vršil v Slovenski dvorani na Waterloo. Drž. preds. Mary Bostian je zborovanje odprla z molitvijo in željo za uspeh združenega zasedanja podružnic za napredek Slovenske Ženske Zveze. Navzoče so bile odbornice in zastopnice posameznih podr., kakor tudi gl. preds. Toni Turek, voditeljica mladine, Louise Epley, voditeljica televad-nega krožka, Frances Sietz, princezi-nja št. 50, Rose Želodec in G članic ‘drill team,” ki so pomagale v tej ali drugi smeri. Prisotna je bila tudi Pen-na drž. preds. Mary Tomšič s članicami in dvema sestrama. Predsednica predstavi vsako posebej, čestita št. 41 k obletnici ustano vitve ter želi mnogo uspehov zasedanju. Posebej se tudi zahvali vsem za lepo udeležbo in za neumorno delovanje članic. Predlaga tudi, da bi se vse podružnice potrudile in pridobile nove članice in tako nadomestile nastale vrzeli članic, ki so nas za vedno zapustile. Št. 21, Cleveland, O. — Najprej vse članice Zveze najlepše pozdravljam. Prisrčne čestitke veljajo ses. Frances Cimperman, ki je že 12-tič stara mati. Mladi mamici in hčerkici pa ljubega zdravja. — Čestitke so na mestu tudi Mr. in Mrs. Lawrence Kožuh, ko bodo kar trije iz njune družine prejeli diplome za višje šole. Imajo prav pridne vnuke in vnukinje. Zadnja seja je bila kar povoljno obiskana, toda črez poletje ne bo sej do septembra. Toda sedaj je dober čas za pridobiti kaj novih članic. Prosila bi rada, da se vse potrudite in pripeljete na septembersko sejo kaj novih, ker letos smo izgubile prav dobre sestre, za katere še vedno žalujemo, te so: Julija Oblak, Ana Zavren, Ana Šušteršič, Mary Rahne in Sophie Borek. Molimo za nje. Naj počivajo v miru. Posebnih novic nimam, pa želim vsem mnogo koristnega počitka in da se zopet zdrave vrnete na sept. sejo, do takrat pa "Z Bogom.” Frances Kave, poroč. Št. 24, La Salle, III. — Sedaj se že nahajamo v poletnem počitniškem času. Vsem, ki se podajate na daljše potovanje črez veliko lužo, ali pa tudi na krajše izlete, želimo srečno vrnitev. V juliju in avgustu ne bomo imele sej, potem boste pa čitale v našem lokalnem listu datum naslednje seje in upam, da se je boste udeležile v velikem številu. Prosim tudi, da tiste, ki ste v zaostanku za asesmentom, da bi čimprej poravnale. Vse ki pošiljate asesment po pošti, pa bi že lahko ve- Zastopane so bile naslednje podružnice: št. I (2 članice), št. 10 (1), St. 14 (20, št. 15 (3), št. 32 (27), št. 40 (4), št. 41 (5), št. 47 (2), št. 49 (2), št. 50 (12), št. 08 (5), št. 71 (4), št. 73 (2). Gl. preds., Mrs. Turek izreče čestitke in zahvalo zborovalkam ter vse povabi na Zvezin Dan, dne 18. julija v Lemontu, 111. Naznani, da bo na razpolago posebni autobus ter so vse vabljene, da izkoristijo to priliko in obiščejo našo božjo pot. Cene bodo znižane in vse bo lepo poskrbljeno za goste. Predlagano je bilo, da se predloži gl. odboru, da bi člane mladinskega oddelka obdržali do 30 leta starosti in bi šele potem prestopili v odrasli oddelek, ker bi se tako verjetno obdržalo večje število članic. Prečitano je bilo povabilo na Pelina drž. konvencijo, ki se bo vršila 19. sept. v Oakmont, Pa. pod pokroviteljstvom podr. št. 91. Nato so bile predstavljene odbornice posameznih podružnic, če imajo kake pritožbe, ali predloge in po vedele, da je zadnja konvencija povišala pet centov na mesec za tiste, ki ste 75 in 80 let, zato prosim, da to upoštevate in mi olajšate delo. Teta štorklja se je oglasila pri Mr. in Mrs. Theodor Bernard in jima podarila zalo hčerkico. Materino dekliš-ime je bilo Helen Knap. Čestitke! V bolnici so se nahajale: Mary Sever, Frances Kotar, Ana Dular, Mary Baznik, ki si je zlomila roko. Sedaj se vse zdravijo na domovih. Vsem želimo hitrega ozdravljenja. Iskreno sožalje izrekamo Rozi Furlan, Ana Matthews, Dorothy O’Keef, Florence Smrkal, ki žalujejo za svojim očetom, Andrew Urbanc, ki je preminul v lepi starosti 85 let. Naj blagemu pokojniku sveti večna luč. Na rokah še imam nekaj kuharskih knjig, če jih katera želi, jih lahko dobi pri meni. Pozdrav celokupnemu članstvu Zveze širom Amerike. Angela Strukel, taj. Št. 25, Cleveland, O. — Po dolgem času se zopet malo oglasim. Prelepi mesec maj je že za nami. Pri naši fari smo imeli vsaki večer smarnično pobožnost in udeležba je bila prav po-voljna. Pri naši podr. smo zelo lepo počastile našo letošnjo zaslužno mater, Julio Bokar. Bila je presenečeno zahvala Mrs. Bokar za njeno dobro vesela, ker ni pričakovala obdaritve in pohvalnih čestitk. Res, pohvala in delo za našo Zvezo in upamo, da bo tudi hčere in vnuke vpisala v našo Zvezo. čini so se vse pohvalno izrazile n delovanju podr. in Zveze. Mary Bostian sporoči, da bo Cleveland praznoval “Slovenski dan” 17. okt. v Recher Hall in predlaga, da bi članice se udeležile te slavnosti v narodnih nošah. Istega dne bo mladina pokazala svoje talente pod vodstvom Mrs. Ann Cook, ki je hčerka Mrs. God-lar in vzorna čla. št. 32. Datum prihodnje drž. konvencije ni bil dokončno določen. Prednost se da podr. št. 47, ki bo prih. leto 17. jun. slavila 35 letnico ustanovitve. V slučaju, da bi odbor omenjene podr. odklonil, bo pa podr. št. 50, radevolje sprejela, ker bo v oktobru slavila 35 letnico. Ob zaključku so članice drill teama prižgale in ugasnile sveče ter molile za umrle članice podružnic. Zadnja sveča je ugasnila za vse podr. Bilo je res ganljivo in čast gre ses. Frances Sietz. Zborovanje je bilo zaključeno ob 4:45 pop. in v spodnjih prostorih je čakala okusna večerja in dobra godba v zadovoljstvo vseh. Bog vas blagoslovi in pozdrav vsem. Marie Beck, zapisnikarica Imele smo tudi vsakoletno kraljico in ta čast je letos zadela našo pridno nadzornico Jennie Feme. Podarile smo ji Marijin kip s spletenim vencem, katerega je podarila Miss Thomas Svetanovič in drugo. Ses. Feme prav pridno pomaga pri delu za napredek naše podr. Prav pridna je tudi naša Mrs. Golinski, ki skrbi, da so vse članice lepo postrežene, da so zadovoljne in tako zopet pridejo na naslednje seje. — Zelo pridna je tudi Mrs. Vicki Faletič, ki je vse potrebno preskrbela za našo kraljico. Res, ne more priti na vsako sejo, ker je zaposlena in ima skrbeti za družino. Ona je dobra pevka. Prejšnja leta je ona pela pri vsaki naši prireditvi s sestro Olga Urbas. Sedaj pa moram poročati tudi žalostne novice. Preminula je naša ustanoviteljica, Louise Piks. Bila je naša dobra dolgoletna članica in blagajničarka. Bila je liiirne in tihe narave. Bila sem v uradu z njo v treh društvih in smo se vedno dobro razumele. Za njo žaluje sin in hčer. Umrla je tudi dobro poznana Julia Makse. Bila je skromna žena in vdova 36 let. Ostala je sama s tremi malimi otroci in je morala na cesto suhe rože prodajati, da je otroke zredila. V tistih časih niso dajali podpor, zato je morala Lrdo delati, da je preživela otroke in sbe. Umrla je tudi Ana Zupančič, ki je tudi bila dolgoletna članica. Ravno sto se s možem pripravljala na proslavo zlate poroke, pa je morala na nagloma v bolnico in po enem tednu je umrla. Poleg moža in otrok zapušča tudi 19 vnukov. BOG ŽIVI ZLATOPOROCENCA ! Mr. in Mrs. GIL.ESt.RT DOBI DA sta slavila 50 letnico zakonskega življenja s slovesno sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Jeroma in pop. ob tretji uri sta imela sprejem v Charter House hotelu v Cleve. landu. Vzgojila sta 5 otrok in sicer sina Gilbert Jr., in hčerke, Mrs. Mary Olsen, Mrs. Julie Rožance, Mrs. Alice Kuha rich in Mrs. Dorothy Brown. Jubilanta sta tudi ponosna na svoja dva vnuka. Številnim voščilom se pridružuje tudi Zarja ter želi uglednemu slovenskemu paru še mnogo let sreče, zdravja in blagoslova. Mrs. Dobida je zvesta članica št. 41. Naša sestra Mary Kotar je izgubila svojega soproga, in umrl je tudi mož ses. Ane Bajc. Vsem daj dobri Bog večni mir in pokoj. Odšli so pred na mi, da bodo za nas prosili pri Mariji. Žalujočim družinam naše sožalje! II. jun. sta praznovala zlato poroko, Mr. in Mrs. Frank Ivans. Vse jima želimo, da bi dočakala še biserne. Mr. in Mrs. Anton Strojin sta slavila 40 letnico zakona in jima želimo, mnogo sreče in zdravja, predvsem pa da bi dočakala v krogu njune družine zlato poroko. Ses. Strojin je naša dobra dolgoletna članica. Bog ju živi! Drage sestre, ker imam zopet posel tajnice, vas lepo prosim, da bi prinesle poravnati, katere ste zaostale, saj veste, da pri moji mladosti ne morem več tako teči. Prosim, da bi prinesle na sejo, ali pa 25. v mesecu, ali pa pošljite na dom. Prav lepo se zahvalim naši prejšnji tajnici, Josephine Golinski in naši poročevalki, ker tako lepe dopise pošilja. Hvala lepa, Jossie. Vse najlepše pozdravljam in na svidenje. Mary Otoničar Št. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. — Najlepši letni čas pomladi in cvetočeta maja, je že za nami. Mesec junij, pa je mesec vrtnic ali roses, ki nam tudi prinašajo spomine na staro domovino in v tej naši novi domovini Ameriki, i-mamo mnogo priložnosti in veliko izbiro najlepših rož, katere moremo gojiti v naših vrtovih. Naša “luncheon party” se je dobro obnesla in zahvala velja vsem članicam, ki so prispevale z darili in ki so se udeležile in napolnile vse postore do zandnjega sedeža. Naša zalivala velja tudi pridnim sestram, ki so pomagale v kuhinji in raznašale na mize, da je bilo vse hitro urejeno. Posebna zahvala gre tudi g. župniku Matija Kebe za oznanilo v cerkvi, da so vse članice vedele in ni bilo nobene zamude. Zahvala tudi naši oznanje-valki na Slovenski radijski uri, Mary Skerlong, ki je večkrat oznanila na radiju, da so tudi naše bolj oddaljene članice prišle. V poletnih mesecih ne bo sej, ker gremo bolj rade na piknike, kakor pa na seje. Tudi so večinoma naše članice plačale asesment v naprej za celo leto, tako, da ne bo nič zamujenega. Vsekakor pa upamo, da l>oste na našo prihodnjo sejo v septembru vse prišle. Želim vsem vesele počitnice v zdravju in zadovoljstvu. Bolnim članicam pa želim, da bi se v bolj toplem vremenu hitro pozdravile in se vrnile med nas. Naj vas Bog živi! Pozdravlja, Mary Bahor, blag. Št. 41, Cleveland, O. Prisrčna hvala članicam za lepo udeležbo na zadnji seji. Želimo, da bi tako nadaljevale vsaki mesec. Sedaj pa malo poročila o poteku našega jubilejnega slavja! Prav prisrčna hvala naši ustanoviteljici, Marie Pris- land in gl. tajnici Albini Novak za pismene čestitek in dobre želje k uspehu, enako tudi naši urednici Corin-ne Leskovar za vabljivi pripis v Zarji. Topla zahvala naši gl. predsednici Toni Turek in drž. preds. Mary Bos-tian, za lepe bodrilne besede za na-daljni napredek podr., dalje prav lepa hvala drž. preds. Pa., Mary Tomšič za čestitke in darilo, kakor tudi Mr. in Mrs. Ludwig Raddell, botrom naše zastave za udeležbo in velikodušno darilo. Prisrčna hvala tajnici podr. št. 15, Frances Novak, dalje ses. Alice Kokal za čestitke iz Calif, in ses. Katie Plemel, ki je k čestitkam priložila še lepo darilo. Upamo ,da se bodo izpolnile vse želje poslanic, kot tudi one od ses-terskih podružnic in prijateljev. Veliko zahvalo smo dolžne pridnim pomočnicam: sestram Kozlevčar, Debevec, Markel, Koshel, Korošec, Fajdiga in Mihevs, ses. Mary Kren pa za pripravo omizja in vso pomoč, kadar je bilo potreba, enako tudi sestram: Rebolj, Cerjak, Videnšek in Pujzdar ter dekletom, ki so stregle gostom in našim natakarjem: John Rebolj, Edw. Markel in ses. Mary Henovic, Ses. Angeli Maček pa najlepša hvala za imenitne krole in flancate. Prav prisrčna hvala deklicam ml. zbora SDD za ljubko petje pod vodstvom Mrs. John Cech, kakor tudi bratcu in sestrici Krulc za prisrčno deklamacijo. Imamo pa tudi dovolj povoda biti vesele in zadovoljne, da je naša proslava vsestransko lepo izpadla. Zato ponovno v imenu odbora izrekam iskreno zahvalo posetnikom in vsem, ki so nam na en ali drugi način pomagale k uspehu. Bog plačaj vsem! Prisrčne čestitke našim zlatoporo-čencem: Mr. in Mrs. Gilbert Dobida in Mr. in Mrs. Anton Artel. Obe zlati nevesti sta naši dolgoletni članici. Ses. Artel je bila tudi večletna vestna tajnica naše podr. Zlatoporočen- cem prav iskreno želimo, da bi v zdravju in zadovoljstvu dočakali še mnogo obletnic in Bog vas živi! Lepo razvedrilo v domovini želimo vsem našim izletnicam, še posebej pa naši ses. Mary Rogell in srečen povratek vsem! V blagajno so darovale sestre: Josephine Markel, Ana Močnik, Frances Kern, Mary Jalovec in Mary Dobida. Vsem prisrčna hvala! Darilo navzočnosti je darovala ses. Pierina Duš, srečna zanj pa je bila ses. Mary Cerjak ter je v ta namen darovala dolar v blagajno. Obema prisrčna hvala! Po seji nas je pogostila za njen rojstni dan ses. Nettie Strukel, za kar ji prav lepa hvala in še mnogo srečnih obletnic. Lepa hvala tudi ses. Mari Jurkezi za pecivo. Vsem našim bolnim sestram želimo čimprejšnjega okrevanja, zdrave pa vse pridite na prihodnjo sejo. S sesterskim pozdravom, Ella Starin, taj. Št. 71, Strabane, Pa. - Vreme imamo prav muhasto, enkrat prevroče, drugi dan pa zopet mraz. 16. maja smo se odpeljale v Cleveland na prireditev skupnih podružnic in Ohijsko državno Zvezino konvencijo. Z menoj je bil moj sin Bill, njegova žena in moji dve sestri, Mrs. Šenkinc in Mrs. Chesnik. Konvencija je bila zelo zanimiva in velja priznanje drž. preds. Mary Boštjan in gl. preds. Mrs. Turek za njuno vzorno delo za napredek Zveze. Na zborovanju je bila velika udeležba in zastopanih je bilo mnogo podr. Žal mi je bilo, da se nismo mogli udeležiti banketa, ker zaradi velike oddaljenosti, smo morali prej na pot in tudi smo šli obiskati brata in ženo, ki je bo lana. 2. junija je naša blagajničarka, Mary Boštjančič postala že petič stara mamica. Lepe čestitke, Mary! Mo- ja malenkost je 3. jun. poslala tretjič pra-stara mama in naša podr. je dobila nove člane. Vabim vse članice, da ne pozabite na naš Zvezin dan, ki se bo vršil dne 19. septembra v Acmetonija dvorani, (iostiteljica bo podr. št. 91. Vsem članicam, ki odpotujete v staro domovino, želim srečo in veliko zabave med vašimi dragimi. Posebno tudi naši gl. tajnici, Mrs. Novak in Mrs. Pachalc iz Colo. Veliko zabave in srečen povratek. Lep pozdrav, Mary Tomšič, preds. Št. 77, Pittsburgh, Pa. — Najprej se moram zahvaliti vsem, ki ste se udeležile naše majske prireditve in tako lepo pripomogla do lepšega uspeha. Seveda, udeležba bi lahko bila še boljša, toda je težko dobiti članice skupaj. Zopet smo v lepi poletni dobi, katero smo tako z veseljem pričakovali in dne 29. julija to je zadnji četrtek, bomo imele svoj letni piknik, ki se bo vršil v Riverview Park v Activities Lodge, ali Shelter. Jedila bodo prosta za vse naše člane in članice. Vse ste vljudno prošene, da se tega piknika udeležite v lepem številu, da se malo pogovorimo in razvedrimo v družbi znancev in prijateljev. Na letni seji smo zopet sklenile, da to poletje ne bomo imele sej 3 mesece, to je julija, avgusta in septembra. Naša prva prihodnja seja bo 14. oktobra. Katere še dolgujete svoje mesečne prispevke, bi prosila, da poravnate, kajti asesment bi rada poslala na gl. urad za 3 mesece v naprej. Nesreča nikoli ne počiva, zato bodite previdne to poletje na vaših potovanjih, kakor tudi doma, da se vse zopet vidimo zdrave na naši seji v oktobru. Želim vam veliko zabave in razvedrila. Vsem bolnim pa ljubega zdravja. Naj vam Bog nakloni mnogo zdravja. Pozdravlja, Minka Chrnat, taj. Št. 100, Fontana, Calif. — Na naši junijsik seji je bila lepa udeležba. Med nami smo imeli obiskovalke od podr. št. 14 iz Clevelanda, Mary Strukel, ki sedaj živi v Van Nejs, California, kakih 50 milj od Fontane. Na seji smo sklenile, da v poletnih mesecih, julija in avgusta ne bomo imele sej in tako se bo naša prihodnja seja vršila dne 2. sept. ob 7 uri zvečer. Že sedaj ste vse vabljene, da se te seje udeležite v velikem številu. Bolne so sledeče članice: Edith Drawenik je v bolnišnici, dalje Gertrude Rupert, Mary Janesh, Antoinette Kovach. Vsem želim ljubega zdravja, da bi bile na prihodnji seji vse navzoče in se dobro počutile. Tukaj imamo prav lepo vreme, rože so v najlepšem cvetju po vrtovih in okoli hiš. Pozdravljam vse članice, posebno pa urednico. Frances Lukanich, poroč. FINANCIAL REPORT FOR APRIL, 1965 FINANČNO POROČILO ZA MESEC APRIL, 1965 Branch Assesments Membership 81. 8.9!, 2'2 No. T otal Adult Junior 83. J 2.05 22 1. 92.30 167 50 84. G9 G 2. 202.10 314 154 85. 12.70 29 5 3. 152.65 280 167 86. 11.25 20 — 4. 4.65 16 .—. 88. 21.30 35 7 5. 109 33 * 89. 37.90 85 40 G. 44.75 US 12 90. 25.35 47 25 7. 64.50 109 108 91. 38.50 61 14 8. 24.85 57 _ 92. 15.00 24 2 9. 61 1 93. 125.60 64 — t 10. 158.20 361 39 94. — 17 2 12. 82.70 199 55 95. 109.30 172 39 13. 54.20 113 IG 96. 25.30 50 2 14. 145.15 289 28 97. 12.65 22 5 15. 124.50 236 27 99. 9.20 21 — IG. 75.70 130 79 100. 23.35 43 9 17. 80.80 159 G4 101. 29.50 42 18 19. 62.00 129 33 102. 19 4 * 20. 188.40 413 127 104. 8.95 23 — 21. 45.75 78 54 105. 12.20 21 5 2'2. 21.00 21 — i 106. 26.55 21 1 & 23. 117.00 231 63 $4,421.85 8674 24G3 24. 81.15 168 75 25. 379.90 720 189 * Assess, pd. in Mar.; ! Apr. May; 26. 49.60 107 12 t Jan. to Apr.; # Apr. May, June; 27. 64 4 % Feb. Mar. Apr.; ,& Feb. Mar. 28. 43.55 82 9 2<9. 12.20 29 G INCOME — DOHODKI: 30. 16.20 IS — j Assess, from members $4,421.85 31. 50.15 101 32 Rental Income in April 155.00 32. 59.55 112 32 Interest on Investments 1,344.64 33. 84.45 147 79 34. 19.50 34 G Total — Skupaj $5,921.49 35. 37.35 62 40 37. 9.10 25 4 DISBURSEMENTS — STROSKI: 38. 59.45 145 1 R. Startz, br. 1, Sheboygan $ 100.00 39. 26.25 55 24 I. Grill, br. 2, Chicago 100.00 40. 47.55 99 5 M. Kochevar, br. 3, Pueblo 100.00 41. 108.65 2'52 3G B. Pavlinac, br. 4, Oreg. City 100.00 42. 24.85 49 R. Medvešček, br. 5, Indianap 100.00 43. G9.05 12G 75 A. Trunkely, br. 10, Cleve. 100.00 45. 108.00 59 7 t M. Novinc, br. 14, Euclid 100.00 4G. 14.75 30 5 M. Koren, br. 14, Euclid 100.00 47. 59.95 114 2 G K. Horwath, br. 17, W. Allis loO.Oo 48. 3.70 11 3 I. Mahalik, br. 20, Joliet 25.00 49. 38 7 * A. Klancer, br. 25, Cleve. 100.00 50. 108.55 168 79 J. Muchitz, br. 25, Cleve. 100.00 51. 8.45 16 A. Ratkay, br. 25, Cleve. 100.00 52. 29.80 56 15 K. Bricel, br. 47, Cleve. 100.00 54. 41.65 74 55 I. Stražišar, br. 6G, Canon City 100.00 55. 32.65 67 7 F. Cuzella, br. 95, S. Chicago 100.00 56. 48.65 106 15 Zarja - The Dawn, 57. 42.85 74 38 April issue, 32 pages 2,027.49 59. 33 4 Salaries & administration 1,015.00 61. 1 Dir. of Internal Revenue 600.75 62. 17.70 33 1 Real Estate tax (1 year) 485.18 63. 112 48 Fuel, electr. and water 72.92 64. 5G 2' Accrued tax on bonds 62.50 65. 27.20 57 24 Rental of Home office 75.00 66. 28 30 52 19 Tel., postage and sundries 159.58 67. 43.50 74 16 Total — skupaj 68. 31.10 48 8 $6,023.42 70. 22.05 14 3 # Balance March 31, 1965 $498.830.64 71. 58.60 108 19 Income in April, 19G5 5,921.49 72. ] 2.20 29 4 73. 55.55 104 58 $504,752.13 74. 23.05 43 4 Disburs. in April, 1965 0,023.42 77. 28.00 61 30 78. 42.20 24 16 Balance. April 31. 1965 $498,728.71 79. 19.75 39 22 80. 27.35 19 — % Albina Novak, Sec’y ,^al ife J UN IO R’S PAQE ;PHMI III HOYS and (URLS, July opens the second half of tile year with a bang. Almost that is, since on the 4tli the birthday of our United States is celebrated. July days are hot and lazy. It is a time of year to spend outdoors family picnics, games, trips and vacations, at the pool, golf course or tennis court. July is a time to observe and listen to nature — the birds and their songs, the ripening of vegetables, the blooming of flowers, the study of insects or relaxation in the shade of a tree and reading. July is a good time to learn something -— bake cookies, sew a shift, embroider pillowcases or the basic knitting stitches. Such activities help you pass away a rainy day. From several books I’ve picked a few items which 1 hope you will find interesting. Remember, idle hands are the devil’s workshop. Keep busy always. May you have many enjoyable summer days! Your friend, REGINA DON'T BELIEVE IT!! There’s no lead in lead pencil. A pencil is filled with graphite. There’s no soda in soda water. It is water charged with carbon dioxide. The flying fox is not a fox, nor does it fly. It is large bat. It does not fly, it glides. Peanuts are no nuts. They are beans, and grow underground. The ladybird is not a bird. It is a beetle. A guinea pig is not a pig. It is a rodent. There is no tea in beef tea. It is made from beef, and is served as broth. Kid gloves are not made of kid. They are made of lambskin. A titmouse is not a mouse. It is small bird. Rose fever has nothing to do with roses. It is caused by spring grasses. Camphor balls do not contain camphor. They are made of napthalene. The Red Sea is not red. It is bluish green, like most bodies of water. DICK: ‘'Mom can I go out to play?” MOM: “What? With those holes in your socks?” l>IOK: "No, with the kids next door.” THE HONOR ROLL The Sheboygan branch is proud to present its Class 13 member. Miss Margaret Mary Bushner, 18 year old high school graduate, and congratulate her on outstanding scholastic and musical achievements. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Uushner. Her mother — a registered nurse — is also our member; her father is self-employed barber. Margaret plans to attend Wisconsin University in the Fall to major in World History. She would like to become a research writer and a teacher. This is her history: Received a $500.00 award for writing three 2,000 words essays on selected reading from Plato, Sophocles, Shakespeare, Locke, and others. In connection with this, she won a set of books worth over $700.00 for the South High Library. Received many awards for outstanding performance in school plays. In music she received several state and regional awards in piano, viola, and string quartet. She has received 1st award in talent contest for Sheboygan Catholic Youth in 1963. She appeared on T.V. and radio to discuss selected books. Highest honor was given her by the National Honor Society for all around excellence in scholarship, leadership, dedication and progressiveness. From The Juvenile Director: Youth On Parade FRECKLES by Vivian G. Bouled Some little boys and girls 1 know Have freckles on their faces; Some, freckles on their nose and cheeks And lots and lots of places! I wish that I had freckles too, For everyone to see. I wonder what I have to do To have them land on me! * * * * * WALNUT CREAM FUDGE Just 5 minutes cooking makes this creamy fudge. % cup Carnation Evaporated Milk 1 jar marshmallow cream (5 to 10-oz size) 14 cup butter 1% cups sugar ‘A teaspoon salt 2-G oz or l-12oz pkg. semi-sweet chocolate morsels I teaspoon vanilla 1 cup chopped Diamond walnuts. Mix first 5 ingredients in saucepan. Stirring constantly; heat to boiling, and boil 5 minutes. Remove from heat. Add chocolate and stir till melted. Stir in vanilla and Diamond Walnuts. Spread in buttered 8 inch square pan. Chill till firm. Margaret Mary Bushner As member of school Publicity committee she publicized plays, concerts football games, etc. She played viola in Farnworth and South High orchestra -I years, in Civic Orchestra 2 years. Attended Bromley Humanities Seminar to discuss books and music. Did teen-age modeling for the local H.C. Prange store two years. This spring she was inducted into Panzer Chapter of the National Honor Society. We are justifiably proud of Margaret and wish her continued success in the future. M. P. BEAN BAG A Handy Home-made Toy One of the easiest ways to make a bean bag is to use one of Daddy’s old socks. Fill the toe of the sock about three-quarters full, with dried beans, cherry pits, or buttons. Then cut off the sock about 4 inches up. Now turn in the raw edges and sew the open end closed. Be sure to use good, strong thread. Make the bean bag cute by sewing a face on it. Use two little scraps of material for eyes, another scrap for a nose, and a little strip lor a mouth. A bean bag is much easier to catch and hold than a ball; and because it doesn’t bounce, it is especially good for indoor play. * * * * * Tommy: “Is this hair oil in the yellow jar 011 the top shelf?” Mother: “No, that’s glue.” Tommy: “No wonder I couldn’t get my hat off in church.” PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 VV. Cermak Rd., Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois H. GRDINH& SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 62' let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo. Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-6300 Cleveland 10, Ohio ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT JOS. ZELE & SONS, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. IV. 1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio EN. 1-0583 Ample Parking Facilities GEREND FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN CHICAGO 8, ILL. LOUIS R. ZEFRAN ... - Funeral Directors & Embalmers Virginia /-oooo Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin We have a home to fit your needs! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate & Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago 8, 111. VI. 7-6679 Have a Happy S u miner! lreat Your Family to a 1 asty Disli! “A wealth of recipes in the handiest imaginable book!” “Dishes like mom used to make that we still love!” “Wouldn’t be without it!” Send for your copy of the famous S.W.U. Cookbook: WOMAN S GLORY - THE KITCHEN Over 600 delicious recipes from the world over — favorites of everyone! Order your copy now! Send $2.75 (postpaid) to: Antonia Turek 19170 Monterey Ave. Euclid 19, Ohio