ŽARJA'DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ZENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN S UNION APRIL, 1964 NUMBER 4 VOLUME 36 SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA V AMERIKI Instituted December 10, 1926 in Chicago, lil. Incorporated December 14. 1026 in the State of Illinois MEMBER OF NATIONAL C0UNCI1 OE CATHOLIC WOMEN Ustanovljena 10. decembra 1026 v Chicagu, lil. Inkorporirana 14. decembra 1027 v državi Illinois. Spiritual Adviser—REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M. 823 W. Mineral St., Milwaukee, Wis. Honorary President—MAR 1E PRISLAND, Sheboygan, Wis. HOARD OF DIRECTORS-. bounder—MARIE I’RISLANI), 10.(4 Dillingham Avc. Sheboygan, Wis. President—ANTONIA TUREK, 10170 Monterey Avc., Euclid 10, Ohio Secretary—-ALBINA NOVAK, 10.57 W. Ccrmak Road Chicago 8, Illinois Treasurer—JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR. 2045 W. 23rd St. Chicago 8, Illinois Auditor—ANN PODGORŠEK, .<01 07th Avc., VV. Duluth, Minn. Auditor—VICKI FALETIČ, 1076 East 72nd St., Cleveland, Ohio Auditor—FRANCES .1. GASPICH, 610 Nicholson St., Joliet, III. DIRECTORS of Women's Youth and Sports Activities: Women’s Division—ELIZABETH ZEFRAN, 1041 W. Ccrmak, Chicago 8, Illinois Managing Editor—CORINNE LESKOVAR, 20.52 W. Ccrmak, Chicago 8, Illinois + ZARJA — THE DAWN Published monthly — izhaja vsak mesec Annual subscription $2.00 —- Naročnina $2.00 letno For SWU members $1.20 annually. Za članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher'. ZARJA, 10.(7 w. Ccrmak Rd., Chicago 8, III. Entered as second class matter November 1.5, 1046, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1012. Vice-President—MARIE A. FLORYAN, 5830 W. Mineral St., West Allis, Wis. State President of Colorado-Kansas-Missouri— ANNA PACHAK, 2000 Oakland St., Pueblo, Colo. State President of Wisconsin— ROSE KRAEMER, 4304 So. K. K„ Cudahy, Wis. State President of Ohio-Michigan— ELLA STARIN, 17814 Dillcwood Rd., Cleveland, Ohio State President of Pennsylvania-New York— MARY TOMSIC, Box 202, Strabane, Pa. State President of California-Oregon-Washington— ROSE SCOFF, 2208 Mariposa, San Francisco, Calif. State President of Illinois-Indiana— MILDRED JAMES, 10727 Avc. M, Chicago 17, 111. State President of Minnesota— BARBARA ROSANDICH, 1212 Sheridan St., Ely, Minn. * i\: * Finance Committees: ANTONIA TUREK, MARIE PRISLAND, Sec’y ALBINA NOVAK, JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR * * Scholarship and Benefit Committee: MARIE PRISLAND, President; ANTONIA TUREK, ALBINA NOVAK * :I: * Home Office: 1037 W. CERMAK ROAD, CHICAGO 8, ILLINOIS Tel. Bishop 7-2014 ★ ★ Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America Uradno glasilo Slovenske Zenske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1037 W. CERMAK RD., CHICAGO 8, ILL. Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue, of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 5 v mesecu. ON THE COVER . . . The facade of Holy Name Cathedral, Chicago, III. The beautiful gothic spires of the Cathedral form an inspirational picture from without and a breathtaking scene from within. The Cathedral Square, with the Cathedral School adjacent, occupies one city block in the near northside section of Chicago. DATES TO REMEMBER: April 5—Anniversary Mass, Ur. 73, Warrensville, Hgts, O. April 12—Miscellaneous Card Party, Br. 13, Milwaukee, Wis., St. John Hall April 18—Card Party, Br. 55, Girard, O., 8 p. m. Slov. Hall May 1—Elephant Sale, Br. 50, Cleveland, Ohio May 3—Card Party, Br. 3, Pueblo, Colo. May 4—Mother’s Day Pot-Luck Dinner, Br. 73, Warrensville Hgts, Ohio May 10—Mother’s Day Program, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. May 12—Mother’s Day Party, Br. IE, Cleveland, Ohio after meeting May 17—20—13th National Convention, Chicago, III. May 2G — Luncheon and Card Party, Br. 2<>, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1 p. m., St. Mary’s Hail. HAPPY BIRTHDAY //V APRIL April 1-—Frances Korošec, Br. 5!), Burgettstown, Pa. April 2—Emma Planinšek, Br. 20, Joliet, ill. April 10—Jeanette Killoran, Br. G, Barberton, Ohio April 11—Johanna Chesnik, Br. 61, Braddock, I’a. April 15—Antonia Nemgar, Br. 19, Eveleth, Minn. April 15—Josephine Kolar, Br. 13, Milwaukee, Wis. April 15—Jennie Zoker., Br. 51, Akron, Ohio April 20—Rose Molick, Br. 48, Buhl, Minn. April 2(i—Mary Debevec, Br. 41, Cleveland, Ohio MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! ZARJA ^DAWN OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA VOL. XXXVI. — NO. 4 APRIL, 1964 LETO XXXVI. — ŠT. 4 REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M.: DESPONDENCY We can learn every day. Practically, we can learn a lesson In everything. The things may look good and bad. It depends on our attitude. Most of the time we change like weather. If there is a nice day we feel fine if not, we walk around with the long face. A man from Chicago tells us the following story: I shall never forget a lesson in cheerfulness that I have learned many many years ago. It was a gloomy, chilly drizzly evening. As I walked along a Chicago street my mood was terrible although I have long since forgotten what cause my depression. I heard someone whistling merrily. “What on earth can anyone find to whistle about on a night like this?” I asked myself sourly. Then I looked around to see what the crazy individual look like. There he was, standing in front of a store window, clad in much-worn army uniform, whistling like mad — with one leg off at the knee and one arm minus the hand. Crippled and using the crutch, the guy could whistle on a rainy night! Despondency, a vicious habit that can lead to insanity or suicide, has its base in selfishness. When I heard the crippled soldier whistling I was thinking only of myself and my own petty troubles. We become despondent by practicing despondency. We permit negative thoughts to go through our minds until it becomes difficult for us to see the bright side of anything. Once this “blue’’ groove is cut into the brain it is very hard to eradicate. The cure is obvious, but like a chronic bodily disease, it takes considerable time and effort to correct the situation. We must reverse our thinking. We have to start by resolving to cultivate a cheerful positive outlook on life. When we feel depressed, we should counter the emotion with strong positive, cheerful thoughts. Think of the goodness of God, the love of your family and friends — all of the things you have and for which you should be grateful. For none of us is without blessings of some kind. We should remember, too that physical activity is an excellent cure for the blues. Take a brisk walk. Go visit a friend. Clean the basement. Wash the windows. Sweep the floor. Do something useful. Meanwhile, keep on forcing those positive thoughts through your brain. Practice looking for opportunities to help others, without expectation of return, even if the best you can do is to give them a word of encouragement. For many other people get down-hearted now and then. Elbert Hubbard once wrote: “Whenever you go out of doors, draw the chin in, carry the crown of the head high, and till the lungs to the utmost; drink in the sunshine; greet your friends with a smile, and put soul into every handclasp.” We are in the public eyes constantly. The old television saying is right: “Smile—you are on candid camera.” P. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M.: Kjer je ljubezen tam je Bog Ljudje imajo o ljubezni zelo različna mnenja. Vsakemu pomeni nekaj drugega. Najlepše se je o njej izrazil sv. apostol Pavel. V pismu do svojih spreobrnjencev v Korintu piše o ljubezni takole: “Ljubezen je potipljiva, je dobrotljiva, ljubezen ni nevoščljiva, se ne ponaša, se ne napihuje; ni prešerna, ne išče svojega, se ne da razdražiti, ne misli hudega; se ne veseli krivice, veseli se pa resnice, vse opraviči, vse veruje, upa, vse prenaša.” Zares lepe besede, ki pa jih je treba prenesti v življenje. Ruski pisatelj Tolstoj pripoveduje v svoji knjigi "Kjer je ljubezen tam je Bog” prelepo zgodbo o čevljarju Martinu. Mož je živel popolnoma sam zase. Veliko je bral sveto pismo in se prizadeval, da bi živel po božji volji. Ko je bral v svetem pismo, kako je bil Jezus slabo sprejet v hiši bogatega farizeja, se ga je polastila želja, da bi videl Jezusa oziroma, da bi Jezus prišel k njemu na obisk. Neko noč pa je zaslišal glas, ki ga je klical. "Martin, Martin,” je rekel glas, “jutri poglej skozi okno, zakaj prišel bom k Tebi v vas.” Prihodnji dan je Martin čakal na svojega obiskovalca, ali nihče ni prišel. Drugega ni videl kakor le nekega človeka, ki je čistil sneg. Martin ga je poklical notri in mu je dal toplega čaja nato se je pa zopet podal k oknu na opazovanje. “Ali koga pičakuješ?” ga je vprašal čistilec snega. Martin mu je povedal o Glasu, ki ga je poklical in nato je tako lepo govoril o našem Gospodu, da se je stari mož začel jokati. Čez nekaj časa je Martin videl neko prezebajočo ženo z otrokom v naročju. Povabil jo je v hišo, ji dal toplo juho in neki star plašč, da se je lahko vanj zavila in se tako zavarovala pred mrzlim vetrom. Tudi njej je povedal o Glasu. Razjokala se je od veselja. “Kdo ve?”, je rekla. “Vse je mogoče. Zbogom in hvala lepa za vse.” Bilo je že pozno popoldne in Odrešenik še ni prišel. Ko je Martin gledal skozi okno je videl kako je neka žena kregala mladega fanta, ker ji je ukradel jabolko. Martin je šel ven in napravil red. Plačal je jabolko iz svojega in pregovoril ženo, da je odpustila, fanta pa je pripravil, da je osramočen dobrovoljno odšel z ženo in ji pomagal nesti košaro. Tisti večer je Martin zopet bral sv. pismo. “Martin, Martin”, je zaslišal Glas. “Ali me ne poznaš?” “Kdo si?” je vprašal Martin. “Jaz sem,” je odgovoril Glas in za trenutek se je zdelo, da je to stari čistilec snega. “Jaz sem” in že je stala pred njim žena z otrokom. “Jaz sem” in že je bila pred njim prodaljalka jablok in fant, ki ga je kregala zaradi ukradenega jabolka. Nato so vsi izginili. Tedaj se je Martin začel zavedati, da ga je Jezus le obiskal in bilo mu je čudovito toplo pri srcu. Zgodba nam poda važno resnico, da kjer je ljubezen tam je Bog. Naša ljubezen do Boga se kaže v naši ljubezni do bližnjega. Z drugimi besedami, ne moremo ljubiti Boga in sovražiti njegove otroke. Sveti Janez to tako lepo pove: Kdor ne ljubi bližnjega kako more biti božja ljubezen v njem. 13th NATIONAL CONVENTION REPORTS REPORT OF SUPREME SECRETARY STATEMENT OP INCOME AND DISBURSEMENTS January 1, 1961 — December 31, 1963 Income; Assessment: Class A—Razred A $ 89,296.68 Class B—Razred B 51,752.52 Juvenile — mladinski 9,875.35 Soc. mem.—družabne 367.55 Miscellaneous—Razno—Zarja contrib. 5.S0G.98 Int. on Bonds — obresti od bondov 24,407.27 Interest on Savings — od posojilnic 2®,463.46 Rental income on prop. — najemnina 5,420.00 Bus refund—plačana vožnja na busu 210.00 Proceeds from cookbooks—1961 & 1963 dohodki od kuharskih knjig .... 3,500.00 Total income — skupni dohodki $220,099.81 Disbursements — stroški: Death Claims: Class A—Razred A (480 claims) .. $48,000.00 Class B—Razred B (33 claims ----------- 5,800.00 Juvenile Dept — Mladinsko (3 claims) 225.00 $ 54,025.00 Salaries of officers—plače uradnic ............. 21,600.00 Administration and compensations ............... 14,985.00 Travel and per diem—potovalni stroški ----------- 5,521.78 Zarja—The Dawn, printing, postage and changes 41,887.44 Home office rent—najemnina za gl. urad 2,700.00 Printing, office supplies—tiskovine, razno .. 1,947.04 Postage, telephone, stamps, poštnine, znamke tel. 1,516.87 Actuarial service—aktuarska posluga ............. 1,220.00 Insurance department—zavarovalninskem odd. 475.00 Property and liability insurance—zavarovalnine 258.54 Surety bond for officers—poroštvo uradnic 218.50 Real Estate tax—davek na posestvu ............. 1,388.2$ Miscellaneous supplies and compensations .. 3,753.51 Internal Revenue dept.—dohodninski davek .. 3,862.81 Bowling awards—Kegljaške nagrade ob tekmah 1,594.00 Secretaries’ awards—tajniške nagrade, letne 1,793.45 Campaign awards—kampanjske nagrade .... 850.70 Accrued interest—dozorele obresti ................. 804.78 Cookbooks, printing, editing, freight Kuharske knjige, tiskovina, ureditev, pošta G,250.00 Fuel, electricity, water—kurivo, luč in voda 1,102.27 Convention expenses in 1961 Izdatki za konvencijo leta 1961 v Ely, Minn. 10,770.19 Total disbursements—skupni stroški $178,52:5.16 Total 3 year income—dohodki v 3 letih...........$220,099.81 3 year disbursements—stroški treh let........... 178,525.16 Total 3 year gain in all funds ----------- Prebitek vseh skladov v treh letih .............$ 41,574.65 Balance Dec 31, 1961—prebitek 31. dec. 1961 $450,041.13 Gain in all funds in 3 yrs.—Prebitek 3 let 41,574.65 Total—skupaj 31. dec. 1963 .................$491,615,78 3% depreciation on property— 3% znižana vrednost posestva.......................... 735.49 Total ledger assets December 31, 1963 Celoten prebitek premoženja 31. dec. 1963 $490,880.29 Albina Novak, Secretary REPORT OF THE SUPREME TREASURER In the period of the past three years, Zveza has gained financially in the amount of $41,547.65. The balance Dec. 31, 1961 was $450,041.13. With a depreciation in real estate in the amount of $735.49, the total balance as of December 31, 1963 is $490,880.29. The financial ledgers of the Supreme Secretary and Supreme Treasurer have been thoroughly checked every six months by the Supreme Auditors elected by the last Convention. The examinations were done according to regulations. Each month, the business transacted by S. W. U. was reported in the financial report printed in Zarja submitted by the Supreme Secretary. This, too, is checked by the Auditors as well as all expenses. Every expense is paid by check and the duplicate is recorded so that the Auditors have a double check on everything paid. The documents and investments kept at the Metropolitan State Bank are also examined every six months by the Auditors and their reports have shown that everything has always been found in perfect order. At this time, I wish to thank the Secretary and Auditors for their detailed work and the responsibility they have shown in their respective offices. My thanks also to Mrs. Prisland for her conscientious work in connection with the Union’s investments. I remain, respectfully yours, Josephine Železnikar REPORT OF THE FIRST SUPREME AUDITOR Greeting to all: May we ask God’s blessings for a most successful and fruitful convention that will be agreeable and beneficial to all. My report shall be brief, as I give one every six months which is reported in the Zarja. We, the auditors, examine the books, ledgers, and all the financial business of the Supreme Office twice a year, and have found everything in perfect order at all times. We can be most proud of our Supreme Officers for their efficiency. We cannot forget to comment on the excellent job Mrs. Prisland is doing. Her well planned financing has helped our national organization tremendously. Much praise must be given to Corinne, our editor, who works so hard to try to satisfy us all and does such a wonderful job on our Zarja magazine. I am very proud of our branch. Each year we attend the Minnesota Zveza Day with a chartered bus filled to capacity. We are growing rapidly, considering that we live in a small community. Not one membership drive has passed that we haven’t added new members. Also at present, we have two bowling teams. It appears that the women are having a great time. As reporter of our branch, I try to have a report of our activities each month in the Zarja. This helps to keep the branch more alive. I have endeavored to work for the success of our wonderful organization to the best of my ability at all times. Ann Podgoršek REPORT OF THE SECOND SUPREME AUDITOR Madam Chairman, Rev. Father, Supreme Officers, delegates and distinguished guests. It is a great pleasure to be present here today at the 13th convention of the S. W. U. organization. A brief resume of some of the wonderful achievements at Branch No. 25 in Cleveland, Ohio. There never seems to be a lull or a dull moment whenever the Ženska Zveza women get together. The meetings have been well attended regardless of the weather or season and the ladies enjoy seeing each other and exchanging news and general talk. Progress — a good topic — we can truly be proud here at Branch 25 of its accomplishments. Many new CONVENTION REPORTS 83 members have been added into the adult group, also in the juvenile division. We try to keep the members interested by having travel trips, bazaars, welfare dinners, selection of the Mother-of-the-Year, a May Queen, campaigns and after-meeting luncheons and games. For the juvenile and youth groups we have a variety of activities, such as bowling, drill teams, baton and field trips under capable supervision. I would like to mention here that I have found it a grand delight in my association with all the members of our branch and its officers. They’ve been very encouraging and congenial. I wish to express my affections and warm feelings for our Supreme Board members namely, Albina Novak, Marie Prisland, Toni Turelc, Josephine Železnikar, Anne Podgoršek, Frances Gaspich and Corinne Leskovar who are always thoughtfully, obligingly, contributing constant improvements for the benefit of the Slovenska Ženska Zveza and its members. Vicki Faletič REPORT OF THE THIRD SUPREME AUDITOR My warmest greetings to all Supreme Officers, delegates and friends. Since I was elected to the Supreme Board at the last convention held in Ely, Minn., I have tried to do my best for the Union and also my branch No. 20. I have attended the Board Meetings held at the Home Office with the other Supreme Officers and we have checked the books of the Supreme Secretary, Supreme Treasurer, the Editor and also the President of the Scholarship Fund; also, all the Union’s investments and we found everything in very good order each time, and our officers are to be complimented on their very fine work. That our work at this convention may be successful is my earnest prayer. Frances J. Gaspich EDITOR’S REPORT ZARJA is what we have made it. Yes, the thoughts and feelings of hundreds of officers and members of S. W. U. have made ZARJA what it is today In the beginning, it needed the invigorating and inspiring articles of the enthusiastic pioneers who wanted to pass that feeling on to others. They succeeded and brought increased interest into the organization. Now, in modern times, we see that ZARJA has become a journal of ideas about many things of interest to our members and altho the reports may seem far afield sometimes, yet somehow, they are related under the banner: Slovenian Women’s Union of America and seem to stress one feeling: Sisterhood. Few of us realize how many millions of words and thoughts have found their way to the pages of ZARJA. In the past 12 years of my editorship, it has taken many thounsands of hours of careful preparation to fulfill the task at hand. As every editor before me, I have wished to make it something special, something nice. I have been fortunate in having the wise counsel and help of my immediate family — my mother, your Supreme Secretary and former Editor, Albina Novak, and my husband, Dr. Ludwig Leskovar. To them both, my gratitude is inex-pressable. It’s been wonderful to be a part of the building of this organization through which I have found satisfaction in my work and rewarding relationships with people. First, the writers have done their part in keeping up with many contributions. We now have many more regular writers than before .attesting to the fact that ZARJA is an important contact between branches. A great deal of interest in ZARJA is shown by those who, when soliciting new members, see that ZARJA is one of the most attractive selling points among new prospects. Of course it is a heavy expense to the organization to have such an organ, but it is valuable beyond money and needed beyond words if we are to continue in the path we have forged for the past 36 years. The cost of The beautiful Carousel-in-the-Sky atop Morrison Hotel, Chicago, III. printing, postage and mailing each month is paid by you, the members. It is one the expenses of operation of the organization just as all other office expenses. It is not separate or optional — it is a part of Zveza. Following the recent decision by the Board of Directors to ask a small contribution per year from each member to help cover the increased costs of paper and postage, suggestions were made to cut down the costs of paper — that is to use an inferior kind. We are now using the lighest weight, least finished type of paper that is possible to use for this kind of printing. The paper we are now using is workable and serves the purpose and is considered by the printers as least expensive. The quality of the cover paper is also minimum for use on the press. As to the cost of labor, the Benedictine Press has never been underbid by any other printing shop which can take on the burden of foreign language type. Short of printing a newspaper, we are operating at lowest cost for material and labor and we are producing a prestige magazine-organ. The pictures, editor’s supplies, postage for editor’s office and a hundred incidental expenses are paid by the Publisher’s Fund, which is money gathered by the Editor through advertisements and extra subscriptions or donations. Therefore, when the suggestion is made to increase revenue with more advertisements, raising subscription rates, etc., it does not apply to actual cost of ZARJA. Now, we are meeting to discuss the ways and means we have of improving our organization and of course, ZARJA. I firmly believe that in order to achieve success in anything, one must be prepared to work for it. Therefore, by working for ZARJA and not by letting ZARJA work for us, is the way we will insure a future for the publication of which we can all be proud. Let it serve the Slovenian Women’s Union as it always has — but, let it also be, in its own right, what it says it is: a sunrise that shines into our homes as a beacon of light — the bearer of good news — an exiting coast to coast network of ideas keeping us all together. Let us open our minds to find the means of keeping it in the service our pioneers dreamed it would follow. PUBLISHER’S FUND—THREE YEAR FINANCIAL RECAPITULATION: Balance, April, 1961 ................... $ 21G.07 Income ................................ $1,G65.54 $1,881.41 Disbursements ................................... $1,748.01 Balance, Dec. 31, 1963 ............................... $ 133.40 Corinne Leskovar the ExiilaA ENTERTAINMENT HIGHLIGHTS OF THE CONVENTION “NAŠA BARA” is gone! Last month’s Zarja carried a footnote on the passing of our beloved Bara Kramer of San Francisco, Cal., who passed away Feb. 27, 1964, just at presstime for that issue. Bara, who loved the organization with all her heart, was one of the pioneer officers of S. W. U. who became so engrossed with the purposes and goals of this organization, she traveled great distances all over the country, from west and north, promoting its cause. During the first fifteen years she helped organize many branches and is remembered as the founder of branches 13 (her home branch carrying her own lucky number), 20 in Joliet, and 43 in Milwaukee. Living so far and ill health were the two reasons Bara had to curtail many of her activities, however, she kept her ties with the members strong and kept the friendships she had made. She still was able to attend conventions until the last one in 1961 at Ely, the first she missed. In the Slovenian Section is a tribute to “Naša Bara”, the same as was The great city of Chicago welcomes the 13th National Convention with her best springtime face! The beautiful downtown “loop” section with its inviting shopping district and theatre row is beautiful in spring and will attract many of you who would like to “just browse!” A special sightseeing tour will be arranged for the delegates who wish to take a better look at Chicago and see some of the city’s most interesting places and sights including, the Lake Shore Drive, Adler Planetarium, Shedd Aquarium, Soldier Field, Michigan Boulevard, Gold Coast, Old Town and the Loop. Yes, a lot of things to see and do in Chicago! printed in the March, 1940 issue, 24 years ago. The words are doubly meaningful because the author, the then president, Marie Prisland, speaks of her leaving Supreme Office of S. W. U. with much the same feeling as now when we bid her adieu at her final departure. Of Bara, heartfelt memories will remain with us forever. The Slovenian settlements of Chicago are scattered throughout the city and suburbs. Chicago, in its entirety, stretches far north, south and west from the central areas. It’s 4 million inhabitants comprise every nationality, religion, culture and it’s a city that is proud of the nations which form the heritage of its citizens. The entertainment feature of the Convention will be in two parts. The first is the Sunday program of nationality singing, l'olkdancing and various acts with participants from the ages of 4 to 40 (give or take a little!) The S.A.R.C. Folk Dancers in three groups, from tiny tots to young adults will perform as well as the youthful singers of the St. Stephen’s Youth Choir. Music and singing by individual artists will abound. Guests at the Grand Convention Banquet on Tuesday will enjoy the finest artistic presentation with participants from the Chicago Slovenian community. It will be a week of unforgettable memories for all visitors! Convention Report of the State President — Minnesota Officers, Delegates, Guests and Friends: From Minnesota, the “Land of the Sky Blue Waters,’ home of 14 subsidiary lodges and from Ely, the site of the 12th National Convention of our organization, I bring you greetings. As general chairman of arrangements for that convention in Ely, permit me to thank the delegates and visitors who were in attendance and to the official staff, headed by our Supreme Secretary, Albina Novak, for making the convention one that we, in Minnesota, will long remember. We hope you enjoyed your short stay in the north country as much as we enjoyed having you. Much of the business of that convention has since been put into practice and our Union has prospered as a result. In Minnesota, we held annual Zveza Days in Chisholm in 1961; Gilbert 19G2 and Hibbing 1963. Our Supreme President Antonia Turek was present for the Gilbert and Chisholm sessions, the latter being a homecoming for her as Chisholm is her “old home town”. Supreme Treasurer Josephine Železnikar represented the official staff at the Hibbing convention. Plans are now being formulated to hold the 1964 Minnesota State Convention in Biwabik in September. At the 1963 Hibbing convention, the home Branch No. 56 observed its 35th anniversary while Branch No. 23, Ely, celebrated its 35th birthday in November 1963. I have had the good fortune to serve as Secretary of the Ely branch for the past 29 years. All Minnesota branches are working for new members and our membership has shown an overall gain since the last convention. We, in Minnesota, are looking forward with much interest to the 13th convention of the Slovenian Women’s Union in Chicago in May. Plans are being made to charter a special bus for the Gopher State delegation and our itinerary will include a one-day pre-convention stop at the Franciscan Shrine in Lemont. In conclusion, congratulations to our official staff for their wise counsel, advice and guidance to subsidiary branches and their progressive leadership which has made our union strong and to Editor Corine Leskovar of “Zarja” for the excellent job of coverage of branch and Union activities. Each issue of our official organ, I am sure, is eagerly looked forward to by the membeship for news of “Zvezaland.” Barbara Rosandich VISITING LEMONT The beautiful Franciscan Fathers’ Shrine to Marija Pomagaj is the site of an annual pilgrimage of S. W. U. members every summer on the third Sunday in July. This year, by the way, is the 25th anniversary of the S. W. U. Pilgrimage Day, on July 19. 1964. Many convention delegates and visitors have expressed the desire to visit Lemont during the time they are in Chicago. Therefore, Saturday, May 16th has been designated as the time for a One Day Retreat or Day of Recollection for our members. Accomodations for Saturday night stay, meals on Saturday and breakfast after an early mass Sunday will be available. The Fathers request that all groups wishing to come to Lemont must reserve space at once. The program of the day will consist of prayers, sermon, evening vespers and candlelight procession, confession and Holy Communion at the early Sunday Mass. In order to attend the mass at St. Stephen’s on Sunday May 17th at 11:30 a. m., buses will leave Lemont Sunday at approximately 10:00 a. m. Leaders of the bus groups are urged to send in reservations as soon as possible directly to: Slovenian Franciscan Fathers Retreat House 1400 Main St., Lemont, 111. and please state number in party, meals desired and time of arrival. ACTIVITIES No. 2, Chicago, III. This month there is one main subject for our members to remember and that is the National Convention next month in Chicago. Our officers and members have formed a very hard working committee to prepare arrangements starting with the activities on Sunday, May 17th. We kindly ask every member to take part in the events that day as well as the Grand Convention Banquet on Tuesday, May 19tli. These are the two features where you can participate; On Sunday, the Solemn High Mass will be at 31:30 a. m. at St. Stephen’s. The dinner which follows at St. Stephen’s Gym Hall will be extra-special. Our cooks, headed by Mrs. Ann Zorko will prepare a real least, Slovenian style; Tickets for the dinner on Sunday are only $3.00. The program which will follow the banquet will include many entertaining acts, among them, singing, dancing and comedy. The ladies of our Choral Club are planning on their own presentation which should be a dilly! After the program, dancing to the music of Frankie Kovačič and his Orchestra, our wonderful band from South Chicago -— so we will have all of the city represented! Tickets will be mailed to each member, so please send in your reservations as soon as possible. The committee asks that you do this by May 5th to give ample time for preparation of the dinner. We expect many out-of-town guests and those members from near Chicago who will make a day of it. On Tuesday evening, May 19th, the Grand Convention Banquet will take place at the Morrison Hotel. This event will be very lovely with the Crowning of the Convention Queen, and excellent entertainment. We hope many of our members and their husbands will plan on joining us in a most memorable evening. Further details will be discussed at our forthcoming meeting, April 9th—hope to see you all there. Corinne Leskovar No. 3, Pueblo, Colo. At our first meeting of the spring season, we elected our delegate to the National Convention and she is our secretary, Frances Simoncich. Alternate is recording sec’y. Frances Skul. The officers for this year are all the except for the vice-president who is Therese Plut. We invite all members to attend the May Gth meeting when discusion will be on the convention and a special treat, honoring our Mother-of-the-Year, Lucille Jesik. We,11 also have refreshments and a social time. Since many of our members are also members of St. Anne Society, I’d like to invite you to the card party on May 3rd at the church hall. Since the proceeds are for the cociety, I hope you (Con’t. on page 86) Supreme President’s Message PRE-CONVENTION MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN At this writing, the Convention campaign is over and I believe that each and everyone is wondering who the Queen will be. Whoever she is, I wish to be the first to congratulate her as the 13th National Convention Queen. Lucky winners of top prizes will be announced in the May issue. To all who have helped and given their services in obtaining new members, I wish to extend my heartfelt thanks to you all and hope that you shall keep on trying to get new members all year long! Zveza Mourns Mrs. Kramer Supreme Secretary Albina Novak notified me of the death of one of our most diligent workers and organizers, Mrs. Bara Kramer of Br. 13, San Francisco, California, on Feb. 27th, 1964. Her lucky number was 13 and when she organized the San Francisco branch, she had her wish to give it number 13. At the first convention I ever attended as a delegate, in the year 1933 at Collinwood, Ohio. I had the opportunity of meeting Bara and since then, have always admired her. She was a very ardent worker and her heart was 100% Zveza and the branch was her baby. She also was given the title Honorary Delegate at the Milwaukee Convention in 1958. We shall all miss Bara and know that the world is less without her. God bless her and grant her eternal peace. We shall all remember her in our prayers. Convention Notes April showers bring May flowers and with it we shall celebrate the opening of our convention on May 17th. All preparations are being made for the convention by the Chicago Br. no. 2. This is a great responsibility and entails a lot of hard work — so, to our Supreme Officers and members of Br. 2, best wishes and hopes that this Convention will be a very successful one. To all delegates; You have been sent reservation cards by the Supreme Secretary, Albina Novak. Also, the credentials are to be filled out and prepared for the Convention. On Sunday morning, May 17th, the committee wiill be on hand at the Morrison Hotel to take your credential form and register you as the official representative of your branch (or branches). Please take care of these two preliminary forms at once. Send your cards back for reservations and one credential copy to the Home Office. Further details will be found in this issue and May issue of Zarja. Transportation to the Convention City from Cleveland will be arranged by bus for a nominal fee of $11.25 round trip. It is a seven hour ride. Members of Cleveland branches and anyone else wishing to join the group, will leave Cleveland Friday evening. We hope there are e-nough passengers who wish to visit Lemont, 111., on Saturday, May 16th. (The fare will be a little more for this side trip.) Please let me know at your earliest convenience if you are interested in the Lemont. trip. We will also make reservations for Saturday night in Lemont for all. Those who do not wish to take the extra side trip to Lemont on Saturday, will have the day to spend in Chicago, shopping, relaxing or looking over the city. Those going to Lemont will return to Chicago Sunday morning early enough to attend Mass at St. Stephen’s church tat 11:30 a. m. The time of departure from Cleveland is Friday evening, May 15th. We shall leave Chicago Wednesday after the Convention closes and return to Cleveland Thursday morning, May 2lst. Delegates, members and friends who are planing on making this trip with us, please make your reservations for the bus now — don’t wait — as we will not accept any last minute passengers. We wish to accommodate everyone and hope you will cooperate with us. The r.ates for the bus are based on a full bus of 37 pasengers. If there are less, the rate will be higher proportionately. I have chartered two buses since February to take advantage of a lower rate in effect before the spring season. This will make the charges lower than if I had waited until April 1st. So, we hope you will take advantage of the saving and join us in the trip to Chicago. Call or see your secretary or state officer for reservations. Handwork Exhibit at the Convention Every Convention has this extra feature and that is the Handwork Exhibit for the Union’s Scholarship Fund. All delegates and officers are asked to bring something hand-made for this display. Many of you will find beautiful things offered by your members or by the branch. Take them and bring them to the Convention for this exhibit. We hope to have many items for sale. All the monies collected go into the Scholarship Fund which, as you may know, was one of the first such awards started for our Slovenian youth. Other organizations have since followed in our footsteps, but it was Zveza who promoted this idea and worked hard to gather funds for the students. Our Founder, Marie ; Prisland and many officers have guided this fund into a profitable treas- ury for this good purpose. She has been taking care of it for many years. Now, the Fund must be helped from time to time and this is our wholehearted effort. Branches are urged to send whatever they feel is sellable. All types of handiwork are accepted. Woman’s Glory — The Kitchen Cookbook I still have on hand a large quantity of cookbooks but they are selling fast. Anyone who wishes a copy of the latest, revised book, may send for it and receive prompt delivery. I hope you will do this soon and not be disappointed when there are no more! Branches who have not received their supply and would like to have some may write to me and I will send them immediately. The cookbook i sells for $2.75 including postage anywhere in the TJ. S. or Canada. A speedy recovery to all who may be ailing and Happy Birthdays to all this month of April especially to my Mother, Mary Gornick who will be 77 years old on April 5th. God bless you. ! Toni Turek will all attend and show your cooperation. There will be very nice prizes so you won’t be sorry you attended. Compliments to our editor on the cover page of Zarja in January showing the picture of John F. Kennedy Jr. It will remain in our memories as will the prayer from Heaven. We wish a quick recovery to our ill members and to Mary Prelas, sister of Frances Jersin of Denver who came to Pueblo when receiving word of her illness. Also, our sisters at Br. 63, Mary Kovac and Amalia Svigel who are ill. (Sorry to report that since this writing, sister Svigel, secretary of Br. 63 j)assed to her eternal reward. L.) Our best wishes to Mrs. Marie Prisland, Founder of S. W. U. who is recuperating from serious surgery. Anyone wishing a copy of the cookbook may obtain one from me. Wonderful for gifts. A reminder to take care of overdue assessment, members! Best wishes, Anna Pachak, pres. No. 10, Cleveland, Ohio. Our February meeting was pretty well attended, our president, Anne Markovič, was with us again. We also had two members,Peggy Dobnikar and Dorothy Ža- gar visit us; it was nice to see you gals. The meeting was opened with the usual prayer, also offered was a prayer for our member who passed away, Mary Godec. May her soul rest in peace. After the minutes, the secretary gave her monthly report. We then had installation of officers, doing the honors was Millie Novak. May is the month of our convention in Chicago so we elected two of our members to represent us, they are, Mary Camloh, our secretary and our auditor, Millie Novak. The two alternates are Anne Markovič, and Sophie Magayna. It’s still time for every one to sign up new members. The new cook book “Woman’s Glory” is available— order yours thru our secretary or me, Sophie Magayna; the price is $2.75. February being the Valentine month we had a little party and celebrated the birthday of Mrs. Gertrude Bokal. She treated us to some goodies and something to quench our thirst. We missed our good member, Mrs. Sal-mich who is ill; we wish her a speedy recovery. It was nice to see Tončka Repič again. The following ladies contributed to our treasury, Mary Rakovec, Frances Leskovec, Mary Korošec, Ivana Gombač, Josephine Debevec, Frances Vadnal, Sophie Magayna, Jennie Batich, Lucy Glavack, Mary Glinšek, Jennie Asseg, Frances Karish, Antonia Novak and Jennie Russ. Our Eastern Get-together Bowling Tournament was held March 1, at Palisade Lanes. We had two teams entered, one team the “Hunters” came in first place with a team score of 3031 pins. Caroline Stefančič, our newest member, rolled a score of 536 for three games. Congratulations, Girls. The other girls on the team are, Mary Korošec, Mary Lavrich, Dorothy Ferra, Mary Koketec. The other team, Captain Peggie Dobnikar came in 17th place. A good time was had by all. Our thanks to Toni Turek and Alice Arko for a job well done. Sophie Baraga Magayna, Reporter No. 13, San Francisco, Calif. Sorrow Visited Branch No. 13 with the death of a dear and true friend, Bara Kramer. To say Bara was a friend was indeed rewarding as her friends were many and in many places. To me Bara was Zveza, as it was she who groomed me with much of her knowledge over the years. With each visit we discussed Zveza and the friends we had all grown to know and love. Her deepest and truest alliance was to Albina Novak whom she respected and loved very dearly. Each time something of importance would come up Bara would say: “Frances ask Albina because she knows Zveza like her child." Somehow, a little of Zveza did leave us with the passing of Bara, an emptiness prevails among us. She was so determined that Zveza should prosper and she was ever alert to help until her illness, which taxed most of her strength. Her dear friend with whom she corresponded often, Mrs. Anna Pachak, was a great source of pleasure to Bara, as these two ladies had much in common with their love for Zveza, it was through Bara I came to know and love Anna Pachak. Bara, with her heart as big as her body, will be missed by many but especially by Branch No. 13 as we were the lucky ones who could enjoy her company often enough to really get to know her. Albina Novak, despite the many duties she has to preform, upon receving my wire of this dreadful news, called and told me of the void she felt with the loss of her dear friend. She, too, feels a little of Zveza has been lost to us, never to return. Bara so often said an organization is only as good as its leaders. With a leader like Albina who is not too busy to be interested in each and Slovenian Women's Union Scholarship Award The Slovenian Women’s Union and its Scholarship Committee would like to help talented young people who have the necessary ability and perseverance to complete a college education. High school graduates! Pile your application with the Committee! The Scholarship grant is $200 per year. One of the objects of the grant is academic achievement and not financial assistance only. The applicant—if a girl— must be a member of our organization; if a boy, his mother, grandmother or a sister must be a member of our Union. All applications shall be filed on or before April 30th. For further information and applications write to: MARIE PRISLAND, President Scholarship Committee, 1034 Dillingham Ave., Sheboygan, Wis. •• vX, MR. & MRS. CARL MOHAR, SR., WED 50 YEARS! everyone it’s little surprise that Bara should cherish her and hold her in such esteem. The faces of all our sisters bore a look of disbelief when we came to pray at the bier of Bara, as it seemed to all she would just always be around when needed. Her family, especially Mary and Seth Wheeler and grandson, David, with whom Bara lived, truly know their measure of sorrow as here was a family of complete devotion to one another. Son, Rudy Kramer, his wife and family have really lost a “Buddy” as Rudy and Bara had a relationship unexcelled; Ma was to him his "Dear Ole Gal.” Speaking for myself I have lost a part of my family as I have felt in the past few years such a close relationship to Bara that she was just one of my family. Having known her all my life and watched her aggressiveness I felt there was much to learn from this able teacher and it is true my knowledge of Zveza has improved with her help. If I can in some small way pass this knowledge on to others and make Zveza just a little better I feel I have earned my right to have a friend such as Bara. May God open the gates of Heaven and welcome our Bara to her place in the Garden of Eden. Until we meet again, Bara, God be with You! Mrs. Mary Shobar passed away and with her passing once again we have lost a good friend. Knowing Mary all my life she too was close to us. A dear friend and companion of my mother, Mary was often in our home and we in hers. Over the years, much sorrow was a guest at this home with the illness of her husband, Jack. We know there is little we can say at this time to her family, son, Henry Shobar, wife Mary and children; daughter, Doris and family who we know will feel a great loss. Her constant companion, husband Jack, is beyond all feeling, these two were closely woven so that it will be hard for Jack to be alone. To all we say: this awful loss is but for just a little while as soon we shall all be together once again. God Bless and keep keep you, Mary. This article started in a sombre wray and it will end the same. A dear friend of mine has opened his Mortuary Chapel across the street from Gantner. Jim Darling has been a friend for many years so I can recommend him highly. Jim worked with many of the Chapels in San Francisco and finally with the help of his sweet wife, Tess, decided to open his own business. So, in your time of sorrow call Darling’s Mortuary Chapel, James E. Darling, owner-manager, 7GG Valencia Street, San Francisco, Calif. 94110, Hemlock 1-4228. Just tell Jim that Fran told you to call. Success in your venture, Jim and Tess . . . Fran Chiodo, Reporter No. 14, Euclid, Ohio. — Our March meeting was called to order by our president, Mrs. Tillie Spehar. She opened the meeting with prayer. Celebrating birthdays were Mrs. Spehar (our president) and other members: Mrs. Horning, Mrs. Erzen, Mrs. Kuhar, Mrs. Bolenic, and Mrs. Blatnik. All these ladies baked such fine pastries. Mrs. Fabec, Mrs. Likson, and Mrs. Zajc donated money to our Good Time Club. Thank you ladies for your donations and may you have many more happy birthdays to come. May God bless you and keep you in good health. Our sympathy is extended to Mrs. Josephine Plesničar and her sons on the loss of her husband and their father. May he rest in peace. We wish a speedy recovery to Mrs. Alice Yeralc, who has been in Euclid Glenville hospital for two weeks. Wo also send get well messages to Mrs. Rupert, who is recovering at home and would appreciate seeing some of the members while she is recuperating. Caroline Turk GOLDEN YEARS-ZLATI ČASI Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mohar, Sr., 113G Dillingham Ave., Sheboygan, Wis., celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary with a solmen high mass at Sts. Cyril and Methodius Church where they have been choir members for 21 years. The occasion brought together most of the original wedding party and many relatives. Sons and a daughter are Carl, Jr., and Robert Mohar and Mrs. Herbert (Isabella) Knocke all of Sheboygan. There are 18 grandchildren in the family circle. Mrs. Mohar is the former Johanna Nagode and was born in the village of Hotedršica, Slovenia. Her husband was born in Mozirje. Their marriage was performed in the same church at which the Golden Anniversary took place on February 4, 1914. As a member of Slovenian Women’s Union, Mrs. Johanna Mohar has given 36 years of her time to Br. no. 1. She has also been active with the church’s Christian Mothers Society and Queen of May Society, KSKJ. They still maintain an active life, altho Mr. Mohar is retired from his life of skilled carpentry. Heartiest felicitations to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Moliar, Sr., on this grand anniversary. * * * Mr. and Mrs. John Pershern, longtime residents of Gilbert, Minn., celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary with an open house at their home on Sunday, Jan. 2G, 19G4. They had repeated their marriage vows on Jan. 24th at St. Joseph’s church in a beautiful ceremony. The Sunday reception brought together many of their relatives and friends, among them six of their ten children and many of their 22 grandchildren. Those present were Mrs. Geno (Mary) Paciotti, Ludwig and Joe Pershern, all of Gilbert, Mrs. George (Julia) Walent of Wayzata, Elsie of Minneapolis and Frank of Muncie, Ind. John of Maple Hgts., O., Stanley of Garfield Hgts., O., Mike of Eugene, Ore., and William of Estes Park, Colo., could not attend. Mr. and Mrs. Pershern were married in Ely by Msgr. Buh and lived there four years before coming to Gilbert 4G years ago. They have witnessed many changes of the times, including the dedication of the new St. Joseph’s church near the site of the old St. Joseph’s pioneer church. Mrs. Pershern is a member of Br. 31 in Gilbert for 27 years. She and her husband are extended wannest wishes for many more happy and healthy years. JOLIET BOWLERS SET RECORDS! ..No. 17, West Allis, Wis. — Our February meeting was l’airly well attended but we would like to see many more smiling faces in the future. Our meetings are a lot of fun and we don’t keep you too long so you still have a good part of the afternoon for socializing. Here is a reminder that in May there will be no meeting due to the National Convention beginning on Sunday, May 17th, which will be held in Chicago, 111. However, we will have a meeting on June 2'lst before our regular July and August vacation. We shall resume again in the month of September and every month thereafter. As is the custom, we shall receive Holy Communion in a body on Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 10th at the 7:30 a. m. Holy Mass at St. Mary’s Church. We shall meet at the church hall at 7:15 and march in a body into the church. The Holy Mass will be offered for all the living and deceased members. Keep this date in mind as there won’t be any reminder cards sent out. We are going to hold two card parties —- one a Miscellaneous Card Party on Sun., Sept. 27th at 8:00 p.m. at St. Mary’s Hall. This one is for our treasury; and the other one is a Usinger Sausage Demonstration and Card Party on Tues., Oct 27th at 7:15 p.m. The proceeds will go the new church Stained Glass Window. Prizes and donations gratefully accepted for both card parties. We are cordially inviting our sister branches, members and friends to attend these affairs. We do have lovely prizes for winners. Have you received one of the new cookbooks? If not, they are available at my home for $2.75. They are wonderful gifts for that bridal shower, the newlywed, birthday gift or wedding gift. Easter greetings to Supreme Officers, members and friends, and may God keep you all safe. .. ..Marie Floryan, Sec’y. No. 20, Joliet, III. Our meeting in February was well-attended; it was interesting to hear the various reports of the officers. Pres, of the Trustees, Josephine Muster, read the annual financial report and we noticed that the gain was not as expected. Now, if every member who is in arrears would be prompt in her payment, our gain would be more pleasing. Our secretary has a difficult time providing money from the treasury for those who are negligent. She must, without any delay, forward the assessment for all members every month. So, please take care of this personal responsibility. We missed our president, Mrs. Planinšek last month at the meeting. Mrs. Theresa Marentich, therefore, conducted the meeting. Our treasurer and director of the Midwest Bowling Association gave a lengthy de- No. 20, Joliet, III. Bowling News. February seems to have been a month of “firsts” for the Joliet S. W. U. Bowling League. On February 3rd, Izzie Mahalik started off by picking up a beautiful split 2-G-7-10 and also bowled her first 202 of the season. Marge Gasperich had her night on the 10th when she bowled her first 500 series in our league; she had 194-190-1G1 to give her a nice series of 545. The same night Dot Buldak had 482 (173-144-165), also congratulations to Dot on winning in the March of Dimes Bowling Sweepstakes, Dot had a score of 617; we were very happy to see that one of our bowlers had been a winner. The 17th, Helen Golobic also joined the 500 club by bowling 512 (131-197- scription of the forthcoming bowling tournament which was to take place in March at West Allis. She also invited the members to join the bowlers as there will be plenty of room in the bus for those who can make it. (By the time you read this, ladies, in the next issue I will be able to mention which of our Joliet teams were winners of prizes. Our 5 entries in the tourney are: American Slovenian Home, Joliet Rivals, Bluth Sausages, Kraus TV and Merichka’s Restaurant. Members on the sick list are as follows: sisters, Mary Golobieh from Jackson St., Mary Perush and Mayme Briick. A congratulations card on the arrival of a baby was sent to Mr. and Mrs. Rick Demick. The mother’s maiden name is Kay Spelich. SYMPATHY TO KRAMER FAMILY We were very saddened to hear the surprising news that our Bara Kramer passed away. This is something no one expected as we all looked forward to seeing her soon again in Joliet. We all know she loved Joliet and never passed the opportunity to visit with her old friends here. She was the organizer of our branch No. 20 and her heart was always here with us. We were all so glad to have her with us and for that reason she will be missed so much. “Although it’s hard to put in words The things our hearts would say, Still many sympathetic thoughts Are with you today. Sleep in peace, dear Bara May God reward you there!” Sympathy cards were mailed to the family of Mary Gianu of Coal City who lost her husband. He is survived also by a son and daughter. God grant him eternal rest. We also send con- 184) this was her first 500 series for the season. Now all the cheering and clapping from alleys 9 and 10 on the 17th were the bowlers on Ellena Builders team who had won all three games from Merichka’s team, this was the first time this season that their team had won three games in one night. Our thanks again to our faithful subs for helping us out. Our Honorary Sub, Bernice Bluth has a total of GO games with us to give her an average of 121. In closing we woud like to extend get-well wishes to Dot Buldak, Ann Cox, Therese Pavnica, also to Larry Panian, husband of Elaine. Speedy recovery to all. Agnes Lovati, Sec’y dolences to Mrs. Rick Sak and Mrs. Bruno (Mayme) Briick who lost their good mother, Mrs. Louis (Mayme) To-dorovich, age 65. Mrs. Todorovich is also survived by two sons, Bill, employed at the Joyce 7 Up as bookkeeper and organist at various churches and Richard who is a police officer and two other daughters, Mrs. Olga Strysek and Mrs. Lillian Caneva. Mrs. Todorovich was a very friendly person and liked by everyone. She is missed by all who knew her. May she rest in peace. At the February meeting the delegates for the coming Chicago convention were to be elected. Those nominated were Josephine Erjavec, Anna Mahkovec, Josephine Muster, Frances Bottari, Mary Levstick, Josephine Su-mic and Mary Kunstek. Mrs. Sumic and Mrs. Kunstek were elected to represent the branch. Jo Sumic is well-known as she is the treasurer for many years and director of the bowling association and a past Supreme Officer. Mrs. Kunstek also deserves this honor as she is a charter member, was Mother of the Year at one time and an officer for over 25 years. The activities are well to heart and known to both delegates. We wish them luck. Alternates are Frances Bottari and Mary Lesnik. UNIFORMS FOR SALE Our branch has a number of very good uniforms on hand capable for any drill team, in various colors and styles, from small baton twirlers to the bigger sizes for ages 14 and 16. Any size you want! If any of you who are forming drill teams or already have one, wish further information contact your reporter. The material is in very good condition. Thank you. Invitation is out to all members for our next meeting in April. Josephine Erjavec 527 No. Chicago St., Joliet VICKI'S INVITATION FOR MAY No 21, Cleveland, O. Our heartiest congratulations and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Kozuli who celebrated their 44th Wedding Anniversary on Feb. 8th. At our Feb. meeting, Stella Dancull was elected delegate to represent our branch at the 12th National S.W.U. Convention. On the sick list we have Sophie Borek at Fair View Park Hospital. Hope you are feeling better — get well wishes were sent to her. Plans are under way for our annual Mother’s Day Party. Donation of $1 will be asked from each member to cover the current expense. Come and spend an enjoyable evening with us, May Gth at 7 p.m. Happy birthdays to all members this month. Please members, try to enroll one new member this year. A reminder: please bring your dues up to date. News, news, news! Let me know so that I can write it up in Zarja. Stella Dancull, Sec’y No. 22, Bradley, III. Charter member, Mrs. Anna Ponikvar, born Anna Jamnik, passed away on Feb. Gth after many years of ill health. We deeply mourn her death and extend our sincere sympathies to those who survive: her husband, Charles, her sons, Charles, Jr., Albert, Louis, William and Raymond; her daughters, Mrs. Ann Gifford and Mrs. Mollie Dressier. Those of us who really knew her well, will always remember her many kindnesses, giving her delicious Slovenian goodies, apple strudels and such, and always being ready with a helping hand to those in need. Being confined to bed the last few weeks, she suffered patiently and was well-prepared. She was buried Feb. 10th from St. Joseph Church, the scene of No. 25, Cleveland, Ohio. — Pick any page in the Zarja Magazine and you will find so many interesting articles written by members of various branches. One who signs herself “Regina” certainly sparkles up the Junior section. We are fortunate in having helpful members especially in the youth division such as Mrs. Ernestine Jevec and Mrs. Pauline Vegel who contribute their time to keep our junior members active in sports. Mothers are kept happy when children spend their spare hours doing good by improving physically under proper supervision. It also gives a mother a few hours of peace and quiet. We at br. No. 25 intend to celebrate the “Queen Crowning” in May, please come to this meeting because you are needed to be with us and enjoy a really grand party with all the flowers and trimmings, food and drinks. her marriage more than fifty years ago. We pray for her eternal rest. May her soul and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. At the Feb. meeting, Sunday afternoon, Feb. 28rd at the home of Mrs. Anna Starasi-nich, winners at games were: Mary Rittmanic, Anna Jamnik, Corinne Hasset and Anna Starasinich. Refreshments were served. Mrs. Mollie Metschuleit will entertain Tues. evening, April 28th with Anna Lamon-tagne assisting. Gabrielle Lusting, Reporter No. 23, Ely, Minn. — Dawn Club Plans for the Annual May dinner- banquet meeting of the Dawn Club here were initiated at the Feb. 19, meeting. A gaily decorated Valentine Box in- (The bigger the crowd the merrier). Come and meet the Mother of the Year. Thanks to all the people who read this column. It’s a pleasure when someone meets you and says, — “I love reading your little write-up in the Zarja.” The bowling tournament at the Palisades was well represented by S. W. U. branches, No. 25 had four teams. Although we didn’t win a bushel of $ we certainly had lots of fun and a fine luncheon prepared with plenty of vittles. Juniors: Attention — any young lady between the ages of 6 to 14 that is interested in drill and baton, contact Mrs. E. Jevec, HE 1-5572 or come to the St. Clair Recreation on Saturdays at 1:30 p. m. My grateful thanks to all the new members who signed in during the campaign to help S.W.U. membership drive. Vicki Faletič to which the members deposited gift hankies for distrubtion after the business session was furnished by Barbara Brennan. Entertainment included a popular game with winners a-warded useful gifts. The door prize was won by Mary Zgonc. Sunshine chairman, Barbara Brennan reported that all members who experienced recent illnesses are on the mend toward recovery. Appointed to the lunch committee for the March 17th meeting were, Pauline Pishler, Rose Pucel, Ann Rowe, Rose Federber and Molly Zu-pancich. Mary Shikonya, president, was in charge of the session, which was o-pened with prayer. Margaret Somrock, Reporter ALL-JET EUROPEAN EXCURSION TOURS FOR 1964! Last opportunity to join one of the four S.W.U. trips to to Europe at lowest rates. Make reservations at once! These special prices are in effect for S.W.U members and their families Write: HOME OFFICE, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, 111. PILGRIMAGE TOUR 1 $424.00 June 10—August 3 New York—Ljubljana 7 days: FATIMA-LOURDES— ROME, $89.00 PILGRIMAGE TOUR II $424,00 June 22—July 31 New York—Ljubljana 7 days: LOURDES—ROME $89.00 DIRECT TOUR $424.00 June 1G—July 13 —(Aug. 10) NEW YORK—LJUBLJANA QUEEN ELIZABETH LUXURY TOUR — JUNE 3 Atlantic crossing on one of the most luxurious ocean liners, Queen Elizabeth” with group under leadership of S. W. U. Supreme President Contact AUGUST KOLLANDER TRAVEL BUREAU, 6419 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland 3 O. L.. Members of Br. 31, Gilbert, Minn., are extremely happy parishioners of the newly-dedicated St. Joseph’s church which was blessed in early February and is a monument to the hard work and efforts of the townspeople. Most Rev. Francis J. Schenk conducted the ceremony followed by a solemn high mass offered by Rev. John Kausek, pastor. The Men’s choir, under the direction of Mr. Frank Mihelich sang during this mass. Among the visiting clergy was the Rt. Rev. Msgr. J. E. Shiffrer, the first pastor of St. Joseph’s The new church of St. Joseph’s is located so as to look over the surrounding community, its adjacent mines and countryside. Father Kausek and the building committee directed the design of the building to conform to the needs of the parish and spiritual life of the community. Over 2,00fl residents and neighbors filled the church on its opening day and partook of the many activities connected with the dedication. Ed. ..No. 24, La Salle, III. Sorry to say that the last meeting was poorly attended, so we are asking our members to make a special effort to attend the April and May meetings so we can discuss the important topics of our organization. The convention takes place in May in Chicago and we hope to have a fine representation of our branch attend the doings. Members to whom we extend our wishes for speedy recovery are Anna Frankovic, Neli Zakreski, Mary Prazen, Frances Kotar, Mary Spelic and Mary Svanik. They are all hospitalized. Recovering at home is sister, Mary Sever. Our member, Josephine Majcel and her husband, Joseph, celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary on Jan. 26th. They had a lovely reception for their family and friends. Also celebrating their 50th Anniversary were Josephine and John Rogel, on Feb. 9th. Their son, Fr. Michael Rogel celebrated the anniversary Mass in their honor and this was followed by an open house at their home. To both couples, our members wish the best of health and happiness. Remember to pay up your dues, members and see you at the meeting. Best wishes to all. Angela Strukel, Sec’y. No. 32, Euclid, O. Our meeting in March was short but very exciting as plans for the coming months were started. This being the convention year, let’s plan to make reservations for buses which will be available if we get 35 members to make the trip to Chicago. A full bus is a lot cheaper than one only half full. This convention is in May and our branch sends congratulations on this 13th National event to the Supreme Board, to the wonderful city of Chicago and its members. Our branch is well a-iong in preparations for our 35th anniversary coming up Sept. 20th. We’ll need a good attendance, as time is flying by, to complete our plans. Then, the combined branches of Cleveland are having their bazaar at Rechar Hall Oct. 10th and 11th. There will be four big prizes: a television set, $75.00 cash, a Case of Whiskey and $25.00 cash. Branch No. 14 will be the hostess branch and we plan to have our own booth this year and to make it a success. With this issue of Zarja, we ask each member to come to our annual May meeting. There can’t be any more meetings before this invitation to our annual Mother’s Day and Birthday Party combined. We have our Mother of the Year selected and she is our secretary, Lillian Vehovec, whom we honor along with all mothers this beautiful month of May, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin. We always have a good time and we hope to be seeing you on May 5th. Our congratulations to Katherine Golinar who is greatgrandmother through Kenneth Fink; also to Mary Kovach, grandmother for the 4th time. Also, Mary Kos, grandmother 5th time. We congratulate you all and it’s an honor to announce this! To our sick, a note of cheer. Word came that Katherine Golinar had to be hospitalized. May our Lord, Risen from the dead, help her and all the sick members to bring them back on their feet. We wish you all a happy spring and hope you had a happy Easter. Anna Tekavec, Rec. Sec’y No. 33, Duluth, Minn. Our meeting started rather late because of church services before, so therefore, only a business meeting was held. Three new members were enrolled and six juveniles: Verna Thoreson and 3 children, Martha Walters and 3 children and Mary Kochevar. Congratulations! We are happy to have you in our midst. Ann Podgoršek asked for donations of handwork, art work or whatever, as contributions from the members for the exhibition of handwork at the Convention. Proceeds go to the S. W. U. Scholarship Fund. Please bring your nicest items to the next meeting so we will do our part for the exhibit as it’s a very worthy cause. Discussion took place on our trip to Lemont and Chicago this May via charter bus. Not too many were present to sign up as yet, but, please do so very soon if you wish to go. Reservations must be made at once! The trip from Duluth and return will be $15.00 for the bus fare. This is very reasonable and we hope many will take advantage of it. If there are some members from the Range branches who wish to come with us, arrangements will be made to have a bus pick the group up there at a small extra charge. We shall leave Duluth on Fri., May 15 about 5. p.m. and leave Chicago Wednesday, May 20th, immediately following the closing of the convention. Many of you have expressed the wish to go to Lemont; this is a good opportunity as we shall be at Lemont all day Saturday and enjoy the beautiful Shrine and an evening procession at the grotto. Sunday, a.m., we will leave for the short trip to Chicago in time for the Mass at St. Stephen’s church at 11:30 a. m. Following this, will be the dinner and program. Our bus will take us to the Morrison Hotel Sunday evening where you shall begin your downtown Chicago visit. The Convention meetings will be Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I am sure this trip will be one you will really enjoy as there are sightseeing tours and sights which will really amaze you. If you wish to make reservations write or call Barbara Rosan-dich, State Pres., 1212 Sheridan Rd., Ely, Minn., or the undersigned at 301—97th Ave., W. Duluth, Minn. It will be nice to see you all again. Greetings and Happy springtime! Ann Podgoršek, Reporter ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH. GILBERT, MINN No. 42, Maple Hts., Ohio. — April is the fourth month of the Gregorian Calendar year. It might be interesting to know that the Romans gave this month the name of Aprilis, derived from aperire, "to open”, probably because It is the season when the buds begin to open. The meeting of Febraury 26th opened with a prayer said by the ten members present. On May 3, 1964, our club will attend a 10 o’clock Mass and receive Holy Communion at St. Lawrence Church. Afterwards a breakfast in honor of Pauline Hribar (Mother-of-the Year) will take place at the Slovenian National Home. The door prize which was a basket of fruit was won by Mary Filips at the meeting Next month we will be saying ‘Bon Voyage’ to Louise Prhne, who has been elected delegate for the 13th National S. W. U. Convention this May in Chicago, 111. Besides representing our branch, she Is also a representative for our neighboring branches No. 51 of Akron and No. 101 of Bedford Heights. Our Maple Heights Bowling Tteam ranked second-last in the Eastern Bowling Tournament at the Palisade Lanes, Euclid, Ohio. Lil Sadowski, (captain), Antonia Matis, Dorothy Ponikvar, Nancy Kish, and Yours Truly were really plugging all the way. Dorothy was the high scorer with a 422 series. At least we are getting better Ladies, for last season we were in last place. Just think in 20 years we might hit first place and bring home the loot. I heard that our vice-president Antonia Kastelic and her husband are vacationing throughout the state of Florida. It must be wonderful to see the gorgeous palm trees swaying in the breeze and the sun so radiant in its beams. I hope the Kastelic’s don’t absorb the sun too long for they might return home looking like a pair of lobsters! Prayers are requested for the repose of the soul of Frank Legan Jr. (husband of Jeanne) who departed from this world on Feb. 12, 1964. Judy Ponikvar (daughter of Dorothy) recently graduated from the United Airline School in Chicago, 111. She is currently based at the J. F. K. Airport. “Happy Landings, Judy!” The next meeting will be held on April 22, 1964 at the usual time — 7:30 p. m. A belated Happy Easter! Marie Matis No. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. Our February meeting was well attended. We appointed Josephine Kolar as delegate and Rose Kraemer alternate. Something new has been added in our branch, and we are hoping to get co-operation from the members. Anyone who hears of any other member being ill or hospitalized Is to notify Vicki Sporis, our "Sunshine Lady.” She will send get-well cards, if you will inform her. Her address and phone number will be listed below this article. Call her in the evening. Our heartfelt sympathy goes to Amanda Esperes, (the chosen Mother of the Year of this year for our branch) whose brother recently passed away. May he rest in peace! Get well wishes to Theresa Salopek who is convelescing at St. Mary’s Hospital, to Josephine Kramer, Katherine Holmberg, Florence Ureda and all other shut-ins. John and Ann Rebernisek have been vacationing in Florida, and from all hearsay they must have enjoyed themselves immensely. A big "Thank you” to those who donated toward our rummage sale or helped in anyway. I also wish to express my gratefulness to all the gals who joined in the bowling tournament. Their cooperation was wonderful. A miscellaneous card party will be held at St. John’s Hall at 1028 So. 9th St., on Sunday, April 12th. All members and their friends are cordially invited. Let’s have a big turn-out. Rose Kraemer, Sec’y. “Sunshine Lady” Vicld Sporis, 1105 So. 9th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Phone MI 5-5178 No. 45, Portland, Ore., Our branch held the last meeting at the home of our loyal member Florence Lolich. Main point of discussion was our annual breakfast held on Palm Sunday at St. Mary’s Cathedral with a most delicious breakfast served at the Mallory hotel. All members were asked to attend this. Through some oversight last month’s Zarja failed to mention the report of our local’s Mother of the Year. Mrs. Mary Mircovich was picked at our Christmas meeting and party. Mary Is a member of long standing and a lovely representative of our local. We are sad to report at this time that our dear president, Mary Roso is again in the hospital for surgery and we hope that this will be a brief stay and convalescence. We miss her and wish her speedy recovery. Also, there was some discussion with plans for a dance in the future, possibly in June, as yet the date is indefinite. We feel that a dance could be held with great success with each and every member out there working and selling tickets to our many friends in Portland. Again a reminder to the members who are behind in their dues. I know that this is just an oversight but let us try and bring them up to date and make it easy for our secretary to get her books in order. Please call Florence Lolich to find out what you owe if you are not sure. If you are unable to attend the meeting, drop your dues and your book in an envelope and mail them to her. This will be greatly appreciated. So for this month, yours truly says keep well and happy; see you in May! Ann Carlisle, Rec. Sec’y No. 50, Cleveland, O. Our February meeting was, as usual, exciting and Interesting. Our vice-pres., Toni Turek was absent, therefore, Frances Sietz opened the meeting. Toni was in Chicago at the Supreme Board meeting and our new president was late. Past pres., Rose Želodec was also home ill. Gee, we hope she has a speedy recovery. Hurry and get well, Rose. The meeting adjourned at 10 p.m. and the members enjoyed a Valentine celebration in spite of not having a luncheon since it was lent. So, we exchanged Valentines and whoever got the most won a prize. We had a tie! Mamie Marin and Mary Sušnik were both given prizes! We also had a door prize which was donated by Josephine Trunk and won by Nettie Hlad. Jo said she appreciates our bunch of active members and we also appreciate your thoughtfulness. Glad Mary Finley is doing so well after her long illness. Hope we see her soon at the meetings. Oh, now we really mean business! Our drill team will continue to pratice and get more active again. We’ll even try to make it more attractive. And, are we glad, now it will make our branch even more popular and busy, busy, busy! They say you are never too old to have fun, and how true it is! Our girls are so co-operative and of course that helps to work things out smoothly. I must congratulate all our members for their ambitions! The new president, Beatrice Tome is trying hard and will appreciate everyone’s help. We hope she can work out a more convenient schedule as our meeting day falls on a day she works late. She is a lovely person and has good ideas and we are glad to have her. We forgot to mention who our wonderful hostesses were for the Christmas party. They were Bernice Somrak, Frances Somrak and Nettie Leslie — a family affair. Speedy recovery to Mary Kobe’s mother and also to Mary herself. Both are in the hospital. I hope you girls will say a prayer for them. We all know how it is to have bad days. God bless them and we all hope the sun will start to shine for Mary. My heart aches for her. Before I close, ladies, don’t forget to get ready the convention. We’re going to fill that bus and visit Chicago. They are expecting us. God bless you. Z Bogom! Mary Bostian, Reporter No. 54, Warren, Ohio. Again, a reminder that our monthly meetings will be held on the third Tuesday of the month and the next meeting in April 21st will be held at the Slovenian Home. For our next meeting, take note! Thursday, May 14th at 6:00 p.m. is the dinner at Astoria Restaurant, Youngstown Rd., S. E. All interested, call Louise Vernell, 856 5983 or Joanne Ponikvar, Express 3347-8 for reservations. This dinner will be rk The Tourney was another success and enjoyed by all. Twenty-two teams participated and after the bowling, a delicious luncheon was served and the prizes distributed. I wish to thank all bowlers who took part and Alyce Arko and Jo Lea who are always willing to give a big hand getting teams lined up, scores checked and also the ladies who helped serve the luncheon. Following are the scores and the prize money given. Place: Br. No.: Pins: Captains: Prize: 1.) 10 3031 Mary Koresec $35.00 2.) 50 29G8 Bernice Somrak 30.00 3.) 73 2)949 Ann Predovic 25.00 4.) 50 292G Theres Komat 20.00 5.) 15 2848 Alice Arko 15.00 G.) 14 2847 Millie Skul'ca 12.00 7.) 15 2843 Mary Perko 10.00 8.) 25 2831 Vickie Faletič 9.00 9.) 15 2799 Bernice Zupančič 9.00 10.) 50 2i788 Mary Hočevar 8.00 11.) 15 2764 Sophie Hrovat 7.00 12.) 73 27G2 Mary Turk 7.00 13.) 15 2762 Antonia Stokar 7.00 14.) 47 2754 Jo Lea 7.00 15.) 25 2745 Pauline Vegel 6.00 1G.) 50 2739 Jo Gerbec 6.00 17.) 10 2729 Peggy Dobnikar 6.00 18.) 50 2727 Antonia Turek 6.00 19.) 50 2708 Mickie Okelson 5.00 20.) 25 2705 Frances Nemanich 5.00 21.) 42 2703 Lillian Sadowski 5.00 22.) 25 2680 Fay Rolih 5.00 Toni Turek EASTERN GET TOGETHER BOWLING TOURNAMENT SCORES to honor our Mother of the Year and all mothers. Let’s have a good turnout. This is a chance for all members to get together and have a good time. A rummage sale is being planned for May, so gather up all your “junk” when you’re spring cleaning and have it ready. Get well wishes to Mrs. Pa valine who had major surgery and is slowly convalescing. Also, to Andrew Kasson, husband of Josephine Kasson, who had surgery in Youngstown and is now recuperating. To all, a speedy recovery and I hope to see you at the April meeting. Joanne Ponikvar, Sec’y-Treas. No. 55, Girard, Ohio. — The Feb. meeting opened with a prayer led by president, Barbara Umeck. The usual members appeared in spite of the cold spell. At this meeting plans were completed for a public card party sponsored by the S.W.U. jointly with the Slov. Men’s Union on April 18th at the Slovenian Hall in Girard. (The date is changed from the 30th.) Mrs. Barbara Umeck and Mr. Andrew Kocjan are co-chairmen for the affair. They promise a good time, so don’t miss it. Am happy to say no illness has been reported. Our deepest sympathy is extended to the family of Mrs. Anna Jakle-vich who passed away Feburary 21st. May she rest in peace. Social hour was enjoyed with a Valentine Exchange; since it was lent, Mrs. Amelia Robsel made and served delicious coffee. Games were played and prizes going to Mrs. Emma Zore and Mrs. Anna Umeck. So long till next month. Mary Ann Mehalco No. 56, Hibbing, Minn. At our Feb. meeting, we elected our delegate, Anne Satovich and Amelia Domen as alternate. Our attendance was fair. Since the meeting, we have lost another member, Eva Chernugal, who was in our branch for a long time. To her bereaved family, we extend our deepest sympathy. We prayed a rosary and paid our last respects at her wake. May she rest in peace. We have quite a few members on the sick list. Katherine Silver and Frances Bozich who have returned home the hospital are doing well; the latest ones in the hospital are Emma Kozak and Gladys Klaysmat. To all of these members we wish a speedy recovery and may God bless them. Not to forget our reporter, Elizabeth Drasko-vich, who made a short trip to the hospital and gave birth to a baby girl. Congratulations! The mother and daughter are doing fine. Hostesses for the Feb. meeting were Caroline Kozina, Ursula Zaic, Frances Prosnick and Angela Genac. Games were played and winners were: Margaret Skorich, Mary Ayotte, Amelia Domen, Anne Satovich, Margaret Shelko and Anna Staudohar. At our March meeting we did not plan a lunch. See you in April. Anne B. Satovich, Pres. No. 57, Niles, Ohio. We had a nice surprise — 24 members attended our Feb. meeting. We had a very nice time plus a delicious lunch was served. We hope our next meeting will be just as well-attended. So glad Mary Daffalo and Louise Matayko are up and around feeling fine. See you at the next meeting, girls! Miss Janet Milaves won our give-away prize for the 25th anniversary, a $50 Saving Bond. Congratulations, Janet! A very happy birthday to Frances Ko-sance who observed her 75th birthday in Feb., also a belated happy birthday to Theresa Racher who was 76 on her last birthday! Congratulations from all the members to Carol Dolence who received a B. Sc. degree in Education from Ohio State University. Carol is the daughter of Ann and John Dolence of 713 Scott St. Good luck, Carol. Welcome to our two new members, Eva Peltz and Joanne Stringer. See you all at the next meeting. Remember everyone has a nice time, so do come! Mary Moler, Reporter No. 63, Denver, Colo. Our branch had a very nice New Year get-together meeting onthe last Sunday in January. A large group of ladies attended for the annual election of officers. It was also a sad meeting as our beloved President, Mary Kovac, because of ill health, had to give up her post. Her years of Church work and blessed giving and doing for others go back to us younger girls re-ceving our Catechism from her for First Communion. We only hope she will stay well enough to attend the meetings. Mrs. Agnes Pogline, an ardent lodge worker, was elected in her place. Most of our other officers were reelected. We are also hoping our Secretary, Molly Svigal, who has been on the sick list all these months, will be able to stay in the office she has taken care of so long, (See p. 9G). Father Leopold Mlhelich, our Spiritual Director, gave a very nice welcoming speech. The rest of the evening was spent eating and talking to old friends. We are looking for- ward to summer, conventions, and all the various other activities. The cookbooks are lovely, and would help all the new brides in our parish. To all the sick members since before Christmas, we sincerely hope they are on the mend and can attend our meetings. Ellen Nortnik 8570 West 57 th Avenue Arvada, Colorado No. 68, Fairport Harbor, Ohio. The regular meeting of our branch was held Feb. 16th at American-Slovenian Club at Fairport Hbr. Our meetings are well-attended but we would like to see more of our members present. Two new members accepted into the branch were Mrs. Mary Jopko and Miss Diane Grabelsek. On the sick list is Mrs. Angela Godec. Sincere wishes for a speedy recovery. Chosen as Mother of the Year was Mrs. Zupan. Congratulations, Mrs. Zupan, we are proud of you. Sunshine prize was won by Mrs. Drobnick.. We hope the bowlers who attended the Eastern Tourney at our neighboring city of Euclid on March 1st had an enjoyable time. At this time, I would like to wish the best from our members to all attending the forthcoming National Convention next month. Good luck. Julia Grabelsek, Reporter No. 72, Pullman, III. Greetings to all! We had no special plans and because of the cold and wintery weather, we had no meeting since December when there was a good turnout. We missed some of our regulars, but enough attended to have a successful meeting.. Now, with most of the winter almost over, we are looking forward to our next meeting on Sunday, April 19th at 2 p.m. at Mrs. Bezlaj’s home, 11433 Champlain Ave., 1st floor. As I said last month, I would appreciate it if you ladies would let me know of any news you have. If you are sick, please notify one of the officers. You can call Mrs. Žagar at PU 5-9857 or Mrs. Bezlaj at CO 4-7674. If you have any other news, kindly call me at IN 8-3209. I don’t wish to overlook anyone intentionally and if I do, I am sorry. We were all sorry to hear that Mrs. Stephie Sheehy has been very ill for the past few weeks; she is home now feeling better but far from well. Let us send her a cheery get-well note. Our best wishes for a speedy recovery and hope to see her very soon. A note of thanks from Mrs. Dolinar to all the ladies for the beautiful cards she has received, for the many telephone calls and visitors during her illness. She is feeling much better. Hope to see her soon at our meetings as she is missed. Will be looking forward to seeing you at the next meeting, April 19th. Margaret M. Vrhovnik No. 73, Warrensville, Hgts, Ohio. At the Feb. meeting we had 31 members and enjoyed a Valentine card party which we all enjoyed. Our hostesses were Ann Fike, Ann Yoger and Betty Adamovich. Irene Chase and Betty Adler made donuts, too. Bette Adler made a beautiful doll cake and is was won by Sally Kunka. Our delegate to the convention in May is Louise Epley; alternate is Rose Zbasnik. We are happy to welcome a new member, Pauline Mrklas and hope she enjoys our branch. Also, Esther Jaros came back to No. 73 — welcome back and glad to see your smiling face. On our sick list, Sophie Goga was in the hospital for observation. Betty Lepp is not so well and Sophie Mauer’s granddaughter is very ill, Peggy Mauer. We hope and pray you all feel better soon. We were happy to welcome back Stella Kne-zeak and her son, Phillip, at our meeting. Apri 5th is our anniversary Mass at 9:45 a.m. at St. Jude’s chruch. Please mark it on your calendars. May 5th is our pot luck supper for our Mother of the Year at 6:30 p. m. Plaese come and don’t forget. Our March hostesses were Jos. Turk and Helen Kunka. We have one new baby to report, she is the daughter of Louise Zabukovec. Congratulations and hope both are fine.. Last but not least, br. 73 did the best job in selling tickets for prizes. Congratulations and keep up the good work. Mr. Anton Turk passed away — he was the father of Nettie Kainec. May his soul rest in peace. Betty Bay us, Reporter No. 86, Nashwauk, Minn. The regular meeting of the Slovenian Women’s Union was held on Thursday evening, Feb. 20th at the home of our president, Katherine De Petro. Due to other activities the same evening, the attendance was small. We discussed changing our meeting date but no action was taken at this time. We unanimously voted Slava Katali-nich to be our candidate for a delegate at the 13th National Convention in Chicago May 17th. We also selected our secretary, Mrs. Frank (Marion) Dergantz to be the Mother of the Year from our branch. She is the mother of three sons and has several grandchildren. More will be written about her next month. In my last report, I failed to mention that our branch gave our pastor a $5.00 gift, and his assistant also a $5 gift. After our business was taken care of, we played cards with Slava Katalinich winning in Bridge and Anne Mazar in Canasta. President, Katherine DePetro served us a very delicious lunch. We sincerely hope to see more of our members present at our next meeting. See you then, girls. Anne Mazar, Reporter CONGRATULATIONS BR. 96! Universal, Pa. In the winter of 1939, it was an idea of Mrs. Mary Usenicnik to organize a group of Slovenian women under the auspices of S. W. U., so she wrote to the Supreme Office and soon after, Mrs. Anna Petrich of Warren, Ohio (now a resident of Fontana, Calif.) came to Universal to help found Br. no 96. The first officers were: pres., Julia Starman, vice-pres., Johanna Kokal, sec’y, Mary Pavlik, rec. sec’y, Paula Kokal, treas., Annie Jelovcan and sentinel, Mary Kokal Bahor. There were 16 members. Our Paula Kokal has been in office all this time, since the beginning and is president since 1947. Anna Podobnik is vice-pres., 14 years already and this year she has the added title of “Mother of the Year.” Mary Habjan Sacsek has been the rec. sec’y for 21 years. One of our first treasurers was Francka Bajt Ve-licic and now that office is held by Mary Galicic O’Block. The present sentinel is Dorothy Peternal and her sister, Antoinette Mozina is our reporter for many years. Auditors are Mrs. Mozina, D. Peternal and Irene Bogotaj Zavarella. In the past 25 years there has been a lot of activity and many happy hours spent together. There has also been some sorrow. In 1949 we lost members, Mary Demshar and Johanna Oblak Kokal. In 1950, junior Shirley Oswalt died suddenly and a year later Mary Demshar (Nacetova). In 1952 we lost Marija Prevc (Previc) and in 1954 Frances Home Skerl. Louisa Starman Kim passed away in 1956 and the same year, Anna Erznoznik Bogotaj. Katarina Rekelj Peternel departed from this world in 1959. All these members are missed and remembered in our prayers. God grant them peace and a heavenly reward. Since we live so far apart, we meet only 4 times a year. Our members are scattered throughout this region including Verona, Sardis, Butler, Baden, Detroit and one lives in Wyo. We send belated wishes to our pres., Paula, on her feastday in March and to our good members: Agatha Mozina, Anna Kacin, Frances Oblock, Mary Richtar, Jerica Shifrar, Jennie Roth and Jennie Snoznik, best wishes for good health. To our juniors, Diane Bebar and Eileen Snoznik, our hopes for their success in school. Every year, we look forward to the celebration of Pennsylvania Day when we have the opportunity to meet with all our friends and neighbors. We also are happy when we see the members from Ohio and Illinois and other states near and far. We hope you will continue to visit us often. To all members, my best wishes for good health and happiness in the year to come. With sisterly greetings, I am, Mary Peternel Klemenčič, Secretary, 18 years Hermine Prisland Dicke: * ROLL CALL! Refrigerator rolls are easy to make. Serve them frequently. Basic Refrigerator Rolls Recipe Mix together: % cup hot water Vz cup sugar 1 tablespoon salt 3 tablespoons shortening, butter or margarine Cool to lukewarm Measure into warm bowl — 1 cup warm (not hot water; should be comfortably warm on underpart of wrist.) Sprinkle or crumble in — 2 packages active dry or compressed yeast. Stir until dissolved. Stir in lukewarm water mixture. Add 1 egg, unbeaten 3 cups sifted flour Beat until smooth. Stir in more flour, about 3 cups (enough flour to make soft dough). Cover. Let rest 10 minutes. Knead for 5 to 8 minutes. Place dough in greased bowl, turning once to grease top. Cover tightly with foil, double thickness of saran or with a damp towel. Store in refrigerator until doubled in bulk, or until needed. To use, punch down, cut off dough needed and cover tightly. Store in refrigerator 4 to 5 days, punching it down once a day. Note: When using Hot Roll Package Mix for refrigerator dough—add 3 tablespoons sugar when mixing liquid. The yeast dough may then be placed in the refrigerator until needed. Many shapes like braids, bowknots, snails, figure eight can be made from this basic recipe. A few additional popular varieties are: Parkerhouse Rolls 1. Remove a third of dough from refrigerator. 2. On lightly floured surface, roll % inch thick. 2.Cut with 2% inch biscuit cutter. 4. With dull edge of knife, press a crease just off center of each round. Brush lightly with melted butter or margarine. Fold over so that larger part overlaps; press folded edge. 5. Place about 1 inch apart on lightly greased cookie sheet; cover with towel. Let rise in warm place (85 degrees), free from drafts, until double in bulk — about 1 hour. 6. Meanwhile, preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Brush rolls lightly with melted butter or margarine. 7. Bake 12 to 15 minutes, or until golden-brown. Serve hot. Makes 12. Cloverleaves 1. Remove a third of dough from refrigerator. 2. On lightly floured surface, divide in half. With palms of hands roll each half into a 16 inch rope. 3 Cut each rope into 18 pieces. With fingertips, shape each piece of dough into a smooth ball; tuck the edges under (this makes a smooth top). 4. Place 3 balls into each greased 2?y2 inch muffin-pan cup. 5. Cover with towel. Let rise in warm place (85 degrees F.), free from drafts, until double in bulk — about 1 hour. 6. Meanwhile, preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Brush rolls lightly with melted butter or margarine. 7. Bake 12 to 15 minutes, or until golden-brown. Brush lightly with melted butter or margarine. Serve hot. Makes 12. Butterscotch Pecan Rolls 1. Melt in small saucepan 3 tablespoons butter 2. Add and stir % cup brown sugar 3. Heat until sugar is dissolved 4. Add % cup plus 2 tablespoons dark corn syrup 5. Boil 1 minute. Pour into pan (7 inches by 11 inches) 6. Sprinkle 1 cup pecans on syrup 7. Turn % recipe Refrigerator Roll dough on lightly floured board, punch down, cover and allow to rest 10 min. 8. Roll into rectangle, 10 inches by inches, spread with: 2 tablespoons soft butter Vi cup granulated sugar 2 teaspoons cinnamon 9. Roll as for jellyroll. Cut into 1 inch slices. 10. Place slices on syrup in pan. Cover. Allow to rise until double in bulk (about 1 hour.) 11. Bake in preheated (375 degrees F) oven (12 to 15 minutes). 12. Remove from oven, invert immediately on wire cooling rack and remove rolls. SOUR CREAM DUMPLINGS (By Mary Bostian, Br. 50, Cleveland) Ingredients: V2 pint sour cream 2 beaten eggs Pinch of salt Enough flour to hold together Mix. With a teaspoon make small dumplings. Place in boiling salt water. Cook covered for about 15 to 20 minutes. Drain. Garnish with buttered browned bread crumbs and serve with stews, sauerkraut and many other dishes. SPRING SEWING Plaids and Stripes All plaid designs and stripes must match as nearly as possible — the better the matching, the more expensive looking the garment. A very plain pattern with as few pieces as possible should be chosen for use with a plaid or striped material in order to avoid a “choppy” effect. You will need more material when you lay out the pattern on plaid, striped or large print material. The pattern pieces can not always be put as close together as you can on plain goods. To achieve the smart matched effects the first step is the placing of the tissue pieces on the material. There are two general types of plaids — even or balanced, and uneven or unbalanced. The matching problems are very different for each. Balanced plaids and strips are easier to match than are the uneven ones. In an uneven plaid, the colors and designs are arranged in a definite order from left to right and from up and down. (There are four arrangement possibilities for unbalanced plaids). In an even plaid, same colors and designs are repeated on all four sides of a center point. When a design has a left and right, the same direction of plaid should be kept around entire garment. If in front, the order is red, yellow, blue from left to right; in back it should be red, yellow, blue and in the sleeves, red, yellow, blue from left to right. Layout of Pattern Make sure fabric is smooth. Press if necessary. For even plaids, fold fabric lengthwise with the wrong side outside to mark darts, buttonholes pocket lines etc. Match the two sides exactly. Crosswise folds as well as lengthwise folds may be satisfactorily made. For layouts on uneven plaids, all pattern pieces must be placed with tops in the same direction. Also, uneven designs usually require layout of pattern on single thickness or material. Check points for matching are: 1. The center front and center back should fall on or halfway between the dominant plaid or stripe. 2. Sleeves to bodice front and bodice back( see that the lines of the plaids in the sleeves correspond with the lines of the plaids in the blouse part.) 3. Adjust pattern piece on material so that the corresponding lines of the plaid will meet at the notches of pattern for the side seams of both bodice (below underarm dart) and skirt. 4. If skirt is on bias, centers front match each other, as do centers back, and fronts and backs at side seams. If skirt is cut straight, waistline seams should match. 5. Front shoulder to back shoulder cannot always be matched. Use corresponding notches in the pattern as your guide; when they match the stripes or plaid will match. No. 89, Oglesby, III. We draped the charter at the last meeting in memory of our dearly departed member, Mrs. Frances Gardin. She passed a-way at the early age of 55 years. The members offer their deepest sympathy to her family and pray she has attained her eternal reward. A letter was read from State President of Illinois-Indiana setting Aug. 30th as the tentative date for the State Convention. All members are urgently asked to help with the arrangements as we are the hostesses for this event. Only with your full cooperation will it be a success. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Corpus who celebrated their 35th Wedding Aninversary. Mary Kernz, Reporter No. 91, Oakmont, Pa. The members of our branch wish to extend their deepest sympathy to our president, Anna Kastelic and her family in their recent bereavement through the death of her husband, Martin Kastelic. May he rest in peace. Jo Dallas No. 92, Crested Butte, Colo. For the month of March, we held our meeting at the Ski Crest Lodge. I reserved a suite for us and the warmth of the fire in the hearth was so nice and cozy. There were 13 ladies present and all had a very nice time. I showed the ladies around the lodge and we had pie and coffee in the lovely dining room with an enjoyable evening for all. We are getting a bit of snow every week now — and, it has been cold. Get well wishes to Fr. McKenna, our spiritual advisor; hope you will feel fine soon, dear Father. Our expense on the chapel is nearing an end although contributions are still accepted. Till next time, God bless you. Helen Cobai, Reporter So. Chicago, III. — Branch No. 95. At our February meeting our branch was heartbroken over the death of Catherine Cacich; all the members were affected because her warm and friendly humor will be missed as she has attended our meetings with meticulous regularity. May I thank you good members sincerely for your cooperation in the all out effort of our branch by paying our last respects to her and praying with me at the bier. However, our meeting showed results. Picked for the Mother of the Year is Mary Asen-brenner, 3017 E. 95th St. Picked for the delegate to represent our branch is yours truly and Ann Kompare as alternate. The only change that took place in our election of officers is that Amelia Cuzella is our Vice Pres, and Margaret Krmpotich asked to be relieved of her duties as treasurer, when her doctor suggested that she slow done. Helen Golich accepted the IN SYMPATHY BR. 95’s KATHERINE CACICH No. 95, So. Chicago, III. Katherine Cacich died suddenly on February 5, 1963. This news was unexpected and particulary distressing. She had an influence over the history of our branch during the 25 years of her membership — an influence that will continue to be felt for many years to come. She was a woman of wisdom, humility, charm, wit, and above all, a devoted wife to her active husband and a dedicated mother to her seven office, and she already has started to put some new ideas into practice. Margaret will be available for special assignments. I have stated many times, both publicly and privately, my high regard for Marge, in the past two years as our treasurer. I have learned to admire her for her personal qualities and have appreciated the spendid fashion in which she has cooperated with me in the performance of my tasks, and to your successor, Helen Golich, I congratulate you and hope that your tenure of office will be happy and successful. “Good luck, Helen!” Yours truly shall remain as President and reporter, Mildred Poropat as Sec’y. and Evelyn Driscoll as Rec. Sec’y., and the auditors are: Marge Krmpotich, Ann Pearson and Mary Plesha. We all know our branch will continue to expand in membership and gain influence in the community. I am delighted that Mary Plesha and Helen Golich accepted the bowling invitation and looked forward with great pleasure to the tournament when a team was formed to represent our branch. Evelyn Driscoll again assumed the responsibility as chairlady for our “Book”, our once a year money making project. This is a cause that merits our generous support, our most devoted efforts I, therefore, earnestly urge the entire membership to accept these books and return them in good faith. I acknowledge with children. Let us not forget that she gave fully of her time by attending meetings regularly, her energy and resources to extend the influence of Sacred Heart Croatian Church and other organizations, which had become her way of life. However, her interest in our branch’s affairs never waned, and in 1956 she was chosen our Mother-of-the-Year for her efforts. Katherine Cacich was a magnificent woman and a great friend, she loved life and she wanted all of us to live it the right way. Her passing was like the death of a great oak that marked an era. She will not be forgotten. Surviving her are her husband, Frank, sons Frank Jr., and George, daughters, Anne Ma-tesevac, Mary Hecimovich, Josephine Stengel, Catherine Placzkowski, and Sylvia Mitchell who are all members of our branch for many years. Her funeral proved that her personal friends were inumerable with so many floral pieces, offerings of Masses and donations to the Sacred Heart Building Fund. To her husband, Frank, her sons and daughters, relatives and friends we extend our heartfelt sympathy. May she enjoy eternal rest and the rewards she has earned. Mildred James thanks to the following who have contributed so generously to our treasury: Mary Ashenbrenner and Rose Ballock, $1, Victoria Rukavina $2.50 and Ann Sorak $3. Your contributions are very much appreciated. After the meeting Amelia Cuzella, Evelyn Driscoll, Ann Pearson and Mary Perkovich were quick to fix an attractive table with a luscious torte prepared by Agatha Mesin, a apple strudel by Polonia Ashenbrenner and sweet rolls by Mary Ashenbrenner which our members enjoyed thoroughly. Birthday Greetings to the following celebrants in April: Andrijana Bandera, Mildred Dean, Frances Hlaner, Cecilia Kolovo, Rose Kovacevich, Rose Krneta, Martha Ladisich, Anna Mrava-cich, Mary Nicksic, Mary Pavelich, Barbara Sambol, Mary Udovich, and Margaret Innis. Get well wishes are extended to Ann Jovanich, Barbara Sambol, Mary Kahn, Kate Alfirevich and Florence Cuzella. I personally wish all of our members who are ill a most rapid recovery from your unfortunate illness, so that all of you may again participate actively in our group as you have done in the past. Our condolences to Ljuba Trgovac on the loss of her beloved husband. It is our prayerful wish that Almighty God may grant you the courage and fortitude to bear a sorrow that is deep and a loss that is great. It’s so easy to put off attending DEEPEST SYMPATHY Heartfelt wishes are extended to the family of our late sister, Amalia Svigel, secretary of Br. 63, Denver, Colo., for many, many years. She will be greatly missed by all. Sorrow befell the family of our former Juvenile Director (1947-]952), Evelyn Krizaj Hudek of Barberton, O., who died at the age of 41 years. Her untimely passing was a great shock. May they both repose in eternal peace and happiness. our meetings, correcting weaknesses in home life, and living up to our obligations as members. Postponements of this sort can be dangerous for everyone concerned so try to attend our festivities on May 6th when we will give our Mother of the Year “red carpet treatment” and give a-way cash prizes to the lucky winners. Plan to attend! Mildred James No. 100, Fontana, Calif. Our February meeting was well attended, and we were glad to see so many visitors. From Branch No. 2 in Chicago was Mrs. Polden; from Branch No. 89, Mrs. Jerin; Mrs. Voje from Branch No. 84 in New York; Mrs. Krapenc from Cleveland, Branch No. 41; and Mrs. Simoncich from Pittsburgh, Pa. We hope that all of these ladies had an enjoyable stay in California and that they will soon return. Those who celebrated birthdays in February were honored at our last meeting. They included Mrs. Dorothy Petrich, Mrs. Frances Lukanich, Mrs. Edith Drawenelc, and Mrs. Paula Vidergar. The refreshments were donated by the ladies, and we all had a good time singing and eating the delicious food. Our best wishes to our February birthday celebrants! The Rummage Sale Report was given, and, thanks to the help of our members, it was a success. Our next project held was a Bake Sale on Mar. 21st. The success of our project depended upon the group’s participation, so I hope to give a good report on the outcome. The sick members to whom we send our sincerest “get well” wishes are Mrs. Janesh, Mrs. Potepan. We are looking forward to seeing you well and recovered soon. Our thanks are extended to Mrs. Mary Železnikar for the article she brought to our meeting; Mrs. Frances Dukanich was the winner. Our treasury was increased, and we had a few laughs too. Best wishes to you all from Branch No. 100. Frances Kurilich, Reporter No. 105, Detroit, Mich. March 7th was the anniversary of our local branch. Had I not neglected that little book in my portfolio, I would have mentioned it in my article of the TWO CHICAGO LADS SERVE IN ARMED FORCES Airman 2nd Class, Ronald Gomilar U. S. Air Force Two Chicago lads serving in the armed forces are sons of our good members of Br. 2. Ronald, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gomilar and Frank, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sedlasek, Sr., are making their parents and all their friends proud of the fine way they have progressed while in the service and all their accomplishments. Airman Gomilar has been in Germany for a year and is stationed at Wiesbaden. He has done considerable traveling while in Europe and is looking forward to the time when he may be able to visit the homeland of his parents in Slovenia. Ron also had the opportunity of meeting the Gov-vernor of Illinois, Hon. Otto Kerner while the Governor was making a trip overseas and they spoke of the large number of Slovenians living in Illinois March issue. Hereafter, we are going to call all the members of our group about two weeks after our meeting each month, and notify them as to where our next meeting is to be held and the date. In that way it will enable the members to keep that date open, and we will have a larger attendance. So what do you say, you long time members, and new members; do you think it is a good idea? We have initiated a new member in our group at our last meeting. Her name is Anna Anzick, who is quite well known here in our Detroit circles. We are all happy to have you in our group Anna, and hope you will be a regular at our monthly meetings. She won a prize, a handsome cream and pitcher set, donated by none other than Alice Kocijan who has donated ever so many prizes in the past. Thank you so much Alice, you have been very generous. A prize was also won by Ann McGee, a one dollar Pfc. Frank Sedlasek, Jr. U. S. Marine Corps whom the Governor knows well. One of Ron’s favorite mementos of this meeting is a picture they had taken together. Marine Pfc. Frankie, on the other hand, is studying a jet helicopter course at the Naval Air Station at Memphis where he completed his specialized training in jet mechanical engineering. He’s a whiz at math, so ought to be fine at that! He had the memorable experience of meeting the late Pres. Kennedy at the time of his graduation in San Diego and just last month, was a member of a Marine Honor Guard for President Johnson at St. Louis, Mo. So, to our two boys — wherever they may go — our wishes for very rewarding and exciting months serving Uncle Sam. C. L. bill. That was because I had neglected to buy a prize, I only hope you were not too disappointed Ann. I will not let it happen again. S. W. U. Convention is being held in Chicago, May 17, 18, 19, and 20th. We have all agreed that Gail Simon shall be the candidate from our group. We sure do hope that she will be the one selected from all the other candidates of the consolidated branches. Fulvia Rosa has taken a month’s leave to go to Minnesota, her home state. She has not been feeling up to par this past year, and she is going to get to the bottom of this while she is staying with her relatives and friends. We hope that when you return, Fulvia, that you will be feeling much better, and back with us again. We missed you at the last meeting. Again I would like to remind all of you ladies, who have not been attending meetings, please come! God bless you all. Stephanie Hometz, rep. 24 RECIPES FOR POTICA!!! in The new, revised edition of S.W.U/s Cookbook WOMAN’S GLORY - THE KITCHEN You’ll enjoy the recipes tried and tested by our own members and friends, in the handy new cookbook everyone is talking about. It’s a souvenir book filled with interesting tidbits of information. Read it like a storybook! (Many homemakers do read cookbooks that way, visualizing those tantalizing dishes as they read!) Send for your copy — or a few extra copies for your friends. Mail orders to: Mrs. Antonia Turek, 19170 Monterey Ave., Euclid 19, Ohio Total cost is only $2.75 postpaid . . . sent anywhere in the U. S. or Canada. A WONDERFUL GIFT FOR EVERY HOMEMAKER! See page 24 of Woman’s Glory — The Kitchen for more Potica recipes HONEY POTICA Prepare any Potica dough. Recipe for honey filling:: Ingredients: 1 cup honey 3 tablespoons sugar 4 tablespoons butter 1 l/2 pounds grated walnuts 1 /2 cup sweet cream 2 3 to 4 tablespoons rum or 1 brandy 1 Cinnamon (as desired) Grated rind of Vz lemon whole egg egg yolk tablespoons raisins tablespoon bread crumbs tablespoon chopped citron Cook slowly 1 cup honey, 3 tablespoons sugar and 4 tablespoons butter for about 8 minutes. Pour this mixture over grated walnuts. In pan where honey and sugar were cooked, boil 1/2 cup of sweet cream and pour over walnuts. Stir well. Add 3 to 4 tablespoons of rum or brandy, cinnamon, lemon rind, 1 egg and 1 egg yolk. (Be sure mixture is cool before eggs are added). Mix well. If too thick, add a little more cream for easy spreading. Place potica dough on a cloth-covered table sprinkled with flour. Do not knead dough, but roll out with rolling pin about y8 inch thick. Spread with prepared filling and sprinkle with raisins, citron and bread crumbs. Roll up potica like a jelly roll. See instructions for rolling and baking on previous page. Bake for 1% hours or a little longer. KUPITE SEDAJ NOVO IZDAJO ZVEZINE KUHARSKE KNJIGE WOMAN’S GLORY - THE KITCHEN Knjiga bo odlično darilo za matere, hčerke, vnukinje in prijateljice. Cena $2.75 s poštnino. Naročila za knjige sprejema glavna predsednica Zveze: Mrs. Antonia Turek, 19170 Monterey Ave., Euclid 19, Ohio ZAPISNIK POL-LETNE SEJE GL. ODBORNIC v gl. uradu, Chicago, Illinois, 17.—18. februarja, 1964 Pol-letna seja Odbora Direktoric S. Ž. Zveze se je pričela v pondeljek, 17. februarja, 1964 ob 9:30 dop. v Glavnem uradu v Chicagu. Naslednje odbornice so bile navzoče preds. Antonia Turek; tajnica, Albina Novak; blagajničarka, Josephine Železnikar in nadzornice: Ann Podgoršek, Victoria Faletič, Frances Gaspich in urednica Corinne Leskovar. Ustanoviteljica Marie Prisland zaradi bolezni je odsotna. Prva točka dnevnega reda je bila pregled poslovnih knjig. Po pregledu so vse direktorice obiskale Metropolitan banko, kjer so overovile in pregladale vrednostne papirje, ki so shranjeni v varnostnem predalu. Vsi dokumenti so bili v poročilu tajnice. Direktorice izrazijo svoje odobravanje, ker so vsi dokumenti in računi najdeni v najlepšem redu. Direktorice nato nadaljujelo sejo v gl. uradu s čitanjem poročil, ki so bila sprejeta, kakor čitana. Direktorice izrečejo ustanoviteljici, Marie Prisland, prisrčna voščila za popolno hitro ozdravljenje po prestani operaciji. Obžalujejo, da se ni mogla udeležiti seje, toda vedo, da je duhu z njimi. POROČILO GLAVNE PREDSEDNICE Pozdravljene direktorice iln dobrodošle na prvem zasedanju v letu 1964. Ta seja je važna zaradi bližajoče se 13. narodne konvencije, ki se bo vršila v Chicagu. Samo dva dneva imamo na razpolago, da končamo naše delo pregleda knjig in bančnih računov, razpravo o konvenciji, uspeh kampanje in pogovor o novo predelani kuharski kni-gi. Mnogo bomo dovršile, če se potrudimo in imamo vsa naša razmotrivanja kratka in jedrnata. Ustanoviteljica, ki je zaradi bolezni odsotna, je poslala svoje poročilo. Želimo ji kar najhitrejše okrevanje. Vemo, da Marie Prisland vedno dela vztrajno in efektno za napredek Zveze in se trudi, da kar najboljše investira naš denar. Zadnje leto nas je zadel tragičen dogodek smrti naše mladinske direktorice, Christine Menart in potem v novembru nas je presunila vest o nasilni smrti predsednika Johna F. Kennedy. Naj njune duše počivata v miru božjem Upam, da bo tekoča pred-konvenčna kampanja prekosila vse dosedanje. V zadnji smo pridobile 339 novih članic. Potrebujemo novih članic da moremo nadomestiti vrzeli nastale po odhodu mnogih sester v večnost, kakor boste slišale iz poročila gl. tajnice, Albine Novak. Konvencija je samo nekaj mesecev oddaljena od nas in izvoljene delegatinje so prejele vsa navodila preko Zarje. Gl. tajnica vam bo sporočila podrobnosti bodisi v pismu, ali pa v Zarji. Zelo važno je, da pridejo vse delegatinje pripravljene s pismenim poročilom, ker to nam bo prihranilo mnogo časa na konvenciji. Kakor veste traja samo tri dneve in v tem času je potrebno mnogo opraviti. Državne predsednice so opravile izvrstno nalogo ne samo zadnje leto, ampak vsa tri zadnja leta. Zdi se mi, da je v Zvezi več navdušenja odkar so bile Izvoljene državne predsednice. Vse delajo trdo v svojih predelih. Vem, da bodo njihova poročila konvenciji odlična z izvrstnimi podatki o izvršenem delu. Udeležila sem se konvencije IU.-Ind. in Penna. in ugotovila, da članstvo ceni te konvencije ter se jih rado udeležuje. Moje iskrene čestitke vsem državnim predsednicam za vzorno vodstvo in zanimanje. Podružnica št. 18 je sklenila na letni seji, da se združi s podr. 41 v Clevelandu. Obe podr. sta v Colinwoodski naselbini in združitev je bila proslavljena na januarski seji, katere sem se udeležila. Prepričana sem, da bodo članice št. 18 se srečne počutile v krogu sester podr. št. 41. Tudi sem presenetila članice št. 14. s svojim obiskom na njihovi januarski seji in imela sem čast umestiti novi odbor. Bazar skupnih clevelandskih podružnic v oktobru je nadsve dobro uspel. Trdo delo članic je bilo kronano z uspehom, vsekakor smo imele mnogo skrbi, toda uspeh ni izostal. Kolono Pots and Pans v Zarji bo odslej pisala Hermine Dicke, ki je hčerka Mrs. Marie Prisland. Vemo, da bo dobro pisala. Čestitke in zadovoljne smo, da si z nami, Hermine. V zadoščenje mi je čitati lepe dopise, katere pošiljajo naši najmlajši v mladinsko stran Zarje. Posebno aktivni so mladinci iz Wisconsin, Illinois, New York in Ohio. Cleveland ima tudi kegljaško ligo 14 mladinskih skupin, kakor tudi vežbalni krožek. Veseli me tudi, da izrekam dobrodošlico novi dopisovalki v mladinskem delu Zarje, Regino. Vso srečo! V marcu so kegljaške tekme: Naše kegljačice se bodo pomerile v Clevelandu in v Milwaukee pod vodstvom gl. odbornice, Elizabeth Žefran. Nova izdaja kuharske knjige Woman’s Glory ______________ The Kitchen, katero so uredile Marie Prisland in Albina Novak, je lepa knjiga polna izvrstnih receptov. Je v resnici spominska knjiga, ker vsebuje tudi zgodovino Zveze in sliko potice, katero je spekla naša bivša gl. nadzornica, Mary Lenich iz Bveletha in je bila servirana na inau-guaralnem banketu v Beli hiši ob umestitvi pok. predsednika. Bilo je precej neugodno, da zaradi zamude v tiskarni, nismo imele knjige mnogo pred Božičem, toda se ni dalo pomagati. Čikaske odbornice so pričele pošiljati knjige direktno iz tiskalnih strojev podružnicam in meni, tako, da smo jih imele za praznike. Tajnica Novak in urednica Leskovar sta razposlale v božičnem tednu 1400 knjig, kar je bilo veliko delo, posebno še zaradi božične poštne gneče. Toda kakor rečejo delo mora biti opravljeno, tako je tudi v tem primeru, zahteva po novi knjigi bila izredna in tako sem prvo pošiljko takoj razposlala naročnicam. Mnogo naročil je bilo odposlanih istega dne, kakor sem jih prejela. Doslej nisem prejela pritožb zaradi na pošti poškodovanih knjig, toda velikanska božična poštna naklada v Chicagu, je poškodovala nekaj knjig. Knjige se sedaj dobro prodajalo in večina podružnic jih je že ponovno naročilo. Mislim, da ne bo vzela predolgo, ko bomo vse razprodale. Drž. preds. za Colo., Anna Pachak je že prodala 200 knjig. Želim se zahvaliti vsem in vsaki posebej za pomoč pri prodaji in razpečavanju knjig. Večino mojega dela, ki ga opravljam, običajno poročam v moji mesečni koloni v Zarji. To zaključuje moje šestmesečno poročilo. Upamo, da bomo imele prijetno zasedanje. Antonia Turek POROČILO TAJNICE FINANČEGA ODBORA IN PREDSEDNICE ŠOLNINSKEGA ODBORA Žal mi je, da se ne morem udeležiti te seje, zaradi slabega zdravja. Moje poročilo sledi: V zadnjih šestih mesecih smo imele naslednje poslovne transakcije: Dozoreli so U. S. zakladni bondi v vsoti $23,000.00. Kupljeni so bili za $21,763.00. Izkupiček prodaje je bil $1,237.00. Prejete obresti $3,850.00. Skupni dobiček $5,087.00. Prodale smo 860 delnic Mass. Investors Growth. Prodajna cena $7,283.00. Kupna cena je bila $6,420.00. Dobiček prodaje $863.00, prejete obresti v 3 in pol letih $898.80. Skupni čisti dobiček $1,762.40. Nove vložbe: $6,000 v bonde Sisters of Provindence, Ind. $5,000 v note Sisters of Charities, Seattle, Washington. $10,000 bonde Škofije v Miami, Fla. $7,000 v zakladne bonde. (Podrobnosti so obrazložene v angleškem delu marčne Zarje.) Obračun Šolninskega Sklada je tudi v angleškem delu zadnji mesec. Nova izdaja Kuharske knjige je dobro sprejeta v jav- nosti. Več tisoč izvodov je bilo že prodanih kar je v veselje urednic, ko vidijo, da je njihovo delo cenjeno. Zbiranje in urejevanje zgodovinskih podatkov naše organizacije, sem izvršila in odposlala tudi univerzi v Ljubljani in Minnesotski univerzi kakor so želeli. Slovenska Ženska Zveza bo dobro zastopana v teh dveh središčih za zbiranje zgodovine. Šolninski odbor je zelo hvaležen Mrs. Jackie Nimmer, Elm Grove, Wis. za njen darežljiv dar v sklad v spomin pokojnemu soprogu. Odbor se iskreno zahvaljuje tudi ostalim darovalcem. Podr. št. 17 v West Allis je slavila 35 letnico ustanovitve pretekli oktober. Odbornice in članice so predstavile lep program. Zastopstvo članic iz Sheboygana se je udeležilo te proslave. Z njimi sem bila tudi jaz. Prisrčna dobrodošlica novi sodelavki Mladinske strani, Mrs. Olga Ancel (Regina), članica št. 20, Joliet. Prepričana sem, da bo z njeno sposobnostjo in prijetno osebnostjo odlična sodelavka. Šolnina je bila podeljena Rosanne Savol in Joan Ma-haffay. Tretji prošnjik Joseph Skorjanec ni poslal svojih spričeval, brez katerih se šolnina ne more podeliti. Najboljše želje za uspešno zborovanjo. Marie Prisland POROČILO GLAVNE TAJNICE Pozdrav vsem direktoricam na tej seji. Zadnje pol leta je delo potekalo redno, toda smrtni slučaji članic in plačilo smrtnin se je znatno zvišalo. Izplačale smo vsoto $9,400.00 za 83 slučajev v razredu A in 7 v razredu B. Stalno se zvišuje število članic, ki so dosegle starost 75 let in ne plačujejo v smrtninski sklad in tudi se viša število članic, ki so dosegle lepo starost 80 let in ne plačujejo članarine. To pomeni, da se zbran asesment znižuje, zato je zelo važno, da vse delamo na pridobitvi novih članic in to velja za vse podružnice. Večji izdatek v zadnji dobi je bila investicija v kuharsko knjigo, kar pa bo povrnjeno z dobičkom vred ko bodo knjige prodane. Urejevanje knjige je vzelo mnogo truda in časa,, posebno od strani Mrs. Marie Prisland. Benediktinska tiskarna je opravila dobro delo, če vpošte-vamo okolnosti. Edino pritožbo imam, to je slaba poštna služba za praznike, ki je zadržala mnogo knjig in so jih nekatere podružnice prejele s precejšnjo zamudo. Sedaj prejemamo od pošte nazaj knjige, katere niso bile dostavljene. Naša predsednica vrši dobro delo razpečavanja knjig podružnicam ter posameznim naročnicam. Skušala sem pomagati kar se je le dalo. Pred-konvenčna kampanja počasi napreduje. Doslej smo dobile 170 novih članic. Upati je, da bodo rezultati v zadnjem mesecu mnogo boljši. Članica zmagovalka bo kronana kot Kraljica konvencije in si bo gotovo zalužila to odlikovanje. Konvenčna doba pomeni mnogo izrednega dela za ta urad. Rezervacije hotela Morrison so prišle in jih bomo razposlale delegatinjam, poverilnice že prihajajo in združene podružnice se že oglašajo. V nekaj tednih bi že morale imeti popolno listo delegatinj. Ker je število de-legatinj precej nizko in ker so hotelske rezervacije zelo ugodne, je upati, da bo prišlo mnogo obiskovalcev iz raznih krajev in bodo uporabili to priložnost za ogled mesta Chicaga in za obisk prireditev, katere pripravljajo či-kaške članice. Da se olajša delo tajnic podružnic, zato imam v načrtu daljšo sejo s tajnicami v času konvencijo. Prepričana sem, da bo obrazložitev procedure in regulacij koristna vsem. Lanski sept. in okt. smo bile srečne, da smo pridobile več novih članic, ki se zanimajo za naš skupni izlet v Evropo, katerega Zveza sponzorira to leto. Članice, ki so se udeležile teh izletov, so vse bile zelo zadovoljne in se mi zdi, da je to pomembna reklama za Zvezo. Mrs. Prisland je poročala o investicijah zadnjih (i mesecev, kar je dobro izvršila in se ji čestita. Naša urednica vrši veliko delo za organizacijo s krasnim glasilom, katerega članice prejemajo in nas veže skupaj v veselju in harmoniji. Vemo, da je ena stvar, katere naše članice zelo ljubijo in to je naša Zarja, katere priljubjenost narašča. Poročevalke v Zarjo so bile zelo vestne in zveste. Ni treba omeniti, da imamo izvrstno in inteligentno urednico. Čestitke našim poročevalkam in urednici. V času moje odsotnosti, zaradi obiska Slovenije kamor vodim skupino dne IG. junija, bo delo v gl. uradu šlo naprej kakor redno. Če Bog da, bom doma zopet dne 13. julija, da bom mogla pozdraviti vse, ki se bodo udeležile našega romanja v Lemont, kjer se zbiramo zadnjih 25 let. Imam se mnogo priporočil, katere bom iznesla med zasedanjem. STATEMENT OF INCOME AND DISBURSEMENTS Šest-mesečni pregled dohodkov in stroškov Income — Dohodki Assessment: Class A ............. $ 13.G18.19 Class B .................. 8,840.85 Juvenile Dept. — Mladinski ... 1,545.60 Social Members — Družabne .. 57.00 Miscellaneous — Razno .................. 1,391.03 Interest: Bonds — Obresti ______________ 4,856.87 Savings and Loan — Posojilnice 4,148.43 Rental from property—Najemnine 930.00 Cookbook sales—Kuharske knjige 2,500.00 $ 37,887.97 Disbursements — Stroški: Death Claims — Smrtnine: Class A, Razred A (83 claims) . . $ 8,300.00 Class B, Razred B (7 claims ____________ 1,100.00 $ 9,400.00 Zarja — The Dawn, Mesečnik 7,456.13 Postage — address changes ................ 334.36 $ 7,790.49 Salaries — Plača uradnic ......................... $ 3,600.00 Administration and compensation ..................... 2,280.00 Traveling and per diem — Potovalni stroški 1,119.20 Printing, Office supplies — Tiskovine, razno 170.57 Fuel, Water, Electricity — Kurivo, luč, voda 127.91 Postage, Telephone, Sundries — Pošta, telefon 165.63 Actuarial Service — Aktuarska posluga ... 120.00 Awards, Miscellaneous — Nagrade, uradne potrebe 589.73 Rental of Home Office—Najemnina za gl. urad 450.00 Campaign Awards—Kampanjske nagrade .. 193.00 Director, Internal Revenue—dohodninski davek 838.08 Accrued Interest—Dozorele obresti ..................... 124.94 Cookbooks, editing, freight—Kuharske knjige tiskovina ureditev, pošta ........................ 6,250.00 Total — Skupaj __________ $ 33,219.55 Six months Income — 6 mesečni dohodki, ...........................$ 37,887.97 Six months Disbursements — 6 mesečni prebitek .................$ 33,219.55 Six months gain in all funds — 6 mesečni stroški ..................$$ 4,668.42 Balance, June 30, 1963 — Prebitek, 30. junija, 1963......... 486.575.54 Total assets in all funds, Dec. 31, 1963 ..................... $491,243.96 Property depreciation ............... 363.67 Balance, Dec. 31, 1963 — Bilance 31. decembra, 1963 ______ $490.880.29 Albina Novak POROČILO GLAVNE BLAGAJNIČARKE Cenjene sosestre, glavne odbornice: Zopet smo se zbrale na naši pol-letni seji, ki je posebno važna zaradi bližajoče se konvencije. Želim, da bi naši sklepi prinesli dober uspeh za članstvo in celotno organizacijo. Podajam skupno poročilo za dobo zadnjih šest mesecev, ker podrobne račune bo podala naša glavna tajnica, Albina Novak. Z njenimi obračuni se v celoti strinjam. Dohodki zadnjih 6 mesecev $37.887.97 Izdatki zadnjih G mesecev 33,219.55 Prebitek 4,668.42 Preostanek od 30. jun. 1963 $486,575.54 Preostanek v blagajni $491,243.96 Izraba na hiši 363.67 Skupna bilanca 31. dec. 1963 $490,880.29 Kakor razvidno v zadnjih šestih mesecih ni bilo tolikega napredka v finančnem pogledu iz dveh razlogov. Založile smo svoto za novo izdajo kuharske knjige, ki nam bo prinesla lep dobiček, ko bo prodana in drugi razlog je v tem, da nam je umrlo izredno veliko število članic in smo družinam izplačale smrtnino. V septembru sem se udeležila Zvezinega dneva za državo Minnesota, ki je bil pod okriljem podružnice št. 56 v Hibbingu. Imele so tudi državno konvencijo, kjer se je zbralo okoli 300 članic iz celega železnega okrožja. V svojem imenu jim čestitam, ker se vse tako lepo zanimajo in skupno delujejo za našo dično organizacijo. Na tem mestu se želim tudi zahvaliti Mary in Tonetu Lenich za vso njuno prijaznost in postrežbo, ko sta naju z možem sprejela pod njuno streho. To končuje moje poročilo za zadnjih šest mesecev. Sprejmite iskrene pozdrave. Josephine Železnikar POROČILO PREDSEDNICE NADZORNEGA ODBORA Iskreno pozdravljam naše cenjene direktorice, zbrane na pol-letnem zasedanju. Žal mi je, da Mrs. Prisland ni mogla priti zaradi bolezni. Naj Bog ji čimprej povrne zdravje. Pogrešale jo bomo. Mnogo imamo za opraviti, ker to je naša zadnja seja pred konvencijo. Upam in molim, da bi razgovori rodili lepe sadove in bi koristili vsemu članstvu. Nadzornice smo skrbno pregledale finančne knjige tajnice, blagajničarke, predsednice šolninskega sklada, u-rednice Zarje in našle vse v popolnem redu. Enako smo pregledale vsebino varnostnega predala v banki, dalje bonde, hranilne knjižice in druge važne dokumente, kar smo tudi našle v kompletnem redu. Srečne smo, da imamo tako izvrstne odbornice, kakor so Mrs. Prisland, Mrs. Novak in Mrs. Železnikar, ki vse vršijo odlično svoje naloge. Zaslužijo naše čestitke. Veseli me, da morem poročati, da je udeležba na na- ših sejah ugodna ter da tudi članstvo naše podr. raste, čeprav smo v mali naselbini. Doslej smo v tej kampanji pridobile 12 odraslih in 12 mladinskih članov, od tega je 5 odraslih in 7 otrok vpisanih po mojem prizadevanju. Po vseh poročilih, je bil Minnesotski Zvezin dan v Hibbingu izredno uspešen. Žal se ga nisem mogla udeležiti, toda sem bila prepričana, da bo uspel, ker se zdi, da je vsako leto boljši in večji. Naša podružnica se je udeležila prireditve v polnem posebnem busu. Upamo, da bomo organizirale posebni bus tudi za otvoritev naše konvencije, seveda zavisi mnogo od delovnih razmer, ki sedaj niso najbolj ugodne. Zvezina kuharska knjiga je krasna in obsega mnogo odličnih receptov. Čestitke sodelavki kolone Pots & Pans, Hermine Dicke. Prepričana sem, da gospodinje ljubijo to kolono. Hog blagoslovi vse in vsako posebej. Ann Podgoršek. POROČILO DRUGE GLAVNE NADZORNICE Pozdrav vsem! Glavni odbor se sestane dvakrat na leto, da pregleda poslovanje in temeljito izvede nadzorstvo nad vsemi dokumenti v zvezi z našo organizacijo. To smo izvršile in našle vse delovanje v popolnem redu. Ko končamo preglede, preidemo na delo poslovanja in načrtom. V interesu naše S. Ž. Z. je, da uradujemo v skladu z željami naših podružnic in članstva. Kadarkoli nastane kak problem, ga skušamo vedno rešiti v skladu z Zvezinimi pravili in poslovnikom. Ti zakoni so sprejeti na naših konvencijah in se jih moramo držati. Pri podr. št. 25 imamo redno lepo udeležbo na sejah. Navzočnost na sejah nam nudi priložnost se bolje spoznati s članicami, skleniti nova prijateljstva in načrti se spremijo v resničnost. V skupnosti je moč! Me smo sodelovale pri bazarjih, prodaji peciva, tekmovanju v kuharski spretnosti, modni reviji, razstavah, izletih in romanjim, — na vse načine smo sodelovale in s tem tudi dokazale, da so članice SŽZ vedno aktivne. Posebno sedaj ko se bliža pomlad bo prilike za mnoge aktivnosti. Izvolile smo našo “Zaslužno Mater leta”, ki je važni dogodek v življenju vsake matere in naša je točasna kraljica, MARY KOLEGAR, ki to odlikovanje res zasluži. V maju bo njena slika priobčena v Zarji, obenem z materami vseh podružnic v skladu z njihovimi dobrimi deli in uspehi. Zveza je res odlična organizacija, kjer najdeš razvedrilo, moreš priti na vrh, ali pa samo uživati z navzočnostjo na sejah in posluševati novice in mnenja. Vicki Faletič POROČILO TRETJE GLAVNE NADZORNICE Moji pozdravi glavnim odbornicam! Zbrale smo se, da pregledamo Zvezine finančne knjige, to je knjige tajnice, blagajničarke, predsednice Šolninskega, in sklada urednice Zarje; prav tako smo tudi pregledale investicije in varovalni predal v banki z vrednostnimi papirji in vse našle v najlepšem redu. Upam, da bo naša seja uspešna in naše razpravljanje koristno, ker to je naša zadnja seja pred konvencijo, ki se bo vršila v maju tukaj v Chicagu. V tekoči kampanji je naša podružnica pridobila nekaj novih članic in upam, da jih bomo se več pred koncem te kampanje. Kakor veste se bo Srednje-zapadna kegljaška tekma vršila 14. in 15. marca v Milwaukee, Wis. in Jolietčanke se je bomo udeležile. To zaključuje moje poročilo. Želim vam vse dobro. Frances Gaspich POROČILO UREDNICE Cenjene direktorice: Od šolnim do kuharskih receptov, od članskih kampanj do evropskih tur, naša Slovenska Ženska Zveza je bila na delu na vseh področjih zadnjih šest mesecev. V Zarji pa smo imele priliko zasledovati te aktivnosti in se tako bolj približati ena drugi preko širne dežele. Poročilo o naših treh šolninskih nagrajencih in njihove slike so bile priobčene v julijski številki na naslovni strani in tako dale čast našim odličnim študentom in s tem tudi dokazale naše izredno zanimanje za vzgojo mladine. — Posebno zanimanje velja našim gospodinjam, katere so zelo navdušene nad kolono “Pots and Pans,” katero je pričela ustanoviteljica Marie Prisland pred nekaj leti in jo sedaj nadaljuje njena hčerka, Mrs. Hermine Dicke iz Madison, Wis., ki bo tako nadaljevala tradicijo svoje matere. Zasledovala sem napredek naše članske kampanje, ki nam prinaša nove članice. V zadnji kampanji je bilo vpisanih 339 novih članic in od oktobra naprej sem pos-pešovala našo tekočo pred-konvenčno kampanjo in skušala prikazati privlačno sliko naše konvenčne kraljice. Med rednimi poročili aktivnosti naših podružnic, so predvsem upoštevane novice iz delovanja državnih prireditev, kakor tudi proslave obletnic ustanovitve podružnic, kar vse kaže na veliko opravljeno delo. V dobi od julija do decembra lanskega leta so se vršile naslednje državne konvencije: Minnesota, Wisconsin, Colorado- Kansas- Missouri in Illinois-Indiana; dalje naslednje o-bletnice ustanovitve podružnic: 17, 23, 25 in 89 so bile objavljene tudi s slikami. Posebne prireditve, kakor Zvezin Dan v Lemontu, Ohijski bazar ter kegljaške tekme so bile deležne izredne pozornosti. Vsakdo, ki čita poročila o teh prireditvah v Zarji, gotovo čuti večjo povezanost z organizacijo in more tako bolj ceniti Zvezine namene in cilje. Vsako leto je večje zanimanje za potovanja, zato so Zvezini izleti bodisi v Evropo, ali na romarska pota bila izredno uspešna. Članice in njihove družine so imele priliko se pridružiti potovanju po izredno znižani ceni, toda za tiste, ki se niso mogle udeležiti potovanja, so našle potopise o njih v Zarji kar najbolj zanimivo berilo. V treh nadaljevanjih je Mrs. Prisland lepo poročala o njenih vtisih s potovanja v domovino, kakor smo čitale tudi o vtisih drugih potnic. Duhovna misel našega svetovalca, č.g.p. Klavdija O-korna, je našim članicam najlepša duhovna hrana. Naše stalne poročevalke tudi pišejo zanimive vesti iz raznih krajev, kar pomaga, da v Zarji nimamo samih suhoparnih uradnih obvestil glavnega urada. Poročila naše gl. predsednica so vedno zanimivo čtivo. Tako smo imele šest lepih izdaj Zarje, ki so bile polne najvažnejših novic organizacije in življenja naših članic. Ob koncu lanskega leta, je naša decemberska izdaja Zarje imela več strani božičnih voščilnih oglasov, katere so pridobile naše izredno delavne odbornice, Mrs. Anna Pachalc iz Puebla, Mrs. Christine Konte iz Canon City, Mrs. Mary Lenich iz Eveletha in Mrs. Ella Starin iz Clevelanda. One se zavedajo, da je to edini način in edini vir za kritje izrednih stroškov, kakor so matrice in drugo tekom leta. Želim jim izreči najiskrenejšo zahvalo na tem mestu, kakor tudi vsem drugim, ki na kak način pomagajo. Prisrčna vam hvala. Tri izdaje Zarje, to je v septembru, oktobru in novembru so vsebovale nekoliko večje črke slovenskih poročil, ker sem mislila, da bi našim starejšim članicam bilo lažje čitati, toda ker ni bilo opaziti kakih posebnih komentarjev k temu, sem to opustila, ker se zdi, da so z manjšimi črkami prav tako zadovoljne, a si prihranimo precej na prostoru. Naj še omenim januarsko in februarsko izdajo Zarje. Ko se je zgodil tragični dogodek 22. novembra, smo vse članice SŽZ. skupno z ostalimi sodržavljani Amerike, ču. tile strašno izgubo in kar verjeti nismo mogle. Naša Zarja je to prikazala v živi obliki, saj so mnoge članice pisale spominske članke v spomin pok. predsednika. Hotela sem pokazati, da se naša organizacija pridružuje ostalemu svetu v žalosti in upam, da je to bilo storjeno v preprosti, toda globoko občuteni obliki z naslovno sliko predsednikovega sinčka v januarski Zarji ter s člankom “Zdaj nimam nikogar ki bi se z menoj igral” ter drugimi članki in slikami. Slike sem dobila preko čikaškega urada United Press International. Zarja je bila poslana družini pok. preds. Kennedyja v imenu članstva Zveze. Naj izrečem iskreno zahvalo vsem, ki ste pohvalile lepoto Zarjine počastitve. Na zadnji pol-letni seji direktoric, smo razpravljale položaj naslovnika Zarje ter način boljše ureditve istega. Upam, da skrbno pregledovanje, ki se je vršilo v tekočem letu, bo rodilo dobre uspehe in da ne bo več toliko pritožb raznih podružnic. Mi še vedno prejemamo preko sto spremenb naslovov vsaki mesec od pošte in posameznih članic, kar mora biti pregledano in uneseno v naslovnike. Upam tudi, da bodo vse tajnice, ki še niso poslale nove sezname, bodo to čimprej storile. Drugi razgovor na naši zadnji seji se je sukal okoli mladinske strani Zarje ter pridobitve mladinskih članov, da bi sodelovali. Upam, da bo sodelovanje nove dopisnice v mladinsko stran, ki želi biti imenovana Regina, prineslo več zanimanja za mladinsko sodelovanje v bodočnosti. Nova izdaja Kuharske knjige zadnjo jesen, je tudi bila deležna mojega osebnega zanimanja in sodelovanja in zelo me veseli, ko slišim kako dobro je sprejeta od javnosti in da prodaja dobro napreduje. Enako sem vedno z veseljem sodelovala v naši domači podružnici, pri kateri sem odbornica ter pomagala po svojih najboljših močeh pri raznih priredbah, kakor je letni Zvezin Dan v Lemontu, dalje Ill.-Ind. državna konvencija v augustu, kjer sem imela na skrbi program, prav tako sem načelje-vala odboru mladinske Božičnice naše podr. Vse te aktivnosti so važne za napredek naše Zveze. Naše priprave za narodno konvencijo so v teku. Pričakujemo odlične delegatinje v našem mestu in krajevni odbor ima že v načrtu program prireditev. Naša naloga gl. odbora je tudi, da konvencija poteka gladko in uspešno. Vem, da bo razprava o Zarji na konvečnem razgovoru, zato moramo že v naprej vse premisliti in ukreniti kar je potrebno za najboljšo rešitev tega in vseh drugih vprašanj in kar bo koristno ne samo za naš list, ampak za bodočnost celotne Zveze. (Finančno poročilo urednice je bilo objavljeno v angleškem delu marčne Zarje.) Corinne Leskovar PREDLOGI fN SKLEPI Po podanih poročilih gl. odbornic, se je vršila razprava o tekočih zadevah. Predsednica predloži vprašanje nove izdaje Kuharske knjige “Woman’s Glory—The Kitchen.” Podrobno poročilo sta podale odbornici, ki sta knjigo u-redile in imele skrb tiskanja, urejevanja ter razpečavanja knjig. Ko je bila knjiga dotiskana in vezana, je bila razposlana. 3500 izvodov je bilo poslanih v Cleveland. Na tej seji je predsednica srečna, da izroči ček v svoti $2,500.00 kot plačilo dela knjig od katerih je 2149 bilo ze razpečanih. Gl. tajnica je poslala 1500 knjig raznim podružnicam. Taj. poroča, da je bilo nekaj izgube pri tem pošiljanju po pošti, ker so nekatere knjige bile poškodovane v postnem božičnem navalu. Te lcnige bodo prodane po lastni ceni. Direktorice so povdarile, da je knjiga deležna izredne pohvale in veljajo urednicama Mrs. Prisland in Mrs. Novak, čestitke k tako popolni kuharski knjigi. Predsednica odpre razgovor glede bližnje konvencije, ki se bo vršila od 17. do 20. maja t. 1. v mestu glavnega urada, Chicago, 111. Tajnica poroča o združitvi podružnic, ki niso upravičene do lastne delegatinje, ker imajo manj kot 100 članic. Združitev manjših podružnic je bilo deloma izvršeno že pred, febr. sejo in večina tako združenih društev je že predložilo svoje kandidatinje. PROGRAM KONVENČNIH PRIREDITEV V nedeljo 17. maja ob 11:30 dopoldne slovesna sv. maša pri Sv. Štefanu, nato kosilo in program v svetoštefanski dvorani. V pondeljek, torek in sredo, 18, 19 in 20. maja konvenčna zborovanja dopoldne in pop. v hotelu Morrison. V torek zvečer ob 7 uri bo veliki konvečni banket v Morrison Hotelu in kronanje konvečne kraljice in lepim programom. Kosila za delegatinje v dnevih zborovanj bodo urejena v hotelu ob 12:30 do 1:30 pop. Clevelandske gostinje bodo imele dva busa. Minnesotske obiskovalke tudi pripravljajo bus. Nameravajo istočasno tudi poromati v Lemont. Obiskovalke iz Ohio, Penna. in New Yorka, se morejo pridružiti clevelandskim busom. Pišite preds. Mrs. Turek. Tiste, ki bi želele obiskati Marijino Božjo pot in sedež slov frančiškanov v lemontu že v soboto, bodo mogli K0NVENČN0 POROČILO DRŽAVNE PREDSEDNICE ZA OHIO-MICHIGAN Odkar sem prevzela urad drž. predsednice, gre vse po starem redu naprej. Mesečne seje Clev. podružnic se redno vršijo in so prav povoljno obiskane. Vesele smo navzočnosti naše gl. preds. Toni Turek in gl. nadz. Vicki Faletič. Za časa mojega uradovanja smo imele dve državni konvenciji, prvo, 1. aprila 1962 v Collinwood, Ohio, pri podi', št. 10, drugo pa v Newburgh, Ohio. 19 maja 1963 pri podr. št. 15. Udeležba na obeh je bila izredno lepa. Navzoče so bile tudi naše gl. uradnice, Toni Turek, Albina Novak in Vicki Fatelic. Obe konvenciji je posetila tudi drž. preds. Pa., Mrs. Mary Tomsic. Udeležila sem se 30 letnice podr. št. 50 in 35 letnice podr. št. 10, 14, 15, 21 in 25. Skupno z gl. predsednico, gl. nadzornico in z lepim številom članic smo posetile dve državni konvenciji v Pa. V kampanjah za novo članstvo sem delovala po svoji moči, a žal, le z malim uspehom, drugače so se pa naše podružnice precej dobro potrudile za nove članice. Imele smo vsakoletni bazar in prodajo peciva, zadnjo jesen pa tudi revijo mode, za katero se je posebno trudila gl. preds. Toni Turek, v veliko pomoč sta bili vešči ses. Carol Traven in Frances Sietz. Podružnice so bile deležne dobiti hrano in prenočišče in se bodo v nedeljo že lah ko udeležile sv. maše pri Sv. Štefanu v Chicagu. * * * Direktorice nadaljujejo razpravo o članski kampanji ter kronanju Konvenčne kraljice, ki se bo vršilo v času slavnostnega konvenčnega banketa. Zmagovalka bo tista, ki bo pridobila največ novih članic v tej kampanji. Prejela bo lepe nagrade, poleg tega bo tudi njeno vožnjo v konvenčno mesto in nazaj plačala Zveza. Eden izmed važnih priredb konvencije bo razstava ročnih del. Dohodek bo šel v šolninski sklad. Izdelki delegatinj in obiskovalk bodo razstavljeni in prodani. V namenu, da se da priznanje dolgoletnim uradnicam, se naroči tajnici, da zloži seznam vseh odbornic, ki služijo v odborih 25 let in več. Počastilo se jih bo v posebnem Častnem seznamu v zarji. Na podlagi predlogov prejšnih sej, se naroči tajnici, da pripravi vzorce Spominske medalje, ki se rabijo ob pogrebih članic. Take medalje bodo v času konvencije na ogledu in jih bo možno naročiti. Pol-letna seja direktoric to poletje bo na željo drž. preds. 111.—Ind. v času Državne konvencije, ki bo v Oglesby, 111. Mrs. Prisland bo predložila konvenciji nekatere predloge za spremembo pravil. Kegljaške tekme pod okriljem SŽZ. se vršijo 1. marca v Clevelandu, 14.—15. marca v West Allis. — Mrs. Zefran predlaga izlet. v Canado to poletje in izlet v Californio, prih. leto. Daljša razprava se je vršila glede našega mesečnega glasila, Zarja. Odbornice vzamejo na znanje poročila predsednice in tajnice glede težav ki so nastale v zvezi s prispevkom 25c od članice. Odbornice se si edine v tem, da gotovi doprinos je potreben od strani članstva. Urednica priporoča, da Zarja obdrži sedanjo obliko, o dvigu cen tiskanja, papirja in poštnine, se bo poročalo konvenciji. Tajnica ponovno povdari, da državni Zavaro-valninski oddelek je izredno strog v pogledu uprave skladov ter stroškovnikov in v tem je razlog predloga o omenjenem višjem prispevku. Mladinske aktivnosti pri podr. št. 25 in 50 v Clevelandu, so še vedno v razmahu za kar pohvala voditeljicama Ernestine Jevec in Pauline Vegal, ki vodi mladinske kegljaške skupine. Predlaga se, da bi mladinsko delovanje, bilo eno najbolj važnih točk celotne konvencije. Seja je zaključena z molitvijo ob 6 uri. Antonia Turek, predsednica Corinne Leskovar, zapisnikarica lepe dividende od preostanka, darovale smo tudi sto dolarjev za sesterslci dom v fari Sv. Vida. Ob vsaki prireditvi je nastopil vežbalni krožek in baton twirlers. Na zadnji prireditvi so v veliko zadovoljstvo občinstva nastopila dekleta "Marie Prisland Cadets”, katere sta izvežbale ses. Toni Turek in Frances Sietz. Skupno z glavno predsednico sva se udeležile dec. seje 1962 podr. št. 6 v Barbertonu, O., kjer je bil mali zastoj. Z izvolitvijo novih veščih odbornic, pa sedaj lepo napredujejo. Posetila sem tudi prvi sestanek ustanovitve nove podr. št. 101 v Bedford Hghts, O., kjer so še mlade, pa podjetne članice. Nekaj let smo prirejale božičnice za ml. člane, lansko leto pa smo to prepustile posameznim podružnicam. Imamo tudi lepo število izbornih kegljaških skupin. V nedeljo 1. marca se je tukaj vršila kegljaška tekma. Čast in priznanje našemu duhovemu vodju Fr. Claude Okorn, OFM, častni predsednici Marie Prisland, gl. preds. Toni Turek, in gl. tajnici Albini Novak za lepe in vzpodbudne članke v Zarji. Iskrene čestitke pa urednici Corinne Leskovar za izborno urejeno Zarjo. Mnogo uspehov in koristnih zaključkov želim 13. redni konvenciji v zanimivem velemestu Chicago. Ella Starin CHICAGO’S HOTEL MORRISON RESERVATION RATES Those delegates and visitors who havn’t received room rate cards may obtain them from the group leaders or write directly for room reservations to: Hotel Morrison, 79 West Madison St., Chicago 2, 111. Please include the following information: Name, Address, City, State, Date and Time of Arrival, Date and Time of Departure, Type of Accommodations Desired. Single Room $8.50; Double Room $13.00 (for two persons, twin beds); Dormitory Room: $4.00 per person (4 or more persons per room.) Marie Prisl and: DOBRODELNI SKLAD V dobrodelnem skladu se je 1. jan. 1961 nahajalo $174.65 Dohodki : Prispevki v denarju in izkupiček za ročna dela na zadnji konvenciji $623.25 Izkupiček med članstvom za afgan 300.00 923.25 Prihodnji mesec se vrši 13-ta redna konvencija naše organizacije. Ker na konvenciji zborovalkam primajnku-je časa za natančna razmišljanje obširnih poročil, bom ta mesec kot — Tajnica Finančnega odbora in upraviteljica Šolninskega in Dobrodelnega sklada — podala kratek pregled za zadnja tri leta, da bodo glavne odbornice in delegatke dobile jasno sliko Zvezinega finančnega obstoja. INVESTICIJE Od zadnje konvencije je dozorelo več U. S. zakladniških bondov v znesku $34,000.00, kupljeni za ceno $31,757.63. Dobiček v prodaji znaša $2,2'42,37. Boston Fund delnice in Massachusetts Growth Fund delnice so bile prodane za $17,398.28, kupljene za $15,914,- 00. Dobiček v prodaji, $1,484.28. Dobiček od vseh vnovčenih bondov znaša $3,726.65. Nove investicije v znesku $127,000.00 so bile vložene v U. S. bonde, v katoliške institucije, državne bonde in banke. Zvezino premoženje je naloženo sledeče: U. S. zakladniški bondi 97,469.00 Državni bondi 38,558.00 Bondi katoliških institucij 93,174.00 Vzajemni bondi (Mutual Funds) 4,320.00 Vloge v hranilnicah in posojilnicah 220,000.00 Vloga v Central National banki, Cleveland 5,000.00 Vloga v Metropolitan banki, Chicago 5,000.00 Vloga v South-West State banki, Sheboygan 5,000.00 Zvezino posestvo 11,658.71 Čekovna vloga v Metropolitan banki, Chicago 10,700.58 Zvezino premoženje 1. januarja 1964 Zvezino premoženje 1, januarja 1961 Napredek v treh letih $490,880.29 $450,041.13 $40,839.16 1,200.00 138.40 1,338.40 $7,454.59 SOLNINSKI SKLAD V Šolninskem skladu se je 1. januarja 1961 nahajalo $7,258.68 Dohodki: Obresti in darila 1,534.31 $8,792.99 Izdatki: Šolnina izplačana 6-tim študentom Razno Preostanek 1. januarja 1964 Naj omenim, da so k dohodkom v šolninski sklad veliko pripomogle naše glavne odbornice in članice, zlasti državna predsednica za Colorado, Kansas in Missouri, sestra Anna Pachak, ki je od zadnje konvencije darovala lepo vsoto $127.00, ter sestra Jackie Nimmer, ustanovna članica podružnice št. 17, v West Allisu, ki je poklonila $100.00 Najlepša zahvala obema, pa tudi vsem onim, ki so se našega sklada spomnili. Ob tej priliki apelirani še na ostale članice, naj bi v slučaju smrti prijateljev, namesto cvetlic rajši poklonile isto vsoto v Zvezin šolninski sklad. Cvetlice zvenejo, trajno pa bo živela hvaležnost študentov, ki jim je iz tega sklada bilo pomagano doseči njih življenski cilj. Odkar obstoji Zvezin šolninski sklad imamo navado, da na vsaki konvenciji obdržimo razstavo ročnih del, ki jih tako krasno izgotovijo in darujejo našo vrle glavne odbornice in delegatke. Izkupiček teh stvari je namenjen šolninskemu skladu. Apeliram na glavne odbornice in delegatke naj se z ročnimi deli odzovejo tudi ob prihodnji konvenciji, da se bo naš šolninski sklad znatno podprl. Pomagajmo skladu, ki pomaga mladini! $1,097.90 Izdatki: * Poklonjeno č. sestram Sv. Frančiška v Lemontu za Dom ostarelih $1,023.00 Razne dobrodelnosti .................... 38.50 1.061.BO Preostanek 1. julija 1963 $36.40 Preostanek $36.40 je bil po sklepu odbora Direktoric, transferiran v Šolninski sklad. S tem je Dobrodelni sklad ukinjen. * K vsoti, poklonjeni iz Dobrodelnega sklada za Dom ostarelih v Lemontu, je Zveza posebej prispevala $100.00 podružnica št. 2 v Chicagi je darovala $600.00, podružnica št. 16. v So. Chicagi pa 175.00. Skupna vsota poklonjena za Dom ostarelih znaša $1,798.00. KUHARSKA KNJIGA V tem času imajo vse podružnice v zalogi Zvezino novo kuharsko knjigo. Iz poročil je razvidno, da gre knjiga hitro izpod rok, ker njena vsebina ustreza našim gospodinjam. Prejemamo priznanje o lepi sestavi knjige, kar nas seveda veseli. Knjiga je bila razposlana po vsej Ameriki, tudi na Havajske otoke in celo v Afriko. Na Havajih lastujejo kuharsko knjigo Skukovi, ki so svoj čas bivali v Clevelandu — in kdo je naročil knjigo iz Afrike? Nič majnša osebnost kot angleški minister za poljedelstvo, ki točasno proučuje poljedelske razmere v Južni Rodesiji v Afriki. Morda vas zanima kako sem tega odjemalca dobila. Na potu v staro domovino lansko leto mi je ravnateljstvo letala ALITALIA poklonilo vstopnico prvega razreda, ker je turistični oddelek bil popolnoma zaseden. Moj sosed v prvem razredu je bil prav prijazen gospod. Govorica je razodevala Angleža. Vračal se je v London od več tedenskih konferenc v Washingtonu, kjer je i-mel zlasti važen razgovor z našim poljedelskim tajnikom. Sprejet je bil pri predsedniku Kenndyju. Vprašala sem ga kako to, da se zanima za poljedelstvo. ‘‘Ker sem minister za poljedelstvo Anglije," je bil prijazen odgovor. V pogovora je g. minister povedal, da mu je znana Jugoslavija. V Beogradu je po diplomatskih poslih bil trikrat. Na moje vprašanje če mu je znana Slovenija je rekel, da ve za Ljubljano, ker se je z vlakom peljal skozi. Ko so nam pri večerji servirali posladek v obliki kolačka, sem mrmrala, da je podoben slovenski potici. Minister se je takoj zanimal kakšna da je slovenska potica ter prosil naj mu dam navodilo. Njegova žena je namreč zbirateljica mednarodnih kuharskih receptov in on ji s potovanja vedno prinese kak tozadevni recept. Moja glava pa takrat ni bila prav nič v skladu z kuharskimi navodili — skrbela me je odgovornost za mojih 69 potnic — zato sem rekla, da mu točnega navodila ne bi mogla dati, ko pa izide Zvezina kuharska knjiga, ki bo vsebovala ne samo eno navodilo za potico, temveč najmanj en ducat, bom knjigo poslala. 31-tega augusta prejmem od njega pismo z vprašanjem, če je kuharska knjiga že v cirkulaciji, obenem pa prijazno vprašuje, če je moja skupina potnic imela prijeten obisk v Jugoslaviji. Knjigo sem g. ministru poslala o Božiču. Javil je prejem ter se o njej prav laskavo izrazil. Soprogo zanimajo kuharski nasveti, njega pa Zvezina zgodovina, ki je v knjigi objavljena. *"**#» Poklon urednici Corinne k umetni in primerni naslovni strani marčeve številke ZARJE. Velikonočni čas je le enkrat v letu, čas potic in kuharskih navodil pa vsak dan. Sezite po naši novi kuharski knjigi, ki vsebuje navodila za 20 vsakovrstnih potic! Da bi vsi potniki imeli priliko videti čim več Evrope in Slovenije, bomo imeli za naše članice te izlete: 1. Devet dnevni izlet po Avstriji, Nemčiji in Švici, (Ljubljana, Villach, Heilligenblut, i Gr. Clockner, Salzburg, Munich, Bregenez, Zurich, St. Gallen, Wintherthur, Liechten- t stein, Innsbruck, Brenner pass, Kranjska Gora in nazaj v Ljubljano.) I 2. Devet dnevni izlet po Italiji. (Ljubljana, Trieste, Venice, Florence, 3 dni v Rimu, Pisa-Venice, Ljubljana.) 3. Štiri dnevni izlet po Sloveniji. (Ljubljana, Grosuplje, Pleterje, Novo mesto, Otočec, Maribor, Kranj, Bled, Bohinj in Ljubljana.) Vsi ti izleti bodo na modernih avtobusih in bodo imeli Slovensko in Angleške govoreče vodnike. I Članicam, ki bi raje potovale z ladjo naznanjamo, da smo naprosili najstarejšo Slovensko potniško pi- ) sarno AUGUST KOLLANDER TRAVEL BUREAU, INC., 6'419 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland 3, Ohio da nam i rezervira prostor na ladji“QUEEN ELIZABETH” na 3. junija. “Queen Elizabeth je največja ladja na svetu. : Mnogo Slovencev je že preplulo preko Atlantika z Queen Elizabeth” ali ladjo "Queen Mary” in vsi so { bili zelo zadovoljni s postrežbo na teh ladjah. To skupino bo vodila Glavna Predsednica Mrs. Antonia Tu- ) rek, ki je že velikokrat potovala in je vajena vodnica. Vsi potniki bodo deležni posebne postrežbe. Ker je prostor na ladji težje dobiti po 15. februarju Vam svetujemo, da se čim preje obrnete do Mrs. Turek ali AUGUST KOLLANDER TRAVEL BUREAU za Vaše rezervacije. ŠE ENKRAT PROSIMO VSE TE KI SE ZANIMAJO ZA TE IZLETE, DA SE OBRNEJO NA ENO ČLANIC OD ODBORA ZA IZLET: Mrs. Albina Novak, 1937 W. Cermak Road, Mrs. Josephine Železnikar, l Chicago 8, 111. BI 7-7999 2045 West 23rd Street, Chicago 8, 111., VI-7-6891 \ Mrs. Antonia Turek, 19170 Monterey, Mrs. Josephine Trunk, 17G09 Schenly Avenue, / Euclid 19, Ohio. KE 1-0230 Cleveland 19, Ohio. Tel. 481-5004. | ŠE EN POZIV ZA j ZVEZIN IZLET V DOMOVINO! i! SKUPINE Z LETALI BODO: £ 1. ROMARSKA SKUPINA odhaja z Jet DC-8 letalom 10, junija in se bo vrnila 3. I avgusta. Obiskale bomo Lisbon, Fatima, Lurd, Rim in nato nadaljevale v Ljubljano. ; To skupino bo vodila Mrs. Josephine Trunk, članica S.Ž.Z. iz Clevelanda, Ohio. ! 2. DRUGA ROMARSKA SKUPINA odhaja z Jet DC-8 letalom 22. junija in se bo vrnila 31. julija. To skupino boi vodila Josephine Železnikar, naša Glavna Blagajničarka. Obiskale bomo Paris, Lurd, Rim in od tam nadaljevale v Slovenijo. 3. Odhod 16. junija z Jet DC-8. Ta skupina se bo vrnila v dveh grupah. Prva 13. julija in druga 10. avgusta. To skupino bo vodila Mrs. Albina Novak, Glavna Tajnica S.Ž.Z. TA SKUPINA BO POTOVALA NARAVNOST V SLOVENIJO. Glavni namen uradnega izleta je omogočiti našim članicam in njihovim družinam potovanja v Evropo z Jet letalom po znižani ceni, ki so jo deležni le člani organizacij, ki potujejo v skupini 25 ali več članov. TAKO STANE VOŽNJA POTOVANJA Z JET LETALOM OD NEW YORKA DO ZAGREBA IN NAZAJ SAMO $424.00, KAR JE $230.00 CENEJE OD REGULARNE CENE. Tako bodo imele priliko potovati člar nice, ki sicer ne bi imele prilike videti svojih sorodnikov in obiskat krajev o katerih so toliko slišale. Naša Bara je odšla za vedno BARA KRAMER, ki je ljubila Slovensko Žensko Zvezo z vsem svojim srcem, je dne 27. februarja, 1964 za večno zatisnila svoje oči v njenem domačem mestu, San Franciscu. Za njo ne žaluje samo njena družina in sorodniki, ampak tudi članice Zveze širom Amerike. Prvih 15 let Zvezine zgodovine je tesno povezane s pokojno zaslužno ženo, saj se delovala z vsemi svojimi močmi za rast in napredek naše organizacije, dokler so ji dopuščale moči, toda vedno je vzdrževala tesne sesterske vezi s članicami in podružnicami, katere je ona ustanovila. Njena ljubezen in njeno zanimanje za Zvezo ni nikoli ugasnilo, saj se je udeleževala konvencij, vse do zadnje v Ely leta 1961, katere se zaradi rahlega zdravja ni mogla udeležiti. Pokojni pionirki in voditeljici med našim narodom v Amerika bomo vedno ohranili svetal in časten spomin med nami. Naj ji bo Bog bogati plačnik za vsa njena dobra dela! Žalujočim izreka Zveza in Zarja globoko sožalje! Ured. 1885 HH 1964 Marca leta 1940, to je pred 24 leti, je pokojni Bari napisala v Zarji takratna predsednica Marie Prisland, krasno posvetilo ob priliki ko je Bara zapustila mesto v glavnem odboru. Besede tega posvetila so tako pomembne v tem času ko obžalujemo njen večni odhod, da ga tukaj v celoti ponatiskujemo: NAŠA BARA p OD tem imenom poznamo gospo Barbaro Kramer v San Franciscu. California. Naša Bara nas je nadvse presenetila, ko je iztopila iz vrst glavnih odbornic in najbrž bi jo skušale v njeni nameri pregovoriti, če bi za vzrok svojega odstopa ne navedla dejstvo, da hoče imeti 13 letni rekord glavnega odborništva. Ker vemo, kako ceni številko 13, ji tega pač nismo mogle odreči. Nič več pa ni kot prav, da se na častnemu mestu ZARJE omeni velike zasluge, katere si je za Zvezo iztekla naša dobra in delavna sestra, Barbara Kramer. Bila je med prvimi dopisovalkami v letu 1926 ter krepko podprla novo idejo o ustanovitvi slovenske ženske organizacije v Ameriki. Na prvem sestanku, kjer je bila Zveza ustanovljena, je bila naša Bara soglasno v gl. odbor postavljena, kjer se je nahajala vse do januarja letos. Nobena glavna odbornica in nobena izmed zvezinih članic ni toliko finančno za Zvezo žrtvovala kot je Barbara Kramer. Na svoje stroške je prišla štirikrat na vzhod, vsakikrat v zvezino korist. Poleg svoje domače podružnice je ustanovila še podružnico št. 20 v Jolietu, št. 43 v Milwaukee in št. 45 v Portland, Oregon. Tudi na drugih krajih je poskušala. Ni se brigala za stroške, niti za za- mudo časa, samo da je lahko kaj za Zvezo storila, katero ljubi iz dna srca. Zato ji danes na tem mestu izrekam iskreno in najtoplejšo zahvalo v imenu celokupnega gl. odbora, kakor tudi v imenu Zve-zinega članstva. Zahvaljujem se pa tudi v svojem lastnem imenu kot dobri prijateljici in so-delavki, na katere zvestobo sem se lahko vsikdar zanesla. Upam, da bo prihodnja konvencija to zavedno delavko na svoj način počastila. Dasi je naša Bara iz gl. odbora iztopila, smo vseeno prepričane, ker jo poznamo, da bo največji kotiček njenega srca vedno Zvezi ohranjen. Torej, draga Bara! Dasi pravijo, da je nehvaležnost plačilo sveta, Ti vseeno zatrjujem, da Ti je Zvezino članstvo hvaležno za vso Tvojo požrtvovalnost in da se Te bomo vse skupaj vedno z najlep- šimi srčnimi čutili spominjale. V imenu vsega članstva in gl. odbora Ti na daljni Pacifik pošilja naj lepše sesterske pozdrave. DOPISI Št.. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Na letni seji smo sklenile, da bomo opustile sejo v januarju, ker je navadno v tem času huda zima, zato je odbor prevzel svoje posle na seji v febr. Prisotnih je bilo polno število članic. Predlaganih in odobrenih je bilo več načrtov za delovanje pri podružnici in Zvezi v tekočem letu. Bivša preds. M. Godez se je iskreno zahvalila vsem sestram za prijazno sodelovanje za dobrobit in napredek naše podr. ob času njenega uradovanja in je iskreno priporočila našo novo preds. Olgo Saje, da bi ji vse enako pomagale pri raznih prireditvah in načrtih, ki so bili odobreni na letni seji. Vesele in ponosne smo na našo novo preds. Olgo in ji tudi hvaležne, da je sprejela predsedniški urad, saj vemo, da je vedno zelo zaposlena; uči namreč 70 učencev glasbe in tudi igra na raznih javnih in privatnih prireditvah v našem mestu, kjer je zelo popularna. Kakor veste, se bo vršila konvencija SŽZ to leto v Chicagu. Za našo delegatinjo smo izbrale Anno Modez in za namestnico Olgo Saje. Vabimo vse k udeležbi na sejah, predvsem v aprilu in maju, ker gotovo ima katera dober nasvet ali priporočilo za našo Zvezo. Sedaj je čas za to, ker po konvenciji so nasveti ali kritiziranje prepozno. Naša de-legatinja, ses. Modez pozna delovanje Zveze, saj je bila pri naši podr. črez 30 let odbornica in tudi več let je bila direktorica kegljaške lige. Sklenile smo tudi, da se udeležimo konvenčne nedelje dne 17. maja v Chicagu s posebnim busom. Odpeljale se bomo zgodaj zjutraj, da bomo dospele pravočasno k sv. maši in popoldne se bomo udeležile slavnostnega banketa v pri sv. Štefanu, kjer se bomo srečale z gl. odbornicami in delegatinjami podr., ki imajo v rokah obstanek in napredek naše organizacije. Vse, ki se želite udeležiti tega izleta, se takoj priglasite Anni Modez, tel. 20365. Upamo, da bomo imele good time v Chicagu in z božjo voljo — na svidenje. Telefonski committee bo vas pa obvestil o drugih prireditvah. Prosimo za sodelovanje. Tudi pri naši podr. imamo poleg veselih tudi žalostne dogodke. V teku zimskih mesecev smo imele več smrtnih slučajev v družinah naših članic in vsem ponovno izrekamo globoko sožalje. Tudi je več naših sosester resno bolanih in med njimi je prestala težko operacijo sestra Marie Prisland. Obiskala sem jo v bolnišnici in med cvetlicami in stotimi voščilnimi karticami, je bila resno bo-lana in otožna. Tolažila sem jo z rekom, katerega Bog posebno ljubi, mu pošlje nadloge. Upamo pa, ko pride ta Zarja v naše domove, bo gospa Prisland zopet med nami vesela in pri najboljšem zdravju. ČESTITKE ZLATOPOROČENCEMA Dne 9. febr. sta cenjena in spošto-cana rojaka Carl in Ivanka Mohar slavila 50 letnico zakonskega življenja v krogu družine in številnih prijateljev. Slovesna zahvalna sv. maša je bila darovana v domači cerkvi, na to pa je bil velik sprejem gostov v Handart dvorani, kjer smo jima številni prijatelji osebno čestitali in želeli zdravja še na mnoga leta. Ivanka in Karl imata mnoge zasluge pri naši fari in raznih organizacijah, posebno še KSKJ. Še enkrat jima naše podružnica želi še mnogo let zdravja in sreče. (Slika na str. 87.) Iskrene čestitke pošiljamo sestri Phyllis in soprogu Anthony Pentek ob rojstvu ljubke hčerkice Evelyn, ki se je rodila v jan. v veliko veselje staršev in 4 bratcev. Moja svakinja Tončka Brulla je sedaj 15krat grandma. Čestitke! — Tudi naša tajnica Margaret Fisher je zelo vesela, ko je postala 4 tič grantna in sicer je njena hčerka Mary (Turvy) v febr. dobila sinčka. Oni živijo v Hougthon, Mich. Imajo dve deklici v družini. Z novim prirastkom je postala ses. Prisland četrtič great grandma. Iskrene čestitke vsem' M. Godez, poročevalka Št. 2, Chicago, lil. Poslužujem se naše priljubljene Zarje, da izrekam svojo najprisrčnejšo zahvalo številnim prijateljem za toliko pozornosti in izraze naklonjenosti. Nikoli si nisem mislila, da bom v svoji starosti imela ta naslov (bolnišnica Silver Cross v Jolietu), toda enako si nisem mislila, da imam toliko prijateljic, ki se me spomnijo z voščilnimi karticami in drugače. Posebno se želim zahvaliti častitim sestram v Lemontu, dalje mojemu sinu in družini ter sorodnikom v Bradley. Naj njim in mojim preljubim prijateljicam v Chicagu in drugod Bog bogato poplača vašo naklonjenost in dobro srce. Drugič bom popisala mojo nesrečo, toda taka je pač božja volja. Prisrčno pozdravljam vse prijateljice in vse članice Slovenske Ženske Zveze, posebno pri podr. št. 2, vaša vdana, Pauline Ožbolt, Silver Cross Hospital ,Rm. 173, Joliet, Ul. Št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. Zahvala velja Bogu, da smo zopet dočakali dneve cvetoče pomladi. S pomladjo se vse prerodi in v nas skali novo veselje do dela. Na zadnji seji smo izvolile za delegatinjo 13. redne konvencije, našo tajnico ses. Frances Simonich in za namestnico pa zapisnikarco, ses. Frances Skul. Odbor za to leto je po starem iz-zemši nove podpreds. Therese Plut. Vse sestre ste vabljene na prihodnjo sejo dne fi. maja. Takrat bomo sporočile delegatinji zadnje želje in pred- loge za razpravo na konvenciji. V maju bomo tudi počastili zaslužno mater podr., Lucille Jesik. Na tej seji bo tudi prigrizek in druga zabava v počastitev v častne matere. Ker smo večina članic Zveze, včlanjene tudi v društvu Sv. Ane, želim opozoroti na kartno zabavo tega društva, ki bo 3. maja v cerkveni dvorani. Želela bi, da si vsaka kaj darovala, ker dobiček gre v društveno blagajno. Pridite vse, ker dobitki bodo lepi, imele bomo tudi prodajo predpasnikov in ročna dela, primerna za Mother’s Day gift. Vsi iz fare vabljeni. Vse priznanje Corinne L. urednici naše priljubjene Zarje, ki nas vedno lepo preseneti. V jan. Zarji je bila slikca sinčka našega pok. predsednika Johna F. Kennedyja, ki nam bo ostala nepozabna v spominu. Tudi pismo iz nebes zasluži vso pohvalo. Kako resnične in žalostne besede. Res ne moremo se dovolj načuditi stvarstvu in božji previdnosti. Soproga gl. taj. Zapadne Slovanske Zveze in prijateljica Zveze, Frances Jeršin iz Denverja je bila poklicana v Pueblo k težko oboleli sestri Mary Prelas, katero je zadel srčni napad in ko to pišem je še vedno v resnem stanju. Nadalje želimo hitro okrevanje. Mamie Kovač. Enako želimo častni preds. Marie Prisland po operaciji, ponovno zdravje. — Vsem bolnim želimo, da jih naša nebeška mati Marija sprejme pod svoje varstvo in jim nakloni ljubo zdravje. (Op. ured. Ses. Pachak je tudi izrekla najboljše želje za zdravje ses. Theresa Centa iz št. 3 in Amalie Svigel, taj. št. G3 v Denveru o katerih smo žal pravkar izvedili, da so med tem časom preminule. Ohranimo obe dobre članice v lepem spominu.) Prijazna Johana Skull iz Orman Ave. je na obisku pri hčerki Johanna Buts v Amarillo, Tex. — Poseben pozdrav Frances Kranjc tam v Aurori, 111. Zelo rada berem tvoje dopise v Zarji. — Hello tudi Angeli Štrukel v La Salle, Ul. Kakor čitam iz gl. urada, ste vse članice Zveze vabljene na poset naše redne 13. konvencije v maju v Chicagu. Na rokah imam več kuharskih knjig. Sešite po njih. Drage sestre, tajnica podr. opominja vse, da bi redno plačavale a-sesment. Vse lepo pozdravljam, Anna Pachak, preds. Št. 6, Barberton, Ohio. — Danes ko to pišem je zapadel sneg 6 palcev globok, toda ko boste brale te vrstice, u-pamo, da bo že sijalo milo pomladansko sonce, kako pravi pesmica: Solnce milo prisvetilo, lepo nam je čez gore; in zapeli so veseli, ptički svoje pesmice . . . Bliža se tudi lepi mesec maj v katerem se spominjamo naših mamic, bodisi živih ali pokojnih, zato imamo v načrtu, da na majniški seji iznenadi-mo naše starejše članice-mamice. Za- radi tega pridite gotovo na sejo vse, mlade in stare, ker imele bomo tudi krasne premikajoče se slike iz drugih držav, kakor Havaji in drugo ter bo vse zanimalo. Za našo častno mater leta je bila izvoljena ses. Mary Valenčič, ki je dobra članica in rada pomaga pri društvu, kadar je potrebno. Opozarjam vse članice, ki so dosegle 75 let starosti, da se oglasijo pri tajnici, da jim zniža mesečni asesment. — Opominjam tudi one, ki dolgujejo na članarini, da poravnajo svoj dolg, ker to dela tajnici same skrbi. Ta mesec stao zopet dobile novo članico Frances Battay. Dobrodošla v naši sredi. Ne gre mi iz spomina nad vse žalostni pogreb mlade Slovenke, ki je zapustila 2 mala otroka, soproga in starše. Preminula je Evelyn Hudelt (Križaj) stara komaj 41 let. Njena mama je naša dobra članica ter njej in vsej žalujoči družini v imenu podružnice izrekam globoko sožalje. Nadalje sporočam da je umrl tudi Joe Gainer soprog naše članice. Dočakal je lepo starost 84 let. Naj mu bo lahka ameriška zemlja. Njegovi soprogi in ostalim žalujočim naše iskreno sožalje. Ponovno opozarjama vse naše članice, da gotovo pridete na majniško sejo v navadnih prostorih. Sesterske pozdrave, Jennie Ožbolt, taj. Št. 7, Forest City, Pa. Čas hitro beži in koledar že napoveduje pomlad, čeprav ko to pišem, je še precej hladno. — Vse sestre ste vljudno vabljene, da se udeležite seje dne 10. maja, ker po seji bomo proslavile Materinski dan. Vsem materam želim, da bi v zdravju in sreči slavile svoj dan v krogu vaših družin. Sporočam, da smo na zadnji seji izvolile delegatinjo za konvencijo, ki se bo vršila v maju v Chicagu. Izvoljena je bila tajnica Josephine Go-stisha in za namestnico pa Mary J. Kameen. Delegatinja bo imela s seboj poročilo podr. Prosim sestre, da pogledate vaše certifikate, če je katera stara že 75 let in že nad 25 let pri podružnici. Sporočite tajnici ses. Gostisha. Iskreno čestitamo Mr. in Mrs. John Medved iz Vandling, Pa., ki sta pred kratkim slavila svojo zlato poroko v krogu njune družine. Želimo jima ob tej 50 letnici, da bi ju Bog blagoslovil in dal ljubega zdravja, ki je največje bogastvo tega sveta. V mojem zadnjem dopisu je bila pomota, da je mlada članica darovala pillowcases, pravilno bi moralo biti, da je naša dobra članica Mrs. Theresa Pavlin to darovala. Članici Pauline Petrich in Agnes Schuster sta šli v bolnišnico iskati boljšega zdravja. Upamo, da bodo kmalu popolnoma zdrave. Vsem članicam, najlepše pozdrave, Anna Kameen, predsednica SLAVČEK JE PO GAJU PEVAL Slavček je po gaju peval, mile pesmice drobil; glas samotno je odmeval, pevcev drugih ni budil. Zor se čez nebo razlije, slavček slaje zažgoli; glas čarobne melodije tičke v gaju vse zbudi. Krepki zdaj glase se zbori, pesmi sladke se pojo, ko krilatcev spev tam gori v dušo rajsko slast lijo. Čujte, čujte sladko petje, ves domači gaj živi; bliža cvetno se poletje, Tipična kmečka Gorenjska hiša je znanite ga slavci vi! rojstni dom Mrs. Frances Koželj, (članica št. 2, Chicago, III.) v Kam-SIMON GREGORIČ niku. Št. 10, Cleveland, O. Februarska seja je bila kar po navadi. Naša predsednica Anne Markovič je bila zopet med nami. Obiskale sta nas ses. Peggie Dobnikar in ses. Dorothy Žagar. Prav lepo je bilo videti nekaj novih obrazov. Jennie Košir in Tončka Repič sta bile tudi med nami. Preds. je odprla sejo z molitvijo in tudi vodila molitev za našo umrlo ses. Mary Godec. Družini iskreno sožalje. Njej pa naj sveti večna luč in naj počiva v miru. Za delegatinje konvencije so bile nominirane: M. Camloh, Millie Novak. Izvoljena je bila tajnica Mary Camloh in nadzornica, Millie Novak. Izvoljene namestnice: Anne Markovič in Sophie Magayna. Sedaj je čas, da pridobite nove članice za Zvezo. Za Valentinov dan smo imele malo zabave. Praznovale smo god naše čla. ga. Gertrude Bokal, ki nas je dobro pogostila s prigrizkom in tudi za grlo. Lojzka Čebular je pa bila naša pismonoša za Valentine in je malo tudi deklamirala. Ga. Salmich je doma zaradi bolezni in nam je kar dolg čas po njej. Kar hitro in dobro se pozdravi, da boš kmalu zopet med nami. V blagajno so darovale naslednje: Mary Rakovec, Frances Leskovec, Mary Korošec, Ivana Gombač, Josephine Debevec, Frances Vadnal, Jennie Russ, Sophie Magayna, Jennie Batich, Lucy Glavach, Mary Glinšek, Jennie Asseg, Frances Korish in Antonia Novak. Vsem članicam, ki praznujete svoje godove in rojstne dneve, želim, vse najboljše. Bodite vse lepo pozdravljene. Sophie Baraga-Magayna kor veste bo v maju konvencija v Chicagu, zato pridite in naročite naši delegatinji kaj želite, da konvencija razpravlja. Pripeljite s seboj tudi nove članice, da nadomestimo tiste, ki so nas za vedno zapustile. Na bolniškem listu imamo večje število sester: Mary Erman, Anne O-reskovich, Josephine Martincich, Ka-thie Stuller, Josephine Berginc, Mary Koropec, Josephine Seiko, Rose Sluga. Prosim, da obiskujete bolne sestre in jim lajšate dolge ure bolezni. — Članicam, ki praznujete svoje rojstne dneve v aprilu, želim vse najboljše. Pozdrav gl. uradnicam, članicam naše Zveze, posebno sestram pri št. 12. Mary Schimenz St. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. Vabim vse članice na sejo dne 16. aprila ob 1 uri popoldne. Prosila bi za boljšo udeležbo in tudi prosim, da bi plačale asesment vsaj do dvajsetga vsak mesec. Za mene je težko zalagati. Ka- Št. 14, Euclid, Ohio. — Na marčni seji je bila kar odlična udeležba članic. Ta dan je bil kar lep, zato jih je tudi več prišlo. Bliža se nam pomlad, zato pričakujemo lepo udeležbo na sejah. Ses. Mary Iskra poroča od skupnih podružnic, da je v načrtu tridnevni bazar v Recher dvorani v Euclid in to v mesecu oktobru. O tem bom seveda še poročala, ko bo prišel čas bližje. Ses. Rozi Rupert je še bolana, ko si je po nesreči zlomila desno nogo. Lepo se nam je zahvalila, ko smo jo obiskale v bolnici. Želimo ji, da bi se kmalu pozdravila. Seja je tudi odobrila 10 dol. za oglas v programski knjižici konvencije. Sklene se tudi, da naši delegatinji Mrs. Iskra in Mali Sodja dobita vsaka po 20 dol. od podr. ko bodo šle na konvencijo. Ta večer smo imele tudi tri mesečno godovanje. V jestvinah in pijačah so prinesle naslednje sestre: Blatnik, Horning, Eržen, Špehar, Kuhar, Bobnič. V denarju so darovale: Fabec, Zajc in Lekšan. — V imenu odbora se vsem najlepše zahvaljujemo in Bog naj vam da še mnogo zdravih in zadovoljnih let. Predno zaključim ta dopis, naj še omenim, da je moj sin Frank Sustar z ženo in hčerko bil na potovanju po zapadnih državah in v Calif, so se ustavili tudi pri Mrs. Mary Štrukel, naši bivši predsednici, ki sedaj živi v Calif. Ona jih je lepo sprejela in postregla z najboljšimi dobrotami in predno so odšli so si celo nabrali le-mone z vašega drevesa. Bog vam naj stotero poplača na vašem zdravju in ko pridete v Euclid, bomo skušali vsaj delno povrniti vašo naklonjenost. Vas in vašo hčerko v imenu našega društva lepo pozdravljamo. Antonja Šuštar Št. 15, Cleveland (Newburgh), Ohio. čeprav je bilo mrzlo, vendar je bila februarska seja dobro obiskana. Več članic je bolanih, nekatere že dalje časa. Mary Zabukovec je bila v bolnici na operaciji. Blagajničarka Theresa Jerič je padla in se hudo pobila v hrbtu. Helen Mirtel je zelo bo-lana že par tednov. Na bolniški listi sta tudi Mary Filipovič in Mary Novak. Vsem želim, da jim ljubi Bog in Marija čimprej povrneta ljubo zdravje. Dne 10. maja bo pri Sv. Lovrencu ob 10 uri sv. maša za žive in umrle članice podružnice, zato vljudno vabim vse članice, da se te maše gotovo udeležite. Vabim tudi članice na prihodnjo sejo, da boste povedale delegatinji kaj bo poročala na konvenciji. V mesecu maju bomo imele po seji party v počastitev vsem materam. Vabljene v velikem številu. Srčno pozdravljam vse članice in gl. odbornice ter na svidenje na seji. Frances Lindich, poročevalka Št. 19, Eveleth, Minn. Letošnja zima je bila kar mila, ne preveč mraza in ne snega. Ne bo več dolgo ko bo narava zopet ozelenela in s toplejšimi dnevi, upamo, da bodo tudi naše seje bolj obiskane. Že zadnjič sem poročala, da bomo imele v tem letu še G sej: april, maj, avg., okt. in dec. V aprilu bo seja kar pri nas, ker redni prostor je vzet za tovarno. Prosim, da pridete v velikem številu, ker moramo razmotri-vati glede konvencije, materinskega dneva ter če se katera odloči iti v Chicago in Lemont. Za častno mater je letos izvoljena ses. Cecelija Kapš; njen življenjepis bo v majski Zarji. — Za delegatinjo sem bila izvoljena jaz in za namestnico ses. Frances Sterle. Še enkrat prosim, da pridete na sejo. Slišale boste oznanila. Na bolniški listi je več naših članic: ses. Ulesich je bila v bolnici v Duluth in je sedaj pri hčeri tam. — Mrs. Jerome je bila tudi v bolnišnici in se sedaj zdravi na domu. Ses. Josephine Frantas je tudi v bolnišnici in ses. Mary Rupart je srečno pre- stala operacijo in je na poti okrevanja. Ses. Mary Steblaj je tudi bila v Duluthski bolnišnici. Vsem bolnim želimo, da bi jim ljubi Bog čimprej povrnil ljubo zdravje. Prosim članice, da obiščete bolne sestre, ki so vaših obiskov vesele. Vsem, ki boste obhajale svoje rojstne dneve, želimo še mnogo srečnih in veselih let. Vsem, ki ste darovale v blagajno, prisrčna hvala. V imenu podružnice in vseh članic se želim na tem mestu prisrčno zahvaliti našemu agilnemu pevovodji, Mr. Kuntara za lepo petje na radiju, vsako prvo nedeljo v mesecu in posebno še za petje za našo podr. Zelo lepo so zapeli našo Zvezino himno, da je bilo veselje poslušati. Iskrena vam hvala, ker se toliko trudite, da nas vsak mesec razveselite z lepo slovensko pesmijo. Vse priznanje in čast g. Kuntari in fantom pevcem! Ponosni smo na vas! Naj še dolgo doni iz vaših src prelepa slovenska pesem. Mrs. Kuntara je tudi naša članica in njihova hčerka Erika, o-možena Paternost. Ona je poklicna bolničarka, a on je profesor na University of Pennsylvania. Sestre, ker se približuje Zvezina konvencija, prosim, da pridete na dan z dobrimi nasveti, da bo več življenja pri podružnici in Zvezi. Naša dolžnost je, da delujemo za napredek organizacije, da bo močnejša in v ponos nam vsem. Iščemo še vedno nove članice. Pripeljite novo članico na sejo. Na rokah imam novo izdajo Kuharske knjige. Na svidenje na seji in najlepše pozdrave vsem, Mary Lenich, tajnica Št. 20, Joliet, III. Naša februarska seja je bila dobro obiskana. Bilo je zanimivo slišati razna poročila odbornic. Naša predsednica nadzornega odbora, Josephine Muster, je podala celoletni račun kako smo šle naprej v preteklem letu. Vse vemo, da bi bilo mnogo boljše alco bi redno plačevale, tako pa se komaj skozi prebije, da ne nazadujemo. Naša tajnica zalaga dokler se da. Pogrešale smo na seji našo predsednico Emma Planinšek, katera ni bila navzoča, temveč je sejo vodila podpredsednica Theresa Marentich. Blagajničarka Jo Sumic poda poročilo o prihodnji kegljaški tekmi ki bo v West Allis letos in opisuje vožnjo z busom, ako bi katera želela se pridružiti Jolietskim kegljačicam. Omenja da iz Jolieta gre pet skupin katerih “sponsors” so sledeči: American Slovenian Home, Bluth Sausage, Joliet Rivals, Kraus TV in pa Merichka’s Restaurant. (Ko boste to čitale, bo tekma že mimo.) Tajnica Frances Gaspich poroča, da je prejela zahvalno pismo od družine pok. Laurich, ki se nam zahvaljujejo za udeležbo in sožalje. Na dnevni red pride volitev delegati nj za prihodnjo konvencijo ki bo le- tos v maju v Chicagu. Nominirane so bile Josephine Erjavec, Anna Mahkovec, Josephine Muster, Frances Bot-tari in Mary Lesnik, katere odklonijo nominacijo. Izvoljene za delegatinje so bile Jo Sumic in Mary Kunstek, katere dve bodo imele čast zastopati našo podružnico na prihodnji konvenciji. Obe sta delovne za podružnico. Jo Sumic je direktorica kegljaške lige več let in tudi dolgoletna blagajničarka in tudi prejšnja gl. odbornica. Mary Kunstek je bila ustanovna članica — imela je čast biti Mati podružnice. Bila je dolga leta rediteljica, tudi dele-gatinja pred leti, tako, da bodo zastopale našo podružnico dve zaslužne članice, katere imata tudi mnogo izkušnje in zasluge pri Zvezi. Za njih namestnice sta bile izvoljene, Frances Bottari in Mary Lesnik. NAŠE SOŽALJE DRUŽINI BARE KRAMER! Zelo nas je užalostila vest, da je za vedno zaspala naša prijateljica in ustanoviteljica naše podružnice št. 20, Mrs. Bara Kramer v San Francisco, Calif. Vedno sme še mislili da nas pride v Joliet obiskat, kjer je imela toliko prijateljic. Vse smo jo rade i-mele, toda ne bo več Bare sem med nami. Odšla je od koder ne bo več vrnitve. Zelo jo bomo vse članice pogrešale. Spavaj v miru draga Bara, spomin na Tebe ne bo nikdar izbrisan. Družini pa izrekamo naše sožalje! Naše sožalje družini Louis (Mayme) Todorovich, kateri so izgubili drago mamo Mayme staro G5 let. Vsi kateri smo je poznali jo. pogrešamo, saj je bila tako ljubeznjiva do vsakega in postrežljiva. Mož ji je umrl pred dve-mi leti in kmalo za njim je sledila Mayme. Zapušča dva sinova, William, ki je organist raznih cerkva in uposlen pri Joyce 7 Up Co. kot knjgovodja in policijski oficer, Richard, štiri hčerke, Mayme Briik in Helen Sak, naše, članice, Olga Strysek, ki je bolniška strežnica in pa Lillian Caneva. Umrl je tudi mož naše članice Mary Gianu v Coal City. Zapušča poleg žene tudi sina in hčerko. Naj vsi omenjeni spavajo v miru Božjem. Bolne članice so Mary Golobitch na Jackson St., Mary Perush in Mayme Briik. Zadnje dve sta se nahajale v novi St. Joseph bolnišnici. Čestitke k novorojencu je poslala tajnica Mr. & Mrs. Rick Demich. Mlada mama se je prej pisala Kay Spelich. Uniforme na prodaj! Naša podružnica ima še vedno veliko število krasnih uniform razne barve in velikosti katere želimo prodati. Cene so zelo nizke, a blago je dobro. Za informacijo pišite na moj naslov, 527 N. Chicago St. Pozdrav vsem članicam z željo da pridite na prihodnjo sejo. Josephine Erjavec Št. 21, Cleveland, O. Zadnja seja je bila lepo obiskana.Za delegatin jo je bila izvoljena ses. tajnica Stella Dancul. Knjige so bile pregledane in vse je v lepem redu. Čestitke želimo izreči vsem sestram, ki obhajate rojstne dneve: Stella Dancul, Frances Kožel, Frances Perušek. Vse želimo mnogo sreče in blagoslova ses. Theresa Kožuh, ki s soprogom slavita 44 letnico zakonskega življenja. Bog vaju živi še mnogo let. V bolnišnico se je morala podati s. Sophie Rožek. Ses. Mary Vehar se zdravi doma. Bolehajo t udi Julia Oblak, Mary Rahne. Iskrene čestitke s. Frances Blatnik, ki je zopet postala stara mati, ko so pri sinu dobili sinčka. Vse želimo mladi mamici in sinčku ljubega zdravja in božjega blagoslova. Zdaj vse najlepše pozdravljam in želim, da bi nas skoro objela ljuba pomlad ter da se vse zdrave zopet snidemo na seji ter na materinski proslavi, ki bo 11. maja. Vsaka mora prinesti darilo v vrednosti 1 dol. V BLAG SPOMIN PREVZ. ŠKOFU GREG. ROŽMANU Dne 28, marca je minilo 14 let odkar so pokojni škof ljubljanski, Dr. Gregorij Rožman obiskali našo družino in nas posvetili Presvetemu Srcu Jezusovemu. To je bil srečni dan naše družine. Vsi smo bili izredno veseli. Škofov obisk je uredil g. Joe Vrtačnik. Naj dobri škof počivajo v miru božjem ter prosijo pri Bogu za nas. Frances Kave, poročevalka Št. 24, La Salle, III. Bliža se pomlad, ki je res najlepša doba v letu. Kmalu bo zopet treba začeti z delom na vrtu. Naša seja je za nami, toda bila je tako slaba udeležba, da ne moremo nič koristnega ukreniti v korist podr. Zaradi tega res prosim vse članice, da bi prišle na sejo v aprilu, da lahko razmotrivamo o naši konvenciji, ki se bo vršila v maju v Chicagu. Torej upam, da se boste vse udeležile te seje. Tudi želim opomniti, da bi vse, ki ste v dolgu, prišle in poravnale svoj asesment, ker jaz ne morem zalagati, ker nimamo blagajne, a nekatere še dolgujejo za prejšnje leto. Upam, da se bo to uredilo. Več naših članic se nahaja v bolnišnici: Anna Frankovic, Neli Za- kreski, Mary Prazen, Frances Kotar, Mary Spelič in Mary Savnik. Na svojem domu pa se zdravi Mary Sever. Vsem bolnim sestram želimo ljubega zdravja. 26. jan sta slavila zlato poroko članica Josephine in njen soprog Joseph Majcel. Sprejem so imeli na domu med svojo družino tu sorodniki. Nadalje sta slavila 50 letnico zakona 9. febr., članica Josephine in soprog John Rogel s sv. mašo ob 10 uri, katero je daroval njihov sin Father Michael Rogel, nakar sta slavljenca bila počaščena na domu od družine in sorodnikov. Obema paroma, zlatopo- Čas brzi z veliko Št. 25, Cleveland, O. —- S kako naglico brzi čas, ne da bi se skoro zavedle, je božič za nami in pripravljamo se za Velikonoč, ki bo tudi že za nami, ko boste čitale te vrstice. Upamo, da ste se vse veselile tega velikega praznika Vstajenja! Narava se zopet prebuja, toplejši in daljši dnevi prihajajo in ne bo dolgo, ko se bomo veselile sončnih dni. Tudi mladina željno pričakuje spomladanskih dni, ki posebno dobro vplivajo na starejše. Omeniti moram, da smo imele na naši februarski seji zelo dobro udeležbo in smo se kar prijetno zabavale pri obhajanju več rojstnih dni naših članic. Imele smo obilo finih dobrot, katere so slavljenke in nekatere druge članice prispevale za to priliko. Vsem tem se prav lepo zahvaljujemo za njih dobroto. Bilo je vse slastno, sirovi, jabolčni štrudlji, flancati, torte, cookies in seveda, tudi okusne kapljice od zida ni manjkalo. Prijetno je videti med nami članice, katere redkokdaj prihajajo na seje, rade pa bi jih videle velikokrat in pričakujemo, da ko bo topleje, jih ne bo manjkalo med nami. Na sejah podr. št. 25 je vedno luštno. Medse-boj članice rade pokramljajo, z dnevnim redom gredo hitro naprej, ker nestrpno čakajo za zabavo po seji in za “številke”, s katerimi tekmujejo za nagrade. Ker pa za veseljem vedno pride tudi žalost, moram poročati, da smo v preteklem mesecu izgubile vestno, dolgoletno članico, sestro Angelo Virant, ki jo je Bog poklical k Sebi po dolgi in mučni bolezni. Bila je več let v nadzornem odboru naše podružnice in pripravljena je bila nam pomagati ob vsaki priliki. Mnogokrat je prispevala kako darilo v prid podružnice in pogrešale jo bomo. Naj počiva v miru, soprogu in ostali družini pa izrekamo naše iskreno sožalje! Podr. št. 25 ima menda največ članic, ki so že prekoračile osem križev, kar nas veseli, da jih imano v naši sredi toliko let. Med temi je sestra Jennie Krall, stara 84 let, ki je dobro ročencem, želimo še mnogo let skupnega življenja in zdravja, da vas bi Bog spremljal v vašem življenju. Pozdrav vsem članicam SŽZ po celi Ameriki. Angela Strukel, tajnica Št. 29, Browndale, Pa. Zahvalim se naši vrli urednici, ki tako lepo urejuje Zarjo in je tako lepo popravila moje pisanje. Iskreno sožalje želim izreči žalujoči družini blagega Mr. Debevc, ki je preminul dne 4. febr. Bil je doma iz Borovnice v Sloveniji in je 40 let delal v rudniku. Na njegov tihi grob naj bo položen šopek rož. Saj enkrat se vsi snidemo v večnosti. — Pokojni je bil dober mož in oče velike družine. Njegova žena je bila blagajničarka naglico pri št. 25 poznana med nami kot kuharica pri raznih priredbah v šolski dvorani Sv. Vida. Pred časom se je s svojo hčerko in zetom selila v Pittsburgh, Pa., zdaj pa se bodo radi službe zeta selili v Texas. Dasiravno so misli sestre Krall pri njenih znankah v naši slovenski metropoli, upamo, da ji bodo potekale urice bivanja v daljnem Texasu hitro in prijetno. Zdaj pa še nekaj besedi o naši majski seji, v ponedeljek, 11. maja v navadnih prostorih. Počastile bomo našo "Mater leta 19G4”, sestro Mary Kole-gar z Hecker Ave. in izbrale bomo “Kraljico leta 19G4.” Vsaka članica i-ma priliko dobiti to čast, če se udeleži seje v maju. “Kraljica” dobi veliko lepih daril in njena slika je pri občena v prihodnji izdaji Zarje. Mesec maj je krasen, zato upamo, da bomo imele v naši sredi na seji tudi nekatere članice, ki živijo nekoliko oddaljeno in ne prihajajo v slabem vremenu: kot naprimer Josephine Perpar in hčerka z E. 177 St., Johanna Mervar, Mary Makovec, Marie (Grdina) Ogrinc, Magdalene (Grdina) Žnidaršič, Frances Spech. (Zadnje tri so žene naših znanih slovenskih mladih zdravnikov, ki so vsi tako zelo zaposleni!), dalje Mary Wolf in hčerka z E. 193 St., Frances Zgonc z Huntmere Ave. in mnoge druge v Euclidu in okolici. Ne pozabite, članice, priti na redno sejo v ponedeljek, 13. aprila, na kateri bomo razmotrivale več stvari, katere naj bi naše delegatinje prinesle na površje na konvenciji v maju. Pridite in dajte svoje nasvete v korist Zveze in splošnosti. Ob zaključku pa želim opomiti vse članice, da pri pošiljanju asesmenta, priložite enkrat 50 centov kot naklada v prid naše blagajne, ker bomo i-mele več stroškov radi konvencije in tudi radi smrti naših članic, katerim podarimo za maše ali cvetje. Še enkrat — bodite vse lepo pozdravljene in na svidenje 13. aprila! S sestrskim pozdravom, Josephine (Antončič^ Golinski tajnica podr. št. 25 SŽZ mnogo let pri naši podr. ter je tudi mnogo dobrega storila ze društvo. — V zakonu sta imela 9 otrok od katerih sta dva že umrla. — Pred dvema letoma sta Mr. in Mrs. Debevc slavila zlato poroko. — Naj bo dobremu možu lahka ameriška zemlja. Žalujoči družini iskreno sožalje. Vsem sestram najlepše pozdrave, Mary Pristavec Št. 30, Aurora, III. Kakor veste je letos prestopno leto in tako se je v našem mestu zopet zgodilo, da so dekleta dne 29. febr. prevzela mestne urade administracije. Kakor je stara navada so uradovale 100% sto-procent-no in piko so imele na pečlarje. Lovile so neporočene fante povsod in vsak je moral plačati kazen $3, ali pa v ječo, zato, ker je še samski. Iz Aurora College so jih pripeljale poln vagon. Eden se je nekaj ustavljal, pa so mu dale okove na roke, pozneje je hotel uteči, pa so policistke bile hitro za njim in nazaj v ječo. Koliko smeha po mestu! Eden je imel samo 36c v žepu, pa je ostanek moral “odsedeti”. Dekleta so aretirale tudi 70 let starega fanta in mu strogo naročile, če se do drugega “leap year” ne poroči, bo moral plačati dvojno kazen. Dale pa so mu ti-ket za večerni banket. Nabrale so $500 za Heart fund. Vse so bile vesele in zadovoljne in županja je izjavila, da bi take dneve morali imeti bolj pogosto. Ko so pred kratkim imeli v Chicagu konvencijo School Principals iz vseh 50 držav Amerike, je eden predlagal, da bi si radi ogledali tudi šolski sistem kakega manjšega mesta. Izbrana je bila Aurora in vseh 80 delegatov, šolskih upraviteljev je prišlo sem, kjer so jim razkazali ves učni načrt v veliki novi šoli. Seveda so jim tudi postregli. Pozdrav vsem članicam, F. Kranjc Št. 31, Gilbert, Minn. — Zima počasi odhaja. Mesec marc, pravijo, da se v snegu in prahu valja. Sicer se ne smemo pritožiti, ker letos ni bilo preveč mrzlo. V mesecu februarju smo imeli 3 zlate poroke: Mr. & Mrs. John Presheren, Mr. & Mrs. Vinko Nekich ter Mr. & Mrs. Prank Koshar. Vse slavljenke so naše dolgoletne članice. Bog naj jim da zdravja in jih ohrani še mnogo let Naša nova cerkev je bila blagoslovljena 2. februarja. Vsi smo zelo ponosni na našo novo cerkev, ker je res lepa. V bolnici se nahaja ses. Frances Lopp, naša zapisnikarica. Želimo ji zdravja, da bi se kmalu vesela vrnila med svoje drage. Odbor je ostal razen nove predsednice, Rose Veronick, ves po starem. Častna mati je ses. Angela Sušnik in za delegatinjo je bila izvoljena, Antoinette Lucich. Novi predsednici želimo mnogo napredka. Ses. Sušnik se zahvaljujemo za vse požrtvovalno de- lo, ki ga vrši med nami. Prošene ste, da se udeležujete sej kar se da, posebno sedaj v aprilu in maju, ker potem 3 mesece do septembra ne bo sej. Ob koncu pošiljam vsem pozdrave in delegatinjam pa kličem, če Bog da na veselo svidenje v Chicagu na konvenciji. Antoinette Lucich, taj. Št. 41, Cleveland, Ohio. Na zadnji seji je bila lepa udeležba, posebno smo bile vesele navzočih članic k nam pristople podr. št. 18. Le še pridite. Razmotrivale smo kako pridobiti kaj novih članic pred zaključkom kampanje. Upam, da bo kaj sreče. Operacijo na nogah je srečno prestala ses. Mary Franz. Vse ji želi- mo čimprejšnjega okrevanja. Najboljšega zdravja želimo tudi ses. Luciji Romih, ki je bila zelo resno bolana. Kar nepričakovano se je preselila v večnost ses. Urška Jalovec. Sinu, družini in sorodnikom izrekamo globoko sožalje. Pokojni sestri pa večni mir in pokoj. V blagajno so darovale ses. J. Mar-kel, M. Paulin, J. Lukane, A. Skok, K. Artel, J. Koželj, A. Maček, M. Ben-čan, M. Poje, A. Stefančič, A. Vand-nal, L. Romih, Miss Lucille Romah, R. Kovačič in I. Grebenc. Prisrčna hvala vsem skupaj. Naši marljivi predsednici ses. Mary Debevec prisrčna hvala za pripravo prigrizka ob času kegljaške tekme. Po seji smo praznovale rojstne dneve ses. Angele Maček, Ane Medveš in podpisane. Najprisrčnejša hvala gostiteljicam za toliko izvrstnega peciva in sicer: A. Maček, M. Debevec, A. Rebolj in M. Cerjak, prav posebna hvala pa ses. M. Markel za lepo okrašeno torto. Katero veseli se udeležiti kot gostinja konvencije meseca maja v Chicagu, se naj priglasi pri tajnici podružnic. Vožnja sem in tja je okrog $11.50. Na svidenje na prihodnji seji. Lepe pozdrave vsem. Ella Starin, taj. Št. 55, Girard, Ohio. Na febr. seji je bila povoljna udeležba, kljub slabemu vremenu. Po navadi se ene in iste članice, katerim je Zveza res pri srcu, udeležijo sej. Datum za card party je bil spremenjen od 30. aprila je prestavljen na 18. aprila ob 8 uri zvečer. Vzrok spremembe je, ker bo imela druga skupina kegljaško tekmo zadnje dneve v mesecu in bo imela glavne prostore v Slov. domu. — Na čelu priredbe sta izvežbana in priljubljena preds, naše podr. Mrs. Bara-bara Umek ter Mr. Andy Kocjan, predsednik Slov. Moške Zveze, zato se nam obeta lepa udeležba. Naše sožalje družini Anthony Jak-levich k izgubi njegove mamice, Mrs. Anna Jaklevich. Naša podr. jo bo zelo pogrešala, saj se je vedno udeleževala sej in ni nobene prireditve zamudila, da ne bi doprinesla svojega deleža. Naj v miru počiva in nebeški raj uživa. -— Door prize so bile deležne Emma Zore in Anna Umek. - Vesele smo, da se je zdravje ses. Zore izboljšalo in da se je zopet mogla udeležiti naše seje. Najlepše pozdravljam, ________________Amelia Robsel Št. 64, Kansas City, Kansas. — Dodatno poročam, da je na naši februarski seji bila izvoljena za delegatinjo naše podružnice, ses. Regina Čop, in moja malenkost za namestnico. Regina je tukaj rojena Slovenka in vešča obeh jezikov. V odboru je zadnja tri leta kot blagajničarka ter se lepo zanima za Zvezo. Njena mama, sestra, sestrična in dve tete so tudi članice naše podružnice. Lepe pozdrave vsem, Antonia Kostelec, predsednica Št. 68, Painesville, Ohio. - Želim se prav lepo zahvaliti potom naše priljubljene Zarje, vsem mojim dobrini sestram podružnice št. 68 za kartico z željo za skorajšnje okrevanje in za dar. Ko ste zborovale na seji, sem bila v bolnici in sem si mislila, koliko lepše bi bilo z vami na seji. Ali Bog je tako hotel. Poleg dobrega zdravnika, sem bila deležna toliko tolažb mojih dobrih prijateljev in srčnih želj, da mi je hitro pomagalo k okrevanju. Sedaj sem zopet doma in zdravje se mi vrača. Upam, da bom na prihodnji seji zopet z vami. — Sedaj pa vam čitateljicam Zarje želim ljubega zdravja, ki je največje bogastvo. Pozdravlja, Angela Godec Št. 71, Strabane, Pa. Za slovo od zime, nas je sneg zopet obiskal, toda ne bo trajal dolgo. — Na zadnji seji je bila prav lepa udeležba. Izvolile smo delegatinjo za 13 redno konvencijo, Mary Boštjančič in namestnico, Mary Kocjan. Sprejele smo 4 nove članice, katerim kličemo dobrodošle. V tem letu smo izgubile že eno članico, Mary Mavric, ki je 8. febr. po dolgi bolezni mirno v Bogu zaspala. Bila je dobra dolgoletna članica. Naj ji Bog da večni mir in večna luč naj ji sveti. Poleg žalujočega soproga zapušča tudi 2 sinova, 1 hčer in več vnukov, kakor tudi enega brata in sinahe. Lepa hvala članicam, ki ste molile rožni venec ob njeni krsti in se v velikem številu udeležile pogreba ter jo spremljale z gorečimi svečami na njeni zadnji poti. Darovale smo cvetlice in 5 dol. za sv. mašo. Konvencija se hitro bliža in sedaj je čas za pridobiti nove članice. Potrudimo se, da nadomestimo umrle članice. Lep pozdrav vsem gl. odbornicam in članicam ŠŽZ. ________Mary Tomsic, preds. Št. 100, Fontana, California. — Zopet želim nekoliko poročati iz naše vesele Fontane. Sinoči 5. marca se je vršila naša seja. Praznovale smo rojstne dneve naslednjih naših članic: Marins, Sušel, Rupar, Aucin in Železnikar. Vse so prinesle cake in sladoled in smo se res dobro imele. Navzoče so bile tudi naslednje clevelandske sestre: Fany Penko od št. 10, Mary Krapenc, št. 14, Mary Vodičar, št. 32, Frances Močnik, št. 14. Vse omenjene so tukaj na obisku in počitnicah ter so zelo prijazne. Obiskala nas je tudi ses. Mary Grosko iz Chicaga od št. 2. Naša predsednica Jennie Kurilich je bila izvoljena za častno mater podružnice. Naša zapisnikarica Edith Drawenek je še bolana. Želimo ji najhitrejšega okrevanja. Lepo je, da nas sestre iz raznih krajev obiščejo in da se spoznamo s pomočjo naše priljubljene Zarje. Tukaj nas sonce toplo greje. Pozdrav vsem članicam, Frances Lukanich, poročevalka SPOMINI S POTOVANJA PO SLOVENIJI ZGODOVINSKO GRADIVO piše Angela Voje, predsednica št. 84, New York, N. Y. (nadaljevanje) Priporočam vsem, ki bi se radi dobro počutili, da greste v toplice, katerih je več vrst v Sloveniji. Jaz sem šla v Dolenjske Toplice in moram priznati, da je ta kraj zdravilišče v pravem pomenu besede. Ljudje pridejo iz vseh krajev dežele. Gostom nudijo lepe, čiste sobe. Imajo krasne vrtove in pota za sprehajat. Preko ceste je pa cerkev sv. Ane, kjer se bere sveta maša zjutraj in zvečer vsak dan. Župnik g. Kovačič dela čez dan na polju, kosi in opravlja vsa dela in se ne ozira na žulje na rokah. Vse cvetlice za cerkev sam goji, tako je cerkev vedno lepo okrašena in tudi prostor okrog cerkve mično urejen. Pred štirimi leti je bil oltar prenovljen in blagosijovljen po pokojnem škofu Antonu Vovku. Jaz sem imela krasen užitek v Dolenjskih Toplicah. Zabave tudi ne manjka, ker ob sobotah in nedeljah kažejo tudi premikajoče slike in to največ amerikanske. Brezje, kjer je najbolj znamenita Slovenska božja pot, Marije Pomagaj, sem obiskala dvakrat. Prvič 2'3. junija in potem zadnjo nedeljo pred vrnitvijo v Ameriko, to je bilo 18. avgusta. Ta dan je daroval sv. mašo novi škof ljubljanski, dr. Pogačnik. Vreme nam ni bilo naklonjeno, ker je deževalo. Pile smo že zgodaj v cerkvi toda vsi sedeži so bili zasedeni, ker pridejo verniki že v soboto večer, ko imajo procesijo s svečami. Tako sem morala stati štiri ure in bili smo tako na tesnem, da je drug drugega gor držal. Ko pridem ven. vidim, da so ljudje v dežju stali pri sveti maši in je vse teklo od njih, ampak nihče ni godrnjal ali se pritoževal, da težko stoji. Bila sem prepričana, da so ljudje globoko verni v Sloveniji. Ginilo me je tudi pritrkavanje zvonov, katero doni daleč na okrog cerkva in to tudi v Mengšu na Gorenjskem in v Domžalah. Globoko me je presunilo prekrasno petje. Dokler bo ljudstvo zedinjeno v molitvi, se ni treba bati, da bo ob vero. Navzoča sem bila tudi pri romanju na božjo pot sv. Roka v Kamniku. Prišlo je več sto ljudi, nekateri peš, drugi z vlakom iz Ljubljane. Sveta maša se je brala na starem gradu, kjer je mala kapelica, ki ima oltar. Verniki so stali po vsem hribu doli do glavne ceste. Tako ginljiv prizor nisem še videla. Vse je pelo in molilo. Obiskala sem Kalvarijo in vso kamniško okolico. V Iijubljani sem obiskala škofijsko cerkev, ki je znotraj kot zunaj lepo preslikana in enako lepa je tudi frančiškanska cerkev. Na Viču imam bratranca, ki je frančiškanski brat. — Rok Stele, ki je tam že od prve vojne. V Loškem Potoku je pa moj bratranec, Frank Pestotnik za župnika. Prišel me je obiskat v Toplice. Otok Bled in okolico sem tudi o-biskala in isto Bohinj ter Kamniško Bistrico. Vsi ti kraji so v tako nebeško lepi legi, da dobiš neprecenljiv užitek od krasote narave. Med časom mojega obiska sta bila tudi dva žalostna dogodka. Najprej smrt nadškofa Antona Vovka v Ljubljani in pa potres v Skoplju. Ta dogodka sta presunila ne samo nas, ki smo bili v bližini, ampak prav gotovo vse, ki so izvedeli o teh nesrečah. Pred tremi leti mi je v Zagrebu umrla sestra, usmiljenka Antoliana Košak. V Zagrebu sem šla obiskat njen grob. V škofijski cerkvi sem srečala sestro usmiljenko, ki je poznala mojo sorodnico. Ona mi je razkazala prostore in tudi grobnico pokojnega škofa Stepinca z velikim oltarjem. Cerkev je bila polna vernikov, čeprav je bilo to sredi tedna. Oltarji so bili krasno okinčani s cvetjem. Potem sva šli na pokopališče, kjer imajo sestre Usmiljenke svoj prostor za štiri sestre. Pri vsakem grobu je lesen križ z napisom, namreč imenom pokojne. Vprašala sem, če lahko kupim za mojo sestro marmorjev spomenik. Odgovorila je, da ne, ker imajo za vse enake križe, ne ozirajo se na stan ali možnost. Moje sestra je bila usmiljenka v bolnicah 59 let. Umrla je 18. maja, 1960 v starosti 79 let. V naši družini je bilo 12 otrok in smo razstrese-ni po svetu v življenju tako kot v smrti. Z žalostnim srcem sem zapustila grob blage sestre, toda spomini mi bodo ostali živi do zadnjega mojega vzdihljaja. Ob zaključku se želim tem potom zahvaliti Frances Zajc in hčerki Dona, ki sta mi pomagali nositi kovčeg in tudi bili na uslugo vse povsod. Kar ni bilo za nas udobno ni bila krivda nobene osebe, ampak se mora upoštevati, da pri veliki skupini se mora marsikaj potrpeti. Zahvaliti se želim tudi Mike Boriču, mlademu fantu, ki je bil v naši skupini, ki je pridno nosil našo prtljago ter bil pridno na delu. Za tiste, ki prvič potujejo je vsaka neudobnost odveč, ampak kdor je že vajen potovati dobro ve, se mora vse povsod potrpeti. Hvala Bogu, da smo imeli okrog sebe vedno poznane osebe, da nisi bil nikdar sam, kar se zgodi, ako potuješ na svojo roko. Zato se tem potom želim, v imenu vseh potnic, lepo zahvaliti vsem, ki so nam pomagali, da smo srečno dospeli do vsakega cilja ter imeli lepo in solidno postrežbo. Posebna hvala naši Slovenski ženski zvezi, ki za nas prireja skupne izlete. Vse nam bo ostalo v trajnem spominu ter prineslo mnogo bodočega veselja, ko bomo obujali spomine. Priporočam vsem, ki želite obiskati stari kraj da se pridružite izletom, ki jih prireja Slov. ženska zveza! Angela Voje Članek nedavno objavljen v raznih slovenski časopisih, je napravil napačen vtis glede zbirke, katera se nahaja v knjižnici državne univerze Minnesota, pod nazivom “Recent Immigrant Archives,” je naznanil Clarke A. Chambers, profesor zgodovine (associate profesor). “Univerzni program ni v glavnem namenjen samo na zabeleženje zgodovine Minnesotskih imigrantov, kakor piše članek, temveč obsega organizacije in aktivnosti imigrantov širom Amerike,” pojasnuje Professor Chambers, kateri je obiskal več mest z namenom zbirati material. Za zbirko, katera se nanaša zgolj na državo Minnesota, se zanima “Minnesota Historical Society.” To je državna ustanova, v bližini univerze, ter podpirana od javnih dohodkov; ona zbira in hrani gradivo ki se nanaša na državo Minnesota. “Nadalje,” pravi Professor Chambers, “Univerza ne zmore visokih stroškev, ki so povezani s duplikacijo (t. j., microfilm) celotnega arhiva in vsemi zabeležkami važne rokopise katere bi lastniki hoteli poslati v Ljubljano. Za vse drugo pa, ako hočemo, da bo v Ameriki velika centralna knjižnica, ktera bo vsebovala gradivo vseh skupin in strank amerikanskih Slovencev, je važno, da originalna zaloga ostane tukaj. “Končno, Univerzna Knjižnica želi in skuša sodelovati z knjižnicami v Ljubljani katere imajo namen zbirati gradivo amerikanskih Slovencev. Toda, do sedaj je bil odziv slab.” Univerza države Minnesota je nedavno nudila vam, amerikanskim Slovencem širom Amerike, lepo priliko za stalno ohranitev vaših zapisnikov, osebnih listin in drugih zapiskov, kakor tudi vaše zbirke časopisov, brošur, iger in pesmi. “Recent Immigrant Archives” je pod vodstvom izvežbane-ga arhivarja, kateri je zmožen slovenščine ter drugih slovanskih jezikov. Z namenom, da bo gradivo dostopno in na razpolago zainteresiranim, zlasti znanstvenikom, kakor tudi darovalcem je v to svrho knjižnica že nabavila nekaj vrst fotografiskih aparatov, ki se nahajajo v knjižnici in se bo gradivo lahko dobilo po nizkih cenah, kot običajno po vseh knjižnicah. Univerzna Knjižnica je edina na svetu katera se je sistematično zavzela fotografirati (microfilm) Jugoslovanske časopise in revije kateri so izhajali — in še izhajajo — v Ameriki. Ker časopisi v arhivih večinoma hitro razpadejo, se jih lahko ohrani edino potom mikrofilmov, po mnenju profesorja Chambersa. Oni bodo na razpolago vsakemu človeku ali knjižnici kjerkoli; vsakdo bo lahko kupil pozitivne posnetke (positive copy) po minimalni ceni. Sledeči mikrofilm, kateri se na ta način že lahko uključuje: Proletarec, vse izdaje od 1905; Glasilo K.S.K. J., od 1915 Glasilo S.N.P.J. in njegovega prednika, 1903-191G; Ameriška Domovina, od začetka, 1893; in v positiv-nem posnetku, Zajedničar. APEL—SPOŠTOVANE ROJAKINJE! Slovenska izseljenska matica si šteje v dolžnost, da Vam ob spontanem in vsesplošnem odzivu ljudi naše krvi po svetu za pomoč težko prizadetim v Skopju izreka iskreno zahvalo. Prav vsi ljudje izven meja domovine so se z izrazi sočutja in s takojšnjimi gmotnimi prispevki priključili splošni akciji za pomoč porušenemu mestu. Pomoč porušenemu Skopju pa je še potrebna in bo potrebna še mnogo let. To podporo bodo vsi narodi Jugoslavije nadadljevali še naprej. Vas pa prosimo, da bi kot izseljenska organizacija to spontano začeto plemenito in nad vse človeško prizadevanje Vaših članic na vse načine podprli in nadaljevali. Tem bolj, ker je ta nesreča vzbudila srca narodov in vsega človeštva. Ivan Regent ,Predsednik Zgodovinarji kateri so uvedli načrt na Minnesotski univerzi poudarjajo važnost na veliko knjižnico, katera bo vsebovala celotno zbirko gradiva, ki se nanaša na amerikanske Jugoslovane, na obeh straneh morja, je rekel Professor Chambers. Kar se tiče Knjižnice na tej strani morja, so oni prepričani, da to spada v javno državno univerzo, katera je podpirana od javnih dohodkov in davkov. “Važno je, da se nahaja dovolj blizu središča slovenskih naselbin,” je dodal, “da bo možno vsem onim, kateri ne bodo nikdar hodili v Ljubljano, študirati tukaj ali pa posetiti knjižnico no ogled gradiva, katero zastopa ali predstavlja življenje njihovih prednikov. In v taki zbirki je potrebno da so shranjene izdaje in rokopisi vsake vrste, ne glede na politično ali versko prepričanje njihovih avtorjev. Edino v slučaju dobrega odziva vseh skupin bo mogoče pripravljenje zgodovinskih spisov v katerih ne bo nobena skupina prezrta.” Najnujnejše zdaj je, da se v kratkem zberejo duplikati tisočih brošur, knjig, revij in časopisov katere je Slovenski Narodni Dom v Clevelandu odposlal v Ljubljano, pravi Chambers. “Ker je tista zbirka vsebovala večji del zbirk pokojnih Erasmusa Gorsheta in Matije Pogorelca, katere sta pokojna zbirala leta in leta,” je rekel, “ni dvoma, da imajo sedaj knjižnice v Ljubljani vsaj po eno kopijo vseh tiskanih del katera se nanašajo na a-merikanske Slovence na katerikoli način. Pošiljanje tja od zdaj vnaprej pomeni edino, da bo tam prenapolnjeno z gradivom, medtem ko bi bila o-trokom amerikanskih Jugoslovanov odvzeta prilika do originalnih zapiskov svojih prednikov. Kar se tiče rokopisov, pisem, zapisnikov in zapiskov: nobena organizacija ni bila premajhna da bi ne prišla v poštev ali da ne bi bilo zanj prostora v gor omenjeni naši Knjižnici.” Vsakdo ki se zanima ali ima gradivo za podariti — bodisi privaten človek ali organizacija — lahko piše direktno na naslov Recent Immigrant Archives, Walter Library, The University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 14, Minnesota. Financial Report for the Month of January, 1964 Branch Assesments Membership No. Total Adult Junio 1. 78.85 157 45 2. 187.00 348 159 3. 209.10 290 164 4. 4.85 19 .—. 5. 45.61 106 41 6. 48.90 122 17 7. 66.20 113 136 8. — 62 1 9. — 43 4 10. 148.35 318 45 12. 289.50 209 70 13. 80.81 118 18 14. 137.75 315 30 15. 139.55 251 29 16. 71.15 140 80 17. 115.30 164 56 18. 21.15 55 1 19. 60.50 137 43 20. 180.45 436 127 21. 43.00 102 53 22. 24 — $ 23. 159.15 225 58 24. 76.00 174 82 25. 370.00 751 241 26. 61.40 110 12 27. 66.90 67 6 # 28. 38.80 83 6 29. 12.60 32 7 30. — 20 — $ 31. 51.50 105 39 32. 59.52 116 30 33. 71.20 138 76 34. 18.85 42 7 35. 27.75 68 41 37. 9.10 27 5 38. 62.25 150 1 39. 23.95 59 23 40. 46.60 100 5 41. 82.10 212 36 42. 23.35 50 — 43. 81.25 110 66 45. — 60 7 46. 13.20 30 5 47. 53.50 115 25 48. 4.30 13 3 49. 32.55 36 — @ 50. 100.35 120 83 51. 7.80 17 52. 39.40 53 16 53. 17.45 37 8 54. 37.55 71 66 55. 27.52 71 7 56. 47. 30 111 19 57. 40.20 77 35 59. 52.80 31 7 & 61. 13 62. 17.10 35 1 63. 64.60 118 63 64. 60.90 57 2 & 65. 28.00 62 24 66. 26.70 53 20 67. 40.60 76 27 68. 24.95 43 5 70. 19.95 14 3 *#* 71 52.60 102 21 72. 12.95 33 4 73. 49.25 106' 50 74. 23.25 44 4 77. 25.40 55 34 7S. 48.00 25 9 79. 18.10 33 21 a mesec januar. 1964 No. Total Adult Junior 80. 8.85 19 81. 8.20 25 83. 11.45 23 5 84. — 69 6 85. 11.45 29 5 86. 9.95 20 88. 14.26 29 7 89. 42.30 98 57 90. 21.60 52 20 91. 29.00 52 8 92. 13.15 23 2 93. 28.00 65 6 94. — 17 3 95. 101.10 173 43 96. 37.57 51 2 97. 16.00 21 6 99. 8.75 21 100. 21.75 44 8 101. 30.85 48 19 102. 25.35 17 4 *#» 104. 8.55 22 105. 9.70 16 5 106. 22.70 20 1 XX Totals $ 4,737.09 8896 2636 $ Assessment paid in Dec.; # paid for Sept. and Oct.; @ paid January and Feb.; & paid for Oct., Nov. and Dec.; *** paid for Jan., Feb., and March; XX paid for Nov. and Dec. Income — dohodki: Assessment from members Rental income in January Interest on bands Total income 4,737.09 155.00 1,248.92 6,141.01 Disbursements — Stroški: Theresa Vidosh, br. 9, Detroit $100.00 Mary Suban, br. 12, Milwaukee 100.00 Catherine Cesen, br. 14, Euclid 100.00 Frances Gornik, br. 19, Eveleth 100 00 Mary Laurich, br. 20, Joliet 100.00 Christine Mauzar, br. 20, Joliet 100.00 Mary Lamuth, br. 28, Calumet 100.00 Ther. Augustine, br. 28, Calumet 100.00 Anne Butcher, br. 29, Broundale 100.00 Mary Ruzic, br. 33, Duluth 100.00 Jennie Rebek, br. 49, Noble (B) 200.00 Anne Snarich, br. 56, Hibbing 100.00 A. Trtanj, br. 95, S. Chicago(B) 150.00 Zarja—The Dawn, 16 pages Jan. 968.00 Salaries and administration 955.00 Rental of Home Office 75.00 Director Internal Revenue 485.85 Printing, Postage, sundries 185.66 Total $ 4,119.51 Balance Dec. 31, 1963 $490,880.29 Income in January, 1964 6,141.01 $497,021.30 Disbursements in Jan. 1963 4,119.51 Balance January 31, 1964 $192,901.79 Albina Novak, Sec'y JUNIOR’S PAGE III BOYS AND GIRLS! "I’was April Fool’s Day and Sunday morning after Mass. While preparing waffles—our usual Sunday breakfast—I reached for and opened can of halting powder. Jumping out of the can and scarring me completely was a long, springy, snake-like oject. My screams were accompanied by hilarious laughter from the children—their April Fool joke on their mommy a complete success. During April the birthdays o!' some very remarkable men are noted. I Ians Christian Andersen won worldwide acclaim as one of the greatest storytellers that ever lived. A Danish writer born April 2, 1805, he created a world of excitement and wisdom that lives in the hearts of young readers long after they’ve read such beloved fairy-tales as “The Emperor’s New Clothes and The Ited Shoes”. One of his very short fairy-tales is THE REAL PRINCESS There was once a Prince who wished to marry a Princess; but then she must be a real Princess. lie travelled all over the world in hopes ol finding such a lady; but there was always something wrong. Princesses he found in plenty ; but whether they were real Princesses it was impossible for him to decide, for now one thing, now another, seemed to him not quite right about the ladies. At last lie returned to his palace unite down-cast, because he wished so much to have a real Princess for his wife. One evening a fearful tempest a-rose, it thundered and lightened, and the rain poured down from the sky in torrents; besides, it was as dark as pitch. All at once there was heard a violent knocking at the door, and the old King, the Prince’s father, went out himself to open it. It was a Princess who was standing outside the door. What with the rain and (he wind, she was in a sad condition; the water trickled down from her hair, and her clothes clung to her body. She said she was a real Princess. “Ali! we shall soon see that!” thought the old Queen-mother; however, she said not. a word of what she was going to do; but went quietly into the bedroom, took all the bedclothes oil the bed, and put three little peas on the bedstead. She then laid twenty mattresses one upon aim (her over the three peas, and pul twenty feather beds over the mattresses. Upon this bed the Princess was to pass the night. The next, morning she was asked how she had slept. “Oh, very badly indeed!” she replied. “I have scarcely closed my eyes the whole night through. I do not know what was in my bed, but I had something hard under me, and am all black and blue. It has hurt me so much! ” Now it was plain that the lady must be a real Princess, since she had been able to leel the three little peas through twenty mattresses and twen-feather beds. None but a real Princess would have had such a delicate sense of feeling. The Prince accordingly made her his wife; being now convinced that he had found a real Princess. The three peas were, however put into the cabinet of curiosti-ties, where they are still to be seen, provided they are not lost. Wasn’t this a lady of real delicacy? * <« «1« What great American was born on April 13, 1713? He is best remembered as a great President and the author of the Declaration of Independence. From this important document come these well-known words: “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” He is also known as a statesman, diplomat, political philosopher and founder of the Democratic Party. If you say, Thomas Jefferson’ you’re right. April 23, 1964 marks the 400th birthday of William Shakespeare, the English dramatist and poet. His works liave been translated into more lan-gauages then any book in the world except the Bible. An appropriate quotation for our every day life is from the “Merchant of Venice”: “How far that little candle throws its beams! So shines a good deed in a naughty world.” May all of you by your daily good deeds unselfishly bring joy to others. As my April letter was dedicated to great writers, how about writing Yours truly a letter of ideas and desires for this page? Sincerely, Regina It’s easy to find l’ault—it takes no talent, no self denial, no brains, no character—just a mouth. i r Our Junior BOWLERS from Branches 25 — 50, Cleveland, Ohio, now completing their second Bowling Season! PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Cermak Rd., Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois R.GRDINRg SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 61 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo. Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel.: Kenmore 1-6300 Cleveland 10, Ohio J0S. ZELE & SONS, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. IV. 1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio EN. 1-0583 Ample Parkins Facilities GEREND FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN AVE AFELY 013 East 108th Sir««t 28000 Euclid Av«nu* 8238 Si Clair Avanua ASK FOR FREE SAVE-RY-MAIL KIT ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD CHICAGO 8, ILL. Virginia 7-6688 LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors & Embalmers Ermenc Funeral Home ,'5325 W. Greenfield Ave. EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin We have a home to fit your needs! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate & Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago 8, 111. VI. 7-6679 Velika množica Ameriških Slovencev ho obiskala prelepo Slovenijo v letu 1964. Potovati je najholj prijetno v domači družbi. Najboljše boste potovali v skupinah, katere organizira najstarejša slovenska potniška pisarna: AUGUST KOLLANDER TRAVEL BUREAU, INC., Odhodi z letalom JET: lune 10, June 16, lune 22, July 18, Odhod z ladjo “Queen Elizabeth” 3. junija vodi gl. predsednica, Toni Turek Odhodi z ladjo “Queen Mary/’ 27. maja; “S. S. France”, 28. maja; skupino z ladjo “Leonardo Da Vinci”, 19. maja, vodi Mr. Anton Schubel, dirigent Glasbene Matice, izlet za prijatelje Glasbene Matice. Člani slovenskih organizacij kateri potujejo v skupini imajo popust. Povratna vožnja New York-Zagreb z jet letalom $424.00 Za informacije in rezervacije pišite na urad AUGUST KOLLANDER TRAVEL BUREAU, INC. 6419 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland 3, Ohio Phone HE 1-4148