m LJUBLJANA, JULIJ 2006 Vol. 14, ot. 1: 55-88 ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA SLOVENICA CONTRIBUTION TO THE FAUNISTICAL LIST OF TRICHOPTERA (INSECTA) OF SERBIA Ivana Aivia1, Zoran Markovia2 & Miloje Brajkovia1 1Institute of Zoology, Faculty of Biology, Studenski Trg 16, University of Belgrade, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia; e-mail: ivanas@bf.bio.bg.ac.yu 2Institute of Cattle Breeding, Faculty of Agriculture, Nemanjina 6, University of Belgrade, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia; e-mail: zoranmm@agrifaculty.bg.ac.yu Abstract - The faunistical list of Trichoptera of Serbia is revised. An increase in the number of species is a consequence of investigation of Trichoptera larvae in highland rivers of Serbia. The number of species found has risen from 173 to 186. Three genera and 13 species are new to the fauna of Serbia. Three species have been added as a result of examination of material in the museum collections: Rhyacophila stankovici Radovanovia, Potamophylax (Stenophylax) rotundipennis Brauer and Potamophylax latipennis Curtis. Rhyacophila dorsalis Curtis is deleted from the list, and replaced with allopatric species R. nubila Zetterstedt. One species (Stenophylax latipennis) and one subspecies (Stenophylax vibex speluncarum) have been omitted due to misidentification and insufficient data. The species Drusus serbicus Marinkovia is endemic in Serbia, while Crunoecia bosniaca Marinkovia-Gospodnetia, Rhyacophila bosnica Schmid and Rhyacophila vranitzensis Marinkovia et Botosaneanu are endemic species of the western Balkans. Key words: Trichoptera, fauna, Serbia, larvae, highland rivers Izvleoek - PRISPEVEK K FAVNISTIONEMU SEZNAMU MLADOLETNIC (TRICHOPTERA, INSECTA) SRBIJE Popravljen je favnistioni seznam mladoletnic (Trichoptera) Srbije. Poveoano otevilo vrst je posledica raziskav lioink v gorskih rekah Srbije. Otevilo najdenih vrst se je poveoalo s 173 na 186. Trije rodovi in 13 vrst je novih v favni Srbije. Tri vrste smo dodali po pregledu primerkov v muzejskih zbirkah: Rhyacophila stankovici Radovanovia, Potamophylax (Stenophylax) rotundipennis Brauer in Potamophylax 55 Acta entomologica slovenica, 14 (1), 2006 latipennis Curtis. Vrsta Rhyacophila dorsalis Curtis je izbrisana iz seznama in nadomeooena z alopatriono vrsto R. nubila Zetterstedt. Ena vrsta (Stenophylax latipennis) in ena podvrsta (Stenophylax vibex speluncarum) sta bili umaknjeni zaradi napaone dolooitve in pomanjkanja podatkov. Vrsta Drusus serbicus Marinkovia je endemiona v Srbiji, medtem ko so Crunoecia bosniaca Marinkovia-Gospodnetia, Rhyacophila bosnica Schmid in Rhyacophila vranitzensis Marinkovia et Botosaneanu endemione vrste zahodnega Balkana. Kljuone besede: Trichoptera, favna, Srbija, lioinke, gorske reke Introduction Compiling of the list of Trichoptera of Serbia began with faunistical investigations of Radovanovia (Radovanovia 1931; 1935; 1953). It was continued by Marinkovia-Gospodnetia (Marinkovia-Gospodnetia 1975; 1980) and due to their work 154 species of Trichoptera were determined in the fauna of Serbia. Having in mind the geographic position of Serbia on the Balkan Peninsula, and the fact that four faunistical zones of the freshwater fauna of Europe contact each other on its territory (Botosaneanu and Malicky, 1978), much more than 154 species were expected in the territory. In the west, the Dinaric system of mountains and area west of the Vardar-Morava line belong to zone 5; the south-western part of Serbia with Oarsko-Pind system belongs into the zone 6 together with Macedonia, Albania and Greece; the part of Serbia east of the above mentioned line together with Bulgaria is in zone 7, and the area north of the Sava and Danube Rivers, i.e., the Pannonian lowland, belongs to the zone 11. The richness of the Trichoptera species may also be expected in the fauna of Serbia due to great habitat diversity. In the north of Serbia there is a vast Pannonian plain, and its still waters are inhabited by a fauna significantly different from one that inhabits mountainous parts south of the Sava and the Danube. This plain is a natural barrier which separates mountainous parts of Serbia from the central European mountains preventing direct mixture of their faunas. However, the mountains of eastern Serbia are linked to the mountains of central Europe via the mountains of the Dinarides and the Alps, which to a certain extent open routes to migrations of the species between the mountains of central Europe and the Balkans. Between the Balkan-Carpates arch of mountains in the north-eastern part and the Dinarides in the west, there are old Rodopes which stretch from the southeast. As a consequence of all abovementioned, certain regions of the Balkans are inhabited by Trichoptera fauna, which has a considerable percentage of endemic species, many of which occur in a very small area. Also, it has been found that many endemic species of the Dinarides are closely related to endemic species of the Carpathians and that these species are allopatric (Marinkovia-Gospodnetia, 1978). Since the publication of the first list of Trichopteran fauna in 1980 (Marinkovia-Gospodnetia 1980), research on Trichoptera, primarily larvae, has undergone intensification in Serbia. This has contributed significantly to our understanding of 56 Ivana Aivia, Zoran Markovia, Miloje Brajkovia: Contribution to the faunistical list of Trichoptera (Insecta) of Serbia the relationships of families, genera, and species. Specimens were collected in western, eastern and southeastern parts of Serbia from springs (from 1989 to 1996), rivers and brooks (the fletinja river in 1988, the Kriveljska river in 1995, the Kolubara, Obnica, Jablanica and Gradac rivers and the river Banja from 1991 to1995; the Kudooki and Jelenaoki brooks from 2000 to 2001). Trichoptera larvae were studied with the aid of keys for determination (Lepneva 1964, 1966; Sedlak 1980; Waringer and Graf 1997; Wallace et al., 2003). The results of these investigations were presented in the first faunistical list (the data from Simia 1993; Simia and Simia 2003; Martinovia-Vitanovia et al. 1998, and Paunovia, 2001 were also incorporated), where findings of 19 species new to the fauna of Serbia were reported, the total number of Trichoptera species then being 173 (Aivia et al. 2002). Since Serbia has a central position on the Balkans and four limnofaunistic zones meet in it, the study of Trichoptera fauna of Serbia may be a contribution to the knowledge of the history of the aquatic organisms on the Balkans and in the southeastern Europe. With this in mind, studies on Trichoptera, primarily larvae, were continued during the period of 1998-2003 in rivers of the watershed of the Southern Morava, where 92 species were found (Aivia 2005). Investigations were also carried out in highland streams of Serbia during the period of 2001-2004. Thus, 20 species were recorded in the Toplica river (Aivia et al. 2002a), 17 species in the Gazradska river and its tributaries (Aivia et al. 2004), six species in the Borkovaoki brook (Aivia et al. 2004a) and 14 species in the Treonjica river (Aivia et al. 2004b). There are also works dealing with the vertical distribution and range of Trichoptera larvae in rivers of Serbia (Aivia and Markovia 2005). Results and Discussion The revised checklist of the Trichoptera fauna of Serbia (Tab. 1) includes 19 families, 70 genera, and 186 species. In relation to the first list, the genera Chimarra, Melampophylax, and Oecetis are new to the fauna of Serbia. In the present list, the number of species found has risen to 186, which is a consequence of inclusion of 13 species of Trichoptera new to the fauna of Serbia (at the larval stage, indicated in the paper by an asterisk and filled diamond sign* ¦; the findings of these species need confirmation by collection of adults, which is planned in the future investigations): Rhyacophila torrentium Pictet, 1834; Rhyacophila glareosa McLachlan, 1867; Rhyacophila intermedia McLachlan, 1868; Glossosoma conformis Neboiss, 1834; Chimarra marginata Linnaeus 1767; Cyrnus flavidus McLachlan, 1864; Brachycentrus subnubilus Curtis, 1834; Ecclisopteryx madida McLachlan, 1867; Melampophylax mucoreus Hagen, 1861; Micropterna lateralis Stephens, 1874; Grammotaulius nigropunctatus Retzius, 1783; Oecetis testacea Curtis, 1834; Micrasema longulum McLachlan, 1876. Moreover, since publication of the previous list, larval forms of eight species have been found in addition to adults: Rhyacophila laevis Pictet, 1834; Wormaldia occipitalis Pictet, 1834; Cyrnus trimaculatus Curtis, 1834; Brachycentrus montanus Klapalek, 1892; Drusus biguttatus Pictet, 1834; 57 Acta entomologica slovenica, 14 (1), 2006 Limnephilus vittatus Fabricius, 1798; Stenophylax permistus McLachlan, 1895; Athripsodes aterrimus Stephens, 1836. Following revision, three species have been added to the previous list, namely Ryacophila stankovici Radovanovia, Potamophylax (Stenophylax) rotundipennis Brauer and Potamophylax latipennis Curtis, since unrecorded specimens of these species were in the meantime discovered in museum collections. The species Stenophylax latipennis has been eliminated from the list, due to insufficient data (finding date, author), as has the subspecies Stenophylax vibex speluncarum, due to erroneous determination, since two separate species (Stenophylax vibex Curtis and Stenophylax speluncarum McLachlan=S.meridiorientalis Malicky) were identified in the preserved material. Species Rhyacophila dorsalis Curtis, which do not inhabit territory of Serbia (Malicky 2004), was also deleted from the previous list and replaced with allopatric R. nubila Zetterstedt. Also, in comparison to the former list it can be seen that the species Potamophylax cingulatus was found only in larval stage. The species Polycentropus irroratus Curtis, Micropterna testacea Gmelin, Annitella obscurata Mac Lachlan, Beraea maurus Curtis, Thremma anomalum Mac Lachlan, Helicopsyche sperata Mac Lachlan, and Helicopsyche bacescui Orghidan et Botosaneanu were found only in the source region of five highland streams, i.e., these are forms that are characterized by a limited range of distribution in the fauna of Serbia and have the status of endangered species. Moreover, the first findings of the species Helicopsyche bacescui in rivers of the watershed of the Southern Morava define the southern and southeastern boundaries of the range of distribution of this species in Serbia. The western, southwestern, and northern boundaries of the range of this species in Serbia have not been clearly defined, whereas in Eastern Serbia the boundary is very sharp and represented by the watershed of the rivers Moravica and Svrljioki Timok. The greatest number of identified species of Trichoptera belong to the families Limnephilidae (33.69%) and Rhyacophilidae (13.90%), while the families with the least diversity are Hydroptilidae (three species, each found in only one locality); Lepidostomatidae, Helicopsychidae, and Odontoceridae (with two species each); and Ecnomidae, Phryganeidae, and Uenoidae (with one species each). The most widespread species in the fauna of Serbia are Hydropsyche angustipennis Curtis (found in 38 localities), Hydropsyche contubernalis McLachlan (44 localities) Hydropsyche pellucidula Curtis (55 localities), Anabolia nervosa Curtis (48 localities), Potamophylax cingulatus Stephens (40 localities), Potamophylax nigricornis Pictet (40 localities), Rhyacophila fasciata Hagen (48 localities), Rhyacophila nubila Zetterstedt (42 localities), Sericostoma personatum Spence (68 localities), Goera polosa Fabricius and Lithax niger Hagen (39 localities), and Polycentropus flavomaculatus Pictet (33 localities). The species from the family Baeridae were found in few localities in Serbia, the species Baera pullata Curtis being most frequent although it was recorded only in four localities. The family Leptoceridae is represented with 16 species, of which as many as 7 species were found in only one locality, while the most frequent species, Mystacides azurea Linné, was recorded in 9 localities. The family Uoenoidae occurs in all three zones, but only in 7 localities. 58 Ivana Aivia, Zoran Markovia, Miloje Brajkovia: Contribution to the faunistical list of Trichoptera (Insecta) of Serbia The family Hydropsychidae is the most widespread. From its 16 species only 4 are distributed only in one limnofaunistic zone, whereas only two species occur in one locality only. The family Goeridae is widely distributed in the area south of the Sava and Danube and is evenly distributed in limnofaunistic zones 5 and 7. The species Silo piceus Brauer from this family occurs in as many as 9 localities. In contrast to Hydropsychidae, the species from the family Goeridae have not been recorded in the zone 11. The same goes for the species from the family Philopotamidae; out of 6 found in the fauna of Serbia only Chimarra marginata Linnaeus is limited to limnofaunistic zone 7, while all others can be found in zones 5 and 7, while there are no species from the family Philopotamidae in the zone 11. The species Drusus serbicus Marinkovia is endemic in the fauna of Serbia (which is also endemic species in the zone 5; this species was found in one locality, in a tributary of the river Gloonice, on Mt. Zlatibor). The species Crunoecia bosniaca Marinkovia-Gospodnetia 1970, Rhyacophila bosnica Schmid 1970 and Rhyacophila vranitzensis Marinkovia et Botosaneanu 1967 are endemic species of the western part of the Balkans i.e. the limnofaunistic zone 5 (Illies, 1978). According to the Limnofauna of Europe (Botosaneanu and Malicky, 1978) the species Drusus botosaneanui Kumanski 1968, is an endemic species of the East Balkans, but the occurrence of this species in Serbia in localities belonging to the zone 5 (on Mt. Kopaonik in a spring of the Samokovska river and on Mt. Tara) changes this claim since in addition to Bulgaria the area of this species stretches westward to the river basin of the Drina. In the limnofaunistic zones 6 and 11 in Serbia a significantly smaller number of species was found. In the case of the zone 11, which covers similar area to the zones 5 and 7, a small number of recorded species is caused not only by poorly investigated Pannonian plain but also by specific types of habitats (slow and large rivers, ponds, channels and by-channels) which are characterized by smaller diversity of Trichoptera in comparison to the diversity of Trichoptera in hilly-mountainous regions dominating in the other three zones. Also, the fauna of Trichoptera in the zone 11 is characterized by small specificity as out of 15 species found only two were recorded only in this zone, 7 species were recorded in three zones (5, 6, 7), and one species, Hydropsyche pellucidula, in all four zones. Also, 4 species are common with the zone 7, while one species is common with the zone 6, which points to the greater similarity between the zones 11 and 7 than between 11 and 5. In the limnofaunistic zone 11, 30% of identified species belong to the family Hydropsychidae which has the greatest distribution and frequency in the fauna of Serbia. Having in mind the peculiar habitat in the zone 11 in comparison to the remaining part of Serbia we expect to find new species in the future which will confirm the specific Trichoptera fauna in this zone. A small number of species identified in the zone 6 is caused not only by a smaller area covering this zone in Serbia but also by the fact that it has been poorly investigated (Brodska River, Prizrenska Bistrica, area of Mt. Nerodimka on Kaoanik-Prizren stretch). However, a greater number of species are to be expected in this zone due to configuration of its terrain (because it is hilly-mountainous region) and very 59 Acta entomologica slovenica, 14 (1), 2006 small anthropogenic influence on its fauna. In contrast to the zone 11, the zone 6 has a very specific fauna of Trichoptera. Out of 14 species as many as 8 were found only in this zone, the families Limnephilidae with 6 and Rhyacophilidae with 4 species being the most frequent. The limnofaunistic zone 6 shows very small similarity to the zone 11 with which it has only one common species, while it is more similar to the zones 5 and 7 with which it has 5 and 4 common species, respectively. The limnofaunistic zones 5 and 7 are characterized by similar number of species - 121 and 131, respectively. The fauna of Trichoptera of these two zones is relatively specific because there are 41,22% (54 species) and 34,70% (42 species) which are met only in the zones 5 or 7, respectively. The characteristic families of the zone 7 are Leptoceridae and Brachycentridae. Namely, out of 16 species from the family Leptoceridae recorded on the territory of Serbia as many as 14 were found in the zone 7, out of which 8 were found only in the zone 7. All five species belonging to the family Brachycentridae recorded on the territory of Serbia were found in the zone 7, 4 of which inhabited the zone 7 alone. In addition, Ecnomus tenellus, the only species recorded from the family Ecnomidae, is found in this zone only. The limnofaunistic zone 5 differs from all other zones in the fact that the family Phryganeidae with the species Phryganea grandis occurs only in this zone. Although most of Trichopetera species in the Serbian fauna are common in Europe (Malicky, 2004), some frequently found species in the faunas of neighboring countries (Hungary, Nógrádi and Uherkovich 2002; Rumania, Ciubuc 1993, Botosaneanu 1995; and Bulgaria, Kumanski 1985, 1988) have not been found in our fauna. Those species are: Hydropsyche bulgaromanorum, Ceraclea dissimilis, Ceraclea alboguttata, Ceraclea senilis, Ceraclea riparia, Oligotricha striata, Chionophylax mindszenty, Oecetis ochracea, Oecetis lacustris, Oecetis furva, Oecetis notata, Setodes punctatus, Leptocerus tineformis, Agrypnia varia, Agrypnia pagetana, as well as species belonging to the family Hydroptilidae (Hydroptila lotensis, Hydroptila simulans, Hydroptila occulata, Orthotrichia striata, Orthotrichia tetensi, Orthotrichia costalis, Orthotrichia tragetti, Oxyerthira flavicornis, Agraylea sexmaculata, Agraylea sexmaculata). Absence of these species are probably the consequence of inadequate level of investigation of Trichoptera fauna from lower regions of Serbia, especially from larger rivers (investigations of these areas are planned in the near future), because the majority of present invesigations of Trichoptera were carried out in the rivers and brooks of the mountain-hill areas of Serbia. We note that in contrast to the previous list, families and species are given in accordance with the classification of European Trichoptera (Malicky, 2004). Within different families, genera and species are listed in alphabetical order, and species that have been found only at the larval stage are marked by an asterisk (*). 60 Ivana Aivia, Zoran Markovia, Miloje Brajkovia: Contribution to the faunistical list of Trichoptera (Insecta) of Serbia References Botosaneanu, L. and Malicky, H., 1978: Trichoptera. In: Illies, J. (eds) Limnofauna Europea, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, 333-359. Botosaneanu, L., 1995: Additional documents to the knowledge of the Trichoptera of Romania, with data on European taxa from outside of this country (Insecta: Trichoptera). - Faunistische Abhandlunglen (Dresden) 20 (6): 57-88. Ciubuc, C, 1993: Check list of Romanian Trichoptera (Insecta). Trav. Mus. His.nat. “Grigore Antipa”, Vol. XXXIII, 11-147. Illies, J., 1978: Limnofauna Europea, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, 532pp. Kumanski, K. P., 1985: Trichoptera, Annulipalpia. Fauna na Balgaria 15: 1-244. Kumanski, K. P., 1988: Trichoptera, Integripalpia. Fauna na Balgaria 19: 1-354. Lepneva, S.G., 1964: Ryoeinki-Trichoptera. Tom II. Vyp.1. Fauna SSSR. “Nauka”, Moskva-Leningrad, 558. Lepneva, S.G. 1966: Ryoeinki Trichoptera. Tom II. Vyp.6. Fauna SSSR. “Nauka”, Moskva-Leningrad, 560. Malicky, H. 2004: Atlas of European Trichoptera, Second Edition. Springer, Dordrecht, 359pp. Marinkovia-Gospodnetia, M., 1975: Fauna Trichoptera SR Srbije. Zbornik radova o entomofauni SR Srbije, 1, 219-236. Marinkovia-Gospodnetia, M., 1978: Some characteristris of the Yugoslavia fauna of Trichoptera. Proc. of the 2nd Int. Symp. on Trichoptera. Junk, the Hugue, 35- 40. Marinkovia-Gospodnetia, M. 1980: Fauna Trichoptera SR Srbije. Zbornik radova o fauni SR Srbije, 1, 71-84. 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Aivia, I., 2005: Faunistioka i ekolooka studija makrozoobentosa tekuaica sliva Juane Morave sa posebnim osvrtom na taksonomiju larvi Trichoptera (Insecta). Doktorska disertacija. Biolooki fakultet, Beograd, 508pp. Aivia, I., and Markovia, Z., 2005: Vertical distribution of larvae Trichoptera in mountain-hill running waters of Serbia. Archiv Biological Sciences, (in press). Received / Prejeto: 1. 3. 2006 62 Ivana Aivia, Zoran Markovia, Miloje Brajkovia: Contribution to the faunistical list of Trichoptera (Insecta) of Serbia Tab. 1: Checklist of Trichoptera of Serbia and their distribution in limnofaunistic zones 5, 6, 7 and 11. Species and families of Trichoptera LZ5 LZ6 LZ7 LZ11 FAMILY ECNOMIDAE 1. Ecnomus tenellusRambur, 1842. + FAMILY HYDROPSYCHIDAE 2. Cheumatopsyche lepida Pictet, 1834. + + + 3. Diplectrona atra McLachlan, 1878. + 4. Diplectrona felix McLachlan, 1878. + + 5. Hydropsyche angustipennis Curtis, 1834 + + + 6. Hydropsyche botosaneanui Marinkovia-Gospodnetia, 1966. + + 7. *Hydropsyche bulbifera McLachlan, 1878. + 8. *Hydropsyche contubernalis McLachlan, 1865. + + 9. Hydropsyche fulvipes Curtis, 1834. + + 10. Hydropsyche instabilis Curtis, 1834. + + 11. Hydropsyche modesta L Navas, 1925. + + + 12. Hydropsyche ornatula McLachlan, 1878. + + 13. Hydropsyche pellucidula Curtis, 1834. + + + + 14. Hydropsyche peristerica Botosaneanu et Marinkovia, 1966. + + 15. Hydropsyche saxonica McLachlan, 1884. + + 16. Hydropsyche tabacarui Botosaneanu, 1960. + 17. Hydropsyche tjederi Botosaneanu et Marinkovia, 1966. + FAMILY POLYCENTROPODIDAE 18. Cyrnus crenaticornis Kolenati, 1859. + 19. * + Cyrnus flavidus McLachlan, 1864. 20. Cyrnus trimaculatus Curtis, 1834. 21. Holocentropus stagnalis Albarda, 1874. 22. Neureclipsis bimaculata Linne, 1758. 23. Plectrocnemia conspersa Curtis, 1834. + 24. Plectrocnemia geniculata McLachlan, 1871. + 25. Plectrocnemia minima Klapalek, 1899. 26. Polycentropus excisus Klapalek, 1894. + 27. Polycentropus flavomaculatus Pictet, 1834. + 28. *Polycentropus irroratus Curtis, 1835. + + + + + + + + + + + + 63 Acta entomologica slovenica, 14 (1), 2006 Species and families of Trichoptera FAMILY PSYCHOMYIIDAE 29. Lype reducta Hagen, 1860. 30. Psychomyia klapaleki Malicky, 1995. 31. Psychomyia pusilla Fabricius, 1781. 32. Tinodes pallidulus McLachlan, 1878. 33. Tinodes rostocki McLachlan, 1878. 34. Tinodes unicolor Pictet, 1834. FAMILY GLOSSOSOMATIDAE 35. *Agapetus fuscipes Curtis, 1834. 36. Agapetus laniger Pictet, 1834. 37. Agapetus ochripes Curtis, 1834. 38. Agapetus slavorum Botosaneanu, 1960. 39. Glossosoma bifidum McLachlan, 1879. 40. Glossosoma boltoni Curtis, 1834. 41. *¦ Glossosoma conformis Neboiss, 1834. 42. Glossosoma discophorum Klapalek, 1902. 43. Syngapetus iridipennis McLachlan, 1902. 44. Syngapetus krawanyi Ulmer, 1938. FAMILY HYDROPTILIDAE 45. *Agraylea multipunctata Curtis, 1834. 46. *Hydroptila sparsa Curtis, 1834. 47. *Hydroptila vectis Curtis, 1834. FAMILY LEPTOCERIDAE 48. Adicella balcanica Botosaneanu et Novak, 1965. 49. Adicella filicornis Pictet, 1834. 50. Adicella syriaca Ulmer, 1907. 51. Athripsodes (Leptocerus) aterrimus Stephens, 1836. 52. *Athripsodes albifrons Linne, 1758. 53. Athripsodes bilineatus Linne, 1758. 54. Athripsodes commutatus Rostock, 1874. 55. Ceraclea annulicornis Stephens, 1836. 56. Leptocerus interruptus Fabricius, 1775. 57. Mystacides azurea Linne, 1761. 58. Mystacides longicornis Linne, 1758. 59. Mystacides nigra Linne, 1758. 60. *¦ Oecetis testacea Curtis, 1834. 61. Setodes hungaricus Ulmer, 1908. LZ5 LZ6 LZ7 LZ11 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 64 Ivana Aivia, Zoran Markovia, Miloje Brajkovia: Contribution to the faunistical list of Trichoptera (Insecta) of Serbia Species and families of Trichoptera FAMILY LEPTOCERIDAE 62. Triaenodes kawraiskii Martynov, 1909. 63. Ylodes simulans Tjeder, 1929. FAMILY ODONTOCERIDAE 64. Odontocerum albicorne Scopoli, 1763. 65. Odontocerum hellenicum Malicky, 1972. FAMILY BRACHYCENTRIDAE 66. Brachycentrus (Oligoplectrum) maculatum Fourcroy, 1785 67. Brachycentrus montanus Klapalek, 1892. 68. *¦ Brachycentrus subnubilus Curtis, 1834. 69. Micrasema minimum McLachlan, 1876. 70. Micrasema sericeum Klapalek, 1902. 71. Micrasema longulum McLachlan, 1876 FAMILY GOERIDAE 72. Goera pilosa Fabricius, 1775. 73. Lithax obscurus Hagen, 1859. 74. *Lithax niger Hagen, 1859. 75. *Silo nigricornis Pictet, 1834. 76. Silo pallipes Fabricius, 1781. 77. Silo piceus Brauer, 1857. FAMILY LEPIDOSTOMATIDAE 78. Lasiocephala basalis Kolenati, 1848. 79. *Lepidostoma hirtum Fabricius, 1775 80. Crunoecia bosniaca Marinkovia-Gospodnetia, 1970. 81. Crunoecia kempnyi Morton, 1901. FAMILY LIMNEPHILIDAE 82. Allogamus auricollis Pictet, 1834. 83. Allogamus uncatus Brauer, 1857. 84. Anabolia furcata Brauer, 1857. 85. Anabolia nervosa Curtis, 1834. 86. *Annitella obscurata McLachlan, 1876. 87. Annitella triloba Marinkovia, 1955. LZ5 LZ6 LZ7 LZ11 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 65 Acta entomologica slovenica, 14 (1), 2006 Species and families of Trichoptera FAMILY LIMNEPHILIDAE 88. Chaetopteryx cissylvanica Botosaneanu, 1960. 89. Chaetopteryx regulosa schmidi Botosaneanu, 1957. 90. Chaetopteryx stankovici Marinkovia, 1966. 91. Chaetopteryx villosa Fabricius, 1798. 92. Chaetopteroides maximus Kumanski, 1968. 93. Drusus annulatus Stephens 1837. 94. Drusus biguttatus Pictet, 1834. 95. Drusus botosaneanui Kumanski, 1968. 96. Drusus discolor Rambur, 1834. 97. Drusus discophorus Radovanovia, 1942. 98. Drusus serbicus Marinkovia, 1971. 99. Drusus trifidus McLachlan, 1868. 100. Eccliopteryx guttulata Pictet, 1834. 101. *+Ecclisopteryx madida McLachlan, 1867. 102. Glyphotaelius pellucidus Retzius, 1783. 103. * ¦ Grammotaulius nigropunctatus Retzius, 1783 104. Grammotaulius nitidus Müller, 1764. 105. Halesus digitatus Schrank, 1781. 106. Halesus interpunctatus Zetterstedt, 1840. 107. Halesus tessellatus Rambur, 1842. 108. Hydatophylax infumatus McLachlan, 1865. 109. Limnephilus affinis Curtis, 1834. 110. Limnephilus auricula Curtis, 1834. 111. Limnephilus bipunctatus Curtis, 1834. 112. Limnephilus centralis Curtis, 1834. 113. Limnephilus extricatus McLachlan, 1865. 114. Limnephilus flavicornis Fabricius, 1787. 115. Limnephilus fuscicornis Rambur, 1842. 116. Limnephilus lunatus Curtis, 1834. 117. Limnephilus marmoratus Curtis. 118. Limnephilus petri Marinkovia, 1966. 119. Limnephilus rhombicus Linne, 1758. 120. Limnephilus sparsus Curtis, 1834. 121. Limnephilus vittatus Fabricius, 1798. 122. *+Melampophylax mucoreus Hagen, 1861. 123. Mesophylax impunctatus McLachlan, 1884. 124. Metanoea flavipennis Pictet 1834. LZ5 LZ6 LZ7 LZ11 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 66 Ivana Aivia, Zoran Markovia, Miloje Brajkovia: Contribution to the faunistical list of Trichoptera (Insecta) of Serbia Species and families of Trichoptera FAMILY LIMNEPHILIDAE 125. Micropterna (Stenophylax) sequax McLachlan, 1875 126. *¦ Micropterna lateralis Stephens, 1874. 127. Micropterna nycterobia McLachlan, 1875. 128. *Micropterna testacea Gmelin, 1798. 129. Parachiona picicornis Pictet, 1834. 130. Potamophylax (Stenophylax) luctuosus Piller et Mitterpacher, 1783 131. Potamophylax (Stenophylax) rotundipennis Brauer, 1857 132. *Potamophylax cingulatus Stephens, 1837. 133. Potamophylax latipennis Curtis, 1834. 134. Potamophylax nigricornis Pictet, 1834. 135. Potamophylax pallidus Klapalek, 1900. 136. Psilopteryx montana Kumanski, 1968. 137. Rhadicoleptus alpestris Kolenati, 1848. 138. Stenophylax mitis McLachlan, 1875. 139. *Stenophylax mucronatus McLachlan, 1880. 140. Stenophylax permistus McLachlan, 1895. 141. Stenophylax meridiorientalis Malicky, 1980. 142. Stenophylax vibex Curtis, 1834. FAMILY UENOIDAE 143. Thremma anomalum Mac Lachlan, 1877. FAMILY PHILOPOTAMIDAE 144. * + Chimarra marginataLinnaeus, 1767. 145. Philopotamus montanus Donovan, 1813. 146. Philopotamus variegatus Scopoli, 1763. 147. Wormaldia occipitalis Pictet, 1834. 148. Wormaldia pulla McLachlan, 1878. 149. Wormaldia subnigra McLachlan, 1865. FAMILY PHRYGANEIDAE 150. Phryganea grandis Linne, 1758. FAMILY RHYACOPHILIDAE 151. Rhyacophila aquitanica MaLachlan, 1879. 152. Rhyacophila balcanica Radovanovia, 1953. 153. Rhyacophila bosnica Schmid, 1970. LZ5 LZ6 LZ7 LZ11 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 67 Acta entomologica slovenica, 14 (1), 2006 Species and families of Trichoptera FAMILY RHYACOPHILIDAE 154. Rhyacophila evoluta McLachlan, 1879. 155. Rhyacophila fasciata Hagen, 1859. 156. Rhyacophila fischeri Botosaneanu, 1957. 157. Rhyacophila furcifera Klapalek, 1904. 158. *+Rhyacophila glareosa McLachlan, 1867. 159. Rhyacophila hirticornis McLachlan, 1879. 160. *+Rhyacophila intermedia McLachlan., 1868. 161. Rhyacophila laevis Pictet, 1834. 162. Rhyacophila loxias Schmid, 1970. 163. Rhyacophila nubila Zetterstedt, 1840. 164. Rhyacophila obiliterata McLachlan, 1863. 165. Rhyacophila obtusa Klapalek, 1894. 166. *Rhyacophila pascoei McLachlan, 1879. 167. *Rhyacophila philopotamoides McLachlan, 1879. 168. Rhyacophila polonica McLachlan, 1879. 169. *Rhyacophila praemorsa McLachlan, 1879. 170. Rhyacophila stankovici Radovanovia, 1931. 171. *+Rhyacophila torrentium Pictet, 1834. 172. Rhyacophila trescavicensis Boto., 1960. 173. Rhyacophila tristis Pictet, 1834. 174. Rhyacophila vranitzensis Marinkovia et Botosaneanu, 1967. 175. Rhyacophila vulgaris Pictet, 1834. FAMILY BERAEIDAE 176. *Beraea maurus Curtis, 1834. 177. Beraea pullata Curtis, 1834. 178. Beraeamyia schmidi Botosaneanu, 1960. 179. Beraeodes minutus Linne, 1761. 180. Ernodes articularis Pictet, 1834. FAMILY HELICOPSYCHIDAE 181. Helicopsyche bacescui Orghidan et Botosaneanu, 1953. 182. * Helicopsyche sperata McLachlan 1876. FAMILY SERICOSTOMATIDAE 183. Notidobia ciliaris Linnaeus, 1761. 184. Oecismus monedula Hagen, 1859. 185. Sericostoma flavicorne Schneider, 1845. 186. Sericostoma personatum Spence, 1826. LZ5 LZ6 LZ7 LZ11 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 68