STATISTIKA GRADBENIH IN UPORABNIH DOVOLJENJ ZA STAVBE, SLOVENIJA, 4. četrtletje 2003, ZAČASNI PODATKI STATISTICS OF BUILDING PERMITS AND SAFETY PERMITS, SLOVENIA, 4th quarter 2003, PROVISIONAL DATA V letu 2003 je bilo v Sloveniji izdanih 5 569 dovoljenj za gradnjo stavb. Skupna površina vseh načrtovanih stavb meri 2 235 327 m2 (za 6 % več kot v letu 2002). In 2003 there were 5,569 building permits issued in Slovenia. The total floor area of all planned buildings is 2,235,327 m2, which is 6% more than in 2002. Z izdajo gradbenih dovoljenj je bila v lanskem letu predvidena gradnja 6 160 stanovanj (za 14 % več kot leto prej). Delež stanovanj v družinskih hišah je bil tako kot vsa obdobja pred tem višji od deleža stanovanj v drugih stavbah; obsegal je 58 %. Povprečna površina predvidenih stanovanje je bila 115 m2. By issuing building permits, last year construction of 6,160 dwellings was planned, which is 14% more than in 2002. As in the previuos periods, the share of dwellings in family houses (58%) was higher than the share of dwellings in other buildings. The planned dwellings will have the average floor area of 115 m2. V lanskem letu je bilo v Sloveniji izdanih 688 uporabnih dovoljenj za stavbe, katerih skupna površina je obsegala 550 679 m2 ali za 1 331 m2 več kot leto prej. Med izdanimi uporabnimi dovoljenji je bilo 61 % dovoljenj za nestanovanjske stavbe. Last year 688 safety permits were issued for buildings with the total floor area of 550,679 m2 or 1,331 m2 more than in 2002. 61% of safety permits were issued for non-residential buildings. Slika 1: Gradbena in uporabna dovoljenja za stavbe, Slovenija, 4. četrtletje: 2001, 2002 in 2003 Chart 1: Building permits and safety permits, Slovenia, 4th quarter: 2001, 2002 and 2003 Slika 2: Gradbena dovoljenja za stanovanjske in nestanovanjske stavbe po vrstah del, (strukturni deleži), Slovenija, 2002 in 4. četrtletje 2003 Chart 2: Building permits for residential and non-residential buildings by type of works, Slovenia, 2002 and 4th quarter 2003 4. čtrl. 2001 4 quarter 2001th gradbena dovoljenja building permits uporabna dovoljenja safety permits 4. čtrl. 2001 4 quarter 2001th 4. čtrl. 2002 4 quarter 2002th 4. čtrl. 2002 4 quarter 2002th 4. čtrl. 2003 4 quarter 2003th 4. čtrl. 2003 4 quarter 2003th © SURS © S U R S 0 20 20 40 40 2002 2003 60 60 80 80 100 1000% nestanovanjske stavbe / non-residential buildings stanovanjske stavbe / residential buildings 20 40 60 80 1000 18. FEBRUAR 2004 18 FEBRUARY 2004 19 GRADBENIŠTVO CONSTRUCTION št./No 2 št./No 42 Statistične informacije, št. 42/2004 2 Rapid Reports No 42/2004 1. DOVOLJENJE ZA GRADNJO STAVBE BUILDING PERMIT 1.1 Novogradnja in povečava ter rekonstrukcija – prenova stavb, 4. četrtletje 2003 New construction, extension and conversion – improvement, 4th quarter 2003 Četrtletje Quarter Indeksi Indices 2003 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. 03 Ø 02 4. 03 3. 03 4. 03 4. 02 1.- 4. 03 1.- 4. 02 Skupaj Total število 5569 1246 1508 1470 1345 102,5 91,5 119,4 106,1 Number površina (m2) 2235327 460168 610928 587758 576473 113,8 98,1 118,0 110,4 Floor area of building (m2) prostornina (m3) 8150576 1691692 2239698 2081576 2137610 108,8 102,7 118,4 103,7 Volume of building (m3) Novogradnja in povečava New construction and extension število 5108 1135 1388 1335 1250 105,3 93,6 123,8 107,6 Number površina (m2) 1984714 407760 529431 528268 519255 113,4 98,3 114,9 108,3 Floor area of building (m2) prostornina (m3) 7163893 1492710 1900001 1872881 1898301 108,3 101,4 113,6 102,2 Volume of building (m3) Rekonstrukcija - prenova Conversion - improvement število 461 111 120 135 95 76,0 70,4 81,9 92,2 Number površina (m2) 250613 52408 81497 59490 57218 118,2 96,2 155,7 129,4 Floor area of building (m2) prostornina (m3) 986683 198982 339697 208695 239309 113,1 114,7 178,3 116,6 Volume of building (m3) 1.2 Stanovanjske stavbe, nestanovanjske stavbe in stanovanja, 4. četrtletje 2003 Residential buildings, non-residential buildings and dwellings, 4th quarter 2003 Četrtletje Quarter Indeksi Indices 2003 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. 03Ø 02 4. 03 3. 03 4. 03 4. 02 1.- 4. 03 1.- 4. 02 Stanovanjske stavbe Residential buildings število 3581 821 993 940 827 102,5 88,0 121,1 110,9 Number površina (m2) 1050132 211410 286597 281841 270284 121,8 95,9 122,1 118,3 Floor area of building (m2) Nestanovanjske stavbe Non-residential buildings število 1988 425 515 530 518 102,6 97,7 116,9 98,4 Number površina (m2) 1185195 248758 324331 305917 306189 107,6 100,1 114,6 104,1 Floor area of building (m2) Stanovanja Dwellings število 6160 1233 1723 1663 1541 114,5 92,7 117,0 114,4 Number površina (m2) 706637 145870 197132 191001 172634 112,9 90,4 119,7 115,6 Useful floor space (m2) Statistične informacije, št. 42/2004 Rapid Reports No 42/2004 3 2. UPORABNO DOVOLJENJE ZA STAVBO SAFETY PERMIT 2.1 Novogradnja in povečava ter rekonstrukcija - prenova stavb, 4. četrtletje 2003 New construction, extension and conversion - improvement, 4th quarter 2003 Četrtletje Quarter Indeksi Indices 2003 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. 03Ø 02 4. 03 3. 03 4. 03 4. 02 1.- 4. 03 1.- 4. 02 Skupaj Total število 688 150 207 141 190 100,0 134,8 99,0 90,6 Number površina (m2) 550679 98479 169679 116260 166261 121,1 143,0 101,1 100,2 Floor area of building (m2) prostornina (m3) 2150776 447314 591014 480648 631800 108,3 131,4 83,8 92,2 Volume of building (m3) Novogradnja in povečava New construction and extension število 537 107 158 114 158 111,3 138,6 106,0 94,7 Number površina (m2) 471441 62566 150209 103389 155277 128,2 150,2 104,2 97,3 Floor area of building (m2) prostornina (m3) 1842964 281935 525370 439033 596626 115,5 135,9 85,3 89,2 Volume of building (m3) Rekonstrukcija - prenova Conversion - improvement število 151 43 49 27 32 66,7 118,5 74,4 78,6 Number površina (m2) 79238 35913 19470 12871 10984 67,7 85,3 71,0 122,1 Floor area of building (m2) prostornina (m3) 307812 165379 65644 41615 35174 52,7 84,5 64,7 115,3 Volume of building (m3) 2.2 Stanovanjske stavbe, nestanovanjske stavbe in stanovanja, 4. četrtletje 2003 Residential buildings, non-residential buildings and dwellings, 4th quarter 2003 Četrtletje Quarter Indeksi Indices 2003 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. 03 Ø 02 4. 03 3. 03 4. 03 4. 02 1.- 4. 03 1.- 4. 02 Stanovanjske stavbe Residential buildings število 154 15 59 33 47 151,6 142,4 142,4 125,2 Number površina (m2) 109503 9154 53418 24465 22466 79,3 91,8 66,3 96,7 Floor area of building (m2) Nestanovanjske stavbe Non-residential buildings število 534 135 148 108 143 89,9 132,4 89,9 84,0 Number površina (m2) 441176 89325 116261 91795 143795 131,9 156,6 110,1 101,2 Floor area of building (m2) Stanovanja Dwellings število 922 68 406 236 212 81,2 89,8 65,4 88,3 Number površina (m2) 68409 6344 29636 16594 15835 89,7 95,4 76,7 96,8 Useful floor space (m2) Statistične informacije, št. 42/2004 4 Rapid Reports No 42/2004 METODOLOŠKA POJASNILA METHODOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS Namen statističnega raziskovanja The purpose of the statistical survey je pridobitev statističnih podatkov o gradbeni dejavnosti za visoko gradnjo na osnovi gradbenih in uporabnih dovoljenj, ki jih je izdal upravni organ. Vsako od omenjenih dovoljenj spremljamo posebej. is to obtain statistical data on construction activity for buildings on the basis of building permits and safety permits issued by the administrative body. Each of the two permits is followed separately. Podatki so pomembni za : Data are important for: – statistično spremljanje kratkoročnega gibanja v gradbeni dejavnosti, – statistical monitoring of short-term changes in the construction activity, – pregled nad posegi v prostor, – review of interventions into living space, – poslovno odločanje v gradbeni dejavnosti in z njo povezanih dejavnostih industrijske proizvodnje, – business decision-making in construction and linked industrial production activities, – mednarodne primerjave. – international comparisons. Enota opazovanja Observation units so vsi objekti stavbe, za katere je upravna enota izdala gradbena ali uporabna dovoljenja. Razvrščanje gradbenih objektov na stavbe in gradbene inženirske objekte opredeljuje Klasifikacija gradbenih objektov (CC), ki jo je Statistični urad RS izdal kot metodološko gradivo, pri čemer ločujemo gradnjo po vrstah del, kot jo opredeljuje Zakon o graditvi objektov (Ur. l. RS št. 110/2002). are all buildings for which the local government unit issued building permits or safety permits. Classification of constructions into buildings and civil engineering works is determined by the Classification of Types of Constructions (CC), which was published by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia as a methodological material. We distinguish construction by types of work as determined by the Law on Construction (OJ RS, No.110/2002). Viri Sources Podatke pridobimo na osnovi mesečnih raziskovanj Poročilo o dovoljenju za gradnjo stavbe (GRAD-PGD/M) in Poročilo o uporabnem dovoljenju stavbe (GRAD-PUD/M). Obe raziskovanji izvajamo od leta 1998. Vir podatkov je dokumentacija projekta za pridobitev gradbenega dovoljenja, s katero razpolaga oddelek za okolje in prostor v okviru upravnega organa. Data are obtained with monthly surveys Report on Building Permits (GRAD-PGD/M ) and Report on Safety Permits (GRAD-PUD/M). Both surveys have been carried out since 1998. The source of data is the project documentation for obtaining the building permit, which is available at the department for environment and spatial planning within the administrative body. Zajetje Coverage V to statistično raziskovanje so zajete vse stanovanjske in nestanovanjske stavbe, za katere je v opazovanem obdobju upravna enota izdala gradbeno ali uporabno dovoljenje (za novogradnjo, povečavo ali rekonstrukcijo - prenovo). Pri povečavah stanovanjskih stavb ne upoštevamo prizidave sobe ali kakšnega pomožnega prostora. This statistical survey covers all residential and non-residential buildings for which the local government unit issued a building permit or a safety permit in the observed year (for new construction, extension and conversion- improvement). At extensions of dwellings we do not take into consideration extension of room or utility space. Definicije Definitions Gradbeno dovoljenje za stavbo je dovoljenje za gradnjo določene stavbe, ki ga investitorju izda upravni organ. Building permit is a permit for constructing a building, which is issued to the investor by the administrative body. Gradbeno uporabno dovoljenje za stavbo je dovoljenje za uporabo določene stavbe, ki ga investitorju izda upravni organ na osnovi opravljenega tehničnega pregleda. Safety permit is a permit for using a building, which is issued to the investor by the administrative body on the basis of a technical examination of the building. Objekti visoke gradnje ali stavbe so zgradbe s streho, ki se lahko uporabljajo kot samostojne enote; zgrajene so kot trajni objekti, vanje lahko osebe vstopajo in so primerne ali namenjene za zaščito ljudi, živali ali stvari. Buildings are roofed constructions that can be used separately, have been built for permanent purposes, can be entered by persons and are suitable or intended for protecting persons, animals or objects. Stanovanjske stavbe so zgradbe, od katerih se vsaj polovica skupne površine stavbe uporablja za stanovanjske namene. Če se za stanovanjske namene uporablja manj kot polovica skupne površine stavbe, se ta uvrsti k nestanovanjskim stavbam, in sicer po namembnosti, za katero je zasnovana. Residential buildings are constructions at least half of which is used for residential purposes. If less than half of the overall useful floor area is used for residential purposes, the building is classified under non- residential buildings in accordance with its purpose-oriented design. Nestanovanjske stavbe so zgradbe, ki se v glavnem uporabljajo ali so pretežno namenjene za nestanovanjske namene. Če se vsaj polovica skupne površine stavbe uporablja v stanovanjske namene, se stavba uvrsti k stanovanjskim stavbam. Non-residential buildings are constructions that are mainly used or intended for non-residential purposes. If at least half of the overall useful floor area is used for residential purposes, the building is classified as a residential building. Novogradnje so na novo zgrajeni objekti, in sicer na lokacijah, kjer so objekti že stali, pa so bili porušeni, kot tudi na lokacijah, kjer pred gradnjo A new construction is a newly-built structure built on a location previously cleared by demolition or on a location where there was no Statistične informacije, št. 42/2004 Rapid Reports No 42/2004 5 ni bilo drugih objektov. Med novogradnje štejemo tudi povečave objektov v vodoravni in navpični smeri. previous structure. New construction works include extensions of existing structures, both horizontally and vertically. Rekonstrukcija - prenova je sprememba namena ali velikosti stavbe z namenom pridobitve novih poslovnih prostorov oz. enega ali več stanovanj. Conversion - improvement is change of purpose or size of the building with the intention to obtain new business premises or one or more dwellings. Površina stavbe obsega vsoto površin vseh etaž stavbe, ki jo določa veljaven tehnični predpis. Floor area of buildings is the sum total of floor area of all storeys of the building defined by the valid technical regulation. Prostornina stavbe obsega vsoto prostornin vseh etaž stavbe, ki jo določa veljaven tehnični predpis. Volume of building is the sum total of the volume of all storeys of the building defined by the valid technical regulation. Stanovanje je vsaka gradbeno povezana celota, ki je namenjena za nastanitev in ima eno ali več sob z ustreznimi pomožnimi prostori (kuhinjo, shrambo, kopalnico, straniščem) ali je brez njih ter ima vsaj en posebni vhod. A dwelling is any structurally unified whole intended for residence, with one or more rooms, with or without appropriate utility spaces (kitchen, larder, hallway, bathroom, toilet) and with at least one separate entrance. V podatku o številu stanovanj upoštevamo stanovanja za stalno bivanje, stanovanja za občasno bivanje (npr. počitniška stanovanja) in stanovanja v skupinskih stanovanjskih stavbah (npr. domovi za ostarele, študente, delavce itd.). The number of dwellings for permanent residence, dwellings for occasional residence (e.g. weekend cottages) and dwellings in collective accommodation facilities (e.g. old people's homes, student residence, etc.) V površini stanovanja je upoštevana uporabna površina sob, kuhinje in drugih pomožnih prostorov, površina zaprtih teras in verand ter površina pod vgrajenimi omarami. Površine kleti, podstrešja (neprimernega za stanovanje), skupnih prostorov v večdružinskih hišah niso upoštevane. The useful floor area of a dwelling covers the usable area of the rooms, kitchen and other auxiliary interiors, the area of enclosed terraces and verandas, and the area enclosed by fitted cupboards. The area of cellar, attic (unfit for a dwelling), collective areas in apartment houses not taken into consideration. Pojasnilo Explanation Četrtletni podatki so začasni, in sicer do objave končnih podatkov; te praviloma objavljamo julija naslednje leto. Četrtletne podatke med tem vse leto popravljamo in dopolnjujemo; popravke in dopolnitve vključujemo vanje po datumu prejema gradbenega in uporabnega dovoljenja. Pri končnih podatkih pa upoštevamo uradni datum izdaje gradbenega in uporabnega dovoljenja. Quarterly data are provisional until the final data are published, which is, as a rule, in June of the ensuing year. We are correcting and updating the quarterly data throughout the year. Corrections and updates are included by the date of the receipt of the building or safety permits. In publishing the final data we take into consideration the official date of the issue of the building or safety permits. Sestavila / Prepared by: Rada Vujasin Izdaja, založba in tisk Statistični urad Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana, Vožarski pot 12 - Uporaba in objava podatkov dovoljena le z navedbo vira - Odgovarja generalna direktorica mag. Irena Križman - Urednica zbirke Statistične informacije Avguština Kuhar de Domizio - Slovensko besedilo jezikovno uredila Ivanka Zobec - Angleško besedilo jezikovno uredil Boris Panič - Tehnični urednik Anton Rojc - Naklada 115 izvodov - ISSN zbirke Statistične informacije 1408-192X - ISSN podzbirke Gradbeništvo 1408-9300 - Informacije daje Informacijsko središče, tel. (01) 241 51 04 - El. pošta: - Edited, published and printed by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Vožarski pot 12 - These data can be used provided the source is acknowledged - Director-General Irena Križman - Rapid Reports editor Avguština Kuhar de Domizio - Slovene language editor Ivanka Zobec - English language editor Boris Panič - Technical editor Anton Rojc - Total print run 115 copies - ISSN of Rapid Reports 1408-192X - ISSN of subcollection Construction 1408-9300 - Information is given by the Information and Documentation Centre of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, tel.: +386 1 241 51 04 - E-mail: -