ELEKTROTEHNI ˇ SKI VESTNIK 90(5): 237–246, 2023 ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPER A Power-On Reset Circuit for an Integrated Inductive Encoder ˇ Zan Hedˇ zet Kostajnˇ sek 1, † , Matija Podhraˇ ski 2 , Aleksander Seˇ sek 1, 2 1 Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Trˇ zaˇ ska ulica 25, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 2 RLS Merilna tehnika d. o. o., Poslovna cona ˇ Zeje pri Komendi, Pod vrbami 2, 1218 Ljubljana, Slovenia † E-mail: zan.hedzetkostajnsek@gmail.com Abstract. A power-on reset circuit (POR) with two threshold voltages VTH,LOW and VTH,HIGH separated with a hysteresis is designed. The circuit has an additional brown-out reset (BOR) functionality designed to detect outbursts with a minimum surface area of 100nVs and an ability to produce a startup prolonged reset pulse for the voltage rise times from 10 − 12 s to 10 − 8 s. The circuit has a 34.66µA quiescent current and reaches a maximum current spike of 191.35µA . Although the circuit is designed to operate at a power-supply rise and fall times in the ranges from 10µs to 20µs , additional transient analyses are performed to define its response in the range of 12 decades (from 1ps to 1s). Moreover, both the corner and Monte Carlo analysis at a 16µs supply rise time are performed. The area of the circuit implementation for the XFAB 350nm process is 300.450µm x 95.475µm . Keywords: application-specific integrated circuit, power-on reset, brown-out reset, integrated inductive encoder Vezje za nastavitev ob vklopu napajanja (POR) za integrirani induktivni enkoder Predstavljen je razvoj vezja za nastavitev ob vklopu napajanja POR (ang. power-on reset) z dvema pragovnima napetostima VTH,LOW in VTH,HIGH , loˇ cenima s histerezo. Vezju je dodana funkcionalnost ponastavitve ob napaki napajanja BOR (ang. brown-out reset) zasnovana za zaznavanje napajalnih izpadov z minimalno povrˇ sino 100 nVs in z zmoˇ znostjo vz- postavitve zagonskega ponastavitvenega pulza za ˇ case vzpona napajalne napetosti od10 − 12 s do10 − 8 s. Vezje dosega delovni tok 34.66µA in maksimalni tok 191.35µA . Kljub temu, da je vezje zasnovano za ˇ case vzpona in padca napajalne napetosti od 10 µs do 20 µs , so izvedene dodatne tranzientne analize za doloˇ citev odziva v obmoˇ cju 12 dekad (od 1 ps do 1 s). Poleg tega so izvedene tudi analize corner in Monte Carlo pri ˇ casu dviga napetosti napajanja 16 µs . Povrˇ sina imple- mentacije vezja za proces XFAB 350 nm znaˇ sa 300.450 µm x 95.475 µm . 1 INTRODUCTION Analogue, digital and mixed-signal integrated circuits (ICs) are designed to function only in the determined supply voltage range. These are the operating voltage margins in which the circuit is designed to operate according to the specifications and are validated by performing simulations and measurements at wafer test. A successful simulation using power-supply variations Received 10 November 2023 Accepted 27 November 2023 ensures a deterministic behaviour of the fabricated de- vice. However, other non-ideal characteristics of the voltage supply, such as the rise time of the voltage on power-up and possible errors in the power system, also have to be accounted for to preserve the deterministic behaviour despite the exceeded voltage tolerances. These conditions are usually met by an appropriate circuit design within IC which triggers a control pulse when the power-supply conditions are not suitable. An on- chip solution is used since the voltage from the off- chip supply voltage may vary substantially due to an unknown amount of the parasitic capacitance outside IC [2]. In the literature, the power-on reset (POR) signal is typically an output of a block which generates a signal of a certain duration on a specific voltage threshold during power-up. Its purpose is to hold digital and/or analogue blocks in reset for the settling time during power-on. On the other hand, a brown-out reset (BOR) generates a reset pulse when a certain threshold voltage is detected on a power line in case of a power-supply failure or at a power-off event. In some cases, both the duration and the magnitude of an event are determined in this circuit, therefore only a large current draw or an excessive supply noise can trigger a reset pulse in case of an error [1]. System [3] presents a novel method of a low-cost position encoder because both the integrated micro trans- formers as the sensing elements and analogue front- 238 HED ˇ ZET KOSTAJN ˇ SEK, PODHRA ˇ SKI, SE ˇ SEK end electronics for signal processing and demodulation are fabricated in a conventional commercially-available four-metal 350 − nm CMOS process. The previous implementation of the system is reported to achieve a linear resolution of 20µm with a steel and copper scale. 2 SYSTEM ANALYSIS Although system [3] consists of an analogue oscillator, the designed POR circuit is configured to initialize the delay in terms of a prolonged pulse only for short power-supply voltage-rise times. This ensures a robust operation in case of either a power-on voltage with an unexpectedly short rise time which tends to be unstable even after reaching 3. 3 V or a sudden power-supply voltage outburst. In case of the latter, a reset pulse of a known duration ensures a sufficient reset of the system. In case of typical power-supply voltage-rise times, the function of the prolonged reset is later initialized in circuits needing it (such as the oscillator). Figure 1. Superficial operation demonstration. The POR and BOR functionality are initialized as a V TH,HIGH and V TH,LOW threshold-voltage detection. The voltages are set apart with a hysteresis. In Figure 1, V TH,LOW andV TH,HIGH are indicated on the ordinate axis plotted by the abscissa, showing the time domain. A superficial operating principle of the circuit is shown with an input power-supply voltage (marked as V ddd in Section 2) and an output voltage (marked as V POR in Section 1). Upon voltage-supply power-up, the voltage with a positive slope of a constant value is applied rising from 0 V to 3. 3 V . The output of the circuit follows the power-supply voltage until the value crosses V TH,HIGH . At this point, the system is determined to be powered-up appropriately, therefore V POR is set to 0V releasing the reset signal. The second part of the shown period represents a standard power-down case. In this case, the supply voltage drops with the same negative slope. Crossing V TH,LOW indicates unstable operating conditions, therefore the output follows the supply voltage conducting the reset procedure. This is the state of a nominal system operation where the slopes correspond to a typical power-supply rise time (typically 16µs ) which can vary from 10µs to 20µs . In Section 3, the power-on sequence is indifferent to the one in Section 1. However, an error occurrence is demonstrated after that. In this case, a voltage drop caused by a brief high-current drain will first trigger a POR output reset (demonstrated in Section 4) upon the power supply negative slope. After that, a prolonged reset will be triggered upon the power-supply voltage with a positive slope (assuming that the slope is steep enough). Figure 2. System tolerances. The switching voltage points are set apart by a hys- teresis which ensures two fundamental tasks. Firstly, os- cillations of the output are prevented in a non-monotonic supply-voltage event. This may be caused either by the noise of the power supply or any sudden current drain. In such case, the purpose of the hysteresis is to allow the evaluation of a reset logic switch even in such non-ideal voltage-flow circumstances (a similar approach is taken in Power-On Reset and Related Supervisory Functions [4] but with only one threshold voltage). Secondly, by considering both the voltage-source tolerances and nominal-system operating-voltage range when designing the hysteresis, both the wider voltage- source tolerances and additional precautions for abiding an erroneous system operation can be applied. Figure 2 examines the instance in which the hysteresis is set to perform the described operation. Both the system and power-supply tolerances are displayed besides the hysteresis tolerances of V TH,LOW and V TH,HIGH . The tolerance of V TH,LOW is set to the lowest value corresponding to the lowest value of the system-supply tolerance, guaranteeing a reset trigger for lower voltages. On the other hand, the upper limit at A POWER-ON RESET CIRCUIT FOR AN INTEGRATED INDUCTIVE ENCODER 239 Figure 3. Proposed circuit. V TH,LOW sets the minimum tolerances for the noise. The V TH,HIGH tolerance is set to the highest edge, matching the lowest edge of the original power-supply tolerance, whereas clearing the reset on its lower edge still guarantees a stable operation. 3 PROPOSED CIRCUIT Figure 4. First segment. The design of the proposed circuit is shown in Figure 3. The circuit is designed in the XFAB 350nm technol- ogy. The voltage detection and hysteresis are achieved by preventing the selected transistors from entering the saturation region. This is done by limiting either their U DS and U GS or I D . I DS,M 11 = V ddd − V GS,M 11 R (1) I DS = µ 0 C ox 2 W L (2) (V GS − V Tn ) 2 h 1 +λ (V DS − (V GS − V Tn )) i Firstly, the steady-state current is set with a simple current source consisting of an NMOS transistor in a diode configuration (M11) and two resistors (R1 and R2). At saturation, current I M11 is set by Eqs. (1) and (2) where R is the combined resistance of resistors R1 and R2, V Tn is the threshold voltage, λ is the modulation of the transistor channel length and C ox is the capacitance of the thin oxide. The diode voltage is then connected to the gate of the PMOS transistor with its drain connected to a resistor array (resistors fromR3 to R6). Both circuits (Figure 4) are designed so that the current flows even when the supply voltage isn not high enough for the band gap source to work properly. Upon power-up, the diode voltage (marked as vbn10u) on M11 rises rapidly and settles, whereas the current rises linearly from its diode knee voltage. However, the PMOS only switches from the cutoff region to the saturation region when the difference betweenV ddd and V vbn10u (the U DS of the PMOS) is high enough to act as a delayed voltage rise on a1. [7] The next part acts as an inverter with a positive feedback loop (Figure 5). In theory, only M7 with a pull-up resistor could be used. To lower the layout area, the resistor can be replaced by a enhanced load device consisting of an NMOS in a diode configuration. However, in this design, two PMOS transistors (M5 and 240 HED ˇ ZET KOSTAJN ˇ SEK, PODHRA ˇ SKI, SE ˇ SEK M6) are used with their gates connected to the ground through a resistor (R0). The length of the two transistors is halved to ensure a greater fabrication repeatability. The described configuration of the elements aroundM7 gives an output with a voltage rise until the voltage on theM7 gate is high enough to slowly and continuously switch the output to 0V . NMOSM8 is used to limit the current. The transistor acts as an NMOS current mirror connected toM11. The hysteresis is achieved by adding NMOS M9 which acts as a feedback loop and M10 current mirror for setting the feedback gain. Figure 5. Second segment. In saturation, transistors M8, M10, M4, M0 and M1 act as a voltage-driven current sources together withM1. The mirroring transistor pairs are of the same type to achieve the same threshold voltages, carrier mobility and channel modulation length. The same ef- fective channel lengths (L) are used since the threshold voltages and channel length modulations are dependent on this parameter. The current is calculated by dividing the paired I DS currents as this is done in Eq. (3) for transistors M11 and M8. The equation is further simplified by assuming that the transistor acts as an ideal current source. [7] N = I DS,M 8 I DS,M 11 (3) = W 8 W 11 1 +λ (V DS8 − (V GS8 − V Tn8 )) 1 +λ (V DS11 − (V GS11 − V Tn11 )) = W 8 W 11 . In the next stage, an inverter is implemented (transis- tors M2 and M3) with its output connected to a non- inverting Schmitt trigger (Figure 6). The inverter acts as a low-pass RC filter consisting of a capacitor (C0) and resistance which varies depending on the front of the signal. In case of 3. 3V on the inverter input (the connection marked asa1b), only the resistance of NMOS M3 in saturation is applied (the resistance is set to the Kilo Ohms region). In case of 0V on the inverter input, the current is first set with NMOS current mirror from M11 to M4 connected to a PMOS current source M0 with a current mirrorM1. In this case, the resistance is set to 500kΩ . Figure 6. Third segment. To a certain degree, the low-pass filter effects the hysteresis. Specifically, it shifts theV TH,HIGH threshold depending on its slope. Yet, the effect of the filter on V TH,LOW is less evident. This shortens the capacitor discharge times allowing the device both to respond to fast voltage drops and to properly set the circuit for the next power-on cycle (so that the capacitor does not store any charge from the previous cycle). To match the design requirements for the BOR and POR threshold voltages and power supply outburst detection, the capacitance of the capacitor is chosen accordingly. By assuming the circuit operation shown in Figure 7 with continuously falling V ddd , the cor- A POWER-ON RESET CIRCUIT FOR AN INTEGRATED INDUCTIVE ENCODER 241 Figure 7. BOR analysis. responding V a1b and V smtgi voltage courses are pro- posed and a mathematical model is set up. It is built as an RC circuit which approximates the large signal behaviour of the circuit around the capacitor C0. For the initial conditions at t > t M , the voltage on the capacitor (V smtgi ) follows the supply voltage whileV a1b (representing V gs3 ) is at V M . At t > t M , when M7 is expected to transit into the saturation region and assuming that V a1b = K ∗ V ddd , the capacitor starts discharging. To analyze the borderline conditions for BOR, the linear differential equation of the first order (Eq. (4)) and its solution (Eq. (5)) are proposed. The drain-source resistance can be approximated either by Eq. (6) or used directly in a differential equation (in a form of R = U DS /I DS ) in which case the equation is solved numerically. This is done in MATLAB ® where the Euler method is implemented according to Eq. (7) with the differential equation rearranged in a form of dy/dt =f(t,y). The solution is calculated by iteratively changing V ddd . For each iteration, t int is determined as the time at which V smtgi (t) crosses the lowest value at which an output switching is still possible (V min = V smtgi (t init )). Of all the solutions, the one corresponding to the steepest supply slope and meeting condition V smtgi (t init ) > V ddd (t init ) is determined as the BOR limit for a given capacitor value. POR and power supply outburst detection are determined by applying a similar analysis. du c dt + 1 RC u c = 0 (4) u c (t) =− V M · e − 1 τ · u(t) (5) R = 1 V Tn − V M V Tn Z V M V DS I DS dV DS (6) y n+1 =y n + ∆ t· f(t n ,y n ) (7) For a typical power-on slope, V TH,HIGH is set at 3. 1 V and for a minimum slope, V TH,HIGH is set at 3. 0 V . Steeper slopes activate higher V TH,HIGH voltages. Moreover, for the power-on rise times shorter than 11 us, the POR functionality is shifted to 3. 3V and for all shorter rise times, logical 1 is held for an extended period of time allowing the system to sufficiently stabilize. Figure 8. Schmitt trigger. The function of the filter is also to hold the output state in case of a noise applied to the power-supply voltage in an instance where the DC component of the signal matches either switching point. Between the filter and POR output, a signal- conditioning stage consisting of a Schmitt trigger and three inverters is implemented. The schematic of the non-inverting Schmitt trigger is shown in Figure 8. Its function is to set steep switching points. After that in- verterI1 steepens the slope for theV TH,LOW switching point and I2 steepens it for the V TH,HIGH switching point. I3 acts both as a buffer and a phase correction circuit. 242 HED ˇ ZET KOSTAJN ˇ SEK, PODHRA ˇ SKI, SE ˇ SEK 4 SIMULATIONS The designed circuit is simulated with the Cadence® Virtuoso®Analog Design Environment XL (part of Ca- dence®Virtuoso®version 6. 1. 8 − 64b). The transient, Corner and Monte Carlo analyses are performed in this step. 4.1 Transient analysis First, an analysis of the current consumption is per- formed. After the reset output is released and the sup- ply voltage stabilized at 3. 3 V , the circuit consumes 34. 96 µA . This is due to the high-voltage drops on resistors R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 and R6. To be specific, the current on R1 is 15. 69µA and the current on the source connection of M12 is 14. 34µA . Other branches with a significant current consumption areM6 andM0 with their currents of 2. 07µA and 2. 86µA , respectively. Figure 9. Transient analysis. The highest current consumption occurs at the power- supply threshold values. With the power-supply spike of 191. 35µA (at V ddd being V TH,HIGH ), the highest current is consumed by the Schmitt trigger (170. 54µA ) and inverters I2 and I3. Figure 9 shows the transient analysis results to val- idate the system activity. On both graphs, the time is plotted on the abscissa and the voltage amplitude on the ordinate. 3. 3V supply voltage (the top graph in Figure 9) is applied with a rise time of 16µs demonstrating typical power-on conditions. The POR output (the bottom graph in Figure 9) follows the supply voltage untilV TH,HIGH (3. 1V ) is reached. At 40µs , the response to an erroneous power-supply operation instance is demonstrated. The supply voltage drops to 0V with a fall time of 2µs and BOR is triggered at V TH,LOW ′ (2. 0V ). After that, a typical power-on and power-off are shown. Upon a power-off sequence, BOR is triggered at V TH,LOW (2. 1V ) after which it follows the power-supply voltage. With further transient analysis, threshold voltages V TH,LOW and V TH,HIGH and the delay feature occur- rence are analyzed. Figure 10. Low threshold voltage. Firstly, the V TH,LOW threshold-voltage dependency on the power-supply voltage fall time is examined. Figure 10 shows the simulated V TH,LOW values of the transient sweep with fall times from 1ps to 1s with 100 automatic test points plotted on a logarithmic scale. Threshold voltage detection V TH,LOW activates at the power supply-voltage fall times longer than 354. 5ns (where it activates the POR output at the threshold volt- age of 685. 86mV ). Longer fall times correspond to the higherV TH,LOW values with the limit at 2. 204V . With the power-supply voltage rise-time tolerances (described in Section 2),V TH,LOW reaches the values from 2. 164V to 2. 181V . Figure 11. High threshold voltage. Moreover, the BOR functionality is examined for the fall times shorter than 354. 5ns was examined. Although the reset upon the power-supply voltage drop to 0V does not work, the BOR circuit still preserves part of its functionality. The capacitor is sufficiently discharged for the power-supply outbursts with the surface areas above 100nVs. At the outbursts with the lower surface area, the POR functionality is therefore abolished. Secondly, the V TH,HIGH threshold-voltage depen- dency on the power-supply voltage rise time is exam- ined. Figure 11 shows the simulated V TH,HIGH values in the transient analysis sweep with the rise times from A POWER-ON RESET CIRCUIT FOR AN INTEGRATED INDUCTIVE ENCODER 243 1ps to 1s with 100 automatic test points plotted on a logarithmic scale. By examining Figure 11 for the rise times above 11. 0µs , theV TH,HIGH logarithmically drops with its limit at 2. 524V . For the power-supply voltage fall time tolerances, V TH,HIGH reaches the values from 3. 30V to 3. 00V . Figure 12. Prolonged pulse width. Thirdly, the width and conditions for a prolonged reset pulse are determined with a simulation. The effects of this feature can be seen in Figure 11 where V TH,HIGH is at 3. 3V for the power-supply voltage rise times less than 11. 0µs . Figure 12 shows an explicit presentation of this feature. A transient simulation with a sweep of the power-supply voltage rise times from 1. 0ps to 11. 0µs with 100 test points is made. The width of the prolonged reset is measured as an elapsed time from the point at which POR output reaches 3. 3V upon power-up to the point at which POR passes 1. 8V upon the end of the prolonged pulse. With the rising power-supply rise times, the width of the prolonged reset falls. For power- supply voltage fall time tolerances, the width reaches the values from 194. 8ns to 0. 0ns. Lastly, the noise immunity is measured. Two sets of the transient measurements are performed in which the supply voltage is set right below the threshold voltages V TH,LOW and V TH,HIGH . At the DC voltages, a noise generator of 100 MHz is used. For each analysis, a sweep of noise-generator amplitude V pp is set, ranging from 0. 1V to 3. 3V . ForV TH,LOW , the noise immunity up to the amplitudes of 1. 75V pp and for V TH,HIGH the noise immunity up to amplitudes of 0. 4 V pp are confirmed. 4.2 Corner analysis The corner analysis is performed for the power-supply voltage rise and fall times of 10 us, 16 us and 20 us. To achieve that, corner simulations are added to a transient analysis with the sweep of the power-supply voltage rise and fall times of V TH,LOW , V TH,HIGH are measured. The parameters for the analysis are provided by X-FAB. From the list of the model groups, tm, wp and ws are selected. The simulations are performed at temperatures − 30 ◦ C, 27 ◦ C and 125 ◦ C. Nine corners are performed on three transient sweep simulations. Table 1. Threshold VTH,LOW corner analysis. PS normal min max 10µs 2. 164V 2. 086V 2. 212V 16µs 2. 177V 2. 099V 2. 226V 20µs 2. 181V 2. 104V 2. 230V Table 2. Threshold VTH,HIGH corner analysis. PS normal min max 10µs 3. 300V 3. 172V 3. 300V 16µs 3. 127V 2. 898V 3. 300V 20µs 3. 000V 2. 809V 3. 259V The simulation results are shown in Tables 1 and 2. They present the normal (with no corner analysis at 27 ◦ C), minimum and maximum values for each measurement. Table 1 presents the V TH,LOW corner analysis results. Table 2 presents the V TH,HIGH corner analysis results. 4.3 Monte Carlo analysis Figure 13. Gaussian Monte Carlo simulation. A Monte Carlo analysis is performed to determine the circuit tolerance to the process variations and statistical mismatch for the supply-voltage rise and fall times of 16 µs . Six transient analyses are performed, all with randomly generated model parameters. A special set of the device models provided by XFAB are used [6]. 244 HED ˇ ZET KOSTAJN ˇ SEK, PODHRA ˇ SKI, SE ˇ SEK Figure 14. Gaussian Monte Carlo simulation. Firstly, simulations of the process parameter variation are performed. In this step the Gaussian and uniform pa- rameter distribution are applied for both threshold volt- ages. The low-discrepancy sequence sampling method at 600 points is set for each of the four described combinations. Figure 15. Uniform Monte Carlo simulation. For the Gaussian parameter distributions at ± 3 σ (Figure 13) of the V TH,LOW threshold voltage, the mean deviation of 2. 17843V and standard deviation of 52. 3306mV are achieved. In Figure 14, the Gaussian parameter distribution at ± 3 σ is shown for the V TH,HIGH threshold voltage. Figure 16. Uniform Monte Carlo simulation. The mean and standard deviation are 3. 12888 V and 46. 6076mV respectively. For the uniform parameter distributions at ± 3σ (Fig- ure 15) of theV TH,LOW threshold voltage, the mean and and standard deviation are 2. 18173V and 91. 2106mV respectively. Figure 17. Gaussian Monte Carlo simulation. In Figure 16, a uniform parameter distribution at± 3σ is shown for theV TH,HIGH threshold voltage. The mean and standard deviation are 3. 13390V and 81. 8046mV respectively. Secondly, a statistical device matching is performed. The matching parameters included in the models are de- A POWER-ON RESET CIRCUIT FOR AN INTEGRATED INDUCTIVE ENCODER 245 rived from real measurements and are always Gaussian- distributed. The results of the simulation are set to± 3σ with the discrepancy sequence sampling method at 600 points [6]. Figure 17 shows the results of the simulation of the V TH,LOW threshold voltage. The mean and standard deviation are 2. 17658V and 6. 47846mV respectively. Figure 18. Gaussian Monte Carlo simulation. Figure 18 shows the results of the simulation of the V TH,HIGH threshold voltage. The mean and standard deviation are 3. 12661V and 12. 4166mV respectively. 5 LAYOUT Figure 19 shows the implementation of the circuit for the XFAB 350nm process. In order to reduce the mismatch, the current mirrors are placed in a close proximity [5]. Furthermore, the devices of the same type are placed in a P-type or an N-type Guard Ring. The area of the circuit implementation is 300. 450µm x 95. 475µm . Figure 19. Layout of the circuit. 6 CONCLUSION To assure a deterministic behaviour of the microelec- tronic systems, a circuit with a POR and BOR function- ality is implemented. A circuit with such functionality used for an integrated inductive encoder [3] is analysed and designed for implementation in the XFAB 350nm process. During the development process, the literature on the topic is analyzed ([1], [2] and [4]) to optimize the circuit operation. The designed circuit with a quiescent current of 34. 66µA and peak consumption of 191. 35µA has the two threshold voltages, i.e. 2. 2V and 3. 1V , separated by a hysteresis. The BOR circuit detects the voltage outbursts with a surface area above 100nVs. The BOR prolonged pulse is implemented (a reset lasting 2. 4µs for the voltage rise time from 10 − 12 s to 10 − 8 s). The circuit optimally operates at the power-supply voltage rise and fall times from 10µs to 20µs . The analysis is run for 12 decades of the power-supply transient conditions (from 1 ps to 1 s). The corner analysis is preformed for the optimal power-supply transient conditions. The Monte Carlo analysis for the process tolerance variations and statistical mismatch is run for a single transient condition. The area of the circuit implementation for the XFAB 350nm process is 300. 450µm x 95. 475µm . The functionality of the circuit can be further devel- oped to provide a BOR prolonged pulse with a longer period and precautions should be taken to reduce the size of the circuit. 7 ACKNOWLEDGMENT This project is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Social Fund. REFERENCES [1] A. Kalanti, L. Aaltonen, M. Paavola, M. Kamaraainen, M. Pulkkinen and K. 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Pleterˇ sek, ”Naˇ crtovanje analognih integriranih vezij v tehnologiji CMOS in BiCMOS,” 2nd edition, Zaloˇ zba FE, 2017. 246 HED ˇ ZET KOSTAJN ˇ SEK, PODHRA ˇ SKI, SE ˇ SEK ˇ Zan Hedˇ zet Kostajnˇ sek is a student at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia and a student associate at the Renishaw Slovenia ASIC design team (www.renishaw.si). At the recent 32nd International Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference he was a co-author focusing on the ASIC design and Electromagnetic Compatibility. Matija Podhraˇ ski received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia in 2016. He is currently working as the principal engineer for integrated circuits at RLS Merilna tehnika d. o. o. (www.rls.si). Aleksander Seˇ sek received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia in 2008 and became an assistant professor. He is currently working as an ASIC design engineer at RLS Merilna tehnika d. o. o. (www.rls.si).