y j6iPo-qt , A . ■ tv\€rii dormovtn v mi ij\p(L ^.pcmtni' tanq fKiarmeo fin ©jo. j a ijweJo in stadkz pcjfni pn fa. ZARJA - THE DA WN (ISSN 0044-1848) Postmaster: Send all changes of address to : ZARJA — THE DAWN, 2032 W. Cermak Rd„ Chicago, IL 60608 NO. 5 MAY, 1985 VOL. 57 Member, Illinois f raternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women's Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske / veze. Published monthly except January. June cC August — izhaja vsak mesec raz.cn /amtar, /unij in avgust. Annual Subscription for non-members, $10.00 naročnina $10.00 letno za ne-Cianice. Publi.shen.SI.OI / V/ I N II (>\ll \ '.S' I \IO\(>l I Ml UK I 431 \o. Chicago.St.. Joliet. // 60432 telephone (XIšt 727-1026 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, II All communications [or the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the first week of the month — vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika motajo biti v rokah urednice do I. r mesecu. Kili tor. ( ONIWI 1l-.SKOl IR lil it (trial Office, 2032 I). Cermak IUI.. Chicago. II 606IIH Telephone <312) X47 667') AL PLANTAN’S GENUINE OLD-FASHIONED SLOVENIAN KLOBASE! We ship anywhere! 5 lbs.-$14 plus $3 Parcel Posl 10 lbs.-$26 plus $4 Parcel Post Order Now.. P.O. Box 304, DePue, 111. 61322 Phone (815) 447-2538 cp /• LVOLl En ter prises 6419 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 Telephone: 216 - 431 5296 Dictionaries in Slovene to English and English to Slovene - Newspapers and magazines from Slovenia - Slovene Study Course, an excellent learning aid with 12 audio cassettes and 3 books, cost $80 plus $3 handling and postage. For more information and to order, call or write - we will give you prompt attention. JENNIE ZAMAN, Proprietor DATES TO REMEMBER May I - WOMAN OF THE YEAR Party, Br. 95, So. Chicago, IL at Sacrcd Heart School hall, 6:30 p.m. May 2 - No. 2, Chicago, IL, Mass for Ailing Members, St. Stephen’s Church, 7 a.m. May 3 - No. 33, Duluth, MN, Mother of Year party at meeting May 5 - No. 19, Eveleth, MN, Dinner at Resurrection church hall, 1 p.m. May 5 - MOTHER OF YEAR PARTY, Br. 35, Aurora, MN, 2 p.m. May 5 - No. 38, Chisholm, MN at SND, 2 p.m. May 5 - No. 47, Garfield Hgts., OH, Lunch at Dimitri’s Restaurant, 1 p.m. May 6 - No. 23, Ely, MN, Party at Church hall May 6 - MOTHER OF THE YEAR Pot Luck Dinner, Br. 73, Warrensville Hgts., OH May 7 - MOTHER OF THE YEAR Dinner & Meeting, Br. 14, Cleveland, OH. Call Secretary, Donna Tome, 481-9374 May 8 - No. 21, West Park, OH at SND, 1 p.m. Cocktails at noon May 9 - No. 2, Chicago, IL, Mass 7 p.m. followed by party May 9 - No. 16, So. Chicago, IL, Dinner May 9 - No. 42, Maple Hgts., OH, Mass at 7:15 p.m. followed by lunch & Reception, St. Wen-ceslaus Church May 9 - No. 43, Milwaukee, Wl, Party 6:30 p.m. May 9 - No. 71, Strabane, PA, Covered-Dish party after meeting May 11 - No. 92, Gunnison, CO, Bake Sale May 14 - No. 25, Cleveland, OH, Dinner at Sterle’s May 15 - No. 32, Euclid, OH, Dinner May 15 - No. 54, Warren, OH, Luncheon, place to be announced May 19 - CARD PARTY, Br. 54, Warren, OH at St. James White Hall, 2 p.m. May 19 - No. 55, Girard, OH, Dinner, Chiefo’s Restaurant, 1 p.m. May 21 - No. 20, Joliet, IL, Party 7 p.m. May 21 - No. 57, Niles, OH, Dinner, Chiefo’s Restaurant May 25 - No. 21, West Park, OH, Mass for Members, St. Mary Annunciation Church, 5:30 p.m. June 2 - FOUNDERS MASS for living and departed members, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wl at 11:30 a.m. Same day meeting, and MOTHER OF THE YEAR Party, 1:30 p.m. June 13 - No. 2, Chicago, IL, Mass for Ailing Members, St. Stephen’s Church, 7 a.m. Independent ] ^PAVINGS I 1515 E. 260th, Euclid, Ohio 44132 731-8865 920 E. 185th, Cleveland, Ohio 44119 486-4100 2765 SOM Center Rd., Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44094 944-3400 27100 Chardon Rd., Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 944-5500 Rev. Athanasius Lovrenčič, O. F. M. Mother The month of May brings warmth, flowers, sunshine; what sunshine is for nature, mother is for the family. When God created the first man, He decided that future generations will come into this world as little children, and that mother will be the instrument that will bring them into this life, and that she will be the one who will take care of the children in the early stage of life. God blessed mothers with love. Here we have in mind mothers who consider children as God’s gift and not as a burden that should be removed. It is a great honor to be an instrument in the creating hand of God, but at the same time it is a great sacrifice. Only mothers who are prepared for sacrifice will be good mothers. This is true especially today when so many children go astray and forget the sacrifice of their parents. Many times parents must watch with disappointment as their children get ruined physically and spiritually. We hear about the heroic deeds of mothers of the past; in our Union we have a long line of mothers we can be proud of. Thank God, there are still heroic women, who are not afraid of the challenge to be good mothers. We cannot even start talking about solving the problems that beset our families without a good mother in the home. But where there is a mother who realizes that much - we are tempted to say - everything, depends on her, there is home. Mother’s Day reminds us to be grateful to our mothers for all they did for us, and are still doing. Even mothers who are in eternity do not cease to pray for us till all of us are reunited in heaven. Then, Mother’s Day reminds us of a great need for good mothers. In years past we seldom heard about abandoned and abused children; this is today’s every day story. How did our organization get started? Because our pioneers felt they should help those who needed help, because they were mothers, mothers with good hearts. On Mother’s Day we thank God for our mothers and at the same time ask the Almighty for many women who will have among their goals, the main goal: to be a good mother. Robin and Marion Marolt al llu- Bowlin); Tourney St. Mary of Holy Hill - SVETOGORSKA MARIJA The President's Message Greetings, this beautiful month we honor our Blessed Mother and remember our own, whether living or deceased. Many songs and verses have been written to honor Mary, yet a single Hail Mary is our direct appeal to her. Best wishes to members selected by branches for special honors. I was not able to attend the annual board meetings last month and asked Cirila Kermavner our vice president to represent me. The reports will be published next time in Zarja. Our main concern is to increase membership. Hopefully, all will make an effort in this direction. Some branches have done well in enrolling new members, a tribute to their zeal. Of course, many are in areas that present difficulties in this matter — all you can do is try. The weather in Arizona has been very pleasant, compared with other areas, so one Sunday we visited the zoo, an attraction lor adults, as well as children. Because of the arid condition of the land, many waterfalls and small ponds have been placed in strategic places for the animals to enjoy. The park is extensive and conductive to leisurely meandering. The palm trees and saguaro cactus are everywhere and flowers grow abundantly all through the park. Some of our young people will be graduating from schools and colleges, to them go best wishes for success in their future endeavors. They are our future. For our brides, I wish a happy future and abundant love and understanding in their new lives. Also, this, month, our birthday and anniversary celebrants are thought of in special prayers for good wishes, health and happiness. Many of our members and friends are ailing and housebound. Let’s make a special effort to visit them or remember them with a card and our prayers. I want to thank all who have sent cards and good w'ishes to my husband during his recent hospital stay. For our deceased, especially our mothers, we ask God’s mercy in keeping them secure in His heavenly abode. May God Walk With You! Mary Muller Greetings from Your Youth Director Congratulations to all the Mothers of the Year honored in this issue of ZARJA and also the rest of you out there! It’s a special day and well-deserved. During these troubled and confusing times, it has become more important to reinforce our thinking on the stature and value of this important vocation. You just can’t put a price tag on the value of a good Christian mother. I want to apologize for an error in last month’s ZARJA. 1 was given credit for the translation of Fran Šaleški Finžgar’s, Velika Noč! Vesela Aleluja! My dear friend, Anna Tushar, from Gilbert, should be given credit for the translation. She is a member of Br. 31 and conducts a Slovenian language class for people in our area and is a very gracious lady. Thanks, Anna! 1 was privileged to attend the S.W.U. Board of Directors’ meeting in Joliet where many new ideas were exchanged and decisions made for the betterment of the organization. We are fortunate to have so many sincere and dedicated people on our Board who are willing to listen to all sides and have the best interest of all of you. A “special thanks” to Olga and Ed Ancel for their willingness to put up with us in their home. What a breath of fresh air it was to receive a card all the way from Iceland from S.W.U. member, Patricia Celebcigel. She offered her services as an art teacher. Isn’t that just great? Patricia, please use your talents in whatever way you can to enhance our ZARJA. Maybe you could write something about your life in Iceland. Would your daughter be willing to contribute something for our junior page? I am making an appeal to all former scholarship winners to send us a little write up on your whereabouts and accomplishments since graduating from college. Don’t you think it would be a nice way of showing your appreciation for the help given to you? And, think what an inspiration it might be to junior members who are starting to formulate their own career plans. ANNA HODNIK (Lčmmižč NO. 2, CHICAGO, II. Our March meeting was short, with the hall filled with members and guests. Business on hand was quickly taken card of. Mary Tomazin’s passing was remembered with the flag draped in purple. Fran read a memorial to her, a eulogy beautifully done. Meeting then adjourned. St. Joseph tables were set, filled with foods of all sorts. The decorations and place-mats were beautiful. Fr. Vendelin gave the blessing and a prayer to St. Joseph was read. A surprise visit by Patrick McRabitt was a treat. He passed out gifts to each woman present, also hugging the women as he went along. An ice cream treat was then passed to each person. 130 women attended the meeting. The big surprise of the evening was a huge basket filled with birthday cards for our “Fran” who celebrated her birthday. A corsage was pinned on her and a beautiful cake was baked and presented by Jean Hrastar (Betty Crocker). Two gifts of plaques were presented to Fran, one from the members and one from her fellow officers. Once again we are approaching our annual “Zveza Day” picnic to be held on July 21st at l.emont. The festivities will begin with our annual Mass followed by our picnic, with plenty of music, games and delicious foods. Something for young and old. Come join us, a day to greet old friends and make new ones. Reminder: part of the picnic proceeds will go to the “Bishop Baraga” cause. Prizes are needed. The children of St. Stephen’s school had a retreat given by Mike Morison. Mike also gave a retreat to the school children of Holy Trinity. Sally Kavcic will be visiting in Škofja Loka, Slovenia. Her cousin’s son will be having his first Mass on June 30th. Sally and her sister, Albic Rasp, are very proud of their cousin, “soon to be” a priest. Congratulations. There will be no meeting on May 9th, which will be our annual “ Mot her-of- the- Year” celebration. Mass will be at 7:00 p.m. with a gathering in the lower Church hall with family, friends, and members. Congratulations to Frances Jasbec our “Chosen Mother.” Members are asked to bring baked goods. Remember the cheer basket will be on display for the meeting. May 2nd at*7:00 a.m.; and June 13th at 7:00 a.m. will be the Masses for the sick and ailing members. On the sick list are: Mary I.auretig, Ann Kahover and Lil Zibert, mother of Father Jack. All three women had surgery and arc hospitalized. Also the husband of our National President, Mr. Muller, is very sick in Arizona. Remember these and all others who are ill and in nursing homes in your prayers. We are saddened by the death of Mary Zumer, also Mary Korenehan, a charter member, 90 years old. She was the sister of Ann Kahover and a cousin to Jennie Puhek. Our sympathy to the families and relatives of both our sisters. Pray for their peace with God. Our president welcomed all the prospective guests attending the meeting and hope they’ll become our members soon. On the new membership list are the following: Irene Kalina’s grandchildren: Christine Marie, Catherine Lucy DeLeonardi, and Carrie Ann Bulgajewski, also Fred, Elizabeth, and Mary Zolig. Welcome! With the warm weather on it’s way, vacation plans are in the making. Take care and see you at the “Blessed Mother” Coronation. Your reporter, ANN SCIESZKA NO. 10, CLEVELAND, OH The meeting was called to order on Wed. March 20 at I pm by Jean Planinšek. Prayers were said for the deceased and sick members. Reports were given and a report on the Sophie Magajna Scholarship Fund was given by Caroline Stefančič. The A, . I a special awards dinner on March I7lh in Cleveland, Ohio, our member, Juha Zalar, was honored as Outstanding Woman of the Year. The event brought out hundreds of guests who enjoyed a sumptuous banquet at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Ave. Her sister-members of Br. 50 know Julie as a kind, generous and sympathetic woman. She is one of the best cooks in Cleveland and is always in demand for banquets, weddings, funeral luncheons and at other festive occasions at the Slovenian Homes throughout the city. She is the mother of three children and has tried to instill in them the love for Slovenian traditions which she and her husband, Frank, say enriches their own lives so much. One of her extra-curricular activities includes participation in the dramatic dub Lilija where she acts and directs occasionally. Julie was a school-mate of our S. W. U. Vice-President, Cirila Kermavner who recalls that at the school they attended at Spittal an der Drau in Austria after the war, Julie was the best student in the class. “I always knew Julie would earn some special honors in her life because she was such a brilliant girl!' ’ said Cirila. All the S. IV. U. extends to her our best wishes and happiest remembrance of the day! Julie Zalar Cleveland's Woman of the Year fund is siill in progress and we wish to (hank Mary Lavrich, Justine Girod, Albina Zimmerman, Frances Zagar, Irene Jagodnik and Rose Marolt who gave in memory of her son, James, who passed away in Jan. lie resided in California. Thank you all who gave so generously. Our Sunshine chairladies gave their report and will visit our sick members and also those ai the Slovenian Home for the Aged on N e I' I' R d . b e f o r e East e r . Congratulations to Moiher-Daughter of the Year, Anna Tomsk-and Mary Pologar. Also, to Mary’s husband, Frank, who was selected as Man of the Year on Holmes Ave. Congratulations, Frank, from all of us. March birthday, Frances Zagar and April, our twins, Faye Moro and Joyce FcNassi, also Caroline Stefančič and Alice Struna. Belated birthday wishes to Mary Princ and many more. Vacationing in March was Fay Moro in Florida lo see her sister. In April, Caroline Stefančič with her daughter, Bonita Quagliato in Naples, Florida and Ann and Steve Stefančič lo visit her brother, Albert Strumble and daughters in Florida. Mary Kokal went to New Mexico lo visit her son, Andrew. He was happy lo see his mother and lie expressed the fact that lie was proud to be a Slovenian. On our sick list are our beloved past president, Anna Markovich and Mary Glinšek, Jennie Asseg. Please say a prayer for them. Plans were being made to honor -KN i. -O- »»Qv. We Salute You! Congratulations to Frank Podlogar, Coll in wood Slovenian Man of the Year who was honored for his work at the Collinwood National Home at the Banquet March 17th. He is the husband of our member, Marv, who was named by Br. 10 as Mother of the Year. A further unique feature of this family is that Mary and her mother, Anna Tomsic will share the Mother’s Day honor because the members have chosen them both! Our verv best wishes to them all! A.S. our Mother and Daughter of the Year on May 15th at our next meeting. Meantime, have a blessed holiday and Mother’s Day. ANN STEFANČIČ NO. 12, Mil WAUKKK, WI. The weather was good and so was our membership. Ii was very gratifying to see so many present. Frances Plesko opened with prayer in Slovenian and all officers were present. Reports were read and accepted. Stavia was really on (he ball, the meeting progressed really Iasi with discussions on the card party lo be held at John’s Hall on 35th and I ineoln Ave. on Sunday, April 281 h, 1985. Our usual dependable workers all accepted their president’s request for help. Mary Kiel had advance orders for her homemade noodles on that day. All prizes or donations will be gratefully received and we look forward lo seeing you all there. Request was also made for our Junior’s Picnic in June, the Iasi Thursday of the month There were so many door prizes donated it look quite a while before we could enjoy the “goodies” that the February and March birthday girls ireaied us with and of course, we sang “Happy Birthday" to them. Evcryihing moved along so well that we even played more of our favorite game than usual and everyone was in a happy mood. Congratulations to Ed and Mary Kiel who will be celebrating I heir 50ih Golden Wedding Anniversary in April. Our sympathy goes out to Elizabeth Schirccly whose husband passed away. She is in Bel Air Nursing Home. 1 do not have room for all our generous members who are always donating prizes and “goodies” but we all know who you arc and appreciate il. Good health and “thanks” to all. MARY DEZMAN NO. 12, MILWAUKEE, Wl VODNIKS MARRIED 63 YEARS! Wc do noi have a “Who’s Who” Book in our Slovenian circle, but if we did John and Louise Vodnik would certainly qualify for this honor. This handsome couple were married for 63 years on February 11, 1985 and their good looks prove that charisma and endurance have given them the many beautiful years together. They have shared the trials and tribulations during their life span together. Their Anniversary was celebrated as a family affair at the fabulous Hofbrau Haus at a Dinner Show. A very fitting place for this lively family that consists of Johh, Jr., and Ervin, I heir two lovely Daughters-in-law, Blanche and Rose. The Vod-nik’s Son, Erv, and Wife Rose celebrated their 42nd Anniversary at this dual gala event. Louise and John are also happy to announce they have added to their family tree, four Grandchildren, and ten Great Grandchildren in their remarkable family. It is a pleasure to be in this family circle that has such a great outlook on life. The Vodniks have had their share of traveling, but always return home to be active in their social lives with their many friends and family. They both belong to various Lodges and Clubs, and have always supported their needs for the good of the organizations. A VERY HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! CATHERINE ZALESNIk, S.W.U. member NO. 14, EUCLID, OH We’ve made it through another winter to the beginning of spring! One of the loveliest seasons of the year, a season of renewal. What could be more delightful than to behold the luscious green foliage peeking through the dull earth, giving promise to a rare display of riotous colors from our spring bulbs. Our new President, Martha Koren, attended her first meeting of the Combined Branches a few weeks ago and was certainly very interested in sharing the news of events and goings-on at the other area branches. Many of our members attended the annual Slovenian Man and Woman of the Year event held at the Slovenian National on St. Clair Avc. Honorees were selected from each of our ten Slovenian Homes plus honorees selected by the Federation, Mrs. Julia Zalar and the Rt. Rev. Bishop Edward Pevec. It was a delightful banquet enjoyed by everyone present. We’re looking forward to our Mother’s Day Dinner this month when we’ll be honoring Mother of the Year Mrs. Jennie Fitzthum. We’ll also have initiation of our new members along with a celebration for the ladies observing their Golden Wedding Anniversary. We’re anticipating a grand evening! As we celebrate Mothers Day this month, I’d like to share this verse with you written by Daniel Haughian. MOTHERS God made mothers more special than anyone else. He made them the hearers of life and in so doing, knew they had to he more exceptional than the rest of us. He made them the cornerstone of the home, the foundation of the family, the hack hone of society, the ideal of all that is best with the human race. They are the guardians of decency, the preservers of peace, the upholders of truth, the protectors of morality, the symbol of virtue, an inspiration to all that is noble and good in life, and love knows no greater representative than that of a mother’s love. Upon our earth, no title is more revered and no sound more beautiful or sweeter heard than the tender loving word- MOTHER. I’ve just returned from a great trip ‘down south’ to Nashville, Tennessee where I had the chance to finally experience the new taste of grits, fried okra and fried cat fish. I ate it all and thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it! The country western entertainment at the Grand Ole Opry and Nashville Now was another joy. Get well wishes lo Sect. Donna Tome’s husband who is now home from the hospital and recuperating nicely. We’re delighted to hear that our Sunshine Lady, Fran Erzen is I he ladies of Br. 14, Euclid, Ohio helped Sutton Girod, husband ol officer, Justine, lo celebrate his being named one of the ten Men of the Year ol the Cleveland National Homes. On his right are Alice Kuhar (we mourn her passing shortly afterward) and Cecelia Wolf; on his left are Amelia Oswald, Justine Girod, Steffy Zorman and Justine Prhne. Have you seen the May flowers? March winds and April showers make way for May flowers — Rebirth of Mother earth! Very many exciting things happen this month and the awakening of people to do new and exciting things. We have our Mother-of-the-year celebrations in full swing with parties, dinners and tureens. Good Luck and congratulations to all our celebrants! The most important day this month is Mothers Day. Whether we call her Mom, Mother or “Mamica”, she is one of the most important persons in our lives. “Happy Mothers Day” to all our mothers, living or deceased, and the best of everything to them! Albina Uehlein Women's Activities Director Four Generations of Kose Scoff’s family make a delightful pliolo. Rose, our officer for many years, keeps herself trim and peppy with many activities. She epitomizes the true San Francisco spirit of vitality. On the photo with her are daughter Rose Marie, granddaughter Kathleen Rose and great granddaughter Kelly Rose. I.........It------- ..-11=------- II-----==)!---------- — doing beautifully after her bout with but Chris Tomasik stated that she, illness. Wishing God’s blessing on all Dolores Franko, Andrea and Beki of our ill members as we pray for Krai and Denise Jurincie all had a their speedy recovery. good time visiting the Slovenian _ Home in Joliet. A Happy Mothers Day to all PEACE is the tranquility of order ALICE KUHAR S( Augusljnc ^ wc al| pray for it. -------------------------------------------------------- FRAN 15. ZUPANČIČ, NO. 16, CHICAGO, IF Reporter After having been in the southland for a winter of sun it is rather hard to get back into reporting. 1 wish to thank Marge Spretnjak who filled in for me. My grandson Christopher will be 4 years old on April 24th and his grandfather and I plan to visit him in Pueblo West, CO. Because they attended at least 6 meetings during the year, there are 25 members that will receive a free dinner at our next meeting. May 9th, when we honor Mary Priesol - our MOTHER OF THE YEAR. Our March meeting had 39 in attendance. Our president, Marge Prebil was elated because she said “Do you see what sunshine can do?” Our annual project for one year’s free dues was won by Josephine Margroff. Congratulations! Julia Vrlich and Mary Sasek won our door prizes. Birthday goodies were brought by Antonia Krese, Julia Vrlich, Mary Puterkoand Bess Ivancovich. Our bowling team’s results from the S.W.U. Midwest Bowling Tourney are not available at this time NO. 17, WFS1 Al l IS, \VI. Ah, spring at last! I he wonderful sounds of spring are everywhere — the chriping of birds singing, the warm sunshine, is indeed welcome. Our March meeting was somewhat special as we had to elect a new secretary and by unanimous vote wc have chosen Joan Yaklich who is well qualified for this position, as she is the secretary for the Loyal Order of Moose Lodge no. 1019 and knows well the secretarial duties. Her address is 1803 So. 58th Street, West Allis, 53214. And, if you need to contact her by phone, the number is 545-3716. If you wish to mail in your dues to the secretary, please enclose your assessment book, also. Our president, Marion Marolt, will still be in charge of the sale of cookbooks, so if you wish to purchase them, please contact her by phone at 327-3871. We have chosen Mary Marolt as our Mother of the Year 1985. She will be royally honored in October in conjunction with our meeting. Mary is an active member of the branch and also is president of Sloga Lodge . Now, once again, on a sad note. John Petrich, husband of our charter member, Mary Petrich passed away on Saturday, March 16th. Mary has been a very active member of our branch and secretary of the KSKJ lodge for 50 years. Sincere condolences to Mary and the Petrich families. Another very active member, Colletta Emperl, recently lost her husband who suffered a massive heart attack. Sincere condolences to Colletta and their children. He was a loving husband and father and will be sadly missed by his family and many friends. Members, please note! There will be no meetings during the months of June, July and August. A time for vacations. We will resume our business meetings on Sept. 15th 1985, Sunday at 2 p.m. at St. Mary’s Baraga Hall. Have a nice, safe and enjoyable spring and summer. A speedy recovery to our president, Marion Marolt and all our sick members and shut-ins. I RAN PIWONI Recording Secretary NO. 19, FVFFFTH, MN Ever since September when our branch was selected to host the ‘Zveza Day’ we have been busy. There were extra meetings held to make plans for the event. The plans are coming along nicely and we would like to thank Mrs. Angela Smith for donating her time and skill to make an afghan as one of the main prizes. In March, we held a bake sale to help with expenses. A big thank you to all the members who aetively and inactively participated in the bake sale. For May, we have plans for Mother of the Year banquet. Mary Dreshar is being honored this year, she has been a member of this branch for 48 years. The special dinner will be held at the Resurrection Church Hall on May 5th at 1:00 p.m. The dinner will be catered with each of the members covering the cost of their dinner. We encourage members to attend this dinner and the meeting following to keep abreast of the plans being made for September. VIDA LANARI NO. 20, JOLIET, II Happy Mother’s Day to all our mothers and congratulations to all Women of the Year; hope you enjoy the honor to the fullest. Our “Honors Day” celebration will take place at our meting on May 21st at 7 p.m. The bus trip to Mackinaw, Michigan over the Labor Day weekend, Sept. 1,2 is registering great enthusiasm. Agnes Lovati is taking reservations; if you’re interested, your reservation and deposit should be made as soon as possible. We already have a list of members planning to make the trip. We will stay at the Mackinac Hotel, deluxe accomodations. Mary Marolt, our treasurer and former National Officer, and her husband, Stanley were honored recently as the “Outstanding Democrat Couple in Joliet Township”, with the presentation of a plaque at an organizational meeting, highlighting their many years of dedicated service. Mary is a former member of the Will County Board and Stanley is a veteran committeeman who is retiring from the Joliet Township Board after 12 years as a trustee. Frances Ukovich, a member of Branch 20 for 57 years, celebrated her 103rd birthday on March 25th. Her family helped her celebrate. We, as a group, helped her celebrate her 100th birthday with a party at our meeting. Her daughters-in-law, grand and great grandchildren arc all members of our branch. Our sincere wishes fora happy, healthy year. Get well wishes are being sent to Frances Gregorich who was hospitalized recently and is recuperating. Include Antonia Tijan Branch 20 Bowling News With only 3 weeks left in our season, Merichka’s Restaurant has a 6-1/2 game lead over second place Slovenian Home. Our top three bowlers are: Gen Klainsek, Marj Wajchert and Vicki Bernickas. Splil-Gelters: 2-7: Ann Kobe, Dorothy Horvat, Judy Kozol; 3-10: Theresa Schmidberger, Ann Kobe, Barb Yattoni, Marj Wajchert. 3-8-10 Vicki Bernickas. 4-5 Theresa Schmidberger, Mary Cleveland. 5-6 Mary Kay Demick. 5-10 Donna Thompson. Hals off to all who helped make the bowling tournament a success: Judy Drlinga, for getting the event together. Our kitchen “team” -Donna Thompson. Beth Adamic, Nancy Bentcl, Kathy Lovati and Judy Hrubos. Bakery “team” Dorothy Horvat, Mary Cleveland, Louise Hedrick and their helpers Marge Record, Mary Marolt, Olga Ancel, Millie Pucci, Ann Kobe, Stcffie Spritzer. To our ticket sellers: Mary Ivanich, Marie Malnerieh, Margaret Stalzer. To Millie Briski for making the money doll, which was won by yours truly. To Judy Derlinga for her donation of a “Bottle of Spirits” won by Dorothy Smith. A special thanks also goes to all members of Br. 20 who helped with bakery donations. And of course, to all who participated by bowling or keeping score. We hope you had a good time bowling at our house in Joliet. Rivals bowl and (hat you’ll continue to bowl and participate in any upcoming tournaments again! JUDY KOZOL, Secretary in your prayers; she is ill and confined to a nursing home in Chicago. We extend a welcome to three new members; Janet Steensland, Mary Wanthal and Kathy Goss, a Jr. transfer. In March, we attended wakes and funerals of two of our members, Frances Kalcic and Rose Bobak. Frances was a 57 year member and just recently donated much memorablia to the Heritage Museum. Rose was a 39 year member; remember them in your prayers. Our member, Marge Grayhaek, invites everyone to the Altar and Rosary Card Party taking place on May 19th at 1:30 p.m. at St. Joseph’s Park Hall. Chairmen of the event are Dorothy Mahan and Diane Govednik, our members also. There will be many door prizes. Admittance is $1.50. At our recent meeting a discussion was held on members in arrears with their dues. It was unanimously decided that we would no longer carry members who neglect to pay their dues for 6 month!;. Beginning now, if you make no effort to pay your dues after being contacted, you will be dropped from the membership list. If you haven’t paid as yet, you can at, or by, the next meeting which is May 21st. The Western Slavonic 3 Star Lodge No. 33, is planning their 22nd National Convention to be held at the Martinique in Evergreen Park, on August 18th. Reservations must be made by June 15th. The charge is $25.00 per person; this includes cocktails, Prime Rib dinner, open bar, and music by Wayne Kurchina and the Kasttes. Lewis Fabian, husband of member Toni, is secretary and lie can be contacted at 4822 So. LaVergne for reservations. I would like to say a little “thank you” to the ladies of the San Francisco branch who are so kind to read the branch 20 report in the ZARJA. You’re right, we are related; Frank Plut is my brother-in-law! He just got back to Joliet from a visit with his sister and brother-in-law, Bernadinc and Paul Madronieh and slopped by for a visit, lie is our family “keeper in touch”—he’ll be on his way to Ely, Minn., soon to visii with sister Gen Prijatel. May, with its lovely days, dedicated lo our mothers, this heartfelt thought: Thank you for all of 1 he ilice things you do But thanks most of all for just being you. HELEN PLUT NO. 21, WEST PARK, Oil First meeting in 1985 on March 13th was held at the home of Helen Konkoy. Attendance was very good and the meeting opened with prayer. We will have a Mother’s Day luncheon on Wed. May 8th, starting with liquid refreshments at 12 o’clock, then the luncheon will be served. The yearly mass for the living and deceased members of our branch is Saturday, May 25th at 5:30 p.m. at Annunciation Church. Hope all members will attend. Belated get well wishes to Josephine Vehar who recently was admitted lo the Dominican Hospital in Santa Cruz, for emergency surgery; but, she is now at home recuperating and we hope she is much improved. Hello, Josephine, from all of us. Our sincere thanks lo Ann Pischcl for her most generous donation to our treasury - also to Frances Cimperman. Marie Pivik, Bea Zakrajšek, and Ann Elliot. It is greatly appreciated. Thanks, again. Belated sympathy to Ann Leo who lost her husband, Lewis. May he rest in peace. On the sick list are Cele Kathreine, Nellie Strodtbeek, Anna Widmar, Ann Kosak. Get well prayers and thoughts are sent your way. Congratulations to Rudy and Marie Pivik who became grandparents for the first time to a darling granddaughter. Karina, in Texas. Proud parents are Frank and Monica Pivik. Happiness to all! After conclusion of the meeting, kuchen and cheese strudel was served by Helen Konkoy and Leona Blatnik and was enjoyed by all. Thank you, Helen for your wonderful hospitality. Ladies, don’t forget if you have any news to call and tell me so it can be reported. Sincerely, STELLA DANCULL At our recent March meeting it was unanimous that we have a festive luncheon to celebrate together with our spouses or guests the May MOTHERS’ HONOR DAY. The date is May 8th, our usual meeting day at West Park Slovenian Home party room. Lunch will be served at 1 p.m. Come early to visit and enjoy friends. Cocktail hour at 12 noon. As customarily, we anticipate your lovely selection of gifts to give and again to win and take home another, happily. Any pastries will be gladly received. Please call Rose Kosko to reserve your luncheon early; deadline is May 4th. Telephone251-5975. Respectfully, HELEN KOZELY KONKOV NO. 23, 1.1 Y, MN Our March 11th meeting was well-attended with 36 ladies present. Mary Palcher gave a reading called "At Days End”. Glad to see Chris Cadari at the meeting after her illness. Members are sorry to hear-our treasurer, Angela Mobilia was hospitalized in Duluth at St. Mary’s Hospital. We wish her a quick recovery. Our Mother’s Day Banquet will be held at the church hall on May 6th when we honor our Mother of the Year, Mary Skufca. Members can call Ann Saari or Angela Skala for reservations. Door prize winners were: Jennie Novak and Agnes Zaverl. Mary Gotchnik won a gift donated by Mary Debeltz. Dessert lunch was served with the St. Patrick’s Day theme. Hostesses were Mary Debeltz, Jennie Novak, Jennie Prijatel, Ann Lunka and Rose Novak. “B” was played later. Gert Mosnik announced that the Pols ami Pans Cookbooks will be on sale at Pastick’s Book Store. Next meeting was to be in April and we’ll report on it later. 1 planned to attend my bowling tournament in Toledo on April 9th. KRIS GARNI Recording See’y NO. 25, CLKVKI.AND, OH Everybody is invited to the celebration day for our “Woman of the Year” — Marie — Marica Telic. It will be Tuesday, May 14th — 12:30 p.m. at Sterle’s. Congratulations to Emilee Jenko — who could be yet in the second business — a baker. She won two Honorable Mentions for Potiea-Cake and Tarragon Potica and Third Place Mention for Raisin Potica. The contest was held at the annual concert of the U.S.S. band. The concert and the bake-off is a wonderful and beautiful happening. Just one glass of wine we should drink to the health and happiness of our birthday celebrants: Rev. Joseph Boznar, Caroline Rozie, Emilee Jenko and Rose Cimperman. “Živijo” and God bless you. Jennie Feme, the gal from Pennsylvania, New York and now from Cleveland, won 50/50 prize! Thank you for parting from some of the money in giving it to our treasury. Mr. & Mrs. Eric Stransky had left at their “doorstep” a cute little girl Kristen, so her big sister Jennifer won’t be lonely. Grandparents Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Stransky and Mr. & Mrs. Jože Zelenik are very happy to have her around. Congratulations to all! Mary Yeraj fell and broke her right arm. Get well soon Mary. We are very saddened to report that some of our ladies departed from us and went into a world of Peace and Happiness. Past president of branch No. 25 Ann Maver, Angela Misic and Gabriella Zalar. God give them eternal rest. To the families our deepest sympathy. Let’s go now in warmer weather out and campaign a little. Get some new members. Will you do it? Queen of May be with you every day, every hour of Her month. CIRILA KERMAVNER NO. 32, KUCI ID, OH First of all, I want to thank Johanna Weglarz for subbing for me as reporter for the last two issues. Our birthday ladies present were president, D. Lamm, Mary Tushar, Mary Drobniek, Phyllis D’Amico and very belated wishes to Jennie Jagodnik who was 94 years young on Feb. 6th. We wish them all many more. Ceal Znidar has become a grandmother for the eighth time. Phyllis D’Amico has a new grandson, Timmy, born Feb. 13th to her son, David and his wife, Terry. Anne Cooke has a granddaughter, Lauren Ann, born to her daughter, Kathy and husband, Dave Mehle. Sick members are Phyllis D’Amico and Eleanor Latkovic who had back surgery. They are now recuperating at home. We are sorry to report that Eleanor’s mother-in-law is now in the Slovenian Home for the Aged. We will all miss her for though she was in her eighties, she rarely missed a meeting. Our travelers arc Lavonna Avitt who spends more time traveling than she does at home and now is in Florida and Maria Obreza and husband who spent a week at San Jose, California visiting their son, Victor, Jr. and his family - the second week they were to spend in Hawaii. Agnes Ward has done so much traveling the past several months that I can’t remember half the places she told me about,(with my poor memory I have to write everything down or else 1 forget!). My daughter has been telling me for the past 30 years that I’m getting senile, and you know what? She is 31 and already having the same problem! When she was about 12 years old, she announced that she was going to commit suicide at 45 because there was nothing to live for after that. 1 asked her recently if she was still planning on it and she said she’d stick around a while longer. Ladies, you know, our Mother’s Day Dinner is on May 15th. Dorothy Lamm is our honoree this year. It is open to the public so bring your husbands, families, relatives and neighbors. Mary Ster and her able crew will be in charge and that alone should be an incentive to come. Our two accordionists and two permanent musicians will entertain us. We hope to see you all there. Our split prize winners were Vida Ccpico, Polly Pike and myself. See you all on May 15th! ESTHER GARBINCUS REPORT OF CLEVELAND COMBINED BRANCHES Dear Branch 56 members: Thank you for all the gifts and kindnesses you have shown to our family in our time of sorrow. The floral arrangement was exquisite. Now that our Mother is gone, her entire life comes into focus. When she was born, God said: “Anna, I have put you on this earth for a purpose. Your mission will be to FEED THE HUNGRY for 91 years!” Not once in our lifetime did we hear her complain about cooking. “Ma” fed everybody. She fed her family with home-made noodles, strudels, potica, homemade sausage, home grown vegetables, huge loaves of hot corn bread with melted butter, veal pocket and browned potatoes...the list is endless. Never did she refuse the unfortunate men who knocked on our door and asked for food during the depression years. Society called them the hoboes from Hooverville. The kids in the neighborhood remember Ma frying bread donuts so that her pots were heaping full. She chuckled for years over a little boy who stole her garden tomatoes and brought along his own salt shaker to eat them on the spot! She fed our pets, and every stray cat and dog that came along. Last year, I brought home a cold, shivering, hungry and lost cat (named Joey). Ma knew cats liked liver so we had liver and bacon for supper. Joey went over to Ma, jumped up on the table and landed all fours in Ma’s plate. Ma didn’t think it was funny then! She said that was going too far! The family, of course, couldn’t stop laughingi I hope I have given you a small picture of our mother as we in the family saw her, whose entire life was devoted to FEEDING THE HUNGRY. She fed a sick lady who was too ill to cook for herself. Ma brought food to her house every day until her death. Recently, 1 said to Ma: “Ma, you always fed the hungry. Have YOU ever been hungry? ” She thought awhile then said: “Yes.” She told of how as a little girl in Slovenia, her parents took her to a wedding. It was a long, tiring walk and she arrived hungry and thirsty. Tho the food was piled high on the tables, Ma said she was too bashful to ask for anything and nobody thought to offer it to her, so she went away hungry. She never forgot that. Perhaps this explains her first words to her family: “You must be hungry. Can 1 fix you something to eat?” I hope 1 have not bored you with this writing. 1 felt compelled to document how 1 feel. Sincerely, Mary Ann Krueger for the Anna Staudohar Family Members of the Combined Branches of Cleveland held a meeting on Thursday, March 14th on St. Clair Ave. at 1 o’clock. It was a delightful surprise to see 25 ladies from most branches attending. State President, Ann Tcrcek, introduced our new vice-president, Hermine Strainer, elected in December to replace Vera Bajec. Welcome, Hermine. The new president of Br. 25, Josephine Morhorcic was also present. Wc wish her well. We heard about Marion Marolt, the national auditor being ill as well as the husband of national president, Mary Muller. They each suffered a stroke. Our prayers go to them for recovery. Our condolences to Marolt family on the loss of Marion’s dear mother, Marie Floryan, a very active member of S.W.U. for many years. Reporter Jo Comenshek read the minutes of the last meeting, approved and accepted. Sec’y Kay Yuratovac gave the financial report and all expenses paid to date. We have $726.95 balance. Br. 32 officers, Jo Comenshek, Dorothy Lamm and Johanna Weglarz were hostesses after the meeting. Thank you, ladies; everything was delicious. Very impressive was the report of president Jean Planinšek of Br. 10. They have selected Mother, Anna Tomsic and Daughter, Mary Pologar as Mother and Daughter of the Year. They are both Mothers, too. It is sad that Br. 25 once the largest in the SWU, have lost so many members thru the years. We pray the departed members receive their reward in heaven. With their new president, Jo Mohorčič and energetic secretary, Cirila Kermavner, we hope they will be able to gain some new members. Present at this meeting was Cirila who is also our national vice-president. She safely returned from a Christmas visit to her relatives in Slovenia. She was a very welcome guest. Br. 50 is proud to report they have 507 members total. Julia Zalar, selected Woman of the Year is their member. Congratulations, Julie! Applications for Scholarships were explained by Ann Tercek. Br. 73, under the leadership ol Kay, are making plans for their 50th anniversary next year. A card party is in the making for December for the benefit of the Home for the Aged on Nel 1 Road. As you read this, Easter will be behind us and Mother’s Day ahead. Hoping you ALL had a glorious, blessed holiday with traditional Slovenian goodies and that Mother’s Day will be a happy one for all. The meeting was adjourned with prayers for the sick and deceased members. Next meeting is Thursday, May 23rd, same place, with even larger attendance, we hope. ' May the Lord keep you safe and healthy. MARIE BECK, Reporter AMERICAN 1 LIFE SLOVENIAN I 1 INSURANCE CATHOLIC 4 WTJ f FOR THE UNION 1 1 FAMILY HOME OFFICE: 2439 GLENWOOD AVENUE • JOLIET, IL 60435 (815) 741-2001 Hermine Prisland Dicke 3717 Council Crest Madison, Wisconsin 53711 Pots and Pans Sometime ago 1 had written to Branch No. 103, Washington, D.C. requesting recipes since 1 hadn’t received any from that area for a long time. The response with fourteen delicious and extraordinary recipes was wonderful to receive. Nika Kovacic obtained these recipes from the members, and I am grateful lor her efforts. The five recipes in this column are from that list: VEAL. ROAST from Jana Bevee; CABBAGE AND NOODLES, BROCCOLI CASSEROLE and WINE PUNCH from Mary Lou Terselic and CUSTARD from Nika Kovacic. Nika adds: “The custard recipe was France Corse’s (Slovenian sculptor) favorite dessert whenever he was a guest at our home.” HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY TO ALL! Affectionately, Hermini’ WINE PUNCH 2 bottles Crackling; Rose ! '/2 cup Grenadine ’ 1 /2 eup lemon juice 1 bottle (32) oz. gingerale i Mix. Can add an ice ring. j “Very nice light wine punch”. VEAL ROAST small onions medium carrots stalk celery 1 pound or more 2 veal roast 3 4 tablespoons olive oil I 2 cloves garlic, minced Salt and pepper, to taste Preheat oven to 350°. Heat olive oil in baking pan. Crush cloves in a garlic press and rub on both sides of washed and dried veal. Add salt and pepper. Place the above prepared meat into a baking pan where oil is already hot (hot must be hot). Cover and place in hot oven for 10 minutes. During this time cut into long, long strips: onions, carrots and celery. Turn over the meat and add the vegetables placing them around the meat. Bake covered in 325° - 350° oven for 1 additional hour or until tender. CABBAGE AND NOODLES 4 ounces fine noodles 1 large onion, cut into line strips (1 cup) tablespoons butter pound green cabbage thinly shredded (3 to 4 cups) Salt and pepper to taste Cook noodles per package directions; drain. Keep warm. Cook onion in half of butter until golden brown. Add to noodles. Gently cook cabbage in remaining butter; mix well. Cook tightly covered until tender crisp. MIX WITH NOODLES AND ONIONS. Add salt and pepper. 6 to 8 servings. BROCCOLI CASSEROLE l packages(10 o/, each) I'ro/en broccoli or one large hunch fresh slick margarine */2 lb. Velveeta cheese I stack Kit/, crackers, (38), crushed Salt as desired Cook broccoli until tender crisp, about 5 - 6 minutes, Melt together the margarine and Velveeta cheese over low heat. Stir in salt. Crush Rit/ crackers. Layer in greased casserole 112 of broccoli, cheese mixture and crushed crackers. Repeat layers. Bake at 325° uncovered until bubbly and light brown. 5 or 6 servings. l_. CUSTARI) 2 cups milk l/4 cup sugar 2 whole eggs I teaspoon vanilla Bring to near boiling the two cups of milk. While the milk is warming, beat with mixer the two eggs, sugar and vanilla. After this mixture rises, add the hot milk and continue beating for about 2-3 minutes. Pour mixture into an 8 inch pyrex bowl and place that bowl into another larger bowl which is half-filled with cold water. Bake uncovered at 325° for 50 to 60 minutes until knife inserted halfway between center and edge comes out clean. After baking leave custard uncovered (out of bowl with water) at room temperature for 2 hours. Then refrigerate uncovered until ready for serving. CUSTARD SAUCE (Optional) ■/.i cup sugar '/4 cuprum ■/4 cup water Place sugar in I quart size pot and place on medium heat. Mix constantly with wooden spoon until the sugar melts and turns light brown. Add 1 /4 cup water and 1 /4 cup rum to melted sugar (sugar will crystallize). Keep mixing until sugar is dissolved. Pour sauce over custard before serving. Serves 4 to 5 people. (Excellent!) CHICAGO TAKES LEAD IN 20/20 CAMPAIGN Our 20/20 Campaign-Phasc I concluded April 1 with a grand total of 215. During a year’s span and well in front of the thirty-two branches who took part in the campaign is branch No. 2 of Chicago, who achieved their goal of 50 members. Tied for second with 29 members are branches 20 of Joliet, II. and 32 of Euclid, OH. Milwaukee, W1 branch No. 43 added 14 to their rosier, while Cleveland, OH branch No. 50 added 10. Leading the “parade” among individual workers with 23 of which 19 were Juniors is Dorothy Hodniehak of branch No. 32, Ohio’s baton twirlcrs’ directress. In second place is Joliet, 11. branch secretary Agnes Lovati with 17, followed closely by branch 43 Milwaukee, Wl secretary Rose Kraemer with 14 and branch 2 Chicago, IL secretary Dolores Puhek. There were a total of 94 individual workers. Divided among classes, the campaign netted 20 Class As including four transferees, 100 Class Bs including 38 transferees and 95 Juniors and 35 Socials. The second phase of the campaign will be under the inspiration of the regional presidents. Heartening to read is the note from Josephine Turk of Indianapolis, IN branch, wherein she is working hard to replace two lost members. It would be wonderful if every branch would adopt the words of the Washington, D.C. branch secretary, Mary Mejae: “We have launched a new membership drive. I hope it will be successful.” Congratulations to the campaign workers with wishes for future campaigning — membership selling — success! BRANCH STANDINGS Total No. 2, Chicago, IL 50 No. 20, Joliet, IL 29 No. 32, Euclid, OH 29 No. 43, Milwaukee, Wl 14 No. 50, Cleveland, OH 10 No. 14, Euclid, OH 8 No. 3, Pueblo, CO 6 No. 23, Ely, MN 6 No. 47, Garfield His., OH 6 No. 13, San Francisco, CA 5 No. 95, South Chicago, IL 5 No. 16, South Chicago, IL 4 No. 17, West Allis, Wl 4 No. 30, Home Office 4 No. 33, Duluth, MN 4 No. 5, Indianapolis, IN 3 No. 34, Soudan, MN 3 No. 42, Maple His., OH 3 No. 68, Fairport Harbor, OH 3 No. 25, Cleveland, OH 2 No. 26, Pittsburgh, PA 2 No. 35, Aurora, MN 2 No. 73, Warrensville Hts., OH 2 No. 79, Enumclaw, WA 2 No. 103, Washington, D.C. 2 No. 7, Forest City, PA No. 19, Eveleth, MN No. 22, Bradley, II. No. 38, Chisholm, MN No. 54, Warren, OH No. 55, Girard, OH No. 92, Crested Butte, CO INDIVIDUALS Tolul Dorothy Hodniehak (32) 23 Agnes Lovati (20) 17 Rose Kraemer (43) 14 Dolores Puhek (2) 12 .lonita Ruth (20) 8 Frances Simonich (3) 6 Angela Mobilia (23) 5 Mary Taucher (47) 4 Irene Kalina (2) 3 Luba Troha (2) 3 Josephine Turk (5) 3 Marion Marolt (17) 3 Victoria Bobenee(34) 3 Mildred Petrovič (50) 3 Irene Nosse(68) 3 Sylvia Vukodinovich (95) 3 Irene Carter (2) 2 Donna Elsberg (2) 2 Michael Morison (2) 2 Gloria Nusko (2) 2 Chris Podder (2) 2 Albina Rasp (2) 2 Evelyn Tome (2) 2 Frances Zibert (2) 2 Rose Zielinski (2) 2 Dorothy Flynn (13) 2 Angela Baranowski (14) 2 Agnes Tome (14) 2 Donna Tome (14) 2 Marge Prebil (16) 2 Rev. David Stalzer (20) 2 Olga Ancel (20) 2 Mary Slaney (26) 2 Phyllis D’Amico (32) 2 Sandra Malmquist (33) 2 Anne Orazem (35) 2 Albina Mroczka (42) 2 Ann Tcrcek (50) 2 Louise Epley (73) 2 Helen Willis (95) 2 Elsa Antoniolli (2) Helen Fitzgerald (2) Jennie Kovacie (2) Mary Kržišnik (2) Frances Kuea (2) Corinne Leskovar (2) Alice Morison (2) Mary Muller (2) Dolores Nauheimer (2) Mildred Paisoli (2) Elsie Piszezor (2) Mary Reich (2) Ann Sam (2) Ann Seieszka (2) Dolores Vanik (2) Margaret Winchell (7) Josephine Aiuto (13) Helen Sustarsich (13) Ann Vercelli (13) Mary Globokar (14) Victoria I.indie (14) Barbara Maggio(l6) Anna Ksiazck (16) Mary Marolt (17) Mary Volf (17) 1 Kathleen Gunier (20) 1 Kathleen Kramerich (20) 1 Mary Mihclich (20) 1 Gabrielle Lustig (22) 1 Ann Camaish (23) 1 Cirila Kermavner (25) 1 Frances Zakrajšek (25) 1 Veronica Dalton (32) 1 Marilyn Freeh (32) I Jean Krajewski (32) 1 Eleanor Zevnik (32) 1 Renee Dobbs (33) 1 Dorothy Jacobson (33) 1 Rosemary Tanko (38) 1 Mary Lou Prhne (42) I Mary Mundson (47) I Eleanor Stražišar (47) 1 Mary Blatnik (50) 1 Joseph Glavan (50) I Frances Marold (50) I Theresa Vegli (50) 1 Sophie Zagorc (50) I Joanne Ponikvar (54) 1 Anka Kregar (55) 1 Anna Anderson (79) 1 Mary Kitna (79) I Freda Forcier (92) 1 Nika Kovacic (103) 1 Mary Mejac (103) 1 Binnie- we’ll miss you! Normally, 1 am not at a loss for words, but at this time I am! Throughout my almost 50 years as an active member and officer of Branch No. 40, Lorain, Ohio, I regret to say that 1 will resign as President, due to ill health. All these years, I have done my duties faithfully and proud of all I have done to hold this group together, and I thank my deceased Mother, Agnes Jancar, long time officer of Branch No. 40, who taught me to do so. Her dedication of Slovenian Women’s Union inspired me. I appreciate and thank all the help the women have given me in these past years. I thank our Vice President for her wonderful leadership this past year when I couldn’t attend the meetings. She did an excellent job, and I ask you go give her cooperation in the future. This is one of the hardest things 1 have had to do, but I do'know that I must resign and let others take over because my health does not permit me to continue. Good Luck to all our officers, and 1 thank them for a good job they have done. ALBINA UEHLEIN, President, Br. 40 Lorain, Ohio NO. 33, DUI.IJTH, MN Delores Heski has the historian book in order and will bring it to meetings. Any old pictures or articles will be appreciated. Eva Cacich is a new Social Member. Money-making projects were discussed. Also, a trip to Fanny Hall Dinner Theatre in Eau C laire. Helen Stockton won $15.00 attendance prize. “Queen* for April will be Mary Bučar. Prayers for Mae DelZotto who is on the sick list. Sympathy to Mary Bart! and Carol Reindl. Beverly Menart showed us how to make silk flowers. Dodie Skull brought two baby quilts for “Show and Tell” and it was enjoyed by all. May 3rd will be the special Mother of the Year meeting honoring Helen Mosack. I OIS PEI ANDI K NO. 34. SOUDAN, M\ Branch No. 34 held a short meeting after the Lenten Service on Wednesday, March 20. We had w hat must be our record attendance for this year -- and that’s without serving lunch! Agnes Mattson reported on her attendance at the reception and dinner honoring the Yugoslavian skiiers, Joze Klemenčič, lvo Carman and Jani Krsinar, who competed in the Giants Ridge Pepsi Challenge Cup Cross-Country Ski Race held at Giants Ridge, Biwabik, on Saturday, March 9. These skiiers won the race and they were overwhelmed by their treatment here—one saying they were “treated like kings.” Our branch made a donation to welcome these skiers to the Range. I’m sure many of our members of oilier branches participated in and worked during these festivities. This event was something special for Lower-Soudan, as our Miss I owei-Soudan, Linda Mieklieh, of lower, was crowned Queen ol (lianis Ridge, winning over eleven other contestants, Governor Rudy Perpich was also in attendance. Victoria Bobencc reported that she was to attend a meeting of the National Board in Joliet. We are proud to have her as one of the National Auditors. We are making preliminary plans lo honor our Mother of the Year, Anne- I razee, in May and that will close out our year. Our next meting, to be held on Wednesday, April 17, will have Agnes I ckautz and Mary Vollendorf as hostesses and the attendance prize will be brought by Adeline Mustonen. At our meeting, Agnes Tekautz, Sophie Spollar, Angela Tekautz, and Angeline Morin won the prizes during the social hour, the attendance prize was brought by Angeline Morin and won by lory Bobence-a clever prize-ielly beans in a glass container! I lappv Spring! ADI I INI MUSTONEN Reponei NO. 38, CHISHOLM, MN I sent in my report for ZARJA last month without adding our sincere sympathy to the family of Frances Jenko. She was a long-time member of the SWll. We are busy planning for our Mother’s Day Banquet which w ill be held May 5th at 2:00 p.m. at the Slovenian National Home. The public is welcome - gel your reservations in early. Fried chicken, Slovenian-style fried potatoes, salad and strawberry shortcake is the menu. Sounds good! 1 am looking forward to that occasion honoring Kailiy Knutli, our seeretary-ircasurer. March was a very busy month for me. Our Yugoslav Club met and entertained the Slovenian skiiers who came here to participate in the Giant HAPPY WEDDING DAY! Lovely I)ride, Sui'-ellen Uehlein, daughter of Milo and Albina IJehlein of Sheffield Lake, Ohio, was married lo Miehael Bruhn, son of Mrs. Stanley Reed of Lorain, Ohio, on December 29, 1984 al Si. Thomas Church. She is a life-long member of Hr. 40. We wish the happy couple a long, happy wedded life! M.l\ Ridge Ski event that was held in Biwabik. The Slovenian Home and Branch 38 really think a lot of our Slovenian heritage. I’m proud of them. We also had a Slovenian St. Patrick’s Day dinner-dancc on March 16th. Very good turn out and a lot of l un. It was a busy month, but I enjoyed doing it. Have a nice spring and bless you all. ROSE Nil'Ml NO. 40, LORAIN, OH Happy Mother’s Day to all - and don't forget Memorial Day remember all your loved ones who have gone before us. May they rest in peace. Our meeting was well attended with 19 present. We also had two door prizes donated by Fran Pavlovčič and Agatha Donges and won by Angie Kozjan and Agnes Tomazin. Then we had a lot of hostesses: Agnes Bucher, Agatha Donges, Iran Pavlovčič, Molly Glavin and Frances Tilosanec. Having no meeting in February made everyone anxious to get out. We sang Happy Birthday and then had a lovely dessert lunch. Mary Matos and Agnes Tomazin also donated prizes. Many thanks to Angeline Brehany on her generous monetary contributions. Our sincerest sympathy to George and Mary Ferlic on the death of George’s brother Andrew. May he rest in peace. To Joe and Ann Delillo on their 40th wedding anniversary. Much happiness and many more happy years. With a great sadness we received and accepted Binnie Uehlein’s letter of resignation. This is the first time in many, many years we have not had a member of the Jancar family as president of this lodge. We shall miss her excellent leadership. Agnes Tomazin will now become president after serving as a capable vice-president. Our best wishes go to Binnie in all her future endeavors; may God walk with her. Picked up the local newspaper and on the 1 ife Style page Agatha Donges had a half page spread! How very nice to have such a beautiful article about such a nice person and her two grandchildren. Agatha shared a little of her life and her very excellent recipes. The picture was very nice. I think this article was enjoyed by friend and stranger alike. We’re proud to have you as a “friend.” Don’t forget to give some one a hug on Mother’s Day. It’s later than you think! I’ll close with this: Begin the day with friendliness. Keep friendly all day long. Keep in your sold a friendly thought. In your heart a friendly song. Have in your mind a word of cheer; For all who come your way. And they will greet you too. in I urn; And wish von a happy day. MARY Pl OS/A.I NO. 41, Cl I VI I.ANI), Oil In the absence of our Pres. Amalia Osw ald, who, we are sorry lo report, is not feeling well, Vicc-Pres. Justine Girod conducted our Mar. 19th meeting. Attending also were: Secy. Justine Prhne, Rcc. Secy. Cecelia Wolf, Auditor Rose Puj/dar, members Anna Skok, Stefly Zorman, Agnes Bojc, Mary Zakrajšek, Agnes Pirc, Paula Adamic, and we welcomed a new Social Member, Barbara Gundic. Member Anna Kuhar recently passed away. Remember her in your prayers. Greetings were received from Ann Bozie who sent greetings to all members. From Florida came best wishes from Pauline (Gubane) Rose. How nice to hear from old friends! Rose Puj/dar is happy to have her daughter, Dianna Reddy who resides in Sarasota, Fla., visiting her. Dianna spends many hours with her father, a resident of Slovene Home for Aged. Welcome home, Dianna. Among those volunteering and working at Slov. I lome for Aged are our Secretary Justine Prime, as arc numerous members of our Cleveland Branches. We heat that our beloved Mary Bostian, former regional President is quite ill. A special moment of silence and prayer was offered for her well-being. Our very best wishes to Angela Bohinc who is in frail health. We love you and miss you, Angela! Refreshments were enjoyed courtesy of Anna Skok, Ceil Wolf and Justine Girod. Justine Girod, whose husband was honored at the recent Man and Woman ol' lite Year banquet, told of the beautiful affair. Federation Man of the year was Bishop Pevee and Julia Zalar was Woman of the Year. Bishop Pevee had 40 ol his St. Vitus School classmates present. Special honors and distinctions were awarded. The entire affair was elegantly presented. An officer of the Slovenian National Art Guild, Mrs. Girod gave us a report of the symposium held by the organization at Notre Dame College Mar. 10th. A large, very interested audience attended. Selected for WOMAN OF Till Yl AK of Branch 41 for 1985 was Agnes Pirc. We hope to celebrate ()s walds C 'clcbraie 60th Anniversary that occasion on same time we will members. Their follows: May 19th. At the honor our 50 year names arc as Mrs. Angela Bohinc Rose Piskur Mrs. Anna Bozieh Mary Popovič Mary Boltczar Mary Ccbul Anna K osuta Mary 11 a bat Ursula .lanezie Angela Kapel I ouise Raddell Rose Sabee Ella Starin Mary Skully Frances Stegu Rose Vicic Cecelia Wolf Mary Zakrajšek 18 Members to be honored!! Complete details will be made at our Apr. 17th meeting. On Feb. 24ih Louis and Amelia Oswald celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary with a beautiful Mass at St. Mary’s ( lunch where they renewed their Vows before their family and many friends. A reception was held at their home. The warm hospitality, happy friends and lovely dinner made ii a truly memorable day. Such a friendly family! Her daughter, Wilma Smith, a secretary for Kodak Co. from Rochester, N.Y. and her brothei Walter, Health Commissioner for Cleveland Heights, OH, hosted the affair. The Oswalds have seven grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Congratulations to this wonderful couple! Fast weekend visiting the Girods was their daughter and family Dr. Michael and Juiienc Broennle and grandchildren Erica and Ian from West Chester, PA, and from Glendale, AZ, came daughter Janice Girod. They were all together for the first time in 7 years and of course a family portrait had to be taken. It was a short but happy reunion. CECEFIA WOl I & JUSTINI- GIROD, Report ers Louis and Amelia Oswald celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary with a Mass of Thanksgiving ai noon, Sunday, Feb. 24 at Si. Mary’s Church with the Rev. Victor Tome officiating. The couple celebrated with family and friends at their Chardon Road residence following the service. The Oswalds have two children, Wilma Smith of Rochester, N.Y., a secretary for Kodak, and Walter, health commissioner for Cleveland Heights; seven grandchildren and I wo great-grandchildren. Mrs. Oswald is president of Slovenian Women’s Union, Branch 41. Son Walter comments, “My parents have always told my sisici Wilma and 1 of how on their wedding day, in 1925, after the wedding guests had left their reception ai the Slovenian I lome on Holmes Av enue, my mother and her aunt had to wash and put away all of the dishes and cooking equipment while my father and his friends had to straighten out the place before they could leave the hall.” Congratulations to this wonderful couple. NO. 42. MAPI.I. Il(i I S., OH Birthday greetings to our May Birthday ladies, Kathleen Hrovat, Dorothy Ponikvar, Mary Stimeiz, Donna Wilk, Mary Filips, Angie Zupan, Veda Shega, Melinda Pi line, Gretchen Wilk and Mitzi Champa. To all our sick we wish you well. Our prayers are with you. Congratulations to Veda and husband, Eugene Vercck on your new grandchild. We extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Mrs. l.egan of Florida who passed away in March. Frances Tomsic attended her funeral in Florida. Our Stanley Products Party was a big success. Thanks to all you ladies of Br. 47 and Br. 73 for attending. We will honor our chosen Mother of the Year, Ann Perko and the living and deceased members of Br. 42 on May 9lh at 7:15 p.m. Mass al Si. Wcnceslaus church then to the Slovenian National Home for a light luncheon and to greet the Mother of the Year. Ann Perko has given so much of her lime to helping others. She belongs to many charitable organizations. She is not only a hard worker but also a true friend. Congratulations, Ann! Just to let you know, ladies, that Br. 42 was chartered 55 years ago on May 30th in 1930. Those of you that have not paid your dues should bring in your books to the next meeting and dues will be collected. Happy Mother’s Day lo all! DONNA S I UBi ll R NO. 43. MILWAUKEE, Wl Now' that March is over people will have a more positive attitude toward Spring. Tulips will be popping up, in their beautiful colors, and lily of the valley’s w ith their little white bells. Oh! what a great feeling Spring is here, again. Our members were shut in due to the cold weather and snow, but let’s start to attend the meetings, now ihut it is getting warmer. The mass on April 28ih for living and deceased members will be well attended. Ii makes the officers feel something has been accomplished, due to a great response. Mothers Day dinner is also coming along very well. Our March birthday gals gave us a great treat. Ham & rolls, potato salad 2 different home-made cakes & coffee. We finished the afternoon playing our favorite game. Jean Fuzat is doing great from her illness. Keep it up Jean. Anne Hiller, is living with her daughter in Fake Mills, since Don passed away. Anne we don’t get to see you, but hope you’re doing well. Lucille Ganzel had surgery recently at West Allis Memorial Hospital. Get well soon Lucille. Helen Rudzinski is also on the sick list. She has been ailing for quite sometime. Mary Tratnik is also very ill, she is in intensive care at St. Francis Hosp. A card to the above and all who are ailing will be greatly appreciated. Please inform me of anyone who is ill. The vacationists are Fran and Louie Widemsek they are in Hawaii, with their daughter and son-in-law, having a great time on the different islands. Pat & Rudy Pugel were in California, Pat relaxing and Rudy on business. Jay Kouehich is getting married on May 11th at St. John the Evangelist Church. Jay is the son of Jenny and Russell Kouehich and grandson of Anne & John Reber-nisek and the future bride is Kathy Cook. Best wishes and congratulations to Jay and Kathy. Next meeting is on June 19th. Happy Mother’s Dav ROSE KRAEMER P.S. Due to Mother's Day dinner May 9th at 6:30 p.m. I he meeting on May 22nd has been cancelled. NO. 47, (,ARI II I I) ll(; I S., Oil Being we had no meeting during the winter months of Jan. and Feb. our March meeting was well-attended. With spring just around the corner, our ladies are happy to come out in full numbers. President, Mary Mundson opened the meeting with prayers and reports were made and accepted. A five dollar gift and best of health wishes were sent to eight of our 90 and over year old members, namely: Mary Frank, Mary Evanovich, Jennie Čermelj, Jennie Stemberger, Mary Železnik, Katherine Jurecheck, Jennie Mezgec, Jennie Zupančič. We will honor our Mother of the Year, yours truly, with a luncheon on Sunday, May 5th at one o’clock at Dimitri’s Restaurant located at Snow and Broadview in Midtown Shopping Center, Parma. Bring a $1 gift for the Mother of the Year. Make your reservations by calling Secretary, Mary Taucher at 663-6957. Congratulations are in order to Gramma and Grampa Harsh on the arrival of new Grandson on March 10th. Andrew Michael is the son of Andrew and Kim Harsh. Mother and baby are doing fine. Ken Drobnik, Jr. is a qualifier to the state wrestling championship. He is a sophomore at Cuyahoga Hgts. High school. Good luck, Ken! Travelers on the go are Ann and Frank Mareda enjoying the sunshine in Englewood, Florida as are Mary Sholar and son, Ray in Spring Hill, Florida. Mary Prosen spent the winter in California with daughter. Val Mervar in Virginia went down to be confirmation sponsor for her granddaughter. Happy birthday and many more to Esther Boneser, Delores Hrovat, Jennie Praznik, Mary Ivanovich, Helen Culkar, Barb Harsh, An- toinette .landers, K a t h e r i n e Gasparič, Eleanor Stražišar, Rose K o c e v a r, E d w a r d D r o b n i k , Katherine Wallace, Mary Fabjančič. Since my last report we lost a charter member, Jennie Stemberger who was 95 years old on April 1st. She was the beloved mother of Emily Weiler, Sylvia Hazlet and son, Victor. Also, Joseph Vidakovich, beloved husband of Mary and father of Julie and Lillian. May they rest in peace and let the perpetual light shine upon them. We will remember them in our prayers. After a moment of silence prayers were said. Get well wishes to our ailing members. Glad to hear that Tony Koeianeie, husband of Mary, is improving each day after serious surgery. Welcome to our meeting, Sophie and Dec Kandus. Hope you enjoyed our gathering. Come again. We were happy to have you. Julie Mezgec won the door prize donated by Mary Mundson. A social was held after the meeting with coffee and cake served. Remember that new member! Happy Mother’s Day to all Mothers! See you at Dimitri’s. MARY TAUCHER NO. 5«, CLEVELAND, OH A rainy and cold March night but about 100 women were present and it sure looked like “Patty’s Night” since most of them were wearing green. Our meeting room was a little crowded as the library was being remodeled and bookcases from the library were in our room; but in spite of the inconvenience, our bake sale ensued. Quite a few donations of breads, cookies, cakes, poticas and strudels and even chocolates were brought inspite of the meager notice given about the sale. For a change and since it was the lenten season we had cheese and crackers instead of sweet desserts. We rather sold them. Only 4 Josephines were present out of 22 that belong to our Union as March 19th was St. Joseph’s Day. We had 7 birthday ladies and two anniversaries: Lillian Gorjanc with a third and Mary Rechar having her 62nd year! Congratulations to all! Our convalesents and sick members are Justine Pecjak, Frances Nemanich, Millie Pyke (in a car accident), Ann Kosten who broke her wrist and Mamie Marin and others mentioned lately who are all fighting so long to get well. A card or call would help. I’m sure. Our youngsters—Nancy Tusek is an honor roll student and inducted into the National Honor Society and named for the Pioneer Conference Tennis Team at Brecksville High School and her sister, Susan is also doing well academically at Akron University. Girls are our members and the daughters of Dorothy Tusek. Daniclla Barbosa, 6 years old, granddaughter of Bea Tome, is in her third year of acting in “Sesame Street” and she has had a variety of parts in the show. Has been modelling since she was 3 months old! Good luck, girls and we are wishing you even more success! Molly Matter’s son, Robert Alan, who is a Resident Project Manager for Eaton Corp. has been in Florida for 2 months but will be back up north to marry Paula Lehman. The wedding will be in Columbus, Ohio and a lovely shower was held for her on April 1st at Smith & Co. Restaurant on Lake Shore Blvd. Molly’s other son, Jeff, is doing well at Avtron Corp. having received a promotion recently which entails traveling to Taiwan and other Asian as well as European countries. Happiness is wished to you all. Travelers — Mary and John Susnik were in San Antonio, Texas to visit their son, Raymond and family. Weather was nice and they enjoyed their visit, touring and sightseeing. The Alamo is still there, she says. New Members —Angela Slivenik, Lillian Homar and Maria Dimitrijevie. We hope you like our Union and hope to see you often at our meetings. While on the subject of new members, ladies, we have a campaign on now so try to get new, young blood in our midst so we elders can rest back and listen. Virginia Mlack became a happy grandmother when her daughter-in-law, Kelly, gave birth to a 9 lb. 14 oz. little girl. Don’t spoil her, now! “This is your life” skit was on Ann Winters, a volunteer, who was married at St. Mary’s Church in 1941, had 2 daughters, is retired now and traveling extensively. She has been our member for 43 years and for 11 years was our recording secretary. Great! Proud of our ladies. Heard on Tony Petkovsek’s Radiothon for the support of the St. Clair National Home many names of our members who pledged to support the maintenance fund for the beautiful National Home. Also, in other groups, lodges or charitable oranizations, many of our members give their time and support. Glad civic pride is prevalent in cur Br. 50. A pat on the back to all. Sympathy to Louise Hrovat who lost her husband, John and her brother Theodore Bi/jack in short time. Helen and Josephine Levstick also lost a brother, Joseph Levstick and Marie Azman’s mother, Mary Prijatel also passed on. Eternal rest to all and to the bereaved, strength. May meeting - Our Mother of the Year, Jane Berkopee will be honored and may you all have a beautiful Mother’s Day with your families, too, and be honored also. See you at our next meeting. Pay your dues, members, so Irene can be happy closing her records and remember, Laughter is a Tranquilizer without After-effects! Try it! Your reporter, VERA ŠEBENIK NO. 54, WARRKN, OH Our group will be holding the annual Mother-Daughter Luncheon 011 May 15th at 12:30 and the place is to be announced. We will honor Millie Pallock as our Mother of the Year. Our president, Jo Kassan and myself will take reservations and you will be con- tacted. Our deepest sympathy to the family of Frances Bano/ich, our beloved charter member from Arizona who passed away in March. She is survived by a daughter and son and several grandchildren. Attending her funeral were our member. Vie Zuga and husband, Frank also Marge and Bill Zuga, Fran’s brothers. Though she lived out west, Fran never forgot her dues and loved to read the ZARJA. She will be missed. Our branch made donations to the Statue of liberty and to the Slovenian Heart Fund at our Feb. meeting and I have already received thank-you notes from them. Our Card Party plans for May have been shelved lor a later dale and hopefully, we can have a date in the Fall for it. Going to the state of Washington for a visit is our president, Jo Kassan and to Florida, Isabelle Rck. Hope you had great limes, gals. Get well wishes to all the shut-ins and happy springtime to all. JOANNE PONIKVAR NO. 55. GIRARI), OH At our March meeting we had a vote to have our Mother’s Day banquet at Jimmy Chicffo’s Restaurant on Rt. 422. Our Mother of the Year is Martha Ambrose. At this time I would like to say I’m sorry to the ladies that had birthdays in February. Sometimes I make mistakes, loo. They are Beatrice Brayer, Marsha Majovsky, Josephine Kren, Matilda Cigolle, Jennie Olshuk and myself. And for May they are, Dori Kregar, Virginia Rostan, Dorothy Magill, Mary Salajko, Anka Kregar and Frances Luks. Happy Birthday to all! I was very sorry to hear that a member, Beatrice Brayer, was in an automobile accident on March 15th and was in Northsidc Hospital for sever;1.! weeks. She is now convalescing at home. We missed you at the meeting, Bea, and we hope you will be back soon. Our hostess for March was Maria Cvetnic. Her apple cake is the best I’ve ever tasted. I hopje to see most of our ladies at the Mother's Day Banquet. As a reminder, it’s May 19th at 1 o’clock at Jimmy Chieffo’s and you can bring your husbands and children. Love, ROSEMARY NO. 56, IMBUING, MN Our March meeting was opened with a prayer by president, Rose Maras. Reports were read and accepted. Reported sick were Ann Selvo and her husband. Thank yous were received from Delores Passino for the help at the funeral of her daughter and Barbara Doshen w hile she was sick. Also, a thank you to the ZARJA from the Saudohar family on the remembrance of their mother. 11 was voted on before to ask for the article to be printed in ZARJA. Happy Birthday was sung to members having March birthdays. At the Feb. meeting, a cake was presented to Rose Maras for being our diligent State President and it was her birthday, too. The cake was donated by Fli/abeih Spolar. At the May meeting we w ill honor our Mothei of the Year, Dorothy Oberstar who is well-deserving of the honor. More on this later. The special prize winner was Hilda Pogorelce. April hostesses w ere to be Val Carlson, Milena Koehler and I cna Pcprunncr. Meeting was closed with a prayer. I uneh was served by hostesses Mary Micheletti, Mary Sikieh and Sylvia I.atick. Cards were played and winners were Milena Koehler, Anne Satovieh and Amelia Domen. Our April meeting was opened by a prayer by our president. Reports were read and accepted. Our financial secretary and treasurer were absent so there were no reports from them. A long-time member, Emma Kozak, was reported to be in a nursing home in Chicago. Barbara Doshen thanked all the people who helped in any way while she was sick. Our deepest sympathy to Dorothy Oberstar on the loss of her husband, Joseph. May he rest in peace. Final plans were made for honoring our Mother of the Year. An invitation was read by Rose Maras in honor of the 50th anniversary of Frank and Ann Satovieh which will be on May 4th, 1985. No special prize winner was held. Meeting closed with prayer. Lunch was served by hostesses Val Carlson, Milena Koehler and Lena Pepruner. Cards were played and winners were Ann Voiovieh, Pep Erickson and Fran Tobey. God bless all of you. ANNE SATOVICH NO. 57, Nil I S. OH The March meeting was held at the home of our president Frances Yerman. We completed the plans for our Mothers Day dinner, which w ill be held at Chiefo’s on May 21st at 6:00. Mary Young is now back after spending the winter with her daughter in sunny California. Ann Gunther is still in Florida with her son and his family. Pat Blair from Iowa one of our “far away” members was visiting her mother Virginia Zevkovieh and her daughter Lisa. And Fran and Mike Mollis from Wyoming are visiting friends and relatives here, after spending some lime in California, Arizona and New Mexico. Lunch was served by Mary I ukz, Viola I ogarand MaryAnn I conard. Happy birthday greetings to Carol Abdulla, Nancy Zevkovieh and Pat Blair. And belated greetings to Frances Raeher, Nancy Segret la, and Mary S pol ja rec. A Smile A smile is Cheer to > on and me The cost is uoihing-it's gi\en free It comforts the weary-gladdens the sad Consoles those in trouble-good or had To rich or poor-heggar or thief It’s free to all of am belief A natural gesture of young and old Cheers on the faint-disarins the hold Unlike most blessings for which we pra> It’s one thing we keep when we give it awa>. ANN PEASE, Reporter MATI - Mother From the art portfolio: / Remember Slovenia A ugust B. Past Vf hut is a hero? Do you remember the person thui you admired the most as a child? C'un you lell me who made llie greatest impact on your life and who was your role model? They recently polled thousands of teenagers in America with these sume questions. Their answers were that rock singers and TV star were their heros. That's really sad because my hero lived right under my roof when / was a child. She was my Nana. A hero is supposed to inspire you. Isn 7 that right? Whenever / had to face one of life's problems Nana was my source of courage. / would have u little conversation with myself and it went like this: “so you have to go away to college - Nana came to a strange country alone”, or "so your husband is in Vietnam - Nana faced the deaths of 3 husbands”, or “so the baby is sick - Nana lost some of her babies” and “she was a better person for all her troubles. ” / could also never understand what they meant by our “youth oriented culture”. I wanted to be older and a wise lady like Nana. Nana wasn't judgmental or small-minded. She never got senile and she read her Zarja and the newspapers every day she lived (foryears that / cun remember). Once I asked her what it fell like to be old. She urn in her late seventies ut the lime but she waid, “I feel just like / did at 16. Sometimes I don't recognize the old lady in the mirror.'' In the late '70’s I at tended a women's liberation meeting. They informed me that women had no feelings of self worth and they didn 7 believe that they could succeed. The way to get ahead as u modern woman was to think about yourself and thereby to be free. / thought. ' 'if / don’t phrase this properly they will throw me out”. So, I started by telling them that Nuna had 4 or 5 husbands, that she acquired toddlers with each marriage and raised children of her own. Now that got their attention because most of the members were divorced and quite a few had families where there were more parents than children. Then / told them that Nana had only a basic education and had to work as a domestic when she came to this country. They liked that a lot because this confirmed their belief that women have always been oppressed and held back no matter how intelligent they were. And when / told tham that Nana was the charter member of a women's organization, (S IVU) / finally had their full attention. Now was my big chance to make my points; but I blew ii. They didn 7 want to hear me say that Nana was a happy person. They didn 7 agree when / said that Nana was happy because she gave so much of herself to others and never thought of herself. Boy, did they gel angry when I said that love and happiness make you free and that Nana was the most liberated woman in the world; Nana was fabulous. Then they threw me out. They screamed that I hud an altitude problem. As Mother's Day and Fa I her's Day approaches, allow me to make a suggest ion. Everyone who had a Nana in their life, rename the holdays “Heros Day”. Thai will give those teenagers who were surveyed and the women's libbers something to think about. Mary June Sexton Granddaughter of Mary Seidel Kuiiip Brooklyn, New York Mary Jane’s grandmother was one of the first members of Hr. 93, Brooklyn, New York. Her mother, Mary Seidel, was also a member and her godmother was Agnes Klarieh, a long-time offieer of the hraneh. *** This essa> was written as a elass assignment for Kthnic Culture in America studies w hich Mary Janes has completed. *** She is now a new member of SWU and we are proud to have her! SAD NEWS TO REPORT I have the sad news lo report that Mary Snezic, our president, passed away April 6th. Mary died of infirmities. She was 83 years old and lived at the Golden Hills Nursing Home in New Castle. Mary’s birthday would have been May 30 - she was born in 1901 in Austria, daughter of John and Mary Erhart Bergles. She came to Bessemer as a child. Mary was a member of St. Anthony church, the Christian Mothers, Senior Citizens, Croatian Club, and several fraternals. Her husband, John, whom she married in 1916, died July 10th, 1984. Surviving are three daughters, Ann Markovich of Bessemer, Marie Fabian of Struthers, Esther Walker of Pinella Park, Florida, Lawrence of Bessemer, a sister, Pauline Lisko of Youngstown, 14 grandchildren, 34 great grandchildren and two great great grandchildren! Services were held Tuesday at St. Anthony’s Church. Mary was our president for 49 years, ever since the branch was started in 1936. 1 believe she was the last of the charter members. We are going to miss her as she kept our club together. She was a person that was outspoken and liked by everybody - always ready to help if one was in need. She was a cook at the church and also at the Croatian Club for years. What wonderful times we had. 1, for one, will miss her a lot. So will all her friends. May she rest in peace. To the family we extend our deepest sympathy. God bless her and everyone. MARY PERC1C, Secretary NO. 59, BURGKTTSTOWN, l‘A Dear members and friends: With Summer upon us, we find ourselves doing many summer activities, taking vacations, eookouts, parties of all kinds and whatever. Happy Mother’s Day to all those celebrating this honor. May each of you find happiness that day! Mary Dvoršak, Mary Fartilli and Virginia Montequin were in the hopsital. Also, a frequent guest at our meetings, Mary Richey, was hospitalized. They are all home now and we hope each one makes a fast recovery! Cheery thoughts! We have three Junior members who will be graduating from Burgettstown High School on June 4th. They are Kellie Bendick who plans to go to college to study foreign languages; Tricia Founder and Becky Paskitius are both undecided. Good luck, gals, in your attempted goals. Kimberlee Oren-chuk enjoyed sightseeing in Washington D.C. for 4 days. Virginia Bendick, along with her son and daughter and their families have opened up a grocery store right in town. We wish them much success in the business field. May birthday celebrants are, Mary Dvoršak, Mary Gosteau, Elsie Ferbežar, Evelyn Stetar, Virginia Montequin and yours truly. How many candles on the cake? Happy summertime fun! ROSEMARY NO. 67, BI.SSI MI R, l*A Meeting was opened with the Lord’s Prayer. The Christmas party was poorly attended but we had two meetings since and a few showed up. Our president, Mary Snezic, was in the hospital and is now back at the home. Since so few attended the meeting we did not have election of officers; so, ladies, attend the meeting and pay your dues or come and visit us and reminisce. Ann Markovich, our treasurer, had her husband in the hospital in Pittsburgh, but he is home now and on the road to good health. We wish him all the best! Did you look at your policy lately, to see if you want to change your Beneficiary or if your name and year is correct? Easier and Mother’s Day celebrations were planned. Hope you had enjoyable days. Happy Mother’s Day! There are ladies who can’t get out. Send them a card or pay a visit or call them on the telephone and let them know we care. Someday, we will be there! I found this Mother’s Day poem in one of my books: WHAT IS A MOTHER? To her family, she's special She ’s understundinji, A hani/iiei elief, a short order cook, A fountain of love, a chauffeur. Warmth and security. She’s clean socks, starched dresses, A mender of hurts. She’s scrubbed ears, A tender nurse, a maid, a queen She deserves a day of honor and tribute. She deserves the love of those she loves. Yes, she ’s very special. So, on Mother’s Day, Tell vour Mother how much you care. We ’d like to tell all Mothers, We cure, too! (Copyright, 1966 - The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co.) 1 thought it was a nice poem and kept it. So, God bless every one and a speedy recovery to all our shut-ins! MARY PERC 1C NO. 71. SIR ABA N11. I* A Happy Mother’s Day to all S.W.U. members! After the long winter months, it certainly is nice to be enjoying spring. Our February meeting was held on Valentine’s Day with 18 members attending. Cupid’s helpers: Patti and Margie Oravek, Marge Striner and Dorothy Bruce decorated the hull in keeping with the holiday. Prizes were donated by Aggie, Dorothy, Margie, Patti, Lucy, Peggy, Joann and Caroline. Lucy Smith reminded everyone that she has cookbooks for sale and that members are requested to pay their dues for the year. Happy birthday greetings are sent to the following members born in February, March and April: Patty Oravek, Aggie Boštjančič, Marlene Tkach, Josephine Verholtz, Veronica Talpas, Pauline Klinger, Caroline Gillespie, Olga kennard, Mary Sinkovich, Anna Skittle, Elsie Bird, Helen Lesso, Emma Moskol, Bertha Smith, Josephine Tomsic, Jennie Tershal and Ivana Vehar. Our next meeting will be on May 9th with the Mother’s Day social scheduled to follow. Each member is requested to bring a covered dish to serve and hostesses for the social will be Marlene, Margie and Joann. It is always a highlight of our year. So, do come and join in and help us celebrate spring and Mother’s Day. PEC. GRICAR NO. 73. WARR1NSVI1 I I IIGTS., OH May, 1985. It seems like only yesterday that 1 was busy packing away the Christmas ornaments. We are fast 'approaching the busy summer months. Graduations, weddings, picnics, etc. are already filling our calendars. As the warm weather approaches, let’s all mark our calendars for the first Monday of the month for our S.Z.Z. meetings. You will find this a pleasant evening to spend with your sister-members. Catching up on the news of who is sick, who is feeling better, who has moved, who is planning to move back, sharing traveling experiences, cooking ideas--and enjoying the coffee and pastry later. An S.Ž. Z. meeting has a lot to offer. Join us. Kay Yuratovac has been busy entertaining her sister, Mary Papp, from Paradise Pines, California. Mary spent three weeks here in Ohio. Rosemary Prasek, with her husband (Tim) enjoyed a business affiliated trip to California. Seems like Californians and Ohioans are passing each other as they travel. Richard and Christine Kainee are the proud parents of a baby boy. Congratulations to them, may good health prevail. Don’t spoil him, Grandma (Helen Kainee)! Louise Epley has been our traveler of the month. Talk about a “Bus Bum”. She spent eleven days on a tour that visited the S.N.P.J. Gulf Coast. She was delighted to meet Rudy Gorišek (long time Warrcn-sville Heights resident, now living in Tarpon Springs, Florida) who was on the committee for the affair. Rudy sends his best regards 10 all his friends in Ohio. Louise also took time while in Atlanta, Georgia to call Mary and Frank Chesnik who have relocated in that area, living with their daughter, Leona Fronek. They were happy to speak with someone from “home”, they send their warmest wishes and assure everyone they are well and happy. May is a very special month in so many ways, and for Melanie Dusek it will be VERY special. Melanie, daughter of (our secretary) Gloria and Tim, will receive her First Holy Communion this month. We congratulate her, may she bloom and grow with this new “nourishment”. I attended the Slovenian Awards Banquet for the Man/Woman of the Year in Cleveland, Ohio. The affair, held at the National Home on Si. Clair, was interesting, and the words spoken by Governor Emeritus Frank J. Lausche, and Bishop Edward Pevec made the whole afternoon very worthwhile. The Slovenian Art Guild had an attractive display set up, and I finally purchased the splash cloths I have wanted for so long, and I am anxious to start working on them. A special thank you to Doris Sadar who look so much lime explaining ihe cloths and the An Guild’s functions to me. We SIX MONTHS REPORT OF BRANCH ASSESSMENTS July 1 to December 31, 1984 Branch Amount Adult Junior 1. Sheboygan, Wl $ 866.20 155 22 2. Chicago, IL 1,766.15 287 131 3. Pueblo, CO 1,232.05 224 63 5. Indianapolis, IN 313.00 69 5 6. Barberton, OH 318.85 56 5 7. Forest City, PA 94.60 31 1 8. Steelton, PA 69.60 19 0 10. Cleveland, OH 901.65 193 7 12. Milwaukee, WI 636.40 102 23 13. San Francisco, CA 537.35 96 11 14. Euclid, OH 1,136.80 224 13 15. Cleveland, OH 569.90 103 0 16. South Chicago, IL 881.15 147 34 17. West Allis, Wl 918.00 167 59 19. Eveleth, MN 290.10 60 4 20. Joliet, IL 2,585.20 465 114 21. Cleveland, OH 395.85 79 12 22. Bradley, IL 79.45 14 0 23. Ely, MN 1,042.35 195 22 24. LaSalle, IL 491.85 99 15 25. Cleveland, OH 1,574.60 306 19 26. Pittsburgh, PA 624.15 115 8 27. North Braddock, PA 19 0 28. Calumet, Ml 260.25 52 2 29. Browndale, PA 44.20 8 0 30. Home 367.05 35 3 31. Gilbert, MN 170.05 42 0 32. Euclid, OH 1,211.15 206 38 33. Duluth, MN 1,046.70 169 32 34. Soudan, MN 263.10 44 10 35. Aurora, MN 433.80 63 26 37. Greaney, MN 28.35 8 0 38. Chisholm, MN 499.15 76 7 39. Biwabik, MN 274.20 47 4 40. Lorain, OH 433.15 82 3 41. Cleveland, OH 288.55 66 4 42. Maple Heights, OH 445.80 80 16 43. Milwaukee, Wl 1,069.00 182 42 45. Portland, OR 319.80 30 7 46. St. Louis, MO 56.35 14 1 553 should all take a special interest in the displays of the An Guild, and the items they have to offer, if I he Slovenian Heritage is to be kept alive. A very HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to all of you. You are very special people, you deserve all the love and honor that will be showered on you. One TV personality described it this way: You can always pick out the mother in any crowd. She’s the one in the kitchen wearing five corsages, preparing dinner for twelve!! Have a beautiful day. Respect fully submitted, EVELYN MA.IERCIK NO. 81, KKIIWATIN, MN March is at an end as I write this, so we likely will have a couple more snow falls, but we know the sun will take it away quickly. March 27ih meeting was held in Father Frederick Hall. The meeting opened with a prayer said by the members. We discussed future act i vites and since we are not celebrating a Mother of the Year in May, we are planning a social event in ilie fall. Si. Mary’s had “soup night” during Lent before the Lenten 47. Garfield Heights, OH 50. Cleveland, OH 52. Kitzville, MN 54. Warren, OH 55. Girard, OH 56. Hibbing, MN 57. Niles, OH 59. Burgettstown, PA 63. Denver, CO 64. Kansas City, KS 65. Virginia, MN 66. Canon City, CO 67. Bessemer, PA 68. Fairport Harbor, OH 70. West Aliquippa, PA 71. Strabane, PA 73. Warrensville Hgts., OH 74. Ambridge, PA 77. NS Pittsburgh, PA 79. Enumclaw, WA 80. Moon Run, PA 81. Keewatin, MN 83. Crosby, MN 84. New York, NY 85. DePue, IL 86. Nashwauk, MN 88. Johnstown, PA 89. Oglesby, IL 90. Bridgeville, PA 91. Oakmont, PA 92. Crested Butte, CO 93. Brooklyn, NY 95. South Chicago, IL 96. Universale, PA 97. Cairnbrook, PA 99. Elmburst, IL 100. Fontana, CA 101. Bedford Heights, OH 102. Willard, Wl 103. Washington, D.C. 105. Detroit, MI 106. Meadowlands, PA TOTALS services which consisted of Stations of the Cross, a sermon and Benediction.. The Slovenian ladies made and served “9 bean soup” which received many compliments. We had a large turnout for which we NO. 89, OGI.l.SBY, II From Happy New Year to Happy Faster! Our LaSalle County States Attorney, Gary Peterlin’s wife, l.ana and children, Marshall, Brian, Jennifer and Lora attended the 425.95 81 25 2,438.30 362 67 140.60 38 1 169.50 33 3 277.20 50 16 235.90 58 3 227.10 44 2 123.90 24 5 107.00 32 0 48.65 24 0 85.20 25 2 214.50 39 3 239.10 46 0 272.90 48 6 10 0 479.10 98 18 427.60 82 23 19 0 75.60 18 2 120.40 41 4 4 0 130.20 21 2 42.30 11 0 82.65 19 1 147.60 27 0 61.25 13 0 53.00 19 0 185.75 41 0 79.80 13 0 153.90 32 0 109.60 25 6 117.90 31 0 738.00 143 6 27 1 34.50 8 0 9.00 5 0 329.55 46 20 138.30 18 8 192.60 34 7 236.95 31 7 331.10 43 0 18 0 $33,817.85 6,228 1,001 Socials 420 were grateful. The money received is given to Fr. Louis for charity. We hope you had a blessed and happy Easter. Enjoy the summer. MARY MICHEL1CH Reporter Presidential Inauguaral Ball for President Ronald Reagan in Washington D.C. last January. Congratulations. He is our past president’s son and other relatives include an aunt, Terri Peterlin and cousin, Georgia Bima. Christmas party was held at Sy’s Lounge - lovely, fun group of members. They selected names from a box for prizes. Ann Batty won a beautiful fruit basket donated by Rose Ann Prey. LaSalle-Peru-Oglesby High School German Band, directed by Roger Sterns entertained. Buffet dinner was served. On the committee were Rose Ann, Ann Antkowiak and Frances Rolando. Ann Antkowiak and her husband celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary on April 21st with Mass at Holy Family Church. Ann (Meglich) Antkowiak is a charter member of Br. 89. They once lived in Chicago near St. Stephen’s Church. My mother and I saw them often there while visiting our relatives, Frank and Lu Prijate!. Ann’s mother, Mary Meglich Jazbec organized our branch in Oglesby. Bill and Ann arc parents of 3 daughters, Gloria Brus, Elaine Nunaber of LaSalle and Mary Donnelly of Dallas, Texas. Happy belated birthday to these sisters members: Celia Hobneck was 96 years young on Dec. 13th and Frances Gorišek celebrated on March 7th. Frances Mozina was 86 in February, Ann Krancic was 90 on April 14th. Brian Peterlin, cousin of Terri tZ s s 1 and grandson of Irene Peterlin was 8 on March 17th. My niece, Sarah Cenkar was 9 on March 18th. Rose Ann Prey’s granddaughter, Vanessa Morrison of Oglesby was 5 on March 31st and grandson, Brian Prey was also 5 on March 14th. In May we have the birthdays of Ann Antkowiak on May 10th and Catherine Golcik on May 7th. Josephine Morrison, our member, recently retired. Darlene Wasiclewski, Sunshine Chairman, is the proud grandmother of a baby girl born January 9th. Cara .lancllc’s parents arc Robert and Mary Sue Wasiclewski. Well wishes go to Honorinc Corpus and Celia Hobneck. Our dear Frances Gorisck and friends have been visiting hospitals and nursing homes the past 15 years to cheer up the patients there. Officers for 1985 are. President, Terri Essl, Vice-President, Rose Ann Prey, Financial Secretary, Mary Kern/, Recording Secretary, Eunice Komatcr, Treasurer, Emma Folly, Chaplin, Frances Gorišek, Sunshine Chairman, Darlene Wasiclewski, Auditors, Helen Komatcr, Ann Batty and Ann Antkowiak and Zarja Reporter, Yours Truly. Our Spiritual Advisor is Fr. Dennis Mackessy. Installation of officers was video taped by Dennis Morrison, son-in-law of Rose Ann Prey. During the past bowling season we had a lot of fun. My team is in 4th rln Memoriam \ V BLAG SPOMIN I place right now, the Jolly Dollies. Terri Essl’s team is in first place and she is doing well, too. They are the Badge-a-minits. May Report Hello to all of you lovely members. I’m sure you arc all getting flowers planted and gardens ready for your vegetables for next fall’s harvest. It was nice to see everyone again at the S.W.U. Bowling Tournament in Joliet. Good to see West Allis ladies. I bowled with them last year. Too bad they couldn’t stay for the Polka Dance at the Slovenian Home on Clement St. Roman Possedi and his Orchestra entertained. He sang many songs in Slovenian. I enjoyed the dancing and meeting more people there. I really hated to leave. 2 - Mary Bavetz - 89 yrs old Pauline Ozbolt - 97 yrs old Mary Tomazin - 84 yrs old 58-yr member Charter member Mary Zorko - 82 yrs old 3 - Jos. I indway - 78 yrs old 5 - Antonia kos - 97 yrs old 53-yr member Jos. Pesul - 5()-yr member 7 - Ann Ferraro - Mary Kosir - 92-yr old 58-yr member Charter member 10 - Jennie Glazar - 96 yrs old 56-yr member 12 - Frances Zagar - 90 yrs old 54-yr member 14 - Mary Avsec - 76 yrs old 52-yr member Jennie Blatnik - 91 yrs old 53-yr member Agnes Polanz - 75 yrs old 15 - Mary Boldin - 96 yrs old 53-yr member 16 - Angela Arko - 88 yrs old 17 - Marie Floryan - 79 yrs old 55-yr member Anna Kegel - 91 yrs old Mary LaCourt 20 - Rose Bobak - 83 yrs old Frances Kalcie - 85 yrs old Anna Papesh - 82 yrs old 57-yr member 25- - Ann Maver - 75 yrs old Angela Misic - 90 yrs old 50-yr member cafeteria where I get a chance to be with the students and enjoy their sports and other activities. Keeps me young! Our Mother of the Year Day is May 13th. For the Banquet the committee consists of Mary Kernz, Emma Folty and Josephine Argubright. We’ll have a report on this in the next issue. MARY ANN SAMUEI.SON 32 - Alice Cercek - 75 yrs old Mary Drenik - 89 yrs old 55-yr member Carole Korošec 33 - Stephie Szumal - 77 yrs old Ann Vrklan - 90 yrs old 55-yr member 35 - Katherine Berdice - 76 yrs old Jennie Put/el - 75 yrs old Frances Smolich 38 - Frances Jenko - 87 yrs old 51-yr member Johanna Perkovich - 85 yrs old Dorothy Zamernik - 98 yrs old 54-yr member 41 - Anna Kuhar - 77 yrs old 50-yr member 42 - Frances Legan - 88 yrs old 55-yr member Theresa Simončič - 94 yrs old 54-yr member 47 - Jennie Stemberger - 95 yrs old 54-yr member 50 - Frances Ogrinc - 80 yrs old 56 - Anna Staudohar - 92 yrs old 52-yr member 63 - Helen E Ryan - 88 yrs old 64 - Mary Vraničar - 100 yrs old 74 - Christine Grandovie 77 - Amelia Flore - 83 yrs old 86 - Anna Forss - 83 yrs old 93 - Mary Maurin - 87 yrs old 95 - Benedicta Marino - 96 yrs old 96 - Pauline Kokal - 82 yrs old 105 - Johanna Martel - 84 yrs old 56-yr member Secretary. Congratulations, Linda! Betty will check with the restaurants to see where we will have our luncheon. Frieda will get the door prizes and Fran Austin and Elsie will make the crown. Frances passed out papers with phrases in the Croatian language and she went over tn night there will he a Spaghetti Dinner and Auction; Saturday afternoon, an Antique Auto Show and Plea Market and on Sunday, a Polka Mass followed by Dinner. Throughout (he three days there will he carnival rides, helicopter rides, booths for prizes, food and drinks as well as continuous music for dancing and listening. Hope to see you al this year’s bigger and better Fair! Mary Ann Gregorich, Publicity Chairman “GIVE ME YOUR TIRED, YOUR POOR, YOUR HUDDLED MASSES YEARNING TO BREATHE FREE, THE WRETCHED REFUSE OF YOUR TEEMING SHORE. SEND THESE, THE HOMELESS, TEMPEST-TOST TO ME, I LIFT MY LAMP BESIDE THE GOLDEN DOOR!” Emma Lazarus, 1883 the sweetest name in the world! No. 1, Sheboygan — She is an exemplary woman and has made a significant impact on her world! Hermine Dicke was born as the second daughter of Marie and John Prisland and grew up in a household of love and inspiration. She grew into beautiful womanhood became a registered nurse and married tall, handsome university-educated Robert Dicke. During their lifetime together, now 45 years, Hermine has enjoyed living in the academic atmosphere of (he University of Wisconsin with her professor-husband, rearing a family of four children, participating in church, charitable and community activities. They reared four children, Robert Ted, William John, Mary Hermine and Katherine Ann and are the grandparents to five. Hermine has assumed prominence with the Slovenian Womens Union as the head of our Scholarship Fund for many years. Her diligence and high efficiency in this department is a proud continuation of her mother’s work. The service Hermine has rendered cannot be measured fully as it has resulted in valuable prestige and recognition for our SWU among our members and in the fraternal world. In the recent decades, Hermine has been our popular ZARJA columnist with her food and recipe feature called POTS & PANS. Every member seems lo enjoy reading this column; and imagine all the good times around the dining table our SWU families have enjoyed because of 1 he dishes made from it! When I he organi/alion presented to the public the cookbook Pots & Pans in 1982, ii was another achievement of Hermine and Iter family. Husband, Bob, whose interest in her culinary ai t centers in their kitchen, became her greatest assistant in preparing the items for priming and setting up the pages — as did her brother, Ted Prisland, a commercial artist. His artistic designs helped Hermine lo complete the book just as she wished ii lo be — a practical, helpful and inspirational book for every housewife. Continued No. 2, Chicago — Every member of Br. 2 knows our Mother of the Year as one of the most generous and gracious ladies. Every year, for as far back as one can remember, Frances has been one of the prime donors of beautiful handwork for our many money-making events. Her heirloom afghans arc truly works of art and have been exhibited numerous times at various craft shows and even at the Chicago International Folk Fair! Frances and her partner-in-life, John Jasbec, work hand in hand at many projects, some of which we truly admire. John has helped knitting, hooking rugs, washing and blocking the finished items and giving her encouragement all along the way. Frances was born in Slovenia and came to America in 1921, soon afterward marrying John. They will celebrate their 53rd anniversary this month on May 28th. They have four living children, Hedwig, Regina, Martha and Valerija and lost a son at infancy. Eight grandchildren and two great grandchildren complete the family. Frances is a 44 year member of S.W.U. and belongs lo other major Slovenian associations. She has enrolled her grandson Jerry’s wife, Phyllis, who frequently accompanies her lo the meetings and in this way, keeps grandma Frances happy with her friends. The Jasbccs have many relatives and friends also in Slovenia where they were both born. They have made numerous trips there, one aboard the S.S. Queen Elizabeth. For their 50th Anniversary, they had a wonderful celebration in Slovenia. Mass was offered in the village church and their friends, in traditional native costumes, arrived for the party on a horse-drawn wagon. Musicians and merrymaking ensued lo make it a never-to-be-forgotten event. Back in Chicago, they also celebrated with a second profession of vows and open house reception. Among Frances’ most proud handy-work achievements are the lace altarcloths she has made for St. n page 39 No. 10, Cleveland — We are happy to present our two Mothers of the Year — and as we say, our Mother and Daughter of the Year! They are our good member, Anna Tomsie, born at Črnomelj in Slovenija and the mother of 5 children, Albert, Mary, John, Rose and William. She has 11 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren, loves to cook and bake and attend meetings of Br. 10 with her daughter, Mary... Mary Podlogar, is a good member and the mother of two children, Mary Ann Moses and Robert. She has a darling grandson named Brian Moses. Mary and her husband, Frank, are active with the Collinwood Slovenian National Home and she was on the Board Directors for the last six years. Mary also belongs to the St. Mary’s Church Altar and Rosary Society. They are both members 22 years! This year is a special one for Mary and I rank Podlogar because Frank was named Man of the Year for the Collinwood Slovenian Home and honored at a special testimonial banquet in March. (See note with Br. 10 article) A great family tradition and deep, deep roots come from this family and to everyone who knows them, they symbolize a true mother-daughter relationship. Congratulations! No. 3, Pueblo — Ai out February meeting, members unanimously selected as our Chosen Mother, Gertrude Jordan. Her friendliness and good will to all is outstanding. The mother is the heart and goodness of a family and this is the perfect description of our Mother of the Year, Gertrude Jordan. Our Zveza is proud to have many women of the calibre of Mrs. Jordan. We all know many like her, yet she is a special, loving friend. Her maiden name was Lipic and she was born here in Pueblo, Colorado. Her husband passed away 9 years ago and she has four adult children, two sons and two daughters. Her happiness is in having three grandchildren and seven great grandchildren and all of them have their membership policies in Zveza. Her son, Donald has a brilliant career as a police officer. Gertrude was employed for 29 years as a laborer at the C F & I Steel Corporation. In her retirement, she is very active and has many things to keep her busy. She loves to knit and crochet — she’s made many, many dollies and other items for the home. In the summertime, she tends her garden with various kinds of flowers and vegetables. She is busy at the church and gives to all good causes. Congratulations to our Mother of the Year. The branch will be in debt to you for a long time, for all your good work with us in the 22 years you have been our member! I mm Pachak s/m/H No. 5, Indianapolis — Mary Bayt Lambert Huske was born seventy-seven years (1908) ago in Terre Haute, Indiana. The oldest of eleven children, Mary s parents were immigrants from Slovenia. Mrs. Huske has also been a member of Branch 5, Indianapolis for fifty-live years. A present resident of Delray Beach, Florida, Mary has been a widow for seventeen years. She and her husband, George, had two daughters, Rosemary Carl and Phyllis Cesnik. Mary also has six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. During her career days, Mary, who attended business college, was employed by National Malleable Steel Castings, L.S. Ayres department store, Hoffman Specialty, MCL cafeterias and Charlie Brockman gift store. In her “spare” time Mary loves to crochet, bake poticas and play “B” and Scrabble. Mary’s grandson, Larry Cesnik, writes about his grandmother. “Mary enjoys spending a lot of time with her own family, friends and neighbors. She will do anything to help them out “in a pinch”. Cooking has always been one of her great passions and her famous poticas have received rave reviews far and wide. Mary is very proud of her daughters, grandchildren and all her other relatives. Continued on paj>c 39 lajvzdetč* No. 12, Milwaukee — Our Mother of the Year, Ann Povsie Grambow, was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and has remained a lifelong resident of this area. She was a graduate of Bay View High School. Ann was married to Willard Grambow but has been a widow for the past 16 years. She has two sons, Richard, a service engineer for B.E. Corp., and Greg, a C.P.A. She also has three granddaughters, Krista and Michelle, twins, and Erin, all members of branch No. 12, and one grandson, Michael. Ann’s three sisters, Julia Pesec, Mary Debelak and Frieda Turek are also S.W.U. members. Until her retirement Ann worked for 20 years as a secretary and 6 years as a sales coordinator for Oster Corp., Div. of Sunbeam. Upon retirement Ann has become quite active in Br. 12, assisting anywhere she is needed. She loves to cook and bake and has brought many of her culinary creations to our meetings. Her main interests are her grandchildren, traveling, concerts and her many friends. We wish her good health and God’s blessing. Mary Daman, Secretary No. 16, So. Chicago— February 14th was one of the few meeting nights that Mary Priesol did not attend and in spite of her not being present, her sister members respected her dedication to the branch by electing her their Mother of the Year for 1985. Mary, maiden name Kovacic, was born on April 29, 1927 at Etna, Pennsylvania. Sadness came into Mary’s life when she was just 4 years old when she lost both her Mother and Father, but fate stepped in and blessed her with two loving and understanding parents, Emma and Frank Krai who brought her to Chicago and into the fold of their own family and raised her along with their 5 children. Mary’s Mother was a Sister to Frank Krai. Mary was married to Emil Priesol on November 4, 1950 and they will celebrate their 35th wedding anniversary in November of this year. They were blessed with 6 children, Patricia, Emil, twins, Debra Ann and Diane, Mary Ann and Paula. Four grandchildren add much joy to their life. Mary is an outstanding cook and baker and she attributes this talent to her Mother, Emma who excels in this field. Mary joined Branch No. 16 in .lune of 1949 thereby Continued on page 39 No. 13, San Francisco — The members love Anna Nanut, a member for 25 years and regularly attending meetings and helping out at all activities. She is proud of her son, Joseph John Nanut, Jr., a Branch Officer at the California Stale Board of Equalization and is Supervisor of Santa Cruz County. Ann and her husband, Joseph, also have a granddaughter, Kristine. She was born in Daly City, California and was employed in the bookkeeping dept, of F.W. Woolworth Co. for 33 years. She retired in 1976. She is on the Board of Directors of the Slovenian Hall, the American Fraternal Union, belongs to the KSK.I and is a member of the Educational and Dramatic Club “Slovenia”. Her sister, Sophie Troya and niece Carol Goergen are members; her mother, Mary Klepec, was a member of long standing until her death in 1971. She loves to read, travel and participate in social activities of the branch. Happiest Mother’s Day, Mrs. Nanut! /.AIMA—THE DAWN '(S/ ll No. 17, West Allis — Chosen as Mother of I he Year is Mary J. Marolt. Her pleasant personality, her caring for other people and their needs her, ability to approach any project with courage and enthusiasm, are her commendable attributes. She takes every fraternal project very seriously and does her best. Thus, she is an asset to our branch and we are proud to have her as our member. Mary was born in Kemmerer, Wyoming. She and her husband, Ferdinand, will be married 45 years this November. They have two daughters, Patricia Radtke and Kathleen Frehler and there are four grandchildren in the family. She completed only 8 grades and then Vocational School to prepare her for the working world. She has always maintained a beautiful home and execlls in the domestic arts especially baking Slovenian pastries. She was co-chairman of the Slovenian cooking classes sponsored by the Sloga organization of which she is a member — as she is with the KSkJ and Christian Women. She will be a member of SWU for 25 years, this year. Three of her grandchildren are members and she is a grand and generous donor at the branch events. We extend our heartiest wishes for this Mother’s Day and many more to come! No. 14, F.uclitl — We are delighted to bestow the honor of Mother of the Year upon Jennie Fitzthum, a member of our lodge for over 40 years. In her youthful days she worked at Pimar’s Grocery store and following that worked for 23 years at Setina’s Meat Market, the well-known Slovenian butcher, where everyone was familiar with Jennie’s smiling face behind the counter; she was always ready to inquire about you and your family. Jennie, born Kozjevear, was joined to Nathan (Jim) Fitzthum in Holy Matrimony on May 7, 1938. The happy couple was blessed with two lovely children, Jim and I auric. Jennie and her husband, Jim, as lie was af-fectionatclly known, were a jolly pair and could be seen at most of the social events and gatherings. Uppermost in Jennie’s life has been her family. Unfortunately, her husband passed away last year and she is trying to fill her life with her family and her home. She jovially laughed and stated, “Housework and yard work lake up most of my time. I don’t even have lime for a hobby!”. Yet she finds time to be an active member in St. Paul’s 50 Plus Club, Progressive Slovene Women Circle 3, and A.M.I .A. l odge No. 40. Jennie has always been a loyal member of our lodge No. 14 attending most meetings and always contributing her efforts and help when needed. Jennie is very proud of her children and grandchildren. Both her daughter I auric Minnick, and daughter-in-law Marilyn I itzthum, arc members in our Continued on page 39 No. 22, Bradley — Borrowing from the slogan advertising Sarah Lee, “nobody doesn’t like” our Mother of the Year! She is our very much respected Anna Jamnik, the sole living immigrant among the Slovenes in Bradley. At 86, she is keen of mind and lives quite independently in her small, comfortable and well-kept home. Born Anna Rozman, August 29, 1898 in Borst, Bela Krajina, she came to America in May, 1921, aboard the SS Chicago, her destination Bradley, where she made her home with Aunt Barbara (George) Krall, earning her livelihood at St. Viator’s College, Bourbonnais, until her marriage to Joseph Jamnik on November 25, 1922. He died in May of ’54, after a long illness. Her consolation and pride now rest in her three sons. Elmer, Louis and Anthony, 10 grand-children (8 living) and 11 great-grandchildren. Elmer, now a counselor in the Joliet High School system after years of teaching, made a trip to Slovenia last summer. A favorite snapshot is that of Elmer standing beside a road sign with arrow directed to the village of JAMNIK. Louie is still working in the Bradley Post Office, and Tony, the salesman, travels extensively for Mobil in Kankakee. These “boys” are devoted to their mother and she to them, catering to their craving for that delicious potica and strudel. To the women of Branch 22, Mrs. Jamnik is the remaining link to the Old Country, embodying the spirit of the hard-working, religious Slovenian people we have known in our homes and thus is representative of our mothers, long since gone. Continued on page 39 No. 19, Eveleth — Mary Dresher was born in Elcor, Minnesota, March 10, 1904. She was married to John Dresher from Gilbert on July 24, 1926 at St. Joseph’s Catholic church. They celebrated their 50th anniversary in 1976. He husband passed away on Nov. 17th, 1982. She had three children, John Jr. of Nebraska, Tom of Minneapolis and a daughter, Jeanette, who passed away in 1935. There are five grandchildren, Joe, Tom, Kristen and John in Mips, and Mari Jo who is married and lives in Lincoln. They are Mary’s pride and joy and she gets to visit them as often as possible. Mary worked at the Arrow Shirt factory in Gilbert for 20 years. She enjoyes gardening, baking and cooking and loves to take care of her house plants. She has been involved in parish activities, is a member of the Catholic Women’s Council and is a member of S.W.U. for 48 years! All her sister members and friends extend best wishes and happiness! Mar\ anil John Dresher on their (■olden Ammersan No. 23, Ely — This year Branch No. 23, Ely, is honoring Mary Skufca as “Mother of the Year.” Mary has been a faithful and loyal member for 50 years. She has held offices of V. Pres., Rec. Sec., and Reporter. Mary was born in Zapotek, Jugoslavia on June 14, 1908 to Louis and Mary Glavan Senta. When she was 1 year old her father decided to come to America to seek his fortune. After a few years, Mary, brother Louis and their mother joined him in Ely. Mary is the oldest girl of 6 children. In 1924, at 16, she married Joe Skufca. They were together for 55 years before his death in 1979, They had 3 children, Donald of Calif., married and has one daughter - Ellen; Helen of Minneapolis - married with 3 children, Mark, Carolyn, and Emily and 2 grandchildren. Son joseph is deceased. Mary has many hobbies: reading, sewing, crocheting, playing cards and traveling. Last year she made her first trip back to Jugoslavia to visit with relatives. Now she’s planning another trip to Europe. She hopes to find more relatives! Her sister, Marge Skubitz and sister-in-law, Hannah Senta, now in Ely nursing home, are members of SWU. We hope Mary has many more active years as a beloved member. Congratulations! Kris Garni No. 24, La Salle — The members of Ur. 24 have selected Frannie Kobilsck to be our 1985 Mother of the Year. The former Fannie Klopcic was born in La Salle on December 26, 1905. The family moved to Springfield, 1L when Fannie was 2 years of age and she received her education in Sacred Heart School there. Later her family moved back to La Salle and Fannie was employed at Westclox Clock Factory until her marriage. On June 7, 1925 Fannie married Frank Kobilsek in St. Roch’s Church. They became the parents of two Children; Frances, (Mrs. Melvin Larson) of Decatur, IL and Daniel of Mendota, II.. Fannie has nine grandchildren and one great-grandchild. She has been a widow since June 1982 when Frank passed away. She has fond Continued on page 39 GTa ecZo N«. 25, Cleveland — The most beautiful month of the year is the month of May. All our thoughts this month are concentrated on the Blessed Virgin - our mother - our beautiful Lady as the children from Fatima called her. Also, in most of our branches of SWU we select a mother - a woman who did and does a lot of good - for the branch and also in other areas. Branch 25 selected as Women of the Year our diligent, wonderful recording secretary for 14 years and a member for 33 years - always active - Marie Telic. She resides on St. Clair Ave., from the day of her arrival to America in Dec. ol 1920. For 64 years she is going to St. Vitus Church and is a parishioner for as long. The jobs she had thru life did not take her far away. She was working all along in St. Clair area as saleslady. Most of us know her, as she was always a happy person and always ready to help. Her hobbies are: reading, knitting, playing cards, walking and traveling. For the last 25 years she visited her relatives in Slovenia - 6 times. Retirement years found her living with her lifelong triend dear Anna Jaksic. The last years she was also companion to her. Anna passed away Sept. 14, 1984. She misses their friendship, but luckily now Anna’s family, the Drobnic’s and Jaksic’s knock on Marie’s door quite often. Marie, “Marica”, thank you for all the meeting attended and Minutes you read thru the years and we hope, you’ll be reading and writing them for another 14 years! We all love you and ask God to bless you! Marie will be honored with a dinner on May 14 at Sterle’s Country House. Come and be happy with our celebrant. C.A. No. 32. Kuelid — Our Mother of the Year, Dorothy Lamm, is also our president, now going on the third year. Prior to that she was our hostess and was very good at that. She is a very active member in our group with many good ideas all the time. She joined in 1978 and has always been on the board. She also enjoys attending our Combined Branch meetings at the Kovacie Recreation Center in Cleveland. Last year, she became the proud grandmother of her first granddaughter, Stephanie Kneisley and happily enrolled her as a new member. Both her daughters are members. Denise Kneisley was Miss SNP.I in 1972 and Robin Marie Hegeduš who was a cheerleader at Euclid High for 6 years. She is also proud of having two well-educated sons-in-law, one is a Doctor and the other a Civil Engineer. Dorothy and her husband, Robert, with whom she is pictured, have been married for 33 years. She traveled to Europe two times, one time ii was with the girls on the Euclid Choral singing tour. Dorothy completed high school and worked at General Electric on Noble Rd. for many years. She now enjoys her club work and is a member of “Club Društev” for Rechar Hall. She was born in Johnstown, Penna. in a family of seven children of Jacob and Mary Koss. We are very happy and proud lo have her in our group. Jl> C Dllicilshcli ^irs/e No. 26, Pittsburgh — Our Mother of the Year lor 1985 is Antoinette Jaketic, better known to us as “Blondie!” Her birthday is February 19, 1914 and she was born in Pittsburgh. She married Charles Stayduhar in February 21, 1933 and was married for 33 years. He died in 1966 leaving her with 1 daughter Dorothy Szurzewski and 1 son, Charles. She married Peter Jaketic in 1969; he passed away on January 1, 1984. She has 10 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. She is enjoying retirement now for the past 2 years. She is very active in our K.S.K.J. Lodge No. 81 and now she is our President after serving several years as Vice President. She was also elected Vice President for the K.S.K.J. Federation, which was formed in February 1984. She has been a delegate to the K.S.K.J. Conventions many times and always making more friends. At present she is a volunteer for our Slovenian Auditorium, Slovenski Dom, working hard to try and keep the Hall very much alive. For our Zveza No. 26, she is a member for 51 years, and during this time she has been President, Vice-President and an Auditor, always helping out whenever needed, and liked by everyone. At this time, she has enrolled in our Branch, her daughter, Dorothy, daughter-in-law, Louise and sisters-in-law. She enjoys her family very much, visiting, babysitting with Parties being the best of all. She also likes working in her garden and helping her neighbor who has been sick for years. She is also my good friend and we work very well together. I always will remember the fun going on my bus trips with her and her husband, and also with our Card Club. God Bless Her. Mary Slanov No. 28, Culumcl — One of the ten children born to Louis and Frances Jendich in Calumet, Michigan, Theresa Skufca has lived all her life in this lovely city on the Keweenaw Penninsula of Upper Michigan. She is the proud mother of a daughter, Karen, a teacher who lives in Douglas, Arizona. Theresa and husband, Albert arc members of the St. Paul the Apostle Parish, one of the oldest churches in Michigan. She is active as a member of the Altar Society. She also participated as a leader for 7 years of the Campfire Girls program and was for ten years with the Head Start program of her community. She was employed for several years with Sears, Roebuck and Co. Theresa loves gardening, knitting, crocheting and other crafts. She was a member of the S.W.U. Drill Team ol Br. 28 in the old days and is a long time member of 26 years. She was elected to the office of trustee this year. An abundance of good wishes and lots of love! No. 33 Duluth — Helen (Banas) Mosack, our choice as Mother of the Year for Branch 33, Duluth, MN was born in Duluth, MN May 23, 1920 to Polish immigrant parents, Stanley and Mary (Zywot) Banas. She is living in the family home at 1214 98th Avenue West and is a member of St. Elizabeth’s parish where she married Raymond Mosack June 2, 1945. They were married for 26 years and she has now been a widow for 14 years. Helen attended Stowe elementary and junior high school and graduated from Duluth Central High School. She had worked at Klearflax Rug Co. for 5 years and most recently worked at Napeming, St. Louis County Health Facility, for 14 years until her retirement in May 1982. Her son, Stanley, 39, is married and has three children, lives in' St. Cloud, MN. Daughter, Linda, 35, lives in Esko, MN, with her husband and two daughters. Both of her children are teachers. Helen attends meetings regular for SWU, Branch 33, of which she has been a member for 24 years. She has served on numerous committees including Branch 33 Cookbook project. At present she is an auditor. She had been active in past years in Stowe PTA. She also served as residential chairperson for Gary-New Duluth area for United Way for several years. She is a member of Gary-New Duluth Senior Citizens Club, Memorial Senior Citizens Club, Golden Arrow Travel Club, TOPS Club - has been a KOP for 17 years. Her interests and hobbies include traveling - visited Poland to visit her parents’ homeland and relatives in 1976; England, France, Ireland, Hawaii; USA - tours -including several SWU convention guest tours. She also enjoys bowling, reading knitting, cooking and baking. Her pleasant attitude and feelings for others makes her a very special member of our group. N«. 34, Soudan — When our Mother of the Year tor Branch No. 34, Soudan, came to my house to be interviewed, the first question 1 asked was, “Anne, when were you born?” She answered, with a big smile, “I will be 82 on my next birthday, July 6!” I could hardly believe that this lady will be that age-she has a beautiful complexion, with very few wrinkles and sparkling eyes, that light up when she smiles or laughs, but can readily fill with tears when she tells about something sad that has transpired in her life. Anne Frances Stepan Frazee was born on Fourth Street in Soudan on July 6, 1903, the daughter of Anton and Anna (Gornik) Stepan, remembered as a most loving couple, who were both from Metlika. There were seven children in the Stepan family: Tony, John and Joe (who lived in Chisholm), Mary Obserstar, (who lived in Chisholm), Barbara Lunka, (who lived in Ely). Surviving them are Katherine Janezich, who lives in Chisholm, and Anne, who makes her home in Tower. On July 22, 1928, in Virginia, Anne married William Frazee, who was born in Wisner, Nebraska. Bill, as lie is known, worked as a Driller in the Soudan Mine until it closed in 1963. Anne and Bill became the parents of six children, four of whom survive... William Jr. of Tower, is the Postmaster in Angora, MN; Lucille (Mrs. Marvin Carlson) of Minneapolis; James, who works for Reserve Mining in Babbitt, MN, lives in Tower; George lives in Apple Valley, MN. A daughter, Ann (Lolly) Suihkonen, died of cancer on May 22, 1983, at age 50, leaving a family of 8 children; and Dean, a son, died at age 33 on April 15, 1980. Dean was a veteran of Vietnam, serving with the Army. There are 17 grandchildren and 16 great grandchildren, all of them devoted to their grandparents. Two grandchildren are deceased. Among Anne’s happier memories were the two anniversaries that they celebrated, one when they had been married for 45 years and was a family gathering and the 50th anniversary, celebrated at their daughter Ann’s home in rural Tower, with relatives and friends attending. Anne and Bill also traveled to many different states... Iowa, California, New Mexico, Montana, South Dakota among them and spent a month in California when their son George lived there while doing lab work for MGM Studios for 14 years. Continued oil page 40 No. 35, Aurora — Born on February 18, 1906, in Ely, Minnesota, Grandma Frances was one of twelve children born to Joseph and Frances Orazem. She married Joseph Bradach on June 6, 1925, in Detroit, Michigan. Grandma and Grandpa Bradach moved from Detroit to Aurora, Minnesota, then to Wade Location near Kinny, Minnesota and on to Buhl, Minnesota, finally returning to Aurora, Minnesota, where they still reside today. They will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary this coming June. Frances and Joseph Bradach raised six children; Ted, the oldest, lives in Willowick, Ohio; Phillis passed away in infancy; Frances, who passed away in February, was a membr of Branch 35 for many years; Joseph Jr. resides in Aurora, Minnesota; Jim lives in Hastings, Minnesota; Dick, the youngest, lives in Apple Valley, Minnesota. Frances and Joseph are the proud grandparents of fifteen grandchildren and sixteen greatgrandchildren. Frances has been an active -member of the Slovenian Women’s Union for nearly fifty years and Branch 35 Secretary-Treasurer for thirty-nine years. She also holds membership in the KSKJ, American Legion, Vl-'W and Senior Citizens organizations of Aurora, Minnesota. Having been an avid and hard worker all her life, Frances, for many years, sold Spirilla Corsets across the Iron Range, going door to door. Her last employment was with Cluett-Peabody, at the Gilbert Shirt Factory in Gilbert, Minnesota, from which she retired in 1970, after twenty-nine years of service. Always with a smile on her face, active and on the go, Frances still cooks traditional Slovenian dishes and her Strudels, as well as Krofee, Zleenkrofee, Štruklji and Potieas, all ol which are excellent! 1 have been lucky enough to have recipes for all of these, and much more, passed down to me. 1 and the rest of the family congratulate Grandma Frances on being named Branch 35’s “Mother of the Year”. We are all very proud of her and her achievements. Heidi Bradach Furry Allison Furr> is cuddled in the arms of her »real t>randmoiher Frances Bradach with »real "randpa lookin'; on. f* \okos No. 38, Chisholm — Branch No. 38 Chisholm extends their congratulations to Kathryn Knuth, 1985 “Mother of the Year”! Kathy was born in Duluth, Minn., and attended Denfeld High and U.M.D. Kathy was married on Sept. 13, 1958 to Waller Knuth and she is the proud mother of three children, Elizabeth, John and Eric and has two grandchildren. This active lady was president of PTA, president of Ladies Guild of Good Shepherd Church; is interested in civil affairs and was on the project HOPE. They moved to Chisholm in 1976 and she joined the Zveza in 1977 and for the Iasi four years has been sec.-treas. of Branch No. 38. She is the current sec.-treas. of Minn. SWU, too. She is the musician for the W.O.T.M. Chisholm, the Moose Cribbage League, the Yugoslav Club of Chisholm, Slovenian National Home and one of the auditors for S.N.H. Kathy likes classic and semi-classic music and her hobbies are sewing, knitting and crafts. She’s an avid reader and loves to play cards. Members of Branch No. 38 are proud of having Kathy as our “Mother of the Year and congratulate her, wish her happiness, good health and the best in life and hopes she continues as our sec.-treas. A special salute for all the work Kathy has done as sec.-treas. and when we hosted the national convention in 1983, as she really does a terrific job all the time. She truly deserves the honor — again, congratulations! Rose Niemi No. 39, liiwabik — When asked whey “Maizie” was chosen as mother of the year, Biwabik S.W.U. President, Fran Anzele, replied, “she is a very good member who is always willing to help; she is always there to help and volunteer for any arrangements and projects performed by the Lodge.” “In addition,” continued Anzele, “she is very reliable. When she says she’ll help, she does. She is very good-hearted, always doing something for someone else in the neighborhood. She’s a great person all the way around.” As a recent member of the S.W.U. I found that Maizie’s infectious smile and likeable sense of humor smoothed over small ripplies of contention and made meetings and projects flow more smoothly and happily. We salute a treasured member of our family! Kathy Siskur, Recording Secretary Man and Mali Ger/ina uiili ilicii lamih, from lell standing, Sheri and Joe (.ir/ina, John and Susan Ger/ina and in the eeuler, uraml-I'hildreu Krisien and Kalhei'ine. No. 40, l.orain — With great pleasure we present Agnes Mroski as our choice of “Mother of the Year” and as all members have agreed an excellent choice! Agnes was born in Lorain on March 16, 1915, and lived most of her life in Lorain. However, she and her husband, Tony, now live in Vermillion at 13010 West Lake Road. Agnes and Tony were married on May 30, 1940 and will be celebrating their 45th wedding anniversary this year. This union was blessed with four children, Robert, Allen, Nadine and David - and grandchildren now number eight; and one on the way! Continued on page 40 No. 42, Maple Hgls. — Mother of the Year, Ann, has spent 30 years as a volunteer to the Little Flower Mission. She has made hundreds upon hundreds ol' aprons which she donates to the Mission and they in turn sell them to aid their expense fund and thus assist the less fortunate. Additionally, her time is given to the Mission to help in any other wls. — A member since birth. Leona Sue Mandich is the daughter of our long-standing secretary of Br. 73, Alouise Epley, who herself stepped into her own mother’s shoes as an officer of the Branch. Grandmother, Alojzia Turk was a charter member and first secretary-treasurer holding that office until her death. Leona Sue’s sister, Louise Godec, sons Christopher and Billy, and numerous aunts, cousins, nephews, nieces, sister-in-law, arc all members in a real family tradition! Right nw, Leona Sue and her husband, Emil, are very busy with their business called “Buggy Works”, a van conversion business. Long hours are the order of the day she says. A newly erected building conveniently located near mother Epley’s home is a culmination of their dream. Leona Sue is a graduate of Hoban Dominican High School. She worked for the Peace Corps when living in Chicago and also worked as secretary for an attorney in Cleveland. She has been a den mother, played organ at St. Jude’s church for 10 years and still assists Fr. Riley of St. Henry’s by playing for masses held at the Suburban Pavilion Nursing Home. She also loves to give parties! She plays Santa Claus ai branch’s Christmas party using her two sons and nephew, Leo, as elves. She supplies little goodies lor each member. For our eookouts, she supplies the liquid refreshments setting up the bar herself. Husband, Emil, is our chef, seeing to it that the hot dogs and corn are done to a turn. Altho she is very busy, Leona takes time to pop in at our meetings to say hi!, with that special twinkle in her eye and happy smile. All the members extend best wishes for a successful business venture for many years to come and happiness as their Mother of the Year. a J s No. 92, Gunnison — Linda was chosen by her sister members for this singular honor. She is the wife of Dan Mikus and mother of four sons, Dan, Brendon, Shannon and Brian. She was born in Phoenix, Arizona. Their home is on Chckwa Trail in Gunnison. Linda is a graduate of Pueblo Catholic High School and St. Frances Hospital School of Nursing. She is treasurer of the Altar and Rosary Society and for the past 4 years is secretary of Br. 92. The Mikuses are owners of the Last Chance Mexican Restaurant. They celebrated their 20th anniversary - a specially happy day for all the family. Their son, Brendan is attending the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. She loves to read, and go hunting and fishing in the summer. She is a helpful and conscientious officer and member and we all love her! Happy Mother’s Day, Linda! No. 95, So. Chicago — A very special person has been chosen by our membership as our “Woman of the Year.” Charlotte Fryza who resides at 2853 E. 97th St., is a native of Joliet, attended St. Thaddeus Grammar School, and Joliet Township High School. At the present time she is retired from Gassman’s after 21 years of service. On June 26, 1946 she became Mrs. Jerome Fryza. From this happy and successful marriage two children were born, a son, Gregory (Judy) Fryza, and a daughter Karen (Bronco) Pesich; she is proud of four grandchildren, Andrew and Jason Fryza, and Mark Christopher and John Charles Pesich. She finds great joy and fulfillment when she is with them. She has been a member of our branch for 6 years and in that short period of lime her accomplishments are many. She has contributed her time, bakery goods, cash, but most of all, attends our meetings with regularity and makes it her business to take a genuine interest in all of our activities, such as serving as Chairlady and on committees. She is also an active member of Sacred Fleart Parish, and presently is Vice President of the Altar and Rosary Society. She has served as Chairlady for their Annual Ladies and Men’s Smoker, Annual June Dinners, and Christmas Party. She is future-oriented, close to her loved ones, and is the happiest when she is able to display her culinary skills for her family and friends. She dislikes confusion, keeps things well-organized and always concentrates on the task at hand. Her goals are not really long-range, but she keeps them on the practical side because she takes great pride in her accomplishments. So you can see she has a long and enduring determination of doing things right whenever she is called upon. She stands as a shining example of what a true member should be, and proven by her reputation, she has been an important part of our branch. It is our sincere wish that she enjoys many years of good health, so that she may continue to serve our branch. Congratulations, Charlotte, and may you continue to receive ever greater rewards and recognition. Mildred James A Tribute to My Mom It’s Mother’s Day again this year and I really never told you how 1 felt. It’s been a while since I told you I love you and sometimes it’s hard for me to say it. You’re the best mom. You’re a very special lady in my heart. I thank you on this day. When I was growing up you were always there to help me on my way. I'm glad I had the teaching and the special loving care you gave me. You never said no. And, now I have children and you're so special to them, loo. They think the world of you. You’re always there with open arms for me and my family, mom. I just want you to know how grateful I am for all the love and up-bringing you have given me. I thank you mom, and will always have a special place in my heart for all the love you have given me. Ilappy Mother’s Day, mom. I love you. Love always. Your friend and daughter, Shtiron Johnson Br. 33, Duluth, Minn. A tribute to my mom, Delores Heski No. 100, Fontana — Anne is a dedicated member who fulfills obligations to the best of her ability. She assumes responsibility in a leadership role while at the same time she secures and maintains respect and interest of the other members. She is consistent and friendly as she meets situations with calm assurance. While displaying a helpful, tireless attitude, Mrs. Kapel is willing to take and consider suggestions from the members which will enhance the continuation of Branch 100. Anne Kapel, a lady who is always there when things need to be done! We, members of Branch 100, are truly fortunate to have her as our president. Rosemary Mlakar, Former Secretary No. 101, Bedford Hj>ts. — Florence Mind’s friendly smile and helpful ways are what make her a special member of Branch No. 101. We appreciate her activities with us and her service as treasurer of our branch. Being a working mother, employed as a sales co-ordinator at Joseph and Feiss, she still finds time to maintain her home and participate in many outside activities. She is an officer of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers’ Union, a member of St. Lawrence Church choir, and an avid polka fan. Her husband, Joseph and she have two children and five grandchildren, all members of S.W.U. No. 101. Her grandchildren are her pride and joy, and she spends many hours with them. She is one of our most active members, taking charge of “Home Days” and making it a success, and also volunteers on any other projects. Her eagerness to serve in any capacity where her service is needed is a most commendable attribute. All our members wish Florence good health and happiness as our “Mother of the Year.” Reporter No. 103, Washington, l).C. — The members of Branch 103 have chosen to honor Angela R. Daly as their Mother of the Year. Angela was born in Ely, Minnesota where her mother, Mrs. Ursula Tratnik, and her sister, Mrs. Amelia Grahek, reside. Her mother was a charter member of Branch 23, Ely. Her sister, Amelia, is an active member of Branch 23. Angela was married to Paul J. Daly of Minnesota on May 7, 1938 and has been a widow for the past four years. They had two children: Colonel Terrence P. Daly, USAF, and Mrs. Kathleen D. Ireland. There are live grandchildren. Kathy has a responsible position with the Air Force at Andrews Air Force Base. Terrence acts as l egislative Liaison between his office in the Pentagon and the Congress. He recently headed a Congressional delegation to Europe and while there on business, had the honor of having a private audience with the Pope in Rome. He was also in charge of the recent visit of the 30 Russians to the United States as guests of the Congress. Angela is a graduate of the Ely Junior College and was employed by the Bureau of the Census and the Department ol Commerce. She was employed for 31 years at the Bureau of the Census, mostly as an editor in the Publications Office. Continued on pa)>t'4l Mol hers of Zveza (Continuation of stories) Hermine Dieke This is not in the least the sum total of Hermine’s activity. The list of her club memberships, positions she has maintained in various organizations is endless. In 1979 she was presented the Book of Golden Deeds Award by the Madison Exchange Club for community and church services and in 1981 she was recognized with an award from the Madison Association for Retarded Citizens. She loves all the meetings and gel togethers with sister members of the Friends of International Students, the Catholic Women’s Club, The Queens Guild of Our Lady Queen of Peace parish, the Daughters of Demeter, consisting of wives of U. ol'W. professors, in all of which she has served as president. She has been general Chairman of the annual girl scout cookie drive and is a volunteer at St. Mary’s Hospital Medical Center and member of the University League and Madison Civic Club. She has been a member since childhood of the Sheboygan Branch where her sister, Margaret is their long-time secretary; her daughters Mary and Katherine are also members. Besides her loveable nature, Hermine is strongly dedicated to her heritage and to the Slovenian Women’s Union membership. Her presence at the National Board meetings is always inspirational and she is called upon to lend guidance and her own special brand ol leadership. She has instituted the tradition among the Board members, of concluding the meeting with the singing of Češčena si, Marija while tightly holding hands — and thereon, bidding a fond adieu. It goes without saying that the spirit ol Marie Prisland is alive and well in her daughter, Hermine Dicke, a wife, mother and sister to all of us. I'ranees .las l>ec Stephen’s church. She has also made an exceptional one for the Mt. Assisi Convent chapel in Lemom, Illinois -made from a design given her by ladies ai a Polish church. One special altar covering was completed just in time to be used for daughter Regina’s wedding! She is also an excellent cook and baker, and bread-baking is one of her specialties. Her family raves over a sweet dough yellow corn bread that is “super delicious.” “Frances’ industry, dedication and generosity have always remained constant. Her accompanying sense of humor and quick wit make her a delight in company. Her devotion to her family has always been an example for sister members of our branch. She is a gentle person who is young at heart and always loving. God bless her!” Mary Bayl Lambert I luske As a matter of fact, many of them fly down to Florida to visit her often. They just can’t resist the warm sunshine and Mary’s happy ways. Her hospitality and kindness to both friends and family, young and old, have earned Mary Huske the honor of Mother of the Year.” The Bayt family was very involved in Indianapolis politics. Mary, true to family tradition was a precinct committeewoman. She is very proud of the fact that her Phil, was elected twice as Mayor of Indianapolis, Indiana. Her mother, Antonia Bayt, was a long-standing officer of Br. 5 and her maternal heart is carried on in the beautiful spirit of Mary, our Mother of the Year. lodge. Marilyn is very active in No. 14 and holds the office of Seargant-at-Arms. Jim and Marilyn’s son, a student at St. Joseph High School and member of their marching band, had the pleasure this past March lo go to New York to partcipate in the Si. Patrick’s Day parade which was a great thrill for him and his family. Diane and her daughter, Laurie, live in Akron where Diane works but they still find time to share with their mother and grandmother. All of mur members join in a sincere wish to Mrs. Jennie litzthum for years of good health and joy. l//iV A ii '-iii' Mar> Priesol making her a 36 year member this year. She attends meetings regularly and has held the office of Auditor. She has served on many committees for branch sponsored affairs and is always ready and willing to give a hand wherever needed. Mary’s Mother, Emma Krai is a member of Branch No. 16 for 49 years and was elected Mother-of-the-Year in 1980. Her Mother-in-Law, Anna Priesol, deceased, was also a member for many years. She is an active member of the Confraternity of Christian Mothers having held several offices in this organization. She is also a member of the William Franko Post and the Alumni School Mothers of St. George Church. The members of Branch No. 16 wish you a Happy Mother’s Day and are proud to have you as their Mother-of-the-Year for 1985. May God bless you and your family with many years of Good Health, Peace and Happiness. Congratulations! Gladys K. Buck Anna Jamnik A charter member, in these 56 years of the Branch’s existence she certainly has performed her share of work, willingly and generously, for it is not her nature to act otherwise. As she puts it, she “did everything they asked me to”. However, visiting the sick members was not an obligation imposed by an organization but an act of love that came from the heart. When enjoying better health and eyesight, crocheting was a plesant pastime for her, a skill she acquired as a child in school in Europe. Thirty minutes of learning-in-doing handwork were added to the regular half-day school sessions devoted to the 3 R’s. Interesting too is that beyond the four years of basic education many received, Mrs. Jamnik had two more years of “one day a week, Thursday, all day”! Other hobbies are gardening and flowers. As numerous and varied as her achievements have been on behalf of SWU, we salute and love Mrs. Jamnik for what she is, a truly Christian woman of gentle spirit, generosity, and good humor, and a friend to everyone! Congratulations! Happy Mother’s Day! God bless you, dear member! Em mu L us tig Fannie Kohilsek memories ol a visit to Frank’s birthplace in Slovenia as well as traveling to Italy, France and Switzerland twenty years ago and also the joy ol celebrating their Golden Wedding Anniversary in 1975. Fannie is a member of Resurrection Parish, the Sanctuary and Rosary Society, and is Treasurer of K.S.K.J. Holy Family Lodge No. 5 as well as the S.W.U. Fannie has never held an office in our Branch, but has always been one of the very willing workers for all branch activities and projects. She is an excellent cook and baker and has provided many goodies for our bake sales. She enjoys her garden, especially the roses. She does beautiful crocheting — she entered 12 projects in the La Salle County Fair and took home 11 ribbons! She likes to crochet while watching TV and is very generous with her finished work. She has donated afghans to Sanctuary and Rosary and to our group as well. June will be an important month for Fannie. On June 2 she will become a 50 year member of SWU and sometime that month will become a great grandmother again. Fannie exemplifies the ideals of a Slovenian mother and homemaker. She is a devout Catholic, a loving mother and grandmother. Branch 24 is proud to claim her for a member and we’ll be honoring her with a dinner in May. We love you Fannie, and pray that God will bless you with health and happiness. ANNE MARIE WANGER, Reporter Aim Fra/ec Bill and Anne own a place on Lake Vermilion and Bill enjoys fishing, Anne has enjoyed doing handwork, knitting and crocheting. Bill is handy in the kitchen and will make meals for Anne now and then! He also has a garden and keepes busy cutting, splitting and piling firewood. Anne joined our branch as a social member and enjoys coming to our meetings. She also belongs to the Council of Catholic Women, the Pioneer Senior Citizens, and Northwoods Senior Citizens. Both Bill and Anne have good health except Anne has had a knee replacement and several surgeries because of arthritis but manages to get around in spite of it. A tribute to them both is the loving concern of their children; their sons will visit every day, to have conversation and a cup of coffee with them. Anne is looking forward to her 57th wedding anniversary in July and also her 82nd birthday which will be on July 6, the same day as St. Martin’s in Tower will be celebrating their Centennial! We hope these days will be filled with happiness for you, Anne, and we are proud to name you our “Mother of the Year.” Adeline Mustonen An nos Minski Visits to their children is great pleasure for the Mroskis - and they visit often, at the present time they are in Texas and Arizona. Activities are many - but - have changed during the years, at one time, very active in PTA, Athletic Boosters, and Band Boosters while the children were in school. Now, it’s Altar Rosary Society of which Agnes is an officer - and a loyal, faithful member of Slovenian Women’s Union No. 40 for almost 18 years. Her mother Agnes V. Janear - was a 45 year member until her death in 1984. Agnes is interested in crocheting, gardening, bridge, bowling and traveling - but, her greatest joy and love have been in her supporting husband, children, and now grandchildren - and being a homemaker. Travel plays a big part in her life since the oldest, Robert, and the youngest, David, live in Lugo Vista, Texas, another son, Allen lives in Phoenix, Arizona and the only daughter, Nadine, is in Travers City, Michigan. Agnes made a trip to Slovenia - and that was the greatest travel experience of her life. Agnes is a loving, sharing person and we’re happy to share her with all the other members of SWU. God bless her - her family with many years of good health and happiness - Happy Mother’s Day! Mary I’luszuj Tammy Gregorash and Chad Allen, junior members of Br. 20, are mighty proud lo he wearing their Slovenian LOVK Tee Shirts. Both are wearing haschall style shirts hut the lettering design differs on each. Chad has chosen blue and white and Tammy is wearing a red and white combination. Little 2 year old Melissa Muller, junior member of Br. 2, Chicago (altho she lives in Scottsdale, Arizona) enjoys playing in her comfy traditional LOVE Tee Shirt. These shirts are great for all those sporting events in which young people participate. Don’t you want to wear one? If so, they can he purchased at (he S.W.l). Home Office, 431 No. Chicago St., Joliet, 11.60432. List size (S M 1.) and color preferred. Cost is $8 per shirt. lies l Wishes! FORTUNA FUINEItAL HOME 5316 Fleet Ave. Cleveland, Ohio Ml 1-0046 --'inia/i Angela was recently elected Treasurer of Bishop Baraga Lodge 257, KSKJ. She is also a member of the following organizations: National Association of Retired Federal Employees, Holy Family Sodality, Holy Family Leisure Club, Minnesota State Society, and life-time member of the Census Bureau Recreation and Welfare Association. Angela performs volunteer work at the Paul VI Institute for the Arts and at the Holy Family School Library. Angela visited Slovenia six times with her husband, Paul. He was very interested in her heritage and presented a showing of his beautiful slides at the second “Know Your Slovenian Heritage” program held annually in Washington, D.C. Angela continues to do extensive traveling and returns to her mother’s home in Ely, Minnesota each summer for an extended visit. Angela has been a member of Branch 103 for six years. She is a member of our Program Committee and is an active participant in branch functions. She is adept at helping the branch reach satisfactory solutions to various issues under discussion. She is also very cooperative and versatile. We admire her spirit of friendliness and her continued interest in physical fitness which gives her a “chic” appearance. Our best wishes to Angela for a happy Mother’s Day! Freda H. Mirclie/itch Anna Hodnik: Learn Slovenian! 1 hope this little lesson will help those of you traveling to Slovenia this summer. Have a good time! money - denar Yugoslav money - dinar bank - banka cash - gotovina bus - avtobus hotel - hotel telegram - brzojavka souvenir - spominček Where can I change money? K je lahko menjam denar? I have travelers checks - Imam potovalne čeke. Where can I mail this letter? K je lahko oddam to pismo? Where is the post office? Kje je poštni urad? 1 would like to buy some stamps - Kad(a) hi kupil(a) nekaj /namk. Write down your name and address -Napišite tvoje ime in naslov. Excuse me! - Oprosti! Thank you - Hvala lepa. It is not necessary - Ni potrebno. I’ll have to ask - Moram vprašati. Would you like to go with me? Ali lahko »reš / menoj? HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN MAY & JUNE May 10 -Mary Tomsic, Honorary State President of Pennsylvania, Strabane, PA National Officers: May 27 -Anna Hodnik, Director of Youth, Aurora, MN Presidents May 2 - Frances Anzelc, Br. 39, Biwabik, MN May 5 - Bernetta Mischc, Br. 84, New York, NY May 11 - Christine Konte, Br. 66, Canon City, CO May 25 - Frances Yerman, Br. 57, Niles, OH May 30 - Rose Kosko, Br. 21, Cleveland, OH June 4 - Maria Cvetnic, Br. 55, Girard, OH June 12 - Frances Corel, Br. 93, Brooklyn, NY Secretaries May 3 - Anna Anderson, Br. 79, Enuclaw, WA May 6 - Gladys Buck, Br. 16, So. Chicago, II May 13 - Helen McFarland, Br. 66, Canon City, CO May 13 - Mary Mcjac, Br. 103, Washington, D.C. May 14 - Mary Pabijan, Br. 15, Cleveland, OH May 22 - Jennie lavchar, Br. 65, Virginia, MN May 27 - Anka Kregar, Br. 55, Girard, OH June I - Ann Pavclich, Br. 8, Steelton, PA June 3 - Jane Hudak, Br. 74, Ambridge, PA June 17 - Christine Meyer, Br. 86, Nashwauk. MN June 29 - Elizabeth Spolar, Br. 56, Hibbing, MN June 30 - Rosemary Susel, Br. 10, Cleveland, OH MANY HAPPY KKTIJItNS OF I III. DAY! Ti, ki si krasnejša kot vse cvetje maja, čudovito ljubezen svojo pošiljaš nam iz raja. Roka Tvoja nas po pravi poti vodi, da v življenju zmotah otrok Tvoj ne zablodi. Kam bi se zatekli, da bi se srce odpočilo ako upanja tolažbe pri Tebi ni dobilo? Naše prošnje polagamo pred Tvoj oltar, Ti sinu jih izročaš, ne zabiš nas nikdar. Zato naj pletemo Ti vence z molitvijo goreče, oltarje Ti krasimo s cvetjem vsi ljubeče. Še zemlja zate se v prelepi plašč ogrne, da nebeški Materi devici — ljubezen svojo vrne. p. A tanazij Lovrenčič, of m: Materinski dan. Ob materinskem dnevu naše misli gredo nazaj na dom naše mladosti “kjer me je zibala mamica moja”, kot pravi pesem. V spomin nam pride slika tiste žene, ki nam je stala ob strani ob veselih in žalostnih dnevih naše mladosti. Še zmiraj jo vidimo, kako se je urno sukala po kuhinji, kako je obešala oprano perilo na vrv, da se posuši; kako nas je skrbno pripravljala za šolo in cerkev; kako se je zaskrbljeno sklanjala nad nami ko smo bili bolni; in ko so stvari šle narobe v družini, kako je skrivala solze, da bi nam ne vzela poguma. Ko gledamo nazaj, v materi vidimo ženo, ki ni mislila na sebe ampak le na družino. To je bila slovenska mati, mati ki se je zavedala, da ni materinske časti brez žrtve. Ko gledamo okoli sebe, danes vidimo, kako ljudje postajajo vedno bolj sebični; vsak se trudi, da bi bil čim bolj preskrbljen za bodočnost, pri tem pa ne misli na svojega sočloveka. Samo. da se nam godi dobro, to je geslo modernega človeka. I/ kakšnem nasprotju je mišljenje dobre matere. I/ njenem srcu so vsi prej, ona je vedno zadnja. In če gledamo s strahom v bodočnost naših družin, je to le zato, ker dandanes najdemo le majhno število dobrih mater. V tem mesecu maju nam Bog daje lep zgled v svoji materi Mariji. Njena živa vera in neomajno zaupanje v dobrega nebeškega Očeta, je bila tista vodilna zvezda, ki jo je vodila skozi temne ure velikega Petka. Naj Bog nakloni tudi naši dobi veliko število dobrih mater, ki bodo kot močan steber stale v svojih družinah in jih branile pred polomom, ki jim grozi moderno poganstvo. ieccooooccooooooscooeoooososiocosoocosoeoeoecooooocoGceocccioooocoooooooooo 24. MAJA PRAZNIK MARIJE POMAGAJ Kartica iz Washingtona Za materinski dan (Mother’s Day) je uprava Narodnega Svetišča National Shrine of Immaculate Conception v Washingtonu izdala prav lepo voščilno karto v pregibu, ki ima na prvi zunanji strani podobo Brezjanske Marije in na zadnji strani oltar slovenske kapele v Narodnem Svetišču. Pošilja jo prijateljem in podpornikom svetišča širom Združenih Držav - natisnjena je bila v 150,000 izvodih. Ta voščilna in votivna karta bo gotovo zanimala tudi Slovence, predvsem slovenske častilce mater, saj je zelo primerno voščilo za materinski dan. Karta ni na prodaj; bo pa poslana vsakomu, za katerega bo uprava svetišča dobila ime s polnim naslovom. Kdor jo želi dobiti in uporabiti, naj pošlje svoje ime in popolen naslov na: (9509 Hale Street, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910). Vf.' DOPISI Na materinem grobu Mnogo let, mali, že molčiš, mnogo lel mirno v grobu spiš; a danes le čujcm od nekod, danes, ko je vseh mater god. 1 II Skrivnostno kličeš mi / višin vso srečo mladih dni v 888 spomin. Vprašuješ me, kako je /daj — na lieu sol/e, al’ smehljaj? O mati, trdo je življenje! /daj sama okušam skrh, trpljenje in breme, ki Teje težilo, ko Ti srce je /a me bilo. Na grobu lučka Ti gori — ljube/en mojih sončnih dni. Na njem cveti pomladni cvet — najlepši list, najlepših let. Nad grobom pa moj žalni spev i/gublja v daljni se odmev. Mnogo let, mati, že molčiš, nocoj pa spel ini govoriš; kol nekdaj Ti v obličje zrem, poljub Tvoj čutim in objem... Spisala g o s/ta /‘ris html ŠT. 13, SAN FRANCISCO, CA Iz domovine sem dobila prelepo razglednico od Maksima Gaspari-ja z velikonočnim motivom. Verz na vrhu se glasi: "Zdaj pomlad je petja čas, zdaj naj odmeva petja glas.” Želim vsem članicam, posebno urednici Corinne Leskovar, polno blagoslova in zdravja za Veliko noč in za materinski dan. Pri nas bomo praznovali 5. maja ob 9:30 a.m. sv. mašo v slovenski cerkvi; v Ramada Inn 590 Bay St. in Columbus. Upam, da pridete. Pa ne samo to nedeljo, ampak tudi druge nedelje. Naš nadškof se ne zanima, koliko je denarja, ampak koliko glav je v cerkvi. Samo to se šteje. Na žalost, zmeraj je manj ljudi. Pred tedni smo imeli poslovilno sv. mašo za uglednim Slovencem John Judnichem. Zelo lepo je bilo, da so se odzvali v velikem številu. Vdova Anna (naša pevka nekoč) in sin Johnie sta zelo hvaležna. Saj je bilo prisotnih več ljudi kot za Božič. Nekateri so prišli, ki jih že nismo videli leta in leta. Gotovo so še dobri kristjani, a zavedni Slovenci ne več. In za to bomo izgubili našo cerkev. Kot veste, je v Ameriki prvi slovenski časopis “Amerikanski Slovenec" slavil lani svojo 90 letnico. Gastitamo! Posebno dobri urednici ge. Roberti G. Gibbons za njeno Excellent delo! K dopisu prilagam pesmico za dan materam, ki jo je zložila Marie Prisland, ustanoviteljica Zveze. Prilagam še eno pesmico v spomin mojemu možu ob njegovi 6-obletnici smrti: ho s/tct /’ornimi sl onih starih časov: vselej, ko je ura bila, je prišla izza ozadja mala lutka in vojaški pozdravila ter se zopet skrila. S to uro je imela Marjanica mnogo križev. Sprva je šla dobro, potem je zastajala, v naslednjih mesecih je zopet hitela, kakor da hoče doteči zamujeno. Končno pa je ura popolnoma obstala, in na pisani lutki, ki je čakala v zasedi in ni nič več pozdravljala, se je nabral prah. Drzen pajek si je izbral rdečo čako za pilot, kamor je pripel okusno in varno svojo mrežo. Tistega dne pa se je pajek debelo prestrašil. Lutka se je zasibala. Starikav, toda glasen zvok je dvanajstkrat zabrnel, in lutka je stopila v ospredje ter se poklonila. Huje od pajka se je začudila in prestrašila Marjanica. Komaj je bila zaspala, ko jo je zbudil nenavadni šum. Ko se je nekoliko zavedla, je poslušala: da, to je bilo sedaj popolnoma slišno. Nekje je nihalo venomer: eden, dva, eden, dva!... Marjanica je na vse prej mislila, nego na uro. V silni plahosti je prevrgla uro in planila kvišku, videla, odkod ti enakomerni glasovi. Prižgala je luč i z nekako sveto grozo opazovala uro, ki je bila začela iti tako sama od sebe. »Da ni le spomin!« se je stresla Marjanica in skočila v posteljo ter se pokrila preko glave. »Nekaj pomeni, prav gotovo,« je govorila sama prisebi. Znova jo je stresel mraz in je molila: »Sveta Marija, sveti Jožef, vsa sveta družina, stoj mi ob strani na mojo smrtno uro!« Ko so začeli peti prvi petelini, je Marjanica vendarle zaspala in je spala v pozno jutro. Zaman je hodila lutka salutirat, Marjanica je spala. Tudi Anica je spala slabo. Zbudila se je bila pozno popoldne. Čutila se je popolnoma ubito, neprijeten duh ji je polnil usta, glava jo je bolela, dušilo jo je v sobi. Toda dol v kuhinjo jo je bilo sram iti, zakaj spomnila se je, da jo je Marjanica videla piti. Kaj bo neki mislila o njej. Čim dalje je mislila Anica ne to, tem neprijetnejše ji je bilo. Samo pred seboj jo je bilo sram. Ona, Anica, je li res padla tako globoko, da mora iskati pomoči v žganju? Romanje na Slovenskem »Nikoli več!« je stiskala obnemoglo z rokama pekoči senci. Ni razumela, kako je to ž njo. To je posledica, je doumela, končno, tega brezbožnega življenja, tega življenja v jezi. Ni moči, kadar ni molitve. Grešno stanje je kakor močvirje. Tako se vdirajo tla tudi pod njo. Kako dolgo bo še mislila, da je to stanje njene duše nezdravo? Kako dolgo, in bo Anica vrgla od sebe vso sramežljivost? Kdor okusi pijačo, je ne pusti več, in potem, potem potem bodo prišle one mučne, umazane sanje, in kamor ste šli moč in krepost, pojdeta še obzir in sramota. Anica! Kaj bo s teboj? Kaj naj poreče Lipe o tebi? Anica je iskala opore in je ni našla. In vprašala se je, zakaj misli vedno baš na Lipeta? Zakaj? Tu ji je postalo jasno: ne smela bi misliti nanj, nikoli ne bi smela. Zato me tepe Bog in me ponižuje. Dolgo še se je mučila Anica s takimi mislimi. Polagoma, po dolgem je začela plakati. Plakala je nad svojo nemočjo in življenjem, ki ga je živela doslej. Zakaj ni za njo one zore, nega dneva, ki tolikim sije? Že ni verjela več v svojo srečo. Vsaj mir, vsaj mir hočem! Daj mi pokoja, moj Bog, daj pokoja! Pozno sicer, toda prišel je vendarle še to noč, potem, ko je bila slišala priti Katro domov. Stopila je k oknu. V somraku se ji je zazdelo, da vidi moža stati doli na dvorišču. »Lipe!« je zašepetala in skočila v posteljo in ponavljala: »To mi dela sam satan, sam satan!« V molitvi je vsnula. Zbudilo jo je glasno vikanje. Planila je kvišku; bil je že dobršen dan. Hitro se je oblekla in stopila iz spalnice. Na stopnicah je zadela na Marjanico, ki je strmela z nemo grozo napol oblečena pred se. »Kaj je tebi?« jo je vprašala Anica. Marjanica je pokazala z roko na Katrino sobo. Toda, koj je videla, da se je Anica obrnila tja, je viknila in skočila za njo: »Ne hodite noter, ne hodite!« »Marjanica, za božje ime!« »Ne hodite, ne hodite!« jo je vlekla Marjanica z vso silo od vrat. »Pusti me,« je dejala Anica, »hočem videti!« V naslednjem trenotku je vstopila. Sredi sobe je ležala Katra na hrbtu, napol opravljena, vsa črna v obraz. Po bradi ji je tekel curek krvi, njene roke so nemirno greble v pod, steklene, zožene oči so strmele v strop. Grozno grgranje je prihajalo ženi iz ust. V tem hipu je pozabila Anica vseh okoliščin, vsega jada. Videla je samo neizmerno trpečo sestro pred seboj. Skočila je h Katri in jo z velikim naporom izkušala dvigniti. »Marjanica, pomagaj!« je zaklicala, in res je prišla tedaj Marjanica v spremstvu one nove dekle. Dvignile so Katro na posteljo. Katri je bruhnilo nekaj krvi iz ust, čudno ječanje in grgranje se ji je trgalo iz grla. »O Bog, kaj ji je,« je vskliknila Anica, »jezik si je pregriznila.« »Mrtvoud!« je šepetala Marjanica. V tistem hipu pa se je zgodilo nekaj tako groznega, da ni nobena teh oseb pozabila do smrti več prizora. V hipu se je pognala Katra kvišku. »Ti... si... me ... zastrupila ...« je slišala nejasno Anica, v naslednjem hipu je začutila, da ji je leglo okrog vratu z veliko silo dvoje rok in izgubila je zavest... Nekaj ur pozneje je prišel zdravnik na Peč. Pomagati ni mogel več. V silnih mukah je umrla Katra, zadeta od mrtvouda. One iste bolezni, katere se je bala! Bog ve! Komaj je bil prišel zdravnik na Peč in ogledal Katro, je stopil tja k onemu slepemu oknu, kjer je videl stati dvoje steklenic, hipoma se je obrnil nenavadno vznemirjen, segel v žep in izvlekel listič, napisal par vrstic in ga dal Marjanici, češ, da se mudi, naj nese takoj županu. Marjanica je izročila list županu. Zdravnik je dal prinesti mleka in začel pripravljati z očividno vznemirjenostjo težavno pripravo. Toda ni prišel do tega. Predno je mogel izprati ženi želodec, jo je zadela kap. Prav tedaj sta prišla na Peč dva orožnika in se postavila pred sobo. Vpričo njiju je preiskal zdravnik vsebino steklenice. »Kaj je?« je vprašal orožnik. »Mišjak!« je odgovoril zdravnik. »Potem je bila zastrupljena!« »Zato sem vas poklical,« je odvrnil zdravnik. Tedaj je Anica divje zaplakala. Pred njo je stal orožnik in ji velel, da mora ž njim. Razumela je. »Vi mislite, da sem jo jaz?« je vprašala. »Mi vemo!« je dejal trdo orožnik. »Tako, «je viknila Anica, »vi veste!« Orožnik je videl, da se opoteka, in jo je podprl. »Jaz vas moram odpeljati,« se je opravičeval. Anica se je vzravnala. »Odpeljite me, pa jaz sem nedolžna!« je rekla. Nekaj hipov pozneje je šla z orožnikom po bregu dol in ni pogledala ne na levo, ne na desno. Nekak prezirljiv smeh ji je ležal na licu in hitela je, da jo je orožnik komaj dohajal... V prihodnji številki bomo končali MLADO BREDO. Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. Phone: 327-4500 Milwaukee, Wisconsin ZELE FUNERAL HOMES, INC. TWO COMPLETE EUNERAl. HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. Office 481-3118 Cleveland, Ohio 361-0583 ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN (1907-1981) ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN LOUIS R. ZEFRAN MARILYN E. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors and Embuhners CHICAGO, IL. 60608 847-6688 GEREND HABERMANN Funeral Home SHEBOYGAN, WI 53081 FRED C. DAMES FUNERAL HOME Joel L. Dames Mark L. Dames Jon P. Dames 251 N. CENTER AT CAMPBELL JOLIET, ILLINOIS 60435 PHONE AREA CODE 815/726-5211 A Name to Remember THE BANKERS TO SEE ART7 AT [I llltl Union National Bank /UU1 *** 11UIn I andTrust Company EMBER FIRST MIDWEST BANCORP 50 W^st J«ff*r»on, Joliet, llllnote 0 TEZAK FUNERAL 459 North Ottawa Street HOME Joliet, IL 60435 First in service since 1908 Phone 772-0534 Slovenian Women’s Union proudly presents: Slovenian-International Cookbook SENSATIONAL BESTSELLER POTS & PANS $8.00 Books on Slovenian Immigrants and Pioneers FROM SLOVENIA TO AMERICA $5.00 hardbound — $3.50 softbound FOOTSTEPS THROUGH TIME $6.00 For orders, send remittance plus $1 postage per book to: SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION 431 NO. CHICAGO ST., JOI II I , II I . 60435 GRDINA FUNERAL HOMES 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. 531-6300 1053 East 62nd St. 431-2088 GRDINA FURNITURE STORE 15301 Waterloo Rd. 531-1235 Cleveland, Ohio Cookbook Order Form “POTS & PANS" Please send me__________copies at S8.00 each plus SI .00 for postage and handling per book. NAME ________________________________________ Address _____________________________________ City _________State ________Zipcode _______ Make checks payable to and send order to: Slovenian Women’s Union, 431 No. Chicago St., Joliet, 11.60432. 2ND CLASS POSTAGE PAID CHICAGO ILLINOIS ARl^Z JOHN A. X-81 P.O.BOX 232 KE'i YOHft, N.Y-. 10032 X CO jHa, -0^ j? fA r//if <& r ir (;s*1' Ir . /? » *s_ » >>