Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 21/51 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 24. 5. 2015 BINKOSTI PENTECOST SUNDAY Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Tel.: 905-561-5971 Fax: 905-561-5109 E-mail Gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail Hallrental@ Delovanje Svetega Duha Cerkev vsako leto nestrpno pričakuje binkoštni praznik, kot ga je nestrpno pričakovala prva skupnost kristjanov v Jeruzalemu. Sam Jezus jim je napovedal veliki začetek Cerkve po Svetem Duhu, ki jim ga bo poslal. In tako ga vedno znova pošilja. Cerkev sredi sodobnega sveta ga še posebej potrebuje. Le božji Duh namreč je sposoben premikati gore, ki leže na sodobnem človeštvu in tudi na sodobni Cerkvi. Prvi učenci skupaj molijo in pričakujejo vihar božjega Duha. Cerkev je skupnost, je občestvo. In dokler je taka, je močna, je pripravljena na sprejemanje Sv. Duha. Že zadnji koncil pravi takole: »Sv. Duh celotno Cerkev v vseh časih zedinja v občestvu in službi ter obdarja in vodi z različnimi darovi. Na prvi binkoštni praznik so vsi 'bili napolnjeni s Sv. Duhom in so začeli govoriti v drugih jezikih, kakor jim je dajal Duh, da so govorili'«. Tudi danes mnogi slišijo in vidijo marsikaj v svetu in v Cerkvi, pa jih vendar ne premakne. Se pa zgodi, da se premakne kakšna gora predsodkov in človek nenadoma razume ta Kristusov jezik, jezik evangelija in Cerkve. V evangeliju vstali Kristus stopa v sredo med prestrašene apostole, da jih kot vstali nikdar več ne zapusti. Čeprav bo njegova navzočnost odslej zelo drugačna. Njihovi naravni čuti ga ne bodo zaznavali, razen ob zelo izrednih priložnostih. Odslej bo sredi med njimi in sredi Cerkve po svojem Duhu. »Razveselili so se učenci, ko so videti Gospoda«. To veselje ob spoznanju, da je tukaj Kristus, da je on z nami in mi z njim, je dokaz pristne vere, je tista notranja gotovost, ki se ne zamaje, četudi slabosti Ijudi v Cerkvi niso redke. Jezusov večkratni pozdrav: »Mir vam bodil« zveni skozi stoletja vsem, ki mu prisluhnejo. To je tisti mir, ki ga noben nemir ne skali. Kakor torej telo brez življenjskega počela razpada, tako morejo kristjani biti skupnost samo v Kristusu. Nihče ne more biti kristjan sam. Nihče nima darov Duha le zase. Največji sovražnik pristne vernosti in krščanstva je potemtakem zaprtost, obrnjenost vase, sebičnost. PARISH COUNCIL NEWS_ This month we would like to say thank you to all the parishioners who generously donated to St. Gregory's at the Spring Banquet. The net profit from this event totaled $7,179.94. This includes all donations and bar proceeds. We would like to thank everyone who volunteered their time before, during and after the Spring Banquet. Your names are listed below. Set up crew: Maciei and Justyna Janiak, Karl Ferko, Tony Horvat, Sonya Podrebarac, Elka Persin, Pamela Gosgnach, Milan Ferletič, Heidy Novak, Dragica & Lojze Ferenčak, Nancy Dundek Kitchen staff: Milena Krušič, Irena Kolmanič, Marina Stefanec, Teresa Pučko, Dragica Ferencak Organization of Servers & Presenters: Jenny An-tolin, Maya Marinčič Serving Team Leader: Andreja Farkaš Servers: Lily Bechtold, Olivia Habjan, Vanessa Scarcelli, Amanda Novak, Jason Horvat, Steven Horvat, Jeremy Sobočan, Jessica Novak Bar Staff: Kevin Miklavčič, Jay Cestnik, Tony Horvat Kitchen Clean up crew: Dragica & Lojze Ferenčak, Sonya Podrebarac, Elka PerŠin, Heidy Novak Photographer: Lily Bechtold Slide Show Presentation: Fr. Drago, Victoria Janiak Reservations and Donations: Terezija Sarjaš, Pamela Gosgnach Event Reports: Tony Horvat, Sonya Podrebarac Hall Clean up crew: A sincere THANK YOU to all parishioners for helping with the cleanup of tables and chairs. You made this task so much easier for us all! Currently, the parish has budgeted $35,000.00 for replacement of the original air conditioning unit for the upper hall. The work has begun and should be complete by mid June. As promised at the Občni Zbor, we are initiating our, "Say Yes" campaign by asking parishioners to help out with various volunteer tasks within the parish. We will soon begin contacting all registered parishioners in order to expand our list of volunteers. We hope that you will say "yes" when you are contacted. Any contribution of your time will make the work easier for us all. As you all know, the parish has a contract with the C.A.A to rent church parking spots during the week. This contract is currently being renegotiated and should result in increased income for St. Gregory's. Last month, we asked each Society to have a member attend council meetings. We are still looking for a representative from Slomškovo Oltarno Društvo and Slovenska Šola. Remember, if you have questions about parish council matters, you are welcome to speak to one of the council members any time. Their names are listed on the notice board in the foyer and here below. Parish Council members 2015 Spiritual Adviser President Past President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Liturgical Society Slomškovo oltarno društvo Catholic Women's League St. Joseph's Society Scholarship Foundation Slovenska šola Member at large Fr. Drago Gačnik Heidy Novak Milan Ferletič Sonya Podrebarac Tony Horvat Pamela Gosgnach Sonya Podrebarac Sidonia Poppa Jerry Ponikvar Karl Ferko Elka Peršin f- Pentecost Sunday ч_ Response: Lord, send forth your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth. First Reading Acts 2:1-11 On the day of Pentecost the Gospel is preached to all nations. Second Reading Galatians 5:16-25 The Spirit is our guide and our life. Gospel John 15:26-27; 16:12-15 The Spirit continues to lead us into the fullness of truth. "The Spirit gave them the gift of speech." Illustration For centuries, people puzzled over the meaning of the hieroglyphs - the pictorial writing found in ancient Egypt, especially in its temples and the tombs of the pharaohs. But the knowledge of the meaning of hieroglyphic writing was lost, with apparently no means of deciphering the symbols. That was until the discovery of the Rosetta Stone in a village in the Nile Delta in 1799. Carved onto this stone slab is a decree issued in 196 BC in the reign of Pharaoh Ptolemy V. The decree is written in three different types of script, so that all citizens could read it - in Greek (the language of the ruling class), in the ordinary Egyptian writing of the time and, crucially, also in hieroglyphs - the ancient religious language of Egypt. With these three written versions of the same text, plus his own knowledge of the Egyptian Coptic language, the gifted French linguist Jean-Frangois Champollion laboured for years until he finally succeeded in deciphering the hieroglyphs in 1822. As a result, the Rosetta Stone is regarded as the key to unlocking the secrets not just of ancient Egyptian language but also of the culture underlying that language. Gospel Teaching The readings for today's feast of Pentecost, each in their own way, describe the effect of God's Holy Spirit in terms of speaking a language, of understanding a culture. The apostles are transformed from being huddled in the upper room in fear of their lives into people who are filled with joy and courage as they rush out to share the good news of the resurrection of Jesus and the coming of God's Holy Spirit. They speak foreign languages, they are given the gift of speech. Sometimes this event is understood as a reversal of the ancient story of the Tower of Babel, in which the diversity of human language is viewed as a curse, arising from humanity's swollen pride. The result was that people could no longer understand each other or work together. The coming of the Spirit overcomes this: not by suppressing the different languages and cultures, but by enabling all people to understand the Gospel message, each in their own language. The Spirit acts as a kind of Rosetta Stone, enabling people from diverse backgrounds and ethnicities to hear about "the marvels of God" and translate the message into their own lives, apply it to their own situations. In the Gospel, Jesus describes the Spirit as the one who speaks the truth - acting as a witness to the truth about Jesus. Throughout John's Gospel, the truth about Jesus is quite simply that Jesus is the Son of God. The Spirit continues to speak this truth - to bear witness to it. And now the Spirit enables the apostles to do this too. Like the Rosetta Stone, the Spirit is the key, enabling the apostles to understand the meaning of who Jesus is and what he has done. The Spirit enables them to speak the language of God's love - to understand the "culture of God", who sent the Son not to condemn the world but so that through him the world might be saved. With the Spirit speaking through them, the apostles can translate God's love so that all people can hear and accept it. PRVO SV. 03HAJIL0 FIRST COMMUNION SUNDAY, May 31 St 2015 Procession from the statue of Mary Help of Christians at 10:00 a.m. then Mass in the Church. Keep all children that will receive Jesus for the first time in your prayers. 1. David Horvat 2. Robert Kane 3. Kyle Lukežič 4. Melanie Marinko 5. Antonio Pleša 6. Danijel škrban Obvestila - Announcements PEVSKI ZBOR - VAJE Nalednja vaja za mešani pevski zbor bo v četrtek, 28. maja, po večerni maši. Pripravili se bomo za praznik prvega sv. obhajila, ki bo v nedeljo 31. maja. Takrat bo zopet sveta maša samo ob 10:00h dopoldne. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI ♦ 31. maj-nedelja: Prvo sveto obhajilo - sveta maša bo samo ob 10:00 a.m. ♦ 7. junij-nedelja: Procesija sv. Rešnjega Telesa in Krvi - 10:00 a.m.; ob 1:30 p.m. -Katedrala: maša za obletnice porok; ob 2:00 p.m. - London-Triglav, maša in procesija sv. Rešnjega Telesa in Krvi. ♦ 21. junij: Bled-Planica 13 - Father's Day -maša ob 12:30 p.m. ♦ 27. junij - sobota: SLOVENSKI DAN v Slovenskem parku - ob 11:00 a.m. maša s procesijo, ob12:30 kosilo, ob 2:30 p.m. kulturni program - ob 4:30 p.m. otroške igre, ob 5:00 p.m. zabavni večer z ansamblom Brajda. BARAGOVI DNEVI 2015 Letošnji Baragovi dnevi bodo v Clevelandu in sicer za »long weekend« v septembru, t.j. v soboto 5. in v nedeljo 6. septembra. Tudi naša župnija organizira avtobus za to romanje in če bi želeli iti z nami, se prijavite Tereziji Sarjaš: 905-560-1218. Odhod bo v soboto zjutraj, ker je samo dobre štiri ure vožnje in nekaj časa računamo za prehod meje. Svete maše bodo v slovenskih cerkvah sv. Vida (v soboto zvečer -v angleščini) in pri Mariji vnebovzeti (v nedeljo popoldne ob dveh, v slovenščini). Sveto mašo bo vodil upokojeni koprski škof msgr. mag. Metod Pirih. Vsakoletno Slovensko romanje v Midland pa bo letos v soboto 12. septembra. PRVO SVETO OBHAJILO Praznik prvega svetega obhajila je zadnja leta vedno zadnjo nedeljo v maju. Letos bo to tudi zadnji dan meseca, 31. maja. Liturgično obhajamo praznik sv. Trojice. Na dan prvega svegega obhajila bo samo ena sveta maša ob 10:00 dopoldne. Začeli bomo, kot je navada, pri kipu Marije Pomočnice (če bo le ugodno vreme) za našo dvorano in nato nadaljevali s sveto mašo v cerkvi. - Priporočamo v molitev prvoobhajance in tudi njihove starše. SLOVENIA CREDIT UNION_ Slovenia Credit Union would like to remind all members of the ШШШШЛ summer office |>Ш1 SIOVeflÌQ hours. ^^ЯЛ Credit Union All scu offices will be closed Saturdays starting May 16th, 2015 until after the Labour Day weekend. For further information about branch hours, special rates or community news, visit our website at Thank you for your valued membership. Have a safe and enjoyable summer SOUNDS OF JOY_ The first annual talent show "Sounds of Joy" celebrates the musical talents of high school students from the seven Catholic School Boards in the Diocese of Hamilton. A choir, band or group representing each school board will perform on stage at the Hamilton Convention Centre on Tuesday May 26, 2015, beginning at 6:30 p.m. Come celebrate with us! For tickets visit our Diocesan Website: If you have any questions, please contact the Chancery Office: (905) 528-7988. CWL MEETING - ELECTIONS_ CWL Elections will take place at our next meeting which is being held on our regular monthly meeting day, the first Wednesday of the month - June 3rd, 2015 at 7:30pm. We hope that all CWL members will make an effort to be at this meeting. Thank you and we wish everyone a wonderful Sunday! POKOJNI_ V Sloveniji je umrla sestra Veronike Čurič, Ana Nemec. V torek zvečer smo darovali sveto mašo za pokoj njene duše. Ta teden je v Sloveniji umrla tudi sestra Ivana Veglja, Antonija Pleterski. Za pokojno smo v sredo zvečer darovali sveto mašo. Iskreno sožalje vsem sorodnikom, pokojnima pa večni mir in pokoj. DAROVI_ Za rože so darovali: $110 Gizela Hauzar, $70 Nancy Taylor. Veronika Čurič je ob smrti sestre Ane Nemec darovala $70 za cerkev. Za prizadete v potresu v Nepalu ste darovali $2000. Zbrano smo poslali na škofijo. Hvala za darove in Bog vam povrni. MAŠA NA POKOPALIŠČU - Holy Sepulchre V soboto, 30. maja je ob 11:00 dopoldne sveta maša na pokopališču Holy Sepulchre Burlington. GIFT BEARERS FOR SUNDAY_ At the 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Sunday Mass, parishioners are now bringing up the gifts to the altar. If you would like to be part of this volunteer group, please speak to Pamela to sign up for the 9:30 a.m. Mass or Sonya to sign up for the 11:00a.m. Mass. You can also use the sign up sheets in the foyer to pick a date that suits you. Please remember to provide your phone number in case we need to contact you. Thanks to those people who have already volunteered, you have shown your commitment to St. Gregory's in a special way. Pamela and Sonya. POKOJNI_ V četrtek, 21. maja 2015, je v 56 letu starosti, mirno zaspal v Gospodu naš faran Paul Richard Novak, sin Pavla in Jožice Novak. Pogrebna sveta maša bo v ponedeljek, 25. maja ob 10h dopoldne v naši cerkvi. Na željo pokojnega bo pogreb v družinskem krogu. Iskreno sožalje Pavlu in Jožici in vsem sorodnikom, pokojni Paul pa naj uživa večni mir in pokoj. svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - slovenska / in lii Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti/baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke/ marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v don bosco bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest -please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. svete maše - masses PENTECOST BINKOŠTI za žive 'n raj'ne ^uPlj'ane 9:30 a.m. 24 ko f Jožef Rajter Družina Mes ' ff Jernej in Lucija Ponikvar 11:00 a.m. Družina Ponikvar Marija Pom. kristjanov Ponedeljek Monday 25. Maj Binkoštni ponedeljek f Paul Richard Novak f Jožefa Majzelj ff Za vse pokojne dobrotnike Bogu v zahvalo f Marta Zver, obl. 10:00 a.m. Pogrebna maša 7:00 p.m. Slomškovo oltarno društvo Jožica in Ivan Vegelj Karol in Milka Ferko Matilda Prša Torek - Tuesday 26. Maj Filip Neri, duhovnik f Janez Košir ff Franc in Jožefa Majzelj f Ana Nemec 7:00 P.M. Manja Erzetič Sin Franc z družino Veronika Čurič Sreda - Wednesday 27. Maj Alojzij Grozde, muč. ff Angela Lukšič in družina f Štefan Gonza 7:00 P.M. Sestra z družino Terezija in Ignac Sarjaš Četrtek - Thursday 28. Maj Anton Julijan, mučenec f Marija Grebenc ff Marija in Franc Klemenčič f Štefan Prša 7:00 P.M. Lojze Grebenc Hčerka Zorka Žena in družina Petek - Friday 29. Maj Maksim Emonski, škof f Angela Kocmut ff Ivan in Terezija Halas f Ana Nemec ff Za duše v vicah 7:00 p.m. Marija in Tone Bukvič Sestra Agata Sarjaš z družino Jože in Marija Magdič z druž. N.N. Sobota Saturday 30. Maj Kancijan, mučenec ff Stanko in Janez ff Pokojni iz družine Rožman f Pona Jan, obl. f Milan Lušin f Stanko Ferenčak ff Mihael in Zofija Ferenčak 8:00 a.m. Sorodniki 5:30 p.m. Družina Mlačak Žena Sestra z družino Lojze Ferenčak z družino Lojze Ferenčak z družino Holy Tr|n|ty za žive in rajne župljane Sveta Trojica f Florian Miklavčič 31. Maj f Anton Vengar Marijino obiskanje ff Angela in Franc Urh L „„„ Žena in družina > 10:00 a.m. 5 „. I ZenaTilka z družino J Hči Tilka Vengar z družino