ZAKOL ŽIVINE V KLAVNICAH, SLOVENIJA, OKTOBER 2003 LIVESTOCK SLAUGHTER IN SLAUGHTERHOUSES, SLOVENIA, OCTOBER 2003 V oktobru 2003 se je v primerjavi s septembrom povečalo število zaklanega goveda (za 4,4 %), perutnine (za 1,0 %) in prašičev (za 0,4 %). In comparison with the previous month, in October 2003 the number of slaughtered cattle increased by 4.4%, poultry by 1.0% and pigs by 0.4%. V oktobru 2003 se je v primerjavi s prejšnjim mesecem povečala masa zaklanega goveda (za 5,3 %), prašičev (za 4,9 %) in perutnine za (2,4 %). In comparison with the previous month, in October 2003 weight of slaughtered cattle increased by 5.3%, pigs by 4.9% and poultry by 2.4% V primerjavi z lanskim oktobrom se je v letošnjem oktobru povečalo število zaklanega goveda (za 21,3 %) in perutnine (za 18,2 %), zmanjšalo pa se je število zaklanih prašičev (za 3,1 %). In comparison with October 2002, in October 2003 the number of slaughtered cattle increased by 21.3% and poultry by 18.2%, while the number of slaughtered pigs decreased by 3.1%. V letošnjem oktobru se je v primerjavi z oktobrom 2003 povečala masa zaklanega goveda (za 20,5 %), perutnine (za 12,2 %), medtem ko se je malo zmanjšala masa zaklanih prašičev (za 0,2 %). In comparison with October 2002, in October 2003 weight of slaughtered cattle increased by 20.5% and poultry by 12.2%, while weight of slaughtered pigs slightly decreased by 0.2%. Slika 1: Masa trupov v klavnicah zaklane živine, Slovenija, oktober 2002 - oktober 2003 Chart 1: Weight of dressed carcass of slaughtered livestock in slaughterhouses, Slovenia, October 2002 - October 2003 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 govedo/cattle prašiči/pigs perutnina/poultry © SURS t 2002 2003 17. DECEMBER 2003 17 DECEMBER 2003 15 KMETIJSTVO IN RIBIŠTVO AGRICULTURE AND FISHING št./No 41 št./No 329 Statistične informacije, št. 329/2003 2 Rapid Reports No 329/2003 1. Zakol živine v klavnicah, Slovenija, oktober 2003 Livestock slaughter in slaughterhouses, Slovenia, October 2003 Masa očiščenih trupov Weight of dressed carcass Število zaklanih živali Number of slaughtered animals skupaj total t povprečna average kg Konji, skupaj 137 31 226,7 Horses, total Govedo, skupaj 16429 4287 260,9 Cattle, total teleta 2736 227 82,8 calves biki, stari do 24 mesecev 5876 1899 323,2 bulls, up to 24 months telice 2468 593 240,2 heifers kastrati (voli) 79 22 284,1 bullocks (oxen) krave 4049 1121 276,8 cows biki, stari nad 24 mesecev 1221 425 348,1 bulls, over 24 months Prašiči, skupaj 39677 3103 78,2 Pigs, total prašički 1092 18 16,2 piglets pitani prašiči 37921 2995 79,0 fattened pigs izločeni plemenski prašiči 609 87 142,3 eliminated breeding pigs mladi pitani merjasci 55 4 72,4 young fattened boars Ovce, skupaj 643 9 14,7 Sheep, total jagnjeta 603 8 13,9 lambs mlade ovce, ovce in ovni 40 1 26,1 young sheep, breeding sheep and rams Koze, skupaj 2 0 7,0 Goats, total Kunci, skupaj 6345 11 1,8 Rabbits, total Perutnina, skupaj 2804254 5339 1,90 Poultry, total pitani piščanci 2714349 4332 1,60 broilers odrasle kokoši 11443 26 2,27 hens purani 78462 982 12,51 turkeys druga perutnina - - - other poultry 2. Indeksi števila in mase trupov zaklanih živali, Slovenija, oktober 2003 Indices of number and carcass weight of slaughtered livestock, Slovenia, October 2003 X 2003 IX 2003 X 2003 X 2002 število number masa weight število number masa weight Konji 116,1 114,9 119,1 123,7 Horses Govedo 104,4 105,3 121,3 120,5 Cattle Prašiči 100,4 104,9 96,9 99,8 Pigs Ovce 69,8 70,8 101,3 101,8 Sheep Perutnina 101,0 102,4 118,2 112,2 Poultry 3. Zakol živine iz uvoza, Slovenija, oktober 2003 Slaughter of imported livestock, Slovenia, October 2003 Indeksi Indices Indeksi Indices Število zaklanih živali Number of slaughtered animals X 2003 IX 2003 X 2003 X 2002 Masa očiščenih trupov (t) Weight of dressed carcass (t) X 2003 IX 2003 X 2003 X 2002 Govedo - - - - - - Cattle Prašiči - - - - - - Pigs Statistične informacije, št. 329/2003 Rapid Reports No 329/2003 3 4. Zakol goveda po kategorijah EU, Slovenija, oktober 2003 Slaughter of cattle according to EU categories, Slovenia, October 2003 Masa očiščenih trupov Weight of dressed carcass Število zaklanih živali Number of slaughtered animals skupaj total t povprečna average kg Govedo, skupaj 16429 4287 260,9 Cattle, total A. teleta 2736 227 82,8 A. calves B. telice 2468 593 240,2 B. heifers C. krave 4049 1121 276,8 C. cows D. biki 7097 2324 327,5 D. bulls E. kastrati 79 22 284,1 E. bullocks STATISTIČNA ZNAMENJA STATISTICAL SIGNS - ni pojava ... ni podatka ∅ povprečje * popravljen podatek 0 podatek je manjši od 0,5 dane merske enote 0,0 podatek je manjši od 0,05 dane merske enote 1) označba za opombo pod tabelo ( ) začasen, nezadostno preverjen ali ocenjen podatek z podatek ni objavljen zaradi zaupnosti - no occurrence of event ... data not available ∅ average * corrected data 0 value not zero but less than 0,5 of the unit employed 0,0 value not zero but less than 0,05 of the unit employed 1) footnote ( ) provisional, incomplete or estimated data z zdata not published because of confidentiality METODOLOŠKA POJASNILA METHODOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS Namen statističnega raziskovanja The purpose of the statistical survey Z raziskavo o zakolu živine v klavnicah mesečno opazujemo spremembe v številu in masi zaklanih živali, in sicer konj, goveda, prašičev, ovac, koz, kuncev ter perutnine. Od leta 2003 dalje pa spremljamo za potrebe statističnega raziskovanja odkup kmetijskih pridelkov tudi prodajo kož (govejih, telečjih in prašičjih). With the Survey on Livestock Slaughter in Slaughterhouses we observe monthly changes of the number and weight of slaughtered animals, namely horses, cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, rabbits and poultry. From 2003 on we monthly observe sale of skin (beef, veal and pig) for the purpose of survey of agriculture purchase. Viri podatkov in zajetje Data sources and coverage Podatke zberemo z mesečnimi poročili, ki nam jih pošiljajo vse registrirane klavnice v Sloveniji. Data are collected monthly from all slaughterhouses in Slovenia by means of a postal survey. Definicije Definitions Kategorije goveda so skladne s kategorijami, ki jih določa Pravilnik o ocenjevanju in razvrščanju govejih trupov in polovic na klavni liniji (Ur. list RS št. 103/01), kategorije prašičev pa s kategorijami, ki jih določa Pravilnik o kakovosti zaklanih prašičev in kategorizaciji svinjskega mesa (Ur. list RS št. 68/95). Categories of cattle are harmonised with categories which are determined by the Regulation of Appreciation and Classification of Cattle Carcasses and Halves on Slaughter Line (Official Journal of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 103/01), categories of pigs are harmonised with categories, determined by the Regulation of Quality of Slaughtered Pigs and Categorisation of Pork Meat (Official Journal of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 68/95). Trupi goveda in konj so trupi brez kože, glave, spodnjih delov nog, repa in notranjih organov prsne in trebušne votline, ledvičnega in drugega odvečnega loja trebušne in medenične votline. Carcasses of cattle and horses are carcasses without skin, head, lower parts of legs, tail and internal organs of thoracic and abdominal cavity, renal and other redundant suet of abdominal and pelvic cavity. Teleta so živali, stare od 3 tednov do 6 mesecev, katerih topla masa trupa tehta od 25 do 180 kg. Calves are animals aged 3 weeks to 6 months with warm carcass weight from 25 to 180 kg. Mlado govedo so biki, stari od 6 do 24 mesecev, telice in prvesnice, stare od 6 do 30 mesecev, ter kastrati (voli), stari od 6 do 30 mesecev. Young cattle are bulls aged from 6 up to 24 months, heifers and cows with first calf aged from 6 up to 30 months, and castrates (oxen) aged from 6 up to 30 months. Govedo so biki, stari nad 24 mesecev, ter telice, krave in voli, stari nad 30 mesecev. Cattle are bulls aged over 24 months, and heifers, cows and oxen aged over 30 months. Trupi drobnice so trupi z ledvicami in ledvičnim lojem brez kože, glave, spodnjih delov nog, repa in notranjih organov. Carcasses of small cattle are carcasses with kidneys and renal suet without skin, head, lower parts of legs, tail and internal organs. Trupi prašičev so trupi zaklanih in izkrvavljenih prašičev brez parkljev, drobovja, spolnih organov, trebušnega sala, ledvic in trebušne prepone, pri garanih (mavžanih) s kožo, glavo in repom, pri odrtih (izkoženih) pa Carcasses of pigs are carcasses of slaughtered and bled pigs without hoofs, entrails, genitals, abdominal fat, kidneys and diaphragm, at carcasses with skin on, with skin, head and tail, and at dehided (skinned) Statistične informacije, št. 329/2003 4 Rapid Reports No 329/2003 brez glave, kože in repa. carcasses without head, skin and tail. Trupi prašičkov so trupi s kožo in brez ščetin in parkljev ter brez spolnih organov. Carcasses of piglets are carcasses with skin and without bristles, hoofs and genitals. Prašički so po omenjenem pravilniku prašički obeh spolov s toplo maso očiščenega trupa od 5 do 19 kg. Piglets are according to the mentioned regulation piglets of both sexes with warm dressed carcass weight from 5 to 19 kg. Pitani prašiči so lahki in težki pitani prašiči. Fattened pigs are light and heavy fattened pigs. Izločeni plemenski prašiči so plemenske svinje ne glede na maso toplih polovic in merjasci z maso toplih polovic nad 80 kg pri garanih in nad 64 kg pri odrtih merjascih. Eliminated breeding pigs are breeding sows irrespective of warm halves’ weight and boars with warm halves’ weight above 80 kg at carcasses with skin on and above 64 kg at dehided boars. Mladi pitani merjasci so nekastrirani prašiči moškega spola z maso toplih polovic od 50 do 80 kg pri garanih oz. od 37 do 64 kg pri odrtih prašičih. Young fattened boars are uncastrated male pigs with warm halves’ weight from 50 to 80 kg at carcasses with skin on and from 37 to 64 kg at dehided pigs. Trupi kuncev in perutnine so za kuho pripravljeni trupi omenjenih živali. Carcasses of rabbits and poultry are ready-to-cook carcasses. Objavljanje rezultatov: Data publishing: Mesečno: Monthly: - Statistične informacije. Kmetijstvo in ribištvo. Zakol živine v klavnicah - Rapid Reports. Agriculture and Fishing. Livestock Slaughter in Slaughterhouses - Mesečni statistični pregled - Monthly Statistical Review Letno: Yearly: - Statistični letopis - Statistical Yearbook - Rezultati raziskovanj - Results of Surveys KOMENTAR COMMENT V oktobru 2003 se je v primerjavi s septembrom povečalo število zaklanih konj (za 16,1 %), goveda (za 4,4 %), perutnine (za 1,0 %) in prašičev (za 0,4 %), medtem ko se je število zaklanih ovac zmanjšalo (za 30,2 %). In comparison with the previous month, in October 2003 the number of slaughtered horses increased by 16.1%, cattle by 4.4%, poultry by 1.0% and pigs by 0.4%, while the number of slaughtered sheep deacresed by 30.2%. V oktobru 2003 se je v primerjavi s prejšnjim mesecem povečala masa zaklanih konj (za 14,9 %), goveda (za 5,3 %), prašičev (za 4,9 %) in perutnine za (2,4 %), prav tako pa se je precej zmanjšala masa zaklanih ovac (za 29,2 %). In comparison with the previous month, in October 2003 weight of slaughtered horses increased by 14.9%, cattle by 5.3%, pigs by 4.9% and poultry by 2.4%, while weight of slaughtered sheep deacresed by 29.2%. V primerjavi z lanskim oktobrom se je v letošnjem oktobru povečalo število zaklanega goveda (za 21,3 %), konj (za 19,1 %), perutnine (za 18,2 %) in ovac (za 1,3 %), zmanjšalo pa se je število zaklanih prašičev (za 3,1 %). In comparison with October 2002, in October 2003 the number of slaughtered cattle increased by 21.3%, horses by 19.1%, poultry by 18.2% and sheep by 1.3%, while the number of slaughtered pigs decreased by 3.1%. V letošnjem oktobru se je v primerjavi z oktobrom 2003 povečala masa zaklanih konj (za 23,7 %), goveda (za 20,5 %), perutnine (za 12,2 %) in ovac (za 1,8 %), medtem ko se je malo zmanjšala masa zaklanih prašičev (za 0,2 %). In comparison with October 2002, in October 2003 weight of slaughtered horses increased by 23.7%, cattle by 20.5%, poultry by 12.2% and sheep by 1.8%, while weight of slaughtered pigs slightly decreased by 0.2%. V oktobru 2003 v klavnicah, registriranih v Sloveniji, zopet ni bilo zakola živine iz uvoza. In October 2003 again there was no slaughter of imported animals in slaughterhouses in Slovenia. Sestavil / Prepared by: Aladar Belec Izdaja, založba in tisk Statistični urad Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana, Vožarski pot 12 - Uporaba in objava podatkov dovoljena le z navedbo vira - Odgovarja generalna direktorica mag. Irena Križman - Urednica zbirke Statistične informacije Avguština Kuhar de Domizio - Slovensko besedilo jezikovno uredila Ivanka Zobec - Angleško besedilo jezikovno uredil Boris Panič - Tehnični urednik Anton Rojc - Naklada 110 izvodov - ISSN zbirke Statistične informacije 1408-192X - ISSN podzbirke Kmetijstvo in ribištvo 1408-9335 - Informacije daje Informacijsko središče, tel.: (01) 241 51 04 - El. pošta: - Edited, published and printed by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Vožarski pot 12 - These data can be used provided the source is acknowledged - Director-General Irena Križman - Rapid Reports editor Avguština Kuhar de Domizio - Slovene language editor Ivanka Zobec - English language editor Boris Panič - Technical editor Anton Rojc - Total print run 110 copies - ISSN of Rapid Reports 1408-192X - ISSN of subcollection Agriculture and Fishing 1408-9335 - Information is given by the Information Centre of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, tel.: +386 1 241 51 04 - E-mail: -