Domen Kušar 2oo4/1 AR Slika 1: Zid - varnostni element starega Vzhoda. "Če se zid nagne inje oblast lastnika zidu na to opozorila, vendar ga ta ni popravil in se je nato zid podrl ter povzroèil smrt sina svobodnega èloveka, tedaj je to pravda za življenje in spada pod kraljevo sodstvo." (Bilalamov zakonik, okoli 1900 pr. Kr.) The wall - element of safety in the old East. "If the wall began to lean and the authority warned the owner, but the latter didn't repair it and the wall collapsed, thus causing the death of a free man's son, then the matter demands litigation about life and is under the jurisdiction of the King." (Bilalam's Code, approx. 1900 BC). Slika 2: Rešetke na balkonu stanovanjskega bloka v Sofiji. Uporabna, vendar arhitekturno siromašna rešitev. Prepreèevanje èloveškega nasilja z arhitekturnimi elementi pomeni izziv za arhitekta jutrišnjega dne. Bars on a balcony on an apartment block in Sofia. A useful, but architecturally poor solution. Prevention of human violence by using architectural elements is a challenge for tomorrow's architect. Sliki 3,4: Usad v Halozah ter vas Šmarje pri Kopru. S poznavanjem nevarnosti ter z ustrezno izbiro lokacije se lahko marsikateri nevšeènosti izognemo. Vas, zgrajena na slemenu je glede usadov in zemeljskih plazov bistveno varnejša kot zgradbe v grapah. (Vir: Orožen Adamiè, M., Plazovi v Halozah. UJMA 1990., Uprava RS za zašèito in reševanje Ministrstva za obrambo. str. 1 (naslovnica); Simiè Sime, S., 2001: Slovenska Istra - zaledje. IKl doo, Ljubljana, 78.) Landslide in Haloze and the village Šmarje near Koper. Knowledge about hazards and thus conditioned choice of sites can prevent many calamities. Concerning landslides, a village built on a ridge is much safer than houses built in the ravine. AR 2oo4/1 Domen Kušar VARNOST V ARHITEKTURI SAFETY IN ARCHITECTURE raziskava, research povzetek Varnost v arhitekturi je širok pojem, ki zajema tako področje statike, protipožarne varnosti, zdravja ter še niz drugih podroèij, katerih skupni cilj je zagotoviti uporabnikom zgradb določeno varnost. Razen statike ter deloma požarne varnosti, ki suvereno obvladujeta svoj položaj, so ostala področja bolj ali manj zanemarjena. Raziskava je pokazala veliko število nevarnosti, ki vplivajo na arhitekturo in njeno poslanstvo. V preteklosti so ljudje razvili različne varnostne principe, od katerih mnogi danes tonejo v pozabo, kljub temu, da bi lahko še vedno dobro opravljali svojo funkcijo. Zato je potrebno nanje opozoriti in skušati najti načine, kako jih zopet vpeti v delo arhitektov. Po drugi strani pa se spreminjajo tudi nevarnosti. Tiste, ki so včasih predstavljale glavno grožnjo arhitekturi in njenemu poslanstvu, so morda danes ali zgubile pomen ali jih stroka že dobro obvlada. Za arhitekturo pa so postale bolj aktualne druge nevarnosti, ki predstavljajo izziv za stroko današnjegainjutrišnjega dne. summary Safety in architecture is a wide concept, which includes many aspects, such as: building mechanics, fire prevention, health and many other fields, whose common goal is ensuring safety for users of buildings. Besides building mechanics and partly also fire safety, which undeniably master their positions, other fields are more or less neglected. The research pointed out numerous hazards that affect architecture and its mission. In the past people developed various safety principles, many of which are today forgotten, although they could still fulfil their functions successfully. It is therefore necessary to point them out and try to find ways of reintroducing them to architectural practise. On the other hand, hazards are also changing. Those, which were formerly the main threat to architecture and its mission have probably lost their significance or have been mastered by the profession. Other hazards have nevertheless become more important and are challenges for present and future practice. doseženi cilji, namen in rezultati Cilj naloge je bil razvoj modela za raziskavo in obravnavo vpliva nevarnosti na arhitekturo. Razvoj in uporaba modela sta pokazala možnosti, ki jih nudi ta način pri obravnavanju in vrednotenju vpliva nevarnosti na arhitekturo. Model je moč uporabiti tako za zgodovinsko analizo vpliva nevarnosti na arhitekturo v različnih časovnih obdobjih kot tudi v današnjem času. Prav tako pa gaje moč uporabiti tudi za analizo posamezne nevarnosti. Današnjo arhitekturo ogrožajo nevarnosti, ki včasih niso bile tako aktualne in predstavljajo izziv za arhitekturno stroko. Predvsem gre tu za človeško nasilje (vlomi, vandalizem), ki danes morda ni toliko prisotno v zavesti arhitektov in družbe, čeprav statistika kaže velik obseg tega pojava. Ker gre za širši družbeni problem, bo potrebno za reševanje tega sodelovanje različnih strok. Arhitekturna stroka pa da lahko svoj prispevek k reševanju tega problema predvsem s poznavanjem nekaterih psiholoških zakonitosti človeka in načrtovanjem ustreznih arhitekturnih elementov. intentions, goals and results The project's goal was to develop a model for research and treatment of effects of hazards on architecture. The model's development and use showedpossibilities, provided by the model, to assess effects ofhazards on architecture. The model can also be usedfor historical analysis ofeffects of hazards on architecture in various historic periods, as well as the present time. It can also be used to analyse hazards independently. Contemporary architecture is endangered by hazards, which were not as pending or dangerous in the past, but today present challenges to architectural practise. Human violence is surely a serious threat (burglary, vandalism), but is not in the forefront of societal or professional interest, although statistics prove increase of this phenomenon. Since the issue is a wider societal concern, cooperation between various professions will be necessary. Architecture could contribute solutions for the problem, above all with knowledge about certain human psychological traits andplanning of corresponding architectural elements. problematika v arhitekturi, umestitev obravnavane teme v te tokove in njen pomen Kriterij varnostnih principov je po krivici eden bolj zanemarjenih kriterijev za obravnavo zgodovine arhitekture. Le ta se bolj opira na likovne ter umetnostno zgodovinske kriterije, medtem ko je varnost prisotna le pri fortifikacijskih zgradbah. Vendar raziskava kaže, da so bili varnostni principi pomemben sooblikovalec arhitekture v preteklosti ter jo sooblikujejo še danes. Raziskava je del doktorskega študija pod mentorstvom prof. dr. Petra Fistra in predstavlja predhodno objavo delnih rezultatov naloge. ključne besede arhitektura, varnost architectural issues, positioning the topic in ongoing debate and its' significance Safety principles have been unjustly neglected as criteria for research of architectural history, which mostly relies on art historical criteria and safety is considered only in fortification architecture. The research nevertheless showed that safety principles significantly contributed to architecture in the past and still do today. The research is part of a Ph.D thesis under the mentorship of prof. dr. Peter Fister and represents a pre-presentation ofpartial research results. key words architecture, safety