Announcement | Obvestilo UDC: 172 Polona Tratnik Égalité V kontekstu pandemije COVID-19 so se nekatere države znašle v katastrofalni situaciji, ko se je bilo medicinsko osebje primorano soočati z vprašanjem pravične oziroma ustrezne razporeditve zdravstvenih virov, ki so bili bolj omejeni kot v običajnih razmerah. Za orientacijo glede ravnanja medicinskega osebja v okoliščinah krizne zdravstvene oskrbe je marca 2020 Italijansko društvo za anestezijo, analgezijo, oživljanje in intenzivno nego (SIAARTI) izdalo seznam priporočil in etičnih razmislekov za boljšo Polona Tratnik Nova univerza, Fakulteta za slovenske in mednarodne študije, Mestni trg 23, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija Égalité je umetniško-raziskovalni projekt avtorice članka v procesu nastajanja. Najavljen je bil na razstavi Živi objekt v Mestni galeriji Ljubljana (2. 9. 2020-1. 11. 2020). Razstava rezultatov projekta je predvidena v marcu 2021 v Galeriji 001 (v sklopu Kulturnega centra Tobačna 001). Za strokovno svetovanje pri projektu se avtorica zahvaljuje prof. dr. Bojani Beovic. Phainomena 30 | 116-117 | 2021 informiranost kliničnih zdravnikov kritičnih pacientov COVID-19 (Vergano et al. 2020a, Vergano et al. 2020b), nato je več znanstvenih skupin po svetu objavljalo znanstvene članke, v katerih so podale konkretna priporočila za ravnanje v kriznih situacijah. Oblikovali so se triažni principi in kriteriji za krizno oskrbo, ki so bili sicer delno že formulirani pred desetletjem za scenarij pandemije gripe in njej podobnih bolezni (Bayer et al. 2011, White et al. 2009), v marcu leta 2020 pa so bili posodobljeni za okoliščine COVID-19. Kot marca 2020 povzema skupina raziskovalcev (Emanuel et al. 2020), je prvo vodilo v pandemiji COVID-19 pri odločanju glede tega, kdo dobi zdravstvene vire, maksimiranje koristi. Pri tem gre za dve vodili: ohraniti čim več življenj - ta kriterij ima absolutno prednost - in ohraniti največ življenjskih let. Zdravniki naj bi se pri odločanju za zdravljenje naslonili tudi na oceno pacientove bodoče kvalitete življenja. Stara vodila, ki so temeljila na enakosti, so bila postavljena v ozadje. Načelo, ki pravi: »Kdor prej pride, prej dobi,« ni bilo priporočeno, naključen izbor pa zgolj v primeru, kadar imajo pacienti enako prognozo. Pomembno vodilo pri izboru je promocija in nagrajevanje instrumentalne 296 vrednosti pacienta, namreč v smislu, da ima prednost tista oseba, ki koristi drugim - predvsem so tu mišljeni zdravstveni delavci. V razpravah so raziskovalci izpostavljali prioritete kriterijev, spodbujali zdravstvene delavce v prvih vrstah k smotrnemu ravnanju in jih pomirjali z nagovorom, da je etično tudi odvzeti zdravstveno oskrbo pacientu, če jo zagotovijo drugemu z bolj obetavno prognozo. Pandemija COVID-19 nas je kot družbo prisilila v ponoven razmislek o razsvetljenskih načelih in o možnostih njihovega družbenega uresničevanja. Ko Tzvetan Todorov povzema razsvetljenska načela, v skladu z njimi misel o svobodi in univerzalnosti opredeli takole: »vsi ljudje pripadajo isti vrsti in imajo kot takšni pravico do enakega dostojanstva« (Todorov 2006, 205). Osnovo je definiral Jean-Jacques Rousseau: »[D]ružbeni sporazum med državljani ustvari tako enakost, da se vsi obvežejo pod istimi pogoji in morajo uživati iste pravice.« (Rousseau 2001, 37) Projekt Égalité tovrsten razmislek o naši družbi kot razsvetljenski in demokratični izziva v današnjih razmerah ter dileme, s katerimi se je doslej soočala medicinska stroka, ki jih je omejevala predvsem na medicinske parametre, poglablja in naslavlja na širšo družbo. Announcement | Obvestilo Bibliografija | Bibliography Bayer, Ronald, Ruth Gaare Bernheim, LaVera Marguerite Crawley, Norman Daniels, Kenneth Goodman, Nancy Kass, Bernard Lo, Sara Rosenbaum, Jennifer Prah Ruger, Pamela Sankar, Marion Cassady Wheeler in Leslie Wolf. 2011. Ethical Considerations for Decision Making Regarding Allocation of Mechanical Ventilators During a Severe Influenza Pandemic or Other Public Health Emergency. Document_Final_Version.pdf. Zadnji dostop: 1. 10. 2020. Emanuel, Ezekiel J., Govind Persad, Ross Upshur, Beatriz Thome, Michael Parker, Aaron Glickman, Cathy Zhang, Connor Boyle, Maxwell Smith in James P. Phillips. 2020. »Fair Allocation of Scarce Medical Resources in the Time of Covid-19.« The New England Journal of Medicine. 23. 3. 2020. DOI: 10.1056/ NEJMsb2005114. Zadnji dostop: 1. 10. 2020. Rousseau, Jean Jacques. 2001. Družbena pogodba. Ljubljana: Krtina. Todorov, Tzvetan. 2006. »Duh razsvetljenstva.« V D'Alembert, Jean le Rond, Denis Diderot in Tzvetan Todorov, Uvod v Enciklopedijo. Duh razsvetljenstva. 297 Ljubljana: Studia humanitatis. Vergano, Marco, Guido Bertolini, Alberto Giannini, Giuseppe R. Gristina, Sergio Livigni, Giovanni Mistraletti, Luigi Riccioni in Flavia Petrini. 2020a. »Clinical Ethics Recommendations for the Allocation of Intensive Care Treatments in Exceptional, Resource-Limited Circumstances.« Society of Anesthesia, Analgesia, Resuscitation, and Intensive Care (SIAARTI). https://bit. ly/2UyQ6I3. Zadnji dostop: 1. 10. 2020. Vergano, Marco, Guido Bertolini, Alberto Giannini, Giuseppe R. Gristina, Sergio Livigni, Giovanni Mistraletti, Luigi Riccioni, Flavia Petrini. 2020b. »Clinical Ethics Recommendations for the Allocation of Intensive Care Treatments in Exceptional, Resource-Limited Circumstances: the Italian Perspective During the COVID-19 Epidemic.« Critical Care 24. 22. 4. 2020. Zadnji dostop: 1. 10. 2020. Phainomena 30 | 116-117 | 2021 White, Douglas B., Mitchell H. Katz, John M. Luce in Bernard Lo. 2009. »Who Should Receive Life Support During a Public Health Emergency? Using Ethical Principles to Improve Allocation Decisions.« Annals of Internal Medicine 150 (2): 132-138. DOI: 10.7326/0003-4819-150-2-200901200-00011. Zadnji dostop: 1. 10. 2020. 298 Manuscript Submission Guidelines The journal Phainomena welcomes all submissions of articles and book reviews in the field of phenomenological and hermeneutic philosophy, as well as from related disciplines of the humanities. Manuscripts submitted for the publication in the journal should be addressed to the editorial office, the secretary of the editorial board, or the editor-in-chief. The journal is published quarterly, usually in two issues. The tentative deadlines for the submission of manuscripts are: March 31, for the June issue; August 31, for the November issue. The submitted manuscript should preferably be an original paper and should not be concurrently presented for publication consideration elsewhere, until the author receives notification with the editorial decision regarding acceptance, required (minor or major) revision(s), or rejection of the manuscript after the concluded reviewing procedure. After submission, the contributions are initially evaluated by the editorial office and may be immediately rejected if they are considered to be out of the journal's scope or otherwise unfit for consideration. The ensuing process of scientific review, which can—provided that no additional delays occur—take up to 3 months, includes an editorial opinion and a double-blind peer review by at least two external reviewers. The articles that do not report original research (e.g.: editorials or book reviews) are not externally reviewed and are subject to the autonomous decision of the editor-in-chief or the editorial board regarding publication. When republishing the paper in another journal, the author is required to indicate the first publication in the journal Phainomena. Phainomena 30 | 116-117 | 2021 The journal publishes original papers predominantly in Slovenian, English, French, and German language, as well as translations from foreign languages into Slovenian. Authors interested in the publication of their work in another language should consult the editors regarding such a possibility prior to the submission of the manuscript. Before publication, the texts are proofread with regard to guidelines and formatting, but the authors are responsible for the quality of language. The manuscripts submitted in the MS Word compatible format should not exceed 8,000 words (ca. 50,000 characters with spaces) including footnotes. The submission should include a separate title page with the author's full name, academic qualification, institutional affiliation(s), and (email) address(es), bibliography of referenced works at the end of the main body of text, and an abstract of the article (accompanied by up to 5 keywords) in the language of the original as well as in English translation (100-150 words). The contributions should be formatted as follows: Times New Roman font style; 12 pt. font size; 1.5 pt. spacing (footnotes—in 10 pt. font size—should, 300 however, be single spaced); 0 pt. spacing before and after paragraphs; 2.5 cm margins; left justified margins throughout the text. Instead of line breaks please use internal paragraph indentations (1.25 cm) to introduce new paragraphs. Do not apply word division and avoid any special or exceptional text formatting (e.g.: various fonts, framing, pagination, etc.). Footnotes and tables should be embedded using designated MS Word functionalities. Do not use endnotes. Notes should be indicated by consecutive superscript numbers placed in the text immediately after the punctuation mark or the preceding word. The author should use boldface for the title, subtitle, and chapter titles of the manuscript, and italics for emphasis and interpolations of foreign words or phrases, as well as for the titles of cited books and journals. Double quotation marks—in the specific typographical format of the text's original language— should be used for the citation of articles published in journals and collective volumes, as well as for the quotations enclosed in the contribution. Single quotation marks should be used only to denote material placed in double quotation marks within the citation. Any block quotation of 40 or more words should be denoted with additional 1.25 cm margin on the left and separated from the main text by a line space above and below the paragraph (without Guidelines quotation marks, 10 pt. font size). Omissions, adaptations, or insertions within citations should be indicated with square brackets. As a general rule, please use the (shorter) lengthened hyphen (the en-dash) to denote a range of numbers (e.g.: 99-115) or a span of time (e.g.: 19201970). The (longer) lengthened hyphen (the em-dash) can be used (only) in the English language to indicate an interruption in thought or an interpolated sentence (e.g.: "[...] thus—for instance—Aristotle says [...]"). The standard hyphens (-) can be (in the English language) used for compound nouns, adjectival phrases, or between repeated vowels. The author of the paper is required to adhere to the author-date source citation system according to the rules of The Chicago Manual of Style. Within the in-text parenthetical reference the date of publication immediately follows the quoted author's name, the indicated page number is separated by a comma, e.g.: (Toulmin 1992, 31); (Held 1989, 23); (Waldenfels 2015, 13). The bibliography list at the end of the text should include all referenced sources in alphabetical order of the authors' surnames, as in the following example: 301 Held, Klaus. 1989. "Husserls These von der Europäisierung der Menschheit." In Phänomenologie im Widerstreit, edited by Otto Pöggeler, 13-39. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag. Toulmin, Stephen. 1992. Cosmopolis: The Hidden Agenda of Modernity. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Waldenfels, Bernhard. 2015. "Homo respondens." Phainomena 24 (92-93): 5-17. Only exceptionally other reference styles can be accepted upon previous agreement with the editor-in-chief or the guest editor of the issue. The authors are expected to submit a consistent manuscript free of typographical, grammatical, or factual errors. The author bears the responsibility for the content of the contribution submitted for publication consideration within the journal Phainomena.