URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 12 DECEMBER, 1970 VOLUME 42 ZARJA - THE DAWN NO. 12 DECEMBER, 1970 VOL. XLI1 Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Zenske Zveze Published monthly except one combined issue, July-August — izhaja vsak mesec razen skupne številke za julij-avgust. Annual Subscription $3.00 — naročnina $3.00 letno For Social members, $2.40 — za družbane članice $2.40 Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cerrnak Rd. Chicago 111. 60608 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, 111. All communications for the next issue of publication muai be in the hands of the Editor by the FIRST of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 1 v mesecu. Editorial Office: 1937 W.Cermak Ud. Chicago, 111. 6060S Telephone Bishop 7-2014, Area Code 312 £ OI\ THE COVER ... # A Four Reliefs by noted sculptor France Gorse A X grace the Slovenian Chapel at the National I* $ Shrine in Washington, D. C. These depict a a trio of Slovenian immigrants arriving in America. A Bishop Frederic Baraga, Apostle of the Indians |5' A and Slovenian Bishop Anton Martin Slomšek, w ** called the Apostle of Unity. The canonization ^ of both Bishops has been anticipated by Slovenians who celebrated their centenaries in the last decade. Another relief is of the baptism of Prince Gorazd twelve hundred years ago, which brought Christianity to Slovenia. SLOVENIAN CHAPEL COMMEMORATIVE STAMP in honor of the dedication of the Slovenian Chapel in the National Shrine of Immaculate Conception, a Slovenian Chapel Commemorative stamp has been prepared and is now available. The fidl color, page size sheet in- f! cludes M) individual stamps picturing the A painting of Our Lady of IJrezje which will A hang in the Slovenian Chapel as well as the exterior of the National Shrine nation is S1.00 per sheet. The stamps can be obtained from: Slovenian Chapel Dedication Committee, P. O. Box 62 95 Washington, D. C. 20015 mi pozonm’ Secretaries of S. W. L. branches. DATES TO REMEMBER . . . Christmas Parties of the following: Dec. 2—Br. 52, Kitzville, Minn, at 7 j. m. Dec. 6—Br. 21, Cleveland, West Park, Ohio Dec. 3—Br. 13, San Francisco, Cal. and annual meeting Dec. 11—Br. 71, Strabane, Pa. Dec. 13—Br. 20, Joliet, lil. Bowlers Dec. 15—Br. 42, Maple Hgts., O, with gift exchange Dec. 16—Br. 22, Ely, Minn. Dawn Club, with dinner Dee. 20—Br. 17, West Allis, Wis. annual meeting 2 p. m. HAPPY ST. NICHOLAS DAY, DECEMBER 6! The do- 'I ft?0|OfO?O?O?O;OTOfO?O?Of0?OfO!OfOf0IO?Of HAPPY IIIRTHDAY IIS DECEMBER National Officer: Dec. 7—Jennie Feme, National Auditor, Cleveland, Ohio Branch Presidents: Dec. 6—Stella Cicconi, Br. 70, W. Aliquippa, Pa. Dec. 12—Betty Mrak, Br. 33, Duluth, Minn. Dec. 15—Victoria Volk, Br. 99, Elmhurst, 111. Dec. 17—Fanny Harvatine, Br. 29, Broundale, Pa. Dec. 22—Mary Mihelick, Br. 79, Enumclaw, Washington Dec. 27—Jean Kurlich, Br. 100, Fontana, Calif. Dec. 30—Jenny Gerk, Br. 37, Garfield Hgts, Ohio Dec. 31—Frances Vidmar, Br. 83, Crosby, Minn. Secretaries: Dec. 11—Mary Pahula, Br. 34, Soudan, Minn. Dec. 28—Mary Meadows, Br. 56, Hibbing, Minn. Dec. 30—Mary Jermene, Br. 85, DePue, 111. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! *v. **2 w SEASON'S GREETINGS '* from EDWARD F. KOMPARE FUNERAL HOME 9858 South Commercial Avenue Chicago 17, Illinois f Phones: SO 8-1111 — 8800 j I A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto! In the New Year, 1971, enroll at least one new member in your branch! The National Officers sincerely wish for progress and success in your branch. Thanks for your help and co-operation! Spiritual Advisor, REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O. F. M. Honorary President and Founder, MARIE PRISLAND National President, ANTONIA TUREK National Secretary, FANIKA HUMAR National Treasurer, ELIZABETH ZEFRAN National Auditors, ANN PODGORŠEK, ANN KOMPARE and JENNIE FEMC Supreme Vice President, MARIE FLORYAN State Presidents: ANNA PACHAK, ROSE KRAEMER, MARY BOSTIAN, MARY TOMSIC, ROSE SCOFF, ANN LUSTIG, BARBARA ROSANDICH Secretary of S. W. U. Scholarship Committee, HERMINE DICKE Investment Secretary, OLGA ANCEL Director of Women’s Sports Activities, ELIZABETH ZEFRAN Director of Youth Activities, FRANCES SIETZ Editor of Zarja-The Dawn, CORINNE LESKOVAR REV. CLAUDE OKORN, OFM: HERALD OF CHRIST More often than any other figure, John the Baptist appears in the Advent liturgy of the Church. The reason for this is quite clear. He is the Herald of Christ, the stranger who conies out of the Eastern desert to announce that the long desired Messiah is close at hand. In all four gospels, he is compared to the voice in the desert foretold by the prophet Isaiah: "The beginning of the Good News about Jesus Christ, the Son of God. It is written in the book of the prophet Isaiah: “Look, I am going to send my messenger before you: he will prepare your way. A voice cries in the wilderness. Prepare a way for the Lord, make his paths straight.” And so it was that John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. The message of John is short and clear. He announces the coming of Christ and calls for the moral reform lo prepare the hearts of men to receive His teaching. The roads between the cities were at that time for the most part unpaved. When a king or other dignitary was coming for a visit the inhabitants would get out (o fill in the holes, knock down the bumps and smooth the road for his coming. In the same way John calls upon the people to prepare the way of the Lord ‘ Make His ways straight. Every valley will be filled in, every mountain and hill laid low, winding ways will be straightened and rough roads made smooth, and all mankind shall see the salvation of God." John however was speaking not of physical preparations but of repentance and reform of the heart as the proper way of welcoming Jesus Christ. He calls especially for justice and charity toward their fellow men. Three specific points are mentioned in the gospels. To the people in general he said: “If anyone has two tunics he must share with the man who has none and the one with something to eat must do the same. 2. When he tax collectors asked Him what they must do to receive baptism He answered: “Exact no more than your rate.” 3. To the soldiers he declared: “No intimidation. No extortion. Be content with your pay." Wonderful ideas even for our day. Merry Christmas to you all. TO THE NATIONAL BOARD AND MEMBERS OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA! Dear Sisters: This month I concluded my office as the Financial Secretary of The Slovenian Women’s Union. I forwarded all books and accounts pertaining to the Investments to my successor, Mrs. Olga Ancel, who is well informed in bookkeeping and is a college graduate. I have offered her my help and advice any time she may need it. In the month of October — 44 years ago — I wrote an article for the Amerikanski Slovenec, published in Chicago, urging our Slovenian women to form their own organization. The idea caught fire and two months later — SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA was born. It is therefore of considerable significance to me that I was able to guide Zveza’s financial destiny all these years. I am deeply grateful to all of you for your friendship which I have enjoyed through the years, and for your cooperation and for the wonderful association I was privileged to have with you. May the good Lord bless you wtih continued good health and happiness! I remain your true friend as long as I live. Very sincerely, Marie Prisland I believe it is my duty to give you my final Financial Statement. It is as follows: TOTAL INVESTMENTS OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA October 16, 1970 U. S. Treasury Bonds and Notes $ 141,163.02 State Bonds 33,571.34 Public Utility Debentures 40,231,30 Catholic Institutional Bonds 126,061.90 Savings and Loan Deposits 147,000.00 Savings Deposits in Banks: Metropolitan State Bank, Chicago, 111. 15,000.00 Central National Bank, Cleveland, Ohio 5,000.00 South West State Bank, Sheboygan, Wis. 5,000.00 Real Estate (depreciated) 12l,000.00 TOTAL INVESTMENTS $52)5,027.56 The above Report includes only the Investments made under my jurisdiction. The Checking account, handled by the Supreme Secretary, is to be added to the above. Respectfully submitted, Marie Prisland, Financial Secretary THOUGHTS AT CHRISTMASTIME Greetings to all Members Best wishes for happy holidays to all S. W. U. officers, members and especially our Ohio and Michigan branches. May the year 1971 bring in a great success to our organization and receive many new members to build it up. I hope you all will have an enjoyable Christmas party. I also want to wish the singers of the Dawn Choral Group the best of holidays and good health. A message of cheer to all who are ill. Do take care. May God bless you all. Mary Bostian iOiO:O:O:O:O:0iO:O:O:Oi0:O:O:^:O:OiOi0:O p With the holidays approaching, it is the time M. we naturally remember the good friends who have pV brought hours of pleasure at a time when illness » has visited. I have received ever so many beautiful cards and gifts for which I am deeply grateful. }! U May God who has been with me all these months pj of illness bless you all in abundance for thinking w of me so lovingly. I would like to express also my wish for you |-W this Christmas, in place of my usual hand-written (■jj greeting card, that the Little Lord Jesus will be 9 with you and bring you love and joy. May your P* homes be filled with happiness and brightened $ by the gifts of the Christ Child. rl My heartfelt prayer that the peace of Christmas be with you now and always. I I MISIJ NA VAS OB PRAZNIKIH a Približujejo se prelepi božični prazniki, ko se ^ tako radi spominjamo svojih prijateljev. Po:ebno A mi ostanejo v trajnem spominu lepa in iskrena voščila k okrevanju, katera sem prejemala skozi fvse leto. Ni mi bilo mogoče odgovoriti vsaki posebej, zato bi rada ob tem pomembnem času d se prisrčno zahvalila vsem in vsakemu za želje, 5 katere sem prejemala. /1 V upanju na boljše zdravje tudi Vam in Va-$ Šim družinam, Vam pošiljam iskrena voščila za A srečne praznike ter obilo božjega blagoslova v ^ novem letu. Z izrazi hvaležnosti, vaša vdana, 'V Albina Novak A fi '«&=* ^ Thanks from Ill.-Ind. State President I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every loyal member of our organization who attended the Illinois-Indiana State Convention, therefore making it a great success. The Convention started with Holy Mass at 11:30 a. m. at St. George’s church. The “Češčena si Marija” hymn, a favorite of all our members, was sung at the conclusion. We then went to Rupcich’s restaurant where we enjoyed a delicious dinner. Afterward, the State Convention meeting was called to order. We were pleased to have many special guests among us. The farthest traveler was State President of Wisconsin, Rose Kraemer who is a loyal friend. Guests also included Fanika Humar, National Secretary, Liz, Zefran, National Treasurer, Corinne Leskovar, Editor, Ann Kompare, National Auditor and two branch presidents, namely: Emma Planinšek of Branch 20 and Millie James of Branch 95. Filling in for our president of Branch 16 was secretary Gladys Buck. The meeting was rather brief, but concise. After discussion of various topics, the members enjoyed the dis- tribution of prizes and gifts. Goodbyes were made to our outof-town guests and wishes that we shall all meet together again at the next Convention which we are anticipating to be a bigger and better one, to be held in Joliet next year. BRANCHES ATTENTION! All questionnaires sent to Illinois-Indiana branches should be sent back regardless if a delegate attended the Convention or not. So please, see to it than they are filled out and returned for our file. Thank you. Am looking forward to seeing you at out next State Convention and may God bestow His blessings on all of you. Best wishes for a very Merry and Blessed Christmas! Ann Lustig A New Member for Christmas - Your Gft to S. W. U. “MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR!” Is wished to all Supreme Officers, State Presidents, Branch Officers and members. A heartfelt thank you all for your services rendered in the past year and wish that you will carry on your good work in 1971. It feels odd to write for Zarja magazine a month early, in a way it is a good idea this way all members are notified of special events and meeting days especially to the branches that have their meetings during the first week of the month. “What would we do without our Zarja?” Post Convention Campaign is now in effect Win a free trip to the dedication of the Slovenian Chapel, Marija Pomagaj which will be held August 13 to August 15, 1971 in the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D. C. This will be a memorable week end, one and the only one that ever will be held in the USA on our Slovenian Pilgrimage. Attended an important meeting held by Branch No. 55, Girard, Ohio on October 18, 1970. The drive which was about GO miles was very enjoyable and the day was nice and this time of the year the trees are beautiful and along the sides of the road there were numerous piles of pumpkins which were waiting for Halloween. Meeting was held in the Pink Room of the Slovenian National Home in Girard. Branch 55 is very fortunate to have such a nice meeting room and with wonderful kitchen facilities. It was a pleasure to meet the officers and members. Meeting was held and discussions were mainly on how to make the branch active and have more members attend their meetings. Some very good suggestions were given and the members were very well enthused which I think will work out very nicely and am sure that more members will attend. A delicious lunch was served and I got three new recepies for which I am very thankful and will have in our new cook book, all under Pots and Pans. Cook Books Secretaries and members of S. W. U. please mail me as soon as possible your favorite recipes. Our supply of cook books are all sold out and we would like to have a new one printed with some of the old recipes in and put some new ones in. Our cook books have been in a great demand as it is one of the finest we still would like to keep It at its best. Casserole dishes are in demand and good meat dishes, desserts, pastry or any other recipes. It is very important that you check all the ingredients so that you do not omit any, also have the correct measurements, pan size and heat in baking. Ladies all prefer making a recipe that has been under- signed then they feel sure that it is perfect. Cook books will not be available until next year. All branches will be notified as soon as they will be available. History Books From Slovenia to America History books are still available, our supply is very low as we have mailed all the branches 5 books so that you can have them on hand. If any member wishes one she can get it from her secretary. Christmas will soon be here and some of you don’t know what to give your children; a history book would be very nice as this new generation does not know how their grandparents and struggled whe they first migrated to America. They make a very nice gift for any one who is hospitalized and nice for graduates. Purchasing this book from the secretaries cost is only $4.00 where if you send for it you pay 25 cents more for postage. Slovenian Chapel Marija Pomagaj in Washington, D. C. Happy to announce that the Slovenian Chapel Fund of $70,000.00 finally has come to reality, and the building of tie chapel has started and should be finished by January 1, 1971. The chapel will be beautiful and one that each and every Slovenian shall be proud of. Great plans are being prepared for the great dedication of the Marija Pomagaj Chapel in the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D. C. Preparing for the dedication the Washington committee has been working since May. They have been planning and working hard to make the dedication a memorable one for all who will attend. Park Sheraton Hotel has been reserved which can handle at least 3,000 people and if there should be more a hotel near-by will also be available. Letters have been mailed to all organizations and individuals who have donated towards this cause. If anyone did not receive this literature and would like to join and attend this grand occasion please contact: Mr. Richard A. Tersellc, Director of Reservations, Dedication Committee P. O. Box 6295, Washington, D. C. 20015 Beautiful Marija Pomagaj and the Immaculate Conception stamps are now available and can be purchased from your Branch Secretary or the lodges or write to me and will be happy tom ial them to you. There are 40 stamps on a sheet and the cost is $1.00. This money from the stamps will be used to defray the expenses that and will involved with the dedication. NOTE: These not postage stamps but to be used to decorate letters or Chrismas cards. Happy Birthday to all celebrating this month, speedy recovery to all ailing and have a very happy holiday! Toni Turek EARN 50 POINTS IN THE POST-CONVENTION CAMPAIGN! A new member in Class B is worth one full point; (1) A new member in Class A is worth one half point; (%) A new Junior member is worth one quarter point; (%) Besides the point talley, you will be entitled to a cash award for every new member as follows: For every new member in Class B, $1.00; Class A $.50 and Junior, $.25. Every worker Gets a Cash Award! Begin now — write up your new members and send them in. Your branch secretary has the application blanks. Remember: the name of the worker must appear on the application blank as usual as there will be no changes allowed after the application is received in the Home Office. One name can receive credit for the new member. Every worker who reaches 50 points will win a free trip to Washington. Let one of the winners be YOU! FANIKA HUMAR, National Secretary ACTIVITIES No. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. — The third Sunday of December — the 20th will our annual meeting take place. It. will be held in Hotel Kneevers. After the meeting we will have our Christmas Party and dinner. The meeting will start sharp at 4 p. m. and the dinner will be served at 5:30 p. m. Members, who wish to come to the meeting and to the Christmas Party shall notify the following: The president, Olga Saye, tel. 7-7489, treasurer, Dorothy Kregel, tel. 7-7208, or secretary, tel. 7-3931. The dead-line for reservations is December 12th. Every member present shall bring a dollar Christmas gift for exchange with her name attached. Will be seeing you on Dec. 20th! Our Christmas party will be lots of fun. Don’t, miss it! Margaret Fischer, Sec’y. No. 2, Chicago, III. Just a brief reminder to all our dear members to keep in mind the date Dec. 20th. In the morning, Holy Mass in commemoration of the Anniversary of S.W.U. will be offered at 10:30 a. m. and we hope you will all attend in a body. That afternoon at 2 p. m., our kiddies will enjoy their annual Christmas Party at. the big hall. Chairman Liz Zefran is preparing all the goodies and presents as usual and there will be a program as well. Moms and dads are most welcome, too, and there will be coffee and, for them. Our meeting date falls on December 10th and we will then have the annual election of officers and discussion of the activities for 1971. High on the list of events is the trip to Washington, D. C. in August and we want to know as early as possible the number of members interested in making this weekend jaunt. After the meeting will be a dessert luncheon and exchange of dollar gifts. So, please do attend and enjoy this hour with us. We have been hearing of many ill members and to all our best wishes for recovery. Our beloved president of the branch for nearly 25 years. Josephine Železnikar is at this time of writing very ill at St. Ann’s Hospital and we hope and pray she will pass over this crisis and enjoy better health soon. God bless her. The November Penny Social w'ill be reported next month — we anticipated anoteher grand turnout and loads of fun playing those games once a year. December is such a busy month — we hope you will have a wonderful holiday season and all that goes with it. Corinne Leskovar No. 10, Cleveland, Ohio — Most of you know that we meet only every three months. In August we had a picnic at my home and quite a few ladies attended. We had a real nice time. The food and refreshments were a delight to all the ladies. Later on, for entertainment, we played popular games. The weather played tricks on us with a little rain, but it soon cleared up and we all sat under the apple tree and heard about the good times our three members had in Europe. Louise Čebular, Josie Brusich and Anne Markovich had lots to tell. Each time I hear about Slovenia I perk up my ears! I have been there five times. There is something very fascinating over there and I think everyone whose parents came from Slovenia should go for a visit. You will be so happy to see where your parents were born. It’s like a-nother world. Things are so up to date; a wonderful vacation-land. In September we held our regular meeting. Vacations and hot weather were all behind us so we got down to regular business. Secretary Mary Camloh visited some of our members living in the Slovenian Old Age Home. She brought them a basket of fruit. I-ouise Fabec is another member who takes time out to do her good deed just visiting the sick. Antonia Repic has been home from the hospital and is recuperating and we surely missed her at our picnic. Mrs. Urbas, our past president for many years, a true S. W. U. member since the beginning, celebrated her 92nd birthday. She brought a beautiful cake for all of us to enjoy. We wish her many more happy years! Mr. John and Mrs. Mary Sluga celebrated their 50th Golden Wedding. Mary is one of our charter members. This message comes a little late, but we here at Br. 10 wish them many, many more years of happiness! We wish to thank all the ladies who so generously donated to our treasury: Mary Tomslc, Louise Fabec, Carolyn Boyc, Helen Može, Mary Prdak, Mary Ulie, Louise Čebular and Mrs. Urbas. In Sept. we lost a dear member, Mrs. Anna Stefančič. She was a member of many lodges. May I take this time to really thank all the ladies who are so good and thoughtful, true members who attend all the funerals, come to pray at the wakes. These ladies take time and believe me, they really care. Our deepest sympathy to the family of our departed member. May she rest in peace. One of the nicest things was said to me by Mrs. Stefancic’s daughter: “I didin’t only lose my mother, she was my best friend.” What a wonderful relationship she shared with her mother. We also lost another member in October, Mrs. Mary Penko. May we also express our deepest sympathy to the bereaved family. May Mrs. Penko rest in peace. In December we will have election of officers and Christmas Party. There will be a dollar gift exchange, so please try to attend. All our sick members are wished a speedy recovery. Happy birthday to all those celebrating and we wish all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Sophie Magayna - No. 12, Milwaukee. — With the coming of the end of the year we hope to see many more members attend the last meeting at least., which will be on Dec. 17th at the Lily Hall as usual. A good Christmas luncheon is always served and a few games are enjoyed by those who attend, so let’s try to make it a real party and get together. Those of you who still haven’t, paid their dues will also have the chance to end the year all paid up as we’re always ready to collect money. Here’s hoping that the weather, too, favors us as well. At the October meeting, we made final plans for the coming card party at Old Tony’s on Nov,15th. The committee was busy doing their usual good work at prizes and publicity and the twins Meier and Wilhem as well as Stavia make an excellent team. We’re glad we have them! The trip to Washington on next August, 1971 which will feature a tour of Washington, D. C. as well as the real reason for going, the dedication of the Slovenian Chapel on August 15th was discussed. Watch the Zarja for more write ups and start planning and saving for it now. We will try to get a bus for those who wish to travel that way and reservations with payment will have to be made by June of 1971. So, let’s not wait until the last minute or you might be disappointed. The bus trip In October to the countryside was well attended and none of us were disappointed; even the weather wah perfect. Let’s do more of this! It was really relaxing. Congratulations to Mary Ann Visek who became the bride of John Edward Zielinski last June. She also has now left the ranks of the Junior members and gone into the adults as Mrs. Zielinski. Congratulations again and best wishes. Our sympathy goes to Theresa Ramshak family. Her loss is felt by all of us as well. Good health to those in nursing homes, hospitals or recuperating at home, especially Agnes Gornik, Frances Maci and Mrs. Rajšter. Happy holiday season and a better and more prosperous New Year to all. Mary Dezman No. 13, San Francisco, Calif. With the approaching Holiday Season it gives me an opportunity to wish all the Slovenian Women’s Union members the merriest of Christmas and a New Year filled with good health and happiness. We do hope that 1971 will be better than 1970 by enrolling more new members. Branch No. 13 will be busy with Christmas activities at our December 3rd meeting. Election of officers will be followed by exchange of gifts, and giving of prizes. Cur member Agnes Lovrin’s son Eddie Lovrin donated the tickets. (Thank you, Eddie). We hope to have a nice showing at this meeting. Our Pot Luck Dinner at liurger-meister Brewing Company was a great success and the proceeds increased our Treasury. My sister Agnes Lanvpe played a few peppy selections on her accordian. I wish to thank each member for the donation of prizes and the delicious food. We received a letter from our National Secretary, Mrs. Humar which was read with much interest. Branch No. 13 me.ubers wish to congratulate her on this very important position. We hope that all our sick members will be much improved to enjoy this Christmas and the New Year. Sincerely, Rose Scoff, State President 500 — MAGIC NUMBER IN BOWLING No. 14, Euclid, Ohio. — It hardly seems possible but we are coming to an end of another year, and of course, all matte.'s have to be put in order and accounted for. This is exactly what our secretary Vera Bajec is trying to do. She needs each and every member’s dues to be up to date. If you are not paid up for 1970, please call Vera at 481-7473 and together you can make arrangements about paying your dues. Vera lives at 19G13 Chickasaw (off E. 185 St.) and you can bring them to her home. One of the highlights of the past fall reason was our annual Card Party. Pauline Krall again did such a wonderful job. The auditorium stage was filled with beautiful prizes from all the neighborhood mrechants and businessmen who generously donated lovely gilts. The prizes were so in abundance that I don’t believe any table was without a winner. Many in attendance at the Card Party are faithful every year. Among the people who were there was Mrs. Fortuna, a member who came all the way from California to visit her family and made it a point to say hello to all her friends at Branch No. 14. We were also delighted to have Mrs. Pauline Stamt'el from Br. No. 25 in the audience. We all knew that Mrs. Stampfel was very seriously 111 and overcame her illness to join with her friends in attending a function of a neighboring branch. Thanks to all who attended. Chairman Pauline No. 2, Chicago, III. Bowling News. The Chicago S. W. U. bowling league rolled into November with quite a race shaping up. As of October 28th, St. Paul Federal had sole possession of first place with a record of 22 wins and 8 losses. Zefran Funeral Home, with 20% wins and 9% losses, rose to second place, while Marquette Service Station, with 19 wins and 11 losses, fell to third. John F. Cuneo and Jelinek Drugs were tied for fourth place with 1G wins and 14 losses. Team and individual leaders remained the same in October, but individual bowlers continue to give it a good try to unseat the leaders. Some of the month’s outstanding bowlers were: Ann Vucko, 529; Shirley Melissa, 527; Libbie Hasek, 50G: Agnes Kovacs, 496. Railroad pick-ups for October: H. Fitzgerald, A. Persa, S. Melissa, B. Zalik, 3-10; L. Putzell, C. Wrezzes, 2-7; L. Ovnik, 51G; A. Vucko, 4-10; S. Gorka, 5-10, 5-7, G-7; H. Drobec. 5-10; II. Swartz, 3-10, 5-7-9; B. Zurek, 5-7; L. Zefran, 5-7. 5-10. See you next month! Barbara Zurek Krall would like to tell everyone how much she appreciated your coming and also to all who helped her work for this event. The success proves that there was a great deal of work and sacrifice involved by those who made this Card Party a grand success. All the members of our branch want to congratulate Pauline for this success and express our gratitude for all she really has done for us. We have a number of very generous members who have donated to our Branch: Rosie Rodgers, Mary Paske-vich, Antoinette Wichicli, Mrs. Bub-nick, Mrs. Strnad, Mrs. Plevnik and Mary Simončič have all contributed to some of the funds we have. Thank you ladies, becuase of your generosity many of the extra doings that we have make our branch even more active and interesting. Congratulations to Sylvia Pevec, who is “Grandma” for the 5th time. Our best wishes to all the family. In keeping with the Holy Season, may all the officers, the auditors, your reporter, and all the very active members take this time to wish the members of Branch 14 a veiy Blessed Christmas. To all the members of the Slovenian Women’s Union in all the states of our country, our Branch would like to extend their greetings. We hope the coming year will bring to all good health and good luck. Wouldn’t a good resolution be to attend the meetings this year? I think everyone resolves to try to see their friends more and this is a sure bet. A very Happy Holiday Season to all! Mitzi Globokar No. 20, Joliet, III. Bowling news. Srtikes! Spares! Strikes! Spares! That’s all you see at Rival’s Bowling Lanes at 6:45 p. m. on Monday nites. Why? Because the Slovenian Women’s Bowling teams are bowling at that time. We have Northwest Recreation Club leading the league with 18 games won and G lost! Close behind we have: W L Tezak Funeral Home 14% 9% American Slovenian Home 13 11 F. C. Dames Funeral Home 10 14 Merichka’s Restaurant 9% 14% Shep’s Sunoco Service Sta. 7 14% The 500 Club is really growing. After 8 weeks of bowling, we had 11-500 series. Vickie Bernikas has had 4 with 503-510 513 and a high of 542. Gen Klainsek had 503-531 and 539: Marge Wajchert 520, Agnes Verbiscer 507, Jo Mlakar 511 and Ann Kobe 500. Very nice bowling, girls! Splits picked up by the hot-shots were: Dorothy Horvat 5-7, Ann Kobe 5-10, Jo Mlakar G-7-10. Millie Ellena. 4-10, Rose Krovialc 3-7-10, Virginia Guertin 3-7 and Bernice Plankar 6-7 Plans are being made for our Christmas Party at the Colonal Steak House on Dec. 13th. Don’t forget your exchange gift. Thanksgiving Sweeper was Nov. 23rd. The lucky winners will be annouced next month. Thanks to Virginia Guertin and her committee for making the Halloween Party a success. Virginia made and donated a knitted scarf and tain. Marge Wajchert was the lucky girl who got it. Refreshments were served and everyone had a wonderful time. We would like to thank our subs Mary Zadra and Janice Klainsek for answering our calls for help. Mary had a beautiful series of 5221 Nov. 2nd. Too bad we couldn’t use her score! Well girls, see you next month! Gen Klainsek WHAT CAN I GIVE HIM? By Christine Rossetti What can I give Him, Poor as 1 am? If I were a shepherd 1 would bring a lamb, If 1 were a Wise man 1 would do my part— Yet wh'at can I give Him, Give my heart. Hermine Prisland Dicke: 3717 Council Crest Madison, Wis. 53711 KO Sister M. Lavoslava, my seventh grade teacher, celebrated her 50th Golden Jubilee on August 15, 1970. She no longer teaches, but prepares the meals tor the Sisters at the Holy Family Church, 515 Ohio Ave., Kansas City, Kansas. What a memorable occasion when I surprised Sister M. Lavoslava last April while attending the Convention of the National Association of Foreign Students Affairs held in Kansas City. Since Sister M. Lavoslava is involved with cooking I asked if she would please send me a few favorite recipes for this column which she also reads. It seems so appropriate to share her recipes with you during the Christmas season. Her recipes are through the courtesy of a very good cook, Mrs. Nika Kovacic of Silver Spring, Maryland. PUMPKIN DATE TORTE Vz cup chopped dates Vz cup chopped walnuts 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour Vi cup butter or margarine 1 cup brown sugar % cup canned pumpkin 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 eggs Vz cup sifted all-purpose flour % teaspoon baking powder Vz teaspoon cinnamon Vz teaspoon nutmeg '/4 teaspoon soda Vi teaspoon ginger Mix the chopped dates, walnuts and the 2 tablespoons of flour; set aside. Melt butter over low heat; blend insugar. Remove from heat. Stir in the pumpkin and vanilla. Beat in the 2 eggs, one at a time. Sift flour and spices; add pumpkin mixture and mix well. Stir in floured dates and nuts. Bake in greased 9x1 V2 inch round pan in a 350 degree oven for 20 to 25 minutes. Serve warm with wihhped cream. SPICY PUMPKIN CAKE 1 package (2 layer size) spice cake mix Vz teaspoon soda 1 cup milk 1 cup canned pumpkin Vz cup chopped walnuts Vz cup dates (finely cut) 1 cup whipping cream 2 tablespoons honey % teaspoon cinnamon Combine cake mix and soda; proceed according to package directions substituting milk for the first addition of liquid and pumpkin for the second addition. Fold in nuts and dates. Bake in 2 greased and lightly floured 9x1% inch round pans according to package directions. Cool: remove from pns. Cool completely. Whip cream with honey and cinnamon. Spread between layers and on top of cake. Chill. PUMPKIN SPICE CAKE % cup shortening 1% cups sugar 2 eggs 1 cup canned pumpkin % cup buttermilk or sour milk 1% cups sifted all-puropse flour v 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons cinnnamon Vz teaspoons nutmeg Vi teaspoon allspice Vi teaspoon ginger Sift dry ingredients. Cream shortening and sugar till fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time beating well after each. Combine pumpkin with buttermilk or sour milk. Add dry ingredients to creamed mixture alternately with pumpkin mixture beating well after each addition. Bake in greased and lightly floured 13x9x2 inch pan at 350 degrees for 40 to 45 minutes. Cool: frost with Golden Butter Frosting. Frosting: Vj cup soft butter 3 cups sifted confectioners’ sugar about 3 tablespoons cream IVz teaspoon vanilla Blend butter and sugar together. Stir in cream and vanilla until smooth. CUSTArd “This recipe,” Sister M. Lavoslava writes, “Is from a Slovenian professional cook.” (Since the recipe was written in Slovenian I had my mother translate it so that all of you can try it.) 2 eggs Vl cup sugar 2 cups milk, scalded Vz teaspoon vanilla Beat eggs, sugar. Stir in scalded milk. Add vanilla. Pour into glass pudding dish and set in another pan half filled with hot water. Bake uncovered at 325 degrees for 50 minutes, or just until a silver knife inserted 1 inch from edge comes out clean (soft center sets as it stands.) Serve when cool in same dish or keep uncovered in refrigerator. Its brown cover is its decoration. The custard is best when made in the morning or the night before. It' ever you make POTICA it will be during the Christ-season. It is my pleasure to also share with you Mrs. Prances Klun’s RAISIN ROLL that the delegates enjoyed at the National Convention held last May. Prances is a member of Br. No. 14, Cleveland, Ohio. RAISIN ROLL (POTICA) 2 cakes yeast 1 tablespoon sugar Vi cup lukewarm water Dissolve yeast in warm water, add sugar mix and set in warn place to rise until foamy, to rise until foamy. Dough: G cups flour 1 tablespoon salt I cup milk % cup sugar 4 whole eggs, beaten Vi pound butter Vi pint sour cream Sift flour and butter. Add sugar and salt. Cool. — Add beaten eggs and sour cream. Mix in the flour and yeast mixture. Beat well and knead until smooth. Place in large greased bowl; cover. Let rise 1 Vi hours or until double in bulk. Note: If dough is too soft use more flour. Here in Ohio we use Sapphire flour which is a dry flour. Here is the filling: 2 boxes of yellow raisins 2 ounces brandy or whiskey 1 cup sugar or more if desired rind of one lemon % pound sweet butter G to 8 egg yolks, well beaten Place raisins in hot water to plump up. Drain, and dry well. Pour the brandy or whiskey over the raisins. Let the raisins absorb the moisture and set aside for a couple minutes. Then sprinkle sugar, lemon rind over the raisins. Have at room temperature butter and eggs. Cream butter and add one yolk at a time. This works better and makes the mixture real fluffy and easy to spread on the dough. Roll dough Vi. inch thickness. Spread evenly with the butter mixture; over this sprinkle the raisins, leaving about 4 inches one end without raisins to make good top crust. Grease pans well. Cover with cloth. Set in warm place to rise—about 45 minutes or until double in bulk. Brush top with whole egg beaten well. Bake for one hour in 325 degree oven. * # * Irving Stone in his book, THE IMMORTAL, WIPE, mentions one kind of gift that all can give, “Confidence is the greatest gift that one human being can give to another.” Merry Christmas to all and a blessed New Year! Cordially, Hermine No. 17, West Allis, Wis. — Our September meeting was nicely attended and we were very pleased to get together again and get back into the swing of things. Welcome home greetings are extended to all of our vacationers. Heard you all had a marvelous time wherever you went and I am sure that the time passed away too quickly for all of us. We have at least our memories of happy, sun filled days, as we know Jack Prost is on his way with his companion, Mr. North Wind. Our heartiest congratulations go to Branch No. 43, Milwaukee, Wis., on their 40th Anniversary which was held on Sunday, September 20, combined with the 10th Wisconsin State Day Convention. The affair was a success and many thanks go to the hostess branch for their warm hospitality, delicious banquet and a very delightful program. Our group was very well represented and a good time was had by all. The Convention meetings are drawing larger attendances, which shows that the members are interested in the welfare of the S. W. U. REMINDER: Annual meeting will take place on Sunday, December 20th at 2 p. m. sharp. Dues will be collected before and after the meeting. Make it a must to attend. There are many important business matters that must be discussed for the coming year, and election of officers. Cake and coffee will be served after the meeting .combined with a Christmas party for the children with distribution of gifts, exchange of $1.00 gift among the members if desired. To our shut ins and our sick members, Josephine Stariha and Stephanie Hvala, who are convalescing, our best wishes for a speedy recovery. To all of you a very Merry and Blessed Christmas and a Happy and Joyous New Year. May God be generous in showering you with many blessings for the coming year. Marie A. Floryan, Sec. No. 20, Joliet, III. — October was chosen by Bill and Mary Vertin to celebrate their Golden Wedding Anniversary. Due to Bill’s illness, they could not commemorate this day in church, but many friends visited them at home. To Mary, former Petrie, whose mother was one of our charter members, and Bill, we join in a very sincere wish on this special occasion. Our sincere condolences to the following families who have lost their dear ones in the past months. Mary and Joseph Ambrozich, lost their only daughter after a few days of illness. Marianne was only 50 and a good bowler. Many mourn her passing. The Ambrosich family is well known in the parish and community. Also surviving are three brothers. Family of Katherine Malesich who died in September. She was a heartwarming person, very friendly and was a member of S. W.U. since 1928. Family of Christine Blazekovich who died in July. She was a widow for many years and our member since 1935. Family of Elizabeth Kastelic who died Oct. 8th. She is survived by 1 daughters and 2 sons. She was a member since 1931. Our branch will keep her memory dear as she always helped when called upon. Our member, Julia Trubich who lost her husband, Anton. May all our departed rest in eternal peace and receive their rewards in heaven. Congratulations to our member Rose Pazdertz and husband, John on their Golden Wedding Anniversary celebrated at St. Joseph’s Hall. The following week, Rose was taken to the hospital for surgery. Also there for surgery were Frances Kalcic, Barbara Kociuba and Rose Jagodnik. Members convalscing also are Theresa Zlogar and Mary Gerl. Member Anna Mahkovec who is long-missed among us sends her greetings. Eight members and officers attended the Illinois-Indiana State Convention in So. Chicago October 4th. The reports were given at our last meeting. Welcome home to our members who were vacationing far from home this summer, namely Josephine Be-ricich a visitor to Slovenia. This is a habit with Josephine as she returns to her homeland every other year. She is a teacher at St. John’s school for the last G years. Dorothy Sartori and her husband write us from Austria where they enjoyed their vacation. Dorothy commented that it’s even more beautiful than in our movies! Borothy is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Jevitz. And, speaking of John, he was at a meeting with top government officials in Washington, D. C. in October for the second annual conference of Republican National Committee’s Heritage Group division. President Nixon attended and John Jevitz met Vice-President Spiro Agnew and Attorney General John J. Mitchell and Secretary of Health John Pinch. Mr. Jevitz represents the Slovenian group and is secretary of the Republican Central Committee. Our congratulations, John! FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF INCOME AND DISBURSEMENTS FOR PERIOD: SIX MONTHS, JANUARY 1, 1970 TO JUNE 30, 1970 INCOME: Assessment, Class A — Razred A $11,703.60 Assessment, Class B — Razred B 11,120.90 Assessment, Juniors—Mlad. Oddelek 1,332.80 Social and Misc. Assessment— Družabne in razno 220.75 Interest on Savings and Bonds — Obresti od vlog Rental Income — Najemnina od posestva Tax Deposit — Davek Accrued Interest — Dozoreli obresti TOTAL INCOME, SIX MONTHS DISBMURSEMENTS: Class A Death Claims, Slučajev (90) Class B Death Claims, Slučajev ( 9) $24,388.05 13,335.68 980.00 91.52 290.52 $39,091.77 Dept, ol' Insurance Fees — Stroški Drž. Zav. oddelek 452.00 Convention Expenses — Konvenčne Stroške 8,450.22 Convention Donations — Konvečne nagrade 1,700.00 Awards — Nagrade: Bowling — Keglaške 300.00 Campaign — Kampanslce 231.75 Secretaries — Tajniške 520.10 Accrued Interest—Dozorele obresti 420.94 Postage and Telephone—Poštnina, telefon 679.34 Office supplies, Stationary—Uradne opreme 310.00 Fuel and Electricity—Kurivo in luč 569.77 Real Estate Tax—Zemljiški davek 315.25 Repairs and Maintenance of Real Estate— Popravila in čiščenje posestva (gl. urad) 721.54 Rent for Home Olfive—Najemnina za gl. urad 450.00 $9,000.00 2,050.00 Mesečnik Zarja — The Dawn Publication Salaries of Officers — Plače Travel and Per Diem — Potovalne stroške Administrative Expenses — administracije Miscellaneous — Razno Actuarial Service — Aktuarska posluga F. I. C. A. Taxes — Davek na plače Taxes withheld — Davki mmwMwmmimmimmmiwmmmmmmwwi 11„050.00 8,621.18 7,093.44 1,679.57 1,650.00 953.38 370.00 345.50 111.94 TOTAL, DISBURSEMENTS, SIX MONTHS BALANCE, DECEMBER, 31, 1969 INCOME, JANUARY 1, to June 30, 1970 DISBURSEMENTS, Jan. 1, to June 30, 1970 Increase in ledger assests (Cookbooks, etc. Balance June 30 1970 47.001.92 $531,458.17 39.091.77 570,549.94 47.001.92 523,548.02 4,374.04 $527,922.06 Albina Novak, Sec’y I also want to congratulate Lud and Corinne Leskovar for their endeavors in bringing the fine Kres Fold Dancers to Chicago for the 20th Anniversary of the Slovenian Radio program. A large group from Joliet at-tneded and expressed their satisfaction for the program and dance. This was a special day for Lud and Corinne who showed how the Slovenian word and song and dance is kept among us. The event was a full success and may their Slovenian work keep progressing among us and other nationalities. All mothers of the branch are asked to bring their daughters and relatives into our circle — they will have the privilege of receving many benefits of our organization. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and do come to our next meeting in December, remember the date, Dec. 20th. Many topics of interest will be discussed. Josephine Erjavec MOURN SENIOR MEMBER Barbara Schiltz No. 22, Bradley, III. — On August 20th we lost a most loving member. Mrs. Barbara Schiltz. She was an aunt to our sister-member, Helen Yakofcich Sebastiani, and joined our branch in February of 1929. Death came suddenly at the good old age of 91 years, while she was at the home of a granddaughter and as she was giving a helping hand in “drying the dishes” as she was so ever willing to do. Mrs. Schiltz was born, Barbara Yakofcich, on Dec. 2, 1878 in Slovenia in the village of Grible and belonged to the parish of Pod-zemel. She came to America as a young woman ind in 1904 was married to Ixrnis Schiltz. They had the honor of being the first couple to be married in the newly established parish of St. Joseph in Bradley. Mr. Schiltz passed away in September, 1943. Survivors include sons, Virgil of Itenssaleer, Indiana; Louis of Jacksonville, Florida and Francis of Kankakee, 111.; daughters, Mrs. Barbara Billadeau and Mrs. Margaret Alessan-dri, both of Kankakee. Also surviving are 14 grandchildren and 7 greatgrandchildren. For the past 10 years Mrs. Schiltz made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Billadeau. Having lived a good, long life of 91 years, our dear member was indeed most ready and anxious to be called to her reward. Let us remember her and all our departed loved ones with the prayer: “May her soul and all the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace!” Our October meeting was held the 18th at 2 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Mary Rittmanic. Margaret Marie Planton was welcomed as a new member. We are happy to have her in our group and we know she will enjoy our little gatherings. We also had with us guests, Mayme Drassler and Anne Kinder and a special sister-member, Emma Lustig, who was on vacation from her duties at St. Francis Hospital, Evanston, 111. After the business meeting and closing prayer, the usual games were played, with gifts won by the lucky Lustigs and the guests. A very delicious luncheon was served by our hostess. Of course we are most thankful to her and to all our members for the happy time we had in their homes at our meetings in the year of 1970! Helen Sebastiani will be hostess in her home with Corrine Hassett assisting, when we gather Sunday afternoon, Dec. 6 for the Christmas meeting and a pot luck supper. So come and bring along a covered dish and a dollar ($1.00) gift for the grab-bag exchange and enjoy another "happy time”. To everyone and with a special remembrance of our dear sick and confined members, Margaret Hassett and Charlote Skube, we extend our heartfelt wishes for a Christmas and New Year filled with many blessings and we sincerely pray for World Peace. Gabrielle Lustig, Sec’y. 300 YEARS OF SLOVENIAN BOBBIN LACE The beautiful lacea made with the bobbins or ‘ bones” or in Slovenian Kleklanje is 300 years in the making! In 1970, this anniversary was observed by those who know the art and those who appreciate it. At the annual Holiday Folk Fair at Navy Pier in Chicago last month Slovenian Cone I^ace was featured as done by a member of Br. 2, Mrs. Jennie Puhek. For the two day event, Mrs. Puhek worked and worked, never taking her eyes from the pillow and following the pattern. All the while, she answered thousands of questions put to her about "how long does it take to make this piece?" and “what kind of thread do you use?” and "how did you learn to do it?” and on and on! It was fascinating for all to see and watch. Even the Mayor stopped to chat with Mrs. Puhek while she busily worked on. A beautiful exhibit for the Slovenian booth was organized by Mrs. Metoda Fischinger and her committee from St. Stephen’s Altar Society. They are all also members of S. W. U. They served klobase sandwiches and strudel for two days until they wearily closed their No. 23, Ely, Minn. On October 21st, the Dawn Club together with the Br. 23 members held a Games Party at St. Anthony’s church hall with a large crowd attending. The proceeds w-ere divided between the 2 organizations. After the games, coffee and donuts were served by the lunch committee. A short business meeting concluded the evening program. At this time plans were being discussed in regard to the annual Christmas party to be held Dec. lGth at Vertin’s Cafe and Pub. A cocktail hour will proceed the dinner and entertainment committee will be in charge of the program. Also, discussion in regard to the S. W. U. trip to Washington for the dedication of the Slovenian Chapel next August and the members were very interested and it looks as if we will have quite a few attending. On the first Tuesday in October, the S. W. U. held a meeting at the church hall with a very good attendance. Now that the gardening and vacationing are over, I hope the members will continue coming to the meetings this fall and winter. I believe that Tuesday nights are much better to have meetings than on Sundays as we had in the past. The attendance was much better. Mary Preshiren made apple strudel for the lunch and was enjoyed by all. Games were played and prizes awarded. We are planing to have something for a special treat at the Christmas meeting . Wishes to all sick members for a speedy recovery. Hope to see you all at the December meeting. Mary M. Shlkonya No. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. We had a nice meeting in October and well attended. After the meeting we had a Halloween Party and I am sure every member had a very enjoyable evening. The meeting on December 15th will be a Christmas Party and the usual exchange of gifts. All you members, try to come to the last meeting of the year. We have a few members who are delinquent with dues and we hope they try to pay as soon as possible. Get well wishes to Frances Vidina, Elizabeth Pecman, also to Justine Lokar who is at present at St. Margaret’s hospital. The committee and I wish all a very quick return to health. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. Ann Frankovic, Sec. “snack shop” early on the concluding day. Over 80 strudels were baked by the cooks and 100 lbs. of klobase were cooked and served with kislo zelje on the side. Did I forget to mention the poticas? There were countless loaves — all sold out long before the Fair closed. On the photo with Mrs. Puhek who was beautifully dressed in her native Slovenian costume were Maria Fis-chinger, also costumed, Tony Gaber and Corinne Leskovar, from right to left. Many more helpers were on hand to te'l about Slovenia, her art, culture, location etc. to the visitors at this annual Fair, one of the largest in the country . Editor No. 32, Euclid, Ohio. Our President opened the October meeting with prayer for all members and especially those who had a birthday in Sept., Oct., and Nov. She also led the prayer for the deceased members of our loved ones, namely, brother of Frances Klune and Joseph Chos, brother of yours truly who passed away suddenly at the age of 51 years. This was just 3 weeks after we lost our mother. In sorrow and grief—stricken hearts we pray that Our dear Lord grants them eternal rest. Let us cheer up our sick: John Chinchar, husband of Ann had heart surgery. Also, husband of M. Erchul was hospitalized. Nov. 3rd Jack Gustinčič went in for a cardiac operation. Keep them in our prayers. This is interesting. The grandson of Caroline Peck is a deacon in Washington, D. C. In June 1971 he will be ordained and will have his First Mass we hope at St. Christine’s. That would be exiting for our parish. May the Lord guide him and bless him! Mrs. Jenny Hiti was grandma the 8th time, also Jennie Gustinčič was grandma 12 times as Myra, David’s wife had her second child. Our meeting was short after which our hostess, M. Drobnik served cake, apple strudel an tea. Our president had a surprise package for those who celebrated their birthdays. Also, tickets were being sold on a beautiful afghan to go at our Christmas meeting. It was made and donated by Frances Grjevic. A sweater, al so hand made by J. Gustinčič is to be given also. It’s later than we think so Br. 32 wishes all members a Merry Christmas and may the ChristChild bring peace to the world and our hearts. A. Tekavec, Rec. Sec. No. 34, Soudan, Minn. — As usual, we had a large turnout for our October meeting of Branch No. 34 in the Parish Hall of St. Martin’s church with Mrs. John Pahula presiding. Mrs. Mary Pahula gave the financial report and it was decided to dispense with any money making projects until next Spring. A social hour followed with prizes going to Mmes. Ernest Mustonen, Leo Wilson, Frank Planton and Nick Tekautz. Mrs. Michael Muisch and Mrs. John Tekautz served a tasty luncheon to conclude a pleasant evening of fun and warm friendship. Mrs. Louis Chlabotti was awarded the door prize donated by Mrs. John Zavodnick. Hostesses named for the November meeting were Mrs. Mary Pahula and Mrs. John Pahula and Mrs. Joseph Zupanich will donate the attendance prize. The sympathy of all Branch No. 34 members goes to our sister member Mrs. Joseph (Ann) Stefanich and to her husband and family in the death of their soldier son, Nicholas Stefanich, in Vietnam. His body was brought home and funeral services were held in St. Martin’s church in Tower on Friday, September 11th. May God grant him Eternal Rest! Mrs. Anthony F. Yapel, Reporter No. 38, Chisholm, Minn. Meeting of September 2nd had sister Sylvia Petrich, our vice-president presiding in the absence of our president, who is still on the sick list. We were very happy to have with us that evening sister Toni Turek, our National President of Cleveland. After the meeting, cards were played and a dessert lunch and coffee served. Thanks to the hostesses on the committee, sisters: Jennie Adamic. Sylvia Russ, Sylvia Petrich, Anna Tr-dan, Teresa Gerzin. The honors in cards went to sisters A. Dodier. Frances Russ, Frances Sterle and also: issters Agnes Kochevar, Santa Amistadi, Mildred Bashel, M. Linko. Agnes Mustar, Mary Gornik, Jennie Zobitz and Mary Kerzie. We are sorry to report the recent death in September of our dear sister. Anastaia Mihelich and wish to extend our condolences to her family in behalf of all our officers and members. May she rest in peace. Sister Rose Kochevar is hospitalized at Memorial Hospital and is wished all the best for a speedy recovery — and to all shut-ins. The meeting was closed with prayer and also remembered were all our deceased members. Next meeting, December 2nd. See you then. Frances Jelenič, Rec. Sec. A Smile A smile costs nothing, but gives much. It enriches those who receive, without making poorer those who give. It takes but a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever. None is so rich or mighty that he can get along without it, and none is so poor but that he can be made rich by it. A smile creates happiness in the home, fosters a good will in business, and is the countersign of friendship. It brings rest to the weary, cheer to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad, 'and it it is natures best antidote for trouble. Yet it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed or stolen, for it is something that is of no value to anyone until it is given away. Some people are too tired to give you a smile. Give them one of yours, as none needs a smile so much as he who has no more to give. No. 42, Maple Heights, Ohio — We held our first meeting after the summer season in October and everyone enjoyed coffee and bakery supplied by Theresa Simončič, Angela Perko, Millie Lipnos and Theresa Filips. Thanks and a very happy birthday to these four ladies. At this meeting it was decided that we would donate $25.00 to St. Joseph Old Age Home in Lemont. Please remember our Christmas meeting on December 15th. We will have dinner and a $1.00 gift exchange. Antonija Kastelic, our president, thanks all of you who cooperated in helping make our recent bake sale a success. Without your hard work this would be impossible. Before closing, we wish to send our best to Angela Perko, our Mother-of-the-Year, who has recovered beautifully from eye surgery. Happy Birthdays to Betty Kosak and Frances Glavic, and a special Happy Birthday and best wishes to Mrs. Prime who just celebrated her 90th year. A very Merry Christmas and a Blessed and Happy New Year to you and yours! B. A. Kastelic No. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. — Due to our mom’s illness and being at the Trinity Memorial Hospital, my brother and I took upon ourselves to write a short report on her behalf. No meeting took place since mom was taken to the hospital the day before the scheduled meeting. Members will be notified as to the date for the December meeting. While visiting mom, I remembered her saying to us that Anna Srnovrsnik was hospitalized at St. Luke’s Hospital due to a fall. Marge Zefran was also hospitalized due to a back injury. Another member, Mary Kresse and her husband were in the hospital, too. To all December birthday celebrants, best wishes and to mom and the other shut-in members, a speedy recovery. May God, who understands our needs and hears our prayers, bless you all with the best of health and keep you in His care. Also, have a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year! Dick, Sis and Kyle Kraemer No. 52, Kitzville, Minn. In October at which time not too many members attended the meeting, we held discussion on the State Convention in Keewatin. We have been selected as the next Convention City in 1971 and we cannot promise that it will go through for we do not have the facilities. But we will do our best.. As for workers, we have them — but it’s the place and buildings which we have none. Well, we will just wait and see if it can be worked out. We also send wishes for speedy recovery to husbands of our sisters: Mary Techar’s husband Frank who is in the Hibbing General Hospital, Rose Chiodi’s husband, Andrew and Katherine Adamich’s husband, too. Also at Hibbing General are sisters Veronica Krizmanich, Josette Maki, Mary Techar and Patricia Chisholm in the Virginia Hospital. God’s speed to a rapid recovery. We take this time to express our sympathy to the family of: sister Frances Oswald who lost her dearly beloved husband; Edward and Mary Rotar a charter member and Gertrude Kochevar on the loss of husband John Rotar and our dad and uncle. It’s hard to put into words what their departure means to all of us. We hope and pray that this will sustain the heartfelt sorrow which is felt by all who knew and loved them. They have carried a heavy load and we pray that their burdens are lifted and they are seated at the throne of God in heaven: Their gentle faces and patient smiles with sadness we recall; They had a kindly word for each and died beloved by all. The voice is mute and stilled the heart; they loved us well and true. Ah, bitter was the trial to part from both as good as they. They are not forgotten loved ones, nor will they ever be. As long as life and memories last we will remember them. We miss them now, our hearts are sore; as time goes by we will miss them more; Their loving smiles, their gentle faces; no one will ever fill their vacant, places. May God bless them and may the eternal light shine upon them. We also wish to thank every one who did so much to ease the sorrow of our family and to everyone who helped us serve our big family with a delicious lunch; sister Josephine Oswald in recitation of the Rosary and Father Moran for the prayers for the dead and also to Father Perkovich for assisting with the Funeral Mass. Thank you again, and my prayers are that you will all be rewarded in heaven. The October social after the meeting was In charge of sisters Frances Rapovich, Mary Techar, Florence Techar and Shirley Spinelli. Prizes wento to Jennie Crea, Ann Roberts, Alice Baratto, Alberta Russo, Josephine Palitano, Rose Chiodi, Pauline Germ, Ann Mansfield and door prize went to Josephine Oswald. We held discussion for our Christmas Party Dec. 2 at the Androy Hotel. Election of officers will also take place and exchange of gifts. The time Is 7 o’clock with cocktail hour preceding the banquet for those who In Memoriam Cvita Chorich It becomes my distressing duty and a difficult task to write the following lines of my beloved mother, who was also a dear grandmother and great-grandmother, Cvita Chorich who was called ot her eternal reward on July 24, 1970, after a long and serious illness which left her totally incap-pacitated. She was the wife of the late Peter, fond mother of Andrew (Angeline) Chorich and Mrs. Mildred (Cyril R.) James. Mother was bora on January 29, 1891 at Mostar, Bosnia-Hercegoviua, Yugoslavia, and came to this country in 1913. She was laid to her final resting place on July 28, 1970. The officiant at the simple funeral Mass was Rev. Vendelin Vasilj of Sacred Heart Croatian Church who led the praying of the rosary on the evening before the funeral and also at the graveside. I would especially wish to thank him for his kind and comforting are interested in coming early. Try to be present. November meeting closed with prayers as usual and hostesses were: Carmella Bonazza, Mildred Barbatto. Laura Mancuso, Genevieve Zidarich. Prizes went to the following: R. Chiodi, C. Politano, D. Russo, M. Kochevar, F. Shega, G. Kochevar, P. Germe, and A. Russ, and door prize again went to Josephine Oswald. The Christmas season has crept upon us and it just doesn’t seem possible that we will soon ring out the old and ring in the new year. May God bless you all and keep you. See you at the Christmas party. Gertrude Kochevar No. 54, Warren, Ohio. Our Halloween meeting was held the last week at the home of our president, Rose Racher. We had a good attendance and discussed the coming events and problems that all groups have. After the meeting, games were played and love- words, to the following pallbearers who took the time out from their busy schedule to serve: Josephine Krai, Ljuba Trgovac, Evelyn Driscoll (her kind words at the graveside), Mary Perkovich, Helen Satkas and Mildred Poropat. The services of the Edward Kompare Funeral Home was deeply appreciated, especially the thoughtful handling of all the arrangements. My thanks to “Our Lady of Lourdes Altar and Rosary Society”, to Istrian Brothers Lodge No. 118 C. F. U. and to our Branch No. 95. My heartfelt thanks for the many cards of condolences sent to me, the beautiful floral tributes, spiritual bou-qouets, Enrollments and your generous donations. Thank you. Her memory will live on as a woman who has served her Church with more devotion or with courage than many. Not the least of these is the part she played in organizing our branch and enrolling new members and Our Dady of Lourdes Altar and Rosary Society. It was her grace of spirit, her kindness, and her unwavering gift of friendship that I shall remember best. Her judgment was always steady, her taste exemplary. If her greatness is measured by the emptiness she leaves behind, my mother was a great woman. She is now resting in eternal peace, the examples she has set, will always remain as a source of inspiration to me. So dear mother, I know you will continue to watch over all of us still—ever as you did in life. May the God whom you served so well, grant you the eternal rest and peace you so richly deserve. Loving Daughter, Mildred James ly refreshments were served. Birthday hostesses were, along with our President, Mary Waltko, Mayme Sporich and yours truly. Monetary donations for our branch were received from Mary Ponikvar and Stefka Lukacic. Plans were made for our Christmas Party on Tuesday Dec. 15th at 6 p. m. in the White Hall at St. James parish. It will be a covered dish and you are also requested to bring your own tableware. A gift exchange will be held and we urge you to attend. This will be a very important event. Get-well wishes to Mary Tomslch who has a fractured pelvis and is currently at Trumbull Memorial. Also ailing is Frances Banozich in Arizona who left here not in good health after a vacation. We wish them good health. Our branch sends all of you our best Christmas wishes for a joyful holiday and a Happy New Year. Joanne Ponikvar, Sec.-Treas. 'etfci*. \*z- 'ss** 'ttb* t&i*. "saw*. xsm* xfej* SLOVENIAN CHAPEL DEDICATION SHRINE i OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION WASHINGTON, D. C., AUGUST 15, 1971 Special Group Tour for Slovenian Women’s Union Members, Relatives and Friends departs Thursday, August 12 and returns late Sunday, August 15 Plan for the weekend of your lifetime: Slovenian Chapel Dedication and a Tour of the Nation's Capital City. Group Tour will include the following: Transportation to and from Washington, D. C. Hotel accomodations at the Sheraton Park Hotel Special Sightseeing Tours on air-conditioned buses arranged by Washington Landmark Tours Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner at the best dining establishments in the area All admissions, fees, tips paid A large photo of your group in front of the Capitol for each member of the tour Dedication Banquet and Dance Ticket Souvenir Booklet and other prepared items for the Dedication ^ For further information contact Your Local Branch Secretary or Miss Irene M. Planinšek, 12 S. Van Dorn St. No. 2}J Alexandria, Va. 22304 '5*.=*: tgž?- 'SSpi*- 'ŠSN?. '58»* '©*>■*. 'SS-srt Wsr*. XS&t. No. 56, Hibbing, Minn. — October meeting was fairly well attended seeing there was a cooking demonstration in town. Report was given on the Minnesota Day which everyone who attended enjoyed very much. A short business meeting was held following which cards were played and prize winners were: Katherine Marolt, Mary Martinich, Elizabeth Spilar, Mary Putzel, Agnes Barkis and Amelia Domen. Lunch was served by the hostesses, Elizabeth Drasko-vich, Katherine Muhvich, Mary Ayot-te, Anna Staudohar. Margaret Shelko was called for the door prize. To Antonia Rapinac and Gladys Klaysmat who are in the hospital, a speedy recovery. To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zaic, Sr. who celebrated their G7t.h Wedding Anniversary last October — our best wishes. Mrs. Zaic was the organizer of our branch and others on the range. She also celebrated her 90th birthday in September As this will be December month before you read this, I wish to extend a blessed and holy holiday season to all. See you at the December meeting. Anne B. Satovich, President No. 85, DePue, III. — It is with deep regret that we inform you of the death of one of our beloved members, Mrs. Mary Stupar who passed away September 5th. She had been a patient for 11 days and had surgery G days before. She was one of the organizers of the SWU in DePue and had served the group as President for 22 years and had re- tired a year ago to let the younger members take over. She had been a faithful worker for the branch and done many other things. She will be missed by everyone. Mrs. Stupar was born in Yugoslavia October 22, 1890 the daughter of Prank and Mary Savnik Spillar. She married Anton Urbane who died in 1921. They had one son, Alphonse who survves. In 1923, Mrs. Stupar married Thomas Stupar who passed away in 1939. A daughter, Marian (Ruble) was born to them. She also survives along with three grandchildren and 2 brothers. A Requiem Mass was read at St. Mary’s church in DePue with burial in the Slovenian cemetery. May her soul rest in peace and we will all miss her at our meetings which she attended faithfully. Honorary Pallbearers at Mrs. Stupar’s funeral were Mary Oberch, Anna Kwit, Frances Siska, Josephine Slatner, Mary Zu-gleh and Carolyn Widmer. Our sympathy goes to Mrs. Josephine Horzen of LaSalle, 111., Br. 24 and her family, to Mrs. Josephine Foley, Father Bernard, O. S. B. and Frank Horzen on the death of Anton Horzen on October 7th. The Horzens were former residents of De Pue. Mrs. Anna Miller has moved from here to her son’s home In Peru, III. because of ill health. The old timers are leaving our town one way or another, it seems! Meetings resumed In October anil we hope to see you all attending at. the Dom, third Sunday at 2 p. m. Frances Machek, Reporter Irene Planinšek No. 95, So. Chicago, III. — Once a gain our members proved at our October meeting that it is fun to make money. All it takes is a little planning, but success is so sweet when the members of Br. 16 and many guests joined hands with our members for a gala evening and a successful games party which was held in place of a meeting. It was so great that we intend to have another games party perhaps at our March meeting. For this I would like to thank Eva Cora, Ann Sertich, He len Golich and Mildred Poropat for giving us a helping hand. Thanks for the many door prizes all donated by the following members: Helen Spelich, Mary Kovace-vich, Phylis Perko, Evelyn Driscoll, Sophie Barbich, Mary Malcic, Ann Nelson, Julie Hansen, Eva Cora, Inez Carney, Rose Dosen ($3) and Mary Ann Taporis and Yours truly. 1 would like to express my appreciation to all of you who made this all possible. A blessed Birthday to the following celebrating in December: Mary Ashenbrenner, Rose Boerner, Mary Budlslich, Rose Marie Cacich, Ann Cavlovich, Stehpanie Magnovlte, Jennie Gaspar, Matilda Jovica, Mary Kahn, Frances Perpich, Vica Rukavina, Lucy Sarich (Texas), Frances Seabloom, Marge Simunlc, Josephine Stengel, Mary Lou Tomich, Helen Stewart, Gertrude L. Lee, Hermina Lukich, Mary Ann Taporis and Anne Tonkovich. In conclusion, as we near the most joyous season of the year, deep in the hearts of most of us there is something we call the Christmas spirit of this season that causes a woman of good will to demonstrate concern for one another and to commit their lives to the most useful and cooperative purposes possible. May the blessing and peace of this Christmas spirit enter the homes and everyday lives of each of you and your loved ones now and throughout the year to come. I extend to you and your families my n ost sincere wHh for a Merry and Blessed Christmas and a Happy and healthy New Year. Mildred James, Pres. No. 97, Universal', Pa. — We met at the home of our president, Helen Richter on October 9th. Each member brought a covered di h as a result, we had a very delicious assortment to eat. We were happy to receive a card from Julia and Stan Starman who are now living in Florida. Mary Klemenčič showed us pictures of the many interesting places she and her husband Rudy visited in Slovenia. The November 29th meeting of our branch was the Christmas meeting. We pray for the recovery of Helen Snoznik who is very ill at this time. We extend sympathy to the Pavlik family on the loss of their mother. Mary Pavlik. A Rosary was prayed at our meeting for the repose of her soul. May she rest in peace. Antoinette Mozina, Reporter No. 101, Bedford Heights, Ohio. — Our November meeting was held at Stella Hajek’s lovely home, with Stella and Lucille Picone serving. Many thanks! At the meeting we decided to retain the same officers as in the past. Joyce Fabjančič suggested Betty Matjašič remain President, but for something different, the members take turns in presiding over the meetings. It should prove to be very enjoyable and really something different. Our Christmas gift this year is a donation to the Home for Retarded Children in Mentor, suggested by Dorothy Kastellic. We also purcha-ed the “Christmas Seals” and divided them among our members. Eleanor Hawkins was hospitalized recently but we were very glad to hear that she is coming along fine. God Bless You, Eleanor. Remember your dues, girls! If you pay for the whole year in January you will receive two months free dues. Paying your dues on time sure is a great help to Dorothy Kastellic, and I know she really appreciates your consideration in this matter. Dorothy Szumski, Reporter Qyumt the, Edita*, Happy 44th Birthday Ladies usually don’t like to tell their age — we never look it anyway, right! But, here’s one grand lady who doesn’t mind . . . Slovenian Women’s Union of America who is 44 years this month on December 19th. Our sincere congratulations to the Founder of S. W. U., Marie Pris-land who holds this Anniversary as truly her own, and all the pioneer officers of the Union from coast to coast. We have many of them who are charter officers, serving their sisters from 3 to 4 decades. A salute to you all! May you live in happiness and contentment knowing you have done a splendid job. And as an afterthought, we must take to heart their wishes and efforts and hard work and follow as they would like us to do. Let us keep Slovenian Women’s Union in the forefront as not only the largest Slovenian women’s organization in the world, but the best and greatest! A very sincere wish for Happy Holidays! We hope you are enjoying this month with your sisters at meetings, parties and programs. All the kiddies usually have special treats from their branches and so, this is the most important month in the year for them. We also anticipate the New Year by electing new officers and reelecting others. A good pat on the back to all of you! As the officers do, so does the branch! Remember this and show them your co-opera-tion! Blessings and good will to you for Christmas and always. Corinne Leskovar No. 102, Detroit, Mich. — Meeting was opened with prayer led by Mrs. Pauline Adamic. There were 14 members present. Guest was Martha Škofič. The hostesses were Catherine Mehelic and Frances Seman. Katherine Musial and Ann McGee won the prizes. Betty Karas is feeling much better and was able to attend; nice having you, Betty. Everyone was happy to see Stephanie Hometz also, as it has been a long time since she was able to attend because of her injury in that car accident. Stephanie and her husband enjoyed a vacation in California. Happy Birthday to Jennie Vidmar and Mary Zimmerman. Audrey Kru-lic has been elected treasurer. Next meeting was scheduled for Jennie Vidmar’s home. God bless all! Frances Seman, Reporter SEE BEAUTIFUL SLOVENIA, YUGOSLAVIA, AND EUROPE IN 1971! Fly by Jet to Brnik Ljubljana airport. You will have the lowest fare and most enjoyable trip when flying with a KOLLANDER group to Ljubljana airport. $273.00 — is the round trip Jet fare from New York to Ljubljana when traveling in May and September $336.00 — is the round trip Jet fare from New York to Ljubljana when traveling in June, July, and August. Both prices are in effect when you travel as a member in a group of 40 or more passengers. Members of your family traveling with you will pay the same low fare. Chlidren under 12 pay half of the above mentioned fares and infants under 2 ony 10%. From Ljubljana we have very interesting optional tours by bus visiting European countries, Slovenia and the Adriatic Coast. Our organized departures are: for 3 weeks: May 24, June 7, 25, 28, July 26, August 1, September 6 for 4 weeks; May 24, July 1, August 12, 30; 6 weeks: May 17, June 21, August 12; for 7 weeks: July 12; 8 weeks: June 18, 24; 9 weeks: July 5; 10 weeks; June 14. When you wish to visit Slovenia call KOLLANDER for reservations. This way you will assure yourself the most attractive way to travel. * Don't wait, make your reservations early! % KOLLANDER WOULD TRAVEL, INC. i 589 East 185th St. Cleveland, Ohio 44119 tel: (216) 531-1082 531-4066 431-4148 Of I MARIE PRISLAND: DEVETNAJSTI DECEMBER Nihče, ki je pred 44timi leti zasledoval ustanovitev nove ženske organizacije, ji takrat ni prisodil tako dolgega in krepkega življenja. Ker se je naša Zveza porodila iz potrebe po ženski združenosti in iz narodne zavednosti, je lepo rastla in uspevala. Ta mesec je njen 44ti rojstni dan. Naj navedem nekaj izčrpkov iz pisem, ki sem jih prejela začasa, ko smo Zvezo ustanavljale: “Ta ženska Zvezica bo muha enodnevnica,” je bilo prerokovano takoj! Iz Pittsburgha sem prejela pismo, v katerem se ljubi rojak jezi: "Kdo je pa tebe naprosil, da ženskam glavo mešaš? Kake ženske organizacije nam ni prav nič treba. Ženske naj bodo doma in skrbijo za svoje družine in borderje, namesto da bi laufale po sejah.” Iz Chicage je do pelo pismo: “Veliko rojakinj ima boljšo izobrazbo kot ti, pa se ne silijo v ospredje. Nehaj svojo propagando za Zvezo, dokler je še čas.” Mary Plantan, ustanoviteljica podružnice št. 4 v Oregon City, Oregon je pisala potem, ko je Zveza že bila na potu napredka: “Kot predsednica si podobna Sveti Ur- šuli, ki je imela deset tavžent devic pod svojim plaščem. Ti jih toliko seveda na boš imela, a kak tavžent jih pa zna biti.” Taka in enaka mnenja so se križala pred 44 leti. Zveza je pa lepo in nemoteno rastla, zbirala članice pod svoje okrilje, jih potom svojih publikacij vspodbujala k vzor-nejšemu življenju, povdarjala slovensko narodnost ter bila v pomoč v mnogih slučajih, zlasti pri šolanju mladine. Smemo biti kar ponosne na uspehe naše organizacije. Ko se je Zveza ustanovila in so pristopile prve članice — 159 po številu — se je ob koncu prvega meseca v blagajni nahajalo $29.75. Ob pričetku tega meseca imamo okrog enajst tisoč članic, v blagajni pa nad pol milijona dolarjev. Pomislite, kakšna vsota je to! Zbrala se je z malenkostnim asesmentem, od katerega je nad ena tretjina vrnjena članicam v obliki ZARJE. Ne verjamem, da je kje na svetu organizacija, ki bi lahko pokazala kaj tako velikega — s tako malim. Slovenski Ženski Zvezi za njen rojstni dan iskreno čestitamo s srčno željo za nadaljni napredek! Na drugem mestu v tej številki ZARJE je v angleščini priobčeno moje poslovilno pismo iz urada finančne tajnice ter seznam zvezinih investicij. Moji naslednici sem meseca oktobra v nadaljno oskrbo izročila Zvezino imetje. Vsem glavnim odbornicam, bivšim in sedajnini, s katerimi sem 44 let sodelovala, se iskreno zahvalim za njih prijateljstvo in razumevanje. Zahvalim se članicam za naklonjenost in prijaznost, katere sem bila ob mnogih prilikah deležna. Naj Vam Bog z dobrim zdravjem poplača vse, kar ste za mene prijetnega storile. Zahvalimo se našim možem Ne samo agilnim in zvestim članicam tudi možem se imamo zahvaliti za lep Zvezin obstoj. Žensko organizacijo imamo. Vodimo jo, oskrbujemo jo, a kadar imamo prireditve, pa brez mož ne gre. Potrebujemo njih pomoč, prosimo jih uslug in z delom jih obsujemo. Vedno so pripravljeni pomagati. Skozi Zvezin obstanek — 44 let — so nam možje bili v pomoč ne le pri delu, temveč tudi z krepko, vspodbu-jevalno besedo. Dajali so nam pogum ko je pot bila težka. V zapletenih slučajih smo iskale njih nasveta. Marsikatera podružnica ja bila ustanovljena, ker je mož svojo ženo nagovarjal naj jo ustanovi. Tako vidite, naši tihi sodelavci (silent partners) s;o ves čas bili možje, zato jim izrekamo prisrčno zahvalo za vse, kar so storili v korist Zveze. Napredek in lep obstoj naše organizacije naj jim bo v plačilo in zadoščenje. Mesec volitev Meseca decembra se pri vseh Zvezinih pod. užnicah volijo odbori. Biti odbornica je častna odlika, ki prinese tudi veliko odgovornosti in dela na vse kraje. Zveza je bila ves čas obstoja blagoslovljena z delavnimi odbornicami, ki so podružnice vodile do lepega napredka. Oseb, ki bi se hotele žrtvovati za društveno delo, je čimdalje manj, zato spoštujmo naše pridne odbornice in tu in tam jih nagradimo z toplo, priznalno besedo. SLOVENSKI STOLETNIK Rev. J. M. Trunk, stoletnik To leto ne sme mimo brez da bi se ne spomnile našega prijatelja č. g. Trunka, ki je 1. septembra letos slavil stoletnico svojega rojstva. Father Trunk je Zvezin prijatelj že takoj od početka. Za našo prvo knjigo AMERIŠKA SLOVENKA, izdano meseca maja 1928 je napisal krasen članek o poslanstvu žene. Ko je meseca julija 1929 izšla prva številka Zve-zinega uradnega glasila je za ZARJO zopet napisal obširen nastavek, iz katerega povzemam nekaj odstavkov: "Uh, te ženske! človek sediš na “strehi sveta”, pa te ženske iztaknejo. (Father Trunk je takrat bil župnik v Leadville, Colorado, ki jo najvišje mesto v Ameriki). Pride list od predsednice Slovenske Ženske Zveze in tam stoji: “Mesečnik smo začele izdajati, pa bi Vas prosile, da bi nekaj napisali za našo ZARJO. — Tu jih imaš! Na stara leta se ti še ženske obesijo na vrat in ko se je modri Salomon začel ženskam podajati je bilo konec njegove slavne modrosti. Dobro, da v gorah ni dosti modrosti in je torej ne more biti konec, ako za-blisne nekaj tistega “dečva ti, ti, pa tvoje črne oči” in človek podleže človeški slabosti in ženski prošnji. “Postavljamo se z našo Zvezo”, stoji v pismu. “Rade se postavljamo, da smo ženske končno prišle na plp.n.” Nu, prav, le še bolj se postavite, slovenske Amerikanke ali amerikanske Slovenke! Ko bi se bile že prej po- stavile, leta prej bi morda malo drugače izgledalo med nami amerikanskimi Slovenci in bi se morda naša narodna hiša ne začela podirati na treh vogalih, ko ni bilo vas. Podpirajte, duše mile, narodno stavbo! Držite, zidajte, postavljajte se, nadlegujte, organizirajte, agitirajte! Bog in amen, nismo še pri koncu. Evine hčere se rade oblačijo v svilo in kinčajo z biseri. Evine hčere ste tudi Slovenke, a najlepše bodete ako je za svilo in biseri nekaj več — čednost, poštenost, čistost, pravo in neizprijeno slovensko srce. Najlepše boste, ko boste v vaši organizaciji vršile svoje dolžnosti, ki vas bodo kinčale in dovedle do vaših pravic ..." Fathru Trunku, stoletniku, železnomašniku, pisatelju, filozofu, bivšemu diplomatu, članu Zvezinega Prijateljskega krožka in osebnemu prijatelju iskreno želimo mnogo zdravih in blagoslovljenih let, da bi še dolgo filozofiral na Pisanem Polju. BOŽIČNA VOŠČILA Bliža se najlepši praznik v letu — Božič. Vsem, ki bodo te vrstice brali iz srce želim najlepše in najvese-lelješe praznike. Naj vas Bog blagoslovi ter obdari z dobrim zdravjem in zadovoljnostjo vse dni vašega življenja! M. P. cfcš' '5»«'*. 'sož*: | | SPOMINSKA ZNAMKA MARIJE POMAGAJ Washington, D. C. — Prireditveni odbor za posvetitev slovenske kapele v Narodnem svetišču Brezmadežnega spočetja v Washington u obvešča rojake, da je spominska znamka Marije Pomagaja na razpolago vsem društvom KS K J and SŽZ. Pole znamk so pisemskega fermata. Vsaka pola vsebuje 32 barvnih znamk Marije Pomagaj in osem barvnih znamk Narodnega Svetišča Brezmadežnega Spočetja, v katerem bo slovenska kapela. Slika Marije Pomagaj na znamkah je v naravnih barvah in je narejena po barvnem fotografskem posnetku kopije v Washingtonu, katero je naredil na Brezjah po originalu ljubljanski akademski slikar Leon Koporc. Prav-tako sta krone za Washingtonsko kopijo izdelala brata Šmuc, znana ljubljanska pasarska mojstra, ki sta tudi izdelala kopije kron za sliko Marije Pomogaj v ljubljanski stolnici. Ob robu vsake znamke je na eni strani datum posvetitve kapele, 15. avgust 1971, na drugi pa besedilo: Blagoslovitev slovenske kapele. Besedilo se izmanjava v angleščini in slovenščini tako, da ima polovica pa angleško besedilo. Vse potrebno in umetniško delo v zvezi z reprodukcijo originalne barvne fotografije je uredil poznani slovenski rojak Rudi Večerin iz New Yorka. Znamke so perforirane tako, kot prave poštne znamke. Sklad za slovensko kapelo je uverjen, da bodo rojaki pridno segli po njih, da bodo na pismih ponesle slavo in lepoto Marije Pomagaj z Brezij po vsem svetu — in tudi v domovino. Prispevek za vsako polo je en dolar, Izkupiček pa je namenjen za kritje priprave narodnega romanja v Washington od 13. do 15. avgusta. Rojaki in pa tudi posamezna društva pa lahko naroče pole znamk pri tajnicah društev SŽZ. Naklada je omejena. Zelo priporočamo rojakom, da sežejo po znamki, saj bodo najlepši slovenski okrasek božičnim kartam! Prva tovrstna slovenska znamka v zamejstvu! Za informacijski in tiskovni odbor, B. Chokel Na naslovni stran . . . (ZARJA, ki je posvetila mnogo strani Slovenski Kapeli, prinaša v današnji številki vse štiri relijefe kiparja Gor-šeta, ki bodo v kapeli.. Fotografijo washingtonske Marije IS Pomagaj je prinesla na ovitku kmalu za tem, ko jo je (jt Rev. Vital Vodušek prinesel iz Slovanije.).................. BLAŽENA NOČ Blažena noč! Tiho se spuščaš na zemske ravni, v zvezdah srebrnih tvoj tempelj žari; lepa si v čarih svetosti, blažena noč, lepa, vsa lepa si v svoji skrivnosti. Blažena noč! S polnim prgiščem nam siplješ radost, v tebi je čudežne sreče sladkost, mir betlehemski po zemji razlivaš, blažena noč, večnih naklepov skrivnost nam razkrivaš. Blažena noč! Prva monštranca na zemlji stoji, v jaslicah Dete nebeško leži; v sveti molitvi ti sklanjaš se čezenj, blažena noč, tvoja skrivnost je — ljubezen! Polnočni zvon, zapoj, zapoj: Gospod se je rodil nocoj! Kako je lep njegov obraz, ko diha vanj in brije mraz! Sprejmimo ga v prijazni stan; gorak naj bo, mehko postlan! Odet, zavit počiva naj in mir sladak uživa naj! Zemljan, imej to Dete rad; — poplača ti stotisočkrat. Saj je nebes, zemlje lastnik — ta mali naš Odrešnik. P. Klaude Okorn, O.F.M. LUC SVETI V TEM1 V sv. pismu beremo o služabniku etiopske kraljice Kandace. Na poti iz Jeruzalema v Gazo je bral sv. pismo. Med potjo je pristopil k njemu dijakon Filip in ga je vprašal: “Ali razumeš, kar bereš?” Odgovoril je: “Kako naj razumem, če me nihče ne pouči.” Kot temu služabniku tako je godilo ljudem pred Kristusovim prihodom. Poslušali so glas vesti, brali knjige modrijanov in poznali nauke poganskih duhovnikov, imeli so celo knjige božjega razodetja. Toda kdo je doumeval teženja človeških src in znal odgovoriti na najtežja vprašanja življenja. Tudi prerokbe so večini ostale nerazumljive. Zato prav pravi knjiga Modrosti: “Zares nespametni so bili vsi ljudje v katerih ni bilo spoznanje božjega, ki iz vidnih dobrin niso spoznali Njega, ki je.” Kdo naj bi takrat pokazal človeku pravega Boga? Grki so bili globoki misleci; iskali so resnico in tipali za njo kakor slepec, ki si s palico išče pravo pot. Jasnega odgovora niso imeli. Pravtalco je bilo z nauki tedanjih verstev. Razen judovskega so vsi učili krive bogove. Toda celo judovski razlagalci sv. pismo so se včasih znašli v zadregi. Kako so umolknili, ko jim je Jezus stavil vprašanje: “Kaj se vam zdi o Kristusu, čigav sin je?” Reko mu: “Davidov." Jezus jih je zavrnil: “Ali kako da ga David imenuje Gospoda ... če je njegov sin.:: Mimo vsega tega je človeštvo hrepenelo po njem, ki bo učil brez zmote in bo dal odgovor na vprašanja, ki so težila človeštvo. Upravičeno so čakali, saj je bil napovedan že v Mozesovi knjigi: “Poslušaj Izrael, preroka iz tvoje srede ti obudi Gospod, njega poslušajte.” Še bolj določeno pa napoveduje Isaija: “Mladika bo pognala iz Jessejeve korenine ... in Duh Gospodov bo počival nad njim.” To se Judje dobro vedeli. Celo Samarijanka je pri Jakobovem studencu zatrpevala Ježus: “Vem, da pride Mesija, ki se imenuje Kristus; ko pride on nam bo vse oznanil.” Človeštvo je torej nujno potrebovalo LUČ, Ki SVETI V TEMI, Njega ki je LUČ V RAZSVETLJENJE NARODOV kot je o njem izpovedal stari Simeon. Potrebovalo je UČITELA RESNICE. Na sveto noč je prišel, v betlehemskem hlevcu je bil rojen iz Device Marije. Dali so mu ime JEZUS, kar pomeni ODREŠNIK. Vzradostilo se je nebo in poslanci božji so prepevali: “Slava Bogu na višavah in mir ljudem, ki so blage volje.” Na sveto noč se je torej razlila božja svetloba ne samo nad Betlehemom, temveč nad ves svet, ki je dobil nepričakovanega učenika, da je pregnal temo zmote in greha in ustanovil kraljestvo resnice in milosti. Vesele božične praznike vsem! Pozdrav za praznovanje Praznika Miru! Praznik miru se nam bliža, ko se z ljubeznijo spomnimo svojih dragih, prijateljev in znancev. Ob tem času se želimo oddolžiti za še tako majhno naklonjenost, ki smo je bili deležni od svojih bližnjih, ali celo nepoznanih ljudi v minulem letu. Pisanje božičnih voščil se je tako razširilo, da tu in tam presega prvoten in glavni namen tega lepega praznika. Silno veliko in izredno priložnost imam prvič v življenju! Smem voščiti za najlepši praznik v letu vsemu našemu številnemu članstvu! Za ta Božič bi rada segla v roko in jo toplo stisnila vsaki naši članici in vsej mladini, ki je včlanjena v naši Ženski Zvezi! Rada bi obiskala vse Vas, ki ste ob tem času bolne in primorane ostati v postelji; vse, ki ste po raznih domovih za starejše; vse, ki se počutite osamele; vse tiste do katerih ne pride blišč in razkošje s katerim v Ameriki praznujemo Božič; vse vas, ki se vtapljate in izgorevate pri delu v tovarnah, v u-radih, na šolah, v bolnišnicah; vse vas, ki se z dneva v dan trudite in žrtvujete doma pri družinah in s svojim delom dajete smer bodočnosti narodom in rodovom; pa tudi vse tiste, ki v morju blišča luči in razkošja, dragih oblek in neštevil-nih daril, čutijo nemir in praznino, vse bi rada obiskala in vam izrekla voščilo: Mir naj vam vsem prinese letošnji Božič! Miru in sreče želim vsem našim odbornicam! Vem, da se dan za dnem borite s težavami, majhnimi in velikimi, ki vse zahtevajo žrtve in odpovedi, da zmorete opravljati veliko delo v naši organizaciji. Miru in sreče vsem, ki ste gradile zrno za zrnom in ohranile ter krepile našo močno organizacijo; ter vsem, ki ste ponesle glas o našem delu v svet in povedale svetu, da smo in živimo organizirane v Slovenski Ženski Zvezi! Čez deset tisoč nas je in verjemite, da to pomeni več, kakor miljon neorganiziranih ljudi. Vse, prav vse, ki ste v vrtincu dogodkov in vse, ki mislite, da ste pozabljene in zapuščene, vas v duhu obiskujem in najtopleje voščim: srečen in blagoslovljen Božič. FANIKA HUMAR, Tajnica POKONVENCNA KAMPANJA V TEKU Izredno lepa nagrada za vse tiste članice, ki dosežejo v kampanji 50 točk, bodo deležne brezplačne vožnje na vse-slovenslco romanje v Washington, D. C. ob priliki posvetitve Slovenske kapele. I točka za vsako novo članico razreda B, V2 točke za novo čla. razreda B in % točke za mladinske nove člane. Vsi na delo — kampanja bo zaključena 30. junija 1971. FANIKA HUMAR, gl. tajnica KAKO SMO POROMALI NA ŠMARNO GORO DOPISI Vsakt ki je (loma v Ljubljani, ali v bližini, dobro ve, kako se roma na krasni vrh s cerkvico, Šmarno Goro, ki je ponos cele Gorenske. Tudi midva zmožem ter vnukom Filip Pucel in njegovim prijateljem iz semenišča, sva se radevolje odzvala povabilu, da poromamo na vrh hriba. Toda to ni bilo prvič za nas. kajti vsakokrat kot smo obiskali domovino, to je bilo že osmič, smo jo mahnili na to slavno božjo pot. Pred leti, ko sta še živela moja mama in oče in so moje hčerke Olga in Millie, bile še majhne, smo se večkrat povzpele na goro. Včasih je bilo zelo lepo, ko so bili moji sorodniki še mlajši, polni življenja in je mladina kar letela v tekmi kdo bo prvi pri cerkvenem stolpu. Tisti, katerega je doletela ta čast je začel zvoniti s šmarnogorskimi zvonovi in nam tako sporočil, da je že dosegel cilj. Dobro se spominijam, ko smo se domenili, da gremo na dan Sv. Petra na Šmarno Goro, to je 29. junija, toda 8. julija je rojstni dan moje hčerke Olga. Ta dan jo tudi posvečen Mariji. Bilo je res lepo, ko je še pokojni Jožef Furlan orgljal med mašo in moje sestrične in bratranci so ubrano peli Marijine pesmi. Bilo nas je veliko: Erjavčevi iz Broda, Beletovi, Šetino-vi, Žitnikovi, Perovškovi iz Škofljice, Lebnovi in še mnogo dingih poznanih, tudi sestrična moje — a moža Angelca Tronteljeva z družino. Nabralo se nas je kar lepo število. Po maši smo imeli kosilo v restavraciji na gori z brinjevcem, čajem itd. Vse se je zelo prileglo. Mašo je navadno imel čas. g. Belec, župnik iz Glinca. a to pot je bil bratranec mojega soproga, Aloijzij Trontelj, župnik pri sv. Jakobu v Ljublani. Imel je zelo lepo pridigo, ki je odgovarjala namenu našega romanja. Romarjem se je pridružila tudi Bredica iz Šiške s sestrico Zorko in Zalarjevi iz Ljubljane in tudi Volkarjeva Marica je prišla kljub njeni nočni službi. Veseli smo bili tako polnega odziva za to romanje. Ustavili smo se pri sv. Antonu puščavniku ter pri njemu zvonili za naše prošnje. Vsakokrat so mi prišle solze v oči, misleč, ali je to zadnjič, da sem tukaj? Toda bilt smo srečni, da smo ob prihodnjem obisku Slovenije, zopet imeli priliko poromati na Šmarno Goro in se sni-deli z dragimi. Tukaj smo si o-gledali krasni na novo preslikan strop, ki prikazuje življenje Marije. Barve so tako lepe in žive in oltarji tako lepo okrašeni in vse tako čisto, da sem morala pripomniti našemu sorodniku župniku Trontelju, da se mi zdi, da je lepše kot v Vatikanu. Tudi lansko leto smo napravili načrte za to romanje. V začetku nam je pot oviral dež, toda po vrnitvi iz Italije in Austrije, smo res šli, čeprav je bilo za nas starejše nekoliko težko, toda prišli smo. Moj vnuk in njegov prijatelj sta ministrirala pri maši. Tudi Jano Bele je bil z nami in pomogal vse urediti. Po maši smo sedli in pisali pozdravne kartice, toda žal smo morali ugotoviti, da nas je vsako leto manj navzočih, ker se vedno eden ali drugi za vedno poslovi od nas. Tudi Furlana ni bilo več, da bi orgljal, tudi pevcev je bilo manj. Pred odhodom smo še filmali okolico: Tacen, Moste, Šent Vid, Šiška in druge kraje. Na poti navzdol nas je sredi poti doletel hud naliv. Bila je taka ploha, da smo vsi bili mokri do kože. Sorodnika Jože Žitnik in Marica Volkar mi sta pomagala, drugače bi s težavo prišla dol, ker se je drsalo pod nogami. Neki duhovnik mi je povedal naslednjo legendo o Šmarni Gori: Pred več sto leti, ko so še Turki divjali po naši zemlji in odvažali lepa dekleta in mlade fante v turški jarem, so imeli po Sloveniji postavljene šotore odkodar so hodili ropati na razne kraje. To pot so se odločili plezati na Šmarno Goro, toda tokrat so se zmotili, ker Slovenci so se pripravili na njihov prihod; prižgali so grmade na hribih in tako opozorili sosede na nevarnost, a iz vrha so začeli valiti kamne na napadajoče Turke in jih toliko pobili, da se od takrat niso nikoli več vrnili. Tako hudo se jim je mudilo, da so v enem šotoru na mizi pozabili krasen prt z zlatimi čipkami in s svilo zašito, vse ročno delano s turškimi besedami okoli prta, ki je nepozabni spomin na davno turško grozoto in divjaštvo. — Ta prt imam jaz v spomin na tiste dni, ki mi je zelo drag spomin kot darilo od nekega duhovnika. Od lanskega leta, ko smo zadnjič romali, je umrlo najmanj osem mojih sodonikov, katere ne bom več videla, šli so v večnost in vse bom izredno pogrešala ob prihodnjem romanju - če Bog da - na meni tako ljubo Šmarno Goro. Josephine Erjavec (rojena v Šent Vidu, nad Ljubljano.) Št. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Letna seja naše podružnice se bo vršila tretjo nedeljo v decembru in sicer se bomo sestale v hotelu Kneevers, kjer se bo seje pričela ob štirih popoldne, večerja pa bo servirana ob pol-šestih. Nato bomo imele običajno Christmas party. Vsaka članica, ki pride na party naj prinese enodolarsko darilo za izmenjavo. Na darilo naj zapiše svoje ime. Za rezervacijo pokličite ali predsednico, tel. 7-7489, ali blagajničarko, tel. 7-7208, ali tajnico tel. 7-3931. Zadnji čas za prijavo je 12. decembra. Vse članice ste prijazno vabljene na udeležbo. Imele boste prijetno kratko sejo, fino večerjo in prisrčno in zabavno božičnico. Odbor Št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. — Nocoj se pa čuda godijo, nad hlevcem žari se nebo in spevi se rajski glasijo . . . In kar se še danes godi. Le v srca preprosta prihaja mir svate božične noči. Voščim vesele božične praznike, srečno in polno božjega blagoslova v novem letu 1971, vsem gl. u-radnicam in članicam SŽZ in prijateljem. Čla. Jennie Kočevar je izgubila moža Franka, ki je podlegel zavratni bolezni. Bil je zelo prijazne narave in dober gospodar svoji družini. Slovesen pogreb je bil dokaz kako je bil spoštovan v naši fari. — Velika žalost je doletela čla. Anna Novak iz Auroja, ko je njen vnuk Ronnie N. in žena Katie podlegel smrtnim poškodbam automobilske nesreče. — Umrl je tudi oldtajmer naše naselbine v starosti 91 let, Louis Potokar. Vsem umrlim blag spomin in večna luč naj jim sveti. Naša priljubljena Johana Klune, je ponovilo odletela z letalom v Chicago, da bo zimo preživela pri hčerki Mary, ki je zaposlena v tem mesti. Za moj rojstni dan sem prejela številne kartice z lepimi voščili. Najlepša hvala vsem skupaj. Dan 9. okt. nam bo ostal v lepem spomin, ko je našo naselbino obiskal Lojze Slakov ansambel. Takoj po prihodu so nas z vso skupino sprejeli na domu Frank in Olga Mesojedec, ki sta jim postregla z okusno večerjo. Slake je predstavil John Butkovich in Edward Tomsic, ki sta imela na skrbi to prireditev. Prodanih je bilo en tisoč vstopnic za ta pomembni koncert, katerega so se ude’ežile tudi odlične osebnosti in tudi Američani, da so se vsaj nekoliko spoznali z našo glasbeno kulturo, petjem in godbo. Na vse je naredila lep vtis Jana Osojnik, ki je predstavila vse točke programa v slovenščini in angleščini. Lepo je po zdravila tudi Vera Valenci in Stane Češarek. Vsem, ki ste bili v pomoč, izražamo najlepšo zahvalo. Vesela sem bila pozdravov iz konvencije SNPJ od Anna Sterle iz Strabane in Annie Purkart iz Mc- Kinley, Minn, naročeno po Helen Miklich. Umrl je Nick Stajduhar. Njegova žena, ki je naša članica, mu je zvesto stregla v dolgi bolezni. Naš pomožni Fr. Claude so šli v Pittsburgh, da so bili navzoči pri pogrebnih obredih za umrlim bratom Josephom Roberts. Mary Plut se dobro zdravi po operaciji na srcu. Bog ji vrni zdravje. Dne 17. oktobra je bila 60 letnica poroke John in Malie Jeršin. Žal sta morala slaviti to izredno visoko obletnico v bolnišnici, ker je Malie nenadoma zbolela. Vse članice jima želimo zdravje in še mnogo let med nami. Nabavite si kuahrske knjige, ki so nabolj primerno božično darilo. Vabim vse članice, da hodite na mesečne seje. Pozdravlja, Anna Pachak, preds. Št. 13, San Francisco, Cal. Preteklo je res precej časa od zadnjega dopisa, ali kaj čemo, ker v Ameriki gre čas tako hitro naprej. Čas teče sredi dela in skrbi in predno se zavemo, smo že stare. Zadnja prireditev naše Zveze je zelo dobro izpadla. Priznanje gre vsem našim dobrim sestram. Sestra Katie Judnich je na poti zdravljenja kar ji vse od srca želimo, da bi uživala zdravje v krogu dobrih otrok in spoštovane družine. Sestra Klepec se tudi boljše počuti, saj skrbijo za njo vsi njeni odlični otroci, posebno ga. Troja. G. Troja je zaslužni delavec in član pri naših društvih in v naši cerkvi že mnogo let služi kot ‘ usher”. Iz srca želim zaslužni, nad vse spoštovani Albini Novak, bivši glavni tajnici Zveze, zdravja, da bi ji Večni z zdravjem vrnil njeno požrtvovalno in plemenito delo za naš narod. Vem. da je to želja vsake Slovenke, saj si skoro ne moremo predstavljati Zvezo brez sestre Novak. Po celi Ameriki in Evropi, kakor častno predsednico Marie Prisland, tako tudi spoštujemo našo ses. Novak. Obe imata velike zasluge, ne samo med nami, ampak zunaj v svetu. Skoro me je razočaralo, ko sem brala v zadnji Zarji, da naša zaslužna dopisovaalka v angleščini, Frances Chiodo ne misli več dopisovati. Jaz mislim, če ima eden sposobnosti kot Frances, saj si ne moremo predstavljati Zveze v San Franciscu brez Frances, ki ne sme zanemarjati njenega talenta. Zveza in Frances, gre ena z drugo in obe uživata ugled, lipam, da si bo Frances premislila in še naprej razveseljevala z njenim lepim pisanjem. Dne 10. okt. smo imeli koncert priznanega Lojzeta Slaka v Internat, dvorani. Odlični muzikanti in pevci Fantje s Praprotna iz Slovenije, so res krasno izvajali naše čudovito lepe slovenske pesmi. Posebno se mi je tudi dopadla deklamacija ge. Jane Osojnik, ki je izvajala v obeh jezikih. Spomini mladih dni, ko sem sama v šoli in v igrah deklamirala Gregorčičevo “Soči” so prešli nazaj, kakor bela dekliška obleka vsa zavita v tančico mladostne nedolžnosti. Tako lepa je naša slovenska govorica, resnično najlepša na svetu. Izgubili smo odličnega slovenskega kanonika dr. Janeza Kraljiča. Pokojni gospod je bil visoko izobražen, govoril je mnogo jezikov. Naj mu bo lahka tuja ameriška gruda. Pozdrav vsem članicam Zveze! Poldica Podgornik, poročevalka Št. 14, Euclid, Ohio. — Naša no-vemberska seja je bila kar dobro obiskana. Hvala Bogu,, da še nimamo hudega mraza, da bo tako zima krajša. V novembru sta praznovala zlato poroko Mr. in Mrs. Lojz Vidovič. Slavljenka Jennie V. je naša dobra članica in je veliko delala za naše društvo, dokler ji je zdravje dopuščalo. Pogrešamo jo, ker ne more več prihajati na seje, ker jo muči bolezen revme. Zlatemu paru čestitamo k lepemu jubileju ter želimo še mnogo srečnih in zadovoljnih let. V tem času so bolane sestre Pančur in Mary Vrhovšek. Molimo za nje, da bi jim Bog hitro vrnil zdravje. Dne 15. nov. smo imele koncert na Recher Hall v Euclidu. Na koncertu sodeluje več društev in tudi naše članice SŽZ. O uspehu bom poročala prihodnjič. Kakor vidite gre leto proti koncu in naša tajnica Vera Bajec, želi, da bi tiste, ki še niste plačale članarine za to leto, to takoj storile in tako prikrajšale mnogo dela. Bližajo se nam tudi prazniki in rojstvo našega Odrešenika, zato vam želim srečno obhajanje Božičnih praznikov in da bi zdrave in srečno dočakale Novo leto. Decemberska seja bo naša glavna letna seja ter 3 mesečno godovanje z Miklavžem. Sestre so na tej seji sklenile, da bomo mesto zamenjave daril, dale v pomoč Mavec šole otrokom in nekaj pa za Holy Family. V Oct. Zarji se je vrnila neljuba pomota, katero popravljamo, da je Tone Gril pravi brat Mary Stražišar. Prizadeti naj oprostijo. Končujem to pisanje z najlepšimi pozdravi vsem članicam. Antonija Sustar, poročavalka Št. 20, Joliet, III. — Zopet smo izgubile dobro in vestno članico — Elizabeth Kastelic, ki je bila sprejeta v našo podr.pred 40 leti, priporočena po pok. Agnes Skedel. Blaga pokojna je bila rojena 17. nov. 1895 ter je umrla 8. okt. Zapušča 4 hčere, 2 sinova, 2 brata ter 15 vnukov in 9 pra-vnukov. Pokopana je bila iz naše cerkve na farno pokopališče, poleg groba svojega davno VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN ZDRAVO, ZADOVOLJNO NOVO LETO VSEM ČLANICAM ZVEZE! Seja podr. št. 19 se bo vršila ko se vrnem iz bolnice. Najlepši pozdrav. Mary Lenich, tajnica umrle soproga. Pok. Elizabeth je bila vedno pripravljena pomagati pri naši podr. bodisi v kuhinji, ale kjerkoli če je bilo potrebno. Žal je zadnja leta bolehala. Umrl je tudi Anton Trubich, soprog naše dolgoletne članice, Julije Trubich. Pok. zapušča več sinov in hčera. — Vsem pokojnim večno plačilo na onem svetu. Preostalim pa naše iskreno sožalje. Na seji so bila poročila o poteku državne konvencije Illinois-Indiana, katere se je udeležilo osem naših članic in odbornic. Prihodnja drž. konvencija bo v Jolietu v oskrbi naše podružnice. Na seji je bilo tudi poročano o zahvali sestra Anna Mahkovec, ki je še vedno na bolniški listi in ne more priti na seje ter jo vsi pogrešamo. Podružnica je poslala čestitke za zlato poroko Rose in John Pazdertz. Imeli so veliko slavje, najprej v cerkvi, nato pa sprejem v farni dvorani Sv. Jožefa na N. Chicago cesti. Tu se je zbralo mnogo sorodnikov in prijatejev in družinski člani družin Rogina, Lavrich in Pazdertz. Želimo jima ljubega zdravja še mnogo, mnogo let! Žal smo izvedeli, da se je slavljenka morala še isti teden podati v bolnišnico in se podvreči operaciji. V bolnišnici se nahaja tudi Frances Kalcic, Barbara Kociuba in Rose Jagodnik. Vse so se podvrgle operaciji in se počasi zdravijo. Vsem želimo hitrega okrevanja! Mr. in Mrs. Bill Vertin sta praznovala zlato poroko, teda zaradi bo lezni nista mogla iti v cerkev, zato je bila slavnost na njihovem domu, kjer so ju veselo presentiili sorodniki in prijatelji. Bill je bil več tednov v bolnišnici ter se sedaj zdravi na domu. Mary je bila naša ustanovna članica in njeno dekliško ime je bilo Petrič. Vse jima pošiljamo prisrčne čestitke z željami za zdravje in srečo še mnogo let. Presenetila nas je vest o hitri smrti Marianne Ambrozich_ ki je za vedno zapustila to solzno dolino po par dnevih bivanja v bolnišnici, stara komaj 56 let. Zapušča starše Mary in Joseph Ambrozich, ki sta dobro poznana v naši fari, saj je Mary kuharica v župnišču in delavna pri društvih v naselbini. Pokojna zapušča tudi tri brate, ki jo bodo zelo pogrešali. Bog ji podeli nebesa In naj počiva v miru! Naše čestitke Lud in Corinne Les kovar k tako lepemu programu, ki sta ga pripravila ob priliki proslave 20 letnice slovenskega radia, dne 24. RELIEFI NA STENAH SLOVENSKE KAPELE Slovenski človek, zlasti preprost, je čutil, čuti in bo čutil globoko vero in močno navezanost do Brezij; ljudje, ki so pogosto ali so bili pogosto od cerkve odmaknjeni, so dostikrat radi poudarili svoj spoštljivi odnos, svoje zaupanje in vdanost do Slovenske Marije na Brezjah. Brezijanska Marija je torej morala biti središče naše spominske kapele v Narodnem Svetišču v Washingtonu. Pobudniki zamisli slovenske kapele in predstavniki organizacij, ki so s svojimi vzpodbudami in s svojim delom in podporo kapelo samo omogočili, so pa od vsega početka hoteli, da bi kapela pričala širše stvarnosti slovenskega življenja: naše zasluge in naše zaslužne prednike, naša bogastva in našo bol. Slovenska kapela bo pričala nekaj naših najbolj odločilnih slovenskih umetnikov v Združenih Državah, ki so bili povabljeni, da bi upodobili, po lastni zamisli in tudi po lastni presoji, važne in v luči vseh Slovencev pomembne zgodovinske dogodke, se je odzval akademski kipar France Gorše iz New Yorka. Predložil je načrt za štiri stenske reliefe. Le te je na priporočilo Odbora za Slovensko Kapelo odobril glavni arhitekt svetišča Za vsako še tako majhno delo v svetišču je končna odgovornost in odločilna beseda vedno njegova. Goršetovi reliefi so bili izdelani v mramorju in poudarjajo naslednje sila važne dogodke iz slovenske zgodovine : 1.) Krst kneza Gorazda. Gorazdov krst je pomenil začetek krščanstva med Slovenci. Z njim so naši predniki postali prvi med slovanskimi narodi, ki so se dali pokristjaniti in kmalu nato začeli sami misijonariti med drugimi slovanskimi narodi. Dogodek sega 1200 let nazaj v zgodovino in slovensko pokristjanjenje bo osrednji motiv lcapeline posvetitve. Ker je bil Gorazdov krst sad misionarjenja škofa Mo-desta, ki je bil Irec in je prišel iz Solnograda, so se z njim Slovenci obrnili proti zapadli in od zapada. iskali-navdihnjenj (ali jim bili neprotovljno podvrženi) za svojo kulturno rast. Nič manj kot kdajkoli poprej je slovenski narod tudi danes narod zapadne kulture. 2.) Izseljevanje Slovencev — pot v svet. Skozi stoletja Slovenci niso bili in niso svobodni in premnogi so živeli v sila skromnih gospodarskih prilikah. Mnogi so se izselili v zadnjih dveh stoletjih in se še vedno izseljujejo — v upanju, da bodo našli zdoma, česar niso mogli imeti doma. Zares, v svetu so mnogi uspeli; pri nas, v Ameriki smemo s ponosom poudariti na uspehe mnogih naših rojakov: pesniki in pisatelji, politiki in državniki, organizatorji, zadružnki, profesorji, častniki, trgovci in pa predvsem dobri vzgojitelji družin, zavednih družin, katerih imena bodo morda za vselej ostala prikrita. 3.) Baraga krščuje Indijance. Le malo je verjteno, da bo za vse čase kdo izmed naših izseljencev pustil večji pečat, kot ga je škof Friderik Baraga, ko je v službi Bogu in v dobro indijanskih plemen nesporno postal in se uvrtil med one, ki jih imenujemo “oče ameriškega krščanstva”. Vse, kar želim, je, da bom vedno tam, kjer Bog hoče, da sem”. Ta njegov rek, v angleščini, bo vklesan v marmorju v bližini Goršetovega reliefa. Na drugem mestu v Narodnem Svetišču pa ima Baraga spomenik, ki so mu ga posvetili neslovenski katolišani Amerike. 4.) Slomškova nedeljska šola. Slomšek je bil narodni preroditelj, pesnik, škof, začetnik verskega zbližanja z vzhodom, organizator; njegova vloga vzgojitelja mladih pa je glavni motiv Goršetovega relijefa. Njegov znani rek, kot ob relijefu posvečenem Baragi, bo vklesan v marmorju poleg Slomeškovega reliefa, v slovenščini: ‘Sveta vera bodi nam luč, materni jezik bodi nam ključ do zveličavne narodne omike.” C. J. Mejač oktobra. Bilo je res izredno lepo biti navzoč na tej slavnosti in občudovati odlične slovenske plesalce skupine Kresa. Vsi ki so bili navzoči, so priznali, da opravljata Lud in Corinne Leskovar veliko narodno-Ijubno delo za ohranitev slovenske besede, petja in ljudskih plesov. Pozdrav vsem članicam. Pridite na sejo v decembru, ker bomo imele mnogo za ukrepati za prihodnje leto. Josephine Erjavec Št. 21, Cleveland, Ohio. — Naša podružnica kar lepo deluje za napredek S. Ž. Z. Upamo, da bomo pridobile več novih članic. Vse članice opozarjamo, da bo zopet letna Božičnica dne G. decembra v Slovenskem Domu v West Park, 130 cesta. Tajnica bo vse še posebno obvestila. Sporočam žalostno vest, da je u-mrla ses. Mary Cimperman, ki je bila naša članica 29 let. Ses. l.ois Babnik je prestala operacijo ter ji želimo hitrega okravanja. Več naših članic je bilo letos na obisku v Sloveniji in so se vse srečno vrnile. Vsem bolnim članicam ljubega zdravja. — Čla. Marie Pivik vodi krožek št. 77 s petjem, ki bo imel prvi koncert v Slovenskem Domu v West Parku in 130 cesta dne 5. decembra. Vsi ste lepo vabljeni, da pridete in slušite mlade pevce. S soprogom sva prejela mnogo lepih čestitk za najino 50 letnico po- roke, tako tudi od št. 21 S. Ž. Z., kateri se posebno lepo zahvaliva tudi za lep dar. Enako najina prisrčna zahvala za poslani telegram preds. Helen Konkay in kartice od članic. Prav lepa hvala tudi urednici Zarje za priobčeni dopis in sliko. Veselo in zdravo Novo leto 1971. Anna Jesenko, poročevalka Št. 25, Cleveland, Ohio. — Že par mesecev se nisem oglasila, toda sedaj se je nabralo nekaj veselih novic, toda tudi nekaj žalostnih, saj nismo imele sej nekaj mesecev. Naprej bom poročala o naših zlatih porokah. Dne 13. sept. sta praznovala 50 letnico Mr. in Mrs. Joseph Okoren z zahvalno sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida. Popoldne pa sta imela v Slov. Nar. Domu gostijo za vse sorodnike in številne prijatelje, ki so napolnili veliko dvorano. Trije otroci in me članice, želimo, da bi dočakala še biserno poroko. Zlata nevesta je naša dobra članica in nam vedno pomaga, kadar jo potrebujemo. Vse naredi z veseljemi. Dne 4. oktobra sta praznovala zlato poroko dobro poznana Mr. in Mrs. Joseph Perpar. Sv. maša je bila pri Sv. Vidu in slavnostno kosilo v novi dvorani. Pred leti je slavljenka bila naša igralka, kadar je nastopala smo se vedno od srca nasmejali. Hvala Jossie za vse Tvoje dobro delo. Še vedno se spominjamo kako smo ime- li lepe čase v naših mlajših letih in kako smo z veseljem delale za na- šo podr. in našo Zvezo. Sedaj se bolj počasi gibljemo, ker prišle smo v jesensko dobo in naše moči pojemajo. Dne 11. okt. sta praznovala zlati jubilej v cerkvi sv. Vida, Mr. in Mrs. Joseph Lunder s slovesno mašo v zahvalo za prejete dobrote. Otroci in sorodniki jima želijo dočakati še biserno poročno slavje. Tudi Tvoja sestra Mary vama želim vse naj-bolše, da bi Vaju še naprej dobri Bog in Marija držala pri dobrem zdravju, je tudi nagovor za strica in teto ter In 18. okt. je bila še ena dobro poznana 50 letna poročna obletnica pri sv. Vidu, Mr. in Mrs. Ignac Zupančič. Na to slovesnost sta povabila nečaka Rev. Žerjav iz Slovenije, da je daroval slovesno sv. mašo. Imel se jima lepo zahvalil za pomoč, katero sta mu jo izkazovala ko je študiral. Kosilo je bilo v novi dvorani ob veliki udeležbi sorodnikov in prijateljev ter več govornikov. Sinova in družina jima želijo, da bi dočakala še biserno poroko. Naša mladinska članica Lois Ann Primc se je poročila 12. sept. s slovesno sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida. Ženin je David DiCicco in poročno slavje ob veliki udeležbi občinstva se je vršilo v Slov. Nar. Domu. Želimo Ti, Lois Ann veliko božjega blagoslova na vajini skupni življenski poti. Pretresla nas je tudi žalostna novica, da je Mr. Anton Zakrajšek na-gloma umrl v St. Petersburg, Fla. za srčno kapjo. Pok. je bil ugledni last- nik pogrebnega zavoda z njegovim imenom. Naša St. Clarska naselbina je z njim izgubila dobrega podpornika in čuvaja za nas vse. Pogreb je bil veličasten ob veliki udeležbi vsega občinstva s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida. Mašo zadušnico so darovali Father 11. Hobart ob asistenci Fr. Joseph Falež in Fr. Anthony Sršen. Pogrebni sprevod se je pomikal proti pokopališču Kalvarija, kjer je bil položen v družinsko grobnico. Iskreno sožalje vsem preostalim, posebno soprogi Mrs. Ann Marie Zak ter otrokom, Zino, Zita, Zandra, Zhaharie, Zoan Zak. Vsa družina spada v našo podr. 25. Vsem bolnim želim ljubega zdravja. Vsem članicam vesele Božične praznike in srečno Novo leto. Enako našemu Duh. voditelju Fr. Klavdiju Okornu in gl. uradnicam. Vabim vas, da se v polnem številu udeležite decemberske seje. Lepo pozdravljene, Mary Otoničar Št. 30, Aurora, III. — Ker se bližajo Božični prazniki, voščim vesele Praznike vsem članicam in njihovim družinam! Dne 19. okt. je bil rojstni dan moje sinahe v Elmhurstu, 111., in Dorothy je prišla po mene. Tam so že bili njeni starši iz Iowa in njena sestra Mary, ki je učiteljica na Univerzi v Chicagu. Po imenitnem kosilu, pravi Herman: zdaj bomo pa šli v Chicago pogledati tisto hišo, ki ima 100 nadstropij. Na poti proti Chicagu, nam Herman pokaže poštno poslopje in pravi se bomo kar skozi peljali Velikansko in krasno poslopje, pa je zidano tako, da gre cesta v sredini skozi in to široka ekspresna cesta. Proti čikaškemu Loopu smo se peljali po podzemeljski cesti, da sem si že kar želela zopet priti na svetlo, mislila sem si: če bi se slučajno eden izmed nebotičnikov nad nami podri, pa res ne bi nikoli več videli sonca. Težko je opisati tisto veliko 100 nadstropno hišo “John Hancock”. Vidi se izredno daleč naokoli. Poslopje je en blok široko in 1000 čevljev visoko. Elevator, za katerega je treba plačati pristojbino, nas je potegnil navzgor v dobri minuti in na vrhu je velika dvorana z velikimi okni na vseh straneh. Res je bilo zanimivo gledati 30 do 35 milj daleč naokoli. Nebotičniki so izgledati kot navadne hiše, hiše so izgledale kot igračke in automobili na cesti so iz-gledali kot da miške podijo. Posebno je krasni pogled na Michigansko jezero z barkami in barčicami in sonce se je zlatilo v vodi, res krasni po gled! Pa sem v duhu poletela v stavo domovino Slovenijo, posebno v Grahovo in prelepo presihajoče Cerkniško jezero, — “kjer dom je moj, kjer so me mati zibali.” Dne 31. oktobra smo imeli v našem domu Halloween party. Da ste videli kako so se te naše ženičke spucale in oblekle za to zabavo! Če bi kdo bolj na naglo pogledal, bi re- kel, saj to so še mlade žene, morda še “sweet sixteen". — Če katera članica misli iti v dom ostarelih, sv-tujem, da sem pride. Še lep pozdrav vsem članicam in njihovim družinam. Frances Kranjc Št. 31, Gilbert, Minn. — Danes ko to pišem, je 1. november in že sneži, kar napoveduje prihod zime. Letos je bil Zvezin dan v Keewatin, Minn. Žal nisem mogla biti navzoča, toda sem slišala, da je bilo vse prvovrstno in da je bila navzoča glavna tajnica, Fanika Humar. Članstvo je bilo veselo njenega obiska, za kar ji izrekamo lepo hvalo. Zadnji mesec je bilo prav živahno pri podružnici. Po seji je sestra Mary Barle povabila vse navzoče na njen dom in nam postregla z okusnim pecivom in tudi za grla ni manjkalo. Sestra Barle je letos obhajala 80 letnico rojstva. Prisrčna ji hvala in Bog naj jo ohrani še na mnoga leta! Več naših članic se nahaja v nursing home: Josephine Ulchar in njen sin Paul in Agnes Strukel so v Eve-leth. Mrs. Maurin je bila v Virginia Hospital 2 meseca zaradi poškodbe na nogi. Dne 1. nov. pa jo je hči Ann Lopp odpeljala ne njen dom v Lens-del, Pa. — V Fontani, Cal. se nahajata Frances I.opp in sestra Gurddr-cetti in so zadovoljne tam. Pravijo, da imajo dobro postrežbo in dosti zabave. Sedaj pa želim vsem zdravim in bolnim vesele Božične praznike in srečno Novo leto. Prosim vse članice podr., da pridete na sejo 9. dec., ko bomo imele party kakor vsako leto. Imamo 8 članic, ki so nad 80 let stare. Barbara Španko je 88 let mlada. Vsemu članstvu zdrave praznike in obilo srečo v Novem letu. Tončka Lucich, taj. Št. 41, Cleveland, O. — Na zadnji seji smo praznovale 40 letnico naše podružnice. Vesele smo bile navzočnosti naše gl. predsednica ge. Tončke Turek, ki nas je navduševala še za nadaljno delovanje za našo lepo organizacijo. Ses. Turek, prav iskrena, hvala za udeležbo in darilo v blagajno. Lepa hvala tudi naši drž. preds. ge. Mary Bostian za čestitke. Iskrena hvala tudi ge. Rose Mickovic za čestitke od podr. št. 14. Prav prisrčna hvala našim članicam za udeležbo in darila za blagajno, kakor tudi vsem, katere ste prinesle razne dobrote. Ses. Theresa Mihevc je praznovala rojstno obletnico, za kar je tudi prinesla vseh vrst okrapčila. Prav lepa ji hvala. Želimo ji vse najboljše še na mnoga leta. Lepo darilo v blagajno je darovala naša bivša tajnica, Ann Fabian za kar ji prisrčna hvala. V večnost se je preselila naša dolgoletna članica, Mary Germ. Družini in sorodnikom izrekamo naše iskreno sožalje. Blaga pokojnica pa naj sladko sniva in večna luč ji sveti! Lepe pozdrave vsem! Ella Starin Št. 68, Painesville. Pa. Moram se zopet oglasiti v naši priljubleni Zarji, da nekoliko popravim zaostalost, ker na zadnji seji je predsednica nekaj prigovarjala, — kje je poročevalka. Saj veste, da je izgovor vedno na mestu. Tudi jaz rada berem od drugih podružnic, kako obhajajo vesele čase, pa pridejo tudi žalostni, kakršna so pota življenja. Saj pravi pregovor “mi obračamo, Bog obrne." Na naših sejah se kar lepo zberemo. Vršijo se v istih prostorih vsako tretjo soboto v mesecu. Seveda bi bilo lepo, če bi nas še več prišlo, saj imamo kar lepo število članic, pa rade pridejo ene in iste. V poletnem času smo imelo balin-carsko tekmo, a sedaj ko je tukaj jesen, smo morale prenehati. Na zadnji seji smo ukrepale, kam bi šle, da bi porabile skupiček. O-glasila se je preds. Jennie, ostanimo kar tukaj, če ste zadovoljne. Ker vemo, da je dobra kuharica, smo z veseljem sprejele. To bo v soboto, da je boste pozabile iti k sv. maši v nedelji, kar ne bo težko, saj jih imamo tukaj kar sedem. — Ne bom vzela preveč prostora v Zarji, naj se še druge oglasijo, ker jaz raje čitam kot pišem. Lep pozdrav uradnicam in čitate-ljicam Zarje. Angela Godec, poročevalka Št. 77, Pittsburgh, Pa. — Bližamo se zaključku leta 1970. Zahvalni dan je za namii sedaj pa pričakujenu) še Božične in Novoletne praznike. Vsako loto ob tem času vabi.a članice, da bi se udeležile glavne seje, katera se bo vršila dne 9. decembra ob 8 uri zvečer v navadnih prostorih. Ako bo pa kaj spremembe, vas bom pa telefonsko poklicala in oznanjeno bo tudi na slovenskem radiju v nedeljo pred sejo. Članice dobro veste, da je letna seja ena najvažnejših za podružnico. Na tej seji je volitev odbora in napravijo se načrti za prihodnje leto in tudi več drugih važnih zadev pride na dnevni red v prid podružnice. Po seji bomo pa imele Božičnico in izmenjavale si bomo darila “grab bag”, kakor prejšnja leta. Potrebujemo samo še vašo navzočnost, zato gotovo pridi te 9. dec. — Vsem bolanim že lim hitrega okrevanja. Pozdravlja, Minka Chrnart, tajnica Št. 71, Strabane, Pa. — Čas hitro beži in leto se že poslavlja od nas. Tako je tudi naše življenje, vse prehitro se nagiblje k zatonu. Bližajo se Božični prazniki in tako bomo zopet vse zaposlene s pripravami daril za naše vnučke in vnu- kinje. To leto smo bile srečne pri naši podr., ker nismo izgubile nobene članice. FINANCIAL REPORT—FINANČNO POROČILO, OCTOBER, 1970 Br. Assessments Adults Jrs. 42 76.80 132 62 95 117.25 186 23 f 1 $ 94.20 162 60 45 20.50 43 14 96 — 47 — o it 208.55 350 192 46 13.50 29 5 97 7.25 15 — 3 153.40 263 170 17 54.90 105 36 99 5.95 16 — 4 13 — a 49 34.50 30 — e 100 29.25 46 11 5 101 21 a 50 139.70 213 92 f 101 21.45 29 14 6 43.90 103 8 51 21.00 15 — e 102 34 3 a 7 50.90 95 52 52 31.20 52 19 103 17.00 25 13 8 18.10 46 — 54 28.55 57 40 105 18.35 30 6 9 21 2 b 55 26.00 54 2 106 26.30 22 3 10 131.55 304 25 56 39.65 91 6 12 69.20 c 57 39.85 67 36 4,016 7987 2452 12 66.20 161 58 59 21.00 29 2 c Assessment paid: a pd. in Sept..; b 13 58.30 c 61 6 pd. to Dec.; c pd. lor Sept. in Oct.; 13 58.30 112 18 62 25 — a d pd. for Oct and Nov.; e pd. for 14 148.85 296 52 63 48.60 92 22 Oct., Nov. and Dec.; f pd. for Sept.; 15 101.15 203 9 64 35.50 45 2 c g pd. for Sept. Oct. Nov. and Dec.: 16 81.25 140 85 65 45 24 h pd in August; i pd for July and 17 80.25 151 78 66 32.30 59 21 Aug. 19 54.10 112 24 67 40.70 6S 9 Income in October 1970 20 152.10 330 64 68 39.85 60 21 Assessment $4,016.70 21 58.65 111 47 70 27.40 14 3 g Interest 1,239.43 22 19.60 19 - d 71 59.40 120 156 Rent 169.00 23 101.45 215 53 72 9.65 25 — Savings cert, withdrawal 5,000.00 24 — 139 69 73 103 71 25 324.95 628 159 74 20 1 b 10,425.13 26 50.30 107 19 77 22.65 47 32 Savings cert, assets 5,000.00 27 — 44 3 79 53.25 30 20 e 28' — 75 15 80 5.55 9 Total income in October 1970 5,425.12 29 10.65 24 6 81 14.15 29 — DISBURSEMENTS IN OCTOBER 1970 30 — 9 b 83 8.55 17 — IZDATKI MESECA OKTOBRA 1970 31 — 87 27 a 84 20.35 49 3 f Death claims paid: 32 79.45 138 73 85 18.40 40 2 Smrtnine izplačane sledečim: 33 122.85 196 151 86 25.45 22 — h Br. 2, Chicago, Jen. Zupancich . $100.00 34 18.50 36 6 88 55 9 c Br.Br. 5, Indianapolis, M. Dragan 100.00 35 32.20 55 37 88 24.80 Br. 7, Forest City, Anna Kameen 100.00 37 — 21 1 b 89 30.50 71 22 Br. 12. Milwaukee. M. Primozich 100.00 38 41.80 116 — 90 18.70 42 15 Br. 10, Cleveland, A. Stefančič : 100.00 39 — 43 9 91 29.20 48 11 Rr. 15.Cleveland. Anna Flak 100.00 40 52.75 101 2 92 15.05 23 2 Br. 20, Jolet, Elizabeth Kastelic 100.00 41 79.70 199 30 93 24.60 14.30 58 12 2 c 4 1 Br. 21, Cleveland, M. Cimperman 100.00 42 48 94 Br. 25, Cleveland, K. Ferkul 100.00 Članici Mary Cades izrekamo globoko sožalje ob izgubi njenega komaj 43 let starega sina. Zapušča soprogo in 3 mladoletne sinove. Smrt nič ne izbira, če imaš male otroke, ali si star ali mlad, pride Tvoja ura in se je treba posloviti. Družini globoko sožalje. Dne 16. avgusta smo imeli obisk iz Slovenije. Prišel je ansamble Lojze Slak in fantje s Praprotna, ki so imeli tukaj koncert pri polni dvorani. Zelo lepo so peli, da bi jih človek kar naprej poslušal, saj slovenski pesmi ni para. Vsako leto ob tem času vabim članice k veliki udeležbi glavne seje, ki se bo vršila dne 11. dec. ob 7uri. Članice, dobro veste, da je letna seja ena najvažnejših za podružnico. Na tej seji bo volitev odbora in storjeni bodo važni sklepi za prihodnje leto. V letu 1971 bomo obhajale 35 letnico naše podr. To je lepa doba in še imamo nekaj članic — ustanoviteljic med nami. Voščim vsem članicam in gl. odbora ter duh. svetovalcu Rev. Claude Okornu, OFM, blagoslovljene božične praznike. Vsem bolnim pa ljubega zdravja. Mary Tomsic, preda. Št. 84, New York, N. Y. Dolgo se že nisem oglasila. Nimam nič dobrega za poročati. Najprej sporočam, da je v mesecu septembru nenadoma umrla članica, Therese Lacjan. Že daje časa ni bila na seji, ker je živela na deželi sama, kot vdova. — Mož članice Ivanke Koslian je umrl je Puli v starem kraju. Tja je šla na pogreb. Obema družinama izrekamo naše sožalje. Doslej smo i-mele 2 seji, žal je bila udeležba zelo slaba, zato prosim, članice, da se gotovo udeležite zadnje seje v tem letu, dne 9. decembra, ko bomo izvolile odbor za leto 1971. Seja bo v Winter Garden Woodward in Madison St. Kakor drugod, tako se tudi pri nas članice bojijo zvečer iti ven zaradi vaniosti. zato bomo morale pre-narediti na nedeljo, ali soboto popoldne. Prosim, da vse ki morete pridete na sejo. Bolana je Ivanka Svet, kateri želimo hitrega zdravja. Voščim vesele Božične praznike in srečno Novo leto vsem članicam št. 84, New York, kakor tudi vsem odbornicam, urednici Corinne Leskovar ter sploh vsem članicam SŽZ in njihovim družinam. Angela Voje, preds. Br. 29, Broundale, Fran. Yereb 100.00 Br. 41, Cleveland, Tin. Kuzmich 100.00 Br. 85, DePue, Mary Stupar 100.00 Br. 88, Johnstown, R. Susterich 100.00 Salaries — Plače 1,038.95 Administration 345.00 State tax deposit 42.66 Rent — Najemnina pisarne 75.00 F. I. C. A. Tax 49.86 Zarja — The Dawn 1,095.50 Postage, Telephone 43.67 Actuary 20.00 Per Diem, Traveling Expenses Dnevnice in potovanja 87.00 Cleaning —- Čiščenje 10.00 Miscel. — Razno 50.00 Stationary — Papir 11.75 Accrued interest 390.35 Bonds — Investment 14,601.23 Disbursements in Oct. 1970 19,160.61 Investment 14,601.23 Total disbursements: $ 4,559.38 Ledger bal. Sept. 30, 1970 532,752.41 Income in October 1970 5,425.13 Total disbursements in Oct. 70 4,559.38 Ledger bal. Oct. 31, 1970 533,619.16 Fanika Humar, Sec. JUNIOR’S CORNER III BOYS AMD GIRLS! “Glory be to God in the highest and on earth peace among men of good will,” sang a multitude of the heavenly host to the shepherds following the angel’s announcement of Christ’s birth. And all through the many years peace on earth remains a goal. Teace has ever been sought. Long before Jesus’ birth, an Egypt-tian pharaoah named Ikhaton, who lived about 1385-1354 B. C., built an empire for Peace. His religion “would unite all men in its warm and unifying light”. God was love and there was no place for conquest and oppression in his empire. “He was the first man in human history to understand the nature of the divine and to turn his back upon barbarism as a way of life.” Bom in northern India, Buddha founded his religion in the sixth century B. C. He taught that the secret of life was brotherly love and that selfishness was the cause of the world’s problems. Mercy, non-violence and love on one’s enemies were important in a Buddhist’s life Asoka who reigned in the third century B. C. becaume the greatest emperor India had known. Following eight years of conquest, he devoted the remaining thirty years of his life to the ways of peace. Asoka was certain men would be happy through non-violence, consideration and kindness. The birth of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, which was awaited for since the garden of Paradise and prophe-sized to Eve, Jacob, Daniel, Isaiah. Micheas, Balaam, David, Moses, Za-charias, Isaiah and Jonah, took place in Bethlehem. Through His life, teachings and mir-ales, Jesus proved that He is true God as well as true man. In His Sermon on the Mount Christ said “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.” Counted among Christ’s peacemakers is St. Augustine (354-430) who said that peace begins at home, in the life of the family. Another peacemaker is St. Francis of Assisi (1182-1220) who had his own prayer by which he lived. It began. “Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace ...” London born William Penn (1644-1718) was a peaceful Quaker and founder of Pennsylvania in the New World. He developed the law of love as the rule of conduct among nations. Tolstoy (1828-1910) was one of the greatest Russian writers of all time. In his book “Kingdom of God” he spent pages on the madness of war. He was certain that society could be Best Wishes for a Holy and Merry Christmas and a Happy and Peaceful New Year renewed by following the teaching of Jesus. “If there is one name, aside from that of Jesus, that has been associated in our time with the word peace more than any other,” it is that of the Swedish developer of dynamite namely Alfred Nobel. He left his fortune for the granting of prizes to contributors of literature, science 189G. From Scotland came Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919). After making his fortune in our country and building his empire, he turned to public life, supported education, public libraries and the peace movements. Born in 1874 Norman Angeli of England won the Nobel Peace prize in 1934. He worked for peaceful cooperation among the nations of the world. Of his 43 books the Great Illusion shows the economic misfortunes of war. Our 28th president Woodrow Wilson worked hard to keep our country out of World War I. He brought a-bout the organization of the League of Nations and he deeply believed that only those who know freedom could know God. Perhaps some day his ideal will “finally triumph in a world peace and a world government.” Born in 18C9, "the greatest man of our century was a person who never held an elective office yet could command the vote of millions, who possessed no wealth yet could put his hand into the pockets of rich and poor alike, who wore nothing but a loincloth when he conferred with the leading statesmen and rulers of the world and who found himself at home in all religions.” Gandhi of India, who died in 1948, believed one should meet one’s enemy humbly and openly and non-violently. From Sweden came Dag Ham-marskjold (1905-19G1) who became general secretary of the United Nations. During his years in this important position he wished to tidy up the world with peace as his aim. A Swedish poem he loved said: The greatest prayer of man does not ask for victory but for peace. A Nobel Peace prize winner was Martin Luther King who sought through nonviolence to bring about a better understanding of whites and blacks. He sad: True peace is not merely the absence of tension, but it is the presence of justice and brotherhood. Dante, who lived in the 13th century and one of the world’s greatest, poets, believed: In His will is our peace. “The working for peace is the noblest of God-fearing men” was said bp president John F. Kennedy, while his brother Robert gave this peace message: If we are to leave our children a planet on which to live safely to fulfill the bright promi;e of their lives, we must resume the journey towards Peace. Pope John XXIII’s message is: May all people welcome each other as brothers—may peace reign. Pope Paul VI says: Peace must be built; it must be built up every day by works of Peace. Isaias wrote: His name shall bo called Wonderful, Counsellor, God the Mighty, the Father of the world to come, the Prince of Peace. To all of you I wish you peace and joy at Christmas and throughout the New Year! Shalom! Your friend, UEGINA SHALOM by Ray Repp Peace, I leave with you, my friends. Shalom, my peace, in all you do. Peace I leave with you, my friends. I give to you so you can give to others, too. To share His love is why I came, To show His kindness to all men. Go now, my friends, and do the same, Until I come again. Take my hand and be at peace; The spirit of our love I send. And with this love you will be free, Until I come again. From Junior Catholic Messenger: ANSWERS 1. Christmas 2. Spree 3. Man 3. Miser 4. Red 5. Named 7. Its 6. Lists 8. Tri 9. Kissing NAMES Santa Claus has been known by many names in his remarkable career. Saint Nicholas.. In the 4tli century he was modeled after the original St. Nicholas who lived In Turkey and whose deeds of courage and kindness earned him after death the title of patron saint of children. The legend of the good saint as gift giver later spread to Russia, Scandinavia, Holland, Belgium and Germany. The Abbot of Unreason In the middle Ages, the gift-giver took human form and became an officer who directed the festivities of the holiday season. Dubbed the Abbot of Unreason by the Scots, and the Lord of Misrule, he held office from Christmas till January 6, and his word was law. Either elected or appointed, he ruled over the holiday activities in royal household, colleges and inns. The English called him King of the Bean, and to the French he was the Boy Bishop. Christkindlein. In Germany during the 15th century, a religious leader who also invented a lot of new German words, substituted the Christ Child, or Christkindlein for St. Nicholas as the bearer of gifts. He wanted to make the bearing of gifts a symbol of the Wise Men’s visit to Bethlehem, bringing gold, frankincense, and myrrh. So the Christ Child came secretly to German homes on the Eve of Christmas. Kris Kringle. In the 16th century, a German Colony led by William Penn settled in Pennsylvania, and again Santa changed his name! The settlers had brought the Christkindlein with CHRISTMAS PUZZLE Words Down 1. On this day we celebrate the birthday of Our Lord 3. Adam was the first ---------------- 4. The color of Santa Claus’s clothes 7. A shorter way of writing "It is” 8. A figure that has three sides is called a angle. Words Across 2. People having a gay time are said to be on a ------------------ (Rymes with “tree”) 3. Scrooge was an old-----------------— 5. A baby is ----------------- when it is christened G. Before your mother goes shopping she often makes out a-------------------- of things to buy (plural) 9. Touching with the lips as a sign of love or respect. them, but somehow it got transformed into Kris Kringle. Father Christmas. During the 19th century, Santa recrossed the Atlantic from the USA and became known as Father Christmas in England and Pere Noel in France. Julenissen.. That’s what the Norwegians call him, and he brings gifts to good kids before they go to bed on Christmas Eve, after the family has finished Christmas dinner; between Christmas and New Year’s he totes his sack to a community party for the children called “Pultrefest.” Regardless of the name by which Santa is known, and no matter where he appears, one fact about the old-timer remains constant: He is a wanted man! F h F SEASON’S GREETINGS TO ALL I from Officers and Members of Br. No. 73 Warrensville Hgts., Ohio All the Best this Christmas DUSEK CONCRETE 21220 Aurora Road Warrensville Heights, Ohio Best Holiday Wishes and Greetings! FORTUNA FUNERAL HOME "COMPLETELY REMODELED” 5316 Fleet Ave. Ml 1-0046 Cleveland, Ohio BRIGHT IDEAS FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS TABLE 55 55 55 55 Tree lights softly glow—carols linger on the air— trays of spiced goodies and hot punch stand waiting. Time for holiday guests! The smart hostess today includes her precious silver in the party decor. Sparkling and gracious, sterling silver is in good taste at any time of the year . . . particularly suited to the festive Yuletide season. And there’s no rule in the book that says silver must be saved for dining table use! Next dazzler can be your table decoration. Go all-out in trimming your buffet table, if you like. One perfectly simple—and simply perfect—suggestion from Sally Wallace is the “sea of greens” lit from underneath by the gleaming silver of a long oval bread tray. In the center—or off-center, if you prefer— mount a tall, chunky candle in a rich holiday color. A wad of putty or clay at its base will hold it securely upright. Pine branches to form the “sea” can be stripped of their needles near the ends, and whittled to a sender tip for pok- ing into the putty which will support them. The more irregular the branches, the more ornate your buffet piece will look. All it needs for a final touch is a generous handful of Christmas tree balls . . . exchanging rays between the tray beneath and the lighted candle above! You may not have occasion to use all these shiny new ideas . . . but this is the perfect season to bring all your lovely silver out into the open and put it on display. Perhaps you can fashion even more imaginative pieces from what you have on hand! v-J V 55 g ft 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 VJ4 55 5! GREETINGS TO ALL MY SLOVENIAN FRIENDS! United States Congress 3rd District FRANK EVANS PUEBLO, COLO. Vesele, zdrave in blagoslovlene božične praznike in srečno novo leto Duhovnem Vodju, GL Uradnicam, Članicam in Prijateljem naše Zveze! ANNA PACHAK Državna predsednica za Colorado-Kansas- Missouri Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! B & A BOOTERY ROBLEE - PEDWIN - FLORSHEIM - JOHANSEN NATURALIZER - LIFE STRIDE and VALLEY SHOES BUSTER BROWNS FOR CHILDREN Mr. & Mrs. Frank & Jennie Boltezar 520 N. Main 405 W. Northern Phone 544-2511 Phone 544-3767 PUEBLO, COLORADO Vsem Uradnicam, Članicam in Prijateljem S.Z.Z. MERRY CHRISTMAS IN SREČNO NOVO LETO! BUTKOVICH MERCANTILE MR. & MRS. JOHN BUTKO VICH 1201 So. Santa Fe Ave. — Pueblo, Colo. '//TC'TTJav IN LOVING MEMORY MOTHER, MARY KOGOVŠEK Softly the leaves of memory fall, Cently we afilkVY arid treasure them all! /V \ If U'-" ' * '*i ’ Mrs’. Mamie Pugel, daughter SEASON’S GREETINGS FROM EVELETH! VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO želi vsem članicam PODR. ŠT. 19 EVELETH, Minnesota Rev. Michael Skumavc, duh. vodja; Catherine Pollac, preds.; Angela Vesel, podpreds.; Mary Lenich, tajnica in blagajničarka; Mary Menart, zapisnikarica; nadzorni odbor: Matilda Rebetz in Jennie Zadkovich. HAPPY HOLIDAYS! SHEEHY FUNERAL HOME 502 Adams Ave. Eveleth, Minn. Tel. SH 1-1744 MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR STEBLAY’S JEWELRY 307 Grant Avenue EVELETH, Minn. AU kind« of religious articles & beautiful gifts which will be long treasured by all your friends! WISHING EVERYONE A JOYOVS SEASON AND A HEALTHY HOLIDAY and SATISFACTORY NEW YEAR MINERS NATIONAL BANK EVELETH, Minnesota SEASON'S WISHES FROM ITALIAN BAKERY, INC. 0 Makers of that Crispy Italian Bread I VIRGINIA, Minn. — EVELETH, Minn, //fa jraa SH 1-3464 SU 1-1694 SEASON’S GREETINGS! RAINALDI FOOD MKT. Quality Groceries and Meats Phone SH 1-1881 417 Pierce St. EVELETH, MINNESOTA GREETINGS TO ALL! FIRST NATIONAL BANK EVELETH, MINN. Wishing everyone a joyous holiday! THE BEST TO YOl) THIS HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON i Prim’s Super Market & Locker Plant 1 "Primozle’s Red and White Store” ! I Phone 741-5895 ..509-11 Grant Ave. Home-cured, smoked meats — free delivery! THE HAPPIEST OF HOLIDAYS! EVELETH DRY CLEANERS JOSEPH J. BAYUK 404 Grant Ave. 741-2080 EVELETH, Minn. '•Free Pickup and Delivery!” CHRISTMAS BLESSINGS! THE GOLDEN RULE Eveleth’s Leading Department Store Phone 741-7435 321-323 Grant Ave. EVELETH, Minnesota PRANC ;ORSB % Si'UDIA SLOVENICA F U BOX ^32 *«l^Mr»R«>NIZE our advertisers AVE AFELY 5 NEIGHBORHOOD OFFICES 813 East 185th St. 25000 Euclid Ave. 6235 St. Clair Ave. 6135 Wilson Mills 26000 Lake S+iore Blvd. ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin S.W.U. PUBLICATIONS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT: Thv only English language compilation of stories on the Slovenian people in America: From Slovenia to America Written by S.W.U. Founder, Marie Prisland for the enjoyment and delight of the younger generation! $4.25 including postage Slovenian and English songhook: LET’S SING Sing-along songs that you love! $1.25 per copy postpaid ★ World famous cookbook: Woman’s Glory - The Kitchen IS SOLD OUT! Watch for news of a NEW, REVISED EDITION IN 1971! See your Branch secretaries for any of the above books or write for individual copies to S.W.U. Supreme President, Mrs. Antonia Turek, 9556 Bryn Mawr Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio 14092 GEREND - HABERMANN FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN 53081 H.GRDIHflS SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad G5 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovljnost nadih ljudi. To je dokaz da Je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocento postrežbo Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Itd. Tel. KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel. HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel. KEnmore 1-6300 Cleveland 10, Ohio METROPOLITAN BANK & TRUST Company 2201 West Cermak Road Chicago, Illinois 60608 FDI€ ZELE FUNERAL HOMES, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. Office 481-3118 Cleveland, Ohio 361-0583 DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Cermak Rd. Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago, Illinois 60608 WE HAVE A HOME TO FIT YOUR NEEDS! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate and Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago, 111. 60608 VI 7-6679 ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN LOUIS R. ZEFRAN MARILYN E. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors and Embalmers CHICAGO, ILL. 60608 Virginia 7-6688