Elektrotehniški vestnih 77(2-3): 121-130, 2010 Electrotechnical Review, Ljubljana, Slovenija Metal surface in contact with electrolyte solution -influence of spatial variation of dielectric constant Klemen Bohinc1,2 *, Ekaterina Gongadze3 *Veronika Kralj-Iglič4, Ursula van Rienen3, Aleš Iglic1 1 Laboratory of Biophysics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Tržaška 25, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 2Faculty of Health Studies, University of Ljubljana, Poljanska 26a, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 3 Institute of General Electrical Engineering, University of Rostock, Justus-von-Liebig Weg 2, 18059 Rostock, Germany 4Laboratory of Clinical Biophysics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, Lipičeva 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia * equally share the first authorship ^ E-mail: ekaterina.gongadze@uni-rostock.de Abstract. The interaction between a charged metal surface and an electrolyte solution causes the formation of an electrical double layer, which has been a subject of an extensive study for more than a century. The present paper provides a statistical mechanical description of orientational ordering of water molecules and excluded volume effect near charged metal surface. The results of statistical mechanical model are then included in generalized phenomenological Stern model by taking into account the spatial variation of the dielectric constant near the charged surface and the finite size of counterions. Key words: orientational ordering of water, generalized Stern model, excluded volume effect, dielectric constant Naelektrena kovinska površina v stiku z elektrolitsko raztopino -vpliv krajevne odvisnoti dielektrične konstante Povzetek. Električna dvojna plast nastane kot posledica interakcije med naelektreno kovinsko površino in elektrolitsko raztopino. Pričujoči članek podaja statistično mehanski opis vpliva orientacije dipolov vodnih molekulin končnih velikosti molekul na električno dvojno plast. Napovedi statistično-mehanskega modela so v nadaljevanju na fenomenološki način vključene v posplošen Sternov model električne dvojne plasti z upoštevanjem prostorske odvisnosti dielektrične konstatne v bližini naelektrene kovinske površine. Ključne besede: orientacijsko urejanje vodnih dipolov, Sternov model, končni volumni molekul, dielekrična konstanta 1 Introduction The contact between a negatively charged metal surface and electrolyte solution results into rearrangement of the ion distribution and water reorientation near the metal surface and the formation of the so-called electrical double layer (EDL). Most of the models describing this phe- nomenon assume that the dielectric constant in the whole system is constant. But actually close to the charged surface the water dipoles cannot move as freely as away from it and show a distinct preferential orientation in direction of the normal to the charged surface [1, 2, 3]. Also, due to accumulation of counterions near the charged metal surface [4] the water molecules are partially depleted from this region. All these result in spatial variation of dielectric constant near the charged surface [1, 33, 2]. Therefore, here we present a simple model of EDL, which takes into account the spatial variation of the dielectric constant. The orientational ordering of water molecules and the excluded volume effect near the charged metal surface are described within a statistical mechanical approach. The results of the statistical mechanical model are then included in a generalized Stern model via space dependency of the dielectric constant near the charged surface and the distance of closest approach for counterions. A possible application of the predicted results is also described. Received 22 February 2010 Accepted 12 March 2010 2 Theory 2.1 Statistical mechanical description of excluded volume effect and orientation of water molecules near a charged metal surface in contact with an electrolyte solution We consider a charged metal surface in contact with a solution of ions and the Langevin dipoles of a finite size. The metal surface is charged with surface charge density aef f. The lattice with an adjustable lattice site is introduced in order to describe the system of the Langevin water dipoles and salt ions. All lattice sites are occupied by ions or dipoles. For the sake of simplicity we assume that the volume of each ion is equal to the volume of a water molecule. Free energy of system F, measured in units of thermal energy kT, can be written as [1] F kT 8TtIb V®) dV J[n+( r)lrn+(r) J (n(r,u>) I n0 n( r, cj) + n_(r) In n_(r) n o In v 7 y ) dV nod dV (1) + + + A where the first term corresponds to the electrostatic field energy. Here n(r, cj) ) — n+(r) — n_(r) dV, V(x) = e0(x)/kT , (2) is the reduced potential, where eo is the elementary charge and b = 0 (see Fig. 3). The absolute value of < cos lj >b increases with increasing aeff corresponding to stronger orientation of water dipoles. Due to the stronger screening, the absolute value of < cos lj > b is decreasing with increasing n0. Figure 3. Average cosine of angle of the Langevin dipoles (A,B) and polarization (C,D) as s function of the distance from the charged metal surface. Figures A and C: no /Na = 0.1mol/l, surface charge densities from bottom to top are cre// = 0.05 As/m2 and cre// = 0.01 As/m2. Figures B and D: cre// = 0.05 As/m2, bulk salt concentrations from bottom to top follows as no/Na = 0.1mol/l, no/Na = 0.2 mol/1. The width of a single lattice site as = 0.318 nm (from [1]). Slika 3. Krajevna odvisnost povprečnega cosinusa nagnjenosti dipolov vodnih molekul in polarizacije v bližini naelek-trene kovinske plošče. Sliki A in C: no/Na = 0.1 mol/l, površinska gostota naboja na kovinski plošči od spodaj navzgor: aeff = 0.05 As/m2 in 0.01 As/m2. Sliki B in D: aeff = 0.05 As/m2, Koncetracija soli daleč stran od plošče od spodaj navzgor no/Na = 0.1 mol/l in 0.2 mol/l. Širina mrežnega mesta as = 0.318 nm (iz [1]). 2.2 Generalized Stern model. Influence of spatial variation of dielectric constant The Stern Model [5] was the first attempt to incorporate steric effects by combining the Helmholtz [8] and Gouy-Chapman [6, 7] model. Helmholtz treated the double layer mathematically as a simple capacitor, based on a physical model in which a layer of ions with a single layer of solvent around each ion is adsorbed at the surface. Gouy [6] and Chapman [7] considered the thermal motion of ions and pictured a diffuse double layer composed of ions of opposite charge (counterions) attracted to the surface and ions of the same charge (coions) repelled by it embedded in a dielectric continuum described by the Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) differential equation [9, 10, 4, 11] . In its simple version the Stern Model [5] consists of the inner Helmholtz plane (IHP), where the coions are bound near the surface due to specific adsorption, and the so-called outer Helmholtz plane (OHP) of hydrated counterions at the distance of the closest approach (b), and a diffuse double layer. In our generalized Stern model the electrolyte solution consists of water molecules, monovalent cations and anions (Fig.4). As mentioned above that the dielectric constant profile close to the charged surface (Fig.l) is mainly determined by two opposing mechanisms: the depletion of water dipoles at the charged surface due to accumulated counterions (Fig.2) and the decrease in orientational ordering of the water dipoles as a function of the increasing distance from the charged membrane surface (Fig.3). Also water molecules in the electrolyte solution can better organize their hydrogen bonding network without ions, therefore it is favourable that ions which disrupt the hydrogen bonded water network are moved from the bulk towards the charged membrane surface [2]. In accordance with the predictions given in Fig.2 in our generalized Stern model, the dielectric constant of the solution is approximately described by step function (Fig.5). In this way, the orientational ordering of water molecules near the charged metal surface (Figs.3 and 4 ) is taken into account phenomenologically. In our generalized Stern model, the hard core interactions between the cations (counterions) and the negatively charged metal surface with effective surface charge density aef f is taken into account by means of the distance of the closest approach b < a (see Fig.4). In Fig.4 a is defined as the region of strong water orientation, where the dielectric constant substantially differs from the bulk value. The parameter b defines the distance of the closest approach for counterions. Similarly as in the Stern model [5], the charge density in the different layers can be written as (see Eq.(6)) q(x) = náx) (35) water molecules specifically bound negatively charged ions O G© ©O©© ©^-^ nncitr o© ° negatively charged hydrated ions positively charged hydrated ions region of preferentially oriented water molecules The ions are assumed to be distributed according to the Boltzmann distribution: riiix) — rii{oo) • exp(—vi eo (t>{x) /kT) . (37) According to the results given in Fig. 2 the dielectric constant of the solution is approximately described by the step function (see Fig.5): s(x) = x < a x > a (38) 0 a x[m] Figure 5. Model of the dielectric constant in electrolyte solution with respect to the distance from the charged surface. The value of ei = 78.5 corresponds to the bulk value, while €2, which is in the range of 10 - 60, and a are the model parameters of the generalized Stern model (see Fig.4). Slika 5. Shematični prikaz krajevne odvisnosti dielektrične konstante elektrolitske raztopine v bližini naelektrene kovinske plošče. Vrednost ei = 78.5 ustreza vrednosti daleč stran od naelektrene kovinske plošče, 62 v območju blizu naelektrene kovinske plošče je parameter posplošenega Sternobega modela (glejte sliko 4). where for monovalent ions, the valence v i is v+ = 1 , v — — — 1 . (36) By inserting Eqs.(35)-(38) into the Poisson equation, we obtain the Poisson-Botzmann (PB) differential equations (see also [9]) corresponding to the three different regions: d20 dx2 ^ • exp(e00 (63) - < £ < 1 (53) a exp And for C < 0 = (arctan And then u is equal to: u u(0) \ —== — arctan —■== VW\ VW\) (64) Jd(jjP) = /4Lsinh($)d$ !<£0 M={ V^Cftanfal + arctan-jg) C<0 (55) where P = (VČ + m(0)) - (\/Č - u(0)) exp (ygg) (VČ-W(0))exp(VČi) (56) (57) = Now we refer to Eq. (59) and rewrite Eq. (65) as: VCQ C> 0 (65) (66) (67) V/C + 2Kexp(1') = VW\ tan(çl + g2) C < 0 where Q = (v/Č + 7)~(v1q-7)exp(v/Če) ^ (6g) MČi-7)expMČ[0 7= v/C + 2^exp(i'(0)) , q'2 = arctan ■ 7 Finally, from Eq. (68) we receive ^ as: [é(Q2-i)] c> o ^ (tan2 (ql + q2) - 1) (69) (70) C < 0 (71) ^r = yjD + 4/v cosh 4' (72) is solved numerically. In the interval 1 < £ < oo, we rearrange the corresponding equation from Eq.(55) as: di = Integrating Eq.(73) VŠL sinh ^ (73) f«— J1 V^-Ac gives the following solution: ^(i) sinh ^ (74) 1 V7^ "" V tanh 4 : 111 4~) ■ (75) By transforming Eq.(75), we get the final result for in the form: ^ = 4 tanh 1(tanh V 4 exp (V^L(l-O)) • (76) In the interval | < £ < 1, the corresponding equation fromEq. (55): Figure 6. Electric potential 0 as a function of the distance from the charged surface (x) calculated using the statistical mechanical model (full line) and generalized the Stern model (circles) for (je// = —0.02 As/m2, the bulk salt concentration is no /Na = 0.1mol/l. Model parameters within the statistical mechanical description: width of a single lattice site as=0.318 nm, dipole moment of water p0 = 5D. In the generalized Stern model 62 = 30, ei = 78.5, b = 0.01 nm and o = 0.1 nm. Slika 6. Elektrostatski potencial (f) kot funkcija razdalje od naelektrene kovinske plošče (x) izračunan v okviru statistično mehanskega modela (polna črta) in posplošenega Sternovega modela (krogci) za vrednosti efektivne površinske gostote naboja na kovinski plošči cre// = —0.02 As/m2 (spodnja slika). Koncetracija soli daleč stran od kovinske plošče no/Na = 0.1mol/l. Modelni parametri statistično mehanskega modela: širina mrežnega mesta as= 0.318 nm, dipolni momemnt vodne molekule po = 5D, koncentracija vode daleč stran od kovinske plošče now/NA = 55 mol/l. Modelni parametri posplošenega Sternovega modela e2 = 30, d = 78.5, b = 0.01 nm in a = 0.1 nm. 0 -0.5 ^ -1 -1.5 -2o 0.5 x [nm] The space dependency of the dielectric constant near a charged metal surface is considered in both models, within the statistical mechanical approach and also within the generalized Stern model, where the space dependency of dielectric constant is approximated by a simple step function. The corresponding parameters 62 and a (see Fig.5) in the generalized Stern model are determined by Figure 7. Electric potential 0 as a function of the distance from the charged surface (x) calculated using the generalized Stern model for cre// = — 0.4 As/m2 and three values of the dielectric constant e2 : 10, 20, 30 (see Fig.4). Model parameters are: bulk salt concentration is no/Na = 0.15mol/l, a = 78.5, b = 0.36 nm and a = 0.72 nm. Slika 7. Elektrostatski potencial 4> kot funkcija razdalje od naelektrene kovinske plošče (x) izračunan v okviru posplošenega Sternovega modela za efektivno površinsko gostoto naboja na kovinski plošči cre// = —0.4 As/m2 in tri vrednosti dielektrične konstante e2 :10, 20, 30 (see Fig.4). Ostali modelni parametri so: koncetracija soli daleč stran od kovinske plošče no/Na = 0.15mol/l, ei = 78.5, b = 0.36 nm in a = 0.72 nm. fitting the space dependency of electric potential calcu- lated by using the statistical mechanical model (Fig.6). The inference from Fig.6 is that both approaches are in a good agreement, when we choose a small value for the distance of closest approach b. This is justified by the fact that in the statistical mechanical approach the excluded volume effect is taken into account namely by allowing the centers of ions and water molecules to approach x=0 plane. Both models complement each other, since the GS model is not restricted to small values of the surface charge, making it a good supplement to the statistical mechanical approach (see Fig.7). Fig.7 presents the distribution of the electric potential for values of the dielectric constant of 10, 20 and 30. It becomes clear that the absolute value of the electric potential decreases with the increase in the dielectric constant. 3 Conclusions and Discussion The presented results might be important for the improvement of the biocompatibility of the implant surfaces. Namely, for the clinical success of an implant, a profound knowledge of the interaction between the biomaterial and the cells is needed [12]. The functional activity of cells in contact with the biomaterial is determined by the material characteristics of the surface as well as the surface topography [13]. As described in this work, the contact between negatively charged metal surface and electrolyte solution results into rearrangement of the ion distribution and water orientational ordering near the metal surface. Thus, the surface electric potential is modified, which may among others assist the protein adhesion and the proliferation of the osteoblasts. Most of the models describing this phenomenon assume that the dielectric constant in the whole system is constant. Therefore, in this work the orientational ordering of water dipoles and the excluded volume were explicitly taken into account in the statistical mechanical model. 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He received his PhD degree in 2001 from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. He is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ljubljana. He is a member of the Laboratory of Biophysics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering. His area of interest includes electrostatics, statistical physics and biomechanics. Ekaterina Gongadze received her B. Sc. degree from the Faculty of Industrial Engineering at the Technical University of Sofia in 2006 and her M. Sc. degree from the Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering of the University of Rostock in 2008. She is currently working as a Junior Researcher in the Research Training Group Welisa at the Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at the University of Rostock. Her research interests are numerical the modelling and simulations of electrical double layer. Veronika Kralj-Iglic received her Diploma and Ph.D. degrees in physics and M.Sc. degree in biophysics from the Department of Physics, University of Ljubljana. She is an associate professor of biophysics at the University of Ljubljana. Her research interests are in electrostatics and statistical physics of biological membranes, biomechanics of membranes. She is the Head of the Laboratory of Clinical Biophysics at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana. Ursula van Rienen received her Diploma in Mathematics from the Reinische-Friedrich-Wilhelms-University, Bonn, her Ph.D. degree in Mathematics and Scientific Computing from Darmstadt University of Technology (TUD) and her Habilitation in the fields Theoretical Electrical Engineering and Scientific Computing from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at the TUD. Since 1997 she has been a Professor of Theoretical Electrical Engineering at the University of Rostock and one of the leaders of the Research Training Group Welisa (www.welisa.uni-rostock.de). Presently, she is the Vice-Rector for Research at the University of Rostock. Her research work is focused on computational electromagnetics with various applications ranging from biomedical engineering to accelerator physics. Aleš Iglic received his Diploma and Ph.D. degrees in physics and M.Sc. degree in biophysics from the Department of Physics, and Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, all from the University of Ljubljana. Since 2007 he has been holding the position of a full professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. He is also a visiting professor of the Research Training Group Welisa at the University of Rostock and the Head of Laboratory of Biophysics at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. His research interests are in electrostatics and statistical physics of biological membranes.