118 arhitektov bilten • architect's bulletin • 224 • 225 • 226 • 227 Arhitektura. Skulptura. Spomin. / Architecture. Sculpture. Remembrance. Spominski kompleks Slobodište • Kruševac, Srbija • Avtorji: Bogdan Bogdanović, Tomislav Milanović, Svetislav Živić • Material: kamen (belovodski peščenjak), beton, zemeljski nasip, baker • Status: kulturni spomenik velikega pomena občine Kraljevo • Fotografije: Jelica Jovanović, Bogdan Bogdanović, Olja Triaska Stefanović, fotografsko gradivo neznanega avtorja • Besedilo: Jelica Jovanović Memorial complex Slobodište • Kruševac, Serbia • Authors: Bogdan Bogdanović, Tomislav Milanović, Svetislav Živić • Material: Belovode sandstone, concrete, earth bank, copper • Status: cultural monument of significant importance of Municipality of Kraljevo • Photographs: Jelica Jovanović, Bogdan Bogdanović, Olja Triaska Stefanović, unidentified photographic units • Text: Jelica Jovanović 12_ SLOBODIŠTE, KRUŠEVAC, 1965, 1978, 1985 Bogdan Bogdanović, Tomislav Milanović, Svetislav Živić SRB 119arhitektov bilten • architect's bulletin • 224 • 225 • 226 • 227 razstava / exhibition Spominski kompleks Slobodište leži v južnem delu Kruševca, kjer je med drugo svetovno vojno v sedemnajstih skupinskih streljanjih padlo 1643 talcev iz širše okolice mesta. Gradnja spomenika ob vzgojno-popravnem domu se je začela leta 1960 z ureditvijo lokacije, arhitekt Bogdanović pa je naročilo za ureditev dobil leta 1961 od lokalne zveze združenj borcev narodnoosvobodilne vojne. Kompleks je bil dokončan leta 1964, leto zatem pa je dobil ime Slobodište. Od tega leta tu pote- kajo komemorativne slovesnosti pod skupnim naslovom »Svečanosti svobode«, s katerimi od 28. junija do 7. julija obeležujejo Vidov dan, spomin na ustrelitev naj- večje skupine 324 talcev (29. junija 1943) ter dan borca in dan vstaje srbskega naroda. Od devetdesetih let 20. stoletja so te prireditve postale znane kot »Vidov- danske svečanosti«, a v programu pogosto dobijo prostor neprimerne estradne vsebine. Spominski kompleks sestavljajo tri območja. Začne se v Dolini živih (am- fiteater), ki jo Sončna vrata, zgrajena leta 1985, ločujejo od osrednjega prostora, Doline pošte. V tej stoji dvanajst prepoznavnih kamnitih skulptur v obliki razširje- nih kril, na nasipu pa sta vodno kolo in ognjišče. Obe dolini sta krajinska ureditev, oblikovana s težkimi gradbenimi stroji. Tretje območje je avtentična planota Stre- lišče, pod katero so množični grobovi. Neposredno ob kompleksu sta spominski park in Hiša svobode, zgrajena leta 1978. Na širšem zaščitenem območju je bila v smeri naselja Rasadnik predvidena širitev Slobodišta, zasnovana kot spomenik, ki naj bi ga dograjevale prihodnje generacije, a ni bila uresničena. Memorial complex Slobodište is located in the southern part of Kruševac where during World War 2, 1,643 civilian victims from the wider town area were executed in seventeen mass shootings. The construction of the monument next to the juvenile detention centre began in 1960 with the regulation of the site, while architect Bogdanović received the commission for the layout from the local Association of the Union of People’s Liberation War Veterans in 1961. The com- plex was finished in 1964 and given the name Slobodište in 1965. From that year on, commemorative manifestations under the umbrella title “Solemnities of Free- dom” have been held: from 28th June until 7th July, they celebrate Vidovdan (St. Vitus Day), the remembrance of the shooting of the largest group of 324 victims in 1943 on 29th June, as well as Veterans’ Day and Serbian Uprising Day. Begin- ning in the 1990, these events became known as “Solemnities of Vidovdan”; how- ever, the programme often features unsuitable popular music content. The me- morial complex comprises three spatial units. It begins in the Valley of the Living (amphitheatre), which is separated from the central space, the Valley of the Mail, by Solar Gate, built in 1985. There are twelve stone sculptures in the distinct shape of spread wings in the Valley of the Mail, while the earth bank features a water wheel and a fire pit. The landscape regulations of both valleys were done with heavy construction machinery. The third self-contained whole is an authen- tic plateau called the Firing Range with mass graves beneath it. Immediately by the complex, in the primary protected area, there is a memorial park and the House of Freedom, constructed in 1978. In the wider protected area, in the direc- tion of settlement Rasadnik, an expansion was envisaged for Slobodište, designed as a monument to be added to by future generations, but it remains unrealised.