Easter-Time ♦. Cookbook-Time.. Potica-Time ; WOMAN'S GLORY I lir l\ ilclicii ZARJA * DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION MARCH, 1964 NUMBER 3 VOLUME 36 SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA Inslitnhd Drrrnihrr 1(). 1(>26 in Chicago, 111. / nror pomiri/ Drrrmhrr II. 1 (>.?o in I hr Slntc oi Illinois SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA V AMERIKI Ustanovljena 10. decembra 1Q26 v Chicagu, III. Inkorporirana 14. decembra 1027 v državi Illinois. M K M H KR OF NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WO M UN Spiritual Advi.nr— RF.Y. CLAUDE OKORN. O.F.M. 82.< \V. Mineral St.. Milwaukee. Wis. Honorary President MARIF PRISLAND, Sheboygan. Wis hoard or numerous Poumhr MARIF. PRISLAND, 10.U I>‘llingham Ave. Sheboygan. Wis. President- ANTONIA TUREK. 10170 Monterey Ave.. Euclid I". Ohio Seentary- ALBINA NO\ AK, to.<7 \\ . ( crmak Road Chicago S. Illinois Ireasurir—JOSEPHINE ZEI.EZNIKAR. ->045 W. 2, Last 72nd St.. Cleveland. ()hio I uditor—- FRANCF.S J. GASPICH. 01» Nicholson St.. Joliet, III. DIRECTORS of Women’s Youth and Sports Activities: II omen's Division—FI.IZABF.TH ZF.FRAN. 1 <>41 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois Managing Editor—CORINNK I.KSKOVAR. 20.(2 W. Cermak. Chicago S. Illinois I ice-President—MAR IF A. FLORYAN, 58.<0 W. Mineral St., West Allis, Wis. State President of Colorado-Kansas-Missouri— ANNA I'AC'HAK, 200« Oakland St., Pueblo, Colo. State President of Wisconsin— ROSE KRAEMER, 4.5C4 So. K. K., Cudahy, Wis. State President of Ohio-Michigan— ELLA STARIN, 17814 Dillcwood Rd., Cleveland, Ohio State President of Pennsylvania-New York— MARY TOMSIC, Box 202, Strabane, Pa. Slate President of California-Oregon-Washington— ROSE SCOFF, 220S Mariposa, San Francisco, Calif. State President of Illinois-!ndiana— MILDRED JAMES, 10727 Ave. M, Chicago 17, III. State President of Minnesota— BARBARA ROSANDICH, 1212 Sheridan St., Ely, Minn. * :I: * Pi nance Committees: ANTONIA TUREK, MARIE PRISLAND, Sec’y ALBINA NOVAK, JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR Scholarship and Benefit Committer: MARIE PRISLAND, President; ANTONIA TUREK, ALBINA NOVAK ;i! :]i Home Office: 1. So. Chicago '.it St. George's Mali, 2 p. 111. April •"> Anniversary Mass, Hr. 7", Warrensville, Ilgts. O. April IS Card Party. Ur. !>.->. Girard, <>.. S p. in. Slov. Hall May 1 Elephant Sale, Ur. fill, Cleveland. Ohio .Max t Mother's Day Pot-Luck Dinner, Ur. ?:!. Warrensville Ilgts. Ohio Iliri'Y BIRTHDAY J/V MARCH Supreme Officers: March 3 — Ann Podgoršek, Supreme Auditor, Duluth, Minn. March 21! Ella Starin, State President of Ohio-Michigan, Cleveland, Ohio Branch Presidents: March I- Tillie Špehar, Ur. II, Euclid, Ohio March 5 Anna Kastelic, Ur. 91, Oakmont, Pa. March 5 - Mary Pahula, Hr. 31, Soudan, Minn. March 1(1 Helen Schuster, Hr. 37, Greaney, Minn. March 16—Paula Kokal, Ur. 96, Universal, Ft. March 17 Roselyn Shuster, Hr. 47, Garfield, Ilgts, Ohio March 21) Frances Hren, Hr. 38, Chisholm, Minn. March 20 Betty Ann Murphey, Ur. 77. NS. Pittsburgh March 28 — Helen Corel, Hr. !tr>, Brooklyn. N. V. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY ! May It)- Mother’s Day Program, Hr. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. May 2t; - Luncheon and Card Party, Hr. 211, Pittsburgh, I’a.. 1 p. 111., St. Mary’s Hall. Sept. 2 Yearly Card Party, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Sept. 14 Wiener Roast, Hr. 73. W.urensville, Ilgts., O. Sept. 20 35th Anniversary, Hr. 32, Euclid, Ohio Oct. 'j- Annual Birthd'y Celebration, Hr. 73. Warrensville Hgts., Ohio Dec 7- Christmas Party, Ur. 73, Warrensville, Ohio ZARJA ^DAWN OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA VOL. XXXVI. — NO. 3 MARCH, 1964 LETO XXXVI. — ŠT. 3 REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M.: BEHOLD THE MAN The Koman governor, Pontius Pilate, stood before the howling mob, pointed to Jesus wearing the purple robe and the crown of thorns, and spoke those immortal words. “Ecce homo — Behold the Man”. There, before the eyes of the world, He has remained through twenty centuries, the object of wonder and adoration, the Man of Sorrows, the Innocent Savior, the most innocent of men. To Pilate, Jesus was only a man, an unfortunate dreamer, who seemingly was not too clear as to His earthly calling. But to the Christian world He is more than only “the man”. He is the Son of God and also the Son of Man. There lies the reason why He has continued through all these centuries to hold the place in the hearts of men, a place accorded to no other figure in history. In these days when atomic missiles could destroy vast areas, when liate-filled godless dictators rise up a-gainst us, when dissension and differences divide us, 've feel our impotency to gi'asp and solve our twentieth century problems. We grope for someone able to lead, for an arm strong enough to ward off present perils and for a Divine Power to rescue us from the frustrations of our days. Yes, “Behold the Man”. Behold Him, and let your heart swell with gratitude lor all He has done. Show daily in your deeds, so that others — who as yet know not the vision of our Re- deemer — may “Behold the Man”. In the Metropolitan Museum of New York City, there BOWLERS ROLL OFF! WEST ALLIS, WIS. MARCH 14-15 hi, bowlers- Congratulations to Biwabik, Minn., for sending a team to the Midwest Bowling Tournament, March 14-15th at West Allis, Wis., a pretty long distance for the girls to h'avel! We welcome them most heartily! All five girls 'vili bowl in the Doubles, Singles and All Events besides fhe team event! That’s what I call true fratemalism! A thought, serious thought, should be given to a return tournament up in Minnesota. This may be the turning Point for our Midwest League which until now has stayed within Wisconsin and Illinois. Hope this dream becomes a reality and we’ll be off for Minnesota some time soon! For the toumey this month, Chicago (2), leads the field in entries. We shall have 14 teams and 23 sets of doubles, 46 singles and all events. West Allis (17), has 6 teams and 5 sets of doubles, 10 singles and all events. Joliet (20), will be sending 5 teams, and 9 sets of doubles, 18 singles and all events; Oglesby (89), two teams and 5 sets of doubles, 10 singles and all e'rents; Sheboygan (1), two teams, 2 doubles, 4 singles and ^*1 events; LaSalle (24), one team, 2y2 sets of doubles, singles and all events: Biwabik (39), one team, 2y2 sets “ doubles and 5 singles and all events and Milwaukee ^ 3), one team, but all the entries are not in as of the date of this writing. is a masterpiece “Christ before Pilate” by Michael Mun-kacsy. One day a veteran missionary was studying this picture as it hung in a New York church. Three rollicking, tipsy fellows came up behind him, to see what was going on. They slowly removed their hats, while one remarked: “I think I’ll go up nearer and get a better look at that picture.” Half turning, the missionary told him: “Yes, by all means come closer. The nearer you get to Jesus, the better it will be for you.” “Do you really think so, governor?” asked the interested one. “I know so,” answered the priest. “But how do you know, governor?” “Well,” the priest explained, “I have known Him for forty years, and He has never let me down. That picture tells just part of what Ho went through for you and me.” “If you don’t mind, would you tell me something about Him?” begged the now rather sober visitor. Briefly the missionary reviewed the story of Jesus before Pilate, and what it meant for all of us. When he concluded he saw tears in the eyes of his listener, and heard him mutter: “It is a good thing we came here.” Jesus went through all this for us. There would not be any victory without this suffering. His final victory, Ilis resurrection proves that there is no Easter without Good Friday. We have to follow Jesus to gain our victory — salvation of our soul. Happy Easter to you all! Important, on Saturday, the singles and doubles events will begin promptly at 1:00 p. m. Team events on Sunday begin at 10:30 a. m. A complete schedule is in the mail lor each bowler! There will be a get-together for all bowlers after the last squad is through bowling at Kuglitsch’s Arcade. Branch 17, our hostesses, have planned this social for us. You can have your meals right at the Lanes as they have everything and by this, I mean everything! So, we’ll be seeing you at West Allis for a big and great Midwest Bowling Tournament! Elizabeth Zefran, Director Women’s Activities MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ SEMI-ANNUAL MEETING Home Office, Chicago, Illinois, February 17, 18, 1964 The semi-annual meeting of the Board of Directors of S. W. U. was opened on Monday morning, Feb. 17, 1964 at the Home Office in Chicago, 111., at 9:30 a. m. The following officers were in attendance: president Antonia Turek; secretary, Albina Novak; treasurer, Josephine Železnikar and auditors, Anne Podgoršek, Victoria Faletič, Frances Gaspich and editor, Corinne Leskovar. Founder, Marie Prisland, was absent due to illiness. Tne first order of business was the examination of financial books. The audits completed, tali the Directors visited the Metropolitan State Bank to examine and verify the contents of the safety deposit box there. All documents were found in order as specified in the secretary’s financial statement. The auditors expressed their satisfaction that all financial accounts and documents were found to be true and in order. The Directors continued the meeting at the Home Office with the reading of reports which were accepted as read. The Board of Directors extends to Founder, Marie Prisland, their heartiest wishes for a complete and quick return to good health following her recent surgery, ffhey regret not having her present to join in on the deliberations at hand, but know she is with them in spirit. REPORT OF THE SUPREME PRESIDENT Greetings Directors and welcome to our first meeting in this new year of 1964. This meeting is very important because of the preparation for our 13th National Convention held here in Chicago. We have only two days to complete ourf work, auditing the books and discussing the Convention, Campaign and our new revised cookbook. We can accomplish a great deal if we all put our minds to work and make all discussions short and to the point. Founder, Marie Prisland who is unable to attend this meeting due to her recent surgery, has sent in her report. To her, on behalf of all Supreme Officers and members, we wish a very speedy recovery and the Board will miss her especially now with the Convention only a few months away. We shall convene at this meeting to the best of our ability and for the betterment of our organization. Marie Prisland does her work efficiently and promptly and is always looking to invest our money safely and to see it grow. Tragedy has befallen us this past year, first, the loss of our Junior Director, Christine Menart and then, in November, the shocking news that befell us all with the death of President John F. Kennedy. May their souls rest in peace. Pre-Convention membership campaign which will soon be over will exceed our previous one, I hope. At the last drive, we enrolled 339 members. We are in great need of new members, so that we can replenish the ones that are leaving us and that is a great number as you all see in the report of the Supreme Secretary, Albina Novak. Convention is only a few months away and delegates elected have been receiving all information regarding the convention through the Zarja. Supreme Secretary shall inform you either by mail or in the organ, of details. It is very important that all delegates come prepared with a written report as this shall save a lot of time at the convention. As you know, it lasts only three days and we have to get all the work done in those few days. State Presidents have done a wonderful job, not only in the past year but all previous three years. Seems to me that there is more enthusiasm in Zveza since the State Presidents have been elected. They all are working their very best in their respective territories. I know that their reports at the convention will be terrific with all the fine accounts of their activities in the past three years. I attended the Illinois-Indiana and Pennsylvania Conventions and find that great prestige is found among the members and friends that attend these conventions and are looking forward to attend the coming year. My sincere appreciation to all the State Presidents for their fine leadership and interest that make these affairs most commemorable. Branch 18 members have decided at the December meeting to merge with Br. 41, Cleveland. These two branches are in the same section which is the Collinwood area of Cleveland and the merging was celebrated at the January 14, 1964 meeting which I attended. I am sure that all the members of Br. 18 will be very happy to be in the fold with their new sisters of Br. 41. I surprised the ladies of Br. 14 by attending their meeting in January and had the honor of installing the officers for 1964. The Bazaar held by Cleveland branches on Oct. 13, 1963 was another success. Success is accomplished with the support and help of good, hardworking members. This bazaar kept me very busy and gave us a lot of worries, but when it was over, I was very pleased that everything went so smoothly and another project was accomplished. New columnist for Pots and Pans in Zarja will be Hermine Dicke. She is the daughter of Mrs. Marie Prisland. We all know that she will be very efficient in contributing this column each month. Congratulations and we are happy to have you with us, Hermine. I am very pleased to read of our Juniors who have been contributing nice articles on their experiences and activities in the Junior Pages of Zarja. Juniors who are very active come from Wisconsin, Illinois, New York and Ohio. Cleveland has a bowling league consisting of 12 teams and also an active Baton and Drill team. We were also happy to welcome a new contributor to the Junior Page under the name, Regina. Good luck to her. Women’s Bowling tournaments will be held in March. Cleveland bowlers get together on March 1st and Midwestern bowlers at Milwaukee on March 14th and 15th, under the direction of Supreme Officer, Elizabeth Zefran. The revised cookbook, Woman’s Glory — The Kitchen, edited by Marie Prisland and Albina Novak is a very beautiful and bulging book with delicious recipes. I call it the souvenir book as it tells the history of our Zveza since it has been organized and also the picture of the Slovenian potica which was baked by our former Auditor, Mary Lenich of Eveleth, served at the inaugural of the late President. Delay in shipment of books made it very inconvenient not to have it earlier than Christmas, but it couldn’t be helped. Officers ini Chicago started shipping the books hot off the presses to the branches and to me so that we were able to get a few out before the holidays. Secretary Novak and Editor Leskovar mailed out 1400 books during Christmas week which was a lot of work and especially so because of the postal rush at that time. But, as they say, the show must go on and so it was with our cookbooks. There was a great demand right from the start, so the shipment I received on Dec. 31st sent out immediately to orders I had on hand. Many books were sent out the same day the orders were received. So far I have not received any complaints about lost or damaged books sent from Cleveland but Inail was held up in Chicago due to the massive Christmas rush there. Now, books are selling fast and most of the branches are reordering which is helping immensely to lessen the stock. It will not take too long to dispose of them. State President of Colorado, Anna Pachak, already has sold 200 books. I wish to thank each and every one taking part in helping to sell them. Most of my services that I have been performing each day for the organization I write each month in my column in Zarja. This concludes my six month report. May we have a pleasant session. Antonia Turek REPORT OF SECRETARY FINANCE BOARD AND PRESIDENT SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE I am sorry to be unable to attend this meeting because of ill health. My report is as follows: The last 6 months of 19G3 we had numerous business transactions, namely: $23,000.00 U. S. Treasury Bonds matured. They were purchased for $21,763.00. Gain on sale $1,237.00. In- terest received $3,850.00. Total net gain $5,087.00. Massachusetts Investors Growth shares were sold (8G0 shares). Sale price $7,283.00. Purchase price was $6,- 420.00. Gain on sale $8G3.G0. Interest received in the 3% years held $898.80. Total net gain $1,7G2.40. New Purchases $G,000.00 Sisters of Providence, St. Mary’s of the Woods, Indiana, direct obligation bonds. Mature date 5/1/76. Interest rate 5Vs%- $5,000.00 Sisters of Charity direct obligation notes, House of Providence, Seattle, Washington. Mature date 2/1/72. Interest 5%. $10,000.00 Diocese of Miami, Florida, direct obligation bonds. Interest 51/* %. Mature date 1 /15/78. $7,000.00 U. S. Treasury Bonds. Purchase price $6,908.00. Interest rate 4.05%. Mature date 11/15/67. Scholarship Fund Balance on hand July 1, 1963 ....................... $7,426.29 Income: Ella Starin in memory of Agnes Widmar 5.00 Antonia Turek in memory of brother John 10.00 Vicki Faletič in memory of her father 5.00 Frances Gaspich in memory of her Family 5.00 Anton Grahovec, So. Chicago, 111., membership fee 10.00 Anthony Birk, New York, donation 10.00 Marie Prisland in memory of Mr. Herbert E. Nimmer 5.00 Jackie Nimmer, Elm Grove, Wis., in memory of her husband 100.00 Josephine Schlosar, Elm Grove, memory of Mr. Herbert E. Nimmer 10.00 Antonia Turek in memory of Mr. Nimmer 4.00 Antonia Turek in memory of Mary Helen Gaspich 3.00 Antonia Turek in memory of J. Krasovich 3.00 Mary Tomsic in memory of Angela Križman 5.00 Marie Prisland in memory of Mr. Frank Fale 5.00 Interest: Community Federal S. and L. St. Louis, Mo. 112.50 Sheboygan Savings and Loan, Sheboygan, Wis. 37.80 Transfer from Benefit Fund 36.40 366.70 Total $7,792.99 Disbursements: Rosanne Savol, Scholarship 100.00 Joan Mahaffay, Scholarship 100.00 Albina Novak, refund of money stolen from the sale of handwork at the convention in Detroit, May 1952 138.00 338.40 Balance on hand January 1, 1961 $7,454.59 Our new Cookbook is well received by the public. Several thousand copies have been already sold, which 18 gratifying to the editors seeing their work appreciated. The collection and editing of the historical data pertaining to our organization was completed and was forwarded—as per their requests—to the University of Ljubljana and the University of Minnesota. The Slovenian Women’s Union will be well represented at these two Historical Centers. The Scholarship Committee is very grateful to Mrs. Jackie Nimmer, Elin Grove, Wis., for her generous donation to the Scholarship Fund in memory of her husband. The Committee wishes also to thank the other donors. Branch 17, at West Allis, celebrated its 35th anniver-sary last October. The officers and the committees presented an enjoyable program. A delegation from Sheboygan attended this celebration including myself. A hearty welcome to the new Junior Page contributor, Mrs. Olga Ancel (Regina), member of Branch 20, Joliet. I am confident that with her ability and pleasing personality she will make an excellent contributor. The scholarship grants were given to Rosanne Savol and Joan Mahaffay. The third applicant, Mr. Joseph Skorjanec, has not sent in his college credentials, without which the scholarship grant is not paid. Best wishes for a successful Convention! Marie Prisland SUPREME SECRETARY’S REPORT Greetings to all Directors attending this meeting. In the last half of 1963 work went on as usual and the number of death claims to pay has been growing. We paid out the amount of $9,400.00 which was for 83 cases in Class A, 7 in Class B. Steadily increasing is the number of members who reach the age of 75 and do not contribute to the mortuary fund and also the number of members reaching the age of 80 who pay no dues. This means that the collection of assessment is decreasing and it is very important we all work hard to get new members, and that goes for every branch. A major expense of the last period was the investment in cookbooks which will be returned along with the proceeds when the sale is completed. The editing took a lot of time and effort, especially on the part of Mrs. Marie Prisland. The Benedictine Press did a very good job considering all sides. The only regret I have to mention is the poor postal service at the holiday time which held up delivery of the much needed books to our many branches. We are now receiving books returned through the mails which were not delivered. Our president is doing a very good job in distributing the books to the branches and also to individual orders. I have tried to be of assistance in every way possible. The Pre-Convention Membership Campaign is moving along very slowly. We have enrolled 170 members to date. It is hoped that the results of the drive will be much better with the final month of activity before us. The member to be honored as Queen will well deserve this distinguished honor. Convention time means a great deal of work for this office. The reservation forms from the Hotel Morrison have now arrived and we will send them out to our delegates. The credentials have been coming in and the consolidated branches have also been responding. We should have a complete list in a few weeks. Since the number of delegates is not too large and hotel accomodations very satisfactory, it is hoped that there will be many visitors from all cities who will take this opportunity to see Chicago and participate in the program planned by Chicago members. To make the work easier for the subordinate secretaries, I have been anxious to plan an hour’s meeting with them at the Convention. I believe we would all benefit by a short explanation of procedure and other regulations. Last Sept. and Oct., we were! fortunate in securing a number of new members who are interested in making the trip to Europe which our organization is sponsoring this year. The members who have taken these trips are well satisfied with the accomodations and it seems to be a worthwhile promotion of our Si. W. U. at the same time. Mrs. Prisland has covered the investments of the last six months which work is to her credit and is to be complimented. Our editor has done herself honors and also the organization with the beautiful publication that the members receive which binds them together in joy and harmony. We know one thing and that is that our members have grown to love Zarja more and more. Contributors to Zarja have been also been very loyal and have given Zarja many beautiful pages. Needless to mention, we have an outstanding and intelligent editor. To the contributors and editor, our compliments. During my absence because of the trip to Slovenia I am conducting on June 16, the work will go on as always in the office. I will be home, God willing on July 13th to greet all who will come to our annual pilgrimage in Sjeniont where we have been assembling for the past 25 years. I have many more suggestions which will come (luring the discussions. Albina Novak (The G month Financial Report will follow in next month’s issue.) REPORT OF THE SUPREME TREASURER Today we are again assembled for the semi-annual meeting with thoughts of the convention uppermost in our minds. It is appropriate that we give full time to this subject and I hope that the discussions will be for the success of the convention and benefit of our organization as a whole. My report is given for the period of 6 months, as a summary of the Supreme Secretary’s report which you have checked and with which I am in complete agreement. Income for six months ........................... $37,887.97 Expenses for same period ..................... 33,219.55 Gain in six months .............................. $ 4,668.42 Balance, June 30, 1963 ......................... $486,575.54 Balance $491,243.96 Depreciation on property............................. 363.67 Balance of assets, Dec. 31 1963 $490,880.29 Therefore, the last six months shows a small gain in the total statement but this mainly due to the investment in the S. W. U. Cookbook which was published in that period. We hope the cookbooks will bring us a fine return on the initial investment. Another reason for the small gain is the increase in death claims which reached 90 for six months. In September, I attended the Minnesota Zveza Day as the official representative of this Bward. Also, the day was in celebration of the anniversary of Br. 56. the hostesses of the state convention. The large number of members attending, over 300, made me very happy and proud and we must give recognition to these fine branches in Minnesota for their cooperation and togetherness that they demonstrate each year at their events. My sincere thanks to them in behalf of my husband and myself for the courtesies extended and especially to Mary and Tony Lenich of Eveleth for their hospitality and friendship. This concludes my brief report for the six months. Accept my warmest regards. Josephine Železnikar REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT OF AUDITING COMMITTEE My sincerest greetings to our esteemed directors gathered here today at our semi-annual meeting. Am sorry Mrs. Prisland was unable to attend because of illness. May God restore her health real soon. We shall miss her very much. There will be much to do and many discussions held, this being our last meeting before our convention in May. We hope and pray our discussions will be benefitted by all the members. We, the auditors, have carefully examined all the ledgers of the Secretary, Treasurer and President of Scholarship Fund, Editor of Zarja and found all in perfect order. We also examined the contents of the safety deposit box consisting of bonds, savings accounts and other important documents. They too, were found in perfect order. We are fortunate to have such fine officers as Mrs. Prisland who does the investing, Mrs. Novak and Mrs. Železnikar who keep the investments in such fine order and the business at hand. They are to be congratulated. I am very satisfied with the attendance at all our meetings and also upon the growth of membership in our small community. To date in this drive we have enrolled 12 adults and 12 children, of these 5 adults and 7 children are to my credit. By all reports, Minnesota Day held in Hibbing was a huge success. Was sorry I could not attend, but was confident it would be successful as each one seems better every year. Our branch chartered a bus to attend and it was filled to capacity. We are in hopes of chartering a bus to attend at least the opening days of the convention depending greatly on working conditions which are rather shaky at this time. The Zveza cookbooks are beautiful and contain many wonderful recipes. Congratulations tai our Pot and Pans writer, Hermine Dicke. I am sure she will keep our homemakers happy as everyone loves this column. God bless each and everyone. Ann Podgoršek REPORT OF SECOND SUPREME AUDITOR Greetings to all! The Supreme Board meets twice a year to check over all business transactions and thoroughly re-checks all incoming and outgoing organizational records. This we have done and have found them to be in perfect order. When examinations are completed then we proceed with other business at hand. For the interest of our S. W. U., the officers do their utmost to comply with the wishes of all of the branches and its members. Whenever a problem arises they try their best to simplify in making it according to rules and regulations. These laws are made at our conventions and they abide by them. In Br. No. 25 we have had quite a nice showing at most meetings. Being present at meetings gets you better acquainted with your members, new friends are made and many plans can be put into action. Togetherness, that’s the spirit! Bazaars, balte-sales, demonstra-strations in cooking ability, style shows, tours and pilgrimages, you name it — we have participated in every activity possible to prove that the S. W. U. ladies are on the ball. Come spring, it seems the excellent tonic for most of us is to get on the go. We have chosen "Mother of the Year”, a great event in any mother’s life and she is none other than our reigning Queen, MARY KOEEGAR, truly a favorite. May will be the month in which her picture will appear in the Zarja as also “Mothers’ of all branches picked according to their deeds and achievements. Zveza is a good organization to belong to because you can socialize, climb to the top or just relax by attending meetings and listening to news and views. Vicki Faletič REPORT OF THE THIRD SUPREME AUDITOR My greetings to you Supreme Officers. We have gathered here to check the Union’s ledgers, that is, the Supreme Secretary, Supreme Treasurer, President of the Scholarship Fund, also of the editor of Zarja (Dawn); we also checked the investments in the deposit box at the bank and report that everything is in perfect order. My wish is that our meeting will be successful in our deliberations as this will be our last meeting before the convention which will be held in May here in Chicago. In the present campaign our branch has enrolled some new members, and I hope we will be able to sign up more before the campaign closes. As you know the Midwest Bowling Tournament will be held in Milwaukee, Wis., March 14th and 15th and the Joliet bowlers will participate. This concludes my report and wish you all well. Frances J. Gaspich EDITOR’S REPORT Esteemed Directors: From scholarships to recipes, from membership campaigns to European tours, the S. W. U. has been busy promoting activities and proceeding in the best way ahead in the past six months. In Zarja we have been able to follow these events and become closer allied to one another across the counrty. The essays of our three Scholarship winners of the year were printed in July along with their photos on the cover, thus showing how deeply Interested we are in the education and future careers of our top students. Of great interest to every homemaker, whatever her culinary knowledge has been, “Pots and Pans” column so energetically begun by our Founder, Marie Prisland some years ago is gaining in popularity all the time. Recently we have been pleased to welcome her successor to the column, Mrs. Hermine Dicke of Madison, Wis., who will carry on in the tradition of her mother emphasizing good taste in all things. We have been following with the progress of our membership drives which bring us a constant flow of new members. The campaign results were annouced in the September issue showing a total of 239 new members. Since October, we have promoted the current campaign most effectively and tried to bring the image of the Convention Queen closer to our members. Interspersed with our other branch news has been reporting of all types. State events and branch anniversaries show that a great deal of work has been done to make them successful. In the period we are reporting today, from July to December, 19G3, four state convention procedures were given, namely: Minnesota, Wisconsin, Colorado-Kansas-Missouri and Illinois-Indiana; also the anniversaries of branches 37, 23, 25 and 89 were covered with pictures and stories. Special events such as the Lemont Zveza Day, Ohio State Bazaar and bowling tournaments were written fully in Zarja. Anyone reading of these events must feel closer to the organization and better able to appreciate its purpose and aims. Gaining each year has been interest in travel so we find great success in our various excursions, especially those to Europe. Members and their families have been able to take advantage of low costs for travel through group rates. For those who could not make the trip, reading about them was enjoyment. In three installments, Mrs. Prisland has brought you highlights of her recent trip abroad and we have been able to read the memoirs of other members as they write from time to time. The messages of our spiritual director, Fr. Claude O.F.M. and our regular reporters tend to offset the strictly organizational matter issued from the Home Office so to make for good reading. In addition Our Supreme President’s reports are always enjoyable and inspiring to the membership. So, we have had six beautiful issues of Zarja which were vital experiences for all our readers who were able to catch the pulsebeat of the organization in its pages. To end the year of 1963 our December issue carried several pages of Christmas greetings solicited by our most gracious and thoughtful officers, Mrs. Anne Pachalt of Pueblo, Mrs. Christine Konte of Canon City, Mrs. Mary l^enich of Eveleth and Mrs. Ella Starin of Cleveland. They realize that this is the only way we have to cover the many extra expenses incurred throughout the year. I wish to make this acknowledgement to them and all who have been able to send in any donations for engrav-vings, etc., during the year. Thank you very much. Three issues of Zarja, Sept., Oct., and Nov., carried the Slovenian language text in a larger print. We were anxious to see if there would be comment made to it and preference given. Since there was not sufficient notice taken by the older members, I must assume the regular type is just as agreeable to them, hence the experiment shows no evidence for larger printing. I wish to make a mention of the January and February 1964 issues because they are yet close to mind. When on Nov. 2'2nd the deed was done that no one ever could have believed was possible, our members, along with all Americans felt the most tremendous shock. Our Zarja offered a means of showing this in a most vivid way. Tributes to our late President began coming in from inany of our members who gave expression to their grief in their own words. We were touched by the words of many who had seen or heard President Kennedy in life and recalled those memories in print. We wished to become a part of the world’s mourning and I believe we did in a simple yet deeply touching way through the cover picture in January, obtained through the United Press International office in Chicago, the eulogy ‘‘Zdaj nimam nikogar, ki bi se z menoj igral” and the personal portrait “He had that special grace”, plus other contributions. We have sent these issues to the Kennedy family in the name of the membership and thank all those who have commented on the beauty of Zarja’s tribute. At the last semi annual meeting of the Board of Directors, discussion on the state of our Zveza mailing list was rather thorough and at that time I explained the procedure which was being followed to make better order of it. I hope that the careful checking that has been going on in the past year will result in fewer complaints from our branches. We are still receiving over one hundred changes of address every month from the post-office and individual members which must be checked and recliecked. I hope that the secretaries who haven’t as yet sent in complete membership lists will do so in the near future. Another discussion of our last meeting centered about Junior page writing for Zarja and encouragement of our youth to participate in it. We hope renewed spirit will be forthcoming now with a new writer, who wishes to be called Regina. Her introductory material in the February issue just opens the door to many more fine junior pages in the future. The new cookbook venture which the organization has undertaken this past fall also was a special interest of mine and I am happy to hear the good reports of fast and enthusiastic sales. I have keenly been interested in the activities of our local branch where I am an officer and as such have participated in their many functions such as the annual Lemont Zveza Day in July which brought hundreds of friends together, the Ill.-Ind. State Convention in August for which I took charge of the program and the youngsters’ Christmas party in December. I believe all these social activities are an integral part of our organization and form the basis of understanding and sisterhood. All our thoughts now turn to the convention this May. A great delegation and many visitors will come to this city, so the local committee is busily arranging a good schedule of activities. We of the Board of Directors must also plan constructively so that the convention runs smoothlv and successfully. I know that Zarja will be one of the discussions of the convention and anticipating this, hope that we shall pre-determine the best course to follow so that the final decisions will really be the best for the future of the publication and the organization. EDITOR’S FINANCIAL REPORT Recapitulation Balance, June 30, 19G3 ................................ $124.70 Income: Subscriptions $10.00 Donations for cuts 43.00 Kollander Travel Bureau Advertisment 100.00 Christmas ads 188.00 Miscellaneous ads 10.00 $351.00 Total $475.70 Expenses: Engravings 136.93 Postage 62.43 Typewriter (overhaul) 41.75 Awards 39.75 Stationery and rubber stamps 22.68 Photos and subs. 27.00 Miscellaneous supplies 11.76 $342.30 Balance, Dec, 31. 1963 $133.40 Corlnne Leskovar The Secretary read the correspondence received and the following reports by Supreme and State officers were read and filed. REPORT OF THE SUPREME VICE-PRESIDENT Sincere greetings and best wishes — Supreme Officers! I sincerely hope that this meeting of 1964 will be very successful in all of your discussions and plans as this is the convention year for S. W. U. where very imporant matters are coming up. In the Supreme President’s Campaign when so many branches participated in enrolling new members it was indeed gratifying to see that they really worked hard to attain their goal. Congratulations for a job well done. May this Campaign even be more successful! Our branch celebrated its 35th Anniversary on Sunday, October 6, 1903 with a High Mass for the living and dead members followed by a breakfast and a short program at which time we honored our organizer, Mrs. Josephine Schlosar and charter members with a small remembrance for their hard work through the years. The Foundress, Marie Prisland and Rose Kraemer, Wisconsin State President, attended this celebration. This year and for the first time our branch will be the hostess for the Midwest Bowling Tournament, which will be held March 14-15 at Kuglitsch, So. 44th and W. Greenfield. A hearty welcome is extended to the Supreme officers, members, and their friends to attend. Sincere thanks to all of the Supreme Officers for their hard work throughout the year, to the various writers who make the Dawn magazine enjoyable reading. A welcome mat is extended to our new Pots and Pans writer, Hermine Dicke. Congratulations are in order for Albina Novak, Supreme Secretary for 35 years of faithful service to the S. W. U. I wish you many more years of good health. My best wishes for a successful meeting and may God bless you all. Marie A. Floryan REPORT OF THE STATE PRESIDENT OF OHIO MICH. Esteemed Supreme Officers and Directors: Accept my heartfelt greetings and hopes that you will have a very successful meeting which will be for the benefit and progress of our organization. May this year be for you one of good health and happiness. Since this is the last meeting before the Convention, it is my special hope that all your deliberations will be blessed with complete success. Hearty greetings! Ella Starin REPORT OF THE STATE PRESIDENT OF COLORADO—KANSAS—MISSOURI Greetings to all assembled at today’s pre-convention meeting. After nearly three years since the last convention, I submit my brief report on the work of Zveza and our branch, No. 3, for which I enrolled a number of members. Every year I attempt to help by soliciting some advertisements for our publication, also, announcements of death or memoriams. I have been trying to support Zarja in this way to add that if the 25c contribution from each member per year is to remain, Zarja be enlarged for a 32 page issue every month. Zarja is the most attractive promotion for our organization and delights the members every month. As you all know, our State Conventions in Colorado have been very successful especially because guests attend from over the state. The next session will be in September, place yet to be announced. We had a very fine Christmas party for our juveniles with a great number of them attending as well as the adult members. Each child who attends the December meeting receives goodies valued at 35c and other treats, and we enjoy having the youngsters with us. Congratulations to Honorary President, Marie Prisland and Supreme Secretary Albina Novak for the outstanding work they have done with the new S. W. U. cookbook. Recipes, history of our S. W. U., old customs of our land, these are the things that make it something special for those that will follow. My compliments to sister Mary Lenich for the beautiful potica pictured in the book, Woman’s Glory—The Kitchen, giving it added honor. As a Supreme Officer since the year 194G, I urged all delegates who are preparing to attend the convention to come with ideas and recommendations beneficial to the organization and not only to have a social time at the Union’s expense. To the convention, I wish the best success possible and I hope that many good things will be recomended for the betterment of this wonderful and singular Slovenian Women’s Union. I hope also that we have increased our ranks in the current membership drive. In conclusion, my thanks to Rev. C. Okorn, O.F.M., Hon. Pres. Marie Prisland, Supr. Pres., A. Turek for their interesting writing in Zarja, to Supr. Sec’y Albina Novak for good business at the Home Office, and to the Editor for the nicely edited Zarja. May God bless our work and may we all recognize that the S.W.U. is the best heritage we can leave American Slovenian women. Anna Pachak REPORT OF STATE PRESIDENT OF PENNSYLVANIA Best wishes in the new year, 19G4. I wish a most successful meeting and hope that all motions and decisions will be for the progress of our organization. The Penna. State Convention which was held Oct. 6th in Strabane was very nice and we enjoyed the attendance of many branches throughout the state who came for this event* Thanks to Mrs. Turek for her nice speech and the large group of members who accompanied her from Cleveland. Sincere thanks also to those members who have worked in the membership drive. We are grateful to our Supreme Officers who carefully control the business of this organization. A sincere thank-you to Rev. C. Okorn, O.F.M., for his inspiring articles in Zarja and to Mrs. Prisland for her O, Ta Svet column. Also, to the Editor for the nicely edited publication. It is now 25 years of presidency for me with our branch No. 71. I have also tried to attend as many functions as possible, especially of the branches in Cleveland, Ohio. Sincere wishes to all for the new year and for many good decisions at the 13th National Convention. Mary Tomsic Greetings to the Board of Directors at this meeting were sent by the following: Bara Kramer, San Francisco., Calif., Mary Lenich, Eveleth, Minn., Pauline Stampfel, Mary Otoničar and Dorothy Stemisha, Cleveland, Ohio, Josephine Livek, Oglesby, 111., and Helen Corel, Brooklyn, N. Y. Cookbook: “Woman’s Glory — The Kitchen” is introduced by the President. A complete report is given by the two officers who are present and dealt with the editing, printing and distribution of the cookbooks. This is a project which began six months ago and is now nearing completion with a fine financial return in so short a time. As an introduction to the discussion, the Secretary is asked to present a description of how the cookbook was compiled and printed. She does so emphasizing the vast amount of work and time involved for all processes. After completion of the printing and binding of the book in December, a shipment of 3500 were sent to the President in Cleveland. Some arrived just in time for Christmas. At this meeting, the President is happy to present a check for $2,500.00 as payment on part of the 2149 books already distributed among the branches and to individual orders. She adds her hopes that by the tiime of the Convention, all the books may be disposed of and paid. The Secretary in Chicago shipped out 1500 books to branches. The Secretary reports some loss on shipments through the mails; Also, some were damaged in shipment due to the heavy Christmas rush. Those will be disposed of at cost. The Directors are grateful to the persons who dealt with this matter. Ways and means of further advertising the book are also discussed and this will be handled in Cleveland by the President, in Chicago by the Secretary, and Sheboygan by the Founder, Mrs. Prisland. The Directors forward compliments they have heard on the book to its co editors, Mrs. Prisland and Mrs. Novak, adding their pleasure at having such a complete and interesting household manual. The extra features in the cookbook which were the idea of Mrs. Prisland and her responsibility, were very well carried through. The Directors consider it a fine promotion for the organization, and will do all in their might to bring it to a successful conclusion. The President opens the discussions on the forthcoming Convention in Chicago, 111, the Home Office city, May 17 to 20, 1964. The Secretary gives a report on the consolidation of branches which are not in themselves entitled to a delegate. These 'are the branches with less than 100 members. The joining of smaller branches was completed and announced before the February branch meetings and a number of them have already complied with their candidates. The Directors estimate almost the same number* of delegates for this convention as in 1901. The following is the program of activities tentatively arranged by the Board of Directors for the 13th National S. W. U. Convention, May 17-20, 1964 at Hotel Morrison, Chicago, 111.: CONVENTION PROGRAM OF EVENTS Sunday, May 17: 9:00 to 10:30 a. m. Registration of Del- egates and Visitors at Hotel Morrison 11:30 a. m. Solemn High Mass at St. Stephen’s Slovenian Catholic Church, 1:00 p. m. Dinner and Program at St. Stephen’s Gym Hall. Note: The arrangements for Sunday have been made to accomodate those traveling for this one day only. Monday, May 18: 9:00 a. m. Presentation of Credentials by Delegates followed by seating of delegation 10:00 a. m. First Convention Meeting 1:30 p. m. Memorial to dec. members 2:30 p. m. Second Convention Meeting Tuesday, May 19: 9:00 a. m. Third Convention Meeting 2:00 p. m. Sightseeing tour of Chicago 7:00 p. m. Grand Convention Banquet at Morrison Hotel, Crowning of Convention Queen and Program follows Wednesday, May 20: 9:00 a. m. Fourth Convention Meeting 1:30 p. m. Fifth Convention Meeting (Luncheon for delegates has been arranged at the Morrison Hotel every day from 12:30 until 1:30 for convenience of delegates.) The Morrison Hotel in downtown Chicago, convention headquarters, has had reservation cards printed which are being sent to every delegate and to those localities where visitors are expected. The Cleveland visitors will have two buses already being planned under the supervision of Mrs. Turek and Mrs. Faletič. Minnesota visitors are also chartering a bus with Mrs. Podgoršek in charge. They expect to make a side trip to Lemont, 111., also. Visitors from Ohio, Pennslyvania and New York are invited to join the Cleveland buses and may contact Mrs. Turek. For those who are interested in visiting Lemont, the site of the Slovenian Franciscan Shrine to Marija Pomagaj, located 30 miles from Chicago, there will be accomodations available Saturday, May 16th for meals and overnight stay. The group will then travel to Chicago on Sunday morning in time for the Mass at 11:30 a. m. A lengthy discussion on the procedure for the convention and related activities is the order of business Tuesday, Feb. 18, 1964 from 9:30 a. m. until noon. The Directors continue with a discussion on the current membership Scene of 13th National Convention meetings Morrison Hotel, Chicago campaign and Crowning of Convention Queen, which takes place at the Convention. She will receive a gift from every Supreme Officer besides an award from the organization for being the top campaigner in this drive. Her fare to and from the Convention City will be paid as her prize. Members of the local Bnanch in Chicago will do the honors in escorting the Queen at the Banquet. Guests are also expected, if possible, from the veteran Cleveland drill team, and will perform as they did in Cleveland at the Ohio Bazaar last fall. One of the most delightful and profitable sidelights of the Convention is to be the traditional Handwork Exhibit, proceeds of which go into the Scholarship Fund. The items brought by delegates and visitors are put on display and then for sale. The Board urges all branches to prepare handwork that will be donated for this display. In order to give recognition to officers of long-standing, the Board requests the Secretary to compile a list of all officers with 25 years service who are still in office, for a special Honor Roll in Zarja. In general, it is the opinion of the Board of Supreme Officers that all branch officers have the responsibility of vitalizing and keeping active their local branches and to do everything possible to help the organization grow and prosper. It is especially important at the branch level. All encouragement should be given to the hard working officers and there are many of them who deserve utmost praise for their self-sacrificing ways. The Directors are grateful for their work and continued interest. Based on a proposal made at a previous meeting, the Secretary is instructed to prepare a Memory Plaque sample to be shown at the Convention and orders taken. This Memory Plaque will be available to every branch for nominal cost and is to be used in connection with funerals of their members. The words to be inscribed are: “In Loving Memory of Our Departed Member” under an emblem of the S. W. U. The Pre-Convention Membership Campaign is deliberated by the Board. The winner will be the one who has the most members enrolled as of March 31, 1964. The prize winner — that is, the Convention Queen — will be determined by the number of members and if there Is any descrepancy, classification of new members will be considered. Princess will be the second highest worker. The State President of IUinois-Indiana, Mildred James extends an invitation to a Supreme Officers to be present for the State Convention to be held at Oglesby, 111., this year. The Officers will try to arrange the semi-annual meeting to co-incide with the State Convention date. Recommendations on By-l^aw changes will be presented by Mrs. Prisland at the Convention. The Bowling Tournaments sponsored by S. W. U. are enthusiastically received by many sports-minded young women reported Mrs. Turek and Women’s Activities Director, Elizabeth Zefran at this meeting. The Eastern Tournament on March 1st in Cleveland is growing each year and has become a very favorable one day tournament. For the Midwest, Mrs. Zefran has an estimated entry of 35 teams meeting on March 14-15 at West Allis, Wis. with branch 17 hostessing. This classic is one of the best promotions of the organization in the midwest area. It is Mrs. Zefran’s opinion that more sports activities should be encouraged by participation in tournaments and the like. Along with her comments on the sports program of S. W. U., Mrs. Zefran recommends an excursion to Canada this summer which will be based on the number of reservations she receives in the next two months and another excursion for members and their families to California in the summer of 1965 to visit our members there well as to enjoy the sights. The board takes her recommendations under advisement. A lengthly discussion is begun on the subject of the cost of our monthly publication, Zarja. The officers take into consideration the report of the President and Secretary concerning the difficulties that have arisen with the 25c increase asked of every member. The officers are in complete agreement that some contribution from the mem- bers will continue to be necessary. The Editor suggests that consideration be made to keep Zarja in its present form. Possible future increases in costs according to the current trend and related information will be reported at the Convention. The Secretary reiterates her statement of past meeting that the Insurance Dept, of the State of Illinois makes strict regulations as to fund expenditures and this has been the basis for all proposals to increase the revenue. As to the content of Zarja, the Board is happy to see continued interest on the part of the reporters and readers, and that the Editor has had good cooperation from all. Zarja continues to be a fine publication. The Youth Activities in Cleveland between branches 25 and 50 are still in progress. Conscientious leaders such as Ernestine Jevec for the drill teams and Pauline Vegal with the junior bowlers help to keep juvenile interest high. The Directors note the fact that activities are gaining in other branches as well. It is recomended that Youth activities be one of the main points of discussion at the Convention. The president calls for adjournment at G p. m. with a fond wish for a safe return home to all Directors and the concluding prayer. Antonia Turek, President Corinne Leskovar, Recording Secretary ACTIVITIES No. 2, Chicago, III. It was a very important and busy meeting last month and one of the first items on the agenda was to welcome six new enrollees. Thanks to our hard-working officers and members. Election of two delegates for the convention this May in our town resulted in two capable reprsentatives Frances Zilbert and Stephie Osterman who will surely represent the branch well as they know all there is about our group. Alternates are Jennie Puhek and Luba Troha. Convention talk took up most of the evening with many plans discussed for the dinner at St. Stephen’s which will follow the High Mass on Sunday, May 17th. This dinner and program to follow will be very enjoyable, so we hope many of our neighboring communities will attend. The branch will also issue a convention program book for which the chairman is Elizabeth Zefran. The ads at very nominal cost will be solicited among all branches. We discussed the handwork exhibit for the Convention again, and that brought about a proposal which has already seen some results. Our branch will organize a sewing circle, that is, sewing, knitting, crocheting and all kinds of hand work. The ladies will meet every Monday at the Home Office, 1937 W. Cermak to work together and at the same time learn some new ideas and have a little cof-fee-klatch! The ladies are invited anytime during the afternoon or evening and this will be decided as time goes on. For now, they meet at 6:30 p. m. All that is required to attend is to bring your own work and tools! It is hoped that by the time of the Convention, Br. 2 will have something to show! At the last meeting Mrs. Troha donated two lovely crocheted dresser scarves, and that’s how this whole subject started. So, thanks very much, Mrs. Troha. (See picture in Slovenian section.) Our Br. 2 will sponsor its own bowling team for the Midwest Tourn-ment on March 14-15 at West Allis. It will join 13 teams from Chicago who will participate in the tourney. Hope they come home with the trophy. The members are asked to remember our sick, especially those hospitalized. Our loyal Paula Ozbolt, a patient at Silver Cross Hospital in Joliet is due to be moved to Sacred Heart Convelescent home in Chicago. We know she’d appreciate a card. Sr. Maximilijana, now residing in Rome, sent New Year and Easter wishes to all members via a beautiful card that was read at the meeting. Also, the members extend best wishes for recovery to Mayme Kochevar Vota, Jennie Primozich and Mary Klaczinski, all very good members. Happy Easter to all members. Corinne Leskovar No. 3, Pueblo, Colo. Here we are on the threshold of Easter. Greetings to all. The December meeting was successful with a nice attendance. We had a nice Christmas social and were especially happy to have our little ones present. In behalf of the branch, thanks to the S. W. U. for the donation towards the children’s party. It is sad to think that with 300 members on the roll, we didn’t have e-nough to elect all the officers needed. Therefore, we shall continue as best we can in the future. We are proud to have 21 members who have reached the age of 80 or over and best wishes to member, Gertrude Muhich who in December celebrated her 90th birthday. Congratulations to our chosen Mother, Lucille Jesik, who has 11 of her children enrolled in our branch. She is a fine seamstress and a marvelous housekeeper. Besides this she is busy five days a week at the hospital where she is a nurse’s aid. We think she is a most worthy and deserving person to be named Mother of the Year. How proud her family must be! Johanna Klune is visiting Chicago, the home of her daughter, Mary, also our member. Maiy visited us during Christmas. Thanks to Mrs. Klune for the Christmas gifts she sent us also. As I write, the bells are tolling their last farewell to Josephine Roitz, nee Pecek, cousin of my husband. She was ill for a long time and had a very kind and generous family who took care of her. Our sympathy to them at this sad time. Also we lost Joseph Krašovec and Frances Narod who was a young woman and this makes her loss even more touching. But we know her’s is the path we must all follow some day. On March 7th, my family will observe the 13ith anniversary of the passing of my daughter, Ann whom we will meet again, surely. The Secretary sent cheering cards to our ill members: Katherine Kra-lich, Rose Jersin, Elsie Mramor, Mary Kocman and Frances Gornik. We wish them all good health. For the holidays I solicited a number of advertisements for Zarja and I wish that our members would patronize those businesses. We will all be grateful. (Especially the editor, Mrs. Pachak. Thank you. C. L.) Contact me for a copy of the S.W.U. cookbook, “Woman’s Glory — The Kitchen” which I have on hand. They cost $2.75. Happy Easter to all. Anna Pachak No. 7, Forest City, Pa. One of our members, Mrs. John Medved and her husband celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Jan. Iltli. We, the members of Br. 7 congratulate them and wish them health for many more years. We especially express our good wishes to Mrs. Frances Medved as she is on the sick list at this time and to her husband who is confined to a rest home. I can’t begin to tell you all how pleased I was when I received the January Zarja with little John-John’s picture on the cover. It just choked me up and brought tears to my eyes. Then, inside the picture of him with his daddy was so touching. May God rest the soul of our beloved President and grant him eternal rest. Congratulations to our editor on a job well done.. (Thank you, Mrs. Gostisha. I believe we all feel as you do about that picture which will live in our memories for a long time.—Editor.) Wishes to all members for good health, love and happiness in this year of 19G4. And, please, members, come to the meetings and straighten up with your dues or send them in to me. Thank you. God bless you all! Josephine Gostisha, sec’y-treas. No. 10, Cleveland, O. Our January meeting was held January 14, at the Slovenian Home on Holmes Ave. Due to the abscence of our president, who was unable to attend, the vice-pres. Mrs. Phyllis Chermelj took the honors. She opened the meeting with a prayer for all our members. We had a few new faces among the regular ladies who were present. Thank you ladies for coming, hope to see you again and maybe a few more. Our secretary Mary Camloh gave us her financial report. Dues are now due ladies, since it’s the begining of a new year. Most of you know our National Convention for 1964 is going to be held in Chicago, May 17-20. This month we will have to elect delegates. We would also like to remind you bowling gals to get your teams ready for the Eastern Get-Together Bowling Tournament. Last year one of our teams came in second place under Capt. Mary Korošec. (Incidently, Mary Korošec signed up a new member, Caroline Stefančič, this month. Thank you Mary! To you, Caroline, it’s nice to have you as a member!) Peggie Dobnikar also had a teiim. Hope we can have a few more teams this year. So, girls, get your teams lined up. After the meeting we celebrated a few birthdays, Mrs. Stefania Koncilja, Mrs. Frank Sustarsic, Mrs. Mary Černigoj. The ladies served us very graciously with cake and raisen potica. We also had something to quench our thirst. Mrs. I.ouise Čebular gave the ladies her usual birthday speech. Hope to see more of you ladies at out next meeting, bring a new member. Happy Day to all gals with birthdays, and a speedy recovery to all who are ailing. Sophie Magayna, Reporter Supreme President’s Message DEAR MEMBERS! The Pre-Convention Membership Campaign is nearing the deadline which is March 31st. You have only this month in which you can try for the awards and honors that go with the title Convention Queen or Princess. If each branch would obtain twenty (20) new members, this really would increase our membership immensely and replace our decreasing ranks. All out now, and on the job! Write up that new member and bring your branch into the forefront for this campaign! CONVENTION NOTES: We are looking forward to the 13th National Convention in Chicago, May 17 to 20, 1964 at the Morrison Hotel. Chicago branch no. 2 is in charge of the activities and details will be in the April issue. The delegate who will represent your branch should be prepared with a written report and be able to recommend any new proposals for the benefit of our branches and the organization as a whole. She should come to the convention with an attitude of seeking progress for the Union and have a willingness to propose ideas which will make the S.W.U. finer and greater so that our children and grandchildren will be proud to continue in this work. We must think ahead—-not backward, every minute of the time we spend in deliberations. Increased activity for your branch is the goal of your branch officers— increased good business and progress is the goal of convention delegates! Anyone who wishes to visit the convention as a guest and partake of the sightseeing and other entertainment, may make reservations through your branch officers. At the next meeting, discuss this idea and encourage one another to come to Chicago and be a part of the convention. Members of the Cleveland area will attend, traveling by chartered buses. You can make reservations with State President, Ella Starin. Reservations will be taken until May 1, 1964! * * * The newly revised cookbook, “Woman’s Glory—The Kitchen” is selling very fast! My office in Cleveland is deluged with orders and I am happy to say everyone is pleased with her copy. It is really a souvenir book with the history of our S.W.U. compiled by our Founder, Marie Prisland, who put many hours of hard work into making this one of the best. Easter will be here shortly and since the Poticas and other favorite Slovenian delicacies are included in this book, it will be a MUST for every homemaker. You may obtain a copy by sending $2.75 which includes postage to me as follows: Antonia Turek, 19170 Monterey Ave., Euclid 19, Ohio. Books are also available through your branch secretary. Juniors are to be congratulated on the fine articles they have sent in to our Editor for the Junior Page of Zarja. In February, we had the pleasure of reading the report by Bernice Vidmar of Cleveland telling about their activities with the Jr. Drill and Baton teams. Juniors from branches 25 and 50 are very busy also with their bowling teams— 12 teams bowling every Saturday. We wish them continued interest. The article of young Tom Prebil of St. Loius was very Inspiring. This boy’s experience as a boy scout and meeting with the late President, John F. Kennedy, was followed by the fateful day one week later when the President was killed. This will be a vivid memory for Tom all his life. We are happy he shared the experience with us. And, my, we even had a delicious recipe and other February ideas from Regina, who we hope is going to write every month. Did you read about the lobster That Wore Earmuffs? written by 9 year old Sara Prisland? I see she is following after her grandmother Prisland’s footsteps. Keep up the good work, Juniors! On Jan. -4. 1963, Branch 18 merged with Branch 41 to better facilitate the operation of the smaller branch. To all members of Br. 18 I wish to express my satisfaction that you will all work together happily and in unison. The officers are all very pleasant and secretary of Br. 41, Mrs. Starin, who is also the Ohio State President, is really a charm and I’m sure you will have a very friendly circle. To our Founder, Marie Prisland who underwent surgery Feb. 1st, we all wish a speedy recovery and many more healthy years. Happy Easter to all and birthday celebrants, too. Sincere get-well wishes to all our shut-ins. Toni Turek Slovenian Women's Union Scholarship Award The Slovenian Women’s Union and its Scholarship Committee would like to help talented young people who have the necessary ability and perseverance to complete a college education. High school graduates! File your application with the Committee! The Scholarship grant is $200 per year. One of the objects of the grant is academic achievement and not financial assistance only. The applicant—if a girl—must be a member of our organization, if a boy, his mother, grandmother or a sister must be a member of our Union. All applications shall be filed on or before April 30th. For further information and applications write to: MARIE PRISLAND, President Scholarship Committee 1034 Dillingham Ave., Sheboygan, Wis.. No. 15, San Francisco, Calif. Happiness beamed on the faces of Mary and Martin Slanec at the celebration of their Fiftieth (50th) Anniversary, January 11th. Mary’s two nephews and families sponsored the party for one-hundred twenty-five guests. Joe Sterbenk, Frank Sterbenk and Katherine Sterbenk Slead did a fine job with the arrgangements. The flower decorations were taken care of by Mrs. Joe Sterbenk and Mrs. A. Kas-tellic. The lovely flower arrangement of bronze chrysanthemums and gold ribbon was used two-fold as thoughtful Mary took the flower arrangement to the grave of her sister Theresa Sterbenk the following morning, and in this way Mary made Theresa a guest at her party in spirit. Father Joseph Simcic gave a gift of a lovely plastic book of Blessings by Don Bosco Sacred Heart Association. Pride is truly theirs. (See photo on page 71.) Father Vital Vodušek blessed Mary and Martin and gave them Holy Communion at their home. Mary having been ill for many years made Father feel he could save some of her strength by coming to Mary. Father is ever thoughtful of his flock and for this we should be grateful. Later, Father invoked the Blessing at the table for all the guests. The reception held at the Slovenian Hall was a happy experience; the guests all felt the warmth of Mary and Martin and seemed to feel the happiness that was around. Friends of long standing toasted the bride and groom, the highlight being a toast by Mr. John Stariha who is 94 years young. Can’t keep these youngsters down . . . Mr. Slanec spoke to the group and told of his happy fifty years with Mary and you can be sure his pride is sincere, these two not having had children of their own, opened their house to all young people and soon all learned to love Stretze and Mary as a second family. Fifty years of pride and pleasure with its sorrow and heartbreak have made a full life for these two fine and loved people. Mary, our President of Zveza for 18 years until her illness, is much loved and respected by all her sister members. We all toast these two wonderful folks with a hope health and happiness will reign supreme. Needless to tell you the food was delicious with potica, ham, turkey and all the trimmings. A four-tiered wedding cake was cut by the bride and groom and given to the guests. This was truly a wedding rather than a 50th Anniversary as Mary blushed just like a new bride. The pleasure reflected on her radiant face made old friends smile in joy. Singing, dancing and merriment in general continued until the early hours. And to all who know Mary it was a surprise to see these two sweet folks climb the many stairs to the Church of the Nativity to at- tend Mass the following morning. I think Father Vodušek had a look of surprise all during the Mass. This is true proof to the saying of “where there is a will there is a way.” The Wedding Waltz danced by Mary and Martin brought laughter from the guests as soon all the young ladies and gents cut in on these two and really picked up the pace for the dancing ... A gift of a lovely sprayed amazanite tree of gold with flowers and little sprays of gold leaves made up the money tree given to the hosts by all their friends. We can only say as an ending to a happy time a “Good time was had by all.” Barbara Nemanich, Mother of the Year 19G4, is a charter member and First Officer for Ženska Zveza Br. No. 13. It is a pleasure to honor this fine lady who has numerous children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, all members of Zveza. Barbara worked for the betterment of Zveza for many years and even to this day through her family she is ever-giving herself. Daughter, Ann Stich, financial secretary, declined the vote in favor of her mother. Best wishes to our Mother of the Year, Barbara Nemanich! Fran E. Chiodo, Reporter No. 16, So. Chicago, III. — At the January meeting we were to have the election of officers but as usual the old officers remained. It seems that the members are well satisfied with our administration. Plans were made for our ‘‘Lenten Games Party” scheduled for Sunday, March 8, 2 p. m. at St. George’s Hall, 96 and Ewing Ave. Members will be mailed tickets and are urged to bring their friends. What a good way to spend a Sunday afternoon ! Mary Borota, one of our good attending members, lost her husband last November. We all extend our deep sympathy. I am truly sorry to be late with this news. Mrs. Maricich was named as the “Mother of the Year.” She is a very devoted worker at all our affairs and meetings. May God bless her for many more years. Katie Triller was elected delegate to the S. W. U. Convention, with Gladys Buck acting as an alternate. March birthdays are as follows: Mrs. Katie Triller, Mrs. F. Kuhel, Mary Primozich, Angeline Novak, Mary Fugina, Mrs. Pucel, Mary Breberiolc, and Antonia Krese. Don’t forget our “Games Party” March Sth, and our meeting March 12. Rose Salakar, Recorder No. 17, West Allis, Wis. This is the month of our Bowling Tournament and we are honored to host the classic in West Allis on March 14-15th! We invite all members and friends to come and see us bowl at Kug-litsch’s Arcade even if you cannot bowl youself. We’d like to have a big cheering section there. On Saturday evening, the bowlers will have available a special place at the alleys where we can make merry and have a little music. I know everyone will have a good time—because when good sports get together it’s always fun! So, we’ll be seeing you oil March 14 and 15th at Kuglitsch’s Arcade. Marion Marolt, pres. No. 19, Eveleth, Minn. — The attendance at our January meeting was fair considering the bitter cold weather we had those days. The auditors made a report on the standing of our branch which was favorable and very interesting. The decision stands that we will have only six meetings in 1964. The next meeting will be in April, however, the time and date will be given on the radio and also in the local newspaper. It’ll be held at my home due to the building where our meetings were held for many years, is bein) converted into a faitory. Please attend the meeting because we have many topics to discuss. I was elected delegate to the coming National Convention which will be held in Chicago, May 17-20, 1964. Mrs. Frances Sterle is alternate. Supreme Treasurer, Mrs. Josephine Železnikar, who was our honored guest at the Zveza Day meeting held in Hibbing extended a cordial invitation to all the members to visit Chicago during the convention time. There is a tentative plan in the making to charter a bus and those attending will be able to visit the Shrine in Lemont on Saturday preceding the convention and then on Sunday, continue to Chicago. Visitors will be allowed to participate P. S. FROM THE PRESIDENT March 1st saw the Eastern Get-together tournament at Euclid, Ohio and March 14-15, the Midwest Bowling Tournament at West Allis, Wis. Good luck, Bowlers and may your scores be high and sportsmanship great! Time is getting very short. If you are planing on a European trip this summer, why don’t you join one of the three jet trips the S.W.U. is sponsoring. On the steamship, we are leaving June 3rd. Guides for the three jet tours are Aibina Novak, Josephine Železnikar and Josephine Trunk, and Yours Truly will guide the steamship cruise. If you would like to travel and at the same time save yourself some money, join one of these groups and pay only $424.00 round trip by jet. This rate is for members and their families only . . . that means, husbands and children are entitled to the same low fare if the wife (member) is a passenger. Information on these tours has been printed in the last few issues of Zarja and further details can be had by contacting one of the above guides. Do so as soon as possible ar reservations are going fast and space is limited. Toni Turek HAPPY EASTER TO ALL MEMBERS! VESELE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE! in all activities and programs and that will be a great opportunity for all who would like to go sightseeing in Chicago and also enjoy the entertainment which will be great. Please come to the April meeting where you’ll get all particulars on the trip. The cost will be very nominal but the treat very big for everyone attending. We mourn the loss of a loyal member, Prances Gornik: God grant her eternal rest! A Happy Easter to all and will see you at the April meeting! Mary Lenich, Secretary No. 20, Joliet, III. Our condolences to the families of Mrs. Christine Mauzer and Mayme Laurich of Marble St. Mrs. Mauzer died on Jan. Gth, and is survived by several daughters and sons. Her husband preceded her in death many years ago. She was born Oct. 29, 1879 at Kočevje, Yugoslavia and joined our branch on Nov. 18, 1928, recommended by Mary Zbačnik. Mrs. Laurich passed away after a lingering illiness. She had been confined to the hospital many times but passed away at home. She was well-known in our comunity and is survived by daughters and sons. Her husband, Frank, died in 1956. Our members joined in praying for the repose of the souls of our two members and later attended their funerals. May they both rest in peace. Our president wishes to thank all members and officers who took the time to attend the last rites for these two members. Mrs. Jennie Dernulc was reported ill with a broken leg she suffered some weeks ago. At the last meeting, our spiritual director, Msgr. Butala installed the officers for the year and gave a short talk to that effect. New members were initiated, namely: Mrs. Anne Kobe, Edith (Perish) Ros enquist, and Dorothy Buldak, recommended by Jo Sumic, and Mary (Cohil) Gasperich, recommended by Helen Go-lobitch. As usual, six members’ names were called for their awards of free dues for the year. The lucky ones this time were: Catherine Zupanich, Mary Rezek, Anna Lenovich, Mary Terlep (Oakland), Catherine Peraud and Mary Rudman. Each received $5. A door prize was donated by Mrs. Frances Bottari — it was a ceramic statue made by her, and it was given to Mrs. Jennie Marolt. The oldest member present was Mrs. Catherine Smolich who received a prize as well as to Mrs. Anna Mahkovec for having the most members in her family. The youngest mother present and a-warded also was Mrs. Josephine (Vidmar) Lustick. A party followed the meeting with all kinds of goodies served especially the potica baked by Mrs. Mary Lesnik. The Zveza Singing Club sang followed by community singing led by Mrs. Jennie Sprengel. We’ll be seeing you in March. Josephine Erjavec No. 21, Cleveland, Ohio. Due to the New Year holiday our monthly meeting was cancelled and this leaves me with little news to report. Regarding our sick members, we hear that Olga Komora was at St. John’s Hospital for an operation and is now recovering at home. Sophie Borek was in the hospital for a checkup and we hope that by the time this appears in print, she will be on the road to recovery. Mary Vehar is recovering beautifully from her car accident; she will be confined for three more months, I understand. I hope I have not missed anyone— it’s not intentional. To all our sick members, sincere wishes. On Jan. 4th, Diane C. Snyder and Robert George Stevens were married at Sts. Phillip and James church. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stevens. The wedding reception was held at St. Mary’s Hall on Warren Rd. and the couple then traveled to New York City for their honeymoon. They will make their home at 8315 Memphis Rd. The bridegroom is the son of Mary Stevens and grandson of Mrs. Josephine Zupan who was very active in earlier years and very helpful to our branch. We extend our sincerest wishes to the newlyweds for a happy wedded life. New cookbooks are now available. Anyone wishes them may call TU 4-8217. Stella Dancul, Sec’y No. 20, Joliet, III., Bowling News: As in the past the teams are all reaching for first place honors. Bluth Sausage has had that honor for 8 weeks leading American Slovenian Home by 5 games. Our G other teams are all following closely, so it is hard to say who will be there May 4tli. Every bowler is doing her best to help her team reach that goal. Ann Cerneticli has picked up some nice splits, 2-10, 2-7-10; Bernice Suski, 5-7; Mitzi Mrozek, 5-10, G-7-9, and 5-6; Mary Rezick, 5-7; Ann Kobe and Ann Papesh, 5-10. Marge Wajchert, Captain of Merichka’s team bowled her first 200 game of the season on Jan. 20. We would like to welcome and thank our two new bowlers, Mary Lou Bluth and Bea Zobel, for helping us out in the middle of the season. Our best wishes and speedy recovery to Millie Bliski who underwent surgery recently, also best wishes to Jean Yuvan. Millie and Jean were both faithful bowlers, both girls had a perfect attendance record. We hope to have them back with us next season. Agnes Lovati, Sec’y. No. 23, Ely, Minn. Mary Shikonya was installed as president of the Dawn Club at the first 1964 meeting of the group held here January 15th in the Community Center. She succeeds Barbara Brennan. Other officers inducted are: Justine Boldine, secretary, and Mary Zgonc, treasurer. Named to the auditing committee were, Stephanie Vranesich and Rose Ferderber. Barbara Brennan was appointed “Sunshine Girl” and Margaret Somrock, reporter. Social entertainment included bridge-keno with Mary Evanish and Molly Richards winning high and low honors, respectively. The door prize went to Justine Boldine. Hostesses for the lunch were, Mary Stark-ovich, Mary Skufca, Mary Pucel, Angela Godec and Mary Zgonc. Plans were formulated, featuring a Valentine theme and included an exchange of hankies. Hostesses were: Mary Tolyon, Margie Presliiren, Barbara Brennan, Julia Zgonc and Mary Shikonya. Happy Easter! Margaret Somrock, Reporter EASTER GREETINGS FROM VICKI! No. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. We had a fairly good attendance at our January meeting when it was decided to have a luncheon and card party 011 Tuesday, May 2Gth at the Slovenian Hall on 57th St. One o’clock in the afternoon is the time so it will be possible for many of our members to attend. Keep that date in mind, ladies. We also elected a delegate to the convention and she is Mary Bahor. Alternate is Ann Ferlan. It was good news to hear that Magdalena Widina is home again after all those months in the hospital. Our sympathy to Irma Petro (nee Ferenchak) whose husband died suddenly on Dec. 31st, 19G3. He is survived by three children, Elaine, Edward and a baby boy, Mark, born just a few months ago. May Mr. Petro’s soul rest in peace. Easter greetings to all the members and God bless you all. Ann Frankovic, Sec’y No. 28, Calumet, Mich. At our annual meeting, the following officers were elected: president, Anne Heine-man; vice-president, Rose Barrons; financial secretary, Mary Jakovich; recording secretary, Anne Klobucha-rich; treasurer, Stefanie Ryan; trustees, Angeline Chekada, Mary Bracco and Edna Fink; conductors, Katherine Toth and Pauline Mahaffy; sentinels, Katherine Spreitzer and Cecilia Ko-wachick. We lost two members in December: Mrs. Theresa Augustine who held the office of sentinel for several years and also was a charter member and Mrs. Margaret Lamuth who passed a-way in California. Tracy Strucel, a daughter of Mrs. Augustine is a member of our branch. Our heartfelt sympathy is extended to the bereaved families. A hearty welcome to our new members, also four juniors who have joined our branch. We are celebrating our 35th anniversary in May. Plans are being formulated by the committee in charge of arrangements. May the coming spring and summer be a brighter one for the sick and shut-in members. Wishes to all for a blessed and happy Easter. Anne Heinemann, Pres. No. 32, Euclid, Ohio. To start the new year right, we ask God to help us to carry on. We wish health and happiness to all our sisters and their families. Our president opened the meeting in Jan. with prayer. She wants all of us to bear in mind, the 35th anniversary of our branch on Sept. 20th. We will start the day with Holy Mass for the living and deceased members at noon. After Mass, we will have a program and banquet at Rechar Hall on Lindberg Ave. This means a lot of work ahead of us and our presi- No. 25, Cleveland, Ohio. It doesn’t seem too soon to be looking forward to attend that special meeting in May. Preparations are being made to make the “Queen Crowning” the biggest day ever for some lucky member of Branch No. 25. A committee will serve and provide an attractive arrangement. So all you 25ers plan to be at this particular meeting! After Lent comes Easter and spring is just around the corner. Then First Communion with little girls dressed in pure white resembling heavenly cherubs, the little boys looking much like boy angels. June for sure is a bride’s month, but any month is a good reason to become a bride. One of our members who is the proprietress of Grdinas’ Bridal Shoppe, the well known “Gene Drobnič” has the most modern and freshest styles for the little communicant, bride, bridesmaid, opera-goer, party or prom queen. They are creations that are dent cannot work without help, so, let’s all help with the various committees now when we are still fresh and peppy in the new year. We ask you kindly to attend our meetings and help to decide on things for this event. When attending, check if you are behind on your dues and take care of this matter at the same time. We welcome two more new members which makes G in a short time. We thank our president for getting these two to add to our campaign efforts. Let’s try to get a few more this month! It takes little effort once you are determined. To our treasury, Frances Gerjavec gave $1 and Mary Weber, $2. We thank you sisters for being so generous. We wish health to Julia Popovič and to all our sick members. Pvt. Tom Tekavec, son of Mr. and Mrs. Matt Tekavec is serving in the armed forces at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. To make it short, we have quite a number of new babies born which makes our older members grandmothers over and over again. A grandson for Mrs. Theresa Potokar, also Mary Zele and Annie Tekavec and Tillie Bolek (grandmother to twin grandsons.) It looks like the boys are a step ahead as all these newborns are all boys. We congratulate each and everyone and you can be proud of your nice families. Enjoy them! We wish health and happiness to all and may God bless each family with His choicest blessings. A .Tekavec, Rec. Sec’y. No. 33, Duluth, Minn. In Minnesota, we have enjoyed one of the nicest, warmest Januarys in many a year. Wo have had very little snow and even until February, it has been wonderful. designed in Paris and the selections are a joy to desire. Her staff of salespeople are ever-ready to serve you with a smile and the best of care. They even serve "Puffs” to soften the “blow” for mother when darling daughter is picking out her wedding array. Mrs. Mary Kolegar, our reigning “Queen”, is now the Vice Pres, of Br. 25. We are happy to welcome her as an officer. She certainly is a pretty lady. We also have an “Avon” lady as one of our favorite members, namely Millie (Simončič) Blankenship. When you hear “Ding-dong” please let her visit with you and help make you beautiful. March winds and April showers make way for happy hours at the S. Z. Z. meetings. See you on the second Monday of the month. Vicki Faletič Can't brag too soon, tho, and hope it stays this way till spring. The large attendances at our meetings are most gratifying. Despite the fact that we live in a small community, quite a few new members were added to our ranks during the current compaign. All are willing to take part in helping with the various projects. At our Feb. meeting, election of the delegate to the Convention took place. Rose Ann Munsell, our president, was elected delegate .and Frances Danko is her alternate. Frances is president of the special fund. Discussion was held on a chartered bus to the convention city for our visitors. It is hard to make up our minds and to look so far ahead, but, before you know it, it will be May and time to go. So, girls, the president will have the details on a chartered bus—the cost, time of departure, etc., so please let her know if you are planning on the trip. I will have more information after the semi-annual Board of Directors meeting in Chicago. Congratulations to all our new members. We are most, happy to have you among us. Games were enjoyed and a luncheon was served following the meeting. There are many sick members, too numerous to mention but we wish them all God’s speed to recovery. Mrs. Marie Prisland, the organizor of our great orgnization is also on the sick list. We hope and pray she shall recover real soon. In Jan., death snatched one of our long-time members, Mrs. Mary Ruzich. She was confined in a rest home. May her soul rest in peace. In May, John Shubitz, now attending St. Paul Seminary, will be ordain- ed the priesthood from our parish. He is the son of our long-time secretary, Mrs. Mary Shubitz who is doubly blessed by having another son, Father Thomas Shubitz, also a priest. He has a parish in Bovey and Coleraine. A daughter, Sister Vlanne is principal of St. Clement’s school in Duluth. Mrs. Shubitz can really be proud of having such a wonderful family and she is worthy of all praise for having raised her children in this noble way. We are proud to have them in our locality. May God bless them all. Hope to see you at the March meeeting. Ann Podgoršek, Reporter No. 34, Soudan, Minn. — We hope that the first meeting in the New Year is indicative of future meetings, as we had a good turnout for our January meeting in spite of fairly cold weather. It was a busy meeting, since we will have no meeting in March—the Lenten period—as church services will interfere with the meetings. However, all members can pay their dues directly to Mrs. Mary Pa-hula. Matters which ordinarily would be taken care of in February were on the agenda, and first of all the members chose Mrs. Louis (Louise) Chiabotti of Tower as Mother of the Year,—and Mrs. Anthony F. Yapel (Barbara) again was chosen reporter for Zarja. Election of officers was next in order, and all former officers were re-elected unanimously as follows, president —Mrs John Pahula, vice-president — Mrs. William Vol-lendorf, recording secretary — Mrs. Nick Tekautz, sec.treas. — Mrs. Mary Pahula, trustees — Mines. Joseph Gornick, Frank Planton and John Zavodnick. Then followed voting for a delegate to the National Convention in Chicago this summer, and Mrs. Mary Pahula was chosen delegate and Mrs. William Vollendorf as alternate. A social hour followed the business meeting and winners at ‘'500" were Mmes. Joseph Gornick, Joseph Stefanich and William Vollendorf, and at Scrabble the award winner was Mrs. Leo Wilson, Mrs. Joseph Skala was the winner of the attendance prize. The evening’s activities closed with a luncheon served by Mmes. Edward Dragavon and Anthony Yapel as hostesses. As mentioned before there will be no meetings during Lent and hostesses for the April 15th meeting will be Mmes. Louis Zupanich and Tony Flanton. Branch No. 34 members send best wishes for a Happy Easter to all! Mrs. Anthony F. Yapel, Reporter PS. Our sincere sympathy to the family and relatives of Mrs. Anton (Caroline) Poderzuy sr. who passed away following a lengthy illness on Dec. 4, 1963. She was a long time member of Branch No. 34. May God grant her eternal rest! No. 42, Maple Hgts., Ohio. — The March winds have been keeping many objects flying high in the air lately. With snow and rain the past month, we just don’t know what to expect next! The good news I have to report is that the Bake Sale, held on Jan. 19, went over Big! The fellows decided to give their wives a treat and bring home some delicious homemade bakery for a change. The club profited a great deal which made the whole affair worth while. A thank-you is extended to our president and secretary that Sunday morning and also for baking the wonderful goodies. Feb. 16th marked a Golden Anniversary for Mr. and Mrs. Louis Simončič; but, due to illness there was no celebration. Congratulations to Louis and Theresa on the happy occasion from all of us. Recovering from an operation is Mary Prhne who is now at home lounging around and in good spirits. Two brothers, Lou Lipnos, husband of Julia, and Stanley Lipnos, husband of Millie also returned home from the hospital last month. Both seem to be doing fine, but one of them now contracted another ailment--------------- “Writer’s cramp!” Since there is no more news for this month, I just thought I’d add a little poem to brighten your day: THE SECRET by Ralph Cushman I met God in the morning When my day wras at its best. And His Presence came like sunrise Like a glory in my breast. All day long the Presence lingered, All day long He stayed with me. And we sailed in perfect calmness O’er a very troubled sea. So I think I know the secret, Learned from many a troubled way. You must seek Him in the morning If you want Him through the day! Marie Matis No. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. The January meeting was very well attended, with several new faces which everyone enjoyed seeing. Officers for 1964 were elected: president, Josephine Kolar, vice-president, Mary Krosl; secretary and treasurer, Rose Kraemer; recording secretary, Vickie Sporis; and auditors: Ceil Groth & Josephine Verbiclc. Meetings will be held at St. John’s Hall, 1028 So. 9th St., every second Sunday of the month at 2 p. m. A card party will be held on Sunday, April 12th at St. John’s Hall, all members and their friends are cordially invited. Members who wish to donate prizes may contact yours truly, which will greatly be appreciated. A rummage sale is to be held in the near future. If any member wishes to dispose of any items, please contact me, and I will make arrange- TO THE BRANCHES IN MINNESOTA! Since our convention will be held in May of this year in Chicago, which is not too far a distance from us, I would like to encourage the branches of Minnesota to attend the convention, if not for the entire time, at least for the opening days. So many have been wanting to go to Lemont, 111., to visit the beautiful shrine of Marija Pomagaj and the Franciscan Fathers’ Seminary. This is a golden opportunity. We shall stay at Lemont over Saturday night, May 16th, and take part in the procession etc., before the Grotto then on Sunday, we will attend the Mass at St. Stephen’s church in Chicago and the banquet which follows. The Morrison Hotel where the convention will be held, is located in the heart of the downtown section; beautiful St. Peter’s church is across the street and the shopping area surrounds. I am sure you will be thrilled every minute you are in Chicago. Perhaps branches who are chartering a bus but cannot fill it, would accept passengers from other towns. If you keep in touch with me, I shall try to accomodate everyone. Please talk this over and notify me. Greetings to all our dear members in Minnesota. Ann Podgoršek, Supreme Auditor ments to have these articles picked up. The members picked Amanda Es-peres as the 1964 Mother of the Year, who is very worthy of the title. Our heartfelt sympathies go to Mrs. Prah who recently lost her husband. May his soul rest in peace! Our branch has several members who have been shut-in for sometime. Florence Ureda will be missed at the bowling tournament as she has always been a great booster. She is confined to bed since the middle of Nov. Catherine Holmberg had surgery recently and will be unable to bowl; so, to these and all other members, we wish them a speedy recovery. Greetings were received from Celia Marolt who was vacationing in Florida with friends; she really must have had a marvelous time. The Albert Tratnik, Sr. Family also spent two weeks in Florida. On March 14 and 15th the Midwest Bowling Tournament will be held at Kuglitsch’s Arcade on 4401 W. Greenfield Ave. Br. No. 17 of West Allis will be the host. The bowlers need boosters, so stop and root for your favorite team. Last, and most important — have you a new member? To all, a Happy Easter! Rose Kraemer, Sec’y. CONVENTION QUEEN CAMPAIGN CLOSES MAR. 31! No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio. Well, already we have started in on a new year. Let us all hope and pray that this will be a better year for many people. Some had sadness, some lost their jobs .some suffered illness, some needed food and clothing. My good wishes to each and everyone. We also lost a very good friend of all of us, our late President John F. Kennedy. We all honored him and will never forget what a great man he was. Our Jan. meeting was kind of sad. We hated to see Rose Želodec give up her service as president. We all love her as she worked hard and tried to see that everything was O.K. She always stayed until the last at every meeting and did her part in cleaning up—always going out of her way for us. We wish her a lot of luck and may God bless you. Hose opened the meeting with prayer then escorted the new president, Beatrice Tome, to the chair. We also wish her luck and hope she will be successful and able to work with us. We’ll try to help along as much as possible. Rose Želodec will still be working with us, as our Campaign Manager, bless her heart. A speedy recovery to Mary Oldcki, one of our new officers, (auditor) and Sophie Kaplan. We hope they will get well real soon. Sympathy to Mary Ivatz on the loss of her dear mother. We welcome a new transferred member Theresa Naro, who hopes to become a part of all the fun we have at our branch now. Girls, we are a little early this year, but here’s the first announcement of our Elephant Sale on May 1st. Let’s have a big success! Get ready! Congratulations to Gloria, Albina’s daughter and wishes to her that her married life will be a perfect blending of love and laughter, dream-come-true and happiness mending. Frances Sietz and Carole Traven along with husband, Max and son Maxie drove to Chicago for the wedding and their report about it was very exciting. We all enjoyed listening to them tell a-bout it because it was different from weddings here in Cleveland. Oh, glad to see Ann Krulac back at the meeting after her absence because of a broken wrist which she suffered from a fall on the ice. There’s one thing I would like to say for myself, I get so many compliments about the notes: why can’t I also introduce you as a member, or maybe you have a junior who could be a member and enjoy many other things besides my notes. I appreciate the compliments, don’t get me wrong. I am happy that they are being enjoyed. But, how about it. If anyone is interested, call me, IV 1-4710. Our Supreme President Toni Turek also suffered aches and pains on her foot when a surgery was done on one of her toes. But Toni is such a good soldier that she snapped out of it right away and went on to do her work. She sure has the pep, I envy her. Spring will soon be here and we all will soon feel better. By the way, there have been many long-absent faces back attending the meetings with their happy smiles. Why can’t many more do the same and surprise us and you may have some good i-deas; how about it, o. k.? Best of luck to all birthdays and the sick. May God bless you all. Mary Bostian, Reporter No. 52, Kitzvjlle, Minn. Dear Sisters Our regular meeting was on Feb. 5th at the Little Grove. Sister, Mary Musech, our vice-president, opened with a prayer and sister, Rose Chiodi read the minutes. Absent were sisters, Josephine Oswald, our president and Rose Zidarich, our recorder. Nominations for delegate to the convention in Chicago were opened and a unanimous vote was cast for sister. Rose Chiodi and alternate, Mary Musech. We had two sick members in the hospital, sisters Josephine Oswald and Lena Strazishar. They are well on the road to recovery now and are at home. To all our sick members, we wish God’s speed to a rapid recovery. We hope and pray that everyone will be well and able to attend our next meeting, March 4th at the Little Grove. Our social of the evening took place following the meeting. At this time a delicious lunch was served by our hostesses, sisters, Angeline Russ, Jennie Crea and Angeline Hrovat. Door prize was won by sister Julia Mancuso and the others receiving honors were Ivanna Prelesnik, Patricia Hrovat, Margaret Kochevar, Margaret Andrican, Mary Techar, Alberta Russo, Rose Chiodi and Celia Palitano. Thus, a delightful evening came to a close. Try to attend the next meeting—they always say the more the merrier. We will be looking forward to seeing you soon. May God bless you all and keep you in the best of health, until we meet again. Gertrude Kochevar, Reporter P.S. We thank sister Frances Shega for her donation of flancate (pohanje) which were very delicious. It was a treat especially because it helped us celebrate the pre-lenten season. Thank you very much, sister Frances Shega. We hope you have a Happy Easter and that the Easter Bunny will bring you your Easter wish. No. 55, Girard, Ohio. — The Jan. meeting opened with a prayer led by Mrs. Barbara Umeck, president. The attendance was very good in spite of the deep snow. At this meeting, plans were made for a card party that will be given by the Slovenian Women’s Union and the Slovenian Men’s Union jointly at the Slovenian Hall in Girard on April 18th at 8 p. m. SLOVENE RED CROSS — DEBELI RTIČ Very often we find, few people realize active part American Red Cross takes in foreign countries. Frequently the only communications during war or catastrophes is through the auspices of the International Red Cross. March is American RedCross month in the United States and we have decided to launch our drive for funds from Slovenes and their descendants for Debeli Rtič, Slovene Red Cross Children’s Hospital, this month. The hospital is located in Ankaran, on the shores of the Adriatic Sea three hours drive from Ljubljana, close to Portorož, Piran and Koper. The hospital, whose motto is “Not by pills alone are children healed” is composed of many buildings. Eating, sleeping, medical, therapy, recreation and educational facilities are being planned to house ultimately 500 children. They estimate there are 20,000 children in need of medical treatment in Slovenia. Although still under construction, many children from Skoplje were housed there; the need for more buildings is great. Many of us have relatives there, perhaps they or their children will benefit directly because of our help. All funds at the end of the month will be turned over to the International Red Cross who will see that the Slovene Red Cross Children’s Hospital receives it. How about it Slovenes? Remember donation for one brick only, starts a foundation for another building. Chairwomen of this Fund Drive are as follows: Chicago Area, Albina Novak Sheboygan Area, Marie Prisland Cleveland Area, Emily Čermelj Unik Donations may be mailed to: Antonia Mahorič 20880 Lake Shore Blvd., Euclid 23, Ohio Checks should be made out to: Jugoslav Red Cross Children’s Hospital (Slovene Chapter) The presidents, Mrs. Barbara Umeck and Mr. Andrew Kojan are co-chairmen of the affair. Their plans sound very exciting and we just know they will materialize into something wonderful. So, for an enjoyable evening of fun and relaxation, be sure to attend. Members are asked to bring prizes. There will also be a bake sale at the party. On our sick list we have Miss Beatrice Brayer. Best wishes for a speedy recovery was sent to her. Our deepest sympathy to Mrs. Emma Zore on the loss of her beloved sister. After the business meeting, social hour was enjoyed with prizes going to Mrs. Gail Hlasta and Mrs. Sophia Kren. Best wishes for good health to all. Mary Ann Mehalco Hermine Prisland Dicke: P * * EGGS “Their shells should look dull—• Not shiny or bright But it makes no difference If they’re brown or they’re white.” According to the U. S. Department of Agriculture, eggs are one of na-tiire’s most nearly perfect foods. No wonder we say “a good egg.” Eggs have: 1. A rich supply of protein which is essential for building and repairing body tissue. 2. B vitamins plus vitamins A and D to help protect health. 3. An abundant supply of minerals such las iron for red blood cells, phosphorous and calcium to maintain strong healthy bodies. 4. Flavor if properly cooked. There is just one thing to remember: keep the heat low to moderate. Try to give at least five or six eggs a week to children and to pregnant and nursing mothers; at least four or five to other adults. Storing eggs: 1. Wipe off soiled spots, but don’t wash eggs until just before you use them. Washing removes a protective film around the shell known as the “bloom” which seals the pores and helps keep out bacteria and odors. 2. Eggs stored without cover loose moisture faster and are more likely to absorb odors. 3. Stored at room temperature, eggs may lose as much in quality in 3 days as those kept 2 weeks in a good refrigerator. 4. In the refrigerator left-over whites in a tightly covered jar can be held a week to 10 days. 5. Left-over yolks under water in a covered jar and under refrigeration may be held up to 3 days. Cooking: 1. When making custards or other dishes that call for hot milk to be added to the egg, mix sugar with the egg and not with the milk to prevent curdling. 2. Add hot liquids or mixtures to the beaten egg a little at a time. 3. For highest volume let egg whites stand at room temperature for about an hour. Fold egg whites, using a light under-and-over motion— don’t stir into other mixtures or you’ll lose some of the air you’ve beaten into the egg whites. 4. Whether you’re cooking eggs in water, frying pan, or oven, cook them with low to moderate, even heat. High heat makes eggs tough, leathery, and indigestible. In dishes thickened with eggs such as custards and sauces, high temperature and overcooking will cause curdling or watering. General Information: 1. Eggs are graded on the basis of outside appearance, weight and interior quality. 2. Quality is judged by candling. Candling consists of holding and turning the egg before a beam of light strong enough to judge the interior. 3. High quality eggs are ideal for cooking in the shell, poaching and frying. 4. Lower quality eggs which are less expensive may be used for other cooking. 5. To boil eggs cover completely with water. Heat to just below boiling point then remove from heat; cover tightly. Let stand 2 and 4 minutes off the heat for a soft-cooked egg and 20 to 25 minutes for hard-boiled eggs. Give Lenten menus glamour with versatile eggs. EGGS CREOLE V.i, cup chopped onion % cup chopped green pepper 2 tablespoons fat, melted 2 % cups tomatoes 2 cups water 1 cup uncooked rice Salt and pepper G eggs Cook the onion and green pepper in the fat until onion is lightly browned. Pour in tomatoes and water; bring to boiling. Add the rice and cook slowly until rice is tender (25 to 30 minutes). Add more water if rice becomes dry. Season with salt and pepper. Drop in the eggs, cover, and simmer about 10 minutes or until eggs are firm. If preferred, instead of the poached eggs, quarter 4 to 6 liard-cooked eggs and serve on top of the creole rice THREE BEAN SALAD 1 can cut green beans 1 can cut yellow wax beans 1 can kidney beans 2 tablespoon cut up green pepper 2 tablespoons cut up onion Marinate the above in the following mixture and let stand covered in refrigerator over night: % cup sugar Vz cup vinegar % cup mazola oil 1 teaspoon salt V* to % teaspoon pepper Drain before serving. (Men, especially, will ask for seconds.) FINE-EGG SOUP 2 cups broth, bouillon or consome 2 eggs Heat broth to simmering. Meanwhile beat eggs in cup with fork until egg runs off fork in watery stream. Pour eggs in a fine stream from cup (held about 5 inches above saucepan) into simmering broth, stirring constantly with fork. The egg as it cooks forms fine noodle-like shreds. Allow soup to simmer for a few minutes. Season to taste. Serve hot. Makes 3 to 4 servings. FIVE CUP SALAD 1 cup cubed pineapple, drained 1 cup mandarin orange sections, drained 1 cup shredded cocoanut 1 cup minature marshmallows 1 cup cultured sour cream Mix all together. Chill (can be made day before.) Serve on crisp lettuce or in pretty bowl. HELPFUL HINTS 1. Use wet scissors to cut sticky foods such as marshmallows and raisins. 2. To wash shower curtains; take curtain from rod. Run warm water in bath tub to cover. Add softener according to instructions—(no soap). I^et curtain soak % hour. Empty tub. Rinse in clear water. Rinse again. Wipe curtain with bath towel to remove any scum before hanging up again on rod. 3. A real boon to oven cleaning are the new aerosol oven cleaners that will not hurt your hands. If you use one of these once a week and wipe off spatters as they occur between times, you will have a sparkling oven. 4. To wash blankets at home without shrinkage and matting, use your washing machine for a soap wash— no agitation. Just fill the washer with warm water (body temperature; not too hot nor cold), add soap (also use water softener if you have hard water), and run the washer to make good suds. Turn the agitator off, put blanket in and let soak for 20 minutes turning the blanket once by hand after ten minutes—any other washing action will cause shrinkage. Spin or wring out the water (if using wringer fold blanket evenly), fill the washer again with the same temperature of water and let the blanket soak for 5-10 minutes. Drain the water off and wring again. You might want another rinse-soak. Pull the blanket into its original shape and let dry flat on a floor or table or over two clothes lines. Then, use a wire brush (pet brush will do) to finish shaping and fluffing nap. Press binding carefully and your blanket will look like new. Sincere best wishes for a Blessed Easter to all of you! ON THE COVER Delicious is the word for the picture story our Easter Cover conveys! We’ve put our Slovenian Potica on a Pedestal! Can your family miss this delicacy when Easter or any other special occasion cotnes around? Of course not, so it’s up to you to obtain a copy of our S. W. U. cookbook, "Woman’s Glory—The Kitchen” now out in a newly revised and enlarged edition, for your holiday and everyday baking. To send for your copy, include $2.75 (postpaid) for mailing anywhere in the U. S. or Canada. What a wonderful gift for Easter to the homemaker you would like to remember! Mail orders with remittance to: Mrs. Antonia Turek 19170 Monterey Ave. Euclid 19, Ohio OR, SEE YOUR BRANCH SECRETARY WHO HAS MORE COPIES DON’T DELAY, SEND AT ONCE! The Cover POTICA was baked by a very wonderful cook and baker, Mrs. Ann Zorko, caterer for many weddings and parties. She’s been using the same potica recipes found in the cookbook for many years. Perfection! Mrs. Zorko is a member of Br. 2 and even there has kitchen duty for every event! We love her! The Photo: Paris Studio, Chicago Editor No. 56, Hibbing, Minn. — In the absence of our reporter, I will try and pen a report for this month. Our January meeting was well-attended and the audit report was given and bylaws discussed. No changes were made. Also discussed were the plans for a chartered bus to Lemont in July for the annual pilgrimage of S.W.U. So, to all ladies interested, please contact me or Mary Meadows as you will be taken on a first come—and first served— basis. The cost will be in the neighborhood of $25 including fare and room. We have several members signed up already. More details will be given later. The Rosary was prayed for our late sister, Anna Minerich, who passed a-way recently. As she was buried out of town, we did the next best thing. To her breaved family we extend our deepest sympathy. Elizabeth Gaige was reported sick and we wish her a speedy recovery. The same to all others who have been on the sick list and we have quite a few. Lunch was served by the hostesses, Agnes Barkis, Amelia Domen, Mary Drobnick, and Mary Meadows. Cards were played and the prize winners were, Manda Butorac, Anna Stauda-har, Mary Ayotte, Sophie Garmaker, Anne Satovich and Frances Prosnick. Our member, Sophie Garmaker, who now makes her home in San Francisco, attended our meeting during her visit here. It was good to see her. Guess this will be all for now, with best wishes and God bless you. Anne B. Satovich, Pres. No. 67 Bessemer, Pa. Our President, Mary Snezic opened our Nov. meeting with the Lord’s Prayer followed by Cecil Hullna reading the minutes of the last meeting which was as-cepted as read. The fourteen ladies present decided to go to the Blue Sky Inn in Greenville, Pa. for their Christmas Dinner. They had a good time there last year. The husbands are invited to go along. At our December meeting we held our Christmas party and exchanged gifts. We had a very nice turn out Twenty-five ladies were present. Each one brought their best dishes of good things to eat. Our December meeting was also election day. The same officers were re-elected. We all like the good work that they do in keeping our club together. They are: Pres, ident, Mary Snezic; Vice Pres., Mrs. Louise Serjak; Secretary, Frances Samsa; Treas., Mrs. Mary Brodesko; Recording Sec., Cecil Hulina and Zarja reporters, Mrs. Mary Percic and Cecil Hulina. We are happy to report that our Rec. Sec., Cecil Hulina was selected as Mother of the Year. She has served as a Rec. Sec. a long time and is very active and willing to work in our club affairs. Her loyalty is recognized by the club. Congratulations and Best Wishes from all of us to you, Cecil Hulina, “Our Mother of the Year.” Our Treas., Mrs. Mary Brodesko, was on our sick list and had to go to the hospital. After a week there she was to be operated on. We were all worried about her. She is now at home recuperating and feeling fine, we are happy to report. Twelve ladies were present at our January meeting. Our sympathy is sent to Mrs. Ann Stanish, whose husband, Joseph, passed away New Years Day. He was Postmaster of Bessemer for 27 years. He was well liked and will be sadly missed. Get well wishes are sent to all our shut in friends. Let’s try to be more active in the new year. We have such a nice group of ladles and it is too bad most of them are busy and can’t come to enjoy our meetings as we wish them to. When you read this it will be 1964, so I take this opportunity to wish all our local officers, home officers and all our dear members and their loved ones a Happy and Prosperous New Year! Mary Percic, Reporter No. 71, Strabane, Pa. Since as far as 1951 there hasn’t been as much snow in our parts as this year. In Jan. the meeting was well-attended in spite of the cold weather and we welcomed two new members. Election of officers took place and we now have a new secretary, Lucy Smith of Strabane. We hope all our members will cooperate with her so that her job will be easier. Please keep your dues payments up to date as this is her main concern. We have a number of members who pay for 6 months or a year in advance and this is good; but, there are also some who let their dues lapse behind. Please pay at the meetings or stop in at the secretary’s home where her mother, our treasurer, Mary Boštjančič, will be glad to accept dues. The members also honored me by naming me Mother of the Year for 19G4. Thank you very much. We are hopeful that our branch will make a showing in the campaign for new members. We will if everyone helps. Best wishes for recovery to Mary Mauric and Frances Batisto and to all sick members. Regards to all. Mary Tomsic, pres. No. 73, Warrensville, Ohio. We want to pass the news along to all our members. The $75 we took from the treasury for our Christmas charities was greatly appreciated and we received lovely thank-you notes from them. Our perfect attendance for 1963 was recorded by three members, B. Bayus, J. Turk and A. Yoger. So, come on, girls! Tret’s have perfect attendance for 1964! You will get 3 months dues paid as an award! Mrs. Helen Dusek is in Florida for a vacation. On our wedding list, Josephine Novak’s son who is serving in the Air Force in England has married an English girl. Congratulations and may all your troubles be little ones. Engagements: Joann Turk, Richard Lee Epley and Leonna Sue Epley, wedding bells soon will ring! On our sick list, Ann Modic and family — hope they are better now. Our new grandmoms, Adeline King & Frances Kainec. God bless them! Feb. 14th was Valentine Day and Mary Jane Boryczka’s birthday and 20th wedding anniversary. Congratulations and many more to come! I hear some of our member’s children have had Confirmation recently. God bless you all — today you are adults! Please keep trying to get new members for our branch, remember, they must be good practicing Catholics. Happy birthday to all celebrants this month. Betty Bayus, Reporter No. 74, Ambridge, Pa. How time flies, heli? Here we just had Christmas and already it’s time for Easter. Summer will soon be here and maybe we will be more prepared to get something going for our branch. In the last year we had no parties or activities, so, I am hoping that we will be able to plan a little for the summer. I do want to wish our members a very Happy Easter and blessings to those celebrating birthdays in Feb., March and April. Many more years in health and happiness. And, to all w'ho are sick, we wish a speedy recovery and hope to see you soon all together, enjoying yourselves. God bless everyone. Mary Habich, Pres. No. 83, Crosby, Minn. Our annual meeting and Christmas party was held I>ec. 2 at Sister Sipper’s home. Election of officers for 19G4 resulted in the same staff to serve another year. One exception is that of the president who is Mary Vukelich. Good luck to all officers. Our former president, Helen Kovali has moved to Ely, Minn. Helen, you are missed by all members and friends. Lillian Sipper was chosen Mother of the Year and we extend our sincere congratulations as she is very deserving of this honor. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. George Vukelich on their 25th wedding an-niverasary Jan. 25th. They celebrated with a Mass attended by their 15 children, relatives and friends. After dinner, open house was held in their honor. Best wishes and may God grant them many more happy years. Gifts were exchanged and popular games played after the meeting. A pot-luck luncheon was served and the food was delicious. Hope everyone had a very nice time. Reminder to all to attend the March meeting at sister Zauhar’s home. Here’s wishing all members a happy and healthy New Year. Molly Domin, Reporter No. 89, Oglesby, III. Mrs. Frances Meglich was installed as president at the Jan. 13th meeting. Mrs. Josephine Livek, past supreme president, was installing officer. Other officers installed were: Miss Mary Kernz, vice-president; Mrs. Nancy Kleczewski, fin. secretary; Mrs. Sophie Franks, treasurer; Mrs. Lena Dawson, sentinel; Mrs. Josephine Morrison, chancellor; auditors: Mrs. Janice Stopa, Mrs. Ann Botty and Mrs. Joyce Fulara. Rev. Carl A. Mayes will be our spiritual advisor. Greeting cards were read from our-out-of-town members: Mrs. Ursula Mevcim, Calif., Mrs. Betty Livek, Ind. and Mrs. Albina Pioli, Arkansas. A spring project was discussed. It will be a May Basket to be given away at the May meeting and Mother’s Day Dinner. Mrs. Frances Meglich will be chairman and all members are asked to help. The officers were in charge of the social time following the meeting and games were played with home-made sausage and bread as a special treat. This delighted the appetites of all present. In February, Mrs. Frances Nemeth was elected delegate to the National Convention. Mrs. Josephine Morrison is alternate. The March meeting will not have a social time because of Lent. The time will be used to review the current by-laws for the National Convention. It is hoped for a good attendance at this meeting because there will be views discussed pertinent to each member. The convention is only as good as each branch prepares her delegate. Refreshments were served from gaily decorated tables in a Valentine motif. Games were played following the lunch. Mrs. Ann Botty was chairman . Mary Kernz, Reporter No. 92, Crested Butte, Colo. Because I have been working, my reports have not been monthly. I must go back to November and state that Frances Pogorelz and Ann Malenšek were hostesses for the meeting held at the church basement. On Dec. 21st, we had our annual Christmas party at Gal’s Cafe. We had a banquet and entertained our husbands. The banquet consisted of turkey and all the trimmings; it was very delicious. We exchanged gifts and found out who our secret pals were. Later we played cards and really had an enjoyable evening. Especially were we pleased because our spiritual advisor, Fr. McKenna attended the banquet and was able to be with us. Ann Mufich and Josephine Somrak were in charge of the tables, entertainment, etc. Thanks, girls for doing a nice job. Also, a big thank-you to Mary Kapushion and Eva Lubin who purchased the gifts for Fr. McKenna and Fr. Woodard. A big personal thank-you to Frances Guierieri who sent me all the lovely gifts. Thank you, secret pal of ’63! In January, our meeting was again held in the basement of the Queen of All Saints church. Our hostesses were Josephine Somrak and Ann Mufich. Maxine Cozzetto was a welcomed guest. The officers for the year '64 were elected at this meeting and are as follows: Helen Cobai, president; Eva Lubin, vice-president; Josephine Somrak, secreteary, secretary; Margaret Malenšek, treasurer; Father Leo McKenna, Spiritual Advisor; Ann Malenšek and Frances Pogorelz, auditors; Mary Kapushion, sgt.-at-arms; Helen Cobai, reporter and chosen as Mother of the Year was Rose Carricato. I also was very happy to report to the members that my fruit cake sales came to $63.30. This project I had taken on alone and was quite proud to be able to turn this amount over. I am still asking for donations to our St. Patrick’s Chapel. Anyone wishing to donate can do so by sending me or any member of Branch 92 a donation. Our meeting in February was well-attended. A big thank-you to Fr. McKenna for visiting us at this meeting. Maxine Cozzetto (serving for Pauline Stajduhar) and I were hostesses for the evening. For our next meeting, we shall take a short bus ride to Ski Crest Lodge. ■>! i>i ill A IN LOVING MEMORY Lillian Isabel Kniskern Born May 16, 1902, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Died Oct. 18, 1963, Fontana, Calif. There comes a time for all of us When we must say goodbye But faith and hope and love and trust Can never, never die. Although the curtain falls at last Is that a cause to grieve? The future’s fairer than the past If only we believe. And trust in God's eternal care So when the Master calls Let’s say that life still more fair Although the curtain falls. “Eternal rest grant unto her o, Lord, and may the perpetual light shine upon her." Sadly missed by husband and daughters, Charles Kniskern Mary Jane Bianchine Patricia Vidergar ->»» ■»»» HI I|! HI »»■ ■!' ■»r This is a new lodge with 58 rooms and suites with telephones, private baths and the decor in a Scandinavian motif. It also boasts the Viking Bar and Restaurant and a unique heated swimming pool. Because I work there, I shall take the members on a tour of the whole place before we have our meeting. Happy birthday to all who will celebrate soon. Get well wishes to our sick and we do want to say that we are very happy to have our treasurer, Margaret Malenšek, back at the meetings since her car accident Her leg wras in a cast for some time. Nice to see you walking again, Marge. Hope you are feeling fine. We haven’t had much snow so far but it has been very cold —- gone down to as cold as 32 below zero. Unitil next time, God bless you. Helen Cobai, Reporter No. 95, So. Chicago, III. To handle all fundamental affairs very efficiently now and meet our obligations with pride, we must strive for a better attendance at our meetings. First and foremost, however, it will be my design, as it has been for the past years, to give our members who cannot attend our meetings an accurate and timely account of what has happened. At our January meeting, nothing was achieved due to the absence of many of our members. Meanwhile, I am grateful in a big way for the genuinely considerate hostesses, Agatha Mesin, Ann Person and Amelia Cuzella for the delicious cake and to Cvita Chorich, Eva Starcevich and Lucille Sarich for their generous contributions to the treasury which added up to an enjoyable evening. I would like to express my heartiest good wishes to the following who are celebrating birthdays in March: Catherine Alfirevich, Anna Bozich, Ann Buckovac, Manda Dosen, Helen Golich, Anna Granich (in Calif.), Elaine Grankowski, Cecilia Isek, Mary Jurko, Mary Kareich, Evelyn Marke-zich, Rose Novak, Ann Pave, Ann Person, Rose Mary Perpich, Cather-line Placzkowski, Helen Rapaich, Viola Spitz, Eva Starcevich, Josephine Zadro, Marie Zeffiro, Matilda Jones (San Jose, Calif.) Lucy Kopilash and Helen Mazar. I am happy to hear that Mary Kahn is on the mend after a long stay in the hospital. By the same token, I am sorry to hear that Catherine Cacich has been hospitalized and is undergoing tests. Those of us who know Mrs. Cacich know that she never missed a meeting. Her presence and graciousness will be missed. It is our fervent hope that she will be restored to full health and excercise again the strength and wisdom she has brought to our tasks. (Ed. note: Mrs. Cacich passed away in February. Sincere sympathy.) In closing, if matters are not to your liking recently, may I ask our members to attend our March 4th meeting at 7:30 p. m. and express your opinions, pro and con. See you then. Mildred James No. 96, Universal, Pa. As is our custom, we opened our meeting with prayer. Many of our members were present and we were glad to see you. Our 25th anniversary banquet will be Sunday, April 12th at 5 o’clock at the Holiday House. Phyllis Diller will be the main attraction for the floor show that evening. We hope to have most of you members there. Our member, Victoria Pryatel invited us to her home for the March meeting on the second Sunday at 2 p. m. Everyone should bring a 50c gift for our games meeting. A reminder to those in arrears with dues. We would like to have the books in order, so please take care of this matter now. Help your secretary. Pay your dues and cooperate with her. She is not your banker, she's your insurance secretary. At our meeting, we elected Mrs. Anna Podolinik as Mother of the Year, so, be looking for the write up of our dear mothers in the May issue. Now, for a little sorrow. We were sorry to hear of the passing of Mrs. Stella Bolt’s husband. Our Branch No. 9G had the rosary on the evening before the funeral. Our condolences. We will have a remembrance rosary prayed at our March meeting for all deceased members so please try to be present. This will also be for all the members whose funerals were not attended by our members. Wishes for a speedy recovery to all our sick members and we hope Spring will bring better days and greater strength and happiness. We hope that with God’s will, we’ll be seeing you all at our next meeting at the home of sister Victoria Pryatel, 500 Her-shy Road off Saltsburg Road, March 8th at 2 p. m. May God keep you well and happy. Pauline Kokal, Pres. No. 96, Universal, Pa. The December meeting of our branch was held at the lovely home of Mary Bahor which was well attended by the members. All officers of the preceeding year were re-elected to carry on the good work they have done in the past. Many thanks to Mary Bahor and our president, Pauline Kokal who were hostesses for for our Christmas Party, serving us a delicious lunch including our favorite potica. There was also a gift exchange. Hope to see you all at the March 8th meeting at Vicky Prytel’s—it is important that all who are planning to attend the anniversary banquet will come to this meeting. Get well wishes to all our sick members. Wishes to all the Supreme Officers and S.W.U. members for a happy year. Antoinette Mozina, Reporter No. 101, Bedford Hts., Ohio. The January meeting was well-attended with installation of officers by Fr. Paulin. We forwarded a check to the Marist Seminary as our Christmas project instead of a gift exchange. Thanks to the ladies who donated. On the agenda: We are purchasing tables for the city hall — to show our appreciation for the use of the hall as our meeting place. Overheard Pauline Snetle and Lucille Picone boasting of new grandchildren. Congratulations! On Feb. 24th, we sponsored a Spaghetti Dinner at the Aurora Road School. We will report on the outcome later. Happy biirthday to all who celebrate in Jan., Feb. and March. God love you. Dorothy Kastellic, Sec’y. No. 105, Detroit, Mich. I had not realized that half of January had gone by when I got to writing this report. First of all, I wish every member of S. W. TJ. a very happy new year, and a heathful one. Now I am going to introduce myself: Stephanie Ilometz, your new reporter. Our previous reporter, Rose Jamnik, who was a faithful writer for many years, has taken an extended trip to California. We wish her good luck and perhaps, some day she will come back and take up where she left off. We shall welcome her gladly as she had done a very good job as reporter in the past years. Rose, good luck to you. If 1 can do half as well, I shall be utterly satisfied. Our last month’s meeting was held at Fulvia Rosa’s house. It was a meeting and Christmas Party combined. We had the party in the basement and I must say that Mr. Rosa did a marvelous job in fixing it up. He did it by himself with a little help from Fulvia. It’s so homey and was decorated beautifully for Christmas. We had a regular Italian dinner, ravioli and sauce, meat balls that melted in your mouth and long bread sticks. We then opened our gifts. Alice Kocjan donated several giftB — she does that for every meeting and it is a big boost for our treasury. Thank you, Alice. We wish to thank Fulvia for a grand Christmas party and for being a very charming hostess. Pauline Adamic brought her camera and Mr. Rosa took two group pictures of us. We had election of officers. Pauline Adamic was re-elected president and Catherine Musick secretary and treasurer. Our February meeting at Julia’s Panzica’s home on the 26th will be reported later. Let us start off the new year with a resolve to attend all the meetings. Stephanie Hometz, Reporter Setting Was Lovely . . . For Lovely Members of Br. 105, Detroit! JANEZ JALEN OGRAD Z dovoljenjem cerkvenega oblastva (Konec) Pavla in Ksaverija sta odšli v pisarno. Vpričo sestre prednice je Pavla podpisala, da je v redu prejela vse svoje stvari in da ji je bil zaslužek pošteno izplačan. Pavla je gledala našteti denar, kakor bi njen ne bil. Nič kaj voljna ga ni bila sprejeti. Zdelo se ji je, kakor bi s tem njeno štiriletno trpljenje zgubljalo pravo vrednost. "Pa še nekaj imate shranjenega pri meni, draga gospa!” Sestra prednica je položila na mizo težak zakonski prstan. Pavla je prebledela. Zlatega obročka se kar ni hotela dotakniti. Šele ko jo je nuna resno opomnila, da mora svoje vrednote vse vzeti, ker so pač predpisi taki, je prstan spustila v žep poleg robca. Roko je podrgnila ob predpasnik, kakor bi jo bilo zlato, ki naj bi spominjalo na večno njeno in Filipovo zvestobo, speklo v prste. Prednica ni hotela pokazati, da je opazila nemirni pregib. Prijazno je nadaljevala: “Pri nas je tudi navada, da vsaka, ki odhaja, dobi nekaj popotnje. Gospa! Vi je sicer ne boste rabili. Bodite pa ljubeznivi in je nikar ne zavrnite. Sestram in tudi meni bi se ne zdelo prav. Naše misli in naše molitve vas pospremijo. Priznam, da nam je po svoje hudo.” “Meni tudi!” Pavla se je ozrla na molčečo sošolko Ksaverijo. Solzo je videla lesketati se v njenem očesu. Sestra prednica je brž povzela besedo: “Naj vam nikar ne bo hudo, ljuba gospa. Dobri Bog vam je naložil križ za tuje grehe, ki ste ga vdano in pogumno nosili.” “O, ne. Večkrat sem padala pod njim.” Pavli je kar sama ušla beseda. “Kdo bi ne,” je opravičevala nuna Pavlo. “Sam naš Gospod je trikrat omagal. Neskončno modri Bog, sem hotela reči, vam je nenavadno kmalu, sama sem kaj malo upala, da uspem, nenavadno kmalu vam je odprl vrata iz hiše pokore. Zdi se mi, da vas pošilja osvobojevat tistega, s katerim ste nerazdruženo povezani za vse življenje.” Pavla je molčala. Niti gubica ni trenila na njenem obrazu. Sprejela je darilo sester, zavitek jestvin, se res iz srca zahvalila za naklonjenost in obljubila, da bo sporočala, kako se ji bo zanaprej godilo zunaj v svetu. Pavla doslej še ni niti enkrat pisala v Begunje. Ni vedela, kaj. Filip je nekam izginil. V Gorici ga nihče več ne vidi. Bog ve, če ga bo sama še kdaj. Da bi si le ne bil kaj naredil, jo je skrbelo vsak dan bolj. Navsezadnje je le njen mož. V vinogradu za njo so zašumeli pritajeni koraki. Poklicala jo je mama: "Pavlica!" “Kaj bi radi, mama?” Hči je zaokreniia glavo. “Malicala bi kaj, da se čimprej popraviš,” je poskrbela mati. “Hvala. Nisem lačna.” “Ali naj ti sem prinesem,” je silila mati. “Oh, nikar. Pridem kmalu sama,” se je branila Pavla. “Pa ne smeš pozabiti!” “Ne bom.” Tiho, kakor bi se bala zmotiti hčerine misli, je Gradiš-nica odšla po vinogradu navkreber nazaj k ognjišču. Pavla pa je spet začela hoditi v spominu po begunjski kaznilnici. Iz pisarne sta se povzpeli s sestro Ksaverijo po polžasto zavitih stopnicah v stanovanje gospoda kurata. Na visokem hodniku je odjeknil pod podkovanimi čevlji pisan tlak, zložen iz brušenih kamnitih plošč. Ustavili sta se pred umetno izrezljanimi in s starinsko zavitim železom bogato okovanimi vrati. Pavla je bila razburjena, da je slišala biti srce. Rada bi se bila malo pomudila, pa je sestra Ksaverija že potrkala. “Naprej!” Sestra Ksaverija je odprla vrata in se umaknila, da počaka zunaj. Pavla je vstopila. Nrahlo zardela v lica je pozdravila: “Hvaljen bodi Jezus Kristus!” “Na vekomaj. Amen!” je odgovoril kurat Janez Bizjan, odložil pero in vstal od pisanja. Pavli je ponudil stol pri mizi na sredi sobe in sam sedel na drugo stran. Da je mogel videti Pavli naravnost v obraz, je odmaknil šopek rdečega resja in belih kurjic s srede na vogal. Resno zamišljen je spregovoril: “Gospa Pavla! Že več dni preudarjam, kaj naj vam povem ob razstanku.” “Za vsako besedo vam bom hvaležna, prečastiti.” Pavla se je uglajeno poklonila. Kar pozabila je, da še vedno nosi obleko kaznjenk. “Gospa doktorjeva!” Kurat Bizjan je položil dlan na mizo: “Vam se morebiti zdi, da so bila štiri leta, prebita pri nas, izgubljen čas." “Ne, gospod kurat! Zavedam se, da sem dokaj pridobila, posebno v razgovorih z vami. O življenju sedaj vse drugače sodim. Prej sem napak.” Pavla je govorila neprisiljeno ,kakor nekdaj doma v salonu. “Gospa Pavla!” Kurat je postavljal besede, kakor bi vsako posebej pretehtaval. “Odkrito priznam, da se čutim majhnega pred vami.” “Gospod kurat?" je zastrmela Pavla. “Nič ne oporekajte,” je pribil z roko duhovnik. “Rešili ste nadarjenega moža, s katerim vas je združil Bog v zakramentu svetega zakona. V zaslepljenosti je hotel poseči po lastnem življenju.” “Sedaj hodi po še bolj zgrešenih potih,” je pripomnila Pavla. In kakor bi hotela pokazati, da se ne mara pogovarjati o Filipu, je pogledala navzgor proti stropu in pričela opazovati bogato, blesteče belo štukaturo, izmed katere so gledali nanjo v več kakor naravni velikosti izdelani, skoraj popolnoma goli otroci. Pavla se je ta trenutek jasno zavedela, da ne bo nikoli mati. Bilo ji je kar prav. Celo dobro se ji je zdelo, da doslej ni imela otrok, kakor si jih je včasih naravnost bolestno želela. Kako naj bi pa opravičila pred njimi, ko bi odrasli, očetovo ravnanje. Filipa bi morali zaničevati, če bi le količkaj ljubili njo. Ne, ne. Da se čimprej znebi trpkih misli, je pričela pozorno opazovati raznovrstno divjad, naslikano v različno obrobljene ploskve. Kakor bi videl v Pavlino dušo, se je kurat Bizjan začuda zresnil. Vstal je. Črni talar ga je nekako odmikal brigam vsakdanjega življenja. Njegov glas je zazvenel, kakor bi več ne govoril sam iz sebe: “Gospa! Res hodi vaš mož po nerodnih potih, ima pa le še vedno čas, da otme svojo dušo. Če bi vi ne bili prevzeli njegove krivde, bi ga ne imel več. Utegne biti, da ga prav vi z vašimi dosedanjimi odpovedmi in z nevšečnostmi, ki vas še čakajo, rešite Kranjska Gora na Gorenjskem Chicago 17. maja—Ljubljana 17. junija CHICAGO Dne 17. maja se vrši slavnostna otvoritev trinajste redne konvencije naše Zveze. Ob 11:30 zjutraj bo darovana slovesna sveta maša v cerkvi sv. Štefana. Ob eni uri popoldne se bomo zbrali v veliki dvorani svetega Štefana k slavnostnemu banketu. Po banketu bo pester program in po programu se bo razvila domača zabava s plesom. V nedeljo bo ta zabave in veselja za vse delegatke in goste. Odbor, ki ima v rokah priprave, se trudi po svoji najboljši moči, da bo sprejem lep in domač. Na naših konvencijah damo veliko pozornost tudi gostom, ki pridejo iz krajev, kjer imamo podružnice kot “visitors”, ker to napravi večjo grupo in se s tem tudi organizacija lepo postavi. Vemo, da se pripravljajo za skupno potovanje članice in i>rijateljice iz Clevelanda, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Minnesota in Colorado, kakor tudi iz drugih držav. Vljudno ste vabljene članice od vseh podružnic. Odločite se, da maja meseca pridete v Chicago, kjer je druga največja slovenska naselbina in Chicago je središče vseh zanimivosti in kdor še ni obiskal našega velemesta naj ne zamudi krasne prilike, ke se vam nudi. Potovalni stroški so znižani za vse, ki se boste pridružile skupinam. Chicago vam kliče: Prisrčno dobrodošle! Zborovanje se bo pričelo v pondeljek v Morrison Hotelu. Naša konvencija traja običajno tri dni, to bo do srede 20. maja. pogubljenja. Vse premalo se zavedamo, da smo ljudje skrivnostno povezani med seboj v ljubezni in trpljenju, pa tudi v zadostovanju za medsebojne krivice in za žalitve, ki jih prizadevamo Bogu. V tej smeri, gospa, hudo pre-izkušana duša, išče smisel svojemu življenju.” “Prizadevala si bom, prečastiti!” Kurat se je odkritega razgovora razveselil. Razjasnil se mu je obraz. Da bi pa svojo misel še bolj poudaril, je dal Pavli za spomin podobico Odrešenika, za grehe vsega človeštva pribitega na križ. Za slovo ji je pa voščil srečo pod še vedno ohranjenim stropom v nekdanjem lovskem salonu plemiča Lamberga prav z njegovimi besedami: “GOT GEBS GLVKH.” (Bog daj srečo.) Pavla se je nasmehnila in odgovorila po črkah nad vhodom na dvorišče graščine: “GOT GEBS GLVCKHSALIG END.” (Bog daj srečen konec.) Čez dobro uro so za Pavlo zadnjič zarožljali ključi v vratih mogočnega vhoda. Oblečena spet v svojo lastno obleko je hodila dokaj bolj lahkotno. Sicer se je pa pri tehtanju ugotovilo, da je zadnje čase izgubila precej na teži. Tudi črni kovčeg, ki ga je nosila v roki, je bil kaj lahek. Nekaterim kaznjenkam se naravnost mudi, da pridejo, ko se jim odpro vrata kaznilnice, čimprej na cesto. Pavla in sestra Ksaverija sta pa zavili pod odkldani, pa še vedno zmrzli poti, skozi drevored golih kostanjev proti odkopne-lim bregovom pod Rebrijo. Pavla je natrgala droben šopek redkega zgodnjega cvetja. Položila ga je na še lahko zasneženi grob ciganke Kati. Pomolila je za pokoj umrle prijateljice. Oko se ji pa ni zasolzilo. Saj bi bila rada menjala z njo. Vprežen v koleselj in odet v živozeleno kocasto odejo je pred hlevi čakal Lisko. Pavla sama ni vedela, kdaj jo je Minca posadila na voz, sedla sama poleg nje, tesno zavila kolena in pognala. Koleselj je drdral po trdi cesti, Pavli pa se je bleščalo pred očmi, kakor bi se bila res odvadila polne svetlobe. Minca je kaj kmalu spoznala, da sošolka najraje molči. Ni je nadlegovala z vprašanji. Pri Potočniku je Pavlo pozdravila mama. Pričela je glasno Ihteti. Pavla jo je prisrčno objela: “O, moja mamica!” Sama ni potočila solze. Čez tri dni je žena doktorja Filipa Andrejčiča podarila svoj zlati zakonski prstan Materi božji na Brezjah. Ko sta se z mamo vrnili nazaj k Potočniku, ju je čakalo očetovo pismo, v katerem je sporočal, naj prideta, da je že vse uredil. LJUBLJANA Dne 17. junija je pa dan prihoda v Ljubljana za naše izletnike. Kakor ste že brali v Zarji, ima letos Zveza tri izlete z jet letalom in 3. junija s parnikom. Ako ste med tistimi, ki se ne morete odločiti ali bi šli letos ali p«, bi še počakali, nikar več ne čakajte, ker nihče ne ve, ali bo dočakal drugo leto ali ne. V starem kraju pa čakajo sorodniki, prijatelji in znanci da pridete. Vsak obisk je velik užitek na vseh koncih in krajih. Nekateri trdijo, da nimajo več sorodnikov, toda, imate pa svoj rodni kraj in vredno si je ogledati lepote Ljubljane in Slovenije. Za turiste imajo na razpolago moderne hotele in tudi motele. Vožnja stane samo $424.00 iz New Yorka do Ljubljane za članice in njihove družinske člane. Obrnite se na naš glavni urad za informacije in mi vam bomo pomagali, da boste imeli vse lepo urejeno. Samo, prosim, nikalne odlašajte! Na svidenje v Chicagu 17. maja in na svidenje v Ljubljani 17. junija! Albina Novak, gl. tajnica naslov: 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, 111. telefon: Bishop 7-2014 ali Bishop 7-7999 Tudi to je moralo biti domenjeno, da sta se že v temi pripeljali v Gorico in ponoči domov. Dnevi potekajo. Brda so se razcvela v višek lepote. Petje ptičev gluši ušesa. Vse se oživlja. Nekdaj vedno vesela Gradišnikova Pavla pa poseda naokrog kakor bolnik, ki je pred kratkim ušel smrti. Vsi jo milu jejo. Komaj upajo vpričo nje glasno govoriti. Oče in mati sta vsak dan bolj zaskrbljena. Ona sama pa otopeva. Svojo balo spet vidi doma. Kje pa hodi Filip, se ji niti ne sanja ne. Zdi se ji, da bi ji odleglo, če bi se mogla razjokati. Po poti navzgor je prišel pismonoša. Izročil je Pavli petkrat zapečateno pismo. Prepoznala je Filipovo pisavo in s tresočo se roko potrdila, da je pismo res sama prejela. Obdarila je sla in obotavljaje se prelomila pečate. Razgrnila je obsežen list in se začudila nagovoru: “Največjega spoštovanja vredna žena!” Pavla kar verjeti ne more. Bere in pretehtava besede. Filip priznava, da ga je do dna srca presunil očitek, naj najprej poravna, kar je dolžan pred Bogom in ljudmi in šele potem zapravlja z ničvrednimi ženskami. Sporoča ji, da je do zadnjega povrnil storjeno škodo, še prej pa odslovil Olgo Staničevo. Če ne verjame, naj vpraša lastnega očeta, ki je bil priča tem njegovim dejanjem. Sam odhaja kakor berač v tuj svet, kjer bo skušal pomagati predvsem svojim rojakinjam, ki si jih dokaj služi kruh ob bregovih Nila. Pavli se je začel obraz jasniti. Zameglile so se ji pa oči, ko je spet brala, da je ona sama močna žena, ki je njena cena kakor stvari iz daljave in od skrajnih mej. Da se bosta pač težko še kdaj v življenju videla, bo pa njen mož mislil nanjo vsak dan, do zadnjega diha, up sreče pa, do onkraj groba hrani. Pavli so omahnile roke s pismom vred v naročje. Zamižala je. Obšla jo je čudna omotica. Mižala je in ni vedela, ali sanja ali je res, ko je zaslišala božajoče glasove violin. Počasi je odprla oči In zagledala pod sabo na poti cigane. Koj je prepoznala Tončka, brata pokojne Kati. On je vodil godce. Pavli se je storilo milo. Naslonila je obraz v roke. Po dolgem času je spet zajokala. “Pavlica! Ljuba moja Pavlica!” Mama, ki je prihitela in prisedla, kar ni mogla utolažiti hčer, kakor bi hotela Pavla vse pridržane bolečine Iz svojega štiriletnega bivanja v kaznilnici izjokati ob pesmi ciganov. Šele ko je oče odvedel godce, da jih pogosti, se je umirila. Ob zorečih češnjah so se pordečila tudi Pavlina lica. Gradišnikova Pavla se je spet znala smejati. KONEC Marie Prisland: NAŠA ZARJA Knjigo življenja naše ZARJE, visoko cenim in večkrat premišljujem, Od lista prvega, kjer se začenja, do lista zadnjega jo pregledujem. V ZARJI najdem razne mi podatke, poglavja prošla naše zgodovine, ki kažejo življenja igre kratke, vesele ,tudi bridke — vzbujajo spomine. Imen prijateljic je v njej veliko iz nekdajnih let, ki so nas ljubile. V spominu istih si predstavljam sliko, čeprav so 'mnoge že nas zapustile. (Besede vzete iz “Knjige Življenja” pokojnega Ivana Župana, pesnika-urednika.) Meseca junija letos bo naše uradno glasilo ZARJA zaključilo 35-letnieo obstoja. Petintrideset let že ZARJA prihaja med nas. Prinaša nam poučno, včasih tudi zabavno čtivo. Seznanja nas z aktivnostmi naših podružnic. V našemu listu najdemo zapisnike zborovanj glavnih uradnic in vseh konvencij. Vsako leto meseca maja list krasi mnogo slik. To so naše odlične matere, ki so jih podružnice postavile na častno mesto. V listu so objavljene slike naših mladinskih krožkov, poročnih parov, obletnic in sploh vse, kar se med nami zanimivega dogaja. Kaj ni lepo imeti svoj list, ki nam tako dobro služi? Izdajati ženski list, ki naj lepo povezuje članstvo med seboj ter skrbno pazi, da ne zagazi v nasprotja, ki bi znala škodovati ugledu organizacije — ni lahka naloga. Zveza si je z lastnim glasilom naložila ogromo delo in veliko odgovornost, saj je naša ZARJA vsem Ameriškim Slovenkam v reklamo. V naše veliko veselje in zadoščenje se je glasilo dobro obneslo, da danes uživa splošen ugled, kar je zasluga urednic, ki so list tekom 35 let urejevale. Zveza bi seveda bila finančno na boljšem brez svojega časopisa, ki stane vedno več, a organizacija brez glasila je kot telo brez duše. Zveza bi tudi ne mogla tako hitro rasti če bi jo ZARJA ne vezala s članstvom. Lahko smo tudi ponosne na dejstvo, da je ZARJA na vsem svetu edin slovenski ženski list z deset tisoč naročnicami. — Kakšna bo bodočnost našega glasila je odvisno od prihodnje konvencije, vršeče se meseca maja v Chicagi. Pred zadnjo konvencijo sem od članic prejemala pisma sledeče vsebine: “Skušajte no na konvenciji stroške znižati! Vsaj poskusite!” No, pa poskusimo, sem rekla. A kako? Pri Zvezi imamo tri vrste stroške. Posmrtnino, plače in ZARJO. Posmrtnine ne moremo znižati in tudi ne smemo. Če znižamo plače, ne bomo imele vestne in točne uprave in tudi ne zmožnih uradnic. Ostane toraj samo še ZARJA. Poglejmo, če bi se dalo tukaj kaj prihraniti. ZARJA je mesečnik v obliki revije, če bi se spremenila oblika v navaden časopis, bi se morda stroški znižali. Da se v tem prepričam, sem sl preskrbela cene tiskanju ter pričela računati. Vzelo mi je skoro mesec dni, da sem vse uredila, pripravila vzorec in cene. Imela sem vse lepo aranžirano za konvencijo. Da se razumem. Jaz ljubim ZARJO v taki obliki kot je sedaj, saj sem jo jaz ustanovila in ji dala ime. ZARJA v sedajni obliki je krasen list, da nič boljšega ne moremo zahtevati, a da ustreženi članicam, ki so želele naj se stroške zniža, sem šla na delo in se mučila z podatki in računi. Predložila sem moj plan konvenciji. In kaj je konvencija storila? Moj predlog, da se obliko ZARJE spremeni in vsako leto precej prihrani na tiskanju, je lepo zavrgla in ZARJA je ostala v sedajni obliki. Delegacija je želela imeti list tak kot je. Takrat seveda nismo znale, da bo tiskarna zvišala ceno; to je storila še le 8 mesecev po konvenciji. Da bi blagajna radi zvišane cene preveč ne trpela, je glavni odbor določil malenkostno naklado 25 centov na članico enkrat na leto, da bi se s tem pokrilo vsaj nekaj dodatnih stroškov pri listu. Pričakovale smo, da bodo naše članice, ki vsak dan vidijo višanje cen vsem mogočim produktom, razumele, da se tudi tiskanje časopisov draži, ter da bodo doklado sprejele kot samo ob sebi umevno. Na žalost pa imamo precej članic, ki se temu protivijo, da celo nekaj delegatk je med njimi, ki na zadnji konvenciji niso hotele pri ZARJI “šparati” ter so moj predlog za znižanje stroškov zavrgle, zdaj pa se protivijo nakladi 25 centov. Zakaj tako? ZARJA je vendar naš list, na katerega je lahko vsaka članica ponosna. Kaj je dva centa na mesec v sedajni dobi draginje ko cent sploh ne velja več za denar. No, prišla bo spet konvencija. Podružnice naj svojim delegatkam naročijo kako naj glasujejo glede ZARJE. Povem pa, da zdaj nimam pripravljenih nikakih računov in načrtov glede lista. Delegacija naj sama ukrene, kar želi. Lahko ZARJO poveča, jo zmajnša, spremeni obliko, ali pa ukine popolnoma, če list res ni vreden enega dodatnega kvodra na leto. Z mesecem julijem bo ZARJA nastopila svojo 26-to leto. Ali se sploh zavedamo kaj imamo v svojem listu? Ameiikanci nas radi ZARJE spoštujejo. Univerzitetne knjižnice želijo imeti naš list. Kongresna knjižnica v Washingtonu, D. C., je izrazila željo, da se ji list redno pošilja. Iz stare domovine, kamor list prihaja, dobivamo priznal na pisma o vsebini lista. Našim možem ZARJA ugaja in jo radi čitajo. Samo me, članice, ne vidimo vrednosti svojega lista, ne znamo upoštevati njegovega poslanstva. ZARJA je bila rojena iz potrebe, da je združila po vsej Ameriki razkropljene Zvezine članice ter jih vsak mesec zbližala. List je bil rojen iz navdušenja za Zvezo. Srca so prekipevala sreče in ponosa, da imamo Slovenke v širni Ameriki SVOJ list. To je bil velik dogodek za mlado organizacijo, pa tudi doprinos k slovenski kulturi. Navdušenje za list pojema, morda vsled tega ker se staramo; ni pa treba, da razkopavamo to, kar smo z velikim trudom zgradile. * # » Elizabeth Jackson, mati velikega Amerikanca Andreja Jacksona, je na bolniški postelji svojemu 14-letnemu sinčku takole govorila: "Andrej, zapomni si nekaj mojih naukov. V tem svetu boš moral stati na lastnih nogah ter se boriti za življen-ski obstanek. V ta namen boš potreboval prijateljev, resničnih in iskrenih. Prijatelje si boš pridobil le, če boš pošten in obdržal jih boš, če boš stanoviten in ne vihrav. Pomni, prijatelji od tebe pričakujejo toliko kot dajo tebi. Pozabiti obligacije ali biti nehvaležen če ti kdo kaj dobrega stori, ni samo slaba lastnost, pač pa tudi krivica. Nehvaležen človek bo prej ali slej plačal račun za svoj postopek. Pri občevanju z ljudmi bodi vedno olikan, nikdar zadirčen. Živi tako, da boš lahko sam sebe spoštoval, potem te bodo spoštovali tudi drugi. Če moraš sebe zagovarjati, ne stori tega v jezi pač pa z mirnim nastopom. V jezi izgubiš kontrolo nad seboj in nihče ne more brez kontrole varno voziti.” * * * ZAHVALA Prisrčno se zahvaljujem vsem dragim članicam, podružnicam in glavnemu odboru za prijazne želje k mojemu ozdravljenju, cvetlice, darila in obiske v bolnišnici za časa moje bolezni. Vaša ljubezniva pozornost me je zelo razveselila. Z iskrenimi pozdravi, hvaležna, Marie Prisland P. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M.: NASE ODREŠENJE Naslednja zgodba naj pripravi naše duše za žrtve, ki so potrebne, da dosežemo večno življenje. Dne 17. februarja 1941 leta so Nemci odpeljali v zglo-glasno taborišče v Oswiencinu (Auschwitz) minoritskega patra Maksimilijana Kolbe-ja. Tega dne se je začel zanj križev pot, ki se je končal na žrtveniku ljubezni do bližnjega na predvečer praznika Marijinega vnebovzetja. Iz barake številka 14 je nekega dne pobegnil jetnik. Vsi so se prestrašili, ker so vedeli, da bodo Nemci zaradi tega bega kaznovali deset jetnikov in sicer s smrtjo v bunkerju lakote. Nobeden od jetnikov se ni bal smrti, ker jim je pač življenje v taborišču bilo pretežko. Toda misel na smrt od lakote in žeje, misel na to najstrašnejše trpinčenje, ki si ga je izmislil sovražni krvnik, je vsakemu vlila v kosti strah in trepet. Celo krvniki sami so se bali pogledati v bunker lakote in so se ga izogibali. Kaj se je zgodilo po begu tega jetnika. Vso noč ni nihče zatisnil očesa. Končno je prišlo jutro. Bilo je 26. julija 1941. leta. Vsa baraka 14 je morala v stavu mirno stati ves dan na vročem julijskem soncu. Mnogi so od vročine in žeje padli v nezavest. Proti večeru je general Fritsch, komandant taborišča začel izbirati žrtve za bunker lakote. Za komandantom je stopal vojak in pisal številke onih katere je komandant pokazal s prstom. Slišati je bilo razne vzdihe. Najbolj žalosten je bil krik nekega poljskega podoficirja: “Uboga žena in otroci, nikdar več jih ne bom videl.” Oče Maksimilijan ni mogel več zdržati. Ta krik ga je vzpodbudil, da je storil to, za kar se je bil že prej odločil. Med jetniki se je preril naprej do komandanta. Fritsch je potegnil revolver in ga naperil nanj. “Stoj. Kaj hoče od mene ta poljska svinja?” Oče Maksimilijan se je tiho nasmehnil in rekel: “Hotel bi umreti namesto enega od teh, ki ste jih odbrali.” “Zakaj hočeš to storiti?” je začudeno vprašal komandant. “Star sem in moje življenje že ni več dosti vredno. A ta ima ženo in otroke.” Pokazal je z roko na onega podoficirja, ki je maloprej kriknil za ženo in otroci. Vse taborišče se je čudilo. Prvikrat je komandant govoril z jetnikom. “Naj bo. Sprejmem ponudbo, a vojak je prečrtal številko podoficirja in zapisal na njeno mesto številko 1G.670, ki jo je nosil na prsih všito oče Maksimilijan Kolbe. Takoj so odpeljali vseh deset odbranih jetnikov v bunker lakote. Eden za drugim so umirali. Oče Maksimilijan je najdalje zdržal. S pesmijo in molitvijo je dajal sebi in sotrpinom pogum. Na predvečer Marijinega Vnebovzetja so mu dali injekcijo strupa. Ko je umrl, so njegovo telo sežgali v krematorju. Oče Maksimilijan je šel v smrt, da bi rešil življenje družinskemu očetu. Umrl je kot dvakratni mučenec; mučenec telesnega trpljenja in mučenec krščanske ljubezni. To, je kar je storil oče Kolbe in še mnogo, mnogo več storil Jezus Kristus, ki se je žrtvoval na lesu križa za nas vse, da nas je tako spravil z Bogom, svojim očetom. S svojim vstajenjem pa nam je Jezus dal poguma, da junaško sprejmemo trpljenje sedanjega časa, ki se ne da primerjati prihodnji slavi, ki čaka nas vse, če bomo sedaj znali zadeti križ nase in hoditi za Gospodom. Veselo alelujo vsem članicam in njihovim družinam! DOPISI Št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. — Komaj so minili božični prazniki, pa so že pred nami veseli velikonočni prazniki. Spremljali bomo našega Zveličarja od jaslic do Kalvarije in veličastnega Vstajenja. Dea seja je bila, kakor po navadi dobro obiskana. Imele smo zelo mičen in zabavni večer s prigrizkom v obliki božičnih dobrot. Posebno smo tudi vesele naših mladinskih članov, ki so vsako leto v dec. z nami. V imenu podr. se zahvalimo dar pri kritju stroškov božičnice iz gl. urada. Zelo je žalostno, da pri 300 članic, ki jih ima naša podr, nismo mogle izvoliti vseh odbornic na gl. seji. Seje se bodo vršile še naprej vsako prvo sredo v mesecu v cerkveni dvorani zvečer. Naša podr. je ponosna, da ima 21 članic, ki so dosegle nad 80 let starosti. Gertrude Muhich je v dec. slavila svoj 90 rojstni dan. Novi članici Helen Galich, kličemo dobrodošlico, kakor tudi 9 juniors ki so doslej pristopli. Čestitke naši zalužni materi podr., Lucille Jesik, ki ima 11 svojih otrok pri podružnici. Njena hiša je vedno v najlepšem redu. Ona je izborna šivilja, po 5 dni na teden je zaposlena v bolnišnici, kot izučena bolniška strežnica. Gotovo zasluži častni naslov zaslužne matere v čast Zvezi in njeni družini. Johana Klune se nahaja v Chicagu na kratkem obisku pri hčerki Mary, ki je tudi članica št. 3. Mary je bila pri nas in sorodnikih za božične praznike. Johani Klune iskren Bog lonaj za ročno izdelane Miklavčke, katere je poslala kot božično darilo odbornicam društev Sv. Ane in krščanskim materam. Kavno ko to pišem, zopet zvonovi žalostno zvonijo v slovo Josephine Roitz, rojene Peček, sestrične mojega moža. Bila je dolgo let duševno bolna. Živela je na domu, kjer so ji mož in otroci skrbno stregli in negovali v njeni žalostni bolezni. Vsa čast taki družini. Umrla sta tudi Joseph Krasovich in Frances Narod, ki je bila še mlada, toda taka je bila božja volja. Ob bridki izgubi in smrti prijateljev, prejmite vsi preostali iskrene sožalje. Saj vemo, da tudi nas čaka ista in edina pot. Tajnica je poslala voščilne kartice članicam v bolnišnico: Katerine Kra-lich, Rose Jeršin, Elsie Mramor, Mary Kocman, Frances Gornik se je malo pozdravila, da hodi z železno oporo na nogi. Želimo vsem bolnim, da bi voljno prenašali križe in težave bolezni in da jim Marija podeli dragoceni zaklad zdravja. Za praznike sem dobila oglase za Zarjo. Priporočam, da obiščete trgovce, ki oglašajo v naši Zarji. Dne 7. marca je 13 letnica smrti moje nepozabne hčerke Anne, ki sedaj sniva večni sen, kjer se bomo enkrat vsi združili. Sporočam, da imam na rokah kuharske knjige “Woman’s Glory — The Kitchen” v angleškem besedilu. Cena je $2.75. Voščim vsem skupaj vesele in blagoslovljene velikonočne praznike. Anna Pachak Št. 6, Barberton, Ohio. — Bela žena smrt pri nas razsaja in grabi svoje žrtve. Izgubile smo dobro članico naše podr., sestro Jennie Škraba, ki je bila pred leti tudi predsednica naše podr. Zelo jo bomo pogrešale. Od svojih dragih se je tudi za vedno poslovil, John Krašovec in nas vse je zelo pretresla novica o smrti Margaret Pečnik, ki je po kratki bolezni zapustila ta svet in odšla v večnost. Vsem žalujočim sorodnikom pokojnih, izrekam v imenu podr. naše globoko sožalje. Pokojnim pa mirni počitek v hladni zemlji in na svidenje nad zvezdami. Zima je pri nas nenavadno huda in zavila nas je s svojo belo toda mrzlo odejo. Upam pa, da ko boste brale te vrstice, bodo zunaj že znaki bližajoče se pomladi, katero vsi, posebno še mi starejši nestrpno pričakujemo. Navadno pohvalim naše pridne članice, ker to res zalužijo vendar pa moram tudi malo pokritizirati, namreč, da se premalo zanimamo za naše bolne sestre, ki si tako želijo naših obiskov. Drugo napako moram omeniti je ta, da ob smrti članice včasih molimo pri bolj slabi udeležbi, ker se rade izgovarjamo na razne zapreke, toda z dobro voljo se da vse premagati, kajti tudi me smo na Isti poti. Torej več zanimanja v tem pogledu, pa bo za vse boljše. Ob koncu prosim članice podr., da gotovo pridete na seje, kajti na programu imamo počastitev Materinega dneva v mesecu maju in zato se moramo prej pripraviti. O tem kaj več prihodnjič. Sesterske pozdrave vsem članicam podr. in celi SŽZ. Jennie Ožbolt, tajnica ČESTITKE ZLATOPOROCENCEMA! pred-konvenCna KAMPANJA SE ZAKLJUČI 31. MARCA! Št. 10, Cleveland (Collinwood), O. Najprej se želim zahvaliti vsem dragim prijateljicam za krasne voščilne kartice, za obiske in darila in posebno še za molitve za moje zdravje. Vsem skupaj, res iskren Bog plačaj! Enako prisrčna zahvala za božična voščila, katerih sem toliko prejela, kot nikoli prej, toda nisem mogla odgovoriti, ker sem komaj par dni pred Božičem prišla domov in bila še zelo slaba. Zato pa vam vsem sedaj želim vse najboljše na svetu, posebno da bi vam ljubi Bog dal zdravja, ker drugo že samo pride. Jaz sem še vedno pod zdravniško oskrbo, a zdravje se mi počasi vrača. Seveda sedaj je zima in pa starost, a stare kosti popravljati je počasno delo. Če sem le kaj pojamrala, da me boli, so mi rekli “you are lucky to be alive”, pa sem se pogledala v ogledalo in sem videla, da sem hudo zgledala. Tako vas popravijo v bolnicah. No pa stari pregovor pravi, kopriva ne pozebe, tako se pa tudi jaz ne podam. Še bo luštno. Naša mlada članica Josephine Sežun je prestala težko operacijo in se sedaj zdravi doma. Bila je v isti bolnici in imela istega zdravnika kot jaz, to je našega rojaka Adolpha Žnidaršiča, ki je zelo dober in prijazen zdravnik. Govori zelo lepo slovensko, on je sin naše dolgoletne članice A. Stra-dijot. Jaz se mu moram še posebno zahvaliti, ker me je trikrat peljal iz bolnice domov, da mi ni bilo treba iskati voznika. (Thanks a lot, Doc.) Zadnji mesec smo bo zopet izgubile članico pri naši podr., ses. Mary Gul-lic. Naj v miru počiva. Ostalim naše iskreno sožalje. V blagajno je darovala Mary Ralto-vetz. — Naša ses. Mary Penko seje podala v toplo Californijo. Spremljal jo je tudi starejši brat Anton. Ostala bosta tam črez zimo, da si okrepita zdravje. Toplo sonce je dobro za stare ljudi. Želimo vama, da bi se srečno vrnila nazaj. Pozdravljam tudi vse druge naše znance tam v mestu Fontani, posebno še vse članice št. 100. Moji namestnici, novi zapisnikarici pri št. 10, želim, da bi prav pridno delovala za napredek naše podr. dolgo vrsto let. Good luck, Sophy! Prav lepo pozdravljam vse članice SŽZ. Antonia Repic št. 10, Cleveland, Ohio. — Dne 14. januarja smo se zopet zbrale na seji, ki se je vršila v Slovenskem Domu na Holmes Ave. Vreme je bilo precej slabo, dosti snega in bil je tudi hud mraz, toda vseeno je prišlo lepo število članic na sejo. — Našta Tončka St. 13, San Francisco, Calif. Tu na Zapadli zopet čestitamo zlatoporočen-cema. Zadnjič smo čestitali ses. Mary Klepec in soprogu in njihovi ugledni družini A dne 18. jan sta obhajala lepo slavnost zlate poroke naša ses. Mary Slanec in njen soprog Martin. Slavljencema čestitamo v imenu Zveze, kakor tudi cerkvenega pevskega zbora ter jim kličemo, še na mnoga leta, da bi dočakala še biserno poroko. Kljub vsemu trpljenju in težavah bolezni mnogih let, je ses. Slane po čudovitih božjih potih, dočakala svojo zlato poroko ob strani dobrega in blagega moža, ki ji vsa leta zvesto stregel s tisto ljubeznijo, ki ji danes tako redka v teh modernih časih. Taka zvestoba in ljubezen že na tem svetu odpira nebeška vrata. Ses. Slane je požrtvovalna žena in je bila neumorna delavka za naše organizacije, posebno Zvezo, katere predsednica je bila mnogo let. Onadva sta vzor mladim parom, po njih naj bi se tudi mi starejši ravnali, potem bi naša Zapadna vrata bila res "Zlata”, ko bi zlati pari eden za drugim šli skozi naš “Golden Gate.” Žena našega pok. predsednika, Jacqueline Kennedy, nam je pokazala, kako moramo dostojanstveno mirno prenašati najhujše udarce usode. Moja prijateljica Mira Klemenčičeva iz Ljubljane je še posebno občudovala hrabro zadržanje te žene, kajti Evropejke ne znajo prikriti svoji čustev. Ko sem zadnjič poročala o uspelem koncertu Slovenskega okteta, sem po- Repic je še vedno bolana, toda upamo, da bo kmalu zopet zdrava prišla med nas. Pristopila je nova članica Caroline Stefančič, pridobila jo je Mary Korošec. Hvala lepa Mary. Carolini pa želimo dobrodošlico, da bi rada prihajala na seje. Ker naša predsednica ni mogla biti med nami na seji, zato je to sejo vodila podpredsednica, Phyllis Chermely, ki je sejo pričela z molitvijo in vse drugo je bilo kot po navadi. V maju se bo vršila konvencija v Chicagu. Na tej seji smo sklenile, da bo volitev de-legatinj na febr. seji. Nadalje želim poročati, da bomo i-mele Bowling Tournament. Če bi katera želela keglati, naj se priglasi. Po seji smo imele malo zabavo in praznovale smo “Birthdays” Štefke Koncilja, Mrs. Šuštaršič in Mary Černigoj. Ena je spekla cake, druga rozinovo potico, ena pa je prinesla nekaj za grlo, da smo boljše zapele. Lojzka Čebular pa je slavljenkam na čast deklamirala. Vsem, ki slavijo svoje rojstne dneve, želim vse najboljše in tistim, ki so bolane kar najhitrejše okrevanje. Lep pozdrav vsem, Sophie Magayna Št. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. — Vabim vse članice na sejo dne 19. marca ob Mr. and Mrs. Martin Slanec zabila omeniti med prireditelji tudi gospoda in gospo Summers, ki sta pogostila pevce na domu. Koncert se je vršil v novi dvorani v Parku “Hall of Flowers”. Glasovi naših pevcev brez kakega spremljevanja godbe so se čudovito zlili, da se je zdelo, kakor krasno zvonjenje zvonov. Zasenčenje not je bilo dovršeno. Prve pesmi so bile iz renesance, a potem so sledile prelepe slovenske melodije. Peli so tudi^ rusko, hrvaško, angleško. Zelo je vžgala tista češka o “mladost ti moja kam odšla si, kje si ... ” Seveda naša “Ribniška” je prekosila vse. Upamo, da še pridejo kedaj in nam prinesejo našo pesem in z njo nepozabni spomin na našo rodno grudo, po kateri nam vedno hrepeni srce. Pozdrave, Poldica Podgornik, poročevalka 1 uri popoldne v cerkveni dvorani, 1028 So. 9th St. Slišale boste poro-čilo o izidu kartne zabave, katero smo imele 23. febr., zato ste vabljene, da se udeležite seje v velikem številu. Sestre, pomagajte pri delu za pridobitev novih članic, da tako izpolnimo vrzeli, ki nastopajo od smrti naših zvestih članic. Zopet so preminule dve naši dolgoletni članici: Mary Tam-se in Mary Suban. Naj dobri sestri počivata v miru božjem. Žalujočim družinam iskreno sožalje. Na bolniškem listu imamo tudi več sester: Stavia Doberšek, Josephine Martincich, Mary Erman, Anna Prek, Anne Oreskovich, Kathie Stuller, Josephine Berginc, Hedwig Kodrich in Josephine Seiko. Vsem želimo ljubega zdravja. Dobrodošlico izrekamo novim članicam Zveze, posebno sestram pri št. 12. Mary Schimenz, tajnica '‘‘-J*1 1,1 ,a* ‘ — , ŽALOSTNO VEST ^ Dne 27. februarja je nas za vedno zapustila sestra BARA ’ * KRAMER v San Francisco. • . Spomin na blago pokojno Baro ( bo neminljiv! Na Bog poplača zaslužni ženi. ’ KATERA BO KONVENČNA KRALJICA? Lepe nagrade čakajo vse pridne članice v tej kampanji! Druga zmagovalka bo imenovana “Princesa”, in za vsako novo članico razreda B boste prijele $1.00 v denarju. Za vsako novo članico razreda \ — 50c in 25c za novega mladinskega člana! Sestre, pojdimo vse na delo! KAMPANJA BO ZAKLJUČENA 31. MARCA, 1964 Št. 14, Euclid, Ohio. — Poročilo februarske seje. Članice so kar napolnile stole za to sejo, ker ni bilo preveč mrzlo. Le tako naprej, če bo tako skozi vse leto, potem bomo vse zadovoljne. Vsak mesec imamo kaj za ukreniti in čim več nas je navzočih, toliko lažje sodelujemo in napredujemo. Podpredsednica Mary Stražišar je poročala, ba bosta z Mrs. Mary Iskra obiskale bolne članice, katerih je precej v zadnjem času. Več ali manj so bolane naslednje sestre: Perko, Somrak, Rupina, Čerček, Kral, Zigman, Klun, Škufca v Kalif, in Rozi Rupret si je po nesreči zlomila desno nogo. Vse bolne članice dobijo, enkrat na leto dar 2 dol., toda se večkrat zgodi, da katera zboli in se ne prijavi našemu odboru. In če ne vemo, potem jih ne moremo obiskati in se pozneje večkrat sliši, da se je kateri kaj zamerilo. Zato v bodoče prosimo, da če katera članica zboli, da nas domači o tem obvestijo in jo bomo rade obiskale, bodisi na domu ali v bolnici. To je naša dolžnost, da skrbimo ena za drugo, ker vse bomo prišle na vrsto. Na tej seji smo izvolile 2 delegatki za konvencijo: Mary Iskra in Molly Sodja. Za namestnici sta bile izvo- ljeni ses. Okicki in Cesar. Za dne 22. febr. smo se dogovorile, da imamo skupno večerjo pri Globokarjevih na 200 Street, kjer smo vedno odlično postreženi. O tem prihodnjič. Danes dne 5. febr. so pokopali Angel Plesničarja, moža naše spoštovane članice. Bog mu daj v miru počivati. Ostali družini pa naše globoko sožalje. Ta večer smo se kar dobro imele. Naša predsednica nas je postregla z dobro pijačo, cake-om in piškoti, a Mrs. Čebulj pa s kofetkom. Hvala vam vsem, ki ste se tako lepo potrudile. V good time blagajno so darovale sledeče sestre: Ivančič, Kušar, Ga-brenja, Plevnik, Tomazin v Floridi, Vida Kuhar, Mary Gril (Geneva) in Rozi Klemenčič. Vsem tem se lepo zahvalim. Bog vam povrni na vašem zdravju in zadovoljstvu. V januarski Zarji je bilo pomotoma nekaj imen izpuščenih. Prosim vse tiste, ki ste delale na bazarju, pa ni bilo vašega imena zapisanega v Zarji, naj nam oprostijo pomoto. To se lahko pripeti, zato ne zamerite. Vse najlepše pozdravlja, Vaša poročevalka, Antonia Sustar Št. 15, Newburgh, Ohio. Januarska seja je bila lepo obiskana. V blagajno so darovale: Antonia Stokar, Jennie Tekavčič, Rosi Gotch, Angela Stražar. Prisrčna hvala vsem za darilo. Dne 12. jan. sta praznovala Anton in Terezija Rodič zlato poroko. Ob 10. uri dop. je bila v cerkvi Sv. Lovrenca slovesna zahvalna sv. maša v krogu sorodnikov in prijateljev. Ona je naša dobra članica ter ji vse sestre čestitamo in želimo mnogo let sreče in zdravja. Bolne članice: Mary Hrovat, Jennie Resnik, Theresa Jančar in Jennie Barle. Vsem želimo ljubega zdravja. V mesecih julija in augusta ne bomo imele mesečnih sej. Pridite na prihodnjo sejo, da se pogovorimo kaj bo za priporočati za konvencijo. Lep pozdrav in na svidenje na seji. Frances Lindich, poročevalka Elm Grove, Wis. Članice naše podr. št. 17 se pripravljajo, da pridobijo kaj novih članic do konvencije, ker nočejo biti zadnje. Potem bodo pa prišle počitnice, ker zdravniki pravijo, da je počitek in potovanje najboljše zdravilo za vsakega. To nam lahko potrdijo tisti, ki obiščejo domovino, kjer jih sveži zrak in prijazni ljudje pomladijo za 10 let. Kollandrova agencija ima letos izlete z letalom in z ladjo. Tisti, ki želijo bolj ugodno potovati naj se pridružijo meni in potujejo z ladjo SS France. Ta ladja je popolnoma nova in njen turistični razred je kot drugi razred na ostalih ladjah. Ta ladja ima boljšo postrežbo kot najfinejši hotel. V ceni ni dosti razlike. To govorim iz izkušnje, ker sedaj potujem že desetič v stari kraj. Vozila sem se na raznih ladjah, pa se mi ni še nobena tako dopadla, kakor SS . France. Prijavite se takoj! Ako boste kaj potrebovale na poti vam bom na uslugo. Ladja potuje iz New Yorka 28. maja. Rezervacije pošljite na August Kol-lander Travel Bureau, 6419 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland 3, Ohio. S prozdravom in na svidenje na ladji SS France. Josephine Schlossar Št. 17, West Allis, Wis. Naša de-cemberska seja je bila lepo obiskana in izvolile smo ves stari odbor. Ker vse pridno delujejo v korist društva, zato ni bilo pomembnih sprememb. Za to leto je naslednji odbor: Duh. vodja, č. g. župnik Setničar, preds. Marian Marolt, podpreds. Viki Kastelic, tajnica Mary Florjan, zapisnikarica Fanny Stroj, blagajničarka Frances Pivonij. Nadzornice: Josephine Imperl, Till Muren in Josephine Nim-mers. Za zaslužno mater leta smo izbrale Zofi Mozej. Ona vedno rada dela pri društvu. Poročevalke Mary Florjan in Marian Marolt v angleščini, v slovenskem Angela Kastelic. Po seji smo imele lunch, cake in kavo. Prav lepa hvala članicam, ki ste darovale. V tem letu bomo ime- POMLADNA PESEM Vesela vigred gre k nam spomladi ponuja lepe šopke cvetja! Že kima zvonček sredi polja in zlati se trobentica. Skriva se boječa vijolica pod grmom skriva, trepeta v pričakovanju mladoletja. Vesela vigred gre k nam v svate, škrjančki z njo zarajajo, pod nebom se sprehajajo, in kličejo vse pevske brate v poljane, sončih dni bogate, drobijo pesmice nam zlate. Frances Zibert, članica št. 2. le dve kartni zabavi, eno za našo blagajno in eno za cerkev. Društvena pravila ostanejo: 1 dol. naklada za društveno blagajno, 10c za vsako umrlo članico. Za bolno članico se daruje 3 dol. ali rože in za prvega otroka se daruje 3 dol. Seje se vršijo tretjo nedeljo v farni dvorani, soba 3. Sej ne bo v jun., jul. in augustu. Materinski dan bomo praznovale, kakor po navadi s sv. maša in skupnim sv. obhajilom. Zbrale se bomo ob 7:15 v cerkveni dvorani. Letos se vrši konvencija v Chicagu, 111. ter se močno priporoča kampanja za nove članica, da nadomestimo umrle sestre. V zadnjem letu smo izgubile 3 članice: Kristina Kralj zapušča moža i 3 sinove. Pogreb se je vršil iz Ko-lish zavoda na pok. Sv. Matije. Družini naše iskreno sožalje. Ses. Helen Thompson zapušča otroke in druge sorodnike. Pokopana je bila iz Ermenč-evega pogrebnega zavoda. Žalujočim naše sožalje. Zapustila nas je tudi Mrs. Jelič. Zapušča sorodnike. Žalujočim preostalim naše sožalje. Naj vse blage pokojne sestre uživajo večni mir in pokoj. — Naša članica Mary Bojantz je izgubila dobrega moža. Za njim žalujejo tudi Z hčere in zeti. Družini globoko sožalje. Bog mu daj u-živati nebeški raj. V februarju je praznovala svoj rojstni dan naša dolgoletna predsednica, Josephine Shlosar. Spoštovani predsednici, kličemo, naj Vam Bog nakloni zdravja, da bi bila v veselju in sreči v krogu svoje družine, še mnogo let. Moja dobra prijateljica, ses. Mary Sončar se je začasno preselila iz Chisholm, Minn, k svojim hčerkam na West Allis. Sedaj se nahajamo v postnem času, ko v spokornem duhu pričakujemo Vstajenje Kristusovo. Vsem želimo, zdrave in srečne Velikonočne praznike. Angela Kastelic, poročevalka Št. 19, Eveleth, Minn. Seja v januarja je bila kar dobro obiskana, čeprav je bil tiste dni hud mraz. Prebrani so bili računi od lanskega leta in nadzornice so predlagale iste v odobritev, kar je bilo storjeno. Kakor smo že poročale, bomo imele šest sej v letu. Prihodnja seja se vrši v aprilu, na do- mu tajnice, Mary Lenich. Prostor, kjer smo doslej zborovale je bil prodan za tovarno. Datum seje bo po-ročan na radiju in tudi v lokalnem časopisu. Pridite v lepem številu da bomo kaj več koristnega sklenile. Za poročati imam zopet žalostno vest, da je odšla v večnost naša sestra Frances Gornik v starosti 7G let. Bila je članica od leta 1930. Dokler je bila zdrava je vedno prišla na seje, toda zadnjih osem let jo je bolezen mučila. Zapušča sina. Vse priznanje njemu in snahi, ki sta materi lepo stregla ves čas bolezni. Članice smo se udeležile molitve pri krsti in pogreba. Naše globoko sožalje vsem preostalim. Pokojni pa večno plačilo. V maju se bo vršila konvencija v Chicago. Za delegatko sem izvoljena podpisana in namestnica je sestra Frances Sterle. Gotovo bo celoten program konvencije zelo zanimiv in vabljene ste vse članice, da se pridružite. Na zadnjem Zvezinem dnevu na Hibbingu, nas je glavna blagajničarka, sestra Josephine Železnikar navduševala, da se naj deluje nato, da bo Minnesota lepo zastopana. Več članic se je že priglasilo in v načrtu je tudi romanje Lemont. Namreč, da bi šle od tukaj en dan prej in se u-stavile pri Mariji Pomagaj v Lemontu ter bile tam čez noč v soboto in v nedeljo dopoldne nadaljevale v Chicago. Ako bi najele “charter bus” bi bila vožnja prav poceni in to bo za mnoge prilika, da vidite kraje, katere bi morda nikdar ne vidle in tudi si ogledate veliko mesto Chicago, ki nudi mnogo zanimivega za obiskovalce. Pridite gotovo na sejo v aprilu in boste dobile vse podatke in si boste lahko rezervirale prostor na busu. V Chi-cagi nam bodo pripravile zelo lepe programe in za nas bo to vse velika novost in krasna zabava za majhne stroške. Na rokah imam nove kuharske knjige. Nova knjiga je zelo lepa in zanimiva ter vsebuje mnogo novih receptov. Urejnea je kot spominska knjiga, ki vsebuje mnogo zgodovinskih podatkov od začetka Zveze do sedaj. Vsa čast Mrs. Marie Prilsand in Albini Novak, kakor tudi urednici Co-rinne Leskovar za odlično delo. Knji- ga bo pričala delo naših začetnic dolgo let potem, ko nas ne bo več na svetu. Vsaka članica naj si nabavi to krasno knjigo. Cena knjigi je samo $2.75. Kupite za svojo hčerko, ker lepšega darila jim sploh ne morete izročiti in isto za vaše prijateljice kot darilo. Vesele velikonočne praznike vsem iskreno želim, Mary Lenich, tajnica Št. 20, Joliet, III. — Naša januarska seja je bila lepo obiskana. Naš duhovni vodja Rt. Rev. Msgr. M. Butala je zaprisegel odbor, nakar se je vršila seja. Preds. Emma Planinšek je poročala, da smo izgubile članico, Mrs. Cliristino Mauzer, ki je dalje časa bolehala v nursing home. Pok. je bila rojena 29. okt. 1879 v Kočevju, Slovenija. V podr. je pristopila 18. nov. 1928, priporočena po Mary Zbačnik. Preminula je G. jan. 19G4. Zapušča več sinov in hčera. Skoro ob istem času je umrla dolgoletna članica Mrs. Mayme Laurich, ki je bila rojena 27. apr. 1890 v Jo-lietu. Pristopila je 18. nov. 1928, priporočena po pok. Barbara Adamich. Kakor je zgoraj razvidno, sta obe članice pristopile istega dne v Zvezo in obe umrle v istem dnevu, skoro ob istem času. Pok. Mayme je bolehala več let ter se večkrat nahajala v bolnišnici Sv. Jožefa, kjer si je šla iskati zdravja, toda končno je podlegla bolezni na domu. Bila je dobro poznana v naši naselbini. Njen soprog Frank je umrl leta 195G. Zapušča več odraslih hčera in sinov. Naše članice so molile ob krstah obeh pokojnih ter ju tudi spremljale na zadnji poti. Obe sta bile pokopane iz farne cerkve Sv. Jožefa na domače pokopališče. Predsednica se lepo zahvali vsem članicam, ki ste si vzele čas in prišle moliti h krstam pokojnih ter ju spremljale do groba. Naj jima sveti večna luč, sorodnikom pa naše sožalje. Naznanjena bolna je Mr. Jennie I>ernulc, ki si je zlomila nogo. Naslednje nove članice so bile zaprisežene: Anna Kobe, Editli (Perush) Ro-senquist, Dorothy Budak, predi, po Jo Sumic, Mary (Cohil) Gasperich, predi, po Helen Golobitch. CHICAGO ST. 2 VABI V ŠIVALNI KLUB t Sestre Frances Gomilar, Luba Troha, Jennie Puhek, and Stephanie Osterman organizatorke novega šivalnega kluba sporočajo, da so sestanki vsak pon-deljek v gl. uradu na 1937 W. Cermak Rd. in, da so vse članice vabljene. Pripravljajo vsakovrstna ročna dela tudi za konvenčno razstavo. VESELE IN ŽALOSTNE NOVICE ŠT. 25 Kakor vsako leto, so bile dvignjene številke izmed tistih članic, ki imajo asesment plačan za vse leto in šest članic prejme nagrado $5.00 vsaka. Sreča je zadela naslednje: Catherine Zupancich, Mary Rezek, Ana Leno-vich, Mary Terlep (Oakland), Catherine Peraud in Mary Rudman. Door prize za to sejo je prinesla Mrs. Frances Bottari (ceramic kip) katerega je sama naredila in srečna je bila Jennie Marolt iz Ruby St. Za najstarejšo članico na seji je bila srečna Mrs. Catherine Smolich, za članico, ki ima največ svoje družine pri Zvezi, je bila srečna Mrs. Anna Mahkovec in za najmlajšo mater pa Mrs. Josephine Kustick, dekliško ime Vidmar. Vse imenovane so prejele lepa darila za njihovo navzočnost na seji. Predsednica opozori članice na lepo naslovno sliko v Zarji. Slika prikazuje sinčka pok. predsednika Ken-nedyja z zastavo, ko jemlje slovo od pokojnega očeta pred cerkvijo. Je zelo ganljiva in se da priznanje naši urednici, Mrs. Leskovar. Sklenjeno je tudi bilo, da se ji piše naj isto Zarjo pošlje vdovi pok. predsednika ter čitalnici Kongresa. (Na to pismo je Vaša poročevalka že prejela odgovor, da je urednica isto že poslala Mrs. Jacqueline K., a Zarja redno zahaja v Kongresno knjižico.) Enako se da priznanje častni predsednici, Mrs. Marie Prisland za njen lep članek o pok. predsedniku, ki je bil v srce segajoči. Vaša poročevalka pove navzočim članicam, da se naša prva tajnica, Mrs. Anna Pluth že 12 let nahaja v Johnston’s Nursing Home in da zaradi slabih oči ne more čitati kar je njeno najljubše razvedrilo. Takoj se je izvedla zbirka in se zbrala gotova svota, da se ji nabavijo očala. Podpisana skupno z Anno Korevec in Jo Bučar so odšle takoj, da ji sporočijo sklep seje. Mrs. Pluth potrebuje razvedrila, zato se naproša članice, da jo obiskujejo, če le morejo, ker s tem bo storjeno dobro delo. Predsednica vabi vse članice, da se udeležijo prihodnjih sej, ki bodo važne zaradi bližajoče se konvencije in bo potrebno razmotrivati naša pravila, ki bodo zopet morala biti dobra za prihodnja leta. Torej članice ne zamudite te prilike. Na dec. seji je bilo prečitano pismo iz uredništva, da se na seji izbere mater za podružnico za leto 1964. To pot je bila imenovana Mrs. Olga Ancel (hčerka Vaše poročevalke), da bo naslednica Mrs. Jennie Sprengel, ki je imela to čast v 1. 1963. Olga Ancel ni bila samo najmlajša mater podružnice (Mother of the year), ampak tudi mati svoje družine, ki je konec novembra postala šestič mama. Po seji smo imele party in servirale so se razne dobrote! Priznanje velja Mrs. Mary Lesnik za dobro potico, katero je spekla za ta večer. Sledilo je petje zbora podr. in vseh članic pod vodstvom ses. Jennie Sprengel. Torej članice se vidimo v marcu in lepe pozdrave vsem skupaj. Josephine Erjavec Cleveland, Ohio. — Že smo v mesecu marcu. Marca meseca se posebno veselimo vsi, katerih patron je Sv. Jožef, ker obhajamo svoj imendan. (Irci pa imajo svojega patrona., Sv. Patrika.) Čestitke vsem Pepcam, Jožicam, Jožetom in Pepetom. Da bi se še velikokrat veselili svojega imendana! Ko je naša podružnica št. 25 imela svojo sejo januarja meseca, je bila prava nevihta, mrzla burja je porinila toplomer prav nizko, kar pa ni ustrašilo vseh naših članic. Kakih 20 jih je bilo, ki so se zoperstavile starki zimi in prišle so na sejo. Pa kako vesele so bile, da so prišle! Seja je bila kratke, potem pa smo se malo pokrepčale, pokramljale in se spravile na številke. Pri teh je vedno veselo. Vabimo vas vse, da pridete in se z nami razvedrite. Prihodnja seja bo v pondeljek, 9. marca v navadnih šolskih prostorih. Ker bomo v postnem času, ne bomo imele v tem mesecu zabave ali razvedrila po seji. Pridite pa vseeno, da boste slišale poročila in dale kake dobre nasvete. Pred našo zadnjo redno sejo, oziroma tisti dan popoldne smo imele pregledovanje knjig in računov pri sestri Pauline Stampfel. Lepo nas je postregla z okusnim prigrizkom, katerega smo zalile z dobro kapljico. Hvala, Pavla! Že nejkajkrat sem opomnila naše članice, kako važno je, da imate vaše certifikate v redu, kar se tiče dedičev, pa se še vseemo primeri, da v slučaju smrti članice se dobi njen članski certifikat, na katerem je označena oseba za dediča, ki pa je morda že dalj časa prej umrla. Prosim, poglejte vaše certifikate in če želite napraviti spremembo dediča, mi sporočite in vam preskrbim tozadevni listek. To spremembo, mi sporočite ali pa pridite na sejo ali na 25. v mesecu, ko pobiram asesment v šolski dvorani sv. Vida. Tam me dobite že ob 4:30 uri popoldne. Ako ne plačate ases- Št. 21, Cleveland, Ohio. Novo leto je za nami. Vsem sestram želim mnogo sreče in zdravja v tem letu. Poročam, da naša podružnica prav dobro napreduje. Sestra Vehar je še vedno v bolnišnici. Bila je hudo pobita v nesreči. Vse ji želimo, da se kmalu vrne med nas, predvsem pa na dom, kjer jo mož težko pričakuje, da mu bo stregla, ker je tudi on bolan. Bolehajo tudi: Julija Oblak, Zofi Božek, Agnes Zakrajšek, Olga Kamora. Vse bolne sestre priporočamo v molitev. Poročil se je sin naše članice Mary Stivesen. Svatba je bila v velika. On je pravnuk ses. Supan. Vse želimo mlademu paru srečno zakonsko življenje in mnogo božjega blagoslova. Lepo pozdravljam ses. Šuštaršič, ki se je zopet vrnila nazaj v svojo hišo. Prav z veseljem smo jo sprejele. Vse lepo pozdravljam z željo, da se vidimo zdrave na seji. Frances Kave, poročevalka menta na seji ali na dan kolekte, mi ga lahko pošljete po pošti na naslov: 1036 E. 68 st., Cleveland 3, Ohio. Ker se rade razveselimo ob veselih dogodkih, obhajamo tudi rojstne dnevne naših članic. Pred kratkim je poznana sestra Antonia Mihevec z E. 60 St. prekoračila svojega, za njo pa naša podpredsednica Mary Kolegar. Obe sta nas pogostile z okusnim ke-kom in drugimi dobrotami, me smo jima pa čestitale in jima želele še na mnoga leta zdravja. Enako želimo vsem članicam, ki bodo obhajale svoje rojstne dni ali imendan v marcu. Bog vas živi še na mnoga, mnoga leta! Narava je pač taka, da za veseljem pride tudi smrt. Vse gotovo že veste, da smo nenadoma zgubile sestro Angelo Jeraj, ki je umrla za srčno kapjo, katera jo je zadela na domu na 5809 Prosser Ave. Pri Slov. ženski zvezi je bila nad 34 let. Kot izvrstna kuharica je kuhala in pripravila obede na marsikateri svatbi, banketu ali društveni prireditvi. Bila je prijazna, mirna žena, priljubljena pri vseh, ki so jo poznali in pogrešali jo bomo vsi. Naj počiva v miru v hladni ameriški zemlji. Ohranile jo bomo v blagem spominu in molitvah, kakor tudi drugih umrlih članic naše podr. št. 25. Čas hitro beži. V naši dirki in pehanju za življenski obstoj in drugimi opravki vsakdanjosti kaj radi pozabimo na našega sočloveka. Koliko jih je naših priletnih, bolehnih, onemoglih ali drugače prizadeti, da se ne morejo veseliti življenja. Marsikateremu je tesno pri srcu, ker sameva. Le trohica prijaznosti, majhen nasmeh ali prijateljski pogled In beseda, bi lahko razveselila ga. Postojte in pomislete nanje, spomnite se jih ob priliki, obiščite jih. Ne bo vam žal za to, ne čakajte do jutri, kajtri jutri morda ne bo več njih ali pa vas. Vse prevečkrat ne dočaka kdo jutrišnjega dne. Vas vse lepo pozdravlja, Josephine (Antončič) Golinski, taj Št. 32, Euclid, Ohio. — Hvala članicam, ki ste prišle na febr. sejo. Imele smo več važnih stvari za urediti, med drugim tudi volitev častne matere naše podr. Izvoljena je bila Lillian Vehovec. Potem je bila tudi volitev delegatinje za konvencijo in izvoljena je bila naša predsednica Terezija Potokar in za njeno namestnico Ana Godlar. Ker bomo letos obhajale 35 letnico ustanovitve naše podr., bo dne 20. sept. v cerkvi Sv. Kristine sv. maša za žive in umrle članice, nato pa kosilo v društvenem domu. Frances Klun je obljubila, da bo vse dobro pripravila, ker ona bo naša kuharica. Sedaj pa nekaj novic od naših članic. V nov. na dan pogreba našega preds. Kennedyja je bil rojen sinček v družini Edija in Nancy Potokar. Krstili so ga na ime John Kenny. Tako imajo sedaj 3 fantke in 1 punčko. S tem je naša preds. T. Potokar po- stala 20-tič stara mati in Mary Prček pa zopet prastara mati. — Tillie Boleli pa je zopet postala stara mati, ko so pri sinu dobili fantka-dvojčka. Čestitke na vse strani in da bi mladina bila zdrava. John, sin Ann Chinchain se je poročil v nov. ter želimo novemu paru vso srečo v zakonu. Sin naše zapisnikarice Ann Tekavec in to že drugi sin je šel v vojaško službo. Želimo, da bi se zdrav vrnil domov. Zahvalo želimo izreči darovalkam, ki pomagajo blagajni, da ne bo na suhem. V ročno blagajno so darovale Mary Veber 2 dol. in Mary Strnad 1 dol. V birth-day sklad pa so darovale po 1 dol., sledeče: Mary Vodičar, Mary Jagodnik, Mary Erčul, Angela Barko-vič, Mary Rupar, Barbara Baron in Elenor Gatewood. Za božičnico pa so prinesle dobrote: K. Golinar, A. Tekavec, M. Gregorc, L. Vehovec, J. Kamenshek, P. Vrh, in F. Perme. — Hvala vsem. Tako vidite imamo dobre članice in lepe zabave. V maju bomo praznovale Materinski dan in rojstne dneve, zato ste že sedaj vabljene, da se u-deležite te seje. Gloria, hčerka naše gl. tajnice Albine Novak, je v januarju stopila v zakonski stan. Želimo, da bi bila srečna in Bog jih blagoslovi. Pozdrav vsem. F. Perme, poroč. Št. 41, Cleveland, Ohio. Januarja meseca se nam je pridružila podr. št. 18. Vsem članicam kličemo prisrčno dobrodošle. Želimo, da bomo v skupni sesterski vzajemnosti delovale ter dosegle še mnogo upehov. Prav iskreno ste vabljene, da se udeležujete tudi naših sej, ki se vršijo prvi torek v mesecu v S. D. D. na Waterloo Rd. Ako želite kakega pojasnila, se brez skrbi obrnite na podpisano. Me-sečnino lahko tudi po pošti pošljete na E. S., 17814 Dillewood Rd., Cleveland 19, Ohio. Naša januarja seja je bila nadvse dobro obiskana. Oddale smo lepo o-grinjalo (shavvl), katerega je darovala naša izvrstna kvačkarlca ses. Ann Kožel. Skupni prispevki so prinesli v blag. $22',75. Srečna je bila ses. Anne Videnšek. Naši Anički in vsem, katere ste prispevale, prisrčna hvala. Kar na tihem sta pred nedavnim praznovala zlato poroko, Mr. in Mrs. Joseph Markel. Zlata nevesta je naša dolgoletna vestna članica. Obema prisrčno čestitamo in jima želimo še mnogo zdravih in srečnih let. Na TV sporedu Polka Varieties, so v spremstvu soprogov gostovale in se prav dobro postavile naše ta mlade, to so naše nekdanje kadetke. Predstavila jih je ses. Bertha Cup- Stopar. Bili so naslednji pari: Mr. in Mrs. J. Batich, Mr. in Mrs. P. Cup, Mr. in Mrs. P. Latkovic in Mr. in Mrs. J. Segulin. Težko operacijo je pred nedavnim srečno prestala ses. Mary Winter. Že- limo ji, da bo v bodočnosti pri najboljšem zdravju. Po težki bolezni je koncem januarja preminula ses. Agnes Sernel, odšla je za svojim soprogom, ki je komaj 4 tedne pred njo preminul. Sorodnikom in prijateljem izrekamo naše globoko sožalje, pokojni sestri pa večni mir in pokoj. V januarju so naše zavedne članice prispevale v blagajno 36 dolarjev. Darovale so naslednje: M. Hosta, M. Zdešar, R. Piškur, D. Ferra, J. Ce-kada, M. Prelogar, K. Potočnik, M. Jurkezi, L. Sever, A. Bozich, E. Winter, M. Winter, A. Winter, R. Sabec, A. Videnšek, U. Ponikvar, M. Jenovic, V. Jelenik, C. Wolf, M. Sturm, J. Bar-bish, A. Skolar, M. Raddell, F. Pintar, J. Bartel in C. Debenjak. Vsak posebej prav prisrčna hvala. V zalogi imamo preurejeno Zvezino Kuharsko knjigo, “Woman’s Glory— The Kitchen”. Knjiga je odlično darilo za vse prilike. Stane $2.75, dobite jih lahko tudi na seji. Do naše narodne konvencije, ki se bo vršila v Chicagu, je komaj še par mesecev. Nasveti članic v dobrobit naše organizacije so dobrodošli, pridite vse na našo prihodnjo sejo. Vsem želim veselo Velikonoč. Ella Starin, taj. Št. 47, Garfield Hts., Ohio. Malo sem pozna s tem poročilom, vendar je važno da poročam o naši letni seji 8. dec., ki se je vršila ob lepi udeležbi, čeprav je bilo mrzlo. V odboru je ostalo večinoma vse po starem, razen v odboru nadzornic je bila izvoljena na mesto dobre ses. Nettie Boldin, ses. Carolina Šušteršič, ki ji kličemo dobrodošla v odboru. Ses. Boldin pa iskrena zahvala za njeno delo in pomoč in upamo, da bo še naprej sodelovale, v koliko ji bodo moči dopuščale. — Glede pravil je bilo sklenjeno, da se da za umrle članice $10 za sv. maše in sicer 1 sv. mašo se naroči pri domači fari in ena se pošlje Rev. F. Blatniku v New York kot večne maše. — Na glavni seji v dec. bomo imele izmenjavo daril v vrednosti $1. — Za materinski dan se bo brala sv. maša za žive in mrtve članice v fari Sv. Lovrenca v New-bulrgh, East 81 St., 17. maja ob 10 uri dop. Prošene ste vse, da se skupno udeležimo. Za častno mater podr. v ten letu smo izvolile ses. Agnes Žagar. Ona si je zaslužila to častno mesto, ne samo kot vsesplošno aktivna pri podr., ampak tudi drugače je delavna za narod, kakor bo poročano pozneje. Zelo nam je žal, da jo je doletela nesreča, ko jo je na poti domov bila žrtev au-tomobilske nesreče. Želimo ji, da bo za materinski dan že zdrava in navzoča na seji. Bog ti daj ljubo zdravje. Ses. Eleanor Sholar je srečno prestala operacijo. Sedaj je že doma, ker je še mlada, se bo kmalu pozdravila. Ses. Rose Ban je tudi bila v bolnici, sedaj se zdravi doma. — Soprog ses. Victorie Williams se nahaja že par mesecev v bolnišnici in soprog ses. Jennie Segulin (Peter) je že več časa bolan. Želimo vsem, da se jim vrne ljubo zdravje, da bi z veseljem pričakali lepih pomladnih dni. To prosimo Boga, da jim zdravja in novih moči podeli. Ses. Agnes Russ še tako mlada iz-gleda, da bi ji ne prisodili 75 let, toda tako stoji v bukvah zapisano, da je bila rojena 15. jan. 1889. Ses. Jennie Mezgec je v krogu svoje družine praznovala 27. dec. svoj 75 rojstni dan. Ses. Agnes Miller je 20. jan. dočakala 80 rojstni dan. Ses. Jennie Begovich bo 12. marca 80 let mlada. In dne 25. marca bo ses. Mary Mafko dopolnila 86 let, a je že več let bolehna ter se nahaja v Castle Nursing Home, Millersburg, O. — Mnogo so te naše žene delovale za blagor njihovih družin in naroda, vse to je zapisano v knjigi življenja pri Bogu, ki naj vas bogato nagradi za vaša dobra dela. Članice Vam kličemo, Bog vas živi še mnogo let v zdravju in veselju! Dne 9. febr. je poteklo 50 let odkar sta si obljubila zakonsko zvestobo, Mr. in Mrs. Louis in Mary Hočevar, oba doma iz Škocjanske fare na Dolenskem v Sloveniji. Maryno dekliško i-me je bilo Cvet. Poročil ju je pok. Rev. Lavrič. Tovariš je bil Mike Fabjančič in tovarišica Agnes Vrček, soproga Ludvika Vrček. Hočevarjevi so živeli dolgo let na Reno Ave. in sedaj že 11 let na May Ave. V zakonu se jima je rodilo 8 otrok, 5 hčera in 3 sinovi. Ena hčerka je umrla ko ji je bilo 15 let in sinček ko je bil 3 leta star. 4 hčerke so poročene, 2 sinova sta še doma. Imata tudi 9 vnukov, ki razveseljujejo staro mamico in ateka. Oba sta bolj mirne narave pridno delata okoli hiše in čeprav imata že nad 7 križev sta oba še prav čvrsta. K temu zlatemu jubileju se pridružujemo vse članice in jima želimo še mnogo zdravih in srečnih dni In dočakati se diamantno poroko. Čestitamo Tereziji Bizjak, ki je že drugič postala pra stara mati in ses. Vel. Mervar stara mamica pri ses. T. Neisen v Milwaukee so dobili sinčka Christopher, da bo delal družbo sestrici Marie, tako da so kar trije rodovi veseli tega dogodka in me jim želimo veselja in sreče pri vzgoji mladine. Naše dobre sestre so se odzvale z lepim darilom v blagajno. Imena bodo poročana na seji, ker se mi je dopis precej potegnil. Dobrodošle nove članice v decembru: Viki Arnsek, Mary Benes, Antoinette M. Janders, Pauline Rohal, Irene Sposak in Angela Zakrajšek. Vesele rojstne dneve vsem, ki ta čas obhajajo. Še na mnoga leta! — Vsem bolnim pa ljubega zdravja. Tudi pri meni se je za par tednov ustavil prehlad in influenca, zato nisem mogla prej pisati. Pozdrave in voščila, da bi rade prihajale na sejo. Jennie Pugely Št. 53, Brooklyn, Ohio. — Ko je bila naša podružnica pred 30 leti u-stanovljena, v hiši pokojnega Franka Železnik na Jennings Rd., je bilo večina članic iz bližje okolice Brookly-na, a sedaj smo pa raztresene povsod, nekatere v Clevelandu in Parmi. Vseeno se vedno držijo uradnice, čeprav so oddaljene. Mrs. Mary Oblak iz Parme je predsednica od začetka. Mrs. Katarina Železnik, živi na Seven Hills, Ohio, je ravno tako vsa ta leta podpredsednica. Več let je že tajnica, Mrs. Mary Kolenc. Tam so tudi seje vsake tri mesece, če ni nič izrednega. Članice se opozarja, da ima sedaj gl. predsednica, Mrs. Turek nove kuhinjske knjige. Pokličete lahko tudi mene. Pisane so v angleškem jeziku. Vedno pogledam v našo Zarjo, če je kaj poročil od naše podružnice. Več oseb si tudi želi novic iz Slovenije in mojega obiska tam lansko leto, kjer sva z možem po 40 letih o-biskala rojstni kraj Žiri. Na pot smo se podali 5. junija z ladjo Queen Elizabeth pod oskrbo Kolandrove pisarne. Bila nas je lepa družba, pot po morju je bila mirna, da smo res zadovoljno uživali dobro postrežbo ob prepevanju slovenskih pesmi. Na postaji v Ljubljani je bil sprejem ganliv. Prišli so sorodniki in prijatelji od vsepovsod, nakar smo se podali vsak na svoj dom. Mnogo smo se prevozili z autom, ki ga ima naš sorodnik, lepe dneve smo preživeli v Poli v Istri, ki je kakor naša Florida. Kopali smo se v Jadranskem morju. Tam je hči moje nečakinje Milene Tršar. Obiskali smo seveda lepo Gorenjsko z Brezjami, Bledom in Vršičem, ki je visoka planina z lepim razgledom. Obiskala sva sorodnike na Dolenjskem. Na Krki je posestnik Perko, brat Mrs. Lekan iz 81 ceste. Prenočili smo v Hinjah v hiši Mr. in Mrs. Andy Hočevar iz Maple Hts., ki sta bila tudi doma in sta nas tudi prišla obiskati v Žiri, kjer sta si ogledala tovarno čevljev. — Ko smo prišli v Novo mesto, me je zelo užalostil pogled na pokopališče, kjer je pokopana moja sestra Ivanka leta 1920, a povedali so mi, da je tam sedaj park. Dne 4. julija je bil piknik naOtoče-cu, kjer se nas je zbralo precej A-merikancev od vseh krajev. V skupini z nami je bila Mrs. Ule iz Clevelanda, ostala je celo leto. V Cher-burghu jo je že prišel iskati sorod-nik-duhovnik, zelo prijazen človek, ki govori tudi francoski in smo šli skupno v Pariz ter nam je služil za tolmača. Vzeli smo turo po mestu in videli mnogo zgodovinskih zanimivosti. Od naše podr. je bila z nami Mary Ostanek in njen soprog Karel. V Škofji Loki nas je prijazno sprejela čl. naše podr. Mrs. Makse Strel, ki se je podala tja pred pred par leti. Povabila nas je na odlično večerjo v gostilno in ker je bil ravno rojstni dan mojega moža, so mu moški prav po žirovsko poropotali. Na- vzoča je bila tudi Mrs. Frances Strel iz Clev., doma od naše strani. 20. jul smo bili povabljeni na kosilo od Izseljenske matice. Bili smo na vrtu hotela Union. Veselilo me je pozdraviti častno preds. Mrs. Pris-1'and in gl. tajnico Mrs. Albino Novak. Čas se je bližal za odhod, sreča je bila, da smo dobili naslov od mladega sorodnika v Parizu. Moj mož mu je pravi stric, pa ga nikoli ni videl, zato ni vedel kako ga bo spoznal na kolodvoru. Jaz mu pišem in priložim najino sliko ter mu povem, da bom imela klobuk na glavi in res takoj naju je spoznal in ne morem popisati veselja ob srečanju. Bili smo v hotelu do pozne ure in drugi dan nas pospremi na vlak. Je res odličen fant, službo ima kot tolmač pri TV postaji. Sedaj pa obujamo spomine nazaj. Res lepo je povsod, a najlepše je doma. Vsem, ki se boste podale na o-bisk, kličem srečno potovanje in zdrav povratek v našo novo domovino. Izgubili smo očeta naše države, ves svet je bil z nami žalosten, ko je kruta roka vzela življenje našega dobrega Johna F. Kennedyja. Blag mu spomin. Vse lepo pozdravlja, Anna Jesenko Št. 54, Warren, Ohio. — Na januarski seji je bila prav lepa udeležba. Tajnica nas je povabila na njen dom. Februarska seja pa je bila na domu zapisnikarice, Jean Ponikvar, a v marcu bo pri Mary Waltko. Ko bo bolj gorko, bomo pa se zopet zbirale v Slovenskem Domu. Seje se vrše vsaki tretji torek v mesecu. Marca bo ravno na god sv. Patricija (St. Patrick.) Takrat bomo izvedele vse podrobnosti proslave Materinskega dneva. Vso oskrbo za to ima Louise Vernell (Mlakar). Za zaslužno mater je bila izvoljena Josephine Kashan. Iskrene čestitke! Na zadnji seji je bila obdarovana Mary Ponikvar. Imamo navado, da kupimo cvetlice, ali damo dar ob priliki 25 letnice poroke. Ker sta svojo srebrno poroko bolj na tihem obhajala, zato smo pozabile in ji tako malo bolj pozno pošiljamo naše iskrene čestitke, Frank in Mary. To navado pa bomo tudi v bodoče obdržale. Po seji smo imele priljubljene igre, nato pa nam je tajnica Joanne Ponikvar postregla z okusnim prigrizkom, ki so ga oskrbele Jennie Shine, Mary in Joanne Ponikvar in R. Ra-char. Iskrena hvala vsem skupaj, posebno še Joanne Ponikvar, ki je vse organizirala. Za božične praznike sem prejela 20 izvodov kuharske knjige Woman’s Glory, katere sem že vse oddala, ker je res velika in podučna knjiga, ki obsega mnogo novih receptov za razne prilike. Zelo priporočam to knjigo, da pridno sežete po njej, ker vam ne bo žal. Če želite obdarovati hčerke ali prijateljice, bo tega daru vsaka vesela. Več članic je bolj pri slabem zdravju, vsem želimo ljubega zdravja. Vse najboljše želimo tudi našim daljnim sestram Frances v Arizoni ter Mary v Tex. Drage sestre; apelirala bi rada na vse članice, da ste točne z asesmen-tom ker naša blagajna je bolj suha. S pravočasnim plačilom tudi olajšate delo in skrbi tajnici. — Vse najvljud-nejše vabim, da pridate na prihodnjo sejo. Vam ne bo žal. Sesterski pozdrav. Rose Racher, poročevalka Št. 55, Girard, Ohio. — Na janua-ski seji je bila zadovoljiva udeležba, kljub hudemu snežnemu zametu. Nova predsednica Barbara Umek je vodila sejo. Sklenile smo, da bomo i-mele card party skupno s Slovensko Moško Zvezo, ker tako pričakujemo boljšo udeležbo, kar se je pokazalo v preteklosti. Card party bo dne 18. aprila ob 8 uri zvečer. Na čelu prireditve sta naša predsednica, ter preds. Moške Zveze, Andy Kocjan. Pričakujemo, da se bodo vse članice udeležile te priredbe s svojim možič-kom in prijatelji. Obenem bo tudi Bake Sale in zelo dobrodošli so tudi dobitki za priljubljene igre. Na bolniški listi je Miss Beatrice Brayer in Mrs. Anna Jaklevič se nahaja v bolnišnici. Vse članice jima iz vsega srca želimo hitrega zdravja. Naše sožalje Mrs. Emma Zore ob izgubi ljubljene sestre. Ljubi Bog ji daj miren počitek. Darila navzočnosti na seji sta bile deležne, sestre, Gail Hlasta in Sophie Hren. Najlepši pozdrav, Amelia Robsel Št. 64, Kansas City, Kansas. Naša januarska seja je bila bolj pičlo o-biskana. Izvoljen je bil ves stari odbor za leto 1964. Za častno mater je bila izvoljena Johanna Anžiček. Njen življenjepis bo v Majski Zarji. Sklenjeno je bilo, da bomo imele veselico, enkrat okoli praznika Sv. Anne. Potrebno je, da kaj koristnega napravimo, da bi se tudi naša blagajna kaj opomogla, ker nismo imele kake prireditve v korist blagajne že tri leta. Končno želim vsem našim bolnim članicam ljubega zdravja in hitrega okrevanja, da bi se vse zdrave vrnile med nas. Enako vsem po širni A-meriki. Pozdrav, Antonia Kostelec, preds. Št. 68, Fairport Harbor, Ohio. — Poročilo mesečne seje naše podružnice, ki se je vršila dne 19. januarja v Slovenskem Ameriškem Klubu na Rd. 3 v Fairportu. Udeležba je bila prav povoljna in priporočam se članicam kot novo izvoljena zapisnikarica, da če je le mogoče, da bi se tudi v naprej v polnem številu udeleževale mesečnih sej. Saj to je naše edino razvedrilo, posebno še v zimskem času, ko se enkrat na mesec zberemo in kaj pogovorimo. Na seji smo sprejele dve novi članici, katerim kličemo dobrodošlico. Nato smo se kratkočasile s priljubljenimi igrami in tudi brez prigrizka in dobre kave ni bilo. Prav lepa hvala SPOMINI S POTOVANJA V JUGOSLAVIJO 25 LETNICA! piše Angela Voje, predsednica št. 84, New York, N. Y. (nadaljevanje) V skupini s katero sem potovalo v stari kraj lansko leto, je bilo G9 oseb in to pomeni več kot dovolj dela za vodiča. Mrs. Prisland in Frances Seitz sta se trudili, da je šlo v kolikor največ je bilo mogoče vse v redu. V Rimu sta nas čakala dva jugoslovanska letala, za zadnji del poleta, to je iz Rima v Zagreb. Eno letalo je šlo naravnost v Zagreb, drugo, na katerem sem bila slučajno jaz, je pa pristalo najprvo v Dubrovniku in potem v Zagrebu. Dospeli smo kmalu drug za drugim v Zagreb. Prvo, ko stopiš na domačo zemljo pride na vrsto pregledovanje potnih listov in to delo je šlo kar hitro naprej. Najbolj smo pa bili vsi zadovoljni, ker ni bilo nobenega pregledovanja prtljage. To nas je vse spravilo v dobro voljo. Na letališču nas je čakal sprejemni odbor Izseljeniške Matice. Mrs. Seitz je dobila lep šopek rdečih nageljev povezan s slovenskim trakom. Iz Zagreba smo se vozili okrog dva uri in pol v avtobusih ki so nas pršli pričakat na letališče in nas peljali v Ljubljano. Ker je bil že večer nismo se troštali, da bo kdo na postaji, toda navzlic dežju je bilo vse polno prijateljev in sorodnikov. Mene je z prišlo čakat kar šest oseb iz Jarš in Domžal. Imeli so tudi avto, tako, da sem se prav udobno pripeljala v domači kraj. Seveda nismo šli spat do štirih zjutraj in se razume, da sem bila precej utrujena in še posebno zaradi noge, ker sem tri tedne pred odhodom padla in farmerju Anton Debevcu iz Madison, Ohio, ki ji naročil svoji hčerki, Juliji Grabelsek, da naj vse ženske, ki bodo na seji v njegovem imenu dobro potreta. Uradnice za tekoče leto, so pa vse po starem. Darilo navzočnosti jan. seje je dobila Karolin Šatej. — Kuharskih knjig se je tudi precej prodalo. Naša članica ses. Kočevar se nahaja v bolnišnici. Želimo ji hitrega o-krevanja in da bi se kmalu zopet vrnila med nas in nam zopet delala družbo. Frances Bajc, poročevalka Št. 71, Strabane, Pa. — Zimo imamo prav mrzlo in prinesla je tudi veliko snega. Od leta 1957 ni bilo take zime in toliko snega. Naša januarska seja je bila dobro obiskana. Sprejele smo dve novi članici in izvolile novo tajnico, Lucy Smith. Prošene ste vse članice, da greste novi tajnici na roko in ob času plačate asesment, ker zaradi zani-kernih članic je težko dobiti tajnico. Imamo veliko dobrih članic, ki plačujejo za G mesecev v naprej in nekatere tudi za celo leto v naprej, toda tiste, ki celo leto ne plačajo povzročajo več dela in skrbi tajnici. Ona dela podnevi, zato ste prošene, da pridete na sejo, ali pa prinesete članarino na dom njene matere, ki je naša blagajničarka, Mary Boštjančič, tako si zvila nogo. Toda dobra volja me je spremljala skozi vse romanje v Lurdu in v Rimu. Šele, ko sem se vrnila sem šla k zdravniku, ki je slikal nogo in pronašel, da sem imela kite strgane v stopalu in bi morala imeti nogo ves čas v mavcu. Seveda, če bi jaz bila to storila pred časom odhoda, potem bi gotovo morala doma ostati. Tako sem se pokorajžila in šla z bolno nogo in se udeležila tudi piknika na Otočecu, ker sem hotela srečati še druge rojake za katere sem vedela, da bodo navzoči. Tam se videla tudi Mrs. Albino Novak, ki je vodila drugo skupino in tudi Mrs. Prisland, Mrs. Sietz in lepo število sopotnic in znancev. Srečala sem tudi več rojakov, ki so zdaj v Jugoslaviji za stolno ker tam se da imenitno živeti za vsoto, ki se dobi od socijalne zavarovalnine in tukaj je to nemogoče, če nimaš drugih sredstev kot majhno pokojnino. Da sem lažje obiskala sorodnike, sem najela avtomobil in imela sem prav dobrega šoferja. Obiskala sem tudi Dunaj in duhovnika g. Ivana Tomažiča, ki oskrbuje bolnico in dom za stare ljudi. Sedaj ima v načrtu tudi dom za študente in bodo zgradili Slovenski dom. Ako bi kdo želel darovati v dober namen lahko pošlje naravnost na naslov: Rektor p. Ivan Tomažič, Wien 8, Bennogasse 21, Austria, ali pa na Rektor p. Ivan Tomažič, Alter-sheim, Baumgarten, Wien 14, Huttel-dorfer str. 188 Austria. Zelo bo vesel, ako bi mu kdo pisal. On vas vse lepo pozdravlja. Razkazal mi je vse zanimive kraje na Dunaju, kot cesarko palačo, cerkve in parke. Dunaj je res zanimivo mesto. (Pride še.) da ne bo izgovora, ker ona bo rada sprejela denar. Za zaslužno mater podružnice, smo izvolile Mary Tomsic. Že dolgo so bolane sestre Mary Mavrič in Frances Batesto. Želim jima in vsem bolnim sestram ljubega zdravja. Mary Tomsic, preds. Št. 84, New York, N. Y.— Ravno sedaj se nahajam v Fontani, Calif., kjer je prav lepo. Vse se mi dopade, posebno Dom za počitek je lepo urejen. Vse moderno opremljeno in mnogo cvetja. Vsa čast vsem, ki so delovali in darovali za ta Dom, med njimi Mr. in Mrs. Aleš, Mrs. Fortuna in drugi odborniki. Sedanja upraviteljica Mrs. Parkel skrbi, da imajo vsi dobro hrano. Slovenske kuharice so vse zelo postrežne in pridne. Pri naši podružnici je 24. jan, umrla članica Julija Adamič, ki je bolehala več let. Zapušča 2) sinova, 2 vnuka in drugo sorodstvo. Bog ji daj mirni počitek. Sinovoma naše sožalje. Vsem bolnim članicam želim ljubega zdravja, saj pomlad se bliža. Se vidimo na seji dne 14. aprila. Članicam voščim vesele Velikonočne praznike in pozdravljam vse sestre. Angela Voje, 8434 Cypress Ave., Fontana, Calif. Št. 96, Universal, Pa. ČESTITKE K 25 LETNICI PODRUŽNICE. Pozimi leta 1939, se je Mrs. Mary Ušenič-nik odločila, da bi bilo dobro, če bi imele društvo za žene, Slov. Ž. Z. v okraju Universala. Pisala je na glavni urad in prišla je Mrs. Ann Petrich in hitro so dne 28. marca, 1939 ustanovile štev. 96. Za prvo predsednico so izvolile Julijo Starman; podpreds. Paula Kokal, blagajničarka Annie Je-lovčan in vratarica Mary Kokal Bahor. Ob pričetku je bilo 16 članic. Paula je bila v uradu od začetka in je bila od Jan. 1947 predsednica. Anna Podobnik je podpredsednica že 14 let in smo je letos izvolile za častno mater podružnice. Mary Habjan Sac-sek je zapisnikarica že 21 let. Poprej je delovala kot blagajničarka Francka Bajt Veličič, in do danes pa Mary Galičič 0’Block. Vratarica je Mary Peternel in njena sestra Antoinette Možina je pa dopisovalka že mnogo let. Sedaj so nadzornice: Mrs. Možina, D. Peternel in Irene Bogotaj Zavarella. V 25 letih je bilo mnogo lepe vesele društvene zabave in delovanja in pa tudi nekaj solza. Leta 1949 so nam umrle članice, Mary Demshar in Johana Oblak Kokal. 1950 mladenka Shirley Oswalt kar nenadoma; naslednje leto Mary Demshar (Nace-tova). 1952 smo izgubile Marija Prevc (Previc), in 1954 pa Frances Home Škerl. Louisa Starman Kirn 1. 1956 in isto leto tudi Anna Erznožnik Bogotaj. Leta 1059 je pa umrla Katarina Rekelj Peternel. Vse naše blagopokojne članice zelo, zelo pogrešamo. Ostale nam bodo v spominu in v molitvah. Bog naj jim da večni mir. Ker živimo daleč narazen, zato i-mamo seje samo štirikrat na leto. Naše članice živijo v naslednjih naselbinah: Universal, Center, Renton, North Bessemer, New York, Verona, Sardis, Butler, Baden, Detroit in ena celo in Wyoming. Drugi mesec bo god naše predsednice in voščimo ti veselja, zdravja in mnogo, mnogo let življenja med nami. Ravno tako želimo dobrega zdravja mamicam Agatha Možina, Anna Kacin, Frances Oblock, Mary Richtar, Jerica Shifrar, Jennie Roth in Jennie Snoznik. Mladenkam Diane Bebar in Eileen Snoznik pa želimo veliko dobrega u-speha v šoli. Vsako leto rade gremo na Pennsylvania Day, da se srečamo vsaj enkrat letno z našimi sosestrami in prijateljicami. Smo tudi zelo vesele ko pridejo tudi iz Ohio ali Illinois, ali od drugod na naš Dan. Vabljene ste že sedaj, da zopet pridete! Vsem članicam voščim vsega najboljšega in dobrega uspeha v prihodnjih letih. S sestrskim pozdravom, Mary Peternel Klemenčič, tajnica (18 let) Št. 93, Brooklyn, N. Y.— Zopet se malo oglašam v naši ljubljeni Zarji. Še vedno sem v Clevelandu. Počutim se precej slabo in zaradi sladkorne bolezni slabo vidim, vendar se bom potrudila, da napišem par vrstic. Posebno se želim zahvaliti vsem dragim sosestram širom Amerike, ki so se me spomile z lepimi kartami in darili za praznike. Iskrena hvala ses. Anna Pachak iz Pueblo, Colo. za krasni robček. Vsem želim ljubega zdravja. Naša podružnica je v novembru slavila 25 letnico ustanovitve. Oh, kako lepo je bilo v teh letih, toda zadnje čase so tudi žalostni spomini. Zadnje leto sem izgubila dobre prijatelje; pr- vi je bil moj zet, ki je bil dober podpornik. Dalje list, Glas Naroda, ki je potoval po slovenskih naselbinah celih 70 let ter je moral prenehati s svojim narodnim delovanjem med Slovenci. — Hudo nas je prizadela tudi novica o smrti našega predsednika Kennedyja. — Na Božični večer so me poklicali, da je umrl prijatelj mojega moža, Jože Križman in malo pozneje Tone Bradarič in tik pred prazniki Frank Cvetko. Ti možje so bili prvi podporniki Zveze in njihove žene so bile aktivne za našo SŽZ. Ob teh mislih mi solze žalosti silijo v oči, toda ne žalujmo, saj ko boste čitale te vrstice bomo že v marcu, na pragu lepe pomladi. Vsem sosestram širom Amerike želim veselo in srečno obhajanje Velikonočnih praznikov. Pozdrave vsem gl. odbornicam ter vsem članicam, posebno pri št. 93. Helen Corel Št. 100, Fontana, Calif.— Na naši januarski seji je bil ustoličen novi odbor. Vesele smo bile, da se je naša zapisnikarica, Edith Dnawenik pozdravila in se udeležila te seje. Naša nova preds., Jennie Kurilich je imela tisti dan rojstni dan in ses. Julija Kukman so prinesle cake in vse drugo, da smo se prav dobro imele. Tudi naša februarska seja je bila povoljno obiskana od strani članic, kakor tudi šest obiskovalk od drugih podružnic, ki so se mudili tukaj v Fontani na obisku, to so bile: Alvi Jerina, št. 89, iz Oglesby, 111., Mary Poldan, št. 2, Chicago, 111., Angela Voje, št. 84, Brooklyn, N. Y., in Nellie Danko, ki je prestopila iz Barber-tona, Ohio. Za kandidatko za prihodnjo konvencijo je bila soglasno izvoljena naša večletna tajnica Dorothy Petrich. Dne 21. marca bomo imele bake sale. Svoje rojstne dneve so slavile naslednje članice: Dorothy Petrich, Frances Lukanich, Paula Vidergar. Vse smo prinesle sladoleda, krofe, cake in kave, da smo se prav lepo imele in tudi lepega petja je bilo. Na tej seli so se prodajale tudi nove Kuhinjske knjige. Vabljene na prih, sejo, 5. marca ob 7 uri zvečer. Upam da bo zopet lepa udeležba. Pozdrav, Frances Lukanich, poročevalka Financial Report ior the Finančno poročilo za 1. 110.95 159 45 2. 191.70 357 161 3. 143.05 289 166 4. 4.85 19 — 5. 106 42 $ 6. 49.45 124 17 7. 69.50 113 139 8. 103.15 62 1 & 9. 43 4 10. 148.80 369 48 12. 121.15 216 61 13. 53.10 119 20 14. 216.35 318 30 15. 118.00 255 29 16. 71.15 140 80 17. 73.35 163 56 18. 31.30 52 2 19. 59.75 137 43 20. 282.65 438 129 21. 67.05 92 53 22. 20.85 24 — @ 23. 100.95 226 57 24. 79.G5 174 82 25. 371.00 760 250 26. 46.80 111 12 27. 66.25 85 6 28. 67 0 29. 13.25 33 7 30. 22.50 20 — @ 31. 50.65 104 40 32. 57.53 111 30 33. 72.50 142 73 34. 19.10 42 7 35. 38.55 75 41 37. 9.50 28 — 38. 59.45 154 1 39. 24.60 08 23 40. 40.60 95 6 41. 133.35 212 37 42. 34.95 49 — 43. 51.50 110 6G 45. 70.35 60 7 % 46. 13.20 30 5 47. 80.10 118 25 49. 37 — $ 49. 37 — $ 50. 140.00 122 75 ** 51. 7.80 17 — 52. 26.40 53 1G 53. 20.45 37 8 54. 37.55 71 66 55. 32.50 74 7 56 65.45 112 19 57. 39.55 7G 36 59. 31 7 61. 13 — 62. 17.10 35 1 63. 90.50 120 63 G4. 40.60 47 2+ -t- 05. 43.50 62 25 66. 36.25 52 20 67 78 28 68. 34.45 42 4 70. 14 3 71. 48.55 193 21 72. 21.30 33 4 73. 73.60 104 4 74. 34.25 44 4 77. 37.14 55 33 78. 24.00 25 9 79. 26.10 33 21 80. 17.70 19 ** 81. 8.20 25 — 83. 11.45 23 5 84 69 6 85. 11.70 29 5 86. 9.95 20 — Month of December, 1963 mesec December, , 1963 88. 23.48 46 16 89. 42.80 98 58 90. 28.00 52 19 91. 38.50 53 8 92. 13.15 23 2 93 28.00 65 — 94. 17 3 it 95. 101.35 174 43 96. 23.65 49 2 97. 11.50 21 6 99. 8.75 16 — 100. 21.25 43 7 101. 31.65 50 19 102. — 23 — + 104. 8.55 22 1 105. 18.00 19 5 106. 34.05 20 1 '*** $4,792.40 8948 2G38 $Assessment paid in Nov.; ■& paid for Sept.— -Dec.; @ paid for Dec., & Jan., % paid for Sept., Oct., Nov. ; **paid for Nov. & Dec.; + + paid for ■ Aug. & Sept.; it paid in Sept.; +paid in Oct.; *** paid for Aug.; Sept.; Oct Income — Dohodki: Assessment from members $ 4,792.40 Rental income, najemnina 155.00 Interest—obresti: Bonds 1,357.41 Banks—Posojilnic 4,161.87 Cookbooks, Kuharske knjige 2,500.00 Total—skupaj $12,960.08 Disbursements — Stroški: Anna Kovačič, br. 1, Sheboygan $100.00 Jennie Skraba, br. 6, Barberton 100.00 Matilda Rojnik, br. 7, Forest City 100.00 Mary Tamse, br. 12, Milwaukee 100.00 Mary Jelich, br. 17, West Allis 100.00 Helen Thompson,br. 17, W. Allis 150.00 Magda. Kucinich, br. 20, Joliet 100.00 Mary Kemper, br. 24, La Salle 100.00 Jennie Jernejčič, br. 25, Cleve. 100.00 Mary Mahne, br. 25, Cleveland 100.00 Ducija Zivoder, br. 25, Cleveland 100.00 Rose Balkovec, br. 26, Pittsburgh 100.00 Jos. Ostroska, br. 26, Pittsburgh 100.00 Carolina Poderzaj, 34, Soudan 100.00 Antonia Kochevar, br. 35, Aurora 100.00 Mary Knaus, br. 38, Chisholm 100.00 Mary Mihelich, br. 38, Chisholm 100.00 Josephine Krašovec, 50, Cleveland 100.00 Johanna Leskovec, br. 55, Girard 100.00 Anna Medved, br. 63, Denver 150.00 Thelma Norwood, br. 71, Strabane 100.00 Anne Stare, br. 84, New York 100.00 Anna Alex, br. 84, New York 100.00 Mag. Michinoski, 97, Caimbrook 100.00 December Zarja, 32 pages 1,714.85 Salaries and administration 1,105.00 Awards, children’s parties, misc. 301.28 Rental income of Home office 75.00 Printing, postage, sundries 148.40 Cookbooks, printing editing, postage, freight 6,250.00 Total — skupaj $12,094.53 Balance November, 1963 $490,371.81 Income in December, 1963 12.966.68 $503,338.49 Disbursements, Dec. 1963 12,094.53 Balance December, 1963 $491,243.96 Depreciation on property 3G3.67 General assets Dec., 1963 $490,880.29 Albina Novak, Secretary OFFICERS OF S.W.U. BRANCHES — 1964 No. 1. SHEBOYGAN. Wis. Pres.: Olga Saye, 1210 So. 20th St., Seo’y.: Margaret Flaher, 616 Washington, Kohler, Wis. Treas.: Mary Vertacic. 1814 So. 8th St. Mootings: Second Sunday, Church Hall No. 2, CHICAGO, III. Pres.: Josephine Železnikar, 2015 W. 23rd Sec’y.: Albina Novak, 1931 W. Cermak Rd. Treas.: Elizabeth Zefran, 1941 W. Cermak Meetings: Second Thursday, Church Hall. No. 3, PUEBLO, Colo. Pres.: Anna Pachak, 2009 Oakland. Seo’y.: Frances Simonich, 1113 Mahren Treas.: Frances Skul, 1107 Mahren Meetings: First Wednesday, Church Hall. 7 p.m. No. 4. OREGON CITY, Ore. Pres.: M. Polajner, 1112 J. Adams St. Sec’y.: Mary Gerkman. R. 2, Box 69 Meetings: Second Tuesday, 8 pm. No. 5, INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. Pres.: Sophie Krapes, 735 N. Warman Av. Sec’y.: Josephine Turk, 1150 No. Warman Treas.: Dolores Konichnik, 949 N. Haugh Meetings: Fourth Sunday. S.N.D. W. 10th St. No. 6, BARBERTON. Ohio Pres.: Jeanette Killoran, 906 W. Tusc. Av. Sec’y.: Jennie Ozbolt, 160 W. 30th St. Treas.: Jennie Okolesh, E. Cassell Ave. Meetings: First Sunday, Church Hall No. 7, FOREST CITY. Pa. Pres.: Anna Kameen, 87 Depot St. Sec'y. & Treas.: Josephine Gostisha, 1010 No. Main Meetings: 2nd Sunday, V.F.W. Hall No. 8. STEELTON. Pa. Pres.: Mary Messersmith, 323 Myers St. Sec'y.: Anne Pavelich, 222 Myers St. Treas.: Katie Belicic, 245 Fredrick St. Meetings: First Sunday. No. 9. DETROIT. Mich. Pres.: Henrlette Van Haverbeck. 21070 Ehlert, Wurren, Mich. Sec'y.: Mary Jamsek, 342 Geneva. Highland Park 3. Mich. Meetings: Every third month. Secretary’s home. No. 10, CLEVELAND, Ohio Pres.: Anna Markovich, 16705 Holmes Av. Sec’y.: Mary Camloh. 16726 Holmes Ave. Treas.: Mary Camloh, 15726 Holmes Ave Meetings: Second Tuesday. Slov. Home, 15810 Holmes Ave. No. 12. MILWAUKEE. Wis. Pres.: Frances Plesko. 2908 W. Green- field Ave. Sec'y.: Mary Schlmenz. 732 W. Pierce St. Meetings: 3rd Thursday, 1028 So. 9th St. No. 13, SAN FRANCISCO. Calif. Pres.: Geraldine Adaml, 1938 15th Ave. Sec'y.: Ann Stlch, 579 Rhode Island Treas.: Mary Ansel, 691 Kansas St. Meetings: First Thursday, Slov. Home. No. 14, CLEVELAND 19. Ohio Pres.: Tillie Spehar, 1200 E. 173rd St. Sec’y.: Molly Sodja, 176 Richmond Rd. Richmond Hgts., 32, Ohio Treas.: Mary Iskra, 18814 Mohawk Ave. Meetings: First Tuesday, Slov. Home, Recher Ave. No. 15, CLEVELAND 5. Ohio Pres.: Frances Lindich. 4024 E. 52nd St. Sec’y.: Frances Novak, 3552 E. 80th St. Treas.: Theresa Jeric, 3583 E. 81st St. Meetings: Second Wednesday, S.N.D., 80th Street. No. 16, CHICAGO 17, III. Pres.: Katie Triller, 1724 Stanton. Whiting, Ind. Sec’y.: Gladys Buck. 10036 Ave. L Treas.: Anna Buck. 10036 Ave. L Meetings: Second Thursday, St. George’s Hall. No. 17, WEST ALLIS, Wis. Pres.: Marlon Marolt, 1512 So. 53 Str. Sec’y.: Marie A. Floryan, 5830 W. Mineral Treas.: Frances Piwoni, 2635 So. 70th St. Meetings: Third Sunday. St. Mary’s Hall. 3 p.m. No. 19, EVELETH, Minn. Pres.: Antonia Nemgar. 117 Jones St. Sec’y.: Mary Lenich, 609 Jones St. Treas.: Mary Lenich Meetings: Second Thursday No. 20, JOLIET. 111. Pres.: Emma Planinšek, 1314 Elizabeth Sec'y.: Frances Gaspich, 619 Nicholson St. Treas.: Jos. Sumic, 1305 No. Center St. Meetings: Third Sunday. Ferdinand Hall, 2 p.m. No. 21, CLEVELAND, Ohio Pres.: Theresa Lacli, 13110 Crossburn Ave. Sec'y.: Stella Dancull, 13390 Settlement Acres Dr., Cleveland 42, Ohio Treas.: Josephine Weiss, 12619 Kirton Meetings: First Wednesday, J.D.N. Hall. No. 22. BRADLEY. III. Pres.: Ann Richards, 324 So. Blaine Sec’y.: Helen Sebastlanl, 283 So. Wabash Treas.: Anna La Moutagne, 284 So. Grand Ave. Meetings: 3rd Tuesday of every other month No. 23. ELY. Minn. Pres.: Katherine Slogar, 411 E. Harvey St. Sec’y.: Barbara Rosandlch, 1212 E. Sheridan St. Treas.: Mary Shikonya, 846 E. Chap. St. Meetings: 1st Sunday St. Anthony Hall 7:30 P.M. No. 24, LA SALLE. III. Pres.: Mary Krogulski, 1237- 6th St. Sec’y.: Angela Strukel, 536 La Harpe St. Treas.: Mary Kastigar. 1146 - 7th Street Meetings: 1st Sunday St. Roch’s School hall No. 25, CLEVELAND, Ohio Pres.: Pauline Stampfel. 6108 St. Clair Sec'y.: Josephine Golinskl, 1036 E. 68th St. Treas.: Mary Otoničar, 1110 E. 66th St. Meetings: Second Monday, St. Vitus School Hall. No. 26, PITTSBURGH, Pa. Pres.: Anna Trontel, 701 Kendall St. Sec’y.: Anna Frankovlc, 5332 Keyrtone St. Treas.: Mary Bahor, 604 Kendall St. Meetings: Third Tuesday. Slov. Home. No. 27. NORTH BRADDOCK, Pa. Pres.: Mary Stephenson. 1721 No. Ridge Sec’y.: Mrs. Frances Kucic, 146 Churchill Road. Turtle Creek, Pa. Treas.: Frances Celigoi, 1719 Poplar Way Meetings: First Sunday, 1629 Ridge Ave. No. 28. CALUMET. Mich. Pres.: Ann Helneman, 109 8th Street Sec’y.: Mary Jakovich, 810 Oak St. Box 15 Treas.: Stephanie Ryan. 107- 6th St. Meetings: 2nd Wed. St. Joseph’s Church Hall No. 29. BROUNDALE, Pa. (P.O. Forest City. Pa.l Pres.: Fannie Harvatine, Main St., B'dale Sec’y.: Mary Hadley, 217 Vine St. Treas.: Jos. Debevec, 337 Main St. Meetings: First Monday. No. 30. AURORA. III. Pres.: Emma Tomse, Twin Lane Rd. 1, Box 311 Sec’y.: Theresa Zefron, 1227 Superior St. Treas.: Barbara Fayfar. 611 Honkes Ave. Meetings: Second Tuesday, Members’ homes. No. 31, GILBERT, Minn. Pres.: Rose Veronick, Box 52 Sec'y.: Antoinette Lucich. Box 752 Treas.: Antoinette Lucich Meetings: Second Wednesday, Community Hall 8 P.M. No. 32, EUCLID. Ohio Pres.: Theresa Potokar, 19850 Renwood Sec’y.: Lillian Vehovec, 20631 Naumann Treas.: Molly Gregore, 19670 Orminston Meetings: First Tuesday, St. Christine’s Hall. No. 33, DULUTH. Minn, Pres.: Rose Ann Munsell. 201 E. McCuen Sec’y.: Mary Shubitz, 518 - 99th Ave. W Treas.: Mary Shubitz Meetings: Second Wednesday. St. Elizabeth’s Hall, 7:30 p.m. No. 34, SOUDAN, Minn. Pres.: Mrs. J. Pahula Sec'y.: Mary Pahula, Box 26 Treas.: Mary Pahula Meetings: Third Wednesday. C.M. Club Hall. No. 35. AURORA, Minn. Pres.: Mary Smolich, 112 W. 3rd Ave No. Sec'y & Treas. Frances Bradach, 28 N. Erie Meetings: Second Wed. 8 p.m. Church Hall No. 37. GREANEy. Minn. Pres.: Helen Shuster Sec’y.: Mary Krall, Gheen, Minn. Treas.: Anna Skraba, Gheen. Minn. Meetings: Second Sunday, Church Hall. No. 38, CHISHOLM. Minn. Pres.: Frances Hren. 300 - 1st St. N.W Sec’y & Treas. Anna Trdan, 215 5th S.W. Meetings: First Wednesday, S.N.D. No. 39. BIWABIK. Minn. Pres.: Ann Kostelz Sec’y.: Frances Anzelc, Box 67 Treas.: Frances Anzelc Meetings: 2nd Thursday at Church Hall No. 40, LORAIN. Ohio Pres.: Frances BresaJi, 1769 E. 31st St. Sec’y.: Angela Kozjan, 1628 W. 29th St. Treas.: Mary Pavlovčič, 176S E. 34th St. Meetings: Second Wednesday. S.N.D. 7:30 p.m. No. 41, CLEVELAND. Ohio Pres.: Mary Debevec, 14926 Sylvia Ave. Sec’y.: Ella Starin, 17814 Dillewood Treas.: Mary Debevec 14926 Sylvia Ave Meetings: First Tuesday, Slov. Work- men’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Rd. No. 42, MAPLE HEIGHTS, Ohio (P.O. Bedford, Ohi«) Pres.: Antonia Matis, 21305 Gardenview 31 Sec'y.: Louise Prhne, 5141 Miller Treas.: Mary Hočevar, 15916 Raymond Meetings: 4th Wednesday every other month, 7:30 p.m. S.N. Home, 5050 Stanley Ave. No. 43 MILWAUKEE, Wis. Pres.: Jos. Kolar, 3104 W. Becker Ave. Sec’y. and Treas.: Rose Kraemer, 4304 So. K. K„ Cudahy, Wis. Meetings: 2nd Sunday, St. John’s Auditorium No. 45, PORTLAND, Ore. Pres.: Mary E. Roso, 215 S.E. 86th Ave. Sec’y.: Flo. Lolich, 2815 N.W. Raleigh St. Treas.: Rosemary Roso, 215 S.E. 86th Ave. Meetings: First Thursday. No. 46, ST. LOUIS. Mo. Pres.: Josephine Prebil, 4309 California Sec’y.: Helen Skoff, 6255 Westway PI. Treas.: Helen Skoff Meetings: Second Sunday No. 47, CLEVELAND, Ohio Pres.: Roselyn Shuster, 12113 Marguerite Drive. Garfield H’ts.. 25 Sec’y.: Jennie Pugely, 10724 Plymouth Treas.: Antonia Dolinar, 8805 Vineyard Meetings: 2nd Sunday, Feb., Apr., June, Aug., Oct., Dec., at S.D.D., 10814 Prince Ave. No. 48, BUHL, Minn. Pres.: Rose Mollck, Box 272 Sec’y.: Mary Glavan, Box 624 Treas.: Mary Arko, Box 455 Meetings: 2nd Thursday of every third month at sister Kutzler’s home No. 49. NOBLE, Ohio Pres.: Mary Stusek, 29654 Grand Blvd.. Wickliffe, Ohio. Sec’y.: Mary Stusek Treas.: Mary Gombach, 22300 Arms Ave. Meetings: Second Sunday, every third month, 22300 Arms Ave. No. 50, CLEVELAND, Ohio Pres. Beatrice Tome, 26891 Forestview Sec’y.: Marie Beck, 25854 Highland Rd.. Cleveland 24 Meetings: Third Monday, St. Vitus School Hall No. 51, KENMORE, Ohio (P.O. Akron, Ohio) Pres.: Jennie Zoker, 2110 Manchester Rd tiec’y.: Helen Sterle, 440 Fritch Ave. Treas.: Dorothy Zakely, 601 Marengo Meetings: First Sunday, Slov. Club Home. No. 52, HIBBING, Minn. (Kitzville) Pres.: Jos. Oswald, 330 - 2nd St., Hibbing Sec’y.: Rose Chiodi, 312 - 4th St. Treas.: Rose Chiodi Meetings: First Wednesday, Little Grove Club Room. No. 53, CLEVELAND, Ohio Pres.: Mary Oblak, 4111 Pleasant Valley, Parma, Ohio Sec’y.: Mary Kolanz, 3970 W. 22nd St. Treas.: Mary Kolanz Meetings: First Thursday, 3970 W. 22nd Street every third month No. 54, WARREN, Ohio Pres.: Rose Itacher, 2205 Burton St. Sec’y. and Treas.: Joanne Ponikvar, 1040 Meado'wbrook S. E. Meetings: 3rd Tuesday, Slovenian Hall No. 55, GIRARD, Ohio Pres.: Barbara Umeck, 19 Harmon St., Niles, O. sec'y.: Alary Ann Mehalco, 1022 N. State Treas.: Mary Ann Mehalco Meetings: Second Thursday, S.N.D. No. 56, HIBBING, Minn. Pres.: Anne Satovich, 3414 W. 4th St. Sec’y.: Mary Meadows, 1410-16th Ave. E. Treas.: Mary Drobnick. 3609 W. 4th Ave. Meetings: Second Tuesday, Assumption Hall. No. 57, NILES, Ohio Pres.: Frances Yerman, 2140 Robbins Sec’y.: Mary Macek, 12 Pittsburgh St.. Girard, Ohio Trea».: Mary Strah, R.D. #1, Mineral Ridge, O. Meetings: Second Tuesday at Mrs. Yer-rnan’s Home No. 59, BURGETTSTOWN, Pa. Pres.: Frances Korošec, Main St. sec’y.: Virginia Bendich, Main St. Treas.: Margaret Godlsh. 1 E. Market St. Meetings: 1st Tuesday at Slovenian Home No. 61, BRADDOCK, Pa. Pres.: Johanna Cliesnik, 1223 Milton St. Sec’y.: Pauline Stolec, 2019 Monroe, Pittsburgh 18, Pa. Treas.: Jennie Novosel, 901 Greensburg Pike, E. Pittsburgh. Meetings: Second Sunday, Croat. Home. No. 62, CONNEAUT, Ohio Pres.: Theresa Colangelo, 649 Chestnut St. Sec’y: Mary Jane Dello, 542 Detroit St. Treas.: Anna Mundi, 763 Broad St. Meetings: 1st Saturday, individual members’ homes. No. 63, DENVER, Colo. Pres.: Agnes Pogline, 477G Filmore St. ■s*c’y.: Amalia Svigel, 4939 Washington Treas.: Johanna Krasovicli. 5180 Washington St. Meetings: Fourth Sunday, Slov. Home.. No. 64, KANSAS CITY, Kans. Pres.: Antonia Kostelec, 617 Splitlog rfec’y.: Catherine Lastelic, 637 Orville Treas.: Regina Cod, 317 Orchard Ave. Meetings: 3rd Sunday, Holy Family Hall No. 65, VIRGINIA, Minn. Pres.: Celia Simich, 805 8th St., N. Sec’y.: Jennie Tavchar, 719 - 10th St. N. 1'reas.: Jennie Tavchar Meetings: 3rd Wednesday, 2 p.m., Sacred Heart Church Clubroom No. 66, CANON CITY, Colo. Pres.: Christine Konte, 112 Catlln Ave. Sec’y.-treas.: Cecile Adamic. 1330 So. 4th Meetings: 2nd Sunday, every 3rd month. Lodge Room, 319 Elm St. No. 67, BESSEMER, Pa. Pres.: Mary Snezlc, Box 547 Sec’y.: Frances Samsa, Box 545 Treas.: Mary Brodesko, Box 449 Meetings: Second Sunday, Croatlon Hall I p.m. No. 68, FAIRPORT HARBOR, Ohio Pres.: Jennie Mohorčič, Taylor Rd. Painesville Sec’y.: Mary Grzely, 1055 N. St. Clair, Painesville, Ohio Treas.: Mary Grzely Meetings: Third Sunday, Club Hall, 617 3rd St. No. 70, WEST ALIQUIPPA, Pa. Pres.: Stella Cicconi, 104 Main Ave. Sec’y: Stella Cicconi Treas.: Mary Derglin, 85 Maple Ave. Meetings: Second Tuesday, 104 Main. No. 71, STRABANE, Pa. Pres.: Mary Tomsic, Box 202 Sec’y.: Lucille Smith, 37 Latimer Treas.: Mary Boštjančič, Box 68 Meetings: Second Wednesday, KSKJ Hall, 7 p.m. No. 72, CHICAGO, III. (Pullman) Pres. Wilma Zagar, 10445 Wabash Ave. Sec’y.: Angela Bezlaj, 11431 Champlain Meetings: 3rd Sunday, 11433 Champlain No. 73, WARRENSVILLE, Ohio Pres.: Kay Yuratovac, 19511 Sumpter Rd. Zone 28 Sec’y.: Louise Eppley, 20294 Emery Rd., Cleveland 28, Ohio Treas.: Agnes Walters, 24717 Emery Rd. Meetings: 1st Monday at 22710 Vera St. NO. 74, AM BRIDGE, Pa. Pres.: Mary Habich, 196 Maplewood Ave. Sec’y.: Stephanie Plese, 112 Merchant St. Meetings: Second Sunday, Slov. Audit. No. 77, N.S. PITTSBURGH, Pa. Pres.: Betty Ann Murphy, 1612 Walz Sec’y.: Mary Chmart, 937 Haslage Ave., Spring Hill, Pittsburgh 12, Pa. Treas.: Ellz. Conway, 1610 Waltz St. Meetings: Second Thursday, Javor Hall. No. 78, LEADVILLE, Colo. Sec’y.: Mary Vidmar, 414 W. Third St. Treas.: Mary Fajdiga Meetings: Last Thursday, 414 W. Third No. 79, ENUMCLAW, Wash. Pres.: Mary Mihelick, 1730 HiUcrest Sec’y.: Fanny Ramshak, 669 Stevenson Treas.: Jennie Beaver, Box 96 Meetings: Second Sunday, every third month. Members’ homes. No. 80, MOON RUN, Pa. Pres.: Ann Petanovich Sec’y.: Mary Christian, RFD 1, Box 57, McKees Rocks, Pa. Treas.: Josephine Pogachnick, Box 171 Meetings: First Thursday, Miners Hall. No. 81, KEEWATIN, Minn. Pres.: Anna Jackovlch Sec’y.: Anna General Treas.: Margaret Cenjar Meetings: Second Thursday, Village Hall. No. 83, CROSBY, Minn. Pres.: Mary Vukelich, 228 7th St., N.E. Sec’y.: Mary Deblock, Box 61, Ironton, Minn. Treas.: Mary Deblock, Box 12, Riverton Meetings: First Monday, 8 p.m. No. 84, NEW YORK CITY, N.Y. Pres.: Angela Voje, 1825 Woodbine St. Ridgewood, Brooklyn, N.Y. Sec’y.: Anna F. Svet, 1830 Cornelia St., Ridgewood 27, L.I., N.Y. Treas.: Pauline Kralj, 6901 — 66 PI.. Glendale, L.I., N.Y. Meetings: Second Tuesday, Silver Court Cafe, 68-17 Forest Ave., Ridgewood. No. 85, DE PUE, III. Pres.: Mary Stupar, Box 381 Sec’y.: Maria Jermene, Box 205 Treas.: Mary Zabavnik, De Pue, 111. Meetings: Third Sunday No. 86, NASHWAUK, Minn. Pres.: Katherine De Petro, 219 — 4th St. Sec’y.: Marian Dergantz, 214 — 4th St. Treas.: Christine Meyers, 225 — 4th St. Meetings: 3rd Monday, Memorial Biulding No. 88, JOHNSTOWN. Pa. Pres.: Mary Kuzma, 218 View Street Sec’y.: Jennie Stusek, 541 Russell Ave. Treas.: Mary Zupan. 546 Forest Ave. Meetings: Second Wednesday. St. Ann’s Church Hall. No. 89. OGLESBY. III. Pres.: Frances Meglic, 321 Maple Av& Sec’y.: Nancy Kleczewski, 120 E. 3rd St. Treas.: Sophie Frank. 311 Elm St. Meetings: 2nd Monday, Dickenson House. No. 90. PRESTO. Pa. Pres.: Sophie Sorcan, Kirwan Hgts. Bridgeville Scc’y.: Mary Rupnik, 614 Chestnut St. Treas.: Ann Sorcan, Kirwan Hgts. Bridgeville Meetings: Third Sunday, St. Barbara’s Hall, Presto. Pa., 3 p.m. No. 91, OAKMONT, Pa. Pres.: Anna Kastelic, P. O. Box 287 Oak-mont, Pa. Sec’y.: Amalia Sorch. 409 Virginia Ave. Treas.: Bertha Persin. 830 - 3 th St. Meetings: 1st Tuesday, March May. Sept., Dec., at secretary’s home No. 92. CRESTED BUTTE. Colo. Pres.: Helen Cobai, Crested Butte, Colo. Sec’y.: Josephine Somrak Treas.: Margaret Malenšek Meetings: First Sunday. Frank’s Cafe. No. 93, BROOKLYN. N.Y. Pres.: Helen Corel, 67 Scholes Sec’y.: Anna Kerkovich, 182 Chestnut Treas.: Helen Hodnick, 6042 - 68 Rd. Meetings: Third Tuesday, Slov. Hall No. 94, CANTON, Ohio Pres.: Kathryn Pauline, 1201 - 41st S.W. Sec’y.: M. Krznarlch, 610 Paterson S.W. Treas.: Mary Krznarlch Meetings: Fourth Sunday. No. 95, SO. CHICAGO, III. Pres.: Mildred James, 10727 Ave. M Sec’y.: Mildred Poropat, 8314 Saginaw Treas.: Stephanie Magnavite, 9655 Commercial Meetings: 1st Wednesday at Croatlon Hall No. 96, UNIVERSAL, Pa. Pres.: Pauline Kokal, 2811 Reiter Rd., Pittsburgh 35, Pa. Sec’y.: Mary P. Klemenčič. 3401 Clements Rd., Plum Boro, Pgh, Pa. 152-39 Treas.: Mary E. Oblock, R.D. 1, 668 Center Rd., Monroeville, Pa. Meetings: 2nd Sunday, Members’ homes. No. 97, CAIRN BROOK, Pa. Pres.: Nancy Satkovich, Box 6 Sec’y. and Treas.: Mary Satkovich, Box 125, 3rd St. Meetings: 2nd Sunday, secretary’s home 2 P.M. No. 99, ELMHURST, III. Pres.: Victoria Volk, 243 Larch Ave. Sec’y.: Mary Podgornik, 148 Maple Treas.: Mary Rebek, 248, Larch Avenue Meetings: 1st Sunday. Members’ homes. No. 100, FONTANA, Calif. Pres.: Jean Kurilic, 9415 Acacia Sec’y: Mary Vidergar, 8431 Cypress Treas.: Dorothy Petrich, D350 Palmetto Meetings: 1st Thursday: K.S.K.J. Hall 7 p.m. No. 101, BEDFORD HGHTS., Ohio Pres.: Betty Matjašič, 24101 Aurora Rd. Sec’y.: Dorothy Kastellic, 5206 Joseph St., Maple Hgts., 37. Treas.: Elizabeth Mertel, 21400 Franklin No. 102, WILLARD, Wi». Pres.: Josephine Artac, Route 1, Willard, Sec’y.-Treas.: Agnes Lesar, Rt. 1 Meetings: Second Sunday. No. 104, JOHNSTOWN, Pa. Pres.: Rose Hribar, 622 Cooper Ave. Sec’y.: Theresa Zallar, R.D. 1, Box 153 Treas.: Mary Anzelc 1115 Virginia Meetings: Third Sunday, Ss. Cyril and Methodius Hall. No. 105, DETROIT, Mich. Pres.: Pauline Adamic, 16844 Griggs Av„ Detroit 21. Sec’y.: Katherine Music. 7528 Pinehurst, Dearborn, Mich. Treas.: Alice Kocjan, 18845 Carree Ave. Meetings: At member’s homes. No. 106, MEADOW LANDS, Pa. Sec’y.: Catherine Hoefler, Box 197 Treas.: Anna Pavello Meetings: Third Thursday, Church Hall JUNIOR’S PAGE I HAPPY DAYS! St. Patrick’s, March 17th St. Joseph’s, March 19th Easter, March 29th T III ROYS AND GIRLS! Turning eleven this month will be another ol my daughters. In her babyhood we especially remember her pret tily dimpled cheeks and her patience in awnting her turn lor attention. Today she is at times an exasper-atingly exacting girl—a place lor everything and everything in its place. Conscientious and helpful she teases, pouts, appreciates, quarreles and makesup, befriends and loves. An avid reader she mostly enjoys mysteries and biographies. Her aim in life at present is to teach about God. Her favorite pupil is her younger pre-chool sister. No doubt many of you have secret and not so secret hopes for your future. Whatever your aims, do send your messages heavenward for aid and courage. Happy Easter to all! Your friend, REGINA WHAT’S THE PLURAL? One is ox, two are oxen; One is fox, but two aren't l'oxen. One's a house, more are houses; One is mouse, but plural's not mouses. (When calling more than one it’s nice, To be correct and call them mice.) (loose that gather are all called geese: Hut a moose and friends are not called meese. If a pretty puss soon has some pussies, Hoes a playpuss have plat.ypussies And why, when single or in a heap Are elk still elk and sheep still sheep? One’s a leaf, a tree lull is leaves; One is beef, and a herd is beeves. One snail is a gastropod. Two are gastropoda. Now there’s a fact to ponder As you sit and sip a soda. .loan Potter Elwart from Junior Catholic Messenger —! "well IT'S CUSTOMRRX FOR. U5 TO GO OOT RND VISIT THE-PRTIEMT.11 MARCH March 20th ushers in Spring. Many signs of this new season include an ('arly robin or bluebird returning from the South, hunting for a place to build a nest: trees become leafy, the daffodils bud and the grass turns green. And in the March breezes one sees many multi-colored kites soaring in the skies. March in the Church calendar pro-ides some interesting dates. On the 17th St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, is featured. Of him it is said that he “found Ireland all heathen and left, it all Christian.” St. Joseph, celebrated on the 19th, is a favorite feast day among the Slavs. Many sons are named after him, who was the husband of Mary, the foster father of Jesus and is a patron of fathers and workmen. The 25th marks the Annunciation ol the ISlessed Virgin Mary. Archangel Gabriel announced to Mary that she would be the mother of the long promised Redeemer by saying. “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with I bee.” In spring the earth dons a new cloak of greenery, we often don new clothes and our souls; are reborn-given new life—through Christ’s Resurrection. In preparation for Easter on the 2!Hh an appropriate center-piece for the table would be a big standing llunny driving tiny yellow cotton chickens with vari-colored ribbons. Eggs are a sign of new life and so eggs are decorated in many lovely colors and designs. To further enhance tiie dinner table one can make HOG CANDLES from paraffin and colored crayons. To make the candle mold, punch a small hole in each end of a raw egg. Blow' out the insides. Enlarge the hole in the small end of the shell so it is about the size of a finger tip. Melt a block of paraffin and a crayon-over low heat. Use two crayons for a bright-colored candle. Stir the wax and pour just a tiny bit into the mold through the enlarged hole. Let this harden to seal the small hole in the bottom of the shell. Then pour in more more wax to fill the mold. An egg carton makes a good holder for the mold while you fill it. Make the wick by dipping a 3-inch piece of string into some of the melted wax. Lay it out straight on a newspaper to harden. When the wick is still and the wax in the mold is partially set, stick the wick into the candle. Peel off the shell when the candle is hard. Egg cups make pretty holders for these candles. Or the candles can be flattened slightly on the bottom and set in saucers. (Instructions lor Egg Candles from Highlights m^gaaiaa,) . and you’ll always have a nice breeze from the West.” PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 YV. Cermak Kcl., Phone C Anal 6-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois R.GRDINR& SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad r>:» lt>i že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz —- naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo. Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel.: Kenmore 1-6300 Cleveland 10, Ohio Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Oreenfield Ave. EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin GEREND FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN 452 East 152nd St. IV. 1-3118 JOS. ZELE & SONS, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 6502 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, Ohio EN. 1-0583 Ample Parking Facilities We have a home to fit your needs! LUDWiG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate & Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. VI. 7-6679 Chicago 8, 111. ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors & Embalmers CHICAGO 8, ILL. Virginia 7-6688 Velika množica Ameriških Slovencev l>o obiskala prelepo Slovenijo v letu 1961. Potovali je najbolj prijetno v domači družin. Najboljše boste potovali v skupinah, katere organizira najstarejša slovenska potniška pisarna: AUGUST KOLLANDER TRAVEL BUREAU, INC., Odhodi z letalom JET: June 10, June 16, June 22, July 18, Odhod z ladjo “Queen Elizabeth” 3. junija vodi gl. predsednica, Toni Turek Odhodi z ladjo ‘‘Queen Mary,” 27. maja; “S. S. France”, 28. maja; skupino z ladjo “Leonardo Da Vinci”, 19. maja, vodi Mr. Anton Schubel, dirigent Glasbene Matice, izlet za prijatelje Glasbene Matice. Člani slovenskih organizacij kateri potujejo v skupini imajo popust. Povratna vožnja New York-Zagreb z jet letalom $424.00 Za informacije in rezervacije pišite na urad AUGUST KOLLANDER TRAVEL BUREAU, INC. 6419 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland 3, Ohio Phone HE 1-4148