253 Documenta Praehistorica XLIII (2016) Genomic approaches and their contributions to understanding the European Neolithisation Cristina Gamba Centre for GeoGenetics, Natural History Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen, DK cristinagamba@gmail.com Introduction The field of ancient DNA was 30 years old in 2014, and the anniversary was celebrated with an inter- national conference at the Royal Society of London entitled “Ancient DNA: the first three decades” (Ha- gelberg et al. 2015). This conference was dominated by the most recent results in the field, including an extensive genome-wide proof of Neanderthal inter- breeding with modern humans (Sankararaman et al. 2014). However, ancient DNA has entered the ‘ge- nomic era’ only very recently, with the first ancient human genome published in 2010 (Rasmussen et al. 2010), the first scattered genomic data from a Neolithic sample in 2012 (Skoglund et al. 2012), and the first Near Eastern Neolithic genomes only very recently (Mathieson et al. 2015). Before the ‘genomic era’, the field advanced thanks to the complicated and low-success recovery-rate of small DNA fragments, mainly from mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). The mitochondria are cell organelles that govern the energy supply, in several copies per cell. They contain one or more small circular mole- cules of DNA; therefore, 1000 to 10 000 copies of mtDNA can be counted in a cell, as compared to only two copies of maternally and paternally inherited nuclear DNA (nuDNA) (Robin, Wong 1988). This has made mtDNA the preferred target for ancient DNA studies, given >1000 higher probability of recover- ing DNA after the environmental degradation that affects cells and molecules after death. The first mtDNA sequence from ancient material was isolated in 1984 from the dried muscle of an early 1900s quagga, an extinct equid (Higuchi et al. 1984). Since then, a wide range of other ancient samples and tissues have been analysed, especially ancient bones and teeth, the most frequently preserved tis- sues in ancient samples, with the seminal work of ABSTRACT – The contribution of ancient DNA to the understanding of past events has been increas- ing exponentially in recent years. This is mainly due to the synergy of technical advances, such as the molecular technique of high-throughput DNA sequencing, which has allowed for the reconstruc- tion of complete genomes as old as 750 000 years. Another step toward the cost-effective characte- risation of ancient genomes is the sampling of petrous bone, which has allowed sequencing of the first ancient African genome. Here I review the significant contribution of ancient genomics to our understanding of the European Neolithisation process. IZVLE∞EK – V zadnji letih se je eksponentno pove≠al prispevek stare DNK k razumevanju preteklo- sti, kar je predvsem posledica sinergije tehni≠nih napredkov, npr. molekularne diagnostike visoke zahtevnosti DNK sekvence, s katero lahko rekonstruiramo celoten genom tudi do 750 000 let starih vzorcev. Drug korak k stro∏kovno u≠inkovitej∏i karakterizaciji starega genoma je vzor≠enje kosti skalnice v lobanji, s katero smo lahko dobili sekvenco prvega starega afri∏kega genoma. V ≠lanku nudim pregled nad glavnimi prispevki raziskave starega genoma k razumevanju evropskega proce- sa neolitizacije. KEY WORDS – ancient DNA; palaeogenomics; Neolithic DOI> 10.4312\dp.43.12 Cristina Gamba 254 Hagelberg and colleagues (Hagelberg et al. 1989). Other tissues such as hair (Gilbert et al. 2004), cop- rolites (Poinar et al. 1998), and arctic sediments (Willerslev et al. 2003) were also successfully inve- stigated in the first two decades of the aDNA field. In the specific research on the Neolithic transition in Europe, several studies based on short mtDNA se- quences were published, with the pioneering work of Wolfgang Haak and colleagues (Haak et al. 2005) on Neolithic LBK (samples from Central Europe). This study was the first population survey of an an- cient Neolithic group to help us understand the Neo- lithisation process. The authors showed an ancient Neolithic genetic composition very different from the current European population, including variants virtually absent nowadays (i.e. haplogroup N1a). Se- veral other mtDNA works followed, including a com- parison of contemporaneous farmers and hunter-ga- therers in Northern Europe ion the 3rd millennium BC (Malmström et al. 2009), revealing a genetic break. For the Iberian Peninsula, Cristina Gamba and colleagues (Gamba et al. 2011) also showed an im- portant component of new incomers at the begin- ning of the Neolithic. The jump to the second-generation or the ‘genomic era’ has allowed a quantum leap in retrieving gene- tic information from ancient specimens. After the first ancient human genome to be sequenced, a 4000 years old specimen from Greenland called ‘Saqqaq’ after his culture (Rasmussen et al. 2010), many other ancient genomes followed. Most of the stud- ies included one or very few samples, due to the high cost of high-throughput DNA sequencing (HTS) of whole genomes (3 billion base pairs for the human genome – around 200 000 times longer than the whole mtDNA). This is especially true for degraded samples with endogenous DNA below 5%, the other 95% being mostly co-purified microbial DNA from the environment and, unfortunately, as costly as the endogenous DNA fraction. Basically, to sequence the genome of an ancient sample costs at least 20 times more than a modern one, restricting the whole-ge- nome sequencing of ancient sample to a few highly funded laboratories and to very well-preserved spe- cimens. Ancient DNA challenges and validation In order to understand aDNA data, it is essential to understand the challenges involved in performing a molecular analysis based on degraded material. Firstly, the DNA starts to degrade immediately after the organism dies due to the action of microorga- nisms in the depositional environment, enzymes re- leased from the cells themselves and chemical reac- tions due to the presence of oxygen and water (Hof- reiter et al. 2001). The main outcomes are DNA frag- mentation and chemical changes. The first implies that only short sequences can be retrieved from an- cient samples, and a sequence is informative only above 25–30 base pairs, because below this length the probability of a precise match between the DNA fragment in different locations of a genome or even in different genomes significantly increases, making the genetic data uninformative. The main chemical DNA modification known to date is the deamination at cytosines, one of the four nu- cleotide bases composing the DNA, which implies their transformation into uraciles (usually only found in RNA and not in the DNA of living organisms), and ultimately into thymines through the amplification process, which is necessary for sequencing DNA (Hofreiter et al. 2001). This means that we detect a thymine, which was originally a cytosine, which ren- ders misleading the genetic information retrieved. This happens mainly around DNA breaks, thus at the beginning or end of DNA fragments. Consequently, the deamination might lead to confusion concern- ing the correct retrieval of genetic information, un- less many fragments from the same genomic region are analysed and compared (high coverage), given that deamination should happen randomly. On the other hand, detecting deamination provides a unique signature of DNA degradation and has been largely used as a criterion from ancient DNA (Ginol- hac et al. 2011). Interestingly, there is an experimen- tal way to eliminate these miscoding lesions from the DNA strands, by using an enzyme (UDG, Uracil- DNA-Glycosylase) that can remove the majority of the uracils from ancient DNA before amplification, making downstream analysis less noisy (see e.g., Rohland et al. 2015). Another significant weakness of aDNA, especially before the HTS era, is its susceptibility to contamina- tion from fresh genetic material, either from the de- positional environment or introduced after an exca- vation during manipulation of the sample. This un- dermined many of the first aDNA studies, which claimed to recover sequences from material millions of years old, such as a magnolia leaf claimed to be 17–20 million years old (Golenberg et al. 1990), am- ber-preserved bees, termites and plants (Cano et al. 1993; DeSalle et al. 1992; Poinar et al. 1993), and Genomic approaches and their contributions to understanding the European Neolithisation 255 even fossil bacteria (Cano et al. 1994). These stud- ies were later shown to be fallacious, as only conta- minant DNA of modern origin was actually retrieved (Poinar et al. 1998; Yousten, Rippere 1997). All these million-year studies revealed the high risk of combining a highly sensitive technique, such as PCR, with the study of scarce and degraded ancient molecules. This led to outsiders taking a very scep- tical view of the field, especially archaeologist and palaeontologists unwilling to destroying precious samples in order to obtain unreliable results. However, this was an important turning point in the aDNA field, highlighting the importance of authen- ticating and validating results. The so-called ‘authe- nticity criteria’ were formalised for the first time by Matthias Krings and colleagues through the valida- tion of the DNA results obtained from the first Ne- anderthal specimen analysed (Krings et al. 1997), followed by several comprehensive reviews of all the criteria needed to validate results (Cooper, Poi- nar 2000; Pääbo et al. 2004). Despite its controver- sial beginnings, ancient DNA can now be considered a well-established scientific discipline, with greatly improved standards, especially since the develop- ment of HTS. A highly valuable piece: the petrous bone Recently, Gamba et alii (2014) demonstrated that the densest area of the petrous bone, part of the temporal bone, could provide very high levels of endogenous DNA, up to 180-times more than other bone pieces from the same individual, preserving up to more than 80% of the ancient endogenous DNA of the specimen. This implies a sequencing cost only slightly higher than modern genomes, which are currently systematically generated by the hundreds. This is linked to the high density of this bone in mammals (Lam et al. 1999), which might be respon- sible for the low penetration of bacteria during the decomposition processes of the body. After this se- minal study, different parts of the petrous bone were shown to provide lower amounts of DNA (Pinhasi et al. 2015) than the densest part chosen in the first case (Gamba et al. 2014). In the latter study, the closest samples to the petrous bone in terms of DNA preservation were the molar roots, only 3-times less efficient (Gamba et al. 2014). In another study, Peter B. Damgaard and colleagues demonstrated that the cementum of teeth is where the best-preserved genetic material is harboured (Da- mgaard et al. 2015). However, although especially well-preserved teeth can also have very high levels of endogenous DNA, on average they do not perform nearly as well as petrous bone (Fig. 1). Thanks to the specific sampling of the petrous bone, it became possible to retrieve and sequence the ge- nome of a sample from an especially degrading en- vironment such as Africa for the first time (Gallego- Llorente et al. 2015), and more recently, even a hand- ful of the first farmers from the Near East (Brousha- ki et al. 2016; Gallego-Llorente et al. in press; Laza- ridis et al. 2016) Palaeogenomics and the Neolithic transition in Europe Ancient genomes from prehistoric Europeans have provided highly valuable insights into the under- standing of the population dynamics of the past. This Fig. 1. Boxplot representing the per- centage of endogenous human DNA retrieved from the petrous bone ver- sus other skeletal elements retriev- ed from ancient specimens. The bot- tom and top of the box refer to the first and third quartiles; the band inside the box is the median, while the ends of the whiskers represent the 5th and 95th percentiles. Outliers are represented as points. Database from Mathieson and colleagues (2015), which also includes data (Allentoft et al. 2015; Gamba et al. 2014; Haak et al. 2015; Keller et al. 2012; Lazaridis et al. 2014; Olalde et al. 2014) completed with these data (Cassidy et al. 2016; Günther et al. 2015; Jones et al. 2015; Omrak et al. 2016; Skoglund et al. 2014; Broushaki et al. 2016; Gallego-Lloren- te et al. in press). Only data at a minimum coverage of 0.025x were included. Plot realised in R (Core Team 2014) using the library ggplot2 (Wickham 2010). Cristina Gamba 256 is especially true for the Neolithic period, for which many complete genomes or genome-wide data are now available (Fig. 2). The Neolithisation of Europe has been thoroughly investigated by different disciplines (i.e. Bocquet- Appel, Bar-Yosef 2008; Pinhasi, Stock 2011) which showed the relative contribution of demographic movements and the transmission of ideas and new practices that accompanied the economic revolu- tion (Zvelebil 2001). Investigations of this process with modern DNA data has yielded contradictory results (see Jobling et al. 2013.Ch. 12 and references therein) because of the specificity of the genetic markers studied and the important genetic reshaping of the European ge- netic pool after the Neolithic, recently directly detect- ed through ancient genomics (see Mathieson et al. 2015 and references therein). However, it seems that now this long-lasting debate on the mechanisms of Neolithic expansion has been resolved thanks to ancient genetics and genomics. Ancient genomes sup- port the first studies based on mtDNA (Bramanti et al. 2009; Haak et al. 2010; Brandt et al. 2013; Szé- csényi-Nagy et al. 2015), pointing to a genetic break between the Mesolithic and the Neolithic periods in Europe, with the arrival of new incomers from the Near East. The first clue to the genomic landscape of Neolithic Europeans was provided from the complete sequen- cing of a frozen mummy from the Copper Age (5300 BP) found in the Italian Alps (Keller et al. 2012). The so-called Iceman surprisingly showed high genetic affinities with modern-day Sardinians, despite their geographic distance. These data suggested for the first time that (1) major genomic reshaping occurred after the Neolithic and (2) Sardinians might be relics of the original Neolithic population, because of the late peopling of the island and the implicit geogra- phic isolation. Molecular approaches Palaeogenomic analyses start in the laboratory, where a sample, usually a piece of bone, is ground and the DNA extracted. The short DNA molecules retrieved are then built into so-called libraries by attaching to each side of the DNA strand two se- quences, the adapters, which contain well-known DNA stretches compatible with further processing. The library is then amplified and (usually at this stage) short unique DNA, including unique indexes, are attached to the adapters to tag each sample differently and to allow the sequencing machine to distinguish between samples. The amplified li- braries are then either sequenced or enriched. In the first case, the whole DNA molecules extracted from the sample are sequenced. This method is called shotgun sequencing, because there is no se- lection of the DNA to be sequenced, and then, apart from the endogenous DNA of interest, also DNA from the environment (contaminant DNA) is co- sequenced. In the second case, the amplified library is firstly combined with a set of DNA sequences, so- called probes, which capture regions of interest, while all the other molecules are washed away. In this case, principally these regions are selected, en- riched and then sequenced, reducing sequencing costs while increasing the coverage of these posi- tions of interest. The drawback of this second ap- proach is that the genome to be sequenced needs to be well characterised in order to produce specific probes for DNA enrichment. Analytical approaches Given the massive amount of sequences retrievable from HTS machines, bioinformatic tools should be applied to the data analysis and interpretation. The first step is to align the sequence retrieved to a ref- erence genome, whenever available. Sometimes, a reference genome is not available, e.g., in the case of species not characterised or extinct; therefore, the genome should be assembled from scratch. For hu- man samples, a very well characterised genome is available and constantly improved. So the first step consists of aligning the sequences to the human ref- erence genome, followed by quality filtering, which takes into account how well a genome is aligned to the reference (mapping quality) and how confident- ly each base was identified during the sequencing (base quality). This is followed by genotyping, main- ly focusing on the identification and analysis of punctual genomic variants, also called SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism), which are positions in the genome that vary among different individuals and populations. Further filters can be applied, such as the setting of a minimum coverage (how many times a position has been sequenced), which reflects Understanding palaeogenomics Genomic approaches and their contributions to understanding the European Neolithisation 257 Further genomic data from northern European far- mers and hunter-gatherers extended to much higher latitudes and much later periods (~5000 years old) showed the affinity of ancient farmers with modern- day southern Europeans (Skoglund et al. 2012). On the other hand, northern hunter-gatherers showed genetic discontinuity with farmers, falling outside the genomic variability of modern Europeans (Skog- lund et al. 2012). Despite the very low amount of genomic data retrieved, covering only ~10% of the genome, this study allowed for the correlation of two different genomic backgrounds with two diffe- rentiated cultural groups: farmers and hunter-gathe- rers, suggesting the arrival of new incomers with the advent of the Neolithic. Later studies showed the same pattern at lower lati- tudes, such as the characterisation of two high-qua- lity genomes, one Neolithic farmer from Germany and one Mesolithic hunter-gatherer from Luxem- bourg, further supported by eight lower-quality ge- nomes from Swedish hunter-gatherers (Lazaridis et al. 2014). The study of a time series from the Early Neolithic to the Iron Age in Eastern Hungary (Gamba et al. 2014), provided a pool of nine new Neolithic ge- nomes (one high-quality, NE1), including two early Neolithic individuals associated with the Körös cul- ture. One of them, KO2, showed affinities with the Neolithic pool, close to modern-day Sardinians, with some Near-Eastern influence. Surprisingly, the other Körös sample, KO1, fell outside modern-day variabi- lity, clustering together with hunter-gatherers’ geno- mes, despite the Neolithic cultural context. This find- ing points to possible admixture between hunter-ga- therers and farmers at the beginning of the Neolithic. The following investigations mainly focused on ge- nome-wide informative markers (Haak et al. 2015; Mathieson et al. 2015), allowing for the characteri- sation of more than one hundred Neolithic genomes to date. how confidently the genotyping was assigned. High- quality or high-coverage genomes usually refer to genomes that have been sequenced with an average coverage of the whole genome of 20x and above. Specific filters that take into account post-mortem deamination reactions are frequently applied to an- cient genomic data, i.e. considering only SNPs that involve transversions (from C or G to T or A and vice versa), which cannot derive from deamination events. The genomic variability can be summarised and com- pared to other individuals with Principal Compo- nent Analyses (PCA), relying on those components that best explain the diversity between samples. So-called admixture plots are also frequently used to visualise with stacked ancestry components in bar- plots. The number of these components is set a pri- ori and can identify portions of ancestry related to geographic distributions, temporal periods or ethni- cities shared among different individuals. Relationships between individuals can also be drawn by adopting phylogenetic approaches. One of the most interesting approaches used in palaeogenomics relies on whole genome data and allows for the re- presentation of a phylogenetic tree including arrows between branches, pointing to possible admixture events (e.g. interbreeding between species or inbre- eding between unrelated populations). Many methods have been specifically developed to identify admixture events among populations or species including ancient DNA. These rely on different statistical tests, such as so-called D-sta- tistics and the f-statistics. Adaptation to the environment and the selection of advantageous variants (positive selection) can also be tested at a population or species level, and rely on the comparison between patterns of genet- ic variability (such as FST, which provides a mea- sure of population differentiation). All the genomic analyses described above can also be implemented on either genotype likelihood or imputed genotypes (genotype likelihood incorpo- rating information from available databases), which provide genotype probabilities instead of observ- ed genotypes. This is especially interesting for an- cient genomes, usually showing few data mined by molecular damage, which are not suitable for ex- tensive genotyping. Further reading For a review of aDNA molecular methods see Sha- piro, Hofreiter (2012), and for an updated and com- prehensive review of aDNA analytical tools see Leonardi et al. (2016). Cristina Gamba 258 Within the Neolithic pool, there is a Southeast-North- west cline, with a decreasing Near-Eastern affinity, pointing to a dilution of the original gene pool along with the expansion. The same trend can be detected in modern European populations, overlapping with an East-West gradient due to the influence of Bronze Age incomers from the Steppe (Mathieson et al. 2015) at later stages. It is worth noting that the Neolithic cluster also in- cludes a Spanish genome associated with the Cardial Neolithic cultural expansion, the first Neolithic inco- mers into Mediterranean regions, suggesting a com- mon origin with the LBK Neolithic culture, which spread in parallel into Central Europe (Olalde et al. 2015). Moreover, it was possible to identify an east- ern European hunter-gatherer component in this Cardial genome (ibid.), reinforcing the hypothesis of a certain admixture of hunter-gatherers and farm- ers at the beginning of the Neolithic expansion. Similarly, Zuzana Hofmanová and colleagues (2016) detected a low-level admixture of migrating farmers and local hunter-gatherers in the earliest stages of the Neolithic, consistent with sporadic occurrences. The admixture with local hunter-gatherers increas- ed substantially at later stages (Haak et al. 2015; Hofmanová et al. 2016) at the transition to the Mid- dle Neolithic across Europe, while Late Neolithic and Bronze Age periods were characterised by increasing input from steppe populations (Haak et al. 2015). The analysis of north-western Anatolian Neolithic samples from the Marmara region in Turkey (Ma- thieson et al. 2015), which also clearly cluster with- in the ancient Europeans’ Neolithic pool, confirmed that the source of the agricultural incomers reached Europe through northern Anatolia, and probably fol- lowed a route across Greece to Europe (Hofmanová et al. 2016). However, until very recently, there were no geno- mic data directly linked to the first appearance of Neolithic culture in the Fertile Crescent. Only short sequences from mitochondrial DNA were available from Pre-Pottery Neolithic samples (Fernández et al. 2014). However, recently, whole genomes and genome-wide data from the Fertile Crescent region have become available, giving a first glimpse of the Near-Eastern genetic pool through time and space (Broushaki et al. 2016; Lazaridis et al. 2016; Gal- lego-Llorente et al. in press). The analysis of sam- ples from such warm areas has now become possi- ble thanks to the recovery of relatively high endo- genous content from the petrous bone, used as the main DNA source in all three studies (see section above). Four Early Neolithic (EN) genomes from Zagros in Iran show a distinct genetic signature from both European hunter-gatherers and farmers, close to mo- dern Pakistanis and Afghans (Broushaki et al. 2016). In this study, the authors suggested that the affini- ties of Zagros Neolithic individuals to modern pop- Fig. 2. Location of ancient hu- man genomes sequenced at a minimum coverage of 0.025x (database Mathieson et al. 2015 which also includes data from Allentoft et al. 2015; Gamba et al. 2014; Haak et al. 2015; Keller et al. 2012; Lazaridis et al. 2014; Olalde et al. 2014; this database is completed with data from Cassidy et al. 2016; Günther et al. 2015; Jones et al. 2015; Omrak et al. 2016; Skoglund et al. 2014; Broushaki et al. 2016; Gallego-Llorente et al. in press; Lazaridis et al. 2016). Plot realised in R (Core Team 2014) using the libraries ggmap (Kahle, Wick- ham 2013) and ggplot2 (Wick- ham 2010). Genomic approaches and their contributions to understanding the European Neolithisation 259 ulations of southern Asia can be related to the spread of Indo-Iranian languages or Dravidian languages, along with the demographic expansion of farming into the region (Broushaki et al. 2016). This study also pointed out that the European Neolithic migra- tion probably had a different genetic source than the eastern Fertile Crescent. Iosif Lazaridis and colleagues (2016) tried to answer to this question by analysing serial samples from different regions of the Near East, mainly from two areas, the Levant (Israel and Jordan) and Iran, for a total of 44 samples (also including some from Ar- menia in the Caucasus, and one from Turkey) span- ning from the Epi-Paleolithic and Natufian (pre-Neo- lithic) to the Chalcolithic periods. The results retriev- ed from the Iranian samples supported the study by Farnaz Broushaki and colleagues (2016) and high- lighted the high genetic differentiation of those sam- ples not only with respect to the European Neolithic, but also to the Levantine pool. Interestingly, they also detected genetic continuity in both regions from pre-Neolithic to Neolithic periods, suggesting a major cultural spread of the Neolithic throughout the Near East (Lazaridis et al. 2016). The populations of the Levant in the Neolithic are genetically closer to the European and Anatolian Neolithic pool than the Iranian Neolithic, but never- theless cluster separately (Lazaridis et al. 2016). The authors identify the Levantine population as a good proxy for East African ancestry, pointing to the fact that the source population of the Neolithic ex- pansion into Europe still remains to be identified (Lazaridis et al. 2016). Further analysis from such crucial areas and periods will improve our under- standing of the dynamics that influenced the initial development of the Neolithic period and its subse- quent multidirectional expansion. Although palaeogenomics data have significantly contributed to deciphering the mechanisms involv- ed in European Neolithisation, this field would bene- fit from deeper interaction and integration with re- lated disciplines, such as archaeology and anthropo- logy. Positive selection and phenotypes during the Neolithic Genomic research is sufficiently advanced to allow the identification of the genes involved in several phenotypic attributes – including complex traits such as eye and hair colour – controlled by several genes. European hunter-gatherers had quite dark skin, dark hair and, interestingly, light-coloured eyes, while the incoming farmers typically had lighter skin and dark eyes (Gamba et al. 2014; Lazaridis et al. 2014; Mathieson et al. 2015; Olalde et al. 2014). A recent study specifically focused on detecting the positive selection of phenotypes through time (Ma- thieson et al. 2015) identified several candidates. The authors investigated the temporal progression of allele frequency of those genes for spotting the selection timing and consequences. A strong signal of selection was detected for the light skin pigmentation variant of the gene SLC45A2 (SNP rs16891982), now almost fixed in Europeans, significantly increasing in frequency through time. Another gene, SLC24A5, also associated with light skin pigmentation, was not identified as under se- lection in the analysis, but the selected allele fre- quency increased at the beginning of the Neolithic in Europe, probably due to the migration pattern from the Near East. The primary determinant of light eye colour is link- ed to the gene HERC2/OCA2 (SNP rs12913832). This has been found in all European hunter-gathe- rers, while at later stages up to the present, the allele associated with light eye colour increases with high latitudes, suggesting selection due to the environ- ment. Interestingly, the derived allele of the SNP rs3827760 in the gene EDAR, almost absent in present-day Euro- peans, was detected with high frequency in Scandina- vian hunter-gatherers from Motala in Sweden (5898– 5531 cal BC). This gene, which affects tooth morpho- logy and hair thickness, is highly frequent in East Asian and Native Americans and has previously been suggested to have originated in East Asia (Kambe- rov et al. 2013), but a different scenario emerge from these ancient data. However, the strongest signal of selection was re- trieved from the LCT gene (SNP rs4988235), associ- ated with lactase persistence, which allows to adults to digest milk. The authors confirmed previous re- sults (Gamba et al. 2014; Burger et al. 2007; Allen- toft et al. 2015) pointing out the late occurrence of this allele, which appeared for the first time only around 4000 years ago, much later than the advent of the Neolithic. The earliest date for lactase persi- stence is from a central European Bell Beaker sam- ple dated to 2457–2142 cal BC (Mathieson et al. Cristina Gamba 260 2015). Other variants in genes associated with diet have been identified, suggesting components of adap- tation to a variety of diets (fatty acid), different food sources and environments (vitamin D) and others possibly linked to coeliac disease (Mathieson et al. 2015). In this study, Iain Mathieson and colleagues (2015) were also able to investigate an even more complex trait which depends on hundreds of variants: height. A North-South cline in Europe is evident, with height decreasing in modern Europeans, probably linked to selection processes that occurred in the past re- flecting better adaptation to the environment. Based on 169 genomic variants, the authors explained this gradient by detecting a significant signal of selection of reduced height in Iberian Neolithic and Chalco- lithic samples, as well as increased height in steppe populations relative to the central European Neoli- thic. This suggests that the height gradient detected now is mainly due to the increased steppe ancestry of northern Europeans and selection for lower height in Southern Europe. New perspectives in ancient genomics Despite the short history of the aDNA field, the ge- nomic boom has resulted in an explosion of ancient genomes from many species, including humans, ar- chaic hominids, animals, and plants. Also, other sa- tellite approaches are attracting more and more at- tention, providing new ways to study ancient geno- mics, such as ancient metagenomic and ancient epi- genomic analysis. The first refers to the analysis of the whole sequencing output, the exogenous DNA, that vast amount of unused sequencing obtained through shotgun approaches, especially vast in those samples with very low amounts of endoge- nous DNA. Why should we be interested in such DNA portion? Because it might contain other inter- esting organisms, which might come from the depo- sitional environment, from manipulation, or from other organisms, such as pathogens, that were inha- biting the specimen. Recent work has demonstrat- ed that it is possible to collaterally detect and fully characterise Yersinia pestis, the agent of the plague, in ancient samples (Rasmussen et al. 2015), push- ing back the presence of this pathogen at least 3000 years before any historical record. A very interesting substrate for metagenomic ana- lysis is the dental calculus (Adler et al. 2013; Wa- rinner et al. 2014), allowing for the investigation of ancient oral microbiomes, clearly detecting shifts correlating with dietary changes during the Neoli- thic and the Industrial revolutions (Adler et al. 2013). On the other hand, epigenomics studies DNA modi- fications that do not imply changes in the sequence, but only reversible modifications to the genetic ma- terial that mainly influence gene expression (i.e. how the genetic information coded in the genes is differently expressed in cells). One of the most com- mon epigenetic modifications is DNA methylation, which is the addition of a methyl group to a nitro- genous base in specific genomic contexts. Recent stu- dies have demonstrated that it is possible to retrieve this information from ancient genomes, by using either direct techniques (bisulphite sequencing, which is difficult to apply to ancient specimens, as it requires a large amount of DNA) (Llamas et al. 2012), or by analysing patterns of molecular dam- age directly linked to methylation rates (Gokhman et al. 2014; Pedersen et al. 2014). The applications of both epigenomics and metage- nomics to ancient substrates pinpoint the progres- sive incorporation of new approaches to palaeogeno- mics, the result of a continuously updated multidi- sciplinary field. I would like to thank the reviewers for their help in improving this manuscript and all my colleagues for their support. My contract was funded by the Marie- Curie Intra-European Fellowship program (FP7-IEF- 328024). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Genomic approaches and their contributions to understanding the European Neolithisation 261 Adler C. J., Dobney K., Weyrich L. 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