Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 36/54 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 2. 9. 2018 22. Nedelja MED LETOM 22nd Sunday in Ordinary time Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Tel.: 905-561-5971 Fax: 905-561-5109 E-mail gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail hallrental@ Človeka onečisti samo to, kar prihaja iz srca Navadno prepoznavamo človeka po tistem, kar mu je pomembno ali nepomembno, kar mu je sveto in kar mu je grešno. Evangelist Marko, ki je pisal evangelij za pokristjanjene pogane, je obrazložil, kaj je bilo Judom sveto in kaj ne. Hkrati pa je prikazal Jezusa kot revolucionarja v pojmovanju vere. Če so Judje njegovega časa gradili svoj odnos do človeka in do Boga na »izročilu starih«; če so svojo buguvšečnost merili po natančnem izpolnjevanju mnogih predpisov, potem je Jezus obrnil pozornost v nasprotno smer; v notranjost človeka, v srce kot v izhodišče vsega presojanja pravega odnosa do Boga in človeka. Prepir med pismouki in Jezusom o tem, kako učenci jedo z neumitimi rokami, ni torej nepomembno vprašanje bontona, vljudnosti, marveč zadeva Jezusove vere. Pismouki in farizeji so se držali ne samo Mojzesove postave, marveč s časom postavljenih predpisov. Pomešali so božje s človeškim. Postajali so vedno bolj jetniki postav, katerim so se morali škrupulozno prilagajati. V pozabo je padlo spoznanje, da Mojzesova postava ni imela le omejevalne vloge, marveč v bistvu voditeljsko in osvobajajočo. Postava je bila dana izvoljenemu ljudstvu na poti iz sužnosti v obljubljeno deželo, predvsem pa kot izraz zvestobe Bogu zaveze. Postava je bila dana kot razodeta Beseda živega Boga, ki ureja človeka v njegovi notranjosti. Zato Jezus kliče k izvirom: v notranjost, v tisto skrivnostno središče, v srce, v katerem lahko človek začne graditi prave odnose brez hinavščine in sprenevedanja. V pismu apostola Jakoba beremo: »Sprejmite v krotkosti vsajeno besedo, ki more rešiti vaše duše. Bodite pa vršitelji besede in ne le poslušalci, ki bi sami sebe varali.« »Kajti od znotraj, iz srca, prihajajo ljudem hudobne misli ...« Tu, v srcu, kjer je človek sebi najbližji, tu moramo iskati začetek sleherne prave morale. Kaj je dobro in kaj zlo, kaj človeka dostojno in Boga vredno, tega ne določa neko pravilo, neko izročilo starih, neki običaj od zunaj: Izhodišče presoje o dobrem in zlu je poučeno srce. V umazani posodi srca bo vse življenje umazano. BISHOP OF HAMILTON August 23, 2018 To the Clergy, Religious and Lay Faithful of the Diocese of Hamilton, In recent weeks there has been increased media attention to a staggering number of past cases of sexual abuse of minors which have taken place at the hands of Church leaders in the United States, including Priests, Bishops and Cardinals, as well as cover-ups by those who have been entrusted with caring for the People of God. This news has stirred up justified anger and disillusionment among many in the Church. This news has also ignited renewed cries for accountability on the part of the Church's leaders and changes in the Church's procedures for dealing with the perpetrators of such egregious acts which have so deeply wounded their victims. As the Bishop of Hamilton, I want you to know that I am united with all the faithful in the Diocese who are experiencing the shame cast upon all members of the Church because of the sins of some of its members, especially those entrusted with the pastoral care of God's people. I likewise unite myself with the victims who have suffered and continue to suffer as a result of the abuse they have undergone at the hands of those who are called to be ministers of Jesus Christ and his Church. I pray for healing and peace for the victims of abuse and for all who have been hurt by the Church's inaction in the past, and for a renewed commitment on the part of all members of the Church to care for one another, especially, the most vulnerable. Since 1996 the Diocese of Hamilton has observed a strict protocol with respect to allegations of sexual misconduct on the part of clergy and other employees of the Diocese. This Policy and Protocol for Cases of Alleged Sexual Misconduct was updated most recently in 2013 and can be found on our Diocesan Website. All allegations of sexual misconduct have been, and will continue to be taken seriously and addressed immediately in accordance with our Diocesan Policy. Earlier this week, His Holiness Pope Francis issued a Letter to the People of God, which can be found on our Diocesan Website. Pope Francis reminds us that "if one member of the Body of Christ suffers, all suffer with it". The suffering of those who have been abused does indeed cause suffering in all members of the Church. He calls upon all of us to embrace "an attitude of prayer and penance", so that "we may grow in the gift of compassion, in justice, prevention and reparation". I invite all the faithful in the Diocese of Hamilton to take up our Holy Father's invitation and to pray fervently for an end to every form of abuse and a renewed commitment to provide a safe environment for all, especially the most vulnerable among us. Sincerely in Christ and Mary Immaculate, (Most Rev.) Douglas Crosby, OMI Bishop of Hamilton 381 I VESTNI K 2018 VESTNIK 2018 | 382 Končujejo se poletna praznovanja, začenja se novo šolsko leto pri nas pa imamo v tem času praznovanje zavetnika naše cerkve, sv. Gregorja Velikega, Naš jesenski banket že nekaj časa praznujemo v drugi polovici septembra, takrat je večina zopet nazaj doma. Jesenski banket pri sv. Gregoriju Velikem bo v nedeljo, 23. septembra 2018. Praznovanje bomo začeli s sveto mašo ob 10:00h dopoldne. Ob 12:00h bo kosilo. Ob koncu kosila bo Slovenian Canadian Scholarship Foundation nagradila izbrane kandidate. Letos ne bomo pošiljali prijavnic. Za prijavo pokličite Terezijo Sarjaš: 905-560-1218 383 I VESTNI K 2018 SLOVENSKA ŠOLA SLOVENIAN SCHOOL 2018/2019 Dear parents, September is almost here, and the school doors will soon open for another year. This means that it will also be time for SLOVENIAN SCHOOL! If you have a child in Kindergarten or older in English school, he/she is eligible to enroll in Slovenian School. Be proud of your culture and heritage! As descendants of our small Slovenian nation, let's make it possible for our children to become acquainted with their ancestral homeland and learn Slovenian. One day they will thank you for having the foresight and the interest in sending them to Slovenian school. We all feel the need to offer our children extra cur-ricular activities in sports, music, dance, etc. Don't you think that it is just as important to offer them the opportunity to broaden their intellect by learning the language of their parents or grandparents? We urge you to think about it and send your children to SLOVENIAN SCHOOL! Our programs are easily comprehended and are geared towards the ability of the children. They are made along the lines of the ones used in English schools so that they can be easily followed and understood. We also prepare the children of our parish for First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Registration for SLOVENIAN SCHOOL is on September 8th, 2018 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm in the classroom behind the upper hall. Regular classes will start on September 15th, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Although our goal is to teach the children to read, write and speak Slovenian, more importantly, it is to instill into them a Slovenian identity, a feeling of love and pride towards their Slovenian roots and their cultural heritage. Because our Slovenian School is a part of the Slovenian community, it also gives the children a sense of belonging. It is a place where they make lasting friendships. Our children are the guarantee for the continuance of our Slovenian identity and, more importantly, the continuance of our Slovenian community. It is important that we work together to keep their interest alive. Slovenian School has been a rite of passage for so many of our Slovenian youth, and we would like to keep this tradition going! Please give SLOVENIAN SCHOOL your full consideration and register your children on September 8th. If you have friends, who are of Slovenian background and this notice does not reach them, please tell them and encourage them to send their children to our school. The cost is $75 for one child, $140 for two children, and $210 for 3 children. Be proud that you are Slovenian and give your children the same opportunity! We look forward to seeing you! If you have any questions, you can contact Sandy by email at Sandy Ferletic - Head Teacher Slovenian International Language School VESTNIK 2018 | 384 BB5 j VESTNIK 2018 VESTNIK 2018 | 386 PILGRIMAGE TO MARMORA_ For all participants of pilgrimage to Marmora on September 8, 2018 Mass will be celebrated at 8:00 a.m. at St. Gregory the Great Church. 9:00 a.m. bus will be leaving from parking lot and will pick-up pilgrims also at Go-Station-Burlington on Fairview Street at 9:20 a.m. The cost per person is $40. All information at Angela, 905-930-7442. 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 2018 Slovenian Canadian Scholarship Foundation Awards Application Now Available The Slovenian Canadian Scholarship Foundation was created to provide students of Slovenian-Canadian descent, who are pursuing post-secondary education, and reside with the Halton, Hamilton-Wentworth, or Niagara region, the opportunity to be recognized for their academic achievements, community involvement, and appreciation of their Slovenian heritage. Selected applicants will be granted a monetary award in the form of a scholarship or bursary from the foundation. This year's awards will be presented on Sunday, September 23, 2018, at St. Gregory the Great Parish's Fall Banquet. The applications can be found at the back of the church or can be requested by emailing Teresa Zupancic at or calling 905-930-7545. Completed applications should be emailed to by September 14th, 2018. Response: O Lord, who may abide in your tent? First Reading Deuteronomy 4:1-2. 6-8 Moses rejoices at the great gift of the Law, which the Lord has given to his people, and urges them to keep his commandments. Second Reading James 1:17-18. 21-22. 27 St James insists that true religion involves not just words but actions like helping widows and orphans. Gospel Mark 7:1-8. 14-15. 21-23 Jesus tells us to make sure we observe God's commandment and not just human traditions. "It is the things that come out of a man that make him unclean." Illustration Neil MacGregor, a former director of the British Museum, recently made a rather startling statement about present-day Britain, which could probably be applied to other Western countries too. "In a sense we are a very unusual society. We are trying to do something that no society has really done." So what is it that is so unusual? He goes on to say that we are trying to live without a religion that offers a basic story that helps us find our place in time and space. He made this claim as he introduced a BBC radio series called Living with the Gods. It shows how for forty thousand years religion has provided men and women with a way of believing and belonging. 387 I VESTNI K 2018 Can we live without religion? "Of course we can," cry many today. In fact we can do much better without it, some people say. They claim that religion is bad for us because it encourages violence, bigotry and intolerance. They cite the Crusades, the Inquisition and the many religious wars down through the centuries as sources of terrible destruction; though unfortunately the appalling wars and genocides of the last century demonstrate that humankind is all too capable of committing atrocities that are not in the name of religion. The consequent debates between religious believers and non-believers can often be heated and badly informed. Is it possible at least to say something from God's word about what the difference is between good and bad religion? Gospel Teaching The readings we are given today seem to address this question. The first reading from Deuteronomy claims how wonderful the religious Law given to Israel is, while Jesus in the Gospel shows how harmful religion can be when it is misused. Can we resolve this paradox? If we look first at Deuteronomy we get there a sense of a deep appreciation of the Law that God had given them. The people had been in miserable slavery in Egypt and God had freed them. The Ten Commandments, given to them on Sinai, were seen as a precious gift and were a way of keeping them free so that they did not slip back into the slavery of idolatry. And the rituals of the Law helped them to belong as a community. Jesus as a Jew respected God's Law. He made it clear he had not come to abolish it but to fulfil it. But today, when the Pharisees who were zealous for the Law criticised Jesus' disciples for not performing the washing rituals, he makes a fierce prophetic attack on the way religion can become bad. He quotes the prophet Isaiah to back him up. Worship can be just words covering up injustice. Religion then becomes hypocritical as it serves human interests and not the original commandments of God. Jesus insists that good religion comes from the heart. External rituals are useful but they remain superficial unless they come from the heart. And unless the heart is changed, then the destructive forces that come from within will make a person unclean. Application For centuries Christians have had a religion that can provide both a powerful story and symbolic rituals by which we can introduce the next generation into our beliefs and values. Like the Jews, we recount the wonders of a loving God who has rescued us from slavery and taught us a Law that reflects the justice and compassion of God. In Jesus that Law comes to completion in the revelation of a love that expressed itself in the sacrifice of the cross. But Jesus himself warned that good religion can be perverted into bad. All the failings of the Pharisees in the Gospel can be our failings today. We can see all too easily how religion can be misused to produce violence and injustice. Our faith can make sense of our world, and give us a purpose to live. Once we are aware how our religion can go wrong, we are still called by Christ to offer its story of good news to a world that seems to be without a better narrative. St James today describes what good religion is: "Pure unspoilt religion, in the eyes of God our Father is like this: coming to the help of orphans and widows when they need it." We may not convince some people by our beliefs, but if we witness to that kind of religion they may at least begin to think about it. VESTNIK 2018 | 388 Obvestila - Announcements dogodki v bližnji prihodnosti_ ♦ 2. september: Slovenski park Long weekend, Picnic, Baseball playoffs, Band: Šibaj; Mass at 1:00 p.m. ♦ 8. september: Triglav-London, Golf tournament at Bear Creek (Strathroy) ♦ 9. september: Triglav-London, Maša v dvorani ob 2:00 p.m. ♦ 9. september: Bled Planica Social Club - Plamen - Canadian Slovenian Vocal Group has Concert at 3:00 p.m. ♦ 23. september: St. Gregory the Great - Fall Banquet; Mass at 10:00 a.m. gift bearers - darove prinašajo ♦ 2. september 10:00 a.m.: Milka in Karl Ferko ♦ 9. september 9:30 a.m.: Eva Erzetič in Jožica Vegelj ♦ 16. september 9:30 a.m.: Jože Gimpelj in Janez Lovrenčec darovi - donations_ Ob smrti Marije Horvat so namesto rož darovali za gradbeni sklad: - Mary in Igor Hode $100 - Manja Erzetič $100 - Tomislav in Marija Miklavčič $100 - Martin in Ančka Škrban $100 - Tomaž in Helena Škrban $50 - Olga Slobodnik z družino $50 - Amalija Štadler $50 - Mirko Zorko $50 - N.N. $100 - Tony in Marija Franc $50 - Jože in Marija Magdič z družino $100 - Aranka Dundek z družino $80 - Mario & Diane Dipietro $25 - Nelson Parker $50 - Vera & Steve Jerebic $50 - Joe & Linda Slobodnik $100 V spomin na + Slavka Slobodnika, Joe Slobodnik daruje za gradbeni sklad $100. O smrti Marthe Hočevar so za gradbeni sklad darovali: - Slavko in Mary Miklavčič $100 - Ljubica Radman in družina $80 - Angela Kobe $20 - Bobby in Liana Stipancic $20 - Mary in Tom Miklavčič $200 - Toni in Marija Franc $50 - Iskrena hvala vsem za vaše darove! slovensko romanje v midland_ Vsakoletno romanje v Midland bo 8. septembra na praznik Marijinega rojstva - Mala maša. Čeprav nismo zbrali dovolj ljudi za avtobus, pa ste vseeno vabljeni, kdor more, da gre s svojim avtomobilom ali se dogovorite in greste skupaj. Ob 10:30 bo v cerkvi spovedovanje, pri križu pa bo proslava v počastitev žrtev vojne in revolucije (društvo Tabor). Nato sledi križev pot zunaj ob postajah. Ob 12.00 je sveta maša in po maši sledijo pete litanije Matere Božje in blagoslov. plamen concert_ 8. septembra bo vokalna skupina Plamen, poleg svojega koncerta, v cerkveni dvorani na Browns line ob 7:30 predstavila tri vrhunske mlade umetnike iz Slovenije: pianistko, kitarista in violinistko. Vstopnice, dobite v župnišču, Moya Financial in pri članicah. 389 I VESTNI K 2018 Vokalna skupina Plamen bo imela koncert tudi pri društvu Bled in sicer v nedeljo, 9. septembra 2018 ob 3:00 popoldne. Vabljeni! slovensko veleposlaništvo - ottawa Obveščamo vas, da bomo z mesecem septembrom 2018 nekoliko spremenili uradne ure za konzularne stranke v Ottawi. Od 01.09.2018 naprej bodo uradne ure za konzularne stranke v Ottawi v ponedeljek, sredo in četrtek, od 10.00 do 13.00 ure (in v sredah popoldne od 14.00 do 16.00 ure). Glede na dosedanjo ureditev to pomeni, da uradne ure za ponedeljek in četrtek ostajajo nespremenjene. Sprememba je, da v torek več ni uradnih ur, temveč bodo ob sredah. This message is to inform you that the office hours for consular affairs at the Embassy of Slovenia in Ottawa are changing as of September 1st, 2018. They will be as follows: Monday 10:00 -13:00 Wednesday 10:00 -13:00 and 14:00 -16:00 Thursday 10:00 -13:00 cwl - kžz_ Ladies, please join us for our CWL meeting which will take place immediately following 7:00 p.m. Mass on Wednesday September 5, 2018. Focal point of discussion will be our 50th Anniversary celebration. Updates will be provided and further planning will take place. Vljudno vabljene! društvo sv. jožefa - bingo_ Monday St. Joseph Društvo Bingo for the 2018/19 season will begin at Villa Slovenia -starting Monday, September 10th at 1:00 p.m. Come and join us for an afternoon of good fun and "mind exercise". You are all welcome! zahvala - thank you_ Ob smrti Mike Simončiča se družina zahvaljuje vsem, ki ste prišli v soboto, 18. avgusta 2018, se v cerkev poslovit od pokojnega Mike Simončiča, izrazili sožalje, se udeležili maše zadušnice ob 10:30 a.m. in po maši pogreba na pokopališču Our Lady of the Angels. Hvala tudi kuharici Elizabeth, ki je pripravila kosilo, vsem ki ste prinesli pecivo in darovali za GodFundme. Sandy s sinovoma. moya financial_ Že tretjič pripravlja koledar s tradicionalnimi slovenskimi recepti. Delite recepte svojih naljubših jedi z vsemi člani naše skupnosti in poskrbite, da ne bodo šli v pozabo. Pošljite vaš recept z natančnimi navodili in sestavinami na email ali ga pustite v eni izmed njihovih poslovalnic do 30. septembra 2018. Vsak sodelujoči bo imel priložnost, da dobi KitchenAid®StandMixer. prvi petek_ Ta teden je tudi prvi petek v mesecu. Čez dan bom obiskoval bolnike, zvečer ob šestih pa bo priložnost za zakrament odpuščanja, sveto spoved, molitev pred Najsvetejšim in ob sedmih bo kot navadno sveta maša. Vabljeni. -t, svete maše - mass times: Monday: 8:00 a.m., Tuesday to Friday: 7:00 p.m., Saturday: 8:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. (Slovenian); Sunday: 9:30 a.m. (Slovenian), 11:00 a.m. (English); From Long weekend in July to the Long weekend of the September Sunday Mass is only at 10:00 a.m. (Slovenian-English) - krsti / baptisms: For an appointment, call one month before. poroke / marriage: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are don bosco welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest - please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971, VESTNIK 2018 | 390 od 2. 9. 2018 do 9. 9. 2018 svete maše - masses 22. Nedelja med letom 2. September Za žive in rajne župljane f Lyn Lobo tt Pokojni iz družine Novak 10:00 a.m. Pevski zbor Jožica Novak z družino Marjeta, devica Angelska nedelja ff Pok. člani društva Slovenski park f Janez Adamič 1:00 p.m. Maša na Slovenskem parku Družina Mramor Ponedeljek - Monday 3. September Drago Hauzar, obl. 8:00 a.m. Zena Gizela z družino Sv. Gregorij Veliki, pp. Torek - Tuesday Po namenu (24/28) 7:00 p.m. Ana Tadic 4. September f Mary Hochevar Hči Mia Goodfellow Rozalija, devica f Angelca Sintič Majda Lukežič Sreda - Wednesday 5. September Mati Terezija, redovnica f Marinka Mestek-Žumer f Marie Malkowski Za nove duhovne poklice Po namenu (21/22) 7:00 p.m. CWL - KŽZ Josephine Novak Jožica Vegelj z družino Ada Tadic Četrtek - Thursday Danes ne bo svete maše v župniji, ker bom v Torontu v salezijanski skupnosti. 6. September Na obisk pride salezijanski vrhovni predstojnik iz Rima, Angel Fernández Artime Prvi Petek First Friday 7. September Regina, mučenka ff Helena in Mihael Kolarič 7:00 p.m. Stanko in Elizabeth Petek ff Jože in Marija Zelko Hči Bernarda ff Vsi pokojni farani Tone in Marija Bukvič ff Za duše v vicah Tone in Marija Bukvič ff Annie in Frank Kozlar, obl. Cecilija Sobočan Sobota V čast Materi Božji 8:00 a.m. Romarji za Marmoro Saturday ff Rudi in Terezija Hadinjak 5:30 p.m. Lojze in Dragica Ferenčak 8. September ff Mihael in Olga Rožman Vlado in Marija Mlačak Rojstvo Device Marije Za I. Rožo živega rožnega venca N.N. Mali Šmaren f Marija Horvat Štefan Petek z družino Za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m. 23. Nedelja f Tugomir Šribar Manja Erzetič med letom f Marija Horvat Mož Ignac z družino 9. September f John Ponikvar 11:00 a.m. Društvo sv. Jožefa (3) Peter Klaver, redovnik ff Pok. člani društva Triglav 2:00 p.m. Maša v dvorani druš. Triglav 391 I VESTNI K 2018