The % : z £ \ ■* -?v^£ -. & m NUMBER 2 MARCH-APRIL, 2004 VOLUME 76 ON THE COVER... EASTER & HERITAGE The cover picture shows a specific kind of Slovenian butarica, from the city of Ljubljana and surrounding areas, made by twisting and curling wood shavings along the branches of fresh pine boughs. It is different from those made in the Slovenian villages, and in our own country, where families make them of fresh greens that are found growing in the early spring, to be carried in Palm Sunday processions. It is one of the more delightful customs of the season. {Photo: Ljudska umetnost in obrti v Sloveniji) In this issue you can follow a recipe for delicious doughnuts. Krofi, which we enjoy eating any time, but especially at holiday time. Members of Br. 93, New York also have been spending time making the traditional Slovenian style Easter eggs, by coloring hard boiled eggs with onionskins, and are sharing pictures of their project with us. Our beautiful 4-color cover picture is printed compliments of our ZARJA printer, Croatian Franciscan Press. DATES TO REMEMBER The following special events are being planned by our branches: March 6 Br. 108, Dinner-Meeting, Slovenian Family Polka Night - Blob's Park, Jessup. MD 13 Br. 108, Olney.MD, St. Pat's Day Parade, Gaithersburg, MD April 16—17Br. 20, Joliet, IL Rummage Sale, St. Joe's Hall 17 Br. 108, Olney, MD Gaithersburg International Book Fest May 2 Br. 35, Aurora, MN Mother’s Day Party 4 Br. 14, Euclid, OH Mother's Day party. SSH Rechar Ave., 6:30 18 Br. 54, Warren, OH Mother's Luncheon, Cafe422, I p.m. 19 Br. 10, Cleveland, OH Fanny's Rest. I p.m. Internet webpage: e-mail: swuhomefo On line newsletter: lzalokar(« Scholarship Fund Website: ZARJA - THE DAWN (ISSN 0044-1848) Postmaster: Send all changes ot address to: ZARJA - THE DAWN, 4851 S. Drexel Blvd., Chicago, IL 60615-1703 No. 2 MARCH-APRIL, 2004 Vol. 76 Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women's Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Zenske Zveze. Published Bi-monthly - šestkrat na leto. Annual Subscription for non-inembers. $20.00 — naroč nina $20.00 letno za ne-članice. Publisher: SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION OF AMERICA 431 No. Chicago St., Joliet, IL 60432 Telephone 1815) 727-1926 Periodicals Postage Paid at Joliet. IL and at additional mailing offices All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the first week of the month — vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do I. v mesecu. Editor, CORINNE LESKOVAR Editorial Office: 4851 S. Drexel Blvd., Chicago, IL 60615-1703 Email: CORLESKOVARfa AOL.COM Telephone: (773) 548-8878 - Facsimile: (773) 268-4899 HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN MARCH Presidents: Mar. 12 - Josephine Janezic, Br. 43, Milwaukee, WI Regional President, Wisconsin Mar. 16 - Fran Morison, Br. 2, Chicago, IL HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN APRIL Presidents: Apr. 15 - Phyllis Fon, Br. 5, Indianapolis. IN Apr. 25 - Kathleen Emerson, Br. 105. Detroit. MI Secretaries: Apr. 24 - Delores Puhek. Br. 2. Chicago. 11. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! Deadline for Branches to submit Woman or Mother of the Year articles is March 15th! In this Issue: President's Message 1 Secretary’s Message 2 Calendar Raffle Winners 3 Genealogy Research 4 Scholarship Director 5-7 Heritage Director 8—10 Book Reviews 11 Member Donations 13 “Tributes" 14 "Recipes from the Farm" 15 "Our Members Write" 16-19 Activities of our Branches 20-32 II E 4 7 8 8 MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN: “The Future is Now - Part II” Congratulations to everyone who participated in Part II of the 2003 Membership Campaign. Again it was another success! All together we brought in 321 new members for the year 2003. This is remarkable and our best year ever! Leading the Branches is Br. 24, LaSalle, Illinois This branch will receive a $100 Value Grab Bag Prize for increasing the number of new members over the previous six months. The Western States: Branch 13, San Francisco Branch 100, Fontana Branch 3, Pueblo, and Branch 79, Enumdaw have won the Territory Award for increasing their new member total over the previous 6 months! Again, thank you to all whom made this dream possible. “Dreams come true when faith takes flight.” Bonnie Pohar Prokup 2003 Membership Chairperson NATIONAL PRESIDENT Kathleen Dorchak-Hall “Planning for an Active 2004!” Congratulations to all of the lucky winners of our “January 2004 Magic Month Calendar Raffle" fundraiser. I am sure many of you were very happy to be winners. Thank you to everyone participating. We appreciate your help in the success in this raffle to collect over $1,700 for the SWUA Heritage Museum. A special thank you is extended to Marge Church for creating the calendar and to Pat Figurowski who tracked the results of the raffle. From the calls we are receiving from our members, it seems that some of you were very surprised by the dues increase in your 2004 dues invoice. In previous issues of the ZARJA we explained how important this increase was to our organization. At the National Convention in June our delegates agreed and passed the increase. Since the payment of this increase may be a hardship for some of our elderly members, I ask our branches to consider ways to make payment arrangements to keep these special sisters as our members. By the time you receive this issue of the ZARJA, your National Board of Directors will have met to discuss our plans for 2004. Some of the items we will discuss are how to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of ZARJA, the possibility of planning a trip somewhere in the United States, consideration of planning a tour to Slovenia in 2005, how we can revitalize branches or assist in creating programs, and much more. The next issue of ZARJA will contain all of the important facts from this meeting. I wish you a happy and blessed Easter. For this special holiday I challenge many of you to remember and revitalize our beloved Slovenian traditions. It’s what makes our holidays so unique and exceptional. “1 count myself in nothing else so happy as in a soul remembering my good friends. ” -William Shakespeare Love and Blessings, Kathleen Dorchak-Hall 3088 Markle Drive Silver Lake. Ohio 44224 Telephone: (330) 686-1336 FAx: (330) 688-6203 Email: kdorchak(* &1 Hostesses for March meeting - Mary Therese Ehnat and Helen Battista. April - Tina Sertich and Lena Amicarelli. Please attend our March meeting to plan our May luncheon. SYLVIA SPRETNJAK NO. 20, JOLIET, IL Founding Dale: JUNE II, 1928 Meetings: 3rd Tuesdays except June to September St. Joe’s Park Hall Contact: Sr. Marlene (815) 724-0731 Can you believe it? Here it is March already - we are into Lent, Spring, Easter. At our Christmas party. Marissa Marquardt’s name was picked for the accumulating attendance award. Then, at the January meeting, Cecelia Strle's name was drawn. However, since neither one was present, the award continues to climb. Louie Derlinga won the 50/50 prize. In Grace Doerk’s absence, Vicki Hodgman is the acting secretary. Our Spiritual Adviser, Father Tom Paul conducted the installation of officers. The officers are the same except Judy and Louie Derlinga who became our Sargeants at Arms. During the buffet supper, we thoroughly enjoyed young Martin Mavec as he played our favorites on his Button Box. Many thanks to all who came to the dinner dance on January 11, with music by Bob Doszak Orchestra, and the dance on February 8 - with music by Don Lipovac Band from Kansas. On Tuesday, March 16, come for the meeting and help us celebrate St. Joseph’s Day, (Feast day is March 19.) Bring your favorite dish for us to enjoy. Then, who knows, YOU may be lucky at Bingo following meeting and dinner. Chairwoman Theresa Bums and some of our women visited our shut-in members on Valentine’s Day. We are still waiting for your choice of the ‘2004 Woman of the Year.’ Mail the name of your choice to Char Kobe. April 16 and 17, Friday and Saturday, at St. Joseph Park, SWU Br. 20 will have a Rummage sale. Start saving your household items and bring them to the hall - Thurs. Apr. 15, 9 a.m.—? OFFICERS HEAD UP AN ACTIVE BR. 20 JOLIET Left to right, front, Fr. Tom Paul, Spiritual Advisor and President, Char Kobe; standing, Sgt. at Arms, Judy Derlinga, Reporter Sr. Marlene Ambrose, Vice President, Agnes Dobczyk, Auditor Jo Lustik, Treasurer, Jean Herbst; (back row) Sgt. at Arms Louis Derlinga and Auditors Mary Kay De-mick and Bea Nemnich. Missing from the photo is Secretary Grace Doerk. Bravo to accordion virtuoso, Martin Mavec, junior member of Br. 20 who played for the enjoyment of members at the January meeting. We need about YOU? Our meeting for Apr. 20, Tues. at 7:00 p.m. at St. Joseph Park should be interesting, educational and fun. Lou Fry, who is an expert in "HANDWRITING ANALYSIS,” will analyze YOUR handwriting. Congratulations ... • Mary Papesh McGinnis on birth of a baby girl. • Anna Mae Lukančič, Br. 20, who ‘reaches out with song’ as John Whiteside said in his article in the Joliet Herald News. “She sings at church services, funerals and weddings. She also sings for her grandchildren, senior citizens, her friends and herself." Yes, and she has sung for functions of Branch 20. We all thank God for your beautiful voice that we enjoy, Anna Mae. A look back to Feb. 21, 1983 - The Slovenian Heritage Room was dedicated in the SWU's Home Office in Joliet, IL. We send get well wishes and prayers to - Grace Doerk, Alice Valek, Nancy Mitok, Betty Scholp, Frances Schultz. Our sympathy and prayers are extended to the families of John Anzelc, Lois Fenoglio (death of mother), Bernardine Ukovich (lost her husband, John), and Jodi Wartenberg (brother). Remember - At the Museum we have heritage items for sale, for many occasions. Mother’s Day. Father's Day, birthdays, showers; and how about getting the cookbook, More Pots and Pans'? Call (815) 727-1926. "The best preparation for tomorrow is the proper use of today." Zveličar naš je vstal iz groba. (Our Redeemer has risen from the grave.) A Happy Easter to all! SISTER MARLENE AMBROSE. OSF NO. 23, ELY, MN Founding Date: SEPTEMBER 19, 1928 Meetings: 1st Monday of each month, except “J” months St. Anthony’s Church, 6:00 p.m. Reporter’s # (218) 365-5441 Wow! Imagine fifty members at our Christmas Party on Dec. 7, 2003 at Vertin’s dining room. There was a lot of socializing going on; seeing people we haven’t seen in a long time. Everyone enjoyed the visiting and you know how we Slovenian women are -(including me) - you’d better get there early so you can say hello to all! We enjoyed a wonderful meal and the dessert was ‘awesome’ and ‘super-delicious’!! The party began at 1:00 p.m., the weather was cooperative, but we still had to be careful of slippery spots on the roads and sidewalks. After dinner, we played card bingo which proved to be ‘hilarious’ and entertaining. Some of the afternoon’s comments were “Where did the year go?”, “I can’t believe it’s the Christmas season already,” “Well, we made it thru another year” and of course, “Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!! Thanks to the committee for all the extra effort in getting all these members to come and enjoy the fun day!! Our member, Fran Shepel of Ely, Minnesota, became a great grandmother to triplets Will, Alec and Reese of Cloquet, MN on September 15, Welcoming his three brothers! Right photo: Bryce, 3’ 2 years old, seems to have things under control with his three brothers, triplets, Alex, Reese and Will Turnbull, born in November. 2003. The triplets were welcomed home by brother, Bryce (31';) and parents, Rachael and Kris Turnbull. Fran and her late husband, Frank Shepel had four children and now have seven grandchildren and thirteen great grandchildren! Yes, their family has really multiplied! Congratulations, Fran!!! A reminder to members and people in our surrounding area that the SWUA “More Pots and Pans” cookbook is available at the Ely-Winton Historical Museum, located at Vermilion College here in Ely - Call (218) 365-3226 for more info. JANE YADLOSKY, Reporter NO. 25, CLEVELAND, OH Founding Dale: NOVEMBER 22, 1928 Meetings: 2nd Sundays, 1:30 p.m. St. Vitus Social Room Now that the holidays are over let’s get back to everyday living and working. Everyone, I hope you had a blessed and fun-filled Christmas and will have a great New Year to come. Keep healthy and smiling. Our Christmas party was held at Sterle’s Country House and everyone was in a jovial mood especially Albina Pozelnik! She is always the one with the jokes. We have a new member, Charlene Sneed, and we need more young material to carry on our good work. You are most welcome, Char. Keep her in your thoughts and prayers as she had some tough surgery during the holidays. Hope you are on the mend real soon and back in our midst, Charlene! A big hello to all our shut-ins: Marie Orazem, Josie Ambrosic and Helen Pisek and to all the happy residents of St. Vitus Village. Remember this: our home is just a little house, but God knows were we live!!! My Christmas wishes and New Year’s wishes come a bit late. 1 was in a cast for nine weeks, broke my wrist Sept. 17th, so my news is very late. Forgive me. I will try to catch up. I came down with the flu for two weeks -oh my, what next? I’m much better now and back to business. Dates to remember: St. Patty’s Day, Mar. 17, Erin go Bragh!! April 4th is Palm Sunday and April 11th is Easter Sunday. Enjoy the springtime... summer is just around the comer! I will leave you with this thought: A hug is a perfect gift... one size fits all and nobody minds if you exchange it. Till we meet again, remember to love your neighbor. Your friend and reporter. Na Svidenje! EMILEE JENKO \ Br. 20, Joliet, Illinois, offers the following scholarships to its members: Adult Continuing Education Scholarship to a member 21 years of age or over who is pursuing advanced or continuing education. High School Scholarship to a graduating eighth grader who has been accepted to attend one of the Catholic high schools and is enrolled for the fall 2004 semester. High School Scholarship to a current high school student who wishes to continue in a Catholic high school or is planning to transfer from a public high school to a Catholic high school. Scholastic ability must be shown as well as an evaluation of the applicant’s character and code of behavior. For detailed eligibility information and application forms, contact Branch 20 Scholarship Program William L. Bums, Jr. 1109 Plaza Drive Joliet, IL 60434-3844 Phone: (815) 725-5319 Applications must be received prior to April 15, 2004 NO. 32, EUCLID, OH Founding Dale: AUGUST 25, 1929 Meetings: 3rd Tues., 6:30 p.m. Euclid Public Library, Erie Room Looks like another year has flown by! Br. 32 will not meet until March, however. Sad news to report in this issue. When we lose members it’s very sad for all. Mary Batic has left us for a better place. She held office, was hostess and gave of herself for many years. May she rest in peace. We have lovely ladies that have helped Br. 32 for years. In fact, two of them are Mary Ster and Ann Rossman, both up in years and doing just fine thus far. Hello to them and to all the shut-ins and ill members we have in our branch. We miss you and send good wishes. Don’t forget to pay your dues - if you haven’t already. And, come to a meeting and enjoy the fun-time we have. March birthday girls, including this writer, donated a big cake. Enjoyable time! In May, as always, we mothers will go out on the town! I will be in honor of all moms! Hugs to all mothers! More news in the next ZARJA. Until then, God bless. DOROTHY LAMM NO. 34, SOUDAN, MN Founding Date: OCTOBER 12, 1929 Meetings: 3rd Wed., 1 p.m. St. Martin’s Church Hall Jan. to May; Sept., Oct. & Nov. The wind was blowing, the snow was snowing but Branch #34 members braved the storm and met at the upper room of St. Martin’s for the January meeting. Love for SWU keeps us warm! Prayers were read in Slovenian by member, Don Miklich, Sr. The group continued their discussion on the forthcoming State Convention on Sept. 12th. Fred Pahula, Kay Berglund and Mary Ann Hill are on the mend from past health problems. Happy to see Fred and Mary Ann returning to their homes. Our hostesses were Adeline Musto- nen and Betty Dolinar. The gift was brought by Mary Ann Berg and Kay Dean won the door prize. Game winners were Helen Adkinson and yours truly. We are glad we had our meeting when we did as later there were wind chills up to 45 below zero! I guess our “gatchke” kept us warm! Keep the home fires burning, ladies, and keep love in your hearts. We were glad to see Margaret Yer-natich from Duluth back in town. Member Ag Tekautz, her mother, is doing well. With peace in your hearts and gratitude that were are the Home of the Free, keep smiling. ADRIENNE MICKLICH, President NO. 35, AURORA, MN Founding Date: OCTOBER 15, 1929 Meetings: 6 times per year Community Center Contact: Anita Vovk E-mail: President Vovk opened our meeting on Dec. 7th with prayers for our deceased members. May they rest in peace. We had a short meeting before we enjoyed our Advent dinner. President Vovk encouraged everyone to bring along ideas for our 75th Anniversary celebration in October. Thank you to our present officers who agreed to serve another year. They are: Pres. Anita Vovk; Vice Pres. Dorothy M. Jamnick; Secretary Gab-riella Goritchan, Sec. Treas. Bernice Ceglar; and Sgt. at Arms, Betty Turk. Our Mother of the Year for 2004 is Barbara Urick. We will honor her on Sunday, May 2nd. Congratulations, Barbara! Congratulations to Jean Korsman, our new Food Columnist with “Recipes from the Farm.” Looking forward to trying your recipes, Jean. Phyllis Turk has a new great granddaughter, Maggie, and Francine Stellmach has a new great granddaughter, Aili. Congratulations to both of you and enjoy your precious little ones. Get well wishes to Pauline Korpela, Julia Pirnot and Joseph Furry who had surgery and to all our members who are ill. Good to see you doing so well Pauline, and by the time you read this report, Julia and Joseph, we hope you will be all well again. Our prayers and sympathy are with Betty Carlson, who lost her sister, Carol. May she rest in peace. Thank you to everyone for your gift of $52 for the activity department at our local nursing home. We closed our meeting with prayers for all our members. Now it was time to enjoy a few refreshments (provided by Dorothy J.) before dinner (catered by Heidi Furry) and dessert (made by Anita and Bernice). Thank you, ladies! Several members were lucky prize winners. Thanks again Anita for all the prizes. Kathleen Wheeler’s door prize was won by Pauline Korpela. This was a pleasant afternoon spent with all our S.W.U. members. Wishing everyone a Blessed Easter. ANNE M. ORAZEM NO. 38, CHISHOLM, MN Meetings: 1st Wed. except June & July Slovenian National Home Our branch hasn’t shared much news with you lately, but we are still active. Our faithful secretary, Gert Zakrajšek had to give up her duties due to many health problems. We miss her very much. Our two faithful old members are no longer able to join us. Jenny Samsa, who was our head cook, and who always kept our branch active, now resides in a local nursing home. Our Noodle Lady, Fran Zalec, who could be found at every meeting helping and giving her expertise to keep our branch active, is now homebound with many health problems. We miss another one of our valuable members, Ann Polichnik, who served as our Sunshine Lady, and who could always be counted on to help in any way we might need her. She has also been having medical problems and is now a resident of Leisure Hills Home in Hibbing. Finally, we have a new president, Charlotte Laurich, who was the State President for 8 years. Gail Milton has agreed to stay on as our Treasurer and I, Catherine Sandvick, will take over the duties of Secretary. Our membership has decreased due to age, death, and some who have not been happy with the increased membership dues. However, we had our first meeting of the year on February 4th and are making some positive plans for future meetings, hoping this will be a good year. CATHERINE SANDVICK Reporter NO. 39, BIWABIK, MN Founding Date: FEBRUARY 3, 1930 Meetings: 1st Sunday monthly St. John’s Church Our “Christmas Dinner” was held on Sunday, January 4th, 2004, at St. John's Church and was attended by thirty two members and guests. One new member, Carol Beton, was in attendance. Another new member, Zoe Planton, was unable to attend as she was vacationing in sunny Texas. A beautifully presented and delicious chicken dinner was catered by the Memory Lane staff. What a treat - no cooking or cleaning up for the branch members and even a nice glass of wine before dinner. Our exciting dice game lasted about forty-five minutes. The table was filled to excess with beautiful wrapped gifts that took twelve minutes to disperse. The winning and laughing then began and when the time was up, everyone had more than one gift to take home. It always is the highlight of the day. Sunday, February 1st was the regular meeting date. Sixteen members were in attendance. Vice President, Eleanor Intihar chaired the meeting in the absence of Jean Korsman. Many members were anxious to return home to watch the Super Bowl and all it’s hype. Among a few items of interest discussed was to follow the lead of our Heritage Museum in Joliet and our neighboring SWU branch #35 from Aurora to categorize and list the history of our branch. Anyone interested in helping with this monumental challenge should contact Jean Korsman or Rosemary Ribich. We will set dates as we get response. It could be a fun and interesting task. It was suggested that we take time at the meetings to accomplish this. Personally, I am interested since my husband’s grand- mother, Johanna Ribich Sever was instrumental, along wtih other Slovenian women in the area, in organizing the Branch #39 in 1930. We have boxes of information to go through, a nice dessert was served by Jane Purkat, Margaret Berg and Fran Rojeski. A new member, Phyllis Lamkin was welcomed to Branch #39. A plea also goes out to any members that have artifacts from Slovenia. Are you interested in either donating or loaning them to our Heritage Museum in Joliet? At the moment I am working with Nancy Henckel to donate some things that I have been given and plan to pass on to the Museum. She is doing a great job and will give you all the information and help needed to pass these items along. This Museum is our connection and we can share and learn from each other. Please call me by phone or e-mail me at RRIBICH@LCP2.NET By the time we receive this issue of ZARJA, we will all be preparing for our beautiful Easter season. Let us not forget to pass on to our families the beautiful Slovenian tradition of “Žegen”, which is so well displayed at our Museum. Happy Easter to all. ROSEMARY (SERTICH) RIBICH Reporter NO. 42, MAPLE HTS., OH Founding Date: MAY 31, 1930 Meetings: Quarterly, 2nd month of the quarter, 2nd Saturday Maple Hts. Library 1 hope all you mid-west and northeast members have survived this brutal winter. Now we are all looking forward to the coming of another Spring. Boy, will it ever be welcome! Mary Jo O’Neill finally had her baby Dec. 1st - too late for our last edition. Baby Patricia weighed in at 8# 3 oz. Congrats to the proud parents and the Fink and McHenry families on the latest addition to the clan. Terry Anzo’s father, Charles Domiano, celebrated a milestone birthday - 100 years! Talk about longevity. His father lived to 101 and his mother to 98. Terry’s daughter, Peggy, is an intergenerational coordinator at Jennings Center for Older Adults. Her daughter, Aria, is a missionary social worker just home from Peru having pre- viously served in Africa, Haiti and the Amazon. Terry’s oldest granddaughter, Tina Anzo, is an RN at University Hospital’s R.B. & C and just recently became engaged. In January I received the following letter from Seminole, Fla.: Dear Ms. Sadowski: I am the daughter of Stan Prhne, who passed away last week at home, here in Fla, at the age of 83. My dad was born and raised on the east side of Cleveland and later moved to Parma. He worked in real estate in the Cleveland area for many years. My parents moved to Fla about 12 years ago. I became a member of SWU several years ago when my dad loaned me his copy of the Pots and Pans cook book. He always loved to cook and continued to do so until just recently. He was a big fan of the Pots and Pans book. My dad also very’ much enjoyed reading my copy of ZARJA - The Dawn, in particular your column reporting on Br. 42. He knew many of your members or their families and your column kept him connected to the Slovenian community. 1 realized how connected that community is a few years ago when I was visiting Cleveland. I had never been to Azman’s Market, but I knew that my dad always loved their Slovenian sausage. At that time, my dad probably had not been to the market himself at least 15 or 20 years. I found the market, walked in, and announced, "I am Stan Prhne’s daughter. ” The elderly gentleman behind the meat counter responded immediately, “How is Stan?" So, at your next meeting, please mention my dad's death to any of your members who remember him. He is survived by his wife, Millie, myself and my husband and our two children. My dad’s older brother, John, also still resides in Euclid. Thank you. I am also placing a death notice in the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Sincerely, Fran Fedor Fran was a member of Br. 30 which has no specific geographic location but serves as a generic unit for unconnected members. She has now transferred to Br. 42 where many of us remember her late dad, Stanley Prhne. I especially recall him as a tall, handsome gentleman with an outstanding singing voice which he put to good use as a member of the Cleveland 500 Club, an organization that reached renown as a musical show group in greater Cleveland. We extend a hearty welcome to Fran and look forward to meeting her in person whenever she visits Cleveland. Isn’t it great how the printed word is so far reaching and can have such positive results? We have also enrolled as a new member, Angie Zupančič, who everyone remembers as "‘the potica lady” of Maple Hts. Catering. Angie, for many years, made all the poticas the Hočevar family business sold in Maple Hts. She is now retired and resides with husband, Tony, at The Little Sisters independent living facility in Beachwood. Angie has enrolled her 2 grandchildren, Anthony and Grace, as juvenile members of our branch. Welcome to you all. Happy March birthdays to: Anne Volo, Sr. Joan of Arc, Ann Zupančič, Albina Mroczka, Tina Pomfrey, Kimberly Balach, Evana Stanonik and my granddaughter, Katie Kossakoski. Happy April birthdays to Helen Husky, Arlene Legan, Eleanor McAr-dle, Imelda Blazy, Terry Anzo, Dorti Zidar, Sienna Haslup, new mom Mary Jo O’Neill and new members, Fran Fedor and Grace Zupančič. Greetings to our many house-bound members. Happy St. Patrick’s Day and to all you Josephines and Joes, happy St. Joseph’s feast day on March 19th. With Easter falling on April 11th, may you all enjoy a nice Easter holiday with your families, relatives and friends. Zbogom, LIL SADOWSKI No. 43, MILWAUKEE, WI Founding Dale: JUNE 4, 1930 Meetings: 4th Wed., noon St. Mary, Help of Christians Contact: Yvonne Johnstone Khaldy YJK@AOL.COM - (414) 744-3837 We had no meeting in December because we decided to have the Christmas party - meeting on January 17th at Klemmer’s Banquet Center, 10401 West Oklahoma Ave. Luncheon was served at noon, which was very good. Three of our 50 Year Members were able to attend, Olga Seehafer, Rose Zupančič, and Zenobia Dybul. Each were given a 50 Year Pin and a longstemmed red carnation. The other three 50 Year Members, Jennie Kouchich, Mary Biston and Joan Haug were unable to attend. The 50 Year Pins were sent to them. We installed seven new members, Bob Bartlett, Jack Kolesari, Helen Otto, Antonette Needham, Rose Chapek, Joan Winkleski, and Jackie Smith. The two new members were asked to sell the raffles to get them into the swing of things. They did a very good job. Thank you. We exchanged gifts, and we had many raffle prizes. One of the prizes was won by Pat To-maszewski’s granddaughter, our youngest member. She gave us a big smile when she received the prize. We lost another member who was called to her heavenly home, Cecilia Puskarich. Please keep her and all of the deceased and sick members in your prayers. I am very happy to be back on the job, and I want to thank Yvonne Johnstone Khaldy for taking care of the minutes at the meetings and writing the articles for ZARJA. She did a very good job. Thanks again, Yvonne. ANNE E. KONCZAL, Reporter NO. 47, GARFIELD HTS., OH Founding Date: JUNE 17, 1931 Meetings: 2nd Sunday of the Month Maple Heights Public Library Contact: Elsie Spellacy (440) 232-8733 Winter is here and we are getting ready for Spring to get here. Our next meeting is March 14th at 1:00 p.m. at the Maple Hts. Library. We hope everyone can be there. We will be discussing our preparations for Mother’s Day Celebration and the Festival plans. Our Mother’s Day Dinner will be at Quinn’s Rest in Solon. Mass for our Living and Deceased Members will be August 8th, 2004 at 10:00 a.m. at St. Lawrence Church. Get well wishes go out to Elsie Kohun and Val Mervar. Hope to see you up and about real soon. Birthday wishes go out to our March and April Members. March Members: Mary Kastelic, Olga Sray, Catherine Barta, Barbara Culkar, Joyce Patricia Rozman, Mildred J. Stautihar, Margaret Rhys and Brandi Hayden Wallace. April Members: Dolores Hrovat. Mary E. Gorišek, Samantha Spellacy and Rose Vatovec. Best wishes to all. One more reminder. Please come to our meeting in March. We need everyone there to make preparations for Mother’s Day and the Festival. KATHERINE WALLACE NO. 50, EUCLID, OH Founding Date: SEPTEMBER 15, 1931 Meetings: 3rd Wednesday except Jan.-Feb.-Mar.-July & Aug. Euclid Public Library Contact: Anne Tomsick Tel. (216) 531-2745 After enjoying years of reading articles appearing in the ZARJA publication, trying my own hand as a novice writer will be an exciting challenge! Rosemary Toth completes her first year as our new president and is already setting the pace with her fresh ideas, which have been enthusiastically met by the membership. For instance, our Christmas party was well organized and even featured a Chinese auction that sent almost everyone home with valuable prizes including hand made af-ghans. We thanked auditor Fran Kaifish for her services, also Julie Zalar and her staff for catering a traditional Slovenian dinner, and thanks to Frank Sadar - our “seasoned bartender” on many numerous occasions and his lovely wife Julie’s presence. We were overjoyed that longtime member, Ann Winter was able to join us after an extended illness. She attended with her lovely daughter, Dorothyann. Joe Petrie provided button box entertainment accompanied by his wife Flo, who is known for her popular videos of Slovenian cooking and baking. Ernestine Jevec brought photos of her son, the retired Lt. Commander Robert Jevec, who was recently honored at the St. Vitus Alumni Hall of Fame. By the way, Fr. Vic Cimperman of St. Vitus Parish celebrated his 60th anniversary in the Priesthood, and this June 6th, the “Polka Priest,” Fr. Frank Perkovich of Gilbert, Minnesota will mark his 50th anniversary with a banquet and mass. He plans to retire at Golden Years — Golden Memories that time. Incidentally, Fr. Perkovich celebrated the Mass and honored our members at the national convention and dinner last year in Minnesota. Our two golden wedding anniversary couples are Louise and Frank Troglia (November 26, 2003) and Anne and Ken Tomsick (June 6, 2003), both couples reside in Euclid, Ohio. Louise was recently interviewed by Patti Sluga on her radio program, “Women Behind the Scenes” on WELW radio. The interview revealed a remarkable life of activities and volunteerism, and the fact that Louise is a former Miss SNPJ. The couple is planning an anniversary trip to Las Vegas. The Tomsicks enjoyed a memorable day which began with a Mass conceleb-rated by Aux. Bishop A. Edward Pevec and several other clergy. Family and friends enjoyed a wonderful evening of food and merriment, including a special memories video, produced by the five Tomsick sons. Making last year extra special for Ken and Anne was the addition of their 6th grandchild, “Faith” born to Lisa and Joey Tomsick in August. Years ago, Joey’s band performed for our National Convention in Cleveland, organized by Evelyn Majercik of Br. 73. Ann Orlikowski visited her former home in Wooster, NY which she had not seen since 1927! Ann was able to spend the night because it is now a Bed and Breakfast! This April she will celebrate her 95th birthday. And yes, Ann still enjoys driving! Our “snow birds” in Florida are Josephine Arko and MaryJo and Peter Rom. The President of the St. Vitus Altar Society, Ivanka Matic and her hardworking members were the topic of an article entitled “Grand Ladies” in the American Home Newspaper. They were acknowledged for their very generous annual gifts to St. Vitus pastor, Fr. Boznar. We are heartily saddened by the passing of Ann Svete Parker, our longtime member and friend; and May Maxin - well loved and best known tor her phone call service for all occasions as branch secretary. We will miss you. Next meetings, March 17th “Wearing The Green”, and April 21st. Election of Officers- Pres. Rosemary Toth, Vice Pres. Cookie Maxin, Treasurer, Mary Miller. See you next issue! ANNE TOMSICK Ken and Anne Tomsick celebrated thier Golden Wedding Anniversary in 2003 with mass at St. Vitus and a gala party at the St. Clair Slovenian National Home. They are the parents of Ken, Larry, John, Rick and Joey - and have six grandchildren. Anne is a long-standing member of Br. 50 and this year, will be reporting their activities in ZARJA. Congratulations! Last fall, celebrating their 50th Anniversary were Louise and Frank Troglia - observing their actual wedding day of November 26, 1953. It began with a renewal of vows at St. Christine’s church. Louise is an active member of two SWU branches - this is amazing! She participates in whatever goes on in Euclid - between branches 32 and 50! How’s that for dedication? NO. 54, WARREN, OH Founding Date: AUGUST 22, 1932 Meetings: 3rd Wednesday Feb. thru May, Sept., Nov., Dec. Contact: Joanne Ponikvar 4010 Greenmont Dr., S.E., Warren, OH 44484 Spring can’t come soon enough with the wintery weather we have had. Too much snow and terrible ice storms, eh, ladies? Oh well, can’t do much about it. Our members are all doing fine and I want them to know about our May luncheon to be held on Wednesday, May 19th at 1 o’clock at Cafe 422 on Youngstown Rd. The group was all in favor of having it there again and you will all be called for reservations. By now you all have received your statements with the increase in dues shown. Please pay up as soon as possible. We want to have a 100% return on dues payments. Our branch was generous for Christmas and all donated to the ZARJA, rather than having a gift exchange. (May I say thanks to you all for this thoughtful gift to our ZARJA fund, Editor.) Our praises to the ZARJA. Everyone loves reading it, from cover to cover! Congratulations to Gina Petrich and Louise and Frank Frank, whose daughter was married recently. We wish them all the best. Have a good Lent and God’s blessings. Easter will be here before we know it. God bless and keep you all healthy and safe in 2004. JOANNE PONIKVAR, Reporter NO. 55, GIRARD, OH Founding Dale: JUNE 8, 1933 Meetings: 3rd Wed. Feb. thru May, Sept., Nov., Dec. Greetings from Girard, Ohio! It has been a busy winter season for the members of Branch 55. On Wednesday, December 3, 2003, we celebrated our annual Christmas party with the members of AMLA Lodge 42 at Little Peppino’s Restaurant in Girard. The evening was full of fun holiday festivities and deli- cious Italian food. A button box performance by Nettie Juvančič, Delores De-Pietro, and Steve Luzar followed by a sing-a-long with both Slovenian and English Christmas carols was the entertainment for the evening. As always, Anka Krakora arranged for all those present to receive various holiday oriented door prizes. President Maria Selak baked and distributed traditional St. Nicholas Day cookies to all. My grandma, Milka Kregar, prepared a special treat for dessert-Jabolčna Kača. Everyone really enjoyed this delicacy! During the event, a SWU cookbook was raffled off to raise $35 dollars which was sent to the scholarship fund. Thank you to all who participated. Also available for sale that evening were Milka Kregar’s famous slippers. I’m sure they served as great Christmas presents for all those who purchased them. One special part about this year’s party involved one of our founding members, Sophie Kren. Sophie invited four generations of her family to the Christmas party including her daughter Patty Harper from Colorado, her granddaughter Katie from North Carolina and her two great grandchildren Ivy and Karston. Her daughter-in-law and branch member Paulette Kren was also present. What a wonderful way to celebrate the holiday season! After dinner, the official 2004 officer elections were held. Maria Selak was re-elected as President; Joan Twaddle will serve as Vice President; Anka Krakora will serve as Secretary/Treasurer, and Milka Kregar and Paulette Kren will serve as Auditors. Congratulations officers and thank you for taking on this responsibility. In other branch news, Trisha Kren was involved in the production of the play Scrooge at Girard High School during the Holidays. All in attendance enjoyed the performance as a great way to start off the Christmas Season. Also, Mark Selak, son of President Maria Selak received word that he will be serving as a company officer for the Carnegie Mellon ROTC. Congratulations Mark on this great honor! As for me, I am just beginning my Spring Semester at the University of Notre Dame. I received word that I made the Dean’s Honor List as I am in the top 30% of the class of 2007. I am pleased with this honor and will continue working hard this semester. I will also be working at the South Bend Center for the Homeless throughout the spring. It is a great way to get in touch with the people of the community in which I live. (Monica is a 2003 SWU Scholarship recipient. See Scholarship news.) Thats all for now. Keep warm throughout these winter months and may God bless you always! MONICA SELAK NO. 85, DEPUE, IL Founding Dale: DECEMBER 19. 1937 Meetings: at Members’ Homes Our member, Mary Oberch has been moved to the Spring Valley Nursing Home. We have another member, Mary Kuhar also living there. Mary Suarez is at Heritage Manor in Peru. We miss them all and think of them often. Am sorry to report the death of my sister, Ann DeBord. She passed away Dec. 13th and was laid to rest at Oakland Cemetery in Princeton. Mass of Christian Burial was offered at St. Louis Church. Her three grandsons, a nephew and two friends were Pallbearers; daughter-in-law and son-in-law were Readers and another daughter-in-law and two granddaughters were Gift bearers. A beautiful tribute to Ann was given by a close friend of the family. Our heartfelt sympathy and loving prayers to her two sons. Thomas (Connie) DeBord, James (Mary Sue) DeBord and daughter, Cynthia (James) Hultine, 5 grandchildren, sister-in-law Muriel and many friends. Ann’s son, James and his wife, Mary Sue were blessed at Christmastime, Dec. 22, 2003 when their son, John Anthony was adopted. Our congratulations to the happy family. Have a good year, everyone. God bless! MARY JERMENC NO. 89, OGLESBY, IL Founding Dale: MAY 9, 1938 Meetings: 2nd Mondays except Jan., Feb., May, June July and August Dickinson House We gathered together at “Christo’s” for our 2003 Christmas party. Thanks to our chairperson. Rose Ann Prey for helping to make it such an enjoyable evening. All of our officers for 2003 are re- newing their offices for 2004. Since we do not meet in January or February we keep our members in our daily thoughts and prayers and look forward to our meeting on Monday, March 8. 2004. Reflecting back on 2003 as Branch 89, we are so grateful for the times we have spent together. Our meetings, the Masses we shared, our breakfasts and dinners together, and the road trips we’ve taken. We are so thankful for our new members of 2003, Jordan and Denise Duffin, Frances Morrison, and Paula Snell. And so we thank God for our faith, our heritage, our health, and each other. We can do nothing but look forward to 2004! Praying for our shut-ins, reaching out to those in need, and enjoying a healthy, busy, brand new year. Peace to all. ALICE EBNER No. 93, NEW YORK, NY Andrea Selak (212) 925-6521 Thanks to Anna Jonke, an original member of Branch 93, for her holiday greeting card to the entire branch. Congratulations to Mary Palcic in Florida, another original member of the branch, who won $300 in the Museum Magic Month fundraiser. Elizabeth Birk, another original member of the branch who now lives in Florida used the online newsletter to sell an accordion. She received five inquiries and sold it within two days. Thanks to Tea Rozman Clark for letting us know we can take advantage of a free Pilates exercise class at her workplace (Reconciliation and Culture Cooperative Network, led by a native Slovenian, Špela Sterle. Thanks also to Sonja Knezevič-Kong, who will be taking over the branch 93 website. Due to a blizzard on December 6th, our holiday party at Djerdan #3, an Eastern European restaurant in Midtown Manhttan, was rescheduled to the following Saturday. Attendance was light, but those who attended enjoyed the get-together. Next year we plan to hold our holiday party in early November to avoid conflicts with other holiday events. In our effort to communicate with all of our members, we sent holiday cards and membership lists Easter Egg Dyeing has become an annual event for members of Br. 93, New York City! to those members not on e-mail, as we encourage members to meet on their own in addition to our branch events. We celebrated Kulturni Dan with a brunch and a champagne toast in early February. Members met at Ye Waverly Inn, a restaurant located in a brownstone building built in the 1840s in Greenwich Village. Bosnian handmade items were available for anyone interested in purchasing, and several attendees won prizes. Thanks to Elizabeth James (Home from Slovenia) for donating one of her Slovenian imported items as a prize. Our next meeting will be on Saturday, April 3. Tea will lead us again in the art of dyeing eggs with plant leaves and onion skins. We held a similar event last year, and those who attended found it fun and interesting. Branch members should look out for an invite with more details about the event as the date gets closer. If you find yourself in the New York City area, please feel free to contact us! A.S. NO. 100, FONTANA, CA Original Founding Dale: Ottawa, CA - JUNE 26, 1940 Reorganized in Fontana. CA - MARCH 7, 1957 Contact: Rosemary Mlakar (949) 654-8229 or Jean Koci (949) 495-0097 It’s winter in Southern California, but not like the winter those of you in the East are experiencing. A light jacket seems to suffice most days, and the sun shines a bit every afternoon, if not all day. We sometimes miss the beauty of the snow on the trees in the countryside... but many of us are almost natives here, having lived most of our lives in the mild climate of Southern California. We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and that the New Year will bring you all joy and contentment. Branch 100 had a lovely holiday luncheon on December 13th. Three new members or prospective applicants attended for the first time, and quite a few of our regulars met at the Napoli Italian Restaurant in Loma Linda. As has been somewhat of a tradition, we were all invited to continue our party at the home of Frank and MaryLou Vidergar. They always are such wonderful hosts. Those who traveled to Slovenia with our Southern California Summer in Slovenia Tour had a lot to talk about. . .reminiscing about the fun we had. We also enjoyed some of the Honey Brandy that Frank had purchased over there, along with a variety of cookies and hot apple cider. A short business meeting was held as well since our members don’t have the opportunity to get together very often. We live in three or four counties! Officers will remain the same for the coming year with Rosemary Mlakar, Secretary-Treasurer to be the primary contact person for the Branch. Anne Kapel continues as President. Pauline Buzan accepted the honor to be our Member of the Year for 2004. So we will be planning a celebration for her sometime this spring. Pauline is a lady of many talents and a lifetime of exciting experiences. She is currently teaching a small group of us the Slovenian language using the tapes and books by Prof. M. Gobetz. Pauline was born the day after her parents landed at Ellis Island...what an exciting time to be brought into the world as a new American citizen! Congratulations Pauli. We are saddened to report the death of Edith Vidergar, sister of Frank and Bill Vidergar, Marion Sadar, and Fr- ances Watson...all regular participants in Branch 100 events. Branch 100 is happy to have achieved its membership goal for 2003 and hope that 2004 will be as successful a year, both locally and nationally. Na svidenje! JEAN KOCI NO. 102, WILLARD, WI Founding Date: MAY 11, 1941 Meetings: When convenient Parish Center - (713) 267-6764 Belated Happy New Year! Our February 8th was a Valentine Party and pot luck lunch. On December 6th we had 14 members present. After the meeting we had a Christmas party. Our 2004 Mother of the Year is Sue Pakiz. A Children’s Christmas Party was also held on December 14th. A pot luck dinner for every one after mass. A program was put on by the CCD kids 1 st through 5th grades. Santa gave bags of goodies sponsored by both KSKJ Lodges and PCCW. The PCCW ladies made cookies to be given to the elderly. Also the PCCW held a baby shower for the Hannah House. Our CCD grades 8 through 12 made Christmas cards and packed fruit plates for all the elderly and sick of the parish. Bing and Diane Perko delivered them with the help of Bethney Gosar and Jacob Trunkel Jr. as Santa’s helpers. Father Dick Bayuk spent Christmas with his parents Edward and Josephine Bayuk. Father Dick celebrated Christmas Eve Mass with Father Joseph Tollman Troy Pakiz, son of Larry and Sue Pakiz was recently hired by Air Net and is based at St. Louis, MO. Mindy (Debevec) Bauer was accepted to the Pharmacy School of Madison, WI. She is the granddaughter of Agnes Debevec. Many of our members announced the arrival of great grandsons: Rose and Frank Pakiz, Dorothy Gregorich, Edward and Josephine Bayuk, and Agnes Debevec. A long-active member of our branch, Agnes Lesar died January 8th, 2004. She will be greatly missed for her devotion to the SWU and especially to our Plant Sale. Her beautiful flowers and cats were her life. Ann Bok is our new member. Prayers and get well wishes to Edith Backus, Helen Krainz, Josie Trunkel and Marie Ammundson. Our condolences to the families of Ann (Parkel) Babish, Clate Susa and Agnes Lesar. AGNES DEBEVEC NO. 103, WASHINGTON, D.C. Founding Date: NOVEMBER 14. 1965 Meetings: 1st Sundays except Feb., July & Aug. St. Columba’s Ch. Albermarle St. Contact: Mary Lou Terselic (301) 874-2446 Branch 103 wishes everyone a Happy New Year 2004! We have had a great end of the year, with a festive and well-attended Annual Social on Saturday evening, October 25, 2003. Along with the usual Slovenian cuisine of specially-ordered klobase from the butcher, sauerkraut, poticas and flancati we enjoyed a wonderful beef goulash. We were honored by the attendance at our social by His Excellency Dr. Davorin and Mrs. Kračun, Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia, and members of the embassy. The Children’s musical program was very charming, with costumes and piano accompaniment by Bernadette Fitzsimmons. We honored our Woman of the Year, Ana Menapace, with a traditional bouquet of red carnations. After the program and dinner, we danced to the beautiful buttonbox music of Frank Videgar, Jr. and his partner. Gene Schacher on guitar and horn, playing the traditional polkas and waltzes. Special thanks must be given to those individuals, members or not, who donated time and effort to making the social a lovely and memorable celebration. Our November meeting was primarily dedicated to the election of officers for 2004. The following members were elected or hold in office by acclaim: Marylou Terselic, President, Angela Stare, Vice President, Mimi Mejac, Secretary/Financial Manager, Molly Thomas, Treasurer, Tilly Ausich, Recording Secretary, Ana Sonc-Jevtic, Program Chair, Ana Scopac, and Cindy Kukenberger White, and Jana Bevec, Auditors, and Valerie Bohinc and Cindy Kukenberger White, ZARJA Recorders. Our first meeting of the New Year will be Sunday, March 7 with a pro- gram presented by Ana Sonc-Jevtic. We look forward to seeing everyone again at the meeting. Meeting announcements will be forthcoming. CYNDI KUKENBERGER NO. 108, OLNEY, MD Founding Date: NOVEMBER 16, 2003 Meetings: 1st Sundays Contact: Bernadette Fitzsimmons FITZSIMM@NETKONNECT.NET We invite SWUA members, friends and visitors in the Washington, DC metro area to affiliate with our new Maryland branch. Since our founding meeting on November 16, 2003, our branch membership has grown beyond our initial expectations; we are delighted with the enthusiasm and dedication exhibited by our members to participate in activities in honor of our Slovenian cultural and religious heritage. Our branch celebrated “Kulturni dan" National Cultural Holiday in honor of France Prešeren on Sunday, February 8. Talented member and guest speaker, Mrs. Stasha Furlan Seaton prepared a commentary on this prominent Slovenian poet, with a sample of Preseren’s poems that were read in both Slovenian and English. On Saturday evening March 6, we will meet at Blob’s Park in Jessup, MD for a “Slovenian Family Dinner & Polka Night.” We invite members, friends and guests in welcoming Jerry Intihar, Slovenian accordion player from PA. Jerry promises to take Slovenian musical requests, so get your list ready. On Saturday, March 13 starting at 10:00 a.m., we will be participating (weather permitting) in a St. Patrick’s Day Parade to be held at the Washington Center just off 1-270 in Gaithersburg, MD. We will be accompanied by live Slovenian polka music and the young people dressed in Slovenian national costumes. On Saturday, April 17 from 12:00-2:00 p.m. Br. 108 Junior members have been invited to participate in the Gaithersburg International Book Festival for Children. For more information see The children’s choir, “We are Slovenian, Let’s Sing Together” will sing a selection of Slovenian folk songs and read Slovenian folk tales. Bernadette Kovacic Fitzsimmons will be one of the guest MISSING PERSONS If your name is below or you know this person, kindly ask them to send me their latest address and their dues for 2004. Their invoices were returned because of wrong address: Adelman, Verdean Bobence, Kristen K. Bonser, Adrienne Cikulin, Ann Dickinson, Carol Jean Dickinson, Jennifer Dovnik, DAnielle E. Evans, Jamie G. Fossberg, Theresa Golobich, Jennifer Lynn Hoffman, Jessica Lynn Holmok, Mary Jane Home, Wayne A. Hostnik, Rose Jacobson, Dorothy Lucille Jaketic, Mary Klun, Marie A. Lavrich, Mary Llewllyn, Carol A. Moginnis, Mary Ann Mismas, Ann Agnes Mladic, Krystal Modic, Ann Opalek, Josephine Orazem, Joseph P. Polyner, Pauline Puskarich, Celia Romano, Diana Samsa, Jennie Schickowski, Marie Seiner, Elsie Telia, Mary readers, presenting her original Slovenian story “Bana je zaspana” (The Sleepy Bathtub) in both Slovenian and English, which was published in the children’s Slovenian magazine “CICIDO" in October, 2003. “A Briefing on Slovenia,” an afternoon of Slovenian culture, music, food and information will be held soon. For detailed information, see the on-line newsletter or visit For any additional questions, please contact Joan Strniša Simmons at (410) 751 — 9331, joany600(a or Bernadette Kovacic Fitzsimmons at (301) 391-6873. BKF Slovenian Women's Union of America Slovenska Ženska Zveza v Ameriki Membership Application Yes! I want to join the S.W.U. I want to preserve and promote the legacy of our Slovenian-American heritage. As a member I will receive the publication, ZARJA-The Dawn; I can affiliate with branches and events across the country and best of all, I will come in contact with fellow Slovenes. Please type or print legibly. Choose type of membership: □ Junior (Birth to 18), Annual Dues $5.00 □ Adult, Annual Dues $20.00 Name and Middle Initial __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street Address __________________________________________________ City/State/Zip ________________________________________________ Phone/Fax ________________________________________________________ E-Mail _______________________________________________________ Date of Birth ______________________________________________________ Do you speak Slovenian? Please describe your Slovenian ancestry ______________________________________________________ How did you hear about us? _ S.W.U. member ________ newspaper website other Applicant’s signature: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date: Branch Affiliation No. (if known) _______________________________________________ Location: _________________________________________ Please make checks payable to the Slovenian Women’s Union of America and mail to: SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA, 431 North Chicago Street, Joliet, IL 60432 - (815) 727-1926 e-mail: — Internet webpage: Please allow four to six weeks for membership processing. In addition to my dues, I wish to contribute to the General Fund: For Office Use: $ _____________________________________________ Date Received: ___________________________ In honor of _____________________________________________________________ Membership No.: In memory of ____________________________________________________________ Branch Affiliate: _ Send acknowledgement to _________________________________________________ □ I would like to volunteer for the S.W.U. My area of interest or expertise is: _________ TeII a Friend! If you wish us to send information to a friend or relative just fill in name and address here: My friend’s name Address City State Zip” PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID JOLIET ILLINOIS CONTACT THE SWU HOME OFFICE 431 No. Chicago St., Joliet, IL 60432 IF... You want to report the death of a member; Change the beneficiary on an insured member’s policy; Correct a member’s mailing address for ZARJA, including: all names in one household where more than one adult member resides; the maiden name or previous name of a member changing name and/or address. Thank you. (----------------------! ! "n At Your Service During Life's Most Difficult Moments Louis "Ron" Zefran Connie Rodriguez Frank J. Zelran Lois M. Zefran Debbie Zefran Jerry 1-800-249-9150 (773) 847-6688 ^Zs-frcirz <\}\xn£.xa£ orris., -J2td. 1941 West Cermak Road, Chicago, IL 60608 ' —_____ First Midwest Bank Joliet • (815) 727-5222 SHELIGA DRUG INC. JhuZVaSui. 6025 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 (216) 431-1035 Serving our neighborhoods' daily needs TEZAK FUNERAL HOME “First in Service Since 1908” Licensed Producer: Richard K. Tezak (815) 722-0524 American Slovenian Catholic Union (KSKJ) ' 1211 Plainfield Road Joliet, IL 60435 ZELE FUNERAL HOME, INC. 452 East 152nd St., Cleveland, Ohio (216) 481-3118 Marie T. Stelow, MS, LCPC Individual, Couple, Family Therapy 1000 Essington Road Phone: (815) 773-2303 Joliet, IL 60431 Fax:(815) 744-1623 IT’S IN EVERY s(loveDi\iian Tmmr mm homes Mark Zimmer, Funeral Director mark(S>zimme 805 North 6th Street, Sheboygan. WI 53081 (920) 457-7012 - Fax:(920) 457-7013 117 North Wisconsin Drive, Howards Grove, WI 53083 (920) 565-2331 www zimmerfuneralhome. com