American in Spirit; Foreign in Language only Serving American Slovenians for 110 years Vol. 110, No. 14 American Home Ameriška Domovina' SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER USPS 024100 ISSN Number 0164-68X AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JULY 24, 2008 Phone: (216) 431-0628 E-mail: $1.00 Remembering the Ameriška Domovina Editor, I write to you today in regards to the announcement of your retirement and the end oi Ameriška Domovina. I am glad to learn that you are able to retire, but saddened because it means Cleveland’s oldest ethnic newspaper will cease to exist. I had no idea that things had gotten to the point where you could not continue the paper; it has always been something I have enjoyed. As you know I have had a relationship with the paper since 1965 when I first got to know your step-mother, Mary Debevec. Just as many readers have written to share their favorite memories of the paper, I have my own. Throughout my career in public service, whether I was serving the Collinwood neighborhood as State Representative, Mayor of Cleveland, Governor of the state of Ohio, or now in my role as US Senator, I have always read the Ameriška Domovina, and appreciate the coverage you gave me over the years. It was my way of keeping up with what is happening with our Slovenian community. I can also remember not too long ago of dreaming with you and your readers of a free Slovenia. There were points in time where we never thought we would see that dream come true or that the Berlin Wall would come down and the iron curtain tom. But as the Ameriška Domovina always proclaimed on the top of the paper: “Let Not the Light of Freedom Be Extinguished.” Indeed, that flame was never extinguished and because of your efforts, here we are today with a free and independent Slovenia. It is your publication that, for over a century, kept the Slovenian population throughout Ohio and the United States informed and connected. Thank you for keeping the light of freedom burning for so many years. Ameriška Domovina will be missed. It has been too long since Janet and I have visited with you and we send you and Madeline congratulations and best wishes on your retirement. Thank you for your service to our community. Sincerely, George V. Voinovich United States Senator Newspaper Schedule The next American Home (Ameriška Domovina) will be dated Aug. 7. Final deadline for copy is a week before publishing date. Long articles, however, should be submitted much earlier. Articles for the last edition should be submitted NOW. The last American Home will be dated Aug. 21. Thanks to everyone who submitted or spoke kind words about this newspaper. It was appreciated more than mere words can adequately say and helps ease the burden of closing and saying good-bye. Your thoughtfulness will remain in our hearts as long as we shall live. God be with you. 019*009<**,">*>>"**>>*>>*^*5~PIQIT 44081 MARIAN MCMAHON 3933 OHIO ST PERRY OH 44081-9662 I The 2008 St. Vitus Slovenian School graduates in the top row are Marija Cup, Dominic McKinley and Mary Zitko. Pictured in the bottom row are Father Joseph Boznar, Elizabeth Dolinar, Matthew Hebebrand, and Principal Mojca Slak. The students successfully completed grades preschool thru eighth grade, learning the Slovenian language, culture, and history. Congratulations to all.__________________________________________________ Notice American Home newspaper advertisers have been solicited for ads in a start-up publication in which our name has been used. Be advised that we have not sold or given the rights to our mailing list or use of our name to any person or organization. Dolgan Available for Book Talks Author and former feature sports writer for the Plain Dealer and radio and TV guest analyst Bob Dolgan has been giving a lot of talks on both the Frankie Yankovic book and his sports book, “Heroes, Scamps, and Good Guys.” Dolgan has addressed seniors, Rotarians, and church groups, etc., all over Northern Ohio. He has been as far west as Bay Village, Strongsville and Westlake, and as far east as Munson Township and Chagrin Falls. He has even spoke to FBI retirees. If any group wants Bob to give his spiel they can phone him at (440) 944-7303. He’ll also sell and autograph his books. Matt Kushner Is Eagle Scout Matt Kushner, member of Troop 383 In Mentor, Ohio at St. Bede’s, earned the rank of Eagle Scout on April 23, 2008. For his Eagle Scout service project, Matt led a food drive that brought in over 1,200 pounds of food and supplies for St. Bede’s food pantry in Mentor, coordinated the assembly of bagged lunches for the St. James Soup Kitchen in Paines-ville which were passed out by the scouts, and educated his troop about hunger in suburban Lake County. Matt is a senior at Notre Dame-Cathedral Latin High School where he is president of both Medical Careers Club and German Club and a member of the National Honor Society. He works as a caddy at Kirtland Country Club and volunteers for Hospice of the Western Reserve. He is also an altar server at St. Mary’s in Collinwood. Matt plans to go to college to study medicine. He is the son of David (pictured above) and Marie, and the grandson of George and Norma Kushner and Jennie Smole. Eagle Scout is the highest rank attainable in the Boy Scouts of America. More than 1.8 million young men, about 2% of Scouting’s membership, have earned the Eagle rank since its introduction in 1911. The title is held for life: “Once an Eagle, always an Eagle.” AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JULY 24, 2UU» 2 AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir, Paul Hribar NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike: $35 letno Kanada - $3.00 na izvod po redni pošti (ZD valuta) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (ZD valuta) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States: $35 per year Canada: $3 per issue in U.S. currency (1st class mail) Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published twice a month for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 14 July 24, 2008 100 Words More or Less by John Mercina Death Notice Dated August 22, 2008 Ameriška Domovina, aka American Home, “AD,” age 110+, passed away on August 21, 2008, following a period of declining health. AD was a resident of Cleveland, Ohio, postal zone #3 and lately 44103, maintaining a continuous home on St. Clair Avenue. AD was loved by thousands of Slovenian-Americans of many generations and all ages. Despite its long life, AD persevered in being “American in Spirit; Foreign in Language Only.” AD freely praised those that deserved praise and criticized those whose ideas were not in line with the truth and the quest for freedom. AD enjoyed the good times, and the bad times. Many a young Slovenian boy and girl delivered the AD, had their wedding announced in it, had their picture taken and printed in AD as part of belonging to a Slovenian organization, and received their final thanks and “God be with you,” in the obituary. Countless Slovenian marriages were announced by the AD and countless obituaries appeared in its pages. AD was part of the war effort during all the wars that involved the U.S., served those on the battle fronts and at home and welcomed the Slovenian boys and girls back from the war. AD served Slovenian churches, organizations, government and people. It led the effort and supported Slovenian independence. AD is survived by its closest relatives, James and Madeline Debevec. Thousands of its readers will shed a tear as the printing press comes to the final stop and remains silent. May it rest in a deserving peace. Action is eloquence. -William Shakespeare Joyce Hribar Fiebig Attorney at Law Sf™ 440-516-0200 x 204 Continuing the tradition established in 1952 LAVRISHA 216-391-0035 Construction & Repair Services Rokodelec Contractor Ensemble Klobuk Performs In U.S. To celebrate its 50 Anniversary, the Stajerski- Prekmurski Club of Cleveland is hosting the popular 5-member band “Klobuk” from the Maribor area of Slovenia this fall. The gala celebration will be held at St. Clair Slovenian National Home on Saturday, Oct. 25 in conjunction with the annual St. Martin’s Wine Christening Banquet - Martinovanje. Klobuk, translates to “Hat,” plays a wide variety of music from Slovenian pop, classics, and popular international hits, to the traditional Slovenian music with multi-part vocals in Lojze Slak style. The members hail from the Štajerska region, known for its wine and hospitable, spirited people. “Klobuk” is recording its fourth CD, following successes with “My Homeland,” “Mother, Thank You,” and “Little Lad.” The group makes radio and TV appearances, and is sought for entertaining at weddings, picnics, concerts, balls, and private celebrations. Their performances are peppered with humor, skits, and audience participation. The band has performed in Austria, Germany, Luxemburg, Italy, Croatia, and is making their debut in America this fall with its gala performance in Cleveland, as well as performances in Chicago, Pittsburgh, and Toronto. The five men will all perform on vocals and are versatile, playing multiple instruments - button box accordion, keyboard, saxophone, clarinet, rhythm guitar, drums, bass guitar, and baritone. Two share the microphone as comedians. Members are Jani Brancelj, group leader and accordionist, who hopes he will live a long, healthy life and die playing his accordion; Branko Kuhar, who loves music, cars, and good coffee. Iztok Kočevar, who is an avid mountain biker and all around athlete, Matjaž Gašperlin, who enjoys guitar and aspires to play his bass guitar on the moon, and Drago Potočnik, who enjoys cycling, watching TV (especially Bruce Lee movies) with his wife, and playing guitar in the evenings. Štajerski-Prekmurski Club invites everyone to celebrate | the club’s 50th Anniversary with Showband Klobuk playing for listening and dancing entertainment. Please mark October 25 on your calendar now, so you won’t miss what promises to be a memorable evening. Stajerski-Prekmurski Club wishes to take this opportunity to thank American Home owners and publishers Jim and Madeline Debevec and staff for their years of dedicated work informing its readers of Cleveland Slovenian community events like this one. We wish you good health and much enjoyment. --Sylvia Slavica Pisorn Wise Sayings from Ray Mlakar Never forget what is worth remembering or remember what is best forgotten. Life is measured not by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath. It’s always helpful to lean? from your mistakes because then your mistakes seem worthwhile. Politeness and consideration for others is like investing pennies and getting back dollars. A ship is safe in port, but that’s not what ships are built for. Love is a symbol of eternity. It wipes out all sense of time, destroying all memory of a beginning and all fear of an end. -Phil Hrvatin Stimbiirys Accounting • Accowlifig & Income Tax services 496 E. 200th St. Euclid, OH 44119 (216) 404-0990 Fax 1(2.16) 404-0992 tax time @e». com Enrob'd to Practice Sefttt f ie Interna: Revenue Service Servicing Indmjuals CcrporaBons S Small fiisinesses. Sight not what’s near you while aiming at what’s far. Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you’d have preferred to talk. Excess on occasion is exhilarating. It prevents moderation from acquiring the deadening effect of a habit. A fellow who is always declaring he’s no fool usually has his suspicions. Search others for their virtues, yourself for your vices. Wisdom outweighs strength. Boys will be boys and so will a lot of middle-aged men. Trust men and they will be true to you; treat them greatly, and they will show themselves great. One reason some people get lost in thought is because it’s unfamiliar territory. Diplomacy is the art of letting other people have your way. Anton J. Ogrinc, D.D.S. Family Dentistry/Preventive Dentistry • MAYFIELD VILLAGE 6551 Wilson Mills Rd., Suite 103 1-440-473-1920 Are you looking for... . Additional Life Insurance between $2,000 and $25,000 ? • A Simple 6t Easy to Understand Application ? • Payments designed around your needs ? • No Medical Exams ? /i s J KSKI44/ aai*«ican Slovenian caihouc //union Has got a plan for you! To speak with a representative near your, call 1-800-THE-KSKJ _________Proudly serving American-Slovenians since 1894._ Columbus Conference Looks at Bishop Baraga Marcus Grodi and The Coming Home Network International invites you to attend the sixth Annual Deep in History Conference Oct. 24 thru the 26th in Columbus, Ohio. Our journey of Church history brings us to the Battle for the Faith: America 1700 - 1900. Catholics faced persecution from the growing number of Protestant sects, while seeking to evangelize bringing the fullness of truth to the native cultures. Bishop Frederic Baraga was a great missionary figure of the American Church who was bom in Slovenia in 1797. In 1830 he came to the United States and devoted his life to the Native Americans of the Upper Great Lakes. He is referred to as Apostle of the Lakelands and the Snowshoe Bishop. Baraga sojourned a vast 80,000 square mile territory for the next 37 years, seeking only to make our Triune God known to all men. Earnestly Baraga sought to leam the language and cultures of the native peoples. His life was devoted to bringing them the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Bishop Baraga died in 1868. He was a hero to many and a witness of zeal to all. His remains rest in St. Peter’s Cathedral in Marquette, Michigan. Bishop Baraga is but one of many men and women we will look at this October as we seek to become deep in the history of our Catholic faith. For more information please contact the Coming Home Network (740) 450-1175 or visit Thanks to Antonia Snyder for this information. Lodge 355 Picnic at SNPJ Farm The members of Fairport SNPJ Lodge 355 are excited about doing their second Picnic Dance on Sunday, Aug. 10 at the SNPJ Farm in Kirtland. The Farm is on Heath Road, which goes south off Route 6 and is two miles East of Route 306. The gate opens at 12 noon and the gate fee is $5.00 but no gate admission for 16 and younger. Delicious roast beef and sausage dinners at $8.00 each will be served starting at 2 p.m. The Ladies Auxiliary will cook these meals the traditional Slovenian way. Lodge members will help serve these delicious meals and hot dogs, roast beef, and sausage sandwiches as well as krofe • Beverages are available including Laško, the beer from Slovenia. The exciting Bob Kravos and the Boys in the Band will play music for your dancing and listening pleasure from 3:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Bob Kravos is the great nephew of Frank Yankovic. The Band will play Yankovic favorites, Slovenian polkas and waltzes as well as other music. There are other activities for the young and old such as balinca, swings, horseshoes, slides, corn-hole throwing, and go-arounds. Also this is a chance for being with and talking with relatives and friends perhaps making new acquaintances. Lodge 355 invites everyone to come out to the Farm for a wonderful Picnic Dance. There will be excellent food and beverages and superb music for your dancing and listening pleasure. This is an ideal time to be with your relatives and friends and probably to renew old friendships. For any additional information please call Lee Jakopin at (440) 943-3170. Corduroy pillows: they make headlines Old-Time 78 Records Wanted Chuck Debevec and Rich Terselic wish to remind American Home readers about their effort to gain access to old 78 rpm phonograph records containing Slovenian polkas, waltzes and choral singing. It is their goal to preserve the “oldies” by converting them to compact disc (CD) format. Each reminder in American Home has resulted in one or more new inquiries. Using modem computer technology, Chuck is able to produce excellent reproductions from even scratched or cracked discs. If you have no further interest in keeping your 78s, we will provide them a good home or, if you wish, after converting them to CD format, will return them along with a CD containing the selections from the 78s. Contact Rich c7o 9003 Harris Street, Frederick, MD 21704-7827. Phone him at 301-874-2446 or email him at Old Quiz, New Quiz by James V. Debevec II OLD QUIZ: Laurel and Hardy joined the French Foreign Legion in this film: A. - Flying Deuces. Congratulations to Joe Burya of Euclid and Rudy Sterk, manager of St. Vitus Village for their correct answers. Most people thought “Sons of the Desert,” was the answer, but in that movie, they wanted to go to a fraternal “Sons of the Desert” convention in Chicago. NEW QUIZZES: Many readers say they enjoy trying to figure out the answer to these quizzes. Because we have only two more editions left, we will present two quizzes this week, both movie themed. 1) Which former Cleveland Browns football player had a feature role in the movies “The Dirty Dozen” and “Ice Station Zebra?” 2) Connie Frances starred in the movie and sang the song, “Where The Boys Are.” The youths liked to hang around at what Fort Lauderdale beach bar located at Las Olas and A1A. It is still there. Send your answers to or regular mail to: Quiz, c/o American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1627. Slovenian Inflation Slovenia’s inflation rate, the highest among the 15 countries using the euro, is likely to remain at elevated levels in the coming months, central bank Governor Marko Kranjec said. “I don’t see any changes to the forecasts, though we are seeing inflation translating into second-round effects,” said Kranjec, who is also a member of the governing council of the European Central Bank. He added that wage growth was the biggest inflation risk. Slovenia, which adopted the European single currency in January, 2007, has been struggling to control consumer price increases, led by a global surge in energy and food costs. Kranjec urged Slovenian banks to shore up the capital base and warned of currency risks for people who took out loans in Swiss francs, representing almost a third of all loans in Slovenia this year. Slovenia’s financial system is strong, though risks to both companies and consumers remain due to uncertainties in global financial markets, Kranjec said. Joshua Wright Tells 3 Class About Slovenia Ten-year-old Joshua Douglas Wright presented a talk on Slovenia to his class at Ea-gleside Elementary School at Fountain, Colorado. His mother, Teresa (Sega) Wright baked a Slovenian nut potica . Gabe Gradisar from Pueblo, Colorado, made the typical Slovenian sausage for the lunch. The Slovenian flag was on display along with the Cleve- land and Slovenian-English American Home newspaper. Joshua also had a family tree showing his Slovenian heritage. Most of his history and geography facts were obtained from the “Ameriška Domovina” printed in Cleveland, Ohio. Joshua is the great grandson of the late Tony Sega and Jean Sega of Wadsworth, Ohio. 2008 SWU Scholarships The Slovenian Women’s MARK MARUSZAK - Union Scholarship Foundation announces $1,500 Awards to 2008 SWUA Scholarship Winners: COURTNEY EBNER -Branch 89, daughter of Mitch and Tammy Ebner, Mendota, Illinois is graduating from Mendota Township High School and entering Lincoln College to study business and psychology in the fall of 2008. JAMIE GRABNER -Branch 1, daughter of Thomas and Karen Grabner, Sheboygan, Wisconsin will be graduating from Sheboygan South High School and entering St. Norbert College to study music in fall 2008. J^ISA LOREK — Branch 14, daughter of Mike and Karen Lorek, Mentor, Ohio graduated from Lake Catholic High School this Spring and will enter the University of Dayton to study visual communication arts in fall 2008. Branch 32, son of Ron and Carol Maruszak, Wickliffe, Ohio will enter Heidelberg College during fall 2008 to study political science and law. Mark received the FRANCES BARMAN Scholarship. NATALIE MLAKAR -Branch 100, daughter of Fred Mlakar of Irvine, California is currently majoring in nursing science at the University of California, Irvine. Natalie received the SLOVENE REST HOME Scholarship. AMANDA OCHENS- DORF - Branch 35, daughter of Lisa Ochensdorf, Hugo, Minnesota will be entering her second year of the study of business at Loyola University. For information on the SWUA Scholarship Foundation Program visit or contact Mary Turvey, Director at Seeks Home for Slovenian Archives Editor, My name is Ivo Podobnikar and I am writing because I need your assistance or guidance in finding a home for some Slovenian/Slavic items that were previously owned by my father. My father, Ivan G. Podobnikar, passed away in 2001. He was of Slovenian descent (born in Ljubljana), lived in Columbus, Ohio at the time of his passing, and had been a subscriber to your newspaper. In the first few years after his death, as I was going through his things, I was able to collect a box of books written in Slovenian, numerous Slovenian records (LP’s), and another box of what can best be described as Slovenian knick-knacks. I would like to find a home for these items where they can be appreciated and possibly used rather than sitting in the basement in boxes as they have been for the past years, or having to throw them away. Unfortunately, I do not speak the language so they are of limited use to me. Would you be able to help? Do you know of anyone, preferably in the Columbus area (or at least Ohio) that may be interested? I am NOT selling, I just wish to give them away - assuming that you feel they may be useful. Any assistance or direction would be greatly appreciated. I can be reached at or at the address below. Ivo Podobnikar 1411 Zollinger Road Columbus, OH 43221 The hardest of all is learning to be a well of affection, and not a fountain, to show them that we love them, not when we feel like it, but when they do. -Jean Edwards AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JULY 24, 2008 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JULY 24, 2008 4 Many Religious Signs in Washington, DC One detail that is never mentioned in Washington, DC there can never be a building of greater height than the Washington Monument. With all the uproar about removing the 10 commandments, etc., this is an interesting fact. On the aluminum cap, stop the Washington Monument in Washington, DC are displayed two words: Laus Deo. No one can see these words. They have been there for many years, perched atop the monument, facing skyward to the Father of our nation, overlooking the 69 square miles which comprise the District of Columbus, capital of the United States of America. Laus Deo. Two seemingly insignificant, unnoticed words. What do they mean? Very simply, they say, “Praise be to God.” Though construction of this giant obelisk began in 1848, when James Polk was president, it was not until 1888 that the monument was inaugurated and opened to the public. From atop this magnificent granite and marble structure, visitors may take in the beautiful panoramic view of the city with its division into four major segments. From that vantage point, one can also easily see the original plan of the designer, Pierre Charles 1’Enfant, a perfect cross imposed upon the landscape, with the White House to the north, the Jefferson Memorial is to the south, the Capitol to the east, and the Lincoln Memorial to the west. A cross? What about separation of church and state? Separation of church and state was not, is not, in the Constitution. Within the monument itself are 898 steps and 50 landings. As one climbs the steps and pauses at the landings the memorial stones share a message. • On the 12lh landing is a prayer offered by the City of Baltimore; • On the 20th is a memorial presented by Chinese Christians; • On the 24th a presentation made by Sunday School children from New York and Philadelphia. When the cornerstone of the Washington Monument was laid on July 4, 1848 deposited within it were many items including the Holy Bible, presented by the Bible Society. Such was the discipline, the moral direction, and the spiritual mood given by the founder and first president of our unique democracy, “One Nation Under God.” Thanks to Gene Kogovšek A.D. Was Fixture in Home Editor, It was with great sadness and a tear in my eye that I read about Ameriška Domovina ceasing publication this summer. Your newspaper was a fixture in our home and in the home of my grandparents for as long as I can remember. In my memory I still can see a copy on my grandfather’s kitchen table. I have lived away from the Cleveland area for some 20 years now. I remain close to my family in Lorain visiting often, and I still speak only Slovenian with my father Stanley, senior. That said, I have looked forward to receiving your paper regularly as it has made me feel connected to a community of wonderful, warm people who will always be a significant Wine vinegar to taste part of whom I am. Your paper has taken me home to Ohio and to my Dad’s home country many times if only in my thoughts, and I have always enjoyed reading the Slovenian pieces, though never formally taught to. The Slovenian culture and community of Cleveland, and the community of Slovenians all over the US will suffer a great loss when you cease publication. Unfortunately changes as well as endings are a part of life, however much we resist. I thank you for the many years of being one of the ties that bound us together. You will be sorely missed. Kindest regards, —Stanley Mramor, Jr. CPA PMP Tomball, TX SHA Birthdays Happy Birthday to the following residents of the Slovene Home for the Aged who were bom in the month of July: 7-02 - Emily Pinter, age 89, bom in Cleveland 7-02 - Mary Kubik, age 97, bom in Cleveland 7-19 - Marie Bratush, 87, born in Illinois 7-19 - Edith Kincaid, 83, bom in Cleveland 7-22 - Jessie Campbell, 79, bom in West Virginia 7-24 - Edward Zagorc, 84, bom in Cleveland 7-24 - Maureen Zorko, 59, born in Cleveland 7-26 - Hinko Zupančič, 87, bom in Slovenia 7-28 - Stephania Miezin, 88, born in Cleveland 7-31 - Mary Kostansek, 94, bom in Cleveland Federation of Seniors Picnic Federation of American Slovenian Senior Citizens Clubs Annual Picnic will be on Wednesday, Aug. 27 at SNPJ Farm on Heath Road, Kirtland, OH. Dinner will be served at 1 p.m. by Julie Zalar. Music by Wayne Tomsic Orchestra from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. Admission for dinner and dancing is $13.00. For tickets see members (Barberton, Euclid, Holmes, New-burgh/Maplc Hts., St. Clair and Waterloo) or call (216) 481-0163 or (440) 943-3784 BEFORE Aug. 20. —Matt Zabukovec, Secretary Happiness is not a state to arrive at, but a manner of traveling. -John Mercina Slovenian Potato Salad 5 lbs. red skin potatoes 2 small onions chopped Parsley chopped (to give the salad color) Salt and pepper to taste Crisco oil Cook potatoes with skins. Drain. Peel off skins and slice. Add remaining ingredients. Mix and refrigerate overnight. —Emilee Jenko X Euclid, OH, \^OSlC Funeral Home 28890 Chardon Rd. Willloughby Hills, OH 44092 440-944-8400 Joe Zevnik, Licensed Director Proudly Serving the Slovenian Community Blueberry Snacks Take The Cake (NAPS)—Kids' love to snack! And parents want to give them kid-friendly choices that are light, low-fat and packed with good nutrition. Blueberry-Topped Rice Cakes arc quick treats that are so easy to make that the kids can help. These fruity snacks will be family favorites, perfect any time of the day. Two-ingredient Blueberry Frozen Yogurt is so simple, healthful and delicious, you’ll make it for the kids and the grownups! With fresh and frozen blueberries on hand, you can make yummy blueberry treats or pop them on morning cereal or blend in ice-cold smoothies. In the summer, when blueberries are most abundant, take home extra to keep in the freezer. A one-cup serving of blueberries has only 80 calories and is a good source of vitamin C, manganese, fiber and antioxidants that our bodies need to stay healthy. Encouraging children to enjoy firuit can help establish a lifetime of good eating habits. The USDA recommends kids 4 to 8 years old consume 1 to IK cups of fruit every day and blueberries contribute to that daily total. Go to for more information about the USDA dietary guidelines. For bushels of blueberry information and recipes for snacks, breakfast, dessert and more, go to To get a free copy of a leaflet filled with kid-friendly recipes and fun facts, send a SASE to: Welcome Aboard! Leaflet Offer, U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council, 2390 E. Bidwell St. #300, F’olsom.CA 956.30. Blueberry-Topped Rice Cakes K cup ricotta or cottage cheese 2 teaspoons apricot preserves Blueberries can be used to make many tasty treats such as Blue-berry-Topped Rice Cakes. 4 apple-cinnamon flavored rice cakes 1 cup thinly-sliced fresh fruit (such as apple, pear, banana or peach) 1 cup fresh blueberries In a small bowl, stir together ricotta and preserves. Spoon an equal amount on each of the rice cakes almost to the edge. On top of ricotta mixture, arrange fruit slices in circles. Top each with V, cup of the blueberries; serve immediately. Yield: 4 portions Per Portion: 150 calories, 5 g protein, 24 g carbohydrate, 4 g fat, 39 mg sodium, 16 mg cholesterol Blueberry Frozen Yogurt 2 cups frozen (unthawed) blueberries 1 cup low-fat vanilla yogurt In the bowl of a food processor, pulse the frozen berries and yogurt until smooth. Serve immediately. Yield: 4 (K-cup) portions Per Portion: 90 Calories, 3 g protein, 19 g carbohydrate, 1 g fat, 45 mg sodium, 0 cholesterol Cranberry Tops Red Wine With One-Two Punch (NAPS)—New findings reveal that the popular berry, the cranberry, boosts good cholesterol and shields the heart with its unique antioxidant muscle. For years, red wine and grape juice have been touted as the drinks that provide heart healthy benefits. Now scientists are discovering that cranberry juice may be equally good for the heart. Light cranberry juice cocktail packs a knockout one-two punch, with both “anti-stick” and “antiox idant” bang. This adds to the longstanding research that connects cranberry juice with helping ward off urinary tract infections. Conducted at Canada’s Laval University, the study found that the cranberry improves circulation by increasing the level of good cholesterol and acting as a powerful antioxidant. Additionally, a recent laboratory study at the William Harvey Research Institute in England found that a serving of cranberry juice each day could be as good for the heart as red wine-without the drawback of alcohol. “The best way to prevent chronic disease is to adopt a healthy lifestyle that includes good eating and physical activity habits,” said Dr. Charles Couil-lard, lead researcher of the study and member of the Institute of Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods of Laval University. • “Now, drinking a daily glass of cranberry juice, as part of a healthy lifestyle is an even better nutritional habit because it provides several health benefits.” According to the American Heart Association (AHA), cardiovascular disease is the number one killer of women and men, and is the cause of deal.h in one According to a recent study, cranberries can help boost good cholesterol levels. in every 2.6 people. The AHA recommends a healthy diet and regular exercise to help combat heart attacks, and recommends against more than one serving of alcohol per clay. A daily glass of light cranberry juice cocktail promotes healthy blood flow and protects the heart—with fewer calories than red wine—and is a delicious option the whole family can enjoy. Cranberries bolster the body’s defenses against free radical damage. A single daily glass of Ocean Spray® Light Cranberry Juice Cocktail promotes heart and urinary tract health, provides the recommended daily amount of vitamin C and has more antioxidants per gram than most other fruit. It is a fat free, low sodium beverage that contains just one-third the calories and carbohydrates of other juices and has no artificial preservatives, flavorings or colorings. For more information and recipes using Ocean Spray Light products, visit www.oceanspray. com. Songs & Melodies of Beautiful Slovenia Pesmi in melodije s prelepe Slovenije Radio Program - WEDO 810 AM Violet Ruparcich 1516 Greentree Road Saturday 4-5 p.m. Pittsburgh, PA 15220 Phone & Fax: (412) 343-4641 Slovenians, Little Known Achievers by Dr. Edward Gobetz Professor Emeritus of Sociology, Kent State University. From the mid-9th century to 1991 when they established the Republic of Slovenia (with a population of only about two million), Slovenians (also called Slovenes) lived under foreign, mostly Geremanic domination. According to Bernard Newman (1960), they represent “a miracle of survival, almost without a parallel.” Harvard historian Crane Brinton, reviewing, in 1967, Joseph Felicijan’s book about Slovenian ancient democracy and the ritual of election and installation of the Carinthian dukes, wrote that “this picturesque Slovenian ceremony was well known to political philosophers, and indeed through Bodin known to Thomas Jefferson...It was a variable that went into the making of modem Western democratic institutions.” Many Slovenian missionaries and educators were active in America, among them Mark Anton Kappus, a Jesuit priest and explorer who came in 1687; scholar and bishop, Frederic Baraga, who arrived in 1830 and was called by Vatican’s Enciclo-pedia Cattolica (1949) “One of the greatest missionaries of North America in modem times.” In the 1860s, the homesteaders began settling in a number of states, while massive emigration, especially to mining and industrial centers, took place since the 1880s. The period around 1880 was also the time when the first Slovenian neighborhoods began to grow in Cleveland, starting in Newburgh and soon spreading to the St. Vitus-St. Clair area, and then farther east to Col-linwood and Euclid, and in recent decades to several suburbs and the “country.” Cleveland is home to the largest Slovenian immigrant community outside of the Republic. According to Dr. Rudolph Susel, Slovenian section editor of Ameriška Domovina - American Home, a weekly bilingual paper published by James Debevec, Slovenians chose it primarily because of good employment opportunities and its climate, which is similar to that of Slovenia (2005), Greater Cleveland Mosaic (2004) refers to 80,000 individuals of Slovenian ancestry in Northeast Ohio. Like Czechs and Slovaks, Slovenians continue to be involved in vibrant religious, cultural and social activities, centered in their churches (especially St. Vitus on Lausche Avenue and St. Mary’s in Collinwood), national halls (united in Federation of Slovenian National Homes), recreation and picnic grounds, singing societies, language courses, folk dancing (Kres), orchestras, radio programs and, with other ethnic groups the Polka Hall of Fame (president Cecilia Dolgan). They established the United Slovene Society (radio personality Tony Petkovšek), Slovenian Research Center of America, and Slovenian Heritage Foundation. The estimates of Slovenian and mixed population in America range from under 200,000 (based on declared ancestry as in U.S. census) to about half a million, based on average population increase since the 1910 census. The 2000 census also reports that the Slovenians are the ancestry group with the lowest proportion living in poverty. Greater Cleveland area achievers include: Frank Lausche and George Voino-vich, both mayors of Cleveland, governors of Ohio and U.S. senators; Congressman Dennis Eckart; Rear Admiral William Petrovič and four-star Admiral Ronald Zlatoper; two major generals, John Lekson and Ronald Sega; judges Frank Lausche, August Pryatel, Ron Šuster, Edmund Turk, Frank Lavrich, Fred Skok and Ted Klammer; writers Frank Mlakar and Karl Mauser; Cleveland Clinic department Admiral Ronald J. Zlatoper chairs Dr. Leonard Lovshin and Dr. Margaret Gorensek; Dr. Carol Kovac, general manager of IBM Health Care and Life Sciences; Dr. Gordon Vehar, Distinguished Inventor of the Year, Robert Tomsich, founder of NESCO Corporation; Paul Kosir, president of Pako; Peter Osenar, president of Emerald Health Network, John Urbancich president and CEO of Sun Newspapers; Anton Schubel, talent scout for Carnegie Hall; Heidi Skok, opera singer; and Frank Yankovic, whose biography, The Polka King, was written by Bob Dolgan, one of several noted Slovenian journalists. Dr. Margaret Gorensek Among other Slovenian achievers are: Joe Sutter, father of Boeing 747; Louis Adamic, prominent author; astronauts Ronald Sega and Jerry Linegar; four-star general Ferdinand Chesarek; Charles Kuralt, television personality; Dr. France Rode who co-invented the HP-3 5 calculator, which President Nixon’s party took to China a? “the prime example of modem U.S. technology,” and several Olympic medalists, including gymnast Peter Vidmar and speed-skaters Eric and Beth Heiden, whose grandmother was an immigrant from Slovenia. In conclusion, America has been very good to Slovenians and they have certainly also been good to America. Dr. Gobetz is founding director of Slovenian Research Center of America; former vice president of Delta Tau Kappa - the International Social Science Honor Society, and of National Confederation of American Ethnic Groups; a 1971 Outstanding Educator of America; a member of Slovenian Theological SHELIGA DRUG, INC. Your Full Service Pharmacy 6025 St. Clair Avenue 431-1035 431-4644 FAX We bill most major insurance plans WE ACCEPT: • American Express • Discover • MasterCard • Visa • WIC - Food Stamps • Manufacturers Coupons Visit Us! • Photo Finishing • Package & Mailing Center • FAX Service • Keys Made • Layaways • Contact Lens Replacement IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 446 East 152nd St. Cleveland, OH 44110 216-486-1105 Academy in Rome and of New York Academy of Sciences. He is former associate editor of International Journal of Contemporary Sociology and author or editor of 16 books. He is now working on a new publication, Slovenians and the America Dream. He lives with his wife, Milena, an awardwinning high school teacher of languages, in Willoughby Hills. They have three daughters: Emily Stupica, school psychologist; Maria Prayner, special education teacher; and Maggie, teacher of gifted children. This article appeared in “Mosaic” a special section of The Plain Dealer on Tuesday, June 21, 2005. Angela Martzall Wins Science Scholarship Angela Jean Martzall was presented with the Wright State Clinical Science Scholarship in her senior year there. She worked as a phle-botomist at Kettering Hospital. Angela Jean has been accepted by Ohio State and is presently working in the Medical Building there. She is also a part-time student for her Masters in Laboratory Clinical Sciences. Her goal is to be a laboratory supervisor. Angela Jean grew up in West Milton, Ohio. Her parents are Douglas Martzall and Sally Ann (Sega) Martzall. Proud grandmother is Jean (Petkovšek) Sega. Help Wanted Housekeeper: English speaking; Experienced, and dependable. East side suburb. Flexible hours and days. (216) 570-6161 Korotan DVD Available Korotan’s DVD Pozdravljena Zemlja, the documentary of the 60Ih anniversary of Slovenian Exodus and Holocaust, is still available and makes a precious gift for your family. For information call (440) 256-8993 or e-mail r (440) 602-5120 Fax (440) 602-5124 Zele & Zele Co., L.P.A. Ronald Zele, Scott J. Zele, Zachary F. Zele Attorneys-at-Law 38106 Third Street ________Willoughby, Ohio 44094 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JULY 24, 2008 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JULY 24, 2008 Only in America... ^ nresrxinfinns while heal Only in America... can a pizza get to your house faster than an ambulance. Only in America... are there handicap parking places in front of a skating rink. Only in America... do drugstores make the sick walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front. Only in America... do people order double cheeseburgers, large fries, and a diet coke. Only in America... do we leave cars worth thousands of dollars in the driveway and put our useless junk in the garage. In Loving Memory of My Parents and Brother Anton Moze Sr. Helen Moze 1886-1955 1896-1982 Louis Moze 1926 -1943 Anton Moze Jr., and wife, Kay In Loving Memory of Catherine J. Hopkins July 18, 2003 On the fifth year anniversary of your passing: There is not a day that goes by That we don’t miss you... Your smile, your thoughtfulness, Your sense of humor, your love, Your guidance was an inspiration to us all. Sadly missed by: Loving husband - Sheldon Son - Robert Daughters - Lynn Raymond, Lisa Hupfer Grandsons - Zackary & Michael Raymond & Roman Huptcr Daughter-in-law — Geraldine Son-in-law - Douglas and many family and friends Baraga Court Marks lOO111 Baraga Court 1317 of Catholic Order of Foresters announces their upcoming 100th Anniversary celebration on Sunday, Sept. 14 with a 12 noon Mass in St. Vitus Church followed by a dinner at Slovenian National Home. Bishop Pevec will be the main celebrant for this occasion. For additional information contact Robert Mills Sr., at (216) 431-9492 or Angelo Vogrig at (216) 531-2662. Kres Performance The members of Folklorna skupina Kres are pleased to announce they will be presenting their annual performance at Slovenian National Home on Saturday evening, Sept. 13. The program will include dancers from Kindergarten through college. The full-length performance will be followed by a social with music provided by Veseli Godci. Please save this date and join the Slovenian community for an enjoyable event. Plants Against Cancer The good news about eating your fruits and veggies keeps getting better. For years scientists have agreed that a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, beans and grains decreases the risk for cancer and other diseases. But new research is showing how some of the compounds in foods, called “phytochemicals” (meaning plant chemicals) may go to work even after cancer has begun. Some of the several foods that may work against the disease are: Garlic Soybeans Broccoli, Kale Green and Black Tea Red Wine. What do “the Dog Days of Summer” have to do with dogs? Nothing. Many people think the hot, heavy days of summer got their name from the fact that the heat is so intense that dogs just lie around panting. Dog days are named after the star Sirius - so called because it is located in the dog constellation Canis Major - which rises just before the sun does at this time of year. The ancient Romans believed that these brutally hot days or dies caniculares, were caused because the dog star added its heat to the already brutal heat given off by the sun. Coming Events Sunday, July 27 St. Vitus Slovenian School annual summer picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Mass at 12:30 followed by dinner of pork roast. Dinner $12 for adults and $6 for children. Raffle and children’s games. Wednesday, July 30 Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Monthly Social in main hall. Doors open 6 p.m. Music and refreshments. Sunday, Aug. 3 Pristava Pensioners Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, Aug. 10 Fairport SNPJ 355 Picnic Dance at SNPJ Farm in Kirt-land, OH. 12 noon. Gate fee is $5. Roast beef and sausage dinners $8 served at 2 p.m. Bob Kravos and Boys in the Band from 3:30 to 7:30. Many activities throughout the day. Sunday, Aug. 17 St. Mary’s (Coll.) Summer Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Wednesday, Aug. 27 Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Monthly Social in main hall. Doors open 6 p.m. Music and refreshments. Wed., Aug. 27 Federation of American Slovenian Senior Citizens picnic at SNPJ Farm on Heath Rd. Dinner at 1 p.m. by Julie Zalar. Music by Wayne Tomsic Orch 2:30 -5:30 p.m. Admission, dinner, and dancing $13.00. For tickets call (216) 481-0163 or (440) 943-3784 BEFORE Aug. 20. Friday, Aug. 29 Ansambel Veseli Begunj-cani at Slovenska Pristava. Saturday, Sept. 13 Folklorna Skupina Kres Dance at Slovenian National Home, St. Clair. Full-length performance followed by social with music by Veseli Godci. Sunday, Sept. 14 Baraga Court 1317 COF 100th Anniversary with noon Mass in St. Vitus church followed by banquet in Slovenian National Home. Call Bob Mills at (216) 431-9492 or Angelo Vogrig at (216) 531-2662. Sunday, Sept. 14 Annual St. Vitus Altar Rosary Society benefit dinner in parish auditorium. Thursday, Sept. 18 St. Mary’s Alumni meeting. Sunday, Sept. 21 Vinska Trgatev at Slovenska Pristava. Friday, Sept. 26 Slovenian National Home, St. Clair, Annual Social. Saturday, Sept. 27 Sausage Festival at SNPJ Farm in Kirtland, Ohio sponsored by National Cleveland Style Polka Hall of Fame. Saturday, Sept. 27 Baraga Day Mass at 6 p.m. in St. Joseph Church, Joliet. Evening reception at St. Joseph Park ($5 to attend). Saturday, Sept. 27 St. Clair Rifle and Hunting Club annual clambake on club grounds. Call Richard Beck for tickets (440) 942-4025 Sunday, Sept. 28 Bishop Baraga Day Mass at 2:30 p.m. Baraga Park, Lemont, Illinois. Banquet following Mass at the Slovenian Cultural Center. Ticket $25 in advance. Sunday, Oct. 12 St. Vitus Catholic War Vets Post 1655 Fall Corporate Communion, 9 a.m. in St. Vitus Church. Sunday, Oct. 21 Koline - Pristava Pensioners at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, Oct. 19 Salute to Paul Yanchar at Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair - Cleveland. Sunday, Oct. 19 Annual Meeting of Slovenska Pristava. Saturday, Oct. 25 Štajerski-Prekmurski Klub Martinovanje, 50th Anniversary celebration featuring Slovenian performers “Klobuk.” Dinner-Dance at Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Sunday, Oct. 26 St. Vitus Alumni All Year, All Class Reunion honoring Rev. Victor Cimperman. Noon Mass and banquet. Saturday, Nov. 1 Klobuk Slovenian Ansambel performs in Captain John’s Harbour Boat Restaurant in Toronto. Sunday, Nov. 2 Zarja annual Fall Concert, Recher Hall, Euclid, OH. Saturday, Nov. 8 Belokranjski Club celebration at Slovenian National Home. Sunday, Nov. 9 Circle 2 SNPJ 70th Anniversary Program in Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, Ohio. Saturday, Nov. 15 Glasbena Matica concert at Slovenian National Home, St. Clair, Cleveland. Wednesday, Nov. 26 Jam Session at Slovenian National Home, St. Clair Thursday, Nov. 27 Tony Petkovšek’s annual Thanksgiving Polka Party in Marriott Hotel, downtown Cleveland. Call Kollander World Travel for further information. Sunday, Nov. 30 Friends of the Slovenian National Home Annual Holiday Brunch. Slovenians “R" Us Death Notices FRANCES M. SPECH Frances M. Spech (nee Zakrajšek) age 83, beloved wife of Dr. Anthony F. Spech M.D.; loving mother of Dr. Michelle (Daniel) Spech-Holderbaum, Anthony J. Spech, Dr. Thomas Spech, Dr. Richard (Lisa) Spech, and Dr. Robert (Deborah) Spech; cherished grandmother of Lisa Zenar, Christopher Holderbaum, Sarah, Claire, Theresa, Christina, Robert, Johnathan and Michael Spech; dear sister of Stanley and the late Andrew Zakrajšek. Family suggests memorial donations in her name to St. Vitus Church Building Fund, 6019 Lausche Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103, or the Slovene Home for the Aged, 18621 Neff Rd., Cleveland, OH 44119. Funeral Mass at 10 a.m. Monday, July 14, 2008 at St. Vitus Church. Interment All Souls Cemetery. Family received friends at The Dan Cosic Funeral Home, 28890 Chardon Rd., Willoughby Hills on Sunday, July 13 from 2-6 p.m. WARREN J. FABIAN Warren J. Fabian, age 72 of Willoughby Hills, OH. Beloved husband of Jean (nee Cecelic); loving father of Michelle Day and Matthew Fabian; cherished grandfather of Zachary (Elizabeth), Darin and Mer-issa; dear brother of Ronald Fabian. U.S. Army Veteran. Funeral Mass was at 10 a.m. Friday, July 11, 2008 at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church (Wickliffe). Interment All Souls Cemetery. Family received friends at The Dan Cosic Funeral Home, 28890 Chardon Rd., Willoughby Hills on Thursday, July 10 from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. In Memory Thanks to Antonia Vrenko of Richmond Heights, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $50.00 donation in memory of her husband, Michael Vrenko. In Memory Thanks to Frances Mole of Cleveland, who paid for a memoriam and added a $20.00 donation in memory of her husband, Louis Mole. Frances writes, “A donation of $20.00 is for the paper I will miss very much, and thanks for publishing all the memorials for 23 years for my husband, Louis Mole. Thanks again and good luck in your future.” In Memory Thanks to Mrs. Attilio (Bruna) Bonutti of Wood-stock, GA who renewed her subscription and added a $25.00 donation on the 2!/z year anniversary of the passing of her husband, Attilio Bonutti. In Memory Thanks to Alma Eppick of Euclid, OH who sent in a $15.00 donation in memory of her husband, Edward-Eppick on the 15th anniversary since his passing. Alma also writes, “Wishing you both a long and happy retirement. Will miss the American Home.” In Memory Thanks to Mary and Anna Lunder of Cleveland, OH who donated $100.00 to the Ameriška Domovina in memory of deceased family members. In Memory Thanks to Angela Cupar of Wickliffe, OH who sent in a $50.00 donation in memory of her husband, Andrew Cupar and his daughter Barbara. Donation Many thanks to Lillian Sivec of Euclid, OH who donated $20.00 to the Ameriška Domovina. Good Luck Thanks to Zora Kocin of Euclid, OH who renewed her subscription and wrote the following note, “Sorry to see you go. Good luck and God bless.” Donation Thanks to Mrs. Eleanor (Elbe) Simcic of Parma, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $25.00 donation. Zele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at 452 E. 152 St. Ph: (216) 481-3118 Family owned and operated since 1908 Thanks Editor, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your many years of commitment to the Slovenian American Community. It is with admiration that I want to recognize your hard work and dedication in publishing the Slovenian Newspaper. Of course, it is with deep regret that our community will lose this vital service. I pay a tribute to your family’s legacy of 110 years of service. I certainly understand your need to part from this timely and demanding commitment. I want to wish you both a well deserved retirement. Once again, I thank you for all the years of service. May God bless you and grant you good health. Sincerely, John F. Dejak Gates Mills, OH Donation Thanks to A1 and Frances Grajzl of Cuyahoga Falls, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $14.00 donation. They write, “Thank you for your service to the Slovenian community.” Donations Thanks to Ann Zupančič of Broadview Heights, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $17.00 donation. Ann writes, “Will miss reading the paper. Have a healthy and happy retirement.” Renewal Thanks to Mary Karol of Bethlehem, PA who renewed her subscription and added this note, “Sorry to see you go-” Donation Thanks to Mary Celestina of Richmond Heights, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $9.00 donation. Mary writes, “Thank you for the hard work. We will miss the Ameriška Domovina very much." Sorry Editor, We were sorry to learn of the closing of your publishing company. We wish you both a happy and healthy retirement. Tony and Carol Satej Madison, OH For Sale Two cemetery lots at All Souls Cemetery in Chardon, Ohio in the vicinity of the Tall Cross as part of 21 Slovenian lots. Please call 440-546-1039 Donations Thanks to the following for their donations to the Ameriška Domovina: Bogdan and Louise Kovacic, Manhattan Beach, CA -$10.00 Katarina Fugina, Willoughby Hills, OH — $10.00 Frances M. Zadeli, Lynd-hurst, OH — $ 11.00 Anton Vogel, Euclid, OH -$16.00 Barb Strumbly, Willoughby, OH — $15.00 Gary Gorsha, Seattle, WA - $6.00 Rudolf Lukez, Kirtland, OH - $4.00 Rev. John C. Retar, Mentor, OH — $4.00 Mary Karol, Bethlehem, PA - $4.00 Ivanka Sesek, Gilbert, MN - $4.00 Stan and Josephine Janežič, Greenfield, WI — $6.00 Rezka Zupančič, Euclid, OH -$12.00 Donation Editor, It is very difficult to realize that American Home will be discontinued. I go back to the 1930s when I delivered the paper to homes. Then when I was in my fifties, the American Home gave me a job in the composing room for which I was grateful. I wish you the best in your retirement. Thanks for the memories. —Ray Stopar Wickliffe, OH Ray enclosed a $50.00 donation. In Loving Memory Of the 52nd Anniversary of the death of fl & Agnes Kastelic (July 27, 1956) A wonderful mother, woman and aid; One who was better God never made; A wonderful worker, so loyal and true; One in a million - that was you. Just in your judgment, always right; Loved by everyone you knew, A wonderful mother — that was you. Sadly missed by Family Donation Thanks to Ciril and Margaret Selan of Euclid, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $50.00 donation. They write, “Thank you for your dedication in bringing forth such a great paper. We’ll miss it.” In Loving Memory Of the 2,K| Anniversary of the death of our beloved husband, father, grandfather, brother and brother-in-law Joseph Grdina Died Aug. 1, 2006 In Life we loved you dearly In death we love you still. In our hearts you hold a place — No one can ever fill. Sadly missed by: Mary, wife Michael and Mark sons Tony Grdina brother grandchildren Bradley, Connor, Lauren dear sister-in-law Betty dear daughter-in-law Michelle. In loving memory Of the 37th Anniversary of the death of Louis Klemenčič who died July 30, 1971 You are not forgotten, loved one, Nor will you ever be. As long as life and memory last, We will remember thee. We miss you now, our hearts are sore, As time goes by, we miss you more. Your loving smile, your gentle face, No one can fill your vacant place. Sadly missed by: Children, Grandchildren, and Great-grandchildren AMERIŠKA DOMUViNA, JUiA zuuo AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JULY 24, 2008 Alumni Donation ® Editor, On behalf of our President, Dan Reiger and the rest of the St. Vitus Alumni, please accept $100.00 in appreciation for publishing the articles that our Publicity Chair-lady extraordinaire, Agnes Koporc, created for the past 20 years. What will wc do without you? Also we are so grateful to the Lausche Foundation for donating to our Scholarship Fund over the years. It surely helped in what is the purpose of our organization. Enjoy your retirement with good health and God Bless You. Sincerely, The St. Vitus Alumni Daniella Avsec, Secretary Donation Editor, I can’t remember the year but I’ve been a subscriber since my brother Andy received a complimentary copy at the St. Vitus Holy Name Society’s 25th Anniversary. I have truly enjoyed receiving it. Congratulations to you two for the great job you’ve done these many years - giving your readers the serious Slovenian news, the many other subjects - humor, recipes, etc., and especially where we could go to dance and hear the polka music. I wish you only the best as you enjoy the leisure time you so richly deserve. —Virginia Sire Westerville, OH NOTE: Thanks to Virginia Sire who enclosed a $25.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Frances Seman of Beachwood, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $14.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Catherine Ostrunic of Euclid, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $25.00 donation. She writes, “Please accept my donation of $25.00 to your excellent Slovenian newspaper. I will miss this paper very much as it was very well done and very informative of our Slovenian community. Thank you and God bless.” Missed Thanks to Lillian Cunningham of Middleburg Hts., OH who renewed her subscription and added this note, “You and the Domovina will be very sadly missed. Wishing you well in your retirement.” Closer to ‘Home’ Editor, I am so sorry to know August 21 will be your last publication. The American Home has always brought “home” a little closer. Enjoyed reading about the old neighborhood and hearing about people I knew. Certainly enjoyed my mom’s articles and seeing her in print every now and then. —Allyne Bentley (Koporc) Las Vegas, NV Sorry Thanks to Johanna Schaefer of Leadville, CO who renewed her subscription and wrote this note, “Sorry to see this paper end. I enjoyed it.” Donation Thanks to Dr. Mary Žakelj of Perrysburg, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $21.00 donation. Mary writes, “Thank you for all your hard work over so many years. I am so saddened as a great long-lived Slovenian paper is lost. It helped find and connect us across many miles as some of us established homes away from the central community.” Find a Way Thanks to Josephine and Stan Janezic of Greenfield, WI who renewed their subscription and wrote, “We enjoy reading the American Home newspaper and hope you find a way to continue printing.” NOTE: Josephine is the author of the book, “Pepca’s Struggles," the story of an immigrant coming to America as a young lady. Donation Many thanks to Anton Vogel of Euclid, Ohio who submitted payment for a memoriam and added a $20.00 donation. Tony has been a staunch supporter of the Ameriška Domovina throughout his life in America. Donation Thanks to Victor Intihar of Wickliffe, OH who renewed his subscription and added a $50.00 donation. Slovenian Women’s Union of America SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION Financially assisting students since 1949 Applications are available - Donations welcomed http://www.sw' or 1.815.727.1926 Support America - Support American Made Products Catholic Cemeteries Association announces a new program The Catholic Cemeteries Association and Rock of Ages Corporation have combined forces to introduce the American Value© program. This program offers high quality American made grave markers) an outer burial container and the grave of your choice to Catholic families at an exceptional value. If you have considered acquiring a burial package for yourself or a family member don’t miss this special opportunity. State Name________________ Add ress____________ City________________ Phone___________________________________________ Stop into your Catholic Cemeteries Office or mail coupon to: Catholic Cemeteries 10000 Miles Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44105 _________________________ 2008 O Catholic Cemeteries St. Vitus Parish Cerkev sv. Vida 6019 Lausche Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 (216) 361-1444 July 27 - Annual Slovenian School Picnic (at Slovenska Pristava). Mass at 12:30 p.m., followed by dinner, activities, and side food. Sept. 14 - Annual Altar Rosary Society Benefit dinner in parish auditorium. Oct. 19 - Tentative joint benefit dinner with St. Ignatius HS Marching Band. Portion of net proceeds for repair of church organ. 9.00, 10:30 a.m. and noon Masses. Oct. 26 - Annual Alumni All-Class Reunion Day honoring Father Vic Cimperman. Nov. 9 - Parish Volunteer Appreciation Day. One allparish Mass followed by Brunch in parish auditorium. Nov. 14, 15 and 16 - Annual Eucharistic Devotions. Nov. 23 - KSKJ Lodge Christ the King #226 Annual Corporate Mass and luncheon. Dec. 7 - Annual presentation of St. Nicholas performance by Slovenian School. Dec. 13 - Christmas Gathering and Fellowship of parish and affiliated fraternal organizations in parish auditorium. Dec. 21 - Parish and community Gathering to observe 65lh Year Anniversary of ordination to priesthood of Father Vic Cimperman. All parish Mass followed by social in parish auditorium. Dec. 28 - All Parish Mass followed by annual Concert of Sacred Songs in St. Vitus Church. Social and fellowship follow in parish auditorium. Wednesday, May 6, 2009 - Presentation of Franz Schubert’s “Mass in G" and Little Stabat Mater” performed by CityMusic Cleveland, 32 piece chamber orchestra and Choir Cleveland, 24 voice choral ensemble. Other compositions by Charles Ives. Concert in St. Vitus Church followed by social and fellowship in parish auditorium. Being a good friend, and having a good friend, can enrich your days and bring you lifelong satisfaction. But friendships don’t just happen. They have to be created and nurtured. Like any other skill, building a friendship has to be practiced. -Sue Browder Specialists in Corrective Hair Coloring tina & brenda’s HAIR SALON 5216 Wilson Mills Road (440) 461-7989 / (440) 461-0623 Richmond Hts. O. Antoinette Misjak Kennick Remembering Antoinette Misjak Kennick June 28,1910 to December 23, 2002 Antonia Misjak was bom on June 28, 1910 in Novo Mesto, Slovenija. At that time Slovenija was part of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire. Antonia’s father was employed as part of the postal service. A very accomplished musician, he played the clarinet in various towns on weekends, much as American rock bands play in various places. Antonia’s father was tall, good looking, with prominent blue eyes and the women screamed when he came to their towns to play the clarinet. Antonia’s parents were ambitious for their nine children, and made sure all their children were exceptionally well educated. This required planning, discipline, foresight, hard work, and sacrifice on their part. Antonia had six brothers: a priest, judge, professor of philosophy, admiral, mathematician. The two youngest brothers were killed doing military service during World War II. Antonia also had two sisters. The daughter of one of these sisters is currently on the Supreme Court of Slovenija. Antonia herself was an excellent student in the Gymnasium. She learned to speak and was proficient in five languages. She worked as a secretary for the Governor. Antonia was renowned for her beauty. She had exceptionally beautifully blue eyes and was known as “plave ochke." At about this time, William J. Kennick, from the Saint Vitus Parish neighborhood of Cleveland, Ohio had graduated from Law School and was traveling to Slovenija to visit relatives. He went to the Governor’s Hall and there he met beauti-hfi “plave ochke.” They immediately “fell in love.” But William had only a two Week visa to Slovenija and so they decided they would get married at once and Antonia would leave Slovenia and move to Cleveland, Ohio With William Kennick, her new husband. Antonia’s Gose knit family was very unhappy with the idea that their beautiful, well brought Up daughter would get married to a stranger and go off to America with him. But they cooperated, and she got married to William, and moved to Cleveland. In Cleveland, William Kennick was an attorney and 23rd Ward Councilman. And Antonia, in her new home in Cleveland, was active in the Slovenian National Home "'here she taught Slovenian School for many years. She also participated in plays at Slovenian National Home. She worked for the Hospitality is indigenous to Slovenia International Institute in downtown Cleveland, where her knowledge of languages was critical. It was Antonia who helped determine who could come to live in Cleveland during and post World War II. Antonia and William had three children all of whom graduated from The University of Chicago. The two daughters received doctorates and have academic careers. The son is an attorney. There are six grandchildren: 3 boys and 3 girls ranging in ages from 47 to 6 years of age. The three grandsons include an attorney, a high school student, and a second grade student. The three granddaughters are a small business owner, a Columbia University student, and a second grade student. There are also six greatgrandchildren. The children, grandchildren, and greatgrandchildren are all good students. We have to thank Antonia and William for having provided an upbringing that emphasized knowledge and excellence in scholarship. They made being a good student seem as natural as breathing. We all admired Antonia’s sense of beauty and aesthetics. She was an excellent housekeeper and made every home she lived in look beautiful through her innate eye for balance and beauty. Everything was always clean, everything was orderly, and everything looked attractive. These things are not so easy to accomplish and we want to give our mother credit for many such things that we always just took for granted. We want to express our gratitude for our mother’s belief and interest in our educations. We three children benefited from her interest in achievement, education, and from her high ambitions for us. We want to express our gratitude to Antonia, mother and grandmother, for her generosity. A grandchild had v only to admire something and she gave it to them. On this the occasion of our remembrance, we want to say that we very much appreciate our mother and miss her. We love you and have come increasingly to appreciate the good fortune that befell us because you, Antonia, took a chance and moved to Cleveland from Slovenija so many years ago. Zbogom. —Dr. Virginia Kennick Emery (daughter) A thing of beauty is a joy forever; Its loveliness increases; it will never Pass into nothingness. —John Keats # Celebrating 85 years # # of giving you the world # Thank You to all our friends at the American Home that have printed our message of travel over the Generations! Exploring our Roots and Vines in Slovenia with the Slovenian Genealogy Society Conference in Slovenia ~ September 10 - 19, 2008 Staying in Portorož and Ljubljana Featuring: Expert guided tours including Piran & Maribor, SCSI events and presentations, and the opportunity to leam about Archive research. Tour and SCSI Conference: $1993 per person (limited availability!) KSKJ - Slovenia & Croatia Enjoy this 13 night fully escorted tour featuring: Ljubljana, Lake Bled, Goriška Brda, Škocjan Caves Istrian Peninsula, Opatija, Plitvice Lakes, Portorož 4 star hotels - Buffet Breakfast, Dinner and expert guided sightseeing daily, Music, wine tasting, great local foods - KSKJ Celebrations - all included! September 10 - 23, 2008 Tour Cost: $2695 per person ^ Grand Canvon bv Rail & Sedona Kollander Travel's own Judy Koblentz escorts this first class, inclusive tour featuring the breathtaking South Rim; Sedona, The GC Railway Hotel in Williams, Az. Maswick Grand Canyon Lodge, 3 nts Flamingo in Las Vegas First class hotels, Old West BBQ Dinner, guided tours, private coach, local expert sightseeing. $1549from Cleveland Oct. 8 -15,2008 Kollander World Travel 971 E. 185th St-Cleveland OH 44119 (800)800-5981 - (216)692-1000 Giving You The World Since 1923 Home From ^Slovenia Handcrafts, Gifts, and Heritage Slovenia’s Slavček Pevski Zbor and Polka Band 10th Anniversary Schedule Friday, July 25 Lake County Captain’s Slovenian Heritage Baseball Game - 7 p.m. Sunday, July 27 Chicago Slovenian Cultural Center Mass and Picnic ...I would like to sell my REAL ESTATE in SLOVENIA, but how ? We are here to help YOU to sell (or buy) your real estate in SLOVENIA * Land, bouse, Apartcment • Flat, Farm, holiday house,... CALL US, send a fax or c mail! fVe haw family tradition _ PALAČA NEPREMIČNINE d.o.o. Ul. 6. Junija 12A SI-1295 Ivantna Gorica GSM: 00 386 4156 00 TeJ/fax: 00 386 1 78 78 040 e mail: AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JULY 24, 2008 , JULY 24, 2008 10 Some Photos from the A.H. Archives Marie, Maria and Josef Lah pose for a picture at the St. Mary (Coll.) Venison Dinner for the benefit of the Slovene Home for the Aged. Maria is now in charge of the Cleveland Clinic’s Willoughby Hills complex. (Photo by MADELINE) Anna Jesenko demonstrates how to make bobbin-lace. Victoria Medved is now a lector at St. Mary’s\ Bogomir Kuhar, Right to Life Pharmacist Father Bill Jerse checks to make sure St. Vitus Catholic War Vets are marching in step. Dan Pavsec and his wife, Helen in Collinwood Slovenian Home. Lynn Marie Hrovat Rink of Nashville and bandleader Joey Tomsick play each other’s accordion at a Thanksgiving Petkovšek Polka Party. In center is Lud Hrovat, Lynn’s father. At a St. Vitus fund-raiser is (now Senator) George V. Voinovich and his wife, Janet, while in front are his friends the late Sally Furlich, right, and her mother, the late Josephine Trunk. Gmilee Jenko, left, and Genevieve Drobnič, stand in from of the Yugoslav Cultural Gardens which are now the Slovenian Cultural Garden in Cleveland’s Cultural Gardens where the Bishop Baraga bust was rededicatcd a couple of years ago. center, and the late Polka King, Frankie Yankovic. FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina AMERICAN IN SPIRIT, SLOVENIAN FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS0241Q0) Thursday, July 24, 2008 _ - Vesti iz Slovenije - tje iz nič, zagotovil, omogočil, desetinam ali stotinam ljudi boljši zaslužek, ali pa mu je samo uspelo vknjižiti obstoječe bogastvo z obstoječimi programi na svoje ime.” Ankete javnega mnenja bolj ali manj soglašajo, da bosta zmagali s tesnim izidom ali opozicija - tu gre v prvi vrsti za LDS, Socialni demokrati in stranka Zares - ali sedanja vladna koalicija, ki jo vodi Janša. Močne besede Dimitrija Rupla glede mejnega spora med Slovenijo in Hrvaško Zunanji minister Dimitrij Rupel je imel intervju z novim tednikom Reporterjem. Prvič je kategorično dejal, “da slovenski poslanci ne bodo glasovali za sprejem Hrvaške v EU, če bo tedaj problem meje s Slovenijo še vedno odprt”. Poudaril je, da to sicer ni novo slovensko stališče. Ponavlja pač besedih iz evropskih dokumentov: “V Evropi ponavljajo priporočilo, naj Hrvaška probleme meje reši pred vstopom v EU”. 52. Srečapje v moji deželi na gradu Kromberk v Novi Gorici Srečanje, ki ga pripravlja Slovenska izseljenska matica, je bila 6. julija, po oceni STA se je zbralo med 1000 in 1500 obiskovalcev. Srečanje je bilo predvsem družb-ne narave. V kulturnem programu so se zvrstili nastopi številnih pevskih zborov, folklorne in gledališke skupine. Navzoče je pozdravil vodja Urada Vlade RS za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu Zorko Pelikan. Na Bevkovem trgu v Novi Gorici je tiskarski mojster Janez Rozman s potujočo staro tiskarno uprizarjal tiskanje Trubarjeve knjige. Dopoldne je v konkatedrali v Novi Gorici potekala sv. maša, ki jo je daroval koprski pomožni škof Jurij Bizjak. Tik pred katastrofo, ki je na reki Sava terjala 13 življenj - Fotografija je bila posneta v trenutku spusta čolna, ki je, skuppj s še drugim čolnom - v vsakem je bilo sedem oseb - kmalu zatem trčila ob nedograjenem jezu pri gradbišču hidroelektrarne Blanca in prelomila. Vsega skupaj je od 14 oseb v obeh kanujih izgubilo življenje 13, edina preživela je baje ženska spredpj v čolnu na fotografyi, ki jo je trk vrglo proč od vrtinca ob jezu, ki je bil visok samo do višine vode. Drugi z leve v čolnu je sevniški župan Kristijan Janc, ki je bil tudi državnozborski poslanec in pripadnik SLS. Bo nesreče je prišlo 3. julija, na kraj nesreče so kmalu prišli domala vsi najvišji predstavniki države, med i\jimi predsednik države Danilo Turk in premier Janez Janša. 7. julija je v sevniški župnijski cerkvi sveto mašo zadušnico vodil celjski škof dr. Anton Stres. Nesreča velja za n^jvečjo doslej na slovenskih rekah. Na fotografyi ob tragičnem čolnu je gasilski čoln, ki je ostal ob bregu ob nesreči, gasilcem in drugim potapljačem Pa je uspelo rešiti le potnico omenjeno in prikazano zgoraj. Parlamentarna volilna kampaiya v polnem teku - Ankete kažejo, da so volilci največ zaskrbljeni zaradi inflacye in višanje cen Glede volitev za slovenski parlament določa zakon, da volitve ne smejo biti prej kot dva meseca in ne kasneje kot petnajst dni pred potekom štirih let od prvega zasedanje državnega zbora po volitvah 2004. Predsednik Slovenije dr. Danilo Turk se je upoštevajoč teh meril določil volitve za nedeljo, 21. septembra. Zopet po zakonu, uradna volilna kampanja se bo začela 22. avgusta in končala 24 ur pred samimi volitvami. Predvolilna kampanja v Sloveniji pa se širi že v vročem poletnem času, še posebej se zaostruje. Opozicijske stranke in politiki skušajo volilce prepričati, da državo sedanja vlada Janeza Janše ne zna voditi in da zaradi tega morajo na volitvah 21. septembra vlado zamenjati. Vodilna vladna stranka oz. Janševa SDS pa je svojo vizijo za Slovenijo poimenovala Program za prihodnost, katerega namen je omogočiti blaginjo vsem državljanom. Konkretneje je Janša dejal, “da bo SDS preprečevala nastajanje monopolov, varovala svobodno podjetniško pobudo, konkurenco in potrošnike. Stranka se bo tudi zavzemala za zatiranje gospodarskega kriminala in korupcije, ob strogem spoštovanju ustave in zakonov.” Zdi se celo, da je vprašanje slovenskih “tajkunov”-bogatašev, in kako so to postali, največja predvolilna tema v Sloveniji. Eden glavnih teh je Boško Šrot, predsednik uprave pivovarne Laško, je pa tudi brata Bojana, predsednika vladne SLS. O vprašanju “tajkunov” je pomenljivo rekel minister v Janševi vladi Žiga Turk: “Ni pa vseeno, kako je kdo obogatel. Ali je ustvaril podje- Iz Clevelanda in okolice Piknik svetovidske šole— Slovenska šola sv. Vida ima svoj letni piknik to nedeljo, 27. julija, na Slovenski pristavi. Začeli bodo s sv. mašo ob 12.30 pop. Po maši bo kosilo s svinjsko pečenko (dar je $12 za odrasle in $6 za otroke). Za otroke bodo imeli tudi testenine. Popoldan bo žrebanje z lepimi dobitki in igre za otroke. Vsi lepo vabljeni! Pristavski upokojenci— Klub upokojencev Slov. pristave ima mesečni sestanek v sredo, 30. julija, ob 1.30 pop. na Pristavi. Opozorijo tudi, da bo Klubov letni piknik v nedeljo, 3. avgusta, seveda na Pristavi. Več v dopisu na str. 12. Urednikova zahvala— V zadnjem času prejemam kar precej lepih voščil za sedaj več kot 29 let na uredniškem mestu. Vsem se najlepše zahvaljujem in upam, da je bila bilanca teh let prej pozitivna kot ne. V avgustu bo list izšel še 7. in 21. avgusta. Novi grobovi Rose Mary Prosen Umrla je 76 let stara Rose Mary Prosen, ki je bila znana pesnica in izhajala iz nevburške slovenske naselbine, mati Raymonda McGowen, hčerka že pok. Josepha in Rose (r. Barle), sestra Irme Prusick, Timo-thyja, Margaret Prosen, Kathleen Sedalia in že pok. Fr. Anthonyja Prosen, teta. Pogreb je bil 21. julija s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Ane na Cleveland Hts., sledil je pokop na pokopališču Lake View. Frances M. Spech Umrla je Frances M. Spech, rojena Zakrajšek, žena znanega slovenskega zdravnika dr. Anthonyja F., mati dr. Michelle Spech-Holderbaum, Anthonyja J., dr. Thomasa, dr. Richarda in dr. Roberta, 9-krat stara mati, sestra Stanleya in že pok. Andrewa. Pogreb je bil 14. julija v oskrbi Cosi-cevega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Družina priporoča darove v pokojničin spomin St. Vitus Church Bldg. Fund, 6019 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 ali Slovense Home for the Aged Foundation, 18621 Neff Rd., Cleveland, OH 44119. Župnija Marija Vnebovzeta vabi na letni piknik— Piknik bo v nedeljo, 17. avgusta, na Slovenski pristavi. Pričel se bo s sv. mašo ob 12.30 pop. Kosilo (piščanec/goveja pečenka) bo servirano takoj po maši. Dar je $12 za odrasle in $6 za otroke. Pozneje popoldan bo tudi pečen odojek, jagnje in čevapčiči, kakor tudi druga hrana in tekoča okrepčila ter prodaja peciva pod vodstvom članic Oltarnega društva. Za ples in zabavo bo igral ansambel Veseli godci. Vabljeni vsi! Štipendija— Sporočamo, da ima Cleveland Institute of Music na voljo Josephine Valenčič štipendijo za študij petja, ki je rezervirana za študenta slovenskega porekla, ki je državljan Slovenije ali je sploh član katere koli registrirane slovenske organizacije. Štipendija krije del stroškov študiranja in je za eno leto. Rok za prijavo je 15. september 2008, za več informacij kličite Institute na 216-791-5000 ali na internetu na Josephine Valenčič je bila aktivna na slovenskem društvenem polju v Clevelandu in je bila mati Cecilije Dolgan in Josepha Valenčiča. Naši dobrotniki— Ga. Antonia Vrenko, Richmond Hts., O., je poklonila $50 v spomin na moža Michaela. Ga. Lillian Sivec, Euclid, O., je darovala $20. G. Ciril in ga. Margaret Selan, tudi iz Euclida, sta darovala $50. Ga. Eleanore Simčič, Parma, O., je darovala $25. Ga. Alma Eppick, Euclid, je darovala $15, ob 15. obletnici smrti svojega moža Edwarda. Ga. Frances Mole, Cleveland, je darovala $50. Ga. Frances Kristanc, Euclid, je darovala $25, v spomin sina Jožeta. G. Joe in ga. Maria Košir, Kirtland, O., sta darovala $21. Mary in Anna Lunder, Cleveland, sta darovala $100, v spomin pok. članov Lundrove družine. Anton Vogel, Euclid, je daroval $20. Dr. Mary Žakelj, Perrysburg, O., je darovala $21. Ga. Frances Mauric, Euclid, je darovala $21. St. Vitus Alumni Club je daroval $100. Michael J. P. Telich II, Columbus, O., je daroval $182. G. Augustin Jokic iz Willoughby Hillsa, O., je daroval $35. Vsem darovalcem naša iskrena zahvala! Čestitke Ameriški domovini Slovenska pristava: Košček Slovenije CLEVELAND, O. - Generalni konzulat Republike Slovenije v Clevelandu izreka časopisu Ameriška domovin/American Home ob izteku njegovega delovanja oziroma izhajajanja najvišje priznanje za neprecenljivo vlogo pri povezovanju Slovencev, živečih zunaj meja domovine. Časopis je združeval rojake v Severni Ameriki, brali pa so ga tudi v Argentini, Avstraliji in drugod po svetu. Ameriški domovini se zahvaljujem za njen bogat prispevek k ohranjanju slovenske kulture in izročila ter za vso informativno in povezovalno dejavnost. Ameriška domovina je zaslužna tudi za graditev in ohranjanje mostov med Združenimi državami in Slovenijo, saj so bili po njeni zaslugi mnogi slovenski rojaki pravočasno seznanjeni o programih študentske izmenjave, priložnostih za pridobivanje štipendij, obiskovanje različnih seminarjev v domovini in podobno. Zahvala velja gospej Madeline in gospodu Jamesu Debevcu, lastnikoma, izdajateljema in urednikoma angleškega dela časopisa, ter dr. Rudolfu Suslu, uredniku slovenskega dela, seveda pa ne smemo pozabiti številnih predhodnih izdajateljev in urednikov, ki so se razdajali za ta časopis. S hvaležnostjo v srcu vsem želim veliko uspeha, predvsem pa zdravja, tudi v času po 21. avgustu. Še posebej bi se rad zahvalil za podporo, ki jo je časopis nudil Generalnemu konzulatu, s tem, da je objavljal naša številna sporočila za javnost in poročal o našem delovanju. Sodelovanje z vami mi je bilo v čast in veselje, saj smo oboji delovali z istim namenom: ohranjati in oznanjati slovensko misil in izročilo. Pogrešali vas bomo. Hvala in srečno! Dr. Zvone Žigon Generalni konzul Republike Slovenije Cleveland Letni piknik Kluba upokojencev Slovenske pristave - 3. avgusta CLEVELAND, O. - Vse člani našega kluba in Slovenske skupnosti v Clevelandu ste prisrčno vabljeni na piknik v nedeljo, 3. avgusta. Piknik se bo pričel s sv. mašo ob 12. uri opoldan. Mašo bo daroval č. g. Franci Urbanija iz Argentine. Po maši bo na razpolago okusno kosilo: pečene kokoši s svinjsko pečenko z vsemi dodatki. Če še povemo, da bo kosilo pripravila naša članica Julka Zalar, ste za-sigurani, da bo izvrstno. Cena za kosilo je samo $12, za otroke pa $6. Po tretji uri bodo na razpolago domače klobase in hamburgerji ter še druge dobrote. Tudi žejni ne boste! Ves dobiček piknika vsako leto darujemo Slovenski pristavi. Naš klub ima že več kot 230 članov. Če vsi pridete na piknik in pripeljete še vašo žlahto, bo Pristava prejela v dar kar lepo vsoto. Za zabavo in ples bodo igrali naši pristavski fantje. Ker ne vemo, kako bomo objavljali za naprej naše prireditve, naj že danes omenimo, da bodo naši mesečni sestanki vsako zadnjo sredo v mesecu ob 1.30 pop. Poleti na Pristavi, pozimi pa v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Ave. Koline bomo imeli 12. oktobra na Pristavi, božičnico pa 16. decembra v novi dvorani pri Mariji Vnebovzeti. Naj se že danes zahvalimo Jimu in Madeline Debevec in dr. Rudiju Sušlju za vse usluge, ki smo jih vsa leta prejemali skozi Ameriško domovino. Vsem trem želimo zdravja in zasluženega počitka. Bog z vami! Za odbor Kluba: Frank Urankar Prijatel’s Pharmacy St. Clair & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR THE AGED PRESCIPTIONS ROBI POREDOŠ (Slovenska tiskovna agencija) Vzet iz Novega glasu, Trst, 3. jul. 2008 Slovenci iz Clevelanda in okolice že od zgodnjih 60. let prejšnjega stoletja ob vikendih zbirajo kakšnih 50 kilometrov severovzhodno od mesta na Slovenski pristavi. Tam so lani dokončali tudi novo dvorano, ki so je poimenovali po najbolj znanem slovenskem politiku iz Ohia, nekdanjem senatorju Frenku Lau-schetu. Slovensko pristavo zadnjih sedem let vodi Milan Ribič, ki je povedal, da so ameriški Slovenci zemljišče kupili leta 1961 predvsem zato, da bodo imeli prostor za zbiranje mladine. “Začetki so bili skromni. Leta 2006 pa smo začeli zbirati denar za širitev in začeti graditi. Dvorana je sčasoma postala premajhna in smo se začeli pogovarjati, kako naprej. Starejšim članom se je sicer zdelo, da so zadeve takšne, kot so bile, v redu, vendar smo se potem vseeno odločili, da gremo naprej.” Ko so Slovenci izvedeli, da se gradi, so prišli pomagat in hvala bogu imamo mojstre za vsako stvar. Več kot 90 odstotkov dela je bilo prostovoljnega, s čimer smo prihranili veliko denarja. Od Lauschetovega sklada, ki ga vodita Jim in Madeline Debevec, smo dobili 130.000 dolarjev. Veliko dvorano smo tudi poimenovali po pokojnem slovenskem senatorju. Omenjeni sklad vsako leto med slovenske organizacije v Clevelandu razdeli denar od obresti in dividend. Lausche je vedno rad prihajal na Pristavo, nekoč celo s helikopterjem. Veliko denarja smo zbirali tudi s prostovoljnimi prispevki, sproti pa se financiramo s čla-- ejisfefr Saturdays 9-I0pm Cleveland Pubuc Radio WCPN 90.3 FH Tony Ovsenik: 31731 Miller Ave. Willoughby Hills. Ohio 44092 Phone: 1-440-944-2538 e-mail: CONTRIBUTOR TO: RADIO OGNjISCE-LJUBLjANA i&lir- "Ilf izven Slovenije narinami.” Slovesna otvoritev obnovljenih prostorov je bila 27. maja 2007 z udeležbo skoraj 1000 ljudi, med katerimi je bil tudi župnik Marije Vnebovzete v Clevelandu John Kumše, ki je dvorano blagoslovil. Ribič pravi, da so Slovenci v Clevelandu nasploh zelo aktivni, saj imajo svoje pevske zbore, kot so Fantje na vasi, Korotan, plesno skupino Kres, veliko je polka ansamblov, številnih klubov iz različnih delov Slovenije, Pristava pa je takšna zbirna točka za vse. “Pristava ima več kot 800 članov, kar skupaj z družinami nanese okoli 2000 ljudi. Imamo veliko športnih prireditev, predvsem v odbojki, in včasih so bila to hudo resna tekmovanja med Slovenci iz Clevelanda, New Yorka, Chicaga in tudi Kanade. Pa še smučarsko skakalnico smo zgradili. Imamo veliko mladih, ki sedaj še posebej radi prihajajo. Tule imamo največjo skupino mladih od vseh ameriških Slovencev, pa tudi v primerjavi s Kanado,” je dejal Ribič. “Člani so lahko Slovenci, ali tisti, ki so poročeni s Slovenci. Domstrno članstvo stane 400 dolarjev, lahko pa se kupijo tudi letne članske izkaznice za 40 dolarjev,” je dejal Ribič in dodal, da nove člane pred sprejemom malce preveri tudi odbor. jDALJE na str. 14) V BLAG SPOMIN OB DVAJSETI OBLETNICI NAŠEGA DRAGEGA MOŽA, ATA IN STAREGA ATA Ivana Hočevarja ki je v Gospodu zaspal 31. julija 1988. Počivaj v božjem miru, dragi Ivan, nepozabni nam. V nebesih rajsko srečo uživaj, do svidenja na vekomaj. Žalujoči, žena Anica hčerki: Marinka (mož Stephen); Helenca sinovi: John (žena Barbara); Jože (žena Dawn); Tomaž vnuki in vnukinje: Elizabeth, Jennifer, Amy, Julie, Christina, Mary Rose, David, Andrew, Monica pravnuki in pravnukinji: Asher, Megan, Jacob, Matthew, Dylan, Ruby sestre: Lojzka, Marija, Rezka, Anica, Pavla, Tinka, z družinami, v Sloveniji. Slovenija bo v nekaj letih imela tudi katoliško univerzo Skozi sito sveta za visoko šolstvo O slovenskem katoliškem visokošolskem zavodu bo Svet za visoko šolstvo nemara odločal že na septembrski seji LUCIJA HORVAT Demokracija, 12.VI.2008 ❖ Ljubljana - V ponedeljek, 9. junija 2008, sta ljubljanski pomožni škof msgr. Anton Jamnik in vodja tajništva za ustanovitev katoliške univerze v Sloveniji mag. Andrej Naglič obiskala apostolskega nuncija v Republiki Sloveniji msgr. Santosa Abri-la y Castella in mu predstavila potek priprav na ustanovitev katoliške univerze v Sloveniji. “Apostolski nuncij je podprl ustanavljanje katoliškega visokošolskega zavoda v Sloveniji in poudaril, da mora biti zavod s kakovostjo dela in z vsebinsko identiteto dopolnitev slovenskega visokošolskega prostora, v katerem že delujejo kakovostne in uveljavljene državne univerze. Vsebinsko identiteto katoliških visokošolskih institucij poudarjajo številni dokumenti Svetega sedeža, kot je apostolska konstitucija Ex Corde Ecclesiae in nedavni nagovor papeža Bene-dicta XVI. na Ameriški katoliški univerzi v Wa-shingtonu. Poslanstvo katoliških univerz je iskanje in prenašanje znanja in služenje družbi. Apostolski nuncij je poudaril velik pomen in pozitivno sporočilnost, da katoliški visokošolski zavod v Sloveniji ustanavlja Slovenska škofovska konferenca (SŠK) oziroma bo v projekt povezanih vseh šest slovenskih škofij,” so sporočili s tiskovnega urada SŠK. Odločanje septembra Vloga za akreditacijo visokošolskega zavoda in študijskih programov katoliške univerze je v sklepni fazi priprave in tako bo Svet RS za visoko šolstvo o njej najverjetneje odločal že na septembrski seji. V postopku akreditacije bo prva vloga za ustanovitev fakultete in študijskih programov s področja poslovnih ved. Ker se je SŠK po zgledu ameriških katoliških univerz odločila za postopno ustanavljanje katoliške univerze, bodo vloge za akreditacijo študijskih programov s področja edukacijskih, humanističnih, družbenih ved, socialnega dela in zdravstva sledile v naslednjih letih. Za uvajanje takšnih študijskih programov so se pri SŠK odločili zato, ker so to področja, na katerih uspešno deluje že več kot 1.000 katoliških univerz in raziskovalnih inštitutov iz Evrope, Amerike, Afrike, Azije in Avstralije. Kdaj se bodo na slovensko katoliško univerzo lahko vpisali prvi študenti, še ni mogoče natančno napovedati, dejstvo pa je, da bo kljub pričakovanemu velikemu interesu odprtih študijskih mest razmeroma malo. Kot je dejal ljubljanski pomožni škof msgr. Anton Jamnik, je namreč zelo pomembno začeti z zares kakovostnimi programi in manjšemu številu študentov poleg tega zagotoviti kvalitetne profesorje, svež in pedagoški pristop ter nove metode in načine študija. Študij na slovenski katoliški univerzi bo aplikativen, kar pomeni, da bo študent ob koncu študija že imel določeno delovno prakso s področja, za katerega se je izobraževal, saj bo že med študijem določeno število ur v tednu delal na svojem področju. Delo bo vključeno v študij in študent bo iz prakse opravljal tudi iz- Možnosti za štipendije v Sloveniji Generalni konzulat RS v Clevelandu opozarja, da je Javni sklad RS za razvoj kadrov in štipendije na svoji spletni strani objavil razpis za štipendije za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu za dodipomski študij v Republiki Sloveniji za študijsko leto 2008/2009. Rok za prijavo za razpis Je 30. september 2008. Vloge novih kandidatov, ki bodo izpolnjevali pogoje tega javnega razpisa, se bodo ocenile na podlagi meril, ki jih določa javni razpis. Merila in vse ostale informacije dobite na spletni strani: Parnnirrj dflton Ja/mrk pit ter s tem pokazal svojo pobudo in ustvarjalnost. “Slovenski študenti imajo zelo velike talente, ki pa jih ne morejo razviti ob tako pasivnem načinu študija, ko je v predavalnicah po 200 študentov,” je prepričan msgr. Jamnik, ki je dejal še, da je ključna naloga katoliške univerze tudi oblikovanje osebnosti študenta, ki ima določene etične principe, spoštuje človekovo dostojanstvo, svobodo, ustvarjalnost in ima oblikovano mnenje. Napovedal je, da bodo, takoj ko bo stekel prvi študijski program, na slovenski katoliški univerzi gostovali priznani ameriški profesorji iz Bostona in New Yorka. SŠK je tudi že objavila razpis za habitirane profesorje, ki bi želeli predavati na katoliški univerzi, in ugotovila, da je interes zelo velik. Veliko zagotovilo za kakovost študijskih programov slovenske katoliške univerze (SKU), ki bodo primerljivi s programi evropskih univerz, so tudi vrhunski slovenski profesorji, ki že predavajo na različnih univerzah po vsem svetu in so pripravljeni predavati tudi na SKU. (DALJE na str. 14) P. Ivanu Tomažiču za diamantni mašniški jubilej “Vaših rok odprt obok v nebo in čas: ves svet je v njem in Bog za nas!” Tako Vodeb bi Vam zapel in z njim še jaz za Vas voščilo sem začel. Moj Bog, saj let že šestdeset plus pet, predragi naš pastir, ste milosti nebeških vir! Na Dunaju bolnikov tolažnik, graditelj, ki Dom Korotan njegov in naš bleščeč je spomenik, raziskovalec, ki odkril je že prenek mejnik! Primorec, ki težavam vsem navkljub, je naš goreč slovenski rodoljub, duhovnik in Slovenec vnet, ki vsem je svetel zgled! Naj, dobri pater, Vaših rok odprt obok še dolgo prosi za slovenski rod in naj z Marijo Svetogorsko ljubi Bog nakloni Vam še mnogo, mnogo zdravih, plodnih let! Bogato vse poplača naj Vam zemlje in neba Gospod! Hvaležni Slovenci lt#s Time for vour eye exam! J. F. OPTICAL Eye Care Specialists Eye Exams Latest in eye fashion - Contact Lenses We Welcome Your Drs. Prescription 775 E. 185th St. Eye Glasses Cleveland, OH 44119 Repaired ____ Tel.: (216) 531-7933 (34) ...Rad bi prodal svojo NEPREMIČNINO V SLOVENIJI, ampak kako ? iMi vam bomo pomagali, da prodate svojo nepremičnino * Zemlja-parcela, hiša, stanovanjc • Apartma, kmeti ja, počitniška hiša Pokličite nas, pošljite fax ali c mail! imamo družinsko tradicijo PALAČA NEPREMIČNINE d,o,o. Ul. 6. Junija 22A Sl-1295 Ivančna Gorica GSM: 00386 41 56 00 68 Tcl/fax: 00386 1 78 78 040 c mail: Demografski padec... Po novi definiciji v Sloveniji nekaj manj prebivalcev Trst - Z uvedbo nove definicije prebivalstva, ki jo narekuje uredba EU, se bo število prebivalcev Slovenije v primerjavi s podatki po veljavni definiciji zmanjšalo, ugotavljajo na državnem statističnem uradu. Razlog so kratkotrajni priseljenci, ki so bili do sedaj vključeni v prebivalstvo takoj ob prijavi prebivališča. Po novi definiciji se bo za prebivalca Slovenije štela oseba s prijavljenim prebivališčem, ki v njem prebiva vsaj leto dni in ni začasno odsotna v tujini leto ali več. Državljanstvo osebe pri tem ni pomembno, je na novinarski konferenci statističnega urada povedala vodja oddelka za demografske statistike Apolonija Oblak Flander. Po podatkih STA se bo tako število prebivalcev v primerjavi z izračuni po veljavni definiciji zmanjšalo za 15.597 oz. 0,8 odstotka na 2.010.269. Ker bodo po novem v prebivalstvo vključene šele osebe, ki bodo prijavile prebivališče z namenom prebivanja v Sloveniji leto dni ali več, med kratkotrajnimi priseljenci pa prevladujejo predvsem moški, se bo njihovo število znižalo za 14.091 oz. za 1.4 odstotka. Število žensk pa se bo zmanjšalo za 1506 oz. za 0,1 odstotka. Pri tem je Apolonija Oblak Flander kot pomembno novost izpostavila, da se bodo osebe, ki imajo poleg stalnega prijavljeno tudi začasno prebivališče in tam bivajo vsaj leto dni, po novem razvrstile na naslov začasnega prebivališča. Zato se bo spremenila razporeditev prebivalstva Katoliška univerza v Sloveniji (nadaljevanje s str. 13) Slovenska katoliška univerza bo predvidoma decentralizirana, torej bodo študentje lahko študirali po vseh večjih slovenskih mestih, njen sedež pa bo v Stiškem dvorcu. Za financiranje bo pos-rbljeno iz več virov. K financiranju univerze se bo zavezala SŠK, ki bo ustanovila tudi fundacijo, prek katere bodo univerzo financirali donatorji, večja podjetja. Iz tega vira bo poskrbljeno tudi za štipendije študentom, saj mag. Jamnik poudarja, da je eno od načel slovenske katoliške univerze tudi to, naj ne bo niti enega študenta, ki zaradi pomanjkanja finančnih sredstev ne bi mogel študirati. SŠK se o možnostih delnega financiranja katoliške univerze namerava pogovarjati tudi s slovensko vlado. ■ V nepozabni spomin ob prvi obletnici smrti Miro Odar umrl 6. julija 2007 Tiho si odšel.. Le srce in duša ve kako boli ko Tebe več med nami ni. Naše misli so pri Tebi danes - in vse dni. Uživaj Božji mir v večnosti! Žalujoči: žena: Milka hčerka: Dori sin: Andrej in žena Barb vnuk: Bryan vnukinji: Cathy in Ami pravnukinja: Emily Richmond Hts., Ohio po regijah, občinah in nižnjih teritorialnih ravneh. Nove izračune bodo začeli objavljati v kratkem. Število prebivalcev se bo po novi definiciji povečalo v 26 občinah, zmanjšalo pa v 182. Več prebivalcev bodo po novem imele tudi občine, kjer je večje število socialnih ustanov, denimo domov za starejše občane ali zavodov za usposabljanje otrok, mladostnikov in drugih oseb z motnjami v razvoju. Na statističnem uradu so sicer predstavili podatke o številu prebivalcev za leto 2007, ki so jih izračunali še po stari definiciji. Konec leta 2007 je v Sloveniji živelo torej 2.025.866 prebivalcev, kar je 15.489 oseb oz. 0,8 odstotka več kot konec leta 2006. Večino porasta so predstavili moški. Teh je konec lanskega decembra v Sloveniji živelo 1.000.624, kar je 13.642 več kot leto dni prej. Žensk pa je bilo 1.025.242. Število prebivalcev Slovenije se je v letu 2007 povečalo predvsem na račun tujih državljanov s prijavljenim začasnim prebivališčem. Njihovo število V LJUBEČ SPOMIN Ob deseti obletnici, odkar Te je Bog poklical v večno življenje 20. julija 1998. Lojze Bajc Deset let je že minilo, odkar Te več med nami ni, toda ljubeč spomin na Tebe, dragi...... ostal bo nam do konca naših dni. Lahko naj Te zemlja krije, spavaj mirno in sladko, luč nebeška naj Ti sije, mir in pokoj naj Ti bo. Žalujoča družina: Žena Maria hčere Danica, Marijana, Karolina z družinami, in Johanna sin Andrej z družino vnuki in vnukinje sestri Ivanka in Ana v Sloveniji in ostali sorodniki (F Pesmi j., inMelodije iz Nase Lepe Slovenije RaJfjifc] Družina Onvbmi EDI MEJAČ tadiirihf Dmlim wcsaag.jrM NnJdja 9'10 ant Sredi 6-7 pra 3-103 Soonradt Dri« Wlllou^hrif Klili, OH -MOH H0-33J-I7TOtuM Mii: M-ww.wcih.nig se je povečalo skoraj za dve tretjini oz. za 14.120. Konec leta 2007 je v Sloveniji živelo 36.578 tujih državljanov s prijavljenim začasnim prebivališčem. tujcev s prijavljenim stalnim prebivališčem pa je bilo 32.043. ■ Novi glas, 3. jul. 2008 Z Ameriško Domovino pokrivamo slovenski svet Košček slovenske domovine (NADALJEVANJE S STR. 12) Pristava, ki ji pravijo “košček Slovenije izven Slovenije,” je bila kupljena za 21.000 dolarjev, s prostovoljnim delom pa so kasneje postavili otroška igrišča, zgradili dvorano, poimenovano po enem od pobudnikov ustanovitve Hinku Lobetu, imajo tudi olimpijski bazen, počitniško naselje, kjer so bile najprej prikolice, sedaj pa se gradijo bungalovi. “Poleg lastnih vodnih virov imamo danes tudi nahajališče zemeljskega plina,” je dejal Ribič. Na Pristavi prvo nedeljo v juniju odprejo sezono s piknikom, sklenejo jo pa ponavadi oktobra s kolinami. Po novem bodo imeli tudi silvestrovanja. Ob vhodu na Pristavo je oskrbnikova hiša, obiskovalci na začetku opazijo majhno spominsko kapelico, velik križ in spomenik žrtvam povojnega komunističnega nasilja z imeni največjih grobišč. Postavljena je tudi kapelica Brezijanske Marije in spominsko obeležje slovenskim domobrancem iz druge svetovne vojne. “Zanesljivo ste slišali, da je bilo v preteklosti nekaj trenj, vendar mi nismo nobena politična organizacija. Za Slovence pa tako ali tako velja rek: pet Slovencev pet političnih strank,” se je pošalil Ribič. Milan Ribič se je rodil 12. septembra 1947 v Križevski vasi pri Dolskem med Litijo in Ljubljano. V ZDA se je preselil leta 1971 skupaj z mamo, ki je želela biti blizu svoje družine. Mamini starši iz družine Povirk so po drugi svetovni vojni bežali pred komunisti. V ZDA se je potem izšolal za strojnega orodjarja. Soproga Breda prihaja iz Gorenjske, v ZDA pa je prišla leta 1972. Pred dnevi je po Andreju in Klemnu tudi njun najmlajši sin Andrej na Pristavi proslavil diplomo. Ribič je predsednik Slovenske pristave zadnjih sedem let, skupaj pa 11 let. Prvič je bil izvoljen za predsednika leta 1991. Prvi predsednik Slovenske pristave je bil sicer Jernej Slak. ■ 'Demokracija _i___________ Tedenska revija Demokracija! Približajte si domovino svojih prednikovi Želite na 74 straneh izvedeti, kaj se dogaja v Sloveniji, zamejstvu in med Slovenci po svetu? Naročite revijo Demokracija! Z njo bo Slovenija prišla v vaš dom. Demokracija razkriva preteklost, opisue in analizira sedanjost. Mesečna naročnina na revijo, ki vključuje tudi letalsko poštnino, ie 23.66 USD. Revijo lahko naročite po elektronski pošti: ali na telefon: + 386 1 230 06 66. “Zamejstvo in izseljenstvo” Revija Demokracija v Ljubljani izhaja kot tednik in ima redno rubriko z gornjim naslovom. V obliki te rubrike je še druga, manjša, ki se imenuje “Tedenski utrip''. Vsebuje krajše vesti o zamejcih in izseljencih. V prvih dveh julijskih številkah sta v tej rubriki izšli dve poročili, ki utegnejo zanimati bralce. Slovenski cerkvi . grozi zaprtje Demokracija, 10. VII. 2008 Ameriška škofija Allentown v zvezni državi Pennsylvanija se je odločila, da bo ta mesec zaprla ali združila 47 župnij oziroma cerkva. V tem okviru je na žalost predvideno tudi zaprtje slovenske cerkve sv. Jožefa v Bethlehemu, ki so Jo začeli graditi leta 1913 slovenski priseljenci iz Prekmurja. Škofija Allentown, ki jo vodi škof Edward Cullen, ima 151 župnij, a jih zaradi pomanjkanja duhov- nikov s težavo vzdržuje, zato bo (je) do 15. julija zaprla večino cerkva. Na odločitev o zaprtju se je pritožilo 22 župnij, tudi slovenska. Pritožbe zaprtja ne bodo (niso) preprečile, vendar so prizadeti odločeni, da bodo šli vse do Vatikana. Proti zaprtju cerkve sv. Jožefa je uradno pritožbo vložil ustanovitelj Združenja pobratenih mest Bethlehem - Murska Sobota Stephen Antalics, ki pojasnjuje, da bi bilo zaprtje cerkve nesmiselno, saj je dostopna za invalide, ima dve parkirišči, zgradba pa je v odličnem sta- nju z dobro opremljeno kuhinjo in kletno dvorano. Cerkev sv. Cirila in Metoda, kamor bi morali farani sv. Jožefa hoditi po novem, je v slabem stanju, nedostopna za invalide in brez parkirišča. Poleg tega je cerkev sv. Jožefa središče delovanja Združenja pobratenih mest Bethlehem -Murska Sobota. Temeljni kamen za to cerkev je bil blagoslovljen leta 1914, posvečena pa je bila leta 1917. Od samega začetka jo vodijo frančiškani. Prekmurci so v Bethlehemu leta 1910 odprli tudi edino slovensko evangeličansko cerkev v ZDA, cerkev sv. Janeza, ki pa ostaja. Bethlehem je bil središče priseljevanja prekmurskih Slovencev ob koncu 19. stoletja, ko se zaposlovali v železarni Bethlehem Steel. Mike Polenšek za Obamo Demokracija, 3. VII. 2008 Mestni svetnik Clevelanda slovenskega rodu Mike Polenšek je bil prvič izvoljen na položaj leta 1977, prebivalci severovzhodnega dela mesta pa so ga doslej izvolili devetkrat zaporedoma. Polenšek je zagrizen demokrat, v letošnji predsedniški kampanji pa se je zelo zgodaj odločil za podporo temnopoltemu senatorju iz Illinoisa Ba-racku Obami. Slednjega podpira tudi drugi mestni svetnik slovenskega rodu Joe Cimperman. “Senatorja Obamo sem podpiral od samega začetka njegove kampanje,” je dejal Polenšek in zatrdil, da so tudi ameriški Slovenci zelo razočarani nad administracijo predsednika Georgea Busha. Slovenci v Clevelandu in tudi v ZDA so ob prihodu v ZDA postali demokrati, saj so bili večinoma delavci, za pravice katerih se ta stranka zavzema. Okoli 60 odstotkov Polenškovih volivcev je temnopoltih, manjšinska skupnost belcev pa je etnično mešana, predvsem gre za potomce priseljencev iz vzhodne Evrope in Italije pa tudi iz Litve. Veliko je Hrvatov, Slovencev in tudi nekaj Nemcev. Vse skupnosti imajo svoje cerkve, domove in Trst - V Svetovni zdravstveni organizaciji in tudi slovenski zdravniki opozarjajo, da debelost postaja največji zdravstveni problem pri otrocih in tudi odraslih ljudeh. Do leta 2025 naj bi postal resnejši od nedohranjeno-sti. V Sloveniji se po zadnjih podatkih število debelih ljudi približuje številki sto tisoč, četrtina med njimi pa je že bolezensko debelih. Tudi med slovenskimi otroki se, tako V BLAG SPOMIN Ob 23. obletnici smrti našega moža, očeta, in starega očeta LOUIS MOLE ki je zatisnil svoje blage oči dne 26. julija 1985. 23 let Te zemlja krije, v temnem grobu mimo spiš; srce Tvoje več ne bije, bolečin nič več ne trpiš. Nam pa žalost srce trga, solze lijejo iz oči; dom je prazen in otožen, ker Te več med nami ni. Žalujoči ostali: Frances - žena Louis A. - sin Arlene F. - hčer Kathy - snaha Shawn in Beth Marie -vnuk in vnukinja sestri v Sloveniji. ohranjanje svojo kulturo. Polenšek je ponosen na svoje slovenske korenine in pravi, da je Slovence v Clevelandu in zvezni državi Ohio ter v ZDA odlikovala delovna etika. Ur. AD: Članka sta podpisana L. H., kar gre verjetno za novinarko te revije Lucija Horvat. kot v drugih državah članicah EU, povečuje število debelih in predebelih. Ugotovljeno je, da na nastanek debelosti v veliko večji meri kot dednost vplivajo družinski zgledi. Velika verjetnost je, da bodo otroci debelih staršev pogosto debelejši od drugih otrok. Pa ne le to. Na debelost najbolj vplivajo način življenja, nepravilna prehrana in pomanjkanje telesne dejavnosti. Zdravniki in strokovnjaki z drugih področij opozarjajo, da se je treba tudi v Sloveniji lotiti hujšanja, in sicer s spremembo načina življenja. Ta ne zajema samo spremenjen način prehranjevanja, lahko tudi z dieto, ampak večjo telesno aktivnost. Upoštevati je treba, da ni diete, ob kateri bi se za zdravo zmanjšanje telesne teže lahko izognili redni večji telesni aktivnosti oz. gibanju. Leta in leta napačnega prehranjevanja in premalo gibanja ni mogoče odpraviti v kratkem času. Potrebna je skratka odločna sprememba miselne naravnanosti za bolj zdravo življenje, to so trdna odločitev, volja, pogum, potrpežljivost, spodbuda okolja. Škodljivo je tudi kajenje, ki pogosto pomeni zasvojenost s tobakom. Kajenje žal povzroča tudi rakasta obolenja in srčno žilne bolezni. V Sloveniji zaradi bolezni, povezanih (Dalje na str. 16) ZAHVALA 7. julija 2008 se je poslovil Stanko Žigon (1921 -2008) Ob smrti mojega očeta Stanka Žigona se iskreno zahvaljujem vsem, ki ste bili v dneh njegove bolezni in ob njegovi smrti v mislih in molitvah z njim in z mano ter mojimi najbližjimi. Hvala g. Johnu Kumshetu, g. Jožetu Božnarju in g. Alanu Tedešku za darovano sveto mašo in lepe misli, namenjene meni in mojemu očetu,, pevkam in pevcem za ubrano petje, Radijski družini Edija Mejača in Toniju Petkovšku za informiranje clevelandske slovenske javnosti, pogrebnemu zavodu Žele za tisk spominskih listkov in ostalo organizacijo, in seveda vsem, ki ste v ovojnicah pustili svoj dar. Zbrana sredstva bodo namenjena obnovi cerkve Sv. Štefana v Postojni, v katero je moj oče prihajal vsak dan, vse do zadnjega. Hvala Mariji Sedmak in vsem pri Mariji Vnebovzeti v Clevelandu za organizacijo srečanja po maši in za vse dobrote na bogato obloženi mizi. Rad bi se zahvalil dr. Janezu Vidmarju iz Lemonta, ki se je nepričakovano prikazal na pogrebu in sodeloval pri maševanju, prav tako Matjažu in Kristini Sedmak ter skupini mladih clevelandskih Slovencev, ki so bili ravno takrat na seminarju slovenskega jezika v Ljubljani in so me tako prijetno presenetili s svojim prihodom v Postojno. Prav tako iskrena hvala vsem tistim, ki v tej zahvali niso posebej omenjeni. Navsezadnje hvala mojemu očetu Stanku za zgled skromnosti, vernosti, delavnosti, pravičnosti, humorja in zdravega razuma, za vso vzgojo in dobro voljo, ki smo jih bili z njegove strani deležni njegovi otroci in vsi, ki so ga poznali. Sin Zvone Žigon z ženo Ireno in sestrami Katarino, Bernardo in Branko Euclid, Ohio, 24. julija 2008. Your Bank’s Rate Our Rate* 2.50% 5.10% Call 1-800-THE-KSKJ for representative agent near youl ♦Rate guaranteed for 12 months on a 7-Year plan. Rates may change without notice. Ob nepravilni hrani in pomanjkanju telesne dejavnosti V Sloveniji že skoraj sto tisoč debelih ljudi Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1626. Na prejšnjo nedeljo, 13. julija, je bil piknik Misijonske Znamkarske Akcije na Slovenski pristavi. Jutro je bilo deževno, oblačno, prav nič privlačno za na pot proti Pristavi. Počasi so se oblaki sprehajali k razpršitvi in ko smo prispeli na Pristavo je prenehalo deževati. V kuhinji so hitele s svojo pripravo naše vrle kuharice, zunaj pred dvorano pa so postavljali mize in naše skrbne članice so jih napolnile z ročnim delom, z rožami in s pecivom, da je bil prav lep pogled na vse razstavljeno. S soncem so prihajali prijatelji, dobrotniki in podporniki misijonov, da se je napolnil prostor za udeležbo pri sv. maši, katero je daroval g. Alan Tedeško. G. Tedeško je tu na učenju, da bo lahko nadaljeval njegov študij o svetem pismu prav na kraju Jezusovega bivanja na zemlji v Jeruzalemu, ki bo v angleškem jeziku. Vsi mu želimo veliko milosti in blagoslova pri tem delu in ga bomo vključili v naših molitvah. Tako lepo nam je podal nedeljski evangelij o semenu, ki mora umreti, da obrodi velik sad novega življenja. Po sv. maši smo se postavili v veliko vrsto in bili hitro postreženi. Mladina je odšla proti bazenu, starejši smo pa ostali pri mizah, se srečevali z znanci in si ogledali razne izdelke pridnih rok, ki so bili pripravljeni za nove lastnice. Tudi rož se je nabralo, da si lahko izbiral in si privoščil, kar si želel imeti. Tako je popoldne kar hitro minilo. Pričeli so se vračati od bazena, si napolnili želodčke in počasi se je začel prazniti pikniški prostor. Zadovoljni z izidom lepega dne, v skrbi za pomoč bližnjemu, smo se poslavljali in si želeli srečno vrnitev proti domu. Med nas ni prišel g. Pavel Krajnik, ker se ni počutil v redu. Škoda! Vesel bi bil med starimi znanci, morda bi se počutil bolje. Letos tudi nismo imeli litanij pri kapelici, ker je pač težje hoditi navkreber. kar gotovo naš Nebeški Oče razume in tudi Marija Pomagaj, ki kraljuje v kapelici. Misel pa nam je hitela v tistem času tja gor in se ustavila pred kapelico. V ponedeljek zvečer smo imeli letni sestanek, kjer smo približno zvedeli za uspeh piknika in se pomenili glede našega odbora, ki se v tem času spremeni. Zaenkrat se ni nič spremenilo, vsi so ostali na svojih pozicijah. Še dvakrat se bomo oglasili v našem dolgoletnem časopisu, potem bo nastal molk in bo za marsikoga težko, ko ne bo več Ameriške Domovine. Teden za tednom nas je prinašala misijonske novice, novice naših misijonarjev, ki širom sveta pomagajo in rešujejo duše večnega trpljenja. Nova preizkušnja! Bog z Vami in Devica Marija! Prav lep misijonski pozdrav vsem čitateljem od vseh sodelujočih! Marica Lavriša 1004 Dillewood Rd. Cleveland, OH 44119 V Sloveniji se je v letu 2007 rodilo 19.823 otrok Trst - V Sloveniji se je v minulem letu rodilo 19.823 otrok, kar je največ v zadnjih petnajstih letih in za 4,3% več kot v letu 2006, so sporočili iz državnega statističnega urada, podatke katerege je posredovala Slovenska tiskovna agencija. Najpogostejši imeni sta Lana in Luka, povprečna starost mater in očetov pa se je ponovno povišala. Are you looking for... Additional Life Insurance between $2,000 and $25,000 ? A Simple & Easy to Understand Application ? Payments designed around your needs ? No Medical Exams ? KSKJ44/ AAMWCAN SLOVENIAN CATHOUC | /uM»ON# Has got a plan for you! To speak with a representative near your, call 1-800-THE-KSKJ ___________Proudly serving American-Slovenians since 1894._______ V BLAG SPOMIN- Družina LUNDER NAŠEGA BRATA NAŠEGA OČETA NAŠE MAME ADOLF Umrl 29. julija 1980 IVANA Umrla 24. novembra 1993 ADOLPH Umrl 20. februarja 1966 ŽALUJOČI OSTALI: Marija in Ani - hčeri ŽALOST NAMA SRCA TRGA, SOLZE LIJEJO IZ OČI; DOM JE PRAZEN IN OTOŽEN, KER VI VEČ MED NAMI NISTE. Rodilo se je 10.152 dečkov in 9671 deklic. Stopnja rodnosti za preteklo leto tako pri sedanji stopnji umrljivosti in ob predpostavki, da bo ženska dočakala 49. leto starosti, znaša 1,38. Povprečna starost mater je bila 29,9 leta, ob rojstvu prvega otroka so imele v povprečju 28,2 leta. Povprečna starost očetov je bila 32,7 leta. Starši so 3,1% vseh rojenih deklic poimenovali Lana in tako ime Nika po devetih letih ni več najbolj priljubljeno dekliško ime, zdrsnilo je na četrto mesto. Pogosta imena so še Sara, Eva, Lara, Ana, Zala, Ema in Neža. Prevladujejo torej kratka imena in imena brez šumnikov. Pri dečkih že deveto leto ostaja najbolj priljubljeno ime Luka, v pre- DEBELOST... (nadaljevanje s str. 15) s kajenjem, vsako leto umre okrog 2.800 ljudi. Med vzroki prekomerne teže, torej debelosti, je tudi zasvojenost s televizijo oz. z računalniki. Strokovnjaki nadalje opozarjajo na sporno oglaševanje nezdrave hrane in sladkih pijač za otroke in mladostnike, ki postajajo zasvojeni s takšno hrano. V Sloveniji bodo z novimi ukrepi vlade prepovedali uporabo nezdrave hrane v šolah. Nezdrava so živila z veliko maščobami in prevelikimi odmerki sladkorja in soli. M. Novi glas. 22. V. 2008 teklem letu ga je dobilo 3,5% vseh dečkov. Priljubljena deška imena so še Nik, Jan, Nejc, Žan, Žiga, Anže, Matic in Aljaž. 317 dečkov in 341 deklic je dobilo sestavljeno ime. Med fantovskimi imeni se je največkrat pojavilo ime Žan Luka, med dekliškimi pa Ana Marija. Druga sestavljena imena so praviloma unikatna, le redka se pojavijo dvakrat ali trikrat. Dvojni priimek je v preteklem letu dobilo 1127 otrok, kar je 5,7%. To je verjetno povezano s povečevanjem števila rojstev otrok staršem, ki niso poročeni, a živijo v zunajzakonskih skupnostih. Novi glas, 10. jul. 2008 Še nekaj podatkov o očetih iz poročila v Novem glasu 17. Jul. 2008: Dve tretjini očetov (v Sloveniji) sta pridobili srednješolsko izobrazbo. Nekaj manj kot 15% očetov je končalo osnovno šolo, 16% pa višjo ali visoko šolo. Okrog 60% očetov je bilo ob popisu leta 2002 zaposlenih, 10 odstotkov samozaposlenih, dobrih 20% jih je imelo status upokojenca, 7% očetov pa je bilo brezposelnih. Starost očetov ob rojstvu otrok narašča. Očetje so bili ob rojstvu otroka leta 1985 v povprečju stari 29 let, deset let pozneje 31 let, leta 2005 pa 33 let. Tega leta je bilo ob rojstvu otroka manj kot 25 let starih 7% očetov. ■ MODROST TEDNA “Za novo in trajno združitev /Evrope, op. ur./ so pomembna politična, gospodarska in pravna sredstva, hkrati pa je nujna tudi etična in duhovna prenova, ki črpa iz krščanskih temeljev, iz katerih Evropa raste. Vemo, da je človek brez tega vitalnega humusa izpostavljen nevarnosti samoodre-šitve, ki je v 20. stoletju povzročilo veliko osiro-mašenje človeške družbe. Današnja Evropa, ki Je doživela dve svetovni vojni, balkansko morijo in tragični propad velikih ideolo-gij, še vedno išče lastno istovetnost in svoj pravi obraz." Ljubljanski nadškof in metropolit Alojz Uran