Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished' American Home over 100 years of serving American Slovenians USPS 024100 Amerk oul ilJuZn°ZZZ)/A N0J-9Nnyv 0111 ldV ay asnoHidnoo wet VPNVAVHM NVIM SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER Vol. 106, No. 12 ISSN Number 0164-68X AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 25, 2004 Phone: (216)431-0628 e-mail: ali^buckeyeweb.com 70c Signing of Charger of Cooperation, seated in front row are Sister Ruth Mary Powers H.M., Major Superior of the Sisters of Humility of Mary, and Fr. Robert Scul'in S.J., Provincial of the Detroit Province of the Society of Jesus. Back row, left to right, Tom Bennett, Corporate Work Study Director, Fr. Joseph Boznar, pastor, St. Vitus Parish, Jeanette Polomsky, Admissions Director, Terri Esber, secretary St. Martin dc Porres (high school) (SMDP), Richard F. Clark, president (SMDP), Judy Carey, Vice President, Director of Human Services (SMDP), and Byron Thompson, Coordinator, Corporate Work Study Program (SMDP). Charter of Cooperation Signing The Detroit province of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) and the Sisters of Humility °t Mary, major Roman Catholic religious orders in the United States, had the official signing and endorsement of a “Charter Letter of Cooperation” on March 16 with representatives of the new St. Martin de Porres High School, 6111 Lausche Avenue, Cleveland. These two key endorsements by both religious orders are to provide and oornmit resources to enable ^t. Martin de Porres High School to meet projected operating costs for the next five years. St. Martin de Porres (SMDP) High School will open with its first class of 100 freshmen in August 2004, The mission of the School is to provide a Catho-lc college preparatory eduction to children who oth-ervvise would not be able to ^fford such an opportunity, oo school will be leasing le former elementary and f^ditorium buildings of St. k 'tus Parish. The school will e co-educational for stu-dents of all faiths. St. Martin de Porres High chool will be the first Catholic high school to open in Cleveland in the past 50 years. One unique feature of St. Martin de Porres is the innovative corporate work-study program whereby each student works five days a month at offices of participating Cleveland companies. This approach enables financing of approximately 70% of the cost of the students’ education. The projected remainder of students’ tuition is $2,000. This educational alternative is for students who have limited access to a tuition-based secondary school, primarily in urban centers in the USA. There are currently five existing schools in Chicago, Los Angeles, Austin, TX, Denver, and Portland, OR. SMDP will be part of this “Cristo Rey” network of schools. Cristo Rey means Christ the King in Spanish. Cristo Rey network schools have achieved a daily attendance rate of 97% with 87% of graduates attending universities across the USA. Other Cristo Rey schools set to open or are under a feasibility study include Waukegan, New York (South Bronx), Lawrence, MA, Boston, and Delaware. God wants spiritual fruit... not religious nuts. . ______ -St. Mary’s Alumni News Slovenian Traces Around Globe Slovenian immigrants serve as key partners of their native land. Although scattered all over the world, many gather in Slovenia every year on the first weekend of July for a traditional meeting of Slovenian immigrants. The central event of last year’s “Meeting in My Country” was held at the lakeside resort of Bled on July 6, featuring a number of Slovenian cultural groups from around the globe. Organized by the Slovenska izseljenska matica, the Slovene emigrants association. ‘Meeting in My Country’ involves several events which give expatriates as well as Slovenians at home a chance to get to know each other better. The events range from artistic exhibitions, music and sporting events, round-table debates, symposiums, host appearances by emigrant cultural groups, as well as traditional Slovenian language summer courses. Last year, 30 Slovenian expats set out for the highest Slovenian peak, Mt. Triglav. A tradition of this kind of socializing goes back to 1956, when a Slovenian emigrant’s picnic was organized in Polhov Gradec, near Ljubljana, as part of a visit by a strong delegation of Americans of Slovenian descent. The last emigrants’ pipnic was held in Škofja Loka in 1988, whereupon the event developed into the much broader ‘Meeting in My Country.’ Strong Emigrant Community Slovenians are inventive, diligent and business-oriented people. Wherever they have migrated, they have found their place under the sun and brought a part of their home culture along into the wider world. Their enterprising spirit can be traced among the first immigrants who left their largely farming-oriented homeland at the turn of the 19'1' century, and particularly among economic immigrants, who went abroad mainly to seek better business and job opportunities. Even today, they are associated with a number of cultural, social and religious clubs, societies and organizations. They meet for holi- days or Slovenian language hours, exchange their experiences, carry on Slovenian traditions and even publish Slovenian newspapers. As Slovenia was struggling for its independence more than a decade ago, they helped to actively promote its international recognition. There were several waves of immigration, which did not cease until recently. Most Slovenians settled in the United States, Canada, the western European countries, Australia, Argentina and other countries of South America. Many -individuals can also be found elsewhere, among them missionaries, adventurers, and entrepreneurs, who despite their reluctance to admit it, have themselves become immigrants over the years. In Europe, Slovenian immigrants mainly live in the EU member states and Switzerland. Most of them would admit that life in Slovenia is of a higher quality, yet they seem to compensate for this through higher earnings abroad. Many immigrants say that Slovenia still does not afford enough opportunities for entrepreneurs. Moreover, they feel less and less as foreigners in their adopted homelands, and will feel even less so when Slovenia becomes a full-fledged member of the EU. The majority of Slovenians certainly emigrated to the United States. For some time before World War II, Cleveland figured as the second largest Slovenian city and is even today home to the largest Slovenian expatriate community. While they emigrated to the United States mainly before World War II, most Slovenians who left their homes after the war settled in Canada and Australia, as well as Latin America, particularly in Argentina. In Canada and Australia, Slovenians make up a constituent part of the multiethnic communities, made possible by policies in both countries that promote mul-ticulturalism. Slovenians abroad have always enjoyed the support of their native country: Slovenska izseljenska matica issues publications intended for immigrants, as well as books of fiction and nonfiction written by them and provides other assistance they require. It is well aware that Slovenians abroad remain important partners of their homeland. Country Slovenians Germany 30,000 France 4,000 Belgium 1,500 Sweden 4,000 Switzerland 4,000 Austria 8,000 Bosnia-Herz. 6,000 Croatia 22,300 Serbia-Montne. 5,000 United States 124,000 Canada 30,000 Argentina 1,500 Australia 25,000 Comment: Might be in- teresting to know how Slovenia News arrived at these numbers as not all Slovenians care to reveal their origins. 7 ^s a case in point, past U.S, . Senator and current New School Univer- sity President i n New York City, Bob Kerry, whose mother is Slovenian, de- dined to even respond per- sonally to an invitation to the monthly Slovenian social gathering in New York City. I gather that not any ethnicity is equal in the U.S., even today. 1 note that “sons” of Italy or Ireland boast of their origin while promoting their political views. --Henry Stalzer Danbury’, CT Beautiful Countryside in Sloveni ŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 25, 04 w 1 AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $35 letno za ZDA; $40 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (v ZD valuti) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currency Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published weekly, except 1st week in July and 1 week after Christmas, for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 12 March 25, 2004 MFLEcnom by mm Barberton Beer Joint Ohio: heart of elections by RUFY FLIS * I This past week 1 was in Barberton, Ohio with a coworker who suggested we stop in a beer joint for lunch. The only place I could think of was across the street from a McDonald’s where I sometimes stop for a fish sandwich. I consider it downtown Barberton. It is a few blocks from beautiful Anna Lake and a block further from a World War I artillery [Hebe sitting on old-fashioned hard rubber wheels. J*h$ye never seen an old gun tb huge. If ever I drivle my car off the road at that comer, it’s the cannon’s fault. Back to the beer joint, which had an “open” sign in front, next to the locked door, not far from the side entrance we used. Inside I saw the place was crowded, all booths and tables occupied, but some bar stools were unoccupied. My elbows were a little rusty, but as I leaned over on the bar, I felt quite natural. Each of us received a menu from the bartender. I put on my eyeglasses and scanned the menu; and almost immediately my eyes rested on a single word “Slovenian” - spelled correctly and used as an adjective to describe their sausage sandwich. I asked the bartender, “Where do you get your Slovenian sausage?” He told me they get the sausage from a butcher in town and that one of the part owners of the beer joint was Slovenian. I have driven past the Slovenian Home in Barberton, I have read articles in the American Home about Barberton, and now my body has been nourished in the “Henry Bank Cafe” in Barberton. Henry Bank Cafe has a bit of Slovenian heritage in it, although you would never have guessed it this past Saint Patrick’s Day when all in the cafe were wearing the green. I thought Henry Bank Cafe was a nice place where I had a tasty lunch, even if it was only a little Slovenian, and a lot of Irish. Jim’s Journal By Jim Debevec Voters have never reelected an incumbent President whose last name consists of only four letters. And the off-spring of former Presidents have not been reelected either. Four-letter Presidents who failed to win a second term are: William Howard Taft, Gerald Ford, and George H. W. Bush. Sons of former Presidents who got the ax are John Quincy Adams and Benjamin Harrison. A way to solve this problem is for Bush to change his last name and add more letters to it. For instance, he would do well if he took the name Mlakar. He’d not only gamer the proud ethnic vote, but we could make him an honorary Slovenian, and urge him to join Slovenska Pristava which is a nice cool, green place to go in the summer beside his dusty ranch in Texas. This would help him garner the important Midwest and Conservation vote at the same time. What he could do about his Dad being President, I haven’t a clue. I can only offer so much help, the rest he’ll have to figure out for himself. WASHINGTON - Most recent political events in Ohio have featured Democratic candidates eagerly courting voters. But on a recent Saturday, at the Brecksville Community Center in Cleveland, more than 100 Republican volunteers gathered to leam a delicate art: how to defend President George W. Bush and help blunt the Democratic message that Mr. Bush is responsible for the state’s ailing economy. Republican party officials instructed the volunteers to tell voters that Mr. Bush had inherited the recession from former president Bill Clinton; that the controversial free trade agreements that were sending jobs overseas were created by Democrats; and that the call to repeal Mr. Bush’s tax cuts would kill the economic recovery. It was an early taste of the general election battle that lies ahead in a state both parties view as pivotal in their quest to capture the White House in November. No Republican has ever been elected president without winning Ohio. Just two Democrats - Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1944 and John F. Kennedy in 1960 - have won the presidency without winning the state. Mr. Bush carried Ohio by just 4 percentage points in 2000 and is working hard to hang on to it. He has visited the state several times as president and it is considered a high priority by his re-election team. Some campaign strategists regard Ohio as the “Florida of 2004” -the state most likely to swing the election. Ohio is second only to Missouri as a bellwether state with a remarkable knack for picking the winner in presidential elections. In recent years, Ohio has tipped towards the Republicans, who hold the governor’s office and both state legislative chambers. Democrats tend to lead in the state’s largest cities. In the Democratic race, Ohio has provided fertile ground for a strong economic pitch by John Kerry who has highlighted the state’s grim economic situation. Ohio has lost nearly 265,000 jobs in the past three years - 160,000 of them in manufacturing. —Financial Times It is only possible to live happily ever after on a day-to-day t,asis_ -Margaret Bonnano Golub Funeral Homes 4703 Superior Ave. -Suburban facilities available * - 391-0357 - Karla Golub Sodnicar and Emil J. Golub “Service To Render A More Perfect Tribute The most successful businessman is the person who holds onto the old just as long as it is good, and grabs the new just as soon as it is better. —Robert P. Vanderpoel 100 WORDS MORE OR LESS bv John Mercina Slovenia and Slovenians on e-Bay! i '.'.it >/• IF you get on the Web and do not visit e-Bay, YOU are missing a lot: Here is a typical list of offerings on e-Bay, available for your bidding, that has to do with either “Slovenia” or “Slovenian’*, on March 20,2004; □ Talk Now Slovenian, beginning CD □ Set of 4 Slovenian coins □ Dick Tody - Greatest Slovenian Polka Hits CD □ Slovenian Flag Cufflinks □ Slovenian Flag □ Tony Omerzo - Slovenian Style Polka □ Slovenian Beret □ Slovenian Wool Pants Q Slovenian folk tale in English, “How the Sun was Brought Back” □ 92 Chairs made by Novoles in Slovenia, for sale in Roanoke, Virginia □ TY Beannie Slovenian Bear □ 92 page Declassified Thesis: Study of Slovenian Independence □ Used Cooking Book of 140 Slovenian Recipes □ Polka LP Record by Andrej Fritz □ McDonald’s Lapel Pins of Slovenia □ Postcard of Celje, Slovenia □ HO Scale Train Made in Slovenia □ Mikasa Slovenian Vase □ Slak LP Record □ Glasbena Matica LP Record □ Slovenian Flag Sunglasses □ Slovenian Windbreaker □ Obsolete Slovenian Owl Coin □ Slovenian Postage Stamps □ PEZ Slovenian Witch □ 1000 Tolar Counterfeit Note (Just what you need if you will be visiting Slovenia this summer)__________________________________ Life in the Refugee Camps 1948 By Anton Žakelj, translated and edited by John Žakelj EDITOR’S NOTE: Cilka Žakelj passed away on Friday, March 19. See death ■ notice on page 8. (Continued from last week) Thursday, June 24, 1948 My co-worker Janez Levičar was appointed to a Paid position in the camp adniinistration. Frank Lorber Fad that job before him, but Lorber quit and went to a job ln the woods because he be-came so frustrated trying to Work with the British. I con-Statulated Levičar with the Words, “My sincere sympa-jFies! I don’t think you will ‘Le this work.” He disagreed. Another co-worker, Ivan [Jandl, and I met with McKeon, who said our pay 0r camp work will have to e reduced to 120 shillings a m°nth. I argued with him, saying this was not enough t° stay alive. He said I could ^P't and he will find 9 other People to take over my job. e called in 9 Ukrainians ®nd offered them the job, but °L them said they won’t in the camp. One went So f rar as to say he would rather find an unpaid job PPtside the camp. One of . P01 said he would take the p ’ but only until he leaves for Chile. Rudolf Primožič had to to Gradec (Graz) for an Oration on one eye. They concerned that his illness ay spread to his healthy This will probably delay p* plans to emigrate to Chile. J^day, June 25, am St'^ st'** conten ^ selling illegal ph ,e°^ur. I was aske a meeting tod jjhstič and camp lei uding Ozeg and ,e agreed that Va?u* Pay Ristič 10 Kocmur. hi the aftemo n 1 pounded Posts Satnrday, June Ufldev °rkcd in thc thrn the kitche of nUgh 30 - 40,0( ^ Potatoes Man) Wa„ ^°ne bad and *aWftil. I^nday, june 2 soi/^y was a n Pho< SOme of aWalu' Cilka and ‘n the wood; °nday, June 2 ^Tfterf8roup thom- eft f°r Cai Alb?10.8’ ‘ncludir , 'ani’pu5elj,a„d ' .I worked day, I thought I wouldn’t have to work today. But McKeon got angry and ordered us to work. Fradl and 1 pounded another 30 fence-posts. After we were done, McKeon congratulated us and said we could take off tomorrow (the holy day of St. Peter). Tuesday, June 29, 1948 We went to Mass at 8 a.m. Then we heard an announcement on the loudspeakers calling everyone to their jobs, saying that anyone who did not report by 9:30 would face a fine of 50 shillings. Angrily, I put on my work clothes, but when I saw that nobody else was going to work, 1 decided to sjay in my room. I wrote letters to my mother and sister and put together a package for my brother Joze. Svensek went around the camp, collecting donations for a farewell gift for the major, our camp director. Most people refused to give anything, some gave 1, 2, or 3 shillings. I gave 3 shillings and asked the major to return the lace that I had loaned him for display in his office. I know the British, and I know I’ll never get that lace back unless I get it from the major before he leaves. Wednesday, June 30,1948 We buried rotten potatoes near the creek. Primožič returned from the hospital without his left eye. I received a letters with 2 Canadian dollars from my brother-in-law Mire, which is a sign that he is doing well in Canada. Friday, July 2,1948 I received a telegram from Kocmur, asking me to meet him at the train station in Leoben tomorrow morning. I asked McKeon for time off from my job and he refused, saying, “The major is not paying you to travel around.” Saturday, July 3,1948 I couldn’t find anyone to meet Kocmur at the train station. (To Be Continued) St. Vitus Slovenian School Performance The St. Vitus Slovenian Language School will have their spring performance on Saturday, March 27 at 6:30 p.m. in the school auditorium. Everyone is welcome. When the white man came, we had the land and they had the Bibles. Now they have the land and we have the Bibles. —Chief Dan George Slovenians at the Trofaiach refugee camp near Leoben, Austria on June 13, 1948 (names are listed to the extent that the author still recognizes them 55 years later). Photo by Marjan Kocmur. Front row: (left to right), Avgust Clemente, a woman who was secretary for the camp director, Rev. Josip Rot, Rev. ?, camp director Leadbetter (?), papal delegate Jagodic, Rev. Klemenčič, Rev. Kokelj, Rev. Malavašič, Franc Zupan (the music director). Second row: ?, Dobrsek, ?, Marija Dobršek, ?, Povirk, ?, ?, Povirk, Vera Zorc, ?, Zorc, ?, Zorc, ? Zorc, ? Zorc. Third row: Franci Skvarču, Rafko Zonta, Albinca Zonta, Marija Gosar, Helena Klemenčič, Malavašič, ?, Povirk, ?, Povirk, ? Fourth row: Bore Erman, ?, ?, ?, Malavašič (with beard), Dr. Alfred Fišinger, Joze Starič, ? Povirk, ?, Tine Malavaši ?, ? St. Vitus Lenten Meal & Speakers On Sunday, March 28, there will be an ALLPARISH Mass at 10:30 a.m. in St. Vitus Church followed by a simple Lenten meal in the auditorium. At about 12:30 p.m., the inspirational speakers, Mary Lou and Jim Beers will begin their presentation. The couple will tell the story of how many years ago Mr. Beers’ health suddenly failed and the impact it had on their family, marriage and their faith. After the presentation there will be an opportunity for a volunteer donation for the parish food bank. Labor Day Weekend 2005 Bishop Baraga gathering in Cleveland, Ohio. £ .Listen to THE SLOVENIAN HOUR ■On 50,000 Watt WCPN Cleveland Public Radio Sr"* ^ Tony Ovsenik 440-944-2538 IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 27359 Tungsten Rd. Euclid, OH 44132 216—731-9780 For Rent . . E. 200 & Neff Large one bedroom apt. New appliances and carpet. No pets. $450 a month. 440-951-3087 For Rent Up/Cozy Duplex 18031 Neff Rd." Appl. Inc. Washer and Dryer (216)310-8310 KSKI Call a KSKJ representative today for a free quote: 1-800-843-5755 or visit us on thc well ;il: w ww.KSKJIife.coin AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 25, 2004 Mlakar Walks Down Memory Lane s* • Harn by RAY MLAKAR i l i 4 4 1 Before I start, let me be one of the many to congratulate those fine ladies and gentlemen who were being honored last Saturday night in the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair as the outstanding and dedicated people who labor for their various Slovenian Homes. Without kind, dedicated people like them, our National Homes would not be able to exist. From watching our own West Park National. Home, it goes without saying that if it were not for the Piviks and the Lachs, our National Home would have fallen by the wayside. My personal heartfelt thanks to all those who were honored this year. Well, “D-Day” for. the eyes is getting closer, for last week I went to the doctor’s office for measurements. Holy smoke. I never thought measurements were necessary and I did spend some time there. Now that I think of it, 1 did not spend that much time getting measured for my “monkey suit” when I got married some 27 years ago. Fortunately, I had a fine lady technician working with me and she packed me a little satchel with the various eye drops, cleaning pads and special sun glasses to wear after the surgery. What I was surprised at, was that she fore-warned that I could not take baths or shower for at least five days after the surgery. Trying to keep rriy sense of humor 1 told her that I don’t think that was possible for me not to take a bath or shower and she said, “Why will that cause such a problem for I see from your records that you live alone and are a widower.” I said technically you are right, 1 do live more or less alone and am a widower but my dog sleeps in my bed and knowing him, after the second day of not taking a bath, he is going to tell me where to go. She laughed and said, “Well you can take a sponge bath and use a lot of cologne.” She doesn’t know “Harry,” (my Carin Terrier) for I don’t know what he hates more, the cologne or the smell of me not taking a shower. What can I say, “Harry, you are going to have to bear with me. Let’s face it; there were many times when you did not smell like a rose either, and I never kicked you out of bed.” The other day 1 went to do some grocery shopping and unfortunately I had to use the toilet. Normally that St. Vitus Slovenian School Presents Spring Program would not cause a problem, but when I got to where the bathrooms were, I could not read which one was for gentlemen. As if that were not bad enough, I wanted some ice cream and when I got to the freezer section, I could not read the flavors on the carton, so there was a young lady nearby and I asked her for help. I said I am looking for banana caramel ice cream and 1 left my glasses at home. Gladly she said, but 1 think she really thought I was “far out” for I was wearing my glasses. I am just hoping that when the day comes that I get to those golden gates God will recognize me in spite of all my second-hand parts such as false ears, false teeth, and now false eyes. Lord it is really me, the same little old kid that Sister Bernadette bounced around from blackboard to blackboard. I’ll bet my readers will be glad when I get put back together for it seems that over the past few weeks, that is all that I write about. Believe me when I say that before you go to bed tonight, thank God for the senses that you were bom with and still have. Oh yes, I did go through last week’s American Home twice looking for the joke from Rudy Flis. Come on Rudy, I could not have missed it. You know the joke about the drunks in New York looking for a church at 2 a.m. It is not a dirty joke and if you feel it was shady, I promise I will see to it that you get absolution. Okay, Ray, go ahead and tell your joke. It is about “Mr. Wrong and his wife.” Su Song marries Lee Wong. The next year the Wongs have a baby. The nurse brings over a lovely, healthy bouncy, but definitely Caucasian white baby boy. “Congratulations,” says the nurse to the new parents. “Well Mr. Wong, what are you and Mrs! Wong going to name your baby.” The puzzled man looks at the baby and says, “Well two Wongs don’t make a white so I think we will name him “Sum Ting Wong.” Okay, one more, but this is rather long, but as I look at the paper I have room to get this one in. A man is sitting in an airliner which is about to take off when another man with a Labrador Retriever occupies the two empty seats beside him. The Lab is situated in the middle and the first man is looking quizzically at the dog when the second man explains that they work for the airlines. The airline representative says, “Don’t mind Sniffer; he’s a sniffing dog, the best there is. I’ll show you once we get airborne when I put him to work.” The plane takes off and levels out when the handler says to the first man, “Watch this.” He tells the dog, “Sniffer, search.” Sniffer jumps down, walks along the aisle and sits next to a woman for a few seconds. The dog then returns to its seat and puts one paw on the handler’s arm. He says, “Good boy.” The airline rep. turns to the first man and says, “That woman is in possession of Marijuana, so I’m making a note of this and her seat number for the police who will apprehend her upon arrival. “Fantastic,” replies the first man. Once again, the rep. sends Sniffer to search the aisle. Thč Lab sniffs about, sits down beside a man for a few seconds, returns to his seat and places two paws on the handler’s arm. The airline rep. says, “That man is carrying cocaine, so again I am making a note of this and the seat number.” “I like it,” says the first man. A third time the rep. sends Sniffer to search the aisle. The dog goes up and down the plane and after a while sits down next to someone. He then comes racing back, jumps on the seat and poops all over the aisle and the seat. The first man is greatly grossed out by this behavior from a supposedly well trained sniffing dog and asks, “What the hell is going on with that stupid dog?” The handler nervously replies, “He just found a bomb.” ’ With that it is time for me. to sign off while I can still hold the keyboard up close to my eyes. In the meantime may the Good Lord bless and watch over you and above all insure that if you do take a plane ride, that “Sniffer” is not riding in the seat next to you. I myself don’t have to worry for with not being able to bathe, neither man nor beast will sit next to me. Big Fat Slovenian Wedding Slovenian Singing Society Zarja presents their spring frolic titled, “My Big Fat Slovenian Wedding” on Saturday, April 24 at the Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, Ohio. Dinner from 5 to 6:30, program at 7 p.m., and dancing from 8 until ? by the Jeff Pecon Orchestra. The students of St. Vitus Slovenian School have been busily preparing for their spring program this semester. Every Saturday morning one can hear singing and the practicing of poems and skits throughout the third floor of the school. Students are repeating after their teachers or listening for directions as they diligently work on their parts for the performance. Each grade level will perform a special part. The preschoolers and kindergartners will sing Favorite Slovenian children’s songs and perform a group recitation. The second and third graders will honor our Mother, Mary, with a very special poem and song. The fourth and fifth graders will perform a short skit entitled, “Mothers’ Day in the Little Village.” Our oldest students in sixth, seventh, and eighth grades will reenact the installation of the Corinthian Dukes and Kings. The program will conclude with the students singing favorite Slovenian songs under the direction of John Srsen. The festivities will begin at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 27 in the St. Vitus Auditorium. The program will be followed by a delicious hors d’oeuvres and dessert potluck prepared by our parent board. Admission is free. Please come and join us for this special event. It means so much to the children to see a full audience after all the effort they put into such a program. It is a wonderful way to spend the evening and show our support to our youth as well. —Mary Petelin Principal Dr. Zenon A. Klos E. 185"' Area * 531-7700 — Emergencies — Dental Insurance Accepted Laboratory on Premises — Same Day Denture Repair COMPLETE DENTAL CARE FACILITY 848 E. 185 St. (between Shore Carpet and John’s Fun House) CUNARD Euclid Travel invites you to join us November 26, 2004 in New York City for a 10-day Caribbean cruise on Queen Mary 2 Staterooms from $ 1,489pp' (Based on double occupancy Indudes passage, port charges and taxes.) Contact Mary or Donna I-216-261-1050 mlscruising@sbcglobal.net gL/CL/Ojgjg 22078 Lakeshore Blvd* Euclid, Ohio 44123 HAPpy News ©©©©© Spring has sprung! O Well, it looked like that, anyway, and 179 HAPpy "Recycled Teenagers" gathered in Ccllinwood Slovenian Home to rejoice in the nice day. We greeted new members Dolores Preston, and Jean Proell. Welcome aboard, you joined a goooood group! A silent prayer was observed for Ann Kovach and John "Gutch" Kustich, who went to their eternal reward. May they rest in peace; our sympathy to the families. * Our Sunshine Lady Ann Eichler sent cheery cards to our sick friends Joe Drobnič, Dorothy Edmiston, Frank Kalamasz, Jean Lokar, Albert Mam, Frank Sadar, John Sorz, Al Terček, and Dorothy Trepal. Get well quick, everybody! It was great to see several back among us. Frank Sadar really gave us a scare; don't do that again, please! Many thanks to Myra Jerkič and this month's helper Rose Weber for doing a great job with the 50-50 raffle. There were many happy winners. © Eran Kajfez reports we have 117 honorary members, and 57 chomping at the bit. Vail just have to be patient awhile longer, ya hear! Erannie has the Nashville Wp all set up - three marvelous days, September 27 - 30,2004; $443.00 PP. A few seats are still available, and there is a wait list. A Mystery trip is scheduled tor Friday June 11, 2004, $62.25 PP Lots of interesting items on the agenda, specially for the men. Prices are now a little higher - there is a mandatory sales tax added. Oh, well, they get us coming and going, don't they? Cest la vie, as they say; that's life... An urgent reminder: bring TWO picture IDs with you for the Windsor trip! Papers are checked both ways; and you don't want to be stranded across the border, even if drugs there ARE cheaper. .. Thanks a bunch to the kitchen crew for preparing such delicious "Sloppy Joe" sandwiches. YUM's the word! O Anyone still hungry was able to go down to the Clubroom after the meeting, and feast on a Wing Ding dinner. John Hozjan has the perfect touch with the sauce. Another YUM! and no blizzard outside this time! The Man-Woman of the Year banquet, where John is among the honorees, is all sold out. Also many Thanks to Ken Zalar, Cathy Hlad and Teeny Ulle for the wonderful music provided for this YUM YUM party. A good time was had by all. Many of us played Bingo after the meeting, and some people were really lucky. Imagine getting Bingo after just five numbers called! How often does THAT happen? Bet they will be lucky in Windsor, too. Our May 2, 2004 Dinner Dance is coming up fast. Linda Plečnik is cooking; and dinner will be served at 2 pm. Now repeat three I You can never do a kindness too soon because you never 1 know how soon it will be too late. —Ralph Waldo Emerson ^ PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216-732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster times: NO carry-outs! Ray Polantz will provide toe-tapping music from 3-7 pm. Last day to buy tickets at $18.00 PP is April 26. Get them at the next meeting and avoid the rush. Tables of 8 or 10 may be reserved; invite your friends! Tune your pipes up for April 14; we'll sing at Slovene Home for Aged after the meeting. Doesn't matter if some notes are sour; our listeners' ears are not so perfect anymore, either. But they sure enjoy our company! Maybe I should end this scribbling with a joke; who was it already that said "Always leave them laughing"? I forget... Guess the memory is the first to go. .. and I can't remember the second! Hasta la vista, H .W. 0 I Lenten Fish Fries Lenten Fish Dinners wil be available all Fridays of Lent at: the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue - rear mansion club room. Four kinds of dinners will be featured as well as take-outs. Also, St. Mary’s (Collinwood) on Fridays of Lent. $7.00 for fish fries. Shrimp or combo dinners are $7.50. The macaroni and cheese dinners, children’s fish dinners and half dinners are $3.50. Serving from 4 to 7 p.m. Waterloo Slovenian Home will also be featuring fish on Fridays as per usual. Newburgh Slovenian National Home on E. 80th will also feature fish fries and related sea food on Fridays during Lent. Stimburys Accounting Accounting & Income Thx Sewices 496 E. 200th St.. Euclid, OH 44119- (216) 404-0990 Fax (216) 404-0992 taxtlme@en.com http:llstimburysaccountlng.com EnvlKl k> Btton the Internal Revenue Santa SenmnfMMuels Caporatoii t Smel Businesses. Bob Dolgan Talks About ‘Heroes, 5 Scamps, etc., at Heritage Lecture The Slovenian-American Heritage Foundation invites all to attend the first talk in their 2004 lecture series. The Foundation is extremely pleased that Bob Dolgan will discuss his new book Heroes, Scamps, and Good Guys: 101 Colorful Characters from Cleveland Sports History. The event, which is free and open to the public, will take place on Wednesday, March 31 at 7:00 p.m. in the Lower Hall of the Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Avenue in Euclid. A coffee and strudel social will follow the lecture. In his talk, Bob Dolgan will review the many colorful characters who crowd the world of Cleveland sports. As described in his book, Bob will discuss a roster that includes heroes like Rocky Colavito and Jesse Owens. Scamps, from Joe Jackson to Albert Belle. Good guys, like Lou Groza and Mark Price. And a few special cases - legendary grease-bailer Gaylord Perry, for one - who was a bit of each. Sportswriter Bob Dolgan has written about them all while covering the sports beat for The Cleveland Plain Dealer for the last 43 years. His writing has also appeared in The Sporting News, Baseball Digest, and Golf Digest. He was named one of the top 10 sports columnists in America by the Associated Press Sports Editors in 1985, and has won many other national, state, and local sports-writing awards. Since 1995, he has written frequently about sports history for The Plain Dealer, including contributions to a nationally recognized 1997 series on black baseball players and a 2001 series on the lOO11' anniversary of the Cleveland Indians. In 1999 he was inducted into the Cleveland Journalism Hall of Fame. He is also co-author of The Polka King, with Frank Yankovic. A Cleveland ipaUvc and a graduate of John Carroll University, he lives in WiL loughby Hills, Ohio with his wife, Cecilia. He has a daughter, Ann, and a son, Bob. doiLa Funeral Homes Two Convenient Locations 28890 Chardon Rd. Willoughby Hills 440-944-8400 (Formerly Grdina) 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. Cleveland (Collinwood Area) 216-486-2900 A Slovenian Family Serving the Slovenian Community. Dignified-Personalized-Professional Services Dan Cosic and Joseph Zevnik, Funeral Directors I Slovenija from the Air SLOVENIJA if . aus rfer 1 ut< fnmt the air TliRfd is no hotter way to appreciate the natural heauty of Slovenia than from the air. This book presents Slovenia by region, from the Mediterranean to the Alps, from the F.astcrn plains to the l.jubljana basin, Karst region and Soca River valley. With over 200 aerial photos in its 242 pages, "Slovenija from the. Air" presents .1 multitude of dramatic views. An extensive history is provided by writer Matjaž Kmecl. $85. ISKN 86-11-10845-8. Slovenia: My Country The Lilmmi /ottnutl called this “an outstanding book for any library" and said, “The author most assuredly offers readers a chance to see the incredible beauty of Slovenia through his outstanding photography, but reading the accompanying text is just as important as looking af the scenic views." Produced by .loco Žnidaršič, the long-serving photo editor of the major daily newspaper in Slovenia, “My Country” captures Slovenia’s stunning beauty in 277 photographs over its 200 pages. ’Ihxt hy Željko Kozinc. $9«. ISBN 981-00798-9-2. Jih'’) 4«Stf4tSl( \ A- Slovenia i%0- * , -4'M 1 Orders can be placed by credit card on-line: at wwtv.HooksofSlovenia.coni or by sending a check (or purchase order) payable to Hooks of Slovenia to 455 Rialto Avenue, Venice, CA 90291. Prices include shipping and handling (for Canada add $10). 1’or free catalogue (aij (310) 592-4843 or email !5ook.sofSlovenia(fr>comcast.nct. » Number of square miles of forest lost each year due to agricultural development, cattle-grazing, settlements,’ fuelwood harvesting, and tropical lumber: 66 million square miles - an area the size of Virginia and West Virginia combined. 1 ne donkey was first used as 1 political symbol during the campaign of Andrew Jackson in 1828 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 25, 2005 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 25, 2004 Fascinating Story of New Orleans by RUDY PIV1K Back in August of 2003, our son Frank and his two young boys Franke, 14, and Eric, 12, moved to New Orleans, LA. Frank took the job for benefits, medical insurance, pension, and higher wages. So, since August, I have been to New Orleans three times helping and on vacation. My wife, singer Marie Pivik, has been there three different times, but she goes to cook and clean house. The airport is called Louie Armstrong Airport and code is MSY. Frank moved to Destrahan near the Mississippi River. He works for Valero Oil Refineries loading and unloading barges and ocean tankers. They live Vi mile from the Mississippi River and the last week in February while visiting on a beautiful day, I rode a bicycle about 4 miles out west on the river levee, which is a high bank of dirt and stone on an upward slope to stop possible flooding. On top is a paved sidewalk for pedestrians and bicycles which affords a good view of the river. In Destre-han, along the river, are two large grain elevators that store grain that is shipped on barges from northern grain producing states. These two grain elevators are about one-half mile apart and when I got near the first one I could smell grain dust in the air. That is a nice smell for me. On the bike I rode closer to the first ship which was Russian. The next ship had Panamanian flag on the stern; both were loading grain by the chutes. I like ships and one of my best memories of my bygone years was in 1954 when we were coming back from Japan. On a beautiful Sunday afternoon around 3:30 I was at the wheel (or the driver) of the ship when we went under the San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge. Lepa spomin. Getting back to the present, here is a fact. I always thought Louisiana was French, but I found out Germans were involved also. Destrehan is 8 miles north of the airport and in St. Charles Parish. New Orleans is in Jefferson Parish. On Sunday, two boys and I went to 7 a.m. Mass (no Slovenian there). There were four plaques in the area that I spotted. Plaque #4 near the road, read: Fifth-three years before the signing of the Declaration of Independence, five years before New Orleans had a permanent church, immigrants to the German coast, built on the west bank a log chapel to acknowledge their dependence upon God and to express their thanks to Him for leading them to this fertile and free land. With gratitude, we the people of St. Charles Borromeo Parish, heirs of the east bank church, erected in 1740 and of its successor. “The Little Red Church” 1806-1921 memorialize our ancestors during the Bicentennial year of our nation.” Plaque #3 under wooden 10 foot cross of St. Charles Borromeo: “First constructed of logs about 1740, burned and rebuilt in 1806. “This is a famous river-boat landmark, 25 miles from New Orleans where boat captains traditionally paid off their crews. Again it burned and was rebuilt about 1921.” Plaque #2: “Ad Per- petuam Rei Memoriam 1723 - 1973: “To the memory of the intrepid German, Canadian, and French pioneers who left their homeland, endured hazards, survived hardships, and settled on the banks of the Mississippi in the early 18,h century. They and their hardy descendants cleared the wilderness, contained the mighty river, cultivated the alluvium soil, and thereby nurtured the Louisiana colony through times of challenge and change from French Province to Spanish possession to American statehood, the inhabitants of this Cote Des Allemands” under the leadership of the Capuchin priests and successful pastors, kept their faith in God and worshipped him within the parish church of St. Charles Borromeo which gives its name to this civil parish - dedicated June 3, 1973.” The whole difference between construction and creation is exactly this: that a thing constructed can only be loved after it is constructed; but a thing created is loved before it exists. —Charles Dickens Make the gas company wonder if you’ve moved. Our Freedom 90 gas furnace is one of the most efficient you can buy. Over 90% efficient-compared to around 65% for most older furnaces. You can shrink your monthly gas bill to a fraction of its former self. And enjoy greater peace of mind, thanks to the Freedom 90's lifetime limited warranty. So see your American-Standard dealer about the Freedom 90, and give your neighborhood meter reader something to wonder about. AMERICAN Mi STANDARD Built To A Higher Standard N\\ I/// GOR JAN (440) 944-9444 IJV** .Tj 207 Alpha Park Highland Hts, OH 44143 Plaque #1: St. Charles Borromeo Church, Destrehan, LA. “Fifty-three years before the Declaration of Independence, five years before New Orleans had a permanent church, immigrants to the German coast built on the west bank a log chapel to acknowledge their dependence upon God and to express their thanks to him for leading them to this fertile and free land. With gratitude we the people of St. Charles Borromeo Parish, heirs of the east bank church erected in 1740 and of its successor “The Little Red Church” 1806-1921, memorialize our ancestors during the bicentennial year of our nation.” These words are on a regular plaque hanging on the outside wall near the church entrance doors. To our good neighbor Canada, your people helped settle this good land that we call the USA. It’s Cool to be Slovenian We should measure affection, not like youngsters by the ardor of its passion, but by its strength and constancy. —Cicero Review of Slovenian Film ‘Spare Parts’ Spare Parts is a dark, discomforting film from Slovenia about people-smuggling. It is about doing good blindly and sometimes le-thally. Like the new movie Open Range - only this film would be more aptly titled “Closed Cooker” - it has a central due of herding experts, one veteran and one protege, who push people across frontiers rather than cattle across plains. Ludvik (Peter Musevski) and younger Rudi (Aljoša Kovačič) operate out of the grimly depicted border town (where Ludvik was once a champ); and a population of jobless barflies looking for pocket money. Trucking huddled migrants to Italy is one option, where lucky refugees may be arrested, while unlucky ones fall among organ-raiders. The “spare parts” of writer-director Damjan Ko-zole’s title are human hearts, livers and kidneys. But they are also the parts people are ready to surrender for money - conscience, soul, humanity - when their own survival is staked on endangering others. Ludvik and Rudi have signed away self-respect but cling to a guttering decency. They deliver the goods, they don’t betray their charges, they turn blind eyes to final consequences. It’s a grimly half-lit world, with photography to match, a Balkan Graham Greeneland shifty with the compromises we make with idealism. —Nigel Andrews Financial Times Slovenia Intends to Swap Tolar for Euro Slovenian central bank governor Mitja Gaspari said the nation that will join the European Union on May lsl aims to swap the currency, the tolar, for the euro in 2007, as inflation slows. Slovenia’s annual inflation rate was 3.6 percent in February, the lowest since at least 1994 and should fall more, he said. The 10 nations joining the EU in less than two months must meet three key conditions for adopting the euro, including bringing inflation down to about 2.5 percent. “We are going to do our best to take over the euro in the beginning of 2007,” Gaspari, 52, said in an inter- view at his office in the marble-clad building of Banka Slovenije in Ljubljana’s Slovenia’s capital. “We are in compliance in mostly all criteria already but one, which is inflation.” While the largest countries joining the EU, Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic struggle to reduce their budget deficits, Slovenia is within the euro limit, at about 1.5 percent to GDP. While revenue increases after the Eu begins giving aid to farmers and for building roads, Slovenia will keep spending under control, Gaspari said._________________ --Phil Hrvatin Lenten Fish Fries at St. Mary’s St. Mary’s parish (Collinwood) will be offering a fish fry every Friday of Lent from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The fish dinner is S7.00 which includes fish, home fries, coleslaw or applesauce, plus coffee and dessert. Shrimp dinners are $7.50. Kids meals or macaroni and cheese dinners are $3.50. Don’t miss out on this great meal. 6114 Lausche Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Are vou ready to enjoy your retirement? Well then, St. Vitus Village may he the place for you. The village is a pleasant, relaxing environment with a lame, beautifully landscaped courtyard. The village apartments are complete with appl'»nc*»’ '»eluding a washer and dryer. The facility has surveillance cameras, secured parking, fire protection, 24 hour emergency ' ring, £1,ble TV and much much more. Feel free to contact Rudy Stc'rk at <^'6l 36,'030° wi,,, any qu“*ion on how V011 or * rami|y member can become a resident in our very special community. Button Box Bash Set April 4 Celebrate the 100lh Anni-versary of the Slovene Nagnal Benefit Society at Su-! Per Button Box Bash 22 on jStmday, April 4 from 1 p.m. l0 9 p.m. at the Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Avenue, Euclid, OH. B promises to be another Srand reunion of the finest utton accordion players in 0rth America with a gala a,tnosphere at the largest I accordion festival of its kind, i The Slovenian Junior l Chorus of SNPJ Youth Cir-j^e 2 is hosting the 8-hour utton box marathon. The juungsters, ages 6 through - will perform in a mini-I ‘joncert at 3 p.m. Adding to i ,e festivities will be the *lngers of the Lesna Oktet roi4 Slovenia who will sing atT40 p.m. I This year’s Button Ac-I j-ordion Player of the Year, 7% Hlad, a Circle 2 : autUna, will perform. The I ,u,ton Accordion Group of | e ^ear, Captain’s Crew, ‘Ih leader Ken Zalar, will aso be featured and hon-j|recl- An All-Star Show of ton accordionists is cheduled at 6 p.m., with A1 “athstelli, Fred Ziwich, Ron Uki ^•c, and more. The Lipa Park Button Box Club has retired from playing, but the good news is Lipa Park fans and friends will be on hand again this year, with a group^from St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. Admission is $6 in advance or $7 at the door. Musicians with instruments arc admitted free. Dinners, food, and beverages will be available throughout the day. Tickets can be purchased in advance at the Polka Hall of Fame, 605 E. 222nd Street, Euclid, OH 44123, or at the door on the day of the event. For more information call Agnes at 216—531-7168 or Cecilia at 440-944-7303. Scheduled to play: Magic City Button Box Showcase, Barberton; Western Pennsylvania SNPJ Button Box Club, Sygan; Captain’s Crew, Euclid; SNPJ Northern Home Club, Michigan; Magic Buttons, Willoughby; The Hobos; Buttonnaires; Northern Ohio Players; Euclid Squeezeboxers; Happy Timers; Mahoning Valley Button Box Club, Youngstown; Strabane SNPJ International Button Box Club; and Dan Novinc and Friends. Baraga Gathering in Florida j he I7,h annuai Michigan Bi Columbus and LS °P Baraga Day in Flor-t , Was held on Saturday, I ^ary 28"' in Holiday, TL an i ^ commenced with Vj a.m. Mass at St. lucent DePaul Church fol-pr Cc* hy a luncheon and kgra"i at Father Farrell kal1*'1 No- 6476‘ This an' 'he fv.ent ‘s sponsored by I po| ^‘chigan Knights of ^Uthbus and chaired by and Mrs. Herbert |Gi„gener and Mr. and Mrs. j '""Bwy. , e Principal celebrant at Mar 388 Was father Mario ViCa2°Cchi> S.S.S. Parochial Parjr’ ^t. Vincent DePaul | for Sp ancl Council Chaplain ather Farrell Council ! tlie ^476. Concelebrating Alo ^ass was Father denys,Us J- Hribšek, an ar-cans SuPP°rtcr of the Baraga a1clb fr0m Bridgeport, CT, Qdenton, FL. spirjjj Cr Mario gave an in-the j? homily comparing J ,)ients CS an(i accomplish-| Mcq- Fr. Michael J. I ^oltimLey’ the Knights of ^isfio US founder and bein p Baraga. Both are Ca'ion 0nsidered for Beatifi-c°ncen their work and ^ribsej 0r needy. Father "'■th . Coricluded the Mass 'ifeof^on history of the ‘shop Baraga. Following the Mass the assemblage proceeded to the Council Hall for a delicious lunch. The program following was anchored by Phil Kirkwood, the Master of Ceremonies. Phil is a Past Grand Knight, Past President of the Lansing Columbian Association, Former State Retention Chairman, a UPER and an accomplished public speaker. The next speaker was Robert C. Stebler, Past State Deputy and current Knights of Columbus Supreme Director, who read portions of a letter from Father Alex K. Sample, the Executive Director of the Bishop Baraga Association. The letter gave an update on the status of the Beatification process, and need for a miracle, and the need for our many prayers. Father Sample’s letter also stated: Thank you, thank you, thank you for all that you do. May God bless your gathering and fill you with abundant graces during this Lenten time. In addition, the Supreme Director described his pilgrimage to Rome, the many beautiful cathedrals and chapels and their audience with the Pope. It was all very inspiring. The closing prayer of thanksgiving was given by Father Aloysius Hribsek. Sit,-" are 8°ing to feel stupid someday, lying j, of nothing. -Redd Foxx Slovenia Among Least Indebted Bcatriz Merino, an Associate Director at Standard & Poor’s in London, commented on plans by countries in Central and Eastern Europe to join the European Monetary Union following their accession to the European Union in May. Merino made her comments at the Polish Investment Forum-led by UniCredit Banca Mobili-are and Bank Pekao SA in London on March 8th. On EU Membership: “Accession is already factored into the ratings of the countries joining the EU in May. Membership itself then will have no impact on the ratings, though it of course has a general positive impact on a country’s economic situation, being an anchor for macro-economic stabilization and structural reforms. This information provided by Phil Hrvatin. What is sauce for the goose may be sauce for the gander; but it is not necessarily sauce for the chicken, the duck, the turkey or the Guinea hen. -Alice B. Toklas There are no foolish questions and no man becomes a fool until he has stopped asking them. - Charles Steinmetz | TUNA QUICHE 1 unbaked 9 inch pie shell 2 Tbsp. - margarine % c. chopped onions 2/3 c. milk ; 2 eggs 1 (7 oz.) can solid tuna, drained Vi tsp. salt 1/8 tsp. pepper 1 medium ripe tomato, sliced V* c. Parmesan cheese, grated I Heat oven to 400 degrees. Prick pie shell and bake 15 i minutes. In a small skillet melt margarine and add onion, and i cook until soft. In a blender, place milk, eggs, tuna, salt and pepper, j Blend 5 seconds to a textured puree. Stir in onion and pour ! into pie shell. Arrange tomatoes in a circle on top. Sprinkle i with cheese. Turn oven to 350° and bake 40 minutes or until ! to is lightly browned and filling is set. Set on a wire rack; i cool 10 minutes. X FOOD This Three-Cheese Lasagne Is Cheesy—And Easy (NAPS)—Busy weekdays can make preparing delicious weeknight meals a challenge. But this recipe for Easy Three-Cheese Lasagna, which features several varieties of California cheese, can be on the table within the hour: 10 minutes of prep time followed by 45 minutes in the oven and dinner is served. This traditional recipe calls for a short list of ready-to-go supermarket ingredients, including prepared pasta sauce, dried lasagna noodles, frozen spinach and three kinds of California cheese: Ricotta, Mozzarella and Dry Jack. The Mozzarella is available pre-sliced for quick assembly, and grating the Dry Jack is a snap with a food processor or hand-held grater. Assembling this lasagna involves a simple process of layering the sauce, noodles, spinach and cheese. You can also adjust the amount of sauce to suit your preference. To streamline the process even further, consider preparing this comfort food favorite ahead-of-time; just refrigerate or freeze until you are ready to bake and serve. According to the California Milk Advisory Board, Mozzarella, Ricotta and Dry Jack are just three of the more than 200 varieties of cow’s milk cheeses produced by the state's 60 cheesemakers. California is the nation’s dairy leader and ranks second in cheese production. For more recipe ideas, see www.RealCalifomiaCheese.com. California cheeses are show-cased In this traditional lasagna. EASY THREE-CHEESE LASAGNA 5 cups tomato-based pasta sauce 9 pieces (about 8 ounces) uncooked lasagna noodles 1 10-ounce box frozen chopped spinach, thawed and well-drained Vt cup olive oil 2 cups (1 pound) California Ricotta cheese 10 ounces sliced California Mozzarella cheese 2 cups (about 6 ounces) finely grated California Dry Jack cheese 1. Preheat the oven to 350°. Coat a 9xl3-inch baking dish with nonstick cooking spray. Spread about 11/2 cups of sauce over the bottom, then place three lasagna noodles lengthwise over the sauce (Don’t worry if the uncooked lasagna noodles don’t extend the full length of your baking pan; they will expand in baking). 2. Top with another 1 Vj cups of sauce, then scatter the spinach over the sauce. Drizzle with olive oil. Top the spinach with half of the Ricotta, placing it randomly in heaping tablespoons. Arrange half of the Mozzarella slices on top and sprinkle with half of the grated Dry Jack. Top with three more lengthwise lasagna noodles, another 11/2 cups of sauce, then with the remaining Ricotta and Mozzarella. 3. Place the remaining three lasagna noodles across the cheese, then spread the remaining sauce over it, covering the lasagna completely. Sprinkle with the remaining Dry Jack. Bake for 45 to 50 minutes, until bubbling and the top is browned. Let stand 10 to 15 minutes at room temperature, then cut in squares to serve. Yields 6' 8 main course servings Preparation Time: 10 min. SHELIGA DRUG, INC. Your Full Service Pharmacy 6025 St. Clair Avenue 431-1035 431-4644 FAX . American^press We bi» mos* ">*>' '"surance P'ans • Photo Finishing • Package & Mailing Center • FAX Service • WIC - Food Stamps * Keys Made Manufacturers Coupons y(s/f Us, . Con^\ Spacemen, • Discover • MasterCard • Visa 7 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 25, 2004 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 25, 2004 CECILIJA ŽAKELJ Cecilija (Cilka) Žakelj died at her home in Cleveland on March 19, 2004. Her maiden name was Gantar. She was bom on Nov. 4, 1914 in Nova Vas by Ziri. Her family and friends grieve her loss, including her husband of 57 years, Anton; sons John (Bonnie), Tony (Jan), Joe (Polonca), and Marija (Dave); 9 grandchil-i dreri;, and her sister Manica with her, family in Canada. Her sister Julka and brothers Polde, Rupe, and Stanko are already deceased. Cilka is a member of KSKJ Lodge No. 172, AMLA Lodge No. 14, and the St. Vitus Altar Society. She helped prepare the food at church and school fundraising dinners for over 20 years. Cilka was an enthusiastic lacemaker and worked whenever she could. She received numerous awards for her vegetable and flower garden. She left her childhood home in Slovenia in 1944 to escape from the Communist Partisans. She lived in various refugee camps for almost five years. In 1949 she came to America, lived in Willard, Wisconsin for six months, and then moved to Cleveland. The funeral was on Tuesday, March 23 at the Zak Funeral Home on St. Clair with a Mass of Christian Burial in St. Vitus Church. Burial in All Souls Cemetery in Chardon, Ohio. The family recommends memorials to the Catholic Mission Aid. (MZA). A thing of beauty is a joy forever; Its loveliness increases; it will never Pass into nothingness. i-John Keats MARIA SREMEC Maria Sremec, age 92, died in Toledo, Ohio on Sunday, March 7, 2004. She was the loving mother of Rosalie and of Anita Witt; grandmother of Tom and Alex and greatgrandmother of Gabriel Witt; widow of Michael Sremec; sister and aunt of relatives in Slovenia and Australia. Maria came to America with her daughters in 1956 and spent nearly all of her remaining years among friends and neighbors in the St. Vitus Parish. She worked until her retirement at Triad Metal Products Company. Her daughters remember her for her love of humor, song, flowers, her cat, and for her generous love and courage. A Mass of Christian Burial was held at St. Vitus Church on Wednesday, March 10 followed by internment at All Souls Cemetery, with assistance from Zak Funeral Home. HELEN A. KOVATCH Helen A. Kovatch, 88, passed away on Saturday, March 20, 2004 at Cleveland Clinic Hospital. Helen was bom on May 19, 1915 in Cleveland. Miss Kovatch lived with her niece Rosanne Skuly in Euclid for the last 30 years. She was an inspector for Clevite Bronze Co in Cleveland. Survivors include three generations of nieces and nephews. Deceased family: Rozalia (nee Mam) and Stefan Kovatch); siblings Rose, Stephan (Margaret), Marie (Anthony) Skuly, Ann (Joseph) Kish, Theodore (Mary), Albina and Frances Kovatch. Friends were received at The Dan Cosic Funeral Home, 28890 Chardon Rd., on Monday, March 22. Mass of Christian Burial at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, March 23 at St. Felicitas Church, 140 Richmond Rd., Euclid, Ohio. Burial in All Souls Cemetery, Chardon. There is no end to everlasting life. - Stephen Majercik There is no lesser or greater gift if the gift is love. Love never dies as long as there is someone who remembers. In Memory Thanks to The Waid Family (Clair and Patricia Waid, Ron and Berny Jakopič Waid and Son Bronson) who donated $25.00 to the Ameriška Domovina in loving memory of Tony Waid. In Memory Thanks to Frances Vasle of Euclid, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $20.00 donation in memory of Gregory Vasle. In Memory Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Merela of Willoughby Hills, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $15.00 donation in memory of Karl and Anna Gorišek. Donation Thanks to Madeleine Žnidaršič of Euclid, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $25.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Jerry M. Watson of Zionsville, IN who added a $25.00 donation to his subscription renewal. In Memory Thanks to Lud F. Hrovat of Naples, FL and Seven Hills, OH who renewed his subscription and added a $30.00 donation in memory of his wife, Lillian 10/27/82. Waterloo Balinca Club News Members please join us for a fun afternoon at our Sausage and Sauerkraut luncheon on Sunday, March 28 at 1:30 p.m. in the lower hall of Slovenian Workmen’s Home on Waterloo Rd. Cost is a mere $3.00. Call Vi at 440-943-7212 by March 24. See you there. Healthy Oatmeal Oatmeal is a great source of soluble fiber, the kind that protects against heart disease. But not all varieties deliver the same amount. To get the most from your morning cereal, reach for slow-cooking oats that require at least 15 minutes on the stove. They contain twice as much heart-healthy fiber as instant (six grams per serving instead of three). Zele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at 452 E. 152 St. Ph: (216) 481-3118 Family owned and operated since 1908_ The highest elevation at which trees can grow is called the timber line. March 27 - April 3 Slovenian Ski Trip 2004 to Lake Louise, Canada. $950 from Cleveland (2 per room) (includes round trip airfare from La Guardia via Denver to Calgary, all ground transportation, 7 nights lodging at Ptarmigan Inn, 5 days lift pass). Call John F. Kamin (212) 691-5551. Friday, March 26 Newburgh Slovenian Home, 3563 E. 80th St., Cleveland, OH Fish Fry -walleye or shrimp, pierogi or mac & cheese, $9.00. Serving 5 - 7:30 p.m. Music 6:30 - 9:30 by W. Tomsic. Saturday, March 27 St. Vitus Slovenian School spring performance, 6:30 p.m. in the school auditorium. Everyone welcome. Wednesday, March 31 Slovenian-American Heritage Foundation lecture features author Bob Dolgan, 7 p.m., in Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, OH. Free and open to the public. Friday, April 2 Newburgh Slovenian Home, 3563 E. 80th St., Cleveland, OH Fish Fry -walleye or shrimp, pierogi or mac & cheese, $9.00. Serving 5 - 7:30 p.m. Music from 6:30 to 9:30. Sunday, April 4 Annual benefit dinner in St. Vitus auditorium sponsored by Holy Name Society, Altar Society, and KSKJ Lodge 25. Donation $12. Sunday, April 4 Newburgh Slovenian Home, E. 80lh St. Pre-Easter Brunch with the Easter Bunny. Serving 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Adults $8.00 children $4.00. Tuesday, April 13 Cleveland East and West groups of Ohio Chapter of Slovenian Genealogy Society International meet at Euclid Public Library, 631 E. 222 St., at 7 p.m. Sunday, April 18 “Deseti Brat” Men’s Octet in concert at Lemont Cultural Center. Saturday, April 24 Zarja Spring Frolic concert titled “My Big Fat Slovenian Wedding,” at Slovenian Society Home, Euclid. Dinner 5 to 6:30, program 7 p.m., dancing beginning at 8 p.m. by Jeff Pecon Orchestra. Sunday, May 2 Holmes Ave. Pensioners Annual Dinner-Dance at Collinwood Slovenian Home. Dinner served 2 p.m. Dance to Ray Polantz 3-7 p.m. For tickets call (216) 531-2088 or (440) 943-3784 before April 25. Sunday, May 2 Ohio Boychoir benefit chicken or roast pork dinner in St. Vitus Auditorium, 1' a.m. - 1 p.m. Adults $10> children $5. Take outs available. Saturday, May 8 Jadran Singing Society bids Fond Farewell with dinner-concert, dance at Slovenian Workmen’s Hom« on Waterloo Rd., in Cleveland. Dinner served 5 until 6:30 p.m. Concert 7:00 p H1, Dancing following with music by Fred Ziwich. For tickets call (216) 481-3187 or (440)951-1694. Sunday, May 9 Newburgh Slovenia11 Home, 3563 E. 80th St. Cleveland, OH Annual Mother’s Day Breakfas' Brunch $8.00. Children l0 years and under $4. Serving 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Sunday, May 16 Newburgh Slovenian National Home Salutes Eddi6 Kenik. Dinner 2 p.m. Musk by A1 Battistelli from 3 unit ? Reservations call (21$ 475-7946, (216) 341-6136 0' (440) 467-4971. Donatio11 $18.00. Friday, May 21 Newburgh Slovenia11 Home, 3563 E. 80,h Cleveland, OH Pork, sauerkraut, potato dumpling dinner, $9.00. Serving 5 to 7:3 p.m. Music by Fran*1 Moravcik 6:30 to 9:30 p.m-Saturday, June 12 Folklorna Skupina Kre® Picnic at Slovenska Pristava Sunday, June 27 Ohio KSKJ Picnic al Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, July 25 St. Vitus Slovenian Lan guage School hosts Ant1112 Summer Picnic at Slovens Pristava. Saturday, Sept. 11 Folklorna Skupina ^ 50th Anniversary Perfom'| ance at Slovenian Nation2 Home. Sunday, Sept. 12 St. Vitus Altar Sod^ dinner in St. Vitus Aud* rium. Sept. 24-26 Bishop Baraga L’Anse-Baraga area Michigan. Sunday, Oct. H , St. Mary’s Scn^ Alumni (Collinwood) ^, nual Banquet following noon Mass. Sunday, Oct. 24 . Newburgh slove"j Home, E. 80,h St., An „ Clambake catered by ^ 4 Hts. Catering. Serving 2 p.m. Music by Joe Nova* A common mistake that people make when trying to des> something completely foolproof is to underestimate ingenuity of complete fools- -Douglas A a^, Candy Stores Around St. Lawrence Parish by JOSEPH T. SNYDER The amazing thing about the St. Lawrence parish back in the first half of the 20th century is that there were very few children referred to as Fatso, Rotunda, or Chops that exhibited an undue corpulence. With some exceptions anorexia was more prevalent than bulimia. With the plethora of candy that was available to them from the nearby establishments, the Lenten season became an extraordinary provocation. Within the confines of a stone’s throw from the church, there were three confectionery stores: On E. 81sl there was Fransa Perko’s. On Mansfield there was Kenik’s, then Snyder’s, then Joe “Jacko” Perko, then John and Jean Peskar’s. And on East 80th were Kaye’s, then For-tuna’s, then Marincic’s. Each of these candy stores carried beverages, cigarettes, ice cream, all kinds of sweets, toiletries, and other snack foods. With numerous children filing out of school daily, the target for any loose change was the friendly candy store. The proprietors of each had their own idiosyncrasies which kept their clientele entertained while they encouraged their patrons to he happy with some appropriate goodies. In his hey day, Jacko held court with his sardonic humor. Jonda Peskar would not be outdone as he developed the skill of placing ribald monikers on patrons and passers-by. Franca Perko was known for her tight-fisted pecuniary traits relative to business transac: tions. Fortuna had the ability to evoke laughter from his story telling capabilities, with many juicy adjectives, interspersed. Fie somewhat resembled the famous Wallace Beery, and his heart, like most Slovenians, melted for the children. Aside from the candy stores were the local grocers who had their own set of comics, headed by “Deeky” Perko, who charmed the ladies by his consoling voice and cheerful demeanor. He is that same Louie Perko who was the center of attraction at the St. Lawrence 2003 Reunion Dance last October. He now lives in Oakwood Village and occasionally is seen at St. Lawrence Church with his son, Al. Mr. Strekal had a similar pleasant, cheerful disposition as we recall. Now they pay retirees as greeters at Marc’s and Wal-Mart’s. These modem greeters could take some lessons from the grocers of bygone ages. The grocers provided their own sweets with cookies, gum, and some candy. Sirks, on East 82rd street was the home of the neighborhood vintner, Frank Sirk. His wife, who is still alive today in 2004, was the clerk for beverages and assorted candies. Their one lane bowling emporium was always on the verge of renovation and possible expansion until the Slovenian E. 80th Lanes came into fruition. Mary, a sister of Sofka-the-nurse and Vicitca, was a kind soul who was the eternal optimist. Zupancic’s Beverages came on the scene in the late forties as Bemie, Joshka, and Clarry started up a thriving business with home deliveries of beer and pop. Helen and Theresa ran the store for the candies and pop that were sold to the neighborhood. Lud Hrovat and his wife lived in the flat behind the store. His sister-in-law Mary came around from Maple Heights to help out in the store. She was rather attractive so the neighborhood boys aggregated around the store for a glimpse. I don’t remember anyone ever getting carded when purchasing cigarettes or adult beverages, but everyone survived. These beverage stores, candy stores and other grocers were part of our growing experience in the St. Lawrence milieu. Cultural Visit to Slovenia Open to Young Adults Connecting young adults with Slovenian Heritage, July 5'\ Program: Summer Cultural Visit to Slovenia. The program has been subsidized by the Student Organization of University of Ljubljana (SOU) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia. It was created to give young adults an opportunity to discover their homeland of Slovenia. The program runs annually for two weeks in July and covers some of the most famous cultural,.historic, and natural attractions in Slovenia. Participants should be between 18 and 26 and of Slovenian descent. The program includes a 14 day guided tour of Slovenia including lodging, meals and transportation throughout Slovenia. Admission to cultural events and tourist destinations and introductory lessons to the Slovenian language at no cost to the participants. Tour accommodations will be arranged primarily in student dormitories and small hotels or hostels. Transportation throughout the tour will be provided by minibus or van. Participants are responsible for paying their own airfare and transportation to Ljubljana and personal incidental expenses while on tour. All extra activities written in the program are optional and paid by participants on the spot (approximately $100 US). The program is limited to 18 participants with Slovenian heritage throughout the world. Most commonly these countries include USA, Canada, Argentina and Australia. e-mail: infosou@kiss.uni-Ij.si or contact your local Slovenian Consul for further information. America's Longest Running Daily Show Since 1961 A 2 Hours Daily 3-5 pm / Saturdays 12-2 pm From Kollander World Travel, 971 East 185th St. • Cleveland and Harbortowne Point, Fairport Harbor ^T^^Simulcast in Lake County on Ch. 28, Comcast Cable 'Vi330« and Woddwidgon-linewww.247polkaheaven.com (216) 481-8669 or (216) 952-8669 "At the pulse of an ever busy polka and Slovenian Community" CANCER ANSWERS Questions may be di-^oted to: Cancer Answers, ^•eveland Clinic Cancer Center (R23), 9500 Euclid venue, Cleveland, OH 44195. QUESTION: I have eard of a scanner that can etect cancer anywhere in ^ur body. Would I be able 0 get this scan to check to See if 1 have cancer? ANSWER: What you tl1ay have heard about is galled a positron emission jornography or PET scan. ET scanning looks at how ^eh and how fast glucose ^sed by a tissue and cre-0 Cs images of this. All of c r bodies’ tissues need glu-CeSe as fuel to survive. Can-th S arC raPidly growing so ^ use more glucose than 0l^al body tissues. Ve During a PET scan, a dj ^ SrnaE amount of a ra-oactive substance called is Orodeoxyglucose (FDG) Ejected into a vein in the arm. As it circulates it is taken up into the tissues of the body. Because cancer cells grow faster than normal cells they require more energy and take up sugar more rapidly. As a result, areas of high FDG uptake are seen as possible sites of tumor. A typical PET scan procedure takes about 2 hours. After the FDG is injected, about 45 to 60 minutes is allowed for it to circulate through the body. The scanning takes another 30 to 45 minutes. Preparation for the scan requires fasting from midnight prior to the scan. For some studies, a urinary catheter (a tube into the bladder) needs to be placed. Currently, PET scanning is being used to determine the extent and metabolic activity of some cancers (such as lung, melanoma, lymphoma, colorectal, head and neck, and esophageal) that have already been diagnosed. In some stances, PET scanning can be used to determine if a lung nodule, for example, may possibly harbor cancer. Other uses for PET scanning, such as monitoring how well a tumor is responding to chemotherapy or radiation therapy, are also performed routinely. Only in certain situations is PET scanning reimbursed by insurance. At this point in its development, PET scanning is not useful as a screening tool for early cancers. It does not show very small areas of disease clearly and therefore is not good for finding tiny cancers, although it may be useful in helping us know the best site to biopsy in some cases. --Josette Snyder RN, MSN Clinical Nurse Specialist Cleveland Clinic Cancer Center Offering complete Community News daily and phone in Polka Opinion every Monday Featuring. MARK SEDMAK (Alternative Slovenian music) ALICE KUHAR (Recipes and Traditions) DUKE MARSIC (Strictly Slovenian News) PATTY SLUGA (Women’s Interviews) ED OSTRY (Guest co-host) 8396 Mentor Ave Mentor, Oh 44060 Office: 440-951-2123 Fax: 440-255-4290 MegaMillion Dollar Producers "The Lucas Team" Roger Lucas v.m. 440-974-7207 Donna Lucas v.m. 440-974-7217 email: r.lucas@reallyone.com d.lucas@realtyone.com Dr. Mirko Vombergar D.D.S. 6551 Wilson Mills Road Mayfield Village, Ohio 44143 Call for your appointment 1-440-473-4746 Office Hours - by appointment only. Saturday and evening hours available. Why not go out on a limb? Isn’t that where the fruit is? -Frank Scully AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 25, ŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 25, 2004 Greatest Skiing Down Kranjska Gora RYBOnFRT V. CAM1JT0 A hearty lunch in Slovenia’s Tamar Valley ski area will set you back $5. by ROBERT V. CAMUTO The Washington Post Okay, so I didn’t really train with the Slovenian National Ski Team. But I was able to keep up with them through some turns: Not on the slopes, exactly,, but around the breakfast buffet at the Hotel Kotnik, a family-run property in ej Slovenia’s premier ski resort, Kranjski Gora. < The guys from the downhill team - bleary-eyed 20-year-olds dragging off to another day of work were training for the World Cup event that comes every winter to this town nestled in the Julian Alps, 10 minutes by car from the Italian and Austrian borders. I was there last month simply for a ski getaway in an unpredictable setting -tired of overcrowded, overpriced resorts on both sides of the Atlantic, of long lift lines, high-strung jerks, too much concrete, ridiculous prices and mini-malls. I wanted to tune my technique for a few days in an easy going mountain community, to get some real bang for my tolars (the local currency) and to experience Slovenia - that New Jersey-size sliver of the former Yugoslavia known in Europe as “La Petite Suisse,” o’r the “Little Switzerland” of the Balkans. As I’d cross the border from Italy in my rental car, I knew I’d found the right place. Entering the Zgomje-savska Valley, which I couldn’t begin to pronounce, I saw nothing but small villages, dairy farms and clear mountain streams framed by steep white peaks and evergreen forests. Though it’s been known in the competitive ski world since the early 1960s, Kranjska Gora is just now becoming a favored winter destination for Europeans who seek an Alpine ski trip that costs half or less than one in France, Italy or Switzerland. Thirteen years after the Slovenian Republic declared its independence from Yugoslavia (the war for independence lasted only 10 days), Slovenia is set to become a member of the European Union in May and to switch to the euro in 2007. In Kranjska Gora, it is clear that things are changing. Hotels and guest houses are being renovated, New hotels with casinos, saunas and “wellness centers” have been built on the edges of town. In an effort to show off its international appeal, the new Hotel Prisank features a Manhattan Cocktail Club and a London Tea- room that overlooks its skating rink. But Kranjska Gora has retained much of its down-home character - more Austrian than modern-day Austria, with its superstores, car dealers and high-rise apartments. In the village, you can access the slopes by walking down winding streets lined with tiled-roof alpine houses with puffing chimneys and the occasional wooden bam. At the slopes, the crowd is a mix of families pulling toddlers on sleds, weekend hacks like myself and young hotshot snow-boarders. Over the sound system of a cafe at the mountain base, I heard a Lenny Kravitz song turned into a polka. Bargain Hunters “Do you have any of those real short skis?” I recognized the accent in the ski rental shop immediately. Another American, in this resort populated by Central Europeans, Russians, Italians, Germans and the occasional Brit. The guy working at the sports shop understood the question and produced a pair of two-foot-long skis. Thanks to the public education system and the fact that American movies are broadcast on Slovenian television in English with Slovenian subtitles, almost everyone -particularly young people -speaks some English. I introduced myself to my countryman, Lance, a midcareer Philadelphian getting an advanced degree in London. He had come to Kranjska Gora with his British mom and her husband on a whim. They found deep-discounted fares to Klagen-furt, Austria, and rented a car for the hour’s drive. That evening I ran into the three of them at a local inn, Gostilna Cvitar, and joined them for dinner. The Cvitar, like all the inns 1 saw, was a tidy family place that looked as though it were decorated by someone’s Slovenian grandmother — right down to those little doilies they put under your bowl of soup. Dinner started with cheeses and smoked ham and was followed by plates including beef goulash, sausages and dumplings filled with millet and cheese. We went through several pitchers of local red wine and finished with desserts. When the bill arrived, we were all stuck by inverse sticker shock. We’d run up a 12,000-tolar tab - about $65. “This,” Lance said, gloating, “is really going to be a reasonably priced vacation.” Small But Deadly Vitranc, the mountain above Kranjska Gora, is not huge. With a peak of a mere 5,150 feet, it is a relative molehill in the Alps. For example, better-known and more chic resorts within a half-day’s drive of Kranjska Gora - Innsbruck in the Austria’s Tyrol and Corthia d’Ampezzo in Italy’s Dolomites - are built on mountains twice as high. On the other hand, in Cortina, a mere three-hour drive away, you could easily spend more on lunch (fur coats and cell phones, extra) than you would for a whole weekend in Kranjska Gora. A series of 18 lifts - five chair-lifts and 13 primitive drag lifts that pull you up the mountain on your skis -wrap around the mountain. The easiest and most popular ski runs slope directly into Kranjska Gora. The steep black runs, where the World Cup slalom and giant slalom events are held, turn away from town on the mountain’s back side. Vitranc’s summit has been off-limits to skiers for more than a decade after several skiers fell to their deaths. You can ride a chairlift up to the mountaintop, where a restaurant operates year-round. But if you go in winter, you’ll be told to leave your skis behind. The summit is scheduled to reopen to skiers next season with a new lift and new, less perilous trails. As for my skiing ability: Let’s just say that had 1 started skiing at age 2 - as opposed to 32 - I’d probably have some impressive moves. It didn’t help that I learned to ski just as skis and ski techniques were changing drastically. My technique is a hodgepodge of what I’ve gleaned from numerous ski instructors, - from the Taos hippie chick who explained (in words 1 can’t print here) that I should basically have sex with the mountain, to the French ski bum who smoked a joint before a class in which he spoke a total of two words, “Follow me.” My technical goal at Kranjska Gora was to get back to the basics. There was something reassuring about learning from a guy like Jemej (pronounced “Hair-naj”) a no-nonsense Slovenian with a buzz cut and just enough English to make a blunt point. “You ski old way,” Jemej said less than a minute into my lesson. “You must leam new way.” Jemej explained that with the “old way” on longer skis, you shifted your weight to the downhill ski. For the “new way,” he went on, you skied in balance on both skis, which were always kept on edge. For the next two hours Jemej put me through a series of drills on the practice runs, including skiing with my hands on my knees and skiing with my poles held against my back with my elbows. I think I finally got the new way. I could hear the difference as my skis stopped slipping around turns and started slicing through the packed snow. ‘Good for the Spoon’ After this athletic epiph- any, it was time for lunch. And since the sun was shining and it was a perfect day to be outside in the mountains, I decided to drive a few miles to Planica, the ski-jumping center where the current world record was set by a Finn during the qualifiers for the world championship finals last year. At Planica, I parked the car and headed up the walking trail (there is also a cross-country ski trail) for the hour’s trek to the Tamar Valley, popular with hikers, climbers and cross-country skiers. “The woman up there makes things that are good for the spoon - very good for the spoon,” said Romana, the woman who runs the Hotel Kotnik. I gathered that she meant I would find some good hot food up there. The hike started perfectly - a postcard winter day in a forest surrounded by granite peaks and snow. But about halfway into it, the weather took an arctic turn as clouds moved in, along with gusts of wind that whipped snow into my face at what seemed about 50 mph. Finally the clearing of Tamar came into view, with a small religious shrine next to a wooden house. Inside, I took the last of five tables and ordered something called jota with klobasa, which the English translation on the menu explained was soup made from beans, sour shredded turnips (Slovenian cooking uses a lot of this sauerkraut-like ingredient) and sausage. The. soup arrived in a bowl filled to the brim with a large sausage listing in it like (Continued on page 11) Tony Klepec with the Sisters of Divine Charity invite you to join Highlights and Shrines of Slovenia Sc Croatia August 9 - 23, 2004 Ur;-.;:, -nsrnmm • '• : ■ St Vid in Brezje, Slovenia St. James Church, Medjugorje Visiting: Lake Bled, Brezje, Lake Bohinj, Ljubljana in SLOVENIA ~ Opatija, Split, Hvar, Plitvice Lakes, Zagreb in CROATIA ~ including 2 nights in the Village of Medjugorje Call today for vour brocj\ure! Hollander World Travel (800) 800-5981 (216) 692-1000 WYVW.kottandcr-travel.com K (c a in tel a lin les in, va pr he fa, co sk th, he w, co til, ski da ob 5,( co] k Po loc Us, Op in so, fre toe Pe, as! otl or( gri Po foi tio; dri het ate •no •Ho Pie tan P0i Kr the of ’hr lot 4 to hit Pe 'ht spi Of §e he cl, hi, ab % '4 \ as rea asi hir ap cai $\v k cat Kranjska Gora (Continued from page 10) a shipwreck. I regularly ski 'n Prance and Italy and I can tell you that I have never had a better, more warming ski !Ur|ch than that soup. It cost 'ess than $5. This was tum-lnS out to be one of the few ^cations where I had a Problem spending money. The next evening I Jeaded up to the sleepy arming town of Rateče - a couple of miles from Kranj-ska Gora and 300 feet from e Italian border - where I’d eard from a pair of locals, 1 "'as to find the best local c°oking in the area. I arrived at the inn, Gos-1 na Mojmir, famished from pipping lunch and a hard jty on the slopes, with the ° jective of spending my last l0°0 tolars - about $26. I sat in the bar, where a 0°r TV broadcast a skipping competition from |nd and a group of six pi men - with no apparent e tor the slick new casinos , P the road - were huddled a Card game. s I started with dumpling j, UP) then moved onto a big ph trout served with pota-es and a kind of parsley ask*0 ^0t st0PP'n£ Ph61'6* I ed the waitress for an-0 er Pitcher of red wine and WK? “ ‘arge P!ale °f V U ^orcini naushrooms. j, r dessert, course number ti;r Was gibanica, a confec- nary brick of cream, nuts, j ^ fruit and cheese stuffed een layers of dough. I e half an(i could eat no tiore. ^ * d ordered some of the st expensive items on the ra^u but still left the restau- lockmoncy in my blinded by Snow ^ u my last ski day in j, ^jska Gora, I awoke to Of a^ud of rain - the killer tL, s'ci vacations. I walked °u8h the resort, but the ^ seemed unconcerned: to ast c°ld was supposed tUrnarrive that morning and w *t all to snow. It hap-le ■*Ust ^t way, and by I hit the slopes, the ^ ^as coming hard. Abla 0ffr( Sir;- "Ug through the drifts Sets esh snow is as good as it anc^ as my confidence c(oser^ drifted closer and tH0ll fo the back of the O-. is something errie 0,1 a .°e'nS the only person T Jhairlift in the middle of particularly when ........ 5s yQ achinery looks as ok and you are 45. , did just that. When I S611 ^e top of the lift, tlirect. tbe lift operator for 0,i0ns in English. He was . u-timer c5ke(]M'U.rner 'n a wool cap SW 'Vltb snow and he an- !taijred me •‘“Han " ln rudimcntary tj ®asically he indi-lat one way would be St. Vitus Chicken, Pork Dinner Benefits Auditorium Repair The St. Vitus KSKJ Lodge #25, St. Vitus Altar Society, and the St. Vitus Holy Name Society will sponsor a Breaded Chicken or Pork Dinner on Sunday, April 4 at the St. Vitus Auditorium in Cleveland, on the comer of Norwood Road and Lausche Avenue (one block south of E. 62nd and St. Clair Avenue). On the menu will be a choice of breaded boneless chicken breast or roast pork with liver dumpling and noodle soup, mashed potatoes, rice, vegetable, salad, bread, dessert, and coffee, tea, or milk. Serving will be continuous from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Donation is $12.00 for adults and $6.00 for children. This event will be part of the American Slovenian Catholic Union, KSKJ, Matching Funds Program. The Matching Funds and all of the proceeds of the event will go toward the repair of the auditorium roof at St. Martin De Porres High School (St. Vitus). All are welcome to attend the dinner. Tickets for the dinner will be available at the St. Vitus Rectory, from members of the above organizations, and at the door. --Joseph V. Hočevar Dinner Chairman Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all._______________-Dale Carnegie trails that were easy and the other way - he held his hand almost vertical - would be Pista Alberto Tomba, named after the former Italian ski champion who won five World Cup events here - on the back of the mountain. “Me no Alberto Tomba,” I said shaking my head. At its best, the rest of that afternoon provided some of the greatest conditions I’ve ever been in, my skis disappearing in fields of virgin powder. At its worst, it had the earmarks of a Jack London story. I tumbled down some pretty steep terrain, then sunk thigh-deep in snow when I stood up in my boots. I was in blizzard conditions, and stopped every 50 feet to wipe snow from my goggles. That helped little -the trails were obliterated by a dense white fog and I could barely see which way was up and which way was down. I was alone. At 4 p.m., the church bells of Kranjska Gora sounded for what seemed a full minute. I pointed my skis in that direction and let gravity pull me home. Thanks to Stane Vidmar of Cleveland for submitting this interesting article. Joke: An old man goes to the Wizard to ask if he can remove a curse he has been living with for the last 40 years. The Wizard says, “Maybe, but you will have to tell me the exact words that were used to put the curse on you.” The old man says, “I now pronounce you man and wife.”_____________________ Another joke from Phil Hrvatin. AT ED PIKE HYUNDAI... 0.0% Financing Available -----FOR 60MOS.-- SRRING„SELL-DOWN LLJ 2004 ELANTRA $165 60 MO. LEASE s165 PAYMENT DUE @ DELIVERY 2004 SANTA FE s219 60 MO. LEASE s219 PAYMENT DUE @ DELIVERY 2004 SONATA $199 60 MO. LEASE s199 PAYMENT DUE @ DELIVEI 2004 XG3SO *259 60 MO. LEASE s259 PAYMENT DUE @ DELI Hyundai Advantage , jo YEAR/100,000 MILE POWERTRAIN WARRANTY! 1 “ Uosed end lease plus tax & title with approved credit. 12,000 miles per year, 15c thereatter. No security deposit. Ends 3/31/04. €DPIK€~HYUnDn' (440)-357-7533 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 25, AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 25, Photographer Arne Hodalic’s Book Receives Applause “Photographer Arne Hodalič presents in his new book 12 years of his journalistic and artistic work in a lavishly produced monograph. “The photographer has traveled extensively while shooting for European magazines, and he treats readers to color images that range from Venice, Italy to the “remote mountains of South America.” “Open the book to any page, and it becomes clear that Hodalič relies heavily on juxtaposition for impact. The portraits and intimate landscapes are paired in ways that are sometimes clever, and other times heavy-handed. First-person diary excerpts translated from Slovenian by Erica John De- beljak punctuate the photographs. “Hodalic’s work is always memorable and often moving, and it effectively calls into question traditional lines of perception between photojournalism and art...” Review from the November 15, 2003 edition of The Library Journal of “Voyage into the Illusory Mirror; Photography 1988-2000” by Ame Hodalič. Published in 2003 by Di-dakta Publishing House and distributed in North American by Books of Slovenia, 453 Rialto Avenue, Venica, CA. 230 pages. www.BooksofSlovenia.com Translated by Erica Johnson Debeljak. ISBN 961-6363-47-6.- $100. Donation Thanks to Joseph M. Bernik of Slovenia who renewed his subscription and added a $50.00 donation. Donation Thanks to B and T for the $100.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Frank Lovšin of Euclid, OH who renewed his subscription and added a $20.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kmetich of Highland Heights, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $25.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Daniel J. Hrvatin of Willoughby Hills, OH who renewed his subscription and added a $50.00 donation. In Memory Thanks to Josephine Ponikvar of Cleveland, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $10.00 donation in memory of John and Ursula Ponikvar. Slovenians "R" Us Donations Thanks to the following for their generous donations to the Ameriška Domovina: Millie Skalar, Parkers Prairie, MN $5.00 Theresa Smolič, Greenfield, WI -$10.00 Anton Jurecic, Gap, PA --$15.00 Zdenka Kavcic, Kirtland, OH - $5.00 Anton Brandspergar, Cleveland, OH - $2.00 Frank Mavsar, Cleveland, OH -$15.00 Agnes Tome, Euclid, OH - $5.00 Dorothy Lamm, Mentor, OH - $5.00 Frank Vegel, Seven Hills, OH - $5.00 Vinko Kaplan, Richmond Hts., OH — $10.00 Emma Yama, Wil-lowick, OH — $15.00 Joseph Rus, Willoughby Hills, OH -$15.00 Edward Vertovsnik, Willoughby, OH - $15.00 Frank and Danica Chcmas, Cleveland, OH — $5.00 Vladimir Rus, Cleveland, OH -$15.00 Terezija Zelko, Cleveland, OH - $5.00 Slava Prelog, Englewood, FL — $15.00 Frank Novak, Concord Twp., OH - $5.00 Jerry Zupan, Rutnam Valley, NY -$15.00 John F. Žnidaršič, Newbury, OH — $10.00 Mary Obat, Cleveland, OH -$10.00 Notice of Annual Meeting of Members The annual meeting of members of the SLOVENE HOME FOR THE AGED To be held on SUN DA Y May 16, 2004 at the SLOVENIAN WORKMEN’S HOME 15335 Waterloo road, Cleveland, Ohio Registration: 2:00p.m. - Meeting 2:30p.m. ** Please note: The meeting day has been changed from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon ** Members are cordially invited to attend this important meeting. Members, as defined in the Bylaws, are those individuals and organizations who have contributed : minimum of $25 during the preceding year. For ^®5;16/04 meeting, this is the period from 4/1/03 through 3/31/04. Bleak Prospect of Serbia Joining EU The Kosovo crisis led to the effort to broker agreement between Macedonia’s Slav majority and ethnic Albanian minority. The EU felt guilty - and with good reason: the 1990s began in the Balkans with the pompous declaration that “Europe’s hour had come,” but it took years of ethnic cleansing, Sarajevo and Srebrenica -and American intervention -before a peace of sorts returned. It is a measure of how far things have progressed that Slovenia, the first republic to secede from Tito’s federation, becomes a fully-fledged member of the EU club in just a few weeks. Croatia, like Macedonia, has a “stabilization and association” agreement with the EU, though it has yet to surrender a retired general wanted for war crimes. Serbia is far more difficult. The prime minister, Vojislav Kostunica, is forming a government which depends on the support of the socialists - led by the same warmongering Slobodan Milosevic he helped oust and sent to The Hague in 2000. Its prospects for an agreement with Brussels are understandably bleak. In Britain, instinctive hostility to Europe has been reinforced by hysteria over the impending arrival of 1® “big bang” newcomers Happily, tabloid scare-mongering about “sick m1' grants” and “benefit scroungers” has been trashed by a survey showing that the likely problem is a brai" drain from the new mernbe1 states rather than hords penniless Slovaks or Lithu3' nians washing up in Dover- Back in 1986, Europe311 parliament president Pat C°* recalled, the threatened fl00 did not materialize. “We dlS covered that the Spanish, unlike the British, not unh e the Irish, like to follow the|f local football team, like tog0 to their local pub, like to g° home for lunch on a $atur day or Sunday. They aIj* happy at home with the language and their cu*ture{ One hopes this will be 1 ^ experience in the months a years to come with in new states.”___________ This news analysis is Pr(r vided by —Phil Hrvatin St. Mary’s Alumni News St. Mary’s School Alumni is 12 years old. During that time they have donated $27,000 to St. Mary’s School. Dues remain at $5.00 a year. Mail dues to Chuck Pezdirtz, 4962 E. Maple Ave., Geneva, OH 44041. 2003 Banquet Highlights On Oct 23 one hundred Alumni members and guests gathered in fellowship for the annual banquet. The day began with 12 noon Mass, then the jolly folks sauntered a few steps to the school auditorium for a plentiful and delicious meal. Seated at the head table were Fr. Bill Jerse, Fr. John Kumse, Fr. Victor Cimperman, Chris and Joan Cher-mely (Vice President and Secretary). To provide more time for socializing, it was decided not to have a formal program in ^ fr- of speakers. Instead, th® was a short presenta1’0 during which the . presented a check amount of $2,000 to Kumse for the needs of school. Father then gave short report on the status “ the school and church- ^ also updated on the addit*0^ of a new cafeteria which being added to the school- ^ In honor of Fr. Kullise. birthday, Mary Zivap^j presented him with a C|l0 Happy .. Work lilce from all the members then sang, “Hnnnv day.” Remember: you don’t need the mone^ Love like you’ve ne been hurt. Dance like no watching. Growing old is incVl growing UP is optional ;table’ Absence is to love what wind is to fire; it extinguishes small, it enkindles the great. -Comte DeBussy-Ra1 Mario’s International Program WKTX - 830 AM Saturdays - 3 to 5 p.m FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina h x \ i a AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, March 25, 2004 - Vesti iz Slovenije - Od ponedeljka bo slovenski zračni prostor pod NATO-vim neposrednim varstvom Zračni prostor Slovenije bo od njenega vstopa v zvezo NATO, od 29. marca, varovalo zavezništvo, je po zasedanju Severnoatlantskega sveta, ki je bilo 17. marca v Bruslju, potrdil slovenski veleposlanik pri NATU Matjaž Šinkovec. “Letala zaveznic bodo vzletela z letališč v Italiji oziroma na Madžarskem, pristojnost za konkretno operativno izvjajanje pa bodo v rokah vrhovnega poveljnika zavezniških sil za Evropo, ki ima sedež v Monsu,” je pojasnil Šinkovec. Ustavljen proces zoper Dimitrija Rupla Višje sodišče v Ljubljani je 17. marca v celoti potrdilo ugotovitve tako pristojnega preiskovalnega sodnika kot tudi senata okrožnega sodišča v Ljubljani, ki sta v postopku “diplomatska akademija” zoper slovenskega zunanjega ministra Dimitrija Rupla prišla do zaključkov, da za očitano mu kaznivo dejanje ni zadostnih dokazov oziroma da sploh ni šlo za kaznivo dejanje, in odločilo, da ustavi vsa preiskovalna dejanja. To pomeni, da minister Rupel ni več v nobenem kazenskem postopku. Slovenija uradno sprejeta med razvite Slovenija je 17. marca s podpisom pisma o graduaciji - podpisala sta ga finančni minister Dušan Mramor in regionalni namestnik predsednika Svetovne banke Shigeo Ka-tsui - prestopila v skupino razvitih držav Po merilih Svetovne banke (foto spodaj). V njej bo Slovenija poslej posilodajalka, lahko Pa bo tudi soodločala pri vprašanjih s področja mednarodne finančne ureditve. Slovenija je tako postala članica skupine, ki >nia sedaj le 28 držav od vseh v svetu. Slovenska podjetja bodo imela neposreden dostop do arhiva Svetovne banke o projektih, ki so v pripravi ali izvedbi. Tako bodo imela možnost sodelovati pri projektih, ki jih financira ali sofinancira Svetovna banka. Navzoč pri slovesnosti je bil tudi predsednik Svetovne banke James D. ^olfensohn. Ko sta se pa Wolfensohn in finančni minister Dušan Mrarpor napotila Proti Cankarjevemu domu na predstavitvi 400-stranske knjige o Sloveniji, so ju obletavali z balončki, ki so bili napolnjeni z zeleno barvo, nasprotniki globalizacije. Wolfensohn je dobil le nekaj barve, Mramorja Pa so zadeli v polno. Janez Drnovšek priredil sprejem v čast nadškofa Franca Rodeta V torek je predsednik Slovenije Janez Drnovšek priredil sprejem in kosilo v čast nadškofa in metropolita Franca Rodeta. Na grad Brdo so prišli vsi slovenski škofje -Franc Kramberger, Metod Pirih, Alojz Uran, Andrej Glavan, Jožef Smej, Jurij Bizjak -razen Antona Stresa, ki je na potovanju v Egiptu, in Jožefa Kvasa, najstarejšega med slovenskimi škofi (rojen .1919). Poročilo ne omenja upokojenega nadškofa Alojzija Šuštarja. V poročilu izpod peresa novinarja Dela Dejana Pušenjaka je poudarjeno, da ni še nič znanega o Rodetovem nasledniku, da je sicer največ govora o mariborskem pomožnem škofu Antonu Stresu. Nizka gospodarska rast lani Gospodarska rast v Sloveniji je po prvi oceni državnega statističnega urada lani znašala 2,3 odstotka, kar je najmanj od osamosvojitve Slovenije naprej. Zaposlenost se je lani zmanjšala za 0,2 odstotka (leta 2002 za 0,5%), s tem da je število kmetov znižalo še za okoli 3000 (vseh jih je danes v Sloveniji okoli 30.000). ^°Bpis o VSTOPU MED RAZVITE DRŽAVE SVETA - Pismo o graduaciji Slovenije vU’k te,n l^ei1 nov* status Lot ena od 28. po merilih Svetovne banke gosopodarsko raz-S(/ ‘*r*av sta podpisala regionalni namestnik predsednika Svetovne banke Shigeo Kat-p. (v ospredju na levi) in slovenski finančni minister Dušan Mramor v prisotnosti v^dsednika Svetovne banke Jamesa D. Wolfensohna (zadgj na levi) in predsednika slo •tske vlade Antona Ropa (v sredini). Iz Clevelanda in okolice Pevski-literarni nastop— Dramsko društvo Lilija in Slovensko ameriški svet vabita javnost jutri, petek, zvečer ob 7.30 v Slovenski dom na Holmes Avenue. Nastopila s kulturnim programom bosta umetnika Tone Kuntner in pevka Bogdana Herman, oba iz Slovenije. Obeta se vam pač zelo lep večer slovenske besede in pesmi. Vstopnina za odrasle $5, otrocj do 12. leta imajo prost vstop. Akademija Slov. šole— To soboto zvečer ob 6.30 ste vabljeni na Akademijo Slovenske šole pri sv. Vidu. Nastopili bodo otroci vseh šolskih razredov, v šolskem avditoriju. Upokojenci Slov. pristave— Klub upokojencev Slovenske pristave ima reden mesečni sestanek v sredo, 31. marca, popoldne ob 1.30 v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Avenue. Vsi člani lepo vabljeni. Novi grobovi Cecilija Žakelj Dne 19. marca 2004 je na domu v Clevelandu u-mrla 89 let stara Cilka Žakelj, rojena Gantar 4. novembra 1914 v Novi Vasi pri Žireh. Zanjo žalujejo mož Anton (poročena sta 57 let) in otroci Janez (Bonnie), Tony (Jan), Joe (Polonca) in Marija (Dave), 9 vnukov in vnukinj, ter sestra Marica z družino v Kanadi. Sestra Julka ter bratje Polde, Rupe in Stanko so že pokojni. Cilka je bila članica KSKJ št. 172, AMLA št. 14, in Oltarnega društva fare sv. Vida. Pri kosilih cerkvenih organizacij jc pomagala več kot 20 let. Bila je navdušena čipkarica in delala kadar je mogla. Več let je dobila nagrade za vrtnarstvo. Svoj dom v Sloveniji je zapustila leta 1944, ko je ušla partizanom. Živela je v raznih begunskih taboriščih skoro 5 let. V Ameriko je prišla leta 1949, živela 6 mesecev v Willardu, Wisconsinu, potem pa v Clevelandu. Pogreb je bil 23. marca v oskrbi Zak zavoda na St. Clairju s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida in s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Družina priporoča darove v pokojničin spomin Misijonski Znamkarski Akciji. (dalje na str. 19) Bob Dolgan o svoji knjigi— V sredo, 31. marca, zv. ob 7.30 bo v spodnji dvorani SDD na Recherjevi u-lici o svoji novi knjigi, v kateri opisuje v krajih poglavjih znane športnike iz clevelandske zgodovine novinar Plain Dealerja Bob Dolgan. Večer sponzorira Slov. Am. Heritage Foundation, vstopnine ni in je javnost vabljena. Primorski klub vabi— Ameriško slovenski Primorski klub prireja svoj vsakoletni pomladanski banket v soboto, 17. aprila, v SND na St. Clairju. Večerja se bo pričela servirati ob 6.30 zv. Za ples in zabavo bo igral Grand Avenue Band. Prišli bodo rojaki iz Kanade in Pittsburgha. Za vstopnice in več informacij: 216-692-1069. Sprejem v Washingtonu— V ponedeljek, 29. marca, bo v Washingtonu velika slovesnost ob vstopu novih članic v NATO. Veleposlaniki držav, ki bodo s tem datumom postali polnopravni člani NATA, organizirajo skupen sprejem v sicer znamenitem Corcoran Gallery of Art. Nekaj predstavnikov slovenske skupnosti je dobilo vabilo. Sodeluje tudi Slovenija, premier Anton Rop bo navzoč. Izredna podpora— Dr. in ga. Joseph Mer-šol, North Lima, O., sta darovala $225 v podporo našemu listu. Iskrena hvala! KOLEDAR APRIL 17. - Primorski klub ima svoj vsakoletni pomladanski banket v SND na St. Clair Ave. Večerja ob 6.30 zv., za ples bo igral ansambel Grand Avenue Band. MAJ 2. - Kosilo v korist Ohio BoyChoir, v avditoriju pri sv. Vidu, od 11 dop. do 1. pop. 8. - Pevski zbor Jadran ima svoj poslovilni koncert v SDD na Waterloo Rd. Zbor bo nato prenehal z delovanjem. Večerja od 5. do 6.30. zv., sledi ob 7h koncert, nato ples. Igral bo Fred Ziwich orkester. 16. - Slovenski dom za ostarele ima letno sejo v SDD na Waterloo Rd. Re- p. Lojze Kukoviča, jezuit Argentina Kaj mi pomeni posti čas Posti čas je “močni liturgični čas”, ki nas posebej vabi k spreobrnjenju in spokornim delom. Klic po pokori seveda ne meri v prvi vrsti na zunanja spokorna dela, na “raševino in pepel”, na zdržanje od jedi in na druga spokorna dejanja. Glavno je spreobr-bjanje srca, je notranja pokora. Brez nje zunanja spokorna dejanja Bogu ne morejo biti všeč, ker niso iskrena, ne prihajajo iz skrušenega in skesanega srca. Seveda pa tudi samo notranje spreobrnjenje ni zadosti. Če se to na neki način ne pokaže na zunaj, v zunanjih spokornih delih, ni ne pristno ne iskreno. Človek je telo in duh in kar se čuti v duši, se hoče na ta ali oni način pokazati na zunaj. V čem je notranje spreobrnjenje? Predvsem v resni volji, da se kesamo žalitev, prizadetih Bogu in bližnjemu. V skrušenosti srca, v ponižnem priznavanju greha, v žalosti, da smo zapustili Očetovo hišo in tako prizadeli Očetu hudo žalost. Zunanja dela pa bodo imela najrazličnejše oblike: v popravi krivic, storjene-nih bližnjemu, v skrbi za zveličanje naših bližnjih, v pomnoženi in poglobljeni molitvi, v delih usmiljenja do potrebnih bratov, v potrpežljivem prenašanju bremen življenja, v pomoči potrebnim. V primeri s tem, kako so se postili in opravljali spokorna dela naši predniki pred drugim vatikanskim cerkvenim zborom, so današnji cerkveni predpisi o postu prava malenkost. Cerkev zaupa našemu lastnemu spokornemu duhu, da bomo storili mnogo več kot pa nam sama naroča za postni čas. Na dve spokorni deli je Kristus sam posebej opozoril in sta danes zelo pomembni: “Dajte in se vam bo dalo. Odpustite in se vam bo odpustilo!” Obliki miloščine, ki naj bi jo kristjan delil z veliko dobroto in gorečnostjo. Vedno bomo imeli med seboj reveže; to velja danes morda še bolj kot v drugih časih. Veliko je revščine, gmotne in duhovne. “Miloščina pokrije množico grehov,” piše v Svetem pismu. Živijo med reveži, zato radi dajajmo, da bomo lahko prejeli. Namesto vidnih zemskih in minljivih reči bomo prejeli neminljivo plačilo v tem, “kar oko ni videlo, uho ni slišalo in kar v človeško srce ni prišlo”. Za malo danega bomo prejeli večno plačilo. Dajmo zatorej lačnemu Kristusu v osebi lačnih in potrebnih bratov na zemlji in imeli bomo zaklad v nebesih. Radi tudi odpuščajmo. Postni čas nas še posebej vabi k temu delu usmiljenja. Prosimo odpuščanja, če smo koga užalili, odpustimo, če nas je kdo užalil. Spomnimo se služabnika iz evangelija, ki mu je gospodar odpustil ves dolg, a ga je potem znova zahteval, ko sam, pomiloščen, ni znal odpustiti malenkostnega dolga svojemu tovarišu. Za to vrsto del usmiljenja nimamo nobenega opravičila, če jih ne Izpolnjujemo, če je to odvisno samo od naše dobre volje. Ko gre za post, se lahko opravičimo, ker se zaradi težkega dela ali bolezni ne moremo odpovedati hrani. Lahko se celo opravičimo, da ne moremo dati milo- frt.02 i SPOROČILO Misijonske znamkarske akcije Blagajniško delo pri Misijonski znamkarski akciji sta sprejeli gdč. Helena Nemec in gdč. Marjanca Tominc. Naslov Helene Nemec je 1019 E. 171 St., Cleveland, OH 44119. Naslov Marie Tominc je 407 Snavely Rd., Richmond Hts., OH 44143. Dekleti sta precej bremena odvzeli Ani in Rudiju Knez, ko sta blagajniško delo prevzeli, le glavni blagajnik še ostane Rudi Knez. Darove za misijone pošiljajte na gdč. Heleno Nemec, katera bo tudi potrdila prejem in ga vrnila darovalcu. Dragi dekleti, hvala Vama za odvzem velike skrbi in Bog naj Vaju blagoslovi s svojim blagoslovom! Marica Lavriša ščine, ker imajo komaj zadosti zase in družino. Nikakor pa ne moremo reči: Ne odpustim, ker mi moje zdravje tega ne dovoli ali ker nimam ničesar, kar bi dal revežu. Za odpuščanje je potrebna naša odločitev, naša dobra volja. Odpustimo, kajti za to se nam ne bo treba odpovedati jedi pa tudi nobeni drugi reči, za katero bi lahko revež prosil. In še to imejmo pred očmi, da je velik greh ne hoteU odpustih skesanemu bratu, ko nam vendar Kristus naroča, da moramo ljubiti celo sovražnike. DRUŽINA, 14. III. 2004 Slovenska narodna podporna jednota - SNPJ slavi svojo 100. obletnico CLEVELAND, O. - Po številu članstva je Slovenska narodna podporna jedota - SNPJ največja slovensko ameriška organizacija, isto velja tudi v finančnem oziru. SNPJ je bila ustanovljena leta 1904 v Chicagu in bo svojo 100. obletnico obhajala v soboto, 3. aprila, z banketom in programom v velikem hotelu Pittsburgh Hilton. Mesto Pittsburgh je le nekaj milj oddaljeno od glavnega urada SNPJ v mestecu Imperial, kamor se je organizacija preselila iz chicaške okolice pred nekaj leti. V svoji sedaj stoletni zgodovini je bila SNPJ dokaj jasno opredeljena kot zagovornica poleg seveda zavarovalninskih interesov svojega članstva tudi interesov “delavstva”, kakor so njeni voditelji ta interes razumeli, bila je torej politično liberalna, levičarska. Mnogi njeni takratni voditelji so jo imeli tudi za “socialistično”, kakor so pač ta izraz razumeli. Danes bi lahko rekli, da pripada SNPJ tako imenovanemu velikemu "centru” politične lestvice v ZDA. Z isto vnemo, kot je bila med drugo svetovno vojno na strani partizanskega gibanja in je po njej sprejemala brez vidnih ugovorov režim pod Josipom Brozom Titom, tako je v poznih 80ih letih in naprej sprejemala, lahko tudi rečemo, da je podpirala notranjepolitični proces liberalizacije in demokratizacije slovenske notranjepolitične ureditve, še posebej pa prizadevanja demokratično izvoljenih predstavnikov slovenskega naroda od 1990 dalje, da bi Slovenija postala neodvisna država in da bi po proglasitvi neodvisnosti, ta novi status uspešno uve- ljavila, branila in končno tudi dosegla mednarodno priznanje. Kaj je organizacija v zvezi s tem delala je seveda razvidno v njenem glasilu. Prosveta, ki sedaj izhaja vsaka dva tedna, prav tako, kakor je jasna v istem časopisu njena politika v času druge svetovne vojne in desetletja po njej. Sam sem član SNPJ od zgodnjih otroških let, od 1941. leta, čeprav nikoli aktiven v njenih vrstah. In kot član pozdravljam njeno stoletnico v prepričanju, da bo mogla še najmanj nekaj desetletij igrati pomembno vlogo v širši slovensko ameriški skupnosti. Prosveta poroča, da se bo slovesnosti udeležil bivši predsednik Slovenije Milan Kučan, ki je že bil dvakrat gost organizacije, v Sloveniji pa Je bil kar nekajkrat sprejel skupine SNPJ, ki so bile na potovanju po Sloveniji. Predsednik SNPJ Joseph Evanish je v zadnji številki časnika omenil, da pričakuje navzočnost tudi slovenskega premiera Antona Ropa. Odhajajoči slovenski veleposlanik v ZDA Davorin Kračun bo navzoč, prav tako bo prisoten Sergij Pelhan, sedanji predsednik Slovenske izseljenske matice (in biv- Listen to THE SLOVENIAN HOUR On 50,000 Watt WCPN Cleveland Public Radio ■' Tony Ovsenik 440-944-2538 ši župan Nove Gorice). Na programu bo nastopil Oktet Lesna, ki bo že naslednji dan, 4. aprila, sodeloval na prireditvi mladinskega krožka št. 2 SNPJ v dvorani SDD na Recherjevi v Euclidu. Ta krožek vodi že precej let ga. Cecilija Dolgan. Od ameriških gostov bo prisoten nekdanji podpredsednik SNPJ in bivši zvezni kongresnik iz Ohia Dennis Eckart, zvezen! senator George V. Voinovich, ki je tudi član SNPJ, bo pa goste na banketu nagovoril preko videokasete. Navzočih bo nekaj političnih predstavnikov iz zvezne države Pennsilvanije ter še predstavnikov drugih slovensko ameriških bratskih zavarovalninskih zvez. Nekatere še obstoječe slovensko ameriške organizacije so že slavile svoje stoletnice, med njimi na primer fara sv. Vida v Clevelandu, KSKJ v Jolietu, 111. itd., naslednje leto, 2005, bo ta mejnik dosegla župnija Marija Vnebovzeta v Collin-woodu v Clevelandu, leta 2006, če nam jo bo uspelo obdržati pri življenju. Slovenska Čitalnica (domuje v SND na St. Clair-ju v Clevelandu), 1. 2010 pa bo na vrsto prišla še Ameriška dobrodelna zveza oz. AMLA, tudi s svojim glavnim uradom v Clevelandu. Rudolph M. Susel Baragov dan na Floridi BRADENTON, Fla. - Friderik Baraga je bil misijonar med Indijanci na obširnem ozemlju, ki danes pripada trem državam severno in zahodno od Chicaga. Postal je pr* vi škof Gornjega Michigana in tam dovršil tek svojega svetniškega življenja. j Kako je prišlo do teg®’ da se obhaja Baragov dan na Floridi? Odgovor na to vprašanje najdemo v dejstvu, da Florida privlači v zimskem času množice iz severnih držav Amerike, ki skušajo ubežati snegu in ledu svojih krajev. Država Michigan prvači med temi “ubežniki”. John Matthews in njegova žena Helen sta verna katoličana in velika (DALJE na str. 15) Baragov dan na Floridi (nadaljevanje s str. 14) častilca svetniškega prvega škofa svoje škofije, Marquette, Michigan. Kot vpliven in vodilen član katoliških Kolumbovih vitezov, ki je dolgo let preživljal zimske mesece v Tampi, Fla., je John vpeljal zimsko srečanje svojih znancev članov K. of C. na Floridi ter to srečanje povezal z željo, razširiti poznanje in ljubezen do škofa Barage med člani K. of C. in okolici. Tako je nastal Baragov dan na Floridi, ki druži °ba namena, srečanje Kolumbovih vitezov in širitev kroga Baragovih častilcev. Zaradi starosti in onemoglosti John in Helen Matthews že nekaj let o-PuŠčata svoje zimovanje Floridi, vendar s tem njuno delo ni prenehalo. Herbert Wegener in Glenn Harry, prav tako vplivna člana K. of C. iz Michi-Snna, nadaljujeta izročilo. Nisem uspel ugotoviti, ^daj in kako je {Slovence, ^1 preživljamo zimski čas v tem delu Floride, dose-vest o tem srečanju 111 nas je Baragovo ime Potegnilo, da se mu vsa-k° leto pridružimo. Baraev dan na Floridi je po-^ priložnost, da se nas 2bere lepo število. Spored dneva vključuje sveto ma-in po maši kosilo, v ZVezi z njim pa program, katerem se združita °^a cilja srečanja, poro-l o o procesu za Baragor v° beatifikacijo in pa or-jkhizacijska poročila Ko-Uthbovih vitezov. Ostano-Jdfelj K. of C., duhovnik Inhael McGivney, je tu-^ v procesu za beatifi-c,Jo. zato je na progra-d Poročilo tudi o njem. ^ leto je bil Baragov ^ v soboto, 28. febru-a’ v mestu Holiday, kakor že nekaj let. ^.P sončen dan je bil. lo0v«ncev se nas je zbra-(jr °krog dvajset. Frank Je 0P0Z0rll in ^ svoje znance v ^ Portu, nekaj nas je bilo iz okolice Braden-tona, Drago in Nancy Bizilj iz Connecticuta pa sta izdelala načrt za obisk za ta dan in tako za 10% povečala naše število! Lepo je bilo srečati toliko dobrih prijateljev, obenem pa ob prijetnem srečanju obnoviti in utrditi spomin in zavest, da je iz našega naroda izšel mož, katerega zgled življenja v delu za bližnjega osvaja verna srca ameriških katoličanov od kanadske meje severnega Michigana do skrajnega juga sončne Floride. Fr. Alojzij Hribšek Jože Možina odgovarja na kritično pisanje Čas bi bil, da bi politika prepustila zgodovino zgodovinarjem Sobotna priloga časnika Delo je v zadnjih tednikih objavila nekaj pisem, v kateri so bili pisci kritični do oddaje “Zamočani - moč preživetja ”, ki jo je bil pripravil novinar Jože Možina in je bila predvajana na TV Sloveniji sredi januarja. Možina v Sobotni prilogi z dne 13. marca odgovarja na očitke dveh njegovih kritikov in ta odgovor sledi, to kljub temu, da prispevka, o katerih piše Možina, nista bila v AD objavljena. Ur. AD ♦ Odgovarjam dr. Šmi-dovniku, ki pravi, da se ob oddaji Zamolčani -moč preživetja zopet “razvnema strasti in sovraštvo zaradi tragičnih dogodkov, ki so se zgodili pred več kot pol stoletja”. Ne vem sicer, kaj vse Je g. Šmidovnik prispeval k pomiritvi sovraštva in zmanjšanju bolečine ob tragičnih “dogodkih”. Sploh pa ni šlo za nikakršne dogodke, ampak za navadne likvidacije, umore, v večini primerov brez sojenja. V oddaji smo konkretno dokazali, da so bili brez kakršnekoli ugotovljene krivde mučeni in pobiti tudi zavedni Slovenci, celo družine, skupnosti Romov, Maistrovi borci, predvojni komunisti, partizani. m . ^Melodije Naše Lepe Slovenj)e Radijska Družina Cleveland ED MEIAC Vodja Radijske Družine WCSB 89.3 Nedelja 9-10 am Sreda 6-7 pm 2405 Somrack Drive Willoughby Hills. OH 44094 440-953-1709 TEL/FAX web: www.wcsb.org Če si g. Šmidovnik sožitje naroda predstavlja tako, da del naših državljanov niti po 60 letih ne sme pokopati svojcev in javno spregovoriti o svoji bolečini (celo brez sence sovraštva), potem je to zagovarjanje zločina in govorjenje v imenu tistih, ki jih vosovski zločini preganjajo po vesti. V čigavem interesu naj bi svojci žrtev ostali brez glasu in osnovnih pravic tudi v prihodnosti? K sreči smo vendarle na poti v humano in občutljivo družbo; drža, ki jo zastopa g. Šmidovnik, pa sodi v arzenal izmov, ki so onesrečili preteklo stoletje. Število likvidiranih v Sloveniji se nikakor ne more primerjati z okupi-ranimi zahodnimi državami in temu mitu g. Šmidovnik brez preverjanja podleže. Poglejmo nekatere podatke, objavljene v Prispevkih za novejšo zgodovino leta 1996. V 42-milijonski Franciji so bile med vojno izvensodno ubite 2004 osebe (podatek za 76 departmajev), na Slovenskem (1,5 milijona prebivalcev) so partizani likvidirali okrog 5000 Slovencev, večji del civilistov. V zaključnih operacijah in po vojni je bilo v Franciji brez sojenja ubitih še 7-9 tisoč oseb, v Sloveniji več kot 13.000 Slovencev (po nekaterih ocenah celo do 18.000). Prijatel’s Pharmacy St. Clair & E. 68 St. 361-4212 | IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR THE AGED PRESCIPTIONS Ob prvi obletnici začetka vojne v Iraku... Več policistov kot protestnikov Ljubljana (Delo fax, 22. marca) - Tako kot v številnih mestih po vseh koncih sveta so se preteko soboto prve obletnice začetka vojne v Iraku spomnili tudi v Ljubljani in Kopru. In podobno kot na večini prizorišč drugod se jih je tudi v Sloveniji udeležilo manj ljudi kot na shodih za mir pred enim letom. Kakih dvesto nasprotnikov vojne se je v Ljubljani točno opoldne zbralo pred Moderno galerijo in se z odtisi rok z modro in zeleno podpisali na transparent z napisom Vaše vojne, naši mrtvi. Besede o nasprotovanju normalizacije vojne in fašizma, konformizmu, terorizmu in podpori miru, solidarnosti, svetu brez izključevanja, je bilo slišati od predstavnikov Protivojne koalicije - globalne protifašistične, protirasistične in protivojne mreže, ki je demonstracije organizirala. Nekateri so pozivali tudi k bojkotu referenduma o izbrisanih. Zagovorniki miru so potem krenili po središču prestolnice do Trnovega, kjer je špansko veleposlaništvo. Za tako pot so se odločili, da se poklonijo spominu na žrtve terorističnega napada v Madridu in španskemu ljudstvu, ki je na volitvah odreklo podporo tistim, ki so jih peljali v vojno. Drugim vladam tako imenovane koalicije vojnih želijo, da bi jih doletela enaka usoda. Potem ko policistom ni uspelo preprečiti “barvanja” predsednika Svetovne banke Jamesa Wolfensohna, so se očitno odločili, da se ne bodo pustili več presenetiti, in so številčno daleč presegli protestnike. Območje v okolici ameriškega veleposlaništva so zaprli za promet in zastražili že nekaj ur pred začetkom protestov, budno so pazili tudi na hišo zunanjega ministra Dimitrija Rupla, mimo katere so se sprehodili protestniki, in špansko veleposlaništvo. B. H. Bolje, da zraven ne prištejemo še po ocenah okrog 150.000 tujih ujetnikov in civilistov, ki so bili pobiti na slovenskih tleh. Pa še to, francoski ko-laborantski general Petain, ki ga g. Šmidovnik omenja kot na smrt obsojenega, je bil pomilo-ščen in je umrl na postelji. Še bolj neumestna je primerjava s 3,3-milijon-sko Norveško, s Quislin-govim režimom, ki je pojem za kolaboracijo. Tam so po vojni z najhujšo kaznijo sodno usmrtili 25 oseb. Razlika je torej očitna. Slovenija je bila po tej plati daleč od Evrope. Menim, da se gverilsko navajanje argumentov v polemikah ne obnese, raje se držimo dejstev in podatkov, ki so dostopni. ❖ Odgovarjam še dr. Beblerju (Bolečino je treba razumeti), ki mi v zadnji SP očita, da sem iz zgo- Podpirajte naše oglaševalce - Tudi ti pomagajo našemu listu, da lahko še izhaja redno, ko jih je toliko že ugasnilo! devinskega konteksta iztrgal citat (v bistvu gre za dva razmejena citata) iz pisma, ki ga Je Edvard Kardelj 5. 10. 1942 v imenu CK KPS pisal njegovemu očetu Alešu Beblerju na Notranjsko. Ta trditev ni točna. Zgodovinski kontekst je jasen z datumom in vpletenimi osebami, prav Jgr ko je razvidno, da se na-nodila nanašajo na boj proti domačemu političnemu nasprotniku, imenovanemu bela garda. Sicer pa v izogib sle- v pomišenju navajam daljši citat iz omenjenega pisma Beblerju 5. 10. 1942, pa naj bralci sami presodijo, v kateri zgodovinski kontekst sodi: “Hkrati popularizirajte OF in Partijo. Istočasno moramo z vsemi sredstvi iztrebiti bego. Treba je zasajati med njih paniko, strah, demoralizacijo. Napačno je, da na Notranjskem izpuščajo razorože-ne in ujete belogardiste, ki so se borili proti nam! To je sentimentalnost najgrše sorte, ki jo je treba zelo obsoditi! (dalje na str. 16) Jože Možina odgovarja na kritično pisanje (nadaljevanje s str. 15) Hudič je to, da naši ljudje tako radi padajo iz ekstrema v ekstrem. Enkrat 'mesarska nagnjenja', drugič nerazumljiva sentimentalnost. Zavednim kmetom, ki vnaprej oddajajo orožje, seveda prizanesti, kot smo se dogovorili. Toda tiste, ki proti nam dvignejo orožje, pobiti brez usmiljenja, pa čeprav dvignejo malo na to tudi roke! Saj kasneje bomo tudi v teh primerih prizanašali, toda sedaj -tolci in sej preplah! Le tako se začetek državljanske vojne razvija v našo1 korist. Izredno važno je, da čiščenje na Notranjskem •temeljito izvršite in dovršite. Po sistemu, kot si se dogovoril s Petrom." {Borisom Kidričem, o-pomba pisca). Kidrič je tri mesece prejna partijski konferenci (na Cinku) zbranim komunistom med drugim povedal: “Komunist, ki da brez najmanjšega usmiljenja streljati, kot človek nikoli ni surov. Odlika je, da združujemo z najbolj neusmiljenim odnosom do sovražnika najbolj plemenite instinkte človeka..." Da Kardeljevo pisanje in Petrov sistem nista bila brez učinka, dokazuje visok odstotek žrtev partizanov, predvsem VOS. Samo na območju današnje občine Cerknica jih je bilo po raziskavi Staneta Okoliša okrog 360. Ob tem so nespodobne trditve Antona Beblerja, ko v širši javnosti prvič izpostavljenemu problemu zamolčanih žrtev II. svetovne vojne pripisuje politikantsko izrabljanje. Zakaj taka nestrpnost? Še otroci nedolžno pobitih v oddaji niso izrekali tako hudih besed na račun krivcev za smrt staršev. Vloge Aleša Beblerja na Primorskem tu ni moč ocenjevati in tudi ni bila predmet polemike. V objavljeni raziskavi dr. Borisa Mlakarja Tragedija v Cerknem Beblerjeva vloga nikakor ni pozitivna. Sicer pa nekateri še (živi) Primorci vedo povedati, da so bili s prihodom “ljubljanskih inštruktorjev” na Primorsko po- leg boljše organizacije prineseni tudi vzorci “vojskovanja” iz prej zapisanih citatov. Za Primorce najbolj sramotne so likvidacije tigrovcev, družin in narodno zavednih ljudi. Sicer pa je Kardeljev ukaz o “pometanju" v Gorici in Trstu po osvoboditvi povezan z okrog 1500 žrtvami, ki so že desetletja in danes znova najbolj uporaben argument sosednje Italije za obtoževanje Slovencev in prikrivanje svojih zločinov na naših tleh. “Čiščenje” pa je bilo tudi eden od razlogov, da se je morala naša vojska na zahtevo zaveznikov tako hitro umakniti iz obeh mest. KOLEDAR (NADALJEVANJE s str. 13) gistracija se prične ob 2h pop. sama seja pa ob 2.30. 22. - Pevski zbor Korotan poda svoj vsakoletni koncert v SND na St. Clair Ave. Pričetek ob 7. uri zv. Po koncertu zabava in ples. 30. - Društvo SPB sponzorira spominsko sv. mašo pri Lurški Materi božji na Chardon Rd. opoldne, popoldne ob 3h bodo molitve na Vernih duš pokopališču. JUNIJ 12. - Folklorna skupina Kres ima piknik na Slovenski pristavi. 19., 20. - Tabor DSPB priredi spominsko proslavo na Slovenski pristavi za padle domobrance. Dne 19. junija molitve na SP, v nedeljo, 20. jun., sv. maša ob 12. uri opoldne pri Spominski kapelici. JULIJ 11. - Misijonska Znam- karska Akcija ima piknik na Slovenski pristavi. 25. - Slovenska šola pri Sv. Vidu ima piknik na Slovenski pristavi. AVGUST 29. - Društvo SPB sponzorira vsakoletno romanje k Žalostni Materi božji v Frank, O. Sv. maša ob dvanajstih, druge pobožnosti ob 2.30 pop. SEPTEMBER 11. - Folklorna skupina Kres praznuje 50. obletnico s celovečernim programom v SND na St. Clair Ave. 12. - Oltarno društvo fare sv. Vida ima kosilo v šolskem avditoriju. 25., 26. - Baragovi dnevi v mestu Marquette, Michigan. nothing but blue skies! ir-,-1 •srnic' -b9 tq e>.< Z "»h i naše storitve vsebujejo: Bankiranje Vodenje investicij iUiO ■ Zavarovanje . < • Investicije Obiščite Vaš lokalni finančni center, ali nas pokličite na 866-SKY-BANK za več informacij o Sky Banku. www.skyfl com Equal Housing Lendar Martin Strel namerava poleti preplavati Jangce Ljubljana - Kitajski voditelj Mao Cetung je leta 1966 preplaval reko Jangce - to je bilo sporočilo njegovim domačim nasprotnikom, da se začenja veliki obračun. Martin Strel pa bo Dolgo reko (to njeno ime pomeni v kitajščini) preplaval po dolžini: in to bo sporočilo, da je tudi nemogoče mogoče, če se zato živi. Slovenski plavalni maratonec je pravkar končal obhod najtežjih delov reke, ki je dolga 6300 kilometrov, pred kratkim pa je v Pekingu predstavnikom kitajskih medijev napovedal svoj podvig, ki ga namerava izvesti poleti. “Z Jangcejem se ne sme nihče šaliti, to je najverjetneje najtežja reka na svetu,” je prepričan Strel, ki namerava na Kitajskem doseči nov rekord za Guinnessovo knjigo 2004. To pomeni, da bo plaval najmanj 4000 kilometrov: v gornjem toku tega veletoka ga bodo ogrožali zlasti zelo mrzla voda, nevarne bele vode in izviri, v spodnjem toku pa mu bo nevaren predvsem gost ladijski promet. V vodo bo verjetno skočil 5. junija pri kraju Pangzula; 16. junija naj bi predvidoma dosegel mesto Vuhan, kjer je natanko na ta dan pred 38 leti ta veletok preplaval Mao. Maraton pa bo končal 2. avgusta v Šanghaju, malo pred začetkom olimpijskih iger v Atenah. “Nihče od Kitajcev še ni po vsej dolžini preplaval Dolge reke,” pravi Liu Li, generalni sekretar Združenja za znanstvena raziskovanja province Sichuan, ki je bil leta 1986 član prve kitajske ekipe, ki je v gumijastih čolnih po vsej dolžini preplula Jangce. “To je kratko malo preveč nevarno,” je dodal. Strel je leta 2002 preplaval Mississippi. Trdi, da tudi Donava, ki jo je preplaval dvakrat, ni nenevarna, za Dolgo reko pa se resno pripravlja in meni, da bo to njegov življenjski podvig. V reki je plaval že pred enajstimi leti, pred kratkim je preveril njeno onesnaženost. Poskusil jo je, jo otipal in opazoval njena ču-(DALJE na str. 18) It took John and Mary 6 months to build their home, 5 years to establish their business, and a lifetime to raise their family. How much time did it take them to plan their estate? KSKJ's Single Premium Whole Life Certificate structures an estate plan in very little time. With only one premium payment, you can: • Provide tax-free income for loved ones • Avoid costly and time-consuming probate • Cover final expenses ‘ • Create an education fund for loved ones • Structure retirement income • Increase your assets Find out how easy it is to deal with issues that matter. Call a professional KSKJ representative today! KSK1 iik! American Slovenian Catholic Union, KSKJ 2439 Glenwood Avenue | Joliet, II 60435 ToU Free: 800.843.5755 | Web: www.kskjlife.com Life insurance is not for those who die. It's for those who live. Neponovljivi slovenski vižar tudi v zrelih letih še občasno nastopa kot gost svojih naslednikov Gašpeijev. Zlati jubilej Avsenikove glasbe - JOŽE GALIČ - Pred koncem lanskega leta so z velikim koncertom na Bledu počastili 50. obletnico glasbe bratov Avsenik, ki Je neizbrisno zaznamovala velik del množične kulture Qa Slovenskem in v večjem delu Evrope. Svetovno zna-nt ansambel bratov Avsenik je sicer nehal javno nastopati leta 1990, toda za seboj je pustil več sto glasbenih UsPešhic in veliko posnemovalcev. Nekateri najuspeš-nejši so s svojim nastopom obogatili Avsenikov zlati jubilej na Bledu. O o Vse skupaj se je zače-v gorenjskih Begunjah, koder izvirata brata Vilko Avsenik in Slavko Usenik, uradno pa prav-2aprav leta 1953 na teda-njem Radiu Ljubljana. Tam je bil Vilko že za-P°slen kot akademski $asbenik, mlajši Slavko, Samouk z absolutnim po-slhhom, pa je kot harmonikar tisto leto uspejo opravil avdicijo za igranje in snemanje naro-^hih pesmi za radijski ^hiv. Zasedba se je hi-^o širila in že v istem ^tu je nastal Trio Slav-a Avsenika in kmalu 2atem Gorenjski kvartet. Na Radiu Ljubljana Je t^at že tekla priljublje-113 oddaja Četrtkov večer ^°mačih pesmi in na-^ov in njen prvi ured-^ Janez Bitenc Je po-ebovaJ nove in nove na-Rojstvo zasedbe Av-^enlkov je bilo kot naro-en°. pomenilo pa ni le ^°Java izvrstnih izvajalcev, ^več - zaradi izjemne-avtorskega potenciala ^a in Vilka - tudi ne-^Pen vir novih skladb. pr rv° viže so kmalu sti°^r*e tudi na avstrijsko meje in novi an-Je začel snemati V Celovcu. n.fAvs(‘nlk še da-rad poudari, da so bila v njegovi karieri odločilna drobna naključja. Ena takšnih naključij je bil zasebni obisk nemškega urednika Freda Rauscha na avstrijskem Koroškem. Mož je nemudoma spoznal, da bi nova vrsta glasbe lahko uspela tudi v Nemčiji. In začela se je več desetletij dolga poklicna pot slovenskih glasbenikov, v kateri so prevozili nešteto kilometrov, izpeljali o-krog deset tisoč nastopov, prodali na milijone plošč Način dela ansambla, v katerem je nadpovprečno nadarjeni harmonikar in avtor ustvarjal nove melodije, njegov glasbeno izobraženi brat pa jih Je aranžiral in kot izvrsten producent skrbel za celotno glasbeno podobo ansambla, se je Izkazal kot zadetek v polno. Ob tem pa seveda ne smemo pozabiti na skrbno izbrane avtorje besedil in predvsem na instrumentaliste in pevce, ki so nastopali v ansamblu v njegovih različnih obdobjih: Marijo Ahačič Pollak. Danico Filipič. Emo Prodnik, Franca Korena. Leva Ponikvarja. Franca Koširja. Mika Sossa ... Začetek sedemdesetih let je bil za Avsenike prelomen, saj je dotedanji pevski duet nasledil tercet, v katerem sta se ob Emi Prodnik in pozneje Jožici Kališnik pojavila popevkarja Jožica Svete in Alfi Nipič. \ Pa je spet odlično steklo, prav tako tudi sredi osemdesetih, ko je znamenitega trobentarja Franca Koširja zamenjal Jože Balažič, in malo pred koncem, ko sta Igor Podpečan in Renato Verlič nadomestila Sossa in Ponikvarja. Ko se je zaradi težav s hrbtenico moral odpovedati igranju še sam Slavko Avsenik, je ansambel prenehal dejavno delovati. Samo še nekaj posnetkov in ... Zdaj je v Evropi nešteto ansamblov, ki so prevzeli Avsenikov slog igranja, veliko jih celo zlorablja njihovo nemško ime Oberkrainer. Slavko je za svoje naslednike razglasil Gašperje iz Preddvora na Gorenjskem, za katere še vedno piše nove skladbe, njihovo u-metniško vodstvo pa je v glavnem prevzel Slavko Avsenik mlajši. Glasba iz Begunj živi naprej. Pa ne samo zaradi množice posnemovalcev, ampak tudi v sami družini Slavka Avsenika: najstarejši sin Slavko je poklicni glasbenik, skladatelj, aranžer in glasbeni producent, drugi sin Martin je akademski slikar; ki svoja dela večkrat ustvarja prav v navdihu, ki mu ga daje glasba o-četa, strica in obeh bra- Prisrčno srečanje po mnogih letih: Marija Ahačič Pollak in Vilko Ovsenik decembra lani v Ljubljani. tov, najmlajši sin Gregor pa je odličen kitarist, ki je imel nekaj časa tudi svoj ansambel, zdaj pa vodi domačo restavracijo v Begunjah. Ta je postala edinstveno središče slovenske narodnozabavne • glasbe, ki ga množično obiskujejo ljubitelji Avsenikovih polk in valčkov od blizu in daleč, gotovo tudi zaradi domiselno urejene Avsenikove galerije, kjer se lahko sprehodijo skozi zlate čase fantov izpod Robleka. In kako so si Avsenike zapomnili slovenski zamejci, zdomci in izseljenci? Korošci iz Avstrije so pred kratkim v Pliberškem kulturnem domu prisrčno proslavili Avsenikov jubilej: v goste so povabili Hišni ansambel Jožovc (Pri Jožovcu se imenuje več kot stoletna gostilna Avsenikov v Begunjah pa tudi njej posvečena polka), ki ga sestavljajo sami “stari mački” Avsenikove glasbe, kar Je za njihove pogoste nastope v tem slovenskem Nashvillu še posebej dobrodošla. Starejši Slovenci iz Francije .se še gotovo spominjajo, prve daljše turneje Avsenikov, čeprav je to bilo v davnih petdesetih letih minulega • stoletja ... vi«-.. Prva povabila iz Amerike so prišla v začetku šestdesetih, toda prepolni urniki nastopov, ki so jih za ansambel urejali avstrijski in pozneje nemški posredniki, tega kratko in malo niso dovoljevali. Tako so Avseniki na prvo, a zelo odmevno turnejo po Združenih državah Amerike in Kanadi odpotovali šele leta 1970. Za Avstralijo je zmanjkalo časa ... Treh legendarnih « članov Avsenikov že dolgo ni več med nami - odšel >v je Franc Koren, nato,vŠ£ Franc Košir in Lev Ponikvar. Alfi Nipič ima že lep čas svoj ansambel, s katerim ohranja spomin na svoji dve desetletji v tem neponovljivem ansamblu, v zadnjem času pa mu pri tem pomagata tudi drugi članici pevskega terceta, Jožica Kališnik in Jožica Svete. Ema Prodnik in Mik Soss sta v pokoju, prav tako vodja Slavko Avsenik, ki pa pri dobrih štiriinsedemdesetih še vedno ustvarja, tako kot prva pevka znamenitega valčka Tam, kjer murke cveto Marija Ahačič Polak, ki se je že zdavnaj ustalila v Kanadi, a brez matične Slovenije ne more in vsako leto vsaj enkrat pride domov in nas razveseli s čim lepimi . Pred kratkim je bila to predstavitev nove zgoščenke s posnetki slovenskih: narodnih pesmi, narejenimi pred več kot 20 .leti v produkciji Vilka Ovseni-: ka. Kaj pa država? Včasih se je Avsenikov držala neprijetna oznaka “režimski ansambel”, saj so večkrat Igrali jugoslovanskemu predsedniku Titu na njegovih zabavah, svoje pa je naredila . .tudi nevoščljivost drugih, glasbenikov ... ,v Tako šele zdaj, v času samostojne Slovenije,, mnogi spoznavajo, -koliko je bilo z Avseniki zamujenega pri pravočasni promociji Slovenije v svetu. Bo po odhodu Avsenikov še kakšna priložnost za odmevnejšo predstavitev? RODNA GRUDA Ljubljana, Jan. febr. 2004 V VSEJ ČLOVEŠKI ZGODOVINI JE BIL KRISTUS... Strel bo preplaval Jangce EDINI, KI JE PREMAGAL SMRT Biti kristjan pomeni, verovati v Jezusa Kristusa, in sicer ne samo kot v največjega človeka preteklosti, marveč kot v nekoga, ki vedno živi med nami. Če pa Jezus ni vstal . . . Če Jezus ne živi, nas njegov prihod pred dvajsetimi stoletji pušča zelo brezbrižne. Če je Jezus samo velik človek preteklosti, celo največji, potem nas ne zanima bolj kot Napoleon ali Julij Cesar. Krščanska vera obstoji ravno v tem, da veruje v Jezusa kot vedno živega, vstalega Gospoda. To govori o pomembnosti Jezusovega vstajenja. Sicer so pa že apostoli pri oznanjevanju dajali prednost vstajenju. Vzemimo na primer prvi govor apostola Petra neposredno po binkoštih, zelo starinski govor, za katerega smo prepričani, da je skoraj dobesedna Petrova pridiga. Kaj nam govori? “Izraelci, poslušajte te besede: Jezus Nazarečana, ki ga je Bog pred vami spričal z močmi in čudeži in znamenji, ki jih je po njem storil sredi med vami, kakor sami veste, njega, izdanega po določenem sklepu in božji previdnosti, ste po rokah krivičnikov na kriz pribili in umorili. Toda Bog ga je oprostil bolečin smrti in ga obudil, zakaj nemogoče je bilo, da h* ga, smrt imela v oblasti.” Prav tako sveti Pavel, ki ni bil priča Jezusovega človeškega življenja kakor apostoli, sveti Pavel, ki je vernik kakor mi. Kaj oznanja? Najprej in predvsem Jezusa in vstajenje. On je tudi vzkliknil: “Če Kristus ni vstal, je prazno naše u-panje in prazna tudi naša vera!” Očividci poročajo Kaj govorijo evangeliji o vstajenju? štiri evangeljska poročila, ki soglašajo, kakor je naravno pri vsakem človeškem pričevanju, v bistvenih stvareh in se razlikujejo v podrobnostih, so se zlasti oklenila prvega dneva po vstajenju, kajti ravno na njem temelji vera. Jezus je umrl in vse se je zrušilo. Apostoli so se razkropili, njihove na-de in sanje so na tleh. Podobo njihove pobitosti imamo v pripovedovanju popotnikov iz Emavsa: “Danes je že tretji dan, odkar se je to zgodilo. Mi smo pa upali, da je on tisti, ki bo rešil Izraela, a zdaj je mrtev,” rečeta popotnika. Ob koncu sobote pridejo žene, ki so hodile za Jezusom, ko je še živel, da bi ga mazilile. V petek zvečer namreč tega niso mogle opraviti zaradi sobotnega počitka, ki se je začenjal že v petek ob šestih zvečer. Pridejo h grobu Jožefa iz Arima-teje, kamor so bili položili truplo, in med seboj govorijo: “Kdo nam bo odvalil kamen od groba?" Tedaj pa vidijo, da je kamen odvaljen, grob prazen in da ni veo straže, ki so jo tu bili pustili Rimljani. To je prva ugotovitev, pri kateri se štiri evangeljska poročila popolnoma ujemajo. Te žene pred praznim grobom čutijo, kaj se je zgodilo, in slišijo glas: “Čemu iščete med mrtvimi tistega, ki je živ?” No, žene pustijo vse tam in gredo apostole obvestit. Ti zaradi zmedenih izjav žena ne vzamejo popolnoma resno trditev, da je Jezus živ, to imajo za prazno žensko govoričenje. Kar apostole preseneča, je prazen grob. To je nekaj otipljivega in se da preveriti. Tedaj planejo vsi, na čelu sta Peter in Janez. Ker je Janez mlajši in zato hitrejši od Petra, pride pred njim, toda iz spoštovanja do Petra, ki je poglavar, počaka, da on prvi stopi v grob. Vse najdejo tako, kot so jim žene povedale. Medtem je Marija Magdalena v vrtu, ki obdaja grob, in bega sem in tja. Ko zagleda moža, ki ga ima za vrtnarja, mu reče: “Veš morda, kam so položili Jezusovo telo? Če si ga ti vzel, mi povej, kam si ga dal.” Tedaj se mož obrne in ji reče: “Marija!” In ona spozna v njem Jezusa. Vrže se mu k nogam, on ji pa reče: “Ne oklepaj se me tako, marveč pojdi obvestit brate.” Nekaj ur zatem se Jezus prikaže m Petru. To prikazovanje omenja Luka: ko se popotnika iz Emavsa vračata, potem ko sta videla Jezusa, srečata apostole in ti jima rečejo: “Da, vemo, Peter ga je videl.” Prav tako omenja sveti Pavel v prvem listu Korinča-nom, da je bil z Marijo Magdaleno Peter prvi, ki je bil deležen Jezusovega prikazovanja. V isti čas lahko postavimo čudovit dogodek popotnikov iz Emavsa: ta dva učenca, ki bežita z bridkostjo v srcu, in Jezus, ki gre z njima in jima razlaga smisel križa. Vidimo ju, kako se bli- Sprememba naslova Ko se selite, trajno ali začasno, ste lepo naprošeni, da naši pisarni posredujete pravočasno tako Vaš nov naslov > ikakor sedanji. To omogoča, da boste brez prekinitve dobivali naš list, prihranili boste pa pisarni strošek 60 centov, ki jih računa pošta za vsak povrnjen oziroma ne dostavljen izvod lista. Uporabljajte ta obrazec za posredovanje potrebnih informacij. Nov naslov Ime __________________ _________________— Naslov _____________________- _________—- Mesto, Država, Zip -____________________— Star naslov Star naslov ______________________ Mesto, država, zip _______________ (NADALJEVANJE S STR. 16) desa, je povedal. Na vprašanje kitajskih novinarjev, o čem bo razmišljal v urah in dnevih, ko bo premagoval tisoče kilometrov Jangceja, pa je preprosto odgovoril: “O številnih novih podobah, ki mi jih je ponudila Kitajska.” Jelko Kacin, šef zunanjepolitičnega odbora slovenskega parlamenta in predsednik organizacijskega komiteja projekta Jangce 2004, pa v vsem skupaj vidi širši pomen. “Strel bo nastopil kot Slovenec in kot Evropejec, kajU takrat bo Slovenija že članica EU. To bo skupna investicija v promoviranje športnega, olimpijskega duha nad kitajskim prebivalstvom, širjenje zavesti o pomenu zdravega življenja in zaščite naravnega okolja,” je povedal Kacin in dodal: “Martin plava za mir, prijateljstvo in čiste vode.” Strel bo tudi pozval kitajske plavalce, naj z njim poskušajo preplavati nekatere dele reke. Upa, da bo tako vzpostavil tesnejše vezi z državo, ki ga, kakor pravi, fascinira. “Učim se kitajsko, vsaj nekaterih pomembnih izrazov, tako da bom znal povedati, da sem lačen ali da sem utrujen,” pove Strel. “In razmišljam o podrobno stih. Na Jangceju namreč ne tekmuješ s časom; tekmuješ z reko samo.” DELO žata Emavsu in sta tako prevzeta od besed tega neznanca, da mu rečeta: “Ostani z nama, proti večeru gre in dan se je že nagnil.” Stopi z njima v krčmo in pri lomljenju kruha ga spoznata. Med seboj govorita: "Ali ni bilo najino srce goreče, ko nama je govoril?” Tedaj se vrneta v Jeruzalem in tu jima rečejo: “Jezus se je prikazal Petru!” Po teh dogodkih se apostoli zberejo in nenadoma se pojavi Jezus sredi med njimi: “Mir vam bodi!” reče in se udeleži njihove večerje. i O naslednjih tednih smo manj poučeni. Evangelista Luka in Janez govorita o prikazovanjih v Jeruzalemu. Janez posebej omenja drugo prikazovanje apostolom v Tomaževi navzočnosti. Ta dobri apostol, ki je bil prvi dan odsoten, noče verovati. Zato pride Jezus- ob drugem prikazovanju k njemu in Tomaž ga vidi ter se ga dotakne, nato pa vzklikne: “Moj Gospod in moj Bog." Marko in Matej govorita o prikazovanjih v Galileji. To so prizori ribolova na jezeru in prizor, ko Jezus čaka učence na obrežju in se udeleži njihovega obeda. Jezus znova podeli oblast Petru, ki ga je vendar zatajil: "Peter, ali me ljubiš?" “Gospod, ti vse veš, ti dobro veš, da je kljub vsemu ljubim.” In trojno Jezusovo vprašanje odkupi trojno Petrovo zatajitev. Stopili smo v stik z izredno živimi in nadrobnimi pripovedovanji evangelijev o Kristusovem vstajenju. To oznanjevanje povzroča spotiko pri [Judih in pri poganih.. Za Jude je vstajenje ii tako nekaj tujega njihovv miselnosti, kljub temu da jim je Jezus o tem, vedJ no znova govoril. .Celo apostoli so bili popono-ma gluhi za to resnico; Ne gre pozabiti, da v tej dobi niso vsi Judje ^verovali v večno življenje: Za Grke in Rimljane, cki so bili navezani na Platonov nauk o nesmrtnosti..duše, je vstajenje teles še bolj nedopustno. Ko jim sveti Pavel v Atenah govori o Jezusovem .vstajenju, ga zapuste z, > besedami: “O tem te ibomo drugič poslušali.” h i. '-In vendar je to tista vera, ki je apostole,:vrgla v svet. Ko gledamo izredni razmah Cerkve prvih stoletij, moramo priznati, da je to učinek nečesa nenavadnega. Tisto nenavadno je bilo vstajenje. (dalje na str. 20) Joseph L. FORTUNA wfwi-zpo S316 Fleet Ave. TeiniM41.0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod. Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči. CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! Arheologija v Celju: Kelti prehiteli Rimljane Skrivnostna severna Kelea Odkritja, da je bilo v Celju naselje že pred nastankom doslej znane rimske Celeie - Stroka potrebuje temeljito prevetritev dosedanjih predstav Zunanja ministrica Avstrije Benita Ferrero-Waldner: “Odlični slovensko- avstrijski odnosi” - Pretekli teden je bila na obisku v Sloveniji Ferrero-Waldneijeva in je poudarila predvsem odlične gospodarske stike med državama in tudi dobro bilanco - kot se je izrazila - političnih odnosov. Poleg zunanjega ministra Dimitrija Rupla se je med obiskom srečala še s predsednikom Slovenije Janezom Drnovškom in premierom Antonom Ropom. Benita Ferrero-Waldner je ena glavnih predsedniških kandidatk na avstrijskih volitvah, ki bo čez nekaj tednov. Na fotografiji je skupaj z ministrom Ruplom. Celje - "Zdaj govorimo o začetkih tega mesta, začetkih. ki segajo v čas pred nastankom doslej znane rimske Celee,” je na predstavitvi osupljivih odkritij na gradbišču celjske Mariborske ceste dejal dr. Bojan Djurič. Temu je pritrdila tudi predsednica Slovenskega arheološkega društva Irena Lazar in dodala, da severno od mestnega sredi-Sča doslej arheologi investitorjem niso postavljali Posebnih pogojev, zdaj pa spoznavajo, da bo to nujno. Društvo, Pokrajinski muzej Celje in območna enota Zavoda za varstvo kulturne dediščine Celje So 16. marca pripravili letno srečanje društva. V Celju prav zato, da so lahko predstavili tudi odkritja in spoznanja z iz-kopovanj na Mariborski cestl, ki so jih začeli Septembra lani. Dr. Bojan Djurič, sicer Voclja skupine za arheo-l°gijo na avtocestah Slo-venije, je povedal, da so °L izkopavanjih odkrili ^ko imenovano severno strugo reke Savinje, za katero so nepreverjeno Vedeli, da bi lahko nekoč tekla severno od mesta 111 ne južno ob njem kakor danes. Odkrili so sledove poselitve, ki je bila na zgor-nJem bregu tedanje Savice in je starejša od po-2nejše in doslej znane rimske naselbine. Celea je po prihodu Rimljanov začela rasti na drugem bregu Savinje. Ana Plestenjak je podrobneje predstavila delo in najdbe. Že junija lani so na Mariborski cesti naleteli na ostanke stavb zunaj dotlej znanega mestnega obzidja. Potem pa so naleteli na staro strugo Savinje, ki je v prvih stoletjih našega štetja tekla severno od Celee. Našli so ostanke lesenega mostu z 205 hrastovimi piloti, čez katerega je bila speljana rimska cesta med Celeo in Poe-toviono. Ob cesti so odkrili stanovanjske stavbe, na njihovih ruševinah pa je bilo pozneje skeletno grobišče. Doslej so izkopali 53 grobov. Najbolj zanimive pa so bile najdbe pod stanovanjskimi objekti severno od stare struge. Tam so naleteli na predrimske najdbe: najniže nekakšen sveti tolmun in v njem ostanke darov, tudi sadja in drobnih uporabnih izdelkov. Svetišče jim je uspelo v celoti dvigniti in ga bodo čez čas lahko postavili drugje v mestu. Iz istega obdobja naj bi bili ostanki talilnih in keramičnih peči. nad katerim je pozneje v rimskih časih zraslo stanovanjsko naselje. Nad najstarejšim svetiščem so • naleteli na sledove dveh nekoliko mlajših svetišč. Manjši del najdb - večina jih je še na analizi ali pa čakajo na konzer-vatorsko delo - so 16. marca razstavili v Pokrajinskem muzeju Celje. Priložnost je bila pravšnja, saj so prav isti dan v Celju zborovali slovenski arheologi, ki so se seznanili z dognanji ob lanskih in prejšnjih arheoloških najdbah po vsej Sloveniji. Djurič je ob tem na novinarski konferenci poudaril, da je slovenski prostor arheološko bogatejši in “gostejši,” kakor se je izrazil, kakor je domača stroka domnevala doslej. Zato bo v njej potreben nov razmislek o umestitvi doslej razmeroma poenostavljenega gledanja na preteklost. Brane Piano DELO, 17. marca 2004 NOVI GROBOVI (NADALJEVANJE s str. 13) William J. Gerl Dne 17. marca je umrl 88 let stari William J. Gerl, mož Barbare, roj. Stefanac, oče Williama, Barbare Aaron in Andree Shea, 5-krat stari oče, brat Andrewa in že pok. Mary, Max-a, Julije in Michaela, veteran 2. svetovne vojne, v kateri je služil v ameriški pehoti, več kot 50 let solastnik nekdanje Gerl Construction Co., član AMLA št. 6, St. Clair Rifle kluba in HBZ št. 337. Pogreb je bil 20. marca v oskrbi Brickmanovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Viljema s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Helen A. Kovatch Dne 20. marca je v Cleveland Clinicu umrla 88 let stara Helen A. Kovatch, rojena 19. maja 1915 v Clevelandu, sestra Rose, Stephana, Marie Skuly, Ann Kish, Theodorea in Frances (vsi že pok.), teta in prate-ta, zaposlena do svoje upokojitve pri Clevite Bronze Co. Pogreb je bil 23. marca v oskrbi Cosicevega zavoda na Chardon Rd. s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Felicite in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Albert A. Tomsick Dne 20. marca je umrl 76 let stari Albert A. Tomsick z Maple Hts., mož Phyllis, roj. Tuttle, oče Christine Cika, Davida in že pok. Marka, 2-krat stari oče, brat Mary Podlogar, Johna Plutt, Rose Kokel in Williama, veteran ameriške vojske, član Kluba upokojencev na Holmes Ave. in Polke Hall of Fame. Pogreb je bil 24. marca, pogrebni obredi so bili v cerkvi The Bedford Church of the Na-zarene s pokopom na pokopališču Crown Hill Memorial Park. Mary K. Cerne Dne 19. marca je umrla 89 let stara Mary K. Cerne, rojena Kostansek, vdova po Henryju, sestra Albine Kostanek in že pok. Martina. Pogreb je bil 23. marca v oskrbi Brickmanovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Kristine in pokopom na Kalvarije pokopališču. 4 BRALCI AMERIŠKE DOMOVINE Priporočajte naš list! Prijavnica - Potovanje na Koroško in v Slovenijo od 3. do 16. junija 2004 ^aše ime ___________.____________________________________________ naslov Mesto Tel. Država Zip Code Email Prijavnico pošljite na naslov: HANSA TRAVEL SERVICE, Inc. 2717 Lorain Ave., Cleveland, OH 44113 Tel. - 216-631-6585 Fax - 216-631-6161 S povratno pošto boste prejeli vse podatke v zvezi s potovanjem. Ko prijavnico pošljete, lahko vključite tudi morebitna vprašanja v zvezi s potovanjem in 0ste dobili pojasnila. Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1517. Z Madagaskarja se je oglasila misijonarka, s. Marjeta Zanjkovič, ki deluje v kraju Betafo, proti severu otoka, in ni nič v stiku z našimi misijonarji, ter piše: “Dragi dobrotniki! Kakor vsako leto, sem se tudi letos zelo razveselila vašega velikodušnega božičnega daru. Bog povrni stotero vsem, ki nas podpirate pri našem delu! Najprej vse dobro tudi v novem letu. Naj bo bogato milosti in blagoslova za vse. Vedno ste prisotni v naših molitvah, posebno bolni in preizkušani. Dobri Bog naj bo vaše obilno plačilo in tolažba. Preteklo leto je bilo za nas v Betafu dokaj mirno in polno uspehov. Božja previdnost je bila z nami in nam pomagala uresničiti marsikateri načrt. Zgradili smo prostorno obednico, kjer bo lahko sto otrok vsak dan dobilo en obrok hrane. To so otroci najbolj revni iz naše šole. Za mnoge je to edini obrok, ki ga dobijo na dan. Za božič in novo leto smo lahko s pomočjo dobrotnikov obdarile vsakega od teh otrok z oblekicami in rižem za njihove družine. Drugo veliko veselje za vse so bile šolske torbice, za vseh 750 otrok, dar našega predsednika države, in učbeniki za vsakega posebej. Doslej so imeli eno ali dve knjigi za razred. Starši so bili oproščeni plačila za vstop v šolo, kar je tudi bil dar od države. Bogu hvala za vse! Veliko je upanje, da se bodo razmere na Madagaskarju počasi izboljšale. Prilagam dve slikci, da si boste lažje predstavljali, kako je pri nas. Vsem dragim dobrotnikom: iskrena in prisrčna zahvala za vse. Prisrčno vas vse pozdravljam v imenu naše skupnosti in vseh otrok, s. Marjeta Zanjkovič.” Zgoraj: Najmlajši se veselijo svojih novih torbic. Spodaj: Otroci, ki jim pomagajo dobrotniki Misijonske Znamkarske Akcije Tudi mi smo bili veseli tega pisma in fotografije otrok. Bog daj, da bi šel novi predsednik po tej poti naprej, namreč, da bo pomagal narodu in ne svojemu žepu in okolici. Kot je bilo že parkrat omenjeno, naš krožek pomaga bogoslovcu pri vzdrževalnini v bogoslovju v Afriki, v Kampali, Ugandi. Oglasil se je takole: “Dragi dobrotniki! Pozdravljam vas v imenu Jezusa Kristusa, našega Gospoda, in vam želim srečno, uspešno leto 2004. Hvala vam za vašo finančno pomoč, kar pride preko Misijonske Znamkarske Akcije v semeniško pisarno. Zelo sem vam hvaležen za to pomoč, in vam želim božji blagoslov. Semester se je pričel 30. januarja in se bo končal koncem maja. Upam, da bom v duhovnika posvečen 7. avgusta letos. Lepo vas prosim, da se me spomnite v molitvi. Tudi jaz vam obljubim, da se vas bom spominjal v molitvi, posebno še zdaj. ko sem že diakon, da bi Bog vas vse blagoslovil in vam vsem naklonil dolgo življenje, polno dobrega in veselja v slavo Njegovega imena. Vaš verni diakon Humphrey Kasozi Labega.” Prosimo in molimo, da bi Nebeški Oče dal temu diakonu veliko pameti in modrosti, da bi ostal veren, poslušen škofu in Cerkvi, in ne iskal ugodja zase in za svoje. Težka je njihova pot, zato potrebujejo veliko naše molitve. Ne pozabimo nanj! Dobila sem tudi pismo misijonarja Franceta Buh, ki deluje na Madagaskarju: “Pozdravljena! Dobil sem vaše pismo s priloženim potrdilom, ki vam ga podpisanega vračam. Hvala MZA za poslani dar, tudi Angele ne bom pozabil. No, nad zdravjem se pa res ne smem pritoževati.'-Sestra Cecilija se me spominja, ko sem bil še obvezan po operaciji. Res, da me je pred letom in pol možganska kap prizadela in da sedaj levo nogo malo za seboj vlačim in peš ne pridem daleč. Gobavsko naselje je tu čisto blizu nas, pa se vozim z malim, nizkim avtom. Šofiram seveda sam. No, kaj pravite? Smem tarnati? Raka ne čutim, redno jemljem tabletke, ki naj bi zavirale njegovo napredovanje. Seveda, ne bom dočakal visoke starosti, a kaj je to eno leto več ali manj pred večnostjo. Tu v naši škofiji nas je deset Slovencev, ki se pogosto srečamo: 6 duhovnikov, dve sestri usmiljenki in dva fanta laika. Vsa dekleta so se vrnile domov in so skoraj vse srečno poročene. Letos pa pričakujemo novega duhovnika iz ljubljanske nadškofije. Tudi domači poklici rastejo, a kar precej jih zapusti duhov-ski stan. Molite zanje. Tudi sam se vam priporočam v molitev in vaju lepo pozdravljam, France Buh.” Ni lahko biti duhovnik. Zapustiti moraš vse in biti na razpolago vsem, ki iščejo pomoč. Velikokrat je to težka zadeva. Zato je treba vedno znova prositi milosti. Tudi verniki se moramo večkrat spomniti, da duhovniki iri misijonarji brez naših molitev ne bodo zmogli njihovega dela. Ne pozabimo nanje. Zopet je odšla skrbna duša po svoje plačilo v večnost. To je bila Žakljeva mama. Za vsako kosilo je prinesla klekljane čipke, da smo imele njeno delo za prodajo. Lepo, skrbno narejeno! Hvala mama! Bog Vam povrni vse ure, ki ste jih darovali za ljubezen do bližnjega pri klekljanju. Prav lep misijonski pozdrav od vseh sodelavcev in Marice Lavriša 1004 Dillewood Rd. Cleveland, OH 44119 It's Time for your eye exam! J. F. OPTICAL Eye Care Specialists Eye Exams Latest in eye fashion - Contact Lenses We Welcome Your Drs. Prescription 775 E. 185th St. Eye Glasses Cleveland, OH 44119 Repaired ______Tel.: (216) 531-7933 (34) BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. (216) 481-5277 Between Chardon Rd. & E. 222 St. in Euclid, Ohio EDINI, KI JE PREMAGAL SMRT (nadaljevanje s str. 18) Edino to je dalo prvim misijonarjem gorečnost, kakršno vidimo v njihovi dobi. To je naredilo iz prestrašenih Kristusovih učencev po njegovem trpljenju in smrti mučence in spoznavalce vere ip na tisoče jih bo potrdilo to svojo vero v vstalega in sedaj živega Kristusa s ceno svojega | življenja. I Vstali bomo tudi mi Vstajenje odkriva vsem \ očem tisto, kar je bilo v t Jezusovi naravi že od j 1 začetka skrito. Vstajenje ; razvije kal, ki jo je Kri- t stus vedno nosil v sebi- I Kdor odstrani vstajenje. ' odstrani z istim mahom yse, , kar je z njim zdru- ( ženo, in kar potem osta- ^ ne,, ni več vredno, da bi ^ bilo predmet vere. Kri- j stusovo , vstajenje je do- ( knčna zmaga nad smrt- j jo. Kristus je prvi člo- ( vek, ki gospoduje nad j smrtjo ,in oživi za vselej m. ( Smrt je temeljno vpra- t šanje človekovega življe' ( nja, mi kristjani pa, Ye' ' rujemo, da je ne;kd0 ^ smrt premagal in veruje- ^ mo, da nas bo vstali ^ Kristus potegnil za seboj v to zmago. . j “Smrti," pravi sveti Pa' ] veb. “kje je tvoja zmaga? i Smrt, kje je tvoje želo? | In pristavi: “Če oznanjm t mo, da je Kristus vstal t od mrtvih, kako morej? ' nekateri med vami govo- ‘ riti, da ni vstajenja? Če ni vstajenja od mrtvih’ tudi Kristus ni vstal. če pa Kristus ni vstal, Je j prazno naše upanje, pra' , zna tudi naša vera.” k Kdor veruje, da Gospod živi, je s tem kristjan. Vse drugo Je vsebovano tu notri. Kdor veruje, da Jezus KristuS živi, bo sam od spoznal vso zgradbo K1 čanskih skrivnosti. J- NAŠA april 19^ I ! ! 1 i s t t t t a t ( m c c v tl tl i f tl k 0