Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home over 100 years of serving American- Slovenians Vol. 106, No. 13 America.. Ameriška Domovina1 SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER USPS 024100 ISSN Number 0164-68X AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 1, 2004 Phone:(216)431-0628 e-mail: ah@buckeyevveb.coin 70c Celebration Marks Accession of Slovenia and Six Additional Countries into NATO Approximately 300 members from Greater Cleveland’s nationality communities gathered Monday evening at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church on Neff Rd. to celebrate the accession to ^ATO membership of seven additional countries: Slovenia, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and Slovakia. The celebration paralleled uvents in Washington, D.C., where President George Bush welcomed the leaders °f the seven countries entering NATO on the south lawn °f the White House. A number of Cleveland-area Slove-nian Americans received invitations to attend the ceremony and then a reception Monday evening at the Corcoran Art Gallery. Some were able to attend. Slovenia was represented in Washington by Prime Minis-ter Anton Rop and Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel. Our Lady of Perpetual J^ulp Church on Neff Rd. is L'thuanian American and Members of that community Pjayed a vital role in orga-nizing the event Monday, t°gether with the cooperation of the American Nationalities Movement, led by rene Morrow. Grace Kudukis, a Lithua-n'an American, welcomed those in attendance and then introduced the master of ceremonies, Dick Russ, a news anchor at Channel 3. Russ is Slovenian American, and in fact members of the community played a major role in the program that followed. The program began with a procession of flags, which were then mounted on the stage. First, of course, was the American flag, which was followed by the NATO flag and then by those of the countries joining the organization, in alphabetical order. The Slovenian flag was last and was carried by Dr. Vladimir Rus, for many years a very active member of the American Nationalities Movement. He was accompanied by Dušan (Duke) and Mary Marsic, both clad in Slovenian national costume. The Cleveland Plain Dealer carried a photo of the three that accompanied an article on the event in Tuesday’s issues. The Invocation was offered by Rev. Gediminas Kijauskas, pastor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church. As was noted by several speakers who followed, Rev. Kijauskas was always ready to make the parish auditorium and other facilities available to pro- St. Vitus Chicken, Pork Dinner benefits Auditorium Repair 0- vt i60 . The St. Vitus KSKJ ^°dge #25, St. Vitus Altar ociety, and the St. Vitus °*y Name Society will Orisor a Breaded Chicken Bork Dinner on Sunday, Pril 4 at the St. Vitus gditorium in Cleveland, on e corner of Norwood Road L| Lausche Avenue (one C0ck south of E. 62nd and St. a'r Avenue). c. On the menu will be a oice of breaded boneless chick p.m. Donation is $12.00 for adults and $6.00 for children. This event will be part of the American Slovenian Catholic Union, KSKJ, Matching Funds Program. The Matching Funds and all of the proceeds of the event will go toward the repair of the auditorium roof at St. Martin De Porres High School (St. Vitus). All are welcome to attend the din- ^ith en breast or roast pork ner. liver dumpling and ^°dle soup, mashed pota-(jres’ Nee, vegetable, salad, ~ ^ad- dessert, and coffee, Spiilk. jfng will be continu-11 a.m. to 1:30 >-v W, I Tickets for the dinner will be available at the St. Vitus Rectory, from members of the above organizations, and at the door. ‘ —Joseph V. Hočevar Dinner Chairman I' l i A v&i ,;>*» 1 k r'J iprV • ■\ m V ' ^ ■ Among the 530 guests at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue in Cleveland on Saturday, March 13 for the Federation of Slovenian Homes awards banquet were these diners at the Rev. Joseph Boznar Honoree table. They are, left to right, Stane and Maree Kuhar Rev. Boznar, Joseph Hočevar, Joseph Baškovič and Sister Mary Avsec. b ________ (Photo by TONY GRDINA) mote the causes of freedom and democracy not only for Lithuania, but also other countries in Central and Eastern Europe. The American national anthem was sung, together with the audience, by Cecilia Dolgan, director of Circle 2 of SNPJ, which will have its annual spring event this Sunday at the Slovenian Society Home on Recher Ave. The pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States was led by Cleveland’s Ward 11 Councilman Michael Polenšek, yet another member of the Slovenian American community. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church lies in Mr. Polensek’s ward. Dick Russ recognized a number of prominent guests in the audience, including several honorary consuls, and this was followed by brief remarks by Mrs. Irene Morrow and by August P. Pust, a member of the U.S. Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad. Mr. Pust read a proclamation to President Bush thanking him for supporting the accession of the new members to NATO. Those present approved the proclamation by acclamation. A brief videotape of the NATO ceremony in Washington was then played. The guest speaker for the celebration was U.S. Senator George V. Voinovich, who had returned to Cleveland after attending the afternoon ceremony at the White House. In his remarks he recalled the efforts that led to the NATO expansion that had just occurred and expressed the hope that there wpuld be yet an additional one to bring in countries - he mentioned Croatia, Albania and Macedonia and, at some more future date, Serbia -not yet a part of the now 26-member alliance. Voinovich also listed each of the countries that had now become NATO members (actually the formal ceremony will be tomorrow, Friday, at NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium) and noted that each of the seven had already made contributions to the NATO efforts to stabilize Afghanistan and some also were assisting in the Iraqi Freedom venture. He especially noted Slovenia’s considerable efforts in de-mining, where the country has in fact a quite significant role. Senator Voinovich spoke about how delighted he had been to be in Prague in No- U.S. Senator present to hear then NATO head Lord Robertson extend invitations to join to the seven countries that now are a part of the alliance. He also spoke very strongly in behalf of President Bush’s efforts to combat terrorism. As he has done on numer-occasions, Voinovich ous said he was committed to promoting political democracy, stability and economic progress in the Balkan region and throughout East Central Europe. He also spoke warily about the Russia of President Putin and emphasized the need to be vigilant about developments under way in that country. Closing comments at the celebration were made by Dr. Viktoras Stankus, with Mrs. Kudukis a co-chainnan of the event. Mr. Stankus made it a point to mention some other organizations and institutions that had been active in promoting the enlargement of NATO to include additional countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Among those he noted were the American Home newspaper and the radio program led by Tony Petkovšek. Rudolph M. Susel vepabw. of 2002,as the ,only AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 1, , AMERICAN HOME | AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $35 letno za ZDA; $40 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (v ZD valuti) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currency Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published weekly, except 1st week in July and 1 week after Christmas, for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 13 April 1, 2004 MBFiectmm by mm So Long, Cilka Žakelj by RUDY FLIS * I USS General Greely. Do you know that name? I do. It is the name of an American ship. If you read the Slovenian newspaper American Home you may recognize the name Greely. And if you lived in a refugee camp after World War II, you probably were a passenger on the USS Gen. Greely on one of its seven voyages as it transported displaced persons from Europe to America. I know the name “Greely” because it was in January, 1953 when the troop ship USS Gen. Greely transported me to Germany. Is there common ground here? I can’t recall the exact year my cousin Lucy Romih signed me up as a subscriber to American Home but I do recall the first article I read. It was titled “Life in the Refugee Camps,” by the Žakelj family. And I read about the “Gen. Greely” the ship that transported their family to America. I have read every one of their articles since then. This week, just five pages after the article, “Life in the Refugee Camps” is the death notice of the Matriarch of the Žakelj family. I pray for Cilka Žakelj and all her family. The Slovenian refugees are a tough lot, at least the ones I have met. I have no doubt it was a blessing for our country as these refugees reached our shores, to join us as fellow citizens of this great nation of ours. I have heard the story told, “When you die, it is like sailing away.” So Cilka waves to husband, Anton, sons John, Tony, Joe and daughter Marija, and at the end of her voyage she will wave again to her sister Julka and brothers Polde, Rupe and Stanko who anxiously await her arrival. May your soul rest in peace, Cilka. Ažman & Sons Market 6501 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 216-361-0347 We are back in business and ready to ship: Smoked Sausage - Fresh Garlic Sausage Želodec - Potica In business at this location since 1934 Vacuum-pack sausage - sealed in freshness - $3.99 lb. Imported foods from Europe E-mail; frankazman@msn.com Slovenian Pensioners Club of Euclid Excitement and laughter rang through the main hall of the Slovenian Pensioners Club of Euclid meeting of March 3rd at the Slovenian Society Home on Recher Avenue in Euclid. The meeting started with the featured speaker, Bob Dolgan, well known sports-writer of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, who highlighted some of the unusual stories of past great athletes. Questions by the members and answers from Bob went over big! Copies of his book, “Heroes, Scamps, and Good Guys,” were available and personally autographed. Needless to say, we thoroughly enjoyed his presence. After the Pledge of Allegiance, we had a quiet moment to remember dear member and friend who recently passed away, “Matthew F. Arko, Jr., (Teddy Hoyer). May he rest in peace. Our Sunshine Lady, Doris M. Pokopac, was busy sending cards to our ailing members Frances Forsight, Jack Salem, Frank Kala-masz, and Frank Sedar. We welcomed a new member: Caroline Elsie Frank. Elsie, glad to have you on board. Birthdays were acknowledged, but no one claimed to have a wedding anniversary. Apparently March was too cold. Our Bake Sale was a huge success and profitable. Thank you to all the members who baked and especially to Lillian Dombrowski and Lillian Pugel for organizing the event. Also to Marie Selan who collected the money. By the way, the Stuffed Cabbage Dinner on March 6, which was held in the Club Room, went over big, including the jam session hosted by Kenny Zalar. Everyone had a good time. Our President, Lori Sier-putowski, made mention of two special up-coming events: Annual Picnic which will be held on July 28 at SNPJ Farm and our Christmas Dinner on Dec. 8. Details will follow. She also reminded all members that the dues are payable by March 31st. Please do not let your membership lapse. And now on a serious note: The Ladies Auxiliary Poor Man’s Raffle was held on March 27 at the Slovenian Home on Recher Avenue. Donation was $10.00 per person. Oops, almost neglected to mention that in honor of St. Patrick’s Day, all officers of the club (except Frank Kosem) wore St. Patrick’s insignia, given to us by our Financial Treasurer Jeanette Yert. They were beautiful. After the meeting there was musical entertainment in the annex by Cathy Hlad, Kenny Zalar and Teeny Ulle. We had a ball. Before closing, we learned of another member and friend who recently passed away, Frank E. Ogor-enc. May he rest in peace. So each and every member, stay warm and healthy. See you all at the next meeting on April 7th. —Carolyn Janezicb Make Butare for Palm Sunday The making of the unique Slovenian “butara” for Palm Sunday will take place in St. Vitus Church Hall on Saturday morning, April 3rd from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. The traditional Slovenian “butara,” that is, bundling of green branches, pussywillows, and evergreens, and decorating them with ribbons, continues under the direction of the parish’s Slovenian Language School. If you would like to learn this tradition, you are most welcome to join the Slovenian School children and parents and other adults on Saturday morning. If you do come, besides the above mentioned items, bring scissors, a roll of thin green wire, rolls of ‘/a-inch wide red, white and blue ribbon, and a little patience. If you wish, you may just want to come and watch others make a butara. St. Mary’s Seniors Meet St. Mary’s Seniors (Collinwood) will meet in the school hall on Tuesday, April 6 at 1:30 p.m. Doors open at 1 p.m. Caretaker for Elderly Female Minimal responsibilities. Weekday hrs. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. PT/FT. - Inquire phone after 6 p.m. 216—481-9851 Butare made at St. Mary’s The Slovenian custom of bundling greenery together for Palm Sunday is carried on in St. Mary’s parish in Collinwood through the efforts of their Saturday Slovenian Language School. Butare will be made on Friday evening in the school cafeteria and on Saturday morning. Any donation of pussywillows, evergreens and ivy will be welcome. Just bring scissors, florist wire, ribbons and a good spirit. It’s only by the hard blows of adverse fortune that character is tooled. —Janez Mercina 100 WORDS MORE OR LESS by John Mercina NATURAL HIGHS ( Sent by a reader, author unknown) □ Falling in love... □ A hot shower... □ Getting mail... □ A long distance phone call... □ A bubble bath... □ Having someone tell you that you are beautiful... □ Waking up and realizing you still have a few hours left to sleep. •• □ Your first kiss... □ Sweet dreams... □ Making chocolate chip cookies... O Spending time with a close friend... □ Watching the sunrise... □ Getting out of bed every morning and being grateful for another beautiful day... L ys M Ip lime £ it all £ Th arew depar Majoi come Majoi dinne coursi dance Ti Ih day j Work by 4 assigr Wed Wei It' I Wen Perso ada. dollai two j Wlii, Th 16 ada Wmi the w F Hr Prom logge Ri Wjui Photc to Wc Sai hat si 'dg v 1° bu I Si T( cWp Ma, °nk is I I 1 Life in the Refugee Camps 1948' L % Anton Žakelj, translated and edited by John Žakelj Monday, July 5, 1948 I painted fence-posts with 'ime all day, but rain washed •tall away. This evening, we had a Newell ceremony for our ^parting camp director, ^ajor Leadbetter, and a wel-:°me for the new director, ^ajor Pak. There was a nice dinner and then a dance. Of c°urse, I didn’t go to the dance. (I’m not a dancer.) Tuesday, July 6, 1948 I helped pour concrete all ay for the new hall. The '''ork could have been done V 4 men, but 12 of us were assigned to the job. I was Wed. Wednesday, July 7,1948 it was to rainy to work, so Went to the market. I met a P^son who is going to Can-U a- I sold him 3 Canadian °ilars for 35 shillings and pieces of lace for 180 filings. Thursday, July 8, 1948 i60 people left for Can-^a today, most of them ernians who had been °ved to Yugoslavia during he War. Friday, July 9,1948 Engineer Kirschner Wiised me a job with the SSers in the woods. Ristič is still complaining 0llt me selling Kocmur’s °tos. Levičar ordered me it out with Ristič. Saturday, July 10,1948 l c°ntinued to sell photos, Se l!'nCe 's a Serb, the inr S an<^ Croatians are sid-JWth Ristič and refusing °S from me. u Wrote letters to Mire, laar, Silva and Kocmur. Wnday, July 11, 1948 CaiTi0day it rained in the P’ and snowed up in the mountains. Cilka and 1 went out in the woods and found 11 mushrooms. For dinner we had polenta and . mushrooms. Monday, July 12, 1948 I asked Kirschner when I could begin the logging job. He replied that McKeon won’t allow it. I went to McKeon, who said I can go. I went back to Kirschner, who said he had already hired someone else. I protested, so Kirchner went to McKeon. Kirschner returned, '‘McKeon says I can’t take you because you’re a bad worker.” I explained to Kirchner that I think McKeon is biased against me, but that didn’t do any good. 300 new refugees arrived from Kapfenberg, mostly Ukrainians. Everyone has to make room in their barracks for more people. A married couple moved into our barracks. Tuesday, July 13,1948 I refused to go to my camp job today. McKeon asked Fradl why 1 wasn’t at work. Wednesday, July 14,1948 This morning I moved some firewood from barracks 60 to 64 and laid down stones for the path to the outhouse. McKeon asked me if I was back to my camp job. “No,” I replied. In the evening, I found six mushrooms and some strawberries in the woods. Zupan and Cebasek are advising me to get a job with Hittaler (road and railroad construction), or with the British in Leoben. Thursday, July 15, 1948 ^____________________________________________ L,n *s Ihe only animal that laughs and weeps; for he is the [ttij ^ an'rna' ^at is struck with the difference between what are and what they ought to be. -Bob Mills 82nd St. Market BAKERY 5895 Royalton Rd. 440-237-8682 GRANDMA ELLIE Traditional Baking POTICA • NUT ROLLS ^3ska Bread • Angel Wings • Kolachky PACZKI’S ARE BACK Holy Saturday Open Holy Week Wed., Thurs., Friday, Sat. 6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. r* ^ $1.00 ANY EASTER BAKERY Min. $ 15.00purchase . ^ 1 coupon per person Classic Headlines: March Planned for August Lingerie Shipment Hijacked: Thief Gives Police the Slip At 6 a.m. I went to Mass for my brother Vlado’s name day. At 7:30 I took the bus to Leoben to look for a job. The British are not hiring, but Hittaler said he would hire me if I could bring a recommendation from the government work office. I went there, but the line was so long I would have missed my bus back. On the way back, I bought some things for my family in Slovenia and a little baby outfit. Cilka’s pregnancy is going well and I expect we will soon have a little son or daughter. Fradl told me McKeon let another worker go because he wasn’t willing to work for 120 shillings a month. Friday, July 16,1948 Silva sent us more than 4 pounds of cherries. Cilka loves fruits and vegetables and was very happy to get the cherries. I try to please Cilka whenever I can; 1 often go out to the fields to pick dandelions so she can make salads. As I think about the upcoming dangers of childbirth, I love her more than ever. Am I pleased that we will have a baby? No! How will I support it? I have nothing to give it. But I will do my best to make sure that Cilka and the baby will at least have food and clothing. If God gives us good health, we will manage. After all, we have been completely dependent on God, and on people’s good will these past three years. (To Be Continued) Labor Day Weekend 2005 Bishop Baraga gathering in Cleveland, Ohio. The Lesna Octet from Slovenia will join the Slovenian Junior Chorus at the 22nd Annual Super Button Box Bash at the Slovenian Society Home in Euclid on Sunday, April 4. The award-winning men’s octet hails from Slovenj Gradec in Slovenia. The ensemble has toured the United States several times to great acclaim. The appearance is a feature of the Super Button Box Bash hosted by the children of SNPJ Youth Circle 2. The concert begins at 3 p.m. Music begins at 1 p.m. with performances by 13 button box groups on two stages. Admission is $7. For more information contact Director Cecilia Dolgan at 440-944-7303.____________________ CUNARD Euclid Travel invites you to join us November 26, 2004 in New York City for a 10-day Caribbean cruise on Queen Mary 2 Staterooms from $ 1,489pp* (Based on ckxjbte occupancy. Includes passage, port charges and taxes.) Contact Mary or Donna I-216-261-1050 mlscruising@sbcglobal.net EUCLIDl&S^ 22078 Lakeshore Blvd. TTIAS/El**" Euclid, Ohio 44123 missing from your portfolio? Buy a two-year, KS ingle Premium Fixed ~ ' APY imit S1,000 mir pbject to chan a KSKJ AMhKlCAN J.I*DV JN f Call a KSKJ represenlalive today for a free quote: 1-800-843-5755 or visit us on the weh at: n ww.KSKJIife.com AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 1, 2004 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 1, 2004 Mlakar Walks Down Memory Lane ** # Harry by RAY MLAKAR Ray is back and afraid it will take me longer to get this column out than usual for the eyes are getting worse and at this writing only have four more days before surgery. When I start burning the food that I prepare when I can’t jab the . food on the plate, you know it is time for me to give up. I think “Happy Harry,” the cairn terrier is content with the way things are, for the food that slips off my plate from trying to jab it gets to the floor and Harry loses no time in putting it away. He is gaining weight and 1 am losing it. Well, enough for the home economics and will continue with the story of this past week in which I had to report to the hospital for pre-admission testing. The appointment was for 01:30 p.m. and I got there at 01:20 and went directly to the preadmission testing and said, “Ray Mlakar reporting in for my appointment for 1:30.” The young lady said, “Great, I’ve been waiting for you.” “Waiting? I’m 10 minutes early.” She said, “No, I don’t mean that, I have been waiting to meet you; 1 think we might be related.” Just then she leaned over the counter for me to see her ID badge and 1 said, “Sorry, you will have to take it off; I got bad eyes.” She proceeded to take off her badge and gave it to me, and low and behold her name was “Mlakar.” I said, great, but 1 don’t think I have any living relatives for mine are all located at Holy Cross, Sunset Memorial, or West Park Cemetery. I went on to say that I thought perhaps she found her Mr . Mlakar on the East Side in the St. Clair, Waterloo or Euclid area and she said you are right. She said, “Well I guess the nurses back there are ready for you and when they see your chart I am sure they will ask you if we are related. I said have no fear, I will tell them that we are related for then I know I will be treated with gentle gloves. Best of luck she said. She was right for as soon as I seen the first technician, she said, “Are you related to Mrs. Mlakar at the preadmission desk?” You bet I said, she is my wife. “No way,” she said, “I know her husband for he is a young man and they have a daughter that is nine.” I said, “I know, she dumped him and got me instead for she wanted an older man, more distinguished.” The nurse just laughed and passed me onto another technician who overheard our conversation and she said, “You know Mrs. Mlakar is expecting?” “1 know,” I said, although it was all news to me. “Yep,” I remarked, “We are expecting a baby boy.” She said, “No way; you can’t be the father, for according to your paperwork here, you are more than three quarters of a century old, you couldn’t be the baby’s father. 1 said, “Well, did you ever hear of an Immaculate Conception?” I thought she would fall off the stool she was sitting on. She said, “Your blood pressure is high.” I said I know; it is the anticipation of the birth of the baby son. Soon the tests were over and as I was going out 1 passed the pre-admission desk again and seen Mrs. Mlakar and was about to say good bye and she said, “I hope every thing went all right for you in the testing.” I said, “Oh, it did.” I told them about you and I were very closely related and I left them in stitches. I then said, “Be sure not to make any plans for the first two weeks in December. “Why,” she asked. I said that is when our little baby boy will arrive. She said you are wrong; it is due in October. I said no December. She laughed. I said you know it is going to be a boy, 6 pounds, 7 ounces and by the way when the nurse presents him to you for the first time, don’t think that they brought you the wrong baby when he has gray white hair. But I assure you it will turn black in a few weeks. She just laughed, especially when the woman she was admitting asked her if I was her husband. It goes without saying that I was nervous when I was there and tried to make light of it, but telling one fib led to another, but then all those who know me realize I can’t tell the truth even if my right hand is on the bible Bishop Pevec is holding. Well, come on Ray, where is the joke. Well, I will relate this joke to you but to be honest for a change, I can’t take credit for it for I got it from Bro. Frankie Mlakar in Erie, PA for every once in a while he sends me a jqjse that knocks me off my stool. It is a rather long joke, but let’s face it, I got four days before the eye surgery. So here goes: There were three blondes that were applying for a Texas Highway Patrol position. The detective conducting the interview looked at the three of them and said, “So you want to be a cop?” The blondes all nodded. The detective got up and grabbed a file folder. Sitting back down he opened it up and pulled out a picture and said, “To be a detective you must be able to notice things such as distinguishing features and oddities like scars, etc.” So saying, he stuck the photo in the face of the first blonde and withdrew it after about two seconds. “Now,” he said, “Did you notice any distinguishing features about this man?” The blonde smiled and immediately said, “Yes I did. He has only one eye.” The detective shook his head and said, “Of course he has only one eye in this picture, it’s a profile of his face. You are dismissed. The first blonde hung her head and walked out. The detective then turned to the second blonde, stuck the photo in her face for about two seconds and pulled it away and said, “What about you? Notice anything unusual or outstanding about this guy?” “Yes, he has only one ear.” The detective put his head in his hand and exclaimed, “Didn’t you hear what I just told the other lady? This is a profile of a man’s face. Of course you can only see one ear. You’re excused, too. The detective then turned his attention to the third and last blonde and said, “This is probably a waste of time, but... He flashed the photo in her face for a few seconds and withdrew it saying, “All right. Did you notice anything distinguishing or unusual about this man?” The blonde said, “I did. This man wears contact lenses.” The detective frowned, took another look at the picture and began looking at some papers in the folder. He looked up at the blonde with a puzzled expression and said, “You are absolutely right. His biography says he wears contacts. How in the world could you tell that by looking at the photo? The blonde rolled her eyes and said, “Well, with only one eye and one ear, he certainly can’t be wearing glasses.” In bringing this to a close I again thank Frankie Mlakar for the joke. I’ll have to remember that joke and tell it to Jack Benny when I see him at the Golden Gates. I could go on with more jokes, but my eyes are telling me to end the column. Before signing off, got to admit that Jim Debevec had a nice column in the American Home last week about President Bush saying that all past presidents with only four letters in their last name lost in a re-election and suggested he change his name to one that has more letters like Mlakar. Sorry, even with him changing his name to Mlakar it will not get him a second term for he will have a hard time explaining the loss of 528 American lives for no good reason. Ray, time to stop, for the next thing you will be talking about is Ronald Reagan. In closing, may the Good Lord bless and watch over all of you and keep y°u 'n good health. Next week at this time should have four eyes an perhaps write a lot better °[ then I will see what 1 have written and what you are reading and try to improve. / P 1 ii d tl f t F I St. Vitus Alumni Meet c I ( ( Just ‘jolting’ your memory a bit. Thursday, April lst'h at 7 p.m. in the Slovenian room of St. Vitus Village, the St. Vitus Alumni will hold their quarterly meeting. All members received a letter of what has transpired during the past year and a reminder of this meeting, plus very important scholarship information. If you have any question! , regarding the alumni schol' j arships for the coming yearS' i it would behoove you to \ tend the meeting. I Come, become an acth'e member, renew old frienO' ships, and enjoy the wonder' ] ful ‘goodies’ served alter the meeting. —Agnes KoporC Report* Button Box Bash Set April 4 Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Slovene National Benefit Society at Super Button Box Bash 22 on Sunday, April 4 from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Avenue, Euclid, OH. It promises to be another grand reunion of the finest button accordion players in North America with a gala atmosphere at the largest accordion festival of its kind. The Slovenian Junior Chorus of SNPJ Youth Circle 2 is hosting the 8-hour button box marathon. The youngsters, ages 6 through 16, will perform in a miniconcert at 3 p.m. Adding to the festivities will be the singers of the Lesna Oktet from Slovenia who will sing at 3:40 p.m. This year’s Button Accordion Player of the Year, Kathy Hlad, a Circle 2 alumna, will perform. The Button Accordion Group of the Year, Captain’s Crew, with leader Ken Zalar, will also be featured and honored. An All-Star Show of button accordionists is scheduled at 6 p.m., with A1 Battistelli, Fred Ziwich, Ron Likovič, and more. The Lipa Park Button Box Club has retired frortl playing, but the good news'5 Lipa Park fans and friend5 will be on hand again th's year, with a group from Catharines, Ontario, Canady Admission is $6 in ^ vance or $7 at the door. sicians with instruments ^ admitted free. Dinners, fo° ’ and beverages will be aval able throughout the day Tickets can be purchased 1,1 advance at the Polka Hall o Fame, 605 E. 222nd Street-Euclid, OH 44123, or at tn door on the day of the event-For more information ca Agnes at 216—531-7168 <> Cecilia at 440—944-7303-Scheduled to play: City Button Box Showcase-Barberton; Western Pennsy vania SNPJ Button Club, Sygan; Capta"1 Crew, Euclid; SNPJ M°rt . ern Home Club, Michig3^ Magic Buttons, Wftloughtv’ The Hobos; Buttonnair6 ’ Northern Ohio ?We'' Euclid Squeezeboxe^- Happy Timers; Mahon" Valley Button Box Cl" j Youngstown; Strabane SN International Button j Club; and Dan Novinc a Friends. - When you need car repairs, stop at Complete Repairs • Foreign & Domestic ACE AUTO REPAIR 216.531.6900 • ALIGNMENT • ENGINE REPAIR • EXHAUST • BRAKES • CLUTCH • SHOCKS MmMmtvr sr.HVK r urvir* • TRANSMISSION • TUNE-UPS . MUFFLERS • HEATING * AIR CONDITIONING • GOOD YEAR TIRE’ "mjBt •=Uvd. 19099 Lakb Euclid, Ohio 4-. /£/(,. Mon.-Fri. 8-6 LJUBOMIR (ACE) ROZIC, PRESIDENT' ri irn ovfl OU il ime i a» ;rf( ha' i aJ ve. t [ion :hol eaS j $ iti'1 snii' det ■tK ior( rti o' 0» )ia iis ids iis St' a. d- u- ir« ,d. ii- y- ia ol Dr. John Neilsen Grant Program _ by STANE KUHAR The Dr. John Neilsen American Slovenian Grant Program was established in 1999 with funding available in 2000 through an initial donation from the estate of the late Dr. John Neilsen followed by a second dona-don from the John P. Neilsen Foundation, Inc., which also provided funding effective calendar year 2003 to the national fraternal benefit society American Slovenian Catholic Union (KSKJ), which administers the funding allocated to KSKJ. The report contained herein pertains solely to administration by St. Vitus Endowment Trust. Since 2000 there have been 84 approved grants. The aggregate dollar amount distributed for these 84 grants is $51,050. The aver-age grant awarded has been $592 per approved applicant. Primary criteria for the Dr. Neilsen Grant Program includes being American Slovenian, attending an ac-Credited college or university ln the United States, mini-Jflurn grade point average of ^■$0 and volunteer work, Primarily in the American Slovenian communities as ^•1 as acceptance to per-0rrri one additional commu-nity service task at the dis-Cr®tion of St. Vitus Endow-ment Trust. Effective 2001, no appli-Cations are provided with n°mipations made by trusses of St. Vitus Endowment Trust. Approximately $23,000 remains for distribution purposes. The Dr. Neilsen Grant Program should conclude funding by school year 2006-2007. The program’s primary target group is college freshmen. All approved recipients of the Dr. Neilsen Grant Program are listed in today’s edition of the Ameriška Domovina / American Home. The name of the attending college or university is also listed by each approved applicant name. The approved applicants are continuing their college studies at no less than 23 accredited colleges or universities across the USA. The trustees of the St. Vitus Endowment Trust administer the Dr. Neilsen Grant Program. Trustees of the St. Vitus Endowment Trust are not compensated for their services on this or other matters pertaining to St. Vitus Endowment Trust. No applicant names are provided during the review process. The trustees of the St. Vitus Endowment Trust wish to express their gratitude to the Sesek family members, especially Debbie Sesek and Mary Jane Larsen, the trustees/legal representatives of the John P. Neilsen Foundation, Inc., and the legal firm of Buckingham, Doolittle & Burroughs, LLP, for their confidence and cooperation in making this funding become a reality for young people of Slovenian descent to continue to pursue their studies at a college or university in the USA. John P. Neilsen was bom in 1911 to Slovenian immigrant parents in Cleveland, Ohio. The family name was “Sesek.” John Neilsen obtained his Ph.D. from Yale University in 1947. He changed his last name due to personal employment experiences of discrimination as a person of Slovenian descent. Dr. Neilsen moved to New York City where he served as professor of metallurgy and department chairperson at New York University for a period of 29 years. He eventually became professor emeritus, Polytechnic Institute of New York and professor of dental materials science, the Dental School of New York University. In addition to his academic credentials, Dr. Neilsen was the founder of the International Precious Metals Institute and also president of the Metal Science Club of New York and Alpha Sigma Mu, the National Metallurgical Honorary Society. Dr. Neilsen remained true to his Slovenian roots by sponsoring a full cultural page in the weekly English/Slovenian newspaper, Ameriaška Domovina (American Home) for a number of years. Writer’s note of thanks to Dr. Edi Gobec for having researched about Dr. Neilsen and the above data provided at public libraries.) £ Winners look for opportunities, losers wait for lucky breaks. Student Name Adam Kristanc Andrea Leonard Andrej Hlabse Ann Marie Manfreda Antonia Žakelj Brian Ogrinc Caitlin Cavesco Carl Snyder Christian Žakelj Christine Amigoni Christopher Music Daniel Lavrisha Danielle Sterle Ed Mejac, Jr. Elsie Zadeli Sfare Frank Antloga Frank Rihtar Frank Sever Jennifer Dolenc Jessica Chase John Polomsky Joseph Skrabec Julia Žnidaršič Katie Zupan Kristen Stransky Dr. John Neilsen American Slovenian Grant Program Recipients From 2000-2003 Administered bv St.Vitus Endowment Trust Colleoe/Univ. Name Ohio Univ. Loyola Univ-NO Univ. NDame Kent St.Univ. Ohio St.Un Ohio Univ. Kent State Un. Bowling Green Boston Coll. Mt.Union Coll. Georgetown U. Univ NDame Ohio St.Univ. John Carroll Un Univ. Dayton John Carroll Un Otterbein Univ. Univ. Dayton Ohio Univ. Ithaca Coll. Clev.lnst.Music St.Louis Univ. John Carroll Un Univ. Dayton St.Mary's Kristina Antloga Kristina Mejac Lauren Calevich Leah Kristanc Majda Perčič Maria Plečnik Mark Kuhar Mark Sršen Mark Stockmaster Matt Godic Matt Larsen Matt Plečnik Megan Zupan Michelle Žakelj Nicholas Kuhar Nicholas Raddell Nick Percic Peter Domanko Robert Kumazec III Robert Snyder Samantha Milakovich John Carroll Un Colleae/Univ. John Carroll Un Lakeland CC. John Carroll Un Bowling Green Kent State U. John Carroll Un Seattle Pac.Un Univ. NDame Ohio Univ. Grove City Coll Ohio Univ. Catholic Univ. Catholic Univ. Ohio State Un. John Carroll Un Univ. Dayton John Carroll Un Univ. Dayton John Carroll Un Bowling Green Sarah Luzar Stephen Petrovič Teja Petelin Ursula Kuhar Viktoria Zalar Mercyhurst Col Xavier Univ ND Coll-OH Butler Univ Bowling Green I Egg Rolls This recipe comes from Nancy (Spisich) Lustri, who is \ asked for this recipe every time she makes them for a party. , Ingredients: 1 clove of garlic, minced 1 medium onion, thinly sliced 2-3 cooked boneless, chicken breasts*, shredded 1 C carrots, cut into matchsticks 1 C bean sprouts 1 Napa cabbage, shredded 1 T sesame oil 4 Tbs. soy sauce 1-2 Tbs. oyster sauce wonton wrappers 1 egg white or water to seal wontons *Pork or shrimp can be substituted Directions: Heat 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil in a preheated frying \ pan or wok. Cook chicken until browned. Set aside and let! cool on a separate plate. Add onions and garlic in frying pan \ (add a touch more of oil if necessary) and stir for a minute. ! Stir in cabbage and rest of vegetables. Stir fry a few minutes. \ Add the sesame oil, soy sauce and oyster sauce and mix! well. Shred chicken and stir into mixture until chicken is! completely covered with sauce. Wontons will be easier to! roll if mixture is not too hot. Let cool. Roll wontons and seal with egg whites. Be careful not to ! overstuff with filling. Heat oil (I use Canola oil) to about \ 350-400°. When the oil is hot, fry the egg rolls in batches! until golden brown. Drain on paper towels. Tips for rolling wontons: Place the wonton on an angle \ (so it looks like an odd-shaped diamond), spread the filling \ across the bottom center and take the bottom point of the | diamond up and over the filling and roll half way, fold in the ! sides and finish rolling up and seal with egg whites. --Kim Ann Kaifesh ! X Our Family and Friends Recipes i I ICE BOX POTICA !DOUGH: 3 tablespoons sugar 1 Vi teaspoons salt 4 cups flour I Vi lb. butter 1 cup sweet or sour cream i 1 cake yeast Vi cup lukewarm water 1 teaspoon sugar 3 egg yolks, beaten i Measure flour, sift with sugar and salt. Cut in the butter as i for pie crust. Dissolve yeast in lukewarm water; add sugar, i let stand until it foams. Mix egg yolks and cream, add i foaming yeast. Make dent in flour, add mixture. Knead into a 1 smooth dough. Place in a bowl, grease top and put into i refrigerator overnight. -Mary Marsich i X Our Favorite Recipes (American Slovene Club) ! Filling for Potica | 1 Vi lbs. (or more) nut meats Vi lb. butter 1 egg yolk, and 4 egg whites, stiffly beaten Grated lemon rind (optional) 1 cup boiled milk 1 cup sugar Pour scalded milk over ground nuts. Add butter and stir until' melted, add sugar and egg whites. Roll dough thin, spread i with filling, sprinkle with sugar. Then add grated lemon rind.! Roll up and place into well greased pan. Let rise at least 1 Vi! hours, spread the egg yolk on top, and bake in a 325 degree! oven for 1 hour, or a little longer. —Mary Marsich, . _ ___Our Favorite Recipes - American Slovene Club ! Laughter can be more satisfying than honor; more precious than money. -Harriet Rochlin 5 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 1, 2004 Tf- o o 00 Qi UJ I San Francisco Celebrates Choir Appreciation Day by TONY RAVNIK Dan zahvale pevskemu zboru - Choir Appreciation Day. On Sunday, February 29, the grateful parishioners attending the Church of the Nativity of Our Lord in San Francisco, California, joined in celebrating a special Mass and luncheon in honor of the Slovenian choir. Two visiting Slovenian priests, the Rev. Bogdan Kolar, SDB, and Rev. Lojze Podgrajsek, S.J., and a Croatian Jesuit, Fr. Jerko Ban, concelebrated the Mass with the Nativity Church Pastor, Rev. Jerzy Frydrich, S.Ch. As is customary, the choir was out in full force and the carefully selected traditional songs added to the solemnity of the liturgy. After Mass, everyone was invited to the church hall, beautifully decorated, for a special buffet luncheon, organized by Martina Sepaher, and prepared by the many dedicated members of the parish. Joseph Govednik was the coordinator and the main force behind the day and also the M.C. of the program that followed. Ann Sustarich, President of the CSUF, which sponsored this program - greeted everyone and with warm remarks expressed how much the choir, the singing, and the organ playing has meant through all these years and continues to inspire the community of the faithful parishioners. Mrs. Virginia Sustarich, who has been a parishioner since the 1920s, then thanked the choir in the name of all the Slovenian parishioners. She said the music and singing has contributed so much, and has made the Sunday Mass a heavenly experience. Joseph Govednik paid a special tribute to all the choir members, past and present, and read a congratulatory letter from John Hutar, California Honorary Consul, who was unable to be present for this occasion. Interestingly, two of the oldest former choir members attended. They are Evelyn (Rauch) Brandi, and Tone Klemenc, whose life reaches back to the time of the first pastor, Fr. Francis Turk. All of the choir members were given certificates and the ladies received a beautiful bouquet of carnations. All in all, it was a delightful day for our community. The Choir at the Church of the Nativity Although there are not many records of singing in the first years, the tradition of singing existed at the Church of the Nativity from the very beginning. It was a tradition that was centuries old and was brought over from the old country. At first there were English nuns who served the parish, and they taught the children to sing in English. This continued at the Sunday Masses until the 1906 earthquake. Singing resumed at Masses celebrated at the temporary quarters located on Potrero Hill. After the rebuilding of the church, the now grown school girls formed an “Adult Choir” and sang on Sundays both at the Slove- nian Mass at 9:30 and for the Croatians at their 11:00 Mass. The Archdiocesan paper. The Monitor, reported on the dedication of the third church building in January 1912, adding there was a sung solemn High Mass - at that time in Latin. A pipe organ of 400 pipes was installed for that occasion. Soon after his arrival from Slovenia in 1939 to become our second pastor, Fr. Vital Vodušek made some dramatic changes. With his strong commitment to a liturgical revival, he began to revitalize church music. An excellent singer and a trained organist, he believed it was essential to establish a strong choir. His task was made easier with such excellent professional singers as Mici, Tony, and Anna Fabian taking leading roles. In October 1939, just two months after his arrival, the new choir performed on the Feast of Christ the King. Under Father Vodušek’s leadership, the choir attracted some 60 singers, with a core of about 22 regulars, which continued to prosper until 1950, when a new talented music director arrived. Fr. Vodušek was also an early advocate of active participation by the congregation in the singing at Masses. He prepared the texts for all the music and songs that were sung. Whether it was English at the 8:30 Mass, Slovenian at the 9:30 Mass or Croatian at the 11:00 Mass, appropriate texts were provided so that all could join with the choir and wor- ship in song. On other occasions, parishioners were treated to performances by Father Vodušek at the organ and singing by Anna Fabian Jud-nich, her brother, Tony Fabian, and Jane Dabovich. In 1941 the choir performed in concerts and sang Slovenian folk songs on the radio with great success. World War II changed the whole world and also the small community at the Church of the Nativity. Along With only a few immigrants arriving during the 1940s, the construction of the freeway through the heart of Kranjski Hrib, and church members relocating to the suburbs, the choir suffered as well. It went through a period of attrition and lost many members. In 1950, the choir had a second re-birth when Aleš Šimenc arrived in San Francisco and was appointed choir director. Bom in Slovenia, he studied at the Ljubljana Conservatory of Music and was considered among the gifted musical talents in Slovenia. He fled from Slovenia after the war and continued his studies at the Graz Conservatory of Music in Austria. He quickly contributed to the 1950s and 1960s liturgical and musical activity at the Church of the Nativity. Mr. Šimenc introduced a different High Mass during each Christmas and Easter. The enhanced musical contribution energized the community along with the new hymns that were introduced for the particular holy days. A new spirit was awakened by Pope John XXIII as he convened the Second Vatican Council. One result was that by 1962, the use of the vernacular languages was encouraged in the liturgy where before the Latin language was dominant. This allowed the liturgical services to be celebrated in English, Slovenian and Croatian, though the beauty of the hymns and masses composed for a Latin text continued to be enjoyed on special occasions. In 1963, Aleš Šimenc composed a High Mass in the Croatian language and it was sung for the first time at Easter of that year. In addition to this musical achievement, he continued to arrange and compose hymns and songs in Slovenian, English and Croatian. For the latter, he composed the hymn of Sveti Vlaho (St. Blaz), the patron saint of Dubrovnik, which the choir still sings on that Feast i*1 early February. During the 1960s and until his death in 1973, Father Vodušek continued to pr°' vide Slovenian, Croatian and English liturgies and Ale5 Šimenc continued to lead the choir and play the organ at all Sunday Masses. The choir was still the center-piece of worship as newly arrived Slovenian immigrants joined and continued to be molded and directed by Mr. Šimenc. During this time Anna (Anica) Fabian Jud-nich continued to thrill liS' teners with her beautiful, operatic soprano voice. (Continued on page 7) San Francisco Appreciates Choir (Continued from page 6) Anica’s younger brother, Tony Fabian, was no less a musical talent and his lyric tenor was just as thrilling. His beautiful voice and his devotion to the Slovenian community were ended by his early death in 1979. Alex (Aljoša) Ravnik is another talented singer whose singing career spans over the last 50 years. He and the rest of the Ravnik family came to the United States in the early 1950s. Just a teenager, he immediately started to sing with the choir, worked as a sacristan at the Church of the Nativity, and attended Sacred Heart High School. He later spent two years at the University of San Francisco, but Finished at SCSF School of Pharmacy where he received his doctorate. He has devoted his life and his singing talent to the Church of the Nativity and the choir. Sometimes singing duets with Aljoša, but often performing as a soloist, Diana Fir (her married name is Gremmet), a protege of Anna Judnich, has been singing with the choir since she was 13 years old. She is truly an Inspiring singer, performing professionally in various 'očal singing productions, as Well as teaching music and Piano. She still continues the legacy of other wonderful singers with her engaging soprano voice. The choir continued to be a focal point of liturgical services. With occasional changes, the choir embodied a well-rounded ensemble of singers. The foundations that Were laid in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s, continued to resonate in the sounds of •nusic created by the choir in lhe 1980s and 1990s. Composed almost exclusively of Slovenian members, the choir sang mainly at the Slovenian Masses. However, °n major feasts, as it did in the past, the choir will sing k°th at the Slovenian and Croatian Sunday Masses, for the Vigil Midnight Masses "'hen all parishioners attend, aitd often even at the 8:30 a-m. English Mass. Although the 9:30 and the 'I o’clock Sunday Masses still drew sizable numbers of Slovenians and Croatians respectively, the church was really filled mainly on Christmas, Easter, and some sPecial anniversaries. The kindling attendance influ-®nced the Archdiocese of an Francisco to close our church along with many oth-ers in 1994. Throughout the closure of e church during 1994-. 96, the congregation gath-at the front of the °ched church each Sunday Corning to pray the rosary, sing some songs, and to share the latest developments. After some searching, the community was again able to meet regularly and celebrate Mass together monthly with Father Janko Žagar, O.P., and whenever a visiting Slovenian priest was available. The choir remained an important force in keeping our community together. Although they sometimes sang in cramped quarters and were accompanied with a small portable keyboard, the choir always gave food for our souls, joy to our hearts, and hope for the future. Soon after the church reopened in 1996, the organ that had served the church for many years was repaired and improved. The choir loft also underwent changes as the old furnace was removed and a silencing box was installed along with the repairing of the organ blower. After the reopening of the church in December 1996, the Sunday Masses were changed. The 8:30 a.m. English Mass was discontinued, the Slovenians and Croatians now attend together the 9:30 a.m. Sunday Mass. The readings continue to be in the Slovenian and Croatian language and in the liturgical music and songs as well. When we are fortunate enough to have one of our own Slovenian priests among us, the Slovenian community is strengthened and our cultural and spiritual tradition is revived. The choir singing in Slovenian continues to provide the foundation for our heritage and the link to the old country. Keep singing, choir; keep singing! Bermuda Triangle The Bermuda Triangle area is one of the two places on earth where a magnetic compass points towards true north (instead of toward magnetic north). “Compass variation” is the difference between the two and the amount of variation changes by as much as 20 degrees as one circumnavigates the earth. If the crew fails to compensate for compass variation, they will end up far off course and in deep trouble (and possibly deep water). In case you are wondering, the other place on earth where magnetic compasses point towards true north is off the east coast of Japan. This area is called the “Devil’s Sea” by Filipino and Japanese seamen and is also known for its mysterious disappearances. —James V. Debevec II Bonnets and Bunnies, the Origin of Easter 7 Easter, like Christmas, is a blend of paganism and Christianity. The word Easter is derived from Eostre (also known as Ostara), an ancient Anglo-Saxon Goddess. She symbolized the rebirth of the day at dawn and the rebirth of life in the spring. The arrival of spring was celebrated all over the world long before the religious meaning became associated with Easter. Now Easter celebrates the rebirth of Christ. In fact, Easter is an important Christian holiday. It is the culmination of events during Holy Week beginning with Palm Sunday. Palm Sunday reflects the return of Jesus to Jerusalem. Maundy Thursday commemorates the Last Supper of Christ and Good Friday honors the crucifixion of Jesus. Finally, Easter Sunday celebrates the resurrection after his death. Easter falls on the first Sunday on or following the spring Equinox after the full moon. The date has been calculated in this way since 325 AD. Lambs, chicks and baby creatures of all kinds are associated with spring, symbolizing the birth of new life. Since ancient times many cultures have associated eggs with the universe. They’ve been dyed, decorated and painted by the Romans, Gaul’s, Persians and the Chinese. They were used in ancient spring festivals to represent the rebirth of life. As Christianity took hold, the egg began to symbolize the rebirth of man rather than nature. During the 4,h century consuming eggs during Lent became taboo. However, spring is the peak egg-laying time for hens, so people began to cook eggs in their shells to preserve them. Eventually people began decorating and hiding them for children to find during Easter, which gave birth to the Easter Egg Hunt. Other egg-related games also evolved like egg tossing and egg rolling. A Polish folk-tale tells of the Virgin Mary giving eggs to soldiers at the cross while she pleaded with them to be merciful. As her tears dropped they spattered droplets on the eggs mottling them with a myriad of colors. The Faberge egg is the best known of all the decorated eggs. Peter Faberge made intricate, delicately decorated eggs. In 1883, the Russian Czar commissioned Faberge to make a special egg for his wife. The Easter Bunny is a cute little rabbit that hides eggs for us to find on Easter. But where did he come from? Well, the origin is not certain. In the rites of spring the rabbit symbolizes fertility. In a German book published in 1682, a tale is told of a bunny laying eggs and hiding them in the garden. The Easter bonnet and new clothes on Easter sym- o bolizes the end of the dreary winter and the beginning of the fresh, new spring. At the turn of the century it was popular for families to stroll to church and home again to show off their “Easter finery.” The Easter basket has roots in a Catholic custom. Baskets filled with breads, cheeses, hams and other foods for Easter dinner were taken to Mass Easter morning to be blessed. This evolved in time to baskets filled with chocolate eggs, jellybeans, toys and stuffed bunnies for children left behind by the Easter Bunny. Slovenians take Easter baskets filled with food to their church to be blessed on Saturday afternoon. The blessed food will be consumed on Easter Sunday morning. I Lenten Fish Fries Lenten Fish Dinners wil be available all Fridays of Lent at: the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue - rear mansion club room. Four kinds of dinners will be featured as well as take-outs. Also, St. Mary’s (Collinwood) on Fridays of Lent. $7.00 for fish fries. Shrimp or combo dinners are $7.50. The macaroni and cheese dinners, children’s fish dinners and half dinners are $3.50. Serving from 4 to 7 p.m. Waterloo Slovenian Home will also be featuring fish on Fridays as per usual. Newburgh Slovenian National Home on E. 80th will also feature fish fries and related sea food on Fridays during Lent. Good enough, isn’t Flower Power 2004 Seasonal Planting and Pruning, Grass cutting, edging, and planting flower beds and displays. Fertilizing and soil amendments available mulches, manure, and soils). Bird feeders, feeds, and bath fountains. Landscape Design tailor made for you... Call Michael J. Mivsek /or appointment (216) 361-9909 LAYRISHA 216-391-0035 Construction & Repair Services Rokodelec Contractor ^ PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216 - 732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster 6114 Lausche Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Are you ready to enjoy your retirement? Well then, St. Vitus Village may be the place for you. The village is a pleasant, relaxing environment with a large, beautifuliy landscaped courtyard. The village apartments are complete with appliances, including a washer and dryer. Tile facility has surveillance cameras, secured parking, fire protection, 24 hour emergency monitoring, cable TV and much much more. Feel free to contact Rudy Sterk at (216) 361-0300 with any question on how you or a family member can become a resident in our very special community. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 1, AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 1, 2004 8 | Death Notices | MARY A. ŽAGAR Mary A. Žagar (nee Malnar), age 100, was the wife of the late Stephen; sister of the following deceased: Albert Malnar, Tona Windon and Josephine Krulich. Graveside service was at 11 a.m. on Saturday, March 27 at All Souls Cemetery (section 18). Arrangements by The Dan Cosic Funeral Home, 28890 Chardon Rd., Willoughby Hills, OH 44092. Part of Life Thanks to Mario and Helena Percic who renewed their subscription and added a $15.00 donation. They write, “A.D. is part of our lives. Keep it going.” Stimburys Accounting Accounting G Income Tax Scroices 496 E. 200th St.. Euclid, OH 44119- (216) 404-0990 Fax (216) 404-0992 taxtime@en.com http://stimburysaccounting.com Enrolled to Practice Before the Internal Revenue Service Servidn^Jndlviduals Corporations & Small Businesses. Coming Events.. Women in Wyoming were authorized to vote and hold office as early as 1869. In Loving Memory For Rent Up/Cozy Duplex 18031 Neff Rd.' Appl. Inc. Washer and Dryer (216)310-8310 Krofe Sale A krofe sale will be held on Saturday morning, April 3rd in St. Mary’s (Collinwood) school cafeteria. Altar Society ladies will offer krofe and other bakery for your holiday celebrations. Palačinka Breakfast Palm Sunday Palačinka Breakfast will be served on Sunday, April 4th in St. Mary’s (Collinwood) school cafeteria from 8 a.m. to 12 noon. The palačinka (crepe su-zette breakfast also includes fresh homemade sausage, eggs, bread and beverage. Donation is $7 for adults and $4 for children. Margaret A. Rebel Born July 1,1929 Died April 1, 2001 Fill not your hearts with pain and sorrow, but remember me in every tomorrow. Remember the joy, the laughter, the smiles, I’ve only gone to rest awhile. Although my leaving causes pain and grief, my going has eased my hurt and given me relief. As long as I have the love of each of you, I can live my life in the hearts of all of you Marion (Roy) - husband (dec.) Margie (daughter) Mike (son) Marianne (daughter-in-law) Matt and Danny (grandsons) For Rent • E. 200 & Neff 'Large one bedroom apt. New appliances and carpet. No pets. $450 a month. 440-951-3087 IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 27359 Tungsten Rd. Euclid, OH 44132 216-731-9780 © (Listen to THE SLOVENIAN HOUR On 50,000 Watt WCPN Cleveland Public Radio LI* ^ Sny Ovsenik 440-944-2538 CANCER ANSWERS: Questions may be directed to: Cancer Answers, Cleveland Clinic Cancer Center (R23), 9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44195. Question: I am a breast cancer survivor and have gone through chemotherapy, which put me into premature menopause. What bothers me the most are hot flashes. What can I do to get rid of them? Answer: The exact mechanism as to what leads to a hot flash event is not entirely known, so finding the best way of treating this symptom has proven to be challenging. The most effective way known to manage hot flashes is through the use of hormone replacement therapy. However, in women with a personal history of breast cancer, the use of hormone replacement is not recommended. Several non-hormonal treatments for hot flashes have been tried. These include non-pharmacologic therapies such as relaxation, acupuncture, diet, exercise, herbal preparations, and vitamins. Several prescription drugs have also been studied, for example anti-depressant medications such as venla-faxine (Effexor®), paroxetine (Paxil®), or over-the-counter preparation such as ibupro-phen. What has been found with any of the various treatments is there is no magic answer that will eliminate hot flashes entirely. Some preparations or strategies work better for some women than others and there is no “one-size-fits all” approach. In studies that have been done with many of the treatments, the improvement that came was not total elimination of hot flashes but a decrease in the number, or severity of the experience. Another finding is that a certain therapy might work for a while then lose effectiveness. The good news is there are many ways to approach this side effect. Treatment for hot flashes is not a simple process. Goals to decrease the severity and incidence may in- • t • i o i . i i vm » ri »j * i i > ; » * i n volve gome trial and error of different methods. Perhaps the answer for one woman will be the combination of Vitamin E and exercise, another woman may find relief with a prescription medication. Care needs to be taken regarding any treatment being used, as there might be some unwanted effects even with preparations that are deemed “safe” and without side effects. For example, certain herbal preparations such as black cohosh or red clover have mild estrogenbinding properties to them so they may not be recommended in people with estrogen dependent tumors. The take home message is to work with your health care team to find the regimen that works best for you and is less likely to cause unwanted effects. —Josette Snyder RN MSN Clinical Nurse Specialist Cleveland Clinic Cancer Center It’s Cool to be Slovenian Friday, April 2 Newburgh Slovenian Home, 3563 E. 80th St., Cleveland, OH Fish Fry -walleye Or shrimp, pierogi or mac & cheese, $9.0p. Serving 5 - 7:30 p.m. Music from 6:30 to 9:30. Friday, April 2 Dance at the West Park Slovenian Hall, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland from 7:30 -11:30 p.m. Music by Bob Kravos. Sunday, April 4 Annual benefit dinner in St. Vitus auditorium sponsored by Holy Name Society, Altar Society, and KSKJ Lodge 25. Donation $12. Sunday, April 4 Newburgh Slovenian Home, E. 80th St. Pre-Easter Brunch with the Easter Bunny. Serving 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Adults $8.00 children $4.00. Tuesday, April 13 Cleveland East and West groups of Ohio Chapter of Slovenian Genealogy Society International meet at Euclid Public Library, 631 E. 222 St., at 7 p.m. Friday, April 16 Dance at the West Park Slovenian Hall, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland from 7:30 -11:30 p.m. Music by Wayne Tomsic. Sunday, April 18 “Deseti Brat” Men’s Octet in concert at Lemont Cultural Center. Friday, April 23 Dance at the West Park Slovenian Hall, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland from 7:30 -11:30 p.m. Music by Eric Noltkamper Saturday, April 24 Zarja Spring Frolic concert titled “My Big Fat Slovenian Wedding,” at Slovenian Society Home, Euclid. Dinner 5 to 6:30, program 7 p.m., dancing beginning at 8 p.m. by Jeff Pecon Orchestra. Friday, April 30 Dance at the West Park Slovenian Hall, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland from 7:30 -11:30 p.m. Music by Fred Ziwich. Sunday, May 2 Holmes Ave. Pensioners Annual Dinner-Dance at Collinwood Slovenian Home. Dinner served 2 p.m. Dance to Ray Polantz 3-7 p.m. For tickets call (216) 531-2088 or (440) 943-3784 before April 25. Sunday, May 2 Ohio Boychoir benefit chicken or roast pork dinner in St. Vitus Auditorium, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Adults $10, children $5. Take outs available. Saturday, May 8 Jadran Singing Society bids Fond Farewell with dinner-concert, dance at Slovenian Workmen’s Home on Waterloo Rd., in Cleveland. Dinner served 5 until 6:30 p.m. Concert 7:00 p.m. Dancing following with music by Fred Ziwich. For tickets call (440) 951-1694. Sunday, May 9 Newburgh Slovenian Home, 3563 E. 80,h St., Cleveland, OH Annual Mother’s Day Breakfast Brunch $8.00. Children 10 years and under $4. Serving 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Sunday, May 16 Newburgh Slovenian National Home Salutes Eddie Kenik. Dinner 2 p.m. Music by A1 Battistelli from 3 until ? Reservations call (216) 475-7946, (216) 341-6136 or (440) 467-4971. Donation $18.00. Friday, May 21 Newburgh Slovenian Home, 3563 E. 80th St., Cleveland, OH Pork, sauerkraut, potato dumpling dinner, $9.00. Serving 5 to 7:30 p.m. Music by Frank Moravcik 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Saturday, May 22 Slovenian Choral group Korotan annual concert at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Ave., music by Veseli Godci. Saturday, June 12 Folklorna Skupina Kres Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, June 27 Ohio KSKJ Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, July 25 St. Vitus Slovenian Language School hosts Annual Summer Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Saturday, Sept. 11 Folklorna Skupina Kres 50lh Anniversary Performance at Slovenian National Home. Sunday, Sept. 12 St. Vitus Altar Society dinner in St. Vitus Auditorium. Sept. 24-26 Bishop Baraga Days> L’Anse-Baraga area Michigan. Sunday, Oct. 17 St. Mary’s School Alumni (Collinwood) Annual Banquet following 12 noon Mass. Zele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at 452 E. 152 St. Ph: (216) 481-3118 Family owned and operated since 1908 SPRING AHEAD Anything you are good at contributes to happiness. —Rev. John Kumse Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape. -St. Mary’s Alumni news KWICK-N-CLEAN DRY CLEANERS & LAUNDRY Attention West Side Residents BULK LOAD PROFESSIONAL DRY CLEANING • SHIRT SERVICE ON PREMISES 15019 MADISON AVENUE • UKEWOOD, OHIO 44107 SAAD SIBAI 226-3730 Big Fat Slovenian Wedding Slovenian Singing Society Zarja presents their spring frolic titled, “My Big Fat Slovenian Wedding” on Saturday, April 24 at the Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, Ohio. Dinner from 5 to 6:30, program at 7 p.m., and dancing from 8 until ? by the Jeff Pecon Orchestra. w. majer services Garage door and door opener Entrance and storm doors. Home repairs and up-dates, interior or exterior. | Electrical and more. Call Walter Majer at 216-732-7100 Emergency pager 216-506-8224 We speak Slovenian & Croatian Tony's... Old World Plaza Barber Shop Haircuts: $7.00 664 E. 185 St. - at Abby Ave. and Windward Rd. HOURS: 7:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. M-F 7:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Sat H'e love the Slovenian People. We want more of them as our customers. Dr. Zenon A. Kids E. 185"' Area * 531-7700 .-- Emergencies -Dental Insurance Accepted Laboratory on Premises - Same Day Denture Repair COMPLETE DENTAL CARE FACILITY 848 E. 185 St. (between Shore Carpet and John’s Fun House) OVEN1AN ATIONAL H OME 6417 ST. CLAIR AVENUE CLEVELAND, OHIO 44103 (216) 361-5115 Happy Easter from/ The/ 'Boawd/ ofVir&ctory HALL FOR ALL * OCCASIONS * WEDDINGS PARTIES CONCERTS MEETINGS The cure for all ills and wrongs, the cares, the sorrows and the crimes of humanity, all lie in the one word love. It is the divine vitality that everywhere produces and restores life. —Rudy Flis HAPPY EASTER — Visit Us Spon — — SEVEN DAYS A WEEK — — SERVING BREAKFAST, LUNCH AND DINNER — Mary Vesel Family Phone: 243-7373 7533 Pearl Rd., Middleburg HtsvOhiO — Happy Easter — Vesela - Velika Noč from The Board, Lodge Officers, and All Members of the AMERICAN MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION 19424 South Waterloo Road Cleveland, Ohio 44119 - 3250 Phone: 216-531-1900 Fax: 216-531-8123 ©r* AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 1, 20U4 DUMUVINA, APRIL 1, 2004 H°ty Week m \ s' St. Christine Church Euclid, Ohio Monday, April 5 7:00-7:45 PM Confessions Tuesday, April 6 10:00*10:30 AM Confessions Wednesday, April 7 6:00-6:45 PM Confessions NOTE: There will be no scheduled confession after Wednesday afternoon except by appointment. 7.00 PM Tenebrae Service of Lights Thursday, April 8 6:00 PM Pot Luck Dinner (Gym) 7.30 PM Mass of the Lord's Supper 8 00 PM-12:00 AM Exposition of the Bl. Sacrament Friday, April 9 12:00 PM Way of the Cross 3:00 PM Liturgy of Lord's Passion Saturday, April 10 2:00 PM Blessing of Food 5:00 PM Blessing of Food 8:00 PM Easter Vigil Mass Sunday, April 11 900 AM Easter Mass -Bishop Pevec 11:00 PM Easter Mass There is no key to happiness. The door is always open. __________________________--From St. Mary’s Alumni news Best Wishes for a Happy Easter to a[[ Emilee Jenko Euclid, Ohio St. Mary's Church 1+T SCHEDULE FOR THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION URNIK SPOVEDOVANJA V VELIKEM TEDNU WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 2004 VELIKA SREDA HOLY THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 2004 VELIKI ČETRTEK GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 2004 VELIKI PETEK 7:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. -10:00 p.m. 12:30 p.m. -1:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. VESELA - VELIKA NOČ HAPPY EASTER FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOMES ROSTER President - Pat Ipavec Clark 1st Vice President - Tony Mannion 2nd Vice President - Bob Royer Financial Secretary - Lou Grzely Recording Secretary - Chris Novak Corresponding Secretary - Chris Novak Executive Secretary - Charles F. Ipavec Auditors: Anna Mae Mannion, Evelyn Pipoly, Ed Gabrosek Historians: Joe Petrie, Jr., John Habat Saint Vitus Church 2004 SCHEDULE FOR THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION URNIK SPOVEDOVANJA WEDNESDAY 7.^n VELIKA SREDA .................. U P*"1- HOLY THURSDAY ............. 7:30 p.m. VELIKI ČETRTEK GOOD FRIDAY t o.™ „ _ VELIKI PETEK ................ ‘H® L"' 6:30 p.m. HOLY SATURDAY 19.™ VELIKA SOBOTA ............. o ™ P'm' 2:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. - 7:50 p.m 1:00 p.m, 4:00 p.m. 6:50 p.m, 1:30 p.m, 3:30 p.m, Happy Easter to All! ST. VITUS CHURCH - CERKEV SV. VIDA 60109 Lausche Avenue - Cleveland Ohio 44103 2004 Dear Parishioners: Dragi farani! With Palm Sunday we begin the most solemn days in the Church calendar, the days of Holy Week. In faith we listen to the words of Scriptures ag they proclaim the saving works of Jesus on behalf of njankind and each one of us. Christ suffered, died on the cross and arose from the dead, so that we might be assured lives free of sin, and life everlasting with Him in eterdity. Please join us and other parishioners in the Holiy Week liturgies which commemorate Christ's great love for us. Perhaps we failed to accomplish every good resolve in Lent, but we still have the days of Holy Week ahead of us to make those promises good to the Lord and to ourselves. May we be reconciled to God in the sacrament of Penance, so that with peace in mind and heart, we may fully experience the joy of Easter Sunday. Your Priests at St. Vitus Parish Staff HOLY WEEK 2004 WEDNESDAY - April 7, 2004 8:00 PM TENEBRAE (Evening Prayers for Holy Week) HOLY THURSDAY - April 8, 2004 8:00 PM Mass of the Lqrd’s Supper(Eng. & Slov.) 9:00 PM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 11:00 PM End of Adoration GOOD FRIDAY - April 9, 2004 12:00 Noon Stations of the Cross (In English) 3:00 PM Stations of the Cross (In Slovenian) 7:00 PM Celebration of the Lord's Passion & Death HOLY SATURDAY - April l6, 2004 1:00 PM Blessing of Easter Food (English) 3:00 PM Blessing of Easter Food (Slovenian) 8:30 PM Easter Vigil Mass EASTER SUNDAY - April 11, 2004 7:00 AM Procession & Mass of the Resurrection of Our Lord (Slovenian & English) Mass (In English), Mass (In Slovenian) Solemn Litany and Benediction S Cvetno nedeljo začenjamo naj slovesnejši čas v cerkvenem letu, Veliki teden. Z globoko vero v srcu prisluhnimo svetopisemskemu poročilu o Jezusovem odrešenj skem delu. Bogoslužje Velikega tedna ni le preteklost, ampak tudi sedanjost; Kristus je med nami, preziran, preklinjan, osovražen, pa tudi priljubljen! Kristus je trpel, umri na križu in vstal od mrtvih, da bi nas odrešil greha in nam zagotovil večno življenje. Pridružite se nam in drugim faranom v obredih Velikega tedna, v katerih se bomo spominjali Kristusove velike ljubezni do nas! Morda smo pozabili na dobre sklepe, ki smo jih naredili v začetku postnega časti, skušajmo jih udejaniti vsaj v Velikem tednu iz ljubezni do Jezusa in nas samih. Spravimo se v zakramentu sprave z Bogom ter z brati in sestrami, da bomo mogli s čistimi srci in mirno vestjo doživljati polnost velikonočnega veselja! Vaši duhovniki pri Sv. Vidu župnijsko osebje VELIKI TEDEN - 2004 SREDA, 7. aprila 2004 8:00 PM SLOVESNE VEČERNE MOLITVE VELIKI ČETRTEK, 8. aprila 2004 8:00 PM Sv. maša zadnje večerje (slov. & angl.) 9:00 PM Češčenje Naj svetejšega 11:00 PM Konec Češcenja VELIKI PETEK, 9. aprila 2004 12:00 PM Križev pot v angleščini 3:00 PM Križev pot v slovenščini 7:00 PM Obhajanje Kristusovega trpljenja in smrti VELIKA SOBOTA, 10 . aprila 2004 1:00 PM Blagoslov jedil (angl.) 3:00 PM Blagoslov jedil (slov.) 8:30 PM Sv. maša velikonočne vigilije VELIKA NEDELJA, 11. aprila 2004 viq * '\B\ Tvtm ) 81 M! 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 11:30 AM (Confession schedule on page 10) 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 11:30 AM Slovesno vstajenje, procesija, in maša v slovenščini in angleščini Maša v angleščini Maša v slovenščini Pete litanije Matere božje Church of St. Mary of the Assumption Cerkev Sv. Marije Vnebovzete 15519 Holmes Avenue - Cleveland, OH 44110 2004 The beautiful rites of Holy Week and Easter renew our faith and bolster our hope. This is a time of rebirth, a time to celebrate the gift of eternal life and enter the Paschal Mystery. With Christ, our beloved Savior we re-live these momentous events - his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, his total giving of himself in the Holy Eucharist, his cruel Passion and Death and his glorious Resurrection. Christ invites you to journey with him through these holy days. He invites you to be touched by his healing and forgiveness in the Sacrament of Confession. May the hope and blessings of Holy Week and the glory and the joy of Easter be with of you and with your families. Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen! In the peace of the Risen Savior, Pf- John Kumse and the Staff of St. Mary's in Collinwood Monday of holy week, april s, 2004 6:00 p.m. Seder Meal HOLY THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 2004 7:30 p.m. Mass of the Lord's Supper 9:00 -10:00 p.m. Slovenian Holy Hour 10:00 -11:00 p.m. English Holy Hour 11:00 p.m.-midnight Quiet Adoration GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 2004 12:00 noon English Stations of the Cross 3:00 p.m. Slovenian Stations of the Cross 7:00 p.m. Celebration of the Lord's Passion holy Saturday, april io, 2004 1:00 p.m. Food Blessing 3:00 p.m. Food Blessing 8:00 p.m. Solemn Easter Vigil EA$TER SUNDAY, APRIL 11, 2004 7:00 a.m. Procession and Solemn Mass of the Lord's Resurrection (Slovenian) 9:00 a.m. Mass in English 12:00 noon Mass in English ?rv!' Sung L,tany of the Blessed Virgin and Benediction will be on Sunday April 18, after the 10:00 a.m. Mass. (Confession schedule on page 10) Lepote obredov Velikega tedna in Velike noči obnovijo našo vero in podprejo naše upanje. To je čas prerojenja, čas praznovanja daru večnega življenja in sodelovanja v Velikonočni skrivnosti. S Kristusom, našim ljubljenim Odrešenikom zopet doživljamo te pomembne dogotke -njegov zmagoslavni prihod v Jeruzalem, njegovo popolno izročitev sebe v Sv. Evharistijo njegovo strašno trpljenje in smrt ter slavno vstajenje. Kristus vas vabi da sodelujete z njim v teh svetih dneh. Vabi vas, da bi bili dotaknjeni z njegovim ozdravljenjem in odpuščanjem v zakramentu svete spovedi. Naj upanje in blagoslov Velikega tedna ter slava in radost Velike noči, bo z vami in z vašimi družinami. Kristus je vstal! Resnično je vstal! v miru vstalega Odrešenika, g. Janez Kumše VELIKI PONEDELJEK, 5. APRILA 2004 6:00 p.m. Starozavezni velikonočni obed VELIKI ČETRTEK, 8. APRILA 2004 7:30 p.m. Slovesna maša zadnje večerje 9:00 -10:00 p.m. Slovenska ura molitve pred Najsvetejšim 10:00 -11:00 p.m. Angleška ura molitve pred Najsvetejšim 11:00 p.m. - polnoči Tiho češčenje pred Najsvetejšim VELIKI PETEK, 9. APRILA 2004 12:00 opoldne Sv. križev pot v angleščini 3:00 p.m. Sv. križev pot v slovenščini 7:00 p.m. Slovesno opravilo v čast Gospodovem trpljenju VELIKA SOBOTA, 10. APRILA 2004 1:00 p.m. Blagoslov jedil 3:00 p.m. Blagoslov jedil 8:00 p.m. Slovesna velikonočna vigilija VELIKA NOČ, 11. APRILA 2004 7:00 a.m. Vstajenska procesija in slovesna maša Gospodovega vstajenja v slovenščini 9:00 a.m. Slovesna maša v angleščini 12:00 noon Sv. maša v angleščini N.B. Pete litanije Matere Božje z blagoslovom bodo v nedeljo 18. aprila po maši ob deseti uri. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 1, 2004 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 1, 2004 Happy Easter from all of us . . . When You Want to Travel... Contact the Travel Experts at HANSA TRAVEL SERVICE On the West Side visit HANSA IMPORT STORE and TRAVEL AGENCY 2717 Lorain Avenue, Cleveland 44113 631-6585 ALSO - VISIT OUR NEWL Y REMODELED PATRIA IMPORT STORE 794 E. 185,h Street, Cleveland 44119 We import various Slovenian good quality wines, mineral water (Radenska), all kinds of cookies or candies, plus a large selection of audio musical cassettes from Slovenia, herbal teas, etc. STOP IN and VISIT US SOON. Ask for Boris or Suzi (216) 531-6720 Family faces are magic mirrors. Looking at people who belong to us, we see the past, the present, and future. BEST WISHES FOR A JOYOUS EASTER James A. Slapnik, Jr. FLORIST 650 E. 185th St. 531-7887 Happy Easter to Everyone! With A Vision to The Future St. Vitus Lodge #25 K.S.K.J. ila, (American Slovenian Catholic Union) Top row, left to right, Al Orehek, Treasurer, Joseph S. Baškovič, President, John Hočevar, Recording Secretary, Joe Hočevar, Vice President; and John C. Turek, Financial Secretary. Front row, left to right, Ralph Prawdzik, Athletic Director, Marty Turek, Auditor, James V. Debevec, Sgt.-at-Arms, Rev. Joseph P. Boznar, Spiritual Director, and Charles Winter, Auditor. Brian Fabo, auditor, is missing from photo. We Wish Everyone Happy Easter! ■ Na poletni čas!— To soboto zvečer, pre-dno greste spat, pomaknite kazalce na vaše ure za eno uro naprej, kajti se bo z nedeljo pričel tkim. poletni čas. Zelo lep večer— Pretekli petek zvečer sta v Slovenskem domu nastopila pesnik in igralec Tone Kuntner in pevka Bogdana Herman. Navdušila sta navzoče, tako (Kuntner) z recitiranjem kot s petjem (Hermanova). Škoda le, da ni bila udeležba večja, za tiste, ki smo prišli, pa ni bilo prav nič žal. Večer Primorskega kluba— Vsakoletni pomladanski banket Primorskega kluba bo v soboto, 17. aprila, v SND na St. Clairju. Večerja se bo pričela servirati ob 6.30, za ples in zabavo bo igral Grand Avenue Band. Za vstopnice in več informacij: 216-692-1069. Spominski dar— Družina Waid je darovala $25 v podporo lista A.D., to v nepozaben spomin na Tonyja Waid. "Prisrčna hvala vsem, ki ste se prišli poslovit od našega ljubega sina, dragega brata in dobrega strica Tonyja. Vaši Clair in Patricia Waid, Ron in Bernardka Jakopič Waid ter sinko Bronson.” Za lepo podporo se zahvalimo vsi pri A.D. KOLEDAR MAJ 2. - Kosilo v korist Ohio BoyChoir, v avditoriju pri sv. Vidu, od 11 dop. do 1. pop. 8. - Pevski zbor Jadran ima svoj poslovilni koncert v SDD na Waterloo Rd. Zbor bo nato prenehal z delovanjem. Večerja od 5. do 6.30. zv., sledi ob 7h koncert, nato ples. Igral bo Fred Ziwich orkester. 16. - Slovenski dom za ostarele ima letno sejo v SDD na Waterloo Rd. Registracija se prične ob 2h pop. sama seja pa ob 2.30. 22. - Pevski zbor Korotan poda svoj vsakoletni koncert v SND na St. Clair Ave. Pričetek ob 7. uri zv. Po koncertu ples. Igra orkester Veseli godci. I AMERIŠKO DOMOVINO STE VEDNO NA TEKOČEM Cvetna nedelja: na osliču v Jeruzalemu Kdo je Jezus? To vprašanje je od nekdaj burilo duhove tudi tistih, ki se ne priznavajo za kristjane. Ni samo vprašanje za zgodovinarje. Jezus je vprašanje, ki je postavljeno vsakemu človeku. Prav to vprašanje je v evangelijih osrednjega pomena, še posebej, ko Jezus pride v Jeruzalem in ve, kaj ga čaka: obsodba, trpljenje, smrt na križu. V nekaj dnevih je to vprašanje zastavljeno tudi mestu Jeruzalemu in njegovim prebivalcem. Kako evangelisti predstavijo trenutek, ko večina vernih Judov v Jeruzalemu zavrne Jezusa in ga sprejme le peščica njegovih učencev? S prispodobo. Jezus slovesno pride v Jeruzalem na osličku. Tega dogodka se spominjamo na cvetno ali oljčno nedeljo. O njem poročajo vsi štirje evangelisti. : Medtem ko Jezusu zvesti učenci vzklikajo “Ho-zana Davidovemu sinu! Blagoslovljen, ki prihaja v Gospodovem imenu! Hozana na višavah!” (Mt 21,9), se že pripravlja tako v judovskem sinedriju kot v Pilatovi palači proces proti njemu. Vzklik “blagoslovljen, ki prihaja v Gospodovem imenu” je bil starodaven vzklik romarjev, ki so enkrat na leto prihajali v jeruzalemski tempelj. V Jezusovem času je postal tudi vzklik, s katerim bodo Judje pozdravili pričakovanega Mesijo. Množica Jezusovih učencev s tem vzklikom pozdravlja Jezusa kot "Davidovega sina”, kot kralja, ki slovesno prihaja v svoje kraljevsko mesto. S tem mu priznava čast in oblast. Prihaja v Gospodovem imenu, kar z drugo besedo pomeni, da je Gospodov maziljenec, božji odposlanec. S tem evangelisti v imenu vseh, ki verujejo v Jezusa, odgovorijo na vprašanje, kdo je pravzaprav Jezus. Obenem pa jasno nakažejo, da Jezus v Jeruzalemu ne bo priznan za to, kar v resnici je. Evangelist Matej jasno zapiše: “Ko je Jezus prišel v Jeruzalem, se je vse mesto razburkalo in govorilo: Kdo je to?” (Mt 21,10). ' 1 V evangeljskih poročilih o Jezusovem slovesnem vhodu v Jeruzalem pa je postavljeno tudi drugo, rekel bi, kar največje zgodovinsko vprašanje: Kdaj bo Jezusa, kralja, ki prihaja v svoje sveto mesto, sprejel ves Jeruzalem? Kdaj bodo Jezusa sprejeli in priznali kot Mesijo tudi Judje? Ko je prvič slovesno prišel v Jeruzalem, je prišel na osliču, se pravi skromno, v revščini, brez pravega priznanja in časti. Kot krotak in ponižen, pravi evangelist Matej. Vse mesto je vznemirjeno in se zbegano sprašuje: Kdo je to? Jezus je ta svoj prihod in zbeganost Jeruzalema predvidel, ko je rekel: “Jeruzalem, Jeruzalem, ki moriš preroke in kamnaš tiste, ki so poslani k tebi! Kolikokrat sem hotel zbrati moje otroke, kakor zbira koklja svoje piščeta pod peruti, pp niste hoteli. Glejte, vaša hiša je zapuščena. Povem vam namreč, da me odslej ne boste videli, dokler ne porečete: Blagoslovljen, ki prihaja v Gospodovem imenu!” (Mt 24, 27-39. Ne boste me videli, dokler ne porečete: Blagoslovljen, ki prihaja v Gospodovem imenu! To je jasna napoved Jezusovega drugega prihoda, prihoda v slavi. Ko bo ves Jeruzalem, Judje in vse človeštvo Bogu, ki je navzoč v Jezusu, vzklikal z mesijanskim klicem: Blagoslovljen, ki prihaja v Gospodovem imenu! Prvi prihod v Jeruzalem v revščini in zapuščenosti, na robu groteske, na osliču; drugi prihod v slavi in veličastvu. Vse do tedaj pa Bog postavlja tebi in meni, vsakemu človeku odločilno velikonočno vprašanje: Kdo je zate Jezus?. To vprašanje pridobiva in bo še pridobivalo aktualnost. James Caviezel, ki v razvpitem filmu Mel Gibsona Kristusovo trpljenje, ki pravkar prihaja na filmske ekrane, je na vprašanje, ali je igranje Kristusa poglobilo njegovo vero, v Newsweeku. odgovoril: “Ljubim ga bolj,, kot sem kdaj.rnenil, da je mogoče. Lju- bim ga bolj kot svojo ženo,,,družino ;... Nočem, da ljudje vidijo mene. Želim, da .vidijo samo Jezusa Kristusa. Zvone Štrubelj Naša luč, april 2004 To nedeljo, 4. aprila, bodo slovenski državljani v domovini in raztreseni po svetu glasovali na referendumu CLEVELAND, O. - Slovenski ameriški svet poziva rojake, ki so slovenski državljani, vpisani v republiški volilni imenik in so prejeli pismeno obvestilo generalnega konzula Republike Slovenije o referendumu, ki bo to nedeljo, 4. aprila, da se referenduma udeleže in tam oddajo svoj glas. Tokrat bo glasovanje potekalo v javni knjižnici mesta Euclida, na naslovu 631 E. 222 St., in sicer v sobi imenovani Erie-Babbitt, do katere se pride skozi glavni vhod knjižnice. Čas glasovanja bo od ene do tričetrt na pet popoldan. Tam je tudi možnost prostega parkiranja. Referendum je glasovanje o zakonu, ki naj bi podelil slovensko državljanstvo osebam, ki so celo z orožjem nasprotovale slovenski samostojnosti pred trinajstimi leti in si takrat niso izbrale slovenskega državljanstva, sedaj pa bi se rade okoristile z njim in še obogatele na račun odškodninskih zahtevkov, ki jim jih ta zakon omogoča. Zato bomo glasovali proti. Pravica glasovati na referendumu je pravica, ki jo slehernemu državljanu daje slovenska ustava. Zakon, sprejet v Državnem zboru 25. novembra 2003, naj bi pomagal upravni oblasti izvrševati odločbe Ustavnega sodišča o tako imenovanih “izbrisanih”, jim brez vprašanj izdajati državljanstvo za nazaj in omogočil zahteve po neomejenih odškodninah. Dr. Tone Jerovšek, pravnik in bivši član ustavnega sodišča, pravi: “Ustavno sodišče je nepravilno ugotovilo neustavnost 81. člena zakona o tujcih, ki je vključen v 13. člen ustavnega zakona za izvedbo temeljne ustavne listine o samostojnosti in neodvisnosti Republike Slovenije in ima s tem rang ustavnega zakona, ki ga Ustavno sodišče ne more presojati, še zlasti ker gre za akt nastanka naše države. Za Ustavno sodišče je zato 81. člen nedotakljiv.” Današnje slovenske oblasti ne smatrajo temeljev slovenske državnosti in samostojnosti za nedotakljive. Zato s slovenskim ljudstvom v domovini tudi mi glasujmo PROTI! Slovenski ameriški svet Izpod zvona sv. Marije Vnebovzete CLEVELAND, O. - Prejšnjo nedeljo, 28. marca, smo si lahko ogledali novi film “Passion”, po dobroti neznanega dobrotnika, ki je daroval 400 vstopnic, 200 za župnijo sv. Vida in 200 za našo župnijo. Pred pričetkom nas je pozdravil svetovid-ski župnik Jože Božnar, nato smo zapeli pesem “oljsko goro tiha noč pokriva” in na platnu videli, kako učenci spe, Jezus pa trpi krvavi pot. Hvala dobrotniku za to lepo dejanje, da smo skupno napolnili kinodvorano in se potopili v tisto grozno dejanje trpljenja Jezusovega. Ta ponedeljek smo čistili našo cerkev. Kar ve- liko delavk in delavcev se je udeležilo tega dela. Okna, kipi, oltarji so že očiščeni po zaslugi g. Hozjana, v torek so bile na vrsti klopi, vrata, spovednice, zakristiji in zadnji dve sobi, v sredo pa je bilo čiščenje tal. Tako se bo vse svetilo za veliki praznik, še naše duše bo treba malo skrtačiti v spovednici in bomo pripravljeni na praznovanje Velike noči. Ta petek in soboto je na programu delanje butar. Jutri zvečer po ribji večerji in v soboto dopoldne se lahko pridružite temu delu, s seboj prinesite škarje, trakove, morda imate na vrtu kak grm za obrezati, kar zdaj lahko naredite, mačice in - veliko dobre volje. Jutri in v soboto bo tudi delanje krofov v šolski dvorani. Ker je v petek ribja večerja, do delanje krofov takoj po jutranji sv. maši, kar bodo krofi že opoldne že na razpolago za kupiti -toliko v vednost. V soboto pa v običajnem času. c Pridite in si pripravite i razne dobrote za prazni- t ke. \ To nedeljo, 4. aprila, j ima Oltarno društvo svo- j jo mesečno sv. mašo ob j 10. uri. Popoldne ob 2h , bo ura molitve, nato Kri- ] žev pot, blagoslov in v , šolski sobi za sestanke tudi sestanek, da uredi- ( mo vse tekoče zadeve. , Drage sestre, pridite k ( sv. maši in popoldne Se ] k molitvam in sestanku. | Ta prihodnja nedelja je Cvetna. Nosili bomo butare in zelenje k blagoslovu, da bo naš dom imel kaj blagoslovljenega-Za ta praznik ste iskre- no vabljene narodne noše. Naj ne bo nobena taka obleka skrita v omari, oblecite jo in pridite v njej k blagoslo'.-u in sv. maši. Pred nami je Veliki teden! Udeležujmo se tri-dnevja. V četrtek, 8. a-prila, se prične ob 7.30 zv., v petek ob sedmih, v soboto ob pol devetih. V petek popoldne bo Križev pot ob tretji uri- V soboto bo blagoslov jedil dvakrat, ob enih in ob treh. Koliko prilike, da počastimo Jezusa in se Mu zahvalimo. Ne p°" zabimo Nanj! In Velika nedelja. Zjutraj ob sedmi uri bo Vstajenje, zopet se pridružimo v narodni noši. Vse se veseli in prepeva, vse brsti in se raduje. Pri' družimo se temu veselju- Vsem, ki berete te vrstice, želim v imenu Oltarnega društva prav lep0 praznovanje Jezusovega Vstajenja. Naj bo Vesela Aleluja, v hvaležnosti za veliki dar trpljenja in Vstajenja. Lavriševa fa tu Listen to THE SLOVENIAN HOUR On 50,000 Watt WCPN Cleveland Public Radio icJi Tony Ovsenik 440-944-2538 LOJZE PETERLE, poslanec Kaj mi pomeni post Bog nam je dal svobodno voljo. Z njo zadevamo, kar je prav, pa tudi tisto, čemu rečemo preveč ali premalo. Ker verjetno večini kristjanov Post še vedno vzbudi najprej ali predvsem misel na vzdržek od hrane, bom razmišljal v tej smeri. Preveč hrane, preveč enostranske hrane in njena napačna sestava - da ° alkoholu in sladkarijah ne govorimo, vodi v slabe navade in kmalu v zasvojenost. Ponavadi hrano tudi preveč hitro uživamo. Tako pride do Preveč kilogramov, previsokega pritiska, preveč holesterola, ateroskleroze ttd., povedano na kratko ~ zbolimo. Take stranpoti niso iznajdba moderne dobe. človeštvo jih pozna že Zelo dolgo, pozna pa tudi Poti iz tega. Stare kultu-re poznajo post - zača-sno odpoved hrani - kot Vsakemu dostopno pot k Več zdravja. Modreci preteklosti so to čiščenje te-ksa, ki je hkrati čiščenje hi poživljanje duha, pov-2 ker so bile to postne nedelje. Menda je malo narodov, ki bi trpečemu Zveličarju in žalostni Materi božji mogli pokloniti tako lepe in primerne skladbe, kakor so to storili slovenski pesniki in skladatelji. « . Kakor navadno, se.ije tudi letos zbor skozi postni čas pripravljal na veliki teden in veliko noč. V zboru je več mladih, . ki so redni in imajo , prijetne glasove. Tu pri Mariji Pomagaj smo srečni, da pevci, tako starejši kot mlajši, lepo sodelujejo. Bog jih blago- V blag spomin ob štirideseti obletnici smrti ALOJZIJA KOSEM Umrl 27. marca 1964 Pri Bogu srečen Ti prebivaj Po letih zemskega gorja V raju srečo uživaj, Naj bo lepo Ti vrh zvezda. Žalujoči: Frančiška Kosem-žena Marjan in Rev. Frank-sinova Zofi, Mari por. Celestina, Urši por. Štepec-hčere Mira-snaha Miro in Ciril-zeta-že pok. Vnuki, vnukinje, pravnuki in pravnukinje, in sorodniki v Sloveniji in Ameriki slavljaj in daj vsem članom zbora zdravje in vztrajnost. Za naročnino, ki jo v glavnem redno poravnavate, iskrena zahvala, zlasti rojakom iz Kanade, ki pošiljate v ZDA valuti, sicer pa z dodatkom. Pravtako zahvala za dar listu, za ostede darove, zlasti za misijone in sv. maše. Enoletna naročnina na A ve Maria je $20, izven ZDA pa $25. Naslov za naročitev: Ave Maria Printery, 14246 Main Street, P.O. Box 608, Lemont, IL 60439-0608. * V Vsak mesec so naročniki našega lista, živi in rajni, deležni milosti posebne sv. maše, ki jo zanje darujemo. V slovenskih naselbinah v ZDA, kjer že dolga leta ni več rednega dotoka rojakov iz Slovenije, se število krči s smrtjo, boleznijo itd. To predvsem čutijo slovenske župnije, pa nič manj slovenske revije, časopisi in društva. Tudi naša Ave Marija! Urednik p. Bernardin Sušnik skrbi, da je revija zanimiva in duhovno bogata: Pater prejema zahvalna pisma za svoje delo, in večinoma odgovarja osebno, zelo redko v Ave Mariji. Tudi po telefonu dobiva priznanje in zahvalo. Upamo, da bo Bog še vnaprej blagoslavljal urednika in naše zveste naročnike.'. -j Že nekaj časa je govor o i “lemontskem zvo-r vniku”, ki je bil obenem s samostanom in cerkvijo dograjen ob avtomobilskih garažah. Trije, i razmeroma , majhni zvonovi, se le redko oglasijo. Sedaj je menda načrt, da bi postavili nov zvonik nekje pred' cerkvijo in samostanom, prenesli bi zvonove in vstavili električno zvonjenje. Sicer1 so pa ::medi našimi tukajšnjimi rojaki1 strokovnjaki vseh vrst in bodo znali, če bo treba, zadevo prav izpeljati in izdelati. Zvona pri groti zadnja leta že ni bilo več mogoče zagnati, ker sta zima in slabo vreme najedla osnovo. Naj bi zopet zvon ( laije na str. 20) F LJUBEČ SPOMIN Ob šesti obletnici smrti DRAGEGA MOŽA, OČETA, STAREGA ATA, BRATA IN STRICA Jože Likozar umrl 28. marca 1998 Pri Bogu ti se veseliš in v srcih naših še živiš. Ta pot življenja kratka je, v nebesih naše snidenje. Žalujoči: žena Zalka sin Martin, hčerki Kati in Paulina z družinami ter sorodniki v Ameriki in Sloveniji It took John and Mary 6 months to build their home, 5 years to establish their business, and a lifetime to raise their family. At How much time did it take them to plan their estate? KSKJ's Single Premium Whole Life Certificate structures an estate plan in very little time. With only one premium payment, you can: • Provide tax-free income for loved ones • Avoid costly and time-consuming probate • Cover final expenses • Create an education fund for loved ones • Structure retirement income • Increase your assets Find out how easy it is to deal with issues that matter. Call a professional KSKJ representative today! KSKI^/fe/ American Slovenian Catholic Union, KSKJ 2439 Glenwood Avenue 1 Joliet, II 60435 Toll Free: 800.843.5755 | Web: www.kskjlife.com Life insurance is not for those who die. It's for those who live. Ob 250-letnici rojstva Jurija Vege “Prihodnja smer mojega SANDI SITAR Če bi sestavljali seznam vrhunskih slovenskih ustvarjalcev, zelo vidno zapisanih v svetovno zgodovino, bi bil med deseterico vsekakor tudi Jurij Vega. Med najsrečnejše dogodke svojega življenja je štel možnost za izobraževanje v domovini, kar mu je odprlo pot v svet. S tem se je “določila prihodnja smer mojega življenja,” jc zapisal. -1. del - Tako si je pridobil bajne zasluge za razvoj znanosti in številnih drugih, z znanostjo podprtih dejavnosti. “On je skuzi učenost in zastopnost v velike službe naprej per-Sel, desilih je kmetiškega stanu,” je to dejstvo poudaril začetnik slovenskega Pesništva in novinarstva Valentin Vodnik, ki je °bjavil o njem prve tiska-ne vrstice v slovenščini. so kraterje na Luni označili po znanstvenikih svetovnega slovesa, so dva Imenovali po slovenskih, P° fiziku Jožefu Stefanu ~ in po Vegi. Kulturni napredek človeštva od nekdaj spremlja in vse bolj tudi omogoča ter pospešuje razvoj Matematike. Na pragu industrijske in znanstvene •"evolucije v drugi polovici 18- in v začetku 19. štorija je bila ta v polnem razmahu. Na eni strani jo v tem obdobju najbolj vidno o-2načuje Švicar Euler, ki §a pogosto imenujejo največji matematik vseh Časov”, na drugi pa Ne-^oe Gauss, ki je bil naj- Ob 37. obletnici Franjo Maršič je umri 23. aprila 1967 večji matematik vsaj v svojem času. Tedaj so delovali tudi veliki francoski matematiki. D’Alembert, sodelavec in uvodničar Didero-tove Enciklopedije, Lalan-de, ki je v svojem katalogu naštel 47.000 zvezd, Lagrange, ki je vodil vpe-lavo desetiškega merskega sistema meter/kilogram, in Laplace, s filozofom Kantom tvorec dolgo veljavne teorije o nastanku osončja. Ter seveda matematik slovenskega rodu in svetovnega slovesa Jurij Vega, ki je dopolnil pretežno teoretično naravnano delo svojih vrstnikov na področju računanja, od množičnega do najbolj zahtevnega. Tostran velike prelomnice Največjega slovenskega matematika poznajo v svetu z imenom in priimkom Georg Vega. Jurij ga imenujejo le rojaki. Rodil se je 23.' marca 1754 v Zagorici, v ob-savskih hribih med Ljubljano in Litijo, v bližini Geometrijskega središča Ob drugi obletnici Vera Maršič ki je umrla 31. marca 2002 življenja ...” Slovenije. Po očetu je podedoval priimek Veha, v pogostejši izpeljavi Vehovec, Vehovčev. Obdržal ga je 26 let, do velike življenjske prelomnice, ko je poleg priimka zamenjal tudi poklic in kraj stalnega bivanja. Polovico tega obdobja je preživel v rojstni vasi, ob trdem delu, še zlasti po zgodnji očetovi smrti, ko je moral v deških letih opravljati najtežja moška dela. Najstarejša od njegovih treh sestra, Marija, pa je reševala družino z zgodnjima porokama, prvo pri 13 in drugo pri 19 letih. Tako je mogel Jurij ob delu obiskovati pouk v župnišču v Moravčah, nato pa nadaljevati šolanje v Ljubljani. Mati in sestra sta bili, poleg žene Jožefe, najpomembnejši ženski v življenju slovenskega matematika. V Ljubljani, mestu s srednjeveškim jedrom in baročno preobleko, je Vega obiskoval šestletno srednjo šolo, ki so jo vodili jezuiti, nato pa prav tedaj podržavljeni dveletni licej. Na obeh ustanovah je bil med najboljšimi dijaki oziroma študenti, v matematiki pa se je tako odlikoval, da mu je profesor in nadomestni oče Jožef Ma-ffei omogočil izpopolnjevanje čez mejo učnega načrta. Pomembno je vplival nanj tudi vsestransko izobraženi in delovni jezuit Gabrijel Gruber, ki Je prav tedaj gradil ob Ljubljanici razbremenilni prekop. Poleg tega je bil Gruber direktor rečne plovbe za območje med Sočo in Muro ter od Jadrana do Drave. Ob Gruberjevi sta delovali v Ljubljani še dve skupini za urejanje rečnih korit in brežin, eno je vodil Šemerl, pozneje načrtovalec plovne povezave Dunaj—Trst, drugo pa zemljemerec Leopold Lieber. Na tem, tedaj tako razgibanem hidrotehničnem področju je služboval kot inženir za vodne gradnje tudi Jurij Vega. Očitno pa tu ni videl možnosti za hitro napredovanje, zato se je po petih letih odločil za radikalen življenjski prelom. Profesor Maffei je pred tem zapustil Ljubljano in se je zaposlil kot inštruktor in nato tajnik pri grofu Colloredu na Dunaju. Colloredo je bil glavni mož v posodabljanju avstrijske artilerije, ta proces pa ni bil mogoč brez matematično in tehnično izobraženih strokovnjakov. Če ta dejstva povežemo, postaneta razumljiva Vegov prehod v vojaški poklic, s stalnim bivališčem na Dunaju, in njegova hitra poklicna kariera, ki ga je v 22 letih privedla od navadnega topničarja do podpolkovnika, če bi živel še deset let, pa bi postal verjetno general. Sočasno je razvil tudi svoje znanstveno delovanje v matematiki in z njo povezanih vedah: v fiziki in še posebno mehaniki ter balistiki. Onstran velike prelomnice Vega je prišel na Dunaj leta 1780, ko je umrla Marija Terezija in jo je nasledil Jožef II. V mirnih obdobjih je poučeval matematične predmete na šoli za artilerijske častnike, po ustanovitvi elitnega bombardirskega oddelka, oboroženega z mož-narji, pa je postal profesor za oficirje te enote. Od vojaških pedagogov so pričakovali, da bodo v podporo svojega dela pisali tudi učbenike. Tako se je Vega že takoj v začetku lotil pisanja Predavanj iz matematike. Prva dva zvezka, učbenika aritmetike in geometrije, je napisal že v letu 1782 in dve leti pozneje, nato pa so ga vojne in drugo delo na tem področju upočasnili, tako da je izšel tretji zvezek, mehanika trdnih teles, leta 1788, četrti, mehanika tekočin in plinov, pa leta 1800. Čeprav je bil njegov učbenik namenjen artile-rijcem, se je zaradi pedagoške kakovosti razširil na druga šole ter celo v inozemstvo in je v mnogih ponatisih in prevodih ostal v rabi naslednjega pol stoletja. Njegova odlika je bila vsestranska pedagoška domišljenost pa tudi poseganje na razširjena področja, na primer v geodezijo, kartografijo, meteorologijo, strojeslovje itn., ter na zahtevne ravni, tudi v višjo matematiko, ki jo je Vega v izobraževanje častnikov prvi uvajal. Že v prvem zvezku svojih Predavanj je vpeljal tudi uporabo logaritmov, ki so v naslednjih letih postali glavno torišče njegovega dela. Žalujoči: Zvesti Vaju bomo vsi ljubili in Vaju nikoli pozabili pri Bogu zdaj se veselita a v srcih naših še živita hči Zdenka Teisl z družino sin Dušan z družino snaha Betsi z družinb in sorodniki v Sloveniji (DALJE na str. 18) BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. (216) 481-5277 Between Chardon Rd. & E. 222 St. in Euclid, Ohio V LJUBEČ SPOMIN JANEZ RIFEL, doktor medicine Pogostna vprašanja o prehrani in raku - i. - Razne strokovne in poljudne revije pogosto objavljajo najnovejše izsledke raziskav, ki so dokazale povezanost določenih vrst raka z uživanjem določene hrane. Vpliv prehrane na pojav raka je izjemno zanimiv za bralce in pogosto revije preveč poudarjajo koristi ali škodljivosti hranil, ki jih je raziskava zajemala. Zelo redko je priporočljivo, da zamenjate pre-hranjevalne navade ali telesno dejavnost zaradi ene same objavljene raziskave še posebno, če objavljeni izsledki še niso dokončni. Ali alkohol poveča tveganje za raka? Alkohol poveča tveganje raka ust, žrela, grla, požiralnika, jeter in dojk. Če pijete alkohol, omejite pitje na dve enoti alkohola na dan za moške in eno enoto za ženske. Ena enota je 1 dl vina ali malo pivo ali Šilce žganja. Če pijete alkohol in tudi kadite, se tveganje poveča mnogo bolj, kot če bi le sešteli posamezni tveganji kajenja in pitja. Ženske, ki imajo veliko tveganje za pojav raka dojk (na primer rak dojke bližnjih sorodnic), naj sploh ne pijejo alkohola, on j. ' Ali vitamini zmanjšajo tveganje za raka? Vitamin A vsebuje hrana živalskega izvora, lahko pa ga telo pretvori iz beta karotena v zelenjavi. Dodatki vitamina A ne zmanjšajo tveganja za raka. V dveh študijah so celo pokazali, da so kadilci, ki so jemali dodatke beta karotena, pogosteje zboleli zaradi pljučnega raka kot kadilci v kontrolni skupini, ki niso uživali dodatkov. Vitamin C je v različnih vrstah sadja in zelenjave. Veliko raziskav je ugotovilo, da uživanje sadja in zelenjave, ki vsebuje vitamin C, zmanjša tveganje za pojav raka, vendar pa ni bilo zmanjšanja tveganja pri jemanju vitaminskih dodatkov, ki so vsebovali vitamin C. Ena raziskava je pokazala, da so imeli moški, ki so jemali 50 mg vitamina na dan, manjše tveganje za pojav raka na prostati, vendar morajo to potrditi še druge raziskave. Ali pitje kave in čaja vpliva na pojav raka? Ni dokazov, da pitje kave povzroča raka. Pred leti so raziskave povezovale pitje kave z rakom trebušne slinavke, vendar niso bile potrjene. Nekateri priporočajo pitje čaja zaradi visoke vsebnosti n3!Bvnt! JOŽE CENDOL Prva obletnica V Luči večni Ti počivaj, dobroto, milost božjo uživaj. Oh, grenko je le to, ker si prerano vzel slovo. Čeprav v hladnem grobu spiš, v srcih naših še živiš. Žalujoča žena Mimi in sin Jože brat Frank sestre Anica, Albina, Vera v Kanadi antioksidantov. Raziskave na. živalih so pokazale, da nekatere vrste čaja, med njimi tudi zeleni čaj, zmanjšujejo tveganje raka. Epidemiološke raziskave na ljudeh so pokazale nasprotujoče si rezultate. Nekateri zeliščni čaji vsebujejo snovi, ki lahko povzročijo raka, zato niso priporočljivi. (Družina, 14. marca 2000) - II. - Ali sladkor povzroča raka? Sladkor je visoko kalorična hrana, ki ne vsebuje varovalnih hranil proti raku. Povzroča debelost in viša količino potrebnega inzulina, kar lahko pripelje do raka. Ali umetna sladila povzročajo raka? Umetni sladili saharin in aspartam dokazano ne povzročata raka pri ljudeh. Ali sol povzroča raka? Ljudje, ki pojejo veliko hrane, konzervirane s soljo, na primer suhome-sne izdelke, imajo večje tveganje za pojav raka želodca, žrela in vratu. Sol, ki jo uporabljamo v normalnih količinah pri kuhanju, nima vpliva na raka. Ali pesticidi in herbicidi v hrani povzročajo raka? Pesticidi in herbicidi so strupene snovi in povzročijo veliko škode, če jih neprimerno uporabljamo. Zelenjava in sadje pogosto vsebuje te snovi v sledovih, ki so na pridelkih ostale po škropljenju. Vendar koristi uživanja sadja in zelenjave močno odtehta možne škodljive učinke pesticidov (n herbicidov. Seveda je treba sadje in zelenjavo pred uporabo dobro očistiti in oprati. Trenutno ni dokazov, (da(je na str. 19) Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD §316 Fleet Ave. Cleveland, Ohio Tel. 216-641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod. Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči. , CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! Ob 250. obletnici rojstva velikega znanstvenika Jurija Vega (NADALJEVANJE s str. 17) Prostozidar Vega je v svojem učbeniku navedel več kot 50 avtorjev, po katerih se je zgledoval. Uporabljal je klasične in sodobne vire. Poleg tega se je ob srečanjih in pisno povezoval z ustvarjalnimi o-sebnostmi, tudi daleč zunaj ožjega področja svojega poklicnega dela. Njegov krog se je močno razširil s prostozidarskimi povezavami. Prostozidar je postal leta 1785, morda na pobudo Jožefa MafTeia, ki je bil tedaj v bratovščini že četrto leto. Njegov boter na sprejemnem ritualu je bil Vegov nadrejeni častnik Leopold pl. Unterberger, tudi plodni pisec matematičnih del. Vega je bil najprej član prestižne lože Resnična sloga, v kateri se je združevala dunajska duhovna elita, po njeni razpustitvi pa je prešel v manj uspešno ložo Resnica. Obe je vodil radikalni iluminat Ignac pl. Born. Dunajski prostozidarji so bili tedaj izrazito razsvetljensko usmerjeni, zavzemali so se za napredek znanosti in so jim bile zaradi svobodomiselnosti blizu ideje francoske revolucije. Prav to je povzročilo najprej njihovo o-mejevanje i,n leta 1795 popolno prepoved lož. Vendar so se povezave med člani ohranile tudi v naslednjem obdobju. Zelo intenzivno in tudi preko meja cesarstva ter celo s Francijo, s katero je bila Avstrija v vojni, jih je vzdrževal prav Vega. Domnevamo lahko, da so pospeševale izdajanje in ponatise njegovih del, pritok svežih informacij in idej ter članstvo v znanstvenih akademijah. (SE NADALJUJE) V ljubeč in nepozabni spomin naši pokojni ženi in mami MARIJA ANDOLŠEK ki je umrla pred petimi leti, 6. aprila 1999. Že pet let je, Marija, odkar si nas zapustila, in za vedno odšla v večnost. Toda še vedno si v mojem in naših srcih in pogrešamo te vsaki dan bolj. Pogrešamo tvojo ljubezen, pogrešamo tvoj smehljaj, tvoje prijateljstvo. Ničesar ni, kar bi zapolnilo vrzel po tvojem odhodu, ničesar, kar bi ublažilo hudo bolečino. Počivaj v miru, draga, nepozabna mama! Ostala nam boš v nepozabnem spominu vse do konca naših življenjskih dni. Naj ti ljubi Bog povrne za vso tvojo ljubezen in tvojo dobroto. Žalujoči: mož: Pavle hčerke: Mojca, Branka, Yolanda brata: France z družino v Slovenyi Štefan v Floridi ter ostalo sorodstvo v Sloveniji. Willoughby Hills, Ohio, 1. aprila 2004. PISMO Z MADAGASKARJA Rok Gajšek Hudo opustošenje po ciklonih (Bralci MSIP pogosto berejo o delovanju številnih slovenskih misijonarjev na otoku Madagaskar, Zato bo to poročilo misijonarja Roka Gajška, povzeto iz Družine z dne 21. marca gotovo zani-mal mnoge. Ur. AD) ❖ Ker so pri nas najbolj aktualne razmere po ciklonu, bom na kratko o-pisal, kako je z nami. Že včeraj (11. marca) sem “apeliral” na Radio Ognjišče. Današnji “klic v stiski” pa naj velja bralcem Družine in vsem ljudem dobre volje. Madagaskar je v obdobju enega meseca doživel dva strašna ciklona. Ciklon Elita se je v začetku februarja kar trikrat “sprehodil” po otoku. Takrat so bili najbolj Prizadeti kraji na zahodu: Mahajanga, Maintirano, Antsalova, Morondava in tisti malo bolj južno od glavnega mesta. V glavnem mestu smo občutili le “rep” ciklona, a je bilo vseeno obilo dežja in tudi močan veter, saj je Polomil veliko dreves in razkril precej hiš, tudi v oentrih Akamasoe. Te dni pa je z Indij-skega oceana pridivjal ci- klon Gafilo z veliko rušilno močjo in zelo prizadel kraje na severovzhodu otoka: Antalaho, Andapo, Maroantsetro, Mananaro. Rušilno pot je začel v nedeljo, 7. marca, zjutraj, v centru vrtinca z več kot 150 km na uro. Pot je nadaljeval proti jugozahodu in blizu Ma-hajange šel v mozambi-ški kanal. Tam je bila “žrtev” razdivjanega morja ladja, ki je prevažala 120 potnikov (med njimi več kot 30 malgaških državljanov). Do sedaj je znano, da so se rešili štirje potniki. Potem se je ciklon o-brnil nazaj proti jugovzhodu. Pot ga je vodila -a z manjšo močjo - prek Ihosyja (kjer je do nedavnega deloval slovenski misijonar Ivan Štanta, u-mrl je novembra 2003), Betroka, Midongyja in se je nekje pri Vangaindra-nu izgubil v morju. V zadnjih dveh krajih delujejo naši misijonarji Tone Kerin, Klemen Štolcar, Jože Letonja, Janez Krmelj, Jani Mesec in Matija Nered. Ker je bil ciklon velikega premera (400 km), je zelo na široko pokazal svojo “moč”, saj smo tudi mi v Tananarivu čutili močne sunke vetra. Sam sem bil to nedeljo dopoldne v Antolojanaharyju, 65 km zahodno od glavnega mesta. To je eden izmed prvih centrov Akamasoe, ki jih je ustanovil Peter Opeka. Ko smo imeli po maši sestanek župnijskega sveta, je zunaj tako pihalo, da smo se bali, da bo razkrilo vse strehe. Na srečo tam ni bilo večje škode, le nekaj dreves je polomilo. Tako je ta slednji ciklon prizadel mnoge kraje: uničil poljščine, riževa polja so bila poplavljena; zato bo letošnji pridelek zelo skromen. Ciklon je lomil in ruval drevesa, zato je razumljivo, da je tudi vsa druga infrastruktura močno prizadeta: ceste, ki so bile že precej slabe, so ponekod popolnoma uničene in kraji odtrgani “od sveta”. Ko smo potem gledali na TV razdejanje v nekaterih krajih, se nam je zdelo, kot da bi gledali dneve po vesoljnem potopu: razdejanje vsepovsod; velika zaskrbljenost na obrazih ljudi - kako naprej, da bi preživeli? Čeprav so odgovorni v državi kar kitro reagirali, obiskali prizadete kraje in prinesli prvo pomoč (tudi mednarodno), je vse to le “kapljica v morju" trpljenja. Hude posledice te naravne nesreče bodo gotovo še bolj otežile prizadevanje, da bi se dežela rešila iz brezna bede in revščine. Postni čas je gotovo zelo primeren, da vam posredujem ta “klic v stiski”. Post nas že tako vabi k spreobrnjenju. Ta stiska mnogih pa je še dodatno povabilo, da priskočimo na pomoč bratom, ki so se znašli v zares hudi stiski. Gre za preživetje mnogih. Po zadnjih poročilih je okrog 200 tisoč ljudi ponesrečenih;‘smrtnih žrtev je 74, poleg tiste ladje, na kateri je izgubilo življenje več kot sto ljudi. Torej, dragi bralci Družine in vsi ljudje dobre volje! V imenu trpečih, ki so izgubili vse in se borijo za preživetje, trkam na vašo velikodušnost. S skupnimi močmi lahko olajšamo trpljenje našega brata v Kristusu. Hvala vam že vnaprej za sodelovanje. Vsem bralcem Družine želim bogat postni čas. Vse vas lepo pozdravljam. Ožjim sodelavcem Družine pa želim še naprej obilje blagoslova pri delu. Pogostna vprašanja... (nadaljevanje s str. 18) da bi majhne količine herbicidov in pesticidov v hrani povzročile raka. Ali česen preprečuje raka? Česen vsebuje snovi, ki imajo možen vpliv na preprečevanja raka in delujejo proti bakterijam in glivam. Vendar ni dovolj dokazov za preventivno uporabo česna. Preveč česna ali dodatkov, ki ga vsebujejo, povzroči bolečine v trebuhu, vetrove, bruhanje in zavira delovanje krvnih ploščic, trombocitov, ki sodelujejo pri ustavljanju krvavitev. Ali je uživanje sadja in zelenjave res tako zelo zdravo? Res je. Povečano uživanje sadja in zelenjave zmanjša tveganje raka pljuč, ustne votline, požiralnika, želodca in širokega črevesja. Ne vemo pa, katere snovi v zelenjavi in sadju imajo zaščitni vpliv, zato strokovnjaki ne priporočajo u-porabe prehranskih dodatkov, ampak uživanje sadja in zelenjave petkrat na dan. Hrana je najboljši vir vitaminov in mineralov. Vsekakor pa so prehranski dodatki primerni za nekatere posebne skupine ljudi, kot so noseče in doječe mamice, ženske v plodnem obdobju, dosledni vegeterijanci. Če jemljete prehramske dodatke, izbirajte uravnotežene pripravke vitaminov in mineralov, ki ne vsebujejo več kot 100% dnevne potrebe po vitaminih in mineralih. (Družina, 21. marca 2004) NOVI GROBOVI (NADALJEVANJE s str. 13) Lillian, roj. Svete, oče Sandre Turner, 1-krat stari oče, brat Tonyja ter že pok. Rudyja, Johna, Ann, Mary in Angele. Pogreb je bil 29. marca v oskrbi Želetovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Paskala Bajlonskega in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopoališču. Družina priporoča darove v pokojnikov spomin Holy Family Home, 6707 State Rd., Parma, OH 44134. Rose M. Petac Umrla je 85 let stara Rose M. Petac, rojena Makse, vdova po Valentinu, mati Anthonyja, 4-krat stara mati, 3-krat prastara mati, sestra že pok. Tonyja. Pogreb je bil 26. marca s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Feli-cite in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Anthony Stimac Dne 20. marca je umrl 74 let stari Anthony Stimac, sin Antona in Karoline, roj. Kovačič (oba že pok.), brat Caroline Smtih, Mary Smith, Josepha, Annie Przeracki, Johna, Helen, Dorothy La-velle, Edwarda, Diane Vi-drick ter že pok. Victorja in Thomasa, zaposlen do svoje upokojitve pri General Motors Corp. Privaten pogreb je bil 27. marca s pokopom na pokopališču sv. Marije v Brady’s Bendu, Pa. VESELA VELIKA - NOC HAPPY EASTER VSEM PR!J A TEL JEM /N ZNANCEM ŽELIMO VESELE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE Družina Edi in Frank Fujs Frangie’s Fashions 692-2099 475 E. 200 St., Euclid, OH 44119 Hours: Monday - Saturday 9-4, HAPPY EASTER! VESELE IN SREČNE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE VSEM! FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD Mr. Joseph Fortuna, Director 5316 Fleet Ave. Phone 641-0046 Cleveland, Ohio 44105 Licensed Directors John J. Fortuna, James R. Tržaška Mary Ann Fortuna Tržaška Fax: 216 - 271-0608 Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1518. “Teden dni nas še loči od praznovanja največjega dogodka na zemlji, odrešitve vsega človeštva. Smo na to pripravljeni? Imamo v sebi dovolj Kristusovega duha? Po mašnikovih rokah darujemo sveto daritev, za nas same in za druge, da bo v nas prebival božji duh, da bo naša duša pričakovala zarjo velikonočnega jutra sposobna sprejeti vase vstalega Zveličarja. Res lahko smo veseli, da imamo takega in tako velikega Odrešenika. Odprimo svoja srca v priznanju svoje majhnosti pred svojim Stvarnikom.” (Oznanila) Velika noč, naš največji in najbolj vesel praznik, zmaga nad smrtjo. Z Jezusom preko Kalvarije v zmagoslavje. Od srca do srca iz misijonskega sveta Sr. Marija Frančiška Novak O.S.U. piše: “Dragi MZA sodelavci in dobrotniki! Bog vam povrni za bogato božično kuverto s pismom in čekom. Vse bo za naše najbolj potrebne katoliške in tiste, ki še niso naši. Saj veste, kako je v jugovzhodni Aziji in še posebno v tej budistični deželi Tajski in na njenem severu. Misijonarji, ki so se morali posloviti od Kitajske, so našli plodno delo na severu Tajske, kjer v Chiangmaiski škofiji delujejo že pol stoletje. Drugi misijonarji so se jim pridružili. Gorske sestre imajo zdaj domačo redovno družbo, posvečeno Mariji Brezmadežni. 8. decembra je deset mladih sester te kongregacije naredilo prve redovne zaobljube. G. škof sam jih je sprejel in se zde pripravljene na vse: molitev, delo, apostolat. Sester uršulink nas je zdaj 40: tj. 30 tajsko-kitaj-skih in 10 mednarodnih. Odkar je draga sestra, dobra M. Ksaverija Pirc odšla v vežnost 7. februarja 1987, sem ostala sama Slovenka. Slovaška sestra Stanislava Bosnak je tudi odšla v večnost 18. januarja letos. Naj počiva v miru! Sestra Narumol (Brezmadežna), otrok gorskega plemena blizu cerkve, katera ima brata duhovnika, zelo gorečega, je najstarejša gorska uršulinka. Pridružilo se ji je že pet mlajših sester. Molimo za poklice! Polja so zrela, le delavcev primanjkuje! Lani sem bila doma v Sloveniji, skoro gotovo zadnjikrat. Moja sestrična M. Ancila Novak je praznovala 70-letnico redovnih zaobljub v Beaugencyju na Francoskem. Obnovitev me je spomnila na moje prvo obhajilo v isti uršulinski cerkvi 8. junija 1922 in nato v isti cerkvi sem v svetem letu 1925 bila sprejeta v Marijino družbo. Bogu hvala za vse! Sr. Ancila mi je pisala o odhodu v večnost dobrega, svetniškega duhovnika profesorja Antona Strleta, ki se je poslovil 26. oktobra. Zvesto sem spremljala njegove globoke pridige v nedeljo ob desetih in njegove globoko zbrane sv. maše ob šestih zjutraj. Tako ostane v uršulinski župni cerkvi dobri, goreči župnik g. Adam, ki je in priletni g. Škrlavaj. Odhod g. Strleta je tudi mene pripravilo na odhod v večnost. Vsem misijonskem prijateljem in dobrotnikom in še posebno MZA delujočim, katere MZA ustanovitelj je bil pok. Karel Wolbang, sem globoko hvaležna za mnoga leta pomoči, ki sem je bila deležna za uboge. Le koliko jih je bilo leta te pomoči deležnih ve samo Bog. Tukaj v šoli Regina Coeli smo 25. januarja praznovale 72-letnico, ali šest-šest krogov tj. 12 x 6. Prosim vas vse za molitev. Bog naj blagoslavlja še v bodoče vaše delo za Njegovo Kraljestvo. Hvaležno vdana s. Marija Frančiška Novak." Sedem bogoslovcev iz National Seminary Ggaba, Marijino semenišče. Kampala, Uganda, ki bodo letos posvečeni v mašnike, se je oglasilo svojim dobrotnikom z lepimi zahvalami za petletno vzdrževanje. Iz Indije: Rewa, Vincentian Congregation, se je o-glasilo pet bogoslovcev z lepimi zahvalami za pomoč pri vzdrževanju. Tudi te bodo letos posvečeni. Glavni urednik Radia Ognjišča g. Franci Trstenjak se oglaša s sledečim splošnim pismom: “Spoštovani dobrotnik Radia Ognjišča! S hvaležnostjo v srcu in na ustnicah smo Bogu zapeli zahvalo ob 9. rojstnem dnevu, ki smo ga obhajali 28. novembra, hkrati pa iskreno prosili, da bi nam naklonil obilje blagoslova, da bo naše delo uspešno in da bo radio uresničil pričakovanja Cerkve in toliko zvestih poslušalcev. Med njimi ste tudi vi, ki nas ne le redno poslušate, marveč tudi podpirate z darovi, za kar smo vam neizmerno hvaležni. Brez pomoči PRO-jevcev bi naše radijsko delo ne bilo tako uspešno, in tako bo tudi v prihodnosti. Zato, dragi dobrotnik, “računamo" na vas, če so vam le dane možnosti. Za nami je 9 let dela, pred nami pa leto, ki bo v znamenju priprav na prvi okrogli jubilej, na prvih deset let. Zadali smo si težke in velike naloge, saj bi radi ta jubilej obhajali čimbolj odmevno in kakovostno. Želimo si, da bo obletnica pripomogla k dodatni prepoznavnosti v slovenskem medijskem prostoru, predvsem pa k utrditvi globljih vezi med ustvarjalci in poslušalci. Verjemite nam, da z veseljem prisluhnemo željam poslušalcev in če le mogoče, jih tudi vključimo v program. Iskreno vas vabimo, da z nami praznujete, da se z nami veselite in da z nami tudi potrpite. Ob tem, ko vas prosimo za vašo naklonjenost in podporo, vam prosimo tudi za dober glas o Radiu Ognjišču, ki se naj širi v vaši življenjski in delovni okolici. V imenu vseh sodelavcev, vseh, ki jih poznate po glasu, kakor tudi tistih, ki jih še nikoli niste slišali, a so nujno potrebni za nemoteno delo. Vas z globoko hvaležnostjo pozdravljam in želim božjega varstva in Marijino priprošnjo ter budnosti vašega angela varuha. Franci Trstenjak, gl. ur.” G. Karel Wolbang je preko MSIP zelo priporočil, da bi se dobrotniki odzvali in pristopili z denarno akcijo podpreti Radio Ognjišče. Pridobil je preko 80 dobrotnikov, ki je prispeval letno po $60, ali kolikor je zmogel. Od takrat je še rednih dobrotnikov 45. Zelo je potrebno, da gre božji glas preko RO po vsej Sloveniji. Kdor more, prosim, naj se pridruži Prijateljem Radia Ognjišča (PRO) in pomaga na ta način širiti božje kraljestvo. Vsem vam PRO, ki ste ostali zvesti, Bog plačaj! Darovi - Neimenovana dobrotnica iz Kalifornije je darovala za s. Terezijo Pavlič na popravilo zdravstvenega doma $250. Bog povrni. Bi morda še kakšen dobrotnik prispeval kot “velikonočni pirh” za ta namen? Novomašno darilo za vzdrževanega bogoslovca je darovala $100 kan. Mimi Martinčič. N.N. je za sv. maše daroval(a) kan. $950, še $50 za poštnino. Bog povrni. Velika noč: Naj zarja velikonočnega jutra nas in vas vse, kjerkoli smo na tem svetu, poveže in združi v eno samo zmagoslavje ob vstalem Jezusu. Veselo Alelujo vam iz globočine srca želim v imenu vseh sodelujočih pri MZA in tudi v imenu misijo-narjev. Ob vstalem Kristusu smo drug drugemu majhna sreča.... “Od vseh strani velika noč odzvanja. Veselju okna na stežaj odpiram. Na tavam več po zbeganih mrakovih, zastavil sem korak na jasno plan, v svobodo čiste kopljem se slapovih, v obraz smehlja se mi spokorjen dan.” (Franc Sodja, “Vstajenje") Sonja Ferjan 79 Lunness Rd., Toronto ON M8W 4M7 Canada It's Time for your eye exam! J. F. OPTICAL Eye Care Specialists Eye Exams Latest in eye fashion - Contact Lenses We Welcome Your Drs. Prescription 775 E. 185th St. Eye Glasses Cleveland, OH 44119 Repaired Tel.: (216) 531-7933 (34) Lemontski odmevi... (nudaljevanje s sir. 16) opomnil romarje, da se bo v kratkem pričela sv. maša. Vsaka tri leta vrhovni predstojnik iz Rima pošlje vsaki frančiškanski provinci sobrata vizitaor-ja, ki pregleda delovanje sobratov in skupnosti Letos je bila na vrsti slovenska provinca. Tako smo imeli obisk prve < dni meseca marca. Lepo , smo se pomenili, pa ka- • kor navadno, tudi; letos , ni manjkalo lepih duhov- j nih napotkov. Z veseljem smo spre' jeli vest, da je sveti 0# Janez Pavel II. ljubljanskega nadškofa in metropolita dr. Franca Rodeta imenoval za novega pre' fekta (predstojnika) Kongregacije za ustanove - p°' svečenega življenja i” družbe apostolskega življenja. V področje dejavnosti te kongregacije spadajo moški in ženski re' dovi Cerkve, razne skupnosti in nove oblike p°s' večenega življenja. S tem imenovanjet11 papež gospoda nadškof® dr. Rodeta kliče v Rt111' za kar iskreno čestitam0 in mu želimo božjeg® blagoslova pri nadaljneif nadvse odgovornem me' stu v cerkvenem vodstva V Lemontu se spominjamo nadškofov6' ga obiska, ko je na P0-kopališču molil za raju6, ki tam počivajo in se poklonil rajnemu ljubi)311 skemu škofu Gregor^ Rožmanu, nakar je Pr oltarju Marije Pom^ daroval sv. mašo za x° jake, ki so raztreseni P° širni Ameriki. Lemontski frančišfca,, jp želimo naročnikom vsem rojakom- VeSc veliko noč in obilo hov! AVE april ^ Prijatel’s Pharma^ | St. Clair & E. 68 St. 361-« IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVI«^ ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID ^ THE AGED PRESCIPTlONj $ l'*,