29 Marek Minárik: Sustainable Transport of Goods Using Combined Transport Solutions: The Case of EU NAŠE GOSPODARSTVO OUR ECONOMY pp. 29–39 ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPER Citation: Minárik, M. (2021). Sustainable Transport of Goods Using Combined Transport Solutions: The Case of EU. Naše gospodarstvo/Our Economy, 67(2), 29-39. DOI: 10.2478/ngoe-2021-0010 DOI: 10.2478/ngoe-2021-0010 UDK: 656:502.131.1(4-6EU) JEL: M21, R40, Q56 RECEIVED: JUNE 2020 REVISED: FEBRUARY 2021 ACCEPTED: APRIL 2021 Vol. 67 2021 No. 2 Sustainable Transport of Goods Using Combined Transport Solutions: The Case of EU Marek Minárik University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of Commerce, Department of International Trade, Slovakia marek.minarik@euba.sk Abstract This paper analyzes the importance of bimodal solutions in the rail-road transport of goods with an emphasis on the aspect of ecology within the geographical region of EU-28. Using the panel regression analysis in the period from 2010 to 2019, we are trying to confirm the dependence between the road and rail transport of goods by applying several freight units’ measures: the freight transport performance in tonne-kilometres, the freight transport performance in tonne-kilometres per thousand of USD, and the amount of goods transported in thousands of tonnes. The application of data to all selected freight units’ measures in the regression models confirms a relationship between road and rail transport. A direct relationship between these two modes of transport confirms the complementarity effect, which means that, in most cases, the goods transport solutions require the combination of road and rail mode, where the railway should be considered as the main transport/carrier, the road transport, however, should have the role of short pre-transport or post-transport. The ecological aspect of such bimodal solutions can also be emphasized since the railway transport is considered as an ecological mode. Keywords: bimodality, combined transport of goods, ecology, European Union Introduction The main objective of state transport policies (Banister, 2018) is to reduce or to eliminate the environmental burden and damage for public health, caused by road freight transport, supporting the most ecological transport modes, such as the railways and inland waterways, which can be used as carriers in combined trans- port operations (Široký, Schröder & Gašparík, 2017). This objective is also iden- tified within the European Union‘s White Paper – Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – Towards a competitive and resource-efficient transport system. By 2030, 30% of the road freight over 300 km (Carboni & Dalla Chiara, 2018) should shift to other modes, such as rail or waterborne transport (Široký, Schröder & Gašparík, 2017). The combined transport would be ineffective in the short haulages (Carboni & Dalla Chiara, 2018) - the loading to be completed requires a certain amount of time. The analysis in Table 1 is based on strengths and weaknesses of the transport mo- dalities, such as road and rail. These two transportation modes can be characterized 30 NAŠE GOSPODARSTVO / OUR ECONOMY Vol. 67 No. 2 / June 2021 by the issues of transportation costs, transit time, delay percentage, frequency and free time (Kurtuluş & Bilge Ҫetin, 2020). The authors of these five concepts prepared a tailor-made investigation for the Turkish transport sector concerning the modal shift. The result of these intermodal rail-road transport solutions is the doubling of the train fre- quency and the 50% reduction of the transit time, depending on the increased frequency. According to Hansenová (2007) and Furdová and Hansenová (2013), road transport is one of the most challenging transportation mode concerning envi- ronmental problems, encompassing CO2 emissions, carbon footprint, etc. Intermodal solutions, where rail transport is a carrier, embody transport of accompanied (e. g. trucks, trailers and tractors with their drivers) and unaccompanied (e. g. TEU, FEU and other types of containers, swap bodies and semitrail- ers without their drivers) intermodal transport units, using trains (UNECE, 2018). The intermodal transport units are well-known as loading units in combined transport, defined as objects of transshipment while protecting the goods to be transported (e. g. containers, which can be transported across all transport modes) (INTERREG, 2020). Among the advantages of the use of these type of loading units are economic viability, easy handling, and transshipment, using several types of technology (e. g. rolling Motorway – RoLa, Roll-on Roll-Off – RoRo, Cargo Beamer, Modalohr or MegaSwingTMDuo), beneficial utilization of space, easier storage, better options for gathering information, statistics and accounting can be underlined (INTERREG, 2020). During the last ten years (2009-2018), multimodal transport within EU-28 countries has recorded a decline in freight volume relative to GDP. According to Eurostat (2020), the volume of freight multimodal transport relative to GDP in 2018 reached only 96% compared to the reference year 2010 with a volume of 100%. The most significant decline in the importance of multimodal freight transport can be observed in Estonia (with 47.5% in 2018, compared to 100% in 2010), Malta (62.8% in 2018) and Ireland (66.6% in 2018). Con- versely, the largest increase can be observed in the case of Slovenia (118.4% in 2018, compared to 100% in 2010), Czech Republic (109.7% in 2018) and Croatia (103.7% in 2018). The smallest changes or the greatest stability in terms of volume of freight multimodal transport relative to GDP for the period 2009-2018 can be observed in Lithu- ania, Belgium, Poland and Spain. Considering the growth of GDP in current prices in euros per capita for the EU-28 countries for the period 2009-2018 (from 24 050 EUR to 30 170 EUR), we are convinced that there can be no question of a decline in the importance of multimodal transport. If the volume of freight multimodal transport was expressed Table 1. Strengths and weaknesses of road and rail transport modes Road transport Strength Weaknesses Irreplaceable for very short distances Limited capacity Irreplaceable in logistics Unreliable in time Flexible Dependent on traffic disorders Possible time and cost savings at medium distances Environmental problems Addressing responsibility Dependent on the weather Free pricing Problems in custom transit regime Railway transport Strength Weaknesses Possible time and cost savings at medium and long distances Less flexibilty More capacity and diverse fleet Lower operability Exact timetables Problems with logistics The possibility to achieve higher speeds Problems with modern forms of business Save and relatively trouble-free Lower price flexibility Easy border crossing and transit High investments Joint responsibility of the participating railways Environmentally friendly Source: Hansenová (2007), Furdová and Hansenová (2013) 31 Marek Minárik: Sustainable Transport of Goods Using Combined Transport Solutions: The Case of EU in absolute values, an increase in the transported volume would be recorded. Focusing on the rail - road intermodal combined transport, there are some characteristic features and data for the EU-28 countries (UIRR, 2020). Rail freight transport has a relative- ly high market share in North-Eastern Europe, where it gains more than 25% of the share of the total modal split. The Western countries like France, United Kingdom or Spain struggle with shifting from road to rail, and the rail freight transport has a relatively low market share, gaining less than 12% of the share of the total modal split. The market share of the road freight transport is around 74% within the EU-28 countries. Almost half (48.15%) of all road transport services are less than 300 km long, which is another evidence of its effectiveness on the short haulages (Rail Freight, 2019). Rail freight corridors within the EU-28 countries come out of the European rail transport routes, based on the EU Regu- lation 913/2010. The principal objective of adopting this reg- ulation was to optimise the use of the densely used European rail network. The five most important intermodal freight lanes in the EU-28 countries are Germany - Italy, Germany - Netherlands, Germany – Czech Republic, Belgium - Italy and Czech Republic – Slovakia (UNECE, 2018). Slovenia, situated along the Mediterranean and the Baltic Adriatic transport corridors, needs to establish a framework for intermodal transport to ensure effective logistic chains, developing new railway infrastructure at the nodes with other transport modes. These attempts encompass for example the modernization of the port of Koper, railway lines for the leg between Koper and Divača with several tunnels and bridges, as the most expensive investments within this project. Theoretical Backgrounds This paper studies the mutual relationship among the trans- port modes in the form of a regression analysis, whose outcomes should be a model or models, justifying the sig- nificance of the sustainable rail-road combined transport solutions (Matthias et al., 2020). The geographical focus of the study is limited to the EU-28 countries. There are more approaches to the topic of the combined transport, e. g. the definition of IRU (2020): „Combined transport refers to the carriage of goods from one place to another using differ- ent means of transport: road for the first and last leg of the journey and rail or water for the rest.“ The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (2020) defines the combined transport as „intermodal trans- port where the major part of the European journey is by rail, inland waterways or sea and any initial or final legs carried out by road are as short as possible." Intermodal transport of goods and the high quality of transport infrastructure are crucial aspects of the comparative advantage for logistics (Park, 2020). Rail-road combined transport is generally considered as an appropriate solution aiming the reduction of externalities with no negative impact on mobility, but its main problem use to be the lack of adequate infrastructure, leading to high costs for operators (Cavallaro et al., 2021). An example of such operators is CTO – combined transport operators which operate within terminals of intermodal transport. The terminals form a crucial part of the whole intermodal chain because they have a high impact on the competitiveness of this kind of transport solutions (Mathisen & Hanssen, 2014) comparing to no combined transport. The rail trans- port operates between intermodal terminals. The bimodal rail-road combined transport is a solution for a single rail transport that comprises problems, like less flexibility in accessing terminals from the origin area (e. g. factories) and accessing the destination area (e. g. factories) from terminals (Bierwirth et al., 2014). This accessibility of the bimodal solution is due to the flexible road transport compo- nent that is related to the short pre- and post- transportation. The whole process within a bimodal transport solution has a common basis with the intermodal transport units, such as containers, swap bodies and semitrailers. These units are taken by road transport mode to the departing terminal of intermodal transport, transported by rail transport mode to a destination terminal of intermodal transport. They can then continue their journey once again using the road transport mode (UNECE, 2018). The European Union (European Commission, 2020) regu- lates the combined transport through the Combined Trans- port (CT) Directive (Council Directive 92/106/EEC). This regulation aims to develop combined transport operations by reducing authorisation procedures and quantitative re- strictions for the combined transport operations and provide financial supports in the form of fiscal incentives for these operations. Combined transport in Europe is dynamically developing and this development from the transport and the environmental policy point of view represents the main points of the EU´s strategy. This system for sustainable transport of goods is strongly supported at the level of EU (UIRR, 2020) with more measures which UIRR (2020) define as „the elaboration and preservation of framework conditions to ensure it fair access to the transport market.“ Because of the previously described facts, we will try to confirm our ideas of the existence of the ecological combined transport operations. The outcomes for this research are based on our previous research dedicated to the topic of 32 NAŠE GOSPODARSTVO / OUR ECONOMY Vol. 67 No. 2 / June 2021 Multimodal Transport of Dangerous Goods and its Impact on the Ecology. It deals with the idea that the ecological aspect of transport is very clear in the transport of dangerous goods (Minárik, 2019). The internet web of Green Modal Transport (2019) emphasizes some facts that are considered as advantages of a modal transfer: environmental, economic and social benefits, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, sustainable development, reduction of negative impacts on sensitive ecological areas, lesser consumption of non-re- newable resources, fuel costs and in general operating costs savings (Hanssen & Mathisen, 2011), lower impact of the road transport taxes mainly in Germany and France. Accord- ing to some authors (Forkenbrock, 2001), the external cost of an intermodal train per tonne-km is only 28% of the external cost of a general freight truck. However, it is verified that in- termodal transportation is a profitable alternative to long-dis- tance road transportation (Bierwirth et al., 2014). Methodology The main objective of this article is to analyze the impor- tance of a bimodal rail-road solution in the transport of goods (Bierwirth et al., 2014) with an emphasis on the aspect of ecology within the geographical region of EU-28 countries over the past 10 years, starting with 2010 and finishing with 2019 (the last data available) The objective was achieved by verifying the hypothesis, which was formulated as follows: H1: The transport of goods in the EU-28 countries is being realized in environmentally friendly combined transport solutions (the combination of the road and railway transport mode), where the road transport depends on railway transport. The dependence of road transport on railway transport is analyzed based on different units of measure, which are stated below. The research has geographical limitations for the EU-28 member states (including the United Kingdom). All data come from the OECD (2021) and Eurostat databases (2018, 2020). The analysis proceeds in the form of three regression models. The first model – Pooled OLS analyzes the depend- ence between the freight transport performance in million of tonne-kilometers of road and rail transport modes. The second model – Fixed-effects analyzes the dependence between the freight transport performance in tonne-kilometers per one thousand units of current USD GDP of road and rail trans- port modes and the third model – Random-effects analyzes the dependence between the amount of goods in thousand of tonnes transported by road and rail transport modes. The panel regression analysis made in the Gretl statistical program, in all three cases, consists of the independent variables for the rail transport (within the period of 2010 - 2019) and of the dependent variable for the road transport (within the period of 2010 - 2019). The main idea was to identify a possible relationship between the road transport (the road transport is considered as short pre- and post-transports) and rail transport which is considered as a carrier (Rail Freight, 2019). The existence of a possible direct relationship between these two modes of transport should confirm the complementarity effect, which means that, in most cases, the goods transport solutions require the combination of road and the rail mode. In other words, it could confirm that road transport plays an important role in the pre-transport or post-transport op- erations within combined transport solutions. The existence of a possible indirect relationship between these two modes of transport should confirm the substitutional effect, which means that, in most cases, the goods transport solutions do not require the combination of road and rail mode and the transport is realized in unimodal road transport substituting the rail transport solution or in unimodal rail transport sub- stituting the road transport solution. There are three cases of the resulting linear regression models, which have the forms set by the equations: Poled OLS model: y it = α+β 1 x it1 +β 2 x it2 +...+β k x itk +u it (1) Fixed-effects model: y it = α i +β 1 x it1 +β 2 x it2 +...+β k x itk +u it (2) Random-effects model: y it = β 1 x it1 +β 2 x it2 +...+β k x itk +(α i +ε i )u it (3) Results and Discussion We start our research by creating the regression model of dependence of the road freight transport performance in millions of tonne-kilometers on the rail freight transport performance in million of tonne-kilometers. The Pooled OLS model (table 2) was selected in this first phase of the research. The regression analysis was completed with the following tests: test for normality of residual; Null hypothesis: error is normally distributed. Test statistic: Chi-square(2) = 2.6301, with p-value = 0.268461. White's test for heteroskedasticity; Null hypothesis: het- eroskedasticity not present. Test statistic: LM = 1.38581, with p-value = P(Chi-square(2) > 1.38581) = 0.500122. Since Chi-square(2) = 5.99146 (5.99146 > 1.38581). It allows us to claim, that the model meets the condition of homoskedasticity. 33 Marek Minárik: Sustainable Transport of Goods Using Combined Transport Solutions: The Case of EU Wooldridge test for autocorrelation in panel data: Null hy- pothesis: No first-order autocorrelation (rho = 0). Test sta- tistic: t(27) = -1.89159, with p-value = P(|t| > 1.89159) = 0.0693175. Autocorrelation is not presented in the model. We proceeded diagnostics: using n = 28 cross-sectional units for Fixed-effects estimator, allows for differing intercepts by cross-sectional unit. Joint significance of differing group means: F(27, 220) = 1.23498 with p-value 0.204706. A low p-value counts against the null hypothesis that the pooled OLS model is adequate, favouring the Fixed-effects alter- native. This assignment allows us to affirm that the pooled OLS model is not inadequate. The Hausman test statistic: H = 22.8979 with p-value = prob(chi-square(1) > 22.8979) = 1.70837e-006. A low p-value counts against the null hypothesis that the Ran- dom-effects model is consistent, in favor of the Fixed-ef- fects model. This tests confirms that we could proceed the regression using the Fixed-effects model. The main problem, which impeded the application of this estimator was the presence of autocorrelation. The model from table 2 can have the following inter- pretation: if the rail transport performance in millions of tonne-kilometers (the variable of Rail_million_Tkm) is increased by 10 millions (within the analyzed period from 2010 to 2019), the road transport performance (the variable l_Road_million_Tkm) would increase by 0.22 % within the analyzed 10 years period starting with 2010 and finishing with 2019. The claim is valid for the analyzed EU-28 coun- tries. The following table 3 depicts the summary statistics for the analyzed variables. We also processed the testing of hypothesis for the variable Rail_million_Tkm: H 0 : β 1 =0, H 1 : β 1 ≠0,│(0.0220261466 – 0) / 0.0059007935│ > 2.052; 3.73274 > 2.052. We reject H 0 and claim that the coefficient for the variable Rail_million_Tkm is statistically significant, it means that the rail transport perfor- mance in Tkm affects the road transport performance in Tkm. The model as a whole was also verified for the statistical significance at the level of significance α = 0.1 by the fol- lowing: H 0 means that the model is not statistically signif- icant, H 1 means that the model is statistically significant. The critical value of F 0,1 (1,27) = 4.21001; the calculated F value of the statistics from our model is 188.5679. Since 188.5679 > 4.21001, we reject the null hypothesis H 0 . At the same time, the p-value from our calculations confirms the rejection of the null hypothesis and the acceptance of the alternative hypothesis H 1 . We focused on the coefficient of determination, which reaches R 2 = 0.403676. It can be said that the regression model with independent variable x i1 (Rail transport perfor- mance in Tkm within the analyzed 10 years period) explains 40.37 % of the variability of dependent variable ŷ i (road transport performance in Tkm-total goods). The remaining 59.63 % of the variability of this variable is due to factors not included in the regression model and random effects. The linear regression model of dependence of road transport performance on the rail transport performance in Tkm is statistically significant. We enrich our previous research with the regression analysis related to the relationship between road and rail transport assessed by fixed-effects model (table 4). Table 2. Pooled OLS model Coefficient Std. Error t-ratio p-value Const 9.88293 0.0572208 172.7 <0.0001 *** Rail_million_Tkm 3.26897e-05 2.38055e-06 13.73 <0.0001 *** Mean dependent var 10.42012 S.D. dependent var 1.227081 Sum squared resid 222.6795 S.E. of regression 0.949493 R-squared 0.403676 Adjusted R-squared 0.401262 F(1, 27) 188.5679 P-value(F) 1.07e-13 Log-likelihood −339.4066 Akaike criterion 682.8132 Schwarz criterion 689.8481 Hannan-Quinn 685.6449 Rho −0.101485 Durbin-Watson 1.820700 Notes: using 249 observations, included 28 cross-sectional units, time-series length: minimum 6, maximum 10, dependent variable: l_Road_million_Tkm, Robust (HAC) standard errors Source: Own processing based on the data of OECD (2021) within the analyzed period 2010-2019 using Gretl statistical program 34 NAŠE GOSPODARSTVO / OUR ECONOMY Vol. 67 No. 2 / June 2021 The regression analysis was completed with the follow- ing tests: Test for normality of residual - Null hypothesis: error is normally distributed. Test statistic: Chi-square(2) = 14.6357with p-value = 0.000663587. Joint test on named regressors - Test statistic: F(1, 217) = 158.662, with p-value = P(F(1, 217) > 158.662) = 1.14322e-027. Test for differing group intercepts - Null hypothesis: The groups have a common intercept. Test statistic: F(27, 217) = 0.48876, with p-value = P(F(27, 217) > 0.48876) = 0.985375 Distribution free Wald test for heteroscedasticity - Null hy- pothesis: the units have a common error variance. Asymp- totic test statistic: Chi-square(28) = 30.5376 with p-value = 0.337992. It allows us to claim that the model meets the condition of homoskedasticity. Wooldridge test for autocorrelation in panel data - Null hypothesis: No first-order autocorrelation (rho = -0.5). Test statistic: F(1, 27) = 0.912279 with p-value P(F(1, 27) = 0.347985. Autocorrelation is not presented in the model. Before we made a decision for the Fixed-effects estima- tor, the following diagnostics was proceeded: using n = 28 cross-sectional units for Fixed-effects estimator, allows for differing intercepts by cross-sectional unit. Joint signifi- cance of differing group means: F(27, 217) = 0.48876 with p-value 0.985375. A low p-value counts against the null hypothesis that the pooled OLS model is adequate, in favor of the Fixed-effects alternative. This assignment allowed us to affirm that the pooled OLS model was not inadequate, but due to the presence of heteroskedasticity, we also proceeded the Hausman test statistics: H = 0.247332 with p-value = prob(chi-square(1) > 0.247332) = 0.61896. A low p-value counts against the null hypothesis that the Random-effects Table 4. Fixed-effects model Coefficient Std. Error t-ratio p-value Const 3.73893 0.0996981 37.50 <0,0001 *** l_Rail_Tkm_per_1000_Units_of_ Current_USD_GDP 0.343566 0.0272756 12.60 <0,0001 *** Mean dependent var 4.870255 S.D. dependent var 0.868104 Sum squared resid 99.97969 S.E. of regression 0.678775 LSDV R-squared 0.458495 Within R-squared 0.422352 LSDV F(28, 217) 6.561959 P-value(F) 5.95e-17 Log-likelihood −238.3141 Akaike criterion 534.6281 Schwarz criterion 636.2827 Hannan-Quinn 575.5597 Rho −0.079486 Durbin-Watson 1.801568 Notes: using 246 observations, included 28 cross-sectional units, time-series length: minimum 6, maximum 10, dependent variable: l_Road_Tkm_per_1000_Units_of_Current_USD_GDP Source: Own processing based on the data of OECD (2021) within the analyzed period 2010-2019 using Gretl statistical program Table 3. Summary statistics Variable Mean Median Minimum Maximum l_Road_million_Tkm 10.428 10.396 7.5224 12.887 Rail_million_Tkm 16433 9722.0 72.000 1.3120e+005 Variable Std. Dev. C.V. Skewness Ex. kurtosis l_Road_million_Tkm 1.2119 0.11621 0.031694 -0.25132 Rail_million_Tkm 23850 1.4513 3.2144 10.944 Variable 5% Perc. 95% Perc. IQ range Missing obs. l_Road_million_Tkm 8.6612 12.631 1.3014 22 Rail_million_Tkm 204.22 54691 16790 31 Notes: using the observations 1:01 - 28:10, (missing values were skipped) Source: Own processing based on the data of OECD (2021) within the analyzed period 2010-2019 using Gretl statistical program 35 Marek Minárik: Sustainable Transport of Goods Using Combined Transport Solutions: The Case of EU model is consistent in favor of the Fixed-effects model. The model from table 4 can have the following interpre- tation: if the rail transport performance (the variable of l_ Rail_Tkm_per_1000_Units_of_Current_GDP) is increased by 10 % (within the analyzed period from 2010 to 2019), the road transport performance (the variable l_Road_ Tkm_ per_1000_Unit_of_Current_USD_GDP) would increase by 0.79 % within the analyzed 10 years period starting with 2010 and finishing with 2019. The claim is valid for the analyzed EU-28 countries. The following table 5 depicts the summary statistics for the analyzed variables. We also processed the testing of hypothesis for the variable Rail_ Tkm_per_1000_Units_of_Current_USD_GDP: H 0 : β 1 =0, H 1 : β1≠0,│( 0.343566 – 0) / 0.0272756│ > 1.970; 12.60 > 1.970. We reject H0 and claim that the coefficient for the variable Rail_ Tkm_per_1000_Units_of_Current_USD_ GDP is statistically significant, it means that the rail trans- port performance affects the road transport performance. The model as a whole was also verified for the statistical significance at the level of significance α = 0.1 by the fol- lowing way: H 0 means that the model is not statistically sig- nificant, H1 means that the model is statistically significant. The critical value of F 0,1 (28, 217) = 1.52834; the calculated F value of the statistics from our model is 6.561959. Since 6,561959 > 1.52834, we reject the null hypothesis H 0 . At the same time, the p-value from our calculations confirms the rejection of the null hypothesis and the acceptance of the alternative hypothesis H 1 . We focused on the coefficient of determination, too. It reaches R 2 = 0.458495. It can be said that the regression model with independent variable x i1 (Rail transport performance within the analyzed ten years period) explains 45.85% of the varia- bility of dependent variable ŷ i (road transport performance). The remaining 54.15% of the variability of this variable is due to factors not included in the regression model and Ran- dom-effects. The linear regression model of dependence of road transport performance on the rail transport performance is statistically significant. We enrich our previous research with the regression analysis on the relationship between the amount of goods in thou- sands of tonnes transported by road and by railways (table 6). The regression analysis was completed with the follow- ing tests: Test for normality of residual - Null hypothesis: error is normally distributed. Test statistic: Chi-square(2) = Table 5. Summary statistics Variable Mean Median Minimum Maximum l_Road_Tkm_per_1000_Units_of_Current_USD_GDP 4,8503 4,6974 3,4062 6,8872 l_Rail_Tkm_per_1000_Units_of_ Current_USD_GDP 3,2894 3,7014 -1,6861 6,6542 Variable Std. Dev. C.V. Skewness Ex. kurtosis l_Road_Tkm_per_1000_Units_of_ Current_USD_GDP 0,86109 0,17753 0,39343 -0,95530 l_Rail_Tkm_per_1000_Units_of_ Current_USD_GDP 1,6650 0,50618 -0,59990 0,44507 Variable 5% Perc. 95% Perc. IQ range Missing obs. l_Road_Tkm_per_1000_Units_of_ Current_USD_GDP 3,6611 6,3665 1,4208 25 l_Rail_Tkm_per_1000_Units_of_ Current_USD_GDP 0,16493 5,8402 2,2197 33 Notes: using the observations 1:01 - 28:10, (missing values were skipped) Source: Own processing based on the data of OECD (2021) within the analyzed period 2010-2019 using Gretl statistical program 110.301, with p-value = 1.11818e-024. 'Between' variance = 0. 'Within' variance = 2.10935e+011, mean theta = 0. Joint test on named regressors - Asymptotic test statistic: Chi-square(1) = 399.874, with p-value = 5.86553e-089. Breusch-Pagan test - Null hypothesis: Variance of the unit-specific error = 0. Asymptotic test statistic: Chi- square(1) = 6.34814, with p-value = 0.0117504. Wooldridge test for autocorrelation in panel data - Null hypothesis: No first-order autocorrelation (rho = -0.5). Test statistic: F(1, 22) = 0.0348655, with p-value = P(F(1, 22) > 0.0348655) = 0.853589. Autocorrelation is not presented in the model. The model meets the condition of homoskedasticity due to the application of the robust standard errors when creating the model in Gretl statistical program. 36 NAŠE GOSPODARSTVO / OUR ECONOMY Vol. 67 No. 2 / June 2021 which road transport and the railway and/or inland waterway transport modalities are also enhanced from the ecological point of view. The most dominant position in almost all of these countries has the road transport with a small excep- tion of only two countries – Latvia and Lithuania, where the most dominant position has the railway transport of goods in Tkm. Table 8 compares the average utilization of freight transport vehicles in tonnes within the EU-28 countries. The calculations are made as a ratio between the measures of millions of vehicle-kilometers and millions of tonne-kilo- meters. The most utilized road transport vehicles are in Finland, Estonia, Bulgaria, Sweden, Lithuania, Spain, and Slovenia. The less utilized ones are in the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Slovakia. Figure 1. Transport performance according to transport modes Before we made a decision for the Random-effects estima- tor, the following diagnostics was proceeded. Joint signifi- cance of differing group means: F(27, 148) = 0.388642 with p-value 0.997289. A low p-value counts against the null hypothesis that the pooled OLS model is adequate, favour- ing the Fixed-effects alternative. This assignment allowed us to affirm that the pooled OLS model was not inadequate, but due to the presence of heteroskedasticity, we could not apply this estimator. The test does not say that we would not be allowed to proceed our analysis using Random or Fixed effects estimators. To decide which estimator select out of these two, we proceeded the Hausman test statistic: H = 0.587649 with p-value = prob(chi-square(1) > 0.587649) = 0.44333. A low p-value counts against the null hypothe- sis that the Random-effects model is consistent, favouring the Fixed-effects model. It means that the Random-effects model is not inadequate in our case. The model from table 6 can have the following inter- pretation: if the amount of goods transported by railways (the variable of Rail_Tonnes) is increased by 1000 tonnes (within the analyzed period from 2010 to 2019), the amount of goods transported by road (the variable Road_ Tonnes) would increase by 7270 tonnes within the analyzed ten years period starting with 2010 and finishing with 2019. The claim is valid for the analyzed EU-28 countries. The table 7 depicts the summary statistics for the analyzed variables. Based on the p-value of individual regression coefficients, we argue that the linear regression model of dependence of the amount of goods transported by road on the amount of goods transported by railway is statistically significant. Figure 1 displays the transport performance of the railway, road and inland waterway transport of goods as a percentage of total transport performance within the EU-28 countries. The importance of the combined transport solutions, in Table 6. Random-effects model (GLS) Coefficient Std. Error z p-value Const 3.73893 0.0996981 37.50 <0,0001 *** Rail_Tonnes 7,26760 0,363437 20,00 5,87e-089 *** Mean dependent var 556570,5 S.D. dependent var 714042,4 Sum squared resid 3,34e+13 S.E. of regression 435836,4 Log-likelihood −2549,000 Akaike criterion 5101,999 Schwarz criterion 5108,352 Hannan-Quinn 5104,576 Rho −0,120817 Durbin-Watson 1,410255 Notes: using 177 observations, Included 28 cross-sectional units, time-series length: minimum 3, maximum 8, dependent variable: Road_Tonnes. Robust (HAC) standard errors Source: Own processing based on the data of OECD (2021) within the analyzed period 2010-2019 using Gretl statistical program Source: Own processing based on the data of Eurostat (2018) using MS Excel Figure 1 displays the transport performance of the railway, road and inland waterway transport of goods as a percentage of total transport performance within the EU-28 countries. The importance of the combined transport solutions, in which road transport and the railway and/or inland waterway transport modalities are also enhanced from the ecological point of view. The most dominant position in almost all of these countries has the road transport with a small exception of only two countries – Latvia and Lithuania, where the most dominant position has the railway transport of goods in Tkm. Table 8 compares the average utilization of freight transport vehicles in tonnes within the EU-28 countries. Table 8. Average utilization of freight transport vehicle in tonnes across the EU-28 countries. Country Tonnes per vehicle Country Tonnes per vehicle Belgium N/A Croatia 15,38976857 Bulgaria 16,43292683 Italy 15,76811411 Czech Republic 11,41550862 Cyprus 12,56338028 Denmark 11,27669173 Latvia 15,83632524 Germany 13,29801436 Lithuania 16,3258427 Estonia 16,45299145 Luxembourg 15,88785047 Ireland 11,24031008 Hungary 14,27153065 Greece N/A Netherlands 12,66568591 Spain 16,14497061 Austria 14,62145289 France 12,32733608 Poland N/A Portugal 14,95598911 Finland 17,47533909 Romania 14,62105001 Sweden 16,38206481 Slovenia 16,08176556 United Kingdom 10,23191667 00 20 40 60 80 100 120 Belgium Bulgaria Czech Republic Denmark Germany Estonia Ireland Greece Spain France Croatia Italy Cyprus Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Hungary Malta Netherlands Austria Poland Portugal Romania Slovenia Slovakia Finland Sweden United Kingdom Modal split in % Railway Road Inland Waterway Source: Own processing based on the data of Eurostat (2018) using MS Excel 37 Marek Minárik: Sustainable Transport of Goods Using Combined Transport Solutions: The Case of EU Table 7. Summary statistics Variable Mean Median Minimum Maximum Road_Tonnes 5.3593e+005 2.1611e+005 14402. 3.2082e+006 Rail_Tonnes 63687 47358 540.00 3.7474e+005 Variable Std. Dev. C.V. Skewness Ex. kurtosis Road_Tonnes 7.0462e+005 1.3148 2.0313 3.8721 Rail_Tonnes 77825 1.2220 2.5878 6.9194 Variable 5% Perc. 95% Perc. IQ range Missing obs. Road_Tonnes 29139 2.0041e+006 5.5418e+005 11 Rail_Tonnes 1373.0 2.3420e+005 71501 103 Notes: using the observations 1:01 - 28:10, (missing values were skipped) Source: Own processing based on the data of OECD (2021) within the analyzed period 2010-2019 using Gretl statistical program all three for the rail and road transport modalities. Within this analysis, a direct relationships between the freight road and rail transport performance in Tkm, between the freight road and rail transport performance in tonne-kilometers per one thousand units of current USD GDP and between the amount of goods in thousand of tonnes transported by road and rail transport modes were confirmed. These depend- encies have three linear regression models that allow us to accept the following hypothesis: The transport of goods in the EU-28 countries is being realized in environmentally friendly combined transport solutions (the combination of the road and railway transport mode). Table 8. Average utilization of freight transport vehicle in tonnes across the EU-28 countries Country T onnes per vehicle Country T onnes per vehicle Belgium N/A Croatia 15,38976857 Bulgaria 16,43292683 Italy 15,76811411 Czech Republic 11,41550862 Cyprus 12,56338028 Denmark 11,27669173 Latvia 15,83632524 Germany 13,29801436 Lithuania 16,3258427 Estonia 16,45299145 Luxembourg 15,88785047 Ireland 11,24031008 Hungary 14,27153065 Greece N/A Netherlands 12,66568591 Spain 16,14497061 Austria 14,62145289 France 12,32733608 Poland N/A Portugal 14,95598911 Finland 17,47533909 Romania 14,62105001 Sweden 16,38206481 Slovenia 16,08176556 United Kingdom 10,23191667 Source: Own processing based on the data of Eurostat (2018) using MS Excel Conclusion The main objective of this paper was to analyze the impor- tance of bimodal combined solutions in the rail-road trans- port of goods with an emphasis on the aspect of ecology within the geographical region of EU-28 countries. This objective was achieved by an in-depth analysis of panel data over the ten years period 2010 - 2019 from OECD and Eurostat, which deal with the freight transport performance in tonne-kilometers, the freight transport performance in tonne-kilometers per one thousand units of current USD GDP and the amount of goods transported in thousands of tonnes, 38 NAŠE GOSPODARSTVO / OUR ECONOMY Vol. 67 No. 2 / June 2021 The existence of these three separate models (Pooled OLS, Fixed-effects and Random-effects) allows us to argue that our hypothesis is confirmed from different points of view represented by the OECD and Eurostat data. In other words, there is a preference of the combined road transport as a short pre- and/or post-transport with predominantly the railway transport as a main carrier within the intermodal solutions. 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Trajnostni transport blaga z uporabo rešitev kombiniranega transporta Izvleček Ta članek analizira pomen bimodalnih rešitev v železniško-cestnem transportu blaga s poudarkom na ekološkem vidiku znotraj geografske regije EU-28. Z uporabo panelne regresije podatkov za obdobje od 2010 do 2019 poskušamo potrditi odvisnost med cestnim in železniškim transportom blaga z uporabo več meril tovornih enot: uspešnost tovornega transporta v tonskih kilometrih, uspešnost tovornega transporta v tonskih kilometrih na tisoč USD in količina prevoženega blaga v tisočih tonah. Aplikacija podatkov na vsa izbrana merila tovornih enot v regresijskem modelu potrjuje povezavo med cestnim in železniškim transportom. Neposredna povezava med tema dvema oblikama transporta potrjuje učinek komplementarnosti, ki pomeni, da v večini primerov rešitve transporta blaga zahtevajo kombinacijo prevoznih sredstev po cesti in železnici, pri čemer je treba obravnavati železnico kot glavno transportno sredstvo, cestni transport pa mora imeti vlogo kratkega pretovora ali premeščanja. Ker je železniški transport mogoče obravnavati kot okolju prijazen, so takšne bimodalne rešitve pomembe tudi z ekološkega vidika. Ključne besede: bimodalnost, kombinirani transport blaga, ekologija, Evropska unija