St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 07/48 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 12.02.2012 6. NEDELJA MED LETOM 6th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail st_gregory_the_great_slovenian _church.htm Pismo našega škofa za postni čas 2012 Dragi bratje in sestre v Kristusu, Postni čas začenjamo s posipanjem pepela na glavo v znamenju križa. Duhovnik, ki naredi to znamenje križa lahko uporabi naslenje besede: »Spomni se, da si prah in da se v prah povrneš« ali »Spreobrni se in veruj evangeliju«. Osebno imam raje prvo obliko, ker nosi v sebi zelo jasno opozorilo za nas vse, da bomo umrli . Včasih smo ljudje v skušnjavi, da jemljemo življenje kot nekaj samoumevnega. Slej ko prej, pripravljeni ali ne, vsi bomo nekega dne umrli. Post je zato čas, da razmislimo o temeljnih vprašanjih, »Ker vem, da bom umrl, kako sem odločil, da bom živel svoje življenje?« Kot Jezusovi učenci, je jasno, da izbiramo, da bomo živeli V NJEM; izbiramo to, kar je On delal; izbiramo njegov način življenja. Teh 40 postnih dni je pravi čas, da bomo delali prav to, kar je strnjeno v treh, že kar tradicionalnih, besedah: MOLITEV, POST in DOBRA DELA. MOLITEV nam pomaga, da obnovimo in poglobimo naš odnos z Njim. Več časa posvetimo molitvi, zahvali, branju Svetega pisma, razmišljanju o Božji besedi, sodelovanju pri župnijskih programih in dogodkih; se bolj poglobimo in spoznavamo Njegov nauk. Vse to delamo, da bi Boga boljše spoznali; in radi bi ga boljše spoznali tudi zato, kot pravi parafraza pesmi, da bi ga lahko tudi BOLJ LJUBILI. POST nam pomaga, da poenostavimo naše življenje - kar je vedno dobro za našo dušo. Ko sem bil mlad, sem se v postu eno leto odpovedal sladkarijam, drugo leto televiziji itd. Kasneje se mi to ni zdelo tako pomembno. Zdaj pa spoznamam modrost in vrednoto tega - kajti, ko se čemu odpovem, izrazim svojo popolno odvistnost od Njega, ki je središče mojega življenja; JEZUSA KRISTUSA POSTAVIM PRED VSE DRUGE ŽELJE. DOBRA DELA - tisti, ki učijo, da je skrb za dobrine prvenstvena drža Jezusovih učencev, nam znova in znova želijo povedati, da je potrebno deliti »čas, sposobnosti in dobrine«! Post je priložnost, da npr. Eno uro pomagamo pri delitvi hrane, v šoli, obiščemo bolne prijatelje, sorodnike ali sosede; povabljeni smo k velikodušnosti v podpori dobrih programov kanadske katoliške organizacije Development and peace. (Dolar na dan - kar je skupno 40 dolarjev za post - bom veliko pomagalo človeku v potrebi.) Če bomo enotni že samo v tem, lahko veliko dobrega naredimo. IZBERI SI, DA BOŠ VELIKODUŠEN PO SVOJIH MOČEN IN SPOSOBNOSTIH. Ko smo vse to osvetlili naj poudarim samo še to, da post pomeni tudi živeti v pravem odnosu do Boga, do sebe in do bližnjega. TA ODNOS JE SVET IN HRANI NAŠ ODNOST Z NJIM. Postni čas začnemo s pepeljenjem; ne nosimo okraskov, prižganih sveč in ne vzklikamo: Kristus je naša Luč. Od pepela smrti do luči življenja, naj nas v tem postnem času Bog pritegne bližje h Kristusu in drug k drugemu. Iskreno v Kristusu in Mariji Brezmadežni Hamiltonski škof Most Rev. Douglas Crosby zahvala_ Jaz Janko Demšar in moja širša družina se od srca prisrčno in iskreno zahvaljujemo vsem, ki ste prišli od blizu in daleč, da se poslovite od naše predrage mame in žene Tončke Demšar, ob njeni še vedno prerani smrti ob koncu meseca januarja. Iskren Bog povrni vsem, ki ste prinesli rože, darovali za svete maše in številne velikodušne darove; predvsem pa hvala za mnoge izraze sožalja - ustne in pisne. Vse darovano se bo porabilo v blag spomin na dobro ženo in mamo Tončko. Rad bi omenil in se obenen toplo zahvalil vsem za nepričakovano številen obisk v pogrebnem zavodu, hčekama MaryAnn and Frances, ki sta tako lepo uredile dvorano, kjer je pokojna Točka v par dneh sprejela toliko obiskov. Prav tako hvala tudi Sinu Daniju in svaku Danu Scarcelli za vzorno urejanje vseh potrebnih opravkov. Dobri Bog naj stoterno povrne vsem in vakemu za tako nepričakovano številen obisk pogrebne sv. maše g. župniku Dragu in pomočniku g. Antonu, pevkam za tako ganljivo zapete pesmi 50 | vestnik 2012 in tolikšno udeležbo pri molitvah na pokopališču. Gospej Beti Gimpelj in njenim pomočnicam hvala za tako dobro pripravljeno kosilo in vsem za postrežbo v baru in deljenju kosila in vsem, ki so pripomogli k tako lepemu pogrebu. To each and everyone who paid heart felt respect of any kind to my all too soon departed dear wife and mother Tončka. We beseech that the Dear Lord may bestow his blessings and heavenly rewards for the respect and love they showed. P.S. Prisrčna zahvala naj velja tudi članicam Katoliške ženske zveze in Oltarnega društva za tako lep sprejem Tončkine krste v cerkev in za slovo iz nje, zelo hvalevredna navada. Iskreno se zahvaljujemo tudi vsem članom in članicam Slovenskega parka za obisk v pogrebnem domu in udeležbo na pogrebu nekdanje članice. Pokojni ženi in mami Točki pa vsi od srca iskreno želimo večni mir in pokoj in popolno srečo in veselje v nebesih. Žalujoči mož Janko in ostala družina. Ancaster, 9. februarja 2012 St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Parish 125 Centennial Pkwy N HAMILTON Tel.: 905-561-5971 Vrata se odpro Doors Open ob/at 7:00 p.m. Vstopnice kupite pri vratih Tickets at the door Vstopnina / Admission Odrasli $10 Adults Večerja / Dinner $ 10 Večerja otroci do 12 let: $5 Dinner - Children to 12y: $5 Maske imajo prost vstop! Full Costume Free Admission Zabaval Vas bo / Music will provide sjmuwl §MMc MM FORM OCCASIONS Brian Pavlic - 905 643-7394 (h) - 905 978-1 827 (m) Še posebej vabljene družine z otroci. Families with children invited! Podprimo to našo slovensko tradicijo. Support the Parish event. Nagrade za maske! Prizes for Costumes! 4? ß ' m Za večerjo bodo kravavice, pečenka in zelje s Sunday's Readings I 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading Leviticus 13:1-2,44-46 God gives a code that ritually deals with disease, which in turn keeps open the eventual return of the suffering person to the community. Second Reading 1 Cor. 10:31—11:1 Paul urges the Corinthians to be imitators of Christ, especially through their gracious behavior towards others. Gospel Mark 1:40-45 Jesus heals a leper and restores him to the fullness of membership in Israel's worshiping community. Illustration During the late eighteenth century in Europe, there began a movement called the Romantic Movement. The essence of the Romantic Movement was the exaltation of feeling, or emotions, over reason. Thus in music, poetry, painting and novels, what was important was the depth of feeling displayed. We might think of the tremendous emotion of the music of Beethoven, or the English poet William Wordsworth describing poetry as "the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings". In politics, during the French Revolution for example, making dramatic gestures during speeches, or even bursting into tears, was seen as proof that the speaker was a person of feeling and sincerity. Today, on television talk shows and "reality television", people are encouraged openly to display their deepest feelings. This can lead to the sort of emotionalism that lessens our dignity as human beings. During the same period of history, and still today, other people argue that reason alone, and especially scientific reason, is the only important thing in life. Everything not proved by reason, they believe, should be ignored. For many people, this has included getting rid of belief in God. This rationalism, if taken to extremes, can lessen our dignity too. By the time we get to the twenty-first century, there seem to be just two choices: reason or emotion. Gospel Teaching There is a healthier view, however, which has a more integrated view of human nature. Human beings are rational animals, and our reason and our feelings, our passions, are meant to be integrated in life to reach a certain goal. For us, of course, that goal is eternal life with God. So it is right that we should have passions such as love, anger, fear, joy, sadness and desire - but these passions are to be engaged for the right reason and to the correct extent. Here Jesus is our example. We know that Jesus felt anger when he cleansed the Temple. He wept with sadness at the death of Lazarus, and wept over Jerusalem. He felt joy and sorrow. In Jesus, we see the perfect integration of feeling and reason. In today's Gospel reading we have a very good example of this. The word that Mark uses for Jesus' "feeling sorry" for the sick man is a very strong one. The Greek word can be translated to say that Jesus' stomach, or entrails, are churning with compassion. But Jesus doesn't let this strength of feeling distract him. In fact, his deep feeling and his firm purpose of doing good are perfectly matched. His humanity is joined to the fullness of his divinity. In the full clarity of his mind, "Moved with pity, [Jesus] stretched out his hand, [and] touched him." he keeps the goal of loving obedience to the Father before his eyes. Even through the agony of Gethsemane and the horror of the cross, reason and feeling in Jesus are perfectly integrated. Application It is a different story for other human beings. We often experience the discord between reason and emotion. We often choose the lesser good instead of the higher. Yet as Christians we recognize our failings and our need for healing. folklorna skupina venec -breakfast fundraiser It's that time again! Folklorna Skupina Venec will be hosting the 2nd Annual Breakfast Fundraiser on April 15, 2012, from 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. in the church hall. Please help support F.S. Venec, as we promote our Slovenian culture through traditional dance and music. Join us for a great family event, with great food and live music! Ticket prices for the event ♦ Adult: $10.00 ♦ Children, ages 3 - 12: $5.00 ♦ Children, under 3: free Tickets are available through members of Venec, or by contacting Matej Glavac at (905) 870-1120 or The leper in the story could easily be a symbol for us. He recognizes Jesus as the source of his healing, he kneels reverently before him and asks for his salvation. We can imagine ourselves doing the same and hearing the same beautiful reply, "I do will it. Be made clean." We can experience, especially through the sacraments, the healing grace of Christ. It is no accident that Jesus sends the cured man to the priests, and tells him to fulfill the Law. Jesus is situating the man's physical healing in the context of the worship of God. Today the sacraments do essentially the same thing. There is the sacrament of anointing, especially for those who are sick and dying. The sacrament of reconciliation heals the wounds that we inflict on ourselves by sin. In the sacrifice of the Mass, Christ is substantially present to offer us his grace. Our life of faith is a gradual healing of the whole person, our heart and mind. So we give thanks to Christ who heals the leper in today's Gospel, and who heals us with his grace and love. pokojni: štefka rihar_ Po daljši bolezni je Bog vzel k sebi našo faranko Štefko Rihar. Umrla je v nedeljo, 5. februarja 2012. Od pokojne smo se poslovili v cerkvi, v petek 10 januarja. Žara je bila v cerkvi že uro pred sv. mašo. Sveto mašo je vodil bratranec pokojne, g. Jože Božnar, župnik slovenske cerkve sv. Vida v Clevelandu. Pri maši je pel župnijski mešani pevski zbor, ker je bila pokojna tudi članica zbora, na orglah je petje spremljal g. Anton Rozmarič. Pogreb je bil na Our Lady of di Angels pokopališču nato smo se zbrali v dvorani na pogrebščini. V imenu župnije sv. Gregorija Veliega iskrena hvala za ves njen prispevek in prizadevanje za slovensko skupnost. Možu Franku, hčerki Tanji, sinu Marku z ženo Kerri in vsem sorodnikom iskreno sožalje. Pokojna Štefka pa naj uživa večni mir in pokoj. Obvestila - Announcements pevski zbor V četrtek po maši so pevske vaje. Naslednjič zbor poje pri maši 26. februarja 2012, prav postna nedelja, ko bomo začeli postni čas. folklorna skupina »soČa«_ Folklorna skupina "SOČA" is starting its 46th season. All past and new members are invited to attend practices every Saturday starting at 12:30 [following Slovenska šola]. New members always welcome. All children from 7 years of age and above are encouraged. If we have sufficient numbers, a teenage group will be formed. Encourage your children, grandchildren and friends to learn a little about their roots through music, dance and song. For more information, please contact Dave Antolin: 905.664.5980. folklorna skupina »venec« VENEC "VENEC" will have its next practice on Sunday, February . 26th at 2pm. All members are ' encouraged to attend. New " members and couples are always welcome to join this cross-community organization. For more information, call Dave Antolin: 905-664-5980. kanadsko slovensko zgodovinsko društvo_ Redni letni občni zbor Kanadskega slovenskega zgodovinskega društva bo v soboto 11. februarja 2012 ob10:00 dopoldne v spodnjih prostorih (Bord room) Doma Lipe, 57 Neilson Drive, Etobicoke M9C1V7. Pridružite se nam, da skupaj ohranjamo zgodovino Slovencev v Kanadi. Vsi dobrodšli! cwl - kzz We invite parish members, their families and friends to attend our Annual Parish Bazaar, Sunday March 4. This event is a wonderful opportunity for families of our parish to come out and enjoy one another's company. Lunch tickets: will be sold after 9:30 mass and before 11:00 mass. Adult $12/ Child 4-10 $5/ 3 and under free. Please understand that reservations can only be made for pre-paid tickets to avoid major confusion and disappointment the day of the bazaar. Lunch tickets at the door will be $15 for an adult in an effort to encourage pre payment so we can properly prepare. In preparation for our Bazaar we look to all our members to help us in whatever way they can and for support from our parish family. This bazaar is a tradition where everyone can participate in some way as a parish community. We are kindly asking for donations of new items for our penny sale tables and your wonderful hand crafted items and home baked goods. Strudel is available by ordering in advance only until Sunday Feb. 19. Please call Vera Gonza at (905) 560-0089. Lottery tickets will be sold at each Sunday mass. Our members are encouraged to pick up a minimum of 5 booklets each and do their best to sell them. 10 tickets for $5.All monies raised from the sale of these tickets go directly to our parish. Our Annual Bazaar is our biggest fundraising effort for our parish. We can not be successful with out the support of our members and parish family. We thank you in advance for this support and look forward to you joining us. obČni zbor društva sv. jožefa slovenska šola V imenu društvenega odbora vas vljudno vabimo na nai letni Občni zbor, ki bo v nedeljo 4. marca po slovenski maši v prostorih Ville Slovenie. Imamo tudi volitve odbora društva - potrbujemo tri nove člane. Kdor se želi pridužiti društvu ali predlagati kašnega novega člana, naj pokliče Franka Mramorja na telfon 905- 662-7438. banket društva sv. jožefa_ Banket društva Sv. Jožefa se tudi naglo približuje zato vas vljudno vabimo, da se ga udeležite. Banket bo v nedeljo, 18. marca, v zgornji dvorani. This year we celebrate our 75th anniversary. Tickets are: Adults:$20. Children under 12 are free. Call Frank Erzar for table and ticket reservations at 643-0285. The St. Joseph Society is planning to do a photo presentation at the annual banquet. To celebrate their 75 years. If you have old photos that we could copy, please submit them in an envelope. We will make copies and ensure that you have them returned. Please drop them off at the Parish Rectory marked - St. Joseph Society or contact Jerry Ponikvar at 905-333-5813 obČni zbor: 26. 2. 2012 ob 3:oo p.m. V nedeljo, 26. februarja ob treh popoldne imamo v naši dvorani LETNI OBČNI ZBOR župnije sv. Gregorija Velikega. Rezervirajte si ta čas in pridite, da skupaj pregledamo delo preteklega leta in naredimo nove na črte za prihodnost. Ne računajte, da bodo to že drugi naredili. Obenem iščemo nove člane za Župnijski svet, da se nam pridružijo. Le s skupnimi močni in širokim sodelovanjem bomo lahko uspešno peljali naše župnijske dejavnosti in ohranjali slovenske korenine na tem področju Kanade. It has become a tradition for students of Slovenska Šola to participate in an excursion to Slovenia every 4 years. We have made wonderful memories during our trips in 2000, 2004, and 2008 and these trips would not be possible without the support of our Parishioners. Thank you for supporting our Fundraising efforts throughout the years! Although Slovenska Šola will not be going on an excursion this year, we continue to have the dream to teach children about their Slovenian culture, heritage and language, and one day show them again, the beautiful country that we are proud to say we come from. Postala je že skoraj tradicija, da smo šli vsake štiri leta v Slovenijo. Od zadnjih obiskov Slovenije v letih 2000, 2004, 2008 smo odnesli čudovite vtise in ti obiski ne bi bili mogoči brez podpore faranov. Havala, da skozi vsa leta podpirate naša zbiranja sredstev. Kljub temu, da Slovenska šola letos ne bo šla na izlet v Slovenijo imamo še vedno pred očmi željo, da bomo otroke učili o slovenski kulturi, tradiciji in slovenskem jeziku in jim nekega dne zopet pokazali čudovito deželo iz katere prihajamo in smo ponosni na to. Darlene Kobe & Sandy Allen zahvala g. antonu rozmariČu Gospod Tone je bil v naši župniji od lanskega 16. avgusta, skoraj pol leta. V imenu župnijske skupnosti bi se mu rad zahvalil za vso njegovo pomoč, posebej duhovno, za obiske bolnikov in za maševanje slovenskih maš. Kar navadili smo se nanj v tem času. Z marsikom se je lahko tudi bolj osebno srečal in spoznal tudi tiste, ki ste blizu njegovega doma. Pa tudi sam je imel priliko spoznati kako »diha« naša župnija, kakšno je življenje in organiziranost Slovencev v Hamiltonski okolici. Želimo mu srečno pot domov. Od 12. 01. 2012 Do 19. 02. 2012 svete maše - masses Masses Monday-Friday 7:00 p.m., Saturday 8:15 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. NEDELJA - SUNDAY 12. Februar 6. Nedelja med leton Erna za žive in rajne župljane f Adam Lehner, obl. 9:30 a.m. ff Franc in Matilda Lovrenčec 11:00 a.m. ff Pokojni člani društva Sava 12:00 noon ff Pokojni člani društva Triglav 4:00 p.m. Cilka Lehner Sin Jože z družino Breslav - Kitchener London - St. John the Divine PONEDELJEK - Monday ff iz družine Žekš 7:00 p.m. Ludvik Hull z družino 13. Februar f Janko Novak Marinka Žumer Kristina, vodva f Tončka Demšar K^ Ferko Torek - Tuesday 14. Februar Valentin, Zdravko Jožef Pust Darinka Ferletič Tončka Demšar Tončka Demšar 7:00 p.m. Anton Šverko z družino Julija Sagadin Družina Pelcar Anton Šverko z družino Sreda - Wednesday f Adam Lehner 7.00 p.m. Cilka Lehner 15. Februar f Tončka Demšar Francka Cestnik Klavdij, red. f Metka Kolenc Mary Sirk Četrtek - Thursday 16. Februar Julijana, muč. f Florian Miklavčič ff straši in družina Pozderec 7:00 p.m. Žena Julija Sagadin z družino Petek - Friday 17. Februar Aleš, spokornik f Jože Lehner, obl. f Tončka Demšar 7:00 p.m. Mama Cilka Josephine Hapke z družino Sobota - Saturday 18. Februar Frančišek Clet, muč. ff Rozalija Lanjšček, obl. ff iz družine Napast f Ignac Hozjan f Tončka Demšar 8:15 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Hčerka Veronika Obal Fanika Napast z družino Terezija Zadravec Art Department St. Thomas More NEDELJA - SUNDAY 19Februar za žive in rajne župjane f Martin Glavač 9:30 a.m. Žena Marija z družino 7. Nedelja MED leton ff Jernej in Lucija Ponikvar 11:00 a.m. Družina Ponikvar Bonifacij, škof svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:15 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971.