M. NAÏ et al.: ROOT-CAUSE ANALYSIS OF SUPERHEATER-TUBE FAILURE 503–507 ROOT-CAUSE ANALYSIS OF SUPERHEATER-TUBE FAILURE ANALIZA GLAVNEGA VZROKA NAPAKE CEVI PRI PREGREVALNIKU Martin Naï, Jiøí Buzík, Tomá{ Létal, Pavel Lo{ák Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Process Engineering, Technicka 2, 616 69 Brno, Czech Republic nad@fme.vutbr.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2016-07-15; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2016-09-15 doi:10.17222/mit.2016.204 Superheater-tube failure is listed among the major causes of a fossil-fuel-fired boiler outage. Therefore, it is necessary not only to identify and repair it in the case of failure but also to eliminate the root cause of this problem. As there may be multiple reasons of failure in exposed equipment such as a superheater, a thorough investigation of more than one probable cause is usually required. This article focuses on a failure analysis of a boiler located in a chemical plant. After a leak was discovered, several cracks on the superheater tubes were identified as its main cause. It was necessary to assess the extent of the damage, detect the root cause and propose corrective actions. Two problematic locations with cracks were identified during the visual inspection: the first was on the superheater-tube bends and the other was the weld joint between the superheater and the transition pipe. As the first step, the material-microstructure and composition analyses of the tubes in these critical locations were carried out. Even though small weaknesses were found in the microstructure, the main cause of the tube failure was not identified. As the next probable cause, thermal-dilatation stresses were investigated using the finite-element analysis (angl. FEA). The support system, consisting of fixed and spring supports, as well as the compensator were included in the analysis that confirmed the thermal-dilatation stresses as the major cause of the failure. Based on the results, a new technical solution for the supports was suggested and verified with the FEA. Keywords: corrosion, weldment cracks, superheater supports, thermal dilatation Napaka cevi pregrevalnika je znana kot ena najpogostej{ih napak pri kotlu na fosilna goriva. Zato jo je treba, ne le prepoznati in v primeru okvare popraviti, pa~ pa tudi v splo{nem odpraviti vzrok za njen nastanek. V tako izpostavljenem elementu kot je pregrevalnik, je za tovrstno napako lahko ve~ vzrokov, zato je za ugotovitev le-teh, potrebna temeljita preiskava. ^lanek je osredoto~en na analize okvar kotla, ki se nahaja v kemi~ni tovarni. Potem, ko so odkrili pu{~anje, je bilo na pregrevalnih ceveh ve~ razpok, ki so bile opredeljene kot glavni vzrok. Treba je bilo oceniti obseg {kode, odkriti vzrok in predlagati ukrepe za popravilo. Med vizualnim pregledom sta bili ugotovljeni dve problemati~ni lokaciji z razpokami. Prva na zavojih cevi pregrevalnika in druga v spoju zvara med pregrevalnikom in prehodno cevjo. Najprej je bila izvedena analiza mikrostrukture materiala in analiza sestave cevi na kriti~nih mestih. ^eprav so bile ugotovljene pomanjkljivosti v mikrostrukturi, glavni vzrok napake cevi ni bil ugotovljen. Naslednji mo`ni vzrok bi lahko bila termodilatacijska napetost, ki je bila raziskovana z uporabo analize kon~nih elementov (FEA). Sistem za podporo, ki je sestavljen iz fiksnih in podpornih vzmeti pa tudi kompenzator, so bili vklju~eni v analizo, ki je potrdila, da je toplotna dilatacijska napetost glavni vzrok napake. Na podlagi rezultatov je bila predlagana nova tehni~na re{itev "podpor", ki jo je potrdila tudi FEA. Klju~ne besede: korozija, razpoke pri zvarih, pregrevalnik, termodilatacija 1 INTRODUCTION Boilers are common parts of many process units. Since their life expectancy can be counted by decades (usually 200,000 working hours), some minor or bigger problems are inevitable. Regular inspections are carried out after some time to find problematic areas and estab- lish corrective actions to prevent failure. The boiler life expectancy may vary based on the material used, working conditions, boiler operation history, etc. One of the most exposed boiler parts is the superheater, which is one of the crucial heat-exchanger types among the heat- exchanger applications. Its main advantage is the reduc- tion of fuel consumption, but it is also susceptible to various types of damage such as creep, deflection, damage caused by environmental influences and mecha- nical loads. According to D. R. H. Jones1, the superheater is the most commonly damaged part of a boiler, thus regular inspections are necessary to check its condition. The main damage reasons can be divided into three major categories: • Mechanical – caused by a higher stress and strain at a specific location (deflection, cracks, weldment damage); • Corrosion – material-structure deformation due to various corrosion mechanisms; • Erosion – damage caused by the particles in the me- dium flow. H. Othman2 faced a similar problem of superheater- tube deformation and cracks near the weldments. He found that the main factor causing the problems was the temperature of 520 °C, which caused temperature dilatations. As soon as the supports did not allow compensation of dilatation stresses, deformation and cracks of the pipes occurred. MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 3, 503–507 503 UDK 620.1:621.7.019.1:621.184.3 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 51(3)503(2017) 2 BOILER DESCRIPTION The analyzed boiler located in the chemical power plant has been in operation for a long time under various conditions, which differed from the original design conditions. Therefore, regular inspections of critical areas were necessary. Boiler design parameters are: a steam production of 50 t/h, the nominal pressure of superheated steam of 3.8 MPa and the nominal tempe- rature of superheated steam of 375 10 15 − + °C. The boiler consists of several crucial parts. The article is focused only on superheaters (referred to as P1 and P2) and the U-shaped transition pipe between them. During one of the inspections, cracks and perforations were revealed in the area of weldments near the inlet chamber of super- heater P2 as well as cracks and leakage on the super- heater-P2 pipe bend. 2.1 Description of superheaters The construction of these superheaters is classic, widely used all over the world. Both of them are similar, having the same dimensions and being situated one above the other. The output chamber of superheater P1 is connected with the input chamber of superheater P2 by the U-shaped transition pipe. Each superheater has 9 pipes in 4 rows (a total of 36 pipes), which go through the membrane wall, with which they are connected by a seal-weld joint (Figure 1). The presented article is focused on superheater P2, which was exposed to a medium with a temperature of 335 °C and a pressure of 4.0 MPa (Figure 2). Another crucial part is in the U-shaped transition pipe where cooling water is sprayed to achieve the required steam properties. 2.2 Description of the supports Superheater collectors are supported by two fixed strap iron profiles (Figure 2). The U-shaped transition pipe has spring supports on three locations (Figure 3). Two of them are at the upper part with displacements of 15 mm and 23 mm and one at the bottom part with a displacement of 75 mm. 2.3 Damaged areas As mentioned, there are two main problematic areas. One of them includes the crack and the leakage on the superheater-P2 pipe bend (Figure 4). Another problem was the crack near the weld on the superheater collector with the U-shaped transition pipe (Figure 5). This problematic part had been repaired several times in the past, which can be seen in the figure. The structure of the material was expected to be one of the possible root causes of the damage, mainly the dislocations in the structure. Critical imperfections may have been developed not only during the equipment operation but even during its manufacture. In the follow- ing step, two samples from the damaged areas were taken for a metallurgical analysis to prove the dislocation presence. The conformity with the declared chemical composition and mechanical properties of material 1.0405 were tested. A spectrometric analysis was per- M. NAÏ et al.: ROOT-CAUSE ANALYSIS OF SUPERHEATER-TUBE FAILURE 504 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 3, 503–507 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 3: Spring support of the transition pipe Slika 3: Vzmet v preto~ni cevi Figure 1: Part of superheater P1 and the membrane wall Slika 1: Del super grelca-pregrevalnika P1 in stena membrane Figure 2: Support of the superheater collector Slika 2: Del zbiralnika v pregrevalniku formed (Method – 12-MTL-5.4/07 program Fe-10) as well as a tensile test (Method – ^SN EN ISO 6892-1B). The tests proved that all the values were within the limits.3 The first sample was taken from the pipe-bend area because the visual inspection revealed a horizontal crack (length 25 mm) on the pipe bend. This kind of crack cannot have been caused by the bending process. How- ever, the manufacturing process should have influenced the material structure by lowering its corrosion resis- tance. The purity results of the analyses proved the material to be of a very good quality. Afterwards, the corrosion that was found on both surfaces of the pipe was examined. Pitting and small sharp projections were found on the inside. Some of the pits already had a character of small cracks (Figure 7), caused by a combination of corrosion and stress. Based on these findings, it was expected that the cracks had started on the outside of the pipe, in the area where the material was weakened by the small cracks from the inner side. Stress and the medium flow might be import- ant during the process of crack growth and will be further examined. The second tested sample was taken from the area where the collector is welded to the U-shaped transition pipe. The crack goes through the whole weld and is divided into two branches in the middle of the cross-section (Figure 8). The crack is open mainly in the middle part and even with the microscope analyses, the direction of the crack formation could not be determined. There were no defects found either in the material structure or in terms of material properties that would directly influence the crack formation. Only some small M. NAÏ et al.: ROOT-CAUSE ANALYSIS OF SUPERHEATER-TUBE FAILURE Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 3, 503–507 505 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 8: Weld macrosection with the crack (5× zoom)3 Slika 8: Prerez zvara z razpoko (5× pove~ava)3 Figure 6: Micrograph of the basic material (500× zoom, etched with Nital)3 Slika 6: Posnetek osnovnega materiala (500× pove~ava, jedkano z Nitalom)3 Figure 7: Crack located on the inner surface of the pipe (50× zoom)3 Slika 7: Razpoka, locirana na notranjostipovr{ine cevi (50× pove~ava)3 Figure 5: Crack near weld on the superheater-P2 collector metallur- gical analysis Slika 5: Razpoka blizu zvara na pregrevalniku P2 metalur{ka analiza zbiralnika Figure 4: Leakage on superheater-P2 pipe bend Slika 4: Pu{~anje na P2 pregrevalniku na krivini cevi defects were found (see the black arrow in Figure 8). As mentioned above, this weld was repaired several times in the past so it was obvious that there was some problem with the equipment geometry (e.g., supports locations), stress and temperature dilatation. To fully understand the root cause of the crack for- mation, stress analyses were carried out. 2.4 FEM analyses As the material analysis did not show the root cause of the problem, finite-element analyses were used. A shell model of the two collectors (one from each super- heater) connected by the U-shaped transition pipe was prepared in SolidWorks. For the analyses, we used com- putational program ANSYS® Academic Research, Release 14.5. 2.5 Mathematical model preparation Steady-state thermal analyses and their combination with static structural analyses were performed. At first, the model geometry was imported from SolidWorks to ANSYS Workbench and material properties were set up for material 1.0405. In the next step, a computation mesh, which had approximately 150,000 elements, was created. 2.6 Simulation of current conditions After preparing a sufficient mesh, appropriate boun- dary conditions (BCs) were set up. These included the standard earth gravity (g = 9,8066 m/s2), fixed supports (at the place where the collector pipes were connected to the membrane wall and also at the places of collector supports), the internal pressure, the temperature and displacements (at the place where three spring supports were located). The last three BCs varied based on the analysis type. Two load cases were considered: Design conditions: First, an analysis based on design parameters was performed. The internal pressure (4.01 MPa) was applied to all the surfaces as well as the temperature (334 °C). Spring supports were replaced with a direction displace- ment, which prevented the movement in the vertical direction. Although the stress value was slightly higher in the area of pipe bends, it was not high enough to initiate a crack formation. Operational conditions: To examine the problematic areas, it was necessary to apply operational conditions. Therefore, to all the sur- faces, the internal pressure (p = 3,61 MPa) and two different temperatures were applied because, as men- tioned above, there is a part of the U-shaped transition pipe where the cooling water is sprayed. This was the part where the temperature varied. The first temperature (Tmax = 332 °C) was used for one collector with pipes and the second temperature (Tmin = 278 °C) was used for the second collector and the part of the U-shaped transition pipe. At first, all the other BCs remained unchanged but the stresses still were not high enough. This is why one of the BCs was changed and the spring supports were simulated with the exact values of the direction displace- ment (as mentioned before, these included 15 mm, 23 mm and 75 mm). The results of this analysis were identical to our problem and they confirmed our expec- tations that the problematic parts of this construction are the spring supports. As can be seen on Figure 9, the stress intensity is crucial in the pipe bends, the exact location where the crack and leakage were discovered. An improper use of the supports was confirmed by a higher stress intensity at the second problematic location including the collector and the U-shaped transition-pipe weld joint (Figure 10). Based on these results, it was obvious that the prob- lematic parts were the supports. They allow higher values of the total displacement of the U-shaped transi- tion pipe that induce higher moments and stresses. Also, there is one support at the bottom part, witch behaves like the center of rotation; thus, an additional stress is in- duced. The other crucial elements were the fixed supports of the collectors, located too close to the weld-joint location. M. NAÏ et al.: ROOT-CAUSE ANALYSIS OF SUPERHEATER-TUBE FAILURE 506 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 3, 503–507 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 9: Stress intensity for bent pipes Slika 9: Intenzivnost napetosti na zvite/zavoje cevi Figure 10: Stress intensity for the whole computational model Slika 10: Intenzivnost napetosti za celoten model 2.7 Support modification In order to avoid financial losses caused by repeated shutdowns and repairs, multiple corrective measures were proposed. The modification of the supports, which led to a stress reduction at the crucial areas, was per- formed. It was achieved by increasing the spring stiff- ness, which influenced the BC displacement. Due to this modification, each displacement was reduced by almost a half of the previous value (10 mm, 20 mm and 35 mm). Unfortunately, the results proved that the stress intensity decreases insufficiently and the spring modification is not sufficient to fix the problem. Another improvement could take the form of minimizing the displacements or removing the bottom support, identified as problematic. This would lead to a further decrease in the stress levels in the critical areas. However, these analyses are not included in the article. 3 CONCLUSIONS The paper focused on superheater damage. Cracks and leakage were found in several crucial areas; thus, material and FEM analyses were carried out. The analyses proved that the main cause of the problems was an inappropriate support of the U-shaped transition pipe. The problem was caused by a vertical displacement and also by the spring-support location, combined with the fixed supports of the collectors near the weld location. Due to the surface stresses induced in the problematic areas, this place is the most ideal for a crack formation based on shape discontinuities, heat treatment and material discontinuities. Based on the analysis results, a reduction of the support displacements and a change in their location form the easiest and fastest way to prevent increased values of the stresses and further crack formation and propagation. Acknowledgement The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic within the research project No. TA13401000 "Waste-to-Energy (WtE) Competence Centre". 4 REFERENCES 1 D. R. H. Jones, Creep failures of overheated boiler, superheater and reformer tubes, Engineering Failure Analysis, 11 (2004), 873–893, doi:10.1016/j.engfailanal.2004.03.001 2 H. Othman, J. Purbolaksono, B. Ahmad, Failure investigation on deformed superheater tubes, Engineering Failure Analysis, 16 (2009), 329–339, doi:10.1016/j.engfailanal.2008.05.023 3 J. [temberk, M. Hala{, Materiálový rozbor vzorkù pøehøíváku kotle K2, NDT servis s.r.o., 2014 M. NAÏ et al.: ROOT-CAUSE ANALYSIS OF SUPERHEATER-TUBE FAILURE Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 3, 503–507 507 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS